
Defines functions readCelUnits

Documented in readCelUnits

# @RdocFunction readCelUnits
# @title "Reads probe-level data ordered as units (probesets) from one or several Affymetrix CEL files"
# @synopsis
# \description{
#   @get "title" by using the unit and group definitions in the
#   corresponding Affymetrix CDF file.
# }
# \arguments{
#   \item{filenames}{The filenames of the CEL files.}
#   \item{units}{An @integer @vector of unit indices specifying which
#     units to be read.  If @NULL, all units are read.}
#   \item{stratifyBy}{Argument passed to low-level method
#     @see "affxparser::readCdfCellIndices".}
#   \item{cdf}{A @character filename of a CDF file, or a CDF @list
#     structure.  If @NULL, the CDF file is searched for by
#     @see "findCdf" first starting from the current directory and
#     then from the directory where the first CEL file is.}
#   \item{...}{Arguments passed to low-level method
#     @see "affxparser::readCel", e.g. \code{readXY} and \code{readStdvs}.}
#   \item{addDimnames}{If @TRUE, dimension names are added to arrays,
#     otherwise not.  The size of the returned CEL structure in bytes
#     increases by 30-40\% with dimension names.}
#   \item{dropArrayDim}{If @TRUE and only one array is read, the elements of
#     the group field do \emph{not} have an array dimension.}
#   \item{transforms}{A @list of exactly \code{length(filenames)}
#     @functions.  If @NULL, no transformation is performed.
#     Intensities read are passed through the corresponding transform
#     function before being returned.}
#   \item{readMap}{A @vector remapping cell indices to file indices.
#     If @NULL, no mapping is used.}
#   \item{verbose}{Either a @logical, a @numeric, or a @see "R.utils::Verbose"
#     object specifying how much verbose/debug information is written to
#     standard output. If a Verbose object, how detailed the information is
#     is specified by the threshold level of the object. If a numeric, the
#     value is used to set the threshold of a new Verbose object. If @TRUE,
#     the threshold is set to -1 (minimal). If @FALSE, no output is written
#     (and neither is the \pkg{R.utils} package required).
#   }
# }
# \value{
#   A named @list with one element for each unit read.  The names
#   corresponds to the names of the units read.
#   Each unit element is in
#   turn a @list structure with groups (aka blocks).
#   Each group contains requested fields, e.g. \code{intensities},
#   \code{stdvs}, and \code{pixels}.
#   If more than one CEL file is read, an extra dimension is added
#   to each of the fields corresponding, which can be used to subset
#   by CEL file.
#   Note that neither CEL headers nor information about outliers and
#   masked cells are returned.  To access these, use @see "readCelHeader"
#   and @see "readCel".
# }
# @author "HB"
# @examples "../incl/readCelUnits.Rex"
# \seealso{
#   Internally, @see "readCelHeader", @see "readCdfUnits" and
#   @see "readCel" are used.
# }
# \references{
#   [1] Affymetrix Inc, Affymetrix GCOS 1.x compatible file formats,
#       June 14, 2005.
#       \url{http://www.affymetrix.com/support/developer/}
# }
# @keyword "file"
# @keyword "IO"
readCelUnits <- function(filenames, units=NULL, stratifyBy=c("nothing", "pmmm", "pm", "mm"), cdf=NULL, ..., addDimnames=FALSE, dropArrayDim=TRUE, transforms=NULL, readMap=NULL, verbose=FALSE) {
  # To please R CMD check
  Arguments <- enter <- exit <- NULL;
  rm(list=c("Arguments", "enter", "exit"));

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Local functions
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  qsort <- function(x) {
##    o0 <- .Internal(qsort(x, TRUE));
##    o <- sort.int(x, index.return=TRUE, method="quick");
##    stopifnot(identical(o, o0));
    sort.int(x, index.return=TRUE, method="quick");
  } # qsort()

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Validate arguments
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Argument 'filenames':
  filenames <- file.path(dirname(filenames), basename(filenames));
  missing <- filenames[!file.exists(filenames)];
  if (length(missing)) {
    stop("File(s) not found: ", paste(missing, collapse=", "));

  # Argument 'units' and 'cdf':
  if (is.list(cdf) && !is.null(units)) {
    stop("Arguments 'units' must not be specified if argument 'cdf' is a CDF list structure.");

