
Defines functions doKOFiltering RemoveDuplicates SetCurrentMetaData Save2KEGGJSON PerformKOEnrichAnalysis_List MapKO2KEGGEdges PerformKOProjection LoadKEGGKO_lib .save.global.res .prepare.global PerformKOEnrichAnalysis_KO01100 filtKOmap PrepareQueryJson PerformKOmapping PlotFunctionStack PreparePCA4Shotgun ReadShotgunBiomData ReadShotgunTabData UpdateListInput GetGeneListStat

Documented in GetGeneListStat PerformKOEnrichAnalysis_KO01100 PerformKOmapping PerformKOProjection PlotFunctionStack PreparePCA4Shotgun PrepareQueryJson ReadShotgunBiomData ReadShotgunTabData UpdateListInput

## R script for MicrobiomeAnalyst
## Description: Data/resource management functions
## Author: Jeff Xia, jeff.xia@mcgill.ca

########### I/O ###########

#'Function to get gene list statistics
#'@description This function gets the gene list stats.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

GetGeneListStat <- function(mbSetObj){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  range <- c(0, 0);
    val.range <- c(0, 0);
    val.range <- range(mbSetObj$analSet$ko.mapped[,1])
  return(c(nrow(mbSetObj$analSet$ko.orig), nrow(mbSetObj$analSet$ko.mapped), mbSetObj$analSet$gene.only, val.range));

#'Function to filter list data based on a minimum count
#'@description This function filters the inputted list data
#'based on a minimum count.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

UpdateListInput <- function(mbSetObj, minL, maxL=Inf){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  hit.inx <- mbSetObj$analSet$ko.mapped >= minL & mbSetObj$analSet$ko.mapped <= maxL;
  if(sum(hit.inx) > 0){
    current.msg <<- paste("A total of unqiue", sum(hit.inx), "KO genes were selected based on the cutoff", minL);
    mbSetObj$analSet$data <- mbSetObj$analSet$ko.mapped[hit.inx, , drop=FALSE];
    mbSetObj$dataSet$filt.msg <- current.msg;
    current.msg <<- "No genes were selected in this range!";
    mbSetObj$dataSet$filt.msg <- current.msg;

#'Main function to read in shotgun data
#'@description This function reads in shotgun data
#'in a tabular format.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
ReadShotgunTabData <- function(mbSetObj, dataName, geneidtype,is.normalized) {
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);

  mydata <- .readDataTable(dataName);
  if(any(is.na(mydata)) || class(mydata) == "try-error"){
    AddErrMsg("Failed to read in the abundance data! Please make sure the gene abundance table is in the right format and do not have empty cells or NA.");
  # look for #NAME, store in a list
  #just to check the name of labels.
  sam.nm <- substr(colnames(mydata[1]),1,5);
  sam.nm <- tolower(sam.nm);
  sam.inx <- grep("^#name",sam.nm);
  if(length(sam.inx) > 0){
    AddErrMsg("No labels #NAME found in your data!");

  dat.nms <- mydata[,1];
  mydata <- as.matrix(mydata[,-1]);
    AddErrMsg(paste("Errors in parsing your data as numerics - possible reason: comma as decimal separator?"));
  rownames(mydata) <- dat.nms;

   mbSetObj$micDataType = "ko"
  mbSetObj$micDataType = "na"

  mbSetObj$dataSet$name <- basename(dataName);
  mbSetObj$dataSet$data.orig <- mydata;
  mbSetObj$dataSet$smpl_nm <- smpl_nm;
  current.msg <<- paste("A total of ",ncol(mydata) , " samples and ", nrow(mydata), " metagenomic features are present.");
 mbSetObj$dataSet$is.normalized <- is.normalized;



#'Main function to read in shotgun data
#'@description This function reads in shotgun data
#'in biom format.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#'@import biomformat
ReadShotgunBiomData <- function(mbSetObj, dataName, geneidtype, module.type, ismetadata,is.normalized) {
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  #to support biom file produced by picrust, (read_biom:phyloseq) function doesn't work
  msg <- NULL;
  #reading .biom file using phyloseq
  mydata <- biomformat::read_biom(dataName);

  #converting to matrix for further use
  mydata = as(biom_data(mydata), "matrix")
  otu.dat = otu_table(mydata, taxa_are_rows=TRUE)
    AddErrMsg("Biom file does not contain abundance information");
  msg <- c(msg, "Abundance data present.");

  mbSetObj$dataSet$name <- basename(dataName);
  mbSetObj$dataSet$data <- otu.dat;

