
Defines functions ValidateDataForMerge UpdateSlots UpdateKey UpdateJackstraw UpdateDimReduction UpdateAssay Top SubsetVST Projected NullImage PrepVSTResults FindObject FilterObjects DefaultImage Collections .AddMetaData UpdateSCTAssays subset.VisiumV1 subset.STARmap subset.SlideSeq subset.SCTAssay subset.AnchorSet merge.SCTAssay levels.SCTAssay dim.VisiumV1 dim.STARmap dim.SlideSeq components.SCTAssay FetchData.VisiumV1 ScaleFactors.VisiumV1 VariableFeatures.SCTAssay VariableFeatures.SCTModel SCTResults.Seurat SCTResults.SCTAssay SCTResults.SCTModel RenameCells.VisiumV1 RenameCells.STARmap RenameCells.SlideSeq RenameCells.SCTAssay Radius.VisiumV1 Radius.STARmap Radius.SlideSeq HVFInfo.SCTAssay GetTissueCoordinates.VisiumV2 GetTissueCoordinates.VisiumV1 GetTissueCoordinates.STARmap GetTissueCoordinates.SlideSeq GetImage.VisiumV1 GetImage.STARmap GetImage.SlideSeq GetAssay.Seurat Features.SCTModel Features.SCTAssay Cells.VisiumV1 Cells.STARmap Cells.SlideSeq Cells.SCTAssay Cells.SCTModel as.sparse.IterableMatrix as.sparse.H5Group as.SingleCellExperiment.Seurat as.Seurat.SingleCellExperiment as.Seurat.CellDataSet as.CellDataSet.Seurat TopNeighbors TopCells TopFeatures SplitObject SetIntegrationData GetIntegrationData FilterSlideSeq DietSeurat CreateSCTAssayObject CellsByImage scalefactors

Documented in as.CellDataSet.Seurat as.Seurat.CellDataSet as.Seurat.SingleCellExperiment as.SingleCellExperiment.Seurat as.sparse.H5Group CellsByImage Cells.SCTModel Cells.SlideSeq Cells.STARmap Cells.VisiumV1 CreateSCTAssayObject DietSeurat FilterSlideSeq GetAssay.Seurat GetImage.SlideSeq GetImage.STARmap GetImage.VisiumV1 GetIntegrationData GetTissueCoordinates.SlideSeq GetTissueCoordinates.STARmap GetTissueCoordinates.VisiumV1 GetTissueCoordinates.VisiumV2 HVFInfo.SCTAssay levels.SCTAssay merge.SCTAssay Radius.SlideSeq Radius.STARmap Radius.VisiumV1 RenameCells.SCTAssay RenameCells.SlideSeq RenameCells.STARmap RenameCells.VisiumV1 scalefactors ScaleFactors.VisiumV1 SCTResults.SCTAssay SCTResults.SCTModel SCTResults.Seurat SetIntegrationData SplitObject subset.AnchorSet TopCells TopFeatures TopNeighbors UpdateSCTAssays

#' @include reexports.R
#' @include generics.R
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums rowSums colMeans rowMeans
#' @importFrom methods setClass setOldClass setClassUnion slot
#' slot<- setMethod new signature slotNames is setAs setValidity .hasSlot
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix
#' @useDynLib Seurat

# Class definitions

setOldClass(Classes = 'package_version')

#' The AnchorSet Class
#' The AnchorSet class is an intermediate data storage class that stores the anchors and other
#' related information needed for performing downstream analyses - namely data integration
#' (\code{\link{IntegrateData}}) and data transfer (\code{\link{TransferData}}).
#' @slot object.list List of objects used to create anchors
#' @slot reference.cells List of cell names in the reference dataset - needed when performing data
#' transfer.
#' @slot reference.objects Position of reference object/s in object.list
#' @slot query.cells List of cell names in the query dataset - needed when performing data transfer
#' @slot anchors The anchor matrix. This contains the cell indices of both anchor pair cells, the
#' anchor score, and the index of the original dataset in the object.list for cell1 and cell2 of
#' the anchor.
#' @slot offsets The offsets used to enable cell look up in downstream functions
#' @slot weight.reduction The weight dimensional reduction used to calculate weight matrix
#' @slot anchor.features The features used when performing anchor finding.
#' @slot neighbors List containing Neighbor objects for reuse later (e.g. mapping)
#' @slot command Store log of parameters that were used
#' @name AnchorSet-class
#' @rdname AnchorSet-class
#' @concept objects
#' @exportClass AnchorSet
AnchorSet <- setClass(
  Class = "AnchorSet",
  contains = 'VIRTUAL',
  slots = list(
    object.list = "list",
    reference.cells = "vector",
    reference.objects = "vector",
    query.cells = "vector",
    anchors = "ANY",
    offsets = "ANY",
    weight.reduction = "DimReduc",
    anchor.features = "ANY",
    neighbors = "list",
    command = "ANY"

#' The TransferAnchorSet Class
#' Inherits from the Anchorset class. Implemented mainly for method dispatch
#' purposes.  See \code{\link{AnchorSet}} for slot details.
#' @name TransferAnchorSet-class
#' @rdname TransferAnchorSet-class
#' @concept objects
#' @exportClass TransferAnchorSet
TransferAnchorSet <- setClass(
  Class = "TransferAnchorSet",
  contains = "AnchorSet"

#' The IntegrationAnchorSet Class
#' Inherits from the Anchorset class. Implemented mainly for method dispatch
#' purposes.  See \code{\link{AnchorSet}} for slot details.
#' @name IntegrationAnchorSet-class
#' @rdname IntegrationAnchorSet-class
#' @concept objects
#' @exportClass IntegrationAnchorSet
IntegrationAnchorSet <- setClass(
  Class = "IntegrationAnchorSet",
  contains = "AnchorSet"

#' The ModalityWeights Class
#' The ModalityWeights class is an intermediate data storage class that stores the modality weight and other
#' related information needed for performing downstream analyses - namely data integration
#' (\code{FindModalityWeights}) and data transfer (\code{\link{FindMultiModalNeighbors}}).
#' @slot modality.weight.list A list of modality weights value from all modalities
#' @slot modality.assay Names of assays for the list of dimensional reductions
#' @slot params A list of parameters used in the FindModalityWeights
#' @slot score.matrix a list of score matrices representing cross and within-modality prediction
#' score, and kernel value
#' @slot command Store log of parameters that were used
#' @name ModalityWeights-class
#' @rdname ModalityWeights-class
#' @concept objects
#' @exportClass ModalityWeights
ModalityWeights <- setClass(
  Class = "ModalityWeights",
  slots = list(
    modality.weight.list = "list",
    modality.assay = "vector",
    params = "list",
    score.matrix = "list",
    command = "ANY"

#' The BridgeReferenceSet Class
#' The BridgeReferenceSet is an output from PrepareBridgeReference
#' @slot bridge The multi-omic object
#' @slot reference The Reference object only containing bridge representation assay
#' @slot params A list of parameters used in the PrepareBridgeReference
#' @slot command Store log of parameters that were used
#' @name BridgeReferenceSet-class
#' @rdname BridgeReferenceSet-class
#' @concept objects
#' @exportClass BridgeReferenceSet
BridgeReferenceSet <- setClass(
  Class = "BridgeReferenceSet",
  slots = list(
    bridge = "ANY",
    reference = "ANY",
    params = "list",
    command = "ANY"

#' The IntegrationData Class
#' The IntegrationData object is an intermediate storage container used internally throughout the
#' integration procedure to hold bits of data that are useful downstream.
#' @slot neighbors List of neighborhood information for cells (outputs of \code{RANN::nn2})
#' @slot weights Anchor weight matrix
#' @slot integration.matrix Integration matrix
#' @slot anchors Anchor matrix
#' @slot offsets The offsets used to enable cell look up in downstream functions
#' @slot objects.ncell Number of cells in each object in the object.list
#' @slot sample.tree Sample tree used for ordering multi-dataset integration
#' @name IntegrationData-class
#' @rdname IntegrationData-class
#' @concept objects
#' @exportClass IntegrationData
IntegrationData <- setClass(
  Class = "IntegrationData",
  slots = list(
    neighbors = "ANY",
    weights = "ANY",
    integration.matrix = "ANY",
    anchors = "ANY",
    offsets = "ANY",
    objects.ncell = "ANY",
    sample.tree = "ANY"

#' The SCTModel Class
#' The SCTModel object is a model and parameters storage from SCTransform.
#' It can be used to calculate Pearson residuals for new genes.
#' @slot feature.attributes A data.frame with feature attributes in SCTransform
#' @slot cell.attributes A data.frame with cell attributes in SCTransform
#' @slot clips A list of two numeric of length two specifying the min and max
#' values the Pearson residual will be clipped to. One for vst and one for
#' SCTransform
#' @slot umi.assay Name of the assay of the seurat object containing UMI matrix
#' and the default is RNA
#' @slot model A formula used in SCTransform
#' @slot arguments other information used in SCTransform
#' @slot median_umi Median UMI (or scale factor) used to calculate corrected counts
#' @seealso \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Assay}}
#' @name SCTAssay-class
#' @rdname SCTAssay-class
#' @concept objects
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # SCTAssay objects are generated from SCTransform
#' pbmc_small <- SCTransform(pbmc_small)
#' }
SCTModel <- setClass(
  Class = 'SCTModel',
  slots = c(
    feature.attributes = 'data.frame',
    cell.attributes = 'data.frame',
    clips = 'list',
    umi.assay = 'character',
    model = 'character',
    arguments = 'list',
    median_umi = 'numeric'

#' The SCTAssay Class
#' The SCTAssay object contains all the information found in an \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Assay}}
#' object, with extra information from the results of \code{\link{SCTransform}}
#' @slot SCTModel.list A list containing SCT models
#' @seealso \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Assay}}
#' @name SCTAssay-class
#' @rdname SCTAssay-class
#' @concept objects
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # SCTAssay objects are generated from SCTransform
#' pbmc_small <- SCTransform(pbmc_small)
#' pbmc_small[["SCT"]]
#' }
SCTAssay <- setClass(
  Class = 'SCTAssay',
  contains = 'Assay',
  slots = c(
    SCTModel.list = 'list'

#' @note \code{scalefactors} objects can be created with \code{scalefactors()}
#' @param spot Spot full resolution scale factor
#' @param fiducial Fiducial full resolution scale factor
#' @param hires High resolutoin scale factor
#' @param lowres Low resolution scale factor
#' @rdname ScaleFactors
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @export
scalefactors <- function(spot, fiducial, hires, lowres) {
  object <- list(
    spot = spot,
    fiducial = fiducial,
    hires = hires,
    lowres = lowres
  object <- sapply(X = object, FUN = as.numeric, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
  return(structure(.Data = object, class = 'scalefactors'))

setOldClass(Classes = c('scalefactors'))

#' The SlideSeq class
#' The SlideSeq class represents spatial information from the Slide-seq platform
#' @inheritSection SeuratObject::SpatialImage Slots
#' @slot coordinates ...
#' @concept spatial
SlideSeq <- setClass(
  Class = 'SlideSeq',
  contains = 'SpatialImage',
  slots = list(
    'coordinates' = 'data.frame'

#' The STARmap class
#' @inheritSection SeuratObject::SpatialImage Slots
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
STARmap <- setClass(
  Class = 'STARmap',
  contains = 'SpatialImage',
  slots = list(
    'coordinates' = 'data.frame',
    'qhulls' = 'data.frame'

#' The VisiumV1 class
#' The VisiumV1 class represents spatial information from the 10X Genomics Visium
#' platform
#' @slot image A three-dimensional array with PNG image data, see
#' \code{\link[png]{readPNG}} for more details
#' @slot scale.factors An object of class \code{\link{scalefactors}}; see
#' \code{\link{scalefactors}} for more information
#' @slot coordinates A data frame with tissue coordinate information
#' @slot spot.radius Single numeric value giving the radius of the spots
#' @name VisiumV1-class
#' @rdname VisiumV1-class
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @exportClass VisiumV1
VisiumV1 <- setClass(
  Class = 'VisiumV1',
  contains = 'SpatialImage',
  slots = list(
    'image' = 'array',
    'scale.factors' = 'scalefactors',
    'coordinates' = 'data.frame',
    'spot.radius' = 'numeric'

#' The VisiumV2 class
#' The VisiumV2 class represents spatial information from the 10X Genomics
#' Visium HD platform - it can also accomodate data from the standard
#' Visium platform
#' @slot image A three-dimensional array with PNG image data, see
#' \code{\link[png]{readPNG}} for more details
#' @slot scale.factors An object of class \code{\link{scalefactors}}; see
#' \code{\link{scalefactors}} for more information
#' @importClassesFrom SeuratObject FOV
#' @name VisiumV2-class
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @exportClass VisiumV2
VisiumV2 <- setClass(
  Class = "VisiumV2",
  contains = "FOV",
  slots = list(
    image = "array",
    scale.factors = "scalefactors"

setClass(Class = 'SliceImage', contains = 'VisiumV1')

