
Defines functions `force.jitter.ChromatogramFit.sequences` `deconvoluteChromatogram` `modelBlendChromatogram` `modelFitChromatogram` `genSA.Chromatogram.residual` `syntheticTraceVector` `syntheticTraceMatrix` `subtractChromatogram` `syntheticChromatogram` `standardizeChromatogram` `medianChromatogramPeakSeparation`

# chromatogramModeling.R -- pieces to do modeling of chromatograms

`medianChromatogramPeakSeparation` <- function( chromoObj) {

	# measure the separation between peak tops
	sep <- median( diff( chromoObj$PeakPosition), na.rm=T)
	# don't let a falsely too small value get returned
	out <- max( sep, 5)

`standardizeChromatogram` <- function( chromoObj, peak.sep=11, call.Ns=TRUE, constant.height=FALSE) {

	# turn the chromatogram into a uniform set of fixed width peaks
	# so we can add/model between multiple chromatograms
	# allow being given a filename
	if ( is.character(chromoObj) && file.exists( chromoObj[1])) {
		chromoObj <- loadChromatogram( chromoObj)
	traceIn <- chromoObj$TraceM
	peaksIn <- chromoObj$PeakPosition
	NP <- length( peaksIn)
	callsIn <- names(peaksIn)
	if ( NP < 3) return(NULL)

	peak.sep <- abs( as.integer( peak.sep))
	half.width <- max( floor( peak.sep/2), 1)

	# make new storage to hold these peaks
	traceSizeOut <- NP * peak.sep
	traceOut <- matrix( 0, nrow=traceSizeOut, ncol=4)
	colnames(traceOut) <- colnames(traceIn)
	# hard code their new true center locations
	peaksOut <- seq( half.width+1, traceSizeOut, by=peak.sep)
	names(peaksOut) <- callsOut <- callsIn

	obsHeight <- vector()

	# we we will step along, and interpolate as needed to fill in the new data
	for ( i in 1:NP) {
		# make the set of indices in both systems for the region centered on one peak, 
		# and out +/- 1 peak in both directions.  Units are center peak at zero.
		centerIn <- peaksIn[i]
		leftIn <- if (i > 1) peaksIn[i-1] else 1
		rightIn <- if (i < NP) peaksIn[i+1] else nrow(traceIn)
		pointsIn <- (leftIn : rightIn) - centerIn
		centerOut <- peaksOut[i]
		leftOut <- if (i > 1) peaksOut[i-1] else 1
		rightOut <- if (i < NP) peaksOut[i+1] else nrow(traceOut)
		pointsOut <- (leftOut : rightOut) - centerOut

		# when these are perfect match, no interpolation is needed
		if ( length(pointsIn) == length(pointsOut)) {
			for ( j in 1:4) {
				vIn <- traceIn[ leftIn:rightIn, j]
				traceOut[ leftOut:rightOut, j] <- pmax( traceOut[leftOut:rightOut,j] , vIn)
		} else {
			# interpolate
			scaleLeft <- min(pointsOut) / min(pointsIn)
			scaleRight <- max(pointsOut) / max(pointsIn)
			xxScaledLeft <- pointsIn[ pointsIn < 0] * scaleLeft
			xxScaledRight <- pointsIn[ pointsIn > 0] * scaleRight
			xx <- c( xxScaledLeft, 0, xxScaledRight)
			# may be small chance of raondoff error at the edges...  Force perfect
			xx[1] <- round( xx[1])
			xx[length(xx)] <- round( xx[length(xx)])
			# now we have what we need to do spline interpolation
			for ( j in 1:4) {
				vIn <- traceIn[ leftIn:rightIn, j]
				splineAns <- spline( xx, vIn, xout=pointsOut)
				traceOut[ leftOut:rightOut, j] <- pmax( traceOut[leftOut:rightOut,j] , splineAns$y)

		# tally the observed volume under each peak, in case we will scale to constant volume later
		useHalf <- max( 1, half.width-1)
		obsHeight[i] <- sum( traceOut[ (centerOut-useHalf):(centerOut+useHalf), ])

	# the Trace matrix is updated to uniform spacing for peaks.
	# We may be asked to update the un-called bases
	dna <- chromoObj$DNA_Calls
	aa <- chromoObj$AA_Calls
	isN <- which( callsIn == "N")
	if ( call.Ns && length(isN)) {
		anyChanges <- FALSE
		# visit each 'N' site, and assess the best base to call, keep just the first
		for ( i in isN) {
			thisPeakSite <- peaksOut[i]
			baseCallAns <- baseCallOnePeak( peakSite=thisPeakSite, traceM=traceOut)[1]
			if ( names(baseCallAns)[1] != "N") {
				anyChanges <- TRUE
				callsOut[i] <- names(baseCallAns)[1]
		# redo all the sequence info if any got updated
		if (anyChanges) {
			names(peaksOut) <- callsOut
			newSeq <- paste( callsOut, collapse="")
			seqData <- chromatogramSequences( newSeq)
			dna <- seqData$DNA
			aa <- seqData$AA

	# if asked to provide constant height, do that as a second pass
	if ( constant.height) {
		# some data has a long tail of super low peaks, that should not have a strong impact
		idealHeight <- max( median( obsHeight), mean(obsHeight), quantile(obsHeight, 0.75))
		minHeight <- idealHeight * 0.025
		trace2 <- traceOut
		for ( i in 1:NP) {
			centerOut <- peaksOut[i]
			left <- centerOut - half.width + 1
			right <- centerOut + half.width - 1
			# adjust the observed volume under each peak, by scaling all 4 bases at once
			scaleFac <- idealHeight / max( obsHeight[i], minHeight)
			tmpM <- traceOut[ left:right, ]
			tmpM <- tmpM * scaleFac
			trace2[ left:right, ] <- tmpM
		traceOut <- trace2
		# small chance that the scaling caused extreme large values
		# crop at something sensible
		max.value.in <- quantile( traceIn, 0.99)
		traceOut[ traceOut > max.value.in] <- max.value.in

	# since we did interpolation on the trace matrix, clean it's significant digits some
	traceOut <- round( traceOut, digits=2)
	traceOut[ traceOut < 0] <- 0
	# lastly, recall the peak confidence
	peakConfidence <- calcChromatogramPeakConfidence( traceOut, peaksOut)

	out <- list( "TraceM"=traceOut, "PeakPosition"=peaksOut, "PeakConfidence"=peakConfidence, 
				"DNA_Calls"=dna, "AA_Calls"=aa, "Filename"=chromoObj$Filename)