  # Argument 'units':
  if (is.null(units)) {
  } else if (is.numeric(units)) {
    units <- as.integer(units);
    # Unit indices are one-based in R
    if (any(units < 1L))
      stop("Argument 'units' contains non-positive indices.");
  } else {
    stop("Argument 'units' must be numeric or NULL: ", class(units)[1]);

  # Argument 'cdf':
  searchForCdf <- FALSE;
  if (is.null(cdf)) {
    searchForCdf <- TRUE;
  } else if (is.character(cdf)) {
    cdfFile <- file.path(dirname(cdf), basename(cdf));
    if (!file.exists(cdfFile))
      stop("File not found: ", cdfFile);
    cdf <- NULL;
  } else if (is.list(cdf)) {
    aUnit <- cdf[[1L]];
    if (!is.list(aUnit))
      stop("Argument 'cdf' is of unknown format: First unit is not a list.");

    groups <- aUnit$groups;
    if (!is.list(groups))
      stop("Argument 'cdf' is of unknown format: Units Does not contain the list 'groups'.");

    extractGroups <- (length(names(aUnit)) > 1L);

    # Check for group fields 'indices' or 'x' & 'y' in one of the groups.
    aGroup <- groups[[1]];

    extractFields <- TRUE;
    fields <- names(aGroup);
    if ("indices" %in% fields) {
      cdfType <- "indices";
      extractFields <- (length(fields) > 1L);
    } else if (all(c("x", "y") %in% fields)) {
      # The CDF is needed in order to know the (x,y) dimensions of the
      # chip so that one can calculate (x,y) -> cell index.
      cdfType <- "x";
      searchForCdf <- TRUE;
    } else {
      stop("Argument 'cdf' is of unknown format: The groups contains neither the fields 'indices' nor ('x' and 'y').");
    aUnit <- groups <- aGroup <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
  } else {
    stop("Argument 'cdf' must be a filename, a CDF list structure or NULL: ", mode(cdf));

  # Argument 'readMap':
  if (!is.null(readMap)) {
    # Cannot check map indices without knowing the array.  Is it worth
    # reading such details already here?

  # Argument 'dropArrayDim':
  dropArrayDim <- as.logical(dropArrayDim);

  # Argument 'addDimnames':
  addDimnames <- as.logical(addDimnames);

  nbrOfArrays <- length(filenames);

  # Argument 'transforms':
  if (is.null(transforms)) {
    hasTransforms <- FALSE;
  } else if (is.list(transforms)) {
    if (length(transforms) != nbrOfArrays) {
      stop("Length of argument 'transforms' does not match the number of arrays: ",
                                   length(transforms), " != ", nbrOfArrays);
    for (transform in transforms) {
      if (!is.function(transform))
        stop("Argument 'transforms' must be a list of functions.");
    hasTransforms <- TRUE;
  } else {
    stop("Argument 'transforms' must be a list of functions or NULL.");

  # Argument 'stratifyBy':
  stratifyBy <- match.arg(stratifyBy);

  # Argument 'verbose': (Utilized the Verbose class in R.utils if available)
  if (!identical(verbose, FALSE)) {
    requireNamespace("R.utils") || stop("Package not loaded: R.utils");
    Arguments <- R.utils::Arguments
    enter <- R.utils::enter
    exit <- R.utils::exit
    verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose);
  cVerbose <- -(as.numeric(verbose) + 2);

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # 0. Search for CDF file?
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (searchForCdf) {
    verbose && enter(verbose, "Searching for CDF file");

    verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading chip type from first CEL file");
    celHeader <- readCelHeader(filenames[1L]);
    chipType <- celHeader$chiptype;
    verbose && exit(verbose);

    verbose && enter(verbose, "Searching for chip type '", chipType, "'");
    cdfFile <- findCdf(chipType=chipType);
    if (length(cdfFile) == 0L) {
      # If not found, try also where the first CEL file is
      opwd <- getwd();
      cdfFile <- findCdf(chipType=chipType);
    verbose && exit(verbose);
    if (length(cdfFile) == 0L)
      stop("No CDF file for chip type found: ", chipType);

    verbose && exit(verbose);

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # 1. Read cell indices for units of interest from the CDF file?
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (is.null(cdf)) {
#    verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading cell indices from CDF file");
    cdf <- readCdfCellIndices(cdfFile, units=units, stratifyBy=stratifyBy, verbose=FALSE);
#    verbose && exit(verbose);