# Functions

#' Get a vector of cell names associated with an image (or set of images)
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param images Vector of image names
#' @param unlist Return as a single vector of cell names as opposed to a list,
#' named by image name.
#' @return A vector of cell names
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' CellsByImage(object = object, images = "slice1")
#' }
#' @keywords internal
CellsByImage <- function(object, images = NULL, unlist = FALSE) {
  images <- images %||% Images(object = object)
  cells <- sapply(
    X = images,
    FUN = function(x) {
      Cells(x = object[[x]])
    simplify = FALSE,
  if (unlist) {
    cells <- unname(obj = unlist(x = cells))

#' Create a SCT Assay object
#' Create a SCT object from a feature (e.g. gene) expression matrix and a list of SCTModels.
#' The expected format of the input matrix is features x cells.
#' Non-unique cell or feature names are not allowed. Please make unique before
#' calling this function.
#' @param scale.data a residual matrix
#' @param SCTModel.list list of SCTModels
#' @param umi.assay The UMI assay name. Default is RNA
#' @inheritParams SeuratObject::CreateAssayObject
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums rowSums
#' @export
#' @concept objects
CreateSCTAssayObject <- function(
  scale.data = NULL,
  umi.assay = "RNA",
  min.cells = 0,
  min.features = 0,
  SCTModel.list = NULL
) {
  assay <- CreateAssayObject(
    counts = counts,
    data = data,
    min.cells = min.cells,
    min.features = min.features
  if (!is.null(scale.data)) {
    assay <- SetAssayData(object = assay, slot = "scale.data", new.data = scale.data)

  slot(object = assay, name = "assay.orig") <- umi.assay

  #checking SCTModel.list format
  if (is.null(x = SCTModel.list)) {
    SCTModel.type <- "none"
    warning("An empty SCTModel will be generated due to no SCTModel input")
  } else {
    if (inherits(x = SCTModel.list, what = "SCTModel")) {
      SCTModel.list <- list(model1 = SCTModel.list)
      SCTModel.type <- "SCTModel.list"
    } else if (inherits(x = SCTModel.list, what = "list")) {
      if (inherits(x = SCTModel.list[[1]], what = "SCTModel")){
        SCTModel.type <-  "SCTModel.list"
      } else if (IsVSTout(vst.out = SCTModel.list)){
        SCTModel.type <- "vst.out"
      } else if (IsVSTout(SCTModel.list[[1]])) {
        SCTModel.type <- "vst.set"
      } else {
        stop("SCTModel input is not a correct format")
  model.list <- switch(
    EXPR = SCTModel.type,
    "none" = {
    "SCTModel.list" = {
      SCTModel.list <- lapply(X = SCTModel.list, FUN = function(model) {
        select.cell <- intersect(x = Cells(x = model), Cells(x = assay))
        if (length(x = select.cell) == 0) {
          stop("Cells in SCTModel.list don't match Cells in assay")
        } else {
          model@cell.attributes <- model@cell.attributes[select.cell, , drop = FALSE]
    "vst.out" = {
      SCTModel.list$umi.assay <- umi.assay
      SCTModel.list <- PrepVSTResults(
        vst.res = SCTModel.list,
        cell.names = Cells(x = assay)
      list(model1 = SCTModel.list)
    "vst.set" = {
      new.model <- lapply(
        X = SCTModel.list,
        FUN = function(vst.res) {
          vst.res$umi.assay <- umi.assay
          return(PrepVSTResults(vst.res = vst.res, cell.names = colnames(x = assay)))
      names(x = new.model) <- paste0("model", 1:length(x = new.model))
  assay <- new(
    Class = "SCTAssay",
    SCTModel.list = model.list

#' Slim down a Seurat object
#' Keep only certain aspects of the Seurat object. Can be useful in functions
#' that utilize merge as it reduces the amount of data in the merge
#' @param object A \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Seurat}} object
#' @param layers A vector or named list of layers to keep
#' @param features Only keep a subset of features, defaults to all features
#' @param assays Only keep a subset of assays specified here
#' @param dimreducs Only keep a subset of DimReducs specified here (if
#' \code{NULL}, remove all DimReducs)
#' @param graphs Only keep a subset of Graphs specified here (if \code{NULL},
#' remove all Graphs)
#' @param misc Preserve the \code{misc} slot; default is \code{TRUE}
#' @param counts Preserve the count matrices for the assays specified
#' @param data Preserve the data matrices for the assays specified
#' @param scale.data Preserve the scale data matrices for the assays specified
#' @param ... Ignored
#' @return \code{object} with only the sub-object specified retained
#' @importFrom SeuratObject .FilterObjects .PropagateList Assays
#' Layers UpdateSlots
#' @export
#' @concept objects
DietSeurat <- function(
  layers = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  assays = NULL,
  dimreducs = NULL,
  graphs = NULL,
  misc = TRUE,
  counts = deprecated(),
  data = deprecated(),
  scale.data = deprecated(),
) {
  dep.args <- c(counts = counts, data = data, scale.data = scale.data)
  for (lyr in names(x = dep.args)) {
    if (is_present(arg = dep.args[[lyr]])) {
      if (is.null(x = layers)) {
        layers <- unique(x = unlist(x = lapply(
          X = Assays(object = object),
          FUN = function(x) {
            return(Layers(object = object[[x]]))
        when = '5.0.0',
        what = paste0('DietSeurat(', lyr, ' = )'),
        with = 'DietSeurat(layers = )'
      layers <- if (isTRUE(x = dep.args[[lyr]])) {
        c(layers, lyr)
      } else {
        Filter(f = function(x) x != lyr, x = layers)
  object <- UpdateSlots(object = object)
  assays <- assays %||% Assays(object = object)
  assays <- intersect(x = assays, y = Assays(object = object))
  if (!length(x = assays)) {
    abort(message = "No assays provided were found in the Seurat object")
  if (!DefaultAssay(object = object) %in% assays) {
      message = "The default assay is slated to be removed, please change the default assay"
  layers <- layers %||% assays
  layers <- .PropagateList(x = layers, names = assays)
  for (assay in names(x = layers)) {
    layers[[assay]] <- tryCatch(
      expr = Layers(object = object[[assay]], search = layers[[assay]]),
      error = function(...) {
        return(character(length = 0L))
  layers <- Filter(f = length, x = layers)
  if (!length(x = layers)) {
    abort(message = "None of the requested layers found")
  for (assay in Assays(object = object)) {
    if (!(assay %in% assays)) {
      object[[assay]] <- NULL
    layers.rm <- setdiff(
      x = Layers(object = object[[assay]]),
      y = layers[[assay]]
    if (length(x = layers.rm)) {
      if (inherits(x = object[[assay]], what = 'Assay') && all(c('counts', 'data') %in% layers.rm)) {
        abort(message = "Cannot remove both 'counts' and 'data' from v3 Assays")
      for (lyr in layers.rm) {
        suppressWarnings(object <- tryCatch(expr = {
          object[[assay]][lyr] <- NULL
        }, error = function(e) {
          if (lyr == "data"){
            object[[assay]][lyr] <- sparseMatrix(i = 1, j = 1, x = 1,
                         dims = dim(object[[assay]][lyr]),
                         dimnames = dimnames(object[[assay]][lyr]))
          } else{
            slot(object = object[[assay]], name = lyr) <- new(Class = "dgCMatrix")
          message("Converting layer ", lyr, " in assay ",
                  assay, " to empty dgCMatrix")
    if (!is.null(x = features)) {
      features.assay <- intersect(
        x = features,
        y = rownames(x = object[[assay]])
      if (!length(x = features.assay)) {
        warn(message = paste0(
          'No features found in assay ',
          sQuote(x = assay),
          ', removing...'
        object[[assay]] <- NULL
      suppressWarnings(object[[assay]] <- subset(x = object[[assay]], features = features.assay))
  # remove misc when desired
  if (!isTRUE(x = misc)) {
    slot(object = object, name = "misc") <- list()
  # remove unspecified DimReducs and Graphs
  all.objects <- .FilterObjects(
    object = object,
    classes.keep = c('DimReduc', 'Graph')
  objects.to.remove <- all.objects[!all.objects %in% c(dimreducs, graphs)]
  for (ob in objects.to.remove) {
    object[[ob]] <- NULL
  cells.keep <- list()
  for (assay in  Assays(object = object)) {
    cells.keep[[assay]] <- colnames(x = object[[assay]] )
  cells.keep <- intersect(colnames(x = object), unlist(cells.keep))
  if (length(cells.keep) <- ncol(x = object)) {
    object <- subset(object, cells = cells.keep)

#' Filter stray beads from Slide-seq puck
#' This function is useful for removing stray beads that fall outside the main
#' Slide-seq puck area. Essentially, it's a circular filter where you set a
#' center and radius defining a circle of beads to keep. If the center is not
#' set, it will be estimated from the bead coordinates (removing the 1st and
#' 99th quantile to avoid skewing the center by the stray beads). By default,
#' this function will display a \code{\link{SpatialDimPlot}} showing which cells
#' were removed for easy adjustment of the center and/or radius.
#' @param object Seurat object with slide-seq data
#' @param image Name of the image where the coordinates are stored
#' @param center Vector specifying the x and y coordinates for the center of the
#' inclusion circle
#' @param radius Radius of the circle of inclusion
#' @param do.plot Display a \code{\link{SpatialDimPlot}} with the cells being
#' removed labeled.
#' @return Returns a Seurat object with only the subset of cells that pass the
#' circular filter
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # This example uses the ssHippo dataset which you can download
#' # using the SeuratData package.
#' library(SeuratData)
#' data('ssHippo')
#' # perform filtering of beads
#' ssHippo.filtered <- FilterSlideSeq(ssHippo, radius = 2300)
#' # This radius looks to small so increase and repeat until satisfied
#' }
#' @export
FilterSlideSeq <- function(
  image = "image",
  center = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  do.plot = TRUE
) {
  if (!inherits(x = object[[image]], what = "SlideSeq")) {
      "This fxn is intended for filtering SlideSeq data and is untested ",
      "outside of that context."
  dat <- GetTissueCoordinates(object[[image]])
  if (is.null(x = center)) {
    # heuristic for determining center of puck
    center <- c()
    x.vals <- dat[, 1]
    center[1] <- mean(
      x = x.vals[x.vals < quantile(x = x.vals, probs = 0.99) &
                   x.vals > quantile(x = x.vals, probs = 0.01)]
    y.vals <- dat[, 2]
    center[2] <- mean(
      x = y.vals[y.vals < quantile(x = y.vals, probs = 0.99) &
                   y.vals > quantile(x = y.vals, probs = 0.01)]
  if (is.null(x = radius)) {
    stop("Please provide a radius.")
  dists <- apply(X = dat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {
    as.numeric(dist(rbind(x[c(1, 2)], center)))
  cells.to.remove <- names(x = which(x = (dists > radius)))
  if (do.plot) {
    Idents(object) <- "keep"
    object <- SetIdent(object = object, cells = cells.to.remove, value = "remove")
    print(SpatialDimPlot(object = object))
  return(subset(x = object, cells = cells.to.remove, invert = TRUE))

#' Get integration data
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param integration.name Name of integration object
#' @param slot Which slot in integration object to get
#' @return Returns data from the requested slot within the integrated object
#' @export
#' @concept objects
GetIntegrationData <- function(object, integration.name, slot) {
  tools <- slot(object = object, name = 'tools')
  if (!(integration.name %in% names(tools))) {
    stop('Requested integration key does not exist')
  int.data <- tools[[integration.name]]
  return(slot(object = int.data, name = slot))

#' Set integration data
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param integration.name Name of integration object
#' @param slot Which slot in integration object to set
#' @param new.data New data to insert
#' @return Returns a \code{\link{Seurat}} object
#' @export
#' @concept objects
SetIntegrationData <- function(object, integration.name, slot, new.data) {
  tools <- slot(object = object, name = 'tools')
  if (!(integration.name %in% names(tools))) {
    new.integrated <- new(Class = 'IntegrationData')
    slot(object = new.integrated, name = slot) <- new.data
    tools[[integration.name]] <- new.integrated
    slot(object = object, name = 'tools') <- tools
  int.data <- tools[[integration.name]]
  slot(object = int.data, name = slot) <- new.data
  tools[[integration.name]] <- int.data
  slot(object = object, name = 'tools') <- tools

