
Defines functions TIMBR.ROP M.ID.from.B approx.alpha.mle TIMBR.scan simulate.population scale.pop var.pop TIMBR.joint TIMBR.plot.circos TIMBR.consistent ewenss.calc dcrp decompose.tree TIMBR.approx consistency.index TIMBR.plot.haplotypes additive.design ewenss.sampler calc.concentration.prior ln.K.prior.crp.marginalized stirling.first.unsigned TIMBR ln.beta.prior.marginalized M.matrix.from.ID m.from.M.ID ln.bell m.rename sumtozero.contrast

Documented in additive.design approx.alpha.mle calc.concentration.prior ewenss.calc ewenss.sampler TIMBR TIMBR.approx TIMBR.consistent TIMBR.plot.circos TIMBR.plot.haplotypes

#' @keywords internal
sumtozero.contrast <- function(K){
  u <- 1/((K-1)^(0.5))
  v <- (-1+(K^(0.5)))*((K-1)^(-1.5))
  w <- (K-2)*v+u
  C <- matrix(-v,K-1,K-1)
  diag(C) <- rep(w,K-1)
  rbind(C, rep(-u,K-1))

#' @keywords internal
m.rename <- function(m, string=T){
  unique.m <- unique(m)
  output <- sapply(m, function(y){match(x=y, unique.m)-1})
  if (string){
    paste(output, collapse=",")
  } else {

#' @keywords internal
ln.bell <- function(J){
  #exact calculation
  ln.b <- log(numbers::bell(J))
  if (ln.b==Inf){
    #approximation to avoid overflow
    lambertW.J <- VGAM::lambertW(J)
    ln.b <- -0.5*log(J) + (J+1/2)*(log(J)-log(lambertW.J)) + (J/lambertW.J - J - 1)

#' @keywords internal
m.from.M.ID <- function(M.ID){
  as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(M.ID, ","))) + 1

#' @keywords internal
M.matrix.from.ID <- function(M.ID){
  m <- m.from.M.ID(M.ID)
  J <- length(m)
  M <- matrix(0, J, max(m))
  M[cbind(1:J, m)] <- 1

#' @keywords internal
ln.beta.prior.marginalized <- function(beta, sigma.sq, prior.phi.b, prior.phi.a=0.5){
  #Abramowitz and Stegun 55 p.505 "Confluent Hypergeometric Functions"
  d <- length(beta)
  #parameters for hypergeometric U
  z.U <- 0.5*sum(beta^2)/sigma.sq
  a.U <- prior.phi.b + 0.5*d
  b.U <- prior.phi.a + 0.5*d
  (-0.5*d)*log(2) - 0.5*d*log(pi) - 0.5*d*log(sigma.sq) - lbeta(0.5, prior.phi.b) + lgamma(a.U) + log(gsl::hyperg_U(a.U, b.U, z.U))

