
Defines functions pnchi3sq pnchi1sq pnchisqBolKuz pnchisqT93 pnchisqT93.b pnchisqT93.a pnchisqRC small.ncp.logspaceR2015 ss2. pnchisqIT pnchisq_ss ss2 ss pnchisqTerms plRpois r_pois pnchisqSankaran_d pnchisqAbdelAty pnchisqPearson pnchisqPatnaik pnchisqV pnchisq

Documented in plRpois pnchi1sq pnchi3sq pnchisq pnchisqAbdelAty pnchisqBolKuz pnchisqIT pnchisqPatnaik pnchisqPearson pnchisqRC pnchisqSankaran_d pnchisq_ss pnchisqT93 pnchisqT93.a pnchisqT93.b pnchisqTerms r_pois ss ss2 ss2.

#### R simulation of C's pnchisq_raw()  -*- delete-old-versions: never -*-
#### ---------------------------------

## Ex. and tests:, see ../tests/chisq-nonc-ex.R
##	            	  ----- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

### Exports:
### -------
### pnchisq  (q, df, ncp = 0, errmax = 1e-12, maxit = 10* 10000, verbose = 1)
### rr       (i, lambda)
### titleR.exp  [expression]
### plotRR   (lambda, iset = 1:(2*lambda), do.main=TRUE)

## ~/R/D/r-patched/R/src/nmath/dpq.h :
## source("/u/maechler/R/MM/NUMERICS/dpq-functions/dpq-h.R")
## for the R.D*() functions and vars :

pnchisq <- function(q, df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE,
                    ## log.p = FALSE,
                    cutOffncp = 80, itSimple = 110,
                    errmax = 1e-12, reltol = 1e-11,
                    maxit = 10* 10000,
                    verbose = 0, xLrg.sigma = 5)
  ## Purpose: R simulation of C's pnchisq_raw() --- almost everything 2003--Feb.27_2004
    ##          long before the 'log.p=TRUE' addition there (in April 2014),
    ## and its "finish"  : 2015-09-01 :
    ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## r69248 | maechler | 2015-09-01 09:23:16
    ## pnchisq (*, df=0, ncp > 0, log.p=TRUE) now correct and accurate
    ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: as pchisq()
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 14 Apr 2003, 21:17

    ## Use this such that verbose <= 0 is 'quiet'
    Cat <- function(...) if(verbose > 0) cat(...)

    if(length(q) != 1 || length(df) != 1 || length(ncp) != 1)
        stop("arguments must have length 1 !")
    ## follow C code :
    x <- q
    if(x <= 0) {
	if(x == 0 && df == 0)
	    return(if(lower.tail) exp(-0.5*ncp) else -expm1(-0.5*ncp))
        ## else
        return(.DT_0(lower.tail, log.p=FALSE))
        return(.DT_1(lower.tail, log.p=FALSE))
    lam <- 0.5 * ncp

    if(ncp < cutOffncp) {
        ## C code uses LDOUBLE here ..
        pr <- exp(-lam)
        Cat(sprintf("pnchisq(x=%10g, ncp < cutoff): pr = %g ..", x, pr))
	sum <- sum2 <- 0
	for(i in 0:(itSimple-1)) {
            sum2 <- sum2 + pr
	    sum <- sum+ pr * pchisq(x, df+2*i,
                                    lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=FALSE)
	    if (sum2 >= 1-1e-15) break
            pr <- pr * lam/(i <- i+1)
        Cat(sprintf(" ==> final pr=%g, i = %3d, sum2 = %18.16f\n", pr, i, sum2))
    ## else :

    dbl.min.exp <- log(2) * .Machine$double.min.exp
    ##/*= -708.3964 for IEEE double precision */
    lamSml <-  (-lam < dbl.min.exp)
    if (lamSml) {
        ##  stop("non centrality parameter (= ",lam,
        ##       ") too large for current algorithm")
        Cat("large 'lambda' ==> working with ln(u)\n")
        u <- 0
        lu <- -lam # == ln(u)
        l.lam <- log(lam)
        u <- exp(-lam)
    v <- u
    x2 <- 0.5* x
    f2 <- 0.5* df
    fx.2n <- df - x ##  f - x