`syntheticChromatogram` <- function( seq, height=1000, width=2.5, center=0, 
					peak.sep=11, traceOnly=F, addJitter=FALSE) {

	# create a synthetic chromatogram, given a DNA sequence and some constants
	peak.sep <- as.integer( peak.sep)
	half.width <- floor( peak.sep/2)
	NP <- nchar( seq)
	calls <- strsplit( toupper(seq), split="")[[1]]
	if ( ! all( calls %in% c("A","C","G","T","N","-"))) {
		cat( "\nError:  Given some non-ACGT base calls:\n")
		print( table( calls))
		return( NULL)

	# create storage for this synthetic chromatogram
	traceSize <- NP * peak.sep
	traceM <- matrix( 0, nrow=traceSize, ncol=4)
	colnames(traceM) <- c( "A", "C", "G", "T")
	peaks <- seq( half.width+1, traceSize, by=peak.sep)
	names(peaks) <- calls

	# make one gaussian peak, that extends about 2 peaks to either side
	peak.tail <- peak.sep * 2
	myX <- -peak.tail : peak.tail

	nHt <- length( height)
	nWd <- length( width)
	nCtr <- length( center)
	useVariableGauss <- ( nHt > 1 && nWd > 1 && nHt == nWd)
	fixedGaussV <- gaussian( myX, center=center[1], width=width[1], height=height[1], floor=0)
	# determine which column of the trace gets intensity for each base call
	columnHit <- match( calls, colnames(traceM), nomatch=0)
	# add this to every peak
	for ( i in 1:NP) {
		# get where this next peak is centered
		thisCenter <- peaks[i]
		# get the extent of its tails, and trim the gaussian fit to match
		thisLeft <- thisCenter - peak.tail
		thisRight <- thisCenter + peak.tail
		if (useVariableGauss) {
			thisV <- gaussian( myX, center=center[i], width=width[i], height=height[i], floor=0)
		} else {
			thisV <- fixedGaussV
		NV <- length( thisV)
		if (thisLeft < 1) {
			nDrop <- 1 - thisLeft
			thisLeft <- 1
			thisV <- thisV[ (nDrop+1) : NV]
			NV <- length( thisV)
		if (thisRight > traceSize) {
			nDrop <- thisRight - traceSize
			thisRight <- traceSize
			thisV <- thisV[ 1 : (NV-nDrop)]
			NV <- length( thisV)
		# ready to add this in...   if the base is "N", give 1/4 to all
		# try using 0 instead of 1/4 to all
		thisColumn <- columnHit[i]
		if ( thisColumn > 0) {
			traceM[thisLeft:thisRight,thisColumn] <- traceM[thisLeft:thisRight,thisColumn] + thisV
		} else if (calls[i] != "-" ) {
			# allow gaps to be nothing added, otherwise assume N
			thisV <- 0;    # was using 1/4  thisV * 0.25
			for (k in 1:4) {
				traceM[thisLeft:thisRight,k] <- traceM[thisLeft:thisRight,k] + thisV

	# make the other fields the chromatogram has
	if (traceOnly) {
		dna <- aa <- ""
	} else {
		seqData <- chromatogramSequences( seq)
		dna <- seqData$DNA
		aa <- seqData$AA

	# since we did interpolation on the trace matrix, clean it's significant digits some
	traceM <- round( traceM, digits=2)
	traceM[ traceM < 0] <- 0
	# some synthetic data may be too perfect for the model fitting tools, so allow the
	# choice to add a bit of noise
	if (addJitter) {
		traceM <- jitter( traceM, factor=1, amount=(height/1000))
		traceM[ traceM < 0] <- 0

	# lastly, call the peak confidence
	peakConfidence <- calcChromatogramPeakConfidence( traceM, peaks)
	out <- list( "TraceM"=traceM, "PeakPosition"=peaks, "PeakConfidence"=peakConfidence, 
				"DNA_Calls"=dna, "AA_Calls"=aa, "Filename"="")

`subtractChromatogram` <- function( chromoObj1, chromoObj2) {

	# implenment as Object 1 minus Object 2

	# get the data we need 
	traceM1 <- chromoObj1$TraceM
	traceM2 <- chromoObj2$TraceM
	if ( ! all( dim(traceM1) == dim(traceM2))) {
		cat( "\nError:  Chromatograms must be identical sizes..")
		return( NULL)

	# subtract the second trace matrix (model) from the first (observed)
	traceOut <- traceM1 - traceM2
	traceOut[ traceOut < 0] <- 0

	# for now, just keep all other data from Object1
	# at some point, we should fix this to recall bases, confidence, etc....
	peaksOut <- chromoObj1$PeakPosition
	peakConf <- chromoObj1$PeakConfidence
	dna <- chromoObj1$DNA_Calls
	aa <- chromoObj1$AA_Calls

	out <- list( "TraceM"=traceOut, "PeakPosition"=peaksOut, "PeakConfidence"=peakConf, 
				"DNA_Calls"=dna, "AA_Calls"=aa, "Filename"=chromoObj1$Filename)

`syntheticTraceMatrix` <- function( seq, height=1000, width=2.5, center=0, peak.sep=11,
					addJitter=FALSE) {

	# bares bones wrapper around synthetic chromatogram, given a DNA sequence and some constants
	# returns just the trace matrix
	ans <- syntheticChromatogram( seq, height=height, width=width, center=center, peak.sep=peak.sep, 
					addJitter=addJitter, traceOnly=TRUE)
	return( ans$TraceM)

`syntheticTraceVector` <- function( seq, height=1000, width=2.5, center=0, peak.sep=11,
					addJitter=FALSE) {

	# bares bones wrapper around synthetic chromatogram, given a DNA sequence and some constants
	# returns just the trace matrix as a 1-D vector
	ans <- syntheticChromatogram( seq, height=height, width=width, center=center, peak.sep=peak.sep, 
					addJitter=addJitter, traceOnly=TRUE)
	return( as.vector( ans$TraceM))

# special function for using Generalized Simulated Annealing (GenSA) on chromatograms
# GenSA needs a function that calculates the error residual of the current model
`genSA.Chromatogram.residual` <- function( terms, obs, seq) {

