Biocview "ThirdPartyClient"

A Bioconductor package for accessing GA4GH API data servers
A Bioconductor package for accessing GA4GH API data servers
Access Bioconductor docker images
Access Bioconductor docker images
Access Bioconductor docker images
Add resources to ExperimentHub
Add resources to ExperimentHub
AmiGO visualize R interface
An R interface to the Rfam database
An R interface to the Rfam database
An R toolkit for non-coding RNA
An R toolkit for non-coding RNA
A package to access the oncoKB web API
A package to access the oncoKB web API
A package to search and retrieve data from Hub resources
A Simple Data Management and Sharing Tool
A Simple Data Management and Sharing Tool
A Thin Wrapper around the ImmuneSpace Data and Tools Portal
A Thin Wrapper around the ImmuneSpace Database
A wrapper for Gemma's Restful API to access curated gene expression data and differential expression analyses
A wrapper for Gemma's Restful API to access curated gene expression data and differential expression analyses
A wrapper for Gemma's Restful API to access curated gene expression data and differential expression analyses
A wrapper for Gemma's Restful API to access curated gene expression data and differential expression analyses
Broadcast data between R and Gaggle
BrowserHeatmap: a BrowserViz subclass for displaying heatmaps
BrowserVizDemo2: How to add a feature to BrowserVizDemo
BrowserVizDemo: How to subclass BrowserViz
BrowserViz: interactive R/browser graphics using websockets and JSON
BrowserViz: interactive R/browser graphics using websockets and JSON
Client-side REST access to the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)
Client-side REST access to the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)
Client to access AnnotationHub resources
Client to access AnnotationHub resources
Client to access ExperimentHub resources
Client to access ExperimentHub resources
Convert a Graph into a D3js Script
COVID-19 data resources and analysis tools
Create and Manager a Database specifically for Bioconductor build report statuses
Create Networks of Dendrochronological Series using Pairwise Similarity
Cut rDNA Sequences Into Domains Using Covariance Models
Display and manipulate graphs in Cytoscape
Display and manipulate graphs in Cytoscape >= 3.3.0
Display and manipulate graphs in cytoscape.js
Display and manipulate graphs in cytoscape.js
Display and manipulate graphs in cytoscape.js
Display and manipulate heatmaps in clustergrammer.js
Exposes and makes available data from the cBioPortal web resources
Exposes and Makes Available Data from the cBioPortal Web Resources
Exposes and Makes Available Data from the cBioPortal Web Resources
Functions to Access and Control Cytoscape
Functions to Access and Control Cytoscape
Functions to handle cDNA microarray data, including several methods of data analysis
Gene transfer format files for common ChIP-seq model organisms
GRAPH Interaction from pathway Topological Environment
GRAPH Interaction from pathway Topological Environment
Human ChIP-seq peaks data from ENCODE and ROADMAP Epigenomics
igvNgl: explore relations between DNA variants and protein structure
igvR: integrative genomics viewer
igvR: integrative genomics viewer
igvR: integrative genomics viewer
igvR: integrative genomics viewer
Interact with GENE-E from R
Interact with the Broad Institute Cromwell workflow manager
Interact with the Broad Institute Cromwell workflow manager
Interface to Call Programs from Infernal RNA Covariance Model Package
OmniPath web service client
OmniPath web service client and more
Processing of adductomic mass spectral datasets
Processing of adductomic mass spectral datasets
Proteomics Standard Initiative Common QUery InterfaCe
Proteomics Standard Initiative Common QUery InterfaCe
Putting the fun in LINCS L1000 data analysis
Putting the fun in LINCS L1000 data analysis
Putting the fun in LINCS L1000 data analysis
R Client for GA4GH API
R Client for Google Genomics API
R Client for Google Genomics API
R Client for Seven Bridges Genomics API (v1)
'REST' 'API' Client for the 'NHGRI'-'EBI' 'GWAS' Catalog
'REST' 'API' Client for the 'NHGRI'-'EBI' 'GWAS' Catalog
R Interface to the ProteomeXchange Repository
R Interface to the ProteomeXchange Repository
rWikiPathways - R client library for the WikiPathways API
rWikiPathways - R client library for the WikiPathways API
rWikiPathways - R client library for the WikiPathways API
rWikiPathways - R client library for the WikiPathways API
Seven Bridges Platform API Client and Common Workflow Language Tool Builder in R
Seven Bridges Platform API Client and Common Workflow Language Tool Builder in R
Seven Bridges Platform API Client and Common Workflow Language Tool Builder in R
Symphony integer linear programming solver in R
The BRENDA Enzyme Database
The BRENDA Enzyme Database
trenaViz: network and genome track visualization for trena
Utilities to create and use Bioconductor Hubs
Visualize all edges within a KEGG pathway and overlay LINCS data
Visualize all edges within a KEGG pathway and overlay LINCS data
Visualize all edges within a KEGG pathway and overlay LINCS data [option]