
Defines functions coef.durationFit logLik.durationFit gammaMLE llogisMLE lnormMLE rexpMLE weibullMLE is.durationFit qqDuration compModels dinvgauss dllogis drexp hgamma hinvgauss hllogis hlnorm hrexp hweibull isiHistFit pinvgauss pllogis prexp qinvgauss qllogis qrexp rinvgauss rllogis rrexp

Documented in coef.durationFit compModels dinvgauss dllogis drexp gammaMLE hgamma hinvgauss hllogis hlnorm hrexp hweibull is.durationFit isiHistFit llogisMLE lnormMLE logLik.durationFit pinvgauss pllogis prexp qinvgauss qllogis qqDuration qrexp rexpMLE rinvgauss rllogis rrexp weibullMLE

invgaussMLE <- function (yi, ni = numeric(length(yi)) + 1,
                         si = numeric(length(yi)) + 1,
                         parameterization = "sigma2"
                         ) {

  ## check if yi is a spikeTrain object if yes take the "diff"
  if (inherits(yi,"spikeTrain")) yi <- diff(yi)
  if (any(yi < 0)) 
    stop("yi elements must be non-negative")
  yi <- as.numeric(yi)
  if (!identical(length(yi), length(ni))) 
    stop("yi and ni should have the same length")
  if (any(ni < 0)) 
    stop("ni elements must be non-negative")
  if (!identical(class(ni), "integer") && !identical(ni, round(ni))) 
    stop("ni should be a vector of positive integers")
  if (!identical(length(yi), length(si))) 
    stop("yi and si should have the same length")
  if (any(si < 0)) 
    stop("si elements must be non-negative")
  if (!identical(si, round(si))) 
    stop("si should be a vector of positive integers")
  if (any(si > ni)) 
    stop("si elements should not be greater than ni elements")
  minusLogLik <- function(p) {
    if (missing(p)) {
      txt <- paste("This function argument should be a 2 component vector:\n", 
                   "  component 1 is the log of the mu parameter,\n", 
                   "  component 2 is the log of the sigma2 parameter,\n", 
                   "using the 'sigma2' parameterization of the inverse Gaussian.\n")
    } else {
      mu <- exp(p[1])
      sigma2 <- exp(p[2])
      -(ifelse(s.dot > 0,
               sum(dinvgauss(yi[si > 0], mu, sigma2, log = TRUE) * si[si > 0], 0)
               ) +
        ifelse(c.dot > 0,
               sum(pinvgauss(yi[ci > 0], mu, sigma2, lower.tail = FALSE,log.p = TRUE) * ci[ci > 0]), 0))
  s.dot <- sum(si)
  n.dot <- sum(ni)
  ci <- ni - si
  c.dot <- sum(ci)
  if (s.dot == n.dot) {
    mu.hat <- weighted.mean(yi, ni)
    inv.mean <- weighted.mean(1/yi, ni)
    sigma2.hat <- inv.mean - 1/mu.hat
    estimate <- c(mu.hat, sigma2.hat)
    observedI <- matrix(c(n.dot/(sigma2.hat * mu.hat^3), 
                          0, 0, n.dot/sigma2.hat^2/2), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    se <- sqrt(diag(solve(observedI)))
    l <- -minusLogLik(log(estimate))
  } else {
    if (s.dot >= 10) {
      mu.hat <- weighted.mean(yi, si)
      inv.mean <- weighted.mean(1/yi, si)
      sigma2.hat <- inv.mean - 1/mu.hat
    } else {
      mu.hat <- weighted.mean(yi, ni)
      inv.mean <- weighted.mean(1/yi, ni)
      sigma2.hat <- inv.mean - 1/mu.hat
    mleFit <- optim(par=log(c(mu.hat, sigma2.hat)),
                    hessian = TRUE)
    estimate <- exp(mleFit$par)
    newVar <- (1/estimate) %o% (1/estimate)
    observedI <- mleFit$hessian * newVar
    se <- sqrt(diag(solve(observedI)))
    l <- -mleFit$value
  if (parameterization == "sigma2") {
    names(estimate) <- c("mu", "sigma2")
    names(se) <- c("mu", "sigma2")
    rFct <- function(mu, sigma2) -minusLogLik(log(c(mu, sigma2))) - l
  } else {
    boundary.hat <- (sigma2.hat)^(-0.5)
    mu.hat <- mu.hat/boundary.hat
    if (s.dot == n.dot) {
      estimate <- c(mu.hat, boundary.hat)
      observedI <- observedI * matrix(c(boundary.hat^2, 
                                        -2/boundary.hat^2, -2/boundary.hat^2, 4/boundary.hat^6), 
                                      nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
      se <- se * c(1/boundary.hat, boundary.hat^3/2)
    } else {
      estimate <- c(estimate[1] * sqrt(estimate[2]), 1/sqrt(estimate[2]))
      newVar <- newVar * (c(estimate[2], -2/estimate[2]^3) %o% 
                          c(estimate[2], -2/estimate[2]^3))
      observedI <- mleFit$hessian * newVar
      se <- sqrt(diag(solve(observedI)))
    names(estimate) <- c("mu", "boundary")
    names(se) <- c("mu", "boundary")
    rFct <- function(mu, boundary) -minusLogLik(log(c(mu * boundary, 1/boundary^2))) - l
  result <- list(estimate = estimate,
                 se = se,
                 logLik = l,
                 r = rFct, 
                 mll = minusLogLik,
                 call = match.call()
  class(result) <- "durationFit"


coef.durationFit <- function(object,...) object$estimate
logLik.durationFit <- function(object,...) object$logLik