  #sample file if present within
    sample_data<-sample_data(mydata,errorIfNULL = FALSE);
      AddErrMsg("Metadata file not detected in your biom file. Please upload metadeta file seperately.");
    msg <- c(msg, "Metadata file is also detected in your biom file.");

  msg <- c(msg, paste("A total of ",ncol(mydata) , " samples and ", nrow(mydata), " metagenomic features were found."));
  current.msg <<- paste(msg, collapse="; ");

  mbSetObj$dataSet$data.orig <- otu.dat;
  mbSetObj$dataSet$is.normalized <- is.normalized;

#'Function to prepare shotgun data for PCA.
#'@description This function formats shotgun data for PCA.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#'@import ggfortify
PreparePCA4Shotgun <- function(mbSetObj, imgName,imgName2, format="json", inx1, inx2, inx3,
                              variable, showlabel, format2d="png", dpi=72){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  imgName2 = paste(imgName2, ".", format2d, sep="");

  dat <- as.matrix(otu_table(mbSetObj$dataSet$norm.phyobj));
  pca3d <- list();
  pca <- prcomp(t(dat), center=T, scale=T);
  imp.pca <- summary(pca)$importance;
  fast.write(signif(pca$x,5), file="pca_score.csv");
  pca3d$score$axis <- paste("PC", 1:3, " (", 100*round(imp.pca[2,][1:3], 3), "%)", sep="");
  coords <- data.frame(t(signif(pca$x[,1:3], 5)),check.names=FALSE);
  colnames(coords) <- NULL;
  pca3d$score$type <- "factor";
  pca3d$score$xyz <- coords;
  pca3d$score$name <- sample_names(mbSetObj$dataSet$norm.phyobj);
  sam_data <- data.frame(sample_data(mbSetObj$dataSet$norm.phyobj),check.names=FALSE);
  cls <- as.character(sample_data(mbSetObj$dataSet$norm.phyobj)[[variable]]);
  clsLbl <- sam_data[[variable]];
  pca3d$score$facA <- cls;
  variable <<- variable;
  # now set color for each group
  cols <- unique(as.numeric(factor(cls)))+1;
  rgbcols <- col2rgb(cols);
  cols <- apply(rgbcols, 2, function(x){paste("rgb(", paste(x, collapse=","), ")", sep="")});
  pca3d$score$colors <- cols;
  #json.obj <- rjson::toJSON(pca3d);

  Cairo::Cairo(file=imgName2, width=720, height=500, type=format2d, bg="white",dpi=dpi);
  label = FALSE;
    label = TRUE;
    box <- autoplot(pca,data=sam_data,colour=variable,size=4,alpha =0.8,label = label) + theme_bw()
    box <- box + stat_ellipse(type="norm", linetype=2, geom = "polygon",alpha = 0.2, aes_string(fill = quo(clsLbl)), show.legend=FALSE)
    box <- box + labs(x = pca3d$score$axis[1], y = pca3d$score$axis[2]);
  } else if(showlabel=="none") {
    box <- autoplot(pca,data=sam_data,colour=variable,size=4,alpha =0.8,label = label) + theme_bw()
    box <- box + stat_ellipse(type="norm", linetype=2, geom = "polygon",alpha = 0.2, aes_string(fill = quo(clsLbl)), show.legend=FALSE)
    box <- box + labs(x = pca3d$score$axis[1], y = pca3d$score$axis[2]);
  } else {
    grplbl <<- sam_data[ ,showlabel];
    clsLbl <<- clsLbl;
    box <- autoplot(pca,data=sam_data,colour=variable,size=4,alpha =0.8,label = label) + geom_text(aes(label=grplbl,colour=clsLbl))
    box <- box + theme_bw()+ stat_ellipse(type="norm", linetype=2, geom = "polygon",alpha = 0.2, aes_string(fill = quo(clsLbl)), show.legend=FALSE)
    box <- box + labs(x = pca3d$score$axis[1], y = pca3d$score$axis[2]);
  mbSetObj$analSet$pca <- pca3d;


  my.json.scatter(mbSetObj, imgName, F);

###########Functional Profiling #############

#'Function to plot stacked bar chart of functional data.
#'@description This function plots stacked bar charts of functional data.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#'@import reshape
PlotFunctionStack <-function(mbSetObj, summaryplot, functionlvl, abundcal, geneidtype, metadata,
                            colpalopt, format="png", dpi=72){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);

  # record parameters
  mbSetObj$paramSet$stack <- list(
        fun.nm = functionlvl,
        abud.lvl = abundcal,
        exp.fac = metadata

  if(geneidtype == "ec"){
    AddErrMsg("ECs are not supported for functional profiling!")