    if(f2 * .Machine$double.eps > 0.125 &&
       abs(t <- x2 - f2) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * f2) {
	##/* evade cancellation error */
	## t <-  exp((1 - t)*(2 - t/(f2 + 1))) / sqrt(2* pi*(f2 + 1))
        lt <- (1 - t)*(2 - t/(f2 + 1)) - 0.5 * log(2* pi*(f2 + 1))
	Cat(" (case I) ==>")
    else {
 	##/* Usually (case 2): careful not to overflow .. : */
	lt <- f2*log(x2) - x2 - lgamma(f2 + 1)
        ## FIXME: if f2 = df/2 << 1  ----> use  lgamm1p(f2) !
    Cat(" lt=", formatC(lt))
    tSml <- (lt < dbl.min.exp)
    if (tSml) {
        Cat(" => exp(lt) underflow protection")
        if(x > df + ncp +  xLrg.sigma * sqrt( 2*(df + 2*ncp))) {
            ## x > E[X] + xL.. * sigma(X)
             Cat(" and x > E(X) + ",formatC(xLrg.sigma),
                 "*sigma(X) : too large --> 1 \n")
             return(.DT_1(lower.tail, log.p=FALSE)) ## better than 0 --- but definitely "FIXME"
        } ## else :
        l.x <- log(x)
        Cat(" ln(x)=",l.x,"\n")
        ans <- term <- t <- 0
        ##-   if(t <= 0)
        ##-       warning("too small lt: too small/large x (=",formatC(x),
        ##-               ") or large centrality parameter ",formatC(ncp),
        ##-               " for current algorithm;\n",
        ##-               "\t result is doubtful")
    else {
        t <- exp(lt)
        Cat(", t=exp(lt)=", formatC(t),"\n")
        ans <- term <- v * t

    ##/* check if (f+2n) is greater than x */

    n <- 1
    f2n <- df + 2#/* = f + 2*n */
    fx.2n <- fx.2n + 2#;/* = f - x + 2*n */

    firstBound <- TRUE # only for debug-printing
## in C; rather use a for(n = 1, f2n = .., .;  <no test>; n++, f2n += 2, ...) {
    while(TRUE) {
	if(verbose >= 2) cat("_OL_: n=",n,"")

	## f_2n    === f + 2*n
	## f_x_2n  === f - x + 2*n   > 0  <==> (f+2n)  >   x
	if (fx.2n > 0) {
	    ##/* find the error bound and check for convergence */

            ## print only the first time! ==> need xtra variable firstBound
            if(firstBound) {
                Cat(" n= ",n,", fx.2n = ",formatC(fx.2n)," > 0\n",sep='')
                firstBound <- FALSE
	    bound <- t * x / fx.2n
            ##ifdef DEBUG_pnch
            ## REprintf("\n L10: n=%d; term= %g; bound= %g",n,term,bound);
            is.r <- is.it <- FALSE
	    if (((is.b <- bound <= errmax) &&
                 (is.r <- term  <= reltol * ans)) || (is.it <- n > maxit))
                Cat("BREAK n=",n, if(is.it) "> maxit",
                    "; bound= ",formatC(bound), if(is.b)"<= errmax",
                    "rel.err= ",formatC(term/ans),if(is.r)"<= reltol\n")
                break                   # out completely


        ##/* evaluate the next term of the */
        ##/* expansion and then the partial sum */

        if(lamSml) {
            lu <- lu + l.lam - log(n) ## u <- u* lam / n
            if(lu >= dbl.min.exp) {
                ## no underflow anymore ==> change regime
                Cat("  n=",n,
                    "; nomore underflow in u = exp(lu) ==> change\n")
                v <- u <- exp(lu) ## the first non-0 'u'
                lamSml <- FALSE
        } else {
            u <- u* lam / n
            v <- v + u
        if(tSml) {
            lt <- lt + l.x - log(f2n) ## t <- t * (x / f2n)
            if(lt >= dbl.min.exp) {
                ## no underflow anymore ==> change regime
                Cat("  n=",n,
                    "; nomore underflow in t = exp(lt) ==> change\n")
                t <- exp(lt) ## the first non-0 't'
                tSml <- FALSE
        } else {
            t <- t * (x / f2n)
        if(!lamSml && !tSml) {
            term <-  v * t
            if(verbose >= 2)
                cat(" il: term=",formatC(term, width=10),
                    "rel.term=", formatC(term/ans, width=10),"\n")
            ans <- ans + term
        } else if(verbose >= 2) cat(".")
        n <- n+1
        f2n <- f2n + 2
        fx.2n <- fx.2n + 2

