
Defines functions fit_GUI_Shiny

Documented in fit_GUI_Shiny

# @title ----
#' @title Fit a model with GUI of Shiny
#' @description A graphical user interface (GUI) to fit a model to data.
# @ details ----
#' @details  First, please execute, then user will understand what it is.
#' This function is the one of the most important function in this package.
#' I do not assume that the user is familiar with R script but FROC analysis.
#'  So, I made this function to provide
#'   the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for users to avoid CUI (Characteristic User Interface).
#'  The GUI is made by the \pkg{shiny} package.
# @param -----
#' @param DF A dataframe as an initial data to be fitted a model
#' @param NL.min min number of bins indicating the minimal number in which the number of lesions can move
#' @param NL.max max number of bins indicating the maximal number in which the number of lesions can move
#' @param NI.max max number of bins indicating the maximal number in which the number of imagegs can move
#' @param NL.initial Natural number indicating the initial number of lesions, Default value =259.
#' @param NI.initial Natural number indicating the initial number of images, Default value =57
#' @param MCMC_iterations_love.initial Natural number indicating the initial number of MCMC samplings, Default value = 1111L
#' @param Seed_of_MCMC_love.initial Natural number indicating the initial number of MCMC samplings, Default value =1234L
#' @param parallel_MCMC_chains_love.initial Natural number indicating the initial number of MCMC samplings, Default value =333
#' @param DF_NL A data-frame, consisting of a positive number representing the number of lesions
#' @param DF_NI A data-frame, consisting of a positive number representing the number of images
#' @param width_of_data_input_panel width of data panel
#' @param MCMC.chains.max max number of bins indicating number of MCMC chains
#' @param min_MCMC_iterations_love.initial Natural number indicating the initial minimum number of MCMC samplings, Default value =333
#' @param max_MCMC_iterations_love.initial Natural number indicating the initial maximal number of MCMC samplings, Default value =333
#' @param seed.MCMC.max Natural number indicating the initial possible maximal seed of MCMC samplings, Default value =111111
#' @param ww.initial,www.initial,mm.initial,mmm.initial,vv.initial,vvv.initial,zz.initial,zzz.initial parameters for prior
#  @param redundant_counter an integer, for counter
#' @param print_debug A logical, whether debug messages are printed or not. In Shiny, initial values can be specified. However, it dose not work correctly for me. Thus, I examine what values are passed .... so this variable used for the treatments of initial values, mainly.
#' @param samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.initial initial value of number of samples
#' @param samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.max maximal value of samples
#' @param DF_samples_from_likelihood auxilary data frame for samples
#' @return In global environment, \R object named "f" and "d" are
#' In global environment, an \R object named "f" is created, in which fitted model object is included. This is not return value, you know, cuz
#'  \code{.Last.value} is not the object "f". However, you know, for the pretty cute, it is sufficient.
#'  In global environment, an \R object named "d" is created, which is the dataset to which the model is fitted.
#' @export
#' @examples
#'## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#'if (interactive()) {
#'#            1)           Use the default User Interface
#'#No need to consider the variables, it is sufficient in  default values.
#'  fit_GUI_Shiny()
#'#            2)           Change the  User Interface
#'#  We can change the max imput of the number of lesions and the max of number of images
#'  fit_GUI_Shiny(NL.max = 2222,
#'                 NI.max = 3333)
#'#            3)           Change the  Default value
#'   fit_GUI_Shiny(
#'             DF= data.frame(
#'             f = c(  8,  16,  18,  13),
#'             h = c(160,  25,  15,   7)
#'                          )
#'             )
#'#    Note that the following is wrong
#'   fit_GUI_Shiny(
#'             DF= data.frame(
#'             h = c(160,  25,  15,   7),
#'             f = c(  8,  16,  18,  13)
#'                          )
#'             )
#'#            4)           Change the user Imterface
#'      fit_GUI_Shiny(
#'           DF= data.frame(
#'             f = c(  8,  16,  18,  13),
#'             h = c(160,  25,  15,   7)
#'                 ),
#'                 NL.max = 1192,
#'                 NI.max = 794,
#'                 MCMC.chains.max = 6
#'               )
#'#            5) CUI rather than GUI input
#'#              How to input data using CUI?
#'#                           This example gives an answer.
#'# CUI:  Characteristic user interface
#'# Here, I show the very strange data, that is, the number of hits is all 33
#'# and replicated 10 times, that is,
#'# h is substituted by rep(33L,10) indicating  33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
#'# f is also same as h.
#'   fit_GUI_Shiny(NL.initial=555,
#'                DF =data.frame(
#'                  f= as.integer(rep(33,10)),
#'                  h= as.integer(rep(33,10))