  summaryplot <- paste(summaryplot, ".", format, sep="");

  data <- mbSetObj$dataSet$proc.phyobj;
  smpl_nm <- sample_names(data);
  clsLbl <- factor(sample_data(data)[[metadata]]);
  if(all(c(length(levels(clsLbl)) > 9, min(table(clsLbl)) < 3))){
    AddErrMsg("Too many facets to be displayed - please select a more meaningful facet option with at least 3 samples per group.");
  #reorder data based on groups
  ord.inx <- order(clsLbl);
  clsLbl <- clsLbl[ord.inx];
  colvec <- as.numeric(clsLbl) + 1;
  smpl_nm <- smpl_nm[ord.inx];
  query <- otu_table(data)[,ord.inx];

    ko_higher_path <- .read.microbiomeanalyst.lib.rds("cog_functioncount.rds", "ko");
  }else {
    if(functionlvl=="KEGG metabolism"){
      ko_higher_path<-.read.microbiomeanalyst.lib.rds("ko_higherpathway.rds", "ko");
    }else if(functionlvl=="KEGG pathways"){
      ko_higher_path<-.read.microbiomeanalyst.lib.rds("ko_pathwaycount.rds", "ko");
    }else if(functionlvl=="KEGG modules"){
      ko_higher_path<-.read.microbiomeanalyst.lib.rds("ko_modulecount.rds", "ko");
    }else if(functionlvl=="COG Functional category"){
      ko_higher_path<-.read.microbiomeanalyst.lib.rds("ko_cogfunction.rds", "ko");

  clsLbl_new <- as.character(clsLbl);

  #sample,categories name
  samplenm <- colnames(query);
  categnm <- colnames(ko_higher_path)<-gsub("\\.", " ",colnames(ko_higher_path));

  #merging user KO query with the require KO file
  result2 <- merge(query,ko_higher_path, by ="row.names");
  indx2 <- match(samplenm,colnames(result2), nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL);
  indx1 <- match(categnm,colnames(result2), nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL);

  #actual weight of node/no of pathways in which it is present
    result2[indx1] <- result2[indx1]/rowSums(result2[,indx1]);
    #removing NA introduced
    result2 <- replace(result2, is.na(result2), 0);
  myList <- vector('list', length(indx2));
  for (i in 1:length(indx2)) {
    myList[[i]] <- as.data.frame(colSums(result2[indx1]*result2[,indx2[i]]),check.names=FALSE);

  MyMerge<- function(x, y){
    df <- merge(x, y, by= "row.names", all.x= F, all.y= F);
    rownames(df) <- df$Row.names
    df$Row.names <- NULL
  result <- Reduce(MyMerge, myList);

  #orignal class label
  colnames(result) <- samplenm;
  result <- result[rowSums(result)!=0, ];

    #getting the size of categories
    categ_size <- as.data.frame(colSums(ko_higher_path),check.names=FALSE);
    colnames(categ_size) <- "size";
    result <- merge(result,categ_size, by ="row.names");
    result[indx2] <- result[indx2]/result[['size']];

    #removing the extra (size) column
    result <- result[ ,c(1,indx2)];
    rownames(result) <- result[,1];
    result <- result[,-1];

    #removing zero abundance KEGG pathways, metabolism and modules
    result <- result[ rowSums(result)!=0, ];
  output <- result
  if(functionlvl=="KEGG pathways"){
    set2nm <- qs::qread("../../lib/mmp/set2nm.qs") 
  nms = unname(set2nm[["pathway"]][match(rownames(output),names(set2nm[["pathway"]]))])
  output = cbind(name=nms,output)

  }else if(functionlvl=="KEGG modules"){
  set2nm <- qs::qread("../../lib/mmp/set2nm.qs")
   nms = unname(set2nm[["module"]][match(rownames(output),names(set2nm[["module"]]))])
  output = cbind(name=nms,output)
  fast.write(output, file="funcprof_abund.csv");

  # now plotting
  w <- 1000;
  }else if(nrow(result)>150){
  ##selecting 250 samples
  subsmpl <- 250;
  if (ncol(result)>subsmpl) {
    ss  <- sample(ncol(result), subsmpl);
    result <- result[,ss,drop=FALSE];
  } else {
    result <- result;


  nms <- colnames(data);
  data <- data %*% sapply(unique(nms),"==",nms);
  data <- data.frame(data,check.names=FALSE);

  data$facetOpt <- as.character(clsLbl_new);
  data$step <- factor(rownames(data), levels = rownames(data));
  data <- melt(data,id=c('step', 'facetOpt'));

  data$step <- as.numeric(data$step);
  data$variable <- gsub("\\.", " ",data$variable); # remove the dot introduced for readability
  #color schema
  color_var <- levels(factor(data$variable));
  x <- length(color_var);
    indx <- which(color_var=="NA");
    #color schema for ggplot
    x.colors <- hcl(h=seq(15,375,length=(x+1)),l=65,c=100)[1:x];
    x.colors[indx] <- "#666666";
  }else if (colpalopt=="cont21"){
    x.colors <- rep(custom_col21,length.out=x);
  }else if (colpalopt=="cont28"){
    x.colors <- rep(custom_final28,length.out=x);
  }else {
    x.colors <- rep(custom_col42,length.out=x);
  Cairo::Cairo(file=summaryplot,width=w, height=600, type=format, bg="white",dpi=dpi);