#' Splits object into a list of subsetted objects.
#' Splits object based on a single attribute into a list of subsetted objects,
#' one for each level of the attribute. For example, useful for taking an object
#' that contains cells from many patients, and subdividing it into
#' patient-specific objects.
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param split.by Attribute for splitting. Default is "ident". Currently
#' only supported for class-level (i.e. non-quantitative) attributes.
#' @return A named list of Seurat objects, each containing a subset of cells
#' from the original object.
#' @export
#' @concept objects
#' @examples
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' # Assign the test object a three level attribute
#' groups <- sample(c("group1", "group2", "group3"), size = 80, replace = TRUE)
#' names(groups) <- colnames(pbmc_small)
#' pbmc_small <- AddMetaData(object = pbmc_small, metadata = groups, col.name = "group")
#' obj.list <- SplitObject(pbmc_small, split.by = "group")
SplitObject <- function(object, split.by = "ident") {
  if (split.by == 'ident') {
    groupings <- Idents(object = object)
  } else {
    groupings <- FetchData(object = object, vars = split.by)[, 1]
  groupings <- unique(x = as.character(x = groupings))
  obj.list <- list()
  for (i in groupings) {
    if (split.by == "ident") {
      obj.list[[i]] <- subset(x = object, idents = i)
    else {
      cells <- which(x = object[[split.by, drop = TRUE]] == i)
      cells <- colnames(x = object)[cells]
      obj.list[[i]] <- subset(x = object, cells = cells)

#' Find features with highest scores for a given dimensional reduction technique
#' Return a list of features with the strongest contribution to a set of components
#' @param object DimReduc object
#' @param dim Dimension to use
#' @param nfeatures Number of features to return
#' @param projected Use the projected feature loadings
#' @param balanced Return an equal number of features with both + and - scores.
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{\link{Loadings}}
#' @return Returns a vector of features
#' @export
#' @concept objects
#' @examples
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' pbmc_small
#' TopFeatures(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]], dim = 1)
#' # After projection:
#' TopFeatures(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]], dim = 1,  projected = TRUE)
TopFeatures <- function(
  dim = 1,
  nfeatures = 20,
  projected = FALSE,
  balanced = FALSE,
) {
  loadings <- Loadings(object = object, projected = projected, ...)[, dim, drop = FALSE]
    data = loadings,
    num = nfeatures,
    balanced = balanced

#' Find cells with highest scores for a given dimensional reduction technique
#' Return a list of genes with the strongest contribution to a set of components
#' @param object DimReduc object
#' @param dim Dimension to use
#' @param ncells Number of cells to return
#' @param balanced Return an equal number of cells with both + and - scores.
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{\link{Embeddings}}
#' @return Returns a vector of cells
#' @export
#' @concept objects
#' @examples
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' pbmc_small
#' head(TopCells(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]]))
#' # Can specify which dimension and how many cells to return
#' TopCells(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]], dim = 2, ncells = 5)
TopCells <- function(object, dim = 1, ncells = 20, balanced = FALSE, ...) {
  embeddings <- Embeddings(object = object, ...)[, dim, drop = FALSE]
    data = embeddings,
    num = ncells,
    balanced = balanced

#' Get nearest neighbors for given cell
#' Return a vector of cell names of the nearest n cells.
#' @param object \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Neighbor}} object
#' @param cell Cell of interest
#' @param n Number of neighbors to return
#' @return Returns a vector of cell names
#' @export
#' @concept objects
TopNeighbors <- function(object, cell, n = 5) {
  indices <- Indices(object = object)[cell, 1:n]
  return(Cells(x = object)[indices])

# Methods for Seurat-defined generics

#' @param assay Assay to convert
#' @param reduction Name of DimReduc to set to main reducedDim in cds
#' @rdname as.CellDataSet
#' @concept objects
#' @export
#' @method as.CellDataSet Seurat
as.CellDataSet.Seurat <- function(x, assay = NULL, reduction = NULL, ...) {
  if (!PackageCheck('monocle', error = FALSE)) {
    stop("Please install monocle from Bioconductor before converting to a CellDataSet object")
  } else if (packageVersion(pkg = 'monocle') >= package_version(x = '2.99.0')) {
    stop("Seurat can only convert to/from Monocle v2.X objects")
  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = x)
  # make variables, then run `newCellDataSet`
  # create cellData counts
  counts <- GetAssayData(object = x, assay = assay, slot = "counts")
  # metadata
  cell.metadata <- x[[]]
  feature.metadata <- x[[assay]][[]]
  if (!"gene_short_name" %in% colnames(x = feature.metadata)) {
    feature.metadata$gene_short_name <- rownames(x = feature.metadata)
  pd <- new(Class = "AnnotatedDataFrame", data = cell.metadata)
  fd <- new(Class = "AnnotatedDataFrame", data = feature.metadata)
  # Now, determine the expressionFamily
  if ("monocle" %in% names(x = Misc(object = x))) {
    expressionFamily <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["expressionFamily"]]
  } else {
    if (all(counts == floor(x = counts))) {
      expressionFamily <- VGAM::negbinomial.size()
    } else if (any(counts < 0)) {
      expressionFamily <- VGAM::uninormal()
    } else {
      expressionFamily <- VGAM::tobit()
  cds <- monocle::newCellDataSet(
    cellData = counts,
    phenoData = pd,
    featureData = fd,
    expressionFamily = expressionFamily
  if ("monocle" %in% names(x = Misc(object = x))) {
    monocle::cellPairwiseDistances(cds = cds) <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["cellPairwiseDistances"]]
    monocle::minSpanningTree(cds = cds) <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["minSpanningTree"]]
    Biobase::experimentData(cds = cds) <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["experimentData"]]
    Biobase::protocolData(cds = cds) <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["protocolData"]]
    Biobase::classVersion(cds = cds) <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["classVersion"]]
    # no setter methods found for following slots
    slot(object = cds, name = "lowerDetectionLimit") <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["lowerDetectionLimit"]]
    slot(object = cds, name = "dispFitInfo") <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["dispFitInfo"]]
    slot(object = cds, name = "auxOrderingData") <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["auxOrderingData"]]
    slot(object = cds, name = "auxClusteringData") <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["auxClusteringData"]]
  # adding dimensionality reduction data to the CDS
  dr.slots <- c("reducedDimS", "reducedDimK", "reducedDimW", "reducedDimA")
  reduction <- reduction %||% DefaultDimReduc(object = x, assay = assay)
  if (!is.null(x = reduction)) {
    if (grepl(pattern = 'tsne', x = tolower(x = reduction))) {
      slot(object = cds, name = "dim_reduce_type") <- "tSNE"
      monocle::reducedDimA(cds = cds) <- t(x = Embeddings(object = x[[reduction]]))
    } else {
      slot(object = cds, name = "dim_reduce_type") <- reduction
      monocle::reducedDimA(cds = cds) <- Loadings(object = x[[reduction]])
      slot(object = cds, name = "reducedDimS") <- Embeddings(object = x[[reduction]])
    for (ii in dr.slots) {
      if (ii %in% names(x = slot(object = x[[reduction]], name = "misc"))) {
        slot(object = cds, name = ii) <- slot(object = x[[reduction]], name = "misc")[[ii]]

#' Convert objects to \code{Seurat} objects
#' @inheritParams SeuratObject::as.Seurat
#' @param slot Slot to store expression data as
#' @param verbose Show progress updates
#' @return A \code{Seurat} object generated from \code{x}
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @rdname as.Seurat
#' @concept objects
#' @export
#' @method as.Seurat CellDataSet
#' @seealso \code{\link[SeuratObject:as.Seurat]{SeuratObject::as.Seurat}}
as.Seurat.CellDataSet <- function(
  slot = 'counts',
  assay = 'RNA',
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  if (!PackageCheck('monocle', error = FALSE)) {
    stop("Please install monocle from Bioconductor before converting to a CellDataSet object")
  } else if (packageVersion(pkg = 'monocle') >= package_version(x = '2.99.0')) {
    stop("Seurat can only convert to/from Monocle v2.X objects")
  slot <- match.arg(arg = slot, choices = c('counts', 'data'))
  if (verbose) {
    message("Pulling expression data")
  expr <- Biobase::exprs(object = x)
  if (IsMatrixEmpty(x = expr)) {
    stop("No data provided in this CellDataSet object", call. = FALSE)
  meta.data <- as.data.frame(x = Biobase::pData(object = x))
  # if cell names are NULL, fill with cell_X
  if (is.null(x = colnames(x = expr))) {
      "The column names of the 'counts' and 'data' matrices are NULL. Setting cell names to cell_columnidx (e.g 'cell_1').",
      call. = FALSE,
      immediate. = TRUE
    rownames(x = meta.data) <- colnames(x = expr) <- paste0("cell_", 1:ncol(x = expr))
  # Creating the object
  if (verbose) {
    message("Building Seurat object")
  if (slot == 'data') {
    assays <- list(CreateAssayObject(data = expr))
    names(x = assays) <- assay
    Key(object = assays[[assay]]) <- suppressWarnings(expr = UpdateKey(key = assay))
    object <- new(
      Class = 'Seurat',
      assays = assays,
      meta.data = meta.data,
      version = packageVersion(pkg = 'Seurat'),
      project.name = 'SeuratProject'
    DefaultAssay(object = object) <- assay
  } else {
    object <- CreateSeuratObject(
      counts = expr,
      meta.data = meta.data,
      assay = assay
  # feature metadata
  if (verbose) {
    message("Adding feature-level metadata")
  feature.metadata <- Biobase::fData(object = x)
  object[[assay]][[names(x = feature.metadata)]] <- feature.metadata
  # mean/dispersion values
  disp.table <- tryCatch(
    expr = suppressWarnings(expr = monocle::dispersionTable(cds = x)),
    error = function(...) {
  if (!is.null(x = disp.table)) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Adding dispersion information")
    rownames(x = disp.table) <- disp.table[, 1]
    disp.table[, 1] <- NULL
    colnames(x = disp.table) <- paste0('monocle_', colnames(x = disp.table))
    object[[assay]][[names(x = disp.table)]] <- disp.table
  } else if (verbose) {
    message("No dispersion information in CellDataSet object")
  # variable features
  if ("use_for_ordering" %in% colnames(x = feature.metadata)) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Setting variable features")
    VariableFeatures(object = object, assay = assay) <- rownames(x = feature.metadata)[which(x = feature.metadata[, "use_for_ordering"])]
  } else if (verbose) {
    message("No variable features present")
  # add dim reduction
  dr.name <- slot(object = x, name = "dim_reduce_type")
  if (length(x = dr.name) > 0) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Adding ", dr.name, " dimensional reduction")
    reduced.A <- t(x = slot(object = x, name = 'reducedDimA'))
    reduced.S <- t(x = slot(object = x, name = 'reducedDimS'))
    if (IsMatrixEmpty(x = reduced.S)) {
      embeddings <- reduced.A
      loadings <- new(Class = 'matrix')
    } else {
      embeddings <- reduced.S
      loadings <- t(x = reduced.A)
    rownames(x = embeddings) <- colnames(x = object)
    misc.dr <- list(
      reducedDimS = slot(object = x, name = "reducedDimS"),
      reducedDimK = slot(object = x, name = "reducedDimK"),
      reducedDimW = slot(object = x, name = "reducedDimW"),
      reducedDimA = slot(object = x, name = "reducedDimA")
    dr <- suppressWarnings(expr = CreateDimReducObject(
      embeddings = embeddings,
      loadings = loadings,
      assay = assay,
      key = UpdateKey(key = tolower(x = dr.name)),
      misc = misc.dr
    object[[dr.name]] <- dr
  } else if (verbose) {
    message("No dimensional reduction information found")
  monocle.specific.info <- list(
    expressionFamily = slot(object = x, name = "expressionFamily"),
    lowerDetectionLimit = slot(object = x, name = "lowerDetectionLimit"),
    dispFitInfo = slot(object = x, name = "dispFitInfo"),
    cellPairwiseDistances = slot(object = x, name = "cellPairwiseDistances"),
    minSpanningTree = slot(object = x, name = "minSpanningTree"),
    auxOrderingData = slot(object = x, name = "auxOrderingData"),
    auxClusteringData = slot(object = x, name = "auxClusteringData"),
    experimentData = slot(object = x, name = "experimentData"),
    protocolData = slot(object = x, name = "protocolData"),
    classVersion = slot(object = x, name = ".__classVersion__")
  Misc(object = object, slot = "monocle")  <- monocle.specific.info

