
# == title
# Empty Annotation
# == param
# -which Whether it is a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -border Whether draw borders of the annotation region?
# -zoom If it is true and when the heatmap is split, the empty annotation slices will have
#       equal height or width, and you can see the correspondance between the annotation slices
#       and the original heatmap slices.
# -width Width of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Width is not allowed to be set for column annotation.
# -height Height of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Height is not allowed to be set for row annotation.
# == details
# It creates an empty annotation and holds space, later users can add graphics
# by `decorate_annotation`. This function is useful when users have difficulty to
# implement `AnnotationFunction` object.
# In following example, an empty annotation is first created and later points are added:
# 	m = matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
# 	ht = Heatmap(m, top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(pt = anno_empty()))
# 	ht = draw(ht)
# 	co = column_order(ht)[[1]]
# 	pt_value = 1:10
# 	decorate_annotation("pt", {
# 		pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(0.5, ncol(mat)+0.5), yscale = range(pt_value)))
# 		grid.points(seq_len(ncol(mat)), pt_value[co], pch = 16, default.units = "native")
# 		grid.yaxis()
# 		popViewport()
# 	})
# And it is similar as using `anno_points`:
# 	Heatmap(m, top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(pt = anno_points(pt_value)))
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#empty-annotation
# == examples
# anno = anno_empty()
# draw(anno, test = "anno_empty")
# anno = anno_empty(border = FALSE)
# draw(anno, test = "anno_empty without border")
anno_empty = function(which = c("column", "row"), border = TRUE, zoom = FALSE,
	width = NULL, height = NULL) {
	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which

	anno_size = anno_width_and_height(which, width, height, unit(1, "cm"))
	fun = function(index) {
		if(border) grid.rect()

	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		n = NA,
		fun_name = "anno_empty",
		which = which,
		var_import = list(border, zoom),
		subset_rule = list(),
		subsetable = TRUE,
		height = anno_size$height,
		width = anno_size$width,
		show_name = FALSE

# == title
# Subset the Matrix by Rows
# == param
# -x A matrix.
# -i The row indices.
# == details
# Mainly used for constructing the `AnnotationFunction-class` object.
subset_matrix_by_row = function(x, i) x[i, , drop = FALSE]

# == title
# Subset the vector
# == param
# -x A vector.
# -i The indices.
# == details
# Mainly used for constructing the `AnnotationFunction-class` object.
subset_vector = function(x, i) x[i]

# == title
# Simple Annotation
# == param
# -x The value vector. The value can be a vector or a matrix. The length of the vector
#    or the nrow of the matrix is taken as the number of the observations of the annotation.
#    The value can be numeric or character and NA value is allowed.
# -col Color that maps to ``x``. If ``x`` is numeric and needs a continuous mapping, ``col`` 
#      should be a color mapping function which accepts a vector of values and returns a
#      vector of colors. Normally it is generated by `circlize::colorRamp2`. If ``x`` is discrete
#      (numeric or character) and needs a discrete color mapping, ``col`` should be a vector of 
#      colors with levels in ``x`` as vector names. If ``col`` is not specified, the color mapping
#      is randomly generated by ``ComplexHeatmap:::default_col``.
# -na_col Color for NA value.
# -which Whether it is a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -border Wether draw borders of the annotation region?
# -gp Graphic parameters for grid borders. The ``fill`` parameter is disabled.
# -pch Points/symbols that are added on top of the annotation grids. The value can be numeric
#      or single letters. It can be a vector if ``x`` is a vector and a matrix if ``x`` is a matrix.
#      No points are drawn if the corresponding values are NA.
# -pt_size Size of the points/symbols. It should be a `grid::unit` object. If ``x`` is a vector,
#          the value of ``pt_size`` can be a vector, while if ``x`` is a matrix, ``pt_size`` can
#          only be a single value.
# -pt_gp Graphic parameters for points/symbols. The length setting is same as ``pt_size``.
#     If ``pch`` is set as letters, the fontsize should be set as ``pt_gp = gpar(fontsize = ...)``.
# -simple_anno_size size of the simple annotation.
# -width Width of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Width is not allowed to be set for column annotation.
# -height Height of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Height is not allowed to be set for row annotation.
# == details
# The "simple annotation" is the most widely used annotation type which is heatmap-like, where
# the grid colors correspond to the values. `anno_simple` also supports to add points/symbols
# on top of the grids where the it can be normal point (when ``pch`` is set as numbers) or letters (when
# ``pch`` is set as single letters).
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#simple-annotation-as-an-annotation-function
# == example
# anno = anno_simple(1:10)
# draw(anno, test = "a numeric vector")
# anno = anno_simple(cbind(1:10, 10:1))
# draw(anno, test = "a matrix")
# anno = anno_simple(1:10, pch = c(1:4, NA, 6:8, NA, 10))
# draw(anno, test = "pch has NA values")
# anno = anno_simple(1:10, pch = c(rep("A", 5), rep(NA, 5)))
# draw(anno, test = "pch has NA values")
# pch = matrix(1:20, nc = 2)
# pch[sample(length(pch), 10)] = NA
# anno = anno_simple(cbind(1:10, 10:1), pch = pch)
# draw(anno, test = "matrix, pch is a matrix with NA values")
anno_simple = function(x, col, na_col = "grey", 
	which = c("column", "row"), border = FALSE, gp = gpar(col = NA),
	pch = NULL, pt_size = unit(1, "snpc")*0.8, pt_gp = gpar(), 
	simple_anno_size = ht_opt$simple_anno_size,
	width = NULL, height = NULL) {

	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which

	if(is.data.frame(x)) x = as.matrix(x)
	if(is.matrix(x)) {
		if(ncol(x) == 1) {
			x = x[, 1]
	input_is_matrix = is.matrix(x)

	anno_size = anno_width_and_height(which, width, height, 
		simple_anno_size*ifelse(input_is_matrix, ncol(x), 1))
	if(missing(col)) {
		col = default_col(x)
	if(is.atomic(col)) {
		color_mapping = ColorMapping(name = "foo", colors = col, na_col = na_col)
    } else if(is.function(col)) {
        color_mapping = ColorMapping(name = "foo", col_fun = col, na_col = na_col)
    } else if(inherits(col, "ColorMapping")) {
    	color_mapping = col
    } else {
    	stop_wrap("`col` should be a named vector/a color mapping function/a ColorMapping object.")

    value = x
    gp = subset_gp(gp, 1)  # gp controls border

    if(is.matrix(value)) {
		n = nrow(value)
		nr = n
		nc = ncol(value)
	} else {
		n = length(value)
		nr = n
		nc = 1
    if(!is.null(pch)) {
    	if(input_is_matrix) {
		    pch = normalize_graphic_param_to_mat(pch, ifelse(is.matrix(x), ncol(x), 1), n, "pch")
		    pt_size = pt_size[1]*(1/nc)
		    pt_gp = subset_gp(pt_gp, 1)
		} else {
			if(length(pch) == 1) pch = rep(pch, n)
			if(length(pt_size) == 1) pt_size = rep(pt_size, n)
			pt_gp = recycle_gp(pt_gp, n)

	row_fun = function(index) {
		n = length(index)
		y = (n - seq_len(n) + 0.5) / n
        if(is.matrix(value)) {
            nc = ncol(value)
            for(i in seq_len(nc)) {
                fill = map_to_colors(color_mapping, value[index, i])
                grid.rect(x = (i-0.5)/nc, y, height = 1/n, width = 1/nc, 
                	gp = do.call("gpar", c(list(fill = fill), gp)))
                if(!is.null(pch)) {
					l = !is.na(pch[, i])
					grid.points(x = rep((i-0.5)/nc, sum(l)), y = y[l], pch = pch[l, i], 
						size = {if(length(pt_size) == 1) pt_size else pt_size[i]}, 
						gp = subset_gp(pt_gp, i))
        } else {
			fill = map_to_colors(color_mapping, value[index])
			grid.rect(x = 0.5, y, height = 1/n, width = 1, gp = do.call("gpar", c(list(fill = fill), gp)))
			if(!is.null(pch)) {
				pch = pch[index]
				pt_size = pt_size[index]
				pt_gp = subset_gp(pt_gp, index)
				l = !is.na(pch)
				grid.points(x = rep(0.5, sum(l)), y = y[l], pch = pch[l], size = pt_size[l], 
					gp = subset_gp(pt_gp, which(l)))
        if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))

	column_fun = function(index) {

		n = length(index)
		x = (seq_len(n) - 0.5) / n
        if(is.matrix(value)) {
            nc = ncol(value)
            for(i in seq_len(nc)) {
                fill = map_to_colors(color_mapping, value[index, i])
                grid.rect(x, y = (nc-i +0.5)/nc, width = 1/n, height = 1/nc, gp = do.call("gpar", c(list(fill = fill), gp)))
                if(!is.null(pch)) {
                	pch = pch[index, , drop = FALSE]
					l = !is.na(pch[, i])
					grid.points(x[l], y = rep((nc-i +0.5)/nc, sum(l)), pch = pch[l, i], 
						size = {if(length(pt_size) == 1) pt_size else pt_size[i]}, 
						gp = subset_gp(pt_gp, i))
        } else {
			fill = map_to_colors(color_mapping, value[index])
			grid.rect(x, y = 0.5, width = 1/n, height = 1, gp = do.call("gpar", c(list(fill = fill), gp)))
			if(!is.null(pch)) {
				pch = pch[index]
				pt_size = pt_size[index]
				pt_gp = subset_gp(pt_gp, index)
				l = !is.na(pch)
				grid.points(x[l], y = rep(0.5, sum(l)), pch = pch[l], size = pt_size[l], 
					gp = subset_gp(pt_gp, which(l)))
        if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))

	if(which == "row") {
		fun = row_fun
	} else if(which == "column") {
		fun = column_fun

	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		fun_name = "anno_simple",
		which = which,
		width = anno_size$width,
		height = anno_size$height,
		n = n,
		data_scale = c(0.5, nc + 0.5),
		var_import = list(value, gp, border, color_mapping, pt_gp, pt_size, pch)

	anno@subset_rule = list()
	if(input_is_matrix) {
		anno@subset_rule$value = subset_matrix_by_row
		if(!is.null(pch)) {
			anno@subset_rule$pch = subset_matrix_by_row
	} else {
		anno@subset_rule$value = subset_vector
		if(!is.null(pch)) {
			anno@subset_rule$pch = subset_vector
			anno@subset_rule$pt_size = subset_vector
			anno@subset_rule$pt_gp = subset_gp

	anno@subsetable = TRUE


# == title
# Image Annotation
# == param
# -image A vector of file paths of images. The format of the image is inferred from the suffix name of the image file.
#       NA values or empty strings in the vector means no image to drawn.
# -which Whether it is a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -border Wether draw borders of the annotation region?
# -gp Graphic parameters for annotation grids. If the image has transparent background, the ``fill`` parameter 
#     can be used to control the background color in the annotation grids.
# -space The space around the image to the annotation grid borders. The value should be a `grid::unit` object.
# -width Width of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Width is not allowed to be set for column annotation.
# -height Height of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Height is not allowed to be set for row annotation.
# == details
# This function supports image formats in ``png``, ``svg``, ``pdf``, ``eps``, ``jpeg/jpg``, ``tiff``. 
# ``png``, ``jpeg/jpg`` and ``tiff`` images are imported by `png::readPNG`, `jpeg::readJPEG` and 
# `tiff::readTIFF`, and drawn by `grid::grid.raster`. ``svg`` images are firstly reformatted by ``rsvg::rsvg_svg``
# and then imported by `grImport2::readPicture` and drawn by `grImport2::grid.picture`. ``pdf`` and ``eps``
# images are imported by `grImport::PostScriptTrace` and `grImport::readPicture`, later drawn by `grImport::grid.picture`.
# Different image formats can be mixed in the ``image`` vector.
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#image-annotation
# == example
# # download the free icons from https://github.com/Keyamoon/IcoMoon-Free
# \dontrun{
# image = sample(dir("~/Downloads/IcoMoon-Free-master/PNG/64px", full.names = TRUE), 10)
# anno = anno_image(image)
# draw(anno, test = "png")
# image[1:5] = ""
# anno = anno_image(image)
# draw(anno, test = "some of png")
# }
anno_image = function(image, which = c("column", "row"), border = TRUE, 
	gp = gpar(fill = NA, col = NA), space = unit(1, "mm"), 
	width = NULL, height = NULL) {

	image[is.na(image)] = ""
	l = grepl("^\\s*$", image)
	image[l] = ""
	allowed_image_type = c("png", "svg", "pdf", "eps", "jpeg", "jpg", "tiff")

	if(inherits(image, "character")) { ## they are file path
		image_type = tolower(gsub("^.*\\.(\\w+)$", "\\1", image))
		if(! all(image_type[image_type != ""] %in% allowed_image_type)) {
			stop_wrap("image file should be of png/svg/pdf/eps/jpeg/jpg/tiff.")
	} else {
		stop_wrap("`image` should be a vector of path.")

	n_image = length(image)
	image_list = vector("list", n_image)
	image_class = vector("character", n_image)
	for(i in seq_along(image)) {
		if(image[i] == "") {
			image_list[[i]] = NA
			image_class[i] = NA
		} else if(image_type[i] == "png") {
			if(!requireNamespace("png")) {
				stop_wrap("Need png package to read png images.")
			image_list[[i]] = png::readPNG(image[i])
			image_class[i] = "raster"
		} else if(image_type[i] %in% c("jpeg", "jpg")) {
			if(!requireNamespace("jpeg")) {
				stop_wrap("Need jpeg package to read jpeg/jpg images.")
			image_list[[i]] = jpeg::readJPEG(image[i])
			image_class[i] = "raster"
		} else if(image_type[i] == "tiff") {
			if(!requireNamespace("tiff")) {
				stop_wrap("Need tiff package to read tiff images.")
			image_list[[i]] = tiff::readTIFF(image[i])
			image_class[i] = "raster"
		} else if(image_type[i] %in% c("pdf", "eps")) {
			if(!requireNamespace("grImport")) {
				stop_wrap("Need grImport package to read pdf/eps images.")
			temp_file = tempfile()
			getFromNamespace("PostScriptTrace", ns = "grImport")(image[[i]], temp_file)
			image_list[[i]] = grImport::readPicture(temp_file)
			image_class[i] = "grImport::Picture"
		} else if(image_type[i] == "svg") {
			if(!requireNamespace("grImport2")) {
				stop_wrap("Need grImport2 package to read svg images.")
			# if(!requireNamespace("rsvg")) {
			# 	stop_wrap("Need rsvg package to convert svg images.")
			# }
			temp_file = tempfile()
			# get it work on bioconductor build server
			oe = try(getFromNamespace("rsvg_svg", ns = "rsvg")(image[i], temp_file))
			if(inherits(oe, "try-error")) {
				stop_wrap("Need rsvg package to convert svg images.")
			image_list[[i]] = grImport2::readPicture(temp_file)
			image_class[i] = "grImport2::Picture"
	yx_asp = sapply(image_list, function(x) {
		if(inherits(x, "array")) {
		} else if(inherits(x, "Picture")) {
		} else {

