Man pages for yanwu2014/perturbLM
A lightweight R package that uses linear models to analyze the effects of chemical/genetic perturbations, conditions, and disease states on single gene expression.

AvgGroupExprCompute average (scaled) expression of cells in each group
CalcClusterEnrichCalculate cluster enrichment with logistic regression
CalcClusterEnrichPvalsCalculate cluster enrichment with logistic regression
CalcGeneModuleEffectCalculate effect of perturbations on gene modules
CalcGlmnetCalculate penalized linear regression with glmnet
CalcGlmnetPvalsCalculate regression coefficients and p-values via...
CleanControlsRemove all cells in the control perturbation(s) that also...
CleanDesignCtrlFilters out cells that belong to control genotype and other...
ClusterWiseDECompute per-cluster differential expression between...
computeEMDVisualize correlation between two vectors. Adapted from PhEMD...
CreateDesignMatrixConvert perturbation dictionary to design matrix
cross_entropyHelper function for computing cross entropy
cross_validate_lambdaHelper function for running cross validation on a sequence of...
CurateDataCurate perturbation dataset (in Seurat object format)
DesignMatrixGenotypesConvert genotypes list to design matrix....
EvaluateLinearModelFunction for evaluating linear model performance
ExtractFieldExtract a field from a delimited string
FastReadEfficiently load tabular datasets using data.table
FilterGenesetsFilter genesets by minimum, maximum number of genes
FisherEnrichUse Fisher's exact test to calculate enrichment for count...
FlattenGroupsConvert list of sample groups into a flat vector. Removes all...
GetCoefMatrixExtract coefficient matrix from a multigaussian glmnet object
GroupClusterCompGet cluster composition of each perturbation
GroupClusterCountsCounts the number of cells in each perturbation/cluster
GroupOverlapCountsCounts the number of cells in each group overlap combination
helloHello, World!
LoadGenesetsRead genesets from gmt file to list format
MergeGroupListsMerge two perturbation dicts
MergeGroupsMerge perturbations with the same pattern in names. For...
MultipleFisherEnrichCount over-enrichment for a list of gene markers
MultipleGSEAEnrichGSEA over-enrichment test using liger
PlotBoxBoxplot of features
PlotClusterCompPlot cluster compositions
PlotCorrelationVisualize correlation between two vectors
PlotHexBinVisualize correlation between two vectors with density plot....
PlotResidualsPlot predicted values vs residuals to assess data linearity...
PredictMixedLMPredict expression given a new model dataframe
ReadGroupsRead in sample groups from a csv file format
RunCrossValidationRun cross validation for both alpha and lambda
RunLinearModelWrapper function for running a ElasticNet model on a single...
RunMixedLMRun per-gene linear mixed models using glmmLasso
SetupLinearModelSet up design matrices and response given a Seurat object
SplitFoldsByGroupSplits data into folds stratified by a perturbation...
StratifyGroupListStratify groups by additional factor
UnflattenGroupsConverts a flat sample groups character vector into a list...
Write10XWrite sparse matrix using the 10X file format
WriteGenesetsWrite genesets from list to gmt file
WriteGroupsWrite sample groups from list to csv format
yanwu2014/perturbLM documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 2:28 p.m.