`lumiT` <-
function(x.lumi, method=c('vst', 'log2', 'cubicRoot'), ifPlot=FALSE, simpleOutput = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
# if (!is(x.lumi, 'LumiBatch')) stop('The object should be class "LumiBatch"!')
method <- match.arg(method)
if (is(x.lumi, 'eSet')) {
if (method == 'vst') {
if (is.null(se.exprs(x.lumi))) stop('Slot se.exprs is required!')
if (!all(dim(se.exprs(x.lumi)) == dim(exprs(x.lumi))))
stop('Dimensions of slots exprs and se.exprs do not match!')
} else {
stop('The object should be class "eSet" inherited!')
## the stdCorrection was moved to lumiR function on April 15, 2011.
# if (!is(x.lumi, 'LumiBatch')) stdCorrection <- FALSE
## check the negative values
if (method == 'log2') {
if (min(exprs(x.lumi), na.rm=TRUE) <= 0) {
x.lumi <- lumiB(x.lumi, method='forcePositive')
if (verbose) cat(paste('Perform', method, 'transformation ...\n'))
history.submitted <- as.character(Sys.time())
new.lumi <- x.lumi
exprs <- exprs(x.lumi)
if (max(exprs, na.rm=TRUE) < 50) {
warning("Looks like the data has been log transformed! \n It should be in the raw scale! \n Please double check!\n")
if (method == 'log2') {
exprs(new.lumi) <- log2(exprs)
} else if (method == 'cubicRoot') {
exprs(new.lumi) <- sign(exprs) * (abs(exprs))^1/3
} else {
se.exprs <- se.exprs(x.lumi)
## the stdCorrection was moved to lumiR function on April 15, 2011.
# if (stdCorrection & is(x.lumi, 'LumiBatch')) {
# bn <- beadNum(x.lumi)
# if (is.null(bn)) {
# cat('No Standard Deviation correction was applied because of missing bead number information.\n')
# } else {
# se.exprs <- se.exprs * sqrt(bn)
# }
# }
nArray <- ncol(exprs)
if (is(x.lumi, 'LumiBatch')) {
detectCall <- detectionCall(x.lumi, Th=0.01, type='matrix')
} else {
detectCall <- NULL
transExpr <- NULL
transPara <- NULL
transFun <- NULL
for (i in 1:nArray) {
cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ", processing array ", i, "\n")
u <- exprs[,i]; std <- se.exprs[,i]
lowCutoff <- 1/3
backgroundStd <- NULL
if (!is.null(detectCall)) {
ind <- which(detectCall[,i] == 'A')
if (nrow(se.exprs) - length(ind) < 3000) {
warning('Too few probes are detectable based on detection p-values!\n
Iteration method will be used for VST.')
lowCutoff <- 1/4
} else {
backgroundStd <- mean(se.exprs[ind,i], na.rm=TRUE)
} else if (is(x.lumi, 'AffyBatch')) {
lowCutoff <- 1/4
# afbatch.i <- x.lumi[,i]
# pmInd <- unlist(indexProbes(afbatch.i, 'pm'))
# mmInd <- unlist(indexProbes(afbatch.i, 'mm'))
# pm <- exprs(afbatch.i)[pmInd]
# mm <- exprs(afbatch.i)[mmInd]
# bgInd <- pmInd[mm > pm]
# bgStd <- se.exprs[bgInd,i]
# hh <- hist(bgStd, 1000, plot=FALSE)
# Th <- hh$breaks[which.max(hh$counts) + 1] * 2
# dd <- density(bgStd[bgStd < Th], na.rm=TRUE)
# backgroundStd <- dd$x[which.max(dd$y)]
# backgroundStd <- mean(bgStd)
x <- vst(u=u, std=std, backgroundStd=backgroundStd, lowCutoff=lowCutoff, ifPlot=ifPlot, ...)
transExpr <- cbind(transExpr, x)
transPara <- rbind(transPara, attr(x, 'parameter'))
transFun <- c(transFun, attr(x, 'transformFun'))
dimnames(transExpr) <- dimnames(exprs)
# if (!is.null(transExpr)) rownames(transExpr) <- colnames(exprs(x.lumi))
if (!is.null(transPara)) rownames(transPara) <- colnames(exprs(x.lumi))
if (!is.null(transFun)) names(transFun) <- colnames(exprs(x.lumi))
exprs(new.lumi) <- transExpr
colnames(exprs(new.lumi)) <- colnames(exprs(x.lumi))
rownames(exprs(new.lumi)) <- rownames(exprs(x.lumi))
if (simpleOutput) {
if (is(x.lumi, 'LumiBatch')) {
se.exprs(x.lumi) <- NULL
beadNum(x.lumi) <- NULL
# storage.mode <- storageMode(new.lumi)
# if ("lockedEnvironment" == storage.mode) {
# aData <- copyEnv(assayData(new.lumi))
# # rm(list=c('se.exprs', 'detection', 'beadNum'), envir=aData)
# rm(list=c('se.exprs', 'beadNum'), envir=aData)
# lockEnvironment(aData, bindings = TRUE)
# assayData(new.lumi) <- aData
# } else {
# aData <- assayData(new.lumi)
# # rm(list=c('se.exprs', 'detection', 'beadNum'), envir=aData)
# rm(list=c('se.exprs', 'beadNum'), envir=aData)
# assayData(new.lumi) <- aData
# }
if (is(x.lumi, 'AffyBatch')) {
se.exprs(x.lumi) <- new('matrix')
if (is(x.lumi, 'LumiBatch')) {
# history tracking
history.finished <- as.character(Sys.time())
# history.command <- capture.output(print(
history.command <- paste(deparse(, collapse='')
if (is.null(new.lumi@history$lumiVersion)) new.lumi@history$lumiVersion <- rep(NA, nrow(new.lumi@history))
lumiVersion <- packageDescription('lumi')$Version
new.lumi@history<- rbind(new.lumi@history, data.frame(submitted=history.submitted,
finished=history.finished, command=history.command, lumiVersion=lumiVersion))
if (method == 'vst') {
attr(new.lumi, 'vstParameter') <- transPara
attr(new.lumi, 'transformFun') <- transFun
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