#'Convert mSetObj to proper format for MS Peaks to Pathways module
#'@description Following t-test analysis or effect size calculation,
#'this functions converts the results from the mSetObj
#'to the proper format for mummichog analysis.
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj.
#'@param rt Logical, whether or not to include retention time information.
#'@param rds.file Logical, if true, the "annotated_peaklist.rds"
#'must be in the current working directory to get corresponding retention time
#'information for the features. If not, the retention time information
#'will be taken from the feature names. Feature names must be formatted
#'so that the mz and retention time for a single peak is separated by two
#'underscores. For instance, m/z of 410.2148 and retention time of 42.46914 seconds
#'must be formatted as 410.2148__42.46914.
#'@param rt.type Character, input whether retention time is in seconds (default as RT using
#'MetaboAnalystR is seconds) or minutes (as from MZmine).
#'@param test Character, input what statistical values to include in the mummichog input.
#'For p-values and t-scores only from t-test, use "tt".
#'For log2FC from the fold-change analsis, use "fc".
#'For effect-sizes, use "es".
#'For, p-values, fold-changes and effect sizes, use "all".
#'@param mode ion mode, positive or negative
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
Convert2MummichogMetaPath <- function(mSetObj=NA,
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
# JX: we will only support tt on web. It is not clear if
# other options will be really useful or simply bewildering to users
tt.pval <- sort(mSetObj$analSet$tt$p.value);
AddErrMsg("T-test was not performed!")
fdr <- p.adjust(tt.pval, "fdr")
mz.pval <- names(tt.pval)
pvals <- cbind(mz.pval, as.numeric(fdr))
colnames(pvals) <- c("m.z", "p.value")
tt.tsc <- sort(mSetObj$analSet$tt$t.score);
mz.tsc <- names(tt.tsc)
tscores <- cbind(mz.tsc, as.numeric(tt.tsc))
colnames(tscores) <- c("m.z", "t.score")
if(rt & rds.file){
AddErrMsg("annotated_peaklist.rds not found in current working directory!")
camera_output <- readRDS("annotated_peaklist.rds")
mz.cam <- round(camera_output$mz, 5)
rt.cam <- round(camera_output$rt, 5)
camera <- cbind(mz.cam, rt.cam)
colnames(camera) <- c("m.z", "r.t")
mummi_new <- Reduce(function(x,y) merge(x,y,by="m.z", all = TRUE), list(pvals, tscores, camera))
complete.inx <- complete.cases(mummi_new[,c("p.value", "t.score", "r.t")]) # filter out m/zs without pval and tscore
mummi_new <- mummi_new[complete.inx,]
mummi_new <- merge(pvals, tscores)
if(rt){ # taking retention time information from feature name itself
feat_info <- mummi_new[,1]
feat_info_split <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(feat_info, "__", fixed=TRUE)), ncol=2, byrow=T)
colnames(feat_info_split) <- c("m.z", "r.t")
if(rt.type == "minutes"){
rtime <- as.numeric(feat_info_split[,2])
rtime <- rtime * 60
feat_info_split[,2] <- rtime
mummi_new <- cbind(feat_info_split, mummi_new[,-1])
mode <- rep("positive", nrow(mummi_new))
} else if (mode=="negative") {
mode <- rep("negative", nrow(mummi_new))
mummi_new <- cbind(mummi_new, mode)
mummi_new[,1] <- as.numeric(make.unique(as.character(mummi_new[,1]), sep=""))
mSetObj$dataSet$mummi_new <- mummi_new;
filename <- paste0("mummichog_input_", Sys.Date(), ".txt")
write.table(mummi_new, filename, row.names = FALSE)
#'Function to save each mSetObj as a RDS file
#'to be used later in PerformMetaPSEA.
#'Should be called after SetPeakEnrichMethod/SetMummichogPval
#'@param mSetObj mSetObj
#'@import qs
savePeakListMetaData <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
fileName <- gsub("_", "", mSetObj$dataSet$fileName)
file_name <- paste0(fileName, ".qs")
metaFiles <<- c(metaFiles, file_name)
metaFiles <<- file_name
meta.anal.type <<- c(meta.anal.type, anal.type)
meta.anal.type <<- anal.type
qs::qsave(mSetObj, file_name)
#'Function to perform peak set enrichment meta-analysis
#'at either the empirical compound, compound level
#'or pathway level.
#'@description This is the main function that performs either the mummichog
#'algorithm, GSEA, or both for peak set enrichment meta-analysis.
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj object.
#'@param lib Input the name of the organism library, default is hsa_mfn.
#'@param libVersion Input the version of the KEGG pathway libraries ("current" or "old").
#'@param minLib numeric, default is 3
#'@param permNum Numeric, input the number of permutations to perform. Default is 100.
#'@param metaLevel Character, input whether the meta-analysis is at the empirical compound ("ec"),
#'compound ("cpd"), or pathway level ("pathway").
#'@param combine.level Character, input whether to combine p-values or pool the peaks.
#'@param pval.method Character, input the method to perform p-value combination.
#'@param es.method Character, input the method to perform effect-size meta-analysis.
#'@param rank.metric Character, input how to calculate pre-ranking metric. "mean"
#'to use the average, "min" to use the lowest score, "max" to use the highest score.
#'@param mutual.feats mutual.feats, logical
#'@param pooled_cutoff pooled_cutoff, numeric
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#'@import qs
PerformMetaPSEA <- function(mSetObj=NA,
minLib = 3,
permNum = 100,
metaLevel = "pathway",
pval.method = "fisher",
es.method = "fixed",
mutual.feats = TRUE,
pooled_cutoff = 0.05) {
lib <<- "hsa_kegg";
libVersion <<- "current";
minLib <<- 3;
permNum <<- 100;
metaLevel <<- "pathway";
pval.method <<- "fisher";
es.method <<- "fixed";
mutual.feats <<- FALSE;
pooled_cutoff <<- 0.001
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
# record lib
mSetObj$paramSet$lib <- lib;
mSetObj$initPSEA <- TRUE;
metaFiles <- mSetObj[["IncludedDataSets"]]
#metaFiles <- unique(metaFiles);
version <- mum.version <- mSetObj$paramSet$version;
## TO solve the strong interferation
if(file.exists("mum_res.qs")) file.remove("mum_res.qs")
if(file.exists("pathwaysFiltered.qs")) file.remove("pathwaysFiltered.qs")
if(file.exists("mummichog_pathway_enrichment_mummichog.csv")) file.remove("mummichog_pathway_enrichment_mummichog.csv")
if(file.exists(mSetObj$mum_nm_csv)) file.remove(mSetObj$mum_nm_csv)
if(file.exists("mummichog_matched_compound_all.csv")) file.remove("mummichog_matched_compound_all.csv")
if(file.exists("mummicho_pathway_enrichment_integ.csv")) file.remove("mmummicho_pathway_enrichment_integ.csv")
if(file.exists("mummichog_pathway_enrichment_gsea.csv")) file.remove("mummichog_pathway_enrichment_gsea.csv")
if(file.exists("ms_peaks_meta_anal_path_res.json")) file.remove("ms_peaks_meta_anal_path_res.json")
if(file.exists("initial_ecs.qs")) file.remove("initial_ecs.qs")
pathResults <- list();
pathResultsWhole <- list();
anal.type0 <- mSetObj$paramSet$anal.type;
if(metaLevel == "pathway"){
# now save compound matching results
# and which compounds are significant - note if GSEA it's all
cpdMatchResults <- list()
for(i in 1:length(metaFiles)){
#mSetObj <- qs::qread(metaFiles[i]);
mSetObj0 <- FormatmSet(mSetObj, metaFiles[i])
mSetObj0 <- AdductMapping(mSetObj0);
mSetObj0 <- .setup.psea.library(mSetObj0, lib, libVersion, minLib);
cpdMatchResults[[metaFiles[i]]] <- qs::qread("mum_res.qs")
# don't need to write path result CSV files for meta-analysis in indiv' runs
# need to write each individual compound matching file with their own name
if(mSetObj0$paramSet$mumRT & version=="v2"){
mSetObj0 <- .init.RT.Permutations(mSetObj0, permNum)
mSetObj0 <- .init.Permutations(mSetObj0, permNum)
if(anal.type0 == "mummichog"){
pathResults[[metaFiles[i]]] <- mSetObj0$mummi.resmat
