
Defines functions .multixts RV RBPCov_bi RBPVar conhuber conHR huberweight countzeroes univariateoutlyingness ROWVar cfactor_RTSCV rc.hy rv.kernel rc.kernel rKernel .kernel.chartoint rKernel.available rv.avg rc.avg .rv.subsample .rc.subsample .makeROlist rv.zero rc.zero .alignedAccum .accum.naive .alignReturns .getAlignPeriod .alignIndices .multixts .convertData .getReturns .sameTime data.toCts .toCts data.toReturns ts2realized makePsd .applygetlist minRV medRV rCov rBPCov rThresholdCov rHYCov rKernelCov rAVGCov rZero rAccumulation rMarginal rCumSum rScatterReturns TQfun ABDJumptest harModel estimhar getHarmodelformula aggRV aggJ aggY print.harModel summary.harModel plot.harModel readdata makeXtsTrades makeXtsQuotes convert TAQLoad uniTAQload HRweight shorthscale diurnalfit LeeMyklandCV center .check_data qdatacheck tdatacheck tqdatacheck rdatacheck matchTradesQuotes getTradeDirection es rs value_trade signed_value_trade signed_trade_size di_diff di_div pes prs price_impact prop_price_impact tspread pts p_return_sqr qs pqs logqs logsize qslope logqslope mq_return_sqr mq_return_abs tqLiquidity mq_return gettradedir matchtq tradesCleanup quotesCleanup tradesCleanupFinal adjtime exchangeHoursOnly noZeroPrices selectExchange autoSelectExchangeTrades sumN medianN maxvol waverage rmTradeOutliers noZeroQuotes autoSelectExchangeQuotes rmNegativeSpread rmLargeSpread autoselectexchange autoselectexchangeq ExchangeHoursOnly mergequotessametimestamp mergesametimestamp nozeroprices nozeroquotes rmlargespread rmnegspread rmoutliers rmtradeoutliers salescond selectexchange previoustick weightedaverage agg_volume aggregateQuotes heavyModel .get_param_names transformparams heavy_likelihood

Documented in aggregateQuotes autoSelectExchangeQuotes autoSelectExchangeTrades convert exchangeHoursOnly getTradeDirection harModel heavyModel makePsd matchTradesQuotes medRV minRV noZeroPrices noZeroQuotes previoustick quotesCleanup rAccumulation rAVGCov rBPCov rCov rCumSum rHYCov rKernel.available rKernelCov rMarginal rmLargeSpread rmNegativeSpread rmTradeOutliers rScatterReturns rThresholdCov rZero selectExchange TAQLoad tqLiquidity tradesCleanup tradesCleanupFinal

# This file contains all realized measures previously implemented in RTAQ and realized
## Help functions: (not exported)
.multixts <- function( x, y=NULL)
        test = is.xts(x) && (ndays(x)!=1);
        test = (is.xts(x) && (ndays(x)!=1)) || ( ndays(y)!=1 && is.xts(y) );
        if( test ){
            test1 = dim(y) == dim(x);
            if(!test1){ warning("Please make sure x and y have the same dimensions") }
            if(test1){  test = list( TRUE, cbind(x,y) ); return(test) }

RV = function(rdata,...){
    if(hasArg(data)){ rdata = data }
    RV = sum(returns*returns);

RBPCov_bi = function(ts1,ts2){
    n = length(ts1);
    a = abs(ts1+ts2);
    b = abs(ts1-ts2);  
    first = as.numeric(a[1:(n-1)])*as.numeric(a[2:n]);
    last = as.numeric(b[1:(n-1)])*as.numeric(b[2:n]);
    result =  (pi/8)*sum(first-last);

#Realized BiPower Variation (RBPVar) (RBPVar)
RBPVar = function(rdata,...){
    if(hasArg(data)){ rdata = data }
    returns = as.vector(as.numeric(rdata));
    n = length(returns);
    rbpvar = (pi/2)*sum(abs(returns[1:(n-1)])*abs(returns[2:n]));

# Check data:
rdatacheck = function (rdata, multi = FALSE) 
    if ((dim(rdata)[2] < 2) & (multi)) {
        stop("Your rdata object should have at least 2 columns")

######## rowcov helper functions:
#Realized Outlyingness Weighted Quadratic Covariation (ROWQCov)
conhuber = function(di,alpha=0.05)
{# consistency factor ROWQCov based on Huber weight function
    c = qchisq(p=1-alpha,df=di)
    fw2 = function(t){
        z=t^2; return(  huberweight(z,c)*( t^(di-1) )*exp(-z/2)    ) }
    fw1 = function(t){
        z=t^2; return(  huberweight(z,c)*( t^(di+1) )*exp(-z/2)   )}
    c2 = integrate(fw2,0,Inf)$value;  c1 = integrate(fw1,0,Inf)$value;
    return( di*c2/c1 )

conHR = function(di,alpha=0.05)
    # consistency factor ROWQCov based on hard rejection weight function
    return( (1-alpha)/pchisq(qchisq(1-alpha,df=di),df=di+2)  )

huberweight = function(d,k){
    # Huber or soft rejection weight function
    w = apply( cbind( rep(1,length(d) ) , (k/d) ),1,'min'); return(w);

countzeroes = function( series )
    return( sum( 1*(series==0) ) )

#Realized Outlyingness Weighted Variance (ROWVar):
univariateoutlyingness = function(rdata,...){
    if(hasArg(data)){ rdata = data }
    #computes outlyingness of each obs compared to row location and scale
    location = 0;
    scale = mad(rdata);
        scale = mean(rdata);
    d = ((rdata - location)/scale)^2;

ROWVar = function(rdata, seasadjR = NULL, wfunction = "HR" , alphaMCD = 0.75, alpha = 0.001,...) 
    if(hasArg(data)){ rdata = data }
    if (is.null(seasadjR)) {
        seasadjR = rdata;
    rdata = as.vector(rdata); seasadjR = as.vector(seasadjR);
    intraT = length(rdata); N=1;
    MCDcov = as.vector(robustbase::covMcd( rdata , use.correction = FALSE )$raw.cov)
    outlyingness = seasadjR^2/MCDcov    
    k = qchisq(p = 1 - alpha, df = N)
    outlierindic = outlyingness > k
    weights = rep(1, intraT)
    if( wfunction == "HR" ){
        weights[outlierindic] = 0
        wR = sqrt(weights) * rdata
        return((conHR(di = N, alpha = alpha) * sum(wR^2))/mean(weights))
    if( wfunction == "SR" ){
        weights[outlierindic] = k/outlyingness[outlierindic]
        wR = sqrt(weights) * rdata
        return((conhuber(di = N, alpha = alpha) * sum(wR^2))/mean(weights))

#### Two time scale helper functions:
TSRV = function ( pdata , K=300 , J=1 ) 
    # based on rv.timescale
    logprices = log(as.numeric(pdata))
    n = length(logprices) ;
    nbarK = (n - K + 1)/(K) # average number of obs in 1 K-grid
    nbarJ = (n - J + 1)/(J)
    adj = (1 - (nbarK/nbarJ))^-1 
    logreturns_K = logreturns_J = c();
    for( k in 1:K){
        sel =  seq(k,n,K)  
        logreturns_K = c( logreturns_K , diff( logprices[sel] ) )
    for( j in 1:J){
        sel =  seq(j,n,J)  
        logreturns_J = c( logreturns_J , diff( logprices[sel] ) )
    TSRV = adj * ( (1/K)*sum(logreturns_K^2) - ((nbarK/nbarJ) *(1/J)*sum(logreturns_J^2)))

RTSRV = function (pdata, startIV = NULL, noisevar = NULL, K = 300, J = 1, 
eta = 9){
    logprices = log(as.numeric(pdata))
    n = length(logprices)
    nbarK = (n - K + 1)/(K)
    nbarJ = (n - J + 1)/(J)
    adj = (1 - (nbarK/nbarJ))^-1
    zeta = 1/pchisq(eta, 3)
    seconds = as.numeric(as.POSIXct(index(pdata)))
    secday = last(seconds) - first(seconds)
    logreturns_K = vdelta_K = logreturns_J = vdelta_J = c()
    for (k in 1:K) {
        sel = seq(k, n, K)
        logreturns_K = c(logreturns_K, diff(logprices[sel]))
        vdelta_K = c(vdelta_K, diff(seconds[sel])/secday)
    for (j in 1:J) {
        sel = seq(j, n, J)
        logreturns_J = c(logreturns_J, diff(logprices[sel]))
        vdelta_J = c(vdelta_J, diff(seconds[sel])/secday)
    if (is.null(noisevar)) {
        noisevar = max(0,1/(2 * nbarJ) * (sum(logreturns_J^2)/J - TSRV(pdata=pdata,K=K,J=J)))        
    if (!is.null(startIV)) {
        RTSRV = startIV
    if (is.null(startIV)) {
        sel = seq(1, n, K)
        RTSRV = medRV(diff(logprices[sel]))
    iter = 1
    while (iter <= 20) {
        I_K = 1 * (logreturns_K^2 <= eta * (RTSRV * vdelta_K + 
        2 * noisevar))
        I_J = 1 * (logreturns_J^2 <= eta * (RTSRV * vdelta_J + 
        2 * noisevar))
        if (sum(I_J) == 0) {
            I_J = rep(1, length(logreturns_J))
        if (sum(I_K) == 0) {
            I_K = rep(1, length(logreturns_K))
        RTSRV = adj * (zeta * (1/K) * sum(logreturns_K^2 * I_K)/mean(I_K) - 
        ((nbarK/nbarJ) * zeta * (1/J) * sum(logreturns_J^2 * 
        iter = iter + 1

RTSCov_bi = 
function (pdata1, pdata2, startIV1 = NULL, startIV2 = NULL, noisevar1 = NULL, 
noisevar2 = NULL, K = 300, J = 1, 
K_cov = NULL , J_cov = NULL , 
K_var1 = NULL , K_var2 = NULL , 
J_var1 = NULL , J_var2 = NULL ,       
eta = 9) 
    if( is.null(K_cov)){ K_cov = K }   ;   if( is.null(J_cov)){ J_cov = J } 
    if( is.null(K_var1)){ K_var1 = K } ;   if( is.null(K_var2)){ K_var2 = K }   
    if( is.null(J_var1)){ J_var1 = J } ;   if( is.null(J_var2)){ J_var2 = J }
    # Calculation of the noise variance and TSRV for the truncation
    if (   is.null(noisevar1)   ) {
        logprices1 = log(as.numeric(pdata1))     
        n_var1 = length(logprices1)
        nbarK_var1 = (n_var1 - K_var1 + 1)/(K_var1) ;
        nbarJ_var1 = (n_var1 - J_var1 + 1)/(J_var1)
        adj_var1 = n_var1/((K_var1 - J_var1) * nbarK_var1) 
        logreturns_K1 = logreturns_J1 = c()
        for (k in 1:K_var1) {
            sel.avg = seq(k, n_var1, K_var1)
            logreturns_K1 = c(logreturns_K1, diff(logprices1[sel.avg]))
        for (j in 1:J_var1) {
            sel.avg = seq(j, n_var1, J_var1)
            logreturns_J1 = c(logreturns_J1, diff(logprices1[sel.avg]))
        if(  is.null(noisevar1)  ){
            noisevar1 = max(0,1/(2 * nbarJ_var1) * (sum(logreturns_J1^2)/J_var1 - TSRV(pdata1,K=K_var1,J=J_var1)))
    if (is.null(noisevar2)) {
        logprices2 = log(as.numeric(pdata2))
        n_var2 = length(logprices2)
        nbarK_var2 = (n_var2 - K_var2 + 1)/(K_var2) ;
        nbarJ_var2 = (n_var2 - J_var2 + 1)/(J_var2)
        adj_var2 = n_var2/((K_var2 - J_var2) * nbarK_var2)    
        logreturns_K2 = logreturns_J2 = c()
        for (k in 1:K_var2) {
            sel.avg = seq(k, n_var2, K_var2)
            logreturns_K2 = c(logreturns_K2, diff(logprices2[sel.avg]))
        for (j in 1:J_var2) {
            sel.avg = seq(j, n_var2, J_var2)
            logreturns_J2 = c(logreturns_J2, diff(logprices2[sel.avg]))
        noisevar2 = max(0,1/(2 * nbarJ_var2) * (sum(logreturns_J2^2)/J_var2 - TSRV(pdata2,K=K_var2,J=J_var2)))
    if (!is.null(startIV1)) {
        RTSRV1 = startIV1
        RTSRV1 = RTSRV(pdata=pdata1, noisevar = noisevar1, K = K_var1, J = J_var1, eta = eta)      
    if (!is.null(startIV2)) {
        RTSRV2 = startIV2
        RTSRV2 = RTSRV(pdata=pdata2, noisevar = noisevar2, K = K_var2, J = J_var2, eta = eta)      
    # Refresh time is for the covariance calculation
    x = refreshTime(list(pdata1, pdata2))
    newprice1 = x[, 1]
    newprice2 = x[, 2]
    logprices1 = log(as.numeric(newprice1))
    logprices2 = log(as.numeric(newprice2))
    seconds = as.numeric(as.POSIXct(index(newprice1)))
    secday = last(seconds) - first(seconds)        
    K = K_cov ; J = J_cov ;    
    n = length(logprices1)
    nbarK_cov = (n - K_cov + 1)/(K_cov)
    nbarJ_cov = (n - J_cov + 1)/(J_cov)
    adj_cov = n/((K_cov - J_cov) * nbarK_cov)    
    logreturns_K1 = logreturns_K2 = vdelta_K = c()
    for (k in 1:K_cov) {
        sel.avg = seq(k, n, K_cov)
        logreturns_K1 = c(logreturns_K1, diff(logprices1[sel.avg]))
        logreturns_K2 = c(logreturns_K2, diff(logprices2[sel.avg]))
        vdelta_K = c(vdelta_K, diff(seconds[sel.avg])/secday)
    logreturns_J1 = logreturns_J2 = vdelta_J = c()      
    for (j in 1:J_cov) {
        sel.avg = seq(j, n, J_cov)
        logreturns_J1 = c(logreturns_J1, diff(logprices1[sel.avg]))
        logreturns_J2 = c(logreturns_J2, diff(logprices2[sel.avg]))
        vdelta_J = c(vdelta_J, diff(seconds[sel.avg])/secday)
    I_K1 = 1 * (logreturns_K1^2 <= eta * (RTSRV1 * vdelta_K + 2 * noisevar1))
    I_K2 = 1 * (logreturns_K2^2 <= eta * (RTSRV2 * vdelta_K + 2 * noisevar2))
    I_J1 = 1 * (logreturns_J1^2 <= eta * (RTSRV1 * vdelta_J + 2 * noisevar1))
    I_J2 = 1 * (logreturns_J2^2 <= eta * (RTSRV2 * vdelta_J + 2 * noisevar2))
    if (eta == 9) {
        ccc = 1.0415
    } else {
        ccc = cfactor_RTSCV(eta = eta)
    RTSCV = adj_cov * (ccc * (1/K_cov) * sum(logreturns_K1 * I_K1 * 
    logreturns_K2 * I_K2)/mean(I_K1 * I_K2) - ((nbarK_cov/nbarJ_cov) * 
    ccc * (1/J_cov) * sum(logreturns_J1 * logreturns_J2 * I_J1 * 
    I_J2)/mean(I_J1 * I_J2)))

TSCov_bi = function (pdata1, pdata2, K = 300, J = 1) 
    x = refreshTime(list(pdata1, pdata2))
    newprice1 = x[, 1]
    newprice2 = x[, 2]
    logprices1 = log(as.numeric(newprice1))
    logprices2 = log(as.numeric(newprice2))
    seconds = as.numeric(as.POSIXct(index(newprice1)))
    secday = last(seconds) - first(seconds)
    n = length(logprices1)
    nbarK = (n - K + 1)/(K)
    nbarJ = (n - J + 1)/(J)
    adj = n/((K - J) * nbarK)
    logreturns_K1 = logreturns_K2 = logreturns_J1 = logreturns_J2 = c()
    vdelta_K =  vdelta_J = c();
    for (k in 1:K) {
        sel.avg = seq(k, n, K)
        logreturns_K1 = c(logreturns_K1, diff(logprices1[sel.avg]))
        logreturns_K2 = c(logreturns_K2, diff(logprices2[sel.avg]))
        vdelta_K = c(vdelta_K, diff(seconds[sel.avg]) / secday)
    for (j in 1:J) {
        sel.avg = seq(j, n, J)
        logreturns_J1 = c(logreturns_J1, diff(logprices1[sel.avg]))
        logreturns_J2 = c(logreturns_J2, diff(logprices2[sel.avg]))
        vdelta_J = c(vdelta_J, diff(seconds[sel.avg])/secday)
    TSCOV = adj * ((1/K) * sum(logreturns_K1 * logreturns_K2) - 
    ((nbarK/nbarJ) * (1/J) * sum(logreturns_J1 * logreturns_J2)))

cfactor_RTSCV = function(eta=9){
    requireNamespace('cubature'); requireNamespace('mvtnorm')
    # rho = 1
    c1 = pchisq(eta,df=1)/pchisq(eta,df=3) 
    rho = 0.001
    R = matrix( c(1,rho,rho,1) , ncol = 2 ) 
    int1 <- function(x) {    mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x,sigma=R) }
    num = cubature::adaptIntegrate(int1, c(-3,-3), c(3,3), tol=1e-4)$integral
    int2 <- function(x) {  x[1]*x[2]*mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x,sigma=R) }
    denom = cubature::adaptIntegrate(int2, c(-3,-3), c(3,3), tol=1e-4)$integral
    c2 = rho*num/denom   
    return( (c1+c2)/2 )

# Hayashi-Yoshida helper function:
rc.hy <- function(x,y, period=1,align.by="seconds", align.period =1, cts = TRUE, makeReturns=FALSE, ...)
    align.period = .getAlignPeriod(align.period, align.by)
    cdata <- .convertData(x, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)
    x <- cdata$data
    x.t <- cdata$milliseconds
    cdatay <- .convertData(y, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)
    y <- cdatay$data
    y.t <- cdatay$milliseconds
    errorCheck <- c(is.null(x.t),is.na(x.t), is.null(y.t), is.na(y.t))
    stop("ERROR: Time data is not in x or y.")
    sum(     .C("pcovcc", 
    as.double(x), #a
    as.double(y), #b
    as.double(x.t), #a
    as.double(rep(0,length(x)/(period*align.period)+1)), #a
    as.double(y.t), #b
    as.integer(length(x)), #na
    as.integer(length(y)), #na
    ans = double(length(x)/(period*align.period)+1), 