    } ## while(TRUE)

    ## L_End:
    if (bound > errmax) { ## NOT converged
	warning("pnchisq(x,....): not converged in ",maxit," iter.")
    ##ifdef DEBUG_pnch
    ## REprintf("\n == L_End: n=%d; term= %g; bound=%g\n",n,term,bound);
    structure(.D_Lval(ans, lower.tail=lower.tail), iter = n)

## Cheaply Vectorized version:
pnchisqV <- function(x, ..., verbose = 0)
    vapply(x, pnchisq, FUN.VALUE = 0.5, ..., verbose = verbose)

pnchisqPatnaik <- function(q, df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    ## Purpose: Patnaik(1949)'s approximation to pnchisq() - using pchisq()
    ##    This is also the one in Abramowitz & Stegun, p.942, 26.4.27
    ## Johnson,Kotz,...: This is  O(1/sqrt(ncp)) for ncp -> Inf
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 19 Feb 2004, 15:32
    e <- df + ncp
    d <- e + ncp ## = df + 2*ncp
    ic <- e/d
    pchisq(q*ic, df=e*ic, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

pnchisqPearson <- function(q, df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    ## Purpose: Pearson(1959) approximation to pnchisq() - using pchisq()
    ## Johnson,Kotz,...: Error is O(1/ncp) for ncp -> Inf --
    ## 		i.e. better than Patnaik for right tail
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 19 Feb 2004, 15:38
    n2 <- df + 2*ncp
    n3 <- n2 + ncp ## = df + 3*ncp
    r <- n2 / n3
    pchisq((q + ncp/n3*ncp) *r, df = n2*r*r,
           lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

## Abdel-Aty (1954) .. Biometrika
pnchisqAbdelAty <-  function(q, df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    ## Purpose: Abdel-Aty(1954) "first approx." (Wilson-Hilferty) approximation to pnchisq()
    ## Johnson,Kotz,...: Has it *WRONGLY*  in eq. (29.61a), p.463
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 2018-08-16; careful sqrt(): 2019-09-02
    r <- df + ncp
    n2 <- r + ncp # = df + 2*ncp
    V <- 2/9 * n2/r/r # == "stable version" of  2*n2 / (9*r^2)
    sV <- sqrt(V)
    if(any(off <- V < .Machine$double.xmin | V > .Machine$double.xmax))
        sV[off] <- sqrt(2*n2[off]) / r[off] / 3
    pnorm((q/r)^(1/3), mean = 1-V, sd = sV, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

pnchisqSankaran_d <- function(q, df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    ## Purpose: Sankaran(1959,1963) according to Johnson et al. p.463, (29.61d):
    r <- df + ncp  #              = ν + λ
    n2 <- r + ncp  # = df + 2*ncp = ν + 2λ
    n3 <- n2 + ncp # = df + 3*ncp = ν + 3λ
    q1 <- n2/r^2   # = (n + 2λ)/(n+λ)²
    h1 <- - 2/3 * r*n3/n2^2 # =  h - 1
    h <- 1 + h1
    mu <- 1 + h*h1*q1*(1 + (h-2)*(1-3*h)*q1/2)
    sV  <- h * sqrt(2*q1 * (1 + h1 * (1-3*h)*q1))
    pnorm((q/r)^h, mean = mu, sd = sV,
          lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

r_pois <- function(i, lambda)
    ## Purpose: r_v(i) :=  (v^i / i!) / e_{i-1}(v), where
    ##      e_n(x) := 1 + x + x^2/2! + .... + x^n/n! (n-th partial of exp(x))
    ## As function of i :
    ## 	o  Can this be put in a simple formula?
    ##  o  When is it maximal?
    ##  o  When does r_{lambda}(i) become smaller than (f+2i-x)/x = a + b*i ?
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 20 Jan 2004, 18:13
    if(lambda < -log(2)*.Machine$double.min.exp)
        dpois(i, lambda) / ppois(i-1, lambda)# << does vectorize in i
    else # large lambda
        exp(i*log(lambda) - lgamma(i+1) + -lambda- ppois(i-1, lambda, log.p = TRUE))

