
Defines functions SSplotComparisons

Documented in SSplotComparisons

#' plot model comparisons
#' Creates a user-chosen set of plots comparing model output from a summary of
#' multiple models, where the collection was created using the
#' `SSsummarize` function.
#' @param summaryoutput List created by `SSsummarize`
#' @param subplots Vector of subplots to be created
#' Numbering of subplots is as follows:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item 1  spawning biomass
#'   \item 2  spawning biomass with uncertainty intervals
#'   \item 3  biomass ratio (hopefully equal to fraction of unfished)
#'   \item 4  biomass ratio with uncertainty
#'   \item 5  SPR ratio
#'   \item 6  SPR ratio with uncertainty
#'   \item 7  F value
#'   \item 8  F value with uncertainty
#'   \item 9  recruits
#'   \item 10  recruits with uncertainty
#'   \item 11  recruit devs
#'   \item 12  recruit devs with uncertainty
#'   \item 13  index fits
#'   \item 14  index fits on a log scale
#'   \item 15  phase plot
#'   \item 16  densities
#'   \item 17  cumulative densities
#' }
#' @template plot
#' @template print
#' @param png Has same result as `print`, included for consistency with
#' `SS_plots`.
#' @param pdf Write output to PDF file? Can't be used in conjunction with
#' `png` or `print`.
#' @param models Optional subset of the models described in
#' `summaryoutput`.  Either "all" or a vector of numbers indicating
#' columns in summary tables.
#' @param endyrvec Optional single year or vector of years representing the
#' final year of values to show for each model. By default it is set to the
#' ending year specified in each model. If the number of models is subset using
#' the `models` input then `endyr` needs to be shortened as well.
#' @param indexfleets Fleet numbers for each model to compare
#' indices of abundance. Can take different forms:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item NULL: (default) create a separate plot for each index as long as the fleet
#' numbering is the same across all models.
#'   \item integer: create a single comparison plot for the chosen index
#'   \item vector of length equal to number of models: a single fleet number
#' for each model to be compared in a single plot
#'   \item list: list of fleet numbers associated with indices within each
#' model to be compared, where the list elements are each a vector of the
#' same length but the names of the list elements don't matter and can be
#' absent.
#' }
#' @param indexUncertainty Show uncertainty intervals on index data?
#' Default=FALSE because if models have any extra standard deviations added,
#' these intervals may differ across models.
#' @param indexQlabel Add catchability to legend in plot of index fits
#' @param indexQdigits Number of significant digits for catchability in legend
#' (if `indexQlabel = TRUE`)
#' @param indexSEvec Optional replacement for the SE values in
#' `summaryoutput[["indices"]]` to deal with the issue of differing uncertainty by
#' models described above.
#' @param indexPlotEach TRUE plots the observed index for each model with
#' colors, or FALSE just plots observed once in black dots.
#' @template labels
#' @param col Optional vector of colors to be used for lines. Input NULL
#' makes use of `rich.colors.short` function.
#' @param shadecol Optional vector of colors to be used for shading uncertainty
#' intervals. The default (NULL) is to use the same colors provided by
#' `col` (either the default or a user-chosen input) and make them
#' more transparent by applying the `shadealpha` input as an alpha
#' transparency value (using the `adjustcolor()` function)
#' @param pch Optional vector of plot character values
#' @param lty Optional vector of line types
#' @param lwd Optional vector of line widths
#' @param spacepoints Number of years between points shown on top of lines (for
#' long timeseries, points every year get mashed together)
#' @param staggerpoints Number of years to stagger the first point (if
#' `spacepoints > 1`) for each line (so that adjacent lines have points in
#' different years)
#' @param initpoint Year value for first point to be added to lines.
#' Points added to plots are those that satisfy
#' (Yr-initpoint)%%spacepoints == (staggerpoints*iline)%%spacepoints
#' @param tickEndYr TRUE/FALSE switch to turn on/off extra axis mark at final
#' year in timeseries plots.
#' @param shadeForecast TRUE/FALSE switch to turn on off shading of years beyond
#' the maximum ending year of the models
#' @param xlim Optional x limits
#' @param ylimAdj Multiplier for ylim parameter. Allows additional white space
#' to fit legend if necessary. Default=1.05.
#' @param xaxs Choice of xaxs parameter (see ?par for more info)
#' @param yaxs Choice of yaxs parameter (see ?par for more info)
#' @param type Type parameter passed to points (default 'o' overplots points on
#' top of lines)
#' @param uncertainty Show plots with uncertainty intervals? Either a single
#' TRUE/FALSE value, or a vector of TRUE/FALSE values for each model,
#' or a set of integers corresponding to the choice of models.
#' @param shadealpha Transparency adjustment used to make default shadecol
#' values (implemented as `adjustcolor(col=col, alpha.f=shadealpha)`)
#' @template legend
#' @param legendlabels Optional vector of labels to include in legend. Default
#' is 'model1','model2',etc.
#' @template legendloc
#' @param legendorder Optional vector of model numbers that can be used to have
#' the legend display the model names in an order that is different than that
#' which is represented in the summary input object.
#' @param legendncol Number of columns for the legend.
#' @param btarg Target biomass value at which to show a line (set to 0 to
#' remove)
#' @param minbthresh Minimum biomass threshold at which to show a line (set to
#' 0 to remove)
#' @param sprtarg Target value for SPR-ratio where line is drawn in the SPR
#' plots and phase plot.
#' @template pwidth
#' @template pheight
#' @template punits
#' @template res
#' @template ptsize
#' @template plotdir
#' @param filenameprefix Additional text to append to PNG or PDF file names.
#' It will be separated from default name by an underscore.
#' @param densitynames Vector of names (or subset of names) of parameters or
#' derived quantities contained in `summaryoutput[["pars"]][["Label"]]` or
#' `summaryoutput[["quants"]][["Label"]]` for which to make density plots
#' @param densityxlabs Optional vector of x-axis labels to use in the density
#' plots (must be equal in length to the printed vector of quantities that
#' match the `densitynames` input)
#' @param rescale TRUE/FALSE control of automatic rescaling of units into
#' thousands, millions, or billions
#' @param densityscalex Scalar for upper x-limit in density plots (values below
#' 1 will cut off the right tail to provide better contrast among narrower
#' distributions
#' @param densityscaley Scalar for upper y-limit in density plots (values below
#' 1 will cut off top of highest peaks to provide better contrast among broader
#' distributions
#' @param densityadjust Multiplier on bandwidth of kernel in density function
#' used for smoothing MCMC posteriors. See 'adjust' in ?density for details.
#' @param densitysymbols Add symbols along lines in density plots. Quantiles
#' are `c(0.025,0.1,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.9,0.975)`.
#' @param densitytails Shade tails outside of 95% interval darker in
#' density plots?
#' @param densitymiddle Shade middle inside of 95% interval darker in
#' density plots?
#' @param densitylwd Line width for density plots
#' @param fix0 Always include 0 in the density plots?
#' @param new Create new empty plot window
#' @param add Allows single plot to be added to existing figure. This needs to
#' be combined with specific 'subplots' input to make sure only one thing gets
#' added.
#' @param par list of graphics parameter values passed to the `par`
#' function
#' @template verbose
#' @param mcmcVec Vector of TRUE/FALSE values (or single value) indicating
#' whether input values are from MCMC or to use normal distribution around
#' MLE
#' @param show_equilibrium Whether to show the equilibrium values for
#' SSB. For some model comparisons, these might not be comparable and thus
#' useful to turn off. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @author Ian G. Taylor, John R. Wallace
#' @export
#' @seealso [SS_plots()], [SSsummarize()],
#' [SS_output()], [SSgetoutput()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # directories where models were run need to be defined
#' dir1 <- "c:/SS/mod1"
#' dir2 <- "c:/SS/mod2"
#' # read two models
#' mod1 <- SS_output(dir = dir1)
#' mod2 <- SS_output(dir = dir2)
#' # create list summarizing model results
#' mod.sum <- SSsummarize(list(mod1, mod2))
#' # plot comparisons
#' SSplotComparisons(mod.sum, legendlabels = c("First model", "Second model"))
#' # Example showing comparison of MLE to MCMC results where the mcmc would have
#' # been run in the subdirectory 'c:/SS/mod1/mcmc'
#' mod1 <- SS_output(dir = "c:/SS/mod1", dir.mcmc = "mcmc")
#' # pass the same model twice to SSsummarize in order to plot it twice
#' mod.sum <- SSsummarize(list(mod1, mod1))
#' # compare MLE to MCMC
#' SSplotComparisons(mod.sum,
#'   legendlabels = c("MCMC", "MLE"),
#'   mcmcVec = c(TRUE, FALSE)
#' )
#' }
SSplotComparisons <-
  function(summaryoutput, subplots = 1:20,
           plot = TRUE, print = FALSE, png = print, pdf = FALSE,
           models = "all",
           endyrvec = NULL,
           indexfleets = NULL,
           indexUncertainty = TRUE,
           indexQlabel = TRUE,
           indexQdigits = 4,
           indexSEvec = NULL,
           # TRUE in following command plots the observed index for each model
           # with colors, or FALSE just plots observed once in black dots
           indexPlotEach = FALSE,
           labels = c(
             "Year", # 1
             "Spawning biomass (t)", # 2
             "Fraction of unfished", # 3
             "Age-0 recruits (1,000s)", # 4
             "Recruitment deviations", # 5
             "Index", # 6
             "Log index", # 7
             "SPR-related quantity", # 8 automatically updated when consistent
             "Density", # 9
             "Management target", # 10
             "Minimum stock size threshold", # 11
             "Spawning output", # 12
             "Harvest rate" # 13
           col = NULL, shadecol = NULL,
           pch = NULL, lty = 1, lwd = 2,
           spacepoints = 10,
           staggerpoints = 1,
           initpoint = 0,
           tickEndYr = TRUE,
           shadeForecast = TRUE,
           xlim = NULL, ylimAdj = 1.05,
           xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
           type = "o", uncertainty = TRUE, shadealpha = 0.1,
           legend = TRUE, legendlabels = NULL, legendloc = "topright",
           legendorder = NULL, legendncol = 1,
           sprtarg = NULL, btarg = NULL, minbthresh = NULL,
           pwidth = 6.5, pheight = 5.0, punits = "in", res = 300,
           ptsize = 10,
           plotdir = NULL,
           filenameprefix = "",
           densitynames = c("SSB_Virgin", "R0"),
           densityxlabs = NULL,
           rescale = TRUE,
           densityscalex = 1,
           densityscaley = 1,
           densityadjust = 1,
           densitysymbols = TRUE,
           densitytails = TRUE,
           densitymiddle = FALSE,
           densitylwd = 1,
           fix0 = TRUE,
           new = TRUE,
           add = FALSE,
           par = list(mar = c(5, 4, 1, 1) + .1),
           verbose = TRUE,
           mcmcVec = FALSE,
           show_equilibrium = TRUE) {
    # switch to avoid repetition of warning about mean recruitment
    meanRecWarning <- TRUE
    ymax_vec <- rep(NA, 17) # vector of ymax values for each plot