#' Tree-based Inference of Multiallelism via Bayesian Regression
#' Posterior samples and Bayes Factors using the TIMBR model
#' @param y vector of phenotype values for each strain
#' @param prior.D list of inputs for the prior distribution of strain diplotype states; see data(mcv.data) for an example
#' @param prior.M list of inputs for the prior distribution of the allelic series model; see data(mcv.data) for examples
#' @param prior.phi.v degrees of freedom for the half-t prior distribution on the variance component
#' @param samples number of samples to draw from the full posterior
#' @param Z design matrix for intercept and covariates; first column must be a vector of ones, which is the default
#' @param W vector of replicates for each strain; one replicate per strain by default
#' @param calc.lnBF option to calculate the lnBF, which is often computationally demanding
#' @param samples.ml number of samples to draw from the conditional posterior (if necessary) when calc.lnBF=T
#' @param verbose optionally report function progress
#' @param stop.on.error stop function if error is encountered when using 'integrate'. errors related to roundoff and small values may occur during edge cases
#' @return a list of input parameters, posterior samples and marginal densities, and the marginal likelihood
#' @examples
#' #example data
#' data(mcv.data)
#' str(mcv.data)
#' #call TIMBR using CRP
#' results <- TIMBR(mcv.data$y, mcv.data$prior.D, mcv.data$prior.M$crp)
#' #report the Bayes Factor
#' results$ln.BF
#' #report posterior probabilities for the top allelic series models
#' head(results$p.M.given.y)
#' #report mean posterior haplotype effects
#' colMeans(results$post.hap.effects)
#' @export
TIMBR <- function(y, prior.D, prior.M, prior.phi.v=2, samples=10000, Z=NULL, W=NULL, calc.lnBF=T, samples.ml=1000, verbose=T, stop.on.error=F){
  TIMBR.sampler <- function(iterations, calc.null.ml=T, update.M=T, update.alpha=T){
    nglm.hyperparameters.ml <- function(MC, calc.partial.ml=T){
      #compute hyperparameters for the normal-gamma linear model
      if (update.M){
        d <- ncol(MC)
        n.params <- p + d
      if (update.M | !fixed.diplo){
        X <- cbind(Z, DA%*%MC)
        XtWy <- crossprod(X,Wy)
        ZtWDAMC <- ZtWDA%*%MC
        CtMtAtDtWDAMC <- crossprod(MC, AtDtWDA)%*%MC
        V.star.inv <- rbind(cbind(ZtWZ, ZtWDAMC),cbind(t(ZtWDAMC),CtMtAtDtWDAMC))
      if (d!=0){
        V.star.inv[cbind((p+1):n.params, (p+1):n.params)] <- CtMtAtDtWDAMC[cbind(1:d, 1:d)] + rep(phi.sq^(-1),d)
      if (n.params > 0){
        L.Vt.inv <- backsolve(chol(V.star.inv), diag(n.params))
        V.star <- tcrossprod(L.Vt.inv)
      } else {
        L.Vt.inv <- V.star.inv
        V.star <- V.star.inv
      m.star <- V.star%*%XtWy
      psi.star <- ytWy - c(crossprod(m.star, V.star.inv)%*%m.star)
      return.list <- list("kappa.star"=n, "psi.star"=psi.star, "m.star"=m.star, "V.star"=V.star, "L.Vt.inv"=L.Vt.inv)
      if (calc.partial.ml){
        partial.ln.ml <- -0.5*kappa.star*log(psi.star) - 0.5*d*log(phi.sq) + 
        return.list$partial.ln.ml <- partial.ln.ml
    sample.crp.concentration <- function(){
      #sample latent variable zeta
      ln.zeta <- log(rbeta(1, alpha+1, J))
      #sample alpha conditional on zeta
      z <- (prior.alpha.shape+K-1)/(J*(prior.alpha.rate-ln.zeta))
      pi <- z/(1+z)
      if (rbinom(1,1,pi)==1){
        alpha <- rgamma(1, prior.alpha.shape+K, prior.alpha.rate-ln.zeta)
      } else {
        alpha <- rgamma(1, prior.alpha.shape+K-1, prior.alpha.rate-ln.zeta)
    sample.ewenss.concentration <- function(){
      #sample latent number of mutations from zero-truncated poisson then sum for total
      theta <- sum(sapply(1:length(B), function(x){
          lambda <- 0.5*alpha*l[x]
          rpois(1, lambda + log(1-runif(1)*(1-exp(-lambda)))) + 1
        } else {
      #sample concentration parameter from conjugate gamma distribution
      shape.star <- theta + prior.alpha.shape
      rate.star <- 0.5*L + prior.alpha.rate
      rgamma(1, shape.star, rate.star)
    #precompute matrix products if model and diplotypes are fixed
    if (!update.M & fixed.diplo){
      DAMC <- DA%*%MC
      X <- cbind(Z, DAMC)
      XtWy <- crossprod(X,Wy)
      ZtWDAMC <- ZtWDA%*%MC
      CtMtAtDtWDAMC <- crossprod(MC, AtDtWDA)%*%MC
      V.star.inv <- rbind(cbind(ZtWZ, ZtWDAMC),cbind(t(ZtWDAMC),CtMtAtDtWDAMC))
    #create objects to store results
    post.M <- matrix(NA, iterations, J)
    post.MCbeta <- matrix(NA, iterations, J)
    post.delta <- matrix(NA, iterations, p)
    post.phi.sq <- rep(NA, iterations)
    post.sigma.sq <- rep(NA, iterations)
    post.alpha <- rep(NA, iterations)
    post.hyperparameters <- vector("list", iterations)
    post.K <- rep(NA, iterations)
    post.y.hat <- matrix(NA, iterations, n)
    p.D.given.y <- matrix(0, n, ncol.P)
    if (model.type=="tree"){
      post.B <- matrix(NA, iterations, length(B))
      p.B.given.y <- rep(0, length(B))
    #iterate sampler
    for (i in 1:iterations){
      if (i%%1000==0 & verbose){
      #compute matrix quantitites that depend on D
      if (!fixed.diplo){
        DA <- A[D.list,,drop=F]
        ZtWDA <- ZtW%*%DA
        AtDtWDA <- crossprod(DA*sqrt.W)
        AtDtWy <- crossprod(DA, Wy)
      #sample allelic series matrix M
      if (update.M){
        if (model.type=="tree"){
          for (b in 1:length(B)){
            #alternative B with b mutation state switched
            B.alt <- B
            B.alt[b] <- !B.alt[b]
            B.ID.alt <- paste(as.numeric(B.alt), collapse=",")
            #convert from branches B to allelic series M
            if (hash.names){
              M.ID.alt <- B.to.M.hash[[B.ID.alt]]
              if (is.null(M.ID.alt)){
                M.ID.alt <- M.ID.from.B(B.alt, V)
                list2env(setNames(as.list(M.ID.alt), B.ID.alt), envi=B.to.M.hash)
            } else {
              M.ID.alt <- M.ID.from.B(B.alt, V)
            M.alt <- M.matrix.from.ID(M.ID.alt)
            K.alt <- ncol(M.alt)
            #prior for branch mutation state
            b.ln.prior <- -0.5*alpha*l[b]
            b.ln.prior <- c(b.ln.prior, log(-expm1(b.ln.prior)))
            #likelihood for branch mutation state
            if (b==1){
              K <- ncol(M)
              b.posteriors <- nglm.hyperparameters.ml(M%*%contrast.list[[K]])
              b.ln.ml <- b.posteriors$partial.ln.ml
            if (M.ID==M.ID.alt){
              #likelihood is invariant
              b.posteriors.alt <- b.posteriors
              b.ln.ml.alt <- b.ln.ml
            } else {
              b.posteriors.alt <- nglm.hyperparameters.ml(M.alt%*%contrast.list[[K.alt]])
              b.ln.ml.alt <- b.posteriors.alt$partial.ln.ml
            #combine likelihoods with priors and scale by normalizing constant, store branch mutation probability
            if (!B[b]){
              b.prob <- c(b.ln.ml, b.ln.ml.alt) + b.ln.prior
            } else {
              b.prob <- c(b.ln.ml.alt, b.ln.ml) + b.ln.prior
            b.prob <- exp(b.prob - matrixStats::logSumExp(b.prob))
            p.B.given.y[b] <- p.B.given.y[b] + b.prob[2]
            #sample branch mutation state and update dependent quantities
            b.indicator <- sample(0:1, 1, prob=b.prob)
            if (B[b]!=b.indicator){
              B <- B.alt
              B.ID <- B.ID.alt
              M.ID <- M.ID.alt
              M <- M.alt
              K <- K.alt
              b.posteriors <- b.posteriors.alt
              b.ln.ml <- b.ln.ml.alt
          M.list <- apply(M, 1, match, x=1)
        } else {
          if (model.type=="crp"){
            j.order <- 1:J
          } else {
            #randomize order due to non-exchangeable prior
            j.order <- sample(1:J)
          #sample each row of M conditional on the other rows
          for (j in j.order){
            if (j!=j.order[1]){
              M.current <- list(M=M, M.list=M.list, M.posteriors=M.posteriors[[M.indicator]], new.index=M.list[j])
            } else {
              M.current <- list()
            #set current row to zero and update matrix columns if necessary
            M[j,] <- 0
            if (!(1 %in% M[,M.list[j]])){
              M.update.index <- M.list[-j] > M.list[j]
              M.list[-j][M.update.index] <- M.list[-j][M.update.index] - 1
              M <- M[,-M.list[j],drop=F]
              M.current$new.index <- ncol(M)+1
            M.list[j] <- NA
            K <- ncol(M)
            C <- contrast.list[[K]]
            #enumerate all possible assignments of current row of M
            M.list.space <- lapply(1:(K+1), function(x){M.list[j] <- x; M.list})
            MC.space <- lapply(1:K, function(x){C[M.list.space[[x]],,drop=F]})
            MC.space[[K+1]] <- contrast.list[[K+1]][M.list.space[[K+1]],,drop=F]
            #calculate prior for all possible assignments of current row of M
            if (model.type=="crp"){
              #analytic form for exchangeable prior
              colsums.M <- matrixStats::colSums2(M)
              M.ln.prior <- log(c(colsums.M, alpha))
            } else if (model.type=="uniform"){
              #constant non-exchangeable prior
              M.ln.prior <- rep(0, K+1)
            } else if (model.type=="list" | model.type=="mixture"){
              #arbitrary non-exchangeable prior or a mixture of that prior with the CRP
              #requires looking up priors via hash table using a unique naming scheme for M
              M.space.vec <- lapply(1:(K+1), function(x){M.list[j] <- x; M.list})
              #compute unique names for possible values of M
              if (hash.names){
                #use a hash table to map string IDs of M to their unique names
                M.space.name <- sapply(M.space.vec, paste, collapse=",")
                M.space.key <- lapply(M.space.name, function(x){prior.M.names[[x]]})
                M.space.key.null <- which(sapply(M.space.key, is.null))
                #compute unique names for new string IDs and update hash table
                if (length(M.space.key.null) != 0){
                  M.space.key[M.space.key.null] <- sapply(M.space.vec[M.space.key.null], m.rename)
                  list2env(setNames(M.space.key[M.space.key.null], M.space.name[M.space.key.null]), envir = prior.M.names)
              } else {
                #compute unique names for possible settings of M
                M.space.key <- lapply(M.space.vec, m.rename)
              #use the unique names to look up priors for possible settings of M using hash table
              M.ln.prior <- lapply(M.space.key, function(x){prior.M.hash[[x]]})
              M.ln.prior.null <- which(sapply(M.ln.prior, is.null))
              if (length(M.ln.prior.null)!=0){
                if (model.type=="list"){
                  #values of M that are not in the hash table have probability zero
                  M.ln.prior[M.ln.prior.null] <- -Inf
                } else {
                  #compute mixture prior for new M
                  missing.weighted.input <- sapply(M.space.key[M.ln.prior.null], function(x){prior.M.input[[x]]})
                  missing.weighted.input <- sapply(missing.weighted.input, function(x){ifelse(is.null(x), -Inf, x + prior.M.weight.ln)})
                  missing.weighted.crp <- sapply(M.space.vec[M.ln.prior.null], dcrp, prior.alpha=list(type="gamma", shape=prior.alpha.shape, rate=prior.alpha.rate), stop.on.error=stop.on.error) + prior.M.weight.ln.1minus
                  missing.mixture <- sapply(1:length(M.ln.prior.null), function(x){matrixStats::logSumExp(c(missing.weighted.input[x], missing.weighted.crp[x]))})
                  #update hash table with mixture prior for new M
                  M.ln.prior[M.ln.prior.null] <- missing.mixture
                  list2env(setNames(M.ln.prior[M.ln.prior.null], M.space.key[M.ln.prior.null]), envir = prior.M.hash)
              M.ln.prior <- unlist(M.ln.prior)
            #calculate t-distributed likelihood for all possible assignments of current row of M
            if (j==j.order[1]){
              M.posteriors <- lapply(1:(K+1), function(x){if (M.ln.prior[x]==-Inf){list(partial.ln.ml=0)} else {nglm.hyperparameters.ml(MC.space[[x]])}})
            } else {
              M.posteriors <- vector("list", K+1)
              M.posteriors[[M.current$new.index]] <- M.current$M.posteriors
              M.posteriors[-M.current$new.index] <- lapply((1:(K+1))[-M.current$new.index], function(x){if (M.ln.prior[x]==-Inf){list(partial.ln.ml=0)} else {nglm.hyperparameters.ml(MC.space[[x]])}})
            M.ln.ml <- unlist(lapply(M.posteriors, function(x){x$partial.ln.ml}))
            #combine likelihoods with priors and scale by normalizing constant
            M.prob <- M.ln.ml + M.ln.prior
            M.prob <- exp(M.prob - matrixStats::logSumExp(M.prob))
            #sample assignment for current row of M from categorical distribution
            M.indicator <- match(rmultinom(1,1,M.prob), x=1)
            if (isTRUE(M.indicator==M.current$new.index) & isTRUE(M.current$M.list[j]!=M.current$new.index)){
              M.list <- M.current$M.list
              M <- M.current$M
              K <- K + 1
            } else {
              M.list[j] <- M.indicator
              #update M
              if (M.indicator > ncol(M)){
                M <- cbind(M,0)
                M[j, M.indicator] <- 1
                K <- K + 1
              } else {
                M[j, M.indicator] <- 1
        #update quantities that depend on M
        C <- contrast.list[[K]]
        MC <- M%*%C
        AMC <- A%*%MC
        d <- ncol(C)
      #sample concentration parameter if using CRP or tree
      if (update.alpha){
        if (model.type=="crp"){
          alpha <- sample.crp.concentration()
        } else if (model.type=="tree"){
          alpha <- sample.ewenss.concentration()
        if (prior.alpha.type=="beta.prime"){
          prior.alpha.rate <- rgamma(1, prior.alpha.b + prior.alpha.shape, prior.alpha.q + alpha)
      #sample error variance and linear coefficients from conjugate normal-gamma distribution 
      #note that coefficients are scaled as eta=beta/lambda
      #store hyperparameters for normal-gamma distribution 
      if (update.M){
        if (model.type=="tree"){
          M.posteriors <- b.posteriors
        } else {
          M.posteriors <- M.posteriors[[M.indicator]]
      } else {
        M.posteriors <- nglm.hyperparameters.ml(MC)
      #sample error variance from inv-gamma distribution
      sigma.sq.inv <- rgamma(1, 0.5*M.posteriors$kappa.star, 0.5*M.posteriors$psi.star)
      sigma.sq <- sigma.sq.inv^(-1)
      sigma <- sqrt(sigma.sq)
      #sample linear coefficients from normal distribution and account for scaling
      theta <- c(M.posteriors$m.star + sigma*(M.posteriors$L.Vt.inv%*%rnorm(p+d)))
      if (p > 0){
        theta[-(1:p)] <- theta[-(1:p)]/lambda
        delta <- theta[1:p]
        eta <- theta[-(1:p)]
      } else {
        theta <- theta/lambda
        delta <- rep(0,p)
        eta <- theta
      #update tau.sq from conjugate inv-gamma distribution
      tau.sq.shape <- prior.phi.b + 0.5*d
      tau.sq.rate <- 0.5 + 0.5*sigma.sq.inv*sum(eta^(2))
      tau.sq <- rgamma(1, tau.sq.shape, tau.sq.rate)^(-1)
      #update lambda from conjugate normal distribution
      Z.delta <- Z%*%delta
      y.prime <- c(y-Z.delta)
      MCeta <- MC%*%eta
      if (update.M | !fixed.diplo){
        lambda.var <- (sigma.sq.inv*c(crossprod(MCeta, AtDtWDA)%*%MCeta) + 1)^(-1)
        lambda.mean <- sum(sigma.sq.inv*y.prime*W*lambda.var*c(DA%*%MCeta))
      } else {
        lambda.var <- (sigma.sq.inv*c(crossprod(eta, CtMtAtDtWDAMC)%*%eta) + 1)^(-1)
        lambda.mean <- sum(sigma.sq.inv*y.prime*W*lambda.var*c(DAMC%*%eta))
      lambda <- rnorm(1, lambda.mean, sqrt(lambda.var))
      #update quantities that depend on tau.sq and lambda
      phi.sq <- lambda^2*tau.sq
      beta <- lambda*eta
      MCbeta <- lambda*(MCeta)
      AMCbeta <- A%*%MCbeta
      #update dipltypes jointly from independent categorical distributions
      if (!fixed.diplo){
        #calculate independent normal likelihood for all possible assignments of each row of D
        D.ln.ml <- matrix(dnorm(rep(y.prime, each=ncol.P), rep(AMCbeta, n), rep(sigma*sqrt.W^(-1), each=ncol.P), log=T), n, ncol.P, byrow=T)
        #combine likelihood with prior and scale to prevent underflow of all probabilities
        D.prob <- D.ln.ml + ln.P
        D.prob <- exp(D.prob - matrixStats::rowMaxs(D.prob))
        #sample assignment for each row of D from independent categorical distributions
        #probabilities are normalized by rmultinom
        D <- t(apply(D.prob, 1, rmultinom, n=1, size=1))
        D.list <- apply(D, 1, match, x=1)
      #store posterior samples and hyperparameters
      post.M[i,] <- M.list
      post.MCbeta[i,] <- MCbeta
      post.delta[i,] <- delta
      post.phi.sq[i] <- phi.sq
      post.sigma.sq[i] <- sigma.sq
      post.alpha[i] <- alpha
      post.hyperparameters[[i]] <- M.posteriors[1:4]
      post.K[i] <- K
      post.y.hat[i,] <- AMCbeta[D.list] + Z.delta
      p.D.given.y <- p.D.given.y + D
      if (model.type=="tree"){
        post.B[i,] <- B
    #report unique names for posterior samples of M
    if (update.M==F){
      post.M <- rep(m.rename(post.M[1,]), iterations)
    } else if (model.type=="tree"){
      post.M <- apply(post.M-1, 1, paste, collapse=",")
    } else if (hash.names){
      post.M <- apply(post.M, 1, function(x){prior.M.names[[paste(x, collapse=",")]]})
    } else {
      post.M <- apply(post.M, 1, m.rename)
    #calculate marginal posterior diplotype probabilities
    p.D.given.y <- p.D.given.y/iterations
    if (model.type=="tree"){
      p.B.given.y <- p.B.given.y/iterations
    #update variable state for potential reduced run of the sampler
    D <<- D
    D.list <<- D.list
    lambda <<- lambda
    tau.sq <<- tau.sq
    phi.sq <<- phi.sq
    #return posterior samples and hyperparameters
    posterior.results <- list("post.M"=post.M, "post.MCbeta"=post.MCbeta, "post.delta"=post.delta, "post.sigma.sq"=post.sigma.sq, "post.phi.sq"=post.phi.sq, 
                              "p.D.given.y"=p.D.given.y, "post.hyperparameters"=post.hyperparameters, "post.K"=post.K, "post.y.hat"=post.y.hat)
    if (update.alpha){
      posterior.results$post.alpha <- post.alpha
    if (model.type=="tree"){
      posterior.results$post.B <- post.B
      posterior.results$p.B.given.y <- p.B.given.y
    if (calc.null.ml){
      update.M <- T
      posterior.results$ln.ml.null <- nglm.hyperparameters.ml(matrix(1,J,1)%*%sumtozero.contrast(1), calc.partial.ml=T)$partial.ln.ml
  #precompute invariant hyperparameters and matrix products
  #specify starting values for sampler
  n <- length(y)
  #default covariate matrix includes a mean
  if (is.null(Z)){
    Z <- matrix(1,n,1)
  #default covariance matrix assumes no replicates
  if (is.null(W)){
    W <- rep(1,n)
  model.type <- prior.M$model.type
  fixed.diplo <- prior.D$fixed.diplo
  P <- prior.D$P
  A <- prior.D$A
  p <- ncol(Z)
  J <- ncol(A)
  ncol.P <- ncol(P)
  sqrt.W <- sqrt(W)
  ZtWZ <- crossprod(Z*sqrt.W)
  ZtW <- t(Z*W)
  Wy <- W*y
  ytWy <- sum(y*Wy)
  kappa.star <- n
  prior.phi.b <- 0.5*prior.phi.v
  phi.sq <- 0.5/prior.phi.b
  lambda <- 1
  tau.sq <- phi.sq/(lambda^2)
  D <- matrix(0, n, ncol.P)
  D.list <- apply(P, 1, which.max)
  D[cbind(1:n, D.list)] <- 1
  if (fixed.diplo){
    DA <- A[D.list,,drop=F]
    ZtWDA <- ZtW%*%DA
    AtDtWDA <- crossprod(DA*sqrt.W)
    AtDtWy <- crossprod(DA, Wy)
    P <- D
  } else {
    ln.P <- log(P)
  hash.names <- F
  if (model.type=="fixed"){
    alpha <- NA
    M <- M.matrix.from.ID(prior.M$M.IDs)
    K <- ncol(M)
    C <- sumtozero.contrast(K)
    MC <- M%*%C
    AMC <- A%*%MC
    d <- ncol(C)
    n.params <- p + d
  } else {
    contrast.list <- lapply(1:J, sumtozero.contrast)
  if (model.type=="crp"){
    prior.alpha.type <- prior.M$prior.alpha.type
    if (prior.alpha.type=="gamma"){
      prior.alpha.shape <- prior.M$prior.alpha.shape
      prior.alpha.rate <- prior.M$prior.alpha.rate
      alpha <- prior.alpha.shape/prior.alpha.rate
    } else if (prior.alpha.type=="fixed"){
      alpha <- prior.M$prior.alpha
    } else if (prior.alpha.type=="beta.prime"){
      prior.alpha.shape <- prior.M$prior.alpha.a
      prior.alpha.b <- prior.M$prior.alpha.b
      prior.alpha.q <- ifelse(is.null(prior.M$prior.alpha.q), 1, prior.M$prior.alpha.q)
      prior.alpha.rate <- prior.alpha.b/prior.alpha.q
      alpha <- prior.alpha.shape/prior.alpha.rate
    M <- matrix(1, J, 1)
  } else if (model.type=="uniform"){
    alpha <- NA
    M <- matrix(1, J, 1)
  } else if (model.type=="list" | model.type=="mixture"){
    prior.M.hash <- new.env(hash = T)
    alpha <- NA
    M <- M.matrix.from.ID(prior.M$M.IDs[which.max(prior.M$ln.probs)])
    if (model.type=="list"){
      list2env(setNames(as.list(prior.M$ln.probs), prior.M$M.IDs), envir = prior.M.hash)
    } else {
      prior.M.input <- new.env(hash = T)
      list2env(setNames(as.list(prior.M$ln.probs), prior.M$M.IDs), envir = prior.M.input)
      prior.alpha.shape <- prior.M$prior.alpha.shape
      prior.alpha.rate <- prior.M$prior.alpha.rate
      prior.M.weight.ln <- log(prior.M$weight)
      prior.M.weight.ln.1minus <- log(1-prior.M$weight)
    hash.names <- prior.M$hash.names
    if (hash.names){
      prior.M.names <- new.env(hash = T)
  } else if (model.type=="tree"){
    prior.alpha.type <- prior.M$prior.alpha.type
    #set starting value for alpha
    if (prior.alpha.type=="gamma"){
      prior.alpha.shape <- prior.M$prior.alpha.shape
      prior.alpha.rate <- prior.M$prior.alpha.rate
      alpha <- prior.alpha.shape/prior.alpha.rate
      if (calc.lnBF){
        print("Computing the prior (slow for trees with many branches; try fixed prior.alpha or set calc.lnBF=F)", quote=F)
        prior.M.list <- ewenss.calc(prior.M$tree, list(type="gamma", shape=prior.alpha.shape, rate=prior.alpha.rate))
    } else if (prior.alpha.type=="fixed"){
      alpha <- prior.M$prior.alpha
      if (calc.lnBF){
        print("Computing the prior (slow for trees with many branches; set calc.lnBF=F)", quote=F)
        prior.M.list <- ewenss.calc(prior.M$tree, list(type="fixed", alpha=alpha))
    } else if (prior.alpha.type=="beta.prime"){
      prior.alpha.shape <- prior.M$prior.alpha.a
      prior.alpha.b <- prior.M$prior.alpha.b
      prior.alpha.q <- ifelse(is.null(prior.M$prior.alpha.q), 1, prior.M$prior.alpha.q)
      prior.alpha.rate <- prior.alpha.b/prior.alpha.q
      alpha <- prior.alpha.shape/prior.alpha.rate
      if (calc.lnBF){
        print("Computing the prior (slow for trees with many branches; try fixed prior.alpha or set calc.lnBF=F)", quote=F)
        prior.M.list <- ewenss.calc(prior.M$tree, list(type="beta.prime", shape=prior.alpha.shape, b=prior.alpha.b, q=prior.alpha.q))

