
Defines functions getMSPlotData makeVennPlot getBrewerPal saveRCDKStructure getRCDKStructurePlot

# based on http://www.cureffi.org/2013/09/23/a-quick-intro-to-chemical-informatics-in-r/
getRCDKStructurePlot <- function(molecule, width = 500, height = 500, trim = TRUE, transparent = TRUE)
    # drawing unconnected is not supported. Assume these are salts and we can just draw largest instead
    # UNDONE: is this still relevant?
    # if (!is.connected(molecule))
    #     molecule <- get.largest.component(molecule)
    img <- rcdk::view.image.2d(molecule, rcdk::get.depictor(width, height)) # get Java representation into an image matrix.
    img <- magick::image_read(img)
    if (!isEmptyMol(molecule))
        if (trim)
            img <- magick::image_trim(img)
        if (transparent)
            img <- magick::image_transparent(img, "white")

saveRCDKStructure <- function(molecule, format, out, width = 500L, height = 500L, transparent = TRUE)
    if (!"fillToFit" %in% formalArgs(rcdk::get.depictor))
        stopifnot(format == "svg")
        # HACK: until https://github.com/CDK-R/cdkr/pull/142 is merged we fallback to some direct CDK hackery
        depg <- rJava::.jnew("org/openscience/cdk/depict/DepictionGenerator")
        depg <- rJava::.jcall(depg, "Lorg/openscience/cdk/depict/DepictionGenerator;", "withZoom", 1.3)
        depg <- rJava::.jcall(depg, "Lorg/openscience/cdk/depict/DepictionGenerator;", "withSize", as.numeric(width),
        depg <- rJava::.jcall(depg, "Lorg/openscience/cdk/depict/DepictionGenerator;", "withFillToFit")
        depg <- rJava::.jcall(depg, "Lorg/openscience/cdk/depict/DepictionGenerator;", "withAtomColors")
        dep <- rJava::.jcall(depg, "Lorg/openscience/cdk/depict/Depiction;", "depict", molecule)
        cat(dep$toSvgStr(), file = out)    
        dep <- rcdk::get.depictor(width, height, style = "cow", fillToFit = TRUE)
        mi <- rJava::.jnew("org/guha/rcdk/view/MoleculeImage", molecule, dep)
        writeBin(rJava::.jcall(mi, "[B", "getBytes", as.integer(width), as.integer(height), format), out)
    if (transparent)
        # HACK: make it transparent
        lines <- readLines(out)
        lines <- sub("fill='#FFFFFF'", "fill='none'", lines)
        writeLines(lines, out)

getBrewerPal <- function(n, name)
    maxn <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info[name, "maxcolors"]
    if (n > maxn)
        return(colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(maxn, name))(n))
    if (n < 3)
        return(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, name)[seq_len(n)])
    return(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n, name))