#' @param counts name of the SingleCellExperiment assay to store as \code{counts};
#' set to \code{NULL} if only normalized data are present
#' @param data name of the SingleCellExperiment assay to slot as \code{data}.
#' Set to NULL if only counts are present
#' @param assay Name of assays to convert; set to \code{NULL} for all assays to be converted
#' @param project Project name for new Seurat object
#' @rdname as.Seurat
#' @concept objects
#' @export
#' @method as.Seurat SingleCellExperiment
as.Seurat.SingleCellExperiment <- function(
  counts = 'counts',
  data = 'logcounts',
  assay = NULL,
  project = 'SingleCellExperiment',
) {
  if (!PackageCheck('SingleCellExperiment', error = FALSE)) {
      "Please install SingleCellExperiment from Bioconductor before converting to a SingleCellExperiment object.",
      call. = FALSE
  meta.data <- as.data.frame(x = SummarizedExperiment::colData(x = x))
  if (packageVersion(pkg = "SingleCellExperiment") >= "1.14.0") {
    orig.exp <- SingleCellExperiment::mainExpName(x = x) %||% "originalexp"
  } else {
    orig.exp <- "originalexp"
  if (!is.null(SingleCellExperiment::altExpNames(x = x))) {
    assayn <- assay %||% SingleCellExperiment::altExpNames(x = x)
    if (!all(assay %in% SingleCellExperiment::altExpNames(x = x))) {
      stop("One or more of the assays you are trying to convert is not in the SingleCellExperiment object")
    assayn <- c(orig.exp, assayn)
  } else {
    assayn <- orig.exp
  for (assay in assayn) {
    if (assay != orig.exp) {
      x <- SingleCellExperiment::swapAltExp(x = x, name = assay, saved = NULL)
    # Pull matrices
    mats <- list(counts = counts, data = data)
    mats <- Filter(f = Negate(f = is.null), x = mats)
    if (length(x = mats) == 0) {
      stop("Cannot pass 'NULL' to both 'counts' and 'data'")
    for (m in 1:length(x = mats)) {
      mats[[m]] <- tryCatch(
        expr = SummarizedExperiment::assay(x = x, i = mats[[m]]),
        error = function(e) {
          stop("No data in provided assay - ", mats[[m]], call. = FALSE)
      # if cell names are NULL, fill with cell_X
      if (is.null(x = colnames(x = mats[[m]]))) {
          "The column names of the ",
          names(x = mats)[m],
          " matrix is NULL. Setting cell names to cell_columnidx (e.g 'cell_1').",
          call. = FALSE,
          immediate. = TRUE
        cell.names <- paste0("cell_", 1:ncol(x = mats[[m]]))
        colnames(x = mats[[m]]) <- cell.names
        rownames(x = meta.data) <- cell.names
    assays <- if (is.null(x = mats$counts)) {
      list(CreateAssayObject(data = mats$data))
    } else if (is.null(x = mats$data)) {
      list(CreateAssayObject(counts = mats$counts))
    } else {
      a <- CreateAssayObject(counts = mats$counts)
      a <- SetAssayData(object = a, slot = 'data', new.data = mats$data)
    names(x = assays) <- assay
    Key(object = assays[[assay]]) <- paste0(tolower(x = assay), '_')
    # Create the Seurat object
    if (!exists(x = "object")) {
      object <- CreateSeuratObject(
        counts = assays[[assay]],
        Class = 'Seurat',
        assay = assay,
        meta.data = meta.data,
        version = packageVersion(pkg = 'Seurat'),
        project.name = project
    } else {
      object[[assay]] <- assays[[assay]]
    DefaultAssay(object = object) <- assay
    # add feature level meta data
    md <- SingleCellExperiment::rowData(x = x)
    if (ncol(x = md) > 0) {
      # replace underscores
      rownames(x = md) <- gsub(pattern = "_", replacement = "-", x = rownames(x = md))
      md <- as.data.frame(x = md)
      # ensure order same as data
      md <- md[rownames(x = object[[assay]]), , drop = FALSE]
      object[[assay]] <- AddMetaData(
        object = object[[assay]],
        metadata = md
    Idents(object = object) <- project
    # Get DimReduc information, add underscores if needed and pull from different alt EXP
    if (length(x = SingleCellExperiment::reducedDimNames(x = x)) > 0) {
      for (dr in SingleCellExperiment::reducedDimNames(x = x)) {
        embeddings <- as.matrix(x = SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(x = x, type = dr))
        if (is.null(x = rownames(x = embeddings))) {
          rownames(x = embeddings)  <- cell.names
        } else {
          rownames(x = embeddings) <- make.unique(names = rownames(x = embeddings))
        if (isTRUE(x = !grepl('_$',
        gsub(pattern = "[[:digit:]]",
          replacement = "_",
          x = colnames(x = SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(x = x, type = dr))[1]
        )))) {
        key <- gsub(
          pattern = "[[:digit:]]",
          replacement = "_",
          x = colnames(x = SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(x = x, type = dr))[1]
        } else
          key <- gsub(
            pattern = "[[:digit:]]",
            replacement = "",
            x = colnames(x = SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(x = x, type = dr))[1]
        if (length(x = key) == 0) {
          key <- paste0(dr, "_")
        colnames(x = embeddings) <- paste0(key, 1:ncol(x = embeddings))
        object[[dr]] <- CreateDimReducObject(
          embeddings = embeddings,
          key = key,
          assay = DefaultAssay(object = object)

#' @param assay Assays to convert
#' @rdname as.SingleCellExperiment
#' @concept objects
#' @export
#' @method as.SingleCellExperiment Seurat
#' @importFrom SeuratObject .FilterObjects
as.SingleCellExperiment.Seurat <- function(x, assay = NULL, ...) {
  if (!PackageCheck('SingleCellExperiment', error = FALSE)) {
    stop("Please install SingleCellExperiment from Bioconductor before converting to a SingleCellExperiment object")
  assay <- assay %||% Assays(object = x)
  if (!all(assay %in% Assays(object = x))) {
    stop("One or more of the assays you are trying to convert is not in the Seurat object")
  if (DefaultAssay(object = x) %in% assay) {
    assay <- union(DefaultAssay(object = x), assay)
  experiments <- list()
  for (assayn in assay) {
    assays <- list(
      counts = GetAssayData(object = x, assay = assayn, slot = "counts"),
      logcounts = GetAssayData(object = x, assay = assayn, slot = "data")
    scaledata_a <- GetAssayData(object = x, assay = assayn, slot = "scale.data")
    if (isTRUE(x = all.equal(
      target = dim(x = assays[["counts"]]),
      current = dim(x = scaledata_a))
    )) {
      assays[["scaledata"]] <- scaledata_a
    assays <- assays[sapply(X = assays, FUN = nrow) != 0]
    sume <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(assays = assays)
    experiments[[assayn]] <- sume
  # create one single cell experiment
  sce <- as(object = experiments[[1]], Class = "SingleCellExperiment")
  orig.exp.name <- names(x = experiments[1])
  if (packageVersion(pkg = "SingleCellExperiment") >= "1.14.0") {
    SingleCellExperiment::mainExpName(sce) <- names(x = experiments[1])
  if (length(x = experiments) > 1) {
    sce <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(sce, altExps = experiments)
    sce <- SingleCellExperiment::swapAltExp(
      x = sce,
      name = orig.exp.name,
      saved = NULL
  metadata <- x[[]]
  metadata$ident <- Idents(object = x)
  SummarizedExperiment::colData(x = sce) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(metadata)
  for (assayn in assay) {
    if (assayn != orig.exp.name) {
      sce <- SingleCellExperiment::swapAltExp(
        x = sce,
        name = assayn,
        saved = orig.exp.name
      SummarizedExperiment::rowData(x = sce) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(x[[assayn]][[]])
      sce <- SingleCellExperiment::swapAltExp(
        x = sce,
        name = orig.exp.name,
        saved = assayn
  for (dr in .FilterObjects(object = x, classes.keep = "DimReduc")) {
    assay.used <- DefaultAssay(object = x[[dr]])
    swap.exp <- assay.used %in% SingleCellExperiment::altExpNames(x = sce) & assay.used != orig.exp.name
    if (swap.exp) {
      sce <- SingleCellExperiment::swapAltExp(
        x = sce,
        name = assay.used,
        saved = orig.exp.name
    SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(x = sce, type = toupper(x = dr)) <- Embeddings(object = x[[dr]])
    if (swap.exp) {
      sce <- SingleCellExperiment::swapAltExp(
        x = sce,
        name = orig.exp.name,
        saved = assay.used

#' Cast to Sparse
#' @inheritParams SeuratObject::as.sparse
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @rdname as.sparse
#' @concept objects
#' @export
#' @method as.sparse H5Group
#' @seealso \code{\link[SeuratObject:as.sparse]{SeuratObject::as.sparse}}
as.sparse.H5Group <- function(x, ...) {
  for (i in c('data', 'indices', 'indptr')) {
    if (!x$exists(name = i) || !is(object = x[[i]], class2 = 'H5D')) {
      stop("Invalid H5Group specification for a sparse matrix, missing dataset ", i)
  if ('h5sparse_shape' %in% hdf5r::h5attr_names(x = x)) {
      i = x[['indices']][] + 1,
      p = x[['indptr']][],
      x = x[['data']][],
      dims = rev(x = hdf5r::h5attr(x = x, which = 'h5sparse_shape'))
    i = x[['indices']][] + 1,
    p = x[['indptr']][],
    x = x[['data']][]

#' @method as.sparse IterableMatrix
#' @export
as.sparse.IterableMatrix <- function(x, ...) {
  return(as(object = x, Class = 'dgCMatrix'))

#' Get Cell Names
#' @inheritParams SeuratObject::Cells
#' @rdname Cells
#' @concept objects
#' @method Cells SCTModel
#' @export
Cells.SCTModel <- function(x, ...) {
  return(rownames(x = slot(object = x, name = "cell.attributes")))

#' @method Cells SCTAssay
#' @export
Cells.SCTAssay <- function(x, layer = NA, ...) {
  layer <- layer %||% levels(x = x)[1L]
  if (rlang::is_na(x = layer)) {
    return(colnames(x = x))
  return(Cells(x = components(object = x, model = layer)))

#' @rdname Cells
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @method Cells SlideSeq
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[SeuratObject:Cells]{SeuratObject::Cells}}
Cells.SlideSeq <- function(x, ...) {
  return(rownames(x = GetTissueCoordinates(object = x)))

#' @rdname Cells
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @method Cells STARmap
#' @export
Cells.STARmap <- function(x, ...) {
  return(rownames(x = GetTissueCoordinates(object = x)))

#' @rdname Cells
#' @concept objects
#' @method Cells VisiumV1
#' @export
Cells.VisiumV1 <- function(x, ...) {
  return(rownames(x = GetTissueCoordinates(object = x, scale = NULL)))

#' @importFrom SeuratObject DefaultLayer Layers
#' @method Features SCTAssay
#' @export
Features.SCTAssay <- function(x, layer = NA, ...) {
  layer <- layer %||% DefaultLayer(object = x)
  if (rlang::is_na(x = layer)) {
    return(rownames(x = x))
  layer <- rlang::arg_match(
    arg = layer, values = c(Layers(object = x), levels(x = x)))
  if (layer %in% levels(x = x)) {
    return(Features(x = components(object = x, model = layer)))

#' @method Features SCTModel
#' @export
Features.SCTModel <- function(x, ...) {
  return(rownames(x = SCTResults(object = x, slot = 'feature.attributes')))

#' @param assay Assay to get
#' @rdname GetAssay
#' @concept objects
#' @export
#' @method GetAssay Seurat
#' @examples
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' GetAssay(object = pbmc_small, assay = "RNA")
GetAssay.Seurat <- function(object, assay = NULL, ...) {
  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
  object.assays <- FilterObjects(
    object = object, classes.keep = c('Assay', 'Assay5'))
  if (!assay %in% object.assays) {
      " is not an assay present in the given object. Available assays are: ",
      paste(object.assays, collapse = ", ")
  return(slot(object = object, name = 'assays')[[assay]])

#' Get Image Data
#' @inheritParams SeuratObject::GetImage
#' @rdname GetImage
#' @method GetImage SlideSeq
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[SeuratObject:GetImage]{SeuratObject::GetImage}}
GetImage.SlideSeq <- function(
  mode = c('grob', 'raster', 'plotly', 'raw'),
) {
  mode <- match.arg(arg = mode)
  return(NullImage(mode = mode))

#' @rdname GetImage
#' @method GetImage STARmap
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @export
GetImage.STARmap <- function(
  mode = c('grob', 'raster', 'plotly', 'raw'),
) {
  mode <- match.arg(arg = mode)
  return(NullImage(mode = mode))