    #decompose tree and set starting value for b based on max a priori given alpha
    tree.decomposed <- decompose.tree(prior.M$tree)
    V <- tree.decomposed$V
    l <- tree.decomposed$l
    L <- sum(l)
    B <- exp(-0.5*l*alpha) < 0.5
    B <- B[-length(B)]
    B.ID <- paste(as.numeric(B), collapse=",")
    M.ID <- M.ID.from.B(B, V)
    M <- M.matrix.from.ID(M.ID)
    hash.names <- prior.M$hash.names
    if (hash.names){
      B.to.M.hash <- new.env(hash = T)
      list2env(setNames(as.list(M.ID), B.ID), envi=B.to.M.hash)
  M.list <- apply(M, 1, match, x=1)
  #iterate TIMBR sampler
  if (verbose){
    print("Sampling from the full posterior", quote=F)
  if (model.type=="crp" | model.type=="tree"){
    if (prior.alpha.type=="gamma" | prior.alpha.type=="beta.prime"){
      results <- TIMBR.sampler(samples)
    } else if (prior.alpha.type=="fixed"){
      results <- TIMBR.sampler(samples, update.alpha=F)
  } else if (model.type=="fixed"){
    results <- TIMBR.sampler(samples, update.M=F, update.alpha=F)
  } else if (model.type=="uniform" | model.type=="list" | model.type=="mixture"){
    results <- TIMBR.sampler(samples, update.alpha=F)
  #collect posterior probability of the null model
  ln.ml.null <- results$ln.ml.null
  post.M.ranked <- -sort(-table(results$post.M))/samples
  post.M.null <- post.M.ranked[names(post.M.ranked)==paste(rep(0, J), collapse=",")]
    post.M.null <- 0
  } else {
    names(post.M.null) <- NULL

  #compute the Bayes factor
  if (calc.lnBF){
    #if null model is MAP, use this to calculate marginal likelihood
    if (names(post.M.ranked[1])==paste(rep(0, J), collapse=",")){
      if (model.type=="crp"){
        if (prior.alpha.type=="gamma"){
          ln.ml <- ln.ml.null + dcrp(rep(0,J), list(type="gamma", shape=prior.alpha.shape, rate=prior.alpha.rate), stop.on.error=stop.on.error) - log(post.M.null)
        } else if (prior.alpha.type=="fixed"){
          ln.ml <- ln.ml.null + dcrp(rep(0,J), list(type="fixed", alpha=prior.M$prior.alpha), stop.on.error=stop.on.error) - log(post.M.null)
        } else if (prior.alpha.type=="beta.prime"){
          ln.ml <- ln.ml.null + dcrp(rep(0,J), list(type="beta.prime", a=prior.alpha.shape, b=prior.alpha.b, q=prior.alpha.q), stop.on.error=stop.on.error) - log(post.M.null)
      } else if (model.type=="tree"){
        ln.ml <- ln.ml.null + prior.M.list$ln.probs[which(prior.M.list$M.IDs==paste(rep(0,J), collapse=","))] - log(post.M.null)								   																												  
      } else if (model.type=="fixed"){
        ln.ml <- ln.ml.null
      } else if (model.type=="uniform"){
        ln.ml <- ln.ml.null - ln.bell(J) - log(post.M.null)
      } else if (model.type=="list" | model.type=="mixture"){
        ln.ml <- ln.ml.null + prior.M.hash[[paste(rep(0,J), collapse=",")]] - log(post.M.null)
    } else {
      #obtain samples of the normal-gamma hyperparameters conditional on a single model matrix M
      if (model.type=="fixed"){
        #these are given when the model.type is fixed
        nglm.hyperparameters <- results$post.hyperparameters
        post.phi.sq <- results$post.phi.sq
        p.D.given.y <- results$p.D.given.y
        samples.ml <- samples
      } else {
        #set M to the MAP and update dependent quantities
        M <- M.matrix.from.ID(names(post.M.ranked)[1])
        M.list <- apply(M, 1, match, x=1)
        K <- ncol(M)
        C <- contrast.list[[K]]
        MC <- M%*%C
        AMC <- A%*%MC
        d <- ncol(C)
        n.params <- p + d
        #iterate reduced sampler run with M fixed at MAP
        if (verbose){
          print("Sampling from the conditional posterior", quote=F)
        reduced.results <- TIMBR.sampler(samples.ml, update.M=F, calc.null.ml=F, update.alpha=F)
        nglm.hyperparameters <- reduced.results$post.hyperparameters
        post.phi.sq <- reduced.results$post.phi.sq
        p.D.given.y <- reduced.results$p.D.given.y
      #set remaining variables to values with high posterior probability given M fixed at MAP
      kappa.star <- n
      psi.star <- sapply(nglm.hyperparameters, function(x){x$psi.star})
      m.star <- lapply(nglm.hyperparameters, function(x){x$m.star})
      V.star <- lapply(nglm.hyperparameters, function(x){x$V.star})
      if (p+d > 1){
        theta <- matrixStats::rowMeans2(sapply(1:length(m.star), function(x){sapply(unlist(m.star[x]), function(x){x})}))
      } else {
        theta <- mean(sapply(1:length(m.star), function(x){sapply(unlist(m.star[x]), function(x){x})}))
      if (p > 0){
        delta <- theta[1:p]
        beta <- theta[-(1:p)]
      } else {
        delta <- rep(0,p)
        beta <- theta
      sigma.sq <- mean((kappa.star/psi.star)^(-1))
      if (!fixed.diplo){
        D <- matrix(0, n, ncol.P)
        D.list <- apply(p.D.given.y, 1, which.max)
        D[cbind(1:n, D.list)] <- 1
      #calculate partial marginal likelihood at point of high posterior probability
      Zdelta <- Z%*%delta
      AMCbeta <- A%*%MC%*%beta
      p1 <- sum(dnorm(y, AMCbeta[D.list] + Zdelta, sqrt(sigma.sq*W^(-1)), log=T))
      p4 <- log(sigma.sq)
      p5 <- ln.beta.prior.marginalized(beta, sigma.sq, prior.phi.b) - 0.5*p*(log(2)+log(pi)+log(sigma.sq))
      p7 <- matrixStats::logSumExp(dgamma(sigma.sq^(-1), 0.5*kappa.star, 0.5*psi.star, log=T))-log(samples.ml)
      p8 <- matrixStats::logSumExp(sapply(1:samples.ml, function(x){mvtnorm::dmvnorm(theta, m.star[[x]], V.star[[x]]*sigma.sq, log=T)}))-log(samples.ml)
      c <- -0.5*n*log(pi) + lgamma(0.5*kappa.star) - 0.5*sum(-log(W))
      if (!fixed.diplo){
        p2 <- sum(ln.P[cbind(1:n, D.list)])
        D.ln.ml <- matrix(dnorm(rep((y - Zdelta), each=ncol.P), rep(AMCbeta, n), rep(sqrt(sigma.sq)*sqrt.W^(-1), each=ncol.P), log=T), n, ncol.P, byrow=T)
        D.ln.prob <- D.ln.ml + ln.P
        D.ln.prob <-  D.ln.prob - matrixStats::rowLogSumExps(D.ln.prob)
        p9 <- sum(D.ln.prob[cbind(1:n, D.list)])
      } else {
        p2 <- 0
        p9 <- 0
      if (model.type=="crp"){
        if (prior.alpha.type=="gamma"){
          p3 <- dcrp(apply(M, 1, match, x=1), list(type="gamma", shape=prior.alpha.shape, rate=prior.alpha.rate), stop.on.error=stop.on.error)
        } else if (prior.alpha.type=="fixed"){
          p3 <- dcrp(apply(M, 1, match, x=1), list(type="fixed", alpha=prior.M$prior.alpha), stop.on.error=stop.on.error)
        } else if (prior.alpha.type=="beta.prime"){
          p3 <- dcrp(apply(M, 1, match, x=1), list(type="beta.prime", a=prior.alpha.shape, b=prior.alpha.b, q=prior.alpha.q), stop.on.error=stop.on.error)
        p6 <- log(post.M.ranked[1])
      } else if (model.type=="fixed"){
        p3 <- 0
        p6 <- 0
      } else if (model.type=="uniform"){
        p3 <- -ln.bell(J)
        p6 <- log(post.M.ranked[1])
      } else if (model.type=="list" | model.type=="mixture"){
        p3 <- prior.M.hash[[names(post.M.ranked[1])]]
        p6 <- log(post.M.ranked[1])
      } else if (model.type=="tree"){
        p3 <- prior.M.list$ln.probs[which(prior.M.list$M.IDs==paste(M.list-1, collapse=","))]
        p6 <- log(post.M.ranked[1])								   						 
      names(p6) <- NULL
      ln.ml <- p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 - p6 - p7 - p8 - p9 - c
  #return posterior samples, marginal densities, and marginal likelihood
  output <- list(y=y, prior.D=prior.D, prior.M=prior.M, prior.phi.v=prior.phi.v, samples=samples, samples.ml=samples.ml, Z=Z, W=W)
  if (model.type=="tree"){
    output <- c(output, list(decompose.tree=tree.decomposed))
  if (calc.lnBF){
    if (model.type=="tree"){
      output <- c(output, list(prior.M.list=prior.M.list))
    output <- c(output, list(ln.ml=ln.ml, ln.BF=ln.ml-ln.ml.null))
  output <- c(output, results[names(results) != "post.hyperparameters"], p.M.given.y=list(post.M.ranked), 
              post.var.exp=list(results$post.phi.sq/(results$post.phi.sq + 1)), post.hap.effects=list(results$post.MCbeta+results$post.delta[,1]),
  output <- output[order(names(output))]

#' @keywords internal
stirling.first.unsigned <- function(J){
  s <- diag(1, J)
  if (J>1){
    for (n in 2:J){
      for (k in 1:n){
        s[n,k] <- ifelse(k == 1, (n-1)*s[n-1, k], (n-1)*s[n-1, k] + s[n-1, k-1])

#' @keywords internal
ln.K.prior.crp.marginalized <- function(K, J, a, b, stop.on.error=T){
  s <- stirling.first.unsigned(J)
  density.K.concentration <- Vectorize(function(x){
    exp(K*log(x) + lgamma(x) - lgamma(x + J) + dgamma(x, a, b, log=T))
  log(integrate(density.K.concentration, lower=0, upper=Inf, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.75, stop.on.error=stop.on.error)$value) + log(s[K]) - log(sum(s)) + lfactorial(J)

#' Calculate hyperparameters for Chinese restaurant process with gamma prior distribution on the concentration parameter
#' Uses optimization to find hyperparameters that approximately yield the specified prior probabilities. May not work well when J is large or target prior probabilities are extreme.
#' @param J number of customers (haplotypes) to be partitioned
#' @param p.1.target prior probability of 1 partition
#' @param p.J.target prior probability of J partitions
#' @param stop.on.error stop function if error is encountered when using 'integrate'. errors related to roundoff and small values may occur during edge cases
#' @return vector of c(shape, rate) hyperparamters for the gamma distribution
#' @examples
#' calc.concentration.prior(8, 0.05, 0.01)
#' @export
calc.concentration.prior <- function(J, p.1.target, p.J.target, stop.on.error=F){
  distance <- function(c){
    p1 <- exp(ln.K.prior.crp.marginalized(1, J, c[1], c[2], stop.on.error=stop.on.error))
    pJ <- exp(ln.K.prior.crp.marginalized(J, J, c[1], c[2], stop.on.error=stop.on.error))
    (1/2)*log((p1-p.1.target)^2 + (pJ-p.J.target)^2)
  optim(c(1,1), distance)$par