	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which

	space = space[1]

	anno_size = anno_width_and_height(which, width, height, unit(1, "cm"))

	gp = recycle_gp(gp, n_image)
	column_fun = function(index) {
		n = length(index)

		asp = convertHeight(unit(1, "npc") - space*2, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)/convertWidth(unit(1/n, "npc") - space*2, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
		grid.rect(x = (1:n - 0.5)/n, width = 1/n, gp = subset_gp(gp, index))
		for(i in seq_len(n)) {
			if(identical(image_list[[i]], NA)) next
			if(yx_asp[ index[i] ] > asp) {
				height = unit(1, "npc") - space*2
				width = convertHeight(height, "mm")*yx_asp[ index[i] ]
			} else {
				width = unit(1/n, "npc") - space*2
				height = yx_asp[ index[i] ]*convertWidth(width, "mm")
			if(image_class[ index[i] ] == "raster") {
				grid.raster(image_list[[i]], x = (i-0.5)/n, width = width, height = height)
			} else if(image_class[ index[i] ] == "grImport::Picture") {
				grid.picture = getFromNamespace("grid.picture", ns = "grImport")
				grid.picture(image_list[[i]], x = (i-0.5)/n, width = width, height = height)
			} else if(image_class[ index[i] ] == "grImport2::Picture") {
				grid.picture = getFromNamespace("grid.picture", ns = "grImport2")
				grid.picture(image_list[[i]], x = (i-0.5)/n, width = width, height = height)
		if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))

	row_fun = function(index) {
		n = length(index)

		asp = convertHeight(unit(1/n, "npc") - space*2, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)/convertWidth(unit(1, "npc") - space*2, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
		grid.rect(y = (n - 1:n + 0.5)/n, height = 1/n, gp = subset_gp(gp, index))
		for(i in seq_len(n)) {
			if(identical(image_list[[i]], NA)) next
			if(yx_asp[ index[i] ] > asp) {
				height = unit(1/n, "npc") - space*2
				width = convertHeight(height, "mm")*(1/yx_asp[ index[i] ])
			} else {
				width = unit(1, "npc") - space*2
				height = yx_asp[ index[i] ]*convertWidth(width, "mm")
			if(image_class[ index[i] ] == "raster") {
				grid.raster(image_list[[i]], y = (n - i + 0.5)/n, width = width, height = height)
			} else if(image_class[ index[i] ] == "grImport::Picture") {
				grid.picture = getFromNamespace("grid.picture", ns = "grImport")
				grid.picture(image_list[[i]], y = (n - i + 0.5)/n, width = width, height = height)
			} else if(image_class[ index[i] ] == "grImport2::Picture") {
				grid.picture = getFromNamespace("grid.picture", ns = "grImport2")
				grid.picture(image_list[[i]], y = (n - i + 0.5)/n, width = width, height = height)
		if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
	if(which == "row") {
		fun = row_fun
	} else if(which == "column") {
		fun = column_fun

	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		fun_name = "anno_image",
		which = which,
		width = anno_size$width,
		height = anno_size$height,
		n = n_image,
		data_scale = c(0.5, 1.5),
		var_import = list(gp, border, space, yx_asp, image_list, image_class)

	anno@subset_rule$gp = subset_vector
	anno@subset_rule$image_list = subset_vector
	anno@subset_rule$image_class = subset_vector

	anno@subsetable = TRUE


# == title
# The Default Parameters for Annotation Axis
# == param
# -which Whether it is for column annotation or row annotation?
# == details
# There are following parameters for the annotation axis:
# -at The breaks of axis. By default it is automatically inferred.
# -labels The corresponding axis labels.
# -labels_rot The rotation of the axis labels.
# -gp Graphc parameters of axis labels. The value should be a `grid::unit` object.
# -side If it is for column annotation, the value should only be one of ``left`` and ``right``. If
#       it is for row annotation, the value should only be one of ``top`` and ``bottom``.
# -facing Whether the axis faces to the outside of the annotation region or inside. Sometimes when
#         appending more than one heatmaps, the axes of column annotations of one heatmap might
#         overlap to the neighbouring heatmap, setting ``facing`` to ``inside`` may invoild it.
# == example
# default_axis_param("column")
# default_axis_param("row")
default_axis_param = function(which) {
		at = NULL, 
		labels = NULL, 
		labels_rot = ifelse(which == "column", 0, 90), 
		gp = gpar(fontsize = 8), 
		side = ifelse(which == "column", "left", "bottom"), 
		facing = "outside"

validate_axis_param = function(axis_param, which) {
	dft = default_axis_param(which)
	for(nm in names(axis_param)) {
		dft[[nm]] = axis_param[[nm]]
	if(which == "row") {
		if(dft$side %in% c("left", "right")) {
			stop_wrap("axis side can only be set to 'top' or 'bottom' for row annotations.")
	if(which == "column") {
		if(dft$side %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
			stop_wrap("axis side can only be set to 'left' or 'right' for row annotations.")

construct_axis_grob = function(axis_param, which, data_scale) {
	axis_param_default = default_axis_param(which)

	for(nm in setdiff(names(axis_param_default), names(axis_param))) {
		axis_param[[nm]] = axis_param_default[[nm]]
	if(is.null(axis_param$at)) {
		at = pretty_breaks(data_scale)
		axis_param$at = at
		axis_param$labels = at
	if(is.null(axis_param$labels)) {
		axis_param$labels = axis_param$at
	axis_grob = do.call(annotation_axis_grob, axis_param)

# == title
# Points Annotation
# == param
# -x The value vector. The value can be a vector or a matrix. The length of the vector
#    or the number of rows of the matrix is taken as the number of the observations of the annotation.
# -which Whether it is a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -border Wether draw borders of the annotation region?
# -gp Graphic parameters for points. The length of each graphic parameter can be 1, length of ``x`` if ``x``
#     is a vector, or number of columns of ``x`` is ``x`` is a matrix.
# -pch Point type. The length setting is the same as ``gp``.
# -size Point size, the value should be a `grid::unit` object. The length setting is the same as ``gp``.
# -ylim Data ranges. By default it is ``range(x)``.
# -extend The extension to both side of ``ylim``. The value is a percent value corresponding to ``ylim[2] - ylim[1]``.
# -axis Whether to add axis?
# -axis_param parameters for controlling axis. See `default_axis_param` for all possible settings and default parameters.
# -width Width of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Width is not allowed to be set for column annotation.
# -height Height of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Height is not allowed to be set for row annotation.
# -... Other arguments.
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#points-annotation
# == example
# anno = anno_points(runif(10))
# draw(anno, test = "anno_points")
# anno = anno_points(matrix(runif(20), nc = 2), pch = 1:2)
# draw(anno, test = "matrix")
anno_points = function(x, which = c("column", "row"), border = TRUE, gp = gpar(), pch = 16, 
	size = unit(2, "mm"), ylim = NULL, extend = 0.05, axis = TRUE,
	axis_param = default_axis_param(which), width = NULL, height = NULL, ...) {

	other_args = list(...)
	if(length(other_args)) {
		if("axis_gp" %in% names(other_args)) {
			stop_wrap("`axis_gp` is removed from the arguments. Use `axis_param = list(gp = ...)` instead.")
		if("axis_direction" %in% names(other_args)) {
			stop_wrap("`axis_direction` is not supported any more.")

	ef = function() NULL
	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
		ef = dev.off2
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which


	if(is.data.frame(x)) x = as.matrix(x)
	if(is.matrix(x)) {
		if(ncol(x) == 1) {
			x = x[, 1]
	input_is_matrix = is.matrix(x)

	anno_size = anno_width_and_height(which, width, height, unit(1, "cm"))

	if(is.matrix(x)) {
		n = nrow(x)
		nr = n
		nc = ncol(x)
	} else {
		n = length(x)
		nr = n
		nc = 1

	if(input_is_matrix) {
		gp = recycle_gp(gp, nc)
		if(length(pch) == 1) pch = rep(pch, nc)
		if(length(size) == 1) size = rep(size, nc)
	} else if(is.atomic(x)) {
		gp = recycle_gp(gp, n)
		if(length(pch) == 1) pch = rep(pch, n)
		if(length(size) == 1) size = rep(size, n)

	if(is.null(ylim)) {
		data_scale = range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
	} else {
		data_scale = ylim
	data_scale = data_scale + c(-extend, extend)*(data_scale[2] - data_scale[1])

	value = x

	axis_param = validate_axis_param(axis_param, which)
	axis_grob = if(axis) construct_axis_grob(axis_param, which, data_scale) else NULL

	row_fun = function(index, k = 1, N = 1) {
		n = length(index)

		pushViewport(viewport(xscale = data_scale, yscale = c(0.5, n+0.5)))
		if(is.matrix(value)) {
			for(i in seq_len(ncol(value))) {
				grid.points(value[index, i], n - seq_along(index) + 1, gp = subset_gp(gp, i), 
					default.units = "native", pch = pch[i], size = size[i])
		} else {
			grid.points(value[index], n - seq_along(index) + 1, gp = subset_gp(gp, index), default.units = "native", 
				pch = pch[index], size = size[index])
		if(axis_param$side == "top") {
			if(k > 1) axis = FALSE
		} else if(axis_param$side == "bottom") {
			if(k < N) axis = FALSE
		if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
		if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))

	column_fun = function(index, k = 1, N = 1) {
		n = length(index)
		pushViewport(viewport(yscale = data_scale, xscale = c(0.5, n+0.5)))
		if(is.matrix(value)) {
			for(i in seq_len(ncol(value))) {
				grid.points(seq_along(index), value[index, i], gp = subset_gp(gp, i), default.units = "native", pch = pch[i], size = size[i])
		} else {
			grid.points(seq_along(index), value[index], gp = subset_gp(gp, index), default.units = "native", pch = pch[index], size = size[index])
		if(axis_param$side == "left") {
			if(k > 1) axis = FALSE
		} else if(axis_param$side == "right") {
			if(k < N) axis = FALSE
		if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
		if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))

	if(which == "row") {
		fun = row_fun
	} else if(which == "column") {
		fun = column_fun

	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		fun_name = "anno_points",
		which = which,
		width = anno_size$width,
		height = anno_size$height,
		n = n,
		data_scale = data_scale,
		var_import = list(value, gp, border, pch, size, axis, axis_param, axis_grob, data_scale)

	anno@subset_rule$gp = subset_vector
	if(input_is_matrix) {
		anno@subset_rule$value = subset_matrix_by_row
	} else {
		anno@subset_rule$value = subset_vector
		anno@subset_rule$gp = subset_gp
		anno@subset_rule$size = subset_vector
		anno@subset_rule$pch = subset_vector

	anno@subsetable = TRUE

	anno@extended = update_anno_extend(anno, axis_grob, axis_param)

update_anno_extend = function(anno, axis_grob, axis_param) {
	extended = anno@extended
	if(is.null(axis_grob)) {

	if(axis_param$facing == "outside") {
		if(axis_param$side == "left") {
			extended[[2]] = convertWidth(grobWidth(axis_grob), "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
		} else if(axis_param$side == "right") {
			extended[[4]] = convertWidth(grobWidth(axis_grob), "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
		} else if(axis_param$side == "top") {
			extended[[3]] = convertHeight(grobHeight(axis_grob), "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
		} else if(axis_param$side == "bottom") {
			extended[[1]] = convertHeight(grobHeight(axis_grob), "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)

# == title
# Lines Annotation
# == param
# -x The value vector. The value can be a vector or a matrix. The length of the vector
#    or the number of rows of the matrix is taken as the number of the observations of the annotation.
# -which Whether it is a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -border Wether draw borders of the annotation region?
# -gp Graphic parameters for lines. The length of each graphic parameter can be 1, or number of columns of ``x`` is ``x`` is a matrix.
# -add_points Whether to add points on the lines?
# -smooth If it is ``TRUE``, smoothing by `stats::loess` is performed. If it is ``TRUE``, ``add_points`` is set to ``TRUE`` by default.
# -pch Point type. The length setting is the same as ``gp``.
# -size Point size, the value should be a `grid::unit` object. The length setting is the same as ``gp``.
# -pt_gp Graphic parameters for points. The length setting is the same as ``gp``.
# -ylim Data ranges. By default it is ``range(x)``.
# -extend The extension to both side of ``ylim``. The value is a percent value corresponding to ``ylim[2] - ylim[1]``.
# -axis Whether to add axis?
# -axis_param parameters for controlling axis. See `default_axis_param` for all possible settings and default parameters.
# -width Width of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Width is not allowed to be set for column annotation.
# -height Height of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Height is not allowed to be set for row annotation.
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#lines-annotation
# == example
# anno = anno_lines(runif(10))
# draw(anno, test = "anno_lines")
# anno = anno_lines(cbind(c(1:5, 1:5), c(5:1, 5:1)), gp = gpar(col = 2:3))
# draw(anno, test = "matrix")
# anno = anno_lines(cbind(c(1:5, 1:5), c(5:1, 5:1)), gp = gpar(col = 2:3),
# 	add_points = TRUE, pt_gp = gpar(col = 5:6), pch = c(1, 16))
# draw(anno, test = "matrix")
anno_lines = function(x, which = c("column", "row"), border = TRUE, gp = gpar(), 
	add_points = smooth, smooth = FALSE, pch = 16, size = unit(2, "mm"), pt_gp = gpar(), ylim = NULL, 
	extend = 0.05, axis = TRUE, axis_param = default_axis_param(which),
	width = NULL, height = NULL) {

	ef = function() NULL
	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
		ef = dev.off2
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which


	if(is.data.frame(x)) x = as.matrix(x)
	if(is.matrix(x)) {
		if(ncol(x) == 1) {
			x = x[, 1]
	input_is_matrix = is.matrix(x)

	anno_size = anno_width_and_height(which, width, height, unit(1, "cm"))

	if(is.matrix(x)) {
		n = nrow(x)
		nr = n
		nc = ncol(x)
	} else {
		n = length(x)
		nr = n
		nc = 1

	if(input_is_matrix) {
		gp = recycle_gp(gp, nc)
		pt_gp = recycle_gp(pt_gp, nc)
		if(length(pch) == 1) pch = rep(pch, nc)
		if(length(size) == 1) size = rep(size, nc)
	} else if(is.atomic(x)) {
		gp = recycle_gp(gp, 1)
		pt_gp = recycle_gp(pt_gp, n)
		if(length(pch) == 1) pch = rep(pch, n)
		if(length(size) == 1) size = rep(size, n)