  box <- ggplot(data,aes(x=step,y=value)) + 
    facet_grid(~ facetOpt, space = "free", scales = "free") +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust =1, vjust=0.5)) +
    geom_area(aes(fill=variable),position='fill') +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1,length(unique(data$step)),1),labels=smpl_nm) +
    labs(y=" Relative Abundance",fill=functionlvl) +
    theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10)) +
    theme(legend.text=element_text(size=10), strip.text = element_text(size = 12)) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(colour="black", size = 10), axis.title.x=element_blank()); 
    cols.needed <- length(unique(data$variable))
    if(cols.needed > 12){
      col.func <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Set3"))
      box <- box + scale_fill_manual(values=col.func(cols.needed),
                                     #guide = guide_legend(direction = "horizontal", ncol = 5)
    } else {
      box <- box + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set3",
                                     #guide = guide_legend(direction = "horizontal",ncol = 5)
  } else {
    box <- box + scale_fill_manual(values=c(x.colors))


#'Function to perform KO mapping.
#'@description This function performs KO mapping.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PerformKOmapping <- function(mbSetObj, geneIDs, type){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  mbSetObj$dataSet$data.type <- "ko.list";
  mbSetObj$analSet <- list();
  mbSetObj$analSet$orig <- geneIDs;
  current.msg <<- NULL;

  lines <- unlist(strsplit(geneIDs, "\r|\n|\r\n")[1]);
    lines <- lines[-1];
  gene.lists <- strsplit(lines, "\\s+");
  gene.mat <- do.call(rbind, gene.lists);

  if(dim(gene.mat)[2] == 1){ # add 1
    gene.only <- 1;
    gene.mat <- cbind(gene.mat, rep(1, nrow(gene.mat)));
  }else {
    gene.only <- 0;
    gene.mat <- gene.mat[,1:2];

  rownames(gene.mat) <- gene.mat[,1];
  gene.mat <- gene.mat[,-1, drop=F];
  mbSetObj$analSet$ko.orig <- gene.mat;
  mbSetObj$analSet$gene.only <- gene.only;
  gene.mat <- RemoveDuplicates(gene.mat, "sum", quiet=F);
  mbSetObj$analSet$ko.uniq <- gene.mat;

  # now get input that are in the lib
  kos <-  doKOFiltering(rownames(gene.mat), type);

  if(sum(!is.na(kos)) < 2){
    msg <- "Less than two hits found in the database.";
    mbSetObj$dataSet$map.msg <- msg;
    rownames(gene.mat) <- kos;
    gd.inx <- (!is.na(kos)) & gene.mat[,1] > 0;
    gene.mat <- gene.mat[gd.inx, ,drop=F];
    mbSetObj$analSet$ko.mapped <- mbSetObj$analSet$data <- gene.mat; # data will be updated, ko.map will keep intact
    current.msg <<- paste("A total of unique", nrow(gene.mat), "KO genes were mapped to KEGG network!");
    mbSetObj$dataSet$map.msg <- paste("A total of", nrow(gene.mat), "KO genes were mapped to our database!")

#'Function to prepare query for JSON.
#'@description This function prepares the data for JSON.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PrepareQueryJson <- function(mbSetObj){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);

  #for LTS
    netQueryNm <- mbSetObj$paramSet$netQueryFileNm;
    includeInfoNm <- mbSetObj$paramSet$includeInfoFileNm;
    netQueryNm <- "network_query";
    includeInfoNm <- "includeInfo";
  if(enrich.type == "hyper"){
    exp.vec <- mbSetObj$analSet$data[,1]; # drop dim for json
    # for global test, all KO measured should be highlighted
    genemat <- as.data.frame(t(otu_table(mbSetObj$dataSet$norm.phyobj)),check.names=FALSE);
    exp.vec <- rep(2, ncol(genemat));
    names(exp.vec) <- colnames(genemat);

  edge.mat <- MapKO2KEGGEdges(exp.vec);

  row.names(edge.mat) <- eids <- rownames(edge.mat);
  query.ko <<- edge.mat[,1];
  net.orig <- edge.mat[,2];
  query.res <- edge.mat[,3];# abundance
  names(query.res) <- eids; # named by edge
  filtKOmap(query.ko, includeInfoNm)
 labels <- qs::qread("../../lib/ko/ko_lbs.qs")
 labels <-labels[labels$info %in% query.ko,c(3,4)]
 labels <- aggregate(labels$info,list(labels$id_edge),function(x) paste(x,collapse = ","))

  json.mat <- rjson::toJSON(list(query.res=query.res,id_rxn=labels[,1],label=labels[,2]));
  sink(paste0(netQueryNm, ".json"));


filtKOmap <- function(include, fileName){
  edges.ko = qs::qread("../../lib/mmp/ko.info.qs")
  edges.ko = edges.ko[which(edges.ko$ko %in% include),]
  includeInfo = list(edges=edges.ko)
  includeInfo$nodes = unique(edges.ko$met)
  json.mat <- rjson::toJSON(includeInfo);
  sink(paste0(fileName, ".json"));