makeVennPlot <- function(plotObjects, categories, areas, intersectFunc,
                         intersectLenFunc, ...)
    nobj <- length(plotObjects)
    areas <- unname(areas) # do.call below won't work with names
    if (all(areas == 0))
        stop("Cannot plot Venn when all objects are empty")
    fill <- getBrewerPal(nobj, "Paired")
    vennArgs <- list(category = categories, lty = rep("blank", nobj), alpha = rep(0.5, nobj),
                     cex = 1.5, cat.cex = 1.5, fill = fill)
    vennArgs <- modifyList(vennArgs, list(...))
    getIntersectCounts <- function(inters) sapply(inters,
                                                  function(i) intersectLenFunc(Reduce(intersectFunc, plotObjects[i])))
    grid::grid.newpage() # need to clear plot region manually
    # plot.new()
    if (nobj == 1)
        gRet <- do.call(VennDiagram::draw.single.venn, c(list(area = areas), vennArgs))
        icounts <- numeric()
    else if (nobj == 2)
        icounts <- getIntersectCounts(list(c(1, 2)))
        gRet <- do.call(VennDiagram::draw.pairwise.venn,
                        c(areas, icounts, list(rotation.degree = if (areas[1] < areas[2]) 180 else 0), vennArgs))
    else if (nobj == 3)
        icounts <- getIntersectCounts(list(c(1, 2), c(2, 3), c(1, 3), c(1, 2, 3)))
        gRet <- do.call(VennDiagram::draw.triple.venn, c(areas, icounts, vennArgs))
    else if (nobj == 4)
        icounts <- getIntersectCounts(list(c(1, 2), c(1, 3), c(1, 4), c(2, 3), c(2, 4), c(3, 4),
                                           c(1, 2, 3), c(1, 2, 4), c(1, 3, 4), c(2, 3, 4), c(1, 2, 3, 4)))
        gRet <- do.call(VennDiagram::draw.quad.venn, c(areas, icounts, vennArgs))
    else if (nobj == 5)
        icounts <- getIntersectCounts(list(c(1, 2), c(1, 3), c(1, 4), c(1, 5), c(2, 3), c(2, 4), c(2, 5), c(3, 4),
                                           c(3, 5), c(4, 5), c(1, 2, 3), c(1, 2, 4), c(1, 2, 5), c(1, 3, 4), c(1, 3, 5),
                                           c(1, 4, 5), c(2, 3, 4), c(2, 3, 5), c(2, 4, 5), c(3, 4, 5),
                                           c(1, 2, 3, 4), c(1, 2, 3, 5), c(1, 2, 4, 5), c(1, 3, 4, 5), c(2, 3, 4, 5),
                                           c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)))
        gRet <- do.call(VennDiagram::draw.quintuple.venn, c(areas, icounts, vennArgs))
    invisible(list(gList = gRet, areas = areas, intersectionCounts = icounts))

getMSPlotData <- function(spec, marklwd, markWhich = NULL)
    hasFragInfo <- !is.null(spec[["ion_formula"]])
    plotData <- copy(spec)
    # default colour/line width
    plotData[, c("colour", "lwd", "legend") := .("grey", 1, "unassigned")]
    if (is.null(markWhich))
        markWhich <- if (hasFragInfo) which(plotData$annotated) else seq_len(nrow(plotData))
        markWhich <- plotData[mergedBy %in% markWhich, which = TRUE]
    if (!is.null(spec[["mergedBy"]]))
        plotData[nzchar(mergedBy) & !is.na(mergedBy), legend := sapply(mergedBy, wrapStr, width = 10)]
        plotData[markWhich, lwd := marklwd]
        mbsUnique <- unique(plotData$legend)
        # order from small to big based on number of commas
        mbsUnique <- mbsUnique[order(sapply(mbsUnique, countCharInStr, ch = ",", USE.NAMES = FALSE))]
        mbCombCols <- setNames(getBrewerPal(length(mbsUnique), "Paired"), mbsUnique)
        plotData[, colour := mbCombCols[match(legend, mbsUnique)]]
    else if (hasFragInfo)
        plotData[markWhich, c("colour", "lwd", "legend") := .("blue", marklwd, "assigned")] # nothing merged, just mark all annotated blue
    # mark precursor
    plotData[precursor == TRUE, c("colour", "lwd", "legend") := .("red", marklwd, "precursor")]