pathResultsWhole[[metaFiles[i]]] <- read.csv(mSetObj$mum_nm_csv)
}else if(anal.type0 == "gsea_peaks"){
pathResults[[metaFiles[i]]] <- mSetObj0$mummi.gsea.resmat
}else{ # integ
pathResults[[metaFiles[i]]] <- mSetObj0$integ.resmat
pathResultsWhole[[metaFiles[i]]] <- read.csv(mSetObj$mum_nm_csv)
if(i != length(metaFiles)){
} else {
# finally for pooled
# this method will not handle RT (empirical cpd level)
metaMsetObj <- vector("list")
adduct.list <- list();
for(metafile in seq_along(metaFiles)){
#mSetObj <- qs::qread(metaFiles[metafile]);
mSetObj0 <- FormatmSet(mSetObj, metaFiles[metafile]);
mSetObj0 <- AdductMapping(mSetObj0);
qs::qsave(mSetObj0, file = metaFiles[metafile]);
metafile <- metaFiles[metafile];
metaMsetObj[[metafile]]$dat <- mSetObj0$dataSet$mummi.proc;
metaMsetObj[[metafile]]$pos_inx <- mSetObj0$dataSet$pos_inx;
metaMsetObj[[metafile]]$ins_tol <- mSetObj0$dataSet$instrument;
adduct.list[[metafile]] <- metaMsetObj[[metafile]]$adducts <- mSetObj0$dataSet$adduct.list
# first check that all instrument tol are equal
ins_tol <- unique(unlist(lapply(metaMsetObj, "[[", "ins_tol")))
# if different instrument tols
# do individual putative compound annotation
if((length(ins_tol) > 1) || (length(unique(adduct.list)) > 1)){
mSetObj$mum_nm <- "mummichog_query_mummichog.json"
mSetObj$mum_nm_csv <- "mummichog_pathway_enrichment_mummichog.csv"
if(version == "v2"){
mSetObj$paramSet$mumRT <- TRUE
mSetObj <- .setup.psea.library(mSetObj, lib, libVersion, minLib, TRUE, "ec",
combine.level, pval.method, es.method, rank.metric, FALSE)
mSetObj <- .init.RT.Permutations(mSetObj, permNum)
mSetObj <- .setup.psea.library(mSetObj, lib, libVersion, minLib, TRUE, "cpd",
combine.level, pval.method, es.method, rank.metric, FALSE)
mSetObj <- .init.Permutations(mSetObj, permNum)
#mSetObj$cmdSet <- CMDSet;
} else {
mSetObj$dataSet$instrument <- ins_tol;
metadat <- lapply(metaMsetObj, "[[", "dat")
metadat <- lapply(metadat, data.frame)
metadat <- data.table::rbindlist(metadat, idcol = TRUE)
metadat$m.z <- make.unique(as.character(metadat$m.z), sep = "")
ref_mzlist <- as.numeric(unlist(metadat[,"m.z"]))
pos_inx <- unlist(metadat[,"pos_inx"])
pos_inx <- ifelse(pos_inx == 1, TRUE, FALSE)
expr_dic <- unlist(metadat[,"t.score"])
ret_time <- as.numeric(unlist(metadat[,"r.t"]))
if(anal.type0 == "mummichog"){
pval_cutoff <- pooled_cutoff
my.inx <- metadat[,"p.value"] < pval_cutoff;
input_mzlist <- ref_mzlist[my.inx];
if(length(input_mzlist) < 10){
AddErrMsg("Not enough significant compounds for pathway analysis! Consider
changing the p-value cutoff!")
mSetObj$dataSet$input_mzlist <- input_mzlist
mSetObj$dataSet$N <- length(input_mzlist)
mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.proc <- metadat;
mSetObj$dataSet$ref_mzlist <- ref_mzlist;
mSetObj$dataSet$pos_inx <- pos_inx;
mSetObj$dataSet$expr_dic <- expr_dic;
mSetObj$dataSet$ret_time <- ret_time;
mSetObj$dataSet$primary_ion <- "yes";
names(mSetObj$dataSet$expr_dic) <- ref_mzlist;
mSetObj$dataSet$rt_tol <- AverageRTtol(mSetObj);
mSetObj$dataSet$rt_frac <- AverageRTfrac(mSetObj);
if(version == "v2"){
mSetObj$paramSet$mumRT <- TRUE
# Need to check the ion mode: positive, negative or mixed? --Author:Zhiqiang Pang
if(length(unique(pos_inx)) > 1){
mSetObj$dataSet$mode <- "mixed"
} else if(unique(pos_inx) == 1){
mSetObj$dataSet$mode <- "positive"
} else if(unique(pos_inx) == 0){
mSetObj$dataSet$mode <- "negative"
mSetObj$dataSet[["paramSet"]] <- mSetObj[["paramSet"]];
mSetObj <- .setup.psea.library(mSetObj, lib, libVersion, minLib, FALSE, "pooled");
if(version == "v2"){
mSetObj <- .init.RT.Permutations(mSetObj, permNum)
mSetObj <- .init.Permutations(mSetObj, permNum)
if(class(mSetObj) != "list"){
if(mSetObj == 0){
AddErrMsg("MS Peaks to Paths analysis failed! Likely not enough m/z to compound hits for pathway analysis!")
mSetObj$metaLevel <- metaLevel
mSetObj$pooled_cutoff <- pooled_cutoff
#mSetObj$cmdSet <- CMDSet;
if(metaLevel == "pathway"){ # need to integrate pathway results
mSetObj$dataSet$pathResults <- pathResults; #TODO: to replace the I/O with this option
num_files <- length(metaFiles)
path.names.all <- lapply(pathResults, rownames)
path.intersect <- Reduce(intersect, path.names.all)
# remove paths not found by all three - complete.cases
path.intersected <- lapply(pathResults, function(x) x[row.names(x) %in% path.intersect,])
#li_2 <- lapply(seq_along(path.intersected), function(i) {colnames(path.intersected[[i]]) <- paste0(colnames(path.intersected[[i]]), names(path.intersected)[[i]]) ; path.intersected[[i]] } )
#path2 <- data.table::setDF(Reduce(merge, lapply(path.intersected, data.table::data.table, keep.rownames = TRUE, key = "rn")))
path_full <- path2 <- data.table::setDF(do.call("cbind",
keep.rownames = TRUE,
key = "rn")))
# now do the integration
# extract the p-values from each option into path2
# first if just mummichog
if(pval.method == "fisher"){
path2_keep <- grep("rn|FET", colnames(path2))
path2_keep <- grep("rn|Gamma", colnames(path2))
} else if (anal.type0=="gsea_peaks") { # second if just gsea
path2_keep <- grep("rn|P_val", colnames(path2))
} else { # third if both
path2_keep <- grep("rn|Combined_Pvals", colnames(path2))
# create df of just p-values for meta-analysis
path2 <- path2[,path2_keep]
path2[path2==0] <- 0.00001 # for sumlog to work
rownames(path_full) <- rownames(path2) <- path2[,1]
rm_col_inx <- grep("rn", colnames(path2))
path2 <- path2[,-rm_col_inx]
# rename path2
#colnames(path2) <- paste0("data", seq_along(colnames(path2)))
colnames(path2) <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(metaFiles)
colnames(path2) <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(metaFiles)
# combine p-values
meta.pvals <- apply(as.matrix(path2), 1, function(x) sumlog(x))
} else if(pval.method=="edgington"){
meta.pvals <- apply(as.matrix(path2), 1, function(x) sump(x))
} else if(pval.method=="stouffer"){
meta.pvals <- apply(as.matrix(path2), 1, function(x) sumz(x))
} else if(pval.method=="vote"){
meta.pvals <- apply(as.matrix(path2), 1, function(x) votep(x))
} else if(pval.method=="min"){
Meta.P <- apply(as.matrix(path2), 1, function(x) min(x))
} else if(pval.method=="max") {
Meta.P <- apply(as.matrix(path2), 1, function(x) max(x))
} else{
AddErrMsg("Invalid meta-analysis method!")
#extract p-values
Meta.P <- unlist(lapply(meta.pvals, function(z) z["p"]))
Meta.P <- signif(Meta.P, 5);
path2 <- cbind(path2, Meta.P)
path2 <- path2[order(path2$Meta.P),]
mSetObj$metaLevel <- metaLevel
mSetObj$meta_results <- path2
mSetObj$meta.pval.method <- pval.method
path_full <- cbind(path_full, Meta.P)
col2_rm <- grep(".csv.rn", colnames(path_full))
path_full <- path_full[,-col2_rm]
path_full <- path_full[order(path_full$Meta.P),]
fast.write.csv(path_full, "mspeaks_meta_anal_all_results.csv", row.names = TRUE)
} else {
AddErrMsg("Invalid meta-analysis level selected!")
#mSetObj$cmdSet <- CMDSet;
############### Function for visualization of MS Peaks to Paths Meta-Analysis #######################
#' PlotPathwayMetaAnalysis
#' @description Function to create summary plot of MS Peaks to Paths
#' meta-analysis at the pathway level. This function creates a summary plot of the
#' MS Peaks to Paths meta-analysis at the pathway level. The plot
#' can either be a heatmap or a network, both of which can
#' be made interactive.
#' NETWORK: The size of the nodes in the network correspond to the number of
#' studies in which that pathway was significant. The color of the nodes correspond
#' to the meta-p-value for each pathway, with (default coloring) red being the most
#' significant and yellow the least.
#' @param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj object.