#'Function to prepare KO enrichment analysis.
#'@description This function performs KO enrichment analysis
#'using the KO01100 map.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PerformKOEnrichAnalysis_KO01100 <- function(mbSetObj, category, contain="all",file.nm){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  if(enrich.type == "hyper"){
    mbSetObj<-PerformKOEnrichAnalysis_List(mbSetObj, file.nm);
    .prepare.global(mbSetObj, category,contain ,file.nm);
    mbSetObj <- .save.global.res();

.prepare.global<-function(mbSetObj, category,contain ,file.nm){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  phenotype <- as.factor(sample_data(mbSetObj$dataSet$norm.phyobj)[[selected.meta.data]]);
  genemat <- as.data.frame(t(otu_table(mbSetObj$dataSet$norm.phyobj)),check.names=FALSE);
  # first, get the matched entries from current.mset

  hits <- lapply(current.mset, function(x){x[x %in% colnames(genemat)]});
  set.num <- unlist(lapply(current.mset, length), use.names = FALSE);
  dat.in <- list(cls=phenotype, data=genemat, subsets=hits, set.num=set.num, filenm=file.nm);

  my.fun <- function(){
        gt.obj <- globaltest::gt(dat.in$cls, dat.in$data, subsets=dat.in$subsets);
        gt.res <- globaltest::result(gt.obj);

        match.num <- gt.res[,5];
        raw.p <- gt.res[,1];

        # add adjust p values
        bonf.p <- p.adjust(raw.p, "holm");
        fdr.p <- p.adjust(raw.p, "fdr");

        res.mat <- cbind(set.num, match.num, gt.res[,2], gt.res[,3], raw.p, bonf.p, fdr.p);
        rownames(res.mat) <- names(hits);
        colnames(res.mat) <- c("Size", "Hits", "Statistic Q", "Expected Q", "Pval", "Holm p", "FDR");
        hit.inx <- res.mat[,2]>0;
        res.mat <- res.mat[hit.inx, ];
        ord.inx <- order(res.mat[,5]);
        res.mat <- res.mat[ord.inx,];
    dat.in <- list(cls=phenotype, data=genemat, subsets=hits, set.num=set.num, filenm=file.nm , my.fun=my.fun);
    qs::qsave(dat.in, file="dat.in.qs");

.save.global.res <- function(){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj("NA");
  dat.in <- qs::qread("dat.in.qs"); 
  hits = dat.in$subsets
  file.nm = dat.in$filenm;
  my.res <- dat.in$my.res;

  if(all(c(length(my.res)==1, is.na(my.res)))){
        AddErrMsg("No match was found to the selected metabolite set library!");

    # in R, sort list is by its name!, using pos order has issues!
    nms <- rownames(my.res);
    hits <- hits[nms];

    mbSetObj <- recordEnrTable(mbSetObj, "global", my.res, "KEGG", "Global Test");
    mbSetObj <- Save2KEGGJSON(mbSetObj, hits, my.res, file.nm);

# Utility function

  if(category == "module"){
       current.setlink <- "http://www.genome.jp/kegg-bin/show_module?";
            current.mset <- qs::qread("../../lib/ko/module_bac.qs")
        }else if(contain=="hsabac"){
            current.mset <- qs::qread("../../lib/ko/module_hsa_bac.qs")
        }else if(contain=="hsa"){
            current.mset <- qs::qread("../../lib/ko/module_hsa.qs")
        }else if(contain=="all"){
            kegg.anot <- .read.microbiomeanalyst.lib.rds("ko_modules.rds", "ko")
            current.mset <- kegg.anot$sets$"Pathway module";
            current.mset <- qs::qread("../../lib/ko/module_bac.qs") ## filter users' data based on bacterial metabolism
            if(enrich.type != "hyper"){
                current.mset <-  lapply(current.mset, function(x) x[x %in% query.ko])
                current.mset <- current.mset[unlist(lapply(current.mset,function(x) length(x)))>1]
        current.setlink <- "http://www.genome.jp/kegg-bin/show_pathway?";
            current.mset <- qs::qread("../../lib/mmp/ko_set_bac.qs")
        }else if(contain=="hsabac"){
            current.mset <- qs::qread("../../lib/mmp/ko_set_hsa_bac.qs")
        }else if(contain=="hsa"){
            current.mset <- qs::qread("../../lib/mmp/ko_set_hsa.qs")
        }else if(contain=="all"){
            kegg.anot <- .read.microbiomeanalyst.lib.rds("ko_pathways.rds", "ko")
            current.mset <- kegg.anot$sets$Metabolism;
            current.mset <- qs::qread("../../lib/mmp/ko_set_bac.qs") ## filter users' data based on bacterial metabolism
            if(enrich.type != "hyper"){
                current.mset <-  lapply(current.mset, function(x) x[x %in% query.ko])
                current.mset <- current.mset[unlist(lapply(current.mset,function(x) length(x)))>1]