#' Ewens's sampling formula with optional gamma prior on the concentration parameter
#' Sample allelic series (partitions) from Ewen's sampling formula, optionally informed by user-specified tree(s). Trees must be in coalescent units for appropriate inference.
#' @param samples number of samples
#' @param trees either a user-specified tree(s) of class "phylo" ("multiPhylo"), detailed in the 'ape' package, or an integer with the number of leaves to be partitioned
#' @param prior.alpha prior type c("fixed","gamma") for the concentration parameter, see examples for format. type "beta.prime" supported but sampler appears unstable, use ewenss.calc function instead
#' @param verbose optionally report function progress
#' @return list of allelic series IDs and probabilities, formatted as prior.M object for TIMBR function
#' @examples
#' #specifying hyperparameters for gamma prior using calc.concentration.prior
#' hyperparam <- calc.concentration.prior(8, 0.05, 0.01)
#' prior.alpha <- list(type="gamma", shape=hyperparam[1], rate=hyperparam[2])
#' #running the sampler without user-specified trees; compare with target prior probabilities
#' prior.M <- ewenss.sampler(100000, 8, prior.alpha)
#' exp(prior.M$ln.probs[prior.M$M.IDs=="0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"])
#' exp(prior.M$ln.probs[prior.M$M.IDs=="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7"])
#' #running the sampler with a user-specified tree and fixed concentration parameter; compare with tree structure
#' tree <- ape::rcoal(8, LETTERS[1:8])
#' ape::plot.phylo(tree)
#' prior.alpha <- list(type="fixed", alpha=1)
#' prior.M <- ewenss.sampler(100000, tree, prior.alpha)
#' head(prior.M$M.IDs)
#' head(exp(prior.M$ln.probs))
#' @export
ewenss.sampler <- function(samples, trees, prior.alpha, verbose=T){
  sample.M.ID.from.tree <- function(iter, tree=NULL){
    #sample coalescent tree if tree is unspecified
    if (is.null(tree)){
      tree <- ape::rcoal(J, LETTERS[1:J])
    #decompose tree into basis V and lengths l
    tree.decomposed <- decompose.tree(tree)
    V <- tree.decomposed$V
    l <- tree.decomposed$l
    L <- sum(l)
    #optionally sample the mutation rates for the Poisson process
    if (prior.alpha$type!="fixed"){
      if (prior.alpha$type=="beta.prime"){
        prior.alpha.rate <- rgamma(1, prior.alpha.b, prior.alpha.q)
      alpha <- rgamma(iter, prior.alpha.shape, prior.alpha.rate)
    lambda <- alpha*L/2
    #calculate null probabilities and sample non-zero numbers of mutations from truncated Poisson
    p.null <- dpois(0, lambda)
    theta <- rpois(iter, lambda + log(1 - runif(iter)*(1 - exp(-lambda)))) + 1
    #probabilistically assign mutations to branches in proportion to branch lengths
    B <- rbind(sapply(theta, rmultinom, n=1, prob=l[-length(l)])>0, T)
    #collect allelic series
    m <- apply(B, 2, function(y){m.rename(apply(V[,y], 1, Position, f=function(x){x==1}))})
    #return allelic series and null probabilities
    list(m, p.null)
  #optionally disable reporting
  if (verbose){
    print("Iterating Ewens's sampling formula", quote=F)
  #specify alpha or prior hyperparameters
  if (prior.alpha$type=="gamma"){
    prior.alpha.shape <- prior.alpha$shape
    prior.alpha.rate <- prior.alpha$rate
  } else if (prior.alpha$type=="fixed"){
    alpha <- prior.alpha$alpha
  } else if (prior.alpha$type=="beta.prime"){
    prior.alpha.shape <- prior.alpha$a
    prior.alpha.b <- prior.alpha$b
    prior.alpha.q <- ifelse(is.null(prior.alpha$q), 1, prior.alpha$q)
  #iterate Ewens's sampling formula using specified trees
  if (is.numeric(trees)){
    #sample allelic series from random coalescent trees
    J <- trees
    results <- replicate(samples, sample.M.ID.from.tree(1))
  } else {
    #set class to multiphylo if single tree is specified
    if (class(trees)=="phylo"){
      trees <- c(trees)
    #store number of leaves on the tree
    J <- trees[[1]]$Nnode + 1
    #calculate required number of samples for each specified tree
    n.trees <- length(trees)
    iter <- rep(floor(samples/n.trees), n.trees)
    remainder <- samples%%n.trees
    if (remainder != 0){
      iter[1:remainder] <- iter[1:remainder] + 1
    #sample allelic series from specified trees
    results <- sapply(1:n.trees, function(x){sample.M.ID.from.tree(iter[x], trees[[x]])})
  df <- data.frame(M.IDs=unlist(results[1,]), wt=(1-unlist(results[2,]))/samples, stringsAsFactors=F)
  df <- dplyr::count(df, M.IDs, wt = wt)
  df <- dplyr::add_row(df, M.IDs=paste(rep(0,J),collapse=","), n=1-sum(df$n))
  df <- dplyr::arrange(df, dplyr::desc(n))
  list(model.type="list", M.IDs=df$M.IDs, ln.probs=log(df$n), hash.names=T)

#' Create an additive genetic design matrix
#' Returns the additive design matrix for the number of specified haplotypes, in the specified format.
#' @param J number of haplotypes
#' @param type format of the diplotype matrix, currently supports "happy" and "qtl2"
#' @return matrix of (half) haplotype dosages corresponding to each diplotype state
#' @examples
#' additive.design(8, "happy")
#' additive.design(8, "qtl2")
#' @export
additive.design <- function(J, type){
  A <- diag(J)
  if (type=="happy"){
    for (j in 2:J){
      for (k in 1:(j-1)){
        A <- rbind(A, 0)
        A[nrow(A),k] <- 0.5
        A[nrow(A),j] <- 0.5
  } else if (type=="qtl2"){
    for (j in 1:(J-1)){
      for (k in (j+1):J){
        A <- rbind(A, 0)
        A[nrow(A),k] <- 0.5
        A[nrow(A),j] <- 0.5

#' Plot Haplotype Effects from TIMBR Output
#' Plots posterior haplotype effect densities from TIMBR output
#' @param TIMBR.output results object from the TIMBR function
#' @param colors an optional vector of colors for each haplotype density
#' @param file.path an optional file path for saving the plot as a PNG
#' @param plot.width PNG plot width
#' @param plot.height PNG plot height
#' @param TIMBR.output.bkgrd optional second results object for background plot
#' @param colors.bkgrd optional colors for background plot
#' @param transparency optional vector of transparencies for foreground and background plots, ignored if second results object is not specified
#' @param y.lab graphical parameter for plot
#' @param hap.labels optional labels for haplotypes
#' @param x.lim optional limits for x axis
#' @param x.lab optional label for x axis
#' @param cex.axis graphical parameter for plot
#' @param cex.lab graphical parameter for plot
#' @param cex.main graphical parameter for plot
#' @param font.main graphical parameter for plot
#' @return plot of the posterior haplotype effect densities
#' @examples
#' #example data
#' data(mcv.data)
#' str(mcv.data)
#' #call TIMBR using CRP
#' results <- TIMBR(mcv.data$y, mcv.data$prior.D, mcv.data$prior.M$crp)
#' #plot haplotype effects
#' TIMBR.plot.haplotypes(results)
#' @export
TIMBR.plot.haplotypes <- function(TIMBR.output, colors=NULL, file.path=NULL, plot.width=960, plot.height=480, TIMBR.output.bkgrd=NULL,
                                  colors.bkgrd=NULL, transparency=c(0.7,0.4), y.lab="Haplotype", hap.labels=NULL, x.lim=NULL, x.lab=NULL,
                                  cex.axis=1, cex.lab=1, cex.main=1, font.main = 2){
  densities <- apply(TIMBR.output$post.hap.effect, 2, density)
  J <- length(densities)
  if (is.null(hap.labels)){
    hap.labels <- LETTERS[J:1]
  } else {
    hap.labels <- rev(hap.labels)
  scale.y <- max(sapply(densities, function(x){max(x$y)})*1.2)
  min.x <- min(sapply(densities, function(x){min(x$x)}))
  max.x <- max(sapply(densities, function(x){max(x$x)}))
  if (!is.null(TIMBR.output.bkgrd)){
    densities.bkgrd <- apply(TIMBR.output.bkgrd$post.hap.effect, 2, density)
      stop("J does not match for TIMBR.output and TIMBR.output.bkgrd")
    scale.y <- max(sapply(densities.bkgrd, function(x){max(x$y)})*1.2, scale.y)
    min.x <- min(sapply(densities.bkgrd, function(x){min(x$x)}), min.x)
    max.x <- max(sapply(densities.bkgrd, function(x){max(x$x)}), max.x)
  par(cex.axis=cex.axis, cex.lab=cex.lab, cex.main=cex.main, font.main=font.main)
  if (!is.null(file.path)){
    png(file.path, height=plot.height, width=plot.width)
  if (!is.null(x.lim)){
    min.x <- x.lim[1]
    max.x <- x.lim[2]
    x.lab <- "Phenotype"
  plot(1, type="n", xlab=x.lab, ylab=y.lab, xlim=c(min.x, max.x), ylim=c(0, scale.y*J), axes=FALSE)
  Axis(side=2, at=scale.y*(0:(J-1)+0.5), labels=hap.labels, las=1, tick=F)
  if (is.null(colors)){
    if (J==8){
      colors <- c("#9000E0","#F00000","#00A000","#00A0F0","#1010F0","#F08080","#808080","#F0F000")
    } else {
      colors <- rep("#4D4D4D", J)
  if (!is.null(TIMBR.output.bkgrd)){
    if (is.null(colors.bkgrd)){
      colors.bkgrd <- scales::alpha(colors, transparency[2])
      colors <- scales::alpha(rep("#4D4D4D", J), transparency[1])
    for (i in 1:J){
      densities.bkgrd[[(J+1)-i]]$y <- densities.bkgrd[[(J+1)-i]]$y + (i-1)*scale.y
      polygon(densities.bkgrd[[(J+1)-i]], col=colors.bkgrd[i], lwd=1)
  for (i in 1:J){
    densities[[(J+1)-i]]$y <- densities[[(J+1)-i]]$y + (i-1)*scale.y
    polygon(densities[[(J+1)-i]], col=colors[i], lwd=1)
  if (!is.null(file.path)){

#' @keywords internal
consistency.index <- function(J, return.setparts=F){
  partitions.all <- partitions::setparts(J)
  colnames(partitions.all) <- apply(partitions.all, 2, m.rename)
  M1 <- apply(partitions.all, 2, function(x){M <- matrix(0, length(x), max(x)); M[cbind(1:8, x)] <- 1; MMt <- tcrossprod(M); MMt[upper.tri(MMt)]})
  M0 <- M1[,apply(partitions.all, 2, max)==2]
  index <- apply(M1, 2, function(y){apply(M0, 2, function(x){match(-1, x-y, 0)==0})})
  if (return.setparts){
    list(index=index, setparts=partitions.all)
  } else {

#' Approximate Bayes Factors from TIMBR Output
#' Approximate Bayes factors for various hypotheses from TIMBR output
#' @param TIMBR.output results object from the TIMBR function, prior.M method must be CRP or uniform
#' @param type "all" - report BFs for all allelic series; "merge" - report BFs for biallelic series (i.e. merge analysis); "consistent" - report BFs for consistent merge analysis; prior.M - report BF for list-type prior.M
#' @param ln.ml return ln.ml instead of BF
#' @param return.prior include prior in output
#' @param stop.on.error stop function if error is encountered when using 'integrate'. errors related to roundoff and small values may occur during edge cases
#' @return a named vector of approximate Bayes Factors; appoximations that underflow are not reported
#' @examples
#' #example data
#' data(mcv.data)
#' str(mcv.data)
#' #call TIMBR using CRP
#' results <- TIMBR(mcv.data$y, mcv.data$prior.D, mcv.data$prior.M$crp)
#' #calculate biallelic consistency
#' TIMBR.approx(results)
#' @export
TIMBR.approx <- function(TIMBR.output, type="all", ln.ml = F, return.prior=F, stop.on.error=F){
  if (TIMBR.output$prior.M$model.type=="crp"){
    if (TIMBR.output$prior.M$prior.alpha.type=="gamma"){
      prior.alpha <- list(type="gamma", shape=TIMBR.output$prior.M$prior.alpha.shape, rate=TIMBR.output$prior.M$prior.alpha.rate)
    } else if (TIMBR.output$prior.M$prior.alpha.type=="fixed"){
      prior.alpha <- list(type="fixed", alpha=TIMBR.output$prior.M$prior.alpha)
    } else if (TIMBR.output$prior.M$prior.alpha.type=="beta.prime"){
      if (is.null(TIMBR.output$prior.M$prior.alpha.q)){
        TIMBR.output$prior.M$prior.alpha.q <- 1
      prior.alpha <- list(type="beta.prime", a=TIMBR.output$prior.M$prior.alpha.a, b=TIMBR.output$prior.M$prior.alpha.b, q=TIMBR.output$prior.M$prior.alpha.q)
  } else if (TIMBR.output$prior.M$model.type=="uniform"){
    ln.prior.uniform <- -ln.bell(ncol(TIMBR.output$prior.D$A))
  } else if (TIMBR.output$prior.M$model.type!="list" & type=="consistent"){
    stop("prior.M$model.type is not crp/uniform or list (consistent type only)")
  if (class(type)!="list"){
    if (type=="all"){
      if (TIMBR.output$prior.M$model.type=="crp"){
        ln.prior <- sapply(names(TIMBR.output$p.M.given.y), function(x){dcrp(m.from.M.ID(x), prior.alpha, stop.on.error=stop.on.error)})
      } else if (TIMBR.output$prior.M$model.type=="uniform"){
        ln.prior <- rep(ln.prior.uniform, length(TIMBR.output$p.M.given.y))
        names(ln.prior) <- names(TIMBR.output$p.M.given.y)
      ln.BF <- rev(sort(TIMBR.output$ln.BF + log(TIMBR.output$p.M.given.y) - ln.prior))
    } else if (type=="merge"){
      m.list <- lapply(names(TIMBR.output$p.M.given.y), m.from.M.ID)
      biallelic <- sapply(m.list, max)==2
      if (TIMBR.output$prior.M$model.type=="crp"){
        ln.prior <- sapply(m.list[biallelic], dcrp, prior.alpha=prior.alpha, stop.on.error=stop.on.error)
      } else if (TIMBR.output$prior.M$model.type=="uniform"){
        ln.prior <- rep(ln.prior.uniform, length(m.list[biallelic]))
        names(ln.prior) <- names(m.list)[biallelic]
      ln.BF <- rev(sort(TIMBR.output$ln.BF + log(TIMBR.output$p.M.given.y[biallelic]) - ln.prior))
    } else if (type=="consistent"){
      index <- consistency.index(ncol(TIMBR.output$prior.D$A), T)
      if (TIMBR.output$prior.M$model.type=="crp"){
        ln.prior <- apply(index$setparts, 2, dcrp, prior.alpha=prior.alpha, stop.on.error=stop.on.error)
      } else if (TIMBR.output$prior.M$model.type=="uniform"){
        ln.prior <- rep(ln.prior.uniform, ncol(index$setparts))
        names(ln.prior) <- colnames(index$setparts)
      } else if (TIMBR.output$prior.M$model.type=="list"){
        ln.prior <- TIMBR.output$prior.M$ln.probs
        names(ln.prior) <- TIMBR.output$prior.M$M.IDs
        ln.prior <- ln.prior[colnames(index$index)]
        ln.prior[is.na(ln.prior)] <- -Inf
        names(ln.prior) <- colnames(index$index)
      index.by.ln.prior <- as.matrix(index$index)%*%diag(ln.prior)
      index.by.ln.prior <- apply(index.by.ln.prior, 2, function(x){x[x==0 | is.nan(x)] <- -Inf; x})
      index.by.ln.prior <- index.by.ln.prior - matrixStats::rowLogSumExps(index.by.ln.prior)
      colnames(index.by.ln.prior) <- colnames(index$index)
      index.by.ln.prior <- index.by.ln.prior[,names(TIMBR.output$p.M.given.y)]
      ln.prior <- ln.prior[names(TIMBR.output$p.M.given.y)]
      ln.BF <- rev(sort(TIMBR.output$ln.BF + apply(index.by.ln.prior, 1, function(x){matrixStats::logSumExp(x + log(TIMBR.output$p.M.given.y) - ln.prior)})))
  } else {
    prior.M <- type
    if (TIMBR.output$prior.M$model.type=="crp"){
      ln.prior <- apply(sapply(names(TIMBR.output$p.M.given.y), m.from.M.ID), 2, dcrp, prior.alpha=prior.alpha, stop.on.error=stop.on.error)
    } else if (TIMBR.output$prior.M$model.type=="uniform"){
      ln.prior <- rep(ln.prior.uniform, length(TIMBR.output$p.M.given.y))
      names(ln.prior) <- colnames(TIMBR.output$p.M.given.y)
    BFs <- rev(sort(TIMBR.output$ln.BF + log(TIMBR.output$p.M.given.y) - ln.prior))
    BFs <- BFs[prior.M$M.IDs]
    BFs[is.na(BFs)] <- -Inf
    names(BFs) <- prior.M$M.IDs
    ln.BF <- matrixStats::logSumExp(BFs + prior.M$ln.probs)
  if (ln.ml){
    ln.BF <- ln.BF + TIMBR.output$ln.ml.null
  if (return.prior){
    output <- cbind(ln.BF, ln.prior[names(ln.BF)])
    colnames(output)[2] <- "ln.prior"
  } else {