makeScoresPlot <- function(scoreTable, mcn)
    scores <- setnames(transpose(scoreTable), "score")
    scores[, type := names(scoreTable)]
    scores <- scores[!is.na(score)]
    if (length(mcn) > 1)
        scores[, merged := "consensus"]
        for (n in mcn)
            withM <- which(grepl(paste0("-", n), scores[["type"]], fixed = TRUE))
            set(scores, withM, "merged", n)
            set(scores, withM, "type", gsub(paste0("-", n), "", scores[["type"]][withM]))
    isMerged <- length(mcn) > 1 && uniqueN(scores$merged) > 1
    oldp <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    maxStrW <- max(strwidth(unique(scores$type), units = 'in', cex = 0.9)) + 0.5
    omai <- par("mai")
    par(mai = c(maxStrW, 0.5, omai[3], 0))
    if (isMerged)
        cols <- getBrewerPal(length(unique(scores$merged)), "Paired")
        cols <- getBrewerPal(nrow(scores), "Paired")
    bpargs <- list(las = 2, col = cols, border = cols, cex.axis = 0.9, xpd = TRUE)
    if (isMerged)
        scSplit <- split(scores, by = "type", keep.by = FALSE)
        scSplit <- sapply(names(scSplit), function(mb) setnames(scSplit[[mb]], "score", mb), simplify = FALSE) # assign column names
        plotTab <- Reduce(function(left, right)
            merge(left, right, by = "merged", all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
        }, scSplit)
        makeLegend <- function(x, y, ...) legend(x, y, unique(plotTab$merged), col = cols, lwd = 1, xpd = NA, ncol = 1,
                                                 cex = 0.75, bty = "n", ...)
        # auto legend positioning: https://stackoverflow.com/a/34624632/9264518
        leg <- makeLegend(0, 0, plot = FALSE)
        lw <- (grconvertX(leg$rect$w, to = "ndc") - grconvertX(0, to = "ndc"))
        par(omd = c(0, 1 - lw, 0, 1), new = TRUE)
        bpvals <- as.matrix(plotTab[, -"merged"])
        bp <- do.call(barplot, c(list(bpvals, beside = TRUE), bpargs))
        bpsc <- as.vector(bpvals)
        makeLegend(par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4])
        bp <- do.call(barplot, c(list(scores$score, names.arg = scores$type), bpargs))
        bpsc <- scores$score
    text(bp, bpsc, labels = round(bpsc, 2), pos = 3, cex = 0.8, xpd = TRUE)

# spec may be annotated
makeMSPlot <- function(plotData, mincex, xlim, ylim, ylab = "Intensity", ..., mol = NULL, maxMolSize, molRes)
    if (is.null(xlim))
        xlim <- range(plotData$mz) * c(0.9, 1.1)
        plotData <- plotData[numGTE(mz, xlim[1]) & numLTE(mz, xlim[2])] # remove any peaks outside plotting range
        if (nrow(plotData) == 0)
    doLegend <- !is.null(plotData[["legend"]]) && any(!is.na(plotData[["legend"]]) & nzchar(plotData[["legend"]]))
    if (doLegend)
        makeLegend <- function(x, y, ...)
            legTab <- unique(plotData, by = "legend")[!is.na(legend)]
            # order from small to big based on number of commas
            legTab <- legTab[order(sapply(legTab$legend, countCharInStr, ch = ",", USE.NAMES = FALSE))]
            legend(x, y, legTab$legend, col = legTab$colour, xpd = NA, bty = "n",
                   text.col = legTab$colour, lty = 1, cex = 0.75, ...)
        leg <- makeLegend(0, 0, plot = FALSE)
        lw <- grconvertX(leg$rect$w, to = "ndc") - grconvertX(0, to = "ndc")
        oldp <- par(omd = c(0, 1 - lw, 0, 1), new = TRUE)
    if (is.null(ylim))
        expand <- if (!is.null(mol))
        else if (!is.null(plotData[["ion_formula"]]) && any(!is.na(plotData$ion_formula)))
        if (min(plotData$intensity) < 0) # mirror plot?
            # extend both vertical directions 
            if (max(plotData$intensity) > 0)
                ylim <- range(plotData$intensity) * expand
            else # only bottom plot
                ylim <- c(min(plotData$intensity), abs(min(plotData$intensity)))
            ylim <- if (nrow(plotData) > 1)
                c(0, max(plotData$intensity))
            ylim <- ylim * c(1, expand)

    ticks <- pretty(c(-plotData$intensity, plotData$intensity))
    plot(0, xlab = "m/z", ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, yaxt = "n", type = "n", bty = "l", ...)
    segments(plotData[["mz"]], 0, plotData[["mz"]], plotData[["intensity"]], col = plotData[["colour"]],
             lwd = plotData[["lwd"]])