  # now need to update the msets to contain only those in ko01100 map
      ko.edge.path <- paste("../../lib/ko/ko_edge.csv", sep="");
      ko.edge.path <- paste("https://www.microbiomeanalyst.ca/MicrobiomeAnalyst/resources/lib/ko/ko_edge.csv", sep="");
    ko.edge.map <<- .readDataTable(ko.edge.path);

  kos.01100 <- ko.edge.map$gene[ko.edge.map$net == "ko01100"];
  current.mset <- lapply(current.mset, function(x) {
            as.character(unique(x[x %in% kos.01100]))});
  # remove those empty ones
  mset.ln <- lapply(current.mset, length);
  current.mset <- current.mset[mset.ln > 0];
  set.ids <- names(current.mset);
  set2nm <- qs::qread("../../lib/mmp/set2nm.qs")[[category]];
  names(set.ids) <- names(current.mset) <- set2nm[set.ids];

  current.setlink <<-  current.setlink;
  current.setids <<- set.ids;
  current.mset <<- current.mset;
  current.universe <<- unique(unlist(current.mset));

########### Metabolic Pathway projection ##########

#'Function to perform KO projection
#'@description This function projects user-uploaded
#'KOs onto the KEGG Global Metabolic Network.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PerformKOProjection <- function(mbSetObj){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  datatype <- mbSetObj$analSet$datatype;
  de.Num <- mbSetObj$analSet$sig.count;
  resTable <- mbSetObj$analSet$resTable[1:de.Num,];
  if(nrow(resTable) > 5000){
    resTable <- resTable[1:5000,];
    current.msg <<- paste(" Due to computational constraints, only top 5000 features will be used. ", collapse="\n");

  mbSetObj$analSet$sig.mat <- resTable;

  p.inx <- colnames(resTable) %in% c("P-value", "Pvalues");
  gene.mat <- data.matrix(-log10(resTable[,p.inx]));
  rownames(gene.mat) <- row.names(resTable);
  gene.mat <- RemoveDuplicates(gene.mat, "sum", quiet=F);
  mbSetObj$analSet$ko.uniq <- gene.mat;
  id.type <- mbSetObj$analSet$id.type;
  if(any(c(is.na(id.type),is.null(id.type), id.type == "NA"))){
    id.type <- "ko";

  kos <- doKOFiltering(rownames(gene.mat),id.type);
  if(sum(!is.na(kos)) < 2){
    AddErrMsg("Less than two hits found in the database.");
    rownames(gene.mat) <- kos;
    gd.inx <- (!is.na(kos)) & gene.mat[,1] > 0;
    gene.mat <- gene.mat[gd.inx, ,drop=F];
    mbSetObj$analSet$ko.mapped <- mbSetObj$analSet$data <- gene.mat; # data will be updated, ko.map will keep intact
    current.msg <<- paste("A total of unqiue", nrow(gene.mat), "KO genes were mapped to KEGG network!");


############## Utility Functions #############

# Utility function
MapKO2KEGGEdges<- function(kos, net="ko01100"){
      ko.edge.path <- paste("../../lib/ko/ko_edge.csv", sep="");
      ko.edge.path <- paste("https://www.microbiomeanalyst.ca/MicrobiomeAnalyst/resources/lib/ko/ko_edge.csv", sep="");
    ko.edge.map <<- .readDataTable(ko.edge.path);
  all.hits <- ko.edge.map$gene %in% names(kos) & ko.edge.map$net == net;
  my.map <- ko.edge.map[all.hits, ];
  q.map <- data.frame(gene=names(kos), expr=as.numeric(kos),check.names=FALSE);
  # first merge to get ko abundance to each edge
  dat <- merge(my.map, q.map, by="gene");
  # now merge duplicated edge to sum
  dup.inx <- duplicated(dat[,2]);
  dat <- dat[!dup.inx,];
  rownames(dat) <- dat[,2];