#' @param plotType Use "heatmap" to create a heatmap summary, "network" to create
#' a network summary, or "bubble" to create a bubble plot summary of the meta-analysis
#' results.
#' @param imgName name of image.
#' @param heatmap_colorType Character, "brewer" for R Color Brewer scales or
#' "viridis" for viridis color scales. Used for creating the heatmap
#' color scheme.
#' @param heatmap_palette Character, input the preferred color palette according
#' to R Color Brewer or viridis (e.g. "RdBu").
#' @param heatmap_interactive Boolean. FALSE to create a non-interactive plot
#' and TRUE for plotly generated interactive plot.
#' @param heatmap_square Boolean. TRUE for the heatmap to be squares versus
#' rectangles (FALSE).
#' @param heatmap_allPaths Boolean. TRUE to use all paths when plotting the heatmap.
#' FALSE to use a subset of paths, number defined in npaths.
#' @param heatmap_npaths Numeric. The number of pathways to subset the pathway
#' results.
#' @param heatmap_vertical Boolean. TRUE, heatmap plot will be vertical. FALSE, heatmap plot
#' will be horizontal.
#' @param heatmap_fontSize Numeric, input the preferred font size to be used in the heatmap
#' plot.
#' @param pvalCutoff The size of the nodes in the network correspond to the number of
#' studies in which that pathway was significant. This pvalCutoff (Numeric) is thus used
#' to determine whether or not a pathway was found to be significant in each
#' individual study.
#' @param overlap Numeric, this number is used to create edges between the nodes.
#' By default it is set to 0.25, meaning that if 2 pathways (nodes) share 25% of
#' the same compounds/empirical compounds, they will be connected by a node.
#' @param networkType Character, "static" to create a static image or
#' "interactive" to create an interactive network saved as an html
#' in your working directory.
#' @param layout Character, layout from ggraph. "kk" for the spring-based algorithm by Kamada and Kawai
#' as default. "drl" for force directed algorithm from the DrL toolbox. "lgl" for Large Graph Layout. "fr" for
#' force-directed of Fruchterman and Reingold.
#' @param net_palette Character, input the color code for the nodes in the network. Default is
#' "YlOrRd". Uses the hcl palettes from the grDevices. Use hcl.pals()
#' to view the name of all available palettes.
#' @param netTextSize Numeric, input the preferred font size to be used in the network
#' plot.
#' @param netPlotSize Numeric, input the preferred dimensions (in inches) of the network
#' to be saved.
#' @param bubble_colorType Character, "brewer" for R Color Brewer scales or
#' "viridis" for viridis color scales. Used for creating the bubble plot
#' color scheme.
#' @param bubble_palette Character, use two/three colors max if using R ColorBrewer palettes
#' for pleasing looking plots.
#' @param bubble_interactive logical
#' @param bubbleMaxPaths maximum number of pathways
#' @param bubbleFontSize font size of the bubble plot
#' @param bubblePlotSize plot size of the bubble plot
#' @param format format of the image
#' @param width width of the image
#' @param height height of the image
#' @param dpi dpi of the image
#' @author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#' @export
PlotPathwayMetaAnalysis <- function(mSetObj = NA, imgName, plotType = "heatmap",
heatmap_colorType = "brewer", heatmap_palette = "RdYlBu",
heatmap_interactive = FALSE, heatmap_square = TRUE,
heatmap_allPaths = TRUE, heatmap_npaths = 25, heatmap_vertical = TRUE,
heatmap_fontSize = 9, pvalCutoff = 0.05, overlap = 0.25,
networkType = "static", layout="kk", net_palette = "YlOrRd",
netTextSize = 2.5, netPlotSize = 7.5,
bubble_interactive = FALSE, bubbleMaxPaths = 15,
bubble_colorType = "brewer", bubble_palette = "RdBu",
bubbleFontSize = 9, bubblePlotSize = 7,
format = "png", width = 7, height = 5, dpi = 300){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
metaLevel <- mSetObj$metaLevel;
anal.type0 <- mSet[["paramSet"]][["anal.type"]]
if(metaLevel != "pathway"){
AddErrMsg("Function only for pathway-level meta-analysis!")
path_results <- mSetObj$meta_results
if(plotType == "network"){
hits_sig <- rowSums(path_results[, -ncol(path_results)] < pvalCutoff) + 1 # account for 0 studies < cutoff
folds <- scales::rescale(hits_sig, to = c(1,10))
names(folds) <- GetShortNames(rownames(path_results));
pvals <- path_results[,ncol(path_results)];
names(pvals) <- rownames(path_results)
title <- "MS Peaks to Pathway Network Overview";
if("emp_cpds" %in% names(mSet$pathways)){
path.names <- mSetObj$pathways$name
current.mset <- mSetObj$pathways$emp_cpds;
names(current.mset) <- path.names
path.names <- mSetObj$pathways$name
current.mset <- mSetObj$pathways$cpds;
names(current.mset) <- path.names
if(length(folds) > 50){
folds <- folds[1:50];
pvals <- pvals[1:50];
title <- "MS Peaks to Pathway Network Overview (Top 50)";
pvalue <- pvals;
id <- names(pvalue);
geneSets <- current.mset;
n <- length(pvalue);
w <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=n);
colnames(w) <- rownames(w) <- id;
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in i:n) {
w[i,j] = overlap_ratio(geneSets[id[i]], geneSets[id[j]])
wd <- melt(w);
wd <- wd[wd[,1] != wd[,2],];
wd <- wd[!is.na(wd[,3]),];
g <- graph.data.frame(wd[,-3], directed=F);
E(g)$width <- sqrt(wd[,3]*20);
g <- delete.edges(g, E(g)[wd[,3] < overlap]); # change
V(g)$color <- hcl.colors(length(pvalue), net_palette);
cnt <- folds;
names(cnt) <- id;
if(networkType == "static"){
V(g)$size <- cnt + 3;
V(g)$size <- cnt + 20;
pos.xy <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(g,niter=500);
# now create the json object
nodes <- vector(mode="list");
node.nms <- V(g)$name;
node.sizes <- V(g)$size;
node.cols <- V(g)$color;
for(i in 1:length(node.sizes)){
nodes[[i]] <- list(
id = node.nms[i],
x = pos.xy[i,1],
y = pos.xy[i,2]
edge.mat <- get.edgelist(g);
edge.mat <- cbind(id=1:nrow(edge.mat), source=edge.mat[,1], target=edge.mat[,2]);
# covert to json
netData <- list(nodes=nodes, edges=edge.mat);
if(networkType == "static"){
# static plot
p <- ggraph(g, layout=layout) + theme_void() +
geom_edge_fan(color="gray20", width=0.5, alpha=0.5) +
geom_node_point(color=V(g)$color, size=V(g)$size, alpha = 0.95) +
geom_node_text(aes(label = V(g)$name), size = netTextSize, repel=TRUE, nudge_y = 0.05, nudge_x = 0.05, check_overlap = TRUE) +
# 10% space above/to the side of x
scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(.1, .1))) +
scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(.1, .1)))
filename <- paste0(anal.type0, "_network", ".png")
ggsave(p, filename=filename, width = netPlotSize, height = netPlotSize)
# interactive plot
data <- toVisNetworkData(g)
network <- visNetwork(nodes = data$nodes, edges = data$edges,
idToLabel = TRUE, height = "900px", width = "100%") %>% visEdges(color=list(color="grey", highlight="red")) %>% visNodes(font = list(size = 30))
filename <- paste0(anal.type0, "_network", ".html")
visSave(network, file = filename)
if(plotType == "bubble"){
full_results <- read.csv("mspeaks_meta_anal_all_results.csv", row.names = 1)
if(nrow(path_results) > bubbleMaxPaths){
path_results <- path_results[seq_len(bubbleMaxPaths),]
full_results <- full_results[seq_len(bubbleMaxPaths),]
studies <- colnames(path_results)[-length(colnames(path_results))] # remove the Meta.P
studies_pathway_total <- paste0(studies, ".csv.Pathway_Total")
studies_sig_hits <- paste0(studies, ".csv.Hits")
}else if(anal.type0=="mummichog"){
studies <- colnames(path_results)[-length(colnames(path_results))] # remove the Meta.P
studies_pathway_total <- paste0(studies, ".csv.Pathway.total")
studies_sig_hits <- paste0(studies, ".csv.Hits.sig")
}else{ #integ
studies <- colnames(path_results)[-length(colnames(path_results))] # remove the Meta.P