    # local version of save_png which doesn't relate to plotinfo and
    # also adds control over 'filenameprefix' and 'par',
    # (where the code is not following good practices and
    # those arguments are not formally passed to the function)
    save_png_comparisons <- function(file) {
      # if extra text requested, add it before extention in file name
      file <- paste0(filenameprefix, file)
      # open png file
        filename = file.path(plotdir, file),
        width = pwidth,
        height = pheight,
        units = punits,
        res = res,
        pointsize = ptsize
      # change graphics parameters to input value

    if (png) {
      print <- TRUE

    if (png & is.null(plotdir)) {
      stop("To print PNG files, you must supply a directory as 'plotdir'")

    # check for internal consistency
    if (pdf & png) {
      stop("To use 'pdf', set 'print' or 'png' to FALSE.")
    if (pdf) {
      if (is.null(plotdir)) {
        stop("To write to a PDF, you must supply a directory as 'plotdir'")
      pdffile <- file.path(
          filenameprefix, "SSplotComparisons_",
          format(Sys.time(), "%d-%b-%Y_%H.%M"), ".pdf"
      pdf(file = pdffile, width = pwidth, height = pheight)
      if (verbose) {
        message("PDF file with plots will be:", pdffile)

    # subfunction to add legend
    # legendfun <- function(legendlabels, cumulative = FALSE) {
    #   if (cumulative) {
    #     legendloc <- "topleft"
    #   }
    #   if (is.numeric(legendloc)) {
    #     Usr <- par()$usr
    #     legendloc <- list(
    #       x = Usr[1] + legendloc[1] * (Usr[2] - Usr[1]),
    #       y = Usr[3] + legendloc[2] * (Usr[4] - Usr[3])
    #     )
    #   }
    #   # if type input is "l" then turn off points on top of lines in legend
    #   legend.pch <- pch
    #   if (type == "l") {
    #     legend.pch <- rep(NA, length(pch))
    #   }
    #   legend(legendloc,
    #     legend = legendlabels[legendorder],
    #     col = col[legendorder],
    #     lty = lty[legendorder],
    #     seg.len = 2,
    #     lwd = lwd[legendorder],
    #     pch = legend.pch[legendorder],
    #     bty = "n",
    #     ncol = legendncol
    #   )
    # }

    # get stuff from summary output
    n <- summaryoutput[["n"]]
    nsexes <- summaryoutput[["nsexes"]]
    startyrs <- summaryoutput[["startyrs"]]
    endyrs <- summaryoutput[["endyrs"]]
    pars <- summaryoutput[["pars"]]
    parsSD <- summaryoutput[["parsSD"]]
    parphases <- summaryoutput[["parphases"]]
    quants <- summaryoutput[["quants"]]
    quantsSD <- summaryoutput[["quantsSD"]]
    SpawnBio <- summaryoutput[["SpawnBio"]]
    SpawnBioLower <- summaryoutput[["SpawnBioLower"]]
    SpawnBioUpper <- summaryoutput[["SpawnBioUpper"]]
    Bratio <- summaryoutput[["Bratio"]]
    BratioLower <- summaryoutput[["BratioLower"]]
    BratioUpper <- summaryoutput[["BratioUpper"]]
    SPRratio <- summaryoutput[["SPRratio"]]
    SPRratioLower <- summaryoutput[["SPRratioLower"]]
    SPRratioUpper <- summaryoutput[["SPRratioUpper"]]
    Fvalue <- summaryoutput[["Fvalue"]]
    FvalueLower <- summaryoutput[["FvalueLower"]]
    FvalueUpper <- summaryoutput[["FvalueUpper"]]
    recruits <- summaryoutput[["recruits"]]
    recruitsLower <- summaryoutput[["recruitsLower"]]
    recruitsUpper <- summaryoutput[["recruitsUpper"]]
    recdevs <- summaryoutput[["recdevs"]]
    recdevsLower <- summaryoutput[["recdevsLower"]]
    recdevsUpper <- summaryoutput[["recdevsUpper"]]
    indices <- summaryoutput[["indices"]]
    # note that "mcmc" is a a list of dataframes,
    # 1 for each model with mcmc output
    mcmc <- summaryoutput[["mcmc"]]
    lowerCI <- summaryoutput[["lowerCI"]]
    upperCI <- summaryoutput[["upperCI"]]
    SpawnOutputUnits <- summaryoutput[["SpawnOutputUnits"]]
    btargs <- summaryoutput[["btargs"]]
    minbthreshs <- summaryoutput[["minbthreshs"]]
    sprtargs <- summaryoutput[["sprtargs"]]
    SPRratioLabels <- summaryoutput[["SPRratioLabels"]]
    FvalueLabels <- summaryoutput[["FvalueLabels"]]

    # checking for the same reference points across models
    if (is.null(btarg)) {
      btarg <- unique(btargs)
      if (length(btarg) > 1) {
        warning("setting btarg = -999 because models don't have matching values")
        btarg <- -999
    if (is.null(minbthresh)) {
      minbthresh <- unique(minbthreshs)
      if (length(minbthresh) > 1) {
        warning("setting minbthresh = -999 because models don't have matching values")
        minbthresh <- -999
    if (is.null(sprtarg)) {
      sprtarg <- unique(sprtargs)
      if (length(sprtarg) > 1) {
        warning("setting sprtarg = -999 because models don't have matching values")
        sprtarg <- -999
    SPRratioLabel <- unique(SPRratioLabels)
    if (length(SPRratioLabel) > 1) {
        "setting label for SPR plot to 8th element of input 'labels' ",
        "because the models don't have matching labels"
      SPRratioLabel <- labels[8]
    FvalueLabel <- unique(FvalueLabels)
    if (length(FvalueLabel) > 1) {
        "setting label for F plot to 13th element of input 'labels' ",
        "because the models don't have matching labels"
      FvalueLabel <- labels[13]
    } else {
      FvalueLabel <- gsub("_", " ", FvalueLabel)

    ### process input for which models have uncertainty shown
    # if vector is numeric rather than logical, convert to logical
    if (!is.logical(uncertainty) & is.numeric(uncertainty)) {
      if (any(!uncertainty %in% 1:n)) {
        # stop if numerical values aren't integers <= n
          "'uncertainty' should be a subset of the integers\n",
          " 1-", n, ", where n=", n, " is the number of models.\n",
          "  Or it can be a single TRUE/FALSE value.\n",
          "  Or a vector of TRUE/FALSE, of length n=", n
      } else {
        # convert integers to logical
        uncertainty <- 1:n %in% uncertainty

    # if a single value, repeat for all models
    if (is.logical(uncertainty) & length(uncertainty) == 1) {
      uncertainty <- rep(uncertainty, n)
    # if all that hasn't yet made it length n, then stop
    if (length(uncertainty) != n) {
        "'uncertainty' as TRUE/FALSE should have length 1 or n.\n",
        "  length(uncertainty) = ", length(uncertainty)
    # some feedback about uncertainty settings
    if (all(uncertainty)) {
      message("showing uncertainty for all models")
    if (!any(uncertainty)) {
      message("not showing uncertainty for any models")
    if (any(uncertainty) & !all(uncertainty)) {
        "showing uncertainty for model",
        ifelse(sum(uncertainty) > 1, "s: ", " "),
        paste(which(uncertainty), collapse = ",")
    for (i in 1:n) {
      if (all(is.na(quantsSD[, i]) | quantsSD[, i] == 0)) {
        message("No uncertainty available for model ", i)
        uncertainty[i] <- FALSE
    #### no longer dividing by 2 for single-sex models
    if (length(unique(nsexes)) > 1) {
        "SSplotComparisons no longer divides SpawnBio by 2 for single-sex models\n",
        "to get female-only spawning biomass output by SS for a single-sex model,\n",
        "use the new Nsexes = -1 option in the data file."
    # check number of models to be plotted
    if (models[1] == "all") {
      models <- 1:n
    nlines <- length(models)

    # check for mcmc
    if (any(mcmcVec) & length(mcmc) == 0) {
      mcmcVec <- FALSE
      warning("Setting mcmcVec = FALSE because summaryoutput[['mcmc']] is empty")
    # check length of mcmcVec
    if (nlines > 1 & length(mcmcVec) == 1) {
      mcmcVec <- rep(mcmcVec, nlines)
    if (nlines != length(mcmcVec)) {
      stop("Input 'mcmcVec' must equal 1 or the number of models.\n")

    # if index plots are requested, do some checks on inputs
    if (any(subplots %in% 13:14) & !is.null(indices) && nrow(indices) > 0) {
      # check indexfleets
      if (is.null(indexfleets)) {
        # if indexfleets is NULL
        indexfleets <- list()
        for (imodel in 1:n) {
          indexfleets[[paste0("model", imodel)]] <-
            sort(unique(indices[["Fleet"]][indices[["imodel"]] == imodel]))
      } else {
        # if indexfleets is provided
        if (!is.null(indexfleets)) {
          # if a single number is provided, then repeat it n times
          if (is.vector(indexfleets) & length(indexfleets) == 1) {
            indexfleets <- rep(indexfleets, n)
          if (length(indexfleets) != n) {
              "Skipping index plots: length(indexfleets) should be 1 or n = ",
              n, "."
            indexfleets <- NULL
      # check for mismatched lengths of list elements
      if (!length(unique(lapply(indexfleets, FUN = length))) == 1) {
          "Skipping index plots;\n",
          "Fleets have different numbers of indices listed in 'indexfleets'."
        indexfleets <- NULL

      # figure out suffix to add to index plots
      index_plot_suffix <- rep("", length(indexfleets))
      # if more than one index is compared, add suffix to filename
      if (length(indexfleets[[1]]) > 1) {
        for (iindex in seq_along(indexfleets[[1]])) {
          fleets <- as.numeric(data.frame(indexfleets)[iindex, ])
          if (length(unique(fleets)) == 1) {
            index_plot_suffix[iindex] <- paste0("_flt", fleets[1])
          } else {
            index_plot_suffix[iindex] <- paste0("_index", iindex)
    } # end check for index plots (subplots %in% 13:14)

    # setup colors, points, and line types
    if (is.null(col) & nlines > 3) col <- rich.colors.short(nlines + 1)[-1]
    if (is.null(col) & nlines < 3) col <- rich.colors.short(nlines)
    if (is.null(col) & nlines == 3) col <- c("blue", "red", "green3")
    if (is.null(shadecol)) {
      # new approach thanks to Trevor Branch
      shadecol <- adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = shadealpha)
    # set pch values if no input
    if (is.null(pch)) {
      pch <- rep(1:25, 10)[1:nlines]

    # if line stuff is shorter than number of lines, recycle as needed
    if (length(col) < nlines) col <- rep(col, nlines)[1:nlines]
    if (length(pch) < nlines) pch <- rep(pch, nlines)[1:nlines]
    if (length(lty) < nlines) lty <- rep(lty, nlines)[1:nlines]
    if (length(lwd) < nlines) lwd <- rep(lwd, nlines)[1:nlines]

    if (!is.expression(legendlabels[1]) && is.null(legendlabels)) {
      legendlabels <- paste("model", 1:nlines)