gammaMLE <- function(yi,
                     ni = numeric(length(yi))+1,
                     si = numeric(length(yi))+1,
                     scale = TRUE
                     ) {
  ## check if yi is a spikeTrain object if yes take the "diff"
  if (inherits(yi,"spikeTrain")) yi <- diff(yi)
  ## check that yi elements are positive
  if (any(yi < 0)) stop("yi elements must be non-negative")
  ## coerce yi to vector
  yi <- as.numeric(yi)
  ## check that ni has the same length as yi
  if (!identical(length(yi),length(ni))) stop("yi and ni should have the same length")
  ## check that the elements of ni are non negative and integer
  if (any(ni < 0)) stop("ni elements must be non-negative")
  if (!identical(ni, round(ni))) stop("ni should be a vector of positive integers")
  if (!identical(length(yi),length(si))) stop("yi and si should have the same length")
  ## check that the elements of ni are non negative and integer
  if (any(si < 0)) stop("si elements must be non-negative")
  if (!identical(si, round(si))) stop("si should be a vector of positive integers")
  if (any(si > ni)) stop("si elements should not be greater than ni elements")
  ## Create function returning the opposite of the log likelihood
  minusLogLik <- function(p) {
    if (missing(p)) {
      txt <- paste("This function argument should be a 2 component vector:\n",
                   "  component 1 is the log of the shape parameter,\n",
                   "  component 2 is the log of the scale parameter.\n"
    } else {
      shape <- exp(p[1])
      scale <- exp(p[2])

  ## Get the number of uncensored events
  s.dot <- sum(si)
  ## Get the total number of events
  n.dot <- sum(ni)
  ci <- ni-si
  c.dot <- sum(ci)

  ## Define function logProfileLik returning the log of the
  ## profiled likelihood for the shape parameter
  logProfileLik <- function(shape) {
    if (shape <= 0) return(-Inf)
    term1 <- s.dot*shape*(log(shape) - log(scale.hat) -1)
    term2 <- (shape - 1) * sum(ni * log(yi))
    term3 <- - s.dot * lgamma(shape)
    return(term1 + term2 + term3)
  if (s.dot == n.dot) {
    ## no censored event
    ## Get the empirical mean which is the MLE of parameter scale
    scale.hat <- weighted.mean(yi, ni)
    s2 <- weighted.mean(yi^2, ni) - scale.hat^2
    shape.hat <- scale.hat^2 / s2
    shape.lower <- floor(shape.hat)
    shape.upper <- ceiling(shape.hat)
    shape.hat <- optimize(logProfileLik,
                          lower = shape.lower,
                          upper = shape.upper,
                          maximum = TRUE)$maximum
    ## mleFit <- nlm(minusLogLik,log(c(shape.hat,scale.hat)),hessian=TRUE)
    mleFit <- optim(par=log(c(shape.hat,scale.hat)),
  } else {
    ## some censored events
    ## if more than 10 events are uncesored get inital guess from them
    ## otherwise use all events
    if (s.dot >= 10) {
      scale.hat <- weighted.mean(yi, si)
      s2 <- weighted.mean(yi^2, si) - scale.hat^2
      shape.hat <- scale.hat^2 / s2
      shape.lower <- floor(shape.hat)
      shape.upper <- ceiling(shape.hat)
      shape.hat <- optimize(logProfileLik,
                            lower = shape.lower,
                            upper = shape.upper,
                            maximum = TRUE)$maximum
    } else {
      scale.hat <- weighted.mean(yi, ni)
      s2 <- weighted.mean(yi^2, ni) - scale.hat^2
      shape.hat <- scale.hat^2 / s2
    ## mleFit <- nlm(minusLogLik,log(c(shape.hat,scale.hat)),hessian=TRUE)
    mleFit <- optim(par=log(c(shape.hat,scale.hat)),
  } ## End of conditional on s.dot == n.dot
  ## estimate <- exp(mleFit$estimate)
  estimate <- exp(mleFit$par)
  newVar <- (1/estimate) %o% (1/estimate)
  observedI <- mleFit$hessian * newVar
  se <- sqrt(diag(solve(observedI)))
  ## l <- -mleFit$minimum
  l <- -mleFit$value

  if (scale) {
    names(estimate) <- c("shape","scale")
    names(se) <- c("shape","scale")
    rFct <- function(shape,scale) -minusLogLik(log(c(shape,scale))) - l
  } else {
    estimate <- c(estimate[1],1/estimate[2])
    names(estimate) <- c("shape","rate")
    se <- se * c(1,estimate[2]^2)
    names(se) <- c("shape","rate")
    rFct <- function(shape,rate) -minusLogLik(log(c(shape,1/rate))) - l

  result <- list(estimate = estimate,
                 se = se,
                 logLik = l,
                 r = rFct,
                 mll = minusLogLik,
                 call = match.call()
  class(result) <- "durationFit"

llogisMLE <- function(yi,
                      ni = numeric(length(yi))+1,
                      si = numeric(length(yi))+1
                      ) {

  ## check if yi is a spikeTrain object if yes take the "diff"
  if (inherits(yi,"spikeTrain")) yi <- diff(yi)
  ## check that yi elements are positive
  if (any(yi <= 0)) stop("yi elements must be positive or null")
  ## coerce yi to vector
  yi <- as.numeric(yi)
  ## check that ni has the same length as yi
  if (!identical(length(yi),length(ni))) stop("yi and ni should have the same length")
  ## check that the elements of ni are non negative and integer
  if (any(ni < 0)) stop("ni elements must be non-negative")
  if (!identical(ni, round(ni))) stop("ni should be a vector of positive integers")
  if (!identical(length(yi),length(si))) stop("yi and si should have the same length")
  ## check that the elements of ni are non negative and integer
  if (any(si < 0)) stop("si elements must be non-negative")
  if (!identical(si, round(si))) stop("si should be a vector of positive integers")
  if (any(si > ni)) stop("si elements should not be greater than ni elements")

