
Defines functions updateIDs reduceTaxonomy getLineage tax2newick tax2phylo parseNCBITaxonomy getRank getName getID grepName getChildren getParents getAllParents getAncestor get.children get.parents idx2edg edg2idx addNode trimLeaves trimRoot

Documented in edg2idx getAllParents getAncestor get.children getChildren getID getLineage getName get.parents getParents getRank grepName idx2edg parseNCBITaxonomy reduceTaxonomy tax2newick tax2phylo updateIDs

#' ncbitax: a simple NCBI taxonomy parser
#' Similar to functions provided by ape and phylobase,
#' but specific for NCBI Taxonomy. 
#'@author Rainer Machne \email{machne@hhu.de}
#'@docType package
#'@name ncbitax
#'@importFrom utils read.table installed.packages head tail
NULL # this just ends the global package documentation

## similar to functions provided by ape and phylobase,
## but specific for NCBI Taxonomy

## TODO: remove singular root chain
trimRoot <- function(tax, ids) {}

## TODO: cut leaves, where one of the ids
trimLeaves <- function(tree, ids) {}

## TODO: add a node to an existing tree object, get edges via taxonomy
addNode <- function(tree, id, tax) {
  ## add lineage edges via getParents and
  ## check whether children (collapsed singletons!)
  ## exist

#' convert edge table to named parent vector
#' @param edges table with parent and child columns, each row
#' is an edge in a tree
#' @param parentCol column with parents
#' @param childCol column with children
#' @export
edg2idx <- function(edges, parentCol=1, childCol=2) {
    if ( sum(duplicated(edges[,childCol]))>0 )
        stop("duplicated children (DAG) not allowed")

    idx <- as.character(edges[,parentCol])
    names(idx) <- edges[,childCol]
#' convert named parent vector to edge table
#' NOTE: only for trees, does not work for cyclic graphs or DAG.
#' @param idx vector of parents, named by children
#' @export
idx2edg <- function(idx) {
    edges <- matrix(NA, ncol=2, nrow=length(idx))
    cbind(parent=idx, child=names(idx))

#' simple lineage retrieval
#' returns a simple lineage vector
#' @param id a taxon ID
#' @param tax NCBI taxonomy object
#' @param skip edges table to skip: if the node \code{id} is already present,
#' the recursive function is not called
#' @examples
#' get.parents("1148", tax)
#' get.parents("1140", tax)
#' @export
get.parents <- function(id, tax, skip=NULL) {
    if ( id%in%names(tax$parents) & !id%in%skip )

#' simple children retrieval
#' returns a vector of all children
#' @param id a single taxon ID
#' @param tax NCBI taxonomy object
#' @param skip vectors of ids to "skip", if the node 'id' is already
#' present in \code{skip}, the recursive function is not called
#' @examples
#' get.children("1148", tax)
#' @export
get.children <- function(id, tax, skip=NULL) {
  if ( id %in% skip ) return(NULL)
  srtedg <- id
  for ( idx in which(tax$parents==id) ) ## get indices of children
    srtedg <- c(srtedg, get.children(names(tax$parents)[idx],tax, skip=skip))

#' get lowest common ancestor 
#' retrieves the lowest common ancestor
#' @param ids vector of taxon IDs 
#' @param tax NCBI taxonomy object
#' @param root taxon ID of the taxonomic class to be considered as root
#' @param names return taxon names instead of ids
#' @param dbug print debug messages
#' @examples
#' getAncestor(ids=c("1148","1140"), tax)
#' @export
getAncestor <- function(ids, tax, root="1", names=FALSE, dbug=FALSE) {

    anc <- unique(ids)

