Man pages for ss-lab-cancerunit/SpiderSeqR
A Tool for Integration of Big Bio Data

addMissingSamplesAdd missing samples from GSEs and SRPs within a data frame
classifyAccessionClassify accessions
convertAccessionConvert between accession types
convertCategoriesToLibraryStrategyTypeConvert from SRA-GEO Categories
dot-appendGSEColumnsAppend information from GSE columns to a data frame
dot-batchedAccSearchMake batched queries to databases
dot-checkConditionCheck Condition
dot-checkDBFileCheck and ensure that the DB file is in place
dot-checkFileDateCheck if DB file is in date (based on metaInfo timestamp)
dot-checkValidColumnsCheck if column names of df are within allowed set
dot-chExtractorExtract characteristics from a vector
dot-clearUpDBFilesRemove new files
dot-convertPairedEndsConvert the entries to give information about paired ends
dot-countAccessionMatchesCount accession matches within a data frame
dot-createCustomDBFile===*=== ————- Create custom database file
dot-createDemoGEOCreate a DEMO GEO database
dot-createDemoSRACreate a DEMO SRA database
dot-createDemoSRR_GSMCreate a DEMO SRR_GSM database
dot-createFtsTableCreate a new table in a dabase to enable fulltext search...
dot-createMockCustomDBCreate a mock custom database file (for use in testing)
dot-createMockGEOCreate a mock GEO database file (for use in testing)
dot-createMockSRA————- ===*==== Suggested names: createMockSRA...
dot-createSpiderMetaInfoCreate metaInfo table for SpiderSeqR database
dot-cwtWrite table with set parameters
dot-detectControlsDetect controls in a sample sheet
dot-detectInputsDetect inputs in a sample sheet
dot-detectMergesDetect merges in a sample sheet
dot-extractGSMExtract GSM from the SRA_experiment_title column
dot-filterSRAByTermByAccessionLevelFilter df according to query matches only within accession...
dot-findAccessionLevelColumnNamesFind column names corresponding to accession levels in SRA...
dot-findDBFilesFunctions: - .findDBFiles - .missingFileCheck -...
dot-findDBFiles_OriFind database files
dot-findFilesFind files (a wrapper around list.files)
dot-findFiles_OriFind files (wrapper around dir allowing to search a few...
dot-findSRAAccessionLevelColumnNamesFind SRA column names corresponding to accession levels (ORI)
dot-generateCallRecordGenerate record of the call
dot-generateDBExtractGenerate DB extract
dot-generateEmptyDFGenerate empty df with columns corresponding to database...
dot-generateFileNameGenerate a file name
dot-generateFileName_AccessionGenerate a file name (Accession)
dot-generateFileName_CALL_SAGenerate file name for call record (searchAnywhere)
dot-generateFileName_CALL_SFAGenerate call file for searchForAccession
dot-generateOutputGenerate File Output
dot-generateOutput_AccessionGenerate File Output (Accession)
dot-generateParameterRecordGenerate a record of parameters
dot-generateSampleSheet_ChIPGenerate ChIP sample sheet
dot-generateSampleSheet_OtherGenerate 'other' sample sheet
dot-generateSampleSheet_RNAGenerate RNA sample sheet
dot-generateUniversalSampleSheetGenerate a sample sheet (universal function)
dot-getFurtherDBInfoGet futher database information (metaInfo)
dot-listGSEFieldsList all column names of the GSE table
dot-listGSMFieldsList all column names of the GSM table
dot-listSRAFieldsList all column names of SRA table
dot-manageColumnsManage columns within a data frame
dot-manageLibraryStrategyManage Library Strategy Formats
dot-missingFileCheckCheck for missing files
dot-mmConsole Messages
dot-noDBFileCourse of action to follow if a db file is missing
dot-orderDFColumnsOrder columns in a data frame
dot-parQueryParametrised query for .verifyMissingRuns()
dot-progressBarGenerate a progress bar scaled by width
dot-rbindUniqueColsBind unique entries from two dfs disregarding some of the...