    # open new window if requested
    if (plot & new & !pdf) {
        width = pwidth,
        height = pheight,
        pointsize = ptsize,
        record = TRUE

    # get MCMC results if requested
    for (iline in (1:nlines)[mcmcVec]) {
      imodel <- models[iline]

      # reset values to NA for mcmc columns only
      cols <- imodel
      SpawnBioLower[, cols] <- SpawnBioUpper[, cols] <- SpawnBio[, cols] <- NA
      BratioLower[, cols] <- BratioUpper[, cols] <- Bratio[, cols] <- NA
      SPRratioLower[, cols] <- SPRratioUpper[, cols] <- SPRratio[, cols] <- NA
      recruitsLower[, cols] <- recruitsUpper[, cols] <- recruits[, cols] <- NA
      recdevsLower[, cols] <- recdevsUpper[, cols] <- recdevs[, cols] <- NA

      ### get MCMC for SpawnBio
      tmp <- grep("SSB", names(mcmc[[imodel]])) # try it to see what you get
      # exclude rows that aren't part of the timseries
      tmp2 <- c(
        grep("SSB_unfished", names(mcmc[[imodel]]), ignore.case = TRUE),
        grep("SSB_Btgt", names(mcmc[[imodel]]), ignore.case = TRUE),
        grep("SSB_SPRtgt", names(mcmc[[imodel]]), ignore.case = TRUE),
        grep("SSB_MSY", names(mcmc[[imodel]]), ignore.case = TRUE)
      tmp <- setdiff(tmp, tmp2)
      if (length(tmp) > 0) { # there are some mcmc values to use
        # subset of columns from MCMC for this model
        mcmc.tmp <- mcmc[[imodel]][, tmp]
        mcmclabs <- names(mcmc.tmp)

        lower <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = lowerCI, na.rm = TRUE)
        med <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE)
        upper <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = upperCI, na.rm = TRUE)
        SpawnBio[, imodel] <- med[match(SpawnBio[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]
        SpawnBioLower[, imodel] <- lower[match(SpawnBioLower[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]
        SpawnBioUpper[, imodel] <- upper[match(SpawnBioUpper[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]

      ### get MCMC for Bratio
      tmp <- grep("Bratio", names(mcmc[[imodel]])) # try it to see what you get
      if (length(tmp) > 0) { # there are some mcmc values to use
        # subset of columns from MCMC for this model
        mcmc.tmp <- mcmc[[imodel]][, tmp]
        mcmclabs <- names(mcmc.tmp)
        lower <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = lowerCI, na.rm = TRUE)
        med <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE)
        upper <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = upperCI, na.rm = TRUE)
        Bratio[, imodel] <- med[match(Bratio[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]
        BratioLower[, imodel] <- lower[match(BratioLower[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]
        BratioUpper[, imodel] <- upper[match(BratioUpper[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]

      ### get MCMC for SPRratio
      # try it to see what you get
      tmp <- grep("SPRratio", names(mcmc[[imodel]]))
      if (length(tmp) > 0) { # there are some mcmc values to use
        # subset of columns from MCMC for this model
        mcmc.tmp <- mcmc[[imodel]][, tmp]
        mcmclabs <- names(mcmc.tmp)
        lower <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = lowerCI, na.rm = TRUE)
        med <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE)
        upper <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = upperCI, na.rm = TRUE)
        SPRratio[, imodel] <- med[match(SPRratio[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]
        SPRratioLower[, imodel] <- lower[match(SPRratioLower[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]
        SPRratioUpper[, imodel] <- upper[match(SPRratioUpper[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]

      ### get MCMC for recruits
      tmp <- grep("^Recr_", names(mcmc[[imodel]])) # try it to see what you get
      # exclude rows that aren't part of the timseries
      tmp2 <- grep("Recr_unfished", names(mcmc[[imodel]]), ignore.case = TRUE)
      tmp <- setdiff(tmp, tmp2)
      if (length(tmp) > 0) { # there are some mcmc values to use
        # subset of columns from MCMC for this model
        mcmc.tmp <- mcmc[[imodel]][, tmp]
        mcmclabs <- names(mcmc.tmp)
        lower <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = lowerCI, na.rm = TRUE)
        med <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE)
        # mean recruitment should be more comparable
        mean <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
        upper <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = upperCI, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (!meanRecWarning) {
            "note: using mean recruitment from MCMC instead of median,\n",
            "because it is more comparable to MLE\n"
          meanRecWarning <- TRUE
        recruits[, imodel] <- mean[match(recruits[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]
        recruitsLower[, imodel] <- lower[match(recruitsLower[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]
        recruitsUpper[, imodel] <- upper[match(recruitsUpper[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]

      ### get MCMC for recdevs
      # get values from mcmc to replace
      tmp <- unique(c(
        grep("_RecrDev_", names(mcmc[[imodel]])),
        grep("_InitAge_", names(mcmc[[imodel]])),
        grep("ForeRecr_", names(mcmc[[imodel]]))
      if (length(tmp) > 0) { # there are some mcmc values to use
        # subset of columns from MCMC for this model
        mcmc.tmp <- mcmc[[imodel]][, tmp]
        mcmclabs <- names(mcmc.tmp)
        lower <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = lowerCI, na.rm = TRUE)
        med <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE)
        upper <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = upperCI, na.rm = TRUE)
        recdevs[, imodel] <- med[match(recdevs[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]
        recdevsLower[, imodel] <- lower[match(recdevsLower[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]
        recdevsUpper[, imodel] <- upper[match(recdevsUpper[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]

    if (is.null(endyrvec)) {
      endyrvec <- endyrs[models] + 1
    if (length(endyrvec) == 1) {
      endyrvec <- rep(endyrvec, nlines)
    # not sure why there should be NA values for Yr column in recdevs,
    # but old code to eliminate the devs past endyr wasn't working as
    # configured before
    recdevs <- recdevs[!is.na(recdevs[["Yr"]]), ]
    recdevsLower <- recdevsLower[!is.na(recdevsLower[["Yr"]]), ]
    recdevsUpper <- recdevsUpper[!is.na(recdevsUpper[["Yr"]]), ]

    # change to NA any values beyond endyr
    if (!is.null(endyrvec)) {
      for (iline in 1:nlines) {
        endyr <- endyrvec[iline]
        imodel <- models[iline]
        SpawnBio[SpawnBio[["Yr"]] > endyr, imodel] <- NA
        SpawnBioLower[SpawnBio[["Yr"]] > endyr, imodel] <- NA
        SpawnBioUpper[SpawnBio[["Yr"]] > endyr, imodel] <- NA
        Bratio[Bratio[["Yr"]] > endyr, imodel] <- NA
        BratioLower[Bratio[["Yr"]] > endyr, imodel] <- NA
        BratioUpper[Bratio[["Yr"]] > endyr, imodel] <- NA
        #### note: add generalized startyrvec option in the future
        ## if(exists("startyrvec")){
        ##   startyr <- startyrvec[iline]
        ##   Bratio[Bratio[["Yr"]] < startyr, imodel] <- NA
        ##   BratioLower[Bratio[["Yr"]] < startyr, imodel] <- NA
        ##   BratioUpper[Bratio[["Yr"]] < startyr, imodel] <- NA
        ## }
        SPRratio[SPRratio[["Yr"]] >= endyr, imodel] <- NA
        SPRratioLower[SPRratio[["Yr"]] >= endyr, imodel] <- NA
        SPRratioUpper[SPRratio[["Yr"]] >= endyr, imodel] <- NA
        Fvalue[Fvalue[["Yr"]] >= endyr, imodel] <- NA
        FvalueLower[Fvalue[["Yr"]] >= endyr, imodel] <- NA
        FvalueUpper[Fvalue[["Yr"]] >= endyr, imodel] <- NA
        recruits[recruits[["Yr"]] > endyr, imodel] <- NA
        recruitsLower[recruits[["Yr"]] > endyr, imodel] <- NA
        recruitsUpper[recruits[["Yr"]] > endyr, imodel] <- NA
        if (!is.null(recdevs)) {
          recdevs[recdevs[["Yr"]] > endyr, imodel] <- NA
          recdevsLower[recdevs[["Yr"]] > endyr, imodel] <- NA
          recdevsUpper[recdevs[["Yr"]] > endyr, imodel] <- NA

    # function to add shaded uncertainty intervals behind line
    # requires the existence of the TRUE/FALSE vector "uncertainty"
    addpoly <- function(yrvec, lower, upper) {
      lower[lower < 0] <- 0 # max of value or 0
      for (iline in (1:nlines)[uncertainty]) {
        imodel <- models[iline]
        good <- !is.na(lower[, imodel]) & !is.na(upper[, imodel])
          x = c(yrvec[good], rev(yrvec[good])),
          y = c(lower[good, imodel], rev(upper[good, imodel])),
          border = NA, col = shadecol[iline]
        #      lines(yrvec[good],lower[good,imodel],lty=3,col=col[iline])
        #      lines(yrvec[good],upper[good,imodel],lty=3,col=col[iline])

    ## equ <- -(1:2) # IGT 2020/3/12: this variable seems to not be used

    # function to plot spawning biomass
    plotSpawnBio <- function(show_uncertainty = TRUE) {
      # only show uncertainty if values are present for at least one model
      if (!any(uncertainty)) {
        show_uncertainty <- FALSE
      # get axis limits
      if (is.null(xlim)) {
        if (show_equilibrium) {
          xlim <- range(SpawnBio[["Yr"]])
        } else {
          xlim <- range(SpawnBio[["Yr"]][-c(1, 2)])
        if (!is.null(endyrvec) & all(endyrvec < max(xlim))) {
          xlim[2] <- max(endyrvec)
      ylim <- ylimAdj * range(0, SpawnBio[
        SpawnBio[["Yr"]] >= xlim[1] &
          SpawnBio[["Yr"]] <= xlim[2],
      ], na.rm = TRUE)
      if (show_uncertainty) {
        ylim <- range(ylim, ylimAdj * SpawnBioUpper[
          SpawnBio[["Yr"]] >= xlim[1] &
            SpawnBio[["Yr"]] <= xlim[2],
        ], na.rm = TRUE)

      # set units on spawning biomass plot
      if (length(unique(SpawnOutputUnits)) != 1) {
          "Some models may have different units",
          " for spawning output than others"
      # if either SpawnOutputUnits is unknown or in numbers,
      # use label "Spawning output"
      if (all(is.na(SpawnOutputUnits)) || any(SpawnOutputUnits == "numbers")) {
        ylab <- labels[12] # numbers
      } else {
        # otherwise (if all are in "biomass"), use "Spawning biomass"
        ylab <- labels[2] # biomass