    ## return if only one node in 'ids'
    if ( length(anc)==1 ) return(anc)

    ## get subtree for only "ids" nodes/leaves
    st <- getAllParents(ids, tax, root=root, dbug=dbug)
    root <- unique(st[!st[,1]%in%st[,2],1])
    if ( length(root)!=1 ) stop("there can only be one root")
    if ( sum(!st[,2]%in% st[,1])==1 ) # all ids in single lineage: get highest
        anc <- ids[ids %in% st[,1]][1]
    else { # several lineages
        ## order 'cladewise'
        tmp <- list()
        tmp$parents <- st[,1]
        names(tmp$parents) <- st[,2] 
        st <- getChildren(root, tmp)
        ## get first branch in 'cladewise' ordered tree (i.e. skip 
        ## singelton chain to root)
        anc <- names(which(table(st[,1])>1)[1])
    if ( names ) getName(anc, tax)
    else anc

#' get common parents for a list of taxon IDs
#' Loops over getParents for severals taxon IDs and avoids multiple
#' lineage retrieval operations by passing already found edges to the
#' \code{skip} option of the recursive function.
## TODO: what is the order of edges returned!?
## TODO: work-horse recursion with storage of prior hits - they only
## speed increase in the whole package happens here -> BETTERER?
#' @param ids vector of taxon IDs 
#' @param tax NCBI taxonomy object
#' @param root taxon ID of the taxonomic class to be considered as root
#' @param names return taxon names instead of ids
#' @param dbug print debug messages
#' @examples
#' getAllParents(c("1148","1140"), tax)
#' @export
getAllParents <- function(ids, tax, root="1", names=FALSE, dbug=FALSE) {

    edges <- NULL
    for ( id in ids ) {
        if ( dbug )
            cat(paste("parents for id", id, ";",
        edges <- rbind(edges,
    if ( names ) getName(edges, tax)
    else edges

#' lineage retrieval 
#' Returns an edge table of the parent lineage until \code{root}.
#' @param id a single taxon ID
#' @param tax NCBI taxonomy object
#' @param root taxon ID of the taxonomic class to be considered as root
#' @param skip edges table to skip, if the node \code{id} is already present,
#' the recursive function is not called (used internally
#' from \code{\link{getAllParents}})
#' @param names return taxon names instead of ids
#' @param verb print progress messages
#' @param dbug print debug messages
#' @examples
#' getParents("1140", tax)
#' getParents("1148", tax, root="1783272")
#' getParents("1048", tax, root="1783272") # root not in lineage!
#' @export
getParents <- function(id, tax, skip=NULL, root="1", names=FALSE,
                       verb=TRUE, dbug=FALSE) {

    ## this occurs e.g. when specifying a "root" that
    ## does not appear in the lineage of "id"
    ## TODO: avoid, or provide better warning?
    if ( !id %in% names(tax$parents) ) {
        if ( id != root )
            warning(paste(id, "not found and skipped.\n"))
        else if ( dbug ) cat(paste("found root\n"))
    ## is id already present?
    if ( id %in% c(skip) ) { #c(skip,names(skip)) ) {
        if ( dbug ) cat(paste(id,"id present.\n"),file=stderr())
    ## new edges, start from id as child
    parent <- tax$parents[names(tax$parents)==id] # tax[tax[,childCol]==id,]
    ## edge list
    nedges <- cbind(parent, names(parent))
    ## check if lineage is already present in 'skip' edges?
    linedone <- parent %in% skip[,2]
    if ( dbug & linedone ) cat(paste(parent,"lineage present.\n"),file=stderr())
    ## recursive parent retrieval until root is reached
    if ( parent != root & !linedone ) 
        nedges <- rbind(getParents(parent, tax,
                                   skip=skip, root=root,dbug=dbug),
    colnames(nedges) <- c("parent","child")

    if ( names ) getName(nedges, tax)
    else nedges

#' get all chilrden of a node
#' Returns edge table of all descendents. Performs
#' a depth-first search thus returns ordered edges
#' (order "cladewise" in package ape).
#' @param id a single taxon ID
#' @param tax NCBI taxonomy object
#' @param names return taxon names instead of ids
#' @export
getChildren <- function(id, tax, names=FALSE) {

    idcs <- which(tax$parent==id)
    srtedg <- NULL ## leave, if no idcs
    ## recursive call for all children
    for ( idx in idcs ) 
        srtedg <- rbind(srtedg,
    if ( names ) getName(srtedg, tax)
    else srtedg