    # Assume 'cdf' contains only "indices" fields.
    indices <- unlist(cdf, use.names=FALSE);
  } else {
    if (cdfType == "indices") {
      # Clean up CDF list structure from other elements than groups?
      if (extractGroups) {
#        verbose && enter(verbose, "Extracting groups...");
        cdf <- lapply(cdf, FUN=function(unit) list(groups=unit$groups));
#        verbose && exit(verbose);

      # Clean up CDF list structure from other group fields than "indices"?
      if (extractFields) {
#        verbose && enter(verbose, "Extracting fields...");
        cdf <- applyCdfGroups(cdf, cdfGetFields, fields="indices");
#        verbose && exit(verbose);
      indices <- unlist(cdf, use.names=FALSE);
    } else {
      verbose && enter(verbose, "Calculating cell indices from (x,y) positions");
      verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading chip layout from CDF file");
      cdfHeader <- readCdfHeader(cdfFile);
      ncol <- cdfHeader$cols;
      verbose && exit(verbose);
      # Clean up CDF list structure from other elements than groups
      cdf <- lapply(cdf, FUN=function(unit) list(groups=unit$groups));
      x <- unlist(applyCdfGroups(cdf, cdfGetFields, "x"), use.names=FALSE);
      y <- unlist(applyCdfGroups(cdf, cdfGetFields, "y"), use.names=FALSE);
      # Cell indices are one-based in R
      indices <- as.integer(y * ncol + x + 1);
      x <- y <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
      verbose && exit(verbose);

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # 2. Remapping cell indices?
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (!is.null(readMap)) {
    verbose && enter(verbose, "Remapping cell indices");
    indices <- readMap[indices];
    verbose && exit(verbose);

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # 2b. Order cell indices for optimal speed when reading, i.e. minimal
  #     jumping around in the file.
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  reorder <- TRUE;  # Hardwired from now on.
  if (reorder) {
    verbose && enter(verbose, "Reordering cell indices to optimize speed");
    # qsort() is about 10-15 times faster than using order()!
    # WAS: o <- .Internal(qsort(indices, TRUE));  # From base::sort.int()
    o <- qsort(indices);
    indices <- o$x;
    # WAS: o <- .Internal(qsort(o$ix, TRUE))$ix;  # From base::sort.int()
    o <- qsort(o$ix)$ix;
    verbose && exit(verbose);

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # 3. Read signals of the cells of interest from the CEL file(s)
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  # Comment: We assign elements of CEL list structure to local environment,
  # because calling cel[[field]][idxs,] multiple (=nbrOfUnits) times is very
  # slow whereas get(field) is much faster (about 4-6 times actually!)
  # /HB 2006-03-24

  nbrOfCells <- length(indices);
  nbrOfUnits <- length(cdf);

  # Because integer 'nbrOfCells*nbrOfArrays' may overflow to NA, we corce to double
  # here.  See aroma.affymetrix thread 'Speeding up RmaBackgroundCorrection' on
  # 2014-02-27 for background/details.
  # FIXME: Ideally, this function should be rewritten to read signals and group them
  # into CEL units in chunks. /HB 2014-02-27
  nbrOfEntries <- as.double(nbrOfCells) * as.double(nbrOfArrays);

  verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading ", nbrOfUnits, "*", nbrOfCells/nbrOfUnits, "=", nbrOfCells, " cells from ", nbrOfArrays, " CEL files");

  # Cell-value elements
  cellValueFields <- c("x", "y", "intensities", "stdvs", "pixels");
  integerFields <- "pixels";
  doubleFields <- setdiff(cellValueFields, integerFields);

  # Local environment where to store the temporary variables
  env <- environment();

  for (kk in seq_len(nbrOfArrays)) {
    filename <- filenames[kk];

    verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading CEL data for array #", kk);
    celTmp <- readCel(filename, indices=indices, readHeader=FALSE, readOutliers=FALSE, readMasked=FALSE, ..., readMap=NULL, verbose=cVerbose, .checkArgs=FALSE);
    verbose && exit(verbose);

    if (kk == 1L) {
      verbose && enter(verbose, "Allocating return structure");
      # Allocate the return list structure
#      celTmp$header <- NULL;
      celFields <- names(celTmp);

      # Update list of special fields
      cellValueFields <- intersect(celFields, cellValueFields);
      doubleFields <- intersect(cellValueFields, doubleFields);
      integerFields <- intersect(cellValueFields, integerFields);