	# either using a fixed Ht/Wd model, or separate for each peak
	if ( (N <- length(terms)) == 3) {
		ht <- terms[1]
		wid <- terms[2]
		ctr <- terms[3]
	} else {
		n3 <- round( N / 3)
		ht <- terms[ 1:n3]
		wid <- terms[ (n3+1):(n3*2)]
		ctr <- terms[ (n3*2+1):N]

	ansModel <- syntheticTraceMatrix( seq, height=ht, width=wid, center=ctr)
	if ( length(obs) != length(ansModel)) {
		# trap and fix?...
		if ( nrow(obs) > nrow(ansModel)) {
			obs <- obs[ 1:nrow(ansModel), ]
		} else if ( nrow(obs) < nrow(ansModel)) {
			ansModel <- ansModel[ 1:nrow(obs), ]
	diff <- ( obs - ansModel)
	resid <- sqrt( sum( diff * diff))
	return( resid)

`modelFitChromatogram` <- function( obsChromo, seq=obsChromo$DNA_Calls[1], fixedPeaks=TRUE, 
				effort=1, doStandardize=TRUE, doSubset=TRUE, algorithm=c("nls","GenSA")) {

	# given an observed chromatogram, fit a sequence to it and return a best-fit model
	# chromatogram, suitable for subtraction to generate a residual chromatogram

	# allow being given a filename
	if ( is.character(obsChromo) && file.exists( obsChromo[1])) {
		obsChromo <- loadChromatogram( obsChromo)
	# the modeling needs a standardized starting object that matches the sequence roughly
	if (doStandardize) {
		obsChromo <- standardizeChromatogram( obsChromo)
	if (doSubset) {
		obsChromo <- subsetChromatogram( obsChromo, seq=seq)
	# get a rough sense of the amplitudes
	obsTrace <- obsChromo$TraceM
	NP <- length( obsChromo$PeakPosition)
	guess.height <- as.numeric( quantile( as.vector(obsTrace), 0.95))
	max.height <- guess.height * 100
	min.height <- guess.height * 0.01
	guess.width <- 3
	max.width <- 5		# roughly half of the expected peak separation
	min.width <- 1
	# allow it to slide the synthetic back/forth by a few peaks...
	maxCenterShift <- 5   # 11 traceM points per peak, let move up to 1/2 a peak
	guess.center <- 0
	max.center <- maxCenterShift
	min.center <- -maxCenterShift

	if ( fixedPeaks) {
		start.height <- guess.height
		start.width <- guess.width
		start.center <- guess.center
		lowerBounds <- c( min.height, min.width, min.center)
		upperBounds <- c( max.height, max.width, max.center)
		max.iter <- 100
		max.time <- 100
		max.calls <- 2000000
	} else {
		start.height <- rep.int( guess.height, NP)
		start.width <- rep.int( guess.width, NP)
		start.center <- rep.int( guess.center, NP)
		lowerBounds <- c( rep.int(min.height,NP), rep.int(min.width,NP), rep.int(min.center,NP)) 
		upperBounds <- c( rep.int(max.height,NP), rep.int(max.width,NP), rep.int(max.center,NP))
		max.iter <- round( 25 * NP * effort)
		max.time <- round( 10 * NP * effort)
		max.calls <- round( 20000 * NP * effort)

	algorithm <- match.arg( algorithm)
	# set up for NLS
	if (algorithm == "nls" && fixedPeaks) {
		controlList <- nls.control( maxiter=50, minFactor=1/64, tol=0.00001, warnOnly=TRUE, printEval=FALSE)
		starts <- list( "height"=guess.height, "width"=guess.width, "center"=guess.center)
		x <- seq
		y <- as.vector(obsTrace)
		nlsAns <- try( nls( y ~ syntheticTraceVector( x, height, width, center), 
					start=starts, control=controlList, algorithm="port", lower=lowerBounds,
					upper=upperBounds, trace=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
		nlsAns2 <- summary( nlsAns)
		coefs <- nlsAns2$coefficients
		ht <- coefs[1,1]
		wid <- coefs[2,1]
		ctr <- coefs[3,1]
		resid <- sqrt( sum( nlsAns2$residuals * nlsAns2$residuals))
		iters <- nlsAns2$convInfo$finIter

	} else {
		# set up for Generalize Simulated Annealing
		require( GenSA)
		# we can stop if we explain 95% of the observed data
		stopValue <- sqrt( sum( obsTrace ^ 2)) * 0.05

		# GenSA wants one vector of parameter weights
		wts <- c( start.height, start.width, start.center)
		control.list <- list( "maxit"=max.iter, "threshold.stop"=stopValue, "smooth"=FALSE, "max.call"=max.calls,
					"max.time"=max.time, "trace.mat"=TRUE)

		# make the call		
		ans <- GenSA( par=wts, lower=lowerBounds, upper=upperBounds, fn=genSA.Chromatogram.residual,
					control=control.list, obs=obsTrace, seq=seq)

		# extract and apply the optimal parameters
		resid <- ans$value
		pars <- ans$par
		iters <- ans$counts
		if ( fixedPeaks) {
			ht <- pars[1]
			wid <- pars[2]
			ctr <- pars[3]
		} else {
			npar <- round(length(pars)/3)
			ht <- pars[1:npar]
			wid <- pars[(npar+1):(npar*2)]
			ctr <- pars[(npar*2+1):(npar*3)]
	# make the optimal model from the fit answer
	chromoOut <- syntheticChromatogram( seq, height=ht, width=wid, center=ctr, traceOnly=FALSE)

	# append the modeling details
	chromoOut$FitPeakHeight <- ht
	chromoOut$FitPeakWidth <- wid
	chromoOut$FitPeakCenter <- ctr
	chromoOut$Residual <- resid
	chromoOut$Iterations <- iters
	return( chromoOut)

`modelBlendChromatogram` <- function( obsChromo, seqs, synthetic.width="fit", gap.mode=c("drop", "N"),
				trim.chromatogram=TRUE, trim.seqs=FALSE, force.jitter.seqs=FALSE, noise.seqs=TRUE, 
				plot.chromatograms=T, min.pct.plot=5, max.pval.plot=0.05,
				max.show.plot=4, label="", referenceAAseq=NULL, verbose=FALSE) {