#' find taxon IDs for species name patterns
#' Simply uses base R's \code{\link{grep}} to grep for a
#' name pattern in the official NCBI taxon names and returns
#' all matching taxon IDs as a table with columns ID and name.
#' @param pattern regular expression, see argument \code{pattern}
#' in \code{\link{grep}}
#' @param tax NCBI taxonomy object
#' @param ... arguments to \code{\link{grep}}
#' @examples
#' grepName("Synechocystis", tax)
grepName <- function(pattern, tax, ...) {
    idx <- grep(pattern, tax$names, ...)
    cbind(ID=names(tax$names)[idx], NAME=tax$names[idx])

#' get taxon IDs from taxon names
#' Returns a list or vector of taxon IDs for exact names
#' (in ncbi file \code{names.dmp}), use \code{\link{grepName}}
#' to find IDs from partial names or search patterns.
#' Note that this is an ambiguous mapping, since some
#' names occur multiple times, eg. "Proboscidea" is the
#' name of both a genus of flowering plant and an order
#' containing the elephants, or "Actinobacteria"
#' is a name for both a "class" and a "phylum". If option
#' \code{all} is set to \code{TRUE} multiple occurences
#' will cause the function to return a named list. If set to
#' \code{FALSE} (default), only the first or the last
#' occurences will be reported, depending on option \code{first}, and
#' returned as a named vector.
#' TODO: resolve this ambiguity, eg. by checking the rank
#' and taking the taxon ID with the lowest/highest rank.
#' @param names taxonomy names
#' @param tax NCBI taxonomy object
#' @param all return all matches as a named list, if set to \code{FALSE}
#' only the first/last matches (option \code{first}) will be reported
#' as a vector
#' @param first return the taxon ID for the first (default: \code{TRUE})
#' or last occurence of the name in NCBI file \code{names.dmp}
#' @examples
#' getID(c("Firmicutes","Cyanobacteria"), tax)
#' @export
getID <- function(names, tax, all=TRUE, first=TRUE) {
    ## TODO: catch non-existent!
    ## TODO: FIX RETURN VALUE, list or vector
    multif <- ifelse(first, head, tail) # highest or lowest rank?
    if ( all ) {
        ids <- sapply(names, function(x) names(which(tax$names==x)))
        if ( is.matrix(ids) ) {
            ids <- as.list(as.data.frame(ids))
            ids <- lapply(ids, as.character)
        } else ids <- as.list(ids)
    } else
        ids <- vapply(names, function(x) {
            nms <- names(which(tax$names==x))
            if ( length(nms)==0 ) nms <- nms[1] # NA not accepted in vapply
            else {
                if ( length(nms)>1 )
                    warning(length(nms), " occurences of \"", x,
                            "\", reporting only the ",
                nms <- multif(nms,1)
        }, character(1))

#' gets taxon names from taxon IDs
#' @param ids vector or edge table of taxon IDs 
#' @param tax NCBI taxonomy object
#' @examples
#' getName(c("1148","1140"), tax)
#' @export
getName <- function(ids, tax) {
    if ( class(ids)=="matrix" )
        apply(ids, 2, function(x) tax[["names"]][x])

#' gets taxon ranks from taxon IDs
#' @param ids vector or edge table of taxon IDs 
#' @param tax NCBI taxonomy object
#' @examples
#' getRank(c("1148","1140"), tax)
#' @export
getRank <- function(ids, tax) {
    if ( class(ids)=="matrix" )
        apply(ids, 2, function(x) tax[["rank"]][x])

