
Defines functions convertAccession .searchForAccessionAcrossDBsDF

Documented in convertAccession .searchForAccessionAcrossDBsDF

# .searchForAccessionAcrossDBsDF - initial accessionConverter 
# with more function arguments (i.e. table columns for sra and geo)
# convertAccession (previously accessionConverter) 
# - a wrapper around .searchForAccessionAcrossDBsDF
# Converts a list of accessions (of one type) 
# into all possible accessions within SRA and GEO

#'  Search for accession across databases
#' \code{.searchForAccessionAcrossDBsDF} classifies accessions, 
#' searches for them in their original database (SRA or GEO), 
#' then, if conversion is possible, searches for corresponding accessions 
#' in the other database (SRA or GEO). If no conversion is possible, 
#' the columns from the corresponding database are returned empty (NAs).
#' @param acc_vector A vector of accessions 
#' \strong{(all must belong to the same type)}
#' @param sra_columns A character vector with names of the columns 
#' to be returned from SRA
#' @param geo_columns A character vector with names of the columns 
#' to be returned from GEO
#' @param df (OPTIONAL) a data frame to be used as either SRA or GEO data frame
#' @return A data frame with the results of the query
#' @examples
#' ## Setup SpiderSeqR environment first (please use non-demo version)
#' ## startSpiderSeqRDemo()
#' ## .searchForAccessionAcrossDBsDF("GSE48253", "*", "*", "*") 
#' ## df argument is optional
#' ## If using named arguments, 
#' ## it is not necessary to provide columns from the original df
#' # .searchForAccessionAcrossDBsDF(acc_vector = df$gsm,sra_columns="*",df=df) 
#' @section Using df argument:
#' When data frame argument is provided, corresponding columns 
#' (sra_columns for SRA or geo_columns and gse_columns for GEO) 
#' will be disregarded (and are not necessary to provide, 
#' but only if using named arguments). 
#' Accession vector is only used to classify the input data frame.
#' @keywords internal
.searchForAccessionAcrossDBsDF <- function(acc_vector, sra_columns, 
                                            geo_columns, gse_columns, df){
    accession_class <- classifyAccession(acc_vector)
    accepted_sra <- c("run_accession", "experiment_accession", 
                            "sample_accession", "study_accession")
    accepted_geo <- c("gsm", "series_id")
    accepted_classes <- c(accepted_sra, accepted_geo)
    if (!(accession_class %in% accepted_classes)){
        stop("Accession needs to belong to one of the supported classes")
    # GEO accession as input
    if (accession_class %in% accepted_geo){
        #GEO data frame
        if (accession_class == "gsm"){
            if (!missing(df)){
                geo_df <- df # Set original df as geo_df
            } else {
                geo_df <- .searchGEOForGSM(acc_vector, geo_columns, gse_columns)
        if (accession_class == "series_id"){
            if (!missing(df)){
                warning("Provided df will be ignored")
            geo_df <- .searchGEOForGSE(acc_vector, geo_columns, gse_columns)
        .vex("temp_geo_df", geo_df)
        if (dim(geo_df)[1]==0) stop("No matching entries found")
        #saveRDS(geo_df, "geo_df.Rda")
        #SRR_GSM data frame
        srr_gsm_df <- .searchSRR_GSM(geo_df$gsm)
        #saveRDS(srr_gsm_df, "srr_gsm_df.Rda")
        .vex("temp_srr_gsm_df", srr_gsm_df)
        #SRA data frame
        if(sum(grepl("SRR\\d\\d\\d+", srr_gsm_df$run_accession)>0)){
            # Only search SRA if there is viable GEO/SRA conversion
            # if(length(srr_gsm_df$run_accession)!=0){ 
            sra_df <- .searchSRAForAccession(srr_gsm_df$run_accession, 
        } else { # Generate an empty data frame if no results in SRR_GSM
            if (length(sra_columns) == 1 & sra_columns[1] == "*"){
                # Set sql_sra_columns to the list of all
                sql_sra_columns <- .listSRAFields() 
            } else {
                # Otherwise keep all of them intact
                sql_sra_columns <- sra_columns 
            sra_df <- 
                                                nrow = 0)), sql_sra_columns)
            sra_df <- .renameSRAColumns(sra_df)
        #saveRDS(sra_df, "sra_df.Rda")
        .vex("temp_sra_df", sra_df)
        geo_srr_gsm_df <- merge(geo_df, srr_gsm_df, 
                                by.x = "gsm", by.y = "gsm", all = TRUE)
        geo_srr_gsm_sra_df <- merge(geo_srr_gsm_df, sra_df, 
                                    by.x = "run_accession", 
                                    by.y = "run_accession", all = TRUE)
        .vex("temp_geo_srr_gsm_df", geo_srr_gsm_df)