studies_pathway_total <- paste0(studies, ".csv.Total_Size")
studies_sig_hits <- paste0(studies, ".csv.Sig_Hits")
studies_pathway_total <- full_results[,grepl(paste(studies_pathway_total, collapse="|"), colnames(full_results))]
studies_pathway_total_list <- lapply(split(t(studies_pathway_total), 1:nrow(t(studies_pathway_total))), unlist)
studies_sig_hits <- full_results[,grepl(paste(studies_sig_hits, collapse="|"), colnames(full_results))]
studies_sig_hits_list <- lapply(split(t(studies_sig_hits), 1:nrow(t(studies_sig_hits))), unlist)
ratio <- as.data.frame(mapply(function(X, Y) {
x = unlist(X)
y = unlist(Y)
ratio = x/y
}, X = studies_sig_hits_list, Y = studies_pathway_total_list))
ratio_String <- as.data.frame(mapply(function(X, Y, Z) {
x = unlist(X)
y = unlist(Y)
z = unlist(Z)
#ratio_String = paste0(z, " [", x, "/", y, "]");
ratio_String = paste0(z);
X = studies_sig_hits_list,
Y = studies_pathway_total_list,
Z = as.list(path_results[,-ncol(path_results)])))
## Added row to calculate the average ratio
ratio_mean <- rowMeans(ratio);
ratio <- cbind(ratio, ratio_mean);
ratio_String <- cbind(ratio_String, format(round(ratio_mean, 4)*100, nsmall = 2));
colnames(ratio) <- c(studies,"Meta.P");
#colnames(ratio_String) <- c(paste0(sub("mummichoginput", "",studies),"_Pvalue [Sig/Total]"), "Mean_Enrich(%)");
colnames(ratio_String) <- c(paste0(sub("mummichoginput", "",studies),"_Pvalue"), "Mean_Enrich(%)");
ratio$Pathway <- rownames(path_results);
ratio_String <- cbind(rownames(path_results), ratio_String);
ratio2 <- melt(ratio, id.vars = "Pathway", variable.name = "Study", value.name = "enrichment ratio");
#path_results <- path_results[, -length(colnames(path_results))];
path_results$Pathway <- rownames(path_results);
path_results2 <- melt(path_results, id.vars = "Pathway", variable.name = "Study", value.name = "p-value");
res_table <- cbind(ratio_String, path_results$Meta.P);
colnames(res_table)[c(1, length(colnames(res_table)))] <- c("Pathways", "Meta.P")
res_table <- res_table[order(res_table$Meta.P, -as.numeric(res_table$Mean_Enrich)),];
if(all(res_table$Mean_Enrich == "100.00")){
res_table <- res_table[,-which(colnames(res_table) == "Mean_Enrich(%)")]
mSetObj$dataSet$res_table <- res_table;
## This oder matrix is used to order the metap (first by P value, second by enrichment ratio)
order_matrix0 <- merge(path_results, ratio, by = c("Pathway"));
ColNMs <- c("Pathway", paste0(sub("mummichoginput", "",studies),"p-value"),"Meta.P",paste0(sub("mummichoginput", "",studies),"Enrich"),"Average_Enrich")
order_matrix <- cbind(order_matrix0$Pathway, order_matrix0$Meta.P.x, order_matrix0$Meta.P.y);
metap_order <- order_matrix[order(order_matrix[,2], -as.numeric(order_matrix[,3]))]
colnames(order_matrix0) <- ColNMs;
fast.write.csv(order_matrix0, file = "Result_summary.csv",row.names = FALSE)
df <- merge(path_results2, ratio2, by = c("Pathway", "Study"))
df$Pathway <- factor(df$Pathway, levels = rownames(path_results))
df$Study <- sub("mummichoginput", "", df$Study);
df$Study <- as.factor(df$Study);
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = Study, y = Pathway)) +
geom_point(aes(col = `p-value`, size = `enrichment ratio`)) +
axis.text = element_text(size = bubbleFontSize),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
panel.background = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = NA, size = 0.5),
axis.title.y=element_blank()) +
scale_y_discrete(limits = rev(metap_order)) +
guides(size = guide_legend(order = 0))
if(bubble_colorType == "brewer"){
pal <- brewer.pal(n = 8, bubble_palette)
p <- p + scale_colour_gradientn(colours = pal)
check.palette <- bubble_palette %in% c("viridis", "magma", "plasma", "inferno")
bubble_palette <- "viridis"
p <- p + scale_color_viridis_c(option=bubble_palette, direction = -1)
if(missing(width)) {
width <- bubblePlotSize;
if(missing(height)) {
height <- bubblePlotSize*0.6;
if(missing(format)) {
format <- "png";
if(missing(dpi)) {
dpi <- 300;
# filename <- paste0(imgName, ".png")
# filename <- paste0(imgName, width,"_", dpi,".", format)
filename <- paste0(imgName, "dpi", dpi,".", format)
device= format,
width = width,
height = height,
dpi = dpi)
ax <- list(
zeroline = FALSE,
showline = FALSE,
showgrid = FALSE
p <- plotly::ggplotly(p)
p <- p %>% layout(xaxis = ax, yaxis = ax)
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(p, "mspeaks_pathway_bubble_interactive.html")
mSetObj$imgSet$mummi.meta.path.plot <- filename;
if(.on.public.web) {
} else {
## R functions used to define the adducts for met-analysis
Customize.MetaAdduct <- function(mSet, name, name2, qvec, mode){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSet)
# fileNM <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(name));
# fileNM <- gsub("_", "", fileNM);
# if(name2 != "null"){
# fileNM <- gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", basename(fileNM));
# filename <- paste0(fileNM, "mixedmummichoginput.qs");
# } else {
# fileNM <- gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", basename(fileNM));
# filename <- paste0(fileNM, "mummichoginput.qs");
# }
# mSetObj <- qs::qread(filename);
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
for(nm in dataNMs){
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == name){
mSetObj[[nm]]$mode <- mode;
mSetObj[[nm]]$adduct.list <- qvec;
mSetObj[[nm]]$adduct.custom <- TRUE;
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == name2){
mSetObj[[nm]]$mode <- mode;
mSetObj[[nm]]$adduct.list <- qvec;
mSetObj[[nm]]$adduct.custom <- TRUE;
# mSetObj$dataSet$mode <- mode;
# mSetObj$dataSet$adduct.list <- qvec;
# mSetObj$adduct.custom <- TRUE;
# mSetObj$dataSet$fileName <- fileNM;
# qs::qsave(mSetObj, file = filename);
# return(1);
AdductMapping <- function(mSetObj){
adducts <- mSetObj$dataSet$adduct.list;
add.mode <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["mode"]];
if(add.mode == "positive"){
add_db <- .get.my.lib("pos_adduct.qs");
}else if(add.mode == "negative"){
add_db <- .get.my.lib("neg_adduct.qs");
}else if(add.mode == "mixed"){
add_db <- .get.my.lib("mixed_adduct.qs");
msg <- c("Adduct mode is not valid")
hit.inx <- match(tolower(adducts), tolower(add_db$Ion_Name));
hits <- length(na.omit(hit.inx))
if(hits == 0){
mSetObj$mummi$add.msg <- c("No adducts were selected!");
match.values <- add_db[na.omit(hit.inx),];
sel.add <- nrow(match.values);
if(sel.add > 0){
mSetObj$mummi$add.msg <- paste("A total of ", sel.add ," adducts were successfully selected!", sep = "")
mSetObj$dataSet$adduct.custom <- TRUE;
mSetObj$dataSet$add.map <- match.values;
#' PrepareMetaPath
#' @param mSetObj mSetObj
#' @param mode ion mode, can be "positive" or "negative"
#' @param ppm mass error, default is 30
#' @param version mummichog version, can be "v1" or "v2"
#' @param pcutoff p value cut-off, default is 0.05
#' @param rt.type character, retention time type, can be "minutes" or "seconds"
#' @param dataName file name 1 with absolute path
#' @param dataName2 file name 2 with absolute path or "null"
#' @export
#' @author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' Zhiqiang Pang\email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PrepareMetaPath <- function(mSetObj = NA,
mode = "negative",
ppm = 30,
version = "v2",
pcutoff = 0.05,
rt.type = "seconds",
dataName2) {
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
if(dataName2 == "null"){dataName2 = NULL}
fileTitle <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (dataName));
fileTitle2 <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (dataName2));
if(rt.type == "false" | rt.type == "no" | rt.type == "F"){
rt = FALSE
rt = TRUE
if(!(rt.type %in% c("seconds", "minutes"))){
AddErrMsg("Invalid RT type! Should be seconds or minutes!")