#' load tbi taxonomy files
#' @param taxd path to unpacked NCBI taxonomy (taxdump.tar.gz)
#' @param names load species names, takes long to load!
#' @param ranks load rank names
#' @param merged load list of merged (outdated) taxon IDs and their replacement
#' @param verb print progress messages
#' @examples
#' taxdb <- "/data/taxonomy/db"
#' tax <- parseNCBITaxonomy(taxdb)
#' @export
parseNCBITaxonomy <- function(taxd, names=TRUE, ranks=TRUE, merged=TRUE,
                              verb=TRUE) {
    ## read NCBI taxonomy
    if ( verb )
        cat(paste("parsing NCBI taxonomy ",
                  " from '",taxd,"'\n",sep=""),file=stderr())
    ## check if read.table is installed, warn otherwise
    fread.available <- is.element("data.table", installed.packages()[,1])
    if ( !fread.available )
        warning("parsing NCBI taxonomy is much faster if package",
                " read.table is installed (fread)")
    taxf <- file.path(taxd, "nodes.dmp")
    if ( fread.available )
        tax <- data.table::fread(taxf,header=FALSE, sep="|",data.table=FALSE)
        tax <- read.table(taxf,header=FALSE, sep="|", comment.char="")
    edges <- cbind(parent=as.character(tax[,2]),child=as.character(tax[,1]))

    ## MAIN EDGE LIST as hash `parent[child]`
    ## TODO: use edg2idx
    parent <- as.character(tax[,2])
    names(parent) <-  tax[,1] 
    ## rm self-references, (in nodes.dmp root is parent of itself)
    parent <- parent[parent!=names(parent)]
    ## get ranks
    rank <- NULL
    if ( ranks ) {
        rank <- gsub("\t","",as.character(tax[,3]))
        names(rank) <- tax[,1] 

    ## parse merged/updated nodes
    mrg <- NULL
    if ( merged ) {
        if ( verb )
            cat(paste("parsing merged/obsolete IDs\n"),file=stderr())
        mrgf <- gsub("nodes","merged",taxf)
        if ( fread.available )
            mrg <- data.table::fread(mrgf,header=FALSE, sep="|",
                                     fill=FALSE,quote ="", data.table=FALSE)
        else mrg <- read.table(mrgf,header=FALSE, sep="|",
                               fill=FALSE,quote ="",comment.char="")
        nms <- mrg[,2]
        names(nms) <- mrg[,1]
        mrg <- nms

    ## TODO: parse deleted nodes

    ## parse species names
    ## this takes long, and is only required to access
    ## names for taxon IDs
    nam <- NULL
    if ( names ) {
        if ( verb )
            cat(paste("parsing scientific names, takes long\n"),file=stderr())
        namf <- gsub("nodes","names",taxf)
        ##fill=T because "line 1979/2105 did not have 5 elements" ??
        ## TODO: does this cause errors??
        if ( fread.available )
            nam <- data.table::fread(namf,header=FALSE, sep="|", fill=TRUE,
                                     quote ="", data.table=FALSE)
            nam <- read.table(namf,header=FALSE, sep="|", fill=TRUE,quote ="",
        nam <- nam[grep("scientific name",nam[,4]),]
        nam <- cbind(as.character(nam[,1]),

        ## replace name table by named vector
        nms <- nam[,2]
        names(nms) <- nam[,1]
        nam <- nms
    ## TODO: order for more efficient searches?
    ## TODO: check class NCBItaxonomy in other functions, or
    ## use as class method for parent/child/ancestor?
    tax <- list(parents=parent, names=nam, rank=rank, merged=mrg)
    class(tax) <- "NCBItaxonomy"

## TODO: phylobase::phylo4 tree
#' converts an NCBI taxonomy object to an \code{ape::phylo} tree
#' Only a sub-tree until \code{root] is returned. Pptionally renames
#' edges to NCBI taxon names
#' @param tax NCBI taxonomy object
#' @param root taxon ID of the taxonomic class to be considered as root
#' @param names replace taxon IDs by names
#' @param order order edges, required for attribute "cladewise" of
#' the returned \code{ape::phylo} tree
#' @examples
#' phy <- tax2phylo(tax, root="1890428", order=TRUE, names=TRUE)
#' ape::plot.phylo(phy)
#' @export
tax2phylo <- function(tax, root="1", names=FALSE, order=FALSE) {