      # do some scaling of y-axis
      yunits <- 1
      if (rescale & ylim[2] > 1e3 & ylim[2] < 1e6) {
        yunits <- 1e3
        ylab <- gsub("(t)", "(x1000 t)", ylab, fixed = TRUE)
        ylab <- gsub("eggs", "x1000 eggs", ylab, fixed = TRUE)
      if (rescale & ylim[2] > 1e6) {
        yunits <- 1e6
        ylab <- gsub("(t)", "(million t)", ylab, fixed = TRUE)
        ylab <- gsub("eggs", "millions of eggs", ylab, fixed = TRUE)
      if (rescale & ylim[2] > 1e9) {
        yunits <- 1e9
        ylab <- gsub("million", "billion", ylab, fixed = TRUE)
      if (!add) {
          type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = labels[1], ylab = ylab,
          xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs, axes = FALSE
      if (show_uncertainty) {
        # add shading for undertainty
          yrvec = SpawnBio[["Yr"]][-(1:2)], lower = SpawnBioLower[-(1:2), ],
          upper = SpawnBioUpper[-(1:2), ]
        # equilibrium spawning biomass year by model
        xEqu <- SpawnBio[["Yr"]][2] - (1:nlines) / nlines
      } else {
        # equilibrium spawning biomass year by model
        xEqu <- rep(SpawnBio[["Yr"]][2], nlines)
      # draw points and lines
      if (spacepoints %in% c(0, 1, FALSE)) { # don't spread out points
        matplot(SpawnBio[["Yr"]][-(1:2)], SpawnBio[-(1:2), models],
          col = col, pch = pch, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, type = type,
          ylim = ylim, add = TRUE
      } else {
        # spread out points with interval equal to spacepoints and
        # staggering equal to staggerpoints
        matplot(SpawnBio[["Yr"]][-(1:2)], SpawnBio[-(1:2), models],
          col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, type = "l", ylim = ylim, add = TRUE
        SpawnBio2 <- SpawnBio
        for (iline in 1:nlines) {
          imodel <- models[iline]
            (SpawnBio2[["Yr"]] - initpoint) %% spacepoints !=
              (staggerpoints * iline) %% spacepoints,
          ] <- NA
        matplot(SpawnBio2[["Yr"]][-(1:2)], SpawnBio2[-(1:2), models],
          col = col, pch = pch, lwd = lwd, type = "p", ylim = ylim, add = TRUE

      if (show_equilibrium) {
        ## add arrows for equilibrium values
        old_warn <- options()$warn # previous setting
        options(warn = -1) # turn off "zero-length arrow" warning
        if (show_uncertainty) {
            x0 = xEqu[models[uncertainty]],
            y0 = as.numeric(SpawnBioLower[1, models[uncertainty]]),
            x1 = xEqu[models[uncertainty]],
            y1 = as.numeric(SpawnBioUpper[1, models[uncertainty]]),
            length = 0.01, angle = 90, code = 3, col = col[uncertainty],
            lwd = 2
        options(warn = old_warn) # returning to old value
        ## add points at equilibrium values
          x = xEqu, SpawnBio[1, models], col = col, pch = pch,
          cex = 1.2, lwd = lwd
      # add axes
      if (!add) {
        abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
        if (tickEndYr) { # include ending year in axis labels
          # default tick positions if axis(1) were run
          ticks <- graphics::axTicks(1)
          # make axis (excluding anything after the max ending year)
          axis(1, at = c(ticks[ticks < max(endyrvec)], max(endyrvec)))
        } else {
          # nothing special (may include labels beyond the ending year)

        # add shaded area over forecast years if more than 1 forecast year shown
        if (!is.null(endyrvec) &
          max(endyrvec) > 1 + max(endyrs) &
          shadeForecast) {
            xleft = max(endyrs) + 1, ybottom = par()$usr[3],
            xright = par()$usr[2], ytop = par()$usr[4],
            col = gray(0, alpha = 0.1), border = NA
        yticks <- pretty(ylim)
        axis(2, at = yticks, labels = format(yticks / yunits), las = 1)
      if (legend) {
        # add legend if requested
          legendloc = legendloc,
          legendorder = legendorder,
          legendncol = legendncol,
          col = col,
          pch = pch,
          lwd = lwd,
          lty = lty
      # return upper y-limit

    # function to plot biomass ratio (may be identical to previous plot)
    plotBratio <- function(show_uncertainty = TRUE) {
      # only show uncertainty if values are present for at least one model
      if (!any(uncertainty)) {
        show_uncertainty <- FALSE
      # get axis limits
      if (is.null(xlim)) {
        xlim <- range(Bratio[["Yr"]])
        if (!is.null(endyrvec) & all(endyrvec < max(xlim))) {
          xlim[2] <- max(endyrvec)
      ylim <- ylimAdj * range(0, Bratio[
        Bratio[["Yr"]] >= xlim[1] &
          Bratio[["Yr"]] <= xlim[2],
      ], na.rm = TRUE)
      if (show_uncertainty) {
        ylim <- ylimAdj * range(ylim / ylimAdj, BratioUpper[
          Bratio[["Yr"]] >= xlim[1] &
            Bratio[["Yr"]] <= xlim[2],
        ], na.rm = TRUE)

      # make plot
      if (!add) {
          type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
          xlab = labels[1], ylab = labels[3],
          xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs, axes = FALSE
      if (show_uncertainty) {
        addpoly(Bratio[["Yr"]], lower = BratioLower, upper = BratioUpper)

      if (spacepoints %in% c(0, 1, FALSE)) { # don't spread out points
        matplot(Bratio[["Yr"]], Bratio[, models],
          col = col, pch = pch,
          lty = lty, lwd = lwd, type = type, ylim = ylim, add = TRUE
      } else {
        # spread out points with interval equal to spacepoints and
        # staggering equal to staggerpoints
        matplot(Bratio[["Yr"]], Bratio[, models],
          col = col, pch = pch,
          lty = lty, lwd = lwd, type = "l", ylim = ylim, add = TRUE
        if (type != "l") {
          Bratio2 <- Bratio
          for (iline in 1:nlines) {
            imodel <- models[iline]
            Bratio2[(Bratio2[["Yr"]] - initpoint) %% spacepoints !=
              (staggerpoints * iline) %% spacepoints, imodel] <- NA
          matplot(Bratio2[["Yr"]], Bratio2[, models],
            col = col, pch = pch,
            lty = lty, lwd = lwd, type = "p", ylim = ylim, add = TRUE

      yticks <- pretty(par()$yaxp[1:2])
      if (btarg > 0) {
        abline(h = btarg, col = "red", lty = 2)
        text(min(Bratio[["Yr"]]) + 4, btarg + 0.03, labels[10], adj = 0)
        yticks <- sort(c(btarg, yticks))
      if (minbthresh > 0) {
        abline(h = minbthresh, col = "red", lty = 2)
        text(min(Bratio[["Yr"]]) + 4, minbthresh + 0.03, labels[11], adj = 0)
        yticks <- sort(c(minbthresh, yticks))
      if (!add) {
        abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
        abline(h = 1, col = "grey", lty = 2)
        if (tickEndYr) { # include ending year in axis labels
          # default tick positions if axis(1) were run
          ticks <- graphics::axTicks(1)
          # make axis (excluding anything after the max ending year)
          axis(1, at = c(ticks[ticks < max(endyrvec)], max(endyrvec)))
        } else {
          # nothing special (may include labels beyond the ending year)
        # add shaded area over forecast years if more than 1 forecast year shown
        if (!is.null(endyrvec) &
          max(endyrvec) > 1 + max(endyrs) &
          shadeForecast) {
            xleft = max(endyrs) + 1, ybottom = par()$usr[3],
            xright = par()$usr[2], ytop = par()$usr[4],
            col = gray(0, alpha = 0.1), border = NA
        axis(2, at = yticks, las = 1)
      if (legend) {
        # add legend if requested
          legendloc = legendloc,
          legendorder = legendorder,
          legendncol = legendncol,
          col = col,
          pch = pch,
          lwd = lwd,
          lty = lty
      # return upper y-limit

    plotSPRratio <- function(show_uncertainty = TRUE) {
      # plot SPR quantity (may be ratio or raw value)

      # only show uncertainty if values are present for at least one model
      if (!any(uncertainty)) {
        show_uncertainty <- FALSE
      # get axis limits
      if (is.null(xlim)) {
        xlim <- range(SPRratio[["Yr"]])
        if (!is.null(endyrvec) & all(endyrvec < max(xlim))) {
          xlim[2] <- max(endyrvec)
      ylim <- ylimAdj * range(0, SPRratio[
        SPRratio[["Yr"]] >= xlim[1] &
          SPRratio[["Yr"]] <= xlim[2],
      ], na.rm = TRUE)
      if (show_uncertainty) {
        ylim <- ylimAdj * range(ylim / ylimAdj,
            SPRratio[["Yr"]] >= xlim[1] &
              SPRratio[["Yr"]] <= xlim[2],
          na.rm = TRUE
      # make plot
      if (!add) {
        if (isTRUE(!is.na(SPRratioLabel) &&
          SPRratioLabel ==
            paste0("(1-SPR)/(1-SPR_", floor(100 * sprtarg), "%)"))) {
          # add to right-hand outer margin to make space
          # for second vertical axis

          # store current margin parameters
          # save old margins
          newmar <- oldmar <- par()$mar
          # match right-hand margin value to left-hand value
          newmar[4] <- newmar[2]
          # update graphics parameters
          par(mar = newmar)
          type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = labels[1],
          ylab = "", xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs, las = 1, axes = FALSE
      if (show_uncertainty) {
        addpoly(SPRratio[["Yr"]], lower = SPRratioLower, upper = SPRratioUpper)
      if (spacepoints %in% c(0, 1, FALSE)) { # don't spread out points
        matplot(SPRratio[["Yr"]], SPRratio[, models],
          col = col, pch = pch,
          lty = lty, lwd = lwd, type = type, ylim = ylim, add = TRUE
      } else {
        # spread out points with interval equal to spacepoints and
        # staggering equal to staggerpoints
        matplot(SPRratio[["Yr"]], SPRratio[, models],
          col = col, pch = pch,
          lty = lty, lwd = lwd, type = "l", ylim = ylim, add = TRUE
        if (type != "l") {
          SPRratio2 <- SPRratio
          for (iline in 1:nlines) {
            imodel <- models[iline]
            SPRratio2[(SPRratio2[["Yr"]] - initpoint) %% spacepoints !=
              (staggerpoints * iline) %% spacepoints, imodel] <- NA
          matplot(SPRratio2[["Yr"]], SPRratio2[, models],
            col = col, pch = pch,
            lty = lty, lwd = lwd, type = "p", ylim = ylim, add = TRUE
      abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
      if (sprtarg > 0) {
        if (isTRUE(SPRratioLabel == "1-SPR")) {
          # if starter file chooses raw SPR as the option for reporting,
          # don't show ratio
          abline(h = sprtarg, col = "red", lty = 2)
          text(SPRratio[["Yr"]][1] + 4, (sprtarg + 0.03), labels[10],
            adj = 0
            side = 2, text = SPRratioLabel,
            line = par()$mgp[1], col = par()$col.lab, cex = par()$cex.lab
        } else {
          # draw line at sprtarg
          yticks <- pretty(ylim)
          if (isTRUE(!is.na(SPRratioLabel) &&
            SPRratioLabel == paste0(
              floor(100 * sprtarg), "%)"
            ))) {
            # add right-hand vertical axis showing 1-SPR
            abline(h = 1, col = "red", lty = 2)
            text(SPRratio[["Yr"]][1] + 4, 1 + 0.03, labels[10], adj = 0)
            axis(4, at = yticks, labels = yticks * (1 - sprtarg), las = 1)
              side = 4, text = "1 - SPR",
              line = par()$mgp[1], col = par()$col.lab, cex = par()$cex.lab
            # line below has round to be more accurate
            # than the floor which is used
            # in the test above and in SS
              side = 2, text = paste("(1-SPR)/(1-SPR_", 100 * sprtarg, "%)", sep = ""),
              line = par()$mgp[1], col = par()$col.lab, cex = par()$cex.lab
          } else {
              "No line added to SPR ratio plot, ",
              "as the settings used in this model ",
              "have not yet been configured in SSplotComparisons."
              side = 2, text = SPRratioLabel,
              line = par()$mgp[1], col = par()$col.lab, cex = par()$cex.lab
      } else {
          side = 2, text = SPRratioLabel,
          line = par()$mgp[1], col = par()$col.lab, cex = par()$cex.lab
      if (!add) {
        if (tickEndYr) { # include ending year in axis labels
          # default tick positions if axis(1) were run
          ticks <- graphics::axTicks(1)
          # make axis (excluding anything after the max ending year)
          axis(1, at = c(ticks[ticks < max(endyrvec)], max(endyrvec)))
        } else {
          # nothing special (may include labels beyond the ending year)
        # add shaded area over forecast years if more than 1 forecast year shown
        if (!is.null(endyrvec) &
          max(endyrvec) > 1 + max(endyrs) &
          shadeForecast) {
            xleft = max(endyrs) + 1, ybottom = par()$usr[3],
            xright = par()$usr[2], ytop = par()$usr[4],
            col = gray(0, alpha = 0.1), border = NA
      if (legend) {
        # add legend if requested
          legendloc = legendloc,
          legendorder = legendorder,
          legendncol = legendncol,
          col = col,
          pch = pch,
          lwd = lwd,
          lty = lty
      if (exists("oldmar")) {
        # restore old margin parameters
        par(mar = oldmar)
      # return upper y-limit