#'                )
#'  )
#'# The author made this example since, when I check my program,
#'# such as whether the color used in polygon() is appropriate or not.
#'# If user thinks that it is very hard to input hits and false alarms
#'# by GUI manner, then use this characteristic manner.
#'#            6) Change maximul possible number of chains
#'# We can generate at most 8 chains in MCMC sampling
#'     fit_GUI_Shiny(  MCMC.chains.max = 8 )
#'}### Only run examples in interactive R sessions

fit_GUI_Shiny <- function(
  # Initial data -----
    f=c( 1L ,  14L,   74L ),
    h=c( 97L,   32L,   31L)

  NL.initial = 259L,
  NI.initial = 57L,

  samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.initial = 5L,
  samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.max = 111L,
  NL.min = 1L,
  NL.max = 1111L,
  NI.max = 1111L,
  width_of_data_input_panel = 555L,

  MCMC_iterations_love.initial =1111L,
  min_MCMC_iterations_love.initial =22L,
  max_MCMC_iterations_love.initial =11111L,
  seed.MCMC.max =111111L,

  Seed_of_MCMC_love.initial =1234L,
  parallel_MCMC_chains_love.initial =1L,
  www.initial =11,
  zz.initial= 1.55,

  # ww.initial  = 0,
  # mm.initial  = 0,
  # vv.initial  = 0,
  # zz.initial  = 0,
  # www.initial = 1,
  # mmm.initial = 1,
  # vvv.initial = 1,
  # zzz.initial = 1,

  # redundant_counter =1,

  DF_NL = data.frame( NL.initial = NL.initial ),

  DF_NI = data.frame( NI.initial = NI.initial ),
  DF_samples_from_likelihood = data.frame( samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.initial = samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.initial ),

  print_debug = FALSE,
  # MCMC.samples.max = 11111,
  MCMC.chains.max = parallel::detectCores()

  # counter=0


  # MCMCiterationReputation <- c("too small","small","good","best")

  outdir <- system.file("myapp", package = "BayesianFROC")
  outfilename <- "table"

  if (outdir == "") {
    stop("Could not find myapp. Try re-installing `BayesianFROC`.", call. = FALSE)

  # shiny::shinyUI(

  # shiny::fluidPage(
  # ui ------
  ui <- shiny::navbarPage("MCS  ",
                          inverse	= TRUE,

                          # shiny::tabPanel(":) Main Tab :-'D",

                                          # shiny::tags$head(
                                          #   shiny::tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", type = "text/css", href = "styles.css")
                                          ## , shiny::tags$script(src= "color_change.js")
                                          # ) ,# Color

# CSS ----- I also put a header but the warning message was same
header =   shiny::tags$head(
                                            # shinythemes::themeSelector(),

                                            # tags$button(id="trigger_save_a_fitted_model_object_rename",
                                            #             type="button",
                                            #             class="btn action-button btn-large btn-primary",
                                            #             HTML('<i class="icon-star"></i>Large button')),

                                            # css ----

  /*Dragabble panel style heeeeeehaaaaaa*/
      .ui-draggable {
      z-index: 11;
font-size: 14pt;
border-top: 1px solid #991313; border-bottom: 5px solid 991313; border-radius: 23px; border: 3px solid white;

/*Slider_input From here heeehaaaa*/
.irs-single {font-family: 'arial'; color:#B30E0E;    background:#E0D162;  font-size:17pt; }
.irs-slider {width: 65px; height: 60px; top: 35px; background:#870C0C;  border-radius: 100px;}

.irs-max {font-family: 'arial'; color: black;  background:#9E9898;  font-size: 14pt}
.irs-min {font-family: 'arial'; color: black; background:#9E9898;  font-size: 14pt}

.irs-bar {      width: 100%; height: 15px; background: #991313; border-top: 1px solid #2e6da4; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-radius: 33px; border: 1px solid #2e6da4; }
.irs-bar-edge { width: 40px; height: 15px; background: #991313; border-top: 1px solid #2e6da4; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-radius: 33px; border: 1px solid #2e6da4; }
.irs-line {                   height: 15px; border-radius: 33px;border: 1px solid black; }

.irs-grid-pol {display: none;}
/*Slider_input From here heeehaaaa*/

     .checkbox { /* checkbox is a div class*/
        line-height: 30px;
        margin-bottom: 40px; /*set the margin, so boxes don't overlap*/
         color:black;/* font color*/
         border-radius: 100px;

      input[type='checkbox']{ /* style for checkboxes */
        width: 35px; /*Desired width*/
        height: 35px; /*Desired height*/
        line-height: 5px;


      span {
          margin-left: 15px;  /*set the margin, so boxes don't overlap labels*/
          line-height: 20px;