r_pois_expr <- ## was  'titleR.exp'
    expression(rr[lambda](i) ==
        frac(lambda^i / i*"!",
             1+ lambda+ lambda^2/2*"!" +cdots+ lambda^{i-1}/(i-1)*"!"))

## was plotRR()
plRpois <- function(lambda, iset = 1:(2*lambda), do.main=TRUE,
                    log = 'xy', type = "o", cex = 0.4, col = c("red","blue"),
                    do.eaxis = TRUE, sub10 = "10")
    ii <- sort(iset)
    if(do.main) {
        pmar <- par("mar"); on.exit(par(mar=pmar))
        par(mar=pmar + c(0,0,1.2,0))
    plot(ii, r_pois(ii, lambda=lambda), log = log, cex = cex, col = col[1],
         type = type, xlab = "i", ylab = quote(rr[lambda](i)),
         sub = substitute(lambda==l, list(l=lambda)),
         yaxt = if(do.eaxis) "n" else par("yaxt"),
         main = if(do.main) r_pois_expr)
    if(do.eaxis) eaxis(2, sub10=sub10)
    lines(ii, lambda/ii, col = col[2])
    legend(ii[length(ii)], lambda, expression(rr[lambda](i), lambda / i),
           col = col, lty = 1, pch = c(1,NA), xjust = 1, bty = 'n')

###--- Consider the sums directly :
## Approach used in pnchisq.c for  ncp < 80 :
pnchisqTerms <-  function(x, df, ncp, lower.tail = TRUE, i.max = 1000)
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date:  1 Apr 2008, 17:52

    if(length(x)   > 1) stop("'x' must be of length 1")
    if(length(df)  > 1) stop("'df' must be of length 1")
    if(length(ncp) > 1) stop("'ncp' must be of length 1")
    stopifnot(length(i.max) == 1, i.max > 1)

    lambda <- 0.5 * ncp
    sum <- 0.
    ## pr <- exp(-lambda)
    k <- 1:i.max
    p.k <- dpois(k, lambda) ## == pr * cumprod(lambda / k)
    t.k <- pchisq(x, df + 2*(k-1), lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=FALSE)
    s.k <- p.k * t.k
    kMax <- which.max(s.k)
    list(p.k = p.k, t.k = t.k, s.k = s.k, kMax = kMax,
         f = sum(s.k[1:kMax]) + sum(s.k[i.max:(kMax+1L)]))
}## {pnchisqTerms}

## Summands for pnchisq() series approximation, see pnchisq_ss() [below]
ss <- function(x, df, ncp, i.max = 10000,
               useLv = !(expMin < -lambda && 1/lambda < expMax))
    ## Purpose:
    ## pnchisq() :=                         sum_{i=0}^{n*} v_i  t_i
    ##            = exp(-lambda) t_0(x,f) * sum_{i=0}^{n*} v'_i t'_i
    ## hence the summands
    ## s_i := v'_i * t'_i
    ## 		     t'_0 := 1 ;
    ##               t'_i = t'_{i-1} * x /(f+2i)
    ##                    = x^i / prod_{j=1}^i (f + 2j)
    ##        v'_0 := u'_0 = 1;
    ##        v'_k := v'_{k-1} + u'_k
    ##                           u'_k := u'_{k-1} * (lambda / i)
    ## Return: list(s =(s_i){i= 0:i2},  i1, max)
    ##		where i1  : the index of the first non-0 entry in s[]
    ##                i2  : in 0:i.max such that trailing 0's are left away
    ##                max : the (first) index of the maximal entry s[]
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments: as p[n]chisq(), but only scalar
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date:  6 Feb 2004, 19:27
    if(length(x)   != 1) stop("'x' must be of length 1")
    if(length(df)  != 1) stop("'df' must be of length 1")
    if(length(ncp) != 1) stop("'ncp' must be of length 1")
    if(x <= 0) stop("'x' must be positive (here)")
    expMin <- log(2)*.Machine$double.min.exp # ~= -708.4 for IEEE FP
    expMax <- log(2)*.Machine$double.max.exp # ~= +709.8

    lambda <- ncp/2

    i <- 1:i.max #- really: from 0 to i.max

    xq <- x / (df + 2*i)
    tt <- cumprod(c(1, xq))