  ## Create function returning the opposite of the log likelihood
  minusLogLik <- function(p) {
    if (missing(p)) {
      txt <- paste("This function argument should be a 2 component vector:\n",
                   "  component 1 is the location parameter,\n",
                   "  component 2 is the log of the scale parameter.\n"
    } else {
      location <- p[1]
      scale <- exp(p[2])

  ## Get the number of uncensored events
  s.dot <- sum(si)
  ## Get the total number of events
  n.dot <- sum(ni)
  ci <- ni-si
  c.dot <- sum(ci)

  lyi <- log(yi)
  if (s.dot == n.dot) {
    ## no censored event
    ## Get the empirical mean which is the MLE of parameter mu
    location.moment <- weighted.mean(lyi, si)
    scale.moment <- sqrt(3*(weighted.mean(lyi^2, si) - location.moment^2))/pi
  } else {
    ## some censored events
    ## if more than 10 events are uncesored get inital guess from them
    ## otherwise use all events
    if (s.dot >= 10) {
      location.moment <- weighted.mean(lyi, si)
      scale.moment <- sqrt(3*(weighted.mean(lyi^2, si) - location.moment^2))/pi
    } else {
      location.moment <- weighted.mean(lyi, ni)
      scale.moment <- sqrt(3*(weighted.mean(lyi^2, ni) - location.moment^2))/pi
  ## mleFit <- nlm(minusLogLik,c(location.moment,log(scale.moment)),hessian=TRUE)
  mleFit <- optim(fn=minusLogLik,
  ## estimate <- c(mleFit$estimate[1],exp(mleFit$estimate[2]))
  estimate <- c(mleFit$par[1],exp(mleFit$par[2]))
  newVar <- c(1,1/estimate[2]) %o% c(1,1/estimate[2])
  se <- sqrt(diag(solve(mleFit$hessian * newVar)))
  ## l <- -mleFit$minimum
  l <- -mleFit$value
  names(estimate) <- c("location","scale")
  names(se) <- c("location","scale")
  rFct <- function(location,scale) -minusLogLik(c(location,log(scale))) - l
  result <- list(estimate = estimate,
                 se = se,
                 logLik = l,
                 r = rFct,
                 mll = minusLogLik,
                 call = match.call()
  class(result) <- "durationFit"


lnormMLE <- function(yi,
                     ni = numeric(length(yi))+1,
                     si = numeric(length(yi))+1
                     ) {

  ## check if yi is a spikeTrain object if yes take the "diff"
  if (inherits(yi,"spikeTrain")) yi <- diff(yi)
  ## check that yi elements are positive
  if (any(yi <= 0)) stop("yi elements must be strictly positive")
  ## coerce yi to vector
  yi <- as.numeric(yi)
  ## check that ni has the same length as yi
  if (!identical(length(yi),length(ni))) stop("yi and ni should have the same length")
  ## check that the elements of ni are non negative and integer
  if (any(ni < 0)) stop("ni elements must be non-negative")
  if (!identical(ni, round(ni))) stop("ni should be a vector of positive integers")
  if (!identical(length(yi),length(si))) stop("yi and si should have the same length")
  ## check that the elements of ni are non negative and integer
  if (any(si < 0)) stop("si elements must be non-negative")
  if (!identical(si, round(si))) stop("si should be a vector of positive integers")
  if (any(si > ni)) stop("si elements should not be greater than ni elements")

  ## Get the number of uncensored events
  s.dot <- sum(si)
  ## Get the total number of events
  n.dot <- sum(ni)
  ci <- ni-si
  c.dot <- sum(ci)
  ## Create function returning the opposite of the log likelihood
  minusLogLik <- function(p) {
    if (missing(p)) {
      txt <- paste("This function argument should be a 2 component vector:\n",
                   "  component 1 is the meanlog parameter,\n",
                   "  component 2 is the log of the sdlog parameter.\n"
    } else {
      mean <- p[1]
      sd <- exp(p[2])
  ## Get the empirical mean which is the MLE of parameter mu
  if (s.dot >= 2) {
    mu.hat <- weighted.mean(log(yi), si)
    s2 <- weighted.mean(log(yi)^2, si) - mu.hat^2
  } else {
    mu.hat <- weighted.mean(log(yi), ni)
    s2 <- weighted.mean(log(yi)^2, ni) - mu.hat^2
  if (s.dot == n.dot) {
    ## all events are uncensored
    estimate <- c(mu.hat,sqrt(s2))
    se <- c(sqrt(s2/n.dot),sqrt(s2/(2*n.dot)))
    l <- -minusLogLik(c(estimate[1],log(estimate[2])))
  } else {
    ## numerical fit needed
    ## mleFit <- nlm(minusLogLik,c(mu.hat,0.5*log(s2)),hessian=TRUE)
    mleFit <- optim(fn=minusLogLik,
    ## estimate <- c(mleFit$estimate[1],exp(mleFit$estimate[2]))
    estimate <- c(mleFit$par[1],exp(mleFit$par[2]))
    newVar <- c(1,1/estimate[2]) %o% c(1,1/estimate[2])
    se <- sqrt(diag(solve(mleFit$hessian * newVar)))
    ## l <- -mleFit$minimum
    l <- -mleFit$value
  names(estimate) <- names(formals(dlnorm))[2:3]
  names(se) <- names(formals(dlnorm))[2:3]
  result <- list(estimate = estimate,
                 se = se,
                 logLik = l,
                 r = function(meanlog,sdlog) -minusLogLik(c(meanlog,log(sdlog))) - l,
                 mll = minusLogLik,
                 call = match.call()
  class(result) <- "durationFit"


rexpMLE <- function(yi,
                    ni = numeric(length(yi))+1,
                    si = numeric(length(yi))+1
                    ) {