    axis(2, at = ticks, labels = abs(ticks))
    if (min(plotData$intensity) < 0) # add horizontal line for mirror plots
        abline(h = 0, col = "darkgrey")
    annPlotData <- NULL
    if (!is.null(plotData[["ion_formula"]]))
        annPlotData <- plotData[!is.na(ion_formula)]
        if (nrow(annPlotData) > 0)
            formsSub <- subscriptFormula(annPlotData$ion_formula)
            calcFormHeights <- function(cex)
                # get widths in inches which are device/direction independent
                formWidths <- strwidth(formsSub, cex = cex, units = "inch")
                # labels are rotated 90 deg: convert widths to heights
            curcex <- par("cex")
            formHeights <- calcFormHeights(curcex)
            totHeights <- abs(annPlotData$intensity) + formHeights
            # use formula text height from highest total height 
            maxFormHeight <- formHeights[which.max(totHeights)]
            # how high the text can be depends on ylim (+some spacing)
            maxHeight <- min(abs(ylim[1] - min(annPlotData$intensity)),
                             ylim[2] - max(annPlotData$intensity)) * 0.98
            # scale cex if necessary
            cex <- max(min(curcex, curcex * (maxHeight / maxFormHeight)), mincex)
            if (cex > 0)
                formHeights <- calcFormHeights(cex) # update with new cex
                yoffsets <- ylim[2] * 0.02
                yoffsets <- ifelse(annPlotData$intensity < 0, -(yoffsets + formHeights), yoffsets)
                text(annPlotData$mz, annPlotData$intensity + yoffsets, formsSub, srt = 90, adj = 0, cex = cex)
                annPlotData[, formHeight := formHeights]
                annPlotData[, formHeight := 0]
    if (doLegend)
        makeLegend(par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4])
    # draw structure
    if (!is.null(mol))
        img <- getRCDKStructurePlot(mol[[1]], molRes[1], molRes[2])
        dpi <- (par("cra")/par("cin"))[1]
        xl <- par("usr")[2]
        yl <- par("usr")[4]
        imgInfo <- magick::image_info(img)
        imgPlotW <- xinch(imgInfo$width / dpi)
        imgPlotH <- yinch(imgInfo$height / dpi)
        maxW <- maxMolSize[1] * xl
        if (imgPlotW > maxW)
            hresize <- imgPlotW / maxW
            imgPlotH <- imgPlotH / hresize
            imgPlotW <- maxW
        # offset a little
        startx <- par("usr")[1] + 0.01 * xl
        yl <- yl * 0.99
        # calculate available height
        pd <- plotData[numGTE(mz, startx) & numLTE(mz, startx + imgPlotW)]
        availHeight <- ylim[2] - if(nrow(pd) > 0) max(pd$intensity) else 0
        if (!is.null(annPlotData))
            # also take annotations into account
            pd <- annPlotData[numGTE(mz, startx) & numLTE(mz, startx + imgPlotW)]
            if (nrow(pd) > 0)
                availHeight <- min(availHeight, ylim[2] - max(pd$intensity + pd$formHeight))

        maxH <- min(maxMolSize[2] * yl, availHeight)
        if (maxH > 0)
            if (imgPlotH > maxH)
                wresize <- imgPlotH / maxH
                imgPlotW <- imgPlotW / wresize
                imgPlotH <- maxH
            rasterImage(img, startx, yl - imgPlotH, startx + imgPlotW, yl)

getMSPlotDataOverlay <- function(specs, mirror, normalize, marklwd, markWhich)
    specs <- lapply(specs, copy)
    if (normalize)
        specs <- lapply(specs, function(sp) sp[, intensity := normalize(intensity, minMax = FALSE)])
    if (mirror && length(specs) == 2)
        specs[[2]][, intensity := -intensity]
    combinedSpec <- rbindlist(specs, fill = TRUE) # columns may be different due to fragInfos
    setorderv(combinedSpec, "intensity")
    plotData <- getMSPlotData(combinedSpec, marklwd, markWhich)