    ## useLt := use log terms in formula [protect against underflow / denormalized numbers]
    useLt <- any(it0 <- tt < .Machine$double.xmin) # was  it0 <- tt == 0
    if(useLt) { ## work with log(tt) there
        ltt <- cumsum(c(0, log(xq)))

    ## Nota Bene: v[n] == e_n(lambda) * exp(-lambda)  is always in [0,1)
    ## default useLv <- !(expMin < -lambda && 1/lambda < expMax)
    if(!useLv) {## otherwise overflows/underflows
        u <- exp(-lambda)*cumprod(c(1, lambda / i))
        v <- cumsum(u)
    } else { ## lambda quite large or small --> compute log(u)
        ##lu <- cumsum(c(-lambda, log(lambda / i)))
        ##lu <- cumsum(c(-lambda, log(lambda) - log(i)))
        ## lu + lambda:
        luPl <- c(0,i*log(lambda)) + cumsum(c(0, - log(i)))
        useLv <- useLt || any(luPl - lambda < expMin)
        if(useLv) {
            lv <- -lambda + log(cumsum(exp(luPl)))
                ltt <- cumsum(c(0, log(xq)))
            v <- cumsum(exp(luPl -lambda))
    ## the sequence  r := tt * v  :
        r <- exp(ltt + lv)
    else {
        if(useLt && any(it0 <- it0 & v != 0))
            tt[it0] <- exp(ltt[it0])
        r <- tt * v

    ## now get it's attributes:

    d <- diff(r > 0)
    i1 <- which.max(d) # [i1] -> [i1+1]: first change from 0 to >0
    i2 <- i.max+1 - which.min(rev(d))
    ## [i2] -> [i2+1]: last change from >0 to 0
    r <- r[1:i2]
    list(s = r, i1 = i1, max = which.max(r))

ss2 <- function(x, df, ncp, i.max = 10000, eps = .Machine$double.eps)
    ## Purpose: "Statistic" on ss() ==> give only interesting indices
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date:  7 Feb 2004.
    sss <- ss(x,df,ncp,i.max)
    s <- sss$s
    i.need <- range(which(s > eps * s[sss$max]))
    c(i1=sss$i1, i2=length(s), iN = i.need, max = sss$max)

pnchisq_ss <- function(x, df, ncp = 0, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE, i.max = 10000) {
    ## deal with boundary cases as in pnchisq()
    if(length(x)  != 1) stop("'x' must be of length 1")
    if(length(df) != 1) stop("'df' must be of length 1")
    if(x <= 0) {
	if(x == 0 && df == 0)
                if(log.p) {
                    if(lower.tail)     -0.5*ncp  else log1mexp(+0.5*ncp)
                } else {
                    if(lower.tail) exp(-0.5*ncp) else   -expm1(-0.5*ncp)
        ## else
        return(.DT_0(lower.tail, log.p=log.p))
        return(.DT_1(lower.tail, log.p=log.p))
    ## Using ss() for the non-central chisq prob.
    si <- ss(x=x, df=df, ncp=ncp, i.max = i.max)
    f <- if(log.p) log(2) + dchisq(x, df = df+2, log=TRUE)
         else          2  * dchisq(x, df = df+2)
    s <- sum(si$s)
    if(lower.tail) {
        if(log.p) f+log(s) else f*s
    } else { ## upper tail
        if(log.p) log1p(- f*s) else 1 - f*s

