
Defines functions SSplotCatch

Documented in SSplotCatch

SSplotCatch <-
           fleetlty=1, fleetpch=1,
           fleetcols="default", fleetnames="default",
           lwd=3, areacols="default", areanames="default",
           cex.main=1, # note: no plot titles yet implemented
  # plot catch-related time-series for Stock Synthesis
  # note from Ian Taylor to himself: "make minyr and maxyr connect to something!"
  # note: stacked plots depend on multiple fleets
  subplot_names <- c("1: landings",
                     "2: landings stacked",
                     "3: observed and expected landings (if different)",
                     # note: subplots 4-8 depend on discards                   
                     "4: total catch (including discards)",
                     "5: total catch (including discards) stacked",
                     "6: discards",
                     "7: discards stacked plot (depends on multiple fleets)" ,
                     "8: discard fraction",
                     "9: harvest rate",
                     # note: subplots 10-15 are only for seasonal models
                     "10: landings aggregated across seasons",
                     "11: landings aggregated across seasons stacked",
                     "12: total catch (if discards present) aggregated across seasons",
                     "13: total catch (if discards present) aggregated across seasons stacked",
                     "14: discards aggregated across seasons",
                     "15: discards aggregated across seasons stacked")
  pngfun <- function(file,caption=NA){
    plotinfo <- rbind(plotinfo,data.frame(file=file,caption=caption))
  plotinfo <- NULL

  F_method         <- replist$F_method
  timeseries       <- replist$timeseries
  nseasons         <- replist$nseasons
  nareas           <- replist$nareas
  nfleets          <- replist$nfleets
  nfishfleets      <- replist$nfishfleets
  catch_units      <- replist$catch_units
  endyr            <- replist$endyr
  FleetNames       <- replist$FleetNames
  SS_versionshort  <- toupper(substr(replist$SS_version,1,8))

      catchasnumbers <- TRUE
      cat("  Note: catch_units ")
      catchasnumbers <- FALSE
      if(2 %in% catch_units){
        cat("  Note: catch is in numbers for some, but not all fleets,\n",
            "       so be careful interpreting catch plots.\n")

  if(nfishfleets==1 & verbose) cat("  Note: skipping stacked plots of catch for single-fleet model\n")
  if(fleetnames[1]=="default") fleetnames <- FleetNames
  if(plotdir=="default") plotdir <- replist$inputs$dir

  if(length(fleetlty)<nfishfleets) fleetlty <- rep(fleetlty,nfishfleets)
  if(length(fleetpch)<nfishfleets) fleetpch <- rep(fleetpch,nfishfleets)

    fleetcols <- rich.colors.short(nfishfleets)
    if(nfishfleets > 2) fleetcols <- rich.colors.short(nfishfleets+1)[-1]

    areacols  <- rich.colors.short(nareas)
    if(nareas > 2) areacols <- rich.colors.short(nareas+1)[-1]

    labels[3] <- paste(labels[3],labels[8])
    labels[4] <- paste(labels[4],labels[8])
    labels[3] <- paste(labels[3],labels[7])
    labels[4] <- paste(labels[4],labels[7])

  # time series (but no forecast) quantities used for multiple plots
  if(nseasons>1) timeseries$Yr <- timeseries$Yr + replist$seasfracs
  ts <- timeseries[timeseries$Yr <= endyr+1,]

  # harvest rates
    stringF <- "Hrate:_"
    ylabF <- labels[1]
  }else{ # for either continuous F or hybrid F (methods 2 and 3)
    stringF <- "F:_"
    ylabF <- labels[2]

  ### total landings (retained) & catch (encountered)
  goodrows <- ts$Area==1 & ts$Era %in% c("INIT","TIME")
  catchyrs <- ts$Yr[goodrows] # T/F indicator of the lines for which we want to plot catch

    stringN <- "enc(N)"
    stringB <- "enc(B)"
    stringN <- "sel(N)"
    stringB <- "sel(B)"
    retmat <- as.matrix(ts[goodrows, substr(names(ts),1,nchar("retain(N)"))=="retain(N)"])
    totcatchmat <- as.matrix(ts[goodrows, substr(names(ts),1,nchar(stringN))==stringN])
    retmat <- as.matrix(ts[goodrows, substr(names(ts),1,nchar("retain(B)"))=="retain(B)"])
    totcatchmat <- as.matrix(ts[goodrows, substr(names(ts),1,nchar(stringB))==stringB])
  totobscatchmat <- as.matrix(ts[goodrows, substr(names(ts),1,nchar("obs_cat"))=="obs_cat"])
  Hratemat <- as.matrix(ts[goodrows, substr(names(ts),1,nchar(stringF))==stringF])