rt.studies <- vector()
rt.studies <<- c(rt.studies, rt);
## if(length(mSetObj$dataSet2) == 0) {
file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
CleanDataSet <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]];
dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName);
mSetObj$dataSet <- UniqueDataSet(c(mSetObj[["dataSet"]], dataSet));
# Here is dealing with the single ion mode data
mSet <<- mSetObj
mSetObj <- Ttests.Anal(mSetObj, F, pcutoff, FALSE, TRUE);
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- Convert2MummichogMetaPath(mSetObj, rt, rds.file=FALSE, rt.type, "all", mode);
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
fileNM <- mSetObj$dataSet$name;
fileNM <- gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", basename(fileNM));
filename <- paste0(fileNM, "_mummichog_input.txt");
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
mummi_new <- mSetObj$dataSet$mummi_new;
write.table(mummi_new, filename, row.names = FALSE);
mSetObj <- UpdateDataSet(mSetObj, mSetObj$dataSet);
mSetObj$dataSet <- CleanDataSet;
mSet <<- mSetObj
dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName);
} else {
# Here is dealing with the mix ion modes' data
# 1st step <- positive mode
file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
CleanDataSet <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]];
dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName);
mSetObj$dataSet <- UniqueDataSet(c(mSetObj[["dataSet"]], dataSet));
# Here is dealing with the single ion mode data
mSet <<- mSetObj
mSetObj <- Ttests.Anal(mSetObj, F, pcutoff, FALSE, TRUE);
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- Convert2MummichogMetaPath(mSetObj,
rt, rds.file=FALSE,
rt.type, "all", "positive");
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- UpdateDataSet(mSetObj, mSetObj$dataSet);
mSetObj$dataSet <- CleanDataSet;
mSet <<- mSetObj;
dataset_pos <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName);
# 2nd step <- negative mode
file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle2, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
CleanDataSet <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]];
dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName2);
mSetObj$dataSet <- UniqueDataSet(c(mSetObj[["dataSet"]], dataSet));
# Here is dealing with the single ion mode data
mSet <<- mSetObj
mSetObj <- Ttests.Anal(mSetObj, F, pcutoff, FALSE, TRUE);
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- Convert2MummichogMetaPath(mSetObj,
rt, rds.file=FALSE,
rt.type, "all", "negative");
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
fileNM <- mSetObj$dataSet$name;
fileNM <- gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", basename(fileNM));
filename <- paste0(fileNM, "_mixed_mummichog_input.txt");
mSetObj <- UpdateDataSet(mSetObj, mSetObj$dataSet);
mSetObj$dataSet <- CleanDataSet;
mSet <<- mSetObj
dataset_neg <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName2);
# Merge and save them
mtbl_all <- rbind(dataset_pos$mummi_new, dataset_neg$mummi_new[-1,])
write.table(mtbl_all, filename, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
# rm(mSetObj1)
# rm(mSetObj2)
mSet <<- mSetObj;
mSetObj<-SetPeakFormat(mSetObj, "mpt");
mSetObj<-UpdateInstrumentParameters(mSetObj, ppm, mode);
mSetObj<-Read.PeakListData(mSetObj, filename, meta.anal=TRUE, method="both");
res <- SetMummichogPval(mSetObj, pcutoff);
mSetObj <- SetMummichogPval(mSetObj, pcutoff);
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
mSetObj$dataSet <- CleanDataSet;
mSet <<- mSetObj
# mSetObj <- InitDataObjects("conc", "metapaths", FALSE)
# mSet$cmdSet <<- CMDSet;
} else {
mSetObj$analSet$type <- "metapaths";
anal.type <<- "metapaths"
CheckAllRT <- function(){
rt = "true"
rt = "false"
mSetQSDelete <- function(){
if (file.exists("mSet.qs")) {
CacheQSClean <- function(){
if(file.exists("complete_norm.qs")) file.remove("complete_norm.qs");
if(file.exists("complete_norm1.qs")) file.remove("complete_norm1.qs");
if(file.exists("complete_norm2.qs")) file.remove("complete_norm2.qs");
#' ReadMetaPathTable
#' @param mSetObj mSetObj
#' @param dataNM file name with absolute path
#' @param dataFormat data format, can be colu or rowu
#' @param dataType data type, usually "massPeaks"
#' @export
#' @author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' Zhiqiang Pang\email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
ReadMetaPathTable <- function(mSetObj = NA, dataNM, dataFormat, dataType) {
if(file.exists("data_orig.qs")) file.remove("data_orig.qs");
if(file.exists("data_orig1.qs")) file.remove("data_orig1.qs");
if(file.exists("data_orig2.qs")) file.remove("data_orig2.qs");
if(file.exists("mSet.qs")) file.remove("mSet.qs");
if(file.exists("prenorm.qs")) file.remove("prenorm.qs");
if(file.exists("preproc.qs")) file.remove("preproc.qs")
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
if(dataType == "massPeaks"){
# Handle mass peaks for mummichog
mSetObj <- Read.TextData(mSetObj, dataNM, dataFormat, "disc");
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
fileDataNM <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", dataNM);
file.rename(from = "data_orig.qs",
to = paste0(fileDataNM, "_orig.qs"));
MetaData <- list();
MetaData$cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
MetaData$orig.cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls;
MetaData$cmpd <- mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd;
MetaData$url.var.nms <- mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms;
MetaData$url.smp.nms <- mSetObj$dataSet$url.smp.nms;
MetaData$name <- dataNM;
MetaData$orig.data <- paste0(fileDataNM, "_orig.qs");
MetaData$format <- dataFormat;
MetaData$datamode <- "single";
MetaData$paramSet <- mSetObj$paramSet;
#mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum <- mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum + 1;
#metadataNM <- paste0("MetaData",mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum);
if(newDataset(mSetObj, dataNM)){
mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum <- mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum + 1;
metadataNM <- paste0("MetaData",mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum);
} else {
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
for(nm in dataNMs){
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataNM){
metadataNM <- nm;
mSetObj[[metadataNM]] <- MetaData;
mSetObj$dataSet$cls <-
mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls <-
mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd <-
mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms <-
mSetObj$dataSet$url.smp.nms <-
MetaData <- NULL;
#fileTitle <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", basename(dataNM));
#file.copy(from = "data_orig.qs", to= paste0(fileTitle, "_orig.qs"));
#mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
#mSetObj$dataSet$name <- dataNM;
#mSetObj$dataSet$format <- dataFormat;
} else if (dataType == "annoPeaks") {
# Handle annotated compounds for QEA pathway
# TODO: add more later
} else {
return (0);
AddErrMsg("Could not upload data file!")
return (1)
#' ReadMetaPathTableMix
#' @param mSetObj mSetObj
#' @param dataNM file name 1 with absolute path (should be ESI+)
#' @param dataNM2 file name 2 with absolute path (should be ESI-)
#' @param dataFormat data format, can be colu or rowu
#' @param dataType data type, usually "massPeaks"
#' @export
#' @author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' Zhiqiang Pang\email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
ReadMetaPathTableMix <- function(mSetObj = NA, dataNM, dataNM2, dataFormat, dataType) {
if(file.exists("data_orig.qs")) file.remove("data_orig.qs");
if(file.exists("data_orig1.qs")) file.remove("data_orig1.qs");
if(file.exists("data_orig2.qs")) file.remove("data_orig2.qs");
if(file.exists("mSet.qs")) file.remove("mSet.qs");
if(file.exists("prenorm.qs")) file.remove("prenorm.qs");
if(file.exists("preproc.qs")) file.remove("preproc.qs");
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
if(dataType == "massPeaks"){
# Handle mass peaks for mummichog - DATA 1
mSetObj <- Read.TextData(mSetObj, dataNM, dataFormat, "disc");
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
fileDataNM <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", dataNM);
file.rename(from = "data_orig.qs",
to = paste0(fileDataNM, "_orig.qs"));
MetaData <- list();
MetaData$cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
MetaData$orig.cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls;
MetaData$cmpd <- mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd;
MetaData$url.var.nms <- mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms;
MetaData$url.smp.nms <- mSetObj$dataSet$url.smp.nms;