      # Allocate all field variables
      dim <- c(nbrOfCells, nbrOfArrays);
      value <- vector("double", length=nbrOfEntries);
      dim(value) <- dim;
      for (name in doubleFields)
        assign(name, value, envir=env, inherits=FALSE);
      value <- NULL; # Not needed anymore

      value <- vector("integer", length=nbrOfEntries);
      dim(value) <- dim;
      for (name in integerFields)
        assign(name, value, envir=env, inherits=FALSE);
      value <- NULL; # Not needed anymore

      verbose && exit(verbose);

    for (name in cellValueFields) {
      # Extract field values and re-order them again
      value <- celTmp[[name]];
      if (is.null(value))

      # "Re-reorder" cells read
      if (reorder)
        value <- value[o];

      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # Transform signals?
      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      if (hasTransforms && name == "intensities") {
        verbose && enter(verbose, "Transform signals for array #", kk);
        value <- transforms[[kk]](value);
        verbose && exit(verbose);

      eval(substitute(name[,kk] <- value, list(name=as.name(name))));
      value <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
    } # for (name ...)

    celTmp <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
  verbose && exit(verbose);

  indices <- NULL; # Not needed anymore

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # 3. Structure CEL data in units and groups according to the CDF file
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  verbose && enter(verbose, "Structuring data by units and groups");

  fields <- vector("list", length=length(cellValueFields));
  names(fields) <- cellValueFields;

  # Keep a copy for groups with empty fields
  emptyFields <- fields;

  # Add a dimension for the arrays, unless only one array is read
  # and the array dimension is not wanted.
  addArrayDim <- (nbrOfArrays >= 2L || !dropArrayDim);

  seqOfArrays <- list(seq_len(nbrOfArrays));
  offset <- 0L;

  res <- lapply(cdf, FUN=function(u) {
    lapply(.subset2(u, "groups"), FUN=function(g) {
      # Same dimensions of all fields
      field <- .subset2(g, 1L);  # Faster than g[[1L]]
      ncells <- length(field);

      # Empty unit group?
      if (ncells == 0L)

      idxs <- offset + 1:ncells;
      offset <<- offset + ncells;

      # Get the target dimension
      dim <- dim(field);
      if (is.null(dim))
        dim <- ncells;

      if (addDimnames) {
        dimnames <- dimnames(field);
        if (is.null(dimnames))
          dimnames <- list(seq_len(dim));

        # Add an extra dimension for arrays?
        if (addArrayDim) {
          dim <- c(dim, nbrOfArrays);
          dimnames <- c(dimnames, seqOfArrays);

        # Update all fields with dimensions
        setDim <- (length(dim) > 1L);
        for (name in cellValueFields) {
          # Faster to drop dimensions.
          values <- get(name, envir=env, inherits=FALSE)[idxs,,drop=TRUE];
          if (setDim) {
            dim(values) <- dim;
            dimnames(values) <- dimnames;
          } else {
            names(values) <- dimnames;
          fields[[name]] <- values;
          values <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
      } else {
       # Add an extra dimension for arrays?
        if (addArrayDim)
          dim <- c(dim, nbrOfArrays);

        # Update all fields with dimensions
        setDim <- (length(dim) > 1L);
        for (name in cellValueFields) {
          # Faster to drop dimensions.
          values <- get(name, envir=env, inherits=FALSE)[idxs,,drop=TRUE];
          if (setDim)
            dim(values) <- dim;
          fields[[name]] <- values;
          values <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
      } # if (addDimnames)

    }) # lapply(.subset2(u, "groups"), ...);
  }) # lapply(cdf, ...)

  verbose && exit(verbose);


