
Defines functions Restore.CmdHistory Finish.DataSet qc.biBoxPlot setInclusionDataSets GetVennPathsNames PrepareMetaPathData SelectMultiPathData GetSigPathNums Prepare4Network PrepareCMPDList GetMetaPathResultItem GetMetaPathNMs GetMetaPathResultColNames MetaPathNormalization PlotPathDataProfile GetMetaPathGroupNames GetMetaPathDataDims GetMetaPathSanityCheckMsg AverageRTfrac AverageRTtol defineVersion FormatmSet newDataset ExtractNormTable UpgradeDataSet UniqueDataSet UpdateDataSet FetchDataSet SanityCheckMetaPathTable ReadMetaPathTableMix ReadMetaPathTable CacheQSClean mSetQSDelete CheckAllRT PrepareMetaPath AdductMapping Customize.MetaAdduct PlotPathwayMetaAnalysis PerformMetaPSEA savePeakListMetaData Convert2MummichogMetaPath

Documented in Convert2MummichogMetaPath MetaPathNormalization PerformMetaPSEA PlotPathwayMetaAnalysis PrepareMetaPath ReadMetaPathTable ReadMetaPathTableMix SanityCheckMetaPathTable savePeakListMetaData setInclusionDataSets

#'Convert mSetObj to proper format for MS Peaks to Pathways module
#'@description Following t-test analysis or effect size calculation, 
#'this functions converts the results from the mSetObj 
#'to the proper format for mummichog analysis. 
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj.
#'@param rt Logical, whether or not to include retention time information.
#'@param rds.file Logical, if true, the "annotated_peaklist.rds"
#'must be in the current working directory to get corresponding retention time
#'information for the features. If not, the retention time information
#'will be taken from the feature names. Feature names must be formatted
#'so that the mz and retention time for a single peak is separated by two
#'underscores. For instance, m/z of 410.2148 and retention time of 42.46914 seconds
#'must be formatted as 410.2148__42.46914.
#'@param rt.type Character, input whether retention time is in seconds (default as RT using
#'MetaboAnalystR is seconds) or minutes (as from MZmine).
#'@param test Character, input what statistical values to include in the mummichog input. 
#'For p-values and t-scores only from t-test, use "tt".
#'For log2FC from the fold-change analsis, use "fc".
#'For effect-sizes, use "es".
#'For, p-values, fold-changes and effect sizes, use "all". 
#'@param mode ion mode, positive or negative
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

Convert2MummichogMetaPath <- function(mSetObj=NA, 
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  # JX: we will only support tt on web. It is not clear if 
  # other options will be really useful or simply bewildering to users
  tt.pval <- sort(mSetObj$analSet$tt$p.value);
    AddErrMsg("T-test was not performed!")
  fdr <- p.adjust(tt.pval, "fdr")
  mz.pval <- names(tt.pval)
  pvals <- cbind(mz.pval, as.numeric(fdr))
  colnames(pvals) <- c("m.z", "p.value")
  tt.tsc <- sort(mSetObj$analSet$tt$t.score);
  mz.tsc <- names(tt.tsc)
  tscores <- cbind(mz.tsc, as.numeric(tt.tsc))
  colnames(tscores) <- c("m.z", "t.score")
  if(rt & rds.file){
      AddErrMsg("annotated_peaklist.rds not found in current working directory!")
    camera_output <- readRDS("annotated_peaklist.rds")
    mz.cam <- round(camera_output$mz, 5) 
    rt.cam <- round(camera_output$rt, 5) 
    camera <- cbind(mz.cam, rt.cam)
    colnames(camera) <- c("m.z", "r.t")
    mummi_new <- Reduce(function(x,y) merge(x,y,by="m.z", all = TRUE), list(pvals, tscores, camera))
    complete.inx <- complete.cases(mummi_new[,c("p.value", "t.score", "r.t")]) # filter out m/zs without pval and tscore
    mummi_new <- mummi_new[complete.inx,]
    mummi_new <- merge(pvals, tscores)
    if(rt){ # taking retention time information from feature name itself
      feat_info <- mummi_new[,1]
      feat_info_split <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(feat_info, "__", fixed=TRUE)), ncol=2, byrow=T)
      colnames(feat_info_split) <- c("m.z", "r.t")
      if(rt.type == "minutes"){
        rtime <- as.numeric(feat_info_split[,2])
        rtime <- rtime * 60
        feat_info_split[,2] <- rtime
      mummi_new <- cbind(feat_info_split, mummi_new[,-1])
      mode <- rep("positive", nrow(mummi_new))
    } else if (mode=="negative") {
      mode <- rep("negative", nrow(mummi_new))
    mummi_new <- cbind(mummi_new, mode)
  mummi_new[,1] <- as.numeric(make.unique(as.character(mummi_new[,1]), sep=""))
  mSetObj$dataSet$mummi_new <- mummi_new;
    filename <- paste0("mummichog_input_", Sys.Date(), ".txt")
    write.table(mummi_new, filename, row.names = FALSE)

#'Function to save each mSetObj as a RDS file
#'to be used later in PerformMetaPSEA.
#'Should be called after SetPeakEnrichMethod/SetMummichogPval
#'@param mSetObj mSetObj
#'@import qs
savePeakListMetaData <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  fileName <- gsub("_", "", mSetObj$dataSet$fileName)
  file_name <- paste0(fileName, ".qs")
    metaFiles <<- c(metaFiles, file_name)
    metaFiles <<- file_name
    meta.anal.type <<- c(meta.anal.type, anal.type)
    meta.anal.type <<- anal.type
  qs::qsave(mSetObj, file_name)

#'Function to perform peak set enrichment meta-analysis
#'at either the empirical compound, compound level
#'or pathway level.
#'@description This is the main function that performs either the mummichog
#'algorithm, GSEA, or both for peak set enrichment meta-analysis. 
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj object. 
#'@param lib Input the name of the organism library, default is hsa_mfn. 
#'@param libVersion Input the version of the KEGG pathway libraries ("current" or "old").
#'@param minLib numeric, default is 3
#'@param permNum Numeric, input the number of permutations to perform. Default is 100.
#'@param metaLevel Character, input whether the meta-analysis is at the empirical compound ("ec"),
#'compound ("cpd"), or pathway level ("pathway").
#'@param combine.level Character, input whether to combine p-values or pool the peaks.
#'@param pval.method Character, input the method to perform p-value combination.
#'@param es.method Character, input the method to perform effect-size meta-analysis.
#'@param rank.metric Character, input how to calculate pre-ranking metric. "mean"
#'to use the average, "min" to use the lowest score, "max" to use the highest score.
#'@param mutual.feats mutual.feats, logical
#'@param pooled_cutoff pooled_cutoff, numeric
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#'@import qs

PerformMetaPSEA <- function(mSetObj=NA, 
                            minLib = 3, 
                            permNum = 100, 
                            metaLevel = "pathway",
                            pval.method = "fisher", 
                            es.method = "fixed",
                            mutual.feats = TRUE, 
                            pooled_cutoff = 0.05) {
                            lib <<- "hsa_kegg"; 
                            libVersion <<- "current"; 
                            minLib <<- 3; 
                            permNum <<- 100; 
                            metaLevel <<- "pathway";
                            pval.method <<- "fisher"; 
                            es.method <<- "fixed";
                            mutual.feats <<- FALSE; 
                            pooled_cutoff <<- 0.001

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  # record lib
  mSetObj$paramSet$lib <- lib;
  mSetObj$initPSEA <- TRUE;


  metaFiles <- mSetObj[["IncludedDataSets"]]
  #metaFiles <- unique(metaFiles);
  version <- mum.version <- mSetObj$paramSet$version;
  ## TO solve the strong interferation 
  if(file.exists("mum_res.qs")) file.remove("mum_res.qs")
  if(file.exists("pathwaysFiltered.qs")) file.remove("pathwaysFiltered.qs")
  if(file.exists("mummichog_pathway_enrichment_mummichog.csv")) file.remove("mummichog_pathway_enrichment_mummichog.csv")
  if(file.exists(mSetObj$mum_nm_csv)) file.remove(mSetObj$mum_nm_csv)

  if(file.exists("mummichog_matched_compound_all.csv")) file.remove("mummichog_matched_compound_all.csv")
  if(file.exists("mummicho_pathway_enrichment_integ.csv")) file.remove("mmummicho_pathway_enrichment_integ.csv")
  if(file.exists("mummichog_pathway_enrichment_gsea.csv")) file.remove("mummichog_pathway_enrichment_gsea.csv")
  if(file.exists("ms_peaks_meta_anal_path_res.json")) file.remove("ms_peaks_meta_anal_path_res.json")
  if(file.exists("initial_ecs.qs")) file.remove("initial_ecs.qs")

  pathResults <- list();
  pathResultsWhole <- list();
  anal.type0 <- mSetObj$paramSet$anal.type;
  if(metaLevel == "pathway"){
    # now save compound matching results
    # and which compounds are significant - note if GSEA it's all
    cpdMatchResults <- list()

    for(i in 1:length(metaFiles)){
      #mSetObj <- qs::qread(metaFiles[i]);
      mSetObj0 <- FormatmSet(mSetObj, metaFiles[i])
        mSetObj0 <- AdductMapping(mSetObj0);

      mSetObj0 <- .setup.psea.library(mSetObj0, lib, libVersion, minLib);
      cpdMatchResults[[metaFiles[i]]] <- qs::qread("mum_res.qs")
      # don't need to write path result CSV files for meta-analysis in indiv' runs
      # need to write each individual compound matching file with their own name
      if(mSetObj0$paramSet$mumRT & version=="v2"){
        mSetObj0 <- .init.RT.Permutations(mSetObj0, permNum)
        mSetObj0 <- .init.Permutations(mSetObj0, permNum)

      if(anal.type0 == "mummichog"){
        pathResults[[metaFiles[i]]] <- mSetObj0$mummi.resmat
        pathResultsWhole[[metaFiles[i]]] <- read.csv(mSetObj$mum_nm_csv)
      }else if(anal.type0 == "gsea_peaks"){
        pathResults[[metaFiles[i]]] <- mSetObj0$mummi.gsea.resmat
      }else{ # integ
        pathResults[[metaFiles[i]]] <- mSetObj0$integ.resmat
        pathResultsWhole[[metaFiles[i]]] <- read.csv(mSetObj$mum_nm_csv)
      if(i != length(metaFiles)){