    #### fishing mortality (however it is specified in the models)
    plotF <- function(show_uncertainty = TRUE) {
      # plot biomass ratio (may be identical to previous plot)
      # only show uncertainty if values are present for at least one model
      if (!any(uncertainty)) {
        show_uncertainty <- FALSE
      # get axis limits
      if (is.null(xlim)) {
        xlim <- range(Fvalue[["Yr"]])
        if (!is.null(endyrvec) & all(endyrvec < max(xlim))) {
          xlim[2] <- max(endyrvec)
      ylim <- ylimAdj * range(0, Fvalue[
        Fvalue[["Yr"]] >= xlim[1] &
          Fvalue[["Yr"]] <= xlim[2],
      ], na.rm = TRUE)
      if (show_uncertainty) {
        ylim <- ylimAdj * range(ylim / ylimAdj,
            Fvalue[["Yr"]] >= xlim[1] &
              Fvalue[["Yr"]] <= xlim[2],
          na.rm = TRUE
      # make plot
      if (!add) {
          type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = labels[1],
          ylab = "", xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs, las = 1, axes = FALSE
        if (tickEndYr) { # include ending year in axis labels
          # default tick positions if axis(1) were run
          ticks <- graphics::axTicks(1)
          # make axis (excluding anything after the max ending year)
          axis(1, at = c(ticks[ticks < max(endyrvec)], max(endyrvec)))
        } else {
          # nothing special (may include labels beyond the ending year)
      if (show_uncertainty) {
        addpoly(Fvalue[["Yr"]], lower = FvalueLower, upper = FvalueUpper)
      if (spacepoints %in% c(0, 1, FALSE)) { # don't spread out points
        matplot(Fvalue[["Yr"]], Fvalue[, models],
          col = col, pch = pch,
          lty = lty, lwd = lwd, type = type, ylim = ylim, add = TRUE
      } else {
        # spread out points with interval equal to spacepoints and
        # staggering equal to staggerpoints
        matplot(Fvalue[["Yr"]], Fvalue[, models],
          col = col, pch = pch,
          lty = lty, lwd = lwd, type = "l", ylim = ylim, add = TRUE
        if (type != "l") {
          Fvalue2 <- Fvalue
          for (iline in 1:nlines) {
            imodel <- models[iline]
            Fvalue2[Fvalue2[["Yr"]] %% spacepoints !=
              (staggerpoints * iline) %% spacepoints, imodel] <- NA
          matplot(Fvalue2[["Yr"]], Fvalue2[, models],
            col = col, pch = pch,
            lty = lty, lwd = lwd, type = "p", ylim = ylim, add = TRUE
      abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
        side = 2, text = FvalueLabel,
        line = par()$mgp[1], col = par()$col.lab, cex = par()$cex.lab
      if (legend) {
          legendloc = legendloc,
          legendorder = legendorder,
          legendncol = legendncol,
          col = col,
          pch = pch,
          lwd = lwd,
          lty = lty

      # return upper y-limit

    plotRecruits <- function(show_uncertainty = TRUE, recruit_lines = TRUE) {
      # plot recruitment

      # only show uncertainty if values are present for at least one model
      if (!any(uncertainty)) {
        show_uncertainty <- FALSE
      # determine x-limits
      if (is.null(xlim)) {
        if (show_equilibrium) {
          xlim <- range(recruits[["Yr"]])
        } else {
          xlim <- range(recruits[["Yr"]][-c(1, 2)])
        if (!is.null(endyrvec) & all(endyrvec < max(xlim))) {
          xlim[2] <- max(endyrvec)

      # determine y-limits
      ylim <- ylimAdj * range(0, recruits[
        recruits[["Yr"]] >= xlim[1] &
          recruits[["Yr"]] <= xlim[2],
      ], na.rm = TRUE)
      if (show_uncertainty) {
        ylim <- ylimAdj * range(ylim / ylimAdj,
            recruits[["Yr"]] >= xlim[1] &
              recruits[["Yr"]] <= xlim[2],
          na.rm = TRUE

      # do some automatic scaling of the units
      ylab <- labels[4]
      yunits <- 1
      if (ylim[2] > 1e3 & ylim[2] < 1e6) {
        # if max recruits a million and a billion
        yunits <- 1e3
        ylab <- gsub("1,000s", "millions", ylab)
      if (ylim[2] > 1e6) {
        # if max is greater than a billion (e.g. pacific hake)
        yunits <- 1e6
        ylab <- gsub("1,000s", "billions", ylab)

      # plot lines showing recruitment
      if (spacepoints %in% c(0, 1, FALSE)) { # don't spread out points
        matplot(recruits[["Yr"]][-(1:2)], recruits[-(1:2), models],
          col = col, pch = pch, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, type = type,
          xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
          xlab = labels[1], ylab = ylab, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
          axes = FALSE, add = add
      } else {
        # spread out points with interval equal to spacepoints and
        # staggering equal to staggerpoints
        matplot(recruits[["Yr"]][-(1:2)], recruits[-(1:2), models],
          col = col, pch = pch, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, type = "l",
          xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
          xlab = labels[1], ylab = ylab, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
          axes = FALSE, add = add
        if (type != "l") {
          recruits2 <- recruits
          for (iline in 1:nlines) {
            imodel <- models[iline]
            recruits2[(recruits2[["Yr"]] %% spacepoints - initpoint) !=
              (staggerpoints * iline) %% spacepoints, imodel] <- NA
          matplot(recruits2[["Yr"]][-(1:2)], recruits2[-(1:2), models],
            col = col, pch = pch, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, type = "p",
            xlab = labels[1], ylab = ylab, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
            axes = FALSE, ylim = ylim, add = TRUE

      ## Add points at equilibrium values. Note: I adapted this logic from the
      ## SSB plot above.
      if (show_uncertainty) {
        xEqu <- recruits[["Yr"]][2] - (1:nlines) / nlines
      } else {
        xEqu <- rep(recruits[["Yr"]][1], nlines)
      if (show_equilibrium) {
          x = xEqu, y = recruits[1, models], col = col, pch = pch,
          cex = 1.2, lwd = lwd
      # add uncertainty intervals when requested
      if (show_uncertainty) {
        for (iline in 1:nlines) {
          imodel <- models[iline]
          if (uncertainty[imodel]) {
            ## plot all but equilbrium values
            xvec <- recruits[["Yr"]]
            if (nlines > 1) xvec <- xvec + 0.4 * iline / nlines - 0.2
            old_warn <- options()$warn # previous setting
            options(warn = -1) # turn off "zero-length arrow" warning
            # arrows (-2 in vectors below is to remove initial year recruitment)
              x0 = xvec[-c(1, 2)],
              y0 = pmax(as.numeric(recruitsLower[-c(1, 2), imodel]), 0),
              x1 = xvec[-c(1, 2)],
              y1 = as.numeric(recruitsUpper[-c(1, 2), imodel]),
              length = 0.01, angle = 90, code = 3, col = col[imodel]
            options(warn = old_warn) # returning to old value
            if (show_equilibrium) {
                x0 = xEqu[imodel],
                y0 = pmax(as.numeric(recruitsLower[1, imodel]), 0),
                x1 = xEqu[imodel],
                y1 = as.numeric(recruitsUpper[1, imodel]),
                length = 0.01, angle = 90, code = 3, col = col[imodel]

      abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
      if (legend) {
        # add legend if requested
          legendloc = legendloc,
          legendorder = legendorder,
          legendncol = legendncol,
          col = col,
          pch = pch,
          lwd = lwd,
          lty = lty
      if (!add) {
        if (tickEndYr) { # include ending year in axis labels
          # default tick positions if axis(1) were run
          ticks <- graphics::axTicks(1)
          # make axis (excluding anything after the max ending year)
          axis(1, at = c(ticks[ticks < max(endyrvec)], max(endyrvec)))
        } else {
          # nothing special (may include labels beyond the ending year)
        # add shaded area over forecast years if more than 1 forecast year shown
        if (!is.null(endyrvec) &
          max(endyrvec) > 1 + max(endyrs) &
          shadeForecast) {
            xleft = max(endyrs) + 1, ybottom = par()$usr[3],
            xright = par()$usr[2], ytop = par()$usr[4],
            col = gray(0, alpha = 0.1), border = NA
        yticks <- pretty(ylim)
        axis(2, at = yticks, labels = format(yticks / yunits), las = 1)
      # return upper y-limit

    plotRecDevs <- function(show_uncertainty = TRUE) { # plot recruit deviations
      # test for bad values
      if (any(is.na(recdevs[["Yr"]]))) {
        warning("Recdevs associated with initial age structure may not be shown")
      # only show uncertainty if values are present for at least one model
      if (!any(uncertainty)) {
        show_uncertainty <- FALSE