# 2014-02-27 [HB]
# o ROBUSTNESS: Using integer constants (e.g. 1L) where applicable.
# o ROBUSTNESS: Using explicitly named arguments in more places.
# 2012-05-22 [HB]
# o CRAN POLICY: readCel() and readCelUnits() are no longer calling
#   .Internal(qsort(...)).
# 2007-12-01 [HB]
# o Removed argument 'reorder' from readCelUnits(). Reordering is now always
#   done.
# 2007-06-28 [HB]
# o Removed the name of the second argument in a substitute() call.
# 2007-02-01 [KS]
# o Now readCelUnits() can handle unit groups for which there are no probes,
#   e.g. when stratifying on PM in a unit containing only MMs.
# 2006-10-04 [HB]
# o Made readCelUnits() a bit more clever if a 'cdf' structure with only
#   cell indices is passed. Then all fields are just indices and one can
#   call unlist immediately.  This speeds things up a bit.
# 2006-05-12 [HB]
# o Rearranged order of arguments such that the most often used/most user-
#   friendly arguments come first.  This was done as a first step after
#   our developers meeting yesterday.
# 2006-04-18 [HB]
# o BUG FIX: When argument 'cdf' was a CDF list structure with elements
#   'type' or 'direction', readCelUnits() would not read the correct cells
#   because the values of 'type' and 'direction' would be included in the
#   extracted list of cell indices.
# 2006-04-15 [HB]
# o BUG FIX: Passed '...' to both readCdfCellIndices() and readCel(), but
#   should only be passed to the latter.
# 2006-04-01 [HB]
# o Using readCdfCellIndices() instead of readCdfUnits().  Faster!
# o Added argument 'reorder'.  If TRUE, all cells are read in order to
#   minimize the jumping around in the file.  This speeds things up a lot!
#   I tried this last week, but for some reason I did not see a difference.
# 2006-03-29 [HB]
# o Renamed argument 'map' to 'readMap'.
# 2006-03-28 [HB]
# o Unit and cell indices are now one-based.
# o Renamed argument 'readCells' to 'readIndices' and same with the name of
#   the returned group field.
# 2006-03-26 [HB]
# o Now only "x", "y", "intensities", "pixels", and "stdvs" values are
#   returned.
# 2006-03-24 [HB]
# o Made the creation of the final CEL structure according to the CDF much
#   faster.  Now it is about 4-6 times faster utilizing get(field) instead
#   of cel[[field]].
# o Tried to reorder cell indices in order to minimize jumping around in the
#   file, but there seems to be no speed up at all doing this. Strange!
# 2006-03-14
# o Updated code to make use of package R.utils only if it is available.
# 2006-03-08
# o Removed the usage of Arguments of R.utils.  This is because we might
#   move this function to the affxparser package.  Still to be removed is
#   the use of the Verbose class.
# 2006-03-04
# o Added argument 'map'.
# o Removed all gc(). They slow down quite a bit.
# 2006-02-27 [HB]
# o BUG FIX: It was only stratifyBy="pmmm" that worked if more than one
#   array was read.
# 2006-02-23 [HB]
# o The restructuring code is now more generic, e.g. it does not require
#   the 'stratifyBy' argument and can append multiple arrays of any
#   dimensions.
# o Now the CDF file is search for where the CEL files lives too.
# 2006-02-22 [HB]
# o First test where argument 'cdf' is a CDF structure.  Fixed some bugs,
#   but it works now.
# o Simple redundancy test: The new code and the updated affxparser package
#   works with the new aroma.affymetrix/rsp/ GUI.
# o Now argument 'cdf' is checked to contain either 'cells' or 'x' & 'y'
#   group fields.  If 'x' and 'y', the cell indices are calculated from
#   (x,y) and the chip layout obtained from the header of CDF file, which
#   has been searched for.
# 2006-02-21 [HB]
# o TO DO: Re implement all of this in a C function to speed things up
#   further; it is better to put values in the right position from the
#   beginning.
# o Added arguments 'transforms' to be able to transform all probe signals
#   at once.  This improves the speed further.
# o Removed annotation of PM/MM dimension when 'stratifyBy="pmmm", because
#   the resulting object increases ~33% in size.
# o Improved speed for restructuring cell data about 20-25%.
# o Now it is possible to read multiple CEL files.
# o Making use of new 'readCells' in readCdfUnits(), which is much faster.
# o Replaced argument 'splitPmMm' with 'stratifyBy'.  This speeds up if
#   reading PM (or MM) only.
# o BUG FIX: 'splitPmMm=TRUE' allocated PMs and MMs incorrectly.  The reason
#   was that the indices are already in the correct PM/MM order from the
#   splitPmMm in readCdfUnits() from which the (x,y) to cell indices are
#   calculated.
# o Updated to make use of the latest affxparser.
# 2006-01-24 [HB]
# o BUG FIX: Made some modifications a few days ago that introduced missing
#   variables etc.
# 2006-01-21 [HB]
# o Added Rdoc comments.
# 2006-01-16 [HB]
# o Created by HB.

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