# Realized variance calculation using a kernel estimator.
rv.kernel <- function(x,                             # Tick Data
kernel.type = "rectangular",   # Kernel name (or number)
kernel.param = 1,              # Kernel parameter (usually lags)
kernel.dofadj = TRUE,          # Kernel Degree of freedom adjustment
align.by="seconds",            # Align the tick data to [seconds|minutes|hours]
align.period = 1,              # Align the tick data to this many [seconds|minutes|hours]
cts = TRUE,                    # Calendar Time Sampling is used
makeReturns = FALSE,            # Convert to Returns 
type = NULL,                   # Deprectated
adj = NULL,                    # Deprectated
q = NULL, ...){                     # Deprectated
    # Multiday adjustment: 
    multixts = .multixts(x);
        result = apply.daily(x,rv.kernel,kernel.type,kernel.param,kernel.dofadj,
    if(!multixts){ #Daily estimation:
        # Handle deprication
            warning("type is deprecated, use kernel.type")
            warning("q is deprecated, use kernel.param")
            warning("adj is deprecated, use kernel.dofadj")
        align.period = .getAlignPeriod(align.period, align.by)         
        cdata <- .convertData(x, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)
        x <- cdata$data
        x <- .alignReturns(x, align.period)
        type <- .kernel.chartoint(kernel.type)
        .C("kernelEstimator", as.double(x), as.double(x), as.integer(length(x)),
        as.integer(kernel.param), as.integer(ifelse(kernel.dofadj, 1, 0)),
        as.integer(type), ab=double(kernel.param + 1),
        ab2=double(kernel.param + 1),

rc.kernel <- function(x,                             # Tick Data for first asset
y,                             # Tick Data for second asset
kernel.type = "rectangular",   # Kernel name (or number)
kernel.param = 1,              # Kernel parameter (usually lags)
kernel.dofadj = TRUE,          # Kernel Degree of freedom adjustment
align.by="seconds",            # Align the tick data to [seconds|minutes|hours]
align.period = 1,              # Align the tick data to this many [seconds|minutes|hours]
cts = TRUE,                    # Calendar Time Sampling is used
makeReturns = FALSE,           # Convert to Returns 
type = NULL,                   # Deprectated
adj = NULL,                    # Deprectated
q = NULL,...){                 # Deprectated
    # Handle deprication
        warning("type is deprecated, use kernel.type")
        warning("q is deprecated, use kernel.param")
        warning("adj is deprecated, use kernel.dofadj")
    align.period = .getAlignPeriod(align.period, align.by)   
    cdata <- .convertData(x, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)
    x <- cdata$data
    x <- .alignReturns(x, align.period)
    cdatay <- .convertData(y, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)
    y <- cdatay$data
    y <- .alignReturns(y, align.period)
    type <- .kernel.chartoint(kernel.type)
    .C("kernelEstimator", as.double(x), as.double(y), as.integer(length(x)),
    as.integer(kernel.param), as.integer(ifelse(kernel.dofadj, 1, 0)),
    as.integer(type), ab=double(kernel.param + 1),
    ab2=double(kernel.param + 1),

rKernel <- function(x,type=0)
    type <- .kernel.chartoint(type)
    .C("justKernel", x=as.double(x),type= as.integer(type), ans=as.double(0),PACKAGE="highfrequency")$ans

.kernel.chartoint <- function(type)
        ans <- switch(casefold(type), 
            warning("Invalid Kernel, using Bartlet")

rKernel.available <- function()

## REalized Variance: Average subsampled
rv.avg = function(x, period)
    mean(.rv.subsample(x, period))

rc.avg = function( x, y,  period )
    mean(.rc.subsample(x, y, period));

.rv.subsample <- function(x, period, cts=TRUE, makeReturns=FALSE,...)
    cdata <- .convertData(x, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)
    x <- cdata$data
    as.double(x), #a
    as.double(x), #na
    as.integer(length(x)), #na
    as.integer(length(x)/period),       #m
    as.integer(period), #period 
    as.double(rep(0,as.integer(length(x)/period +1))), #tmp
    as.double(rep(0,as.integer(length(x)/period +1))), #tmp
    as.integer(length(x)/period), #tmpn
    ans = double(period), 

.rc.subsample <- function(x, y, period, cts=TRUE, makeReturns=FALSE, ... )
    cdata <- .convertData(x, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)
    x <- cdata$data
    cdatay <- .convertData(y, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)
    y <- cdatay$data
    as.double(x), #a
    as.double(y), #na
    as.integer(length(x)), #na
    as.integer(length(x)/period),       #m
    as.integer(period), #period 
    as.double(rep(0,as.integer(length(x)/period +1))), #tmp
    as.double(rep(0,as.integer(length(x)/period +1))), #tmp
    as.integer(length(x)/period), #tmpn
    ans = double(period), 

#### percentage of zeros calc:
.makeROlist = function(rdata, align.period, align.by,cts,makeReturns){
    align.period = .getAlignPeriod(align.period, align.by); 
    L = list(); 
    for(i in 1:length(rdata)){ 
        L[[i]] = .alignReturns(.convertData(rdata[[i]], cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)$data, align.period);

rv.zero = function(x, period)
    ac <- .accum.naive(x=x,y=x,period=period)

rc.zero = function(x, y, period)
    acy <- .accum.naive(x=y,y=y,period=period)
    acx <- .accum.naive(x=x,y=x,period=period)

# Utility Functions from realized package Scott Payseur
.alignedAccum <- function(x,y, period, cum=TRUE, makeReturns...)
    x<-.accum.naive(x,x, period)
    y<-.accum.naive(y,y, period)
        ans <- cumsum(x*y)
        ans <- x*y     

.accum.naive <- function(x,y, period, ...)
    as.double(x), #a
    as.double(y), #b
    as.integer(length(x)), #na
    as.integer(period), #period 
    tmpa = as.double(rep(0,as.integer(length(x)/period +1))), #tmp
    as.double(rep(0,as.integer(length(x)/period +1))), #tmp
    as.integer(length(x)/period), #tmpn
    ans = double(1), 

.alignReturns <- function(x, period, ...)
    as.double(x), #a
    as.double(x), #b
    as.integer(length(x)), #na
    as.integer(period), #period 
    tmpa = as.double(rep(0,as.integer(length(x)/period +1))), #tmp
    as.double(rep(0,as.integer(length(x)/period +1))), #tmp
    as.integer(length(x)/period), #tmpn
    ans = double(1), 

.getAlignPeriod <- function(align.period, align.by)
    align.by <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "",align.by) # Trim White
    if(casefold(align.by)=="min" || casefold(align.by)=="mins" ||casefold(align.by)=="minute"||casefold(align.by)=="minutes"||casefold(align.by)=="m"){
        ans <- align.period * 60
    if(casefold(align.by)=="sec" || casefold(align.by)=="secs" ||casefold(align.by)=="second"||casefold(align.by)=="seconds"||casefold(align.by)=="s"||casefold(align.by)==""){
        ans <- align.period
    if(casefold(align.by)=="hour" || casefold(align.by)=="hours" ||casefold(align.by)=="h"){
        ans <- align.period * 60 * 60

.alignIndices <- function(x, period, ...)
    as.double(x), #a
    as.double(x), #b
    as.integer(length(x)), #na
    as.integer(period), #period 
    tmpa = as.double(rep(max(x),as.integer(length(x)/period +1))), #tmp
    as.double(rep(0,as.integer(length(x)/period +1))), #tmp
    as.integer(length(x)/period), #tmpn
    ans = double(1), 

.multixts <- function( x, y=NULL)
        test = is.xts(x) && (ndays(x)!=1);
        test = (is.xts(x) && (ndays(x)!=1)) || ( ndays(y)!=1 && is.xts(y) );
        if( test ){
            test1 = dim(y) == dim(x);
            if(!test1){ warning("Please make sure x and y have the same dimensions") }
            if(test1){  test = list( TRUE, cbind(x,y) ); return(test) }

.convertData <- function(x, cts = TRUE, millisstart=NA, millisend=NA, makeReturns=FALSE)
    if("realizedObject" %in% class(x))
    if(is.null(version$language)) #splus
        if("timeSeries" %in% class(x))
            x <- x[!is.na(x[,1]),1]
                return(ts2realized(x, millisstart=millisstart, millisend=millisend, make.returns=makeReturns)$cts)
                return(ts2realized(x, millisstart=millisstart, millisend=millisend, make.returns=makeReturns)$tts)
            #list(milliseconds = positions(x)@.Data[[2]], data = matrix(seriesData(x), ncol=1))
    if("xts" %in% class(x))
        xtmp <- x
        x <- list() 
        x$data <- as.numeric(xtmp[,1])
        x$milliseconds <- (as.POSIXlt(time(xtmp))$hour*60*60 + as.POSIXlt(time(xtmp))$min*60 + as.POSIXlt(time(xtmp))$sec )*1000
            millisstart = x$milliseconds[[1]]
            millisend = x$milliseconds[[length(x$milliseconds)]]
        cat(paste("xts -> realizedObject [", as.character(time(xtmp[1])), " :: ", as.character(time(xtmp[length(x$milliseconds)])), "]", sep=""),"\n")
    if("list" %in% class(x))
        if(sum(names(x) == c("tts", "cts")) == 2) #realized obj  
        if(sum(names(x) == c("data", "milliseconds")) == 2) 
            {                                           # only works on non cts prices
                errcheck <- try(.getReturns(.sameTime(x$data, x$milliseconds)))
                if(class(errcheck) != "Error")
                    x$data <- errcheck
                    x$milliseconds <- intersect(x$milliseconds,x$milliseconds)
                    warning("It appears that these are already returns.  Not creating returns")
                x$data <- .sameTime(x$data, x$milliseconds)
                x$milliseconds <- intersect(x$milliseconds,x$milliseconds)
                toret <- list(data=.toCts(x=x$data, millis=intersect(x$milliseconds,x$milliseconds), millisstart=millisstart, millisend=millisend),
                toret <- list(data=x$data, 
    if("timeSeries" %in% class(x))
        stop("R timeSeries not implmented yet. Convert to realized object")
    return(list(milliseconds = 1:dim(as.matrix(x))[[1]], data = as.matrix(x)))  # not an object, fake the milliseconds and return

.getReturns <- function(x)
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    n <- length(x)[[1]]
    return(log(x[2:n]) - log(x[1:(n-1)]))

.sameTime <- function(x, millis)
    as.double(x), #a
    as.integer(length(x)), #na
    as.integer(millis), #millis
    ans = double(length(union(millis,millis))), #tts

data.toCts <- function(x, millis, millisstart=34200000, millisend=57600000)
    .toCts(x=x, millis=millis, millisstart=millisstart, millisend=millisend)

.toCts <- function(x, millis, millisstart=34200000, millisend=57600000)
    as.double(x), #a
    as.integer(millis), #millis
    ans = double(((millisend-millisstart)/1000)), #cts

data.toReturns <- function(x)
    x <- as.numeric(x)   
    n <- length(x)
    log(x[2:n]) - log(x[1:(n-1)])

ts2realized <- function(x, make.returns=TRUE,millisstart=34200000, millisend=57600000)
    warning("SPLUS is no longer supported.")
    #     thedata <- data.sameTime(as.numeric(as.matrix(x@data)), .ts2millis(x))
    #    if(make.returns)
    #    {
    #          thedata <- .getReturns(thedata)
    #          tts <- list(data=as.numeric(thedata), milliseconds=intersect(.ts2millis(x),.ts2millis(x))[-1])
    #          cts <- list(data=.toCts(x=as.numeric(thedata), millis=intersect(.ts2millis(x),.ts2millis(x)), millisstart=millisstart, millisend=millisend),
    #               milliseconds=(((millisstart/1000)+1):(millisend/1000))*1000)
    #    }
    #    else
    #    {
    #          tts <- list(data=as.numeric(thedata), milliseconds=intersect(.ts2millis(x),.ts2millis(x)))
    #          cts <- list(data=.toCts(x=as.numeric(thedata), millis=intersect(.ts2millis(x),.ts2millis(x)), millisstart=millisstart, millisend=millisend),
    #               milliseconds=(((millisstart/1000)+1):(millisend/1000))*1000)
    #    }
    #     ans <- list(tts=tts, cts=cts)     
    #     ans

# Make positive definite
makePsd = function(S,method="covariance"){
    if(method=="correlation" & !any(diag(S)<=0) ){
        # Fan, J., Y. Li, and K. Yu (2010). Vast volatility matrix estimation using high frequency data for portfolio selection.
        D = matrix(diag(S)^(1/2),ncol=1)
        R = S/(D%*%t(D))
        out = eigen( x=R , symmetric = TRUE )
        mGamma = t(out$vectors)
        vLambda = out$values
        vLambda[vLambda<0] = 0
        Apsd = t(mGamma)%*%diag(vLambda)%*%mGamma
        dApsd = matrix(diag(Apsd)^(1/2),ncol=1)
        Apsd = Apsd/(dApsd%*%t(dApsd))
        D = diag( as.numeric(D)  , ncol = length(D) )
        Spos = D%*%Apsd%*%D
        #check:  eigen(Apsd)$values
        # Rousseeuw, P. and G. Molenberghs (1993). Transformation of non positive semidefinite correlation matrices. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 22, 965-984.
        out = eigen( x=S , symmetric = TRUE )
        mGamma = t(out$vectors)
        vLambda = out$values
        vLambda[vLambda<0] = 0
        Apsd = t(mGamma)%*%diag(vLambda)%*%mGamma

### Do a daily apply but with list as output:
.applygetlist = function(x, FUN,cor=FALSE,align.by=NULL,align.period=NULL,makeReturns=FALSE,makePsd=FALSE,...){
    x <- try.xts(x, error = FALSE); 
    INDEX = endpoints(x,on=on,k=k); 
    D = length(INDEX)-1; 
    result = list(); 
    FUN <- match.fun(FUN);
    for(i in 1:(length(INDEX)-1)){
        result[[i]] = FUN(x[(INDEX[i] + 1):INDEX[i + 1]],cor,align.by,align.period,makeReturns,makePsd);

# Aggregation function: FAST previous tick aggregation
.aggregatets = function (ts, on = "minutes", k = 1) 
    if (on == "secs" | on == "seconds") {
        secs = k
        tby = paste(k, "sec", sep = " ")
    if (on == "mins" | on == "minutes") {
        secs = 60 * k
        tby = paste(60 * k, "sec", sep = " ")
    if (on == "hours"){
        secs = 3600 * k;
        tby = paste(3600 * k, "sec", sep = " ");
    g = base::seq(start(ts), end(ts), by = tby);
    rawg = as.numeric(as.POSIXct(g, tz = "GMT"));
    newg = rawg + (secs - rawg%%secs);
    g    = as.POSIXct(newg, origin = "1970-01-01",tz = "GMT");
    ts3 = na.locf(merge(ts, zoo(, g)))[as.POSIXct(g, tz = "GMT")];
} #Very fast and elegant way to do previous tick aggregation :D!

#Make Returns: 
makeReturns = function (ts) 
    l = dim(ts)[1]
    x = matrix(as.numeric(ts), nrow = l)
    x[(2:l), ] = log(x[(2:l), ]) - log(x[(1:(l - 1)), ])
    x[1, ] = rep(0, dim(ts)[2])
    x = xts(x, order.by = index(ts))

#Refresh Time:
refreshTime = function (pdata) 
    dim = length(pdata)
    lengths = rep(0, dim + 1)
    for (i in 1:dim) {
        lengths[i + 1] = length(pdata[[i]])
    minl = min(lengths[(2:(dim + 1))])
    lengths = cumsum(lengths)
    alltimes = rep(0, lengths[dim + 1])
    for (i in 1:dim) {
        alltimes[(lengths[i] + 1):lengths[i + 1]] = as.numeric(as.POSIXct(index(pdata[[i]]), 
        tz = "GMT"))
    x = .C("refreshpoints", as.integer(alltimes), as.integer(lengths), 
    as.integer(rep(0, minl)), as.integer(dim), as.integer(0), 
    as.integer(rep(0, minl * dim)), as.integer(minl))
    newlength = x[[5]]
    pmatrix = matrix(ncol = dim, nrow = newlength)
    for (i in 1:dim) {
        selection = x[[6]][((i - 1) * minl + 1):(i * minl)]
        pmatrix[, i] = pdata[[i]][selection[1:newlength]]
    time = as.POSIXct(x[[3]][1:newlength], origin = "1970-01-01", 
    tz = "GMT")
    resmatrix = xts(pmatrix, order.by = time)

# 1 Univariate measures : 
# MinRV : 
minRV <- function(rdata,align.by=NULL,align.period=NULL,makeReturns=FALSE,...){
    if(hasArg(data)){ rdata = data }
    # Multiday adjustment: 
    multixts = .multixts(rdata); 
        result = apply.daily(rdata,minRV,align.by,align.period,makeReturns); 
            rdata = .aggregatets(rdata, on=align.by, k=align.period);
        if(makeReturns){  rdata = makeReturns(rdata) }  
        q = as.zoo(abs(as.numeric(rdata))); #absolute value
        q = as.numeric(rollapply(q, width=2, FUN=min,by = 1, align="left"));
        N = length(q)+1; #number of obs
        minrv = (pi/(pi-2))*(N/(N-1))*sum(q^2);

# MedRV
medRV <- function(rdata,align.by=NULL,align.period=NULL,makeReturns=FALSE,...){
    if(hasArg(data)){ rdata = data }
    # Multiday adjustment: 
    multixts = .multixts(rdata); 
        result = apply.daily(rdata,medRV,align.by,align.period,makeReturns); 
            rdata = .aggregatets(rdata, on=align.by, k=align.period);
        if(makeReturns){  rdata = makeReturns(rdata) }  
        q = abs(as.numeric(rdata)); #absolute value
        q = as.numeric(rollmedian(q, k=3, align="center"));
        N = length(q) + 2;
        medrv = (pi/(6-4*sqrt(3)+pi))*(N/(N-2))*sum(q^2);

## 2 Multivariate measures:    
# Realized Covariation (RCov): 
rCov = function(rdata, cor=FALSE, align.by=NULL,align.period=NULL, makeReturns = FALSE, ...) 
    if (hasArg(data)){ 
        rdata = data; 
    # Multiday adjustment: 
    multixts = .multixts(rdata); 
        if(is.null(dim(rdata))){  n = 1
        }else{ n = dim(rdata)[2] }
        if( n==1 ){ result = apply.daily(rdata,rCov,align.by=align.by,align.period=align.period,makeReturns=makeReturns) }
        if( n >1 ){ result = .applygetlist(rdata,rCov,cor=cor,align.by=align.by,align.period=align.period,makeReturns=makeReturns) }    
    if(!multixts){ #single day code
            rdata = .aggregatets(rdata, on=align.by, k=align.period);
        if(makeReturns){  rdata = makeReturns(rdata) }  
        if (is.null(dim(rdata))) {  n = 1
        }else { n = dim(rdata)[2]}
        if (n == 1) {
        if (n > 1) {
            #        rdata = na.locf(rdata, na.rm = FALSE)
            rdata = as.matrix(rdata)
            covariance = t(rdata) %*% rdata
            if (cor == FALSE) {
            if (cor == TRUE){
                sdmatrix = sqrt(diag(diag(covariance)));
                rcor = solve(sdmatrix) %*% covariance %*% solve(sdmatrix)