	# given an observed chromatogram, fit 2 or more sequences to it and return the contribution of
	# how much of each sequence was needed to best fit the observed chromatogram.
	# This is akin to deconvolution, but component sequences must be given, not deduced automatically

	# allow being given a filename of a chromatogram
	if ( is.character(obsChromo) && file.exists( obsChromo[1])) {
		obsChromo <- loadChromatogram( obsChromo)

	# default label is the file's name
	if ( label == "" && "Filename" %in% names(obsChromo)) {
		label <- sub( ".ab1$", "", basename( obsChromo$Filename))
	# there is a bunch of setup steps, to assure the sequences and chromatogram can be directly compared
	# we may be able to relax this requirement going forward...
	gap.mode <- match.arg( gap.mode)
	setupOK <- TRUE
	# 1.  All the sequences must be exact same size.  Gap characters are allowed.
	if ( length(seqs) < 2) {
		cat( "\nMust give 2+ DNA sequences for 'modelBlend'")
		setupOK <- FALSE
	if ( length( unique( nchar(seqs))) > 1) {
		# catch/allow gaps to be present without braking this rule
		seqs2 <- if ( gap.mode == "drop") gsub( "-", "", seqs, fixed=T) else gsub( "-", "N", seqs, fixed=T)
		if ( length( unique( nchar(seqs2))) > 1) {
			cat( "\nAll DNA sequences for 'modelBlend' must be same length.  Explicit gap characters are allowed.")
			cat( "\nWarn:  Truncating all to shortest length..")
			seqs <- substr( seq2, 1, min( nchar(seq2)))
			setupOK <- TRUE   #FALSE
		} else {
			# removing the gaps put all at the same length, so use those version of the seqs
			seqs <- seqs2
	if ( is.null( names(seqs))) {
		cat( "\nDNA sequences for 'modelBlend' must have 'names' attributes")
		setupOK <- FALSE
	if ( ! setupOK) return( NULL)
	NS <- length( seqs)
	seqs <- toupper( seqs)
	noGapSeqs <- gsub( "-", "", seqs, fixed=T)
	# 2.  We need to find the best matching sequence to know which to use to crop the chromatogram,
	#	and for knowing the Forward/RevComp orientation question
	#	  Find the best, even if we don't crop the chromatogram...
	scores <- numeric(NS)
	stdChromo <- standardizeChromatogram( obsChromo, constant.height=TRUE)
	if ( is.null(stdChromo)) return(NULL)
	for ( i in 1:NS) {
		tmpChromo <- subsetChromatogramBySequence( stdChromo, seq=noGapSeqs[i], subset.type="local", verbose=FALSE)
		if ( "UnitScore" %in% names(tmpChromo)) {
			scores[i] <- tmpChromo$UnitScore
		} else {
			scores[i] <- 0
	best <- which.max( scores)
	bestSeq <- seqs[ best]
	names(scores) <- names(seqs)
	#if (verbose) {
	#	cat( "\nDebug Crop Observed:")
	#	cat( "\nBest Ref: ", names(seqs)[best], scores[best], "|", bestSeq)
	tmpChromo <- stdChromo
	if (trim.chromatogram && length(stdChromo$PeakPosition) > nchar(bestSeq)) {
		tmpChromo <- subsetChromatogramBySequence( stdChromo, seq=bestSeq, subset.type=NULL)
	if ( is.null(tmpChromo)) return(NULL)
	# 3. We need to know if we are doing Fwd or RevComp to get the sequences facing the right way
	editDist <- adist( bestSeq, tmpChromo$DNA_Calls)
	if ( which.min( editDist) == 2) {
		for (i in 1:NS) seqs[i] <- myReverseComplement( seqs[i])
		bestSeq <- seqs[ best]
		if (verbose) cat( "\nRevComp was better..")
	} else {
		if (verbose) cat( "\nForward was better..")
	# with strand known, we now need to move any gap bases to the end, to correctly represent what
	# that sequence's chromatogram would actually look like
	doGaps <- grep( "-", seqs, fixed=T)
	if ( length( doGaps)) {
		for (i in doGaps) {
			bp <- strsplit( seqs[i], split="")[[1]]
			isgap <- which( bp == "-")
			chunk1 <- bp[ -isgap]
			chunk2 <- bp[ isgap]
			seqs[i] <- paste( c(chunk1, chunk2), collapse="")
		bestSeq <- seqs[ best]
	# with the best starting sequence chosen, and Fwd/Rev known, and gaps moved to the ends, 
	# now we can extract that portion from the observed chromatogram.   Or perhaps trim the 
	# sequences to match the observed chromatogram
	observedChromo <- stdChromo
	lenObs <- length( observedChromo$PeakPosition)
	lenRef <- nchar( bestSeq)
	#if (verbose) cat( "\nDEBUG LEN 1:  (obs, ref): ", lenObs, lenRef)
	if ( trim.seqs && lenRef > lenObs) {
		# if we need/want to trim the reference sequences, do that now, and do it the same way to all
		# and force them all to be exactly the right length
		for ( k in 1:NS) {
			pa <- pairwiseAlignment( observedChromo$DNA_Calls[1], seqs[k], type="global-local", scoreOnly=F)
			#from <- start( subject(pa))
			#to <- width( subject(pa)) + from - 1
			# slight change that gaps were involved, don't let them break resizing
			seqs[k] <- gsub( "-", "", as.character( subject(pa)), fixed=T)
			while ( nchar(seqs[k]) < lenObs) seqs[k] <- paste( seqs[k], "N", sep="")
			#if ( to < (from+lenObs-1)) to <- from + lenObs - 1
			#if (verbose) cat( "\nDebug trim seqs: (size,from,to, now): ", lenRef, from, to, to-from+1)
			#seqs <- substr( seqs, from, to)
		bestSeq <- seqs[ best]
		lenRef <- nchar( bestSeq)
		if (verbose) cat( "\nDebug trim ref seqs: (now): ", lenRef)
	#if (verbose) cat( "\nDEBUG LEN 2:  (obs, ref): ", lenObs, lenRef)
	if (trim.chromatogram && lenObs > lenRef) {
		observedChromo <- subsetChromatogramBySequence( observedChromo, seq=bestSeq)	
		# verify we didn't trim to nothing?
		lenNow <- length( observedChromo$PeakPosition)
		if (verbose) cat( "\nDebug trim Obs: new size of observed chromo (was,now,refSeq): ", lenObs, lenNow, nchar(bestSeq))
		lenObs <- lenNow
	#if (verbose) cat( "\nDEBUG LEN 3:  (obs, ref): ", lenObs, lenRef)
	if ( force.jitter.seqs) {
		if ( verbose) cat( "\nForcing Jitter of Sequences..")
		seqs <- force.jitter.ChromatogramFit.sequences( observedChromo, seqs)
	if (verbose) {
		cat( "\nSetup done.  Current sequences:")
		cat( "\nInitial Observed: ", nchar(stdChromo$DNA_Calls[1]), "|", stdChromo$DNA_Calls[1])
		cat( "\nCropped Observed: ", nchar(tmpChromo$DNA_Calls[1]), "|", tmpChromo$DNA_Calls[1])
		cat( "\nBest Reference:   ", nchar(bestSeq), "|", bestSeq)
		cat( "\nAll Seqs: ", length(seqs), "\n", paste( seqs, collapse="\t"), sep="")

