## imageHTS class definition
setClass('imageHTS', contains='cellHTS',
## extract fields "x1: y1\n x2: y2\n..." to named list with names x_k and values y_k
## - yk value are splitted between commas
## - trailing whitespaces are removed
parseDCF = function(filename) {
if (!file.exists(filename)) stop('parseDCF: cannot open file "',filename,'"',sep='')
## parse file
tt = paste(readLines(filename, warn=FALSE), '')
## split first :
z = regexpr(':',tt)
z[z<0] = nchar(tt)[z<0]+1
aa = matrix('', nrow=length(tt), ncol=2)
aa[,1] = substr(tt, 1, z-1)
aa[,2] = substr(tt, z+1, nchar(tt))
tt = apply(aa, 1, as.list)
tt[lapply(tt, length)<2] = NULL
tt = lapply(tt, function(z) {z[[2]]=strsplit(z[[2]], ',')[[1]] ; z})
tt = lapply(tt, lapply, function (z) {gsub("^ *| *$", "", z)})
names(tt) = sapply(tt,'[[', 1)
tt = sapply(tt, '[[', 2)
## overload configure
setMethod('configure', signature("imageHTS"),
function(object, descripFile, confFile, logFile, path='missing') {
## try to fetch descripFile, confFile and logFile
fileHTS(object, type='file', filename=descripFile, access=access)
fileHTS(object, type='file', filename=confFile, access=access)
fileHTS(object, type='file', filename=logFile, access=access)
## call mother method
cellHTSconfigure = getMethod('configure', signature('cellHTS'))
## cellHTSconfigure files cannot contains path ; make a new path
ddescripFile = dirname(descripFile)
dconfFile = dirname(confFile)
dlogFile = dirname(logFile)
if (length(unique(c(ddescripFile, dconfFile, dlogFile)))!=1) {
stop('descripFile, confFile and logFile must be in the same directory')
confdir = ddescripFile
if (confdir!='.') path = file.path(object@localPath, confdir)
else path = object@localPath
cellHTSconfigure(object, descripFile, confFile, logFile, path=path)
## overload annotate
setMethod("annotate", signature("imageHTS"),
function(object, geneIDFile, path='missing') {
## try to fetch geneIDFile
fileHTS(object, type='file', filename=geneIDFile, access=access)
## call mother method
cellHTSannotate = getMethod('annotate', signature('cellHTS'))
## cellHTSannotate file cannot contains path ; make a new path
confdir = dirname(geneIDFile)
if (confdir!='.') path = file.path(object@localPath, confdir)
else path = object@localPath
cellHTSannotate(object, geneIDFile, path=path)
readHTS = function(x, type, ..., access='cache', format=NULL) {
f = fileHTS(x, type=type, ..., access=access)
if (!file.exists(f)) stop('cannot find filename=', f)
z = gregexpr('\\.', f)[[1]]
extension = substr(f, z[length(z)]+1, nchar(f))
## format is based on type
if (is.null(format)) format = switch(type, cal='rda', seg='rda', ftrs='tab', clabels='tab')
if (is.null(format)) stop('file format cannot be determined: please specify \'format\'')
'tab'=read.table(f, header=TRUE, sep='\t', stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
fileHTS = function(x, type, ..., createPath=FALSE, access='cache') {
if (missing(type)) stop("argument 'type' is missing")
if (!access%in%c('cache', 'local', 'server')) stop("'access' must be 'cache', 'local' or 'server'")
args = list(...)
