
#' mvee
#' Computes the minimum volume enclosing ellipsoid around a set of points
#' using the Khachiyan Algorithm. In two dimensions, this is equivalent to
#' the bounding ellipse.
#' @param xy a two-column data frame containing x and y coordinates. If NULL then a random sample set of 10 points will be generated
#' @param tolerance a tolerance value
#' @param plotme Plot the points and ellipse (T/F)
#' @param max.iter Maximum number of iterations before giving up. If the script tries this number of iterations but still can't get to the tolerance value, it displays an error message and returns NULL
#' @param shiftxy Apply a shift to the coordinates to make them smaller and speed up the matrix calculations, then reverse the shift to the center point of the resulting ellipoid (T/F)
#' @param no.ellipse.val Determines what the function returns if a mvee can not be found (e.g., if the points are colinear). The default value 1 means a NULL will be returned. A value of 2 means a list of NAs will be returned which is more useful if these values will be stored in a data frame.
#' @param checks Check \code{xy} object for the correct data type and remove any duplicate points. T/F
#' @return A list containing the "center form" matrix equation of the ellipse.
#' i.e. a 2x2 matrix "A" and a 2x1 vector "C" representing the center of the ellipse such that:
#' (x - C)' A (x - C) <= 1
#' List elements include
#' A - 2x2 matrix
#' C - 2x1 vector of the center coordinates
#' elps.axes.lngth - 2x1 vector whose elements are one-half the lengths of the major and minor axes (i.e., variables a and b in the standard ellipse equation)
#' alpha - angle of rotation
#' @note
#' Adapted by Andy Lyons from Matlab code by Nima Moshtagh.
#' Copyright (c) 2009, Nima Moshtagh
#'         http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/9542
#'         http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/13844
#'         http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1768197/bounding-ellipse
#' @export

mvee <- function(xy=NULL, tolerance = 0.005, plotme = FALSE, max.iter = 500, shiftxy = TRUE, no.ellipse.val=1, checks=TRUE) {
    if (no.ellipse.val==1) {
        no.ellipse <- NULL
    } else {
        no.ellipse <- list(A=NA, c=c(NA, NA), ab=c(NA, NA), alpha=NA)

    if (checks) {
        if (is.null(xy)) {
            xy <- data.frame(x=runif(10,100,200), y=runif(10,100,200))
        } else if (ncol(xy) != 2) {
            warning("xy must be a two-column matrix or data frame") ## but might work in more dimensions
        } else {
            if (anyDuplicated(xy)) xy <- unique(xy)

    ## Number of points
    n = nrow(xy)

    ## Dimension of the points (2)
    d = ncol(xy)

    if (n <= d) return(no.ellipse)

    ## Apply a uniform shift to the x&y coordinates to make matrix calculations computationally
    ## simpler (if x and y are very large, for example UTM coordinates, this may be necessary 
    ## to prevent a 'compuationally singular matrix' error
    if (shiftxy) {
        #xy.min <- sapply(xy, FUN = "min")
        xy.min <- apply(xy, 2, min) 
    } else {
        xy.min <- c(0,0)
    xy.use <- xy - rep(xy.min, each = n)
    ## Add a column of 1s to the (n x 2) matrix xy - so it is now (n x 3)
    Q <- t(cbind(xy.use, rep(1,n)))

    ## Initialize
    count <- 1
    err <- 1

    u <- rep(1/n, n)

    ## Khachiyan Algorithm
    while (err > tolerance) {
        ## see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1768197/bounding-ellipse
        ## for commented code
        X <- Q %*% diag(u) %*% t(Q)
        #Test for singularity, which indicates the points are colinear and have no ellipse
        if (isTRUE(all.equal(det(X), 0))) return(no.ellipse)
        M <- diag(t(Q) %*% solve(X) %*% Q)
        maximum <- max(M)
        j <- which(M == maximum)
        step_size = (maximum - d -1) / ((d+1)*(maximum-1))
        new_u <- (1 - step_size) * u
        new_u[j] <- new_u[j] + step_size
        err <- sqrt(sum((new_u - u)^2))
        count <- count + 1
        if (count > max.iter) {
            warning(paste("Iterated", max.iter, "times and still can't find the bounding ellipse. \n", sep=""))
            warning("Either increase the tolerance or the maximum number of iterations")
        u <- new_u

    ## Put the elements of the vector u into the diagonal of a matrix
    U <- diag(u)

    ## Take the transpose of xy
    P <- t(xy.use)

    ## Compute the center, adding back the shifted values
    c <- as.vector((P %*% u) + xy.min)

    ## Compute the A-matrix
    A <- (1/d) * solve(P %*% U %*% t(P) - (P %*% u) %*% t(P %*% u))

    ## Find the Eigenvalues of matrix A which will be used to get the major and minor axes
    A.eigen <- eigen(A)

    ## Calculate the length of the semi-major and semi-minor axes
    ## from the Eigenvalues of A. 
    semi.axes <- sort(1 / sqrt(A.eigen$values), decreasing=TRUE)

    ## Calculate the rotation angle from the first Eigenvector
    alpha <- atan2(A.eigen$vectors[2,1], A.eigen$vectors[1,1]) - pi/2

    if (plotme) {

        ## Plotting commands adapted from code by Alberto Monteiro
        ## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2006-October/114652.html

        ## Create the points for the ellipse
        theta <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 72)
        a <- semi.axes[1]
        b <- semi.axes[2]

        elp.plot.xs <- c[1] + a * cos(theta) * cos(alpha) - b * sin(theta) * sin(alpha)
        elp.plot.ys <- c[2] + a * cos(theta) * sin(alpha) + b * sin(theta) * cos(alpha)

        ## Plot the ellipse with the same scale on each axis
        plot(elp.plot.xs, elp.plot.ys, type = "l", lty="dotted", col="blue", asp=1, 
             main="minimum volume enclosing ellipsoid", xlab=names(xy)[1], ylab=names(xy)[2])

        ## Plot the original points
        points(xy[,1], xy[,2], type="p", pch=16)

        ## add the center of the ellipse using a triangle symbol
        points(c[1], c[2], pch=2, col="blue")

    return(list("A" = A, "c" = c, "ab" = semi.axes, alpha=alpha))


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