	# after all the prep, make sure we still have something to fit
	maxObsHeight <- quantile( observedChromo$TraceM, 0.99)
	observedTraceM <- observedChromo$TraceM
	observedPeaks <- observedChromo$PeakPosition
	if ( length(observedPeaks) < 3 || nrow(observedTraceM) < 30) return(NULL)
	# let's allow using the model fit algorithm to optimize the peak width we use
	if ( is.character( synthetic.width) && synthetic.width == "fit") {
		# since the edges are the worst, narrow down to the central chunk for
		# estimating the peak width
		shortBestSeq <- substr( bestSeq, round(nchar(bestSeq)*0.25), round(nchar(bestSeq)*0.67))
		if (verbose) cat( "\nFitting best model element sequence to observed data..")
		fitAns <- modelFitChromatogram( observedChromo, seq=shortBestSeq, doStandardize=F, 
						doSubset=T, algorithm="GenSA")
		synthetic.width <- as.numeric( fitAns$FitPeakWidth)
		if (verbose) cat( "    Optimal Peak Width =", synthetic.width)
	# finally ready to create synthetic chromatograms for each sequence to be modeled
	synthChromoTraceMs <- synthChromos <- vector( mode="list")
	synthSizeError <- FALSE
	for ( i in 1:NS) {
		synthChromos[[i]] <- tmpChromo <- syntheticChromatogram( seqs[i], 
							height=maxObsHeight, width=synthetic.width)
		synthChromoTraceMs[[i]] <- tmpChromo$TraceM
		# small chance that we have a problem making all the chromatograms be the exact same size
		if ( nrow(tmpChromo$TraceM) != nrow(observedTraceM)) synthSizeError <- TRUE
		if ( verbose && synthSizeError) {
			cat( "\nDebug Synth TraceM size: (obs,synth) ", i, names(seqs)[i], "|", dim(observedTraceM), "|", dim(tmpChromo$TraceM))
	# if any flagged for bad size, die now
	if (synthSizeError) {
		if (verbose) cat( "\nError creating model chromatogram elements.  Unable to do model fit..")
		return( NULL)
	# add in some noise sequences to be more realistic
	# there seems to be cases when the very last model term always gets hosed with the
	# remaining residual error in NLS.  To protect a possibly important model term from
	# this fate, always add at least one piece of noise.  As of June 2021...
	if (noise.seqs) {
		noiseBases <- c("A","C","G","T")  # ,"N")
	} else {
		noiseBases <- vector() # c("N")
	if ( length(noiseBases)) {
		noiseSeqs <- vector()
		NN <- length( noiseBases)
		noiseTraceMs <- noiseChromos <- vector( mode="list")
		for (i in 1:NN) {
			ch <- noiseBases[i]
			noiseStr <- paste( rep.int(ch,nchar(bestSeq)), collapse="")
			noiseSeqs[i] <-  noiseStr
			noiseChromos[[i]] <- tmpChromo <- syntheticChromatogram( noiseStr, height=maxObsHeight, 
								width=synthetic.width, addJitter=T)
			noiseTraceMs[[i]] <- tmpChromo$TraceM
		names(noiseSeqs) <- paste( "Poly", noiseBases, sep="_")
		# join our real choices and the noise choices
		seqs <- c( seqs, noiseSeqs)
		NS <- length( seqs)
		synthChromos <- c( synthChromos, noiseChromos)
		synthChromoTraceMs <- c( synthChromoTraceMs, noiseTraceMs)
	# ready to do the NLS fitting...   set up the controls
	controlList <- nls.control( maxiter=100, minFactor=1/512, warnOnly=FALSE)
	starts <- list( "weights"=jitter( rep.int( 1/NS, NS)))
	lowerBounds <- rep.int( 0, NS)
	upperBounds <- rep.int( 10, NS)
	x <- synthChromoTraceMs
	y <- as.vector( observedChromo$TraceM)
	# define the called NLS blending function
	blendChromatograms <- function( x, weights) {
				N <- length( x)
				v <- as.vector( x[[1]]) * weights[1]
				if ( N > 1) for ( j in 2:N) {
					v2 <- as.vector( x[[j]]) * weights[j]
					v <- v + v2
				return( v)
	# call the NLS to do the fit
	nlsAns <- try( nls( y ~ blendChromatograms( x, weights), 
				start=starts, control=controlList, algorithm="port", lower=lowerBounds,
				upper=upperBounds), silent=TRUE)
	if ( class( nlsAns) != "try-error") {
		nlsAns2 <- try( summary( nlsAns), silent=TRUE)

	# extract the results if successful
	if ( class(nlsAns) == "try-error" || class(nlsAns2) == "try-error") {
		# try using the GenSA tool instead
		if (verbose) cat( "\nNLS fitting failed.  Trying GenSA...\n")
		# set up for Generalize Simulated Annealing
		require( GenSA)
		# we can stop if we explain 95% of the observed data
		obsTrace <- observedChromo$TraceM
		stopValue <- sqrt( sum( obsTrace ^ 2)) * 0.05