#' @importFrom plotly raster2uri
#' @importFrom grDevices as.raster
#' @importFrom grid rasterGrob unit
#' @rdname GetImage
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @method GetImage VisiumV1
#' @export
GetImage.VisiumV1 <- function(
  mode = c('grob', 'raster', 'plotly', 'raw'),
) {
  mode <- match.arg(arg = mode)

  image <- slot(object = object, name = 'image')

  image <- switch(
    EXPR = mode,
    'grob' = rasterGrob(
      image = image,
      width = unit(x = 1, units = 'npc'),
      height = unit(x = 1, units = 'npc')
    'raster' = as.raster(x = image),
    'plotly' = list(
      source = raster2uri(GetImage(object, mode = 'raster')),
      xref = 'x',
      yref = 'y',
      sizex = ncol(x = object),
      sizey = nrow(x = object),
      sizing = 'stretch',
      opacity = 1,
      layer = 'below'
    'raw' = image,
    stop("Unknown image mode: ", mode, call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname GetImage
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @method GetImage VisiumV2
#' @export
GetImage.VisiumV2 <- GetImage.VisiumV1

#' Get Tissue Coordinates
#' @inheritParams SeuratObject::GetTissueCoordinates
#' @rdname GetTissueCoordinates
#' @method GetTissueCoordinates SlideSeq
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[SeuratObject:GetTissueCoordinates]{SeuratObject::GetTissueCoordinates}}
GetTissueCoordinates.SlideSeq <- function(object, ...) {
  coords <- slot(object = object, name = 'coordinates')
  colnames(x = coords) <- c('x', 'y')
  # coords$y <- -rev(x = coords$y) + 1
  # coords$y <- FlipCoords(x = coords$y)
  coords$cells <- rownames(x = coords)

#' @param qhulls return qhulls instead of centroids
#' @rdname GetTissueCoordinates
#' @method GetTissueCoordinates STARmap
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @export
GetTissueCoordinates.STARmap <- function(object, qhulls = FALSE, ...) {
  if (qhulls) {
    return(slot(object = object, name = 'qhulls'))
  return(slot(object = object, name = 'coordinates'))

#' @param scale A factor to scale the coordinates by; choose from: 'tissue',
#' 'fiducial', 'hires', 'lowres', or \code{NULL} for no scaling
#' @param cols Columns of tissue coordinates data.frame to pull
#' @rdname GetTissueCoordinates
#' @method GetTissueCoordinates VisiumV1
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @export
GetTissueCoordinates.VisiumV1 <- function(
  scale = 'lowres',
  cols = c('imagerow', 'imagecol'),
) {
  cols <- cols %||% colnames(x = slot(object = object, name = 'coordinates'))
  if (!is.null(x = scale)) {
    coordinates <- slot(
      object = object, name = 'coordinates')[, c('imagerow', 'imagecol')]
    scale <- match.arg(
      arg = scale, choices = c('spot', 'fiducial', 'hires', 'lowres'))
    scale.use <- ScaleFactors(object = object)[[scale]]
    coordinates <- coordinates * scale.use
  } else {
    coordinates <- slot(object = object, name = 'coordinates')[, cols]

#' @rdname GetTissueCoordinates
#' @method GetTissueCoordinates VisiumV2
#' @export
GetTissueCoordinates.VisiumV2 <- function(
  scale = NULL,
) {
  # make call to GetTissueCoordiantes.FOV
  coordinates <- NextMethod(object, ...)
  # do some cleanup of the resulting data.frame to make it play nice
  # with `SpatialPlot` - namely set rownames and re-order the columns so
  # that the actual position values appear first
  rownames(coordinates) <- coordinates[["cell"]]
  coordinates <- coordinates[, c("x", "y", "cell")]

  if (!is.null(scale)) {
    # scale the coordinates by the specified factor
    scale <- match.arg(scale, choices = c("lowres", "hires"))
    scale.factor <- ScaleFactors(object)[[scale]]
    coordinates[, c("x", "y")] <- coordinates[, c("x", "y")] * scale.factor

  return (coordinates)

#' Get Variable Feature Information
#' Get variable feature information from \code{\link{SCTAssay}} objects
#' @inheritParams SeuratObject::HVFInfo
#' @param method method to determine variable features
#' @export
#' @concept objects
#' @method HVFInfo SCTAssay
#' @seealso \code{\link[SeuratObject]{HVFInfo}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get the HVF info directly from an SCTAssay object
#' pbmc_small <- SCTransform(pbmc_small)
#' HVFInfo(pbmc_small[["SCT"]], method = 'sct')[1:5, ]
#' }
HVFInfo.SCTAssay <- function(object, method, status = FALSE, ...) {
  disp.methods <- c('mean.var.plot', 'dispersion', 'disp')
  if (tolower(x = method) %in% disp.methods) {
    method <- 'mvp'
  method <- switch(
    EXPR = tolower(x = method),
    'sctransform' = 'sct',
  vars <- c('gmean', 'variance', 'residual_variance')
  hvf.info <- SCTResults(object = object, slot = "feature.attributes")[,vars]
  if (status) {
    hvf.info$variable <- FALSE
    hvf.info[VariableFeatures(object = object), "variable"] <-  TRUE

#' Get Spot Radius
#' @inheritParams SeuratObject::Radius
#' @rdname Radius
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @method Radius SlideSeq
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[SeuratObject:Radius]{SeuratObject::Radius}}
Radius.SlideSeq <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname Radius
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @method Radius STARmap
#' @export
Radius.STARmap <- function(object, ...) {

#' @param scale A factor to scale the radius by; one of: "hires",
#' "lowres", or \code{NULL} for the unscaled value.
#' @rdname Radius
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @method Radius VisiumV1
#' @export
Radius.VisiumV1 <- function(object, scale = "lowres", ...) {
  scale.factors <- ScaleFactors(object = object)

  spot.size <- scale.factors[["spot"]]
  scale.factor <- scale.factors[[
    match.arg(scale, choices = c("hires", "lowres"))

  image.size <- max(dim(GetImage(object, resolution=scale)$raster))

  return ((spot.size * scale.factor) / image.size)

#' @rdname Radius
#' @concept objects
#' @concept spatial
#' @method Radius VisiumV1
#' @export
Radius.VisiumV2 <- Radius.VisiumV1

#' @rdname RenameCells
#' @export
#' @concept objects
#' @method RenameCells SCTAssay
RenameCells.SCTAssay <- function(object, new.names = NULL, ...) {
  old.names <- Cells(x = object)
  names(x = new.names) <- old.names
  cell.attributes <- SCTResults(object = object, slot = "cell.attributes")
  if (length(x = cell.attributes) > 0) {
    if (is.data.frame(x = cell.attributes)) {
      old.names <- rownames(x = cell.attributes)
      rownames(x = cell.attributes) <- unname(obj = new.names[old.names])
    } else {
      cell.attributes <- lapply(
        X = cell.attributes,
        FUN = function(x) {
          old.names <- rownames(x = x)
          rownames(x = x) <- unname(obj = new.names[old.names])
    SCTResults(object = object, slot = "cell.attributes") <- cell.attributes
  new.names <- unname(obj = new.names)
  object <- NextMethod()

#' Rename Cells in an Object
#' @inheritParams SeuratObject::RenameCells
#' @rdname RenameCells
#' @concept objects
#' @method RenameCells SlideSeq
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[SeuratObject:RenameCells]{SeuratObject::RenameCells}}
RenameCells.SlideSeq <- function(object, new.names = NULL, ...) {
  return(RenameCells.VisiumV1(object = object, new.names = new.names))

#' @rdname RenameCells
#' @concept objects
#' @method RenameCells STARmap
#' @export
RenameCells.STARmap <- function(object, new.names = NULL, ...) {
  names(x = new.names) <- Cells(x = object)
  object <- RenameCells.VisiumV1(object = object, new.names = new.names)
  qhulls <- GetTissueCoordinates(object = object, qhull = TRUE)
  qhulls$cell <- new.names[qhulls$cell]
  slot(object = object, name = "qhulls") <- qhulls

#' @rdname RenameCells
#' @concept objects
#' @method RenameCells VisiumV1
#' @export
RenameCells.VisiumV1 <- function(object, new.names = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(x = new.names)) {
  } else if (length(x = new.names) != length(x = Cells(x = object))) {
    stop("Wrong number of cell/spot names", call. = FALSE)
  names(x = new.names) <- Cells(x = object)
  coordinates <- GetTissueCoordinates(object = object, scale = NULL, cols = NULL)
  rownames(x = coordinates) <- new.names[rownames(x = coordinates)]
  slot(object = object, name = 'coordinates') <- coordinates

#' @rdname SCTResults
#' @export
#' @method SCTResults SCTModel
SCTResults.SCTModel <- function(object, slot, ...) {
  slots.use <- c('feature.attributes', 'cell.attributes', 'clips','umi.assay',  'model', 'arguments', 'median_umi')
  if (!slot %in% slots.use) {
      "'slot' must be one of ",
      paste(slots.use, collapse = ', '),
      call. = FALSE
  return(slot(object = object, name = slot))

#' @rdname SCTResults
#' @concept objects
#' @export
#' @method SCTResults<- SCTModel
"SCTResults<-.SCTModel" <- function(object, slot, ..., value) {
  slots.use <- c('feature.attributes', 'cell.attributes', 'clips','umi.assay', 'model', 'arguments', 'median_umi')
  if (!slot %in% slots.use) {
      "'slot' must be one of ",
      paste(slots.use, collapse = ', '),
      call. = FALSE
  slot(object = object, name = slot) <- value

#' @param slot Which slot to pull the SCT results from
#' @param model Name of SCModel to pull result from. Available names can be
#' retrieved with \code{levels}.
#' @return Returns the value present in the requested slot for the requested
#' group. If group is not specified, returns a list of slot results for each
#' group unless there is only one group present (in which case it just returns
#' the slot directly).
#' @rdname SCTResults
#' @concept objects
#' @export
#' @method SCTResults SCTAssay
SCTResults.SCTAssay <- function(object, slot, model = NULL, ...) {
  slots.use <- c('feature.attributes', 'cell.attributes', 'clips', 'umi.assay',  'model', 'arguments', 'median_umi')
  if (!slot %in% slots.use) {
      "'slot' must be one of ",
      paste(slots.use, collapse = ', '),
      call. = FALSE
  model <- model %||% levels(x = object)
  model.list <- slot(object = object, name = "SCTModel.list")[model]
  results.list <- lapply(X = model.list, FUN = function(x) SCTResults(object = x, slot = slot))
  if (length(x = results.list) == 1) {
    results.list <- results.list[[1]]

#' @rdname SCTResults
#' @concept objects
#' @export
#' @method SCTResults<- SCTAssay
"SCTResults<-.SCTAssay" <- function(object, slot, model = NULL, ..., value) {
  slots.use <- c('feature.attributes', 'cell.attributes', 'clips','umi.assay', 'model', 'arguments', 'median_umi')
  if (!slot %in% slots.use) {
      "'slot' must be one of ",
      paste(slots.use, collapse = ', '),
      call. = FALSE
  model <- model %||% levels(x = object)
  model.list <- slot(object = object, name = "SCTModel.list")[model]
  if (!is.list(x = value) | is.data.frame(x = value)) {
    value <- list(value)
  model.names <- names(x = model.list)
  model.list <- lapply(
    X = 1:length(x = model.list),
    FUN = function(x) {
      SCTResults(object = model.list[[x]], slot = slot) <- value[[x]]
  names(x = model.list) <- model.names
  slot(object = object, name = "SCTModel.list")[model.names] <- model.list

#' @param assay Assay in the Seurat object to pull from
#' @rdname SCTResults
#' @export
#' @concept objects
#' @method SCTResults Seurat
SCTResults.Seurat <- function(object, assay = "SCT", slot, model = NULL, ...) {
  return(SCTResults(object = object[[assay]], slot = slot, model = model, ...))