  ## check if yi is a spikeTrain object if yes take the "diff"
  if (inherits(yi,"spikeTrain")) yi <- diff(yi)
  ## check that yi elements are positive
  if (any(yi <= 0)) stop("yi elements must be positive or null")
  ## coerce yi to vector
  yi <- as.numeric(yi)
  ## check that ni has the same length as yi
  if (!identical(length(yi),length(ni))) stop("yi and ni should have the same length")
  ## check that the elements of ni are non negative and integer
  if (any(ni < 0)) stop("ni elements must be non-negative")
  if (!identical(ni, round(ni))) stop("ni should be a vector of positive integers")
  if (!identical(length(yi),length(si))) stop("yi and si should have the same length")
  ## check that the elements of ni are non negative and integer
  if (any(si < 0)) stop("si elements must be non-negative")
  if (!identical(si, round(si))) stop("si should be a vector of positive integers")
  if (any(si > ni)) stop("si elements should not be greater than ni elements")

  ## Create function returning the opposite of the log likelihood
  minusLogLik <- function(p) {
    if (missing(p)) {
      txt <- paste("This function argument should be a 2 component vector:\n",
                   "  component 1 is the log of the rate parameter,\n",
                   "  component 2 is the log of the rp (refractory period) parameter.\n"
    } else {
      rate <- exp(p[1])
      rp <- exp(p[2])
  ## Get the number of uncensored events
  s.dot <- sum(si)
  ## Get the total number of events
  n.dot <- sum(ni)
  ci <- ni-si
  c.dot <- sum(ci)
  if (s.dot == 0) stop("No uncensored events")
  rp.hat <- min(yi[si==1]) - .Machine$double.eps
  mu.hat <- weighted.mean(yi-rp.hat, si)
  rate.hat <- 1/mu.hat
  estimate <- c(rate.hat,rp.hat)
  se <- c(rate.hat/sqrt(s.dot),NA)
  l <- -minusLogLik(log(c(rate.hat,rp.hat)))

  names(estimate) <- c("rate","rp")
  names(se) <- c("rate","rp")
  rFct <- function(rate,rp) -minusLogLik(log(c(rate,rp))) - l
  result <- list(estimate = estimate,
                 se = se,
                 logLik = l,
                 r = rFct,
                 mll = minusLogLik,
                 call = match.call()
  class(result) <- "durationFit"


weibullMLE <- function(yi,
                       ni = numeric(length(yi))+1,
                       si = numeric(length(yi))+1,
                       shape.min = 0.05,
                       shape.max = 5) {
  ## define internal function makeProfileWeibullLogLik
  makeProfileWeibullLogLik <- function(data) {

    ## check that data is strictly positive
    if ( any(data <= 0) )
      stop("data should be a vector of positive numbers")
    ## if data is somthing else than a vector (eg a matrix)
    ## coerce it to a vector
    dim(data) <- NULL
    ## get the sample size
    nDot <- length(data)
    ## get the sum of the logs of the variate
    sumLog <- sum(log(data))
    logLik <- function(shape) {
      ## check that shape is strictly positive
      if (shape <= 0) {
      } else {
        term1 <- nDot * log(shape)
        term2 <- (shape - 1) * sumLog
        term3 <- - nDot * (1 + log(sum(data^shape)/nDot))
        return( term1 + term2 + term3)

  ## End of internal function makeProfileWeibullLogLik definition

  ## check if yi is a spikeTrain object if yes take the "diff"
  if (inherits(yi,"spikeTrain")) yi <- diff(yi)
  ## check that yi elements are positive
  if (any(yi <= 0)) stop("yi elements must be strictly positive")
  ## coerce yi to vector
  yi <- as.numeric(yi)
  ## check that ni has the same length as yi
  if (!identical(length(yi),length(ni))) stop("yi and ni should have the same length")
  ## check that the elements of ni are non negative and integer
  if (any(ni < 0)) stop("ni elements must be non-negative")
  if (!identical(ni, round(ni))) stop("ni should be a vector of positive integers")
  if (!identical(length(yi),length(si))) stop("yi and si should have the same length")
  ## check that the elements of ni are non negative and integer
  if (any(si < 0)) stop("si elements must be non-negative")
  if (!identical(si, round(si))) stop("si should be a vector of positive integers")
  if (any(si > ni)) stop("si elements should not be greater than ni elements")

  ## Create function returning the opposite of the log likelihood
  minusLogLik <- function(p) {
    if (missing(p)) {
      txt <- paste("This function argument should be a 2 component vector:\n",
                   "  component 1 is the log of the shape parameter,\n",
                   "  component 2 is the log of the scale parameter.\n"
    } else {
      shape <- exp(p[1])
      scale <- exp(p[2])
  ## Get the number of uncensored events
  s.dot <- sum(si)
  ## Get the total number of events
  n.dot <- sum(ni)
  ci <- ni-si
  c.dot <- sum(ci)