  } else { 
    # finally for pooled
    # this method will not handle RT (empirical cpd level)
    metaMsetObj <- vector("list")
    adduct.list <- list();
    for(metafile in seq_along(metaFiles)){
      #mSetObj <- qs::qread(metaFiles[metafile]);
      mSetObj0 <- FormatmSet(mSetObj, metaFiles[metafile]);
        mSetObj0 <- AdductMapping(mSetObj0);
        qs::qsave(mSetObj0, file = metaFiles[metafile]);
      metafile <- metaFiles[metafile];
      metaMsetObj[[metafile]]$dat <- mSetObj0$dataSet$mummi.proc;
      metaMsetObj[[metafile]]$pos_inx <- mSetObj0$dataSet$pos_inx;
      metaMsetObj[[metafile]]$ins_tol <- mSetObj0$dataSet$instrument;
      adduct.list[[metafile]] <- metaMsetObj[[metafile]]$adducts <- mSetObj0$dataSet$adduct.list
    # first check that all instrument tol are equal
    ins_tol <- unique(unlist(lapply(metaMsetObj, "[[", "ins_tol")))
    # if different instrument tols
    # do individual putative compound annotation
    if((length(ins_tol) > 1) || (length(unique(adduct.list)) > 1)){
      mSetObj$mum_nm <- "mummichog_query_mummichog.json"
      mSetObj$mum_nm_csv <- "mummichog_pathway_enrichment_mummichog.csv"
      if(version == "v2"){
        mSetObj$paramSet$mumRT <- TRUE
        mSetObj <- .setup.psea.library(mSetObj, lib, libVersion, minLib, TRUE, "ec", 
                                       combine.level, pval.method, es.method, rank.metric, FALSE)
        mSetObj <- .init.RT.Permutations(mSetObj, permNum)
        mSetObj <- .setup.psea.library(mSetObj, lib, libVersion, minLib, TRUE, "cpd", 
                                       combine.level, pval.method, es.method, rank.metric, FALSE)
        mSetObj <- .init.Permutations(mSetObj, permNum)
      #mSetObj$cmdSet <- CMDSet;
    } else {
      mSetObj$dataSet$instrument <- ins_tol;
    metadat <- lapply(metaMsetObj, "[[", "dat")
    metadat <- lapply(metadat, data.frame)
    metadat <- data.table::rbindlist(metadat, idcol = TRUE)
    metadat$m.z <- make.unique(as.character(metadat$m.z), sep = "")
    ref_mzlist <- as.numeric(unlist(metadat[,"m.z"]))
    pos_inx <- unlist(metadat[,"pos_inx"])
    pos_inx <- ifelse(pos_inx == 1, TRUE, FALSE)
    expr_dic <- unlist(metadat[,"t.score"])
    ret_time <- as.numeric(unlist(metadat[,"r.t"]))
    if(anal.type0 == "mummichog"){
      pval_cutoff <- pooled_cutoff
      my.inx <- metadat[,"p.value"] < pval_cutoff;
      input_mzlist <- ref_mzlist[my.inx];
      if(length(input_mzlist) < 10){
        AddErrMsg("Not enough significant compounds for pathway analysis! Consider
                  changing the p-value cutoff!")
      mSetObj$dataSet$input_mzlist <- input_mzlist
      mSetObj$dataSet$N <- length(input_mzlist)
    mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.proc <- metadat;
    mSetObj$dataSet$ref_mzlist <- ref_mzlist;
    mSetObj$dataSet$pos_inx <- pos_inx;
    mSetObj$dataSet$expr_dic <- expr_dic;
    mSetObj$dataSet$ret_time <- ret_time;
    mSetObj$dataSet$primary_ion <- "yes";
    names(mSetObj$dataSet$expr_dic) <- ref_mzlist;
    mSetObj$dataSet$rt_tol <- AverageRTtol(mSetObj);
    mSetObj$dataSet$rt_frac <- AverageRTfrac(mSetObj);
    if(version == "v2"){
      mSetObj$paramSet$mumRT <- TRUE
    # Need to check the ion mode: positive, negative or mixed? --Author:Zhiqiang Pang
    if(length(unique(pos_inx)) > 1){
      mSetObj$dataSet$mode <- "mixed"
    } else if(unique(pos_inx) == 1){
      mSetObj$dataSet$mode <- "positive"
    } else if(unique(pos_inx) == 0){
      mSetObj$dataSet$mode <- "negative"
    mSetObj$dataSet[["paramSet"]] <- mSetObj[["paramSet"]];
    mSetObj <- .setup.psea.library(mSetObj, lib, libVersion, minLib, FALSE, "pooled");
    if(version == "v2"){
      mSetObj <- .init.RT.Permutations(mSetObj, permNum)
      mSetObj <- .init.Permutations(mSetObj, permNum)
    if(class(mSetObj) != "list"){
      if(mSetObj == 0){
        AddErrMsg("MS Peaks to Paths analysis failed! Likely not enough m/z to compound hits for pathway analysis!")
    mSetObj$metaLevel <- metaLevel
    mSetObj$pooled_cutoff <- pooled_cutoff
    #mSetObj$cmdSet <- CMDSet;

  if(metaLevel == "pathway"){ # need to integrate pathway results
    mSetObj$dataSet$pathResults <- pathResults; #TODO: to replace the I/O with this option

    num_files <- length(metaFiles)
    path.names.all <- lapply(pathResults, rownames)
    path.intersect <- Reduce(intersect, path.names.all)
    # remove paths not found by all three - complete.cases
    path.intersected <- lapply(pathResults, function(x) x[row.names(x) %in% path.intersect,])
    #li_2 <- lapply(seq_along(path.intersected), function(i) {colnames(path.intersected[[i]]) <- paste0(colnames(path.intersected[[i]]), names(path.intersected)[[i]]) ; path.intersected[[i]] } )
    #path2 <- data.table::setDF(Reduce(merge, lapply(path.intersected, data.table::data.table, keep.rownames = TRUE, key = "rn")))
    path_full <- path2 <- data.table::setDF(do.call("cbind", 
                                                           keep.rownames = TRUE, 
                                                           key = "rn")))

    # now do the integration
    # extract the p-values from each option into path2
    # first if just mummichog
      if(pval.method == "fisher"){
        path2_keep <- grep("rn|FET", colnames(path2))
        path2_keep <- grep("rn|Gamma", colnames(path2))
    } else if (anal.type0=="gsea_peaks") { # second if just gsea
      path2_keep <- grep("rn|P_val", colnames(path2))
    } else { # third if both
      path2_keep <- grep("rn|Combined_Pvals", colnames(path2))
    # create df of just p-values for meta-analysis
    path2 <- path2[,path2_keep]
    path2[path2==0] <- 0.00001 # for sumlog to work
    rownames(path_full) <- rownames(path2) <- path2[,1]
    rm_col_inx <- grep("rn", colnames(path2))
    path2 <- path2[,-rm_col_inx]
    # rename path2
      #colnames(path2) <- paste0("data", seq_along(colnames(path2)))
      colnames(path2) <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(metaFiles)
      colnames(path2) <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(metaFiles)
    # combine p-values
      meta.pvals <- apply(as.matrix(path2), 1, function(x) sumlog(x))
    } else if(pval.method=="edgington"){ 
      meta.pvals <- apply(as.matrix(path2), 1, function(x) sump(x))
    } else if(pval.method=="stouffer"){
      meta.pvals <- apply(as.matrix(path2), 1, function(x) sumz(x))
    } else if(pval.method=="vote"){
      meta.pvals <- apply(as.matrix(path2), 1, function(x) votep(x))
    } else if(pval.method=="min"){
      Meta.P <- apply(as.matrix(path2), 1, function(x) min(x))
    } else if(pval.method=="max") {
      Meta.P <- apply(as.matrix(path2), 1, function(x) max(x))
    } else{
      AddErrMsg("Invalid meta-analysis method!")
    #extract p-values
      Meta.P <- unlist(lapply(meta.pvals, function(z) z["p"]))
    Meta.P <- signif(Meta.P, 5);
    path2 <- cbind(path2, Meta.P)
    path2 <- path2[order(path2$Meta.P),]
    mSetObj$metaLevel <- metaLevel
    mSetObj$meta_results <- path2
    mSetObj$meta.pval.method <- pval.method
    path_full <- cbind(path_full, Meta.P)
    col2_rm <- grep(".csv.rn", colnames(path_full))
    path_full <- path_full[,-col2_rm]
    path_full <- path_full[order(path_full$Meta.P),]
    fast.write.csv(path_full, "mspeaks_meta_anal_all_results.csv", row.names = TRUE)
  } else {
    AddErrMsg("Invalid meta-analysis level selected!")