#' @keywords internal
decompose.tree <- function(tree){
  J <- length(tree$tip.label)
  #store basis matrix V
  V <- matrix(0, J, J+tree$Nnode)
  rownames(V) <- tree$tip.label
  nodepaths <- ape::nodepath(tree)
  V[cbind(unlist(lapply(1:J, function(i) rep(i, length(nodepaths[[i]])))), unlist(nodepaths))] <- 1
  colSums.V <- matrixStats::colSums2(V)
  #store branch lengths l
  l <- c(tree$edge.length, 0)
  l <- l[order(c(tree$edge[,2], Position(function(x){x==J}, colSums.V)))]
  #reorder V and l
  order.colSums.V <- order(colSums.V)
  l <- l[order.colSums.V]
  V <- V[sort(rownames(V)), order.colSums.V]
  #remove branches with zero length, excluding final node
  V <- V[,c(l[1:length(l)-1]!=0, TRUE)]
  l <- l[c(l[1:length(l)-1]!=0, TRUE)]
  #return V and l
  list(V=V, l=l, edge.order=order(order.colSums.V)[tree$edge[,2]])

#' @keywords internal
dcrp <- function(m, prior.alpha, log.p=T, stop.on.error=T){
  J <- length(m)
  J.k <- table(m, dnn=NULL)
  K <- length(J.k)
  if (prior.alpha$type=="gamma"){
    shape <- prior.alpha$shape
    rate <- prior.alpha$rate
    density.crp.concentration <- Vectorize(function(x){
      exp(lgamma(x) - lgamma(x+J) + (shape+K-1)*log(x) - rate*x)
    ln.p <- log(integrate(density.crp.concentration, lower=0, upper=Inf, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.75, stop.on.error=stop.on.error)$value) + sum(lgamma(J.k)) + shape*log(rate) - lgamma(shape)
  } else if (prior.alpha$type=="fixed"){
    alpha <- prior.alpha$alpha
    ln.p <- lgamma(alpha) - lgamma(alpha+J) + K*log(alpha) + sum(lgamma(J.k))
    if (alpha==0){ln.p <- ifelse(K==1, 0, -Inf)}
    if (alpha==Inf){ln.p <- ifelse(K==J, 0, -Inf)}
  } else if (prior.alpha$type=="beta.prime"){
    a <- prior.alpha$a
    b <- prior.alpha$b
    q <- ifelse(is.null(prior.alpha$q), 1, prior.alpha$q)
    density.crp.concentration <- Vectorize(function(x){
      exp(lgamma(x) - lgamma(x+J) + (a+K-1)*log(x) - (a+b)*log(1+x/q))
    ln.p <- log(integrate(density.crp.concentration, lower=0, upper=Inf, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.75, stop.on.error=stop.on.error)$value) + sum(lgamma(J.k)) - a*log(q) - lbeta(a,b)
  ifelse(log.p, ln.p, exp(ln.p))

#' Direct calculation of Ewens's sampling formula with optional gamma or beta prime prior on the concentration parameter
#' Directly calculates probabilties for allelic series (partitions) under Ewen's sampling formula, optionally informed by a user-specified tree. Trees must be in coalescent units for appropriate inference.
#' @param tree either a user-specified tree of class "phylo" ("multiPhylo"), detailed in the 'ape' package, or an integer with the number of leaves to be partitioned
#' @param prior.alpha prior type c("fixed","gamma","beta.prime") for the concentration parameter, see examples for format
#' @param stop.on.error stop function if error is encountered when using 'integrate'. errors related to roundoff and small values may occur during edge cases. Note that function returns warning if error in total probability is >1 percent regardless of this setting
#' @return list of allelic series IDs and probabilities, formatted as prior.M object for TIMBR function
#' @examples
#' #specifying hyperparameters for gamma prior using calc.concentration.prior
#' hyperparam <- calc.concentration.prior(8, 0.05, 0.01)
#' prior.alpha <- list(type="gamma", shape=hyperparam[1], rate=hyperparam[2])
#' #running the sampler without user-specified trees; compare with target prior probabilities
#' prior.M <- ewenss.calc(8, prior.alpha)
#' exp(prior.M$ln.probs[prior.M$M.IDs=="0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"])
#' exp(prior.M$ln.probs[prior.M$M.IDs=="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7"])
#' #running the sampler with a user-specified tree and fixed concentration parameter; compare with tree structure
#' tree <- ape::rcoal(8, LETTERS[1:8])
#' ape::plot.phylo(tree)
#' prior.alpha <- list(type="fixed", alpha=1)
#' prior.M <- ewenss.calc(tree, prior.alpha)
#' head(prior.M$M.IDs)
#' head(exp(prior.M$ln.probs))
#' @export
ewenss.calc <- function(tree, prior.alpha, stop.on.error=F){
  ln.prob.and.M.ID.from.B.ID <- function(B.ID){
    #function to calculate probability of branch mutation configuration
    B <- as.logical(intToBits(B.ID-1)[1:(ncol(V)-1)])
    M.ID <- M.ID.from.B(B, V)
    if (prior.alpha$type=="fixed"){
      ln.prob <- sum(ln.p[cbind(1:nrow(ln.p), as.integer(B)+1)])
    } else if (prior.alpha$type=="gamma"){
      combinations <- as.matrix(expand.grid(replicate(sum(B), 0:1, simplify=FALSE)))
      if (B.ID==1){
        sign <- 1
      } else {
        sign <- (-1)^(apply(combinations, 1, sum)%%2)
      params <- matrix(TRUE, 2^sum(B), length(l))
      params[, which(B)] <- as.logical(combinations)
      half.l <- 0.5*l
      b.prime <- prior.alpha.rate + apply(params, 1, function(x){sum(half.l[x])})
      integral <- sum(sign*b.prime^(-prior.alpha.shape))
      ln.prob <- prior.alpha.shape*log(prior.alpha.rate) + log(ifelse(integral < 0, 0, integral))
    } else if (prior.alpha$type=="beta.prime"){
      density.ewens.beta.prime <- Vectorize(function(x){
        ln.p <- cbind(-x*l[-length(l)]/2, NA)
        ln.p[B,2] <- VGAM::log1mexp(-ln.p[B,1])

        exp(sum(ln.p[cbind(1:nrow(ln.p), as.integer(B)+1)]))*x^(prior.alpha.a-1)*(1+x/prior.alpha.q)^(-prior.alpha.a-prior.alpha.b)
      integral <- integrate(density.ewens.beta.prime, lower=0, upper=Inf, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.75, stop.on.error=stop.on.error)$value
      ln.prob <- log(ifelse(integral<0, 0, integral)) - lbeta(prior.alpha.a, prior.alpha.b) - log(prior.alpha.q) - (prior.alpha.a-1)*log(prior.alpha.q)
    c(M.ID, ln.prob)
  if (is.numeric(tree)){
    #enumerate all set partitions by partition class
    partitions.all <- partitions::parts(tree)
    partitions.all <- lapply(1:ncol(partitions.all), function(x){partitions::setparts(partitions.all[,x])})
    #calculate probabilities for each partition class
    ln.probs <- unlist(sapply(1:length(partitions.all), function(x){rep(dcrp(partitions.all[[x]][,1], prior.alpha, stop.on.error=stop.on.error), ncol(partitions.all[[x]]))}))
    #generate partition names and prior.M object
    M.IDs <- apply(do.call(cbind, partitions.all), 2, m.rename)
    output <- list(model.type="list", M.IDs=M.IDs, ln.probs=ln.probs, hash.names=T)
  } else {
    #decompose tree into basis V and lengths l
    tree.decomposed <- decompose.tree(tree)
    V <- tree.decomposed$V
    l <- tree.decomposed$l
    if (prior.alpha$type=="fixed"){
      #store mutation probabilities for each branch
      ln.p <- -prior.alpha$alpha*l[-length(l)]/2
      ln.p <- cbind(ln.p, VGAM::log1mexp(-ln.p))
    } else if (prior.alpha$type=="gamma"){
      prior.alpha.shape <- prior.alpha$shape
      prior.alpha.rate <- prior.alpha$rate
    } else if (prior.alpha$type=="beta.prime"){
      prior.alpha.a <- prior.alpha$a
      prior.alpha.b <- prior.alpha$b
      prior.alpha.q <- ifelse(is.null(prior.alpha$q), 1, prior.alpha$q)
    #calculate probabilties for all combinations of branch mutations and collapse by M.ID
    df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:(2^(ncol(V)-1)), ln.prob.and.M.ID.from.B.ID))
    df <- data.frame(M.IDs=df[,1], ln.probs=as.numeric(df[,2]), stringsAsFactors=F)
    df <- dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(df, M.IDs), ln.probs = matrixStats::logSumExp(ln.probs))
    df <- dplyr::arrange(df, dplyr::desc(ln.probs))
    output <- list(model.type="list", M.IDs=df$M.IDs, ln.probs=df$ln.probs, hash.names=T)
  if (abs(sum(exp(output$ln.probs)) - 1) > 0.01){
    warning("Overall error in the probabilities is >1%.")

#' Construct consistent prior from existing list-type prior.M
#' Updates prior.M to be consistent with biallelic contrast encoded by M.ID
#' @param prior.M prior.M object for use as TIMBR input, model.type must be list
#' @param M.ID string that denotes the specified biallelic contrast
#' @return updated prior.M object that is consistent with M.ID
#' @examples
#' #example data
#' data(mcv.data)
#' #call TIMBR using CRP
#' results <- TIMBR(mcv.data$y, mcv.data$prior.D, mcv.data$prior.M$crp)
#' #approximate biallelic consistency BFs for all contrasts
#' head(TIMBR.approx(results))
#' #generate list object for CRP prior
#' prior.alpha <- list(type="gamma", shape=results$prior.M$prior.alpha.shape, rate=results$prior.M$prior.alpha.rate)
#' prior.M <- ewenss.calc(8, prior.alpha)
#' #specify biallelic contrast for consistency and update prior.M
#' M.ID <- "0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0"
#' prior.M <- TIMBR.consistent(prior.M, M.ID)
#' #analyze results, compare with approximate BF from earlier
#' results.consistent <- TIMBR(mcv.data$y, mcv.data$prior.D, prior.M)
#' results.consistent$ln.BF
#' @export
TIMBR.consistent <- function(prior.M, M.ID){
  m <- m.from.M.ID(M.ID)
  if (max(m)!=2){
    stop("M.ID is not biallelic")
  J <- length(m)
  index <- consistency.index(J, F)
  index <- index[which(row.names(index)==M.ID),]
  index <- index[prior.M$M.IDs]
  prior.M$M.IDs <- prior.M$M.IDs[index]
  ln.probs <- prior.M$ln.probs[index]
  prior.M$ln.probs <- ln.probs - matrixStats::logSumExp(ln.probs)

#' Circos Plot of Pairwise Partition Probabilities from TIMBR Object
#' Plots the probability that each pair of haplotypes is partitioned together on a circos plot; includes heatmap of relative effect sizes when using TIMBR results
#' @param TIMBR.object results object from the TIMBR function; or prior.M object of "list" type 
#' @param file.path an optional file path for saving the plot as a PNG
#' @param plot.width PNG plot width
#' @param plot.height PNG plot height
#' @param post.summary posterior summary for relative effect size; select from c("mean", "median", "mode")
#' @param colors colors for heatmap of relative effect sizes
#' @param fixed.order vector of letters to specify plot order
#' @return circos plot of pairwise partition probabilities
#' @examples
#' #example data
#' data(mcv.data)
#' str(mcv.data)
#' #call TIMBR using CRP
#' results <- TIMBR(mcv.data$y, mcv.data$prior.D, mcv.data$prior.M$crp)
#' #plot partition probabilities
#' TIMBR.plot.circos(results)
#' @export
TIMBR.plot.circos <- function(TIMBR.object, file.path=NULL, plot.width=480, plot.height=480,
                              post.summary="mean", colors=c("blue", "white", "red"), fixed.order=NULL){
  #calculate pairwise probabilities for haplotype groupings
  if (is.null(TIMBR.object$y)){
    E.MMt <- lapply(1:length(TIMBR.object$ln.probs), function(x){M <- M.matrix.from.ID(TIMBR.object$M.IDs[x]); exp(TIMBR.object$ln.probs[x])*tcrossprod(M)})
  } else {
    E.MMt <- lapply(1:length(TIMBR.object$p.M.given.y), function(x){M <- M.matrix.from.ID(names(TIMBR.object$p.M.given.y)[x]); TIMBR.object$p.M.given.y[x]*tcrossprod(M)})
  E.MMt <- Reduce("+", E.MMt)
  J <- ncol(E.MMt)
  rownames(E.MMt) <- LETTERS[1:J]
  colnames(E.MMt) <- rownames(E.MMt)
  #optimize order by minimizing distance of lines drawn on unit circle, weighed by probabilities
  if (is.null(fixed.order)){
    orders <- combinat::permn(2:J, function(x){c(1,x)})
    locations <- cbind(sinpi(2/J*(0:(J-1))), cospi(2/J*(0:(J-1))))
    distance <- diag(0,J)
    distance[t(combn(1:J, 2))] <- apply(combn(1:8, 2), 2, function(x){sqrt(sum((locations[x[1],] - locations[x[2],])^2))})
    distance <- distance[upper.tri(distance)]
    order.dist <- sapply(orders, function(x){E.MMt.order <- E.MMt[x, x]; sum(E.MMt.order[upper.tri(E.MMt.order)]*distance)})
    best.order <- unlist(orders[which.min(order.dist)])
  } else {
    best.order <- sapply(fixed.order, function(x){which(x==LETTERS)})
  E.MMt <- E.MMt[best.order, best.order]
  #plot connnections
  if (!is.null(file.path)){
    png(file.path, height=plot.height, width=plot.width)
  circlize::circos.initialize(LETTERS[best.order], xlim=cbind(rep(0,J),rep(1,J)))
  circlize::circos.trackPlotRegion(y=rep(0,J), ylim=c(0,1))
  for (i in 1:(J-1)){
    for (j in (i+1):J){
      color <- rgb(0,0,0, max=255, alpha=E.MMt[i,j]*255)
      circlize::circos.link(rownames(E.MMt)[i], c(0.45,0.55), rownames(E.MMt)[j], c(0.45,0.55), col=color)
  #calculate signed squared effect divided by sum of squared effect and error variance
  if (is.null(TIMBR.object$y)){
    effects <- rep(0, J)
  } else {
    diff <- TIMBR.object$post.hap.effects - apply(TIMBR.object$post.hap.effects, 1, mean)
    sign <- (-1)^(diff < 0)
    sum.sq <- diff^2
    var.exp <- sum.sq / (sum.sq + TIMBR.object$post.sigma.sq)
    var.exp.signed <- var.exp*sign
    #posterior summary of transformed effects
    if (post.summary=="mean"){
      effects <- colMeans(var.exp.signed)
    } else if (post.summary=="mode"){
      effects <- apply(var.exp.signed, 2, function(x){dens <- density(x, from=-1, to=1); dens$x[which.max(dens$y)]})
    } else if (post.summary=="median"){
      effects <- apply(var.exp.signed,2,median)
  names(effects) <- LETTERS[1:J]
  #add effects and labels
  ramp <- colorRamp(colors)
  colors <- rgb(ramp((effects+1)/2), maxColorValue=255)
  for (i in 1:J){
    circlize::circos.rect(0, 0, 1, 1, LETTERS[i], col=colors[i])
    circlize::circos.text(0.5, 0.5, LETTERS[i], LETTERS[i], cex=1.5)
  #clean-up and publish plot
  if (!is.null(file.path)){