  if (s.dot == n.dot) {
    ## no censored event
    mu.hat <- weighted.mean(yi, si)
    s2 <- weighted.mean(yi^2, si) - mu.hat^2
    stat1 <- mu.hat^2/(s2 + mu.hat^2)
    shapeFct <- function(shape) (gamma(1 + 1/shape))^2 / gamma(1 + 2/shape) - stat1
    myRoot <- uniroot(shapeFct, lower = shape.min, upper = shape.max)$root
    shapeInterval <- c(floor(myRoot) - .Machine$double.eps,ceiling(myRoot) + .Machine$double.eps)
    data <- rep(yi[si>0],each=ni[si>0])
    myLogLik <- makeProfileWeibullLogLik(data)
    shape.hat <- optimize(myLogLik, interval = shapeInterval, maximum = TRUE)$maximum
    scale.hat <- (sum(data^shape.hat)/s.dot)^(1/shape.hat)
  } else {
    ## some censored events
    ## if more than 10 events are uncesored get inital guess from them
    ## otherwise use all events
    if (s.dot >= 10) {
      mu.hat <- weighted.mean(yi, si)
      s2 <- weighted.mean(yi^2, si) - mu.hat^2
      stat1 <- mu.hat^2/(s2 + mu.hat^2)
      shapeFct <- function(shape) (gamma(1 + 1/shape))^2 / gamma(1 + 2/shape) - stat1
      myRoot <- uniroot(shapeFct, lower = shape.min, upper = shape.max)$root
      shapeInterval <- c(floor(myRoot) - .Machine$double.eps,ceiling(myRoot) + .Machine$double.eps)
      data <- rep(yi[si>0],each=ni[si>0])
      myLogLik <- makeProfileWeibullLogLik(data)
      shape.hat <- optimize(myLogLik, interval = shapeInterval, maximum = TRUE)$maximum
      scale.hat <- (sum(data^shape.hat)/s.dot)^(1/shape.hat)
    } else {
      mu.hat <- weighted.mean(yi, ni)
      s2 <- weighted.mean(yi^2, ni) - mu.hat^2
      stat1 <- mu.hat^2/(s2 + mu.hat^2)
      shapeFct <- function(shape) (gamma(1 + 1/shape))^2 / gamma(1 + 2/shape) - stat1
      myRoot <- uniroot(shapeFct, lower = shape.min, upper = shape.max)$root
      shapeInterval <- c(floor(myRoot) - .Machine$double.eps,ceiling(myRoot) + .Machine$double.eps)
      data <- rep(yi,each=ni)
      myLogLik <- makeProfileWeibullLogLik(data)
      shape.hat <- optimize(myLogLik, interval = shapeInterval, maximum = TRUE)$maximum
      scale.hat <- (sum(data^shape.hat)/n.dot)^(1/shape.hat)
  } ## End of conditional on s.dot == n.dot
  ## mleFit <- nlm(minusLogLik,log(c(shape.hat,scale.hat)),hessian=TRUE)
  mleFit <- optim(fn=minusLogLik,
  ## estimate <- exp(mleFit$estimate)
  estimate <- exp(mleFit$par)
  newVar <- (1/estimate) %o% (1/estimate)
  observedI <- mleFit$hessian * newVar
  se <- sqrt(diag(solve(observedI)))
  ## l <- -mleFit$minimum
  l <- -mleFit$value

  names(estimate) <- c("shape","scale")
  names(se) <- c("shape","scale")
  rFct <- function(shape,scale) -minusLogLik(log(c(shape,scale))) - l
  result <- list(estimate = estimate,
                 se = se,
                 logLik = l,
                 r = rFct,
                 mll = minusLogLik,
                 call = match.call()
  class(result) <- "durationFit"


is.durationFit <- function(obj) {

  if (!("durationFit" %in% class(obj))) return(FALSE)
  expectedNames <- c("estimate",
  if (!all(expectedNames %in% names(obj))) return(FALSE)

qqDuration <- function(durationFit,
                       ) {
  ## Check that durationFit is a durationFit object
  if (!is.durationFit(durationFit))
               "should be a durationFit object."

  ## check CI
  if (!is.null(CI)) {
    ## make sure that CI is at most of length 2 otherwise
    ## keep the first 2 components
    if (length(CI) > 2) CI <- CI[1:2]
    ## Check that each component of CI is between 0 and 1
    if (any(CI>=1 | CI<=0))
                 "components should be in (0,1)")
  } ## End of conditional on !is.null(CI)
  ## get the uncensored events
  ## The next code line causes an unimportant warning during
  ## automatic code check by "R CMD check"
  x <- evalq(rep(yi[si>0],each=si[si>0]),envir=environment(durationFit$r))
  ## get the y values of the QQ plot
  y <- sort(x)
  ## get the theoretical x values
  distribution <- switch(deparse(durationFit$call[[1]]),
                         invgaussMLE = qinvgauss,
                         gammaMLE = qgamma,
                         weibullMLE = qweibull,
                         lnormMLE = qlnorm,
                         rexpMLE = qrexp,
                         llogisMLE = qllogis)

  if (is.null(distribution))
    stop(paste("Unknown distribution in",

  sampleSize <- length(y)
  pp <- ppoints(sampleSize)
  x.theo <- do.call(distribution,

  if (!is.null(CI)) {
    ## Get the confidence intervals
    ci <- sapply(1:sampleSize,
                                  function(l) {
                                    thePs <- c((1-l)/2,1-(1-l)/2)
                                    thePs <- qbeta(thePs,
  } ## End of conditional on !is.null(CI)
  modelName <- switch(deparse(durationFit$call[[1]]),
                      invgaussMLE = "invgauss",
                      gammaMLE = "gamma",
                      weibullMLE = "weibull",
                      lnormMLE = "lnorm",
                      rexpMLE = "rexp",
                      llogisMLE = "llogis")
  sampleName <- deparse(durationFit$call[["yi"]])