  # add total across areas
  if(nareas > 1){
    for(iarea in 2:nareas){
      arearows <- ts$Area==iarea & ts$Era %in% c("INIT","TIME")
        retmat <- retmat + as.matrix(ts[arearows, substr(names(ts),1,nchar("retain(N)"))=="retain(N)"])
        totcatchmat <- totcatchmat + as.matrix(ts[arearows, substr(names(ts),1,nchar(stringN))==stringN])
        retmat <- retmat + as.matrix(ts[arearows, substr(names(ts),1,nchar("retain(B)"))=="retain(B)"])
        totcatchmat <- totcatchmat + as.matrix(ts[arearows, substr(names(ts),1,nchar(stringB))==stringB])
      totobscatchmat <- totobscatchmat + as.matrix(ts[arearows, substr(names(ts),1,nchar("obs_cat"))=="obs_cat"])
      Hratemat  <- Hratemat  + as.matrix(ts[arearows, substr(names(ts),1,nchar(stringF))==stringF])

  # ghost is a fleet with no catch (or a survey for these purposes)
  ghost <- rep(TRUE,nfleets)
  ghost[(1:nfishfleets)[colSums(totcatchmat)>0]] <- FALSE
  if(all(ghost)) showlegend <- FALSE
  discmat <- totcatchmat - retmat

  discfracmat <- discmat/totcatchmat
  discfracmat[totcatchmat==0] <- 0

  # add total across seasons "mat2" indicates aggregation across seasons
  if(nseasons > 1){
    catchyrs2 <- floor(ts$Yr[goodrows & ts$Seas==1]) # T/F indicator of the lines for which we want to plot catch
    subset <- ts$Seas[goodrows]==1
    retmat2         <- retmat[subset,]
    totcatchmat2    <- totcatchmat[subset,]
    #totcatchmat2Yr  <- ts$Yr[subset]
    totobscatchmat2 <- totobscatchmat[subset,]
    discmat2        <- discmat[subset,]
    for(iseason in 2:nseasons){
      subset <- ts$Seas[goodrows]==iseason
      retmat2         <- retmat2         + retmat[subset,]
      totcatchmat2    <- totcatchmat2    + totcatchmat[subset,]
      totobscatchmat2 <- totobscatchmat2 + totobscatchmat[subset,]
      discmat2        <- discmat2        + discmat[subset,]

  # generic function to plot catch, landings, discards or harvest rates
  linefunc <- function(ymat,ylab,addtotal=TRUE,x=catchyrs,ymax=NULL){
    ymat <- as.matrix(ymat)
    if(addtotal & nfishfleets>1){
      ytotal <- rowSums(ymat)
      if(is.null(ymax)) ymax <- max(ytotal)
      ytotal <- rep(NA,nrow(ymat))
      if(is.null(ymax)) ymax <- max(ymat)
    plot(x, ytotal, ylim=c(0,ymax), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, type=type, lwd=lwd, col="black")
    for(f in 1:nfishfleets){
        lines(x, ymat[,f], type=type, col=fleetcols[f],
              lty=fleetlty[f], lwd=lwd, pch=fleetpch[f])
    if(showlegend & nfishfleets!=1){
      if(type=="l") pchvec <- NA else pchvec <- c(1,fleetpch[!ghost])        
      if(nfishfleets>1 & addtotal){
        legend(legendloc, lty=fleetlty[!ghost], lwd=lwd, pch=pchvec,
               col=c("black",fleetcols[!ghost]), legend=c("Total",fleetnames[!ghost]), bty="n")
        legend(legendloc, lty=fleetlty[!ghost], lwd=lwd, pch=pchvec,
               col=fleetcols[!ghost], legend=fleetnames[!ghost], bty="n")
  } # end linefunc

  # function for stacked polygons
  stackfunc <- function(ymat,ylab,x=catchyrs){
    ## call to function in plotrix (formerly copied into r4ss)
    stackpoly(x=x, y=ymat, border="black", 
              xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, col=fleetcols)
    if(showlegend) legend(legendloc, fill=fleetcols[!ghost], legend=fleetnames[!ghost], bty="n")
  } # end stackfunc

  barfunc <- function(ymat,ylab,x=catchyrs){
    # adding labels to barplot as suggested by Mike Prager on R email list:
    #    http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e2/help/07/03/13013.html
    mp <- barplot(t(ymat), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,axisnames=FALSE,
    # Get major and minor multiples for choosing labels:
    ntick <- length(mp) 
      { if (ntick < 16) mult = c(2, 2)
      else if(ntick < 41) mult = c(5, 5) 
      else if (ntick < 101) mult = c(10, 5) else mult = c(20, 5)
    label.index <- which(x %% mult[1] == 0)
    minor.index <- which(x %% mult[2] == 0)
    # Draw all ticks: 
    axis(side = 1, at = mp, labels = FALSE, tcl = -0.2)
    # Draw minor ticks: 
    axis(side = 1, at = mp[minor.index], labels = FALSE, tcl = -0.5)
    # Draw major ticks & labels: 
    axis(side = 1, at = mp[label.index], labels = x[label.index], tcl = -0.7)