      # empty plot
      if (is.null(xlim)) {
        xlim <- range(recdevs[["Yr"]], na.rm = TRUE)
        if (!is.null(endyrvec) & all(endyrvec < max(xlim))) {
          xlim[2] <- max(endyrvec)
      ylim <- ylimAdj * range(recdevs[
        recdevs[["Yr"]] >= xlim[1] &
          recdevs[["Yr"]] <= xlim[2],
      ], na.rm = TRUE)

      if (any(is.infinite(ylim))) {
          "Skipping recdev plots. Infinite ylim may indicate ",
          'all values are NA in summaryoutput[["recdevs"]]'
      if (show_uncertainty) {
        if (all(is.na(recdevsLower[, models]))) {
          # can't do uncertainty if no range present
        ylim <- ylimAdj * range(
            recdevs[["Yr"]] >= xlim[1] &
              recdevs[["Yr"]] <= xlim[2],
            recdevs[["Yr"]] >= xlim[1] &
              recdevs[["Yr"]] <= xlim[2],
          na.rm = TRUE
      ylim <- range(-ylim, ylim) # make symmetric

      if (!add) {
          xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, axes = FALSE,
          type = "n", xlab = labels[1], ylab = labels[5], xaxs = xaxs,
          yaxs = yaxs, las = 1
        axis(2, las = 1)
        abline(h = 0, col = "grey")

      if (show_uncertainty) {
        for (iline in 1:nlines) {
          imodel <- models[iline]
          if (uncertainty[imodel]) {
            xvec <- recdevs[["Yr"]]
            if (nlines > 1) xvec <- xvec + 0.4 * iline / nlines - 0.2
              x0 = xvec, y0 = as.numeric(recdevsLower[, imodel]),
              x1 = xvec, y1 = as.numeric(recdevsUpper[, imodel]),
              length = 0.01, angle = 90, code = 3, col = col[iline]

      # loop over vector of models to add lines
      for (iline in 1:nlines) {
        imodel <- models[iline]
        yvec <- recdevs[, imodel]
        xvec <- recdevs[["Yr"]]
        points(xvec, yvec, pch = pch[iline], lwd = lwd[iline], col = col[iline])
      if (!add) {
        if (tickEndYr) { # include ending year in axis labels
          # default tick positions if axis(1) were run
          ticks <- graphics::axTicks(1)
          # make axis (excluding anything after the max ending year)
          axis(1, at = c(ticks[ticks < max(endyrvec)], max(endyrvec)))
        } else {
          # nothing special (may include labels beyond the ending year)
        # add shaded area over forecast years if more than 1 forecast year shown
        if (!is.null(endyrvec) &
          max(endyrvec) > 1 + max(endyrs) &
          shadeForecast) {
            xleft = max(endyrs) + 1, ybottom = par()$usr[3],
            xright = par()$usr[2], ytop = par()$usr[4],
            col = gray(0, alpha = 0.1), border = NA
      if (legend) {
        # add legend if requested
          legendloc = legendloc,
          legendorder = legendorder,
          legendncol = legendncol,
          col = col,
          pch = pch,
          lwd = lwd,
          lty = lty
      # return upper y-limit

    ## xmax <- 1.1*max(reldep)
    ## ymax <- 1.1*max(1,relspr[!is.na(relspr)])
    ## ylab <- managementratiolabels[1,2]
    ## phasefunc <- function(){
    ##   if(!add) plot(reldep,relspr,xlab="B/Btarget",
    ##                 xlim=c(0,xmax),ylim=c(0,ymax),ylab=ylab,type="n")
    ##   lines(reldep,relspr,type="o",col=col2)
    ##   abline(h=0,col="grey")
    ##   abline(v=0,col="grey")
    ##   lines(reldep,relspr,type="o",col=col2)
    ##   points(reldep[length(reldep)],relspr[length(relspr)],col=col4,pch=19)
    ##   abline(h=1,col=col4,lty=2)
    ##   abline(v=1,col=col4,lty=2)}

    plotPhase <- function(show_uncertainty = TRUE) {
      # plot biomass ratio vs. SPRratio

      # only show uncertainty if values are present for at least one model
      if (!any(uncertainty)) {
        show_uncertainty <- FALSE
      # get axis limits
      xlim <- range(0, ylimAdj * Bratio[, models], na.rm = TRUE)
      ylim <- range(0, ylimAdj * SPRratio[, models], na.rm = TRUE)

      # make plot
      if (!add) {
          type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = labels[3],
          ylab = SPRratioLabel, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs, las = 1

      goodyrs <- intersect(Bratio[["Yr"]], SPRratio[["Yr"]])
      lastyr <- max(goodyrs)
      for (iline in 1:nlines) {
        imodel <- models[iline]
        # no option get to stagger points in phase plots,
        # only the last point is marked
        xvals <- Bratio[Bratio[["Yr"]] %in% goodyrs, imodel]
        yvals <- SPRratio[SPRratio[["Yr"]] %in% goodyrs, imodel]
          col = col[iline],
          lty = lty[iline], lwd = lwd[iline],
          type = "l"
        ) # no user control of type to add points
        # NA values and missing points will occur if final year is different
        points(tail(xvals, 1),
          tail(yvals, 1),
          col = col[iline],
          pch = pch[iline], lwd = lwd[iline]

      abline(h = 1, v = 1, col = "grey", lty = 2)

      if (btarg > 0) abline(v = btarg, col = "red", lty = 2)
      if (sprtarg > 0) abline(h = sprtarg, col = "red", lty = 2)

      if (legend) {
        # add legend if requested
          legendloc = legendloc,
          legendorder = legendorder,
          legendncol = legendncol,
          col = col,
          pch = pch,
          lwd = lwd,
          lty = lty
      # return upper y-limit

    plotIndices <- function(log = FALSE, iindex) {
      # function to plot different fits to a single index of abundance

      # get a subset of index table including only 1 index per model
      # (hopefully matching each other)
      indices2 <- NULL
      for (iline in 1:nlines) {
        imodel <- models[iline]
        subset2 <- indices[["imodel"]] == imodel &
          indices[["Yr"]] <= endyrvec[iline] &
          indices[["Fleet"]] == indexfleets[[imodel]][iindex]
        indices2 <- rbind(indices2, indices[subset2, ])
      # get quantities for plot
      yr <- indices2[["Yr"]]
      obs <- indices2[["Obs"]]
      exp <- indices2[["Exp"]]
      imodel <- indices2[["imodel"]]
      Q <- indices2[["Calc_Q"]]
      if (log) {
        obs <- log(obs)
        exp <- log(exp)
        ylab <- labels[7]
      } else {
        ylab <- labels[6]

      # get uncertainty intervals if requested
      if (indexUncertainty) {
        if (indexPlotEach) {
          if (is.null(indexSEvec)) {
            indexSEvec <- indices2[["SE"]]
          y <- obs
          if (log) {
            upper <- qnorm(.975, mean = y, sd = indexSEvec)
            lower <- qnorm(.025, mean = y, sd = indexSEvec)
          } else {
            upper <- qlnorm(.975, meanlog = log(y), sdlog = indexSEvec)
            lower <- qlnorm(.025, meanlog = log(y), sdlog = indexSEvec)
        } else {
          subset <- indices2[["imodel"]] == models[1]
          if (is.null(indexSEvec)) {
            indexSEvec <- indices2[["SE"]][subset]
          y <- obs
          if (log) {
            upper <- qnorm(.975, mean = y, sd = indexSEvec)
            lower <- qnorm(.025, mean = y, sd = indexSEvec)
          } else {
            upper <- qlnorm(.975, meanlog = log(y), sdlog = indexSEvec)
            lower <- qlnorm(.025, meanlog = log(y), sdlog = indexSEvec)
      } else {
        upper <- NULL
        lower <- NULL

      ### make plot of index fits
      # calculate ylim (excluding dummy observations from observed but not expected)
      sub <- !is.na(indices2[["Like"]])
      ylim <- range(exp, obs[sub], lower[sub], upper[sub], na.rm = TRUE)
      # if no values included in subset, then set ylim based on all values
      if (!any(sub)) {
        ylim <- range(exp, obs, lower, upper, na.rm = TRUE)
      if (!log) {
        # 0 included if not in log space
        ylim <- c(0, ylimAdj * ylim[2])
      } else {
        # add padding on top and bottom
        ylim <- ylim + c(-1, 1) * (ylimAdj - 1) * diff(ylim)

      meanQ <- rep(NA, nlines)

      if (!add) {
        if (!is.null(endyrvec)) {
          xlim <- c(min(yr), max(endyrvec))
        } else {
          xlim <- range(yr)
          type = "n", xlim = xlim, yaxs = yaxs,
          ylim = ylim, xlab = "Year", ylab = ylab, axes = FALSE
      if (!log & yaxs != "i") {
        abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
      Qtext <- rep("(Q =", nlines)
      for (iline in (1:nlines)[!mcmcVec]) {
        imodel <- models[iline]
        subset <- indices2[["imodel"]] == imodel
        meanQ[iline] <- mean(Q[subset])
        if (indexQlabel && any(Q[subset] != mean(Q[subset]))) {
          Qtext[iline] <- "(mean Q ="
        x <- yr[subset]
        y <- exp[subset]
        lines(x, y,
          pch = pch[iline], lwd = lwd[iline],
          lty = lty[iline], col = col[iline], type = type
      legendlabels2 <- legendlabels
      if (indexQlabel) {
        legendlabels2 <- paste(
          legendlabels, Qtext,
          format(meanQ, digits = indexQdigits), ")"
      if (legend) {
        # add legend if requested
          legendloc = legendloc,
          legendorder = legendorder,
          legendncol = legendncol,
          col = col,
          pch = pch,
          lwd = lwd,
          lty = lty

      if (indexPlotEach) {
        # plot observed values for each model (staggered slightly)
        for (iline in (1:nlines)[!mcmcVec]) {
          adj <- 0.2 * iline / nlines - 0.1
          imodel <- models[iline]
          if (any(is.na(indices2[["like"]]))) {
            warning("NA's found in likelihood, may cause issues with index plots")
          subset <- indices2[["imodel"]] == imodel & !is.na(indices2[["Like"]])
          # add uncertainty intervals if requested
          if (indexUncertainty) {
              x0 = yr[subset] + adj, y0 = lower[subset],
              x1 = yr[subset] + adj, y1 = upper[subset],
              length = 0.01, angle = 90, code = 3,
              # colors have hard-wired alpha value of 0.7
              col = adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = 0.7)[iline]
          # add points on top of intervals
          points(yr[subset] + adj, obs[subset],
            pch = 21, cex = 1.5, col = 1,
            bg = adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = 0.7)[iline]
      } else {
        # plot only the first model
        imodel <- models[which(endyrvec == max(endyrvec))[1]]
        subset <- indices2[["imodel"]] == imodel & !is.na(indices2[["Like"]])
        # add uncertainty intervals if requested
        if (indexUncertainty) {
            x0 = yr[subset], y0 = lower[subset],
            x1 = yr[subset], y1 = upper[subset],
            length = 0.01, angle = 90, code = 3, col = 1
        # add points on top of intervals
        points(yr[subset], obs[subset], pch = 16, cex = 1.5)