## Instead of limited (overflow!) ss(),
## use C - code which parallels  pnchisq()'s in C:  >>> ../src/pnchisq-it.c <<<

pnchisqIT <- function(q, df, ncp = 0, errmax = 1e-12,
                      reltol = 2*.Machine$double.eps, maxit = 1e5, verbose = FALSE)
    if(length(q) != 1 || length(df) != 1 || length(ncp) != 1)
        stop("arguments must have length 1 !")
    r <- .C(C_Pnchisq_it,
            x = as.double(q),
            f = as.double(df),
            theta = as.double(ncp),
            errmax = as.double(errmax),
            reltol = as.double(reltol),
            maxit = as.integer(maxit),
            verbose = as.integer(verbose),
            i0 = integer(1),
            n.terms = integer(1),
            terms = double(maxit+1), ## !!
            prob  = double(1))
    length(r$terms) <- r$n.terms
    r[c("prob", "i0", "n.terms", "terms")]

ss2. <- function(q, df, ncp = 0, errmax = 1e-12,
                 reltol = 2*.Machine$double.eps, maxit = 1e5,
                 eps = reltol, verbose = FALSE)
    ## Purpose: "Statistic" on ss() ==> give only interesting indices
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments:
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 16 Feb 2004, 10:57

    if(length(q) != 1 || length(df) != 1 || length(ncp) != 1)
        stop("arguments must have length 1 !")
    r <- .C(C_Pnchisq_it,
            x = as.double(q),
            f = as.double(df),
            theta = as.double(ncp),
            errmax = as.double(errmax),
            reltol = as.double(reltol),
            maxit = as.integer(maxit),
            verbose = as.integer(verbose),
            i0 = integer(1L),
            n.terms = integer(1L),
            terms = double(maxit+1L) ## !!
          , prob  = double(1)
    length(r$terms) <- r$n.terms
    nT <- length(s <- r$terms)

    ## now get it's attributes:
    if(nT > 1) {
        d <- diff(s > 0)
        if(sum(diff(sign(d))) > 1) warning("more than local extremum")
        i1 <- which.max(d)     # [i1] -> [i1+1]: first change from 0 to >0
        i2 <- nT+1 - which.min(rev(d))## [i2] -> [i2+1]:last change from >0 to 0
        ## expect i2 == n.terms == nT :
        if(i2 != nT) { warning("i2 == ",i2," != nT = ",nT) ; s <- s[1:i2] }

        iMax <- which.max(s)
        i.need <- range(which(s > eps * s[iMax]))

        if(i2 != i.need[2] ## << happens:  then i2 == iN[2] + 1:
           i2 != i.need[2]+1) warning("i2 == ",i2," != iN[2] = ",i.need[2])

    } else { ## only 1 term
        i1 <- i2 <- NA
        iMax <- 1
        i.need <- c(1,1)
    c(i0 = r$i0, nT = r$n.terms, i1=i1, i2=i2, iN = i.need, iMax = iMax)

small.ncp.logspaceR2015 <- function(x, df, ncp, lower.tail, log.p) {
    ## 'ncp' and 'log.p' not used here
    lower.tail & df > 0 & {
        log(x) < log(2) + 2/df*(lgamma(df/2. + 1) + M_minExp)
        ## M_minExp := LN2 * .Machine$double.min.exp) ~= -708.396

##' R's *current* C version pnchisq() [with more "tuning" arguments; 'verbose' ..] :
pnchisqRC <- function(q, df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE,
                      no2nd.call = FALSE,
                      cutOffncp = 80, small.ncp.logspace = small.ncp.logspaceR2015, itSimple = 110,
                      errmax = 1e-12, reltol = 8*.Machine$double.eps, epsS = reltol/2,
                      maxit = 1000000, verbose = FALSE)
        small.ncp.logspace <- small.ncp.logspace(q, df, ncp, lower.tail, log.p)
    .Call(C_Pnchisq_R, ## ../src/pnchisq-it.c
          as.double(q), as.double(df), as.double(ncp), lower.tail, log.p,
	  no2nd.call, cutOffncp, small.ncp.logspace, itSimple,
	  errmax, reltol, epsS, maxit, verbose)

### "x and ncp *both* large" --  "due to Temme(1993)" in
### ========================  Johnson et al., p.467, formulas  (29.71a) and  (29.71b)