  #mSetObj$cmdSet <- CMDSet;

############### Function for visualization of MS Peaks to Paths Meta-Analysis #######################

#' PlotPathwayMetaAnalysis
#' @description Function to create summary plot of MS Peaks to Paths
#' meta-analysis at the pathway level. This function creates a summary plot of the
#' MS Peaks to Paths meta-analysis at the pathway level. The plot
#' can either be a heatmap or a network, both of which can
#' be made interactive. 
#' NETWORK: The size of the nodes in the network correspond to the number of
#' studies in which that pathway was significant. The color of the nodes correspond
#' to the meta-p-value for each pathway, with (default coloring) red being the most 
#' significant and yellow the least. 
#' @param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj object. 
#' @param plotType Use "heatmap" to create a heatmap summary, "network" to create 
#' a network summary, or "bubble" to create a bubble plot summary of the meta-analysis
#' results.
#' @param imgName name of image.
#' @param heatmap_colorType Character, "brewer" for R Color Brewer scales or
#' "viridis" for viridis color scales. Used for creating the heatmap
#' color scheme.
#' @param heatmap_palette Character, input the preferred color palette according
#' to R Color Brewer or viridis (e.g. "RdBu").
#' @param heatmap_interactive Boolean. FALSE to create a non-interactive plot
#' and TRUE for plotly generated interactive plot.
#' @param heatmap_square Boolean. TRUE for the heatmap to be squares versus
#' rectangles (FALSE).
#' @param heatmap_allPaths Boolean. TRUE to use all paths when plotting the heatmap.
#' FALSE to use a subset of paths, number defined in npaths.
#' @param heatmap_npaths Numeric. The number of pathways to subset the pathway
#' results.
#' @param heatmap_vertical Boolean. TRUE, heatmap plot will be vertical. FALSE, heatmap plot
#' will be horizontal.
#' @param heatmap_fontSize Numeric, input the preferred font size to be used in the heatmap
#' plot.
#' @param pvalCutoff The size of the nodes in the network correspond to the number of
#' studies in which that pathway was significant. This pvalCutoff (Numeric) is thus used
#' to determine whether or not a pathway was found to be significant in each
#' individual study. 
#' @param overlap Numeric, this number is used to create edges between the nodes.
#' By default it is set to 0.25, meaning that if 2 pathways (nodes) share 25% of
#' the same compounds/empirical compounds, they will be connected by a node.
#' @param networkType Character, "static" to create a static image or
#' "interactive" to create an interactive network saved as an html 
#' in your working directory.
#' @param layout Character, layout from ggraph. "kk" for the spring-based algorithm by Kamada and Kawai
#' as default. "drl" for force directed algorithm from the DrL toolbox. "lgl" for Large Graph Layout. "fr" for
#' force-directed of Fruchterman and Reingold.
#' @param net_palette Character, input the color code for the nodes in the network. Default is
#' "YlOrRd". Uses the hcl palettes from the grDevices. Use hcl.pals()
#' to view the name of all available palettes.
#' @param netTextSize Numeric, input the preferred font size to be used in the network
#' plot.
#' @param netPlotSize Numeric, input the preferred dimensions (in inches) of the network
#' to be saved.
#' @param bubble_colorType  Character, "brewer" for R Color Brewer scales or 
#' "viridis" for viridis color scales. Used for creating the bubble plot
#' color scheme.
#' @param bubble_palette Character, use two/three colors max if using R ColorBrewer palettes
#' for pleasing looking plots.
#' @param bubble_interactive logical
#' @param bubbleMaxPaths maximum number of pathways
#' @param bubbleFontSize font size of the bubble plot
#' @param bubblePlotSize plot size of the bubble plot
#' @param format format of the image
#' @param width width of the image
#' @param height height of the image
#' @param dpi dpi of the image
#' @author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#' @export

PlotPathwayMetaAnalysis <- function(mSetObj = NA, imgName, plotType = "heatmap", 
                                    heatmap_colorType = "brewer", heatmap_palette = "RdYlBu",
                                    heatmap_interactive = FALSE, heatmap_square = TRUE,
                                    heatmap_allPaths = TRUE, heatmap_npaths = 25, heatmap_vertical = TRUE,
                                    heatmap_fontSize = 9, pvalCutoff = 0.05, overlap = 0.25,
                                    networkType = "static", layout="kk", net_palette = "YlOrRd",
                                    netTextSize = 2.5, netPlotSize = 7.5, 
                                    bubble_interactive = FALSE, bubbleMaxPaths = 15,
                                    bubble_colorType = "brewer", bubble_palette = "RdBu",
                                    bubbleFontSize = 9, bubblePlotSize = 7,
                                    format = "png", width = 7, height = 5, dpi = 300){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  metaLevel <- mSetObj$metaLevel;

  anal.type0 <- mSet[["paramSet"]][["anal.type"]]
  if(metaLevel != "pathway"){
    AddErrMsg("Function only for pathway-level meta-analysis!")
  path_results <- mSetObj$meta_results

  if(plotType == "network"){
    hits_sig <- rowSums(path_results[, -ncol(path_results)] < pvalCutoff) + 1 # account for 0 studies < cutoff
    folds <- scales::rescale(hits_sig, to = c(1,10))
    names(folds) <- GetShortNames(rownames(path_results));
    pvals <- path_results[,ncol(path_results)];
    names(pvals) <- rownames(path_results)
    title <- "MS Peaks to Pathway Network Overview";
    if("emp_cpds" %in% names(mSet$pathways)){
      path.names <- mSetObj$pathways$name
      current.mset <- mSetObj$pathways$emp_cpds;
      names(current.mset) <- path.names
      path.names <- mSetObj$pathways$name
      current.mset <- mSetObj$pathways$cpds;
      names(current.mset) <- path.names
    if(length(folds) > 50){
      folds <- folds[1:50];
      pvals <- pvals[1:50];
      title <- "MS Peaks to Pathway Network Overview (Top 50)";
    pvalue <- pvals;
    id <- names(pvalue);
    geneSets <- current.mset;
    n <- length(pvalue);
    w <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=n);
    colnames(w) <- rownames(w) <- id;
    for (i in 1:n) {
      for (j in i:n) {
        w[i,j] = overlap_ratio(geneSets[id[i]], geneSets[id[j]])
    wd <- melt(w);
    wd <- wd[wd[,1] != wd[,2],];
    wd <- wd[!is.na(wd[,3]),];
    g <- graph.data.frame(wd[,-3], directed=F);
    E(g)$width <- sqrt(wd[,3]*20);
    g <- delete.edges(g, E(g)[wd[,3] < overlap]); # change 
    V(g)$color <- hcl.colors(length(pvalue), net_palette);
    cnt <- folds;
    names(cnt) <- id;
    if(networkType == "static"){
      V(g)$size <- cnt + 3;
      V(g)$size <- cnt + 20;
    pos.xy <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(g,niter=500);
    # now create the json object
    nodes <- vector(mode="list");
    node.nms <- V(g)$name;
    node.sizes <- V(g)$size;
    node.cols <- V(g)$color;
      for(i in 1:length(node.sizes)){
        nodes[[i]] <- list(
          id = node.nms[i],
          x = pos.xy[i,1],
          y = pos.xy[i,2]
      edge.mat <- get.edgelist(g);
      edge.mat <- cbind(id=1:nrow(edge.mat), source=edge.mat[,1], target=edge.mat[,2]);
      # covert to json
      netData <- list(nodes=nodes, edges=edge.mat);
      if(networkType == "static"){
        # static plot
        p <- ggraph(g, layout=layout) + theme_void() +
          geom_edge_fan(color="gray20", width=0.5, alpha=0.5) +
          geom_node_point(color=V(g)$color, size=V(g)$size, alpha = 0.95) +
          geom_node_text(aes(label = V(g)$name), size = netTextSize, repel=TRUE, nudge_y = 0.05, nudge_x = 0.05, check_overlap = TRUE) +
          # 10% space above/to the side of x
          scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(.1, .1))) +
          scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(.1, .1)))
        filename <- paste0(anal.type0, "_network", ".png")
        ggsave(p, filename=filename, width = netPlotSize, height = netPlotSize)
        # interactive plot
        data <- toVisNetworkData(g)
        network <- visNetwork(nodes = data$nodes, edges = data$edges, 
                              idToLabel = TRUE, height = "900px", width = "100%") %>% visEdges(color=list(color="grey", highlight="red")) %>% visNodes(font = list(size = 30))
        filename <- paste0(anal.type0, "_network", ".html")
        visSave(network, file = filename)
  if(plotType == "bubble"){
    full_results <- read.csv("mspeaks_meta_anal_all_results.csv", row.names = 1)
    if(nrow(path_results) > bubbleMaxPaths){
      path_results <- path_results[seq_len(bubbleMaxPaths),]
      full_results <- full_results[seq_len(bubbleMaxPaths),]
      studies <- colnames(path_results)[-length(colnames(path_results))] # remove the Meta.P
      studies_pathway_total <- paste0(studies, ".csv.Pathway_Total")
      studies_sig_hits <- paste0(studies, ".csv.Hits")
    }else if(anal.type0=="mummichog"){
      studies <- colnames(path_results)[-length(colnames(path_results))] # remove the Meta.P
      studies_pathway_total <- paste0(studies, ".csv.Pathway.total")
      studies_sig_hits <- paste0(studies, ".csv.Hits.sig")
    }else{ #integ
      studies <- colnames(path_results)[-length(colnames(path_results))] # remove the Meta.P
      studies_pathway_total <- paste0(studies, ".csv.Total_Size")
      studies_sig_hits <- paste0(studies, ".csv.Sig_Hits")
    studies_pathway_total <- full_results[,grepl(paste(studies_pathway_total, collapse="|"), colnames(full_results))]
    studies_pathway_total_list <- lapply(split(t(studies_pathway_total), 1:nrow(t(studies_pathway_total))), unlist)
    studies_sig_hits <- full_results[,grepl(paste(studies_sig_hits, collapse="|"), colnames(full_results))]
    studies_sig_hits_list <- lapply(split(t(studies_sig_hits), 1:nrow(t(studies_sig_hits))), unlist)
    ratio <- as.data.frame(mapply(function(X, Y) {
      x = unlist(X)
      y = unlist(Y)
      ratio = x/y
    }, X = studies_sig_hits_list, Y = studies_pathway_total_list))
    ratio_String <- as.data.frame(mapply(function(X, Y, Z) {
      x = unlist(X)
      y = unlist(Y)
      z = unlist(Z)
      #ratio_String = paste0(z, " [", x, "/", y, "]");
      ratio_String = paste0(z);
    X = studies_sig_hits_list, 
    Y = studies_pathway_total_list, 
    Z = as.list(path_results[,-ncol(path_results)])))
    ## Added row to calculate the average ratio
    ratio_mean <- rowMeans(ratio);
    ratio <- cbind(ratio, ratio_mean);
    ratio_String <- cbind(ratio_String, format(round(ratio_mean, 4)*100, nsmall = 2));
    colnames(ratio) <- c(studies,"Meta.P");
    #colnames(ratio_String) <- c(paste0(sub("mummichoginput", "",studies),"_Pvalue [Sig/Total]"), "Mean_Enrich(%)");
    colnames(ratio_String) <- c(paste0(sub("mummichoginput", "",studies),"_Pvalue"), "Mean_Enrich(%)");
    ratio$Pathway <- rownames(path_results);
    ratio_String <- cbind(rownames(path_results), ratio_String);
    ratio2 <- melt(ratio, id.vars = "Pathway", variable.name = "Study", value.name = "enrichment ratio");
    #path_results <- path_results[, -length(colnames(path_results))];
    path_results$Pathway <- rownames(path_results);
    path_results2 <- melt(path_results, id.vars = "Pathway", variable.name = "Study", value.name = "p-value");
    res_table <- cbind(ratio_String, path_results$Meta.P);
    colnames(res_table)[c(1, length(colnames(res_table)))] <- c("Pathways", "Meta.P")
    res_table <- res_table[order(res_table$Meta.P, -as.numeric(res_table$Mean_Enrich)),];