  if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- paste("Quantiles of",
  if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- "Sample quantiles"
  if (missing(main)) main <- paste("QQ plot of",
                                   "vs fitted",
  if (missing(sub)) {
    sub <- paste(sampleSize,
                 "uncensored intervals used.")
    if (!is.null(CI))
      sub <- paste(sub,
                   "CI at:",

  if (missing(ylim)) ylim <- c(min(min(x.theo),min(y)),
  if (!is.null(CI)) apply(ci,1,function(x) lines(x.theo,x,lty=2))

compModels <- function(yi,
                       ni = numeric(length(yi))+1,
                       si = numeric(length(yi))+1,
                       models = c("invgauss","lnorm","gamma","weibull","llogis","rexp"),
                       type = c("qq","s"),
                       log = TRUE,
                       ) {

  if (is.spikeTrain(yi)) yi <- diff(yi)
  ## Check that the models are known
  knownModels <- c("invgauss",

  if (!all(models %in% knownModels))
    stop("Some requested models are not implemented.")

  theFits <- lapply(models,
                    function(m) switch(m,
                                       invgauss = invgaussMLE(yi,ni,si),
                                       lnorm = lnormMLE(yi,ni,si),
                                       gamma = gammaMLE(yi,ni,si),
                                       weibull = weibullMLE(yi,ni,si),
                                       llogis = llogisMLE(yi,ni,si),
                                       rexp = rexpMLE(yi,ni,si)

  if (plot) {
    myNrow <- (length(models)-1) %/% 2 + 1
    oldpar <- par(mar=c(4,3,2,1))
    if (type[1] == "qq") {
             function(idx) {
               if (log) {
               } else {
    } else {
      isi <- rep(yi[ni>0],each=ni[ni>0])
      status <- unlist(lapply(1:length(ni),
                              function(idx) {
                                if (ni[idx]==0) return(numeric())
                                else {
                                  result <- numeric(ni[idx])
                                  if (si[idx]>0) result[1:si[idx]] <- 1
      kmFit <- survfit(Surv(isi,status) ~1)
             function(idx) {
               survFct <- switch(models[idx],
                                 invgauss = pinvgauss,
                                 lnorm = plnorm,
                                 gamma = pgamma,
                                 weibull = pweibull,
                                 llogis = pllogis,
                                 rexp = prexp)
               isi <- sort(isi)
               y <- do.call(survFct,c(list(q=isi,lower.tail=FALSE),as.list(theFits[[idx]]$estimate)))
  } ## End of conditional on plot
  aic <- sapply(theFits, function(f) -2*f$logLik+4)
  ordered <- sort.int(aic,index.return=TRUE)
  result <- ordered$x
  names(result) <- models[ordered$ix]


dinvgauss <- function(x,
                      mu = 1,
                      sigma2 = 1,
                      boundary = NULL,
                      log = FALSE
  if( any(x <= 0) ) stop("y must contain positive values")
  if( any(mu <= 0) ) stop("mu must be positive")
  if (all(!is.null(sigma2)))
    if( any(sigma2 <= 0) ) stop("sigma2 must be positive")
  if (all(!is.null(boundary)))
    if( any(boundary <= 0) ) stop("boundary must be positive")
  if ( all(!is.null(sigma2)) && all(!is.null(boundary)) )
    stop("One of sigma2 or boundary must be specified, not both")

  if (all(!is.null(boundary))) {
    ## We work with the parameterization in term of boundary (ie, sigma2 = 1)
    ## We convert it in term of mu and sigma2
    sigma2 <- (1/boundary)^2
    mu <- boundary*mu

  tmp <- -(x-mu)^2/(2*x*sigma2*mu^2)-(log(2*pi*sigma2)+3*log(x))/2
  if(!log) tmp <- exp(tmp)


dllogis <- function(x,
                    location = 0,
                    scale = 1,
                    log = FALSE) {
  ## Check that x elements are strictly positive
  if (any(x <= 0)) stop("x elements must be strictly positive")

  if (!log) dlogis(log(x),location,scale)/x
  else dlogis(log(x),location,scale,log=TRUE) - log(x)

drexp <- function(x,
                  rate = 10,
                  rp = 0.005,
                  log = FALSE) {

  ## Check that rate is strictly positive
  if (rate <= 0) stop("rate should be strictly positive")
  ## Check that rp is positive or null
  if (rp < 0) stop("rp should be positive or null")
  x <- x-rp

hgamma <- function(x,
                   rate = 1,
                   scale = 1/rate,
                   log = FALSE) {

  if (!log) dgamma(x,shape,,scale)/pgamma(x,shape,,scale,lower.tail=FALSE)
  else dgamma(x,shape,,scale,log=TRUE) -


hinvgauss <- function(x,
                      mu = 1,
                      sigma2 = 1,
                      boundary = NULL,
                      log = FALSE) {

  if( any(mu <= 0) ) stop("mu must be positive")
  if (all(!is.null(sigma2)))
    if( any(sigma2 <= 0) ) stop("sigma2 must be positive")
  if (all(!is.null(boundary)))
    if( any(boundary <= 0) ) stop("boundary must be positive")
  if ( all(!is.null(sigma2)) && all(!is.null(boundary)) )
    stop("One of sigma2 or boundary must be specified, not both")