	if(is.null(ylim)) {
		data_scale = range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
	} else {
		data_scale = ylim
	data_scale = data_scale + c(-extend, extend)*(data_scale[2] - data_scale[1])

	value = x

	axis_param = validate_axis_param(axis_param, which)
	axis_grob = if(axis) construct_axis_grob(axis_param, which, data_scale) else NULL

	row_fun = function(index, k = 1, N = 1) {
		n = length(index)

		pushViewport(viewport(xscale = data_scale, yscale = c(0.5, n+0.5)))
		if(is.matrix(value)) {
			for(i in seq_len(ncol(value))) {
				x = n - seq_along(index) + 1
				y = value[index, i]
				if(smooth) {
					fit = loess(y ~ x)
					x2 = seq(x[1], x[length(x)], length = 100)
					y2 = predict(fit, x2)
					grid.lines(y2, x2, gp = subset_gp(gp, i), default.units = "native")
				} else {
					grid.lines(y, x, gp = subset_gp(gp, i), default.units = "native")
				if(add_points) {
					grid.points(y, x, gp = subset_gp(pt_gp, i), 
						default.units = "native", pch = pch[i], size = size[i])
		} else {
			x = n - seq_along(index) + 1
			y = value[index]
			if(smooth) {
				fit = loess(y ~ x)
				x2 = seq(x[1], x[length(x)], length = 100)
				y2 = predict(fit, x2)
				grid.lines(y2, x2, gp = gp, default.units = "native")
			} else {
				grid.lines(y, x, gp = gp, default.units = "native")
			if(add_points) {
				grid.points(y, x, gp = subset_gp(pt_gp, index), default.units = "native", 
					pch = pch[index], size = size[index])
		if(axis_param$side == "top") {
			if(k > 1) axis = FALSE
		} else if(axis_param$side == "bottom") {
			if(k < N) axis = FALSE
		if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
		if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))

	column_fun = function(index, k = 1, N = 1) {
		n = length(index)

		pushViewport(viewport(yscale = data_scale, xscale = c(0.5, n+0.5)))
		if(is.matrix(value)) {
			for(i in seq_len(ncol(value))) {
				x = seq_along(index)
				y = value[index, i]
				if(smooth) {
					fit = loess(y ~ x)
					x2 = seq(x[1], x[length(x)], length = 100)
					y2 = predict(fit, x2)
					grid.lines(x2, y2, gp = subset_gp(gp, i), default.units = "native")
				} else {
					grid.lines(x, y, gp = subset_gp(gp, i), default.units = "native")
				if(add_points) {
					grid.points(x, y, gp = subset_gp(pt_gp, i), 
						default.units = "native", pch = pch[i], size = size[i])
		} else {
			x = seq_along(index)
			y = value[index]
			if(smooth) {
				fit = loess(y ~ x)
				x2 = seq(x[1], x[length(x)], length = 100)
				y2 = predict(fit, x2)
				grid.lines(x2, y2, gp = gp, default.units = "native")
			} else {
				grid.lines(x, y, gp = gp, default.units = "native")
			if(add_points) {
				grid.points(seq_along(index), value[index], gp = subset_gp(pt_gp, index), default.units = "native", 
					pch = pch[index], size = size[index])
		if(axis_param$side == "left") {
			if(k > 1) axis = FALSE
		} else if(axis_param$side == "right") {
			if(k < N) axis = FALSE
		if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
		if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))

	if(which == "row") {
		fun = row_fun
	} else if(which == "column") {
		fun = column_fun

	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		fun_name = "anno_points",
		which = which,
		width = anno_size$width,
		height = anno_size$height,
		n = n,
		data_scale = data_scale,
		var_import = list(value, gp, border, pch, size, pt_gp, axis, axis_param, 
			axis_grob, data_scale, add_points, smooth)

	anno@subset_rule$gp = subset_vector
	if(input_is_matrix) {
		anno@subset_rule$value = subset_matrix_by_row
	} else {
		anno@subset_rule$value = subset_vector
		anno@subset_rule$gp = subset_gp
		anno@subset_rule$pt_gp = subset_gp
		anno@subset_rule$size = subset_vector
		anno@subset_rule$pch = subset_vector

	anno@subsetable = TRUE

	anno@extended = update_anno_extend(anno, axis_grob, axis_param)

# == title
# Barplot Annotation
# == param
# -x The value vector. The value can be a vector or a matrix. The length of the vector
#    or the number of rows of the matrix is taken as the number of the observations of the annotation.
#    If ``x`` is a vector, the barplots will be represented as stacked barplots.
# -baseline baseline of bars. The value should be "min" or "max", or a numeric value. It is enforced to be zero
#       for stacked barplots.
# -which Whether it is a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -border Wether draw borders of the annotation region?
# -bar_width Relative width of the bars. The value should be smaller than one.
# -gp Graphic parameters for points. The length of each graphic parameter can be 1, length of ``x`` if ``x``
#     is a vector, or number of columns of ``x`` is ``x`` is a matrix.
# -ylim Data ranges. By default it is ``range(x)`` if ``x`` is a vector, or ``range(rowSums(x))`` if ``x`` is a matrix.
# -extend The extension to both side of ``ylim``. The value is a percent value corresponding to ``ylim[2] - ylim[1]``.
# -axis Whether to add axis?
# -axis_param parameters for controlling axis. See `default_axis_param` for all possible settings and default parameters.
# -width Width of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Width is not allowed to be set for column annotation.
# -height Height of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Height is not allowed to be set for row annotation.
# -... Other arguments.
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#barplot_annotation
# == example
# anno = anno_barplot(1:10)
# draw(anno, test = "a vector")
# m = matrix(runif(4*10), nc = 4)
# m = t(apply(m, 1, function(x) x/sum(x)))
# anno = anno_barplot(m, gp = gpar(fill = 2:5), bar_width = 1, height = unit(6, "cm"))
# draw(anno, test = "proportion matrix")
anno_barplot = function(x, baseline = 0, which = c("column", "row"), border = TRUE, bar_width = 0.6,
	gp = gpar(fill = "#CCCCCC"), ylim = NULL, extend = 0.05, axis = TRUE, 
	axis_param = default_axis_param(which),
	width = NULL, height = NULL, ...) {

	other_args = list(...)
	if(length(other_args)) {
		if("axis_gp" %in% names(other_args)) {
			stop_wrap("`axis_gp` is removed from the arguments. Use `axis_param = list(gp = ...)` instead.")
		if("axis_side" %in% names(other_args)) {
			stop_wrap("`axis_side` is removed from the arguments. Use `axis_param = list(side = ...)` instead.")
		if("axis_direction" %in% names(other_args)) {
			stop_wrap("`axis_direction` is not supported any more.")

	if(inherits(x, "list")) x = do.call("cbind", x)
	if(inherits(x, "data.frame")) x = as.matrix(x)
	if(inherits(x, "matrix")) {
		sg = apply(x, 1, function(xx) all(sign(xx) %in% c(1, 0)) || all(sign(xx) %in% c(-1, 0)))
		if(!all(sg)) {
			stop_wrap("Since `x` is a matrix, the sign of each row should be either all positive or all negative.")
	# convert everything to matrix
	if(is.null(dim(x))) x = matrix(x, ncol = 1)
	nc = ncol(x)
	if(missing(gp)) {
		gp = gpar(fill = grey(seq(0, 1, length = nc+2))[-c(1, nc+2)])

	data_scale = range(rowSums(x, na.rm = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE)
	if(!is.null(ylim)) data_scale = ylim
	if(baseline == "min") {
		data_scale = data_scale + c(0, extend)*(data_scale[2] - data_scale[1])
		baseline = min(x)
	} else if(baseline == "max") {
		data_scale = data_scale + c(-extend, 0)*(data_scale[2] - data_scale[1])
		baseline = max(x)
	} else {
		if(is.numeric(baseline)) {
			if(baseline == 0 && all(abs(rowSums(x) - 1) < 1e-6)) {
				data_scale = c(0, 1)
			} else if(baseline <= data_scale[1]) {
				data_scale = c(baseline, extend*(data_scale[2] - baseline) + data_scale[2])
			} else if(baseline >= data_scale[2]) {
				data_scale = c(-extend*(baseline - data_scale[1]) + data_scale[1], baseline)
			} else {
				data_scale = data_scale + c(-extend, extend)*(data_scale[2] - data_scale[1])

	ef = function() NULL
	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
		ef = dev.off2
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which


	anno_size = anno_width_and_height(which, width, height, unit(1, "cm"))

	if(nc == 1) {
		gp = recycle_gp(gp, nrow(x))
	} else  {
		gp = recycle_gp(gp, nc)

	value = x
	axis_param = validate_axis_param(axis_param, which)
	axis_grob = if(axis) construct_axis_grob(axis_param, which, data_scale) else NULL

	row_fun = function(index, k = 1, N = 1) {
		n = length(index)
		pushViewport(viewport(xscale = data_scale, yscale = c(0.5, n+0.5)))
		if(ncol(value) == 1) {
			width = value[index] - baseline
			x_coor = width/2+baseline
			grid.rect(x = x_coor, y = n - seq_along(index) + 1, width = abs(width), height = 1*bar_width, default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, index))
		} else {
			for(i in seq_len(ncol(value))) {
				width = value[index, i]
				x_coor = rowSums(value[index, seq_len(i-1), drop = FALSE]) + width/2
				grid.rect(x = x_coor, y = n - seq_along(index) + 1, width = abs(width), height = 1*bar_width, default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
		if(axis_param$side == "top") {
			if(k > 1) axis = FALSE
		} else if(axis_param$side == "bottom") {
			if(k < N) axis = FALSE
		if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
		if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
	column_fun = function(index, k = 1, N = 1) {
		n = length(index)
		pushViewport(viewport(yscale = data_scale, xscale = c(0.5, n+0.5)))
		if(ncol(value) == 1) {
			height = value[index] - baseline
			y_coor = height/2+baseline
			grid.rect(y = y_coor, x = seq_along(index), height = abs(height), width = 1*bar_width, default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, index))
		} else {
			for(i in seq_len(ncol(value))) {
				height = value[index, i]
				y_coor = rowSums(value[index, seq_len(i-1), drop = FALSE]) + height/2
				grid.rect(y = y_coor, x = seq_along(index), height = abs(height), width = 1*bar_width, default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
		if(axis_param$side == "left") {
			if(k > 1) axis = FALSE
		} else if(axis_param$side == "right") {
			if(k < N) axis = FALSE
		if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
		if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
	if(which == "row") {
		fun = row_fun
	} else if(which == "column") {
		fun = column_fun
	n = nrow(value)

	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		fun_name = "anno_barplot",
		which = which,
		width = anno_size$width,
		height = anno_size$height,
		n = n,
		data_scale = data_scale,
		var_import = list(value, gp, border, bar_width, baseline, axis, axis_param, axis_grob, data_scale)

	anno@subset_rule$value = subset_matrix_by_row
	if(ncol(value) == 1) {
		anno@subset_rule$gp = subset_gp
	anno@subsetable = TRUE

	anno@extended = update_anno_extend(anno, axis_grob, axis_param)


# == title
# Boxplot Annotation
# == param
# -x A matrix or a list. If ``x`` is a matrix and if ``which`` is ``column``, statistics for boxplots
#    are calculated by columns, if ``which`` is ``row``, the calculation is done by rows.
# -which Whether it is a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -border Wether draw borders of the annotation region?
# -gp Graphic parameters for the boxes. The length of the graphic parameters should be one or the number of observations.
# -ylim Data ranges.
# -extend The extension to both side of ``ylim``. The value is a percent value corresponding to ``ylim[2] - ylim[1]``.
# -outline Whether draw outline of boxplots?
# -box_width Relative width of boxes. The value should be smaller than one.
# -pch Point style.
# -size Point size.
# -axis Whether to add axis?
# -axis_param parameters for controlling axis. See `default_axis_param` for all possible settings and default parameters.
# -width Width of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Width is not allowed to be set for column annotation.
# -height Height of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Height is not allowed to be set for row annotation.
# -... Other arguments.
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#box-annotation
# == example
# set.seed(123)
# m = matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
# anno = anno_boxplot(m, height = unit(4, "cm"))
# draw(anno, test = "anno_boxplot")
# anno = anno_boxplot(m, height = unit(4, "cm"), gp = gpar(fill = 1:10))
# draw(anno, test = "anno_boxplot with gp")
anno_boxplot = function(x, which = c("column", "row"), border = TRUE,
	gp = gpar(fill = "#CCCCCC"), ylim = NULL, extend = 0.05, outline = TRUE, box_width = 0.6,
	pch = 1, size = unit(2, "mm"), axis = TRUE, axis_param = default_axis_param(which),
	width = NULL, height = NULL, ...) {

	other_args = list(...)
	if(length(other_args)) {
		if("axis_gp" %in% names(other_args)) {
			stop_wrap("`axis_gp` is removed from the arguments. Use `axis_param = list(gp = ...)` instead.")
		if("axis_side" %in% names(other_args)) {
			stop_wrap("`axis_side` is removed from the arguments. Use `axis_param = list(side = ...)` instead.")
		if("axis_direction" %in% names(other_args)) {
			stop_wrap("`axis_direction` is not supported any more.")

	ef = function() NULL
	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
		ef = dev.off2
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which


	anno_size = anno_width_and_height(which, width, height, unit(2, "cm"))