#' @keywords internal
TIMBR.joint <- function(TIMBR.output.1, TIMBR.output.2){
  if (!identical(TIMBR.output.1$prior.M, TIMBR.output.2$prior.M)){
    stop("prior.M does not match")
  ln.ml.h0 <- TIMBR.output.1$ln.ml + TIMBR.output.2$ln.ml
  approx.1 <- TIMBR.approx(TIMBR.output.1, ln.ml=T, return.prior=T)
  approx.2 <- TIMBR.approx(TIMBR.output.2, ln.ml=T, return.prior=T)
  data <- cbind(approx.1, approx.2[match(rownames(approx.1), rownames(approx.2)),])
  data <- data[!is.na(data[,3]),c(1,3,2)]
  ln.ml.hA <- matrixStats::logSumExp(rowSums(data))
  ln.BF <- ln.ml.hA - ln.ml.h0
  joint.p.M.given.Y <- rev(sort(exp(rowSums(data) - ln.ml.hA)))
  list(ln.BF=ln.BF, joint.p.M.given.Y=joint.p.M.given.Y)

#' @keywords internal
var.pop <- function(x){
  var(x)*(length(x) - 1)/length(x)

#' @keywords internal
scale.pop <- function(x){
  if (length(x)==1){
  } else {
    x <- x - mean(x)

#' @keywords internal
simulate.population <- function(M, N.J, var.exp, spacing="equal"){
  J <- nrow(M)
  K <- ncol(M)
  N <- J*N.J
  M.list <- apply(M, 1, match, x=1)
  #balanced homozygous population
  D.list <- rep(1:J, each=N/J)
  D <- matrix(0, N, J + choose(J,2))
  D[cbind(1:N, D.list)] <- 1
  #additive design matrix
  A <- additive.design(J, "happy")
  #sample standard normally- or equally-spaced effects, center at zero, set population variance equal to var.exp, sort by size
  if (spacing=="normal"){
    B <- rnorm(K)
  } else if (spacing=="equal"){
    B <- 1:K
  B <- sort(scale.pop(B)*sqrt(var.exp))
  #sample standard normal error, center at zero, set population variance equal to 1-var.exp
  e <- scale.pop(rnorm(N))*sqrt(1-var.exp)
  #define phenotype
  y <- A[D.list,]%*%B[M.list] + e
  #return list of formatted input for TIMBR
  list(y=y, prior.D=list(P=D, A=A, fixed.diplo=T), B=B)

#' @keywords internal
TIMBR.scan <- function(y, prior.D.all, prior.M, prior.phi.v=2, samples=100, samples.ml=100, Z=NULL, W=NULL, verbose=T, stop.on.error=F){
  prior.phi.b <- 0.5*prior.phi.v
  P.all <- prior.D.all$P.all
  intervals <- prior.D.all$intervals
  scan.range <- prior.D.all$scan.range
  if (is.null(scan.range)){
    loci <- 1:nrow(intervals)
  } else {
    loci <- which(scan.range$chr==intervals$chr & scan.range$end >= intervals$start & scan.range$start <= intervals$end)
  prior.D <- prior.D.all[!(names(prior.D.all) %in% c("P.all", "intervals", "scan.range"))]
  ln.BFs <- rep(NA, length(loci))
  for (j in 1:length(loci)){
    i <- loci[j]
    if (verbose){
      print(paste("Locus", j, "of", length(loci)), quote=F)
    prior.D$P <- P.all[,,i]
    results <- TIMBR(y, prior.D, prior.M, prior.phi.v, samples, samples.ml, Z, W, F, stop.on.error)
    ln.BFs[j] <- results$ln.BF

  list(intervals=intervals[loci,], ln.BFs=ln.BFs)

#' #' @keywords internal
#' TIMBR.scan.plot <- function(TIMBR.scan.output, col="black", add=F, ylim=NULL){
#'   plot.data <- c(TIMBR.scan.output$intervals[,1], TIMBR.scan.output$intervals[,2]-1)
#'   plot.data <- cbind(plot.data, c(TIMBR.scan.output$ln.BFs, TIMBR.scan.output$ln.BFs))
#'   plot.data <- plot.data[order(plot.data[,1]),]
#'   if (add){
#'     lines(plot.data[,1], plot.data[,2], col=col)
#'   } else {
#'     if (is.null(ylim)){
#'       plot(plot.data[,1], plot.data[,2], type="l", col=col, ylab="lnBF", xlab="Location")
#'     } else {
#'       plot(plot.data[,1], plot.data[,2], type="l", col=col, ylab="lnBF", xlab="Location", ylim=ylim)
#'     }
#'   }
#' }

#' @keywords internal
approx.alpha.mle <- function(TIMBR.output, ln.BF.full=NULL){
  lnBFs <- TIMBR.approx(TIMBR.output)
  J <- length(lnBFs[1])
  M.ID.null <- paste(rep(0, J), collapse=",")
  lnBFs[M.ID.null] <- 0
  if (!is.null(ln.BF.full)){
    M.ID.full <- paste(0:(J-1), collapse=",")
    lnBFs[M.ID.full] <- ln.BF.full

  m.list <- lapply(names(lnBFs), m.from.M.ID)
  likelihood <- function(alpha){
    ln.p.M <- sapply(m.list, dcrp, prior.alpha=list(type="fixed", alpha=alpha))
    -matrixStats::logSumExp(lnBFs + ln.p.M)
  optim(1, likelihood, lower=0, method="L-BFGS-B")$par

#' @keywords internal
M.ID.from.B <- function(B, V){
  m.rename(apply(V[, c(B, T), drop=F], 1, Position, f=function(x){x==1}))