# Utility function
# note: only return hits in this map KO01100
PerformKOEnrichAnalysis_List <- function(mbSetObj, file.nm){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  # prepare for the result table
  set.size <- length(current.mset);
  res.mat <- matrix(0, nrow=set.size, ncol=5);
  rownames(res.mat) <- names(current.mset);
  colnames(res.mat) <- c("Total", "Expected", "Hits", "Pval", "FDR");
  # prepare query
  ora.vec <- NULL;
  exp.vec <- mbSetObj$analSet$data[,1]; # drop dim for json
  ora.vec <- names(exp.vec);
  # need to cut to the universe covered by the pathways, not all genes
  hits.inx <- ora.vec %in% current.universe;
  ora.vec <- ora.vec[hits.inx];
  #ora.nms <- ora.nms[hits.inx];
  q.size <- length(ora.vec);
  # get the matched query for each pathway
  hits.query <- lapply(current.mset, function(x) {
  names(hits.query) <- names(current.mset);
  hit.num <- unlist(lapply(hits.query, function(x){length(x)}), use.names=FALSE);
  # total unique gene number
  uniq.count <- length(current.universe);
  # unique gene count in each pathway
  set.size <- unlist(lapply(current.mset, length));
  res.mat[,1] <- set.size;
  res.mat[,2] <- q.size*(set.size/uniq.count);
  res.mat[,3] <- hit.num;
  # use lower.tail = F for P(X>x)
  raw.pvals <- phyper(hit.num-1, set.size, uniq.count-set.size, q.size, lower.tail=F);
  res.mat[,4] <- raw.pvals;
  res.mat[,5] <- p.adjust(raw.pvals, "fdr");
  # now, clean up result, synchronize with hit.query
  res.mat <- res.mat[hit.num>0,,drop = F];
  hits.query <- hits.query[hit.num>0];
  if(nrow(res.mat)> 1){
    # order by p value
    ord.inx <- order(res.mat[,4]);
    res.mat <- signif(res.mat[ord.inx,],3);
    hits.query <- hits.query[ord.inx];
    imp.inx <- res.mat[,4] <= 0.05;
    if(sum(imp.inx) < 10){ # too little left, give the top ones
      topn <- ifelse(nrow(res.mat) > 10, 10, nrow(res.mat));
      res.mat <- res.mat[1:topn,];
      hits.query <- hits.query[1:topn];
      res.mat <- res.mat[imp.inx,];
      hits.query <- hits.query[imp.inx];
      if(sum(imp.inx) > 120){
        # now, clean up result, synchronize with hit.query
        res.mat <- res.mat[1:120,];
        hits.query <- hits.query[1:120];

 #report related object
        vis.type <- mbSetObj$paramSet$koProj.type;
            mbSetObj$imgSet$enrTables <- list();
        mbSetObj$imgSet$enrTables[[vis.type]] <- list();
        mbSetObj$imgSet$enrTables[[vis.type]]$table <- res.mat;
        mbSetObj$imgSet$enrTables[[vis.type]]$library <- "KEGG";
        mbSetObj$imgSet$enrTables[[vis.type]]$algo <- "Overrepresentation Analysis";
  mbSetObj <- Save2KEGGJSON(mbSetObj, hits.query, res.mat, file.nm);

# Utility function
# for KO01100
Save2KEGGJSON <- function(mbSetObj, hits.query, res.mat, file.nm){
  resTable <- data.frame(Pathway=rownames(res.mat), res.mat,check.names=FALSE);
  current.msg <<- "Functional enrichment analysis was completed";
      ko.edge.path <- paste("../../lib/ko/ko_edge.csv", sep="");
      ko.edge.path <- paste("https://www.microbiomeanalyst.ca/MicrobiomeAnalyst/resources/lib/ko/ko_edge.csv", sep="");
    ko.edge.map <- .readDataTable(ko.edge.path);
    ko.edge.map <- ko.edge.map[ko.edge.map$net=="ko01100",];  #only one map
    ko.edge.map <<- ko.edge.map;
  hits.edge <- lapply(hits.query, function(x) {
  # only keep hits with edges in the map
  hits.inx <- unlist(lapply(hits.edge, length))>0;
  hits.query <- hits.query[hits.inx];
  resTable <- resTable[hits.inx, ];
  # write json
  fun.pval = resTable$Pval; if(length(fun.pval) ==1) { fun.pval <- matrix(fun.pval) };
  hit.num = resTable$Hits; if(length(hit.num) ==1) { hit.num <- matrix(hit.num) };
  fun.ids <- as.vector(current.setids[names(hits.query)]); if(length(fun.ids) ==1) { fun.ids <- matrix(fun.ids) };

  json.res <- list(hits.query = hits.query,
                   hits.edge = hits.edge,
                   path.ids = fun.ids,
                   fun.pval = fun.pval,
                   hit.num = hit.num);
  json.mat <- rjson::toJSON(json.res);
  json.nm <- paste(file.nm, ".json", sep="");
  # write csv
  fast.write(resTable, file=paste(file.nm, ".csv", sep=""), row.names=F);