    if(all(res_table$Mean_Enrich == "100.00")){
      res_table <- res_table[,-which(colnames(res_table) == "Mean_Enrich(%)")]
    mSetObj$dataSet$res_table <- res_table;
    ## This oder matrix is used to order the metap (first by P value, second by enrichment ratio)
    order_matrix0 <- merge(path_results, ratio, by = c("Pathway"));
    ColNMs <- c("Pathway", paste0(sub("mummichoginput", "",studies),"p-value"),"Meta.P",paste0(sub("mummichoginput", "",studies),"Enrich"),"Average_Enrich")
    order_matrix <- cbind(order_matrix0$Pathway, order_matrix0$Meta.P.x, order_matrix0$Meta.P.y);
    metap_order <- order_matrix[order(order_matrix[,2], -as.numeric(order_matrix[,3]))]
    colnames(order_matrix0) <- ColNMs;
    fast.write.csv(order_matrix0, file = "Result_summary.csv",row.names = FALSE)
    df <- merge(path_results2, ratio2, by = c("Pathway", "Study"))
    df$Pathway <- factor(df$Pathway, levels = rownames(path_results))
    df$Study <- sub("mummichoginput", "", df$Study);
    df$Study <- as.factor(df$Study);
    p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = Study, y = Pathway)) +
      geom_point(aes(col = `p-value`, size = `enrichment ratio`)) + 
            axis.text = element_text(size = bubbleFontSize),
            axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
            panel.background = element_blank(),
            panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = NA, size = 0.5),
            axis.title.y=element_blank()) +
      scale_y_discrete(limits = rev(metap_order)) + 
      guides(size = guide_legend(order = 0))
    if(bubble_colorType == "brewer"){
      pal <- brewer.pal(n = 8, bubble_palette)
      p <- p + scale_colour_gradientn(colours = pal)
      check.palette <- bubble_palette %in% c("viridis", "magma", "plasma", "inferno")
        bubble_palette <- "viridis"
      p <- p + scale_color_viridis_c(option=bubble_palette, direction = -1)
    if(missing(width)) {
        width <- bubblePlotSize;

    if(missing(height)) {
        height <- bubblePlotSize*0.6;
    if(missing(format)) {
        format <- "png";

    if(missing(dpi)) {
        dpi <- 300;

    # filename <- paste0(imgName, ".png")
    # filename <- paste0(imgName, width,"_", dpi,".", format)
    filename <- paste0(imgName, "dpi", dpi,".", format)

           device= format,
           width = width, 
           height = height,
           dpi = dpi)
      ax <- list(
        zeroline = FALSE,
        showline = FALSE,
        showgrid = FALSE
      p <- plotly::ggplotly(p)
      p <- p %>% layout(xaxis = ax, yaxis = ax)
      htmlwidgets::saveWidget(p, "mspeaks_pathway_bubble_interactive.html")
    mSetObj$imgSet$mummi.meta.path.plot <- filename;

  if(.on.public.web) {
  } else {

## R functions used to define the adducts for met-analysis
Customize.MetaAdduct <- function(mSet, name, name2, qvec, mode){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSet)
  # fileNM <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(name));
  # fileNM <- gsub("_", "", fileNM);
  # if(name2 != "null"){
  #   fileNM <- gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", basename(fileNM));
  #   filename <- paste0(fileNM, "mixedmummichoginput.qs");
  # } else {
  #   fileNM <- gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", basename(fileNM));
  #   filename <- paste0(fileNM, "mummichoginput.qs");
  # }
  # mSetObj <- qs::qread(filename); 
  dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];

  for(nm in dataNMs){
    if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == name){
      mSetObj[[nm]]$mode <- mode;
      mSetObj[[nm]]$adduct.list <- qvec;
      mSetObj[[nm]]$adduct.custom <- TRUE;

    if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == name2){
      mSetObj[[nm]]$mode <- mode;
      mSetObj[[nm]]$adduct.list <- qvec;
      mSetObj[[nm]]$adduct.custom <- TRUE;
  # mSetObj$dataSet$mode <- mode;
  # mSetObj$dataSet$adduct.list <- qvec;
  # mSetObj$adduct.custom <- TRUE;
  # mSetObj$dataSet$fileName <- fileNM;
  # qs::qsave(mSetObj, file = filename);
  # return(1);

AdductMapping <- function(mSetObj){
  adducts <- mSetObj$dataSet$adduct.list;
  add.mode <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["mode"]];
  if(add.mode == "positive"){
    add_db <- .get.my.lib("pos_adduct.qs");
  }else if(add.mode == "negative"){
    add_db <- .get.my.lib("neg_adduct.qs");
  }else if(add.mode == "mixed"){
    add_db <- .get.my.lib("mixed_adduct.qs");
    msg <- c("Adduct mode is not valid")
  hit.inx <- match(tolower(adducts), tolower(add_db$Ion_Name));  
  hits <- length(na.omit(hit.inx))
  if(hits == 0){
    mSetObj$mummi$add.msg <- c("No adducts were selected!");
  match.values <- add_db[na.omit(hit.inx),];
  sel.add <- nrow(match.values);
  if(sel.add > 0){
    mSetObj$mummi$add.msg <- paste("A total of ", sel.add ," adducts were successfully selected!", sep = "")
  mSetObj$dataSet$adduct.custom <- TRUE;
  mSetObj$dataSet$add.map <- match.values;

#' PrepareMetaPath
#' @param mSetObj mSetObj
#' @param mode ion mode, can be "positive" or "negative"
#' @param ppm mass error, default is 30
#' @param version mummichog version, can be "v1" or "v2"
#' @param pcutoff p value cut-off, default is 0.05
#' @param rt.type character, retention time type, can be "minutes" or "seconds"
#' @param dataName file name 1 with absolute path
#' @param dataName2 file name 2 with absolute path or "null"
#' @export
#' @author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca} 
#' Zhiqiang Pang\email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PrepareMetaPath <- function(mSetObj = NA, 
                            mode = "negative", 
                            ppm = 30, 
                            version = "v2", 
                            pcutoff = 0.05, 
                            rt.type = "seconds", 
                            dataName2) {