makeMSPlotOverlay <- function(plotData, title, mincex, xlim, ylim, ..., mol = NULL, maxMolSize = NULL,
                              molRes = NULL)
    makeMSPlot(plotData, mincex, xlim, ylim, ylab = "Normalized intensity",
               main = title, ..., mol = mol, maxMolSize = maxMolSize, molRes = molRes)

plotDendroWithClusters <- function(dendro, ct, pal, colourBranches, showLegend, ...)
    if (colourBranches)
        ct <- ct[order.dendrogram(dendro)] # re-order for dendrogram
        nclust <- length(unique(ct[ct != 0])) # without unassigned (in case of dynamicTreeCut)
        cols <- getBrewerPal(nclust, pal)
        dendro <- dendextend::color_branches(dendro, clusters = ct, col = cols[unique(ct)]) # unique: fixup colour order
        lcols <- dendextend::get_leaves_branches_col(dendro)
        dendextend::labels_colors(dendro) <- lcols
    if (colourBranches && showLegend)
        mr <- par("mar")
        mr[4] <- max(5.5, mr[4])
        withr::with_par(list(mar = mr),
                            plot(dendro, ...)
                            legend("topright", legend = seq_len(nclust),
                                   bty = "n", cex = 1, fill = cols, inset = c(-0.22, 0), xpd = NA,
                                   ncol = 2, title = "cluster")
        plot(dendro, ...)

doPlotSilhouettes <- function(clust, distm, kSeq, pch = 16, type = "b", ...)
    if (length(distm) == 1)
        stop("Need >2 clustered compounds")
    meanws <- sapply(kSeq, function(k)
        sil <- silhouette(cutree(clust, k = k), distm)
    plot(x = kSeq, y = meanws, pch = pch, type = type, xaxt = "none",
         xlab = "cluster k", ylab = "mean silhouette width", ...)
    axis(1, kSeq)
    abline(v = kSeq[which.max(meanws)], lty = 2)

textPlot <- function(txt)
    withr::with_par(list(mar = c(0, 2, 0, 0)), {
        plot(1:10, 1:10, ann = FALSE, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "n", adj = 1, bty = "n") # empty dummy plot
        text(1, 5, txt, adj = 0, cex = 0.8)

noDataPlot <- function() textPlot("no data to plot")

doPlotFeatInts <- function(obj, average, normalized, xnames, showLegend, pch, type, lty, col, plotArgs, linesArgs,
    if (xnames && doSets)
        xnames <- FALSE
        warning("xnames option is ignored if sets=TRUE", call. = FALSE)
    if (length(obj) == 0)
    snames <- if (average) replicateGroups(obj) else analyses(obj)
    tab <- transpose(as.data.table(obj, average = average, normalized = normalized)[, snames, with = FALSE])
    if (doSets)
        anaInfo <- analysisInfo(obj)
        anaSets <- if (average) anaInfo[match(replicateGroups(obj), anaInfo$group), "set"] else anaInfo$set
    if (is.null(col))
        if (doSets)
            col <- colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Paired"))(length(sets(obj)))
            col <- colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Paired"))(length(tab))
    oldp <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    if (showLegend)
        legN <- if (doSets) sets(obj) else names(obj)
        makeLegend <- function(x, y, ...)
            return(legend(x, y, legN, col = col, pch = pch, text.col = col, xpd = NA, ncol = 1,
                          cex = 0.75, bty = "n", ...))
        leg <- makeLegend(0, 0, plot = FALSE)
        lw <- (grconvertX(leg$rect$w, to = "ndc") - grconvertX(0, to = "ndc"))
        par(omd = c(0, 1 - lw, 0, 1), new = TRUE)
    maxX <- if (doSets) max(table(anaSets)) else length(snames)
    do.call(plot, c(list(x = c(0, maxX), y = c(0, max(tab)), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "Intensity", xaxt = "n"),
    if (xnames)
        axis(1, seq_len(maxX), snames, las = 2)
        axis(1, seq_len(maxX), seq_len(maxX))
    makeLine <- function(y, col) do.call(lines, c(list(x = seq_along(y), y = y, type = type, pch = pch, lty = lty,
                                                       col = col), linesArgs))
    for (i in seq_along(tab))
        if (doSets)
            for (s in seq_along(sets(obj)))
                makeLine(tab[[i]][anaSets == sets(obj)[s]], col[s])
            makeLine(tab[[i]], col[i])
    if (showLegend)
        makeLegend(par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4])