    ## get edges table
    ## order edges 'cladewise' (ape, eq. to 'preorder' in phylobase)
    ## by depth-first search
    if ( order ) edges <- getChildren(root,tax=tax)
    else edges <- cbind(tax$parents, names(tax$parents))
    colnames(edges) <- c("parent","child")
    ## map edges to node and leave vectors
    inodes <- edges[which(edges[,"child"]  %in% edges[,"parent"]),"child"]
    leaves <- edges[which(!edges[,"child"]%in% edges[,"parent"]),"child"]
    allnodes <- 1:(length(inodes)+length(leaves)+1)
    ## order: leaves, root, internal nodes
    names(allnodes) <- c(leaves,root,inodes)
    edges <- cbind(parent=allnodes[edges[,"parent"]],
    rownames(edges) <- names(inodes) <- names(leaves) <- NULL
    ## set node names
    lnames <- leaves
    names(lnames) <- leaves
    nnames <- inodes
    names(nnames) <- inodes
    rname <- root
    ## replace ID by node names
    if ( names ) {
        nnames[inodes] <- tax$names[as.character(inodes)]
        lnames[leaves] <- tax$names[as.character(leaves)]
        rname <-  tax$names[as.character(root)]
    ## generate phylo object (package ape)
    ## 1) full tree with internal node
    ## order: leaves; root, internal nodes
    tree <- list(edge=edges,
                 Nnode=length(c(root,inodes)), tip.label=lnames,
                 edge.length=rep(1,nrow(edges)), node.label=c(rname,nnames))
    class(tree) <- "phylo"
    if ( order ) 
        attributes(tree)$order <- "cladewise"

#' convert NCBI taxonomy sub trees to newick format
#' @param ids vector of taxon IDs 
#' @param tax NCBI taxonomy object
#' @param names replace taxon IDs with names
#' @param full if  \code{TRUE} \code{singleton} nodes with only
#' one child will NOT be collapsed
#' @param ranks add rank information for nodes
#' @param verb print progress messages
#' @param dbug print debug messages
#' @examples
#' new <- tax2newick(ids=c("1148","1140"), tax=tax, names=TRUE)
#' @export
tax2newick <- function(ids, tax, names=FALSE, full=FALSE,ranks=FALSE,
                       verb=FALSE, dbug=FALSE) {

    if ( missing(ids) ) stop("No IDs provided!\n")
    if ( missing(tax) ) stop("No NCBI taxonomy provided!\n")

    ## read NCBI taxonomy
    if ( typeof(tax)=="character" )
        tax <- parseNCBITaxonomy(tax, names=names, verb=verb,ranks=ranks)

    if ( verb ) cat(paste("collecting lineages, may take long!",
                          length(ids), "taxa ..."),file=stderr())
    ## collect parent lineages for all IDs
    edges <- getAllParents(ids, tax, root="1",dbug=dbug)
    ## are there still duplicated?
    if ( sum(duplicated(edges[,"child"]))>0 )
        stop("duplicated edges found; should not happen!?")
    ##edges <- edges[!duplicated(edges[,"child"]),]
    if ( verb )
        cat(paste(" ... done. Sorting",nrow(edges),"edges and",
                  "creating phylo object ...\n"),file=stderr())
    ## find root - there can only be one, it should be "1" for NCBI!
    ## TODO: stop or allow multiple?
    root <- unique(edges[which(!edges[,"parent"] %in%

    ## convert named edges to phylo object!
    pars <- edges[,1]
    names(pars) <- edges[,2]
    tmp <- list()
    tmp$parents <- pars
    tmp$names <- tax$names
    tree <- tax2phylo(tax=tmp, root=root, names=names, order=TRUE) 
    ## collapse 'singleton nodes' with only one child
    if ( !full ) {
        if ( verb ) cat(paste("done. collapsing singletons!\n"),file=stderr())
        tree <- ape::collapse.singles(tree)
    ## TODO: is this redundant by getChildren reordering?
    ## problem: reorder.phylo can't allocate too big vector!! 16.0 Gb WHY?
    ##tree <- reorder.phylo(tree,"cladewise") 
    if ( verb ) cat(paste("done!\n"),file=stderr())
    list(tree=tree, rank=tax$rank)