  if (all(!is.null(boundary))) {
    ## We work with the parameterization in term of boundary (ie, sigma2 = 1)
    ## We convert it in term of mu and sigma2
    sigma2 <- (1/boundary)^2
    mu <- boundary*mu
  t <- x/mu
  v <- sqrt(x*sigma2)
  cutOff <- 1e-12
  bigEnough <- pinvgauss(x, mu, sigma2, lower.tail = FALSE) > cutOff
  logIntensity <- -( (t[bigEnough]-1)^2/(x[bigEnough]*sigma2) + log(2*sigma2*pi*x[bigEnough]^3) )/2 -
  if (sum(bigEnough) < length(x)) {
    cutOffQ <- qinvgauss(1 - cutOff, mu, sigma2)
    cutOffValue <- dinvgauss(cutOffQ, mu, sigma2, log = TRUE) - log(cutOff)
    logIntensity <- c(logIntensity,rep(cutOffValue,length(x) - sum(bigEnough))) 
  if (!log) return(exp(logIntensity))
  else return(logIntensity)

hllogis <- function(x,
                    location = 0,
                    scale = 1,
                    log = FALSE) {
  ## Check that x elements are strictly positive
  if (any(x <= 0)) stop("x elements must be strictly positive")

  if (!log) pllogis(x,location,scale)/(scale*x)
  else pllogis(x,location,scale,log.p=TRUE) - log(scale) - log(x)


hlnorm <- function(x,
                   meanlog = 0,
                   sdlog = 1,
                   log = FALSE) {
  ## Check that y elements are strictly positive
  if (any(x <= 0))
    stop(paste("The elements of",
               "should be strictly positive.")

  if (!log) dlnorm(x,meanlog,sdlog)/plnorm(x,meanlog,sdlog,lower.tail=FALSE)
  else dlnorm(x,meanlog,sdlog,log=TRUE)-

hrexp <- function(x,
                  rate = 10,
                  rp = 0.005,
                  log = FALSE) {

  ## Check that rate is strictly positive
  if (rate <= 0) stop("rate should be strictly positive")
  ## Check that rp is positive or null
  if (rp < 0) stop("rp should be positive or null")
  if (!log) ifelse(x >= rp, rate, 0)
  else ifelse(x >= rp, log(rate), -Inf)

hweibull <- function(x,
                     scale = 1,
                     log = FALSE) {

  if (!log) dweibull(x, shape, scale) / pweibull(x,shape,scale,lower.tail=FALSE)
  else dweibull(x,shape,scale,log=TRUE) - pweibull(x,shape,scale,lower.tail=FALSE,log.p=TRUE)

isiHistFit <- function(spikeTrain,
                       nbins = 10,
                       ...) {

  spikeTrainName <- deparse(substitute(spikeTrain))
  if (!is.spikeTrain(spikeTrain)) spikeTrain <- as.spikeTrain(spikeTrain)

  isi <- diff(spikeTrain)
  knownModels <- c("invgauss", "lnorm", "gamma", "weibull", "llogis", "rexp")
  model <- model[1]
  if (!model %in% knownModels) 
               "is not implemented.")

  CI <- CI[1]
  if (CI <= 0 | CI >= 1)
    stop(paste("A CI of", CI, "does not make sense."))

  theFit <- switch(model,
                   invgauss = invgaussMLE(isi),
                   lnorm = lnormMLE(isi),
                   gamma = gammaMLE(isi),
                   weibull = weibullMLE(isi),
                   llogis = llogisMLE(isi),
                   rexp = rexpMLE(isi)

  pSeq <- (1:(nbins-1))/nbins

  theEstimates <- theFit$estimate
  qFct <- switch(model,
                 invgauss = function(p) qinvgauss(p,theEstimates[1],theEstimates[2]),
                 lnorm = function(p) qlnorm(p,theEstimates[1],theEstimates[2]),
                 gamma = function(p) qgamma(p,theEstimates[1],theEstimates[2]),
                 weibull = function(p) qweibull(p,theEstimates[1],theEstimates[2]),
                 llogis = function(p) qllogis(p,theEstimates[1],theEstimates[2]),
                 rexp = function(p) qrexp(p,theEstimates[1],theEstimates[2])

  breaks <- c(0,qFct(pSeq),max(isi)+.Machine$double.eps)
  mids <- breaks[-(nbins+1)] + diff(breaks)/2
  main <- paste("Isi histogram and fitted",
                "distribution for",
  sub <- paste("CI at ",
               "%. Sample size: ",
       xlab="isi (s)",

  X <- seq(.Machine$double.eps,breaks[nbins+1],length.out=501)

  dFct <- switch(model,
                 invgauss = function(x) dinvgauss(x,theEstimates[1],theEstimates[2]),
                 lnorm = function(x) dlnorm(x,theEstimates[1],theEstimates[2]),
                 gamma = function(x) dgamma(x,theEstimates[1],theEstimates[2]),
                 weibull = function(x) dweibull(x,theEstimates[1],theEstimates[2]),
                 llogis = function(x) dllogis(x,theEstimates[1],theEstimates[2]),
                 rexp = function(x) drexp(x,theEstimates[1],theEstimates[2])
  Y <- dFct(X)
  ci <- qbinom(c((1-CI)/2,1-(1-CI)/2),size=length(isi),prob=1/nbins)
  l <- ci[1]/(length(isi)*diff(breaks))
  u <- ci[2]/(length(isi)*diff(breaks))
  invisible(sapply(1:nbins,function(idx) segments(mids[idx],l[idx],mids[idx],u[idx],col=2)))

pinvgauss <- function(q,
                      mu = 1,
                      sigma2 = 1,
                      boundary = NULL,
                      lower.tail = TRUE,
                      log.p = FALSE
  if( any(q <= 0) ) stop("q must contain positive values")
  if( any(mu <= 0) ) stop("mu must be positive")
  if (all(!is.null(sigma2)))
    if( any(sigma2 <= 0) ) stop("sigma2 must be positive")
  if (all(!is.null(boundary)))
    if( any(boundary <= 0) ) stop("boundary must be positive")
  if ( all(!is.null(sigma2)) && all(!is.null(boundary)) )
    stop("One of sigma2 or boundary must be specified, not both")

  if (all(!is.null(boundary))) {
    ## We work with the parameterization in term of boundary (ie, sigma2 = 1)
    ## We convert it in term of mu and sigma2
    sigma2 <- (1/boundary)^2
    mu <- boundary*mu
  t <- q/mu
  v <- sqrt(q*sigma2)