# Realized Bi-power covariance:
# Realized BiPower Covariation (RBPCov)
rBPCov = function( rdata, cor=FALSE, align.by=NULL,align.period=NULL, makeReturns = FALSE, makePsd=FALSE,...) 
    if(hasArg(data)){ rdata = data }
    # Multiday adjustment: 
    multixts = .multixts(rdata); 
        if(is.null(dim(rdata))){  n = 1
        }else{ n = dim(rdata)[2] }
        if( n==1 ){ result = apply.daily(rdata,rBPCov,align.by=align.by,align.period=align.period,makeReturns=makeReturns,makePsd) }
        if( n >1 ){ result = .applygetlist(rdata,rBPCov,cor=cor,align.by=align.by,align.period=align.period,makeReturns=makeReturns,makePsd) }    
    if(!multixts){ #single day code
            rdata = .aggregatets(rdata, on=align.by, k=align.period);
        if(makeReturns){  rdata = makeReturns(rdata) }  
        if (is.null(dim(rdata))) {  n = 1
        }else { n = dim(rdata)[2]}
        if (n == 1) {
        ## ACTUAL RBPCOV calculation:   
        if( n > 1 ){    
            #    rdatacheck(rdata,multi=TRUE);
            rdata  = as.matrix(rdata);
            n = dim(rdata)[2]
            cov = matrix(rep(0, n * n), ncol = n)
            diagonal = c()
            for (i in 1:n) {
                diagonal[i] = RBPVar(rdata[, i])
            diag(cov) = diagonal
            for (i in 2:n) {
                for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
                    cov[i, j] = cov[j, i] = RBPCov_bi(rdata[, i], rdata[, j])
                if(makePsd==TRUE){cov = makePsd(cov);}
                sdmatrix = sqrt(diag(diag(cov)));
                rcor = solve(sdmatrix)%*%cov%*%solve(sdmatrix);
                if(makePsd==TRUE){rcor = makePsd(rcor);}

# rOWCov: Realized Outlyingness Covariation : 
rOWCov = function (rdata, cor=FALSE, align.by=NULL,align.period=NULL, makeReturns = FALSE, seasadjR = NULL, wfunction = "HR" , alphaMCD = 0.75, alpha = 0.001,...){
    if(hasArg(data)){ rdata = data }
    if(is.null(seasadjR)) { seasadjR = rdata }
    multixts = .multixts(rdata); 
    if(multixts){ stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input"); }
    # Aggregate:
        rdata = .aggregatets(rdata, on=align.by, k=align.period);
        seasadjR = .aggregatets(seasadjR, on=align.by, k=align.period);
    if( makeReturns ){ rdata = makeReturns(rdata); 
        if( !is.null(seasadjR) ){ seasadjR = makeReturns(seasadjR)} }
    if(is.null(dim(rdata))){ n=1 }else{ n = dim(rdata)[2]}        
    if( n == 1 ){ return( ROWVar( rdata , seasadjR = seasadjR , wfunction = wfunction , alphaMCD = alphaMCD , alpha = alpha ))}
    if( n > 1 ){ 
        rdata = as.matrix(rdata); seasadjR = as.matrix(seasadjR);
        intraT = nrow(rdata)
        N = ncol(rdata)
        perczeroes = apply(seasadjR, 2, countzeroes)/intraT
        select = c(1:N)[perczeroes < 0.5]
        seasadjRselect = seasadjR[, select]
        N = ncol(seasadjRselect)
        MCDobject = try(robustbase::covMcd(x = seasadjRselect, alpha = alphaMCD))
        if (length(MCDobject$raw.mah) > 1) {
            betaMCD = 1-alphaMCD; asycor = betaMCD/pchisq( qchisq(betaMCD,df=N),df=N+2 )
            MCDcov = (asycor*t(seasadjRselect[MCDobject$best,])%*%seasadjRselect[MCDobject$best,])/length(MCDobject$best);  
            invMCDcov = solve(MCDcov) ; outlyingness = rep(0,intraT);
            for( i in 1:intraT ){ 
                outlyingness[i] = matrix(seasadjRselect[i,],ncol=N)%*%invMCDcov%*%matrix(seasadjRselect[i,],nrow=N)    }
        else {
            print(c("MCD cannot be calculated")); stop();
        k = qchisq(p = 1 - alpha, df = N)
        outlierindic = outlyingness > k
        weights = rep(1, intraT)
        if( wfunction == "HR" ){
            weights[outlierindic] = 0
            wR = sqrt(weights) * rdata
            covariance = (conHR(di = N, alpha = alpha) * t(wR) %*% wR)/mean(weights);
                sdmatrix = sqrt(diag(diag(covariance)));
                rcor = solve(sdmatrix)%*%covariance%*%solve(sdmatrix);
        if( wfunction == "SR" ){
            weights[outlierindic] = k/outlyingness[outlierindic]
            wR = sqrt(weights) * rdata
            covariance = (conhuber(di = N, alpha = alpha) * t(wR) %*% wR)/mean(weights);
                sdmatrix = sqrt(diag(diag(covariance)));
                rcor = solve(sdmatrix)%*%covariance%*%solve(sdmatrix);

### Two time scale covariance : 
rTSCov = function (pdata, cor = FALSE, K = 300, J = 1, K_cov = NULL, J_cov = NULL, 
                   K_var = NULL, J_var = NULL, makePsd = FALSE) 
  if (!is.list(pdata)) {
    n = 1
  else {
    n = length(pdata)
    if (n == 1) {
      pdata = pdata[[1]]
  if (n == 1) {
    if ( nrow(pdata) < (10*K) ) {
      stop("Two time scale estimator uses returns based on prices that are K ticks aways. 
           Please provide a timeseries of at least 10*K" ) 
    multixts = .multixts(pdata); 
    if(multixts){ stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input"); }
    return(TSRV(pdata, K = K, J = J))
  if (n > 1) {
    if ( nrow(pdata[[1]]) < (10*K) ) {
      stop("Two time scale estimator uses returns based on prices that are K ticks aways. 
           Please provide a timeseries of at least 10*K" ) 
    multixts = .multixts(pdata[[1]]); 
    if(multixts){ stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input"); }
    cov = matrix(rep(0, n * n), ncol = n)
    if( is.null(K_cov)){ K_cov = K }
    if( is.null(J_cov)){ J_cov = J }
    if( is.null(K_var)){ K_var = rep(K,n) }
    if( is.null(J_var)){ J_var = rep(J,n) }
    diagonal = c()
    for (i in 1:n) {
      diagonal[i] = TSRV(pdata[[i]], K = K_var[i], J = J_var[i])
    diag(cov) = diagonal
    for (i in 2:n) {
      for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
        cov[i, j] = cov[j, i] = TSCov_bi(pdata[[i]], 
                                         pdata[[j]], K = K_cov, J = J_cov)
    if (cor == FALSE) {
      if (makePsd == TRUE) {
        cov = makePsd(cov)
    if (cor == TRUE) {
      invsdmatrix = try(solve(sqrt(diag(diag(cov)))), silent = F)
      if (!inherits(invsdmatrix, "try-error")) {
        rcor = invsdmatrix %*% cov %*% invsdmatrix
        if (makePsd == TRUE) {
          rcor = makePsd(rcor)

### ROBUST Two time scale covariance : 
rRTSCov = function (pdata, cor = FALSE, startIV = NULL, noisevar = NULL, 
                    K = 300, J = 1, 
                    K_cov = NULL , J_cov = NULL,
                    K_var = NULL , J_var = NULL , 
                    eta = 9, makePsd = FALSE){
  if (!is.list(pdata)) {
    n = 1
  else {
    n = length(pdata)
    if (n == 1) {
      pdata = pdata[[1]]
  if (n == 1) {
    if ( nrow(pdata) < (10*K) ) {
      stop("Two time scale estimator uses returns based on prices that are K ticks aways. 
           Please provide a timeseries of at least 10*K" ) 
    multixts = .multixts(pdata); 
    if(multixts){ stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input"); }    
    return(RTSRV(pdata, startIV = startIV, noisevar = noisevar, 
                 K = K, J = J, eta = eta))
  if (n > 1) {
    if ( nrow(pdata[[1]]) < (10*K) ) {
      stop("Two time scale estimator uses returns based on prices that are K ticks aways. 
           Please provide a timeseries of at least 10*K" ) 
    multixts = .multixts(pdata[[1]]); 
    if(multixts){ stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input"); }
    cov = matrix(rep(0, n * n), ncol = n)
    diagonal = c()
    if( is.null(K_cov)){ K_cov = K }
    if( is.null(J_cov)){ J_cov = J }  
    if( is.null(K_var)){ K_var = rep(K,n) }
    if( is.null(J_var)){ J_var = rep(J,n) }        
    for (i in 1:n){ 
      diagonal[i] = RTSRV(pdata[[i]], startIV = startIV[i], 
                          noisevar = noisevar[i], K = K_var[i], J = J_var[i], 
                          eta = eta)
    diag(cov) = diagonal
    if( is.null(K_cov)){ K_cov = K }
    if( is.null(J_cov)){ J_cov = J }                        
    for (i in 2:n) {
      for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
        cov[i, j] = cov[j, i] = RTSCov_bi(pdata[[i]], 
                                          pdata[[j]], startIV1 = diagonal[i], startIV2 = diagonal[j], 
                                          noisevar1 = noisevar[i], noisevar2 = noisevar[j], 
                                          K = K_cov, J = J_cov, eta = eta)
    if (cor == FALSE) {
      if (makePsd == TRUE) {
        cov = makePsd(cov)
    if (cor == TRUE) {
      invsdmatrix = try(solve(sqrt(diag(diag(cov)))), silent = F)
      if (!inherits(invsdmatrix, "try-error")) {
        rcor = invsdmatrix %*% cov %*% invsdmatrix
        if (makePsd == TRUE) {
          rcor = makePsd(rcor)

## Threshold covariance: 
rThresholdCov = function( rdata, cor=FALSE, align.by=NULL, align.period=NULL, makeReturns=FALSE,...){
    if(hasArg(data)){ rdata = data } 
    # Multiday adjustment: 
    multixts = .multixts(rdata); 
    multixts = .multixts(rdata); 
        if(is.null(dim(rdata))){  n = 1
        }else{ n = dim(rdata)[2] }
        if( n==1 ){ result = apply.daily(rdata,rThresholdCov,cor=cor,align.by=align.by,align.period=align.period,makeReturns=makeReturns) }
        if( n >1 ){ result = .applygetlist(rdata,rThresholdCov,cor=cor,align.by=align.by,align.period=align.period,makeReturns=makeReturns) }    
    if( !multixts ){ #single day code
            rdata = .aggregatets(rdata, on=align.by, k=align.period);
        if(makeReturns){ rdata = makeReturns(rdata) }  
        n=dim(rdata)[1];						                  # number of observations
        delta = 1/n;
        rbpvars = apply(rdata,2,FUN=RBPVar);		      # bipower variation per stock
        tresholds = 3*sqrt(rbpvars)*(delta^(0.49));	  # treshold per stock
        tresmatrix = matrix(rep(tresholds,n),ncol=length(tresholds),nrow=n,byrow=TRUE); 
        condition = abs(rdata) > tresmatrix;
        rdata[condition] = 0;
        covariance = rCov(rdata);
        if(cor==FALSE){ return(covariance) }
            sdmatrix = sqrt(diag(diag(covariance)));
            rcor = solve(sdmatrix)%*%covariance%*%solve(sdmatrix);

## Hayashi Yoshida covariance estimator
rHYCov = function(rdata, cor = FALSE, period = 1, align.by = "seconds", align.period = 1, cts = TRUE, makeReturns = FALSE, makePsd=TRUE, ...) 
    if (!is.list(rdata)){
        stop('The rdata input is not a list. Please provide a list as input for this function. Each list-item should contain the series for one asset.')
        n = length(rdata)
        if(n == 1){
            stop('Please provide a list with multiple list-items as input. You cannot compute covariance from a single price series.')      
    multixts = .multixts(rdata[[1]]); 
    if(multixts){ stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input")}
    cov = matrix(rep(0, n * n), ncol = n);
    diagonal = c();  
    for (i in 1:n){ 
        diagonal[i] = rCov( rdata[[i]], align.by = align.by, align.period = align.period,makeReturns=makeReturns ); 
    diag(cov) = diagonal;
    for (i in 2:n){
        for (j in 1:(i - 1)){
            cov[i, j] = cov[j, i] = rc.hy( x=rdata[[i]], y=rdata[[j]], period = period,align.by=align.by, 
            align.period = align.period, cts = cts, makeReturns = makeReturns);       
    if (cor == FALSE) {
        if (makePsd == TRUE) {
            cov = makePsd(cov)
    if (cor == TRUE){
        invsdmatrix = try(solve(sqrt(diag(diag(cov)))), silent = F)
        if (!inherits(invsdmatrix, "try-error")) {
            rcor = invsdmatrix %*% cov %*% invsdmatrix
            if (makePsd == TRUE) {
                rcor = makePsd(rcor)

## Kernel Covariance Estimator: 
rKernelCov = function( rdata, cor=FALSE, kernel.type = "rectangular", kernel.param = 1, 
kernel.dofadj = TRUE, align.by = "seconds", align.period = 1, 
cts = TRUE, makeReturns = FALSE, type = NULL, adj = NULL, 
q = NULL, ...)
    if(!is.list(rdata)){ # In case of only one stock this makes sense
        if(is.null(dim(rdata))){  n = 1
        }else{ n = dim(rdata)[2] }
        if( n == 1 ){ result = rv.kernel(rdata, cor=cor, kernel.type = kernel.type, kernel.param = kernel.param, kernel.dofadj = kernel.dofadj, 
            align.by = align.by, align.period = align.period, cts = cts, makeReturns = makeReturns, 
            type = type, adj = adj, q = q)}
        if( n >  1 ){ stop("Please provide a list with one list-item per stock as input.")  }    
        #stop('The rdata input is not a list. Please provide a list as input for this function. Each list-item should contain the series for one asset.')
        n = length(rdata);
        if(n == 1){
            result = rv.kernel(rdata[[1]], cor=cor,kernel.type = kernel.type, kernel.param = kernel.param, kernel.dofadj = kernel.dofadj, 
            align.by = align.by, align.period = align.period, cts = cts, makeReturns = makeReturns, 
            type = type, adj = adj, q = q); return(result);
        if( n>1 ){
            multixts = .multixts(rdata[[1]]); 
            if(multixts){ stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input")}
            cov = matrix(rep(0, n * n), ncol = n);
            diagonal = c();  
            for( i in 1:n ){ 
                diagonal[i] = rv.kernel(rdata[[i]], cor=cor,kernel.type = kernel.type, kernel.param = kernel.param, kernel.dofadj = kernel.dofadj, 
                align.by = align.by, align.period = align.period, cts = cts, makeReturns = makeReturns, 
                type = type, adj = adj, q = q);        
            diag(cov) = diagonal;
            for (i in 2:n){
                for (j in 1:(i - 1)){
                    cov[i, j] = cov[j, i] = rc.kernel(x = rdata[[i]], y = rdata[[j]], kernel.type = kernel.type, kernel.param = kernel.param, 
                    kernel.dofadj = kernel.dofadj, align.by = align.by, align.period = align.period, 
                    cts = cts, makeReturns = makeReturns, type = type, adj = adj,q = q);   
            if(cor == FALSE){
                cov = makePsd(cov);
            if(cor == TRUE){
                invsdmatrix = try(solve(sqrt(diag(diag(cov)))), silent = F)
                if (!inherits(invsdmatrix, "try-error")) {
                    rcor = invsdmatrix %*% cov %*% invsdmatrix

## Average subsample estimator: 
rAVGCov = function( rdata, cor = FALSE, period = 1, align.by = "seconds", align.period = 1, cts = TRUE, makeReturns = FALSE, ...){
    if (!is.list(rdata)){
        multixts = .multixts(rdata); 
        if(multixts){ stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input")}
        if(is.null(dim(rdata))){  n = 1
        }else{ n = dim(rdata)[2] }
        if( n == 1 ){ 
            L = .makeROlist( rdata=list(rdata), align.period=align.period, align.by=align.by,cts=cts,makeReturns=makeReturns);#make objects list            
            result = rv.avg( L[[1]], period=period ); 
            return(result)  }
        if( n >  1 ){ stop('The rdata input is not a list. Please provide a list as input for this function. Each list-item should contain the series for one asset.') }
        n = length(rdata)
        multixts = .multixts(rdata[[1]]); 
        if(multixts){ stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input")}
        if( n == 1 ){ 
            L = .makeROlist( rdata=rdata, align.period=align.period, align.by=align.by,cts=cts,makeReturns=makeReturns);#make objects list            
            result = rv.avg( L[[1]], period=period ); 
        if( n > 1){
            cov = matrix(rep(0, n * n), ncol = n);
            diagonal = c(); 
            L = .makeROlist(rdata=rdata, align.period=align.period, align.by=align.by,cts=cts,makeReturns=makeReturns);#make objects list     
            for(i in 1:n){ 
                diagonal[i] = rv.avg( L[[i]], period=period );
            diag(cov) = diagonal;
            for(i in 2:n){
                for (j in 1:(i - 1)){
                    cov[i, j] = cov[j, i] = rc.avg( x = L[[i]], y = L[[j]], period=period ); 
            if (cor == FALSE) {
                cov = makePsd(cov)
            if (cor == TRUE){
                invsdmatrix = try(solve(sqrt(diag(diag(cov)))), silent = F)
                if (!inherits(invsdmatrix, "try-error")) {
                    rcor = invsdmatrix %*% cov %*% invsdmatrix
                    rcor = makePsd(rcor)
        }  #List-length > 1
    }  #If-list condition
}   #end rAVGCov