#' @keywords internal
TIMBR.ROP <- function(y, prior.D, prior.M, prior.phi.v=2, samples=10000, Z=NULL, W=NULL, calc.lnBF=T, samples.ml=1000, verbose=T, stop.on.error=F){
  TIMBR.sampler <- function(iterations, calc.null.ml=T, update.M=T, update.alpha=T){
    nglm.hyperparameters.ml <- function(MC, calc.partial.ml=T){
      #compute hyperparameters for the normal-gamma linear model
      if (update.M){
        d <- ncol(MC)
        n.params <- p + d
      if (update.M | !fixed.diplo){
        X <- cbind(Z, DA%*%MC)
        XtWy <- crossprod(X,Wy)
        ZtWDAMC <- ZtWDA%*%MC
        CtMtAtDtWDAMC <- crossprod(MC, AtDtWDA)%*%MC
        V.star.inv <- rbind(cbind(ZtWZ, ZtWDAMC),cbind(t(ZtWDAMC),CtMtAtDtWDAMC))
      if (d!=0){
        V.star.inv[cbind((p+1):n.params, (p+1):n.params)] <- CtMtAtDtWDAMC[cbind(1:d, 1:d)] + rep(phi.sq^(-1),d)
      if (n.params > 0){
        L.Vt.inv <- backsolve(chol(V.star.inv), diag(n.params))
        V.star <- tcrossprod(L.Vt.inv)
      } else {
        L.Vt.inv <- V.star.inv
        V.star <- V.star.inv
      m.star <- V.star%*%XtWy
      psi.star <- ytWy - c(crossprod(m.star, V.star.inv)%*%m.star)
      return.list <- list("kappa.star"=n, "psi.star"=psi.star, "m.star"=m.star, "V.star"=V.star, "L.Vt.inv"=L.Vt.inv)
      if (calc.partial.ml){
        partial.ln.ml <- -0.5*kappa.star*log(psi.star) - 0.5*d*log(phi.sq) + 
        return.list$partial.ln.ml <- partial.ln.ml
    sample.crp.concentration <- function(){
      #sample latent variable zeta
      ln.zeta <- log(rbeta(1, alpha+1, J))
      #sample alpha conditional on zeta
      z <- (prior.alpha.shape+K-1)/(J*(prior.alpha.rate-ln.zeta))
      pi <- z/(1+z)
      if (rbinom(1,1,pi)==1){
        alpha <- rgamma(1, prior.alpha.shape+K, prior.alpha.rate-ln.zeta)
      } else {
        alpha <- rgamma(1, prior.alpha.shape+K-1, prior.alpha.rate-ln.zeta)
    sample.ewenss.concentration <- function(){
      #sample latent number of mutations from zero-truncated poisson then sum for total
      theta <- sum(sapply(1:length(B), function(x){
          lambda <- 0.5*alpha*l[x]
          rpois(1, lambda + log(1-runif(1)*(1-exp(-lambda)))) + 1
        } else {
      #sample concentration parameter from conjugate gamma distribution
      shape.star <- theta + prior.alpha.shape
      rate.star <- 0.5*L + prior.alpha.rate
      rgamma(1, shape.star, rate.star)
    #precompute matrix products if model and diplotypes are fixed
    if (!update.M & fixed.diplo){
      DAMC <- DA%*%MC
      X <- cbind(Z, DAMC)
      XtWy <- crossprod(X,Wy)
      ZtWDAMC <- ZtWDA%*%MC
      CtMtAtDtWDAMC <- crossprod(MC, AtDtWDA)%*%MC
      V.star.inv <- rbind(cbind(ZtWZ, ZtWDAMC),cbind(t(ZtWDAMC),CtMtAtDtWDAMC))
    #create objects to store results
    post.M <- matrix(NA, iterations, J)
    post.MCbeta <- matrix(NA, iterations, J)
    post.delta <- matrix(NA, iterations, p)
    post.phi.sq <- rep(NA, iterations)
    post.sigma.sq <- rep(NA, iterations)
    post.alpha <- rep(NA, iterations)
    post.hyperparameters <- vector("list", iterations)
    post.K <- rep(NA, iterations)
    post.y.hat <- matrix(NA, iterations, n)
    p.D.given.y <- matrix(0, n, ncol.P)
    if (model.type=="tree"){
      post.B <- matrix(NA, iterations, length(B))
      p.B.given.y <- rep(0, length(B))
    #iterate sampler
    for (i in 1:iterations){
      if (i%%1000==0 & verbose){
      #compute matrix quantitites that depend on D
      if (!fixed.diplo){
        DA <- A[D.list,,drop=F]
        ZtWDA <- ZtW%*%DA
        AtDtWDA <- crossprod(DA*sqrt.W)
        AtDtWy <- crossprod(DA, Wy)
      #sample allelic series matrix M
      if (update.M){
        if (model.type=="tree"){
          for (b in 1:length(B)){
            #alternative B with b mutation state switched
            B.alt <- B
            B.alt[b] <- !B.alt[b]
            B.ID.alt <- paste(as.numeric(B.alt), collapse=",")
            #convert from branches B to allelic series M
            if (hash.names){
              M.ID.alt <- B.to.M.hash[[B.ID.alt]]
              if (is.null(M.ID.alt)){
                M.ID.alt <- M.ID.from.B(B.alt, V)
                list2env(setNames(as.list(M.ID.alt), B.ID.alt), envi=B.to.M.hash)
            } else {
              M.ID.alt <- M.ID.from.B(B.alt, V)
            M.alt <- M.matrix.from.ID(M.ID.alt)
            K.alt <- ncol(M.alt)
            #prior for branch mutation state
            b.ln.prior <- -0.5*alpha*l[b]
            b.ln.prior <- c(b.ln.prior, log(-expm1(b.ln.prior)))
            #likelihood for branch mutation state
            if (b==1){
              K <- ncol(M)
              b.posteriors <- nglm.hyperparameters.ml(M%*%contrast.list[[K]])
              b.ln.ml <- b.posteriors$partial.ln.ml
            if (M.ID==M.ID.alt){
              #likelihood is invariant
              b.posteriors.alt <- b.posteriors
              b.ln.ml.alt <- b.ln.ml
            } else {
              b.posteriors.alt <- nglm.hyperparameters.ml(M.alt%*%contrast.list[[K.alt]])
              b.ln.ml.alt <- b.posteriors.alt$partial.ln.ml
            #combine likelihoods with priors and scale by normalizing constant, store branch mutation probability
            if (!B[b]){
              b.prob <- c(b.ln.ml, b.ln.ml.alt) + b.ln.prior
            } else {
              b.prob <- c(b.ln.ml.alt, b.ln.ml) + b.ln.prior
            b.prob <- exp(b.prob - matrixStats::logSumExp(b.prob))
            p.B.given.y[b] <- p.B.given.y[b] + b.prob[2]
            #sample branch mutation state and update dependent quantities
            b.indicator <- sample(0:1, 1, prob=b.prob)
            if (B[b]!=b.indicator){
              B <- B.alt
              B.ID <- B.ID.alt
              M.ID <- M.ID.alt
              M <- M.alt
              K <- K.alt
              b.posteriors <- b.posteriors.alt
              b.ln.ml <- b.ln.ml.alt
          M.list <- apply(M, 1, match, x=1)
        } else {
          if (model.type=="crp"){
            j.order <- 1:J
          } else {
            #randomize order due to non-exchangeable prior
            j.order <- sample(1:J)
          #sample each row of M conditional on the other rows
          for (j in j.order){
            if (j!=j.order[1]){
              M.current <- list(M=M, M.list=M.list, M.posteriors=M.posteriors[[M.indicator]], new.index=M.list[j])
            } else {
              M.current <- list()
            #set current row to zero and update matrix columns if necessary
            M[j,] <- 0
            if (!(1 %in% M[,M.list[j]])){
              M.update.index <- M.list[-j] > M.list[j]
              M.list[-j][M.update.index] <- M.list[-j][M.update.index] - 1
              M <- M[,-M.list[j],drop=F]
              M.current$new.index <- ncol(M)+1
            M.list[j] <- NA
            K <- ncol(M)
            C <- contrast.list[[K]]
            #enumerate all possible assignments of current row of M
            M.list.space <- lapply(1:(K+1), function(x){M.list[j] <- x; M.list})
            MC.space <- lapply(1:K, function(x){C[M.list.space[[x]],,drop=F]})
            MC.space[[K+1]] <- contrast.list[[K+1]][M.list.space[[K+1]],,drop=F]
            #calculate prior for all possible assignments of current row of M
            if (model.type=="crp"){
              #analytic form for exchangeable prior
              colsums.M <- matrixStats::colSums2(M)
              M.ln.prior <- log(c(colsums.M, alpha))
            } else if (model.type=="uniform"){
              #constant non-exchangeable prior
              M.ln.prior <- rep(0, K+1)
            } else if (model.type=="list" | model.type=="mixture"){
              #arbitrary non-exchangeable prior or a mixture of that prior with the CRP
              #requires looking up priors via hash table using a unique naming scheme for M
              M.space.vec <- lapply(1:(K+1), function(x){M.list[j] <- x; M.list})
              #compute unique names for possible values of M
              if (hash.names){
                #use a hash table to map string IDs of M to their unique names
                M.space.name <- sapply(M.space.vec, paste, collapse=",")
                M.space.key <- lapply(M.space.name, function(x){prior.M.names[[x]]})
                M.space.key.null <- which(sapply(M.space.key, is.null))
                #compute unique names for new string IDs and update hash table
                if (length(M.space.key.null) != 0){
                  M.space.key[M.space.key.null] <- sapply(M.space.vec[M.space.key.null], m.rename)
                  list2env(setNames(M.space.key[M.space.key.null], M.space.name[M.space.key.null]), envir = prior.M.names)
              } else {
                #compute unique names for possible settings of M
                M.space.key <- lapply(M.space.vec, m.rename)
              #use the unique names to look up priors for possible settings of M using hash table
              M.ln.prior <- lapply(M.space.key, function(x){prior.M.hash[[x]]})
              M.ln.prior.null <- which(sapply(M.ln.prior, is.null))
              if (length(M.ln.prior.null)!=0){
                if (model.type=="list"){
                  #values of M that are not in the hash table have probability zero
                  M.ln.prior[M.ln.prior.null] <- -Inf
                } else {
                  #compute mixture prior for new M
                  missing.weighted.input <- sapply(M.space.key[M.ln.prior.null], function(x){prior.M.input[[x]]})
                  missing.weighted.input <- sapply(missing.weighted.input, function(x){ifelse(is.null(x), -Inf, x + prior.M.weight.ln)})
                  missing.weighted.crp <- sapply(M.space.vec[M.ln.prior.null], dcrp, prior.alpha=list(type="gamma", shape=prior.alpha.shape, rate=prior.alpha.rate), stop.on.error=stop.on.error) + prior.M.weight.ln.1minus
                  missing.mixture <- sapply(1:length(M.ln.prior.null), function(x){matrixStats::logSumExp(c(missing.weighted.input[x], missing.weighted.crp[x]))})
                  #update hash table with mixture prior for new M
                  M.ln.prior[M.ln.prior.null] <- missing.mixture
                  list2env(setNames(M.ln.prior[M.ln.prior.null], M.space.key[M.ln.prior.null]), envir = prior.M.hash)
              M.ln.prior <- unlist(M.ln.prior)
            #calculate t-distributed likelihood for all possible assignments of current row of M
            if (j==j.order[1]){
              M.posteriors <- lapply(1:(K+1), function(x){if (M.ln.prior[x]==-Inf){list(partial.ln.ml=0)} else {nglm.hyperparameters.ml(MC.space[[x]])}})
            } else {
              M.posteriors <- vector("list", K+1)
              M.posteriors[[M.current$new.index]] <- M.current$M.posteriors
              M.posteriors[-M.current$new.index] <- lapply((1:(K+1))[-M.current$new.index], function(x){if (M.ln.prior[x]==-Inf){list(partial.ln.ml=0)} else {nglm.hyperparameters.ml(MC.space[[x]])}})
            M.ln.ml <- unlist(lapply(M.posteriors, function(x){x$partial.ln.ml}))
            #combine likelihoods with priors and scale by normalizing constant
            M.prob <- M.ln.ml + M.ln.prior
            M.prob <- exp(M.prob - matrixStats::logSumExp(M.prob))
            #sample assignment for current row of M from categorical distribution
            M.indicator <- match(rmultinom(1,1,M.prob), x=1)
            if (isTRUE(M.indicator==M.current$new.index) & isTRUE(M.current$M.list[j]!=M.current$new.index)){
              M.list <- M.current$M.list
              M <- M.current$M
              K <- K + 1
            } else {
              M.list[j] <- M.indicator
              #update M
              if (M.indicator > ncol(M)){
                M <- cbind(M,0)
                M[j, M.indicator] <- 1
                K <- K + 1
              } else {
                M[j, M.indicator] <- 1
        #update quantities that depend on M
        C <- contrast.list[[K]]
        MC <- M%*%C
        AMC <- A%*%MC
        d <- ncol(C)
      #sample concentration parameter if using CRP or tree
      if (update.alpha){
        if (model.type=="crp"){
          alpha <- sample.crp.concentration()
        } else if (model.type=="tree"){
          alpha <- sample.ewenss.concentration()
        if (prior.alpha.type=="beta.prime"){
          prior.alpha.rate <- rgamma(1, prior.alpha.b + prior.alpha.shape, prior.alpha.q + alpha)
      #sample error variance and linear coefficients from conjugate normal-gamma distribution 
      #note that coefficients are scaled as eta=beta/lambda
      #store hyperparameters for normal-gamma distribution 
      if (update.M){
        if (model.type=="tree"){
          M.posteriors <- b.posteriors
        } else {
          M.posteriors <- M.posteriors[[M.indicator]]
      } else {
        M.posteriors <- nglm.hyperparameters.ml(MC)
      #sample error variance from inv-gamma distribution
      sigma.sq.inv <- rgamma(1, 0.5*M.posteriors$kappa.star, 0.5*M.posteriors$psi.star)
      sigma.sq <- sigma.sq.inv^(-1)
      sigma <- sqrt(sigma.sq)
      #sample linear coefficients from normal distribution and account for scaling
      theta <- c(M.posteriors$m.star + sigma*(M.posteriors$L.Vt.inv%*%rnorm(p+d)))
      if (p > 0){
        theta[-(1:p)] <- theta[-(1:p)]/lambda
        delta <- theta[1:p]
        eta <- theta[-(1:p)]
      } else {
        theta <- theta/lambda
        delta <- rep(0,p)
        eta <- theta
      #update tau.sq from conjugate inv-gamma distribution
      tau.sq.shape <- prior.phi.b + 0.5*d
      tau.sq.rate <- 0.5 + 0.5*sigma.sq.inv*sum(eta^(2))
      tau.sq <- rgamma(1, tau.sq.shape, tau.sq.rate)^(-1)
      #update lambda from conjugate normal distribution
      Z.delta <- Z%*%delta
      y.prime <- c(y-Z.delta)
      MCeta <- MC%*%eta
      if (update.M | !fixed.diplo){
        lambda.var <- (sigma.sq.inv*c(crossprod(MCeta, AtDtWDA)%*%MCeta) + 1)^(-1)
        lambda.mean <- sum(sigma.sq.inv*y.prime*W*lambda.var*c(DA%*%MCeta))
      } else {
        lambda.var <- (sigma.sq.inv*c(crossprod(eta, CtMtAtDtWDAMC)%*%eta) + 1)^(-1)
        lambda.mean <- sum(sigma.sq.inv*y.prime*W*lambda.var*c(DAMC%*%eta))
      lambda <- rnorm(1, lambda.mean, sqrt(lambda.var))
      #update quantities that depend on tau.sq and lambda
      phi.sq <- lambda^2*tau.sq
      beta <- lambda*eta
      MCbeta <- lambda*(MCeta)
      AMCbeta <- A%*%MCbeta
      #update dipltypes jointly from independent categorical distributions
      if (!fixed.diplo){
        #calculate independent normal likelihood for all possible assignments of each row of D
        D.ln.ml <- matrix(dnorm(rep(y.prime, each=ncol.P), rep(AMCbeta, n), rep(sigma*sqrt.W^(-1), each=ncol.P), log=T), n, ncol.P, byrow=T)
        #combine likelihood with prior and scale to prevent underflow of all probabilities
        D.prob <- D.ln.ml + ln.P
        D.prob <- exp(D.prob - matrixStats::rowMaxs(D.prob))
        #sample assignment for each row of D from independent categorical distributions
        #probabilities are normalized by rmultinom