  ## Use Eq. 4 of Whitemore GA and Seshadri V (1987)
  ## The American Statistician 41:280-281
  if (lower.tail & !log.p)
  if (!lower.tail & !log.p)
    return(1 - (pnorm((t-1)/v)+exp(2/(mu*sigma2))*pnorm(-(t+1)/v)))
  if (lower.tail & log.p)
  if (!lower.tail & log.p)
    return(log(1 - (pnorm((t-1)/v)+exp(2/(mu*sigma2))*pnorm(-(t+1)/v))))

pllogis <- function(q,
                    location = 0,
                    scale = 1,
                    lower.tail = TRUE,
                    log.p = FALSE) {

prexp <- function(q,
                  rate = 10,
                  rp = 0.005,
                  lower.tail = TRUE,
                  log.p = FALSE) {

  ## Check that rate is strictly positive
  if (rate <= 0) stop("rate should be strictly positive")
  ## Check that rp is positive or null
  if (rp < 0) stop("rp should be positive or null")
  q <- q-rp

qinvgauss <- function(p,
                      mu = 1,
                      sigma2 = 1,
                      boundary = NULL

  if( any(p < 0 | p > 1) ) stop("p must lie between 0 and 1")
  if( any(mu <= 0) ) stop("mu must be positive")
  if (all(!is.null(sigma2)))
    if( any(sigma2 <= 0) ) stop("sigma2 must be positive")
  if (all(!is.null(boundary)))
    if( any(boundary <= 0) ) stop("boundary must be positive")
  if ( all(!is.null(sigma2)) && all(!is.null(boundary)) )
    stop("One of sigma2 or boundary must be specified, not both")

  if (all(!is.null(boundary))) {
    ## We work with the parameterization in term of boundary (ie, sigma2 = 1)
    ## We convert it in term of mu and sigma2
    sigma2 <- (1/boundary)^2
    mu <- boundary*mu
  len <- max(length(p),length(mu),length(sigma2))

  if(length(p) != len) {
    if(length(p) == 1) p <- rep(p,len)
    else stop("length of p incorrect")
  if(length(mu) != len) {
    if(length(mu) == 1) mu <- rep(mu,len)
    else stop("length of m incorrect")
  if(length(sigma2) != len) {
    if(length(sigma2) == 1) sigma2 <- rep(sigma2,len)
    else stop("length of sigma2 incorrect")

  ## Use Whitemore and Yalovky (1978, Technometrics, 20:207-208)
  ## approximation to get starting value for the numerical
  ## inversion of the cumulative distribution function.
  theta <- 1/mu/sigma2
  approx <- mu * exp(qnorm(p)*sqrt(1/theta)-0.5/theta)
  sapply(1:len, function(idx) {
    if (identical(p[idx],0)) return(0)
    if (identical(p[idx],1)) return(Inf)
    interval <- approx[idx]*c(0.95,1.05)
    h <- function(q) pinvgauss(q, mu[idx], sigma2[idx]) - p[idx]
    while (h(interval[1])*h(interval[2]) > 0)
      interval <- interval*c(0.9,1.1)

qllogis <- function(p,
                    location = 0,
                    scale = 1,
                    lower.tail = TRUE,
                    log.p = FALSE) {

qrexp <- function(p,
                  rate = 10,
                  rp = 0.005,
                  lower.tail = TRUE,
                  log.p = FALSE) {

  ## Check that rate is strictly positive
  if (rate <= 0) stop("rate should be strictly positive")
  ## Check that rp is positive or null
  if (rp < 0) stop("rp should be positive or null")
  rp + qexp(p,rate,lower.tail,log.p)


rinvgauss <- function(n = 1,
                      mu = 1,
                      sigma2 = 1,
                      boundary = NULL

  if( any(mu <= 0) ) stop("mu must be positive")
  if (all(!is.null(sigma2)))
    if( any(sigma2 <= 0) ) stop("sigma2 must be positive")
  if (all(!is.null(boundary)))
    if( any(boundary <= 0) ) stop("boundary must be positive")
  if ( all(!is.null(sigma2)) && all(!is.null(boundary)) )
    stop("One of sigma2 or boundary must be specified, not both")

  if (all(!is.null(boundary))) {
    ## We work with the parameterization in term of boundary (ie, sigma2 = 1)
    ## We convert it in term of mu and sigma2
    sigma2 <- (1/boundary)^2
    mu <- boundary*mu

  ## Use method of Michael JR, Schucany WR and Haas RW (1976)
  ## The American Statistician, 30:88-90
  v0 <- rchisq(n,1)
  x1 <- mu + 0.5*mu^2*sigma2*v0 - 0.5*mu*sigma2*sqrt(4*mu*v0/sigma2+mu^2*v0^2)
  ifelse(rbinom(length(x1),1,mu/(mu+x1)) == 1,x1,mu^2/x1)

rllogis <- function(n,
                    location = 0,
                    scale = 1) {


rrexp <- function(n,
                  rate = 10,
                  rp = 0.005) {
  ## Check that rate is strictly positive
  if (rate <= 0) stop("rate should be strictly positive")
  ## Check that rp is positive or null
  if (rp < 0) stop("rp should be positive or null")

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