
readHadISST <- function(path="./trawl/Data/raw_data/HadISST/", Save=F){
	# Read in and trim HadISST (sea surf temp)

	# ==================
	# = Load Libraries =
	# ==================
	# library(raster)
	# library(xts)
	# library(caTools)

	# ===============================
	# = Guess appropriate directory =
	# ===============================
	# if(["sysname"]=="Linux"){
	# 	setwd("~/Documents/School&Work/pinskyPost")
	# }else{
	# 	setwd("~/Documents/School&Work/pinskyPost")
	# }

	# =====================
	# = 1) Read the brick =
	# =====================
	sst000 <- brick(path)

	# =========================
	# = 2) Trim brick by date =
	# =========================
	# Define desired starting and stopping Dates
	startYear <- 1968   # start of the period
	endYear <- 2013     # end of the period
	subp <- '1968-01-01/2012-12-01'   # period for the climatology calculation

	# Define dates in brick
	Date <- substr(names(sst000),2,11) # get brick dates
	Date <- gsub('\\.', '\\-', Date) # format brick dates by replacing "." with "-"
	Date <- as.Date(Date) # format brick dates as a date object

	# Starting date
	dstart.pat <- paste(startYear,'01','[0-9]{2}',sep='-') # define the start date pattern to be used in a regular expression
	dstart <- grep(dstart.pat, as.character(Date)) # find the starting date pattern in the brick dates

	# Ending date
	dend.pat <- paste(endYear,'12','[0-9]{2}',sep='-') #define the end date pattern for the regex
	dend <- grep(dend.pat, Date) # find the ending date pattern in the brick dates

	# Trim by date
	sst00 <- subset(sst000, dstart:dend) # subset the brick to the dates within (inclusively) the start and end dates
	Date <- Date[dstart:dend] # trim the brick dates to match the brick

	# ============================
	# = 3) Trim brick by lat/lon =
	# ============================
	# Do Latitude trimming
	newExtent <- extent(c(-180, 180, 20, 65)) # define the new "extent" for latitude trimming
	sst01 <- crop(sst00, newExtent) # trim latitude

	# Do longitude trimming
	sst02 <- as.array(sst01) # change to array for easy manipulation
	sst02[,1:360,] <- as.array(sst01)[,c(181:360,1:180),] # everything east of the PM, put to the west, yielding WH coords
	sst03 <- brick(sst02, xmn=-360, xmx=0, ymn=20, ymx=65) # convert to a raster brick, defining coordinates
	names(sst03) <- names(sst01) # get old names (dates)
	sst0 <- crop(sst03, extent(c(-190, -40, 20, 65))) # trim longitude

	# ===============================
	# = 4) Convert ice & land to NA =
	# ===============================
	sst <- reclassify(sst0, matrix(c(-1000, -32768, NA, NA), ncol=2))

	# ===================
	# = 5) Annual means =
	# ===================
	sst.ann <- stackApply(sst, indices=rep(1:(dim(sst)[3]/12),each=12), fun=mean)

	# ============================
	# = 6) Grand (temporal) mean =
	# ============================ <- stackApply(sst.ann, indices=rep(1, length(sst.ann)), fun=mean)

	# plot(

	# ================
	# = Save Results =
	# ================
		save(sst, sst.ann,, file="./trawl/Data/HadISST.RData")
rBatt/trawlData documentation built on May 26, 2019, 7:45 p.m.