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  if(dataName2 == "null"){dataName2 = NULL}
  fileTitle <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (dataName));
  fileTitle2 <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (dataName2));
  if(rt.type == "false" | rt.type == "no" | rt.type == "F"){
    rt = FALSE
    rt = TRUE
    if(!(rt.type %in% c("seconds", "minutes"))){
      AddErrMsg("Invalid RT type! Should be seconds or minutes!")
    rt.studies <- vector()
  rt.studies <<- c(rt.studies, rt);
  ## if(length(mSetObj$dataSet2) == 0) {
    file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
    CleanDataSet <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]];

    dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName);
    mSetObj$dataSet <- UniqueDataSet(c(mSetObj[["dataSet"]], dataSet));
    # Here is dealing with the single ion mode data
    mSet <<- mSetObj
    mSetObj <- Ttests.Anal(mSetObj, F, pcutoff, FALSE, TRUE);
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- Convert2MummichogMetaPath(mSetObj, rt, rds.file=FALSE, rt.type, "all", mode);
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    fileNM <- mSetObj$dataSet$name;
    fileNM <- gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", basename(fileNM));
    filename <- paste0(fileNM, "_mummichog_input.txt");
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    mummi_new <- mSetObj$dataSet$mummi_new;
    write.table(mummi_new, filename, row.names = FALSE);
    mSetObj <- UpdateDataSet(mSetObj, mSetObj$dataSet);
    mSetObj$dataSet <- CleanDataSet;
    mSet <<- mSetObj
    dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName);
  } else {
    # Here is dealing with the mix ion modes' data
    # 1st step <- positive mode
    file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
    CleanDataSet <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]];
    dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName);
    mSetObj$dataSet <- UniqueDataSet(c(mSetObj[["dataSet"]], dataSet));
    # Here is dealing with the single ion mode data    
    mSet <<- mSetObj
    mSetObj <- Ttests.Anal(mSetObj, F, pcutoff, FALSE, TRUE);
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- Convert2MummichogMetaPath(mSetObj, 
                                         rt, rds.file=FALSE, 
                                         rt.type, "all", "positive");
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

    mSetObj <- UpdateDataSet(mSetObj, mSetObj$dataSet);
    mSetObj$dataSet <- CleanDataSet;
    mSet <<- mSetObj;
    dataset_pos <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName);
    # 2nd step <- negative mode
    file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle2, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
    CleanDataSet <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]];
    dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName2);
    mSetObj$dataSet <- UniqueDataSet(c(mSetObj[["dataSet"]], dataSet));
    # Here is dealing with the single ion mode data
    mSet <<- mSetObj
    mSetObj <- Ttests.Anal(mSetObj, F, pcutoff, FALSE, TRUE);
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- Convert2MummichogMetaPath(mSetObj, 
                                         rt, rds.file=FALSE, 
                                         rt.type, "all", "negative");
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    fileNM <- mSetObj$dataSet$name;
    fileNM <- gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", basename(fileNM));
    filename <- paste0(fileNM, "_mixed_mummichog_input.txt");

    mSetObj <- UpdateDataSet(mSetObj, mSetObj$dataSet);
    mSetObj$dataSet <- CleanDataSet;
    mSet <<- mSetObj
    dataset_neg <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName2);
    # Merge and save them
    mtbl_all <- rbind(dataset_pos$mummi_new, dataset_neg$mummi_new[-1,]) 
    write.table(mtbl_all, filename, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
    # rm(mSetObj1)
    # rm(mSetObj2)
  mSet <<- mSetObj;

  mSetObj<-SetPeakFormat(mSetObj, "mpt");
  mSetObj<-UpdateInstrumentParameters(mSetObj, ppm, mode);
  mSetObj<-Read.PeakListData(mSetObj, filename, meta.anal=TRUE, method="both");
    res <- SetMummichogPval(mSetObj, pcutoff);
    mSetObj <- SetMummichogPval(mSetObj, pcutoff);
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  mSetObj$dataSet <- CleanDataSet;
  mSet <<- mSetObj
    # mSetObj <- InitDataObjects("conc", "metapaths", FALSE)
    # mSet$cmdSet <<- CMDSet;
  } else {
    mSetObj$analSet$type <- "metapaths";
    anal.type <<- "metapaths"

CheckAllRT <- function(){
    rt = "true"
    rt = "false"

mSetQSDelete <- function(){
  if (file.exists("mSet.qs")) {

CacheQSClean <- function(){
  if(file.exists("complete_norm.qs")) file.remove("complete_norm.qs");
  if(file.exists("complete_norm1.qs")) file.remove("complete_norm1.qs");
  if(file.exists("complete_norm2.qs")) file.remove("complete_norm2.qs");

#' ReadMetaPathTable
#' @param mSetObj mSetObj
#' @param dataNM file name with absolute path
#' @param dataFormat data format, can be colu or rowu
#' @param dataType data type, usually "massPeaks"
#' @export
#' @author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca} 
#' Zhiqiang Pang\email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
ReadMetaPathTable <- function(mSetObj = NA,  dataNM, dataFormat, dataType) {
  if(file.exists("data_orig.qs")) file.remove("data_orig.qs");
  if(file.exists("data_orig1.qs")) file.remove("data_orig1.qs");
  if(file.exists("data_orig2.qs")) file.remove("data_orig2.qs");
  if(file.exists("mSet.qs")) file.remove("mSet.qs");
  if(file.exists("prenorm.qs")) file.remove("prenorm.qs");
  if(file.exists("preproc.qs")) file.remove("preproc.qs")

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  if(dataType == "massPeaks"){

    # Handle mass peaks for mummichog
    mSetObj <- Read.TextData(mSetObj, dataNM, dataFormat, "disc");
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    fileDataNM <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", dataNM);
    file.rename(from = "data_orig.qs", 
                to = paste0(fileDataNM, "_orig.qs"));

    MetaData <- list();
    MetaData$cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
    MetaData$orig.cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls;
    MetaData$cmpd <- mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd;
    MetaData$url.var.nms <- mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms;
    MetaData$url.smp.nms <- mSetObj$dataSet$url.smp.nms;

    MetaData$name <- dataNM;
    MetaData$orig.data <- paste0(fileDataNM, "_orig.qs");
    MetaData$format <- dataFormat;
    MetaData$datamode <- "single";
    MetaData$paramSet <- mSetObj$paramSet;

    #mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum <- mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum + 1;
    #metadataNM <- paste0("MetaData",mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum);
    if(newDataset(mSetObj, dataNM)){
      mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum <- mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum + 1;
      metadataNM <- paste0("MetaData",mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum);
    } else {
      dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
      for(nm in dataNMs){
        if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataNM){
          metadataNM <- nm;

    mSetObj[[metadataNM]] <- MetaData;
    mSetObj$dataSet$cls <- 
      mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls <- 
      mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd <- 
      mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms <- 
      mSetObj$dataSet$url.smp.nms <- 
      MetaData <- NULL;

    #fileTitle <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", basename(dataNM));
    #file.copy(from = "data_orig.qs", to= paste0(fileTitle, "_orig.qs"));
    #mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    #mSetObj$dataSet$name <- dataNM;
    #mSetObj$dataSet$format <- dataFormat;

  } else if (dataType == "annoPeaks") {

    # Handle annotated compounds for QEA pathway
    # TODO: add more later

  } else {
      return (0);
      AddErrMsg("Could not upload data file!")
    return (1)

#' ReadMetaPathTableMix
#' @param mSetObj mSetObj
#' @param dataNM file name 1 with absolute path (should be ESI+)
#' @param dataNM2 file name 2 with absolute path (should be ESI-)
#' @param dataFormat data format, can be colu or rowu
#' @param dataType data type, usually "massPeaks"
#' @export
#' @author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca} 
#' Zhiqiang Pang\email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
ReadMetaPathTableMix <- function(mSetObj = NA,  dataNM, dataNM2, dataFormat, dataType) {
  if(file.exists("data_orig.qs")) file.remove("data_orig.qs");
  if(file.exists("data_orig1.qs")) file.remove("data_orig1.qs");
  if(file.exists("data_orig2.qs")) file.remove("data_orig2.qs");
  if(file.exists("mSet.qs")) file.remove("mSet.qs");
  if(file.exists("prenorm.qs")) file.remove("prenorm.qs");
  if(file.exists("preproc.qs")) file.remove("preproc.qs");

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  if(dataType == "massPeaks"){
    # Handle mass peaks for mummichog - DATA 1
    mSetObj <- Read.TextData(mSetObj, dataNM, dataFormat, "disc");
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    fileDataNM <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", dataNM);
    file.rename(from = "data_orig.qs", 
                to = paste0(fileDataNM, "_orig.qs"));
    MetaData <- list();
    MetaData$cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
    MetaData$orig.cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls;
    MetaData$cmpd <- mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd;
    MetaData$url.var.nms <- mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms;
    MetaData$url.smp.nms <- mSetObj$dataSet$url.smp.nms;
    MetaData$name <- dataNM;
    MetaData$orig.data <- paste0(fileDataNM, "_orig.qs");
    MetaData$format <- dataFormat;
    MetaData$datamode <- "paired";
    MetaData$paramSet <- mSetObj$paramSet;
    if(newDataset(mSetObj, dataNM, dataNM2)){
      mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum <- mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum + 1;
      metadataNM <- paste0("MetaData",mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum);
      newDS <- TRUE;
    } else {
      dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
      for(nm in dataNMs){
        if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataNM){
          metadataNM <- nm;
      newDS <- FALSE;
    mSetObj[[metadataNM]] <- MetaData;
    mSetObj$dataSet$cls <- 
      mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls <- 
      mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd <- 
      mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms <- 
      mSetObj$dataSet$url.smp.nms <- 
      MetaData <- NULL;
    mSet <<- mSetObj;