#' @importFrom utils head
#' @method VariableFeatures SCTModel
#' @export
VariableFeatures.SCTModel <- function(object, method = NULL, nfeatures = 3000, ...) {
  if (!is_scalar_integerish(x = nfeatures) || (!is_na(x = nfeatures < 1L) && nfeatures < 1L)) {
    abort(message = "'nfeatures' must be a single positive integer")
  feature.attr <- SCTResults(object = object, slot = 'feature.attributes')
  feature.variance <- feature.attr[, 'residual_variance']
  names(x = feature.variance) <- row.names(x = feature.attr)
  feature.variance <- sort(x = feature.variance, decreasing = TRUE)
  if (is_na(x = nfeatures)) {
    return(names(x = feature.variance))
  return(head(x = names(x = feature.variance), n = nfeatures))

#' @importFrom utils head
#' @method VariableFeatures SCTAssay
#' @export
VariableFeatures.SCTAssay <- function(
  method = NULL,
  layer = NULL,
  nfeatures = NULL,
  simplify = TRUE,
  use.var.features = TRUE,
) {
  # Is the information already in var.features?
  var.features.existing <- slot(object = object, name = "var.features")
  nfeatures <- nfeatures %||% length(x = var.features.existing) %||% 3000
  if (is.null(x = layer)) {
    layer <- levels(x = object)
  if (simplify == TRUE & use.var.features == TRUE & length(var.features.existing) >= nfeatures){
     return(head(x = var.features.existing, n = nfeatures))

  layer <- match.arg(arg = layer, choices = levels(x = object), several.ok = TRUE)
  # run variable features on each model

  vf.list <- sapply(
    X = layer,
    FUN = function(lyr) {
        object = components(object = object, model = lyr),
        nfeatures = nfeatures,
    simplify = FALSE,
  if (isFALSE(x = simplify)){
  var.features <- sort(
    x = table(unlist(x = vf.list, use.names = FALSE)),
    decreasing = TRUE
  if (length(x = var.features) == 0) {
  tie.val <- var.features[min(nfeatures, length(x = var.features))]
  features <- names(x = var.features[which(x = var.features > tie.val)])
  if (length(x = features) > 0) {
    feature.ranks <- sapply(X = features, FUN = function(x) {
      ranks <- sapply(X = vf.list, FUN = function(vf) {
        if (x %in% vf) {
          return(which(x = x == vf))
      median(x = unlist(x = ranks))
    features <- names(x = sort(x = feature.ranks))
  features.tie <- var.features[which(x = var.features == tie.val)]
  tie.ranks <- sapply(X = names(x = features.tie), FUN = function(x) {
    ranks <- sapply(X = vf.list, FUN = function(vf) {
      if (x %in% vf) {
        return(which(x = x == vf))
    median(x = unlist(x = ranks))
  features <- c(
    names(x = head(x = sort(x = tie.ranks), nfeatures - length(x = features)))

#' @rdname ScaleFactors
#' @method ScaleFactors VisiumV1
#' @export
#' @concept spatial
ScaleFactors.VisiumV1 <- function(object, ...) {
  return(slot(object = object, name = 'scale.factors'))

#' @rdname ScaleFactors
#' @method ScaleFactors VisiumV2
#' @export
#' @concept spatial
ScaleFactors.VisiumV2 <- ScaleFactors.VisiumV1

#' @method FetchData VisiumV1
#' @export
#' @concept spatial
FetchData.VisiumV1 <- function(
  cells = NULL,
) {
  if (is.numeric(x = cells)) {
    cells <- Cells(x = object)[cells]
  } else if (is.null(x = cells)) {
    cells <- Cells(x = object)
  vars.unkeyed <- gsub(pattern = paste0('^', Key(object)), replacement = '', x = vars)
  coords <- GetTissueCoordinates(object = object)[cells, vars.unkeyed, drop = FALSE]
  colnames(x = coords) <- vars

# Methods for R-defined generics

#' @method [ SlideSeq
#' @concept objects
#' @export
"[.SlideSeq" <- function(x, i, ...) {
  return(subset(x = x, cells = i, ...))

#' @method [ VisiumV1
#' @export
"[.VisiumV1" <- function(x, i, ...) {
  return(subset(x = x, cells = i))

#' @method components SCTAssay
#' @export
components.SCTAssay <- function(object, model, ...) {
  model <- rlang::arg_match(arg = model, values = levels(x = object))
  return(slot(object = object, name = 'SCTModel.list')[[model]])

#' @method dim SlideSeq
#' @concept objects
#' @export
dim.SlideSeq <- function(x) {
  # return(dim(x = GetImage(object = x, mode = 'raw')))
  return(c(599, 600))

#' @method dim STARmap
#' @concept objects
#' @export
dim.STARmap <- function(x) {
  coords <- GetTissueCoordinates(object = x)
    max(coords[, 1]) - min(coords[, 1]),
    max(coords[, 2]) - min(coords[, 2])

#' @method dim VisiumV1
#' @concept objects
#' @export
dim.VisiumV1 <- function(x) {
  return(dim(x = GetImage(object = x)$raster))

#' @method dim VisiumV2
#' @concept objects
#' @export
dim.VisiumV2 <- dim.VisiumV1

#' @rdname SCTAssay-class
#' @name SCTAssay-class
#' @section Get and set SCT model names:
#' SCT results are named by initial run of \code{\link{SCTransform}} in order
#' to keep SCT parameters straight between runs. When working with merged
#' \code{SCTAssay} objects, these model names are important. \code{levels}
#' allows querying the models present. \code{levels<-} allows the changing of
#' the names of the models present, useful when merging \code{SCTAssay} objects.
#' Note: unlike normal \code{\link[base]{levels<-}}, \code{levels<-.SCTAssay}
#' allows complete changing of model names, not reordering.
#' @param x An \code{SCTAssay} object
#' @return \code{levels}: SCT model names
#' @export
#' @concept objects
#' @method levels SCTAssay
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Query and change SCT model names
#' levels(pbmc_small[['SCT']])
#' levels(pbmc_small[['SCT']]) <- '3'
#' levels(pbmc_small[['SCT']])
#' }
levels.SCTAssay <- function(x) {
  return(names(x = slot(object = x, name = "SCTModel.list")))

#' @rdname SCTAssay-class
#' @name SCTAssay-class
#' @param value New levels, must be in the same order as the levels present
#' @return \code{levels<-}: \code{x} with updated SCT model names
#' @export
#' @concept objects
#' @method levels<- SCTAssay
"levels<-.SCTAssay" <- function(x, value) {
  value <- sapply(X = value, FUN = function(v) {
    if (suppressWarnings(expr = !is.na(x = as.numeric(x = v)))) {
      warning("SCTModel groups cannot be number, group is added in front of ", v)
      v <- paste0("group", v)
    return (v)
  # Get current levels
  levels <- levels(x = x)
  if (length(x = value) != length(x = levels)) {
    stop("Must provide a vector of length ", length(x = levels), " as new levels.", call. = FALSE)
  names(x = slot(object = x, name = "SCTModel.list")) <- value

#' Merge SCTAssay objects
#' @inheritParams SeuratObject::merge
#' @param x A \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Seurat}} object
#' @param na.rm If na.rm = TRUE, this will only preserve residuals that are
#' present in all SCTAssays being merged. Otherwise, missing residuals will be
#' populated with NAs.
#' @export
#' @method merge SCTAssay
#' @concept objects
merge.SCTAssay <- function(
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  add.cell.ids = NULL,
  merge.data = TRUE,
  na.rm = TRUE,
) {
  assays <- c(x, y)
  if (any(sapply(
    X = assays,
    FUN = function(assay.i) inherits(x = assay.i, what = "Assay5")
  ))) {
    return(merge(x = as(x, "Assay5"), y, ...))
  parent.call <- grep(pattern = "merge.Seurat", x = sys.calls())
  if (length(x = parent.call) > 0) {
    # Try and fill in missing residuals if called in the context of merge.Seurat
    all.features <- unique(
      x = unlist(
        x = lapply(
          X = assays,
          FUN = function(assay) {
      if (inherits(x = assay, what = "SCTAssay")) {
        return(rownames(x = GetAssayData(object = assay, slot = "scale.data")))
    if (!is.null(all.features)) {
      assays <- lapply(X = 1:length(x = assays), FUN = function(assay) {
        if (inherits(x = assays[[assay]], what = "SCTAssay")) {
          parent.environ <- sys.frame(which = parent.call[1])
          seurat.object <- parent.environ$objects[[assay]]
          seurat.object <- suppressWarnings(expr = GetResidual(object = seurat.object, features = all.features,
                                                               assay = parent.environ$assay, verbose = FALSE))
  sct.check <- sapply(X = assays, FUN = function(x) inherits(x = x, what = "SCTAssay"))
  if (any(!sct.check)) {
    warning("Attempting to merge an SCTAssay with another Assay type \n",
            "Converting all to standard Assay objects.", call. = FALSE)
    assays <- lapply(1:length(x = assays), FUN = function(x) {
      if (sct.check[x]) {
        assays[[x]] <- as(object = assays[[x]], Class = "Assay")
    combined.assay <- merge(
        x = assays[[1]],
        y = assays[2:length(x = assays)],
        add.cell.ids = add.cell.ids,
        merge.data = merge.data
  combined.assay <- NextMethod()
  all.levels <- unlist(x = lapply(X = assays, FUN = levels))
  while (anyDuplicated(x = all.levels)) {
    levels.duplicate <- which(x = duplicated(x = all.levels))
    all.levels <- sapply(X = 1:length(x = all.levels), FUN = function(l) {
      if (l %in% levels.duplicate) {
          expr = as.numeric(x = all.levels[l]) + 1,
          warning = function(...) {
            make.unique(names = all.levels)[l]
          error = function(...){
            make.unique(names = all.levels)[l]
      } else {
  scale.data <- lapply(X = assays, FUN = function(x) {
    dat <- GetAssayData(object = x, slot = "scale.data")
    if (ncol(x = dat) == 0) {
      dat <- matrix(ncol = ncol(x = x))
  all.features <- lapply(X = scale.data, FUN = rownames)
  if (na.rm) {
    # merge intersection of possible residuals
    scaled.features <- names(x = which(x = table(x = unlist(x = all.features)) == length(x = assays)))
    if (length(x = scaled.features) == 0) {
      scale.data <- list(new(Class = "matrix"))
    } else {
      scale.data <- lapply(X = scale.data, FUN = function(x) x[scaled.features, ])
  } else {
    scaled.features <- unique(x = unlist(x = all.features))
    scale.data <- lapply(X = 1:length(x = scale.data), FUN = function(x) {
      na.features <- setdiff(x = scaled.features, y = rownames(x = scale.data[[x]]))
      na.mat <- matrix(
        data = NA,
        nrow = length(x = na.features),
        ncol = ncol(x = assays[[x]]),
        dimnames = list(na.features, colnames(x = assays[[x]]))
      return(rbind(scale.data[[x]], na.mat)[scaled.features, ])
  scale.data <- do.call(what = cbind, args = scale.data)
  combined.assay <- SetAssayData(object = combined.assay, slot = "scale.data", new.data = scale.data)
  model.list <- unlist(x = lapply(
    X = assays,
    FUN = slot,
    name = "SCTModel.list"
  names(x = model.list) <- all.levels
  model.list <- model.list %||% list()
  combined.assay <- new(
    Class = "SCTAssay",
    SCTModel.list = model.list
  features <- VariableFeatures(object = combined.assay)
  VariableFeatures(object = combined.assay) <- features