    # add legend
    if(showlegend) legend(legendloc, fill=fleetcols[!ghost], legend=fleetnames[!ghost], bty="n")

  # choose one of the above functions
  if(catchbars) stackfunc <- barfunc # unsophisticated way to implement choice of plot type
  makeplots <- function(subplot){
    a <- FALSE
    if(subplot==1) a <- linefunc(ymat=retmat, ylab=labels[3], addtotal=TRUE)
    if(subplot==2 & nfishfleets>1) a <- stackfunc(ymat=retmat, ylab=labels[3])
    # if observed catch differs from estimated by more than 0.1%, then make plot to compare
    if(subplot==3 & diff(range(retmat-totobscatchmat))/max(totobscatchmat) > 0.001){
      a <- linefunc(ymat=retmat, ylab=paste(labels[9],labels[3]), addtotal=FALSE,
      for(f in 1:nfishfleets){
          lines(catchyrs, totobscatchmat[,f], type=type, col=fleetcols[f],
                lty=3, lwd=lwd, pch=4)
      legend(legendloc, lty=c(fleetlty[!ghost],rep(3,sum(!ghost))), lwd=lwd,
             pch=c(fleetpch[!ghost],rep(4,sum(!ghost))), col=fleetcols[!ghost],
             legend=c(fleetnames[!ghost],paste(fleetnames[!ghost],"obs.")), bty="n")
      if(subplot==4) a <- linefunc(ymat=totcatchmat, ylab=labels[4], addtotal=TRUE)
      if(subplot==5 & nfishfleets>1) a <- stackfunc(ymat=totcatchmat, ylab=labels[4])
      if(subplot==6) a <- linefunc(ymat=discmat,ylab=labels[5], addtotal=TRUE)
      if(subplot==7 & nfishfleets>1) a <- stackfunc(ymat=discmat,ylab=labels[5])
      if(subplot==8) a <- linefunc(ymat=discfracmat,ylab=labels[6], addtotal=FALSE)
    if(subplot==9) a <- linefunc(ymat=Hratemat, ylab=ylabF, addtotal=FALSE)
      if(subplot==10) a <- linefunc(ymat=retmat2, ylab=paste(labels[3],labels[10]), addtotal=TRUE, x=catchyrs2)
      if(subplot==11 & nfishfleets>1) a <- stackfunc(ymat=retmat2, ylab=paste(labels[3],labels[10]), x=catchyrs2)
        if(subplot==12) a <- linefunc(ymat=totcatchmat2, ylab=paste(labels[4],labels[10]), addtotal=TRUE, x=catchyrs2)
        if(subplot==13 & nfishfleets>1) a <- stackfunc(ymat=totcatchmat2, ylab=paste(labels[4],labels[10]), x=catchyrs2)
        if(subplot==14) a <- linefunc(ymat=discmat2,ylab=paste(labels[5],labels[10]), addtotal=TRUE, x=catchyrs2)
        if(subplot==15 & nfishfleets>1) a <- stackfunc(ymat=discmat2,ylab=paste(labels[5],labels[10]), x=catchyrs2)
    if(verbose & a) cat("  finished catch subplot",subplot_names[subplot],"\n")
  } # end makeplots

  if(plot) for(isubplot in subplots) makeplots(isubplot)

    for(isubplot in subplots){
      a <- FALSE
      myname <- subplot_names[isubplot]
      badstrings <- c(":","  ","__")
      for(i in 1:length(badstrings)){
        myname <- gsub(pattern=badstrings[i],replacement=" ",x=myname,fixed=T)
      filename <- paste(plotdir,"catch",myname,".png",sep="")
      plotinfo2 <- pngfun(filename, caption=substring(myname,3))
      # "a" is TRUE/FALSE indicator that plot got produced
      a <- makeplots(isubplot)
      # delete empty files if the somehow got created
      if(!a & file.exists(filename)){
      if(a) plotinfo <- plotinfo2

  totcatchmat <- as.data.frame(totcatchmat)
  totobscatchmat <- as.data.frame(totobscatchmat)
  names(totcatchmat) <- fleetnames[1:nfishfleets]
  names(totobscatchmat) <- fleetnames[1:nfishfleets]
  totcatchmat$Yr <- catchyrs
  totobscatchmat$Yr <- catchyrs
  returnlist <- list()
  returnlist[["totcatchmat"]] <- totcatchmat
  returnlist[["totobscatchmat"]] <- totobscatchmat
  if(nseasons > 1){
    totcatchmat2 <- as.data.frame(totcatchmat2)
    names(totcatchmat2) <- fleetnames[1:nfishfleets]
    #totcatchmat2$Yr <- totcatchmat2Yr
    returnlist[["totcatchmat2"]] <- totcatchmat2
  if(!is.null(plotinfo)) plotinfo$category <- "Catch"
  returnlist$plotinfo <- plotinfo
  # if(verbose) cat("  finished catch plots\n")

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