
Defines functions preprocessCoverage

Documented in preprocessCoverage

#' Transform and split the data
#' This function takes the coverage data from [loadCoverage], scales the
#' data, does the log2 transformation, and splits it into appropriate chunks
#' for using [calculateStats].
#' @param coverageInfo A list containing a DataFrame --`$coverage`-- with
#' the coverage data and a logical Rle --`$position`-- with the positions
#' that passed the cutoff. This object is generated using [loadCoverage].
#' You should have specified a cutoff value for [loadCoverage] unless
#' that you are using `colsubset` which will force a filtering step
#' with [filterData] when running [preprocessCoverage].
#' @param groupInfo A factor specifying the group membership of each sample. If
#' `NULL` no group mean coverages are calculated. If the factor has more
#' than one level, the first one will be used to calculate the log2 fold change
#' in [calculatePvalues].
#' @inheritParams filterData
#' @param colsubset Optional vector of column indices of
#' `coverageInfo$coverage` that denote samples you wish to include in
#' analysis.
#' @param lowMemDir If specified, each chunk is saved into a separate Rdata
#' file under `lowMemDir` and later loaded in
#' [fstats.apply][derfinderHelper::fstats.apply] when
#' running [calculateStats] and [calculatePvalues]. Using this option
#' helps reduce the memory load as each fork in [bplapply][BiocParallel::bplapply]
#' loads only the data needed for the chunk processing. The downside is a bit
#' longer computation time due to input/output.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods and/or advanced arguments.
#' Advanced arguments:
#' \describe{
#' \item{verbose }{ If `TRUE` basic status updates will be printed along
#' the way. Default: `FALSE`.}
#' \item{toMatrix }{ Determines whether the data in the chunk should already be
#' saved as a Matrix object, which can be useful to reduce the computation time
#' of the F-statistics. Only used when `lowMemDir` is not `NULL` and
#' by in that case set to `TRUE` by default.}
#' \item{mc.cores }{ Number of cores you will use for calculating the
#' statistics.}
#' \item{scalefac }{ A log 2 transformation is used on the count tables, so
#' zero counts present a problem.  What number should we add to the entire
#' matrix? Default: 32.}
#' \item{chunksize }{ How many rows of `coverageInfo$coverage` should be
#' processed at a time? Default: 5 million. Reduce this number if you have
#' hundreds of samples to reduce the memory burden while sacrificing some
#' speed.}
#' }
#' @details If `chunksize` is `NULL`, then `mc.cores` is used to
#' determine the `chunksize`. This is useful if you want to split the data
#' so each core gets the same amount of data (up to rounding).
#' Computing the indexes and using those for `mclapply` reduces
#' memory copying as described by Ryan Thompson and illustrated in approach #4
#' at <http://lcolladotor.github.io/2013/11/14/Reducing-memory-overhead-when-using-mclapply>
#' If `lowMemDir` is specified then `$coverageProcessed` is NULL and
#' `$mclapplyIndex` is a vector with the chunk identifiers.
#' @return A list with five components.
#' \describe{
#' \item{coverageProcessed }{ contains the processed coverage information in a
#' DataFrame object. Each column represents a sample and the coverage
#' information is scaled and log2 transformed. Note that if `colsubset` is
#' not `NULL` the number of columns will be less than those in
#' `coverageInfo$coverage`. The total number of rows depends on the number
#' of base pairs that passed the `cutoff` and the information stored is
#' the coverage at that given base. Further note that [filterData] is
#' re-applied if `colsubset` is not `NULL` and could thus lead to
#' fewer rows compared to `coverageInfo$coverage`. }
#' \item{mclapplyIndex }{ is a list of logical Rle objects. They contain the
#' partioning information according to `chunksize`.}
#' \item{position }{  is a logical Rle with the positions of the chromosome
#' that passed the cutoff.}
#' \item{meanCoverage }{ is a numeric Rle with the mean coverage at each
#' filtered base.}
#' \item{groupMeans }{ is a list of Rle objects containing the mean coverage at
#' each filtered base calculated by group. This list has length 0 if
#' `groupInfo=NULL`.}
#' }
#' Passed to [filterData] when `colsubset` is specified.
#' @author Leonardo Collado-Torres
#' @seealso [filterData], [loadCoverage], [calculateStats]
#' @export
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges ncol nrow '[' '[[' '[[<-'
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @examples
#' ## Split the data and transform appropriately before using calculateStats()
#' dataReady <- preprocessCoverage(genomeData,
#'     cutoff = 0, scalefac = 32,
#'     chunksize = 1e3, colsubset = NULL, verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' names(dataReady)
#' dataReady
preprocessCoverage <- function(coverageInfo, groupInfo = NULL, cutoff = 5,
    colsubset = NULL, lowMemDir = NULL, ...) {
    ## Check that the input is from loadCoverage()
    stopifnot(length(intersect(names(coverageInfo), c(
    ))) == 2)
    stopifnot(is.factor(groupInfo) | is.null(groupInfo))

    ## Advanged arguments
    # @param verbose If \code{TRUE} basic status updates will be printed along the
    # way.
    verbose <- .advanced_argument("verbose", FALSE, ...)