nargs = names(args)
if ('uname'%in%nargs) uname = args$uname
if ('channel'%in%nargs) channel = args$channel
if ('spot'%in%nargs) spot = args$spot
## if 'uname' is present, instantiate: plate, replicate, row, col, subdir
if ('uname'%in%nargs) {
z = uname2prw(uname)
plate = z$plate
replicate = z$replicate
row = z$row
col = z$col
subdir = prw2uname(plate, replicate)
## build filename and dir
dir = NULL
'file' ={
if ('filename'%in%nargs) filename = args$filename
else stop("fileHTS: argument 'filename' is missing")
dir = ''
'source' = {
if (!'uname'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'uname' is missing")
if (!'channel'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'channel' is missing")
ic = getImageConf(x)
plate = ic$PlateNames[plate]
replicate = ic$ReplicateNames[replicate]
channel = ic$ChannelNames[channel]
filename = ic$SourceFilenamePattern
filename = gsub('\\{plate\\}', plate, filename)
filename = gsub('\\{replicate\\}', replicate, filename)
filename = gsub('\\{channel\\}', channel, filename)
## wellid
if (length(grep('\\{wellid\\}', filename))==1) {
wellid = well2wellid(row=row, col=col, direction=ic$WellIdDirection, dim=pdim(x))
filename = gsub('\\{wellid\\}', wellid, filename)
} else {
row = ic$RowNames[row]
col = ic$ColNames[col]
filename = gsub('\\{row\\}', row, filename)
filename = gsub('\\{col\\}', col, filename)
## spot
if (length(grep('\\{spot\\}', filename))==1) {
if (!'spot'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'spot' is missing")
filename = gsub('\\{spot\\}', ic$SpotNames[spot], filename)
dir = ''
## Calibrated images in rda format
if (!'uname'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'uname' is missing")
dir = file.path('data', subdir)
if ('spot'%in%nargs) filename = paste(uname, '-', spot, '_cal.rda', sep='')
else filename = paste(uname, '_cal.rda', sep='')
## Segmentation information in rda format
if (!'uname'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'uname' is missing")
dir = file.path('data', subdir)
if ('spot'%in%nargs) filename = paste(uname, '-', spot, '_seg.rda', sep='')
else filename = paste(uname, '_seg.rda', sep='')
## Cell contours information in Javascript
if (!'uname'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'uname' is missing")
if (!'spot'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'spot' is missing")
dir = file.path('cellpicker', subdir)
filename = paste(uname, '-', spot, '_con.js', sep='')
'ftrs'= {
## Cell features in tab format
if (!'uname'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'uname' is missing")
dir = file.path('data', subdir)
filename = paste(uname, '', sep='')
'clabels'= {
## Cell labels in rda format
if (!'uname'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'uname' is missing")
dir = file.path('data', subdir)
filename = paste(uname, '', sep='')
'jsclabels'= {
## Cell labels in Javascript
if (!'uname'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'uname' is missing")
if (!'spot'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'spot' is missing")
dir = file.path('cellpicker', subdir)
filename = paste(uname, '-', spot, '_clabels.js', sep='')
## Calibrated images in JPEG format, for visualisation purposes
if (!'uname'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'uname' is missing")
dir=file.path('view', subdir)
filename=paste(uname, '_full.jpeg', sep='')
## Unmonted calibrated images in JPEG format, for visualisation purposes
if (!'uname'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'uname' is missing")
if (!'spot'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'spot' is missing")
dir = file.path('view', subdir)
filename = paste(uname, '-', spot, '_um.jpeg', sep='')
## Calibrated images with segmentation information in JPEG format, for visualisation purposes
if (!'uname'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'uname' is missing")
dir = file.path('view', subdir)
filename = paste(uname, '_seg.jpeg', sep='')
## Thumbnail calibrated images
if (!'uname'%in%nargs) stop("fileHTS: argument 'uname' is missing")
dir = file.path('view', subdir)
filename = paste(uname, '_thumb.jpeg', sep='')
if (is.null(dir)) stop("fileHTS: invalid type '", type, "'", sep='')
## build filepath
localPath = x@localPath
serverURL = x@serverURL
## try to download the file from serverURL, if required
if (access=='cache') {
if (serverURL!='') {
flocal = fileHTS(x, type, ..., createPath=TRUE, access='local')
## download if the file doesn't exist locally or if access = 'download'
if (!file.exists(flocal)) {
fserver = fileHTS(x, type, ..., access='server')
## special case for local files
if (regexpr('file://', fserver)==1) {