		# GenSA wants one vector of parameter weights
		wts <- jitter( rep.int( 1/NS, NS))
		control.list <- list( "maxit"=100, "threshold.stop"=stopValue, "smooth"=FALSE, "max.call"=1000000,
					"max.time"=100, "trace.mat"=FALSE)
		# define the called GenSA blending residual function
		genSA.Chromatogram.Blend.residual <- function( weights, obs, traceMset) {
				N <- length( traceMset)
				v <- as.vector( x[[1]]) * weights[1]
				if ( N > 1) for ( j in 2:N) {
					v2 <- as.vector( x[[j]]) * weights[j]
					v <- v + v2
				if ( length(obs) != length(v)) cat( "\nWarning: GenSA: size mismatch in residual calculation: ", length(obs), length(v))
				diff <- ( obs - v)
				resid <- sqrt( sum( diff * diff))
				return( resid)

		# make the call
		ans <- GenSA( par=wts, lower=lowerBounds, upper=upperBounds, fn=genSA.Chromatogram.Blend.residual,
					control=control.list, obs=obsTrace, traceMset=x)

		# extract and apply the optimal parameters
		pars <- ans$par
		blendEsts <- rawEsts <- pars
		names( blendEsts) <- names( seqs)
		# the GenSA tool does not give any P-values at all.
		pvals <- rep.int( 1, NS)
		# try to estimate these by comparing the set of estimate values
		for ( k in 1:NS) {
			thisSet <- rep.int( blendEsts[k],5) + c( -0.02,-0.01,0,0.01,0.02)
			otherSet <- blendEsts[-k]
			pvals[k] <- t.test( thisSet, otherSet, altern="greater")$p.value
		totResid <- ans$value
		if (verbose) cat( "\nFit Method: GenSA")
	} else {
		coefs <- coefficients( nlsAns2)
		blendEsts <- rawEsts <- coefs[ ,1]
		names( blendEsts) <- names( seqs)
		pvals <- coefs[,4]
		totResid <- sum( abs( nlsAns2$residuals))
		if (verbose) cat( "\nFit Method: NLS")
	pvalText <- ifelse( pvals < 0.001, formatC( pvals, format="e", digits=2), as.character( round(pvals, digits=3)))
	# turn these estimates into percentages
	pcts <- round( blendEsts * 100 / sum( blendEsts), digits=3)
	out1 <- data.frame( "Construct"=names(seqs), "DNA_Length"=nchar(seqs), "Percentage"=pcts, "P.value"=pvals, stringsAsFactors=F)
	# order them, and the blend estimates too
	seqOrd <- order( out1$Percentage, -(out1$P.value), decreasing=T)
	#seqOrd <- order(  decreasing=F)
	out1 <- out1[ seqOrd, ]
	blendEsts <- blendEsts[ seqOrd]
	rownames(out1) <- 1:nrow(out1)
	# quantify how well the model fit the observed data
	obsInten <- sum( y)
	resPct <- round( totResid * 100 / obsInten, digits=2)
	modelPct <- 100 - resPct

	out <- list( "Model.Estimates"=out1, "Model.Fit.Percentage"=modelPct)

	# do we want to draw what we did?
	if (plot.chromatograms) {
		# create the residual by subtracting all non-zero components
		residChromo <- observedChromo
		residM <- residChromo$TraceM
		toDraw <- which( pcts >= min.pct.plot | pvals < max.pval.plot)
		NtoDraw <- length(toDraw)
		if ( NtoDraw > max.show.plot) NtoDraw <- max.show.plot
		cex <- 1 - (0.05*NtoDraw)
		savMAI <- par( "mai")
		par( mfrow=c(NtoDraw+2, 1))
		par( mai=c(0.5,0.9,0.3,0.4))
		plotChromatogram( observedChromo, forceYmax=maxObsHeight, label=paste( "Observed Data:  ", label), cex=cex, cex.main=1.5)
		nShown <- 0
		for ( j in seqOrd) {
			myEst <- rawEsts[j]
			myChromo <- synthChromos[[j]]
			myM <- myChromo$TraceM * myEst
			myChromo$TraceM <- myM
			residM <- residM - myM
			residM[ residM < 0] <- 0
			if( j %in% toDraw) {
				myYheight <- maxObsHeight * sqrt(myEst)
				if ( ! is.null( referenceAAseq)) myChromo <- setChromatogramBestAAframe( myChromo, referenceAAseq)
				plotChromatogram( myChromo, forceYmax=myYheight, cex=cex, cex.main=1.5,
						label=paste( "Model Element:  ", names(seqs)[j], " = ", round(pcts[j],digits=1), 
						"%    P.value = ", pvalText[j], sep=""))
				nShown <- nShown + 1
			if ( nShown >= max.show.plot) break
		# lastly, always show the final residual.   And re-calculate exactly what % is left over
		residChromo$TraceM <- residM
		resInten <- sum( residM)
		resPct <- round( resInten * 100 / obsInten, digits=2)
		modelPct <- 100 - resPct
		out$Model.Fit.Percentage <- modelPct
		plotChromatogram( residChromo, forceYmax=maxObsHeight, cex=cex, cex.main=1.5, 
				label=paste( "Model Residual   (model explains ", modelPct, "% of raw intensity)", sep=""))	
		par( mfrow=c(1,1))
		par( mai=c(1,1,0.8,0.4))
	return( out)

`deconvoluteChromatogram` <- function( obsChromo, seq=NULL, range=NULL, 
				doModel=TRUE, doBlast=TRUE, doPlot=TRUE,
				label="", path=NULL, max.constructs=3, max.plot=2, verbose=T) {

	# given an observed chromatogram, try to automatically and iteratively deduce what constructs it
	# is composed of, by repeatedly modelling and subtracting the dominant signal
	# This is akin to model blending, but no sequences need be given a priori

	# allow being given a filename of a chromatogram
	if ( is.character(obsChromo) && file.exists( obsChromo[1])) {
		obsChromo <- loadChromatogram( obsChromo)
		if (is.null(obsChromo)) return(NULL)
	# decide where/what to call the files we make
	chromoFile <- obsChromo$Filename
	if ( is.null(path)) path <- dirname( chromoFile)
	baseFile <- sub( ".ab1$", "", basename(chromoFile))
	# default label is the file's name
	if ( label == "" && "Filename" %in% names(obsChromo)) {
		label <- baseFile