      # if not added to existing plot then add axis labels and box
      if (!add) {
        xticks <- pretty(xlim)
        axis(1, at = xticks, labels = format(xticks))
        if (tickEndYr) {
          axis(1, at = max(endyrvec))
      # return upper y-limit
    } # end plotIndices function

    plotDensities <- function(parname, xlab, denslwd, limit0 = TRUE,
                              cumulative = FALSE) {
      if (any(!mcmcVec)) {
        vals <- rbind(
          pars[pars[["Label"]] == parname, names(pars) != "recdev"],
          quants[quants[["Label"]] == parname, ]
        if (nrow(vals) != 1) {
          warn <- paste("problem getting values for parameter:", parname, "")
          if (nrow(vals) == 0) {
            warn <- paste(
              "no Labels match in either parameters or derived quantities"
          if (nrow(vals) > 0) {
            warn <- paste(
              "Too many matching Labels:",
              pars[["Label"]][pars[["Label"]] == parname],
              quants[["Label"]][quants[["Label"]] == parname]
          # previous versions had an else statement,
          # but this will end the function here instead and saves indenting
        valSDs <- rbind(
          parsSD[pars[["Label"]] == parname, ],
          quantsSD[quants[["Label"]] == parname, ]

      xmax <- xmin <- ymax <- NULL # placeholder for limits
      # placeholder for the mcmc density estimates, if there are any
      mcmcDens <- vector(mode = "list", length = nlines)
      # loop over models to set range
      good <- rep(TRUE, nlines) # indicator of which values to plot
      for (iline in 1:nlines) {
        imodel <- models[iline]
        if (mcmcVec[iline]) {
          # figure out which columns of posteriors to use
          mcmcColumn <- grep(parname, colnames(mcmc[[imodel]]), fixed = TRUE)
          # warn if it can't find the columns
          if (length(mcmcColumn) == 0) {
              "No columns selected from MCMC for '", parname,
              "' in model ", imodel
            good[iline] <- FALSE
          # warn if too many columns
          if (length(mcmcColumn) > 1) {
              "Too many columns selected from MCMC for model ",
              imodel, ":", paste0(names(mcmc[[imodel]])[mcmcColumn],
                collapse = ", "
              ". Please specify a unique label in the mcmc dataframe",
              "or specify mcmcVec = FALSE for model ",
              imodel, " (or mcmcVec = FALSE applying to all models). "
            good[iline] <- FALSE
          # add density
          if (good[iline]) {
            mcmcVals <- mcmc[[imodel]][, mcmcColumn]
            xmin <- min(xmin, quantile(mcmcVals, 0.005, na.rm = TRUE))
            if (limit0) {
              xmin <- max(0, xmin) # by default no plot can go below 0
            if (fix0 & !grepl("R0", parname)) {
              xmin <- 0 # include 0 if requested (except for log(R0) plots)
            xmax <- max(xmax, quantile(mcmcVals, 0.995, na.rm = TRUE))
            # density estimate of mcmc sample (posterior)
            z <- density(mcmcVals, cut = 0, adjust = densityadjust)
            z[["x"]] <- z[["x"]][c(1, seq_along(z[["x"]]), length(z[["x"]]))]
            # just to make sure that a good looking polygon is created
            z[["y"]] <- c(0, z[["y"]], 0)
            ymax <- max(ymax, max(z[["y"]])) # update ymax
            mcmcDens[[iline]] <- z # save density estimate for later plotting
        } else {
          parval <- vals[1, imodel]
          parSD <- valSDs[1, imodel]
          if (!is.numeric(parval)) parval <- -1 # do this in case models added without the parameter
          if (!is.na(parSD) && parSD > 0) { # if non-zero SD available
            # update x range
            xmin <- min(xmin, qnorm(0.005, parval, parSD))
            if (limit0) xmin <- max(0, xmin) # by default no plot can go below 0
            if (fix0 & !grepl("R0", parname)) xmin <- 0 # include 0 if requested (except for log(R0) plots)
            xmax <- max(xmax, qnorm(0.995, parval, parSD))
            # calculate density to get y range
            x <- seq(xmin, xmax, length = 500)
            mle <- dnorm(x, parval, parSD)
            mlescale <- 1 / (sum(mle) * mean(diff(x)))
            mle <- mle * mlescale
            # update ymax
            ymax <- max(ymax, max(mle))
          } else { # if no SD, at least make sure interval includes MLE estimate
            xmin <- min(xmin, parval)
            xmax <- max(xmax, parval)
      if (grepl("Bratio", parname)) {
        xmin <- 0 # xmin=0 for relative spawning biomass plots
      if (limit0) {
        xmin <- max(0, xmin) # by default no plot can go below 0
      if (fix0 & !grepl("R0", parname)) {
        xmin <- 0 # include 0 if requested (except for log(R0) plots)

      # calculate x-limits and vector of values for densities
      xlim <- c(xmin, xmin + (xmax - xmin) * densityscalex)
      x <- seq(xmin, xmax, length = 500)

      # calculate some scaling stuff
      xunits <- 1
      if (rescale & xmax > 1e3 & xmax < 3e6) {
        xunits <- 1e3
        # xlab <- gsub("mt","x1000 mt",xlab)
        xlab2 <- "'1000 t"
      if (rescale & xmax > 3e6) {
        xunits <- 1e6
        # xlab <- gsub("mt","million mt",xlab)
        xlab2 <- "million t"
      # make empty plot
      if (is.null(ymax)) {
          "  skipping plot of ", parname,
          " because it seems to not be estimated in any model"
      } else {
        if (!add) {
          if (cumulative) {
              type = "n", xlim = xlim, axes = FALSE, xaxs = "i", yaxs = yaxs,
              ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = xlab, ylab = ""
          } else {
              type = "n", xlim = xlim, axes = FALSE, xaxs = "i", yaxs = yaxs,
              ylim = c(0, 1.1 * ymax * densityscaley), xlab = xlab, ylab = ""
        # add vertical lines for target and threshold
        # relative spawning biomass values
        if (grepl("Bratio", parname)) {
          if (btarg > 0) {
            abline(v = btarg, col = "red", lty = 2)
            text(btarg + 0.03, par()$usr[4], labels[10], adj = 1.05, srt = 90)
          if (minbthresh > 0) {
            abline(v = minbthresh, col = "red", lty = 2)
            text(minbthresh + 0.03, par()$usr[4], labels[11],
              adj = 1.05, srt = 90

        symbolsQuants <- c(0.025, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.875, 0.975)
        # loop again to make plots
        for (iline in (1:nlines)[good]) {
          imodel <- models[iline]
          if (mcmcVec[iline]) {
            # make density for MCMC posterior
            mcmcColumn <- grep(parname, colnames(mcmc[[imodel]]), fixed = TRUE)
            mcmcVals <- mcmc[[imodel]][, mcmcColumn]
            # for symbols on plot
            x2 <- quantile(mcmcVals, symbolsQuants, na.rm = TRUE)
            # find the positions in the density closest to these quantiles
            x <- mcmcDens[[iline]][["x"]]
            if (!cumulative) {
              y <- mcmcDens[[iline]][["y"]]
              yscale <- 1 / (sum(y) * mean(diff(x)))
              y <- y * yscale
            } else {
              y <- cumsum(mcmcDens[[iline]][["y"]]) / sum(mcmcDens[[iline]][["y"]])
            y2 <- NULL
            for (ii in x2) {
              # find y-value associated with closest matching x-value
              # "min" was added for rare case where two values are equally close
              y2 <- c(y2, min(y[abs(x - ii) == min(abs(x - ii))]))
            # make shaded polygon
            if (!cumulative) {
              polygon(c(x[1], x, rev(x)[1]), c(0, y, 0),
                col = shadecol[iline],
                border = NA
            } else {
              # polygon for cumulative has extra point in bottom right
              polygon(c(x[1], x, rev(x)[c(1, 1)]), c(0, y, 1, 0),
                col = shadecol[iline], border = NA
            # add thicker line
            lines(x, y, col = col[iline], lwd = 2)
            # add points on line and vertical line at median (hopefully)
            if (!cumulative) {
              if (densitysymbols) {
                points(x2, y2, col = col[iline], pch = pch[iline])
              # really hokey and assumes that the middle value of
              # the vector of quantiles is the median
              lines(rep(x2[median(seq_along(x2))], 2),
                c(0, y2[median(seq_along(x2))]),
                col = col[iline]
            } else {
              if (densitysymbols) {
                points(x2, symbolsQuants, col = col[iline], pch = pch[iline])
              lines(rep(median(mcmcVals), 2), c(0, 0.5), col = col[iline])
          } else {
            # make normal density for MLE
            parval <- vals[1, imodel]
            parSD <- valSDs[1, imodel]
            if (!is.na(parSD) && parSD > 0) {
              xmin <- min(xmin, qnorm(0.005, parval, parSD))
              if (limit0) {
                xmin <- max(0, xmin) # by default no plot can go below 0
              if (fix0 & !grepl("R0", parname)) {
                xmin <- 0 # include 0 if requested (except for log(R0) plots)
              x <- seq(xmin, max(xmax, xlim), length = 500)
              # x2 <- parval+(-2:2)*parSD # 1 and 2 SDs away from mean to plot symbols
              x2 <- qnorm(symbolsQuants, parval, parSD)
              if (cumulative) {
                y <- mle <- pnorm(x, parval, parSD) # smooth line
                y2 <- mle2 <- pnorm(x2, parval, parSD) # symbols
              } else {
                mle <- dnorm(x, parval, parSD) # smooth line
                mle2 <- dnorm(x2, parval, parSD) # symbols
                mlescale <- 1 / (sum(mle) * mean(diff(x)))
                y <- mle <- mle * mlescale
                y2 <- mle2 <- mle2 * mlescale
              # add shaded polygons
              polygon(c(x[1], x, rev(x)[1]), c(0, mle, 0),
                col = shadecol[iline], border = NA
              lines(x, mle, col = col[iline], lwd = 2)
              if (!cumulative) {
                if (densitysymbols) {
                  points(x2, mle2, col = col[iline], pch = pch[iline])
                lines(rep(parval, 2),
                  c(0, dnorm(parval, parval, parSD) * mlescale),
                  col = col[iline], lwd = denslwd
              } else {
                if (densitysymbols) {
                  points(x2, symbolsQuants, col = col[iline], pch = pch[iline])
                lines(rep(parval, 2),
                  c(0, 0.5),
                  col = col[iline], lwd = denslwd
            } else {
              # add vertical line for estimate of no density can be added
              abline(v = parval, col = col[iline], lwd = denslwd)
          # should be able to move more stuff into this section
          # that applies to both MLE and MCMC

          if (densitytails & densitymiddle) {
              "You are shading both tails and central 95% of density plots",
              "which is illogical"