	## convert matrix all to list (or data frame)
	if(is.matrix(x)) {
		if(which == "column") {
			value = as.data.frame(x)
		} else if(which == "row") {
			value = as.data.frame(t(x))
	} else {
		value = x

	if(is.null(ylim)) {
		if(!outline) {
			boxplot_stats = boxplot(value, plot = FALSE)$stats
			data_scale = range(boxplot_stats)
		} else {
			data_scale = range(value, na.rm = TRUE)
	} else {
		data_scale = ylim
	data_scale = data_scale + c(-extend, extend)*(data_scale[2] - data_scale[1])

	n = length(value)
	gp = recycle_gp(gp, n)
	if(length(pch) == 1) pch = rep(pch, n)
	if(length(size) == 1) size = rep(size, n)

	axis_param = validate_axis_param(axis_param, which)
	axis_grob = if(axis) construct_axis_grob(axis_param, which, data_scale) else NULL

	row_fun = function(index, k = 1, N = 1) {

		n_all = length(value)
		value = value[index]
		boxplot_stats = boxplot(value, plot = FALSE)$stats
		n = length(index)
		gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
		pch = pch[index]
		size = size[index]
		pushViewport(viewport(xscale = data_scale, yscale = c(0.5, n+0.5)))
		grid.rect(x = boxplot_stats[2, ], y = n - seq_along(index) + 1,  
			height = 1*box_width, width = boxplot_stats[4, ] - boxplot_stats[2, ], just = "left", 
			default.units = "native", gp = gp)

		grid.segments(boxplot_stats[5, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1 - 0.5*box_width, 
			          boxplot_stats[5, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1 + 0.5*box_width, 
			          default.units = "native", gp = gp)
		grid.segments(boxplot_stats[5, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1,
			          boxplot_stats[4, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1, 
			          default.units = "native", gp = gp)
		grid.segments(boxplot_stats[1, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1, 
			          boxplot_stats[2, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1, 
			          default.units = "native", gp = gp)
		grid.segments(boxplot_stats[1, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1 - 0.5*box_width, 
			          boxplot_stats[1, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1 + 0.5*box_width, 
			          default.units = "native", gp = gp)
		grid.segments(boxplot_stats[3, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1 - 0.5*box_width, 
			          boxplot_stats[3, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1 + 0.5*box_width, 
			          default.units = "native", gp = gp)
		if(outline) {
			for(i in seq_along(value)) {
				l1 = value[[i]] > boxplot_stats[5,i]
				l1[is.na(l1)] = FALSE
				if(sum(l1)) grid.points(y = rep(n - i + 1, sum(l1)), x = value[[i]][l1], 
					default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i), pch = pch[i], size = size[i])
				l2 = value[[i]] < boxplot_stats[1,i]
				l2[is.na(l2)] = FALSE
				if(sum(l2)) grid.points(y = rep(n - i + 1, sum(l2)), x = value[[i]][l2], 
					default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i), pch = pch[i], size = size[i])
		if(axis_param$side == "top") {
			if(k > 1) axis = FALSE
		} else if(axis_param$side == "bottom") {
			if(k < N) axis = FALSE
		if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
		if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
	column_fun = function(index, k = 1, N = 1) {
		value = value[index]
		boxplot_stats = boxplot(value, plot = FALSE)$stats

		n = length(index)
		gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
		pch = pch[index]
		size = size[index]
		pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(0.5, n+0.5), yscale = data_scale))
		grid.rect(x = seq_along(index), y = boxplot_stats[2, ], 
			height = boxplot_stats[4, ] - boxplot_stats[2, ], width = 1*box_width, just = "bottom", 
			default.units = "native", gp = gp)
		grid.segments(seq_along(index) - 0.5*box_width, boxplot_stats[5, ],
			          seq_along(index) + 0.5*box_width, boxplot_stats[5, ], 
			          default.units = "native", gp = gp)
		grid.segments(seq_along(index), boxplot_stats[5, ],
			          seq_along(index), boxplot_stats[4, ], 
			          default.units = "native", gp = gp)
		grid.segments(seq_along(index), boxplot_stats[1, ],
			          seq_along(index), boxplot_stats[2, ], 
			          default.units = "native", gp = gp)
		grid.segments(seq_along(index) - 0.5*box_width, boxplot_stats[1, ],
			          seq_along(index) + 0.5*box_width, boxplot_stats[1, ], 
			          default.units = "native", gp = gp)
		grid.segments(seq_along(index) - 0.5*box_width, boxplot_stats[3, ],
			          seq_along(index) + 0.5*box_width, boxplot_stats[3, ], 
			          default.units = "native", gp = gp)
		if(outline) {	
			for(i in seq_along(value)) {
				l1 = value[[i]] > boxplot_stats[5,i]
				l1[is.na(l1)] = FALSE
				if(sum(l1)) grid.points(x = rep(i, sum(l1)), y = value[[i]][l1], 
					default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i), pch = pch[i], size = size[i])
				l2 = value[[i]] < boxplot_stats[1,i]
				l2[is.na(l2)] = FALSE
				if(sum(l2)) grid.points(x = rep(i, sum(l2)), y = value[[i]][l2], 
					default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i), pch = pch[i], size = size[i])
		if(axis_param$side == "left") {
			if(k > 1) axis = FALSE
		} else if(axis_param$side == "right") {
			if(k < N) axis = FALSE
		if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
		if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
	if(which == "row") {
		fun = row_fun
	} else if(which == "column") {
		fun = column_fun

	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		fun_name = "anno_boxplot",
		which = which,
		n = n,
		width = anno_size$width,
		height = anno_size$height,
		data_scale = data_scale,
		var_import = list(value, gp, border, box_width, axis, axis_param, axis_grob, data_scale, pch, size, outline)

	anno@subset_rule$value = subset_vector
	anno@subset_rule$gp = subset_gp
	anno@subset_rule$pch = subset_vector
	anno@subset_rule$size = subset_vector
	anno@subsetable = TRUE

	anno@extended = update_anno_extend(anno, axis_grob, axis_param)


# == title
# Histogram Annotation
# == param
# -x A matrix or a list. If ``x`` is a matrix and if ``which`` is ``column``, statistics for boxplots
#    are calculated by columns, if ``which`` is ``row``, the calculation is done by rows.
# -which Whether it is a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -n_breaks Number of breaks for calculating histogram.
# -border Wether draw borders of the annotation region?
# -gp Graphic parameters for the boxes. The length of the graphic parameters should be one or the number of observations.
# -axis Whether to add axis?
# -axis_param parameters for controlling axis. See `default_axis_param` for all possible settings and default parameters.
# -width Width of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Width is not allowed to be set for column annotation.
# -height Height of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Height is not allowed to be set for row annotation.
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#histogram-annotation
# == example
# m = matrix(rnorm(1000), nc = 10)
# anno = anno_histogram(t(m), which = "row")
# draw(anno, test = "row histogram")
# anno = anno_histogram(t(m), which = "row", gp = gpar(fill = 1:10))
# draw(anno, test = "row histogram with color")
# anno = anno_histogram(t(m), which = "row", n_breaks = 20)
# draw(anno, test = "row histogram with color")
anno_histogram = function(x, which = c("column", "row"), n_breaks = 11, 
	border = FALSE, gp = gpar(fill = "#CCCCCC"), 
	axis = TRUE, axis_param = default_axis_param(which), 
	width = NULL, height = NULL) {
	ef = function() NULL
	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
		ef = dev.off2
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which


	anno_size = anno_width_and_height(which, width, height, unit(4, "cm"))

	## convert matrix all to list (or data frame)
	if(is.matrix(x)) {
		if(which == "column") {
			value = as.data.frame(x)
		} else if(which == "row") {
			value = as.data.frame(t(x))
	} else {
		value = x

	n = length(value)
	x_range =range(unlist(value), na.rm = TRUE)
	histogram_stats = lapply(value, hist, plot = FALSE, breaks = seq(x_range[1], x_range[2], length = n_breaks))
	histogram_breaks = lapply(histogram_stats, function(x) x$breaks)
	histogram_counts = lapply(histogram_stats, function(x) x$counts)

	xscale = range(unlist(histogram_breaks), na.rm = TRUE)
	xscale = xscale + c(0, 0.05)*(xscale[2] - xscale[1])
	yscale = c(0, max(unlist(histogram_counts)))
	yscale[2] = yscale[2]*1.05

	gp = recycle_gp(gp, n)
	axis_param = validate_axis_param(axis_param, which)
	axis_grob = if(axis) construct_axis_grob(axis_param, which, xscale) else NULL

	row_fun = function(index, k = 1, N = 1) {
		n_all = length(value)
		value = value[index]
		n = length(index)
		histogram_breaks = histogram_breaks[index]
		histogram_counts = histogram_counts[index]

		gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
		for(i in seq_len(n)) {
			n_breaks = length(histogram_breaks[[i]])
			pushViewport(viewport(x = unit(0, "npc"), y = unit((n-i)/n, "npc"), height = unit(1/n, "npc"), just = c("left", "bottom"), xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale))
			grid.rect(x = histogram_breaks[[i]][-1], y = 0, width = histogram_breaks[[i]][-1] - histogram_breaks[[i]][-n_breaks], height = histogram_counts[[i]], just = c("right", "bottom"), default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i))	
		pushViewport(viewport(xscale = xscale))
		if(axis_param$side == "top") {
			if(k > 1) axis = FALSE
		} else if(axis_param$side == "bottom") {
			if(k < N) axis = FALSE
		if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
		if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
	column_fun = function(index, k = 1, N = 1) {
		n_all = length(value)
		value = value[index]
		foo = yscale
		yscale = xscale
		xscale = foo
		histogram_breaks = histogram_breaks[index]
		histogram_counts = histogram_counts[index]

		n = length(index)
		gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
		for(i in seq_len(n)) {
			n_breaks = length(histogram_breaks[[i]])
			pushViewport(viewport(y = unit(0, "npc"), x = unit(i/n, "npc"), width = unit(1/n, "npc"), 
				just = c("right", "bottom"), xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale))
			grid.rect(y = histogram_breaks[[i]][-1], x = 0, height = histogram_breaks[[i]][-1] - histogram_breaks[[i]][-n_breaks], 
				width = histogram_counts[[i]], just = c("left", "top"), default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i))	
		pushViewport(viewport(yscale = yscale))
		if(axis_param$side == "left") {
			if(k > 1) axis = FALSE
		} else if(axis_param$side == "right") {
			if(k < N) axis = FALSE
		if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
		if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
	if(which == "row") {
		fun = row_fun
	} else if(which == "column") {
		fun = column_fun

	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		fun_name = "anno_histogram",
		which = which,
		width = anno_size$width,
		height = anno_size$height,
		n = n,
		data_scale = xscale,
		var_import = list(value, gp, border, axis, axis_param, axis_grob, xscale, yscale,
			histogram_breaks, histogram_counts)

	anno@subset_rule$value = subset_vector
	anno@subset_rule$gp = subset_gp
	anno@subset_rule$histogram_breaks = subset_vector
	anno@subset_rule$histogram_counts = subset_vector
	anno@subsetable = TRUE

	anno@extended = update_anno_extend(anno, axis_grob, axis_param)


# == title
# Density Annotation
# == param
# -x A matrix or a list. If ``x`` is a matrix and if ``which`` is ``column``, statistics for boxplots
#    are calculated by columns, if ``which`` is ``row``, the calculation is done by rows.
# -which Whether it is a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -type Type of graphics to represent density distribution. "lines" for normal density plot; "violine" for violin plot
#       and "heatmap" for heatmap visualization of density distribution.
# -heatmap_colors A vector of colors for interpolating density values.
# -joyplot_scale Relative height of density distribution. A value higher than 1 increases the height of the density
#               distribution and the plot will represented as so-called "joyplot".
# -border Wether draw borders of the annotation region?
# -gp Graphic parameters for the boxes. The length of the graphic parameters should be one or the number of observations.
# -axis Whether to add axis?
# -axis_param parameters for controlling axis. See `default_axis_param` for all possible settings and default parameters.
# -width Width of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Width is not allowed to be set for column annotation.
# -height Height of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Height is not allowed to be set for row annotation.
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#density-annotation
# == example
# m = matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
# anno = anno_density(m, which = "row")
# draw(anno, test = "normal density")
# anno = anno_density(m, which = "row", type = "violin")
# draw(anno, test = "violin")
# anno = anno_density(m, which = "row", type = "heatmap")
# draw(anno, test = "heatmap")
# anno = anno_density(m, which = "row", type = "heatmap", 
#     heatmap_colors = c("white", "orange"))
# draw(anno, test = "heatmap, colors")
anno_density = function(x, which = c("column", "row"),
	type = c("lines", "violin", "heatmap"), 
	heatmap_colors = rev(brewer.pal(name = "RdYlBu", n = 11)), 
	joyplot_scale = 1, border = TRUE, gp = gpar(fill = "#CCCCCC"),
	axis = TRUE, axis_param = default_axis_param(which),
	width = NULL, height = NULL) {
	ef = function() NULL
	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
		ef = dev.off2
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which


	anno_size = anno_width_and_height(which, width, height, unit(4, "cm"))

	## convert matrix all to list (or data frame)
	if(is.matrix(x)) {
		if(which == "column") {
			value = as.data.frame(x)
		} else if(which == "row") {
			value = as.data.frame(t(x))
	} else {
		value = x

	n = length(value)
	gp = recycle_gp(gp, n)
	type = match.arg(type)[1]

	n_all = length(value)
	density_stats = lapply(value, density, na.rm = TRUE)
	density_x = lapply(density_stats, function(x) x$x)
	density_y = lapply(density_stats, function(x) x$y)
	min_density_x = min(unlist(density_x))
	max_density_x = max(unlist(density_x))
	xscale = range(unlist(density_x), na.rm = TRUE)
	xscale = xscale + c(0, 0.05)*(xscale[2] - xscale[1])
	if(type == "lines") {
		yscale = c(0, max(unlist(density_y)))
		yscale[2] = yscale[2]*1.05
	} else if(type == "violin") {
		yscale = max(unlist(density_y))
		yscale = c(-yscale*1.05, yscale*1.05)
	} else if(type == "heatmap") {
		xscale = range(unlist(density_x), na.rm = TRUE)
		yscale = c(0, 1)
		min_y = min(unlist(density_y))
		max_y = max(unlist(density_y))
		col_fun = colorRamp2(seq(min_y, max_y, 
			length = length(heatmap_colors)), heatmap_colors)

	axis_param = validate_axis_param(axis_param, which)
	axis_grob = if(axis) construct_axis_grob(axis_param, which, xscale) else NULL

	row_fun = function(index, k = 1, N = 1) {
		n = length(index)
		value = value[index]
		gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
		density_x = density_x[index]
		density_y = density_y[index]

		for(i in seq_len(n)) {
			pushViewport(viewport(x = unit(0, "npc"), y = unit((n-i)/n, "npc"), 
				just = c("left", "bottom"), height = unit(1/n, "npc"), xscale = xscale, 
				yscale = yscale))
			if(type == "lines") {
				grid.polygon(x = density_x[[i]], y = density_y[[i]]*joyplot_scale, 
					default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
			} else if(type == "violin") {
				grid.polygon(x = c(density_x[[i]], rev(density_x[[i]])), 
					y = c(density_y[[i]], -rev(density_y[[i]])), default.units = "native", 
					gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
				box_stat = boxplot(value[[i]], plot = FALSE)$stat
				grid.lines(box_stat[1:2, 1], c(0, 0), default.units = "native", 
					gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
				grid.lines(box_stat[4:5, 1], c(0, 0), default.units = "native", 
					gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
				grid.points(box_stat[3, 1], 0, default.units = "native", pch = 3, 
					size = unit(1, "mm"), gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
			} else if(type == "heatmap") {
				n_breaks = length(density_x[[i]])
				grid.rect(x = density_x[[i]][-1], y = 0, 
					width = density_x[[i]][-1] - density_x[[i]][-n_breaks], height = 1, 
					just = c("right", "bottom"), default.units = "native", 
					gp = gpar(fill = col_fun((density_y[[i]][-1] + density_y[[i]][-n_breaks])/2), 
						col = NA))
				grid.rect(x = density_x[[i]][1], y = 0, width = density_x[[i]][1] - min_density_x, 
					height = 1, just = c("right", "bottom"), default.units = "native", 
					gp = gpar(fill = col_fun(0), col = NA))
				grid.rect(x = density_x[[i]][n_breaks], y = 0, 
					width = max_density_x - density_x[[i]][n_breaks], height = 1, 
					just = c("left", "bottom"), default.units = "native", 
					gp = gpar(fill = col_fun(0), col = NA))
		pushViewport(viewport(xscale = xscale))
		if(axis_param$side == "top") {
			if(k > 1) axis = FALSE
		} else if(axis_param$side == "bottom") {
			if(k < N) axis = FALSE
		if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
		if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
	column_fun = function(index, k = 1, N = 1) {