	# were we given a request for a smaller region?
	if ( ! is.null( seq)) {
		obsChromo <- subsetChromatogramBySequence(obsChromo, seq=seq)
		# allow the subsequence request to return silently with no plot if not good sequence found
		if ( is.null( obsChromo)) return( NULL)
	} else if ( ! is.null( range)) {
		obsChromo <- subsetChromatogramByRange(obsChromo, range=range)
		if ( is.null( obsChromo)) return( NULL)
	# accumulate the answers we will return
	dnaOut <- vector()
	intenOut <- vector()
	nameOut <- vector()
	nIter <- 0
	totalModelInten <- 0
	chromoToPlot <- vector( mode="list")
	residToPlot <- vector( mode="list")
	# get the starting trace matrix, to know when we should stop iterating
	# but first crop off any decayed tail and standarize the peak spacing
	obsChromo <- cropChromatogramLowSignalTail( obsChromo)
	if ( is.null( obsChromo)) return( NULL)
	obsChromo <- standardizeChromatogram( obsChromo, constant.height=TRUE)
	if ( is.null( obsChromo)) return( NULL)
	obsTraceM <- obsChromo$TraceM
	obsInten <- sum( obsTraceM, na.rm=T)
	stopInten <- obsInten * 0.05

	# repeat until we stall out or succeed
	curChromo <- obsChromo
	if (doModel) {
	repeat {
		# watch for any reason to bail out
		if (nIter >= max.constructs) break
		curInten <- sum( curChromo$TraceM, na.rm=T)
		if ( curInten <= stopInten) break
		# take the DNA sequence as currently defined
		curDNA <- curChromo$DNA_Calls[1]
		# perhaps trim to exactly fit the sequence model will return
		curChromo <- subsetChromatogram( curChromo, seq=curDNA)
		# make the best fit model for this
		if (verbose) cat( "\nModel..")
		modelChromo <- modelFitChromatogram( curChromo, seq=curDNA, fixedPeaks=TRUE, effort=1, 
						doStandardize=TRUE, doSubset=FALSE, algorithm="GenSA")
		modelInten <- sum( modelChromo$TraceM, na.rm=T)
		# accumulate these answers
		nIter <- nIter + 1
		dnaOut[ nIter] <- curDNA
		intenOut[ nIter] <- modelInten
		nameOut[nIter] <- paste( "Construct", nIter, sep="_")
		if (verbose) cat( "  Answer=  ", nIter, "  Intensity= ", modelInten, "  Percent = ", round( modelInten * 100 / obsInten, digits=1))
		if (doPlot) chromoToPlot[[nIter]] <- modelChromo
		# subtract this model from the current chromatogram
		if (verbose) cat( "  Subtract..")
		deltaChromo <- subtractChromatogram( curChromo, modelChromo)
		if ( is.null( deltaChromo)) break
		if (doPlot) residToPlot[[nIter]] <- deltaChromo
		# re-pick where the peaks are now, watching for any errors
		if (verbose) cat( "  Re-PeakPick..")
		newChromo <- peakpickChromatogram( deltaChromo)
		if ( is.null( newChromo)) break
		# and restandardize it
		newChromo <- standardizeChromatogram( newChromo, constant.height=TRUE)
		# there is a chance that the chromatogram has more peaks than originally, due to how the peak picker operates
		# and the nature of the raw noisy data.  Try to prevent peak count creep.
		firstModel.size <- nchar( dnaOut[1])
		this.size <- nchar( newChromo$DNA_Calls[1])
		if ( this.size > firstModel.size) {
			croppedDNA <- substr( newChromo$DNA_Calls[1], 1, firstModel.size)
			newChromo <- subsetChromatogramBySequence( newChromo, croppedDNA)
		# use this new shorter chromatogram with its own new peak locations/heights/calls, as the new current
		curChromo <- newChromo