    # Handle mass peaks for mummichog - DATA 2
    mSetObj <- Read.TextData(mSetObj, dataNM2, dataFormat, "disc");
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    fileDataNM2 <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", dataNM2);
    file.rename(from = "data_orig.qs", 
                to = paste0(fileDataNM2, "_orig.qs"));
    MetaData <- list();
    MetaData$cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
    MetaData$orig.cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls;
    MetaData$cmpd <- mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd;
    MetaData$url.var.nms <- mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms;
    MetaData$url.smp.nms <- mSetObj$dataSet$url.smp.nms;
    MetaData$name <- dataNM2;
    MetaData$orig.data <- paste0(fileDataNM2, "_orig.qs");
    MetaData$format <- dataFormat;
    MetaData$datamode <- "paired";
    MetaData$paramSet <- mSetObj$paramSet;
      metadataNM <- paste0("MetaData",mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum,"_2");
    } else {
      metadataNM <- paste0(metadataNM, "_2")
    mSetObj[[metadataNM]] <- MetaData;
    mSetObj$dataSet$cls <- 
      mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls <- 
      mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd <- 
      mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms <- 
      mSetObj$dataSet$url.smp.nms <- 
      MetaData <- NULL;
  } else if (dataType == "annoPeaks") {
    # Handle annotated compounds for QEA pathway
    # TODO: add more later
  } else {
    return (0);
    return (1)

#' SanityCheckMetaPathTable
#' @param mSetObj mSetObj
#' @param dataName file name 1 with absolute path
#' @param dataName2 file name 2 with absolute path or "null"
#' @export
#' @author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca} 
#' Zhiqiang Pang\email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
SanityCheckMetaPathTable<-function(mSetObj=NA, dataName, dataName2){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  if(dataName2 == "null"){dataName2 = NULL}
  fileTitle <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (dataName));
  fileTitle2 <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (dataName2));
  # mSetObjNM <- paste0(fileTitle, "_" ,fileTitle2, "_mSetObj.qs");
  dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName)
  dataSet2 <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName2)
    data_oriNM <- dataSet$orig.data
  } else {
    data_oriNM <- c(dataSet$orig.data, dataSet2$orig.data)
  msg <- NULL;
  for(i in seq(data_oriNM)){
    conc <- qs::qread(data_oriNM[i]);
    if(i == 2){
      # dataSet <- mSetObj[[paste0("dataSet",i)]];
      dataSet <- dataSet2;
    cls.lbl <-  dataSet$cls.orig <- dataSet$orig.cls;
    smpl.nms <- rownames(conc);
    var.nms <- colnames(conc);
    empty.inx <- is.na(smpl.nms) | smpl.nms == ""
    if(sum(empty.inx) > 0){
      msg <- c(msg, paste("<font color=\"red\">", sum(empty.inx), "empty rows</font> were detected and excluded from your data."));
      smpl.nms <- smpl.nms[!empty.inx];
      cls.lbl <-  cls.lbl[!empty.inx];
      conc <- conc[!empty.inx, ];
      if(i == 1){nn = NULL}else{nn = 2}
      msg <- c(msg, paste0("No empty rows were found in this data: ", mSetObj[[paste0("dataSet", nn)]][["name"]]));
    # try to check & remove empty lines if class label is empty
    # Added by B. Han
    empty.inx <- is.na(cls.lbl) | cls.lbl == ""
    if(sum(empty.inx) > 0){
      msg <- c(msg, paste("<font color=\"red\">", sum(empty.inx), "empty labels</font> were detected and excluded from your data."));
      smpl.nms <- smpl.nms[!empty.inx];
      cls.lbl <-  cls.lbl[!empty.inx];
      conc <- conc[!empty.inx, ];
      if(i == 1){nn = NULL}else{nn = 2}
      msg <- c(msg, paste0("No empty labels were found in this data: ", mSetObj[[paste0("dataSet", nn)]][["name"]]));
    if(length(unique(cls.lbl[!empty.inx])) > 2){
      msg <- c(msg, paste(c("Groups found:", unique(cls.lbl[!empty.inx])), collapse=" "));
      msg <- c(msg, "<font color=\"red\">Meta-analysis is only defined for two-group comparisions!</font>");
      lvls <- as.character(unique(unlist(cls.lbl)))
      msg <- c(msg, paste("Two groups found:", lvls[1], "and", lvls[2], collapse=" "));
    # check for uniqueness of dimension name
      dup.nm <- paste(smpl.nms[duplicated(smpl.nms)], collapse=" ");
      msg <- c(msg, "Duplicate sample names are not allowed!");
      msg <- c(msg, "All sample names are unique.");
    # try to remove check & remove empty line if feature name is empty
    empty.inx <- is.na(var.nms) | var.nms == "";
    if(sum(empty.inx) > 0){
      msg <- c(msg, paste("<font color=\"red\">", sum(empty.inx), "empty features</font> were detected and excluded from your data."));
      var.nms <- var.nms[!empty.inx];
      conc <- conc[,!empty.inx];
      msg <- c(msg, "No empty feature names found");
      dup.inx <- which(duplicated(var.nms));
      msg <- c(msg, paste("Error: a total of", length(dup.inx), "duplicate feature names found!"));
      if(length(dup.inx) > 9){
        dup.inx <- dup.inx[1:9];
      dup.nm <- paste("Duplicated names [max 9]: ", var.nms[dup.inx], collapse=" ");
      msg <- c(msg, "All feature names are unique");
    # now check for special characters in the data labels
      na.inx <- is.na(iconv(smpl.nms));
      nms <- paste(smpl.nms[na.inx], collapse="; ");
      msg <- c(msg, paste("No special letters (i.e. Latin, Greek) are allowed in sample names!", nms, collapse=" "));
      msg <- c(msg, "All sample names are OK");
      na.inx <- is.na(iconv(var.nms));
      nms <- paste(var.nms[na.inx], collapse="; ");
      msg <- c(msg, paste("No special letters (i.e. Latin, Greek) are allowed in feature names!", nms, collapse=" "));
      msg <- c(msg, "All feature names are OK");
    # only keep alphabets, numbers, ",", "." "_", "-" "/"
    smpl.nms <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]./_-]", "", smpl.nms);
    var.nms <- gsub("[^[:alnum:][:space:],'./_-]", "", var.nms); # allow space, comma and period
    cls.lbl <- ClearStrings(as.vector(cls.lbl));
    # now assgin the dimension names
    conc <- apply(conc, 2, as.numeric);
    rownames(conc) <- smpl.nms;
    colnames(conc) <- var.nms;
    proc.cls <- as.factor(as.character(cls.lbl));
    # now need to remove low quality samples and genes
    data <- conc;
    smpl.num <- nrow(data);
    gene.num <- ncol(data);
    # remove smpls/exp with over half missing value
    good.inx<-apply(is.na(data), 1, sum)/ncol(data)<0.6;
    smpl.msg <- "";
      msg <- c(msg, paste(sum(!good.inx), "low quality samples(>60% missing) removed."));
      data <- data[good.inx,];
      if(nrow(data)/smpl.num < 0.5){
        msg <- c(msg, paste(msg, "Low quality data rejected!"));
      # update meta information
      proc.cls <- proc.cls[good.inx];
    if(ncol(data) < 4){
      msg <- c(msg, paste("The sample # (", nrow(data), ") is too small."));
      msg <- c(msg, paste("A total of", nrow(data), "samples were found."));
    # feature with 75% NA will be removed
    gd.inx<-apply(is.na(data), 2, sum)/nrow(data) < 0.75;
    feat.msg <- "";
    if(sum(!gd.inx) > 0){
      data <- data[, gd.inx];
      msg <- c(msg, paste(sum(!gd.inx), "low quality features (>75% missing) removed"));
      if(ncol(data)/gene.num < 0.25){
        msg <- c(msg, paste(feat.msg, "Low quality data rejected."));
    # feature with 90% ZEROs will be removed
    gd.inx<-apply(data==0, 2, function(x) {sum(x, na.rm=T)})/nrow(data) < 0.9;
    feat.msg <- "";
    if(sum(!gd.inx) > 0){
      data <- data[, gd.inx];
      msg <- c(msg, paste(sum(!gd.inx), "low quality features (>90% zeros) removed"));
      if(ncol(data)/gene.num< 0.25){
        msg <- c(msg, paste(feat.msg, "Low quality data rejected."));
    if(ncol(data) < 10){
      msg <- c(msg, "The feature# (", ncol(data), ") is too small (<10).");
    } else {
      msg <- c(msg, paste("A total of", ncol(data), "features were found.", collapse=" "));
    # replace missing values should use median for normalized data
    min.val <- min(data[data>0], na.rm=T)/10;
    data[is.na(data)] <- min.val;
    data[data<=0] <- min.val;
    dataSet$data.proc <- dataSet$data <- data;
    dataSet$cls.proc <- dataSet$cls <- factor(proc.cls);
    mSetObj <- UpdateDataSet(mSetObj, dataSet);    
    #RegisterData(mSetObj, dataSet)
    if(i ==1 && length(data_oriNM) > 1){
        msg <- c(msg, paste("----------------------------------"));
  } # end of the for loop
  # Collect all msg here 
  mSetObj$dataSet$check.msg <- msg; #may consider msg missing
  # qs::qsave(mSetObj, file = mSetObjNM);

  } else {
    #RegisterData(mSetObj, dataSet)

FetchDataSet <- function(mSetObj, dataName) {
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
  if(is.null(dataName)) return(NULL)
  for(nm in dataNMs){
    if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){

UpdateDataSet <- function(mSetObj, dataSet) {
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
  for(nm in dataNMs){
    if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataSet$name){
      mSetObj[[nm]] <- dataSet