		n_all = length(value)
		value = value[index]
		foo = yscale
		yscale = xscale
		xscale = foo

		density_x = density_x[index]
		density_y = density_y[index]
		yscale = range(unlist(density_x), na.rm = TRUE)
		yscale = yscale + c(0, 0.05)*(yscale[2] - yscale[1])
		if(type == "lines") {
			xscale = c(0, max(unlist(density_y)))
			xscale[2] = xscale[2]*1.05
		} else if(type == "violin") {
			xscale = max(unlist(density_y))
			xscale = c(-xscale*1.05, xscale*1.05)
		} else if(type == "heatmap") {
			yscale = range(unlist(density_x), na.rm = TRUE)
			xscale = c(0, 1)
			min_y = min(unlist(density_y))
			max_y = max(unlist(density_y))
			col_fun = colorRamp2(seq(min_y, max_y, 
				length = length(heatmap_colors)), heatmap_colors)

		n = length(index)
		gp = subset_gp(gp, index)

		for(i in rev(seq_len(n))) {
			pushViewport(viewport(y = unit(0, "npc"), x = unit(i/n, "npc"), width = unit(1/n, "npc"), 
				just = c("right", "bottom"), xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale))
			if(type == "lines") {
				grid.polygon(y = density_x[[i]], x = density_y[[i]]*joyplot_scale, 
					default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
			} else if(type == "violin") {
				grid.polygon(y = c(density_x[[i]], rev(density_x[[i]])), 
					x = c(density_y[[i]], -rev(density_y[[i]])), default.units = "native", 
					gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
				box_stat = boxplot(value[[i]], plot = FALSE)$stat
				grid.lines(y = box_stat[1:2, 1], x = c(0, 0), default.units = "native", 
					gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
				grid.lines(y = box_stat[4:5, 1], x = c(0, 0), default.units = "native", 
					gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
				grid.points(y = box_stat[3, 1], x = 0, default.units = "native", pch = 3, 
					size = unit(1, "mm"), gp = subset_gp(gp, i))	
			} else if(type == "heatmap") {
				n_breaks = length(density_x[[i]])
				grid.rect(y = density_x[[i]][-1], x = 0, 
					height = density_x[[i]][-1] - density_x[[i]][-n_breaks], width = 1, 
					just = c("left", "top"), default.units = "native", 
					gp = gpar(fill = col_fun((density_y[[i]][-1] + density_y[[i]][-n_breaks])/2), 
						col = NA))
				grid.rect(y = density_x[[i]][1], x = 0, height = density_x[[i]][1] - min_density_x, 
					width = 1, just = c("left", "top"), default.units = "native", 
					gp = gpar(fill = col_fun(0), col = NA))
				grid.rect(y = density_x[[i]][n_breaks], x = 0, 
					height = max_density_x - density_x[[i]][n_breaks], width = 1, 
					just = c("left", "bottom"), default.units = "native", 
					gp = gpar(fill = col_fun(0), col = NA))
		pushViewport(viewport(yscale = yscale))
		if(axis_param$side == "left") {
			if(k > 1) axis = FALSE
		} else if(axis_param$side == "right") {
			if(k < N) axis = FALSE
		if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
		if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
	if(which == "row") {
		fun = row_fun
	} else if(which == "column") {
		fun = column_fun

	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		fun_name = "anno_density",
		which = which,
		width = anno_size$width,
		height = anno_size$height,
		n = n,
		data_scale = xscale,
		var_import = list(value, gp, border, type, axis, axis_param, axis_grob, xscale, yscale, density_x,
			density_y, min_density_x, max_density_x, joyplot_scale, heatmap_colors)

	if(type == "heatmap") {
		anno@var_env$col_fun = col_fun

	anno@subset_rule$value = subset_vector
	anno@subset_rule$gp = subset_gp
	anno@subset_rule$density_x = subset_vector
	anno@subset_rule$density_y = subset_vector
	anno@subsetable = TRUE

	anno@extended = update_anno_extend(anno, axis_grob, axis_param)


# == title
# Text Annotation
# == param
# -x A vector of text.
# -which Whether it is a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -gp Graphic parameters.
# -rot Rotation of the text, pass to `grid::grid.text`.
# -just Justification of text, pass to `grid::grid.text`.
# -offset Depracated, use ``location`` instead.
# -location Position of the text. By default ``rot``, ``just`` and ``location`` are automatically
#           inferred according to whether it is a row annotation or column annotation. The value
#           of ``location`` should be a `grid::unit` object, normally in ``npc`` unit. E.g. ``unit(0, 'npc')``
#           means the most left of the annotation region and ``unit(1, 'npc')`` means the most right of
#           the annotation region. 
# -width Width of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Width is not allowed to be set for column annotation.
# -height Height of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Height is not allowed to be set for row annotation.
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#text-annotation
# == example
# anno = anno_text(month.name)
# draw(anno, test = "month names")
# anno = anno_text(month.name, gp = gpar(fontsize = 16))
# draw(anno, test = "month names with fontsize")
# anno = anno_text(month.name, gp = gpar(fontsize = 1:12+4))
# draw(anno, test = "month names with changing fontsize")
# anno = anno_text(month.name, which = "row")
# draw(anno, test = "month names on rows")
# anno = anno_text(month.name, location = 0, rot = 45, 
#     just = "left", gp = gpar(col = 1:12))
# draw(anno, test = "with rotations")
# anno = anno_text(month.name, location = 1, 
#     rot = 45, just = "right", gp = gpar(fontsize = 1:12+4))
# draw(anno, test = "with rotations")
anno_text = function(x, which = c("column", "row"), gp = gpar(), 
	rot = guess_rot(), just = guess_just(), 
	offset = guess_location(), location = guess_location(),
	width = NULL, height = NULL) {
	ef = function() NULL
	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
		ef = dev.off2
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which


	n = length(x)
	gp = recycle_gp(gp, n)

	guess_rot = function() {
		ifelse(which == "column", 90, 0)

	guess_just = function() {
		ifelse(which == "column", "right", "left")

	guess_location = function() {
		unit(ifelse(which == "column", 1, 0), "npc")

	rot = rot[1] %% 360
	just = just[1]
	if(!missing(offset)) {
		warning_wrap("`offset` is deprecated, use `location` instead.")
		if(missing(location)) {
			location = offset
	location = location[1]
	if(!inherits(location, "unit")) {
		location = unit(location, "npc")

	if(which == "column") {
		if("right" %in% just) {
			if(rot < 180) {
				location = location - 0.5*grobHeight(textGrob("A", gp = gp))*abs(cos(rot/180*pi))
			} else {
				location = location + 0.5*grobHeight(textGrob("A", gp = gp))*abs(cos(rot/180*pi))
		} else if("left" %in% just) {
			if(rot < 180) {
				location = location + 0.5*grobHeight(textGrob("A", gp = gp))*abs(cos(rot/180*pi))
			} else {
				location = location - 0.5*grobHeight(textGrob("A", gp = gp))*abs(cos(rot/180*pi))

	if(which == "column") {
		if(missing(height)) {
			height = max_text_width(x, gp = gp)*abs(sin(rot/180*pi)) + grobHeight(textGrob("A", gp = gp))*abs(cos(rot/180*pi))
			height = convertHeight(height, "mm")
		if(missing(width)) {
			width = unit(1, "npc")
	if(which == "row") {
		if(missing(width)) {
			width = max_text_width(x, gp = gp)*abs(cos(rot/180*pi)) + grobHeight(textGrob("A", gp = gp))*abs(sin(rot/180*pi))
			width = convertWidth(width, "mm")
		if(missing(height)) {
			height = unit(1, "npc")

	anno_size = list(width = width, height = height)

	value = x

	row_fun = function(index) {
		n = length(index)
		gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
		gp2 = gp
        if("border" %in% names(gp2)) gp2$col = gp2$border
        if("fill" %in% names(gp2)) {
        	if(!"border" %in% names(gp2)) gp2$col = gp2$fill
        if(any(c("border", "fill") %in% names(gp2))) {
        	grid.rect(y = (n - seq_along(index) + 0.5)/n, height = 1/n, gp = gp2)
		grid.text(value[index], location, (n - seq_along(index) + 0.5)/n, gp = gp, just = just, rot = rot)
	column_fun = function(index, k = NULL, N = NULL, vp_name = NULL) {
		n = length(index)
		gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
		gp2 = gp
        if("border" %in% names(gp2)) gp2$col = gp2$border
        if("fill" %in% names(gp2)) {
        	if(!"border" %in% names(gp2)) gp2$col = gp2$fill
        if(any(c("border", "fill") %in% names(gp2))) {
        	grid.rect(x = (seq_along(index) - 0.5)/n, width = 1/n, gp = gp2)
		grid.text(value[index], (seq_along(index) - 0.5)/n, location, gp = gp, just = just, rot = rot)

	if(which == "row") {
		fun = row_fun
	} else if(which == "column") {
		fun = column_fun

	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		fun_name = "anno_text",
		which = which,
		width = width,
		height = height,
		n = n,
		var_import = list(value, gp, just, rot, location),
		show_name = FALSE

	anno@subset_rule$value = subset_vector
	anno@subset_rule$gp = subset_gp

	anno@subsetable = TRUE


# == title
# Joyplot Annotation
# == param
# -x A matrix or a list. If ``x`` is a matrix or a data frame, columns correspond to observations.
# -which Whether it is a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -gp Graphic parameters for the boxes. The length of the graphic parameters should be one or the number of observations.
# -scale Relative height of the curve. A value higher than 1 increases the height of the curve.
# -transparency Transparency of the filled colors. Value should be between 0 and 1.
# -axis Whether to add axis?
# -axis_param parameters for controlling axis. See `default_axis_param` for all possible settings and default parameters.
# -width Width of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Width is not allowed to be set for column annotation.
# -height Height of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Height is not allowed to be set for row annotation.
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#joyplot-annotation
# == example
# m = matrix(rnorm(1000), nc = 10)
# lt = apply(m, 2, function(x) data.frame(density(x)[c("x", "y")]))
# anno = anno_joyplot(lt, width = unit(4, "cm"), which = "row")
# draw(anno, test = "joyplot")
# anno = anno_joyplot(lt, width = unit(4, "cm"), which = "row", gp = gpar(fill = 1:10))
# draw(anno, test = "joyplot + col")
# anno = anno_joyplot(lt, width = unit(4, "cm"), which = "row", scale = 1)
# draw(anno, test = "joyplot + scale")
# m = matrix(rnorm(5000), nc = 50)
# lt = apply(m, 2, function(x) data.frame(density(x)[c("x", "y")]))
# anno = anno_joyplot(lt, width = unit(4, "cm"), which = "row", gp = gpar(fill = NA), scale = 4)
# draw(anno, test = "joyplot")
anno_joyplot = function(x, which = c("column", "row"), gp = gpar(fill = "#000000"),
	scale = 2, transparency = 0.6,
	axis = TRUE, axis_param = default_axis_param(which),
	width = NULL, height = NULL) {
	ef = function() NULL
	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
		ef = dev.off2
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which


	anno_size = anno_width_and_height(which, width, height, unit(4, "cm"))

	## convert matrix all to list (or data frame)
	if(is.matrix(x) || is.data.frame(x)) {
		value = vector("list", ncol(x))
		for(i in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
			value[[i]] = cbind(seq_len(nrow(x)), x[, i])
	} else if(inherits(x, "list")){
		if(all(sapply(x, is.atomic))) {
			if(length(unique(sapply(x, length))) == 1) {
				value = vector("list", length(x))
				for(i in seq_len(length(x))) {
					value[[i]] = cbind(seq_along(x[[i]]), x[[i]])
			} else {
				stop_wrap("Since x is a list, x need to be a list of two-column matrices.")
		} else {
			value = x
	} else {
		stop_wrap("The input should be a list of two-column matrices or a matrix/data frame.")

	xscale = range(lapply(value, function(x) x[, 1]), na.rm = TRUE)
	xscale = xscale + c(-0.05, 0.05)*(xscale[2] - xscale[1])
	yscale = range(lapply(value, function(x) x[, 2]), na.rm = TRUE)
	yscale[1] = 0
	yscale[2] = yscale[2]*1.05

	n = length(value)

	if(!"fill" %in% names(gp)) {
		gp$fill = "#000000"
	gp = recycle_gp(gp, n)
	gp$fill = add_transparency(gp$fill, transparency)
	axis_param = validate_axis_param(axis_param, which)
	axis_grob = if(axis) construct_axis_grob(axis_param, which, xscale) else NULL

	row_fun = function(index, k = 1, N = 1) {

		n_all = length(value)
		value = value[index]
		n = length(index)
		gp = subset_gp(gp, index)

		for(i in seq_len(n)) {
			pushViewport(viewport(x = unit(0, "npc"), y = unit((n-i)/n, "npc"), 
				just = c("left", "bottom"), height = unit(1/n, "npc"), xscale = xscale, 
				yscale = yscale))
			x0 = value[[i]][, 1]
			y0 = value[[i]][, 2]*scale
			x0 = c(x0[1], x0, x0[length(x0)])
			y0 = c(0, y0, 0)
			gppp = subset_gp(gp, i); gppp$col = NA
			grid.polygon(x = x0, y = y0, default.units = "native", gp = gppp)
			grid.lines(x = x0, y = y0, default.units = "native", 
				gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
		pushViewport(viewport(xscale = xscale))
		if(axis_param$side == "top") {
			if(k > 1) axis = FALSE
		} else if(axis_param$side == "bottom") {
			if(k < N) axis = FALSE
		if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
	column_fun = function(index, k = 1, N = 1) {

		n_all = length(value)
		value = value[index]
		foo = yscale
		yscale = xscale
		xscale = foo
		n = length(index)
		gp = subset_gp(gp, index)

		for(i in seq_len(n)) {
			pushViewport(viewport(y = unit(0, "npc"), x = unit(i/n, "npc"), 
				width = unit(1/n, "npc"), just = c("right", "bottom"), xscale = xscale, 
				yscale = yscale))
			x0 = value[[i]][, 2]*scale
			y0 = value[[i]][ ,1]
			x0 = c(0, x0, 0)
			y0 = c(y0[1], y0, y0[length(y0)])
			gppp = subset_gp(gp, i); gppp$col = NA
			grid.polygon(y = y0, x = x0, default.units = "native", gp = gppp)
			grid.lines(y = y0, x = x0, default.units = "native", 
				gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
		pushViewport(viewport(yscale = yscale))
		if(axis_param$side == "left") {
			if(k > 1) axis = FALSE
		} else if(axis_param$side == "right") {
			if(k < N) axis = FALSE
		if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
	if(which == "row") {
		fun = row_fun
	} else if(which == "column") {
		fun = column_fun