withSVGLite <- withr::with_(function(file, ...) svglite::svglite(file, ...), function(old) dev.off())

doPlotHeaders <- function(obj, what = "tic", retentionRange, MSLevel, retMin = FALSE, title = NULL, 
                          colourBy = c("none", "analyses", "rGroups"), showLegend = TRUE, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, ...)
    ac <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
    checkmate::assertString(title, null.ok = TRUE, add = ac)
    colourBy <- checkmate::matchArg(colourBy, c("none", "analyses", "rGroups"), add = ac)
    assertXYLim(xlim, ylim, add = ac)
    if (showLegend && colourBy == "none")
        showLegend <- FALSE
    if ("tic" %in% what)
        data <- getTICs(obj, retentionRange, MSLevel)
    else if ("bpc" %in% what)
        data <- getBPCs(obj, retentionRange, MSLevel)
        data <- data.table()
    if (nrow(data) == 0)
    obj <- obj[obj$analysis %chin% unique(data$analysis), ]
    anas <- obj$analysis
    anaCount <- length(anas)
    replicates <- unique(obj$group)
    if (colourBy == "rGroups")
        PlotColors <- colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Paired"))(length(replicates))
        names(PlotColors) <- replicates
    else if (colourBy == "analyses")
        PlotColors <- colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Paired"))(anaCount)
        names(PlotColors) <- anas
        PlotColors <- "blue"
    fillColors <- adjustcolor(PlotColors, alpha.f = 0.35)
    names(fillColors) <- names(PlotColors)
    if (is.null(xlim))
        xlim <- c(min(data$ret), max(data$ret))
    if (is.null(ylim))
        plotIntMax <- max(data$intensity)
        ylim <- c(0, plotIntMax * 1.1)
    if (is.null(title))
        if (anaCount == 1)
            title <- sprintf("Analysis '%s'", anas[1])
            title <- sprintf("%d analyses", anaCount)
    if (showLegend)
        makeLegend <- function(x, y, ...)
            texts <- if (colourBy == "rGroups") replicates else anas
            return(legend(x, y, texts, col = PlotColors[texts],
                          text.col = PlotColors[texts], lty = 1,
                          xpd = NA, ncol = 1, cex = 0.75, bty = "n", ...))
        leg <- makeLegend(0, 0, plot = FALSE)
        lw <- (grconvertX(leg$rect$w, to = "ndc") - grconvertX(0, to = "ndc"))
        lw <- min(lw, 0.5) # don't make it too wide
        withr::local_par(list(omd = c(0, 1 - lw, 0, 1), new = TRUE))
    plot(0, type = "n", main = title, xlab = sprintf("Retention time (%s)", if (retMin) "min." else "sec."),
         ylab = "Intensity", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)
    effectiveXlim <- par("usr")[c(1, 2)]
    effectiveYlim <- par("usr")[c(3, 4)]
    for (ana in anas)
        anadt <- data[analysis %in% ana, ]
        if (nrow(anadt) == 0)
        if (colourBy == "rGroups")
            colInd <- obj$group[match(ana, obj$analysis)]
        else if (colourBy == "analyses")
            colInd <- ana
            colInd <- 1
        points(if (retMin) anadt$ret / 60 else anadt$ret, anadt$intensity, type = "l", col = PlotColors[colInd])
    if (showLegend)
        makeLegend(par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4])
rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on April 25, 2024, 8:15 a.m.