MetaData$name <- dataNM;
MetaData$orig.data <- paste0(fileDataNM, "_orig.qs");
MetaData$format <- dataFormat;
MetaData$datamode <- "paired";
MetaData$paramSet <- mSetObj$paramSet;
if(newDataset(mSetObj, dataNM, dataNM2)){
mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum <- mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum + 1;
metadataNM <- paste0("MetaData",mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum);
newDS <- TRUE;
} else {
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
for(nm in dataNMs){
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataNM){
metadataNM <- nm;
newDS <- FALSE;
mSetObj[[metadataNM]] <- MetaData;
mSetObj$dataSet$cls <-
mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls <-
mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd <-
mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms <-
mSetObj$dataSet$url.smp.nms <-
MetaData <- NULL;
mSet <<- mSetObj;
# Handle mass peaks for mummichog - DATA 2
mSetObj <- Read.TextData(mSetObj, dataNM2, dataFormat, "disc");
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
fileDataNM2 <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", dataNM2);
file.rename(from = "data_orig.qs",
to = paste0(fileDataNM2, "_orig.qs"));
MetaData <- list();
MetaData$cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
MetaData$orig.cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls;
MetaData$cmpd <- mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd;
MetaData$url.var.nms <- mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms;
MetaData$url.smp.nms <- mSetObj$dataSet$url.smp.nms;
MetaData$name <- dataNM2;
MetaData$orig.data <- paste0(fileDataNM2, "_orig.qs");
MetaData$format <- dataFormat;
MetaData$datamode <- "paired";
MetaData$paramSet <- mSetObj$paramSet;
metadataNM <- paste0("MetaData",mSetObj$paramSet$metaNum,"_2");
} else {
metadataNM <- paste0(metadataNM, "_2")
mSetObj[[metadataNM]] <- MetaData;
mSetObj$dataSet$cls <-
mSetObj$dataSet$orig.cls <-
mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd <-
mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms <-
mSetObj$dataSet$url.smp.nms <-
MetaData <- NULL;
} else if (dataType == "annoPeaks") {
# Handle annotated compounds for QEA pathway
# TODO: add more later
} else {
return (0);
return (1)
#' SanityCheckMetaPathTable
#' @param mSetObj mSetObj
#' @param dataName file name 1 with absolute path
#' @param dataName2 file name 2 with absolute path or "null"
#' @export
#' @author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' Zhiqiang Pang\email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
SanityCheckMetaPathTable<-function(mSetObj=NA, dataName, dataName2){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
if(dataName2 == "null"){dataName2 = NULL}
fileTitle <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (dataName));
fileTitle2 <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (dataName2));
# mSetObjNM <- paste0(fileTitle, "_" ,fileTitle2, "_mSetObj.qs");
dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName)
dataSet2 <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, dataName2)
data_oriNM <- dataSet$orig.data
} else {
data_oriNM <- c(dataSet$orig.data, dataSet2$orig.data)
msg <- NULL;
for(i in seq(data_oriNM)){
conc <- qs::qread(data_oriNM[i]);
if(i == 2){
# dataSet <- mSetObj[[paste0("dataSet",i)]];
dataSet <- dataSet2;
cls.lbl <- dataSet$cls.orig <- dataSet$orig.cls;
smpl.nms <- rownames(conc);
var.nms <- colnames(conc);
empty.inx <- is.na(smpl.nms) | smpl.nms == ""
if(sum(empty.inx) > 0){
msg <- c(msg, paste("<font color=\"red\">", sum(empty.inx), "empty rows</font> were detected and excluded from your data."));
smpl.nms <- smpl.nms[!empty.inx];
cls.lbl <- cls.lbl[!empty.inx];
conc <- conc[!empty.inx, ];
if(i == 1){nn = NULL}else{nn = 2}
msg <- c(msg, paste0("No empty rows were found in this data: ", mSetObj[[paste0("dataSet", nn)]][["name"]]));
# try to check & remove empty lines if class label is empty
# Added by B. Han
empty.inx <- is.na(cls.lbl) | cls.lbl == ""
if(sum(empty.inx) > 0){
msg <- c(msg, paste("<font color=\"red\">", sum(empty.inx), "empty labels</font> were detected and excluded from your data."));
smpl.nms <- smpl.nms[!empty.inx];
cls.lbl <- cls.lbl[!empty.inx];
conc <- conc[!empty.inx, ];
if(i == 1){nn = NULL}else{nn = 2}
msg <- c(msg, paste0("No empty labels were found in this data: ", mSetObj[[paste0("dataSet", nn)]][["name"]]));
if(length(unique(cls.lbl[!empty.inx])) > 2){
msg <- c(msg, paste(c("Groups found:", unique(cls.lbl[!empty.inx])), collapse=" "));
msg <- c(msg, "<font color=\"red\">Meta-analysis is only defined for two-group comparisions!</font>");
lvls <- as.character(unique(unlist(cls.lbl)))
msg <- c(msg, paste("Two groups found:", lvls[1], "and", lvls[2], collapse=" "));
# check for uniqueness of dimension name
dup.nm <- paste(smpl.nms[duplicated(smpl.nms)], collapse=" ");
msg <- c(msg, "Duplicate sample names are not allowed!");
msg <- c(msg, "All sample names are unique.");
# try to remove check & remove empty line if feature name is empty
empty.inx <- is.na(var.nms) | var.nms == "";
if(sum(empty.inx) > 0){
msg <- c(msg, paste("<font color=\"red\">", sum(empty.inx), "empty features</font> were detected and excluded from your data."));
var.nms <- var.nms[!empty.inx];
conc <- conc[,!empty.inx];
msg <- c(msg, "No empty feature names found");
dup.inx <- which(duplicated(var.nms));
msg <- c(msg, paste("Error: a total of", length(dup.inx), "duplicate feature names found!"));
if(length(dup.inx) > 9){
dup.inx <- dup.inx[1:9];
dup.nm <- paste("Duplicated names [max 9]: ", var.nms[dup.inx], collapse=" ");
msg <- c(msg, "All feature names are unique");
# now check for special characters in the data labels
na.inx <- is.na(iconv(smpl.nms));
nms <- paste(smpl.nms[na.inx], collapse="; ");
msg <- c(msg, paste("No special letters (i.e. Latin, Greek) are allowed in sample names!", nms, collapse=" "));
msg <- c(msg, "All sample names are OK");
na.inx <- is.na(iconv(var.nms));
nms <- paste(var.nms[na.inx], collapse="; ");
msg <- c(msg, paste("No special letters (i.e. Latin, Greek) are allowed in feature names!", nms, collapse=" "));
msg <- c(msg, "All feature names are OK");
# only keep alphabets, numbers, ",", "." "_", "-" "/"
smpl.nms <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]./_-]", "", smpl.nms);
var.nms <- gsub("[^[:alnum:][:space:],'./_-]", "", var.nms); # allow space, comma and period
cls.lbl <- ClearStrings(as.vector(cls.lbl));
# now assgin the dimension names
conc <- apply(conc, 2, as.numeric);
rownames(conc) <- smpl.nms;
colnames(conc) <- var.nms;
proc.cls <- as.factor(as.character(cls.lbl));
# now need to remove low quality samples and genes
data <- conc;
smpl.num <- nrow(data);
gene.num <- ncol(data);
# remove smpls/exp with over half missing value
good.inx<-apply(is.na(data), 1, sum)/ncol(data)<0.6;
smpl.msg <- "";
msg <- c(msg, paste(sum(!good.inx), "low quality samples(>60% missing) removed."));
data <- data[good.inx,];
if(nrow(data)/smpl.num < 0.5){
msg <- c(msg, paste(msg, "Low quality data rejected!"));
# update meta information
proc.cls <- proc.cls[good.inx];
if(ncol(data) < 4){
msg <- c(msg, paste("The sample # (", nrow(data), ") is too small."));
msg <- c(msg, paste("A total of", nrow(data), "samples were found."));
# feature with 75% NA will be removed
gd.inx<-apply(is.na(data), 2, sum)/nrow(data) < 0.75;
feat.msg <- "";
if(sum(!gd.inx) > 0){
data <- data[, gd.inx];
msg <- c(msg, paste(sum(!gd.inx), "low quality features (>75% missing) removed"));
if(ncol(data)/gene.num < 0.25){
msg <- c(msg, paste(feat.msg, "Low quality data rejected."));
# feature with 90% ZEROs will be removed
gd.inx<-apply(data==0, 2, function(x) {sum(x, na.rm=T)})/nrow(data) < 0.9;
feat.msg <- "";
if(sum(!gd.inx) > 0){
data <- data[, gd.inx];
msg <- c(msg, paste(sum(!gd.inx), "low quality features (>90% zeros) removed"));
if(ncol(data)/gene.num< 0.25){
msg <- c(msg, paste(feat.msg, "Low quality data rejected."));
if(ncol(data) < 10){
msg <- c(msg, "The feature# (", ncol(data), ") is too small (<10).");
} else {
msg <- c(msg, paste("A total of", ncol(data), "features were found.", collapse=" "));
# replace missing values should use median for normalized data
min.val <- min(data[data>0], na.rm=T)/10;
data[is.na(data)] <- min.val;
data[data<=0] <- min.val;
dataSet$data.proc <- dataSet$data <- data;
dataSet$cls.proc <- dataSet$cls <- factor(proc.cls);
mSetObj <- UpdateDataSet(mSetObj, dataSet);
#RegisterData(mSetObj, dataSet)
if(i ==1 && length(data_oriNM) > 1){
msg <- c(msg, paste("----------------------------------"));
} # end of the for loop
# Collect all msg here
mSetObj$dataSet$check.msg <- msg; #may consider msg missing