## The first two functions, formula "a" and "b", are auxiliary for the third:

pnchisqT93.a <- function(q, df, ncp, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
    if(!all(length(q), length(df), length(ncp))) return(q+df+ncp) # recycling to 0-length
    stopifnot(ncp > 0, length(lower.tail) == 1L, length(log.p) == 1L)
    if(log.p && !lower.tail) {
        ## return log(Ip) but computed *directly*:
        ##  careful about  log(q/ncp) :
        ok <- .Machine$double.xmin <= (r <- q/ncp)  &  r <= .Machine$double.xmax
        r[ ok] <- log(r[ok])
        r[!ok] <- log(q[!ok]) - log(ncp[!ok])
        ((df - 1)/4) * r +  pnorm(sqrt(2*q) - sqrt(2*ncp), lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)
    else {
        Ip <- (q/ncp)^((df - 1)/4) * pnorm(sqrt(2*q) - sqrt(2*ncp), lower.tail=FALSE)
        if(log.p) ## if(lower.tail) log1p(-Ip) else log(Ip) -- by now, know that lower.tail is TRUE:
        else {
            if(lower.tail) 1 - Ip else Ip

pnchisqT93.b <- function(q, df, ncp, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
    if(!all(length(q), length(df), length(ncp))) return(q+df+ncp) # recycling to 0-length
    stopifnot(ncp > 0, length(lower.tail) == 1L, length(log.p) == 1L)
    ## p ~= (q/ncp)^((df - 1)/4) * pnorm(sqrt(2*ncp) - sqrt(2*q), lower.tail=FALSE)
    ## return
    ## if(log.p) {
    ##     if(lower.tail) log(p) else log1p(-p)
    ## } else {
    ##     if(lower.tail)  p     else  1-p
    ## }
    if(log.p && lower.tail) {
        ## return log(p) but computed *directly*:
        ##  careful about  log(q/ncp) :
        ok <- .Machine$double.xmin <= (r <- q/ncp)  &  r <= .Machine$double.xmax
        r[ ok] <- log(r[ok])
        r[!ok] <- log(q[!ok]) - log(ncp[!ok])
        ((df - 1)/4) * r +  pnorm(sqrt(2*ncp) - sqrt(2*q), lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)
    else {
        p <- (q/ncp)^((df - 1)/4) * pnorm(sqrt(2*ncp) - sqrt(2*q), lower.tail=FALSE)
        if(log.p) ## by now, know that lower.tail is FALSE:
        else {
            if(lower.tail) p else 1 - p

pnchisqT93 <- function(q, df, ncp, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE,
                       use.a = q > ncp)
    ## use.a is "vector"
    stopifnot(ncp > 0, !anyNA(a <- use.a)) # 'a' for convenience
    if(!length(a) || !(n <- length(ncp))) return(numeric(0)) # else positive lengths => "recycling"
    # n := max(length(.)..) to which recycling happens
    if(missing(a)) { # may have any length ..
        if(n < length( q)) n <- length(q)
        if(n < length(df)) n <- length(df)
    if(n < length(a)) n <- length(a)
    else if(
       length(  a) < n)   a <- rep_len(a, n)
    if(length(  q) < n)   q <- rep_len(q, n)
    if(length( df) < n)  df <- rep_len(df, n)
    if(length(ncp) < n) ncp <- rep_len(ncp, n)
    r <- q
    r[ a] <- pnchisqT93.a(q[ a], df[ a], ncp[ a], lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)
    r[!a] <- pnchisqT93.b(q[!a], df[!a], ncp[!a], lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

### From Johnson et al., p.465 f : Formulas by   Bol'shev and Kuzntzov (1963) [Russian]
### formula (29.63) {and w* above that}
### Useful for small  λ = ncp: error is  O(λ³)  uniformly in any finite interval of q
pnchisqBolKuz <- function(q, df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    stopifnot(df > 0)
    lnu <- ncp/df # = λ/ν = λν⁻¹
    w. <- q*(1 + lnu*(-1 + .5*lnu*(1 + q/(df+2))))
    ## central χ² (same ν (df)) with w* instead of q :
    pchisq(w., df=df, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