        D <- t(apply(D.prob, 1, rmultinom, n=1, size=1))
        D.list <- apply(D, 1, match, x=1)
      #store posterior samples and hyperparameters
      post.M[i,] <- M.list
      post.MCbeta[i,] <- MCbeta
      post.delta[i,] <- delta
      post.phi.sq[i] <- phi.sq
      post.sigma.sq[i] <- sigma.sq
      post.alpha[i] <- alpha
      post.hyperparameters[[i]] <- M.posteriors[1:4]
      post.K[i] <- K
      if (prior.D.type=="ROP"){
        post.y.hat[i,] <- D%*%AMCbeta + Z.delta
      } else {
        post.y.hat[i,] <- AMCbeta[D.list] + Z.delta
      p.D.given.y <- p.D.given.y + D
      if (model.type=="tree"){
        post.B[i,] <- B
    #report unique names for posterior samples of M
    if (update.M==F){
      post.M <- rep(m.rename(post.M[1,]), iterations)
    } else if (model.type=="tree"){
      post.M <- apply(post.M-1, 1, paste, collapse=",")
    } else if (hash.names){
      post.M <- apply(post.M, 1, function(x){prior.M.names[[paste(x, collapse=",")]]})
    } else {
      post.M <- apply(post.M, 1, m.rename)
    #calculate marginal posterior diplotype probabilities
    if (prior.D.type=="ROP"){
      p.D.given.y <- NA
    } else {
      p.D.given.y <- p.D.given.y/iterations
    #calculate marginal posterior branch mutation probabilities
    if (model.type=="tree"){
      p.B.given.y <- p.B.given.y/iterations
    #update variable state for potential reduced run of the sampler
    D <<- D
    D.list <<- D.list
    lambda <<- lambda
    tau.sq <<- tau.sq
    phi.sq <<- phi.sq
    #return posterior samples and hyperparameters
    posterior.results <- list("post.M"=post.M, "post.MCbeta"=post.MCbeta, "post.delta"=post.delta, "post.sigma.sq"=post.sigma.sq, "post.phi.sq"=post.phi.sq, 
                              "p.D.given.y"=p.D.given.y, "post.hyperparameters"=post.hyperparameters, "post.K"=post.K, "post.y.hat"=post.y.hat)
    if (update.alpha){
      posterior.results$post.alpha <- post.alpha
    if (model.type=="tree"){
      posterior.results$post.B <- post.B
      posterior.results$p.B.given.y <- p.B.given.y
    if (calc.null.ml){
      update.M <- T
      posterior.results$ln.ml.null <- nglm.hyperparameters.ml(matrix(1,J,1)%*%sumtozero.contrast(1), calc.partial.ml=T)$partial.ln.ml
  #precompute invariant hyperparameters and matrix products
  #specify starting values for sampler
  n <- length(y)
  #default covariate matrix includes a mean
  if (is.null(Z)){
    Z <- matrix(1,n,1)
  #default covariance matrix assumes no replicates
  if (is.null(W)){
    W <- rep(1,n)
  model.type <- prior.M$model.type
  prior.D.type <- prior.D$type
  if (prior.D.type=="ROP"){
    fixed.diplo <- T
    P <- prior.D$X
    A <- diag(ncol(P))
  } else {
    P <- prior.D$P
    A <- prior.D$A
    if(prior.D.type=="full"){fixed.diplo <- F} 
    if(prior.D.type=="prior.max"){fixed.diplo <- T} 
  #ensure rows of P sum to 1
  P <- P/rowSums(P)
  p <- ncol(Z)
  J <- ncol(A)
  ncol.P <- ncol(P)
  sqrt.W <- sqrt(W)
  ZtWZ <- crossprod(Z*sqrt.W)
  ZtW <- t(Z*W)
  Wy <- W*y
  ytWy <- sum(y*Wy)
  kappa.star <- n
  prior.phi.b <- 0.5*prior.phi.v
  phi.sq <- 0.5/prior.phi.b
  lambda <- 1
  tau.sq <- phi.sq/(lambda^2)
  if (prior.D.type=="ROP"){
    D <- P
    D.list <- NULL
  } else {
    D <- matrix(0, n, ncol.P)
    D.list <- apply(P, 1, which.max)
    D[cbind(1:n, D.list)] <- 1
  if (fixed.diplo){
    if (prior.D.type=="prior.max"){
      DA <- A[D.list,,drop=F]
      P <- D
    } else {
      DA <- D
    ZtWDA <- ZtW%*%DA
    AtDtWDA <- crossprod(DA*sqrt.W)
    AtDtWy <- crossprod(DA, Wy)
  } else {
    ln.P <- log(P)
  hash.names <- F
  if (model.type=="fixed"){
    alpha <- NA
    M <- M.matrix.from.ID(prior.M$M.IDs)
    K <- ncol(M)
    C <- sumtozero.contrast(K)
    MC <- M%*%C
    AMC <- A%*%MC
    d <- ncol(C)
    n.params <- p + d
  } else {
    contrast.list <- lapply(1:J, sumtozero.contrast)
  if (model.type=="crp"){
    prior.alpha.type <- prior.M$prior.alpha.type
    if (prior.alpha.type=="gamma"){
      prior.alpha.shape <- prior.M$prior.alpha.shape
      prior.alpha.rate <- prior.M$prior.alpha.rate
      alpha <- prior.alpha.shape/prior.alpha.rate
    } else if (prior.alpha.type=="fixed"){
      alpha <- prior.M$prior.alpha
    } else if (prior.alpha.type=="beta.prime"){
      prior.alpha.shape <- prior.M$prior.alpha.a
      prior.alpha.b <- prior.M$prior.alpha.b
      prior.alpha.q <- ifelse(is.null(prior.M$prior.alpha.q), 1, prior.M$prior.alpha.q)
      prior.alpha.rate <- prior.alpha.b/prior.alpha.q
      alpha <- prior.alpha.shape/prior.alpha.rate
    M <- matrix(1, J, 1)
  } else if (model.type=="uniform"){
    alpha <- NA
    M <- matrix(1, J, 1)
  } else if (model.type=="list" | model.type=="mixture"){
    prior.M.hash <- new.env(hash = T)
    alpha <- NA
    M <- M.matrix.from.ID(prior.M$M.IDs[which.max(prior.M$ln.probs)])
    if (model.type=="list"){
      list2env(setNames(as.list(prior.M$ln.probs), prior.M$M.IDs), envir = prior.M.hash)
    } else {
      prior.M.input <- new.env(hash = T)
      list2env(setNames(as.list(prior.M$ln.probs), prior.M$M.IDs), envir = prior.M.input)
      prior.alpha.shape <- prior.M$prior.alpha.shape
      prior.alpha.rate <- prior.M$prior.alpha.rate
      prior.M.weight.ln <- log(prior.M$weight)
      prior.M.weight.ln.1minus <- log(1-prior.M$weight)
    hash.names <- prior.M$hash.names
    if (hash.names){
      prior.M.names <- new.env(hash = T)
  } else if (model.type=="tree"){
    prior.alpha.type <- prior.M$prior.alpha.type
    #set starting value for alpha
    if (prior.alpha.type=="gamma"){
      prior.alpha.shape <- prior.M$prior.alpha.shape
      prior.alpha.rate <- prior.M$prior.alpha.rate
      alpha <- prior.alpha.shape/prior.alpha.rate
      if (calc.lnBF){
        print("Computing the prior (slow for trees with many branches; try fixed prior.alpha or set calc.lnBF=F)", quote=F)
        prior.M.list <- ewenss.calc(prior.M$tree, list(type="gamma", shape=prior.alpha.shape, rate=prior.alpha.rate))
    } else if (prior.alpha.type=="fixed"){
      alpha <- prior.M$prior.alpha
      if (calc.lnBF){
        print("Computing the prior (slow for trees with many branches; set calc.lnBF=F)", quote=F)
        prior.M.list <- ewenss.calc(prior.M$tree, list(type="fixed", alpha=alpha))
    } else if (prior.alpha.type=="beta.prime"){
      prior.alpha.shape <- prior.M$prior.alpha.a
      prior.alpha.b <- prior.M$prior.alpha.b
      prior.alpha.q <- ifelse(is.null(prior.M$prior.alpha.q), 1, prior.M$prior.alpha.q)
      prior.alpha.rate <- prior.alpha.b/prior.alpha.q
      alpha <- prior.alpha.shape/prior.alpha.rate
      if (calc.lnBF){
        print("Computing the prior (slow for trees with many branches; try fixed prior.alpha or set calc.lnBF=F)", quote=F)
        prior.M.list <- ewenss.calc(prior.M$tree, list(type="beta.prime", shape=prior.alpha.shape, b=prior.alpha.b, q=prior.alpha.q))
    #decompose tree and set starting value for b based on max a priori given alpha
    tree.decomposed <- decompose.tree(prior.M$tree)
    V <- tree.decomposed$V
    l <- tree.decomposed$l
    L <- sum(l)
    B <- exp(-0.5*l*alpha) < 0.5
    B <- B[-length(B)]
    B.ID <- paste(as.numeric(B), collapse=",")
    M.ID <- M.ID.from.B(B, V)
    M <- M.matrix.from.ID(M.ID)
    hash.names <- prior.M$hash.names
    if (hash.names){
      B.to.M.hash <- new.env(hash = T)
      list2env(setNames(as.list(M.ID), B.ID), envi=B.to.M.hash)
  M.list <- apply(M, 1, match, x=1)
  #iterate TIMBR sampler
  if (verbose){
    print("Sampling from the full posterior", quote=F)
  if (model.type=="crp" | model.type=="tree"){
    if (prior.alpha.type=="gamma" | prior.alpha.type=="beta.prime"){
      results <- TIMBR.sampler(samples)
    } else if (prior.alpha.type=="fixed"){
      results <- TIMBR.sampler(samples, update.alpha=F)
  } else if (model.type=="fixed"){
    results <- TIMBR.sampler(samples, update.M=F, update.alpha=F)
  } else if (model.type=="uniform" | model.type=="list" | model.type=="mixture"){
    results <- TIMBR.sampler(samples, update.alpha=F)
  #collect posterior probability of the null model
  ln.ml.null <- results$ln.ml.null
  post.M.ranked <- -sort(-table(results$post.M))/samples
  post.M.null <- post.M.ranked[names(post.M.ranked)==paste(rep(0, J), collapse=",")]
    post.M.null <- 0
  } else {
    names(post.M.null) <- NULL
  #compute the Bayes factor
  if (calc.lnBF){
    #if null model is MAP, use this to calculate marginal likelihood
    if (names(post.M.ranked[1])==paste(rep(0, J), collapse=",")){
      if (model.type=="crp"){
        if (prior.alpha.type=="gamma"){
          ln.ml <- ln.ml.null + dcrp(rep(0,J), list(type="gamma", shape=prior.alpha.shape, rate=prior.alpha.rate), stop.on.error=stop.on.error) - log(post.M.null)
        } else if (prior.alpha.type=="fixed"){
          ln.ml <- ln.ml.null + dcrp(rep(0,J), list(type="fixed", alpha=prior.M$prior.alpha), stop.on.error=stop.on.error) - log(post.M.null)
        } else if (prior.alpha.type=="beta.prime"){
          ln.ml <- ln.ml.null + dcrp(rep(0,J), list(type="beta.prime", a=prior.alpha.shape, b=prior.alpha.b, q=prior.alpha.q), stop.on.error=stop.on.error) - log(post.M.null)
      } else if (model.type=="tree"){
        ln.ml <- ln.ml.null + prior.M.list$ln.probs[which(prior.M.list$M.IDs==paste(rep(0,J), collapse=","))] - log(post.M.null)								   																												  
      } else if (model.type=="fixed"){
        ln.ml <- ln.ml.null
      } else if (model.type=="uniform"){
        ln.ml <- ln.ml.null - ln.bell(J) - log(post.M.null)
      } else if (model.type=="list" | model.type=="mixture"){
        ln.ml <- ln.ml.null + prior.M.hash[[paste(rep(0,J), collapse=",")]] - log(post.M.null)
    } else {
      #obtain samples of the normal-gamma hyperparameters conditional on a single model matrix M
      if (model.type=="fixed"){
        #these are given when the model.type is fixed
        nglm.hyperparameters <- results$post.hyperparameters
        post.phi.sq <- results$post.phi.sq
        p.D.given.y <- results$p.D.given.y
        samples.ml <- samples
      } else {
        #set M to the MAP and update dependent quantities
        M <- M.matrix.from.ID(names(post.M.ranked)[1])
        M.list <- apply(M, 1, match, x=1)
        K <- ncol(M)
        C <- contrast.list[[K]]
        MC <- M%*%C
        AMC <- A%*%MC
        d <- ncol(C)
        n.params <- p + d
        #iterate reduced sampler run with M fixed at MAP
        if (verbose){
          print("Sampling from the conditional posterior", quote=F)
        reduced.results <- TIMBR.sampler(samples.ml, update.M=F, calc.null.ml=F, update.alpha=F)
        nglm.hyperparameters <- reduced.results$post.hyperparameters
        post.phi.sq <- reduced.results$post.phi.sq
        p.D.given.y <- reduced.results$p.D.given.y
      #set remaining variables to values with high posterior probability given M fixed at MAP
      kappa.star <- n
      psi.star <- sapply(nglm.hyperparameters, function(x){x$psi.star})
      m.star <- lapply(nglm.hyperparameters, function(x){x$m.star})
      V.star <- lapply(nglm.hyperparameters, function(x){x$V.star})
      if (p+d > 1){
        theta <- matrixStats::rowMeans2(sapply(1:length(m.star), function(x){sapply(unlist(m.star[x]), function(x){x})}))
      } else {
        theta <- mean(sapply(1:length(m.star), function(x){sapply(unlist(m.star[x]), function(x){x})}))
      if (p > 0){
        delta <- theta[1:p]
        beta <- theta[-(1:p)]
      } else {
        delta <- rep(0,p)
        beta <- theta
      sigma.sq <- mean((kappa.star/psi.star)^(-1))
      if (!fixed.diplo){
        D <- matrix(0, n, ncol.P)
        D.list <- apply(p.D.given.y, 1, which.max)
        D[cbind(1:n, D.list)] <- 1
      #calculate partial marginal likelihood at point of high posterior probability
      Zdelta <- Z%*%delta
      AMCbeta <- A%*%MC%*%beta
      if (prior.D.type=="ROP"){
        p1 <- sum(dnorm(y, D%*%AMCbeta + Zdelta, sqrt(sigma.sq*W^(-1)), log=T))
      } else {
        p1 <- sum(dnorm(y, AMCbeta[D.list] + Zdelta, sqrt(sigma.sq*W^(-1)), log=T))
      p4 <- log(sigma.sq)
      p5 <- ln.beta.prior.marginalized(beta, sigma.sq, prior.phi.b) - 0.5*p*(log(2)+log(pi)+log(sigma.sq))
      p7 <- matrixStats::logSumExp(dgamma(sigma.sq^(-1), 0.5*kappa.star, 0.5*psi.star, log=T))-log(samples.ml)
      p8 <- matrixStats::logSumExp(sapply(1:samples.ml, function(x){mvtnorm::dmvnorm(theta, m.star[[x]], V.star[[x]]*sigma.sq, log=T)}))-log(samples.ml)
      c <- -0.5*n*log(pi) + lgamma(0.5*kappa.star) - 0.5*sum(-log(W))
      if (!fixed.diplo){
        p2 <- sum(ln.P[cbind(1:n, D.list)])
        D.ln.ml <- matrix(dnorm(rep((y - Zdelta), each=ncol.P), rep(AMCbeta, n), rep(sqrt(sigma.sq)*sqrt.W^(-1), each=ncol.P), log=T), n, ncol.P, byrow=T)
        D.ln.prob <- D.ln.ml + ln.P
        D.ln.prob <-  D.ln.prob - matrixStats::rowLogSumExps(D.ln.prob)
        p9 <- sum(D.ln.prob[cbind(1:n, D.list)])
      } else {
        p2 <- 0
        p9 <- 0
      if (model.type=="crp"){
        if (prior.alpha.type=="gamma"){
          p3 <- dcrp(apply(M, 1, match, x=1), list(type="gamma", shape=prior.alpha.shape, rate=prior.alpha.rate), stop.on.error=stop.on.error)
        } else if (prior.alpha.type=="fixed"){
          p3 <- dcrp(apply(M, 1, match, x=1), list(type="fixed", alpha=prior.M$prior.alpha), stop.on.error=stop.on.error)
        } else if (prior.alpha.type=="beta.prime"){
          p3 <- dcrp(apply(M, 1, match, x=1), list(type="beta.prime", a=prior.alpha.shape, b=prior.alpha.b, q=prior.alpha.q), stop.on.error=stop.on.error)
        p6 <- log(post.M.ranked[1])
      } else if (model.type=="fixed"){
        p3 <- 0
        p6 <- 0
      } else if (model.type=="uniform"){
        p3 <- -ln.bell(J)
        p6 <- log(post.M.ranked[1])
      } else if (model.type=="list" | model.type=="mixture"){
        p3 <- prior.M.hash[[names(post.M.ranked[1])]]
        p6 <- log(post.M.ranked[1])
      } else if (model.type=="tree"){
        p3 <- prior.M.list$ln.probs[which(prior.M.list$M.IDs==paste(M.list-1, collapse=","))]
        p6 <- log(post.M.ranked[1])								   						 
      names(p6) <- NULL
      ln.ml <- p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 - p6 - p7 - p8 - p9 - c
  #return posterior samples, marginal densities, and marginal likelihood
  output <- list(y=y, prior.D=prior.D, prior.M=prior.M, prior.phi.v=prior.phi.v, samples=samples, samples.ml=samples.ml, Z=Z, W=W)
  if (model.type=="tree"){
    output <- c(output, list(decompose.tree=tree.decomposed))
  if (calc.lnBF){
    if (model.type=="tree"){
      output <- c(output, list(prior.M.list=prior.M.list))
    output <- c(output, list(ln.ml=ln.ml, ln.BF=ln.ml-ln.ml.null))
  output <- c(output, results[names(results) != "post.hyperparameters"], p.M.given.y=list(post.M.ranked), 
              post.var.exp=list(results$post.phi.sq/(results$post.phi.sq + 1)), post.hap.effects=list(results$post.MCbeta+results$post.delta[,1]),
  output <- output[order(names(output))]
wesleycrouse/TIMBR documentation built on Feb. 19, 2021, 7:31 a.m.