w = substr(fserver, 8, nchar(fserver))
ok = try(suppressWarnings(file.copy(w, flocal, overwrite=TRUE)), silent=TRUE)
} else {
ok = try(suppressWarnings(download.file(URLencode(fserver), flocal, mode='wb')), silent=TRUE)
## download.file returns 0 for success
if (ok==0) ok = TRUE
if (class(ok)=='try-error' || !ok ||$size==0) {
warning(paste('cannot download the file pointed by \"', fserver, '\" to the location \"', flocal, '\"', sep=''))
access = 'local'
paths = ifelse(dir!='', file.path(localPath, dir, filename), file.path(localPath, filename))
if (createPath) sapply(paths, function(z) {
dz = dirname(z)
if (!file.exists(dz)) dir.create(dz, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
urls = ifelse(dir!='', paste(serverURL, dir, filename, sep='/'), paste(serverURL, filename, sep='/'))
as.character(sapply(urls, URLencode))
## (plate, replicate, row, col) to internal uname
## or list(plate, replicate, row, col)
prw2uname = function(plate, replicate, row, col, well) {
if (is.list(plate)), plate)
else {
if (length(plate)==0) return(character(0))
pr = sprintf('%03d-%02d', plate, replicate)
if (missing(well)) {
if (missing(row)) return(pr)
else well = rowcol2well(row, col)
paste(pr, well, sep='-')
uname2prw = function(uname) {
plate = as.numeric(substr(uname, 1, 3))
replicate = as.numeric(substr(uname, 5, 6))
row = as.numeric(sapply(substr(uname, 8, 8), charToRaw))-64
col = as.numeric(substr(uname, 9, 10))
data.frame(plate=plate, replicate=replicate, row=row, col=col)
rowcol2well = function(row, col) {
sprintf('%s%02d', LETTERS[row], col)
well2rowcol = function(well) {
data.frame(row=as.numeric(sapply(substr(well, 1, 1), charToRaw))-64,
col=as.numeric(substr(well, 2, 3)))
well2wellid = function(row, col, direction='row', dim) {
direction = tolower(direction)
if (direction=='row') byrow=TRUE
else if (direction=='col') byrow=FALSE
else stop("direction must be either 'row' or 'col'")
if (byrow) 1 + (col-1) + (row-1)*dim[2]
else 1 + (row-1) + (col-1)*dim[1]
getUnames = function(x, plate, replicate, row, col, content) {
if (missing(x)) stop("'x' is missing")
ic = getImageConf(x)
nbPlates = max(fData(x)$plate)
nbReplicates = length(ic$ReplicateNames)
nbRows = pdim(x)[1]
nbCols = pdim(x)[2]
if (missing(plate)) plate = 1:nbPlates
if (missing(replicate)) replicate = 1:nbReplicates
if (missing(row)) row = 1:nbRows
if (missing(col)) col = 1:nbCols
lplate = length(plate)
lreplicate = length(replicate)
lrow = length(row)
lcol = length(col)
aplate = rep(plate, each=lreplicate*lrow*lcol)
areplicate = rep(rep(replicate, each=lrow*lcol), lplate)
arow = rep(rep(row, each=lcol), lplate*lreplicate)
acol = rep(col, lplate*lreplicate*lrow)
z = prw2uname(aplate, areplicate, arow, acol)
## filtering according to content (in plateconf.txt)
if (!missing(content)) {
cs = getWellFeatures(x, z, 'controlStatus')
z = z[cs%in%content]
## display
displayHTS = function(x, unames, filename='display.html', width=NULL, seg=FALSE, access=NULL, browse=TRUE, thumb=FALSE, gene=FALSE, webquery=FALSE) {
if (webquery) {
filename = paste(fileHTS(x, 'webquery', url=TRUE, access='server'), '?search=', paste(unames, collapse='+'), sep='')
else {
filename = file.path(x@path, filename)
if (seg) {
z = fileHTS(x, 'viewseg', uname=unames, url=TRUE, access=access)
z = matrix(hwriteImage(z, link=z, table=FALSE, width=width), ncol=1)
dimnames(z) = list(unames, 'segmented')
} else if (thumb) {
z = fileHTS(x, 'viewthumb', uname=unames, url=TRUE, access=access)
zf = fileHTS(x, 'viewfull', uname=unames, url=TRUE, access=access)
z = matrix(hwriteImage(z, link=zf, table=FALSE, width=width), ncol=1)
dimnames(z) = list(unames, 'thumb')
} else {
nbspots = prod(getImageConf(x)$Montage)
z = fileHTS(x, 'viewunmonted', uname=rep(unames,each=nbspots), spot=1:nbspots, url=TRUE, access=access)
z = matrix(hwriteImage(z, link=z, table=FALSE, width=width), ncol=nbspots, byrow=TRUE)
dimnames(z) = list(unames, 1:nbspots)
if (gene) z = cbind(gene=getWellFeatures(x, rownames(z), 'GeneID'), z)
hwrite(z, filename, col.bgcolor='#ffffa0')
if (browse) {
cat('Starting a Web browser on file=', filename,' ...\n', sep='')
## uname can be multiple
getWellFeatures = function(x, uname, feature=TRUE) {
fd = fData(x)
fduname1 = prw2uname(fd$plate, 1, well=fd$well)
prw = uname2prw(uname)
uname1 = prw2uname(prw$plate, 1, prw$row, prw$col)
fd = fd[match(uname1, fduname1), feature]
if (is.matrix(fd) || rownames(fd) = uname
else names(fd) = uname
getImageConf = function(x) {
msg = function(...) {
if (options()$verbose) cat(...,"\n")
else cat(substr(...,1,1))
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