#' Subset an AnchorSet object
#' @inheritParams base::subset
#' @param score.threshold Only anchor pairs with scores greater than this value
#' are retained.
#' @param disallowed.dataset.pairs Remove any anchors formed between the
#' provided pairs. E.g. \code{list(c(1, 5), c(1, 2))} filters out any anchors between
#' datasets 1 and 5 and datasets 1 and 2.
#' @param dataset.matrix Provide a binary matrix specifying whether a dataset
#' pair is allowable (1) or not (0). Should be a dataset x dataset matrix.
#' @param group.by Grouping variable to determine allowable ident pairs
#' @param disallowed.ident.pairs Remove any anchors formed between provided
#' ident pairs. E.g. \code{list(c("CD4", "CD8"), c("B-cell", "T-cell"))}
#' @param ident.matrix Provide a binary matrix specifying whether an ident pair
#' is allowable (1) or not (0). Should be an ident x ident symmetric matrix
#' @return Returns an \code{\link{AnchorSet}} object with specified anchors
#' filtered out
#' @export
#' @method subset AnchorSet
#' @concept objects
subset.AnchorSet <- function(
  score.threshold = NULL,
  disallowed.dataset.pairs = NULL,
  dataset.matrix = NULL,
  group.by = NULL,
  disallowed.ident.pairs = NULL,
  ident.matrix = NULL,
) {
  if (!is.null(x = disallowed.dataset.pairs) && !is.null(x = dataset.matrix)) {
    stop("Please use either disallowed.dataset.pairs OR dataset.matrix, not both.")
  # Filter based on scores
  if (!is.null(x = score.threshold)) {
    if (score.threshold > 1 | score.threshold < 0) {
        "Anchors are scored on a scale between 0 and 1. Please provide a value",
        " in that range to score.threshold."
    anchors <- slot(object = x, name = "anchors")
    anchors <- anchors[anchors[, 'score'] > score.threshold, , drop = FALSE]
    slot(object = x, name = "anchors") <- anchors
  object.names <- names(x = slot(object = x, name = "object.list"))
  num.obs <- length(x = object.names)
  # Filter based on dataset pairings
  if (!is.null(x = disallowed.dataset.pairs)) {
    dataset.matrix <- matrix(data = 1, nrow = num.obs, ncol = num.obs)
    for(i in 1:length(x = disallowed.dataset.pairs)) {
      pair <- disallowed.dataset.pairs[[i]]
      if (length(x = pair) != 2) {
        stop("Please ensure all list items in disallowed.dataset.pairs are of length 2.")
      if (any(pair %in% object.names)) {
        pair[which(pair %in% object.names)] <- sapply(
          X = pair[which(pair %in% object.names)],
          FUN = function(x) {
            which(object.names == x)
      pair <- as.numeric(x = pair)
      dataset.matrix[pair[1], pair[2]] <- 0
  if (!is.null(x = dataset.matrix)) {
    if (any(dim(x = dataset.matrix) != c(num.obs, num.obs))){
      stop("Please provide a dataset.matrix that is ", num.obs, " x ", num.obs, ".")
    anchors <- slot(object = x, name = "anchors")
    pairs <- which(dataset.matrix == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
    for (i in 1:nrow(x = pairs)) {
      anchors <- anchors[-which(x = anchors$dataset1 == pairs[i, 1] & anchors$dataset2 == pairs[i, 2]), ]
      anchors <- anchors[-which(x = anchors$dataset1 == pairs[i, 2] & anchors$dataset2 == pairs[i, 1]), ]
    slot(object = x, name = "anchors") <- anchors
  # Filter based on ident pairings
  if (!is.null(x = group.by)) {
    anchors <- AnnotateAnchors(anchors = x, vars = group.by)
    if (!is.null(x = disallowed.ident.pairs) && !is.null(x = ident.matrix)) {
      stop("Please use either disallowed.ident.pairs OR ident.matrix, not both.")
    unique.ids <- unique(x = c(
      as.character(x = anchors[, paste0("cell1.", group.by)]),
      as.character(x = anchors[, paste0("cell2.", group.by)]))
    unique.ids <- unique.ids[!is.na(x = unique.ids)]
    num.ids <- length(x = unique.ids)
    if (!is.null(x = disallowed.ident.pairs)) {
      ident.matrix <- matrix(data = 1, nrow = num.ids, ncol = num.ids)
      rownames(x = ident.matrix) <- unique.ids
      colnames(x = ident.matrix) <- unique.ids
      for(i in 1:length(x = disallowed.ident.pairs)) {
        pair <- disallowed.ident.pairs[[i]]
        if (length(x = pair) != 2) {
          stop("Please ensure all list items in disallowed.dataset.pairs are of length 2.")
        ident.matrix[pair[1], pair[2]] <- 0
    if (!is.null(x = ident.matrix)) {
      if (any(dim(x = ident.matrix) != c(num.ids, num.ids))){
        stop("Please provide a dataset.matrix that is ", num.ids, " x ", num.ids, ".")
      to.remove <- c()
      pairs <- which(ident.matrix == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
      for (i in 1:nrow(x = pairs)) {
        id1 <- rownames(x = ident.matrix)[pairs[i, 1]]
        id2 <- colnames(x = ident.matrix)[pairs[i, 2]]
        to.remove <- c(to.remove, which(x = anchors[, paste0("cell1.", group.by)] == id1 & anchors[, paste0("cell2.", group.by)] == id2))
        to.remove <- c(to.remove, which(x = anchors[, paste0("cell1.", group.by)] == id2 & anchors[, paste0("cell2.", group.by)] == id1))
      anchors <- slot(object = x, name = "anchors")
      anchors <- anchors[-to.remove, ]
      slot(object = x, name = "anchors") <- anchors

#' @export
#' @method subset SCTAssay
#' @concept objects
subset.SCTAssay <- function(x, cells = NULL, features = NULL, ...) {
  x <- NextMethod()
  models <- levels(x = x)
  for (m in models) {
    attr <- SCTResults(object = x, slot = "cell.attributes", model = m)
    attr <- attr[intersect(x = rownames(x = attr), y = Cells(x = x)), , drop = FALSE]
    SCTResults(object = x, slot = "cell.attributes", model = m) <- attr
   if (nrow(x = attr) == 0) {
     slot(object = x, name = 'SCTModel.list')[[m]] <- NULL

#' @method subset SlideSeq
#' @concept objects
#' @export
subset.SlideSeq <- function(x, cells, ...) {
  x <- subset.VisiumV1(x = x, cells = cells, ...)

#' @method subset STARmap
#' @concept objects
#' @export
subset.STARmap <- function(x, cells, ...) {
  x <- subset.VisiumV1(x = x, cells = cells, ...)
  qhulls <- GetTissueCoordinates(object = x, qhulls = TRUE)
  qhulls <- qhulls[qhulls$cell %in% cells, ]
  slot(object = x, name = 'qhulls') <- qhulls

#' @method subset VisiumV1
#' @concept objects
#' @export
subset.VisiumV1 <- function(x, cells, ...) {
  coordinates <- GetTissueCoordinates(object = x, scale = NULL, cols = NULL)
  cells <- cells[cells %in% rownames(x = coordinates)]
  coordinates <- coordinates[cells, ]
  slot(object = x, name = 'coordinates') <- coordinates

#' Update pre-V4 Assays generated with SCTransform in the Seurat to the new
#' SCTAssay class
#' @param object A Seurat object
#' @export
#' @concept objects
#' @return A Seurat object with updated SCTAssays
UpdateSCTAssays <- function(object) {
  assays <- Assays(object = object)
  for (assay in assays) {
    if (IsSCT(assay = object[[assay]]) && !inherits(x = object[[assay]], what = "SCTAssay")) {
      object[[assay]] <- as(object =  object[[assay]], Class = "SCTAssay")

# S4 methods

#' @rdname SCTAssay-class
#' @name SCTAssay-class
#' @section Creating an \code{SCTAssay} from an \code{Assay}:
#' Conversion from an \code{Assay} object to an \code{SCTAssay} object by
#' is done by adding the additional slots to the object. If \code{from} has
#' results generated by \code{\link{SCTransform}} from Seurat v3.0.0 to v3.1.1,
#' the conversion will automagically fill the new slots with the data
  from = 'Assay',
  to = 'SCTAssay',
  def = function(from) {
    object.list <- sapply(
      X = slotNames(x = from),
      FUN = slot,
      object = from,
      simplify = FALSE,
    object.list <- c(
      list('Class' = 'SCTAssay'),
    if (IsSCT(assay = from)) {
      vst.slots <- c('vst.set', 'vst.out')
      vst.use <- vst.slots[vst.slots %in% names(x = Misc(object = from))][1]
      vst.res <- Misc(object = from, slot = vst.use)
      umi.assay <- Misc(object = from, slot = "umi.assay")
      if (vst.use == 'vst.out') {
        vst.res <- list(vst.res)
        umi.assay <- list(umi.assay)
      if (length(x = vst.res) == 0) {
        vst.res <- list()
      } else if (length(x = vst.res) > 0) {
        vst.res <- lapply(
          X = 1:length(x = vst.res),
          FUN = function(i) {
            vst.res[[i]]$umi.assay <- umi.assay[[i]]
              vst.res = vst.res[[i]],
              cell.names = colnames(x = from)
        names(x = vst.res) <- paste0("model", 1:length(x = vst.res))
      object.list$misc[[vst.use]] <- NULL
      object.list$SCTModel.list <- vst.res
    return(do.call(what = 'new', args = object.list))

  f = 'show',
  signature = 'TransferAnchorSet',
  definition = function(object) {
    cat('An AnchorSet object containing', nrow(x = slot(object = object, name = "anchors")),
        "anchors between the reference and query Seurat objects. \n",
        "This can be used as input to TransferData.\n")

  f = 'show',
  signature = 'IntegrationAnchorSet',
  definition = function(object) {
    cat('An AnchorSet object containing', nrow(x = slot(object = object, name = "anchors")),
        "anchors between", length(x = slot(object = object, name = "object.list")), "Seurat objects \n",
        "This can be used as input to IntegrateData.\n")

  f = 'show',
  signature = 'ModalityWeights',
  definition = function(object) {
      'A ModalityWeights object containing modality weights between',
      paste(slot(object = object, name = "modality.assay"), collapse = " and "),
      "assays \n", "This can be used as input to FindMultiModelNeighbors.\n")

  f = 'show',
  signature = 'BridgeReferenceSet',
  definition = function(object) {
      'A BridgeReferenceSet object has a bridge object with ',
      ncol(slot(object = object, name = 'bridge')),
      'cells and a reference object with ',
      ncol(slot(object = object, name = 'reference')),
      'cells. \n','The bridge query reduction is ',
      slot(object = object, name = 'params')$bridge.query.reduction %||%
        slot(object = object, name = 'params')$supervised.reduction,
   "\n This can be used as input to FindBridgeTransferAnchors and FindBridgeIntegrationAnchors")

  f = 'show',
  signature = 'SCTModel',
  definition = function(object) {
      "An sctransform model.\n",
      " Model formula: ", slot(object = object, name = "model"),
      "\n  Parameters stored for", nrow(x = SCTResults(object = object, slot = "feature.attributes")), "features,",
      nrow(x = SCTResults(object = object, slot = "cell.attributes")), "cells.\n")

#' @importFrom utils head
  f = 'show',
  signature = 'SCTAssay',
  definition = function(object) {
    cat('SCTAssay data with', nrow(x = object), 'features for', ncol(x = object),
        'cells, and', length(x = levels(x = object)) , 'SCTModel(s) \n')

    if (length(x = VariableFeatures(object = object)) > 0) {
      top.ten <- head(x = VariableFeatures(object = object), n = 10L)
      top <- 'Top'
      variable <- 'variable'
    } else {
      top.ten <- head(x = rownames(x = object), n = 10L)
      top <- 'First'
      variable <- ''
    features <- paste0(
      ' feature',
      if (length(x = top.ten) != 1) {'s'}, ":\n"
    features <- gsub(pattern = '^\\s+', replacement = '', x = features)
      length(x = top.ten),
      paste(strwrap(x = paste(top.ten, collapse = ', ')), collapse = '\n'),

# Internal

# Internal AddMetaData defintion
# @param object An object
# @param metadata A vector, list, or data.frame with metadata to add
# @param col.name A name for meta data if not a named list or data.frame
# @return object with metadata added
.AddMetaData <- function(object, metadata, col.name = NULL) {
  object <- UpdateSlots(object = object)
  if (is.null(x = col.name) && is.atomic(x = metadata)) {
    stop("'col.name' must be provided for atomic metadata types (eg. vectors)")
  if (inherits(x = metadata, what = c('matrix', 'Matrix'))) {
    metadata <- as.data.frame(x = metadata)
  col.name <- col.name %||% names(x = metadata) %||% colnames(x = metadata)
  if (is.null(x = col.name)) {
    stop("No metadata name provided and could not infer it from metadata object")
  object[[col.name]] <- metadata
  # if (class(x = metadata) == "data.frame") {
  #   for (ii in 1:ncol(x = metadata)) {
  #     object[[colnames(x = metadata)[ii]]] <- metadata[, ii, drop = FALSE]
  #   }
  # } else {
  #   object[[col.name]] <- metadata
  # }

# Find the names of collections in an object
# @return A vector with the names of slots that are a list
Collections <- function(object) {
  collections <- vapply(
    X = slotNames(x = object),
    FUN = function(x) {
      return(any(grepl(pattern = 'list', x = class(x = slot(object = object, name = x)))))
    FUN.VALUE = logical(length = 1L)
  collections <- Filter(f = isTRUE, x = collections)
  return(names(x = collections))

# Get the default image of an object
# Attempts to find all images associated with the default assay of the object.
# If none present, finds all images present in the object. Returns the name of
# the first image
# @param object A Seurat object
# @return The name of the default image
DefaultImage <- function(object) {
  object <- UpdateSlots(object = object)
  images <- Images(object = object, assay = DefaultAssay(object = object))
  if (length(x = images) < 1) {
    images <- Images(object = object)

# Get the names of objects within a Seurat object that are of a certain class
# @param object A Seurat object
# @param classes.keep A vector of names of classes to get
# @return A vector with the names of objects within the Seurat object that are of class \code{classes.keep}
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
FilterObjects <- function(object, classes.keep = c('Assay', 'DimReduc')) {
  object <- UpdateSlots(object = object)
  slots <- na.omit(object = Filter(
    f = function(x) {
      sobj <- slot(object = object, name = x)
      return(is.list(x = sobj) && !is.data.frame(x = sobj) && !is.package_version(x = sobj))
    x = slotNames(x = object)
  slots <- grep(pattern = 'tools', x = slots, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
  slots <- grep(pattern = 'misc', x = slots, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
  slots.objects <- unlist(
    x = lapply(
      X = slots,
      FUN = function(x) {
        return(names(x = slot(object = object, name = x)))
    use.names = FALSE
  object.classes <- sapply(
    X = slots.objects,
    FUN = function(i) {
      return(inherits(x = object[[i]], what = classes.keep))
  object.classes <- which(x = object.classes, useNames = TRUE)
  return(names(x = object.classes))