        .vex("temp_geo_srr_gsm_sra_df", geo_srr_gsm_sra_df)
        #Rename data frame
        output_df <- geo_srr_gsm_sra_df
    # SRA accession as input
    if (accession_class %in% accepted_sra){
        #SRA data frame
        if (!missing(df)){
            sra_df <- df # Set original df as sra_df
        } else {
            sra_df <- .searchSRAForAccession(acc_vector, sra_columns)
        .vex("temp_sra_df", sra_df)
        if (dim(sra_df)[1]==0) stop("No matching entries found")
        #SRR_GSM data frame
        srr_gsm_df <- .searchSRR_GSM(sra_df$run_accession)
        .vex("temp_srr_gsm_df", srr_gsm_df)
        #GEO data frame
        # # Only search GEO if there is viable SRA/GEO conversion
        # if(length(srr_gsm_df$gsm)!=0){ 
        #   geo_df <- .searchGEOForGSM(srr_gsm_df$gsm, geo_columns)
        #}  else { # Generate an empty data frame if no results in SRR_GSM
        #   geo_df <- stats::setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 
        #                length(geo_columns), nrow = 0)), geo_columns)
        #GEO data frame
        if (sum(grepl("GSM\\d\\d\\d+", srr_gsm_df$gsm)>0)){
            # Only search GEO if there is viable SRA/GEO conversion
            # if(length(srr_gsm_df$gsm)!=0){ 
            geo_df <- .searchGEOForGSM(srr_gsm_df$gsm, geo_columns, gse_columns)
        } else { # Generate an empty data frame if no results in SRR_GSM
            # GSM
            if (length(geo_columns) == 1 & geo_columns[1] == "*"){
                # Set gsm_columns to the list of all
                df_gsm_columns <- .listGSMFields() 
            } else {
                # Otherwise keep all of them intact
                df_gsm_columns <- geo_columns 
            df_gsm <- 
                                                nrow = 0)), df_gsm_columns)
            df_gsm <- .renameGSMColumns(df_gsm)
            # GSE
            if (is.null(gse_columns)){
                geo_df <- df_gsm
            } else {
                if (length(gse_columns) == 1 & gse_columns[1] == "*"){
                    # Set sql_geo_columns to the list of all
                    df_gse_columns <- .listGSEFields() 
                } else {
                    # Otherwise keep all of them intact
                    df_gse_columns <- gse_columns 
                df_gse <- stats::setNames(data.frame(matrix(
                    ncol = length(df_gse_columns), nrow = 0)), df_gse_columns)
                df_gse <- .renameGSEColumns(df_gse)
                geo_df <- cbind(df_gsm, df_gse)
        #Create an empty data frame with appropriate column names
        #geo_gsm_columns <- dbListFields(get("geo_con"), "gsm")
        .vex("temp_geo_df", geo_df)
        sra_srr_gsm_df <- merge(sra_df, srr_gsm_df, 
                                by.x = "run_accession", 
                                by.y = "run_accession", all = TRUE)
        .vex("temp_sra_srr_gsm_df", sra_srr_gsm_df)
        sra_srr_gsm_geo_df <- merge(sra_srr_gsm_df, geo_df, 
                                    by.x = "gsm", by.y = "gsm", all = TRUE)
        .vex("temp_sra_srr_gsm_geo_df", sra_srr_gsm_geo_df)
        output_df <- sra_srr_gsm_geo_df

#' Convert between accession types
#' \code{convertAccession} converts a vector of accessions 
#' (all belonging into the same accession type) into all possible accession 
#' types within SRA and GEO. If no SRA/GEO conversion is possible, 
#' all the missing accession types are marked as NAs.
#' @param acc_vector A vector of accessions 
#' \strong{(all must belong to the same type)}
#' @return A data frame with conversion between all accession types
#' @family Workflow functions
#' @family Core functions
#' @examples
#' # Setup SpiderSeqR environment first (please use non-demo version)
#' startSpiderSeqRDemo()
#' convertAccession("SRP134708")
#' convertAccession("SRR3707942")
#' convertAccession("GSM2027840")
#' # Note that DRP, ERP and SRP are of the same accession type (study level)
#' convertAccession(c("DRP003157", "SRP061795"))
#' @section Accepted Accession Types:
#' \code{convertAccession} accepts any of the 4 SRA or 2 GEO accession types 
#' (see section \emph{'Background Information on Accession Types')}. 
#' \code{convertAccession} accepts only one accession type at a time. 
#' For example, the following queries are NOT allowed: 
#' \code{convertAccession("SRR_____", "SRP_____")}
#' \code{convertAccession("GSE_____", "SRP_____")}
#' In order to obtain the above results, it is necessary to run 
#' separate queries for each accession type, and, if desirable, 
#' bind the data frames together
#' (e.g. \code{rbind(convertAccession("SRR_____"), 
#' convertAccession("SRP_____"))}).