## df == 1  ==>  have exact formula == use MM's hand written notes on p.433,
## -------       or the formula after (29.17), top of p.441
pnchi1sq <- function(q, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, epsS = .01)
## FIXME: "correct" 'epsS' via  Rmpfr :: pnorm()  etc !
    ## FIXME: For t1() function in ../tests/chisq-nonc-ex.R  got working lower.tail & log.p
    if(!lower.tail) stop("'lower.tail=FALSE' not yet implemented")
    if(log.p)       stop("'log.p = TRUE' not yet implemented")
    sq <- sqrt(q) # = 's' in my notes
    sl <- sqrt(ncp) # sqrt{λ}
    sml <- sq <= sl * epsS # (does recycle to correct length)
    r <- numeric(length(sml))
    if(any(sml)) {
        N <- which(sml)
        s    <- rep_len(sq, length(r))[N]
        sl.  <- rep_len(sl, length(r))[N]
        ncp. <- rep_len(ncp,length(r))[N]
        ## Terms with *even* Hermite polynomial in sqrt{λ}; sqrt{λ}² = ncp
        ##                          s²/3! He₂(rt{λ})  s⁴/5! He₄(rt{λ})
        r[N] <- 2*s*dnorm(sl.)*(1 + s/6*s*((ncp. - 1) + s/20*s*((ncp. - 6)*ncp. + 3)))
        ## last term needed (see ex. w/ epsS=1e-2 !)
    if(any(!sml)) {
        N <- !sml
        ## Cancellation here, too:   1 - 1  or  0 - 0  ...
        ##  Φ(l+s) - Φ(l-s) = Φ(l+s) - Φ(l-s)
        ##  Φ(P) - Φ(D)     =  Φ(-D) - Φ(-P)
        D <- (sl-sq)[N]
        P <- (sl+sq)[N]
        ## check intervals for D and P and possibly use pnorm(*, lower.tail=FALSE)
        ## FIXME: suboptimal!
        r[N] <- pnorm(-D) - pnorm(-P)

## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermite_polynomials :
##  The first .. probabilists' Hermite polynomials are:
## He_0(x) = 1 ,
## He_1(x) = x ,
## He_2(x) = x^2 - 1 ,
## He_3(x) = x^3 - 3 x ,
## He_4(x) = x^4 - 6 x^2 + 3 ,
## He_5(x) = x^5 - 10 x^3 + 15 x ,
## He_6(x) = x^6 - 15 x^4 + 45 x^2 - 15 ,
## He_7(x) = x^7 - 21 x^5 + 105 x^3 - 105 x ,
## He_8(x) = x^8 - 28 x^6 + 210 x^4 - 420 x^2 + 105 ,
## He_9(x) = x^9 - 36 x^7 + 378 x^5 - 1260 x^3 + 945 x ,

## df == 3   ==>  have exact formula, too : Johnson et al.  (29.16) :
pnchi3sq <- function(q, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, epsS = 0.04)
## FIXME: "correct" 'epsS' via  Rmpfr :: pnorm()  etc !
    if(!lower.tail) stop("'lower.tail=FALSE' not yet implemented")
    if(log.p)       stop("'log.p = TRUE' not yet implemented")
    sq <- sqrt(q) # = 's' in my notes
    sl <- sqrt(ncp) # sqrt{λ}
    sml <- sq <= sl * epsS # (does recycle to correct length)
    r <- numeric(length(sml))
    if(any(sml)) {
        N <- which(sml)
        s    <- rep_len(sq, length(r))[N]
        sl.  <- rep_len(sl, length(r))[N]
        ncp. <- rep_len(ncp,length(r))[N]
        s2 <- s^2 # = q {recycled length}
        r[N] <- 2/3*s*s2*dnorm(sl.)*
            (1 + s2/10*(ncp. - 3 + s2/28*(ncp.*(ncp. - 10) + 15))) # + O(s^9)
    if(any(!sml)) {
        N <- which(!sml)
        sl. <- rep_len(sl, length(r))[N]
        D <- (sl - sq)[N]
        P <- (sl + sq)[N]
        ## check intervals for D and P and possibly use pnorm(*, lower.tail=FALSE)
        ## FIXME: suboptimal!
        r[N] <- pnorm(-D) - pnorm(-P) + (dnorm(P) - dnorm(D)) / sl.

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