# Utility function
SetCurrentMetaData <- function(meta.data, type){
  selected.meta.data <<- meta.data
  enrich.type <<- type;

# Given a data with duplicates, dups is the one with duplicates
RemoveDuplicates <- function(data, lvlOpt, quiet=T){

  all.nms <- rownames(data);
  colnms <- colnames(data);
  dup.inx <- duplicated(all.nms);
  dim.orig  <- dim(data);
  data <- apply(data, 2, as.numeric); # force to be all numeric
  dim(data) <- dim.orig; # keep dimension (will lost when only one item)
  rownames(data) <- all.nms;
  colnames(data) <- colnms;
  if(sum(dup.inx) > 0){
    uniq.nms <- all.nms[!dup.inx];
    uniq.data <- data[!dup.inx,,drop=F];

    dup.nms <- all.nms[dup.inx];
    uniq.dupnms <- unique(dup.nms);
    uniq.duplen <- length(uniq.dupnms);

    for(i in 1:uniq.duplen){
      nm <- uniq.dupnms[i];
      hit.inx.all <- which(all.nms == nm);
      hit.inx.uniq <- which(uniq.nms == nm);

      # average the whole sub matrix
      if(lvlOpt == "mean"){
        uniq.data[hit.inx.uniq, ]<- apply(data[hit.inx.all,,drop=F], 2, mean, na.rm=T);
      }else if(lvlOpt == "median"){
        uniq.data[hit.inx.uniq, ]<- apply(data[hit.inx.all,,drop=F], 2, median, na.rm=T);
      }else if(lvlOpt == "max"){
        uniq.data[hit.inx.uniq, ]<- apply(data[hit.inx.all,,drop=F], 2, max, na.rm=T);
      }else{ # sum
        uniq.data[hit.inx.uniq, ]<- apply(data[hit.inx.all,,drop=F], 2, sum, na.rm=T);
      current.msg <<- paste(current.msg, paste("A total of ", sum(dup.inx), " of duplicates were replaced by their ", lvlOpt, ".", sep=""), collapse="\n");
      current.msg <<- paste(current.msg, "All IDs are unique.", collapse="\n");

##### Utility Functions #####

# return matched KO in the same order (NA if no match)
doKOFiltering <- function(ko.vec, type){
  ko.dic <- .read.microbiomeanalyst.lib.rds("ko_dic.rds", "ko");
  if(type == "ko"){
    hit.inx <- match(ko.vec, ko.dic$KO);
  if(type == "ec"){
    hit.inx = vector(mode='numeric', length=length(ko.vec)); # record hit index, initial 0
    match.values = rep(NA, length=length(ko.vec)); # the best matched values (hit names), initial ""
    if(substring(ko.vec[1], 0, 2) == "EC"){
      ko.vec <- gsub("^EC", "", ko.vec)
    # first find exact match to the common compound names
    hit.inx <- match(ko.vec, ko.dic[, "EC"]);
    match.values <- ko.dic$KO[hit.inx];
    todo.inx <-which(is.na(hit.inx));
    if(length(todo.inx) > 0){
      multi.ec.inx <- grep("; ", ko.dic$EC);
      m.dic <- ko.dic[multi.ec.inx,];
      ec.list <- strsplit(m.dic$EC, "; ");
      ecs2ko <- m.dic$KO;
      for(i in 1:length(ec.list)){
        hitInx <- match(ko.vec[todo.inx], ec.list[[i]]);
        hitPos <- which(!is.na(hitInx));
        match.values[orig.inx] <- ecs2ko[i];
  if(type == "cog"){
    hit.inx = vector(mode='numeric', length=length(ko.vec)); # record hit index, initial 0
    match.values = rep(NA, length=length(ko.vec)); # the best matched values (hit names), initial ""
    # first find exact match to the common compound names
    hit.inx <- match(ko.vec, ko.dic[, "COG"]);
    match.values <- ko.dic$KO[hit.inx];
    todo.inx <-which(is.na(hit.inx));
    if(length(todo.inx) > 0){
      multi.cog.inx <- grep(";", ko.dic$COG);
      m.dic <- ko.dic[multi.cog.inx,];
      cog.list <- strsplit(m.dic$COG, ";");
      cog2ko <- m.dic$KO;
      for(i in 1:length(cog.list)){
        hitInx <- match(ko.vec[todo.inx], cog.list[[i]]);
        hitPos <- which(!is.na(hitInx));
        match.values[orig.inx] <- cog2ko[i];
xia-lab/MicrobiomeAnalystR documentation built on April 17, 2024, 7:45 p.m.