Man pages for ttriche/sesamizeGEO
the poor man's methylation suite (cf. `sesamizer`)

addCharacteristicsget the characteristics of a bunch of GSM entries
addTitlesget the titles of a bunch of GSM entries
asGCTDump DNA methylation values for quick and dirty IGV viewing
asMethBlocksCollapse a GenomicRatioSet or similar over methylation blocks...
assayToBigWigsDump data as bigWig tracks for (e.g.) igv.js (which can't...
byExtremalityFor array-based DNA methylation, particularly summarized...
collapseAtCollapse a SummarizedExperiment-like object over a GRanges
control_metricsbead array control processing/QC: get metrics from control...
dumpFromIDATsread in a directory's worth of IDATs, flag controls,...
dumpQCfilesdump QC (NAs, flags, XY stats) and (optionally) SNP calls and...
eltsget elements from a consistently separated character string
fexpitHelper function: expanded expit
firstPassplot heatmap, remind user to check SNPs
fitSexMixsimple function for plotting a mixture model for sex from XY...
flag_control_failuresGet control QA from an object returned by 'bactrl' or from an...
flogitHelper function: squeezed logit
getBarcodesretrieve all the IDAT Basenames in a directory
getGSMsfetch supplemental data (IDATs) for a given dataset
getIDATconvenience function; checks to see if an IDAT file was...
getRGChannelSetassemble a suitable RGChannelSet for sesamizing
getSampshelper function to read in samples and Basename columns
jetMatlab-style color palette
labelAnnotationslabel ComplexHeatmap annotations
merge_metadataconvenience function for merging large...
mergeMethhelper function to merge grSets
merge_rgSetsconvenience function for merging large RGChannelSets
mergeWithSNPshelper function to merge grSets while keeping their SNP...
NAfraccompute the fraction of sample-specific (not masked) NA...
plotFlaggedControlssimple function for plotting control probe failure flaggings
plotSNPcallscall and plot SNPs from a matrix of SNP betas
plotSNPsanother oldie but goodie
plotXYstatssimple function for plotting XY stats (split by inferred sex...
processFromIDATsread in a directory's worth of IDATs, QC them, optionally...
processResultsesamize a result with sensible QC and passing BPPARAM, etc.
purifyThe world's dumbest deconvolution function
regressFactorsrun (e.g.) eBayes(lmFit(assay(x), design)) on columns of...
rename_metaconvenience function to rename columns of *Set metadata...
rowDataToBigWigconvenience function to dump (e.g.) W matrix values to bigWig...
rowExtremalitiesretrieve row-wise ratios of the actual SDs vs theoretical max...
sesamaskadd a mask to rowData(grSet) in a platform-appropriate way
sesamiserlike getGEO, if getGEO worked directly on IDATs and masked...
sesamize"fix" a SummarizedExperiment (for which IDATs may be...
SNPcallsfit a 1-to-3-component mixture model to flogit(SNPbetas) for...
switchMethBlocksGenomeGiven an object with methylation block coordinates, switch...
testIDATsmake sure annotations and so forth are in place before doing...
vafClustpunishingly simple VAF clustering for clonality estimation
XYstatscompute assorted sex chromosome related statistics (XNA, YNA,...
ttriche/sesamizeGEO documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 5:42 p.m.