## Percentage of zero's for given time aggregation calculator:
rZero = function( rdata, period = 1, align.by = "seconds", align.period = 1, cts = TRUE, makeReturns = FALSE, ...){
    if (!is.list(rdata)){
        multixts = .multixts(rdata);  
        if(multixts){ stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input")}     
        if(is.null(dim(rdata))){  n = 1
        }else{ n = dim(rdata)[2] }
        if( n == 1 ){ 
            L = .makeROlist(rdata=list(rdata), align.period=align.period, align.by=align.by,cts=cts,makeReturns=makeReturns);#make objects list     
            result = rv.zero( L[[1]], period=period ); 
            return(result)  }
        if( n >  1 ){ stop('The rdata input is not a list. Please provide a list as input for this function. Each list-item should contain the series for one asset.') }
        multixts = .multixts(rdata[[1]]);  
        if(multixts){ stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input")}
        n = length(rdata)
        if( n == 1 ){ 
            L = .makeROlist(rdata=rdata, align.period=align.period, align.by=align.by,cts=cts,makeReturns=makeReturns);#make objects list     
            result = rv.zero(L[[1]], period=period ); 
            return(result) }
        if( n > 1){      
            cov = matrix(rep(0, n * n), ncol = n); 
            diagonal = c(); 
            L = .makeROlist(rdata=rdata, align.period=align.period, align.by=align.by,cts=cts,makeReturns=makeReturns);#make objects list     
            for(i in 1:n){ 
                diagonal[i] = rv.zero( L[[i]], period=period );
            diag(cov) = diagonal;
            for (i in 2:n){
                for (j in 1:(i - 1)){
                    cov[i, j] = cov[j, i] = rc.zero( x=L[[i]], y=L[[j]], period=period);       
        }  #List-length > 1
    }  #If-list condition
}   #end rAVGCov

# Accumulation:
rAccumulation <- function(x, period=1, y=NULL, align.by="seconds",align.period=1, plotit=FALSE, cts=TRUE, makeReturns=FALSE)
  multixts = .multixts(x) || .multixts(y);
  if( multixts ){ stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input")}     
    align.period = .getAlignPeriod(align.period, align.by)   
    ans <- list(x=NULL, y=NULL)
    ans$y <- cumsum(rMarginal(x=x, y=y, period=period, align.period=align.period, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)$y)
    #    ans$x <- .alignIndices(1:length(x), align.period)
    #    ans$x <- .alignIndices(ans$x, period)
    ans$x <- rCumSum(x=x, period=period, align.period=align.period, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)$x
    #ans$x <- ans$x[-length(ans$x)]
        plot(ans, xlab="", ylab="Realized Accumulation")

# Marginal distribution:
rMarginal <- function(x, y=NULL, period, align.by="seconds", align.period=1, plotit=FALSE, cts=TRUE, makeReturns=FALSE)
  multixts = .multixts(x) || .multixts(y);
  if( multixts ){ stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input")}     
    align.period = .getAlignPeriod(align.period, align.by)   
    ans <- list(x = NULL, y = NULL)
    ans$x <- .alignIndices(1:length(x), align.period)
    ans$x <- .alignIndices(ans$x, period)
    y <- x   
    x<- .alignReturns(.convertData(x, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)$data, align.period)
    y<- .alignReturns(.convertData(y, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)$data, align.period)
    ans$y <- .alignedAccum(x=x, y=y, period=period, cum=FALSE)
        plot(ans, xlab="", ylab="Realized Marginals")

# Cumulative sum of returns:
rCumSum <- function(x, period = 1, align.by="seconds", align.period=1, plotit=FALSE, type='l', cts = TRUE, makeReturns=FALSE)
  multixts = .multixts(x);
  if( multixts ){ stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input")}     

    align.period = .getAlignPeriod(align.period, align.by)   
    ans <- list(x = NULL, y = NULL)
    ans$x <- .alignIndices(1:length(.convertData(x, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)$data), align.period)
    ans$x <- .alignIndices(ans$x, period)
    x<- .alignReturns(.convertData(x, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)$data, align.period)
    x<- .alignReturns(.convertData(x, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)$data, period)
    ans$y <- cumsum(x)
        plot(cumsum(x), xlab="Time", ylab="Cummulative Returns", type=type)

#Scatter returns:
rScatterReturns <- function(x,y, period, align.by="seconds", align.period=1,numbers=FALSE,xlim= NULL, ylim=NULL, plotit=TRUE, pch=NULL, cts=TRUE, makeReturns=FALSE, scale.size=0, col.change=FALSE,...)
  multixts = .multixts(x) || .multixts(y);
  if( multixts ){ stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input")}     
    align.period = .getAlignPeriod(align.period, align.by) 
    y<- .alignReturns(.convertData(y, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)$data, align.period)
    x<- .alignReturns(.convertData(x, cts=cts, makeReturns=makeReturns)$data, align.period)
    x<-.accum.naive(x, x, period)
    y<-.accum.naive(y, y, period)
    it <- table(round(x,4),round(y,4))
    xs <- as.numeric(dimnames(it)[[1]])
    ys <- as.numeric(dimnames(it)[[2]])
    ylim=c(min(ys), max(ys))
    xlim=c(min(xs), max(xs))
    mat <- matrix(it, nrow=length(xs), ncol=length(ys))
        plot(0,0, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim , type='n',...)
        lines(c(0,0), c(-1,2), col="grey", lty=3, lwd=2)
        lines(c(-1,2), c(0,0), col="grey", lty=3, lwd=2)
        maxed <- max(mat)
        for(i in 1:length(xs))
            for(j in 1:length(ys))
                    thecol <- round(runif(1)*100,0)
                    thecol = 1
                        if(scale.size ==0)
                        text(xs[i], ys[j],as.character(mat[i,j]), cex=.7, col=thecol)         
                        text(xs[i], ys[j], as.character(mat[i,j]), cex = (mat[i,j]/maxed) * scale.size, col=thecol)
                        if(scale.size ==0)
                        points(xs[i], ys[j], pch=pch, cex=.7, col=thecol)         
                        points(xs[i], ys[j], pch=pch, cex = (mat[i,j]/maxed) * scale.size, col=thecol)

#  START implementation of paper:
#  Torben G. Andersen, Tim Bollerslev, and Francis X. Diebold
#  data: a xts object with the intraday data
#  periods: a vector with time periods to aggregate over, expressed in days
#  RVest: estimator for daily realized volatility, 
#  in case a vector is supplied, the first estimator is the unrobust estimator, the second is the robust estimator 
#  type: string defining the type of model
#  "HARRV" from "roughing paper"
#  "HARRVJ" from "roughing paper"
#  "HARRVCJ" from "roughing paper"
#  jumptest: function to calculate the jump test statistic which determines whether the daily jump contribution is significant
#  alpha: a value between zero and one to indicate what
#  h: integer, determining over how many periods the depend variable should be aggregated. The default is 1, i.e. no aggregation is done, just one day. 
#  TODO ADD extra argument: jump-periods??? for aggregated jumps in the model...

# Helpfunctions: 
TQfun = function(rdata){ #Calculate the realized tripower quarticity
    returns = as.vector(as.numeric(rdata));
    n = length(returns);
    mu43 = 0.8308609; #    2^(2/3)*gamma(7/6) *gamma(1/2)^(-1)   
    tq = n * ((mu43)^(-3)) *  sum( abs(returns[1:(n - 2)])^(4/3) *abs(returns[2:(n-1)])^(4/3) *abs(returns[3:n])^(4/3) );

ABDJumptest = function(RV, BPV, TQ){ # Comput jump detection stat mentioned in roughing paper
    mu1  = sqrt(2/pi);
    n = length(RV);
    zstat = ((1/n)^(-1/2))*((RV-BPV)/RV)*(  (mu1^(-4) + 2*(mu1^(-2))-5) * pmax( 1,TQ*(BPV^(-2)) )   )^(-1/2); 

harModel = function(data, periods = c(1,5,22), periodsJ = c(1,5,22), leverage=NULL, RVest = c("rCov","rBPCov"), type="HARRV", 
jumptest="ABDJumptest",alpha=0.05,h=1,transform=NULL, ...){  
    nperiods = length(periods); # Number of periods to aggregate over
    nest = length(RVest);       # Number of RV estimators
    if( !is.null(transform) ){ Ftransform = match.fun(transform); }
    if( !(type %in% c("HARRV","HARRVJ","HARRVCJ"))){ warning("Please provide a valid argument for type, see documentation.")  }    
    if( sum(data<0) != 0 ){ #If it are returns as input
        # Get the daily RMs (in a non-robust and robust way)
        RV1 = match.fun(  RVest[1]);
        RM1 = apply.daily( data, RV1 );
        # save dates:
        alldates = index(RM1)
        if( nest == 2 ){ 
            RV2 = match.fun( RVest[2]); 
            RM2 = apply.daily( data, RV2 ); }
    if( sum(data<0) == 0 ){ #The input is most likely already realized measures
        dimdata = dim(data)[2]; 
        alldates = index(data); 
        RM1 = data[,1]; 
        if( dimdata > 1 ){ RM2 = data[,2]; } 
        if( type != "HARRV" ){ warning("Please provide returns as input for the type of model you want to estimate. All your returns are positive which is quite unlikely honestly. Only for the HAR-RV model you can input realized measures.") }
    # Get the matrix for estimation of linear model: 
    maxp      = max(periods,periodsJ); # Max number of aggregation levels
    if(!is.null(leverage)){ maxp = max(maxp,leverage) }
    n         = length(RM1);  #Number of Days
    # Aggregate RV: 
    RVmatrix1 = aggRV(RM1,periods);
    if( nest==2 ){ RVmatrix2 = aggRV(RM2,periods); }  # In case a jumprobust estimator is supplied
    # Aggregate and subselect y:
    y = aggY(RM1,h,maxp);
    # Only keep useful parts: 
    x1 = RVmatrix1[(maxp:(n-h)),]; 
    if( nest==2 ){ x2 = RVmatrix2[(maxp:(n-h)),]; } # In case a jumprobust estimator is supplied 
    # Jumps:
    if(type!="HARRV"){ # If model type is as such that you need jump component 
        J = pmax( RM1 - RM2,0 ); # Jump contributions should be positive
        J = aggJ(J,periodsJ);         
    if( !is.null(leverage) ){ 
        if( sum(data<0) == 0 ){ warning("You cannot use leverage variables in the model in case your input consists of Realized Measures") }
        # Get close-to-close returns
        e = apply.daily(data,sum); #Sum logreturns daily     
        # Get the rmins:
        rmintemp = pmin(e,0);    
        # Aggregate everything:
        rmin = aggRV(rmintemp,periods=leverage,type="Rmin"); 
        # Select:
        rmin = rmin[(maxp:(n-h)),];
    }else{ rmin = matrix(ncol=0,nrow=dim(x1)[1]) }
    # Estimate the model parameters, according to type of model : 
    # First model type: traditional HAR-RV: 
    if( type == "HARRV" ){ 
        if(!is.null(transform)){ y = Ftransform(y); x1 = Ftransform(x1) }
        x1 = cbind(x1,rmin);
        model     = estimhar(y=y,x=x1); 
        model$transform = transform; model$h = h; model$type = "HARRV"; model$dates = alldates[(maxp+h):n];
        class(model) = c("harModel","lm"); 
        return( model )
    } #End HAR-RV if cond
    if( type == "HARRVJ" ){   
        if(!is.null(transform) && transform=="log"){ J = J + 1; }
        J = J[(maxp:(n-h)),]; 
        x = cbind(x1,J);              # bind jumps to RV data 
        if(!is.null(transform)){ y = Ftransform(y); x = Ftransform(x); }       
        x = cbind(x,rmin);
        model = estimhar(y=y,x=x); 
        model$transform = transform; model$h = h; model$type = "HARRVJ"; model$dates = alldates[(maxp+h):n];
        class(model) = c("harModel","lm"); 
        return( model )    
    }#End HAR-RV-J if cond
    if( type == "HARRVCJ" ){ 
        # Are the jumps significant? if not set to zero:
        if( jumptest=="ABDJumptest" ){ 
            TQ = apply.daily(data, TQfun); 
            J = J[,1];
            teststats= ABDJumptest(RV=RM1,BPV=RM2,TQ=TQ ); 
        }else{ jtest = match.fun(jumptest); teststats = jtest(data,...) }  
        Jindicators  = teststats > qnorm(1-alpha); 
        J[!Jindicators] = 0;
        # Get continuus components if necessary RV measures if necessary: 
        Cmatrix = matrix( nrow = dim(RVmatrix1)[1], ncol = 1 );
        Cmatrix[Jindicators,]    = RVmatrix2[Jindicators,1];      #Fill with robust one in case of jump
        Cmatrix[(!Jindicators)]  = RVmatrix1[(!Jindicators),1];   #Fill with non-robust one in case of no-jump  
        # Aggregate again:
        Cmatrix <- aggRV(Cmatrix,periods,type="C");
        Jmatrix <- aggJ(J,periodsJ);
        # subset again:
        Cmatrix <- Cmatrix[(maxp:(n-h)),];
        Jmatrix <- Jmatrix[(maxp:(n-h)),];   
        if(!is.null(transform) && transform=="log"){ Jmatrix = Jmatrix + 1 }
        x = cbind(Cmatrix,Jmatrix);               # bind jumps to RV data      
        if(!is.null(transform)){ y = Ftransform(y); x = Ftransform(x); }  
        x = cbind(x,rmin);
        model = estimhar( y=y, x=x ); 
        model$transform = transform; model$h = h; model$type = "HARRVCJ"; model$dates = alldates[(maxp+h):n];      
        class(model) = c("harModel","lm");
} #End function harModel
estimhar = function(y, x){ #Potentially add stuff here
    output = lm( formula(y~x), data=cbind(y,x));

# Help function to get nicely formatted formula's for print/summary methods..
getHarmodelformula = function(x){
    modelnames = colnames(x$model$x);
        modelnames = paste(x$transform,"(",modelnames,")",sep=""); } #Added visual tingie for plotting transformed RV
    betas      = paste("beta",(1:length(modelnames)),"",sep="")
    betas2     = paste(" + ",betas,"*")
    rightside  = paste(betas2, modelnames,collapse="");
    h = x$h;
    left = paste("RV",h,sep="");
    if(!is.null(x$transform)){  left = paste(x$transform,"(",left,")",sep="" ) }
    modeldescription = paste(left,"= beta0",rightside);

aggRV <- function(RM1,periods,type="RV"){
    n = length(RM1);
    nperiods = length(periods);
    RVmatrix1 = matrix(nrow=n,ncol=nperiods);
    for(i in 1:nperiods){ 
        if(periods[i]==1){ RVmatrix1[,i] = RM1; 
        }else{ RVmatrix1[(periods[i]:n),i] = rollmean(x=RM1,k=periods[i],align="left")  }
    } #end loop over periods for standard RV estimator
    colnames(RVmatrix1) = paste(type,periods,sep="");

aggJ <- function( J, periodsJ ){
    n = length(J);
    nperiods = length(periodsJ);
    JM = matrix(nrow=n,ncol=nperiods);
    for(i in 1:nperiods){ 
        if(periodsJ[i]==1){ JM[,i] = J; 
        }else{ JM[(periodsJ[i]:n),i] = rollmean( x=J, k=periodsJ[i], align="left")  }
    } # End loop over periods for standard RV estimator
    colnames(JM) = paste("J",periodsJ,sep="");

aggY = function(RM1,h,maxp){
    n         = length(RM1);
    if( h == 1 ){  y  = RM1[(maxp+1):n]; }
    if( h != 1 ){ 
        y = matrix( nrow=length(RM1), ncol=1 ); colnames(y) = "y";
        y[(h:n),] = rollmean(x=RM1,k=h,align="left");
        y = matrix(y[((maxp+h):n),],ncol=1); y=as.data.frame(y) }  

# Print method for harmodel:  
print.harModel = function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...){ 
    formula = getHarmodelformula(x); modeldescription = formula[[1]]; betas = formula[[2]];
    cat("\nModel:\n", paste(modeldescription, sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
    "\n\n", sep = "")
    coefs = coef(x);
    names(coefs)  = c("beta0",betas)
    if (length(coef(x))){
        print.default(format(coefs, digits = digits), print.gap = 2,quote = FALSE);
        Rs = summary(x)[c("r.squared", "adj.r.squared")]
        zz = c(Rs$r.squared,Rs$adj.r.squared);
        names(zz) = c("r.squared","adj.r.squared")
        print.default((format(zz,digits=digits) ),print.gap = 2,quote=FALSE)
    else cat("No coefficients\n")

summary.harModel = function(object, correlation = FALSE, symbolic.cor = FALSE,...){
    dd = summary.lm(x);
    formula = getHarmodelformula(x); modeldescription = formula[[1]]; betas = formula[[2]];
    dd$call = modeldescription;
    rownames(dd$coefficients) = c("beta0",betas);

plot.harModel = function(x, which = c(1L:3L, 5L), caption = list("Residuals vs Fitted", 
"Normal Q-Q", "Scale-Location", "Cook's distance", "Residuals vs Leverage", 
expression("Cook's dist vs Leverage  " * h[ii]/(1 - h[ii]))), 
panel = if (add.smooth) panel.smooth else points, sub.caption = NULL, 
main = "", ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), 
..., id.n = 3, labels.id = names(residuals(x)), cex.id = 0.75, 
qqline = TRUE, cook.levels = c(0.5, 1), add.smooth = getOption("add.smooth"), 
label.pos = c(4, 2), cex.caption = 1){ 
    observed = x$model$y;
    fitted   = x$fitted.values;
    names(fitted) = NULL;
    dates    = x$dates;
    dates    = as.POSIXct(dates);
    observed = xts(observed, order.by=dates);
    fitted   = xts(fitted, order.by=dates);
    type     = x$type;
    g_range = range(fitted,observed)
    g_range[1] = 0.95*g_range[1]; g_range[2]= 1.05 * g_range[2]; 
    #ind = seq(1,length(fitted),length.out=5);
    title = paste("Observed and forecasted RV based on HAR Model:",type);
    #plot.xts(observed,col="red",lwd=2,main=title, ylim=g_range,xlab="Time",ylab="Realized Volatility"); 
    # There is an error in plot.xts that prevents colors from being passed.
    #  axis(1,time(b)[ind], format(time(b)[ind],), las=2, cex.axis=0.8); not used anymore
    #  axis(2);
      plot.xts(observed,main=title, ylim=g_range,xlab="Time",ylab="Realized Volatility"); 
      legend("topleft", c("Observed RV","Forecasted RV"),  col=c("red","blue"),lty=1, lwd=2, bty="n"); 
      plot.xts(observed,main=title, ylim=g_range,xlab="Time",ylab="Realized Volatility",  col="red"); 
      lines(fitted,col="blue",lwd=2, on=1);
      addLegend("topright", on=1, 
                legend.names =c("Observed RV","Forecasted RV"), 
                lty=c(1, 1), lwd=c(2, 2),
                col=c("blue", "red"))