    # @param toMatrix Determines whether the data in the chunk should already be
    # saved as a Matrix object, which can be useful to reduce the computation time of the F-statistics. Only used when \code{lowMemDir} is not NULL.
    toMatrix <- .advanced_argument("toMatrix", !is.null(lowMemDir), ...)

    # @param mc.cores Number of cores you will use for calculating the statistics.
    mc.cores <- .advanced_argument("mc.cores", getOption("mc.cores", 1L), ...)

    # @param scalefac A log 2 transformation is used on the count tables, so zero
    # counts present a problem.  What number should we add to the entire matrix?
    scalefac <- .advanced_argument("scalefac", 32, ...)

    # @param chunksize How many rows of \code{coverageInfo$coverage} should be
    # processed at a time?
    chunksize <- .advanced_argument("chunksize", 5e+06, ...)

    ## Use pre-calculated mean coverage if available
    means <- coverageInfo$meanCoverage

    coverage <- coverageInfo$coverage
    if (is.null(colsubset)) {
        stopifnot(length(groupInfo) == length(coverage) | is.null(groupInfo))
    } else {
        stopifnot(length(groupInfo) == length(colsubset) | is.null(groupInfo))

    position <- coverageInfo$position

    ## Subset the DataFrame to use only the columns of interest
    if (!is.null(colsubset)) {
        ## Re-filter
        if (verbose) {
              message(paste(Sys.time(), "preprocessCoverage: filtering the data"))
        coverageInfo <- filterData(
            data = coverageInfo$coverage[
            ], cutoff = cutoff, index = coverageInfo$position,
            returnMean = TRUE, ...
        coverage <- coverageInfo$coverage
        position <- coverageInfo$position
        means <- coverageInfo$meanCoverage

    if (is.null(position)) {
        stop("'coverageInfo$position' is NULL when it shouldn't be. Use a cutoff when loading the data with loadCoverage() or fullCoverage(). Alternatively, you can specify 'colsubset' such that preproccessCoverage() will run filterData() again.")

    ## Get the positions and shorter variables
    numrow <- nrow(coverage)

    ## Automatic chunksize depending on the number of cores
    if (is.null(chunksize)) {
        chunksize <- ceiling(numrow / mc.cores)
        if (verbose) {
                  Sys.time(), "preprocessCoverage: using chunksize",

    ## Determine number of loops
    lastloop <- trunc(numrow / chunksize)

    ## Fix the lastloop in case that the N is a factor of
    ## chunksize
    if (numrow %% chunksize == 0 & lastloop > 0) {
        lastloop <- lastloop - 1

    ## Find the overall mean coverage
    if (is.null(means)) {
        means <- Reduce("+", coverage) / length(coverage)

    ## Find the by group mean coverage
    if (is.null(groupInfo)) {
        groupMeans <- list()
    } else {
        groupMeans <- vector("list", length(levels(groupInfo)))
        names(groupMeans) <- levels(groupInfo)
        for (group in levels(groupInfo)) {
            groupMeans[[group]] <- Reduce("+", coverage[groupInfo ==
                group]) / sum(groupInfo == group)

    ## Log2 transform and scale
    numcol <- ncol(coverage)
    for (i in seq_len(numcol)) {
        coverage[[i]] <- log2(coverage[[i]] + scalefac)

    ## Split the data into appropriate chunks
    if (verbose) {
          message(paste(Sys.time(), "preprocessCoverage: splitting the data"))
    if (lastloop == 0) {
        split.len <- numrow
    } else {
        split.len <- rep(chunksize, lastloop)
        split.len.sum <- numrow - sum(split.len)
        if (split.len.sum > 0) {
            split.len <- c(split.len, split.len.sum)
    split.idx <- Rle(seq_len(lastloop + 1), split.len)
    if (!is.null(lowMemDir)) {
        chunks <- split(coverage, split.idx)
        dir.create(lowMemDir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

        for (i in seq_len(length(chunks))) {
            if (toMatrix) {
                chunkProcessed <- derfinderHelper:::.transformSparseMatrix(
                    data = chunks[[i]], scalefac = scalefac
            } else {
                chunkProcessed <- chunks[[i]]
            save(chunkProcessed, file = file.path(
                paste0("chunk", i, ".Rdata")
        coverage <- NULL
        coverage.split <- seq_len(lastloop + 1)
    } else {
        coverage.split <- lapply(seq_len(lastloop + 1), function(x) {
            split.idx == x

    ## Done =)
    result <- list(
        coverageProcessed = coverage,
        mclapplyIndex = coverage.split, position = position,
        meanCoverage = means, groupMeans = groupMeans

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derfinder documentation built on Dec. 20, 2020, 2 a.m.