	# when we fall out, summarize and return the results
	residInten <- sum( curChromo$TraceM, na.rm=T)	
	intenPcts <- round( intenOut * 100 / obsInten, digits=1)
	out <- data.frame( "Name"=nameOut, "Percentage"=intenPcts, "DNA_Sequence"=dnaOut, stringsAsFactors=F)
	}   # if doModel...
	# submit the constructs to BLAST?
	fastaFile <- file.path( path, paste( baseFile, "Deconvolution.Constructs.fasta", sep="."))
	blastFile <- file.path( path, paste( baseFile, "Deconvolution.BlastOutput.xml", sep="."))
	resultsFile <- file.path( path, paste( baseFile, "Deconvolution.Results.csv", sep="."))
	plotFile <- file.path( path, paste( baseFile, "Deconvolution.Results.pdf", sep="."))
	if ( doModel && (doBlast || !file.exists(blastFile) || (file.exists(blastFile) && file.info(blastFile)$size < 1000))) {
		writeFasta( as.Fasta( nameOut[1:nIter], dnaOut[1:nIter]), fastaFile)
		blastTarget <- match.arg( blastTarget)
		if ( blastTarget == "protein") {
			callBlastx( fastaFile, outfile=blastFile, evalue=10, wordsize=5, threads=6, outfmt=5, maxhits=1, verbose=verbose)
		} else {
			callBlastn( fastaFile, outfile=blastFile, evalue=10, wordsize=9, threads=6, outfmt=5, maxhits=1, verbose=verbose)
	if (verbose) cat( "\nExtracting results from XML..")
	if ( ! file.exists(blastFile)) {
		cat( "\nFile not found: ", blastFile, "\nSkipping...")
	blastAns <- extractBlastXMLdetails( blastFile, IDs=nameOut[1:nIter], IDprefix="")
	# supplement the output with what we found
	acc <- unlist( sapply( blastAns, `[[`, "accession"))
	def <- unlist( sapply( blastAns, `[[`, "definition"))
	eval <- unlist( sapply( blastAns, `[[`, "evalue"))
	scor <- unlist( sapply( blastAns, `[[`, "score"))
	matchStr <- unlist( sapply( blastAns, `[[`, "match"))
	# small chance that not all constructs gave valid hits...
	if ( length(acc) < nIter) acc <- c( acc, rep.int( "NA", nIter-length(acc)))
	if ( length(def) < nIter) def <- c( def, rep.int( "No good scoring hits found", nIter-length(def)))
	if ( length(eval) < nIter) eval <- c( eval, rep.int( 1, nIter-length(eval)))
	if ( length(scor) < nIter) scor <- c( scor, rep.int( 0, nIter-length(scor)))
	if ( length(matchStr) < nIter) matchStr <- c( matchStr, rep.int( "", nIter-length(matchStr)))
	if (doModel) {
		out$Accession <- acc
		out$Definition <- gsub( "&gt;", "  ", def, fixed=T)
		out$Evalue <- eval
		out$Score <- round( as.numeric(scor), digits=2)
		out$MatchString <- matchStr
		write.table( out, resultsFile, sep=",", quote=T, row.names=F)
	} else {
		if ( file.exists(resultsFile)) {
			out <- read.csv( resultsFile, as.is=T)
		} else {
			cat( "\nFile not found: ", resultsFile, "\nSkipping...")
	# do we want to draw what we did?
	if (doPlot) {
		if ( length(chromoToPlot) > max.plot) length(chromoToPlot) <- max.plot
		if ( length(residToPlot) > max.plot) length(residToPlot) <- max.plot
		NtoDraw <- 1 + length(chromoToPlot) + length(residToPlot)
		cex <- 1 - (0.05*NtoDraw)
		savMAI <- par( "mai")
		par( mfrow=c(NtoDraw, 1))
		par( mai=c(0.5,0.9,0.3,0.4))
		maxObsHeight <- quantile( apply( obsTraceM,1,max,na.rm=T),0.99)
		plotChromatogram( obsChromo, forceYmax=maxObsHeight, label=paste( "Observed Data:  ", label), cex=cex, cex.main=1.8)
		for ( j in 1:length(chromoToPlot)) {
			myChromo <- chromoToPlot[[j]]
			plotChromatogram( myChromo, forceYmax=maxObsHeight, cex=cex, cex.main=1.8,
							label=paste( "Deconvolution ", out$Name[j], " = ", intenPcts[j], "%    Score = ", out$Score[j], 
							"   Evalue = ", out$Evalue[j], sep=""))
			if ( "Definition" %in% colnames(out)) {
				textToShow <- out$Definition[j]
				if ( ! is.na(textToShow)) {
					textToShow <- convertHypertext( textToShow)
					textCex <- 2
					if ( nchar(textToShow) > 100) textCex <- 1.6
					if ( nchar(textToShow) > 150) {
						textToShow <- paste( substr( textToShow, 1, 150), "...", sep="")
						textCex <- 1.25
					text( nrow(myChromo$TraceM)/2, maxObsHeight*0.925,  textToShow, cex=textCex)
			if ( "MatchString" %in% colnames(out)) {
				if ( ! is.na(out$Score[j]) && out$Score[j] > 10) {
					require( plotrix)
					textToShow <- out$MatchString[j]
					if ( ! is.na(textToShow) && nchar(textToShow) > 10) {
						textToShow <- strsplit( textToShow, split="\n")[[1]]
						textToShow <- sub( "^    ", "", textToShow)
						textToShow <- paste( c( "Construct  ", "           ", "Blast Hit  "), textToShow, sep="")
						textCharWidth <- nrow(myChromo$TraceM) / 400
						textX <- (nrow(myChromo$TraceM)/2) + (nchar(textToShow[1]) * textCharWidth * c(-1,1))
						textY <- maxObsHeight * c(0.15, 0.51)
						rect( textX[1], textY[1], textX[2], textY[2], border='black', col='white')
						textCex <- 1.0
						if ( nchar(textToShow[1]) > 100) textCex <- 0.9
						if ( nchar(textToShow[1]) > 150) textCex <- 0.8
						text( nrow(myChromo$TraceM)/2, maxObsHeight*.43, textToShow[1], cex=textCex, family="mono")
						text( nrow(myChromo$TraceM)/2, maxObsHeight*.33, textToShow[2], cex=textCex, family="mono")
						text( nrow(myChromo$TraceM)/2, maxObsHeight*.23, textToShow[3], cex=textCex, family="mono")
			myChromo <- residToPlot[[j]]
			myIntenPct <- round( sum( myChromo$TraceM, na.rm=T) * 100 / obsInten, digits=1)
			plotChromatogram( myChromo, forceYmax=maxObsHeight, cex=cex, cex.main=1.8,
							label=paste( "Residual after ", out$Name[j], " = ", myIntenPct, "%", sep=""))
		dev.print( pdf, plotFile, width=20)
		par( mfrow=c(1,1))
		par( mai=c(1,1,0.8,0.4))
	return( out)

`force.jitter.ChromatogramFit.sequences` <- function( observedChromo, seqs) {
	# given one target chromatogram, after all preliminary trimming and Fwd/Rev phasing issues
	# and a set of target reference sequences that will be used in the Blend Fit call,
	# force the sequences to be in the best alignment
	obsDNA <- observedChromo$DNA_Calls[1]
	obsV <- strsplit( obsDNA, split="")[[1]]
	nch <- length( obsV)
	polyN <- paste( rep.int("N",nch), collapse="")
	out <- seqs
	NS <- length(seqs)
	for ( i in 1:NS) {
		mySeq <- seqs[i]
		if ( nchar(mySeq) > nch) mySeq <- substr( mySeq, 1, nch)
		if ( nchar(mySeq) < nch) mySeq <- substr( paste(mySeq,polyN,sep="",collapse=""), 1, nch)
		myV <- strsplit( mySeq, split="")[[1]]
		bestSeq <- mySeq
		bestScore <- sum( myV == obsV)
		for ( k in 1:round(nch*0.15)) {
			myLeftSeq <- substr( paste( mySeq, substr(polyN,1,k), sep="", collapse=""), 1+k, nch+k)
			myRightSeq <- substr( paste( substr(polyN,1,k), mySeq, sep="", collapse=""), 1, nch)
			myLeftV <- strsplit( myLeftSeq, split="")[[1]]
			myRightV <- strsplit( myRightSeq, split="")[[1]]
			leftScore <- sum( myLeftV == obsV)
			rightScore <- sum( myRightV == obsV)
			if ( leftScore > bestScore) {
				bestSeq <- myLeftSeq
				bestScore <- leftScore
			if ( rightScore > bestScore) {
				bestSeq <- myRightSeq
				bestScore <- rightScore
		out[i] <- bestSeq
robertdouglasmorrison/DuffyTools documentation built on May 6, 2024, 8:26 p.m.