# qs::qsave(mSetObj, file = mSetObjNM);
} else {
#RegisterData(mSetObj, dataSet)
FetchDataSet <- function(mSetObj, dataName) {
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
if(is.null(dataName)) return(NULL)
for(nm in dataNMs){
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){
UpdateDataSet <- function(mSetObj, dataSet) {
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
for(nm in dataNMs){
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataSet$name){
mSetObj[[nm]] <- dataSet
UniqueDataSet <- function(dataSet) {
dataItems <- unique(names(dataSet));
newdataSet <- list();
for(i in dataItems) {
newdataSet[[i]] <- dataSet[[i]];
UpgradeDataSet <- function(mSetObj, dataSet, dataName) {
#Further merge dataset with MetaData list
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
for(nm in dataNMs){
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){
mSetObj[[nm]] <- UniqueDataSet(c(mSetObj[[nm]], dataSet))
ExtractNormTable <- function(mSetObj, dataName) {
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
for(nm in dataNMs){
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){
newDataset <- function(mSetObj, dataName, dataName2 = NULL) {
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
cond1 <- cond2 <- FALSE;
for(nm in dataNMs){
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){
cond1 <- TRUE;
if(mSetObj[[paste0(nm,"_2")]]$name == dataName2){
cond2 <- TRUE;
return(!(cond1 & cond2))
FormatmSet <- function(mSetObj, dataName){
mSetObj0 <- list();
#mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
for(nm in dataNMs){
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){
mSetObj0$dataSet <- mSetObj[[nm]];
mSetObj0$paramSet <- mSetObj[["paramSet"]];
mSetObj0$paramSet$anal.type <- mSetObj$paramSet$anal.type;
mSetObj0$mum_nm_csv <- mSetObj$mum_nm_csv;
mSetObj0$mum_nm <- mSetObj$mum_nm;
defineVersion <- function(mSetObj, dataName, dataName2, version){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
for(nm in dataNMs){
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){
mSetObj[[nm]]$paramSet$version <- version;
mSetObj[[nm]]$paramSet$mumRT <- TRUE;
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName2){
mSetObj[[nm]]$paramSet$version <- version;
mSetObj[[nm]]$paramSet$mumRT <- TRUE;
AverageRTtol <- function(mSetObj){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
rts <- vector()
for(nm in dataNMs){
rts <- c(rts, mSetObj[[nm]]$rt_tol)
AverageRTfrac <- function(mSetObj){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
rtfs <- vector()
for(nm in dataNMs){
rtfs <- c(rtfs, mSetObj[[nm]]$rt_frac)
GetMetaPathSanityCheckMsg <- function(mSetObj=NA, dataName){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetMetaPathDataDims <- function(mSetObj=NA, dataName){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
for(nm in dataNMs){
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){
data <- mSetObj[[nm]]$data;
#if(mSetObj$dataSet$name != dataName){
# data <- mSetObj$dataSet2$data;
#} else {
# data <- mSetObj$dataSet$data;
dm <- dim(data);
naNum <- sum(is.na(data));
zoNum <- sum(data == 0);
return(c(dm, naNum, zoNum));
GetMetaPathGroupNames <-function(mSetObj=NA, dataName){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
for(nm in dataNMs){
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == dataName){
cls <- mSetObj[[nm]]$cls;
#if(mSetObj$dataSet$name != dataName){
# dataSet <- qs::qread(dataName);
PlotPathDataProfile<-function(dataName, dataName2= NULL, boxplotName, boxplotName2 =NULL, dataformat){
#dataSet <- qs::qread(dataName);
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
datatable <- mSetObj$dataSet$data;
if(length(mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["name"]]) > 0) {
if(mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["name"]] != dataName){
datatable <- NULL;
} else {
datatable <- NULL;
if(dataformat == "colu"){
dt <- t(read.csv(dataName)[-1,])
colnames(dt) <- dt[1,]
} else if(dataformat == "rowu"){
dt <- read.csv(dataName,header = FALSE);
rownames(dt) <- dt[,1]
dt <- dt[,-c(1,2)]
colnames(dt) <- dt[1,]
dt <- dt[-1,]
datatable <- dt;
datatable[is.na(datatable)] <-0;
dataName <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(dataName))
if(!is.null(dataName2) && (dataName2 != "null")){
if (dataformat == "colu") {
dt <- t(read.csv(dataName2)[-1, ])
colnames(dt) <- dt[1, ]
} else if (dataformat == "rowu") {
dt <- read.csv(dataName2, header = FALSE);
rownames(dt) <- dt[, 1]
dt <- dt[, -c(1, 2)]
colnames(dt) <- dt[1, ]
dt <- dt[-1, ]
datatable2 <- dt;
datatable2[is.na(datatable2)] <-0;
dataName2 <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(dataName2));
qc.biBoxPlot(datatable, datatable2,
dataName, dataName2, vertical = TRUE);
} else {
qc.boxplot(datatable, paste0(dataName, boxplotName));
#' MetaPathNormalization
#' @param mSetObj mSetObj
#' @param sampleNor sample Normalization option
#' @param tranform sample transformation option
#' @param scale sample scale option
#' @param name file name 1 with absolute path
#' @param name2 file name 2 with absolute path or "null"
#' @export
#' @author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' Zhiqiang Pang\email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
MetaPathNormalization <- function(mSetObj = NA, sampleNor, tranform, scale = "NULL", name, name2) {
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
if(name2 == "null"){name2 = NULL}
fileTitle <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (name));
fileTitle2 <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (name2));
# mSetObjNM <- paste0(fileTitle, "_" ,fileTitle2, "_mSetObj.qs");
# mSetNormedNM <- paste0(fileTitle, "_" ,fileTitle2, "_normalized_mSet.qs");
## next, when doing the path analysis, will use '*_normalized_mSet.qs'
# mSet <<- mSetObj <- qs::qread(mSetObjNM);
# if(length(mSetObj$dataSet2) == 0){
file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
CleanDataSet <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]];
dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, name)
mSetObj$dataSet <- c(mSetObj[["dataSet"]],dataSet)
mSetObj <- SanityCheckData(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- ReplaceMin(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- FilterVariable(mSetObj, "F", 25, "iqr", NULL);
mSetObj <- PreparePrenormData(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- Normalization(mSetObj, sampleNor, tranform, scale, ratio=FALSE, ratioNum=20);
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- UpdateDataSet(mSetObj, mSetObj$dataSet);
mSetObj$dataSet <- CleanDataSet;
# mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
} else {
# 1st step
file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
CleanDataSet <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]];
dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, name);
mSetObj$dataSet <- c(mSetObj[["dataSet"]],dataSet);
mSetObj <- SanityCheckData(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- ReplaceMin(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- FilterVariable(mSetObj,"F", 25, "iqr", NULL);
mSetObj <- PreparePrenormData(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- Normalization(mSetObj, sampleNor, tranform, scale, ratio=FALSE, ratioNum=20);
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- UpdateDataSet(mSetObj, mSetObj$dataSet);
mSetObj$dataSet <- CleanDataSet;
# 2nd step
file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle2, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
CleanDataSet <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]];
dataSet <- FetchDataSet(mSetObj, name2);
mSetObj$dataSet <- c(mSetObj[["dataSet"]],dataSet);
mSetObj <- SanityCheckData(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- ReplaceMin(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- FilterVariable(mSetObj, "F", 25, "iqr", NULL);
mSetObj <- PreparePrenormData(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- Normalization(mSetObj, sampleNor, tranform, scale, ratio=FALSE, ratioNum=20);
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- UpdateDataSet(mSetObj, mSetObj$dataSet);
mSetObj$dataSet <- CleanDataSet;
mSet <<- mSetObj;