#' SRA accessions differing by the first letter belong to the same type, 
#' hence it is possible to run: \code{convertAccession("SRP_____", "ERP_____")}
#' @section Output format:
#' The function outputs a data frame with conversion of the input accessions 
#' into all possible types.
#' In the best case scenario, i.e. if an accession exists in both SRA and GEO 
#' databases, these would include all 6 accession types 
#' If an accession exists only in one of the databases, the conversion will 
#' be limited to that one database. For example, if an accession only exists 
#' in SRA, only SRA accessions will be provided, whilst the GEO columns will 
#' be populated with NAs.
#' @section Troubleshooting:
#' The conversion between SRA and GEO databases is based on a custom database 
#' generated by \code{startSpiderSeqR()} function. To ensure best results, 
#' make sure that the most up to date versions of the databases. 
#' To improve results, you can do the following:
#' \enumerate{
#'     \item Download the most up to date versions of SRAmetadb.sqlite 
#'     and GEOmetadb.sqlite files - this is done by running 
#'     \code{\link{startSpiderSeqR}}, specifying an appropriate argument 
#'     for expiry period of database files 
#'     (e.g. \code{startSpiderSeqR(path = getwd(), general_expiry = 1)})
#'     \item Generate a fresh custom database for conversion between 
#'     accessions (SRR_GSM.sqlite) - this is also done by running 
#'     \code{\link{startSpiderSeqR}}, specifying an appropriate argument 
#'     for expiry period of the database file
#'     \item As a last resort, manually search for the missing 
#'     conversions online
#' }
#' \emph{\strong{NOTE:}} because the SRR_GSM.sqlite database 
#' is machine-generated, 
#' there is some risk that it might not include some conversions in case 
#' they have been recorded in the database in a non-standard way. 
#' If in doubt, it is worth checking the accession page online.
#' However, users should be aware that the overlap between SRA and GEO 
#' is only about 20\% (at the time of writing), so most entries will not have 
#' corresponding accession numbers in the other database
#' @section Background Information on Accession Types:
#' The two lists below include accession types within SRA and GEO respectively. 
#' All of these are supported by the convertAccession function.
#' \strong{SRA}
#' \enumerate{
#'     \item SRP or DRP or ERP - project_accession
#'     \item SRS or DRS or ERS - sample_accession
#'     \item SRX or DRX or ERX - experiment_accession
#'     \item SRR or DRR or ERR - run_accession
#' }
#' \emph{\strong{NOTE:}} depending on the location of the database 
#' (NCBI, EBI or DDBJ), 
#' these accessions might begin with a different letter (S, E or D), 
#' so the accession levels can be either 
#' Accessions beginning with 'S' are by far the most common.
#' \strong{GEO}
#' \enumerate{
#'     \item GSE - series_id
#'     \item GSM - sample
#' }
#' \emph{\strong{NOTE:}} GEO accession system is further 
#' complicated by existence of 
#' 'superseries', which act as higher level series. 
#' In these cases a given GSM would belong to multiple (at least two) 
#' GSEs - its series_id and superseries.
#' @export
convertAccession <- function(acc_vector){
    geo_columns <- c("gsm", "series_id")
    # Not needed (.searchSRR_GSM has defaults)
    #srr_gsm_columns <- c("gsm", "gsm_check", "run_accession") 
    sra_columns <- c("run_accession", "experiment_accession", 
                    "sample_accession", "study_accession")
    output_df <- suppressMessages(.searchForAccessionAcrossDBsDF(acc_vector, 
                                geo_columns = geo_columns, 
                                sra_columns = sra_columns, gse_columns = NULL))
    # Suppress messages to prevent the message from .appendGSEColumns 
    # about no columns being needed
    # output_df <- .searchForAccessionAcrossDBsDF(acc_vector, 
    #                                           geo_columns = geo_columns, 
    #                                           sra_columns = sra_columns, 
    #                                           gse_columns = NULL)
    # NOTE: if gse_columns include ath else, add it to extracted columns below
    # Reorder columns (order always the same, regardless of accession type)
    # output_df <- output_df[ , c("run_accession", 
    #                            "experiment_accession", "sample_accession", 
    #                            "study_accession", "gsm", "series_id", 
    #                            "gsm_check")]
    output_df <- output_df[ , c("run_accession", "experiment_accession", 
                                "sample_accession", "study_accession", 
                                "gsm", "series_id")] # Remove gsm_check
    temp_unordered_output_df <- output_df #===*===
    order_columns <- list(output_df$study_accession, 
    output_df <- output_df[orderAccessions(order_columns), ]
    output_df <- .unifyDFFormat(output_df)
ss-lab-cancerunit/SpiderSeqR documentation built on Nov. 2, 2020, 12:18 a.m.