dot-renameGSEColumnsRename df columns derived from gse table to 'GSE_'
dot-renameGSMColumnsRename df columns derived from gsm table to 'GSM_'
dot-renameOTHColumnsRename non-SRA/GEO columns to 'OTH_'
dot-renameSRAColumnsRename df columns derived from sra table to 'SRA_'
dot-replaceForbiddenCharactersReplace forbidden characters from a string
dot-saExtractorExtract sample attributes
dot-searchAnywhereGEOSearch anywhere within gse and gsm tables of GEO database
dot-searchAnywhereGSESearch anywhere within gse table of GEO database
dot-searchAnywhereGSMSearch anywhere within gsm table of GEO database
dot-searchAnywhereSRAFulltext search in SRA
dot-searchForAccessionAcrossDBsDFSearch for accession across databases
dot-searchForSRPChildrenSearch for missing SRRs within SRPs
dot-searchGEOForGSESearch for GSE in GEO
dot-searchGEOForGSMSearch for GSM in GEO
dot-searchSRAAn internal function for searchForTerm
dot-searchSRAForAccessionSearch for SRA accessions
dot-searchSRR_GSMSearch within SRR_GSM database
dot-setDBConnectionsSet database connections
dot-setExpiryParametersSet expiry parameters
dot-tmenuSome function that will use .tmenu Menu function with testing...
dot-unifyDFFormatUnify formats of data frames
dot-unifyNAsUnify handling of NA values
dot-universalExtractorUniversal function for extracting from strings
dot-verifyColumnsVerify columns within a data frame
dot-verifyConditionsVerify whether conditions are met in a data frame
dot-verifyMissingRunsVerify missing Runs
dot-verifySimpleConditionsVerify matches to regular expressions
dot-verifySuperseriesVerify presence of superseries
dot-vexAssign local variables to global environment (development...
dot-withOutRemove matching elements from vector
dot-writeQueryAutomate Writing SQLite Queries
dot-writeTableToFileWrite table to database file
dot-writeTableToFile_OriWrite table to database file
filterByTermFilter data frame by term
filterByTermByAccessionLevelFilter df according to query matches only within accession...
getColumnDescriptionsGet Descriptions of Columns within Databases
getDatabaseInformationGet summaries of database contents
getSpiderSeqROptionInspect the value of package options
gse_demoDEMO extract from gse table (from sqlite file of GEOmetadb...
gsm_demoDEMO extract from gsm table (from sqlite file of GEOmetadb...
listColumnSetsSets of column names for use in display or filtering
listValidColumnsList valid columns within the data frames
orderAccessionsOrder Accessions
orderDFAccessionsOrder df rows in accession order
pipePipe operator
rerunSpiderSeqRRerun SpiderSeqR query
searchAnywhereSearch Anywhere within SRA and GEO databases
searchForAccessionSearch for Accessions
searchForTermSearch for samples matching criteria of interest
selectColumnsSelect columns from a data frame
selectColumns_AccessionSelect columns with accession information
selectColumns_OverviewSelect columns with overview of sample information
setSpiderSeqROptionSet options for functioning of the package
SpiderSeqREnvEnvironment with default values of the package options
SpiderSeqR-packageSpiderSeqR: a tool for integration of SRA and GEO metadata
sra_demoDEMO extract from sra table (from sqlite file of SRAdb...
SRA_GEO_Category_ConversionSRA - GEO Category Conversion Table
srr_demoDEMO extract from srr_gsm table (from custom sqlite database)
startSpiderSeqRPrepare the environment to run SpiderSeqR
startSpiderSeqRDemoPrepare the environment to run SpiderSeqR in DEMO mode
testSpiderSeqRConnectionsTest SpiderSeqR Connections
ss-lab-cancerunit/SpiderSeqR documentation built on Nov. 2, 2020, 12:18 a.m.