          doShade <- FALSE
          if (mcmcVec[iline]) {
            doShade <- TRUE
          } else {
            if (!is.na(parSD) && parSD > 0) {
              doShade <- TRUE
          if (densitytails & doShade) {
            # figure out which points are in the tails of the distibutions
            x.lower <- x[x <= x2[1]]
            y.lower <- y[x <= x2[1]]
            x.upper <- x[x >= rev(x2)[1]]
            y.upper <- y[x >= rev(x2)[1]]
            # add darker shading for tails
            polygon(c(x.lower[1], x.lower, rev(x.lower)[1]),
              c(0, y.lower, 0),
              col = shadecol[iline], border = NA
            polygon(c(x.upper[1], x.upper, rev(x.upper)[1]),
              c(0, y.upper, 0),
              col = shadecol[iline], border = NA
          if (densitymiddle & doShade) { # } & !is.na(parSD) && parSD>0){
            x.middle <- x[x >= x2[1] & x <= rev(x2)[1]]
            y.middle <- y[x >= x2[1] & x <= rev(x2)[1]]
            polygon(c(x.middle[1], x.middle, rev(x.middle)[1]),
              c(0, y.middle, 0),
              col = shadecol[iline], border = NA
        # add axes and labels
        if (!add) {
          abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
          xticks <- pretty(xlim)
          axis(1, at = xticks, labels = format(xticks / xunits))
          theLine <- par()$mgp[1]
          if (cumulative) {
              at = symbolsQuants, labels = format(symbolsQuants),
              cex.axis = 0.9
              side = 2, line = theLine,
              text = "Cumulative Probability",
              col = par()$col.lab, cex = par()$cex.lab
          } else {
              side = 2, line = theLine, text = labels[9],
              col = par()$col.lab, cex = par()$cex.lab
        if (xunits != 1) {
            "x-axis for ", parname, " in density plot has been divided by ",
            xunits, " (so may be in units of ", xlab2, ")"
        # add legend
        if (legend) {
            # override legend location for cumulative plots
            # where topleft should always work best
            legendloc = ifelse(cumulative, "topleft", legendloc),
            legendorder = legendorder,
            legendncol = legendncol,
            col = col,
            pch = pch,
            lwd = lwd,
            lty = lty
      # in the future, this could return the upper y-limit,
      # currently there's no control over ylim in these plots
    } # end plotDensities function

    uncertaintyplots <- intersect(c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12), subplots)
    if (!any(uncertainty) & length(uncertaintyplots) > 0) {
      # warn if uncertainty is off but uncertainty plots are requested
        "skipping plots with uncertainty:",
        paste(uncertaintyplots, collapse = ",")
    # subplot 1: spawning biomass
    if (1 %in% subplots) {
      if (verbose) {
        message("subplot 1: spawning biomass")
      if (plot) {
        ymax_vec[1] <- plotSpawnBio(show_uncertainty = FALSE)
      if (print) {
        ymax_vec[1] <- plotSpawnBio(show_uncertainty = FALSE)

    # subplot 2: spawning biomass with uncertainty intervals
    if (2 %in% subplots) {
      if (any(uncertainty)) {
        if (verbose) {
          message("subplot 2: spawning biomass with uncertainty intervals")
        if (plot) {
          ymax_vec[2] <- plotSpawnBio(show_uncertainty = TRUE)
        if (print) {
          ymax_vec[2] <- plotSpawnBio(show_uncertainty = TRUE)

    # subplot 3: biomass ratio
    # (hopefully equal to spawning relative spawning biomass)
    if (3 %in% subplots) {
      if (verbose) {
        message("subplot 3: biomass ratio (hopefully equal to fraction of unfished)")
      if (plot) {
        ymax_vec[3] <- plotBratio(show_uncertainty = FALSE)
      if (print) {
        ymax_vec[3] <- plotBratio(show_uncertainty = FALSE)

    # subplot 4: biomass ratio with uncertainty
    if (4 %in% subplots) {
      if (any(uncertainty)) {
        if (verbose) {
          message("subplot 4: biomass ratio with uncertainty")
        if (plot) {
          ymax_vec[4] <- plotBratio(show_uncertainty = TRUE)
        if (print) {
          ymax_vec[4] <- plotBratio(show_uncertainty = TRUE)

    # subplot 5: SPR ratio
    if (5 %in% subplots) {
      if (verbose) {
        message("subplot 5: SPR ratio")
      if (plot) {
        ymax_vec[5] <- plotSPRratio(show_uncertainty = FALSE)
      if (print) {
        ymax_vec[5] <- plotSPRratio(show_uncertainty = FALSE)

    # subplot 6: SPR ratio with uncertainty
    if (6 %in% subplots) {
      if (any(uncertainty)) {
        if (verbose) {
          message("subplot 6: SPR ratio with uncertainty")
        if (plot) {
          ymax_vec[6] <- plotSPRratio(show_uncertainty = TRUE)
        if (print) {
          ymax_vec[6] <- plotSPRratio(show_uncertainty = TRUE)

    # subplot 7: F (harvest rate or fishing mortality, however defined)
    if (7 %in% subplots) {
      if (verbose) {
        message("subplot 7: F value")
      if (plot) {
        ymax_vec[7] <- plotF(show_uncertainty = FALSE)
      if (print) {
        ymax_vec[7] <- plotF(show_uncertainty = FALSE)

    # subplot 8: F (harvest rate or fishing mortality, however defined)
    #            with uncertainty
    if (8 %in% subplots) {
      if (any(uncertainty)) {
        if (verbose) {
          message("subplot 8: F value with uncertainty")
        if (plot) {
          ymax_vec[8] <- plotF(show_uncertainty = TRUE)
        if (print) {
          ymax_vec[8] <- plotF(show_uncertainty = TRUE)

    # subplot 9: recruits
    if (9 %in% subplots) {
      if (verbose) {
        message("subplot 9: recruits")
      if (plot) {
        ymax_vec[9] <- plotRecruits(show_uncertainty = FALSE)
      if (print) {
        ymax_vec[9] <- plotRecruits(show_uncertainty = FALSE)

    # subplot 10: recruits with uncertainty
    if (10 %in% subplots) {
      if (any(uncertainty)) {
        if (verbose) {
          message("subplot 10: recruits with uncertainty")
        if (plot) {
          ymax_vec[10] <- plotRecruits()
        if (print) {
          ymax_vec[10] <- plotRecruits()

    # subplot 11: recruit devs
    if (11 %in% subplots) {
      if (verbose) message("subplot 11: recruit devs")
      if (is.null(recdevs)) {
        message("No recdevs present in the model summary, skipping plot.")
      } else {
        if (plot) {
          ymax_vec[11] <- plotRecDevs(show_uncertainty = FALSE)
        if (print) {
          ymax_vec[11] <- plotRecDevs(show_uncertainty = FALSE)

    # subplot 12: recruit devs with uncertainty
    if (12 %in% subplots) {
      if (any(uncertainty)) {
        if (verbose) {
          message("subplot 12: recruit devs with uncertainty")
        if (plot) {
          ymax_vec[12] <- plotRecDevs()
        if (print) {
          ymax_vec[12] <- plotRecDevs()

    # subplot 13: index fits
    if (13 %in% subplots & !is.null(indices) && nrow(indices) > 0) {
      if (verbose) {
        message("subplot 13: index fits")
      for (iindex in seq_along(indexfleets[[1]])) {
        if (plot) {
          ymax_vec[13] <- plotIndices(log = FALSE, iindex = iindex)
        if (print) {
          ymax_vec[13] <- plotIndices(log = FALSE, iindex = iindex)
      } # end loop over indices to plot
    } # end check for subplot 13

    # subplot 14: index fits on a log scale
    if (14 %in% subplots & !is.null(indices) && nrow(indices) > 0) {
      if (verbose) {
        message("subplot 14: index fits on a log scale")
      for (iindex in seq_along(indexfleets[[1]])) {
        if (plot) {
          ymax_vec[14] <- plotIndices(log = TRUE, iindex = iindex)
        if (print) {
          ymax_vec[14] <- plotIndices(log = TRUE, iindex = iindex)
      } # end loop over indices to plot
    } # end check for subplot 14

    #### unfinished addition of phase plot comparisons
    ## # subplot 15: phase plot
    if (15 %in% subplots) {
      if (verbose) {
        message("subplot 15: phase plot")
      if (plot) {
        ymax_vec[15] <- plotPhase()
      if (print) {
        ymax_vec[15] <- plotPhase()

    # subplot 16 and 17: densities, and cumulative probability plots
    if (16 %in% subplots | 17 %in% subplots) {
      if (any(uncertainty)) {
        if (verbose) {
          message("subplots 16 and 17: densities")
        # look for all parameters or derived quantities matching
        # the input list of names
        expandednames <- NULL
        for (i in seq_along(densitynames)) {
          matchingnames <- c(
            c(pars[["Label"]], quants[["Label"]]),
            fixed = TRUE
          expandednames <- c(expandednames, matchingnames)
        if (length(expandednames) == 0) {
          warning("No parameter/quantity names matching 'densitynames' input.")
        } else {
            "Parameter/quantity names matching 'densitynames' input:\n",
            paste0(expandednames, collapse = ", ")
          ndensities <- length(expandednames)
          # make a table to store associated x-labels
          densitytable <- data.frame(
            name = expandednames,
            label = expandednames,
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE
          if (!is.null(densityxlabs) && length(densityxlabs) == ndensities) {
            densitytable[["label"]] <- densityxlabs
              "  table of parameter/quantity labels with associated",
              " x-axis label:"
          } else {
            if (!is.null(densityxlabs)) {
                "length of 'densityxlabs' doesn't match the number of values ",
                "matching 'densitynames' so parameter labels will be used instead"

          # loop over parameters for densitities
          if (16 %in% subplots) {
            for (iplot in 1:ndensities) {
              # find matching parameter
              name <- densitytable[iplot, 1]
              xlab <- densitytable[iplot, 2]
              # if(verbose) message("  quantity name=",name,"\n",sep="")
              if (plot) {
                ymax_vec[16] <- plotDensities(
                  parname = name, xlab = xlab,
                  denslwd = densitylwd
              if (print) {
                save_png_comparisons(paste("compare16_densities_", name, ".png", sep = ""))
                ymax_vec[16] <- plotDensities(
                  parname = name, xlab = xlab,
                  denslwd = densitylwd
          # loop again for cumulative densities
          if (17 %in% subplots) {
            for (iplot in 1:ndensities) {
              # find matching parameter
              name <- densitytable[iplot, 1]
              xlab <- densitytable[iplot, 2]
              # if(verbose) message("  quantity name=",name,"\n",sep="")
              if (plot) {
                ymax_vec[17] <- plotDensities(
                  parname = name, xlab = xlab,
                  denslwd = densitylwd,
                  cumulative = TRUE
              if (print) {
                save_png_comparisons(paste("compare17_densities_", name, ".png", sep = ""))
                ymax_vec[17] <- plotDensities(
                  parname = name, xlab = xlab,
                  denslwd = densitylwd,
                  cumulative = TRUE

    #### unfinished addition of growth comparisons
    ## # subplot 19: growth, females
    ## if(19 %in% subplots){
    ##   if(verbose) message("subplot 19: growth, females\n")
    ##   if(plot) plotgrowth(sex='f')
    ##   if(print){
    ##     save_png_comparisons("compare19_growth_females.png")
    ##     plotgrowth(sex='f')
    ##     dev.off()
    ##   }
    ## }

    ## # subplot 20: growth, males
    ## if(20 %in% subplots){
    ##   if(verbose) message("subplot 20: growth, males\n")
    ##   if(plot) plotgrowth(sex='m')
    ##   if(print){
    ##     save_png_comparisons("compare20_growth_males.png")
    ##     plotgrowth(sex='m')
    ##     dev.off()
    ##   }
    ## }

    if (pdf) dev.off()
r4ss/r4ss documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:42 a.m.