######################################### FORMER RTAQ FUNCTIONS ##################################
########## HELPFUNCTION ####
readdata = function(path=NULL, extension="txt",header=FALSE,dims=0){
  #extention should either be "txt" or "csv"
  if(!(extension=="txt"|extension=="csv")){print("Please select a supported extension")}
  colnames = rep("x",dims);
  #load txt
  if(extension == "txt"){
    fullpath = paste(path,".txt",sep="");
    data = try(read.delim(fullpath,sep="",header=header,dec=",",col.names=colnames),silent=TRUE);
      data = try(read.delim(fullpath,sep="",header=header,dec=",",col.names=c(colnames,"EXTRA")),silent=TRUE);
  if(extension == "csv"){
    fullpath = paste(path,".csv",sep="");
    data = try(read.delim(fullpath,sep=",",header=header,dec=".",col.names=colnames),silent=TRUE);
      data = try(read.delim(fullpath,sep=",",header=header,dec=".",col.names=c(colnames,"EXTRA")),silent=TRUE);

convert_trades = function (datasource, datadestination, ticker, extension = "txt", 
                           header = FALSE, tradecolnames = NULL, format = "%Y%M%D %H:%M:%S") 
  adjtime = function(z) {
    zz = unlist(strsplit(z, ":"))
    if (nchar(zz[1]) != 2) {
      return(paste(paste(0, zz[1], sep = ""), zz[2], zz[3], 
                   sep = ":"))
  for (i in 1:length(ticker)) {
    tfile_name = paste(datasource, "/", ticker[i], "_trades", 
                       sep = "")
    tdata = try(readdata(path = tfile_name, extension = extension, 
                                header = header, dims = 9), silent = TRUE)
    error = dim(tdata)[1] == 0
    if (error) {
      print(paste("no trades for stock", ticker[i]))
      missingt = rbind(missingt, c(datasource, ticker[i]))
    if (error == FALSE) {
      if (is.null(tradecolnames)) {
        tradecolnames = c("SYMBOL", "DATE", "EX", "TIME", 
                          "PRICE", "SIZE", "COND", "CORR", "G127")
        colnames(tdata) = tradecolnames
      }else {
        colnames(tdata) = tradecolnames
      cond = tdata$COND[is.na(tdata$G127)];
      cr = tdata$CORR[is.na(tdata$G127)];
      tdata$COND[is.na(tdata$G127)] = 0
      tdata$CORR[is.na(tdata$G127)] = as.character(cond)
      tdata$G127[is.na(tdata$G127)] = as.character(cr)
      rm(cond, cr)
      oldtime = as.matrix(as.vector(tdata$TIME))
      newtime = apply(oldtime, 1, adjtime)
      tdata$TIME = newtime
      rm(oldtime, newtime); 
      tdobject = as.POSIXct(paste(as.vector(tdata$DATE), as.vector(tdata$TIME)), format=format, tz="GMT")       
      tdata = xts(tdata, order.by = tdobject)
      tdata = tdata[, c("SYMBOL", "EX", "PRICE", "SIZE", 
                        "COND", "CORR", "G127")]
    xts_name = paste(ticker[i], "_trades.RData", sep = "")
    save(tdata, file = xts_name)

convert_quotes = function (datasource, datadestination, ticker, extension = "txt", 
                           header = FALSE, quotecolnames = NULL, format = "%Y%M%D %H:%M:%S") 
  adjtime = function(z) {
    zz = unlist(strsplit(z, ":"))
    if (nchar(zz[1]) != 2) {
      return(paste(paste(0, zz[1], sep = ""), zz[2], zz[3], 
                   sep = ":"))
  for (i in 1:length(ticker)) {
    qfile_name = paste(datasource, "/", ticker[i], "_quotes", 
                       sep = "")
    qdata = try(readdata(path = qfile_name, extension = extension, 
                         header = header, dims = 9), silent = TRUE)
    error = dim(qdata)[1] == 0
    if (error) {
      print(paste("no quotes for stock", ticker[i]))
      missingq = rbind(missingq, c(datasource, ticker[i]))
    if (error == FALSE) {
      if (is.null(quotecolnames)) {
        quotecolnames = c("SYMBOL", "DATE", "EX", "TIME", 
                          "BID", "BIDSIZ", "OFR", "OFRSIZ", "MODE")
        colnames(qdata) = quotecolnames
      else {
        colnames(qdata) = quotecolnames
      qdata = qdata[qdata$SYMBOL == ticker[i], ]
      oldtime = as.matrix(as.vector(qdata$TIME))
      newtime = apply(oldtime, 1, adjtime)
      qdata$TIME = newtime
      rm(oldtime, newtime)
      test = paste(as.vector(qdata$DATE), as.vector(qdata$TIME))
      tdobject = as.POSIXct(test, format=format, tz="GMT")                       
      qdata = xts(qdata, order.by = tdobject)
      qdata = qdata[, c("SYMBOL", "EX", "BID", "BIDSIZ", 
                        "OFR", "OFRSIZ", "MODE")]
    xts_name = paste(ticker[i], "_quotes.RData", sep = "")
    save(qdata, file = xts_name)

# NEW CODE GSoC 2012 #
makeXtsTrades = function(tdata,format=format){
  adjtime = function(z) {
    zz = unlist(strsplit(z, ":"))
    if (nchar(zz[1]) != 2) {
      return(paste(paste(0, zz[1], sep = ""), zz[2], zz[3], 
                   sep = ":"))  } 
    return(z) }
  tradecolnames = colnames(tdata)
  if (is.null(tradecolnames)){
    tradecolnames = c("SYMBOL", "DATE", "EX", "TIME", 
                      "PRICE", "SIZE", "COND", "CORR", "G127");
    colnames(tdata) = tradecolnames; }  
  cond = tdata$COND[is.na(tdata$G127)];
  cr = tdata$CORR[is.na(tdata$G127)];
  tdata$COND[is.na(tdata$G127)] = 0;
  tdata$CORR[is.na(tdata$G127)] = as.character(cond);
  tdata$G127[is.na(tdata$G127)] = as.character(cr);
  rm(cond, cr);
  oldtime = as.matrix(as.vector(tdata$TIME));
  newtime = apply(oldtime, 1, adjtime);
  tdata$TIME = newtime;
  rm(oldtime, newtime);
  tdobject = as.POSIXct(paste(as.vector(tdata$DATE), as.vector(tdata$TIME)), format=format, tz="GMT")       
  tdata  = xts(tdata, order.by = tdobject);
  tdata  = tdata[, c("SYMBOL", "EX", "PRICE", "SIZE","COND", "CORR", "G127")];

makeXtsQuotes = function( qdata, format = format){ 
  adjtime = function(z) {    zz = unlist(strsplit(z, ":")); if (nchar(zz[1]) != 2) {return(paste(paste(0, zz[1], sep = ""), zz[2], zz[3], sep = ":"))}; return(z) }
  quotecolnames = colnames(qdata);
  if (is.null(quotecolnames)) {
    quotecolnames = c("SYMBOL", "DATE", "EX", "TIME", "BID", "BIDSIZ", "OFR", "OFRSIZ", "MODE")
    colnames(qdata) = quotecolnames;
  }else{ colnames(qdata) = quotecolnames }
  oldtime = as.matrix(as.vector(qdata$TIME));
  newtime = apply(oldtime, 1, adjtime);
  qdata$TIME = newtime;
  rm(oldtime, newtime);
  test = paste(as.vector(qdata$DATE), as.vector(qdata$TIME))
  tdobject = as.POSIXct(test, format=format, tz="GMT")
  qdata = xts(qdata, order.by = tdobject)
  qdata = qdata[, c("SYMBOL", "EX", "BID", "BIDSIZ","OFR", "OFRSIZ", "MODE")];

################ The real conversion starts here ;)

convert = function(from, to, datasource, datadestination, trades = TRUE, 
                   quotes = TRUE, ticker, dir = FALSE, extension = "txt", header = FALSE, 
                   tradecolnames = NULL, quotecolnames = NULL, format = "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S", onefile=FALSE){  
  #############  1.A the data is in the "RTAQ folder" sturcture ##############
  if( onefile == FALSE ){
    # Create trading dates:
    dates = timeDate::timeSequence(from, to, format = "%Y-%m-%d", FinCenter = "GMT")
    dates = dates[timeDate::isBizday(dates, holidays = timeDate::holidayNYSE(1950:2030))];
    # Create folder structure for saving:
    if (dir) { dir.create(datadestination); for (i in 1:length(dates)) {dirname = paste(datadestination, "/", as.character(dates[i]), sep = ""); dir.create(dirname)    } }
    for (i in 1:length(dates)){ #Loop over days  
      #Get the day-specific path
      datasourcex = paste(datasource, "/", dates[i], sep = "")
      datadestinationx = paste(datadestination, "/", dates[i], sep = "")
      if(trades == TRUE){ 
        if(extension=="txt"|extension=="csv"){ convert_trades(datasourcex, datadestinationx, ticker, extension = extension, header = header, tradecolnames = tradecolnames, format = format) }
      if (quotes == TRUE) { 
        if(extension=="txt"|extension=="csv"){ convert_quotes(datasourcex, datadestinationx, ticker, extension = extension, header = header, quotecolnames = quotecolnames,format = format)}
    }#End loop over days
  }#End "not oneday" if
  #############  1.B The data is in one file: ###########
  if( onefile == TRUE ){
    # Load the data: ############################ This depends on the data provider
    if(trades == TRUE){ 
      if( extension=="txt"){ dataname = paste(datasource,"/",ticker,"_trades",sep=""); readdata(path = datasource, extension = "txt", header = FALSE, dims = 0); } 
      if( extension=="csv"){ dataname = paste(datasource,"/",ticker,"_trades.csv",sep=""); data = read.csv(dataname);}
      if( extension=="tickdatacom"){ 
        dataname   = paste(datasource,"/",ticker,"_trades.asc",sep="");
        colnames   = c("DATE","TIME","PRICE","SIZE","EX","COND","CORR","SEQN","SOURCE","TSTOP","G127","EXCL","FPRICE");
        alldata    = read.delim(dataname, header=F, sep=",",dec=".",col.names=colnames); 
        taqnames   = c("DATE","EX","TIME","PRICE","SIZE","COND","CORR","G127"); 
        data = alldata[,taqnames]; 
        data = cbind(rep(ticker,dim(data)[1]),data); colnames(data)[1] = "SYMBOL"; 
      alldata = suppressWarnings(makeXtsTrades(tdata=data,format=format)); 
    if (quotes == TRUE){ 
      if( extension=="txt"){ dataname = paste(datasource,"/",ticker,"_quotes",sep=""); readdata(path = datasource, extension = "txt", header = FALSE, dims = 0); } 
      if( extension=="csv"){ dataname = paste(datasource,"/",ticker,"_quotes.csv",sep=""); data = read.csv(dataname);}
      if( extension=="tickdatacom"){ 
        dataname   = paste(datasource,"/",ticker,"_quotes.asc",sep=""); 
        colnames   = c("DATE","TIME","EX","BID","OFR","BIDSIZ","OFRSIZ","MODE","MMID","SEQN","EXB", "EXO","NBBOID","NBBOID","CORR","QSO"); 
        alldata    = read.delim(dataname, header=F, sep=",",dec=".",col.names=colnames); 
        taqnames   = c("DATE","TIME","EX","BID","BIDSIZ","OFR","OFRSIZ","MODE"); 
        data = alldata[,taqnames]; 
        data = cbind(rep(ticker,dim(data)[1]),data); colnames(data)[1] = "SYMBOL"; 
        format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"; # Tickdata always has this format
      alldata = suppressWarnings( makeXtsQuotes( qdata=data, format=format) );
    # Save the data: ############################ This is the same irrespective of the data provider
    # Create trading dates: 
    dates = unique(as.Date(index(alldata)));
    # Create folder structure for saving : 
    suppressWarnings( if (dir){ dir.create(datadestination); for (i in 1:length(dates)) {dirname = paste(datadestination, "/", as.character(dates[i]), sep = ""); dir.create(dirname) } })
    for(i in 1:length(dates) ){ # Loop over days
      datadestinationx = paste(datadestination, "/", dates[i], sep = ""); 
      if( trades == TRUE ){ 
        tdata        = alldata[as.character(dates[i])];
        xts_name     = paste(ticker, "_trades.RData", sep = "")
        destfullname = paste(datadestinationx,"/",xts_name,sep="");          
        save(tdata, file = destfullname); # Save daily in right folder:
      if( quotes == TRUE ){ 
        qdata        = alldata[as.character(dates[i])]; 
        xts_name     = paste(ticker, "_quotes.RData", sep = ""); 
        destfullname = paste(datadestinationx,"/",xts_name,sep=""); 
        save(qdata, file = destfullname); # Save daily in right folder: 
      }#End quotes if
    } #End save loop over days
  } #End oneday   
} #End convert function

### Manipulation functions:
TAQLoad = function(tickers,from,to,trades=TRUE,quotes=FALSE,datasource=NULL,variables=NULL){ 
  if( is.null(datasource)){print("Please provide the argument 'datasource' to indicate in which folder your data is stored")}
  if(!(trades&quotes)){#not both trades and quotes demanded
    for( ticker in tickers ){
      out = uniTAQload( ticker = ticker , from = from, to = to , trades=trades,quotes=quotes,datasource = datasource,variables=variables);
      if( ticker == tickers[1] ){ totalout = out 
        totalout = merge(totalout,out) }
  if((trades&quotes)){#in case both trades and quotes
    totalout[[1]] = TAQLoad( tickers = tickers , from = from, to = to , trades=TRUE,quotes=FALSE,datasource = datasource,variables=variables);
    totalout[[2]] = TAQLoad( tickers = tickers , from = from, to = to , trades=FALSE,quotes=TRUE,datasource = datasource,variables=variables);

uniTAQload = function(ticker,from,to,trades=TRUE,quotes=FALSE,datasource=NULL,variables=NULL){
  ##Function to load the taq data from a certain stock 
  #From&to (both included) should be in the format "%Y-%m-%d" e.g."2008-11-30"
  dates = timeDate::timeSequence(as.character(from),as.character(to), format = "%Y-%m-%d", FinCenter = "GMT")
  dates = dates[timeDate::isBizday(dates, holidays = timeDate::holidayNYSE(1960:2040))];
  if(trades){ tdata=NULL;
              for(i in 1:length(dates)){
                datasourcex = paste(datasource,"/",dates[i],sep="");
                filename = paste(datasourcex,"/",ticker,"_trades.RData",sep="");
                ifmissingname = paste(datasourcex,"/missing_",ticker,".RData",sep="");  
                if(file.exists(ifmissingname)){warning(paste("No trades available on ",dates[i],sep="")); next;}
                if(!file.exists(filename)){warning(paste("The file ",filename," does not exist. Please read the documentation.",sep="")); next;}
                  if(i==1)  { 
                    if( is.null(variables)){totaldata=tdata;
                      selection = allnames%in%variables;
                    if( is.null(variables)){totaldata=rbind(totaldata,tdata);
  if(quotes){ qdata=NULL;
              for(i in 1:length(dates)){
                datasourcex = paste(datasource,"/",dates[i],sep="");
                filename = paste(datasourcex,"/",ticker,"_quotes.RData",sep="");
                ifmissingname = paste(datasourcex,"/missingquotes_",ticker,".RData",sep="");
                if(file.exists(ifmissingname)){warning(paste("no quotes available on ",dates[i],sep="")); next;}
                if(!file.exists(filename)){warning(paste("The file ",filename," does not exist. Please read the documentation.",sep="")); next;}
                  if(i==1)  {
                    if( is.null(variables)){totaldataq=qdata;
                      selection = allnames%in%variables;
                    if( is.null(variables)){totaldataq=rbind(totaldataq,qdata);
  if(trades&quotes){return(list(trades = totaldata,quotes=totaldataq))}
  if(trades==TRUE & quotes==FALSE){return(totaldata)}
  if(trades==FALSE & quotes==TRUE){return(totaldataq)}

# internal non documented functions: 
HRweight = function( d,k){
  # Hard rejection weight function
  w = 1*(d<=k); return(w)

shorthscale = function( data )
  sorteddata = sort(data);
  n = length(data);
  h = floor(n/2)+1;
  M = matrix( rep(0,2*(n-h+1) ) , nrow= 2 );
  for( i in 1:(n-h+1) ){
    M[,i] = c( sorteddata[ i ], sorteddata[ i+h-1 ] )
  return( 0.7413*min( M[2,]-M[1,] ) );

diurnal = 
  function (stddata, method = "TML", dummies = F, P1 = 6, P2 = 4) 
    cDays = dim(stddata)[1]
    intraT = dim(stddata)[2]
    meannozero = function(series) {
      return(mean(series[series != 0]))
    shorthscalenozero = function(series) {
      return(shorthscale(series[series != 0]))
    WSDnozero = function(weights, series) {
      out = sum((weights * series^2)[series != 0])/sum(weights[series != 
      return(sqrt(1.081 * out))
    if (method == "SD" | method == "OLS") {
      seas = sqrt(apply(stddata^2, 2, "meannozero"))
    if (method == "WSD" | method == "TML") {
      seas = apply(stddata, 2, "shorthscalenozero")
      shorthseas = seas/sqrt(mean(seas^2))
      shorthseas[shorthseas == 0] = 1
      weights = matrix(HRweight(as.vector(t(stddata^2)/rep(shorthseas, 
                                                           cDays)^2), qchisq(0.99, df = 1)), ncol = dim(stddata)[2], 
                       byrow = T)
      for (c in 1:intraT) {
        seas[c] = WSDnozero(weights[, c], stddata[, c])
    seas = na.locf(seas,na.rm=F) #do not remove leading NA
    seas = na.locf(seas,fromLast=T)
    seas = seas/sqrt(mean(seas^2))
    if (method == "OLS" | method == "TML") {
      c = center()
      vstddata = as.vector(stddata)
      nobs = length(vstddata)
      vi = rep(c(1:intraT), each = cDays)
      if (method == "TML") {
        if( length(vstddata)!= length(seas)*cDays ){ print(length(vstddata)); print(length(seas)); print(cDays)}
        firststepresids = log(abs(vstddata)) - c - log(rep(seas, 
                                                           each = cDays))
      X = c()
      if (!dummies) {
        if (P1 > 0) {
          for (j in 1:P1) {
            X = cbind(X, cos(2 * pi * j * vi/intraT))
        M1 = (intraT + 1)/2
        M2 = (2 * intraT^2 + 3 * intraT + 1)/6
        ADD = (vi/M1)
        X = cbind(X, ADD)
        ADD = (vi^2/M2)
        X = cbind(X, ADD)
        if (P2 > 0) {
          ADD = c()
          for (j in 1:P2) {
            ADD = cbind(ADD, sin(2 * pi * j * vi/intraT))
        X = cbind(X, ADD)
        opening = vi - 0
        stdopening = (vi - 0)/80
        almond1_opening = (1 - (stdopening)^3)
        almond2_opening = (1 - (stdopening)^2) * (opening)
        almond3_opening = (1 - (stdopening)) * (opening^2)
        X = cbind(X, almond1_opening, almond2_opening, almond3_opening)
        closing = max(vi) - vi
        stdclosing = (max(vi) - vi)/max(vi)
        almond1_closing = (1 - (stdclosing)^3)
        almond2_closing = (1 - (stdclosing)^2) * (closing)
        almond3_closing = (1 - (stdclosing)) * (closing^2)
        X = cbind(X, almond1_closing, almond2_closing, almond3_closing)
      else {
        for (d in 1:intraT) {
          dummy = rep(0, intraT)
          dummy[d] = 1
          dummy = rep(dummy, each = cDays)
          X = cbind(X, dummy)
      selection = c(1:nobs)[vstddata != 0]
      vstddata = vstddata[selection]
      X = X[selection, ]
      if (method == "TML") {
        firststepresids = firststepresids[selection]
      vy = matrix(log(abs(vstddata)), ncol = 1) - c
      if (method == "OLS") {
        Z = try(solve(t(X) %*% X), silent = T)
        if (inherits(Z, "try-error")) {
          print("X'X is not invertible. Switch to TML")
        else {
          theta = solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% vy
      if (method == "TML") {
        inittheta = rep(0, dim(X)[2])
        l = -2.272
        u = 1.6675
        nonoutliers = c(1:length(vy))[(firststepresids > 
          l) & (firststepresids < u)]
        truncvy = vy[nonoutliers]
        truncX = X[nonoutliers, ]
        negtruncLLH = function(theta) {
          res = truncvy - truncX %*% matrix(theta, ncol = 1)
          return(mean(-res - c + exp(2 * (res + c))/2))
        grnegtruncLLH = function(theta) {
          res = truncvy - truncX %*% matrix(theta, ncol = 1)
          dres = -truncX
          return(apply(-dres + as.vector(exp(2 * (res + 
            c))) * dres, 2, "mean"))
        est = optim(par = inittheta, fn = negtruncLLH, gr = grnegtruncLLH, 
                    method = "BFGS")
        theta = est$par
      plot(seas, main = "Non-parametric and parametric periodicity estimates", 
           xlab = "intraday period", type = "l", lty = 3)
      legend("topright", c("Parametric", "Non-parametric"), cex = 1.1,
             lty = c(1,3), lwd = 1, bty = "n")
      seas = highfrequency:::diurnalfit(theta = theta, P1 = P1, P2 = P2, intraT = intraT, 
                               dummies = dummies)
      lines(seas, lty = 1)
      return(list(seas, theta))
    else {