## This is used to deal with the mix data files
# 1st step, process dataset 1 (pos data)
# file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
# mSetObj <- SanityCheckData(mSetObj);
# mSetObj <- ReplaceMin(mSetObj);
# mSetObj <- FilterVariable(mSetObj, "F", 25, "iqr", NULL)
# mSetObj <- PreparePrenormData(mSetObj)
# mSetObj <- Normalization(mSetObj, sampleNor, tranform, scale, ratio=FALSE, ratioNum=20)
# file.rename("data_orig.qs", "data_orig1.qs");
# file.rename("complete_norm.qs", "complete_norm1.qs");
# mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
# dataset_pos <- mSetObj$dataSet;
# 2nd step, process dataset 2 (neg data)
# file.copy(from = paste0(fileTitle2, "_orig.qs"), to = "data_orig.qs", overwrite = TRUE)
# mSetObj$dataSet <- mSet$dataSet2;
# mSetObj <- SanityCheckData(mSetObj);
# mSetObj <- ReplaceMin(mSetObj);
# mSetObj <- FilterVariable(mSetObj, "F", 25, "iqr", NULL)
# mSetObj <- PreparePrenormData(mSetObj)
# mSetObj <- Normalization(mSetObj, sampleNor, tranform, scale, ratio=FALSE, ratioNum=20)
# file.rename("data_orig.qs", "data_orig2.qs");
# file.rename("complete_norm.qs", "complete_norm2.qs");
# mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
# dataset_neg <- mSetObj$dataSet;
# refine the mSet
# mSetObj$dataSet <- dataset_pos;
# mSetObj$dataSet2 <- dataset_neg;
dt1 <- as.matrix(ExtractNormTable(mSetObj, name));
dt2 <- as.matrix(ExtractNormTable(mSetObj, name2));
vertical = FALSE);
# print(paste0("--------- mSetNormedNM to save is --->", mSetNormedNM))
# mSet$cmdSet <<- NULL;
# mSetObj$cmdSet <- NULL;
# qs::qsave(mSetObj, file = mSetNormedNM)
} else {
GetMetaPathResultColNames <- function() {
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetMetaPathNMs <- function() {
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetMetaPathResultItem <- function(rowN) {
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
res <- mSetObj$dataSet$res_table[,-1];
PrepareCMPDList <- function() {
MetaMummiRes <- RJSONIO::fromJSON("ms_peaks_meta_anal_cpd_matching.json");
CMPDSet <- unique(unlist(lapply(MetaMummiRes, function(x) return(unique(x$Matched.Compound)))))
Prepare4Network <- function(mSetObj = NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
# mSet <<- mSetObj <- NULL;
# mSetObj <- InitDataObjects("conc", "network", FALSE)
mSetObj <- SetOrganism(mSetObj, "hsa")
cmpdList <- PrepareCMPDList()
cmpdList <- paste(cmpdList, collapse = "\n")
mSetObj <- PerformCmpdMapping(mSetObj, cmpdList, "hsa", "kegg")
#mSetObj <- CreateMappingResultTable(mSetObj)
mSetObj <- PrepareNetworkData(mSetObj)
idtype <<- "cmpd";
mSetObj <- PrepareKeggQueryJson(mSetObj);
mSetObj <- PerformKOEnrichAnalysis_KO01100(mSetObj, "pathway","network_enrichment_pathway_0")
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetSigPathNums <- function(pvalCutoff){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(NA);
pathSet <- mSetObj$dataSet$pathResults;
anal.type0 <- mSetObj[["paramSet"]][["anal.type"]];
if(class(pathSet[[1]])[1] == "matrix"){
qs::qsave(pathSet, file = "pathSet_tmp.qs")
} else {
pathSet <- qs::qread("pathSet_tmp.qs")
if(anal.type0 == "mummichog"){
sig.paths <- lapply(pathSet, function(x) return(rownames(x)[as.data.frame(x)$FET <= pvalCutoff]));
sig.paths <- lapply(pathSet, function(x) return(rownames(x)[as.data.frame(x)$P_val <= pvalCutoff]));
resTable <- mSetObj$dataSet$res_table
sig.paths$meta_dat <- resTable[resTable$Meta.P <= pvalCutoff, "Pathways"]
names(sig.paths) <- gsub("mummichoginput.qs", "", names(sig.paths));
mSetObj$dataSet$pathSumData <- sig.paths;
pathSum <- unlist(lapply(sig.paths, length));
SelectMultiPathData <- function(mSetObj=NA, nmVec = NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
AddErrMsg("No dataset is selected for analysis!");
# mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["pathResults_SelectedFiles"]] <-
# gsub("_","",gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", basename(nmVec)));
mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["pathResults_SelectedFiles"]] <- basename(nmVec);
PrepareMetaPathData <- function(mSetObj = NA, imgNm="NA"){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
MixNms <- gsub("_2", "", dataNMs[substr(dataNMs, nchar(dataNMs)-1, nchar(dataNMs)) == "_2"])
# do something here later
dat <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["pathSumData"]];
datNum <- length(mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["pathResults_SelectedFiles"]]);
nms <- gsub(".csv","",names(dat));
for(nd in seq(names(dat))){
for(nm in MixNms){
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == names(dat)[nd]){
names(dat)[nd] <- paste0(gsub(".csv","",names(dat)[nd]),"mixed");
names(dat) <- gsub(".csv","",names(dat));
dat <- dat[c(mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["pathResults_SelectedFiles"]])];
df <- melt(dat, value.name="id")
colnames(df) <- c("name", 'set')
uniq.nms <- unique(df$name)
new.df <- dcast(df, name ~ set, value.var='set', fill=0)
rownames(new.df) <- new.df[,1]
new.df <- new.df[,-1]
json.list <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(new.df)){
json.list[[i]] <- list()
json.list[[i]][["sets"]] <- new.df[i,][new.df[i,] != 0]
json.list[[i]][["name"]] <- rownames(new.df)[i]
col.vec <-gg_color_hue(length(dat));
jsonNm <- paste0(imgNm, ".json")
json.mat <- RJSONIO::toJSON(list(json.list, col.vec));
GetVennPathsNames <- function(mSetObj=NA, areas){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
nms <- strsplit(areas, "\\|\\|")[[1]];
path.vec <- NULL;
for(nm in nms){
path.vec <- c(path.vec, vennData[[nm]]);
path.vec <- unique(path.vec);
names(path.vec) <- path.vec;
if(length(path.vec) ==0){
} else {
return(paste(path.vec, collapse="||"))
#' setInclusionDataSets#'
#' @param datasVec a vector of all files
#' @param mSetObj mSetObj
#' @export
#' @examples #setInclusionDataSets(c("A1_pos.csv","B1_pos.csv","C1_pos.csv"));
#' @author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' Zhiqiang Pang\email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
setInclusionDataSets <- function(mSetObj=NA, datasVec){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
fileNM <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(datasVec));
dataNMs <- names(mSetObj)[grepl("MetaData",names(mSetObj))];
mSetObj$IncludedDataSets <- NULL;
for(nm in dataNMs){
for(ds in datasVec) {
if(mSetObj[[nm]]$name == ds){
mSetObj$IncludedDataSets <- c(mSetObj$IncludedDataSets, ds)
#mSetObj$InclusionDataSets <- NMs[sapply(NMs, file.exists)]
qc.biBoxPlot <- function(dat, dat2 = NULL, imgNm1, imgNM2 = NULL,
format="png", dpi=72, width=NA, vertical = TRUE){
imgNm <- paste(imgNm1,"_",imgNM2, "_dpi", dpi, "_norm_box", ".", format, sep="");
imgNm <- paste(imgNm1,"_",imgNM2, "_dpi", dpi, "_qc_box", ".", format, sep="");
if (nrow(dat)>subgene) {
sg = sample(nrow(dat), subgene)
Mss = dat[sg,,drop=FALSE]
} else {
Mss = dat
if (ncol(Mss)>subsmpl) {
ss = sample(ncol(Mss), subsmpl)
Mss = Mss[,ss,drop=FALSE]
} else {
Mss = Mss
sample_id = rep(seq_len(ncol(Mss)), each = nrow(Mss));
values = as.numeric(Mss)
formula = sample_id ~ values
box = bwplot(formula, groups = sample_id, layout = c(1,1), as.table = TRUE,
strip = function(..., bg) strip.default(..., bg ="#cce6ff"),
horizontal = TRUE, main = imgNm1,
pch = "|", col = "black", do.out = FALSE, box.ratio = 2,
xlab = "", ylab = "Features",
fill = "#1c61b6AA",
panel = panel.superpose,
scales = list(x=list(relation="free"), y=list(axs="i")),
ylim = c(ncol(Mss)+0.7,0.3),
prepanel = function(x, y) {
list(xlim = quantile(x, probs = c(0.01, 0.99), na.rm=TRUE))
panel.groups = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.bwplot(x, y, ...)
dat <- dat2;
if (nrow(dat)>subgene) {
sg = sample(nrow(dat), subgene)
Mss = dat[sg,,drop=FALSE]
} else {
Mss = dat
if (ncol(Mss)>subsmpl) {
ss = sample(ncol(Mss), subsmpl)
Mss = Mss[,ss,drop=FALSE]
} else {
Mss = Mss
sample_id = rep(seq_len(ncol(Mss)), each = nrow(Mss));
values = as.numeric(Mss)
formula = sample_id ~ values
box2 = bwplot(formula, groups = sample_id, layout = c(1,1), as.table = TRUE,
strip = function(..., bg) strip.default(..., bg ="#cce6ff"),
horizontal = TRUE, main = imgNM2,
pch = "|", col = "black", do.out = FALSE, box.ratio = 2,
xlab = "", ylab = "Features",
fill = "#1c61b6AA",
panel = panel.superpose,
scales = list(x=list(relation="free"), y=list(axs="i")),
ylim = c(ncol(Mss)+0.7,0.3),
prepanel = function(x, y) {
list(xlim = quantile(x, probs = c(0.01, 0.99), na.rm=TRUE))
panel.groups = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.bwplot(x, y, ...)
width = width;
height = height*2;
nrows = 2;
} else {
width = width*2;
height = height;
nrows = 1;
Cairo::Cairo(file=imgNm, width=460, height=420, type="png", bg="white");
} else {
Cairo::Cairo(file=imgNm, width=width, height=height, type="png", bg="white");
grid.arrange(box, box2, nrow = nrows);
Finish.DataSet <- function(dataName, dataName2 = NULL){
if(dataName2 == "null"){dataName2 = NULL}
fileTitle <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (dataName));
fileTitle2 <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", (dataName2));
mSetObjNM <- paste0(fileTitle, "_" ,fileTitle2, "_mSet.qs");
qs::qsave(mSet, file = mSetObjNM)
Restore.CmdHistory <- function(){
cmdSet <- qs::qread("cmdSet.qs");
mSet$cmdSet <<- c(cmdSet, mSet$cmdSet);
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.