UniqueDataSet <- function(dataSet) {
  dataItems <- unique(names(dataSet));
  newdataSet <- list();
  for(i in dataItems) {
    newdataSet[[i]] <- dataSet[[i]];

UpgradeDataSet <- function(mSetObj, dataSet, dataName) {
  #Further merge dataset with MetaData list
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
  for(nm in dataNMs){
    if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){
      mSetObj[[nm]] <- UniqueDataSet(c(mSetObj[[nm]], dataSet))

ExtractNormTable <- function(mSetObj, dataName) {
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
  for(nm in dataNMs){
    if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){

newDataset <- function(mSetObj, dataName, dataName2 = NULL) {
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
  cond1 <- cond2 <- FALSE;
  for(nm in dataNMs){
    if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){
      cond1 <- TRUE;
        if(mSetObj[[paste0(nm,"_2")]]$name == dataName2){
          cond2 <- TRUE;
  return(!(cond1 & cond2))

FormatmSet <- function(mSetObj, dataName){
  mSetObj0 <- list();
  #mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
  for(nm in dataNMs){
    if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){
      mSetObj0$dataSet <- mSetObj[[nm]];
      mSetObj0$paramSet <- mSetObj[["paramSet"]];
      mSetObj0$paramSet$anal.type <- mSetObj$paramSet$anal.type;
      mSetObj0$mum_nm_csv <- mSetObj$mum_nm_csv;
      mSetObj0$mum_nm <- mSetObj$mum_nm;

defineVersion <- function(mSetObj, dataName, dataName2, version){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
  for(nm in dataNMs){
    if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){
      mSetObj[[nm]]$paramSet$version <- version;
      mSetObj[[nm]]$paramSet$mumRT <- TRUE;
      if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName2){
        mSetObj[[nm]]$paramSet$version <- version;
        mSetObj[[nm]]$paramSet$mumRT <- TRUE;

AverageRTtol <- function(mSetObj){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
  rts <- vector()
  for(nm in dataNMs){
    rts <- c(rts, mSetObj[[nm]]$rt_tol)

AverageRTfrac <- function(mSetObj){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
  rtfs <- vector()
  for(nm in dataNMs){
    rtfs <- c(rtfs, mSetObj[[nm]]$rt_frac)

GetMetaPathSanityCheckMsg <- function(mSetObj=NA, dataName){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetMetaPathDataDims <- function(mSetObj=NA, dataName){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
  for(nm in dataNMs){
    if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){
      data <- mSetObj[[nm]]$data;
  #if(mSetObj$dataSet$name != dataName){
  #  data <- mSetObj$dataSet2$data;
  #} else {
  #  data <- mSetObj$dataSet$data;
  dm <- dim(data);
  naNum <- sum(is.na(data));
  zoNum <- sum(data == 0);
  return(c(dm, naNum, zoNum));

GetMetaPathGroupNames <-function(mSetObj=NA, dataName){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
  for(nm in dataNMs){
    if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){
      cls <- mSetObj[[nm]]$cls;
  #if(mSetObj$dataSet$name != dataName){
  #  dataSet <- qs::qread(dataName);

PlotPathDataProfile<-function(dataName, dataName2= NULL, boxplotName, boxplotName2 =NULL, dataformat){
  #dataSet <- qs::qread(dataName);
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  datatable <- mSetObj$dataSet$data;

  if(length(mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["name"]]) > 0) {
    if(mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["name"]] != dataName){
      datatable <- NULL;
  } else {
    datatable <- NULL;
    if(dataformat == "colu"){
      dt <- t(read.csv(dataName)[-1,])
      colnames(dt) <- dt[1,]
    } else if(dataformat == "rowu"){
      dt <- read.csv(dataName,header = FALSE);
      rownames(dt) <- dt[,1]
      dt <- dt[,-c(1,2)]
      colnames(dt) <- dt[1,]
      dt <- dt[-1,]
    datatable <- dt;
    datatable[is.na(datatable)] <-0;
  dataName <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(dataName))

  if(!is.null(dataName2) && (dataName2 != "null")){
    if (dataformat == "colu") {
      dt <- t(read.csv(dataName2)[-1, ])
      colnames(dt) <- dt[1, ]
    } else if (dataformat == "rowu") {
      dt <- read.csv(dataName2, header = FALSE);
      rownames(dt) <- dt[, 1]
      dt <- dt[, -c(1, 2)]
      colnames(dt) <- dt[1, ]
      dt <- dt[-1, ]
    datatable2 <- dt;
    datatable2[is.na(datatable2)] <-0;
    dataName2 <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(dataName2));
    qc.biBoxPlot(datatable, datatable2, 
                 dataName, dataName2, vertical = TRUE);
  } else {
    qc.boxplot(datatable, paste0(dataName, boxplotName));


#' MetaPathNormalization
#' @param mSetObj mSetObj
#' @param sampleNor sample Normalization option
#' @param tranform sample transformation option
#' @param scale sample scale option
#' @param name file name 1 with absolute path
#' @param name2 file name 2 with absolute path or "null"
#' @export
#' @author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca} 
#' Zhiqiang Pang\email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
MetaPathNormalization <- function(mSetObj = NA, sampleNor, tranform, scale = "NULL", name, name2) {
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  if(name2 == "null"){name2 = NULL}
  fileTitle <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (name));
  fileTitle2 <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (name2));
  # mSetObjNM <- paste0(fileTitle, "_" ,fileTitle2, "_mSetObj.qs");
  # mSetNormedNM <- paste0(fileTitle, "_" ,fileTitle2, "_normalized_mSet.qs");
  ## next, when doing the path analysis, will use '*_normalized_mSet.qs'

  # mSet <<- mSetObj <- qs::qread(mSetObjNM);

  # if(length(mSetObj$dataSet2) == 0){
    file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
    CleanDataSet <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]];
    dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, name)
    mSetObj$dataSet <- c(mSetObj[["dataSet"]],dataSet)

    mSetObj <- SanityCheckData(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- ReplaceMin(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- FilterVariable(mSetObj, "F", 25, "iqr", NULL);
    mSetObj <- PreparePrenormData(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- Normalization(mSetObj, sampleNor, tranform, scale, ratio=FALSE, ratioNum=20);
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- UpdateDataSet(mSetObj, mSetObj$dataSet);


    mSetObj$dataSet <- CleanDataSet;
    # mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  } else {

    # 1st step
    file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
    CleanDataSet <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]];
    dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, name);
    mSetObj$dataSet <- c(mSetObj[["dataSet"]],dataSet);

    mSetObj <- SanityCheckData(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- ReplaceMin(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- FilterVariable(mSetObj,"F", 25, "iqr", NULL);
    mSetObj <- PreparePrenormData(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- Normalization(mSetObj, sampleNor, tranform, scale, ratio=FALSE, ratioNum=20);
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- UpdateDataSet(mSetObj, mSetObj$dataSet);
    mSetObj$dataSet <- CleanDataSet;

    # 2nd step
    file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle2, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
    CleanDataSet <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]];
    dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, name2);
    mSetObj$dataSet <- c(mSetObj[["dataSet"]],dataSet);
    mSetObj <- SanityCheckData(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- ReplaceMin(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- FilterVariable(mSetObj, "F", 25, "iqr", NULL);
    mSetObj <- PreparePrenormData(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- Normalization(mSetObj, sampleNor, tranform, scale, ratio=FALSE, ratioNum=20);
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- UpdateDataSet(mSetObj, mSetObj$dataSet);
    mSetObj$dataSet <- CleanDataSet;
    mSet <<- mSetObj;

    ## This is used to deal with the mix data files
    # 1st step, process dataset 1 (pos data)
    # file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
    # mSetObj <- SanityCheckData(mSetObj);
    # mSetObj <- ReplaceMin(mSetObj);
    # mSetObj <- FilterVariable(mSetObj, "F", 25, "iqr", NULL)
    # mSetObj <- PreparePrenormData(mSetObj)
    # mSetObj <- Normalization(mSetObj, sampleNor, tranform, scale, ratio=FALSE, ratioNum=20)
    # file.rename("data_orig.qs", "data_orig1.qs");
    # file.rename("complete_norm.qs", "complete_norm1.qs");
    # mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    # dataset_pos <- mSetObj$dataSet;
    # 2nd step, process dataset 2 (neg data)
    # file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle2, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
    # mSetObj$dataSet <- mSet$dataSet2;
    # mSetObj <- SanityCheckData(mSetObj);
    # mSetObj <- ReplaceMin(mSetObj);
    # mSetObj <- FilterVariable(mSetObj, "F", 25, "iqr", NULL)
    # mSetObj <- PreparePrenormData(mSetObj)
    # mSetObj <- Normalization(mSetObj, sampleNor, tranform, scale, ratio=FALSE, ratioNum=20)
    # file.rename("data_orig.qs", "data_orig2.qs");
    # file.rename("complete_norm.qs", "complete_norm2.qs");
    # mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    # dataset_neg <- mSetObj$dataSet;
    # refine the mSet
    # mSetObj$dataSet <- dataset_pos;
    # mSetObj$dataSet2 <- dataset_neg;

    dt1 <- as.matrix(ExtractNormTable(mSetObj, name));
    dt2 <- as.matrix(ExtractNormTable(mSetObj, name2));

                 vertical = FALSE);

  # print(paste0("--------- mSetNormedNM to save is --->", mSetNormedNM))
  # mSet$cmdSet <<- NULL;
  # mSetObj$cmdSet <- NULL;
  # qs::qsave(mSetObj, file = mSetNormedNM)