diurnalfit = function( theta , P1 , P2 , intraT , dummies=F )
  vi = c(1:intraT) ;  
  M1 = (intraT+1)/2 ; M2 = (2*intraT^2 + 3*intraT + 1)/6;
  # Regressors that do not depend on Day of Week:
  X = c()
    if ( P1 > 0 ){ for( j in 1:P1 ){ X = cbind( X , cos(2*pi*j*vi/intraT) )   }  } 
    ADD = (vi/M1 ) ; X = cbind(X,ADD);
    ADD = (vi^2/M2); X = cbind(X,ADD);
    if ( P2 > 0 ){ ADD= c(); for( j in 1:P2 ){  ADD = cbind( ADD , sin(2*pi*j*vi/intraT)  ) }}; X = cbind( X , ADD ) ; 
    opening = vi-0 ; stdopening = (vi-0)/80 ;
    almond1_opening   = ( 1 - (stdopening)^3 );
    almond2_opening   = ( 1 - (stdopening)^2 )*( opening);
    almond3_opening   = ( 1 - (stdopening)   )*( opening^2);   
    X = cbind(  X, almond1_opening , almond2_opening , almond3_opening   )  ;
    #closing effect
    closing = max(vi)-vi ; stdclosing = (max(vi)-vi)/max(vi) ;
    almond1_closing   = ( 1 - (stdclosing)^3 );
    almond2_closing   = ( 1 - (stdclosing)^2 )*( closing);
    almond3_closing   = ( 1 - (stdclosing)   )*( closing^2);   
    X = cbind(  X, almond1_closing , almond2_closing , almond3_closing   )  ;
    for( d in 1:intraT){
      dummy = rep(0,intraT); dummy[d]=1; 
      X = cbind(X,dummy); 
  # Compute fit
  seas = exp( X%*%matrix(theta,ncol=1) );
  seas = seas/sqrt(mean( seas^2) )    
  return( seas )          

LeeMyklandCV = function( beta = 0.999 , M = 78 )
  # Critical value for Lee-Mykland jump test statistic
  # Based on distribution of Maximum of M absolute normal random variables
  a = function(n){ a1=sqrt(2*log(n)) ; a2= (log(pi)+log(log(n))  )/( 2*sqrt(2*log(n))   ); return(a1-a2)             };
  b = function(n){ return( 1/sqrt(2*log(n) )  ) ; return(b)} ;
  return( -log(-log(beta))*b(M) + a(M)     )

center = function()
  g=function(y){ return( sqrt(2/pi)*exp(y-exp(2*y)/2)  )}
  f=function(y){ return( y*g(y)    )  }
  return( integrate(f,-Inf,Inf)$value )

 ###### end SPOTVOL FUNCTIONS formerly in periodicityTAQ #########

 ###### Liquidity functions formerly in in RTAQ  ######
.check_data = function(data){ 
  # FUNCTION sets column names according to RTAQ format using quantmod conventions, such that all the other functions find the correct information.
  # First step: assign the xts attributes:
  data = set.AllColumns(data);
  # Change column names to previous RTAQ format! 
  # Adjust price col naming:  
  try( (colnames(data)[xtsAttributes(data)[['Price']]] = 'PRICE') );
  # Adjust Bid col naming:    
  try( (colnames(data)[xtsAttributes(data)[['Bid']]] = 'BID') );
  # Adjust Ask col naming:    
  try( (colnames(data)[xtsAttributes(data)[['Ask']]] = 'OFR') );
  # Adjust Ask size col naming:
  try( (colnames(data)[xtsAttributes(data)[['BidSize']]] = 'BIDSIZ') );
  # Adjust Bid size col naming:    
  try( (colnames(data)[xtsAttributes(data)[['AskSize']]] = 'OFRSIZ') );
  # Adjust correction column, if necessary:
  if(any(colnames(data) == "CR")){
    colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "CR"] = "CORR"

qdatacheck = function(qdata){
  if(!is.xts(qdata)){stop("The argument qdata should be an xts object")}
  if(!any(colnames(qdata)=="BID")){stop("The argument qdata should have a column containing the BID. Could not find that column")}
  if(!any(colnames(qdata)=="OFR")){stop("The argument qdata should have a column containing the ASK / OFR. Could not find that column")}

tdatacheck = function(tdata){ 
  if(!is.xts(tdata)){stop("The argument tdata should be an xts object")}
  if(!any(colnames(tdata)=="PRICE")){stop("The argument tdata should have a PRICE column")}

tqdatacheck = function(tqdata){ 
  if(!is.xts(tqdata)){stop("The argument tqdata should be an xts object")}
  if(!any(colnames(tqdata)=="PRICE")){ stop("The argument tqdata should have a column containing the PRICE data. Could not find that column.")}
  if(!any(colnames(tqdata)=="BID")){    stop("The argument tqdata should have a column containing the BID. Could not find that column")}
  if(!any(colnames(tqdata)=="OFR")){    stop("The argument tqdata should have a column containing the ASK / OFR. Could not find that column")}

rdatacheck = function(rdata,multi=FALSE){
  #if(!is.xts(rdata)){stop("The argument rdata should be an xts object")} CAN PERFECTLY BE A MATRIX FOR ALL FUNCTIONS SO FAR...
  if((dim(rdata)[2] < 2) & (multi)){stop("Your rdata object should have at least 2 columns")}

matchTradesQuotes = function(tdata,qdata,adjustment=2){ ##FAST VERSION
  tdata = .check_data(tdata);
  qdata = .check_data(qdata);
  tt = dim(tdata)[2];  
  index(qdata) = index(qdata) + adjustment;
  merged = merge(tdata,qdata);
  ##fill NA's:
  merged[,((tt+1):dim(merged)[2])] = na.locf(as.zoo(merged[,((tt+1):dim(merged)[2])]), na.rm=FALSE);
  #Select trades:
  index(tdata)=  as.POSIXct(index(tdata));
  index(merged)= as.POSIXct(index(merged));  
  merged = merged[index(tdata)];
  #return useful parts:
  #remove duplicated SYMBOL & EX (new)
  eff =  colnames(merged);
  realnames = c("SYMBOL","EX","PRICE","SIZE","COND","CORR","G127","BID","BIDSIZ","OFR","OFRSIZ","MODE");
  condition = (1:length(eff))[eff%in%realnames];
  merged = merged[,condition];
  ##a bit rough but otherwise opening price disappears...
  merged = as.xts(na.locf(as.zoo(merged),fromLast=TRUE));
  index(merged) = as.POSIXct(index(merged));

getTradeDirection = function(tqdata,...){
  if(hasArg(data)){ tqdata = data; rm(data) }
  tqdata = .check_data(tqdata);
  ##Function returns a vector with the inferred trade direction:
  ##NOTE: the value of the first (and second) observation should be ignored if price=midpoint for the first (second) observation.
  bid = as.numeric(tqdata$BID);
  offer = as.numeric(tqdata$OFR);
  midpoints = (bid + offer)/2;
  price = as.numeric(tqdata$PRICE);
  buy1 = price > midpoints; #definitely a buy
  equal = price == midpoints;
  dif1 = c(TRUE,0 < price[2:length(price)]-price[1:(length(price)-1)]);#for trades=midpoints: if uptick=>buy
  equal1 = c(TRUE,0 == price[2:length(price)]-price[1:(length(price)-1)]);#for trades=midpoints: zero-uptick=>buy
  dif2 = c(TRUE,TRUE,0 < price[3:length(price)]-price[1:(length(price)-2)]);
  buy = buy1 | (dif1 & equal) | (equal1 & dif2 & equal);

es = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the effective spread as xts object
  bid = as.numeric(data$BID);
  offer = as.numeric(data$OFR);
  midpoints = (bid + offer)/2;
  price = as.numeric(data$PRICE);
  d = gettradedir(data);

rs = function(data,tdata,qdata){
  data  =  .check_data(data);
  qdata =  .check_data(qdata);
  tdata =  .check_data(tdata);
  ###Function returns the realized spread as an xts object
  #Please note that the returned object can contain less observations that the original "data"
  #because of the need to find quotes that match the trades 5 min ahead
  #data=> xts object containing matched trades and quotes
  #tdata and qdata, the xts object containing the trades and quotes respectively
  ##First part solves the problem that unequal number of obs (in data and data2) is possible when computing the RS
  data2 = matchtq(tdata,qdata,adjustment =300);
    condition = as.vector(as.character(index(data2)))%in%as.vector(as.character(index(data)));
    data2 = subset(data2,condition,select=1:(dim(data)[2]));
    data = subset(data,as.vector(as.character(index(data)))%in%as.vector(as.character(index(data2))),select=1:(dim(data2)[2]));
    condition = as.vector(as.character(index(data)))%in%as.vector(as.character(index(data2)));
    data = subset(data,condition,select=1:(dim(data2)[2]));
    data2 = subset(data2,as.vector(as.character(index(data2)))%in%as.vector(as.character(index(data))),select=1:(dim(data)[2]));
  bid = as.numeric(data2$BID);
  offer = as.numeric(data2$OFR);
  midpoints = (bid + offer)/2;
  price = as.numeric(data$PRICE);
  d = gettradedir(data);
  rs = 2*d*(price-midpoints);
  rs_xts = xts(rs,order.by=index(data));

value_trade = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the trade value as xts object
  price = as.numeric(data$PRICE);
  size = as.numeric(data$SIZE);
  value = xts(price*size,order.by=index(data));

signed_value_trade = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the signed trade value as xts object
  price = as.numeric(data$PRICE);
  size = as.numeric(data$SIZE);
  d = gettradedir(data);
  value = xts(d*price*size,order.by=index(data));

signed_trade_size = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the signed size of the trade as xts object
  size = as.numeric(data$SIZE);
  d = gettradedir(data);
  value = xts(d*size,order.by=index(data));

di_diff = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the depth imbalance (as a difference) as xts object
  bidsize = as.numeric(data$BIDSIZ);
  offersize = as.numeric(data$OFRSIZ);
  d = gettradedir(data);
  di = (d*(offersize-bidsize))/(offersize+bidsize);
  di_xts = xts(di,order.by=index(data));

di_div = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the depth imbalance (as a ratio) as xts object
  bidsize = as.numeric(data$BIDSIZ);
  offersize = as.numeric(data$OFRSIZ);
  d = gettradedir(data);
  di = (offersize/bidsize)^d;
  di_xts = xts(di,order.by=index(data));

pes = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the Proportional Effective Spread as xts object
  es = es(data);
  bid = as.numeric(data$BID);
  offer = as.numeric(data$OFR);
  midpoints = (bid + offer)/2;
  pes = es/midpoints
  pes_xts = xts(pes,order.by=index(data));

prs = function(data,tdata,qdata){
  data  = .check_data(data);
  tdata = .check_data(tdata);
  qdata = .check_data(qdata);
  #returns the Proportional Realized Spread as xts object
  rs = rs(data,tdata,qdata);
  bid = as.numeric(data$BID);
  offer = as.numeric(data$OFR);
  midpoints = (bid + offer)/2;
  prs = rs/midpoints
  prs_xts = xts(prs,order.by=index(data));

price_impact = function(data,tdata,qdata){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the Price impact as xts object
  rs = rs(data,tdata,qdata);
  es = es(data);
  pi = (es-rs)/2;
  pi_xts = xts(pi,order.by=index(data));

prop_price_impact = function(data,tdata,qdata){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the Proportional Price impact as xts object
  rs = rs(data,tdata,qdata);
  es = es(data);
  bid = as.numeric(data$BID);
  offer = as.numeric(data$OFR);
  midpoints = (bid + offer)/2;
  prop_pi = ((es-rs)/2)/midpoints;
  prop_pi_xts = xts(prop_pi,order.by=index(data));

tspread = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the half traded spread as xts object
  bid = as.numeric(data$BID);
  offer = as.numeric(data$OFR);
  midpoints = (bid + offer)/2;
  price = as.numeric(data$PRICE);
  d = gettradedir(data);
  ts = xts(d*(price-midpoints),order.by=index(data));

pts = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the proportional half traded spread as xts object
  bid = as.numeric(data$BID);
  offer = as.numeric(data$OFR);
  midpoints = (bid + offer)/2;
  price = as.numeric(data$PRICE);
  d = gettradedir(data);
  pts = (d*(price-midpoints))/midpoints;
  pts_xts = xts(pts,order.by=index(data));

p_return_sqr = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the squared log return on Trade prices as xts object
  price = as.numeric(data$PRICE);
  return = c(0,log(price[2:length(price)])-log(price[1:length(price)-1]));
  sqr_return = return^2;
  sqr_return_xts = xts(sqr_return,order.by=index(data));

qs = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the quoted spread as xts object
  bid = as.numeric(data$BID);
  offer = as.numeric(data$OFR);
  qs = offer-bid;
  qs_xts = xts(qs,order.by=index(data));

pqs = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the proportional quoted spread as xts object
  bid = as.numeric(data$BID);
  offer = as.numeric(data$OFR);
  midpoints = (bid + offer)/2;
  qs = offer-bid;
  pqs = qs/midpoints;
  pqs_xts = xts(pqs,order.by=index(data));

logqs = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the logarithm of the quoted spread as xts object
  bid = as.numeric(data$BID);
  offer = as.numeric(data$OFR);
  logqs = log(offer/bid);
  logqs_xts = xts(logqs,order.by=index(data));

logsize = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the log quoted size as xts object
  bidsize = as.numeric(data$BIDSIZ);
  offersize = as.numeric(data$OFRSIZ);
  logsize = log(bidsize)+log(offersize);
  logsize_xts = xts(logsize,order.by=index(data));

qslope = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the quoted slope as xts object
  logsize = logsize(data);
  qs = qs(data);
  qslope = qs/logsize;
  qslope_xts = xts(qslope,order.by=index(data));

logqslope = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns the log quoted slope as xts object
  logqs = logqs(data);
  logsize = logsize(data);
  logqslope = logqs/logsize;
  logqslope_xts = xts(logqslope,order.by=index(data));

mq_return_sqr = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns midquote squared returns slope as xts object
  mq_return = mq_return(data);
  mq_return_sqr = mq_return^2;
  mq_return_sqr_xts = xts(mq_return_sqr,order.by=index(data));

mq_return_abs = function(data){ 
  data = .check_data(data);
  #returns absolute midquote returns slope as xts object
  mq_return = mq_return(data);
  mq_return_abs = abs(mq_return);
  mq_return_abs_xts = xts(mq_return_abs,order.by=index(data));

tqLiquidity <- function(tqdata=NULL,tdata=NULL,qdata=NULL,type,...) {
  if(hasArg(data)){ tqdata = data }
                es = es(tqdata),
                rs = rs(tqdata,tdata,qdata),
                value_trade = value_trade(tqdata),
                signed_value_trade = signed_value_trade(tqdata),
                di_diff = di_diff(tqdata),
                pes = pes(tqdata),
                prs = prs(tqdata,tdata,qdata),
                price_impact = price_impact(tqdata,tdata,qdata),
                prop_price_impact = prop_price_impact(tqdata,tdata,qdata),
                tspread = tspread(tqdata),
                pts = pts(tqdata),
                p_return_sqr = p_return_sqr(tqdata),
                p_return_abs = p_return_abs(tqdata),
                qs = qs(tqdata),
                pqs = pqs(tqdata),
                logqs = logqs(tqdata),
                logsize = logsize(tqdata),
                qslope = qslope(tqdata),
                logqslope = logqslope(tqdata),
                mq_return_sqr = mq_return_sqr(tqdata),
                mq_return_abs = mq_return_abs(tqdata),
                signed_trade_size = signed_trade_size(tqdata)

mq_return = function(data){
  data = .check_data(data);
  #function returns the midquote logreturns as xts object
  bid = as.numeric(data$BID);
  offer = as.numeric(data$OFR);
  midpoints = (bid + offer)/2;
  mq_return = c(0,log(midpoints[2:length(midpoints)])-log(midpoints[1:length(midpoints)-1]));
  mq_return_xts = xts(mq_return,order.by=index(data));

p_return_abs <- function (data)
  price = as.numeric(data$PRICE)
  return = c(0, log(price[2:length(price)]) - log(price[1:length(price) -
  abs_return = abs(return)
  abs_return_xts = xts(abs_return, order.by = index(data))

### Backwards compatibility for RTAQ functions ####
 gettradedir = function(...){getTradeDirection(...)};                      
 matchtq = function(...){matchTradesQuotes(...)};                          