	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		fun_name = "anno_joyplot",
		which = which,
		width = anno_size$width,
		height = anno_size$height,
		n = n,
		data_scale = xscale,
		var_import = list(value, gp, axis, axis_param, axis_grob, scale, yscale, xscale)

	anno@subset_rule$value = subset_vector
	anno@subset_rule$gp = subset_gp

	anno@subsetable = TRUE

	anno@extended = update_anno_extend(anno, axis_grob, axis_param)


# == title
# Horizon chart Annotation
# == param
# -x A matrix or a list. If ``x`` is a matrix or a data frame, columns correspond to observations.
# -which Whether it is a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -gp Graphic parameters for the boxes. The length of the graphic parameters should be one or the number of observations.
#     There are two unstandard parameters specificly for horizon chart: ``pos_fill`` and ``neg_fill`` controls the filled
#     color for positive values and negative values.
# -n_slice Number of slices on y-axis.
# -slice_size Height of the slice. If the value is not ``NULL``, ``n_slice`` will be recalculated. 
# -negative_from_top Whether the areas for negative values start from the top or the bottom of the plotting region?
# -normalize Whether normalize ``x`` by max(abs(x)).
# -gap Gap size of neighbouring horizon chart.
# -axis Whether to add axis?
# -axis_param parameters for controlling axis. See `default_axis_param` for all possible settings and default parameters.
# -width Width of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Width is not allowed to be set for column annotation.
# -height Height of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Height is not allowed to be set for row annotation.
# == detail
# Horizon chart as row annotation is only supported.
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#horizon-chart-annotation
# == example
# lt = lapply(1:20, function(x) cumprod(1 + runif(1000, -x/100, x/100)) - 1)
# anno = anno_horizon(lt, which = "row")
# draw(anno, test = "horizon chart")
# anno = anno_horizon(lt, which = "row", 
#     gp = gpar(pos_fill = "orange", neg_fill = "darkgreen"))
# draw(anno, test = "horizon chart, col")
# anno = anno_horizon(lt, which = "row", negative_from_top = TRUE)
# draw(anno, test = "horizon chart + negative_from_top")
# anno = anno_horizon(lt, which = "row", gap = unit(1, "mm"))
# draw(anno, test = "horizon chart + gap")
# anno = anno_horizon(lt, which = "row", 
#     gp = gpar(pos_fill = rep(c("orange", "red"), each = 10),
#     neg_fill = rep(c("darkgreen", "blue"), each = 10)))
# draw(anno, test = "horizon chart, col")
anno_horizon = function(x, which = c("column", "row"), 
	gp = gpar(pos_fill = "#D73027", neg_fill = "#313695"),
	n_slice = 4, slice_size = NULL, negative_from_top = FALSE, 
	normalize = TRUE, gap = unit(0, "mm"),
	axis = TRUE, axis_param = default_axis_param(which),
	width = NULL, height = NULL) {

	ef = function() NULL
	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
		ef = dev.off2
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which


	anno_size = anno_width_and_height(which, width, height, unit(4, "cm"))

	## convert matrix all to list (or data frame)
	if(is.matrix(x) || is.data.frame(x)) {
		value = vector("list", ncol(x))
		for(i in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
			value[[i]] = cbind(seq_len(nrow(x)), x[, i])
	} else if(inherits(x, "list")){
		if(all(sapply(x, is.atomic))) {
			if(length(unique(sapply(x, length))) == 1) {
				value = vector("list", length(x))
				for(i in seq_len(length(x))) {
					value[[i]] = cbind(seq_along(x[[i]]), x[[i]])
			} else {
				stop_wrap("Since x is a list, x need to be a list of two-column matrices.")
		} else {
			value = x
	} else {
		stop_wrap("The input should be a list of two-column matrices or a matrix/data frame.")

	if(is.null(gp$pos_fill)) gp$pos_fill = "#D73027"
	if(is.null(gp$neg_fill)) gp$neg_fill = "#313695"

	if("fill" %in% names(gp)) {
		foo = unlist(lapply(value, function(x) x[, 2]))
		if(all(foo >= 0)) {
			gp$pos_fill = gp$fill
		} else if(all(foo <= 0)) {
			gp$neg_fill = gp$fill
		} else {
			gp = gpar(pos_fill = "#D73027", neg_fill = "#313695")

	if(which == "column") {
		stop_wrap("anno_horizon() does not support column annotation.")

	if(normalize) {
		value = lapply(value, function(m) {
			m[, 2] = m[, 2]/max(abs(m[, 2]))

	n = length(value)
	xscale = range(lapply(value, function(x) x[, 1]), na.rm = TRUE)
	yscale = range(lapply(value, function(x) abs(x[, 2])), na.rm = TRUE)
	axis_param = validate_axis_param(axis_param, which)
	axis_grob = if(axis) construct_axis_grob(axis_param, which, xscale) else NULL

	row_fun = function(index, k = 1, N = 1) {

		n_all = length(value)
		value = value[index]
		if(is.null(slice_size)) {
			slice_size = yscale[2]/n_slice
		n_slice = ceiling(yscale[2]/slice_size)
		n = length(index)
		gp = subset_gp(gp, index)

		for(i in seq_len(n)) {
			pushViewport(viewport(x = unit(0, "npc"), y = unit((n-i)/n, "npc"), just = c("left", "bottom"), 
				height = unit(1/n, "npc") - gap))
			sgp = subset_gp(gp, i)
			horizon_chart(value[[i]][, 1], value[[i]][, 2], n_slice = n_slice, slice_size = slice_size, 
				negative_from_top = negative_from_top, pos_fill = sgp$pos_fill, neg_fill = sgp$neg_fill)
			grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
		pushViewport(viewport(xscale = xscale))
		if(axis_param$side == "top") {
			if(k > 1) axis = FALSE
		} else if(axis_param$side == "bottom") {
			if(k < N) axis = FALSE
		if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
	column_fun = function(index) {

	if(which == "row") {
		fun = row_fun
	} else if(which == "column") {
		fun = column_fun

	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		fun_name = "anno_horizon",
		which = which,
		width = anno_size$width,
		height = anno_size$height,
		n = n,
		data_scale = xscale,
		var_import = list(value, gp, axis, axis_param, axis_grob, n_slice, slice_size,
			negative_from_top, xscale, yscale, gap)

	anno@subset_rule$value = subset_vector
	anno@subset_rule$gp = subset_gp

	anno@subsetable = TRUE

	anno@extended = update_anno_extend(anno, axis_grob, axis_param)


horizon_chart = function(x, y, n_slice = 4, slice_size, pos_fill = "#D73027", neg_fill = "#313695",
	negative_from_top = FALSE) {

	if(missing(slice_size)) {
		slice_size = max(abs(y))/n_slice
	n_slice = ceiling(max(abs(y))/slice_size)

	if(n_slice == 0) {

	pos_col_fun = colorRamp2(c(0, n_slice), c("white", pos_fill))
	neg_col_fun = colorRamp2(c(0, n_slice), c("white", neg_fill))
	pushViewport(viewport(xscale = range(x), yscale = c(0, slice_size)))
	for(i in seq_len(n_slice)) {
		l1 = y >= (i-1)*slice_size & y < i*slice_size
		l2 = y < (i-1)*slice_size
		l3 = y >= i*slice_size
		if(any(l1)) {
			x2 = x
			y2 = y
			y2[l1] = y2[l1] - slice_size*(i-1)
			y2[l3] = slice_size
			x2[l2] = NA
			y2[l2] = NA

			add_horizon_polygon(x2, y2, gp = gpar(fill = pos_col_fun(i), col = NA), 
				default.units = "native")
	y = -y
	for(i in seq_len(n_slice)) {
		l1 = y >= (i-1)*slice_size & y < i*slice_size
		l2 = y < (i-1)*slice_size
		l3 = y >= i*slice_size
		if(any(l1)) {
			x2 = x
			y2 = y
			y2[l1] = y2[l1] - slice_size*(i-1)
			y2[l3] = slice_size
			x2[l2] = NA
			y2[l2] = NA
			add_horizon_polygon(x2, y2, slice_size = slice_size, from_top = negative_from_top, 
				gp = gpar(fill = neg_col_fun(i), col = NA), default.units = "native")

# x and y may contain NA, split x and y by NA gaps, align the bottom to y = 0
add_horizon_polygon = function(x, y, slice_size = NULL, from_top = FALSE, ...) {
	ltx = split_vec_by_NA(x)
	lty = split_vec_by_NA(y)

	for(i in seq_along(ltx)) {
		x0 = ltx[[i]]
		y0 = lty[[i]]
		if(from_top) {
			x0 = c(x0[1], x0, x0[length(x0)])
			y0 = c(slice_size, slice_size - y0, slice_size)
		} else {
			x0 = c(x0[1], x0, x0[length(x0)])
			y0 = c(0, y0, 0)
		grid.polygon(x0, y0, ...)

# https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2010-April/237031.html
split_vec_by_NA = function(x) {
	idx = 1 + cumsum(is.na(x))
	not.na = !is.na(x)
	split(x[not.na], idx[not.na])

# == title
# Points as Row Annotation
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_points`.
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_points` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``row``.
# You can directly use `anno_points` for row annotation if you call it in `rowAnnotation`.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_points`.
row_anno_points = function(...) {
	if(exists(".__under_SingleAnnotation__", envir = parent.frame())) {
		message_wrap("From version 1.99.0, you can directly use `anno_points()` for row annotation if you call it in `rowAnnotation()`.")
	anno_points(..., which = "row")

# == title
# Barplots as Row Annotation
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_barplot`.
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_barplot` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``row``.
# You can directly use `anno_barplot` for row annotation if you call it in `rowAnnotation`.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_barplot`.
row_anno_barplot = function(...) {
	if(exists(".__under_SingleAnnotation__", envir = parent.frame())) {
		message_wrap("From version 1.99.0, you can directly use `anno_barplot()` for row annotation if you call it in `rowAnnotation()`.")
	anno_barplot(..., which = "row")

# == title
# Boxplots as Row Annotation
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_boxplot`.
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_boxplot` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``row``.
# You can directly use `anno_boxplot` for row annotation if you call it in `rowAnnotation`.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_boxplot`.
row_anno_boxplot = function(...) {
	if(exists(".__under_SingleAnnotation__", envir = parent.frame())) {
		message_wrap("From version 1.99.0, you can directly use `anno_boxplot()` for row annotation if you call it in `rowAnnotation()`.")
	anno_boxplot(..., which = "row")

# == title
# Histograms as Row Annotation
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_histogram`.
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_histogram` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``row``.
# You can directly use `anno_histogram` for row annotation if you call it in `rowAnnotation`.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_histogram`.
row_anno_histogram = function(...) {
	if(exists(".__under_SingleAnnotation__", envir = parent.frame())) {
		message_wrap("From version 1.99.0, you can directly use `anno_histogram()` for row annotation if you call it in `rowAnnotation()`.")
	anno_histogram(..., which = "row")

# == title
# Density as Row Annotation
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_density`.
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_density` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``row``.
# You can directly use `anno_density` for row annotation if you call it in `rowAnnotation`.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_density`.
row_anno_density = function(...) {
	if(exists(".__under_SingleAnnotation__", envir = parent.frame())) {
		message_wrap("From version 1.99.0, you can directly use `anno_density()` for row annotation if you call it in `rowAnnotation()`.")
	anno_density(..., which = "row")

# == title
# Text as Row Annotation
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_text`.
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_text` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``row``.
# You can directly use `anno_text` for row annotation if you call it in `rowAnnotation`.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_text`.
row_anno_text = function(...) {
	if(exists(".__under_SingleAnnotation__", envir = parent.frame())) {
		message_wrap("From version 1.99.0, you can directly use `anno_text()` for row annotation if you call it in `rowAnnotation()`.")
	anno_text(..., which = "row")

# == title
# Link annotation with labels
# == param
# -at Numeric index from the original matrix.
# -labels Corresponding labels.
# -which Whether it is a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -side Side of the labels. If it is a column annotation, valid values are "top" and "bottom";
#       If it is a row annotation, valid values are "left" and "right".
# -lines_gp Please use ``link_gp`` instead.
# -link_gp Graphic settings for the segments.
# -labels_gp Graphic settings for the labels.
# -padding Padding between neighbouring labels in the plot.
# -link_width Width of the segments.
# -link_height Similar as ``link_width``, used for column annotation.
# -extend By default, the region for the labels has the same width (if it is a column annotation) or
#         same height (if it is a row annotation) as the heatmap. The size can be extended by this options.
#         The value can be a proportion number or  a `grid::unit` object. The length can be either one or two.
# == details
# Sometimes there are many rows or columns in the heatmap and we want to mark some of the rows.
# This annotation function is used to mark these rows and connect labels and corresponding rows
# with links.
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#mark-annotation
# == example
# anno = anno_mark(at = c(1:4, 20, 60, 97:100), labels = month.name[1:10], which = "row")
# draw(anno, index = 1:100, test = "anno_mark")
# m = matrix(1:1000, byrow = TRUE, nr = 100)
# anno = anno_mark(at = c(1:4, 20, 60, 97:100), labels = month.name[1:10], which = "row")
# Heatmap(m, cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE) + rowAnnotation(mark = anno)
# Heatmap(m) + rowAnnotation(mark = anno)
anno_mark = function(at, labels, which = c("column", "row"), 
	side = ifelse(which == "column", "top", "right"),
	lines_gp = gpar(), labels_gp = gpar(), padding = 0.5, 
	link_width = unit(5, "mm"), link_height = link_width,
	link_gp = lines_gp, 
	extend = unit(0, "mm")) {

	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which

	if(!is.numeric(at)) {
		stop_wrap(paste0("`at` should be numeric ", which, " index corresponding to the matrix."))
	n = length(at)
	link_gp = recycle_gp(link_gp, n)
	labels_gp = recycle_gp(labels_gp, n)
	labels2index = structure(seq_along(at), names = labels)
	at2labels = structure(labels, names = at)

	if(length(extend) == 1) extend = rep(extend, 2)
	if(length(extend) > 2) extend = extend[1:2]
	if(!inherits(extend, "unit")) extend = unit(extend, "npc")

	if(which == "row") {
		height = unit(1, "npc")
		width = link_width + max_text_width(labels, gp = labels_gp)
	} else {
		height = link_width + max_text_width(labels, gp = labels_gp)
		width = unit(1, "npc")