#' get NCBI taxonomy rank lineages
#' Returns a table with taxonomic lineages at the requested
#' rank levels. A wrapper around \code{\link{getAllParents}}.
#' @param ids vector of taxon IDs 
#' @param tax NCBI taxonomy object
#' @param ranks vector of ranks to retrieve
#' @param names return taxon names instead of ids
#' @param reduce call \code{\link{reduceTaxonomy}} before search; untested
#' but this makes subsequent search faster by using \code{\link{getAllParents}}
#' first to reduce taxonomy to sub-tree for \code{ids}
#' @examples
#' getLineage(c("1148","1140"), tax, names=TRUE,
#'          ranks=c("superkingdom","phylum","species"))
#' @export
getLineage <- function(ids, tax, ranks=c("phylum","species"),
                       names=FALSE, reduce=FALSE) {
    ## make sure to handle these as characters
    ids <- as.character(ids)

    ## remove non-present IDs
    na <-!ids%in%names(tax$parents)
    if ( sum(na)>0 )
        warning(sum(na), " IDs not found in tree: ",
                paste(ids[na], collapse=";"))

    if ( reduce )
        tax <- reduceTaxonomy(ids, tax)
    ## TODO: more efficient while loop that ends at highest rank!
    ## TODO: call getAllParents for multiple txids to reduce tree,
    ## then use this edge list below
    all <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(ids), ncol=length(ranks))
    all[!na,] <- t(sapply(ids[!na], function(id) {
        ## get complete lineage
        ## TODO: make this more efficient for similar taxa!
        lineage <- getParents(id, tax=tax)
        ## get ranks of lineage
        rnks <- tax$rank[c(lineage[,1],id)]
        ## look for requested ranks and return
        ares <- rep(NA, length(ranks))
        names(ares) <- ranks
        res <- unlist(sapply(ranks, function(x) names(rnks[rnks==x])))
        ridx <- names(res)
        if ( names )
            res <- tax[["names"]][res]
        ares[ridx] <- res
    colnames(all) <- ranks

#' reduced taxonomy tree for faster searches
#' This reduces the full NCBI taxonomy to the subset
#' containing all taxons in \code{ids}. This makes all
#' subsequent searches much faster.
#' @param ids vector of taxon IDs 
#' @param tax NCBI taxonomy object
#' @examples
#' rtax <- reduceTaxonomy(c("1148","1140"), tax)
#' lapply(tax, length)
#' lapply(rtax, length)
#' @export
reduceTaxonomy <- function(ids, tax) {

    ## exception: call updateIDs here, since it would
    ## hamper all subsequent searches to loose outdated/merged IDs here
    ids <- updateIDs(ids, tax)

    ## get all parents up to root
    pars <- getAllParents(ids, tax, root="1")

    ## generate reduced taxonomy object
    rtax <- tax

    ## edge list: named vector parent[child]
    rtax$parents <- pars[,1]
    names(rtax$parents) <- pars[,2]
    ## scientific names
    if ( "names" %in% names(tax) )
        rtax$names <- rtax$names[c(pars)] #[c(pars)%in%names(rtax$names)]
    if ( "rank" %in% names(tax) )
        rtax$rank <- rtax$rank[c(pars)] #[c(pars)%in%names(rtax$names)]

    ## but keep full merged list!
    class(rtax) <- "NCBItaxonomy"

#' update a list of taxonomy IDs
#' Looks in merged node list from file \code{merged.dmp}, whether
#' the passed \code{ids} have been replaced (merged) and returns
#' a list of updated (where in merged) ids.
#' It is recommended to run this on all IDs before using other
#' functions of this package!
#' @param ids vector of taxon IDs
#' @param tax NCBI taxonomy object
#' @param verb print progress messages
updateIDs <- function(ids, tax, verb=TRUE) {

    ## update all available
    idx <- which(ids%in%names(tax$merged))
    if ( verb & length(idx)>0 )
        cat(paste("updating", length(idx), "IDs\n"))
    if ( length(idx)>0 )
        ids[idx] <- tax$merged[ids[idx]]
raim/ncbitax documentation built on Aug. 6, 2020, 7:29 a.m.