##################### Total cleanup functions formerly in RTAQ ################################

tradesCleanup = function(from,to,datasource,datadestination,ticker,exchanges,tdataraw=NULL,report=TRUE,selection="median",...){
  nresult = rep(0, 5)
  if(!is.list(exchanges)){ exchanges = as.list(exchanges)}
  if (is.null(tdataraw)) {
    dates = timeDate::timeSequence(from, to, format = "%Y-%m-d")
    dates = dates[timeDate::isBizday(dates, holidays=timeDate::holidayNYSE(1960:2040))]
    for (j in 1:length(dates)) {
      datasourcex = paste(datasource, "/", dates[j], sep = "")
      datadestinationx = paste(datadestination, "/", dates[j], sep = "")
      for (i in 1:length(ticker)) {
        dataname = paste(ticker[i], "_trades.RData", sep = "");
        if(file.exists(paste(datasourcex, "/", dataname, sep = ""))){
          load(paste(datasourcex, "/", dataname, sep = ""))
          if (class(tdata)[1] != "try-error") {            
            exchange = exchanges[[i]]            
              tdata = .check_data(tdata);
              nresult[1] = nresult[1] + dim(tdata)[1]
              tdata = try(nozeroprices(tdata))
              nresult[2] = nresult[2] + dim(tdata)[1];
              tdata = try(selectexchange(tdata, exch = exchange))
              nresult[3] = nresult[3] + dim(tdata)[1]
              tdata = try(salescond(tdata))
              nresult[4] = nresult[4] + dim(tdata)[1]
              tdata = try(mergeTradesSameTimestamp(tdata, selection = selection))
              nresult[5] = nresult[5] + dim(tdata)[1];
            save(tdata, file = paste(datadestinationx,"/", dataname, sep = ""))
          if (class(tdata) == "try-error") {
            abc = 1
            save(abc, file = paste(datadestinationx, "/missing_", 
                                   ticker[i], ".RData", sep = ""))
    if (report == TRUE) {
      names(nresult) = c("initial number", "no zero prices", 
                         "select exchange", "sales condition", "merge same timestamp")
  if (!is.null(tdataraw)) {
    if (class(tdataraw)[1] != "try-error") {
      if (length(exchanges) > 1) {
        print("The argument exchanges contains more than 1 element. Please select a single exchange, in case you provide tdataraw.")
      exchange = exchanges[[1]];
      tdata = tdataraw
        tdata = .check_data(tdata);
        nresult[1] = nresult[1] + dim(tdata)[1]
        tdata = try(nozeroprices(tdata))
        nresult[2] = nresult[2] + dim(tdata)[1];
        tdata = try(selectexchange(tdata, exch = exchange))
        nresult[3] = nresult[3] + dim(tdata)[1]
        tdata = try(salescond(tdata))
        nresult[4] = nresult[4] + dim(tdata)[1]
        tdata = try(mergeTradesSameTimestamp(tdata, selection = selection))
        nresult[5] = nresult[5] + dim(tdata)[1];
      if (report == TRUE) {
        names(nresult) = c("initial number", "no zero prices", 
                           "select exchange", "sales condition", "merge same timestamp")
        return(list(tdata = tdata, report = nresult))
      if (report != TRUE) {

quotesCleanup = function(from,to,datasource,datadestination,ticker,exchanges, qdataraw=NULL,report=TRUE,selection="median",maxi=50,window=50,type="advanced",rmoutliersmaxi=10,...){
  nresult = rep(0,7);
    dates = timeDate::timeSequence(from,to, format = "%Y-%m-%d", FinCenter = "GMT");
    dates = dates[timeDate::isBizday(dates, holidays = timeDate::holidayNYSE(2004:2010))];
    for(j in 1:length(dates)){
      datasourcex = paste(datasource,"/",dates[j],sep="");
      datadestinationx = paste(datadestination,"/",dates[j],sep="");
      for(i in 1:length(ticker)){
        dataname = paste(ticker[i],"_quotes.RData",sep="");
          exchange = exchanges[i];  
          qdata = .check_data(qdata); nresult[1] = nresult[1]+dim(qdata)[1];
          ##actual clean-up:
          qdata = try(nozeroquotes(qdata)); nresult[2] = nresult[2]+dim(qdata)[1];
          qdata = try(selectexchange(qdata,exch=exchange)); nresult[3] = nresult[3]+dim(qdata)[1];
          ##quote specific:
          qdata = try(rmnegspread(qdata)); nresult[4] = nresult[4]+dim(qdata)[1];
          qdata = try(rmlargespread(qdata,maxi=maxi)); nresult[5] = nresult[5]+dim(qdata)[1];
          qdata = try(mergequotessametimestamp(qdata,selection=selection)); nresult[6] = nresult[6]+dim(qdata)[1];
          qdata = try(rmoutliers(qdata,maxi=rmoutliersmaxi,window=window,type=type)); nresult[7] = nresult[7]+dim(qdata)[1];
          save(qdata, file = paste(datadestinationx,"/",dataname,sep=""));
          save(abc, file = paste(datadestinationx,"/missingquotes_",ticker[i],".RData",sep=""));
      if(length(exchanges)>1){print("The argument exchanges contains more than 1 element. Please select a single exchange, in case you provide qdataraw.")}
        qdata = qdataraw; rm(qdataraw) 
        qdata = .check_data(qdata); nresult[1] = nresult[1]+dim(qdata)[1];
        ##actual clean-up:
        qdata = try(nozeroquotes(qdata));                                           nresult[2] = nresult[2]+dim(qdata)[1];
        qdata = try(selectexchange(qdata,exch=exchange));                           nresult[3] = nresult[3]+dim(qdata)[1];
        ##quote specific:
        qdata = try(rmnegspread(qdata));                                            nresult[4] = nresult[4]+dim(qdata)[1];
        qdata = try(rmlargespread(qdata,maxi=maxi));                                nresult[5] = nresult[5]+dim(qdata)[1];
        qdata = try(mergequotessametimestamp(qdata,selection=selection));           nresult[6] = nresult[6]+dim(qdata)[1];
        qdata = try(rmoutliers(qdata,maxi=rmoutliersmaxi,window=window,type=type)); nresult[7] = nresult[7]+dim(qdata)[1];
          names(nresult) = c("initial number","no zero quotes","select exchange",
                             "remove negative spread","remove large spread","merge same timestamp","remove outliers");

tradesCleanupFinal = function(from,to,datasource,datadestination,ticker,tdata=NULL,qdata=NULL,...){
    dates = timeDate::timeSequence(from,to, format = "%Y-%m-%d", FinCenter = "GMT");
    dates = dates[timeDate::isBizday(dates, holidays = timeDate::holidayNYSE(2004:2010))];
    for(j in 1:length(dates)){
      datasourcex = paste(datasource,"/",dates[j],sep="");
      datadestinationx = paste(datadestination,"/",dates[j],sep="");
      for(i in 1:length(ticker)){
        dataname = paste(ticker[i],"_trades.RData",sep="");
        dataname2 = paste(ticker[i],"_quotes.RData",sep="");
        # Missing file??
        m1 = paste(datasourcex,"/missing_",ticker[i],".RData",sep="");
        m2 = paste(datasourcex,"/missingquotes_",ticker[i],".RData",sep="");
        miscondition = file.exists(m1)|file.exists(m1);
        a=FALSE;#check whether tried to clean
          # load trades and quotes
          tdata = .check_data(tdata);
          qdata = .check_data(qdata);
          #1 cleaning procedure that needs cleaned trades and quotes
          tdata = try(rmtradeoutliers(tdata,qdata));
          save(tdata, file = paste(datadestinationx,"/",dataname,sep=""));
        if(miscondition|a)  {
          save(abc, file = paste(datadestinationx,"/missing_",ticker[i],".RData",sep=""));
    tdata = .check_data(tdata);
    qdata = .check_data(qdata);
    #1 cleaning procedure that needs cleaned trades and quotes
    tdata = try(rmtradeoutliers(tdata,qdata));

##################### Specific cleanup functions formerly in RTAQ ################################
## Help functions : 
## Help function to make all time notation consistent
adjtime = function(z){ 
  zz = unlist(strsplit(z,":")); 

period.apply3 = function (x, INDEX, FUN, ...) 
  #small adaptation of the xts - function which experiences some troubles in multidimensional setting
  x <- try.xts(x, error = FALSE)
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  xx <- sapply(1:(length(INDEX) - 1), function(y) {
    FUN(x[(INDEX[y] + 1):INDEX[y + 1]], ...)
  if (is.vector(xx)) 
    xx <- t(xx)
  xx <- t(xx)
  reclass(xx, x[INDEX])

########## DATA CLEAN-UP: FOR ALL DATA #####################

exchangeHoursOnly = function(data, daybegin = "09:30:00",dayend="16:00:00")
  data = .check_data(data);
  # a function to excerpt data within exchange trading hours
  # daybegin and dayend: two characters in the format of "HH:MM:SS",
  #                specifying the starting hour and minute and sec of an exhange
  #               trading day and the closing hour and minute and sec
  #                   of the trading day repectively
  if(!is(data, "xts"))
    stop("data must be an xts object")
  gettime = function(z){unlist(strsplit(as.character(z)," "))[2]};
  times1 = as.matrix(as.vector(as.character(index(data))));
  times = apply(times1,1,gettime); 
  tdtimes = as.POSIXct(times,format = "%H:%M:%S",tz = "GMT");
  #create timeDate begin and end
  tddaybegin = as.POSIXct( daybegin,format = "%H:%M:%S", tz="GMT");
  tddayend =   as.POSIXct( dayend,format = "%H:%M:%S",   tz="GMT");
  #select correct observations
  filteredts = data[tdtimes>=tddaybegin & tdtimes<=tddayend];

noZeroPrices = function(tdata){
  tdata = .check_data(tdata);
  filteredts = tdata[as.numeric(tdata$PRICE)!= 0];

selectExchange = function(data,exch="N"){ 
  data = .check_data(data);
  #filteredts = data[data$EX==exch];
  filteredts = data[is.element(data$EX , exch)]

autoSelectExchangeTrades = function(tdata){
  tdata = .check_data(tdata);
  #function returns ts with obs of only 1 exchange
  #searches exchange with a maximum on the variable "SIZE"
  exchanges = c("Q","A","P","B","C","N","D","X","I","M","W","Z");
  exchangenames = c("NASDAQ","AMEX","ARCA","Boston","NSX","NYSE","NASD ADF and TRF","Philadelphia","ISE","Chicago","CBOE","BATS");
  z1 = sum(as.numeric(selectexchange(tdata,"Q")$SIZE));
  z2 = sum(as.numeric(selectexchange(tdata,"T")$SIZE));
  z = max(z1,z2);
  watchout = z == z2;
  nobs = cbind(nobs,z);
  for(i in 2:length(exchanges)) {
    z = sum(as.numeric(selectexchange(tdata,exchanges[i])$SIZE));
    nobs = cbind(nobs,z); 
  exch = exchanges[max(nobs)==nobs];
  as.character(tdata$EX[1]) == exchanges;
  namechosen = exchangenames[exch==exchanges];
  print(paste("The information of the",namechosen,"exchange was collected"));
  filteredtdata = tdata[tdata$EX==exch];

##### TRADE DATA SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS: ###################################

# Zivot
salesCondition <- function (tdata)
  filteredts = tdata[tdata$COND == "0" | tdata$COND == "E" |
    tdata$COND == "F" | tdata$COND == "" | tdata$COND == "@F"]

##Merge same timestamp:
sumN = function(a){
  a = sum(as.numeric(a));

medianN = function(a){
  a = median(as.numeric(a));

maxvol = function(a){
  p = as.numeric(a[,1]);
  s = as.numeric(a[,2]);
  b = median(p[s == max(s)]);

waverage = function(a){
  p = as.numeric(a[,1]);
  s = as.numeric(a[,2]);
  b = sum(p*s/sum(s));

mergeTradesSameTimestamp = function (tdata, selection = "median") 
  tdata = .check_data(tdata)
  ep = endpoints(tdata, "secs")
  size = period.apply(tdata$SIZE, ep, sumN)
  if (selection == "median") {
    price = period.apply3(tdata$PRICE, ep, medianN)
  if (selection == "maxvolume") {
    price = period.apply3(cbind(tdata$PRICE, tdata$SIZE), 
                          ep, maxvol)
  if (selection == "weightedaverage") {
    price = period.apply3(cbind(tdata$PRICE, tdata$SIZE), 
                          ep, waverage)
  selection = ep[2:length(ep)]
  tdata2 = tdata[selection]
  tdata2$PRICE = price
  tdata2$SIZE = size

rmTradeOutliers = function(tdata,qdata){
  tdata = .check_data(tdata);
  qdata = .check_data(qdata);
  ##Function to delete entries with prices that are above the ask plus the bid-ask
  ##spread. Similar for entries with prices below the bid minus the bid-ask
  data = matchtq(tdata,qdata);
  price = as.numeric(data$PRICE);
  bid = as.numeric(data$BID);
  offer = as.numeric(data$OFR);
  spread = offer - bid;
  upper = offer+spread;
  lower = bid-spread;
  tdata = tdata[(price<upper) & (price>lower)];

#################       QUOTE SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS:       #################

noZeroQuotes = function(qdata){
  qdata = .check_data(qdata);  
  filteredts = qdata[as.numeric(qdata$BID)!= 0& as.numeric(qdata$OFR)!= 0];

autoSelectExchangeQuotes = function(qdata){
  qdata = .check_data(qdata);
  ####Autoselect exchange with highest value for (bidsize+offersize)
  exchanges = c("Q","A","P","B","C","N","D","X","I","M","W","Z");
  exchangenames = c("NASDAQ","AMEX","ARCA","Boston","NSX","NYSE","NASD ADF and TRF","Philadelphia","ISE","Chicago","CBOE","BATS");
  selected1 = selectexchange(qdata,"Q");
  selected2 = selectexchange(qdata,"T");
  z1 = sum(as.numeric(selected1$BIDSIZ)+as.numeric(selected1$OFRSIZ));
  z2 = sum(as.numeric(selected2$BIDSIZ)+as.numeric(selected2$OFRSIZ));
  z = max(z1,z2);
  watchout = z == z2;
  nobs = cbind(nobs,z);
  for(i in 2:length(exchanges)) {
    selected = selectexchange(qdata,exchanges[i]);
    z = sum(as.numeric(selected$BIDSIZ)+as.numeric(selected$OFRSIZ));
    nobs = cbind(nobs,z); 
  namechosen = exchangenames[exch==exchanges];  
  print(paste("The information of the",namechosen,"exchange was collected"));
  filteredts = qdata[qdata$EX==exch];

mergeQuotesSameTimestamp = function (qdata, selection = "median") 
  qdata = .check_data(qdata)
  condition = selection == "median" | selection == "maxvolume" | 
    selection == "weightedaverage"
  if (!condition) {
    print(paste("WARNING:The result will be corrupted. Check whether", 
                selection, "is an existing option for the attribute selection."))
  ep = endpoints(qdata, "secs")
  bidsize = period.apply(qdata$BIDSIZ, ep, sumN)
  offersize = period.apply(qdata$OFRSIZ, ep, sumN)
  if (selection == "median") {
    bid = period.apply(qdata$BID, ep, medianN)
    offer = period.apply(qdata$OFR, ep, medianN)
  if (selection == "maxvolume") {
    bid = period.apply3(cbind(qdata$BID, qdata$BIDSIZ), ep, 
    offer = period.apply3(cbind(qdata$OFR, qdata$OFRSIZ), 
                          ep, maxvol)
  if (selection == "weightedaverage") {
    bid = period.apply3(cbind(qdata$BID, qdata$BIDSIZ), ep, 
    offer = period.apply3(cbind(qdata$OFR, qdata$OFRSIZ), 
                          ep, waverage)
  selection = ep[2:length(ep)]
  ts2 = qdata[selection]
  ts2$BID = bid
  ts2$OFR = offer
  ts2$BIDSIZ = bidsize
  ts2$OFRSIZ = offersize

rmNegativeSpread = function(qdata){
  qdata = .check_data(qdata);
  ##function to remove observations with negative spread
  condition = as.numeric(qdata$OFR)>as.numeric(qdata$BID);

rmLargeSpread = function(qdata,maxi=50){
  qdata = .check_data(qdata);  
  ##function to remove observations with a spread larger than 50 times the median spread that day
  ###WATCH OUT: works only correct if supplied input data consists of 1 day...
  spread = as.numeric(qdata$OFR)-as.numeric(qdata$BID);
  condition = ((maxi*median(spread))>spread);

rmOutliers = function (qdata, maxi = 10, window = 50, type = "advanced")
  qdata = .check_data(qdata);
  ##function to remove entries for which the mid-quote deviated by more than 10 median absolute deviations 
  ##from a rolling centered median (excluding the observation under consideration) of 50 observations if type = "standard".
  ##if type="advanced":
  ##function removes entries for which the mid-quote deviates by more than 10 median absolute deviations
  ##from the variable "mediani".
  ##mediani is defined as the value closest to the midquote of these three options:
  ##1. Rolling centered median (excluding the observation under consideration)
  ##2. Rolling median of the following "window" observations
  ##3. Rolling median of the previous "window" observations
  ##NOTE: Median Absolute deviation chosen contrary to Barndorff-Nielsen et al.
  window = floor(window/2) * 2
  condition = c();
  halfwindow = window/2;
  midquote = as.vector(as.numeric(qdata$BID) + as.numeric(qdata$OFR))/2;
  mad_all = mad(midquote);
  midquote = zoo(midquote,order.by = index(qdata))
  if (mad_all == 0) {
    m = as.vector(as.numeric(midquote))
    s = c(TRUE, (m[2:length(m)] - m[1:(length(m) - 1)] != 
    mad_all = mad(as.numeric(midquote[s]))
  medianw = function(midquote, n = window) {
    m = floor(n/2) + 1
    q = median(c(midquote[1:(m - 1)], midquote[(m + 1):(n + 
  if (type == "standard") {
    meds = as.numeric(rollapply(midquote, width = (window + 
      1), FUN = medianw, align = "center"))
  if (type == "advanced") {
    advancedperrow = function(qq) {
      diff = abs(qq[1:3] - qq[4])
      select = min(diff) == diff
      value = qq[select]
      if (length(value) > 1) {
        value = median(value)
    n = length(midquote)
    allmatrix = matrix(rep(0, 4 * n), ncol = 4)
    median2 = function(a) {
    standardmed = as.numeric(rollapply(midquote, width = (window), 
                                       FUN = median2, align = "center"))
    allmatrix[(halfwindow + 1):(n - halfwindow), 1] = as.numeric(rollapply(midquote, 
                                                                           width = (window + 1), FUN = medianw, align = "center"))
    allmatrix[(1:(n - window)), 2] = standardmed[2:length(standardmed)]
    allmatrix[(window + 1):(n), 3] = standardmed[1:(length(standardmed) - 
    allmatrix[, 4] = midquote
    meds = apply(allmatrix, 1, advancedperrow)[(halfwindow + 
      1):(n - halfwindow)]
  midquote = as.numeric(midquote);
  maxcriterion = meds + maxi * mad_all
  mincriterion = meds - maxi * mad_all
  condition = mincriterion < midquote[(halfwindow + 1):(length(midquote) - 
    halfwindow)] & midquote[(halfwindow + 1):(length(midquote) - 
    halfwindow)] < maxcriterion
  condition = c(rep(TRUE, halfwindow), condition, rep(TRUE, 