	.pos = NULL
	.scale = NULL

	# a map between row index and positions
	# pos_map = 
	row_fun = function(index) {
		n = length(index)
		# adjust at and labels
		at = intersect(index, at)
		if(length(at) == 0) {
		labels = rev(at2labels[as.character(at)])

		labels_gp = subset_gp(labels_gp, labels2index[labels])
		link_gp = subset_gp(link_gp, labels2index[labels])

		if(is.null(.scale)) {
			.scale = c(0.5, n+0.5)
		pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(0, 1), yscale = .scale))
		if(inherits(extend, "unit")) extend = convertHeight(extend, "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
		text_height = convertHeight(grobHeight(textGrob(labels, gp = labels_gp))*(1+padding), "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
		if(is.null(.pos)) {
			i2 = rev(which(index %in% at))
			pos = n-i2+1 # position of rows
		} else {
			pos = .pos[rev(which(index %in% at))]
		h1 = pos - text_height*0.5
		h2 = pos + text_height*0.5
		pos_adjusted = smartAlign(h1, h2, c(.scale[1] - extend[1], .scale[2] + extend[2]))
		h = (pos_adjusted[, 1] + pos_adjusted[, 2])/2

		n2 = length(labels)
		if(side == "right") {
			grid.text(labels, rep(link_width, n2), h, default.units = "native", gp = labels_gp, just = "left")
			link_width = link_width - unit(1, "mm")
			grid.segments(unit(rep(0, n2), "npc"), pos, rep(link_width*(1/3), n2), pos, default.units = "native", gp = link_gp)
			grid.segments(rep(link_width*(1/3), n2), pos, rep(link_width*(2/3), n2), h, default.units = "native", gp = link_gp)
			grid.segments(rep(link_width*(2/3), n2), h, rep(link_width, n2), h, default.units = "native", gp = link_gp)
		} else {
			grid.text(labels, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width, n2), h, default.units = "native", gp = labels_gp, just = "right")
			link_width = link_width - unit(1, "mm")
			grid.segments(unit(rep(1, n2), "npc"), pos, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width*(1/3), n2), pos, default.units = "native", gp = link_gp)
			grid.segments(unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width*(1/3), n2), pos, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width*(2/3), n2), h, default.units = "native", gp = link_gp)
			grid.segments(unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width*(2/3), n2), h, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width, n2), h, default.units = "native", gp = link_gp)
	column_fun = function(index) {
		n = length(index)
		# adjust at and labels
		at = intersect(index, at)
		if(length(at) == 0) {
		labels = at2labels[as.character(at)]
		labels_gp = subset_gp(labels_gp, labels2index[labels])
		link_gp = subset_gp(link_gp, labels2index[labels])

		if(is.null(.scale)) {
			.scale = c(0.5, n+0.5)
		pushViewport(viewport(yscale = c(0, 1), xscale = .scale))
		if(inherits(extend, "unit")) extend = convertWidth(extend, "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
		text_height = convertWidth(grobHeight(textGrob(labels, gp = labels_gp))*(1+padding), "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
		if(is.null(.pos)) {
			i2 = which(index %in% at)
			pos = i2 # position of rows
		} else {
			pos = .pos[which(index %in% at)]
		h1 = pos - text_height*0.5
		h2 = pos + text_height*0.5
		pos_adjusted = smartAlign(h1, h2, c(.scale[1] - extend[1], .scale[2] + extend[2]))
		h = (pos_adjusted[, 1] + pos_adjusted[, 2])/2

		n2 = length(labels)
		if(side == "top") {
			grid.text(labels, h, rep(link_height, n2), default.units = "native", gp = labels_gp, rot = 90, just = "left")
			link_height = link_height - unit(1, "mm")
			grid.segments(pos, unit(rep(0, n2), "npc"), pos, rep(link_height*(1/3), n2), default.units = "native", gp = link_gp)
			grid.segments(pos, rep(link_height*(1/3), n2), h, rep(link_height*(2/3), n2), default.units = "native", gp = link_gp)
			grid.segments(h, rep(link_height*(2/3), n2), h, rep(link_height, n), default.units = "native", gp = link_gp)
		} else {
			grid.text(labels, h, rep(max_text_width(labels, gp = labels_gp), n2), default.units = "native", gp = labels_gp, rot = 90, just = "right")
			link_height = link_height - unit(1, "mm")
			grid.segments(pos, unit(rep(1, n2), "npc"), pos, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_height*(1/3), n2), default.units = "native", gp = link_gp)
			grid.segments(pos, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_height*(1/3), n2), h, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_height*(2/3), n2), default.units = "native", gp = link_gp)
			grid.segments(h, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_height*(2/3), n2), h, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_height, n2), default.units = "native", gp = link_gp)

	if(which == "row") {
		fun = row_fun
	} else if(which == "column") {
		fun = column_fun
	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		fun_name = "anno_mark",
		which = which,
		width = width,
		height = height,
		n = -1,
		var_import = list(at, labels2index, at2labels, link_gp, labels_gp, padding, .pos, .scale,
			side, link_width, link_height, extend),
		show_name = FALSE

	anno@subset_rule$at = subset_by_intersect

	anno@subsetable = TRUE

subset_by_intersect = function(x, i) {
	intersect(x, i)

# == title
# Label Markers Annotation
# == param
# -... Pass to `anno_mark`.
# == details
# `anno_link` is deprecated, please use `anno_mark` instead.
anno_link = function(...) {
	warning_wrap("anno_link() is deprecated, please use anno_mark() instead.")

# == title
# Label Markers as Row Annotation
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_link`.
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_link` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``row``.
# You can directly use `anno_link` for row annotation if you call it in `rowAnnotation`.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_link`.
row_anno_link = function(...) {
	if(exists(".__under_SingleAnnotation__", envir = parent.frame())) {
		message_wrap("From version 1.99.0, you can directly use `anno_mark()` for row annotation if you call it in `rowAnnotation()`.")
	anno_link(..., which = "row")

# == title
# Summary Annotation
# == param
# -which Whether it is a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -border Wether draw borders of the annotation region?
# -bar_width Relative width of the bars. The value should be smaller than one.
# -axis Whether to add axis?
# -axis_param parameters for controlling axis. See `default_axis_param` for all possible settings and default parameters.
# -ylim Data ranges. ``ylim`` for barplot is enforced to be ``c(0, 1)``.
# -extend The extension to both side of ``ylim``. The value is a percent value corresponding to ``ylim[2] - ylim[1]``. This argument is only for boxplot.
# -outline Whether draw outline of boxplots?
# -box_width Relative width of boxes. The value should be smaller than one.
# -pch Point style.
# -size Point size.
# -gp Graphic parameters.
# -width Width of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Width is not allowed to be set for column annotation.
# -height Height of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Height is not allowed to be set for row annotation.
# == detail
# ``anno_summary`` is a special annotation function that it only works for one-column or one-row heatmap. 
# It shows the summary of the values in the heatmap. If the values in the heatmap is discrete, 
# the proportion of each level (the sum is normalized to 1) is visualized as stacked barplot. If the heatmap
# is split into multiple slices, multiple bars are put in the annotation. If the value is continuous, boxplot is used.
# In the barplot, the color schema is used as the same as the heatmap, while for the boxplot, the color needs
# to be controlled by ``gp``.
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#summary-annotation
# == example
# ha = HeatmapAnnotation(summary = anno_summary(height = unit(4, "cm")))
# v = sample(letters[1:2], 50, replace = TRUE)
# split = sample(letters[1:2], 50, replace = TRUE)
# Heatmap(v, top_annotation = ha, width = unit(1, "cm"), split = split)
# ha = HeatmapAnnotation(summary = anno_summary(gp = gpar(fill = 2:3), height = unit(4, "cm")))
# v = rnorm(50)
# Heatmap(v, top_annotation = ha, width = unit(1, "cm"), split = split)
anno_summary = function(which = c("column", "row"), border = TRUE, bar_width = 0.8, 
	axis = TRUE, axis_param = default_axis_param(which),
	ylim = NULL, extend = 0.05, outline = TRUE, box_width = 0.6,
	pch = 1, size = unit(2, "mm"), gp = gpar(),
	width = NULL, height = NULL) {

	ef = function() NULL
	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
		ef = dev.off2
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which


	anno_size = anno_width_and_height(which, width, height, unit(2, "cm"))

	axis_param = validate_axis_param(axis_param, which)
	if(is.null(ylim)) {
		axis_grob = if(axis) construct_axis_grob(axis_param, which, c(0, 1)) else NULL
	} else {
		axis_grob = if(axis) construct_axis_grob(axis_param, which, ylim) else NULL

	row_fun = function(index) {
		ht = get("object", envir = parent.frame(7))
		mat = ht@matrix
		cm = ht@matrix_color_mapping
		order_list = ht@column_order_list
		ng = length(order_list)

		if(cm@type == "discrete") {
			tl = lapply(order_list, function(od) table(mat[1, od]))
			tl = lapply(tl, function(x) x/sum(x))

			pushViewport(viewport(yscale = c(0.5, ng+0.5), xscale = c(0, 1)))
			for(i in 1:ng) {
				x = i
				y = cumsum(tl[[i]])
				grid.rect(y, x, height = bar_width, width = tl[[i]], just = "right", gp = gpar(fill = map_to_colors(cm, names(y))), default.units = "native")
			if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
			if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
		} else {
	column_fun = function(index) {
		ht = get("object", envir = parent.frame(7))
		mat = ht@matrix
		cm = ht@matrix_color_mapping
		order_list = ht@row_order_list
		ng = length(order_list)

		if(cm@type == "discrete") {
			if(!is.null(ylim)) {
				stop_wrap("For discrete matrix, `ylim` is not allowed to set. It is always c(0, 1).")
			tl = lapply(order_list, function(od) table(mat[od, 1]))
			tl = lapply(tl, function(x) x/sum(x))

			pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(0.5, ng+0.5), yscale = c(0, 1)))
			for(i in 1:ng) {
				x = i
				y = cumsum(tl[[i]])
				grid.rect(x, y, width = bar_width, height = tl[[i]], just = "top", gp = gpar(fill = map_to_colors(cm, names(y))), default.units = "native")
			if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
			if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
		} else {
			vl = lapply(order_list, function(od) mat[od, 1])
			nv = length(vl)
			if(is.null(ylim)) {
				if(!outline) {
					boxplot_stats = boxplot(vl, plot = FALSE)$stats
					data_scale = range(boxplot_stats)
				} else {
					data_scale = range(vl, na.rm = TRUE)
			} else {
				data_scale = ylim
			data_scale = data_scale + c(-extend, extend)*(data_scale[2] - data_scale[1])

			if(is.null(ylim)) {
				axis_param = validate_axis_param(axis_param, which)
				axis_grob = if(axis) construct_axis_grob(axis_param, which, data_scale) else NULL

			gp = recycle_gp(gp, nv)
			if(length(pch) == 1) pch = rep(pch, nv)
			if(length(size) == 1) size = rep(size, nv)

			pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(0.5, ng+0.5), yscale = data_scale))
			for(i in 1:ng) {
				x = i
				v = vl[[i]]
				grid.boxplot(v, pos = x, box_width = box_width, gp = subset_gp(gp, i),
					pch = pch, size = size, outline = outline)
			if(axis) grid.draw(axis_grob)
			if(border) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))

	if(which == "row") {
		fun = row_fun
	} else if(which == "column") {
		fun = column_fun
	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		fun_name = "anno_summary",
		which = which,
		width = width,
		height = height,
		var_import = list(bar_width, border, axis, axis_grob, axis_param, which, ylim, extend, 
			outline, box_width, pch, size, gp),
		n = 1,
		show_name = FALSE

	anno@subsetable = FALSE
	anno@extended = update_anno_extend(anno, axis_grob, axis_param)


# == title
# Block annotation
# == param
# -gp Graphic parameters.
# -labels Labels put on blocks.
# -labels_gp Graphic parameters for labels.
# -labels_rot Rotation for labels.
# -which Is it a row annotation or a column annotation?
# -width Width of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Width is not allowed to be set for column annotation.
# -height Height of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Height is not allowed to be set for row annotation.
# == details
# The block annotation is used for representing slices. The length of all arguments should be 1 or the number of slices.
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#block-annotation
# == example
# Heatmap(matrix(rnorm(100), 10), 
#     top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(foo = anno_block(gp = gpar(fill = 2:4),
#         labels = c("group1", "group2", "group3"), labels_gp = gpar(col = "white"))),
#     column_km = 3,
#     left_annotation = rowAnnotation(foo = anno_block(gp = gpar(fill = 2:4),
#         labels = c("group1", "group2", "group3"), labels_gp = gpar(col = "white"))),
#     row_km = 3)
anno_block = function(gp = gpar(), labels = NULL, labels_gp = gpar(), labels_rot = ifelse(which == "row", 90, 0),
	which = c("column", "row"), width = NULL, height = NULL) {

	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which
	if(length(labels)) {
		if(which == "column") {
			height = grobHeight(textGrob(labels, rot = labels_rot, gp = labels_gp))
			height = height + unit(5, "mm")
		} else {
			width = grobWidth(textGrob(labels, rot = labels_rot, gp = labels_gp))
			width = width + unit(5, "mm")

	anno_size = anno_width_and_height(which, width, height, unit(5, "mm"))
	fun = function(index, k, n) {
		gp = subset_gp(recycle_gp(gp, n), k)
		grid.rect(gp = gp)
		if(length(labels)) {
			if(length(labels) != n) {
				stop_wrap("Length of `labels` should be as same as number of slices.")
			label = labels[k]
			labels_gp = subset_gp(recycle_gp(labels_gp, n), k)
			grid.text(label, gp = labels_gp, rot = labels_rot)

	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		n = NA,
		fun_name = "anno_block",
		which = which,
		var_import = list(gp, labels, labels_gp, labels_rot),
		subset_rule = list(),
		subsetable = TRUE,
		height = anno_size$height,
		width = anno_size$width,
		show_name = FALSE