  } else {

GetMetaPathResultColNames <- function() {
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetMetaPathNMs <- function() {
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetMetaPathResultItem <- function(rowN) {
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  res <- mSetObj$dataSet$res_table[,-1];

PrepareCMPDList <- function() {
  MetaMummiRes <- RJSONIO::fromJSON("ms_peaks_meta_anal_cpd_matching.json");
  CMPDSet <- NULL;
  CMPDSet <- unique(unlist(lapply(MetaMummiRes, function(x) return(unique(x$Matched.Compound)))))

Prepare4Network <- function(mSetObj = NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  # mSet <<- mSetObj <- NULL;
  # mSetObj <- InitDataObjects("conc", "network", FALSE)
  mSetObj <- SetOrganism(mSetObj, "hsa")
  cmpdList <- PrepareCMPDList()
  cmpdList <- paste(cmpdList, collapse = "\n")
  mSetObj <- PerformCmpdMapping(mSetObj, cmpdList, "hsa", "kegg")
  #mSetObj <- CreateMappingResultTable(mSetObj)
  mSetObj <- PrepareNetworkData(mSetObj)
  idtype <<- "cmpd";
  mSetObj <- PrepareKeggQueryJson(mSetObj);
  mSetObj <- PerformKOEnrichAnalysis_KO01100(mSetObj, "pathway","network_enrichment_pathway_0")
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);


GetSigPathNums <- function(pvalCutoff){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(NA);
  pathSet <- mSetObj$dataSet$pathResults;
  anal.type0 <- mSetObj[["paramSet"]][["anal.type"]];
  if(class(pathSet[[1]])[1] == "matrix"){
    qs::qsave(pathSet, file = "pathSet_tmp.qs")
  } else {
    pathSet <- qs::qread("pathSet_tmp.qs")
  if(anal.type0 == "mummichog"){
    sig.paths <- lapply(pathSet, function(x)  return(rownames(x)[as.data.frame(x)$FET <= pvalCutoff]));
    sig.paths <- lapply(pathSet, function(x) return(rownames(x)[as.data.frame(x)$P_val <= pvalCutoff]));
  resTable <- mSetObj$dataSet$res_table
  sig.paths$meta_dat <- resTable[resTable$Meta.P <= pvalCutoff, "Pathways"]
  names(sig.paths) <- gsub("mummichoginput.qs", "", names(sig.paths));
  mSetObj$dataSet$pathSumData <- sig.paths;
  pathSum <- unlist(lapply(sig.paths, length));

SelectMultiPathData <- function(mSetObj=NA, nmVec = NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    AddErrMsg("No dataset is selected for analysis!");
  # mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["pathResults_SelectedFiles"]] <- 
  #   gsub("_","",gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", basename(nmVec)));
  mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["pathResults_SelectedFiles"]] <- basename(nmVec);


PrepareMetaPathData <- function(mSetObj = NA, imgNm="NA"){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
  MixNms <- gsub("_2", "", dataNMs[substr(dataNMs, nchar(dataNMs)-1, nchar(dataNMs)) == "_2"])

  # do something here later
  dat <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["pathSumData"]];
  datNum <- length(mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["pathResults_SelectedFiles"]]);

  nms <- gsub(".csv","",names(dat));
  for(nd in seq(names(dat))){  
    for(nm in MixNms){
      if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == names(dat)[nd]){
         names(dat)[nd] <- paste0(gsub(".csv","",names(dat)[nd]),"mixed");
  names(dat) <- gsub(".csv","",names(dat));
  dat <- dat[c(mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["pathResults_SelectedFiles"]])];

  df <- melt(dat, value.name="id")
  colnames(df) <- c("name", 'set')
  uniq.nms <- unique(df$name)
  new.df <- dcast(df, name ~ set, value.var='set', fill=0)
  rownames(new.df) <- new.df[,1]
  new.df <- new.df[,-1]
  json.list <- list()
  for(i in 1:nrow(new.df)){
    json.list[[i]] <- list()
    json.list[[i]][["sets"]] <- new.df[i,][new.df[i,] != 0]
    json.list[[i]][["name"]] <- rownames(new.df)[i]
  col.vec <-gg_color_hue(length(dat));

  jsonNm <- paste0(imgNm, ".json")
  json.mat <- RJSONIO::toJSON(list(json.list, col.vec));


GetVennPathsNames <- function(mSetObj=NA, areas){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  nms <- strsplit(areas, "\\|\\|")[[1]];
  path.vec <- NULL;
  for(nm in nms){
    path.vec <- c(path.vec, vennData[[nm]]);
  path.vec <- unique(path.vec);
  names(path.vec) <- path.vec;

  if(length(path.vec) ==0){
  } else {
    return(paste(path.vec, collapse="||"))

#' setInclusionDataSets#'
#' @param datasVec a vector of all files
#' @param mSetObj mSetObj 
#' @export
#' @examples #setInclusionDataSets(c("A1_pos.csv","B1_pos.csv","C1_pos.csv"));
#' @author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca} 
#' Zhiqiang Pang\email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
setInclusionDataSets <- function(mSetObj=NA, datasVec){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  fileNM <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(datasVec));
  dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
  mSetObj$IncludedDataSets <- NULL;
  for(nm in dataNMs){
    for(ds in datasVec) {
      if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == ds){
        mSetObj$IncludedDataSets <- c(mSetObj$IncludedDataSets, ds)
  #mSetObj$InclusionDataSets <- NMs[sapply(NMs, file.exists)]

qc.biBoxPlot <- function(dat, dat2 = NULL, imgNm1, imgNM2 = NULL, 
                         format="png", dpi=72, width=NA, vertical = TRUE){

  imgNm <- paste(imgNm1,"_",imgNM2, "_dpi", dpi, "_norm_box", ".", format, sep="");
    imgNm <- paste(imgNm1,"_",imgNM2, "_dpi", dpi, "_qc_box", ".", format, sep="");

  if (nrow(dat)>subgene) {
    sg  = sample(nrow(dat), subgene)
    Mss = dat[sg,,drop=FALSE]
  } else {
    Mss = dat
  if (ncol(Mss)>subsmpl) {
    ss  = sample(ncol(Mss), subsmpl)
    Mss = Mss[,ss,drop=FALSE]
  } else {
    Mss = Mss
  sample_id = rep(seq_len(ncol(Mss)), each = nrow(Mss));
  values  = as.numeric(Mss)
  formula = sample_id ~ values

  box = bwplot(formula, groups = sample_id, layout = c(1,1), as.table = TRUE,
               strip = function(..., bg) strip.default(..., bg ="#cce6ff"),
               horizontal = TRUE, main = imgNm1,
               pch = "|",  col = "black", do.out = FALSE, box.ratio = 2,
               xlab = "", ylab = "Features",
               fill = "#1c61b6AA",
               panel = panel.superpose,
               scales = list(x=list(relation="free"), y=list(axs="i")),
               ylim = c(ncol(Mss)+0.7,0.3),
               prepanel = function(x, y) {
                 list(xlim = quantile(x, probs = c(0.01, 0.99), na.rm=TRUE))
               panel.groups = function(x, y, ...) {
                 panel.bwplot(x, y, ...)

    dat <- dat2;
    if (nrow(dat)>subgene) {
      sg  = sample(nrow(dat), subgene)
      Mss = dat[sg,,drop=FALSE]
    } else {
      Mss = dat
    if (ncol(Mss)>subsmpl) {
      ss  = sample(ncol(Mss), subsmpl)
      Mss = Mss[,ss,drop=FALSE]
    } else {
      Mss = Mss
    sample_id = rep(seq_len(ncol(Mss)), each = nrow(Mss));
    values  = as.numeric(Mss)
    formula = sample_id ~ values
    box2 = bwplot(formula, groups = sample_id, layout = c(1,1), as.table = TRUE,
                 strip = function(..., bg) strip.default(..., bg ="#cce6ff"),
                 horizontal = TRUE, main = imgNM2,
                 pch = "|",  col = "black", do.out = FALSE, box.ratio = 2,
                 xlab = "", ylab = "Features",
                 fill = "#1c61b6AA",
                 panel = panel.superpose,
                 scales = list(x=list(relation="free"), y=list(axs="i")),
                 ylim = c(ncol(Mss)+0.7,0.3),
                 prepanel = function(x, y) {
                   list(xlim = quantile(x, probs = c(0.01, 0.99), na.rm=TRUE))
                 panel.groups = function(x, y, ...) {
                   panel.bwplot(x, y, ...)

    width = width;
    height = height*2;
    nrows = 2;
  } else {
    width = width*2;
    height = height;
    nrows = 1;
    Cairo::Cairo(file=imgNm, width=460, height=420, type="png", bg="white");
  } else {
    Cairo::Cairo(file=imgNm, width=width, height=height, type="png", bg="white");
    grid.arrange(box, box2, nrow = nrows);


Finish.DataSet <- function(dataName, dataName2 = NULL){
  if(dataName2 == "null"){dataName2 = NULL}
  fileTitle <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (dataName));
  fileTitle2 <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (dataName2));
  mSetObjNM <- paste0(fileTitle, "_" ,fileTitle2, "_mSet.qs");
  qs::qsave(mSet, file = mSetObjNM)

Restore.CmdHistory <- function(){
    cmdSet <- qs::qread("cmdSet.qs");
    mSet$cmdSet <<- c(cmdSet, mSet$cmdSet);
xia-lab/MetaboAnalystR documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 11:46 a.m.