# Zivot : 
correctedTrades <- function (tdata){ 
  filteredts = tdata[tdata$CR == " 0"];

autoselectexchange = function(...){autoSelectExchangeTrades(...)};        
autoselectexchangeq = function(...){autoSelectExchangeQuotes(...)};       
ExchangeHoursOnly = function(...){exchangeHoursOnly(...)};                
mergequotessametimestamp = function(...){mergeQuotesSameTimestamp(...)};  
mergesametimestamp = function(...){mergeTradesSameTimestamp(...)};        
nozeroprices = function(...){noZeroPrices(...)};                          
nozeroquotes = function(...){noZeroQuotes(...)};                          
rmlargespread = function(...){rmLargeSpread(...)};                        
rmnegspread = function(...){rmNegativeSpread(...)};                       
rmoutliers = function(...){rmOutliers(...)};                              
rmtradeoutliers = function(...){rmTradeOutliers(...)};                    
salescond = function(...){salesCondition(...)};                           
selectexchange = function(...){selectExchange(...)};                      

####### Aggregation functions that were formerly in RTAQ ######################

previoustick = function(a){
  a = as.vector(a);
  b = a[length(a)];

weightedaverage = function(a){
  aa = as.vector(as.numeric(a[,1]));
  bb = as.vector(as.numeric(a[,2]));
  c = weighted.mean(aa,bb);

period.apply2 = function (x, INDEX, FUN2, ...) 
  x <- try.xts(x, error = FALSE)
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN2)
  xx <- sapply(1:(length(INDEX) - 1), function(y) {
    FUN(x[(INDEX[y] + 1):INDEX[y + 1]], ...)
  reclass(xx, x[INDEX])

aggregatets = function (ts, FUN = "previoustick", on = "minutes", k = 1, weights = NULL, 
                        dropna = FALSE) 
  tz = indexTZ(ts)
  if(tz=="" | is.null(tz)){tz="GMT"}
  makethispartbetter = ((!is.null(weights)) | on == "days" | 
                          on == "weeks" | (FUN != "previoustick") | dropna)
  if (makethispartbetter) {
    FUN = match.fun(FUN)
    if (is.null(weights)) {
      ep = endpoints(ts, on, k)
      if (dim(ts)[2] == 1) {
        ts2 = period.apply(ts, ep, FUN)
      if (dim(ts)[2] > 1) {
        ts2 = xts(apply(ts, 2, FUN = period.apply2, FUN2 = FUN, 
                        INDEX = ep), order.by = index(ts)[ep], )
    if (!is.null(weights)) {
      tsb = cbind(ts, weights)
      ep = endpoints(tsb, on, k)
      ts2 = period.apply(tsb, ep, FUN = match.fun(weightedaverage))
    if (on == "minutes" | on == "mins" | on == "secs" | on == 
          "seconds") {
      if (on == "minutes" | on == "mins") {
        secs = k * 60
      if (on == "secs" | on == "seconds") {
        secs = k
      a = .index(ts2) + (secs - .index(ts2)%%secs)
      ts3 = .xts(ts2, a, tzone = tz)
    if (on == "hours") {
      secs = 3600
      a = .index(ts2) + (secs - .index(ts2)%%secs)
      ts3 = .xts(ts2, a, tzone = tz)
    if (on == "days") {
      secs = 24 * 3600
      a = .index(ts2) + (secs - .index(ts2)%%secs) - (24 * 
      ts3 = .xts(ts2, a, tzone = tz)
    if (on == "weeks") {
      secs = 24 * 3600 * 7
      a = (.index(ts2) + (secs - (.index(ts2) + (3L * 86400L))%%secs)) - 
        (24 * 3600)
      ts3 = .xts(ts2, a, tzone = tz)
    if (!dropna) {
      if (on != "weeks" | on != "days") {
        if (on == "secs" | on == "seconds") {
          tby = "s"
        if (on == "mins" | on == "minutes") {
          tby = "min"
        if (on == "hours") {
          tby = "h"
        by = paste(k, tby, sep = " ")
        allindex = as.POSIXct(base::seq(start(ts3), end(ts3), 
                                        by = by))
        xx = xts(rep("1", length(allindex)), order.by = allindex)
        ts3 = merge(ts3, xx)[, (1:dim(ts)[2])]
    index(ts3) = as.POSIXct(index(ts3))
  if (!makethispartbetter) {
    if (on == "secs" | on == "seconds") {
      secs = k
      tby = paste(k, "sec", sep = " ")
    if (on == "mins" | on == "minutes") {
      secs = 60 * k
      tby = paste(60 * k, "sec", sep = " ")
    if (on == "hours") {
      secs = 3600 * k
      tby = paste(3600 * k, "sec", sep = " ")
    FUN = match.fun(FUN)
    g = base::seq(start(ts), end(ts), by = tby)
    rawg = as.numeric(as.POSIXct(g, tz = tz))
    newg = rawg + (secs - rawg%%secs)
    g = as.POSIXct(newg, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = tz)
    ts3 = na.locf(merge(ts, zoo(, g)))[as.POSIXct(g, tz = tz)]

#PRICE (specificity: opening price and previoustick)

aggregatePrice = function (ts, FUN = "previoustick", on = "minutes", k = 1,marketopen="09:30:00",marketclose = "16:00:00") 
  tz = indexTZ(ts)
  if(tz=="" | is.null(tz)){tz="GMT"}
  ts2 = aggregatets(ts, FUN = FUN, on, k)
  date = strsplit(as.character(index(ts)), " ")[[1]][1]
  a = as.POSIXct(paste(date, marketopen),tz=tz)
  b = as.xts(matrix(as.numeric(ts[1]),nrow=1), a)
  ts3 = c(b, ts2)
  aa = as.POSIXct(paste(date, marketclose),tz=tz)
  condition = index(ts3) < aa
  ts3 = ts3[condition]
  bb = as.xts(matrix(as.numeric(last(ts)),nrow=1), aa)
  ts3 = c(ts3, bb)

#VOLUME: (specificity: always sum)
agg_volume= function(ts, FUN = "sumN", on = "minutes", k = 5, includeopen = FALSE,marketopen="09:30:00",marketclose="16:00:00") 
  tz = indexTZ(ts)
  if(tz=="" | is.null(tz)){tz="GMT"}
  if (!includeopen) {
    ts3 = aggregatets(ts, FUN = FUN, on, k)
  if (includeopen) {
    ts2 = aggregatets(ts, FUN = FUN, on, k)
    date = strsplit(as.character(index(ts)), " ")[[1]][1]
    a = as.POSIXct(paste(date, marketopen),tz=tz)
    b = as.xts(matrix(as.numeric(ts[1]),nrow=1), a)
    ts3 = c(b, ts2)
  aa = as.POSIXct(paste(date, marketclose),tz=tz)
  condition = index(ts3) < aa
  ts4 = ts3[condition]
  lastinterval = matrix(colSums(matrix(ts3[!condition],ncol=dim(ts3)[2])),ncol=dim(ts3)[2])
  bb = xts(lastinterval, aa)
  ts4 = c(ts4, bb)

aggregateTrades =  function (tdata, on = "minutes", k = 5,marketopen="09:30:00",marketclose="16:00:00") 
  tdata = .check_data(tdata)
  ## Aggregates an entire trades xts object (tdata) over a "k"-minute interval.
  ## Returned xts-object contains: SYMBOL,EX,PRICE,SIZE.
  ## Variables COND, CORR, G127 are dropped because aggregating them makes no sense.
  ## NOTE: first observation (opening price) always included.
  selection = colnames(tdata)%in%c("PRICE","EX","SYMBOL");
  tdata1 = tdata[,selection];
  PRICE = aggregatePrice(tdata$PRICE,on=on,k=k,marketopen=marketopen,marketclose=marketclose);
  SIZE = agg_volume(tdata$SIZE, on = on, k = k, includeopen = TRUE,marketopen=marketopen,marketclose=marketclose)
  EX = rep(tdata$EX[1], length(PRICE));
  SYMBOL = rep(tdata$SYMBOL[1], length(PRICE));
  all = data.frame(SYMBOL, EX, PRICE, SIZE);
  colnames(all) = c("SYMBOL", "EX", "PRICE", "SIZE");
  ts = xts(all, index(SIZE));

aggregateQuotes = function(qdata,on="minutes",k=5,marketopen="09:30:00",marketclose="16:00:00"){
  qdata = .check_data(qdata);
  ## Aggregates an entire quotes xts object (qdata) object over a "k"-minute interval.
  ## Returned xts-object contains: SYMBOL,EX,BID,BIDSIZ,OFR,OFRSIZ.
  ## Variable MODE is dropped because aggregation makes no sense.
  ## "includeopen" determines whether to include the exact opening quotes.
  BIDOFR = aggregatePrice(cbind(qdata$BID,qdata$OFR),on=on,k=k,marketopen=marketopen,marketclose=marketclose);
  BIDOFRSIZ = agg_volume(cbind(qdata$BIDSIZ,qdata$OFRSIZ),on=on,k=k,includeopen=TRUE,marketopen=marketopen,marketclose=marketclose);
  EX = rep(qdata$EX[1],dim(BIDOFR)[1]);
  SYMBOL = rep(qdata$SYMBOL[1],dim(BIDOFR)[1]);
  all = data.frame(SYMBOL,EX,BIDOFR[,1],BIDOFRSIZ[,1],BIDOFR[,2],BIDOFRSIZ[,2]);
  colnames(all) =c("SYMBOL","EX","BID","BIDSIZ","OFR","OFRSIZ");
  ts = xts(all,index(BIDOFR));

# Likelihood for HEAVY volatility model of Shephard and Sheppard 
# Code is R-translation by Jonathan Cornelissen of matlab code of http://www.kevinsheppard.com/wiki/MFE_Toolbox
# by: kevin.sheppard@economics.ox.ac.uk

#  [LL,LLS,H] = heavy_likelihood(PARAMETERS,DATA,P,Q,BACKCAST,LB,UB)

#   PARAMETERS  - A vector with K+sum(sum(P))+sum(sum(Q)) elements. 
#    DATA       - A T by K vector of non-negative data.  Returns should be squared before using
#    P          - A K by K matrix containing the lag length of model innovations.  Position (i,j)
#                   indicates the number of lags of series j in the model for series i
#    Q          - A K by K matrix containing the lag length of conditional variances.  Position (i,j)
#                   indicates the number of lags of series j in the model for series i
#    BACKCAST   - A 1 by K matrix of values to use fo rback casting
#    LB         - A 1 by K matrix of volatility lower bounds to use in estimation
#    UB         - A 1 by K matrix of volatility upper bounds to use in estimation
#    LL          - The log likelihood evaluated at the PARAMETERS
#    LLS         - A T by 1 vector of log-likelihoods
#    HT          - A T by K matrix of conditional variances

# In contrast to Sheppards code, I make a list for parameters (easier interpretation)
#NOTE # the parameter list has three items: O, A and B
# O is a matrix (K by 1), A and B items are (K by K) matrices

heavyModel = function(data, p=matrix( c(0,0,1,1),ncol=2 ), q=matrix( c(1,0,0,1),ncol=2 ), 
                      startingvalues = NULL, LB = NULL, UB = NULL, 
                      backcast = NULL, compconst = FALSE){
  K = dim(p)[2];
  # Set lower and upper-bound if not specified:
  if( is.null(LB) ){ LB = rep(0,K)   }
  if( is.null(UB) ){ UB = rep(Inf,K) }
  # Assign starting values if necessary:
  if( is.null(startingvalues) ){  #Very very naive, to adjust later
    startingvalues = rep(NA,K+sum(p)+sum(q));
    startingvalues[1:K] = 0.1;
    start = K+1; end = K+sum(p);
    startingvalues[start:end] = 0.3;
    start = end+1; end = start+sum(q)-1;
    startingvalues[start:end] = 0.6;}
  # Rescale? (useful to avoid numerical problems: TODO LATER)
  # Set backcast if necessary: how to initialize the model?
  if(is.null( backcast)){ 
    # For now, just unconditionally
    backcast = t( t( colMeans(data) ) );
  # Estimate the parameters: 
  # Set constraints: 
  KKK  = length(startingvalues);    
  ui   = diag(rep(1,KKK)); #All parameters should be larger than zero, add extra constraints with rbind...  
  ci   = rep(0,dim(ui)[2]);  
  x = try(optim( par = startingvalues, fn = heavy_likelihood,
                 data=data, p=p, q=q,backcast=backcast,UB=UB,LB=LB, lower=LB,upper=UB, compconst = compconst ) ); # ADJUST maxit ?!!
  #x = try(constrOptim( theta = startingvalues, f = heavy_likelihood, 
  #                     grad = NULL,
  #                     ui = ui, 
  #                     ci = ci, 
  #                     data=data, p=p, q=q,backcast=backcast,UB=UB,LB=LB, compconst = compconst));
  if( class(x) == "try-error" ){
    print("Error in likelihood optimization")
    if(x$convergence != 0){
      print("Possible problem in likelihood optimization. Check convergence")   }
  # Get the output: 
  estparams = x$par; 
  loglikelihood = x$value; 
  # Get the list with: total-log-lik, daily-log-lik, condvars
  xx = heavy_likelihood(par = estparams, data=data, p=p, q=q, backcast=backcast, LB=LB, UB=UB, foroptim=FALSE, compconst = compconst);
  # Add the timestamps and make xts: condvar and likelihoods:
  if( ! is.null(rownames(data)) ){
    xx$condvar    = xts( t(xx$condvar),  order.by   = as.POSIXct( rownames(data),tz="GMT") );     
    xx$likelihoods = xts( xx$likelihoods, order.by = as.POSIXct( rownames(data),tz="GMT"));
  xx$estparams = matrix(estparams,ncol=1); 
  rownames(xx$estparams) = .get_param_names(estparams,p,q);
  xx$convergence = x$convergence

.get_param_names = function( estparams, p, q){
  K = dim(p)[2];
  nAlpha =  sum(p);
  nBeta  =  sum(q);
  omegas = paste("omega",1:K,sep="");
  alphas = paste("alpha",1:nAlpha,sep="");
  betas  = paste("beta", 1:nBeta,sep="");
  names  = c(omegas,alphas,betas);

transformparams = function( p, q, paramsvector ){
  K = dim(p)[1]; 
  pmax = max(p); qmax = max(q); # Max number of lags for innovations and cond vars
  O = matrix( paramsvector[1:K], ncol=1);
  A = B = list();
  start = (K+1); 
  for(i in 1:pmax){    # A will contain a list-item per innovation lag
    end =          start + sum(p>=i) - 1; # How many non-zero params in this loop?
    A[[i]] =       matrix(rep(0,K^2),ncol=K); 
    A[[i]][p>=i] = paramsvector[start:end];
    start  = end + 1;   
  }#end loop over number of lags for innovations
  for(i in 1:qmax){   # B will contain a list-item per cond var lag
    end   = start + sum(q>=i) -1; # How many non-zero params in this loop?
    B[[i]] = matrix(rep(0,K^2),ncol=K); 
    B[[i]][q >= i] = paramsvector[start:end];
    start  = end + 1;   
  }#End loop over number of lags for cond variances
  return( list(O,A,B) ) 

heavy_likelihood = function( par, data, p, q, backcast, LB, UB, foroptim=TRUE, compconst=FALSE ){ 
  # Get the required variables
  # p is Max number of lags for innovations 
  # q is Max number of lags for conditional variances
  K    = dim(data)[2];  #Number of series to model
  T    = dim(data)[1];  #Number of time periods
  lls  = rep(NA,T);     #Vector containing the likelihoods
  h    = matrix(nrow=K,ncol=T); #Matrix to containing conditional variances
  maxp = max(p); maxq=max(q);
  # Get the parameters:
  x = transformparams( par, p=p, q=q );
  if( compconst ){ O = x[[1]]; } 
  A = x[[2]]; B = x[[3]]; 
  # Compute constant in case it needn't to be optimized:
  if( !compconst ){ # Don't compute the omega's but do (1-alpha-beta)*unconditional
    totalA = totalB = matrix( rep(0,K) ,ncol=1,nrow=K);
    for(j in 1:length(A) ){ totalA = totalA + t(t(rowSums(A[[j]]))); } # Sum over alphas for all models
    for(j in 1:length(B) ){ totalB = totalB + t(t(rowSums(B[[j]]))); } # Sum over betas for all models
    O = 1 - totalA - totalB; # The remaing weight after substracting A & B
    # Calculate the unconditionals ### KRIS FEEDBACK PLEASE ###
    uncond = t(t(colMeans(data)));
    O = O*uncond;
  } #End if close for not optimizing over omega  
  if( sum(O) < 0 ){ O[O<0] = 10^(-10)} #params here are shouldn't be smaller than zero
  likConst = K*log(2*pi); #constant for loglikelihood
  for(t in 1:T){ # Start loop over time periods
    h[,t] = O;    #Add constant to h
    for(j in 1:maxp){# Loop over innovation lags
      if( (t-j) > 0 ){ 
        h[,t] = h[,t] + t( A[[j]] %*% t(t(data[(t-j),])) ); #Adding innovations to h        
        h[,t] = h[,t] + t( A[[j]] %*% backcast ); #Adding innovations to h          
    } #end loop over innovation lags
    for(j in 1:maxq){# Loop over cond variances lags
      if( (t-j) > 0 ){ 
        h[,t] = h[,t] + t( B[[j]] %*% t(t(h[,(t-j)])) ); #Adding cond vars to h 
        h[,t] = h[,t] + t( B[[j]] %*% backcast ); #Adding cond vars to h          
    }#End loop over innovation lags
    if( any( h[,t]>1e3 )){ break ;}
    # Check whether h's are between LB and UB:      
    for(j in 1:K){ #Loop over 
      if( h[j,t] < LB[j] ){  h[j,t] = LB[j]/(1- (h[j,t] - LB[j]) );}
      if( h[j,t] > UB[j] ){  h[j,t] = UB[j] + log( h[j,t] - UB[j]);}
    }#end loop over series
    lls[t] = 0.5*( likConst + sum( log(h[,t]) ) + sum( data[t,] / h[,t] ) );            
  } #End loop over days
  ll = sum(lls);
  if(is.na(ll) || is.infinite(ll) ){  ll = 10^7 } 
  if(foroptim){   output = ll; return(output); }
    output = list( loglikelihood=ll, likelihoods=lls, condvar = h );
    # Output list:
    # (i) total loglikelihood
    # (ii) likelihood parts per time period
    # (iii) matrix with conditional variances    
  } #end output in case you want params

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