# Find the collection of an object within a Seurat object
# @param object A Seurat object
# @param name Name of object to find
# @return The collection (slot) of the object
FindObject <- function(object, name) {
  collections <- c(
  object.names <- lapply(
    X = collections,
    FUN = function(x) {
      return(names(x = slot(object = object, name = x)))
  names(x = object.names) <- collections
  object.names <- Filter(f = Negate(f = is.null), x = object.names)
  for (i in names(x = object.names)) {
    if (name %in% names(x = slot(object = object, name = i))) {

# Prepare VST results for use with SCTAssay objects
# @param vst.res Results from sctransform::vst
# @param cell.names Vector of valid cell names still in object
# @return An SCTModel object.
PrepVSTResults <- function(vst.res, cell.names) {
  # Prepare cell attribute information
  cell.attrs <- vst.res$cell_attr
  cell.names <- intersect(x = cell.names, y = rownames(x = cell.attrs))
  cell.cols <- c(
  cell.cols <- intersect(x = cell.cols, y = colnames(x = cell.attrs))
  cell.attrs <- cell.attrs[cell.names, cell.cols, drop = FALSE]
  colnames(x = cell.attrs) <- gsub(
    pattern = 'gene',
    replacement = 'feature',
    x = colnames(x = cell.attrs)
  if (!is.null(x = vst.res$cells_step1)) {
    cell.attrs[, "cells_step1"] <- FALSE
    cells_step1 <- intersect(x = vst.res$cells_step1,
                             y = rownames(x = cell.attrs))
    cell.attrs[cells_step1, "cells_step1"] <- TRUE
  # Prepare feature attribute information
  feature.attrs <- vst.res$gene_attr
  feature.cols <- c(
  feature.cols <- intersect(x = feature.cols, y = colnames(x = feature.attrs))
  feature.attrs <- feature.attrs[, feature.cols, drop = FALSE]
  feature.attrs <- cbind(feature.attrs, vst.res$model_pars_fit[rownames(feature.attrs), , drop = FALSE])

  if (!is.null(x = vst.res$genes_log_gmean_step1)) {
    feature.attrs[,"genes_log_gmean_step1"] <- FALSE
    genes_step1 <- intersect(
      x = names(vst.res$genes_log_gmean_step1),
      y = rownames(feature.attrs)
    feature.attrs[genes_step1,"genes_log_gmean_step1"] <- TRUE

    # add parameters from step1
    feature.attrs[, paste0("step1_", colnames(vst.res$model_pars))] <- NA
    feature.attrs[genes_step1, paste0("step1_", colnames(vst.res$model_pars))] <- vst.res$model_pars[genes_step1,]

  # Prepare clipping information
  clips <- list(
    'vst' = vst.res$arguments$res_clip_range,
    'sct' = vst.res$arguments$sct.clip.range
  median_umi <- NA
  # check if a custom scale_factor was provided to vst()
  if ("scale_factor" %in% names(vst.res$arguments)){
    median_umi <- vst.res$arguments$scale_factor
  if (is.na(median_umi)) {
    if ("umi" %in% colnames(x = cell.attrs)) {
      median_umi <- median(cell.attrs$umi)
    } else if ("log_umi" %in% colnames(x = cell.attrs)) {
      median_umi <- median(10 ^ cell.attrs$log_umi)
  vst.res.SCTModel  <- SCTModel(
    feature.attributes = feature.attrs,
    cell.attributes = cell.attrs,
    clips = clips,
    umi.assay = vst.res$umi.assay %||% "RNA",
    model =  vst.res$model_str,
    arguments =  vst.res$arguments,
    median_umi = median_umi

# Return a null image
# @param mode Image representation to return
# see \code{\link{GetImage}} for more details
#' @importFrom grid nullGrob
#' @importFrom grDevices as.raster
NullImage <- function(mode) {
  image <- switch(
    EXPR = mode,
    'grob' = nullGrob(),
    'raster' = as.raster(x = new(Class = 'matrix')),
    'plotly' = list('visible' = FALSE),
    'raw' = NULL,
    stop("Unknown image mode: ", mode, call. = FALSE)

# Check to see if projected loadings have been set
# @param object a DimReduc object
# @return TRUE if proejcted loadings have been set, else FALSE
Projected <- function(object) {
  projected.dims <- dim(x = slot(object = object, name = 'feature.loadings.projected'))
  if (all(projected.dims == 1)) {
    return(!all(is.na(x = slot(object = object, name = 'feature.loadings.projected'))))
  return(!all(projected.dims == 0))

# Subset cells in vst data
# @param sct.info A vst.out list
# @param cells vector of cells to retain
# @param features vector of features to retain
SubsetVST <- function(sct.info, cells, features) {
  cells.keep <- intersect(x = cells, y = rownames(x = sct.info$cell_attr))
  sct.info$cell_attr <- sct.info$cell_attr[cells.keep, ]
  # find which subset of features are in the SCT assay
  feat.keep <- intersect(x = features, y = rownames(x = sct.info$gene_attr))
  sct.info$gene_attr <- sct.info$gene_attr[feat.keep, ]

# Get the top
# @param data Data to pull the top from
# @param num Pull top \code{num}
# @param balanced Pull even amounts of from positive and negative values
# @return The top \code{num}
# @seealso \{code{\link{TopCells}}} \{code{\link{TopFeatures}}}
#' @importFrom utils head tail
Top <- function(data, num, balanced) {
  nr <- nrow(x = data)
  if (num > nr) {
    warning("Requested number is larger than the number of available items (",
            nr, "). Setting to ", nr , ".", call. = FALSE)
    num <- nr
  if (num == 1) {
    balanced <- FALSE
  top <- if (balanced) {
    num <- round(x = num / 2)
    data <- data[order(data, decreasing = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
    positive <- head(x = rownames(x = data), n = num)
    negative <- rev(x = tail(x = rownames(x = data), n = num))

    # remove duplicates
    if (positive[num] == negative[num]) {
      negative <- negative[-num]
    list(positive = positive, negative = negative)
  } else {
    data <- data[rev(x = order(abs(x = data))), , drop = FALSE]
    top <- head(x = rownames(x = data), n = num)
    top[order(data[top, ])]

# Update Seurat assay
# @param old.assay Seurat2 assay
# @param assay Name to store for assay in new object
UpdateAssay <- function(old.assay, assay){
  cells <- colnames(x = old.assay@data)
  counts <- old.assay@raw.data
  data <- old.assay@data
  if (!inherits(x = counts, what = 'dgCMatrix')) {
    counts <- as.sparse(x = as.matrix(x = counts))
  if (!inherits(x = data, what = 'dgCMatrix')) {
    data <- as.sparse(x = as.matrix(x = data))
  new.assay <- new(
    Class = 'Assay',
    counts = counts[, cells],
    data = data,
    scale.data = old.assay@scale.data %||% new(Class = 'matrix'),
    meta.features = data.frame(row.names = rownames(x = counts)),
    var.features = old.assay@var.genes,
    key = paste0(assay, "_")

# Update dimension reduction
# @param old.dr Seurat2 dimension reduction slot
# @param assay.used Name of assay used to compute dimension reduction
UpdateDimReduction <- function(old.dr, assay) {
  new.dr <- list()
  for (i in names(x = old.dr)) {
    cell.embeddings <- old.dr[[i]]@cell.embeddings %||% new(Class = 'matrix')
    feature.loadings <- old.dr[[i]]@gene.loadings %||% new(Class = 'matrix')
    stdev <- old.dr[[i]]@sdev %||% numeric()
    misc <- old.dr[[i]]@misc %||% list()
    new.jackstraw <- UpdateJackstraw(old.jackstraw = old.dr[[i]]@jackstraw)
    old.key <- old.dr[[i]]@key
    if (length(x = old.key) == 0) {
      old.key <- gsub(pattern = "(.+?)(([0-9]+).*)", replacement = "\\1",  x = colnames(cell.embeddings)[[1]])
      if (length(x = old.key) == 0) {
        old.key <- i
    new.key <- suppressWarnings(expr = UpdateKey(key = old.key))
    colnames(x = cell.embeddings) <- gsub(
      pattern = old.key,
      replacement = new.key,
      x = colnames(x = cell.embeddings)
    colnames(x = feature.loadings) <- gsub(
      pattern = old.key,
      replacement = new.key,
      x = colnames(x = feature.loadings)
    new.dr[[i]] <- new(
      Class = 'DimReduc',
      cell.embeddings = as(object = cell.embeddings, Class = 'matrix'),
      feature.loadings = as(object = feature.loadings, Class = 'matrix'),
      assay.used = assay,
      stdev = as(object = stdev, Class = 'numeric'),
      key = as(object = new.key, Class = 'character'),
      jackstraw = new.jackstraw,
      misc = as(object = misc, Class = 'list')

# Update jackstraw
# @param old.jackstraw
UpdateJackstraw <- function(old.jackstraw) {
  if (is.null(x = old.jackstraw)) {
    new.jackstraw <- new(
      Class = 'JackStrawData',
      empirical.p.values = new(Class = 'matrix'),
      fake.reduction.scores = new(Class = 'matrix'),
      empirical.p.values.full = new(Class = 'matrix'),
      overall.p.values = new(Class = 'matrix')
  } else {
    if (.hasSlot(object = old.jackstraw, name = 'overall.p.values')) {
      overall.p <- old.jackstraw@overall.p.values %||% new(Class = 'matrix')
    } else {
      overall.p <- new(Class = 'matrix')
    new.jackstraw <- new(
      Class = 'JackStrawData',
      empirical.p.values = old.jackstraw@emperical.p.value %||% new(Class = 'matrix'),
      fake.reduction.scores = old.jackstraw@fake.pc.scores %||% new(Class = 'matrix'),
      empirical.p.values.full = old.jackstraw@emperical.p.value.full %||% new(Class = 'matrix'),
      overall.p.values = overall.p

# Update a Key
# @param key A character to become a Seurat Key
# @return An updated Key that's valid for Seurat
UpdateKey <- function(key) {
  if (grepl(pattern = '^[[:alnum:]]+_$', x = key)) {
  } else {
    new.key <- regmatches(
      x = key,
      m = gregexpr(pattern = '[[:alnum:]]+', text = key)
    new.key <- paste0(paste(unlist(x = new.key), collapse = ''), '_')
    if (new.key == '_') {
      new.key <- paste0(RandomName(length = 3), '_')
      "Keys should be one or more alphanumeric characters followed by an underscore, setting key from ",
      " to ",
      call. = FALSE,
      immediate. = TRUE

# Update slots in an object
# @param object An object to update
# @return \code{object} with the latest slot definitions
#' @importFrom rlang exec !!!
UpdateSlots <- function(object) {
  object.list <- sapply(
    X = slotNames(x = object),
    FUN = function(x) {
        expr = slot(object = object, name = x),
        error = function(...) {
    simplify = FALSE,
  object.list <- Filter(f = Negate(f = is.null), x = object.list)
  object.list <- c('Class' = class(x = object)[1], object.list)
  object <- exec(
     .fn = new,
      !!! object.list
  for (x in setdiff(x = slotNames(x = object), y = names(x = object.list))) {
    xobj <- slot(object = object, name = x)
    if (is.vector(x = xobj) && !is.list(x = xobj) && length(x = xobj) == 0) {
      slot(object = object, name = x) <- vector(mode = class(x = xobj), length = 1L)

# Pulls the proper data matrix for merging assay data. If the slot is empty, will return an empty
# matrix with the proper dimensions from one of the remaining data slots.
# @param assay Assay to pull data from
# @param slot Slot to pull from
# @return Returns the data matrix if present (i.e.) not 0x0. Otherwise, returns an
# appropriately sized empty sparse matrix
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
ValidateDataForMerge <- function(assay, slot) {
  mat <- GetAssayData(object = assay, slot = slot)
  if (any(dim(x = mat) == c(0, 0))) {
    slots.to.check <- setdiff(x = c("counts", "data", "scale.data"), y = slot)
    for (ss in slots.to.check) {
      data.dims <- dim(x = GetAssayData(object = assay, slot = ss))
      data.slot <- ss
      if (!any(data.dims == c(0, 0))) {
    if (any(data.dims == c(0, 0))) {
      stop("The counts, data, and scale.data slots are all empty for the provided assay.")
    mat <- Matrix(
      data = 0,
      nrow = data.dims[1],
      ncol = data.dims[2],
      dimnames = dimnames(x = GetAssayData(object = assay, slot = data.slot))
    mat <- as.sparse(x = mat)
satijalab/seurat documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 12:09 p.m.