# == title
# Zoom annotation
# == param
# -align_to It defines how the boxes correspond to the rows or the columns in the heatmap.
#    If the value is a list of indices, each box corresponds to the rows or columns with indices
#    in one vector in the list. If the value is a categorical variable (e.g. a factor or a character vector)
#    that has the same length as the rows or columns in the heatmap, each box corresponds to the rows/columns
#    in each level in the categorical variable.
# -panel_fun A self-defined function that defines how to draw graphics in the box. The function must have
#     a ``index`` argument which is the indices for the rows/columns that the box corresponds to. It can 
#     have second argument ``nm`` which is the "name" of the selected part in the heatmap. The corresponding
#     value for ``nm`` comes from ``align_to`` if it is specified as a categorical variable or a list with names.
# -which Whether it is a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -side Side of the boxes If it is a column annotation, valid values are "top" and "bottom";
#       If it is a row annotation, valid values are "left" and "right".
# -size The size of boxes. It can be pure numeric that they are treated as relative fractions of the total
#      height/width of the heatmap. The value of ``size`` can also be absolute units.
# -gap Gaps between boxes.
# -link_gp Graphic settings for the segments.
# -link_width Width of the segments.
# -link_height Similar as ``link_width``, used for column annotation.
# -extend By default, the region for the labels has the same width (if it is a column annotation) or
#         same height (if it is a row annotation) as the heatmap. The size can be extended by this options.
#         The value can be a proportion number or  a `grid::unit` object. The length can be either one or two.
# -width Width of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Width is not allowed to be set for column annotation.
# -height Height of the annotation. The value should be an absolute unit. Height is not allowed to be set for row annotation.
# == details
# `anno_zoom` creates several plotting regions (boxes) which can be corresponded to subsets of rows/columns in the
# heatmap.
# == value
# An annotation function which can be used in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html#zoom-annotation
# == example
# set.seed(123)
# m = matrix(rnorm(100*10), nrow = 100)
# subgroup = sample(letters[1:3], 100, replace = TRUE, prob = c(1, 5, 10))
# rg = range(m)
# panel_fun = function(index, nm) {
# 	pushViewport(viewport(xscale = rg, yscale = c(0, 2)))
# 	grid.rect()
# 	grid.xaxis(gp = gpar(fontsize = 8))
# 	grid.boxplot(m[index, ], pos = 1, direction = "horizontal")
# 	grid.text(paste("distribution of group", nm), mean(rg), y = 1.9, 
# 		just = "top", default.units = "native", gp = gpar(fontsize = 10))
# 	popViewport()
# }
# anno = anno_zoom(align_to = subgroup, which = "row", panel_fun = panel_fun, 
# 	size = unit(2, "cm"), gap = unit(1, "cm"), width = unit(4, "cm"))
# Heatmap(m, right_annotation = rowAnnotation(foo = anno), row_split = subgroup)
anno_zoom = function(align_to, panel_fun = function(index, nm = NULL) { grid.rect() }, 
	which = c("column", "row"), side = ifelse(which == "column", "top", "right"),
	size = NULL, gap = unit(1, "mm"), 
	link_width = unit(5, "mm"), link_height = link_width, link_gp = gpar(),
	extend = unit(0, "mm"), width = NULL, height = NULL) {
	if(is.null(.ENV$current_annotation_which)) {
		which = match.arg(which)[1]
	} else {
		which = .ENV$current_annotation_which

	anno_size = anno_width_and_height(which, width, height, unit(2, "cm") + link_width)

	# align_to should be
	# 1. a vector of class labels that the length should be same as the nrow of the matrix
	# 2. a list of numeric indices

	if(is.list(align_to)) {
		if(!any(sapply(align_to, is.numeric))) {
			stop_wrap(paste0("`at` should be numeric ", which, " index corresponding to the matrix."))

	.pos = NULL # position of the rows

	if(length(as.list(formals(panel_fun))) == 1) {
 		formals(panel_fun) = alist(index = , nm = NULL)

	if(length(extend) == 1) extend = rep(extend, 2)
	if(length(extend) > 2) extend = extend[1:2]
	if(!inherits(extend, "unit")) extend = unit(extend, "npc")

	# anno_zoom is always executed in one-slice mode (which means mulitple slices
	# are treated as one big slilce)
	row_fun = function(index) {
		n = length(index)
		if(is.atomic(align_to)) {
			if(length(setdiff(align_to, index)) == 0 && !any(duplicated(align_to))) {
				align_to = list(align_to)
			} else {
				if(length(align_to) != n) {
					stop_wrap("If `align_to` is a vector with group labels, the length should be the same as the number of rows in the heatmap.")
				lnm = as.character(unique(align_to[index]))
				align_to = as.list(tapply(seq_along(align_to), align_to, function(x) x))
				align_to = align_to[lnm]

		nrl = sapply(align_to, length)
		align_to_df = lapply(align_to, function(x) {
			ind = which(index %in% x)
			n = length(ind)
			s = NULL
			e = NULL
			s[1] = ind[1]
			if(n > 1) {
				ind2 = which(ind[2:n] - ind[1:(n-1)] > 1)
				if(length(ind2)) s = c(s, ind[ ind2 + 1 ])
				k = length(s)
				e[k] = ind[length(ind)]
				if(length(ind2)) e[1:(k-1)] = ind[1:(n-1)][ ind2 ]
			} else {
				e = ind[1]
			data.frame(s = s, e = e)

		# pos is from top to bottom
		if(is.null(.pos)) {
			pos = (n:1 - 0.5)/n # position of rows
		} else {
			pos = .pos

		.scale = c(0, 1)
		pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(0, 1), yscale = .scale))
		if(inherits(extend, "unit")) extend = convertHeight(extend, "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
		# the position of boxes initially are put evenly
		# add the gap
		n_boxes = length(align_to)
		if(length(gap) == 1) gap = rep(gap, n_boxes)
		if(is.null(size)) size = nrl
		if(length(size) == 1) size = rep(size, length(align_to))
		if(length(size) != length(align_to)) {
			stop_wrap("Length of `size` should be the same as the number of groups of indices.")
		if(!inherits(size, "unit")) {
			size_is_unit = FALSE
			if(n_boxes == 1) {
				h = data.frame(bottom = .scale[1] - extend[1], top = .scale[2] + extend[2])
			} else {
				gap = convertHeight(gap, "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
				box_height = size/sum(size) * (1 + sum(extend) - sum(gap[1:(n_boxes-1)]))
				h = data.frame(
						top = cumsum(box_height) + cumsum(gap) - gap[length(gap)] - extend[1]
				h$bottom = h$top - box_height
				h = 1 - h[, 2:1]
				colnames(h) = c("top", "bottom")
		} else {
			size_is_unit = TRUE
			box_height = size
			box_height2 = box_height # box_height2 adds the gap
			for(i in 1:n_boxes) {
				if(i == 1 || i == n_boxes) {
					if(n_boxes > 1) {
						box_height2[i] = box_height2[i] + gap[i]*0.5
				} else {
					box_height2[i] = box_height2[i] + gap[i]
			box_height2 = convertHeight(box_height2, "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
			# the original positions of boxes
			mean_pos = sapply(align_to_df, function(df) mean((pos[df[, 1]] + pos[df[, 2]])/2))
			h1 = mean_pos - box_height2*0.5
			h2 = mean_pos + box_height2*0.5
			h = smartAlign2(rev(h1), rev(h2), c(.scale[1] - extend[1], .scale[2] + extend[2]))
			colnames(h) = c("bottom", "top")
			h = h[nrow(h):1, , drop = FALSE]

			# recalcualte h to remove gaps
			gap_height = convertHeight(gap, "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
			if(n_boxes > 1) {
				for(i in 1:n_boxes) {
					if(i == 1) {
						h[i, "bottom"] = h[i, "bottom"] + gap_height[i]/2
					} else if(i == n_boxes) {
						h[i, "top"] = h[i, "top"] - gap_height[i]/2
					} else {
						h[i, "bottom"] = h[i, "bottom"] + gap_height[i]/2
						h[i, "top"] = h[i, "top"] - gap_height[i]/2

		# draw boxes
		if(side == "right") {
			pushViewport(viewport(x = link_width, just = "left", width = anno_size$width - link_width))
		} else {
			pushViewport(viewport(x = 0, just = "left", width = anno_size$width - link_width))
		for(i in 1:n_boxes) {
			current_vp_name = current.viewport()$name
			pushViewport(viewport(y = (h[i, "top"] + h[i, "bottom"])/2, height = h[i, "top"] - h[i, "bottom"], 
				default.units = "native"))
			if(is.function(panel_fun)) panel_fun(align_to[[i]], names(align_to)[i])

			if(current.viewport()$name != current_vp_name) {
				stop_wrap("If you push viewports `panel_fun`, you need to pop all them out.")
		# draw the links
		link_gp = recycle_gp(link_gp, n_boxes)
		if(side == "right") {
			pushViewport(viewport(x = unit(0, "npc"), just = "left", width = link_width))
		} else {
			pushViewport(viewport(x = unit(1, "npc"), just = "right", width = link_width))
		for(i in 1:n_boxes) {
			df = align_to_df[[i]]
			for(j in 1:nrow(df)) {
				# draw each polygon
				if(side == "right") {
					grid.polygon(unit.c(unit(c(0, 0), "npc"), rep(link_width, 2)),
						c(pos[df[j, 2]] - 0.5/n, pos[df[j, 1]] + 0.5/n, h[i, "top"], h[i, "bottom"]),
						default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(link_gp, i))
				} else {
					grid.polygon(unit.c(rep(link_width, 2), unit(c(0, 0), "npc")),
						c(pos[df[j, 2]] - 0.5/n, pos[df[j, 1]] + 0.5/n, h[i, "top"], h[i, "bottom"]),
						default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(link_gp, i))

	column_fun = function(index) {
		n = length(index)
		if(is.atomic(align_to)) {
			if(length(setdiff(align_to, index)) == 0 && !any(duplicated(align_to))) {
				align_to = list(align_to)
			} else {
				if(length(align_to) != n) {
					stop_wrap("If `align_to` is a vector with group labels, the length should be the same as the number of columns in the heatmap.")
				lnm = as.character(unique(align_to[index]))
				align_to = as.list(tapply(seq_along(align_to), align_to, function(x) x))
				align_to = align_to[lnm]
		nrl = sapply(align_to, length)
		align_to_df = lapply(align_to, function(x) {
			ind = which(index %in% x)
			n = length(ind)
			s = NULL
			e = NULL
			s[1] = ind[1]
			if(n > 1) {
				ind2 = which(ind[2:n] - ind[1:(n-1)] > 1)
				if(length(ind2)) s = c(s, ind[ ind2 + 1 ])
				k = length(s)
				e[k] = ind[length(ind)]
				if(length(ind2)) e[1:(k-1)] = ind[1:(n-1)][ ind2 ]
			} else {
				e = ind[1]
			data.frame(s = s, e = e)

		if(is.null(.pos)) {
			pos = (1:n - 0.5)/n 
		} else {
			pos = .pos

		.scale = c(0, 1)
		pushViewport(viewport(yscale = c(0, 1), xscale = .scale))
		if(inherits(extend, "unit")) extend = convertWidth(extend, "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
		# the position of boxes initially are put evenly
		# add the gap
		n_boxes = length(align_to)
		if(length(gap) == 1) gap = rep(gap, n_boxes)
		if(is.null(size)) size = nrl
		if(length(size) == 1) size = rep(size, length(align_to))
		if(length(size) != length(align_to)) {
			stop_wrap("Length of `size` should be the same as the number of groups of indices.")
		if(!inherits(size, "unit")) {
			size_is_unit = FALSE
			if(n_boxes == 1) {
				h = data.frame(left = .scale[1] - extend[1], right = .scale[2] + extend[2])
			} else {
				gap = convertWidth(gap, "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
				box_width = size/sum(size) * (1 + sum(extend) - sum(gap[1:(n_boxes-1)]))
				h = data.frame(
						right = cumsum(box_width) + cumsum(gap) - gap[length(gap)] - extend[1]
				h$left = h$right - box_width
		} else {
			size_is_unit = TRUE
			box_width = size
			box_width2 = box_width
			for(i in 1:n_boxes) {
				if(i == 1 || i == n_boxes) {
					if(n_boxes > 1) {
						box_width2[i] = box_width2[i] + gap[i]*0.5
				} else {
					box_width2[i] = box_width2[i] + gap[i]
			box_width2 = convertWidth(box_width2, "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
			# the original positions of boxes
			mean_pos = sapply(align_to_df, function(df) mean((pos[df[, 1]] + pos[df[, 2]])/2))
			h1 = mean_pos - box_width2*0.5
			h2 = mean_pos + box_width2*0.5
			h = smartAlign2(h1, h2, c(.scale[1] - extend[1], .scale[2] + extend[2]))
			colnames(h) = c("left", "right")

			# recalcualte h to remove gaps
			gap_width = convertWidth(gap, "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
			if(n_boxes > 1) {
				for(i in 1:n_boxes) {
					if(i == 1) {
						h[i, "left"] = h[i, "left"] + gap_width[i]/2
					} else if(i == n_boxes) {
						h[i, "right"] = h[i, "right"] - gap_width[i]/2
					} else {
						h[i, "left"] = h[i, "left"] + gap_width[i]/2
						h[i, "right"] = h[i, "right"] - gap_width[i]/2

		# draw boxes
		if(side == "top") {
			pushViewport(viewport(y = link_height, just = "bottom", height = anno_size$height - link_height))
		} else {
			pushViewport(viewport(y = 0, just = "bottom", height = anno_size$height - link_height))
		for(i in 1:n_boxes) {
			current_vp_name = current.viewport()$name
			pushViewport(viewport(x = (h[i, "right"] + h[i, "left"])/2, width = h[i, "right"] - h[i, "left"], 
				default.units = "native"))
			if(is.function(panel_fun)) panel_fun(align_to[[i]], names(align_to)[i])

			if(current.viewport()$name != current_vp_name) {
				stop_wrap("If you push viewports `panel_fun`, you need to pop all them out.")
		# draw the links
		link_gp = recycle_gp(link_gp, n_boxes)
		if(side == "top") {
			pushViewport(viewport(y = unit(0, "npc"), just = "bottom", height = link_height))
		} else {
			pushViewport(viewport(y = unit(1, "npc"), just = "top", height = link_height))
		for(i in 1:n_boxes) {
			df = align_to_df[[i]]
			for(j in 1:nrow(df)) {
				# draw each polygon
				if(side == "top") {
						c(pos[df[j, 2]] + 0.5/n, pos[df[j, 1]] - 0.5/n, h[i, "left"], h[i, "right"]),
						unit.c(unit(c(0, 0), "npc"), rep(link_width, 2)),
						default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(link_gp, i))
				} else {
						c(pos[df[j, 2]] + 0.5/n, pos[df[j, 1]] - 0.5/n, h[i, "left"], h[i, "right"]),
						unit.c(rep(link_width, 2), unit(c(0, 0), "npc")),
						default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(link_gp, i))

	if(which == "row") {
		fun = row_fun
	} else if(which == "column") {
		fun = column_fun
	anno = AnnotationFunction(
		fun = fun,
		fun_name = "anno_zoom",
		which = which,
		height = anno_size$height,
		width = anno_size$width,
		n = -1,
		var_import = list(align_to, .pos, gap, size, panel_fun, side, anno_size, extend,
			link_width, link_height, link_gp),
		show_name = FALSE

	anno@subset_rule$align_to = function(x, i) {
		if(is.atomic(x)) {
		} else {
			x = lapply(x, function(x) intersect(x, i))
			x = x[sapply(x, length) > 0]

	anno@subsetable = TRUE
zhongmicai/complexHeatmap documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:11 a.m.