                                            # 337ab7  this is a defult like color of slider

                                            # .irs-bar {width: 100%; height: 25px; background: black; border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid black;}
                                            # .irs-bar-edge {background: black; border: 1px solid black; height: 25px; border-radius: 0px; width: 20px;}
                                            # .irs-line {border: 1px solid black; height: 25px; border-radius: 0px;}
                                            # .irs-grid-text {font-size: 14pt; font-family: 'arial'; color: white; bottom: 17px; z-index: 1;}

                                            # .irs-grid-pol {display: none;}
                                            # .irs-max {font-family: 'arial'; color: black;}
                                            # .irs-min {font-family: 'arial'; color: black;}
                                            # .irs-line {border: 1px solid black; height: 25px; border-radius: 13px;width: 0px;}

                                            # ,header=tags$head(tags$style(type='text/css', ".irs-grid-text { font-size: 200pt; }"))

                                          ),#taghead# cols <- colourpicker::colourPicker(5) "#CC5858"#FF8800 "#B0A9A9"   "#B8940263" "#70BBC7"   "#C29999"#F07878#E8906D9B#CCCCFF#9DCDD1#F26666  background-color:#CCCCCF;

# CSS ----- I also put a header but the warning message was same
footer =   shiny::tags$footer(

  # tags$button(id="trigger_save_a_fitted_model_object_rename",
  #             type="button",
  #             class="btn action-button btn-large btn-primary",
  #             HTML('<i class="icon-star"></i>Large button')),

  # css ----

  /*Dragabble panel style heeeeeehaaaaaa*/
      .ui-draggable {
      z-index: 11;
font-size: 14pt;
border-top: 1px solid #991313; border-bottom: 5px solid 991313; border-radius: 23px; border: 3px solid white;

/*Slider_input From here heeehaaaa*/
.irs-single {font-family: 'arial'; color:#B30E0E;    background:#E0D162;  font-size:17pt; }
.irs-slider {width: 65px; height: 60px; top: 35px; background:#870C0C;  border-radius: 100px;}

.irs-max {font-family: 'arial'; color: black;  background:#9E9898;  font-size: 14pt}
.irs-min {font-family: 'arial'; color: black; background:#9E9898;  font-size: 14pt}

.irs-bar {      width: 100%; height: 15px; background: #991313; border-top: 1px solid #2e6da4; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-radius: 33px; border: 1px solid #2e6da4; }
.irs-bar-edge { width: 40px; height: 15px; background: #991313; border-top: 1px solid #2e6da4; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-radius: 33px; border: 1px solid #2e6da4; }
.irs-line {                   height: 15px; border-radius: 33px;border: 1px solid black; }

.irs-grid-pol {display: none;}
/*Slider_input From here heeehaaaa*/

     .checkbox { /* checkbox is a div class*/
        line-height: 30px;
        margin-bottom: 40px; /*set the margin, so boxes don't overlap*/
         color:black;/* font color*/
         border-radius: 100px;

      input[type='checkbox']{ /* style for checkboxes */
        width: 35px; /*Desired width*/
        height: 35px; /*Desired height*/
        line-height: 5px;


      span {
          margin-left: 15px;  /*set the margin, so boxes don't overlap labels*/
          line-height: 20px;

  # 337ab7  this is a defult like color of slider

  # .irs-bar {width: 100%; height: 25px; background: black; border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid black;}
  # .irs-bar-edge {background: black; border: 1px solid black; height: 25px; border-radius: 0px; width: 20px;}
  # .irs-line {border: 1px solid black; height: 25px; border-radius: 0px;}
  # .irs-grid-text {font-size: 14pt; font-family: 'arial'; color: white; bottom: 17px; z-index: 1;}

  # .irs-grid-pol {display: none;}
  # .irs-max {font-family: 'arial'; color: black;}
  # .irs-min {font-family: 'arial'; color: black;}
  # .irs-line {border: 1px solid black; height: 25px; border-radius: 13px;width: 0px;}

  # ,header=tags$head(tags$style(type='text/css', ".irs-grid-text { font-size: 200pt; }"))


     shiny::tabPanel(":) Love and Peace :-'D",

                                          # shinyjs lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll----
                                          shinyjs::inlineCSS(list(.reddd = "background: #F08E4D;font-size:17pt;")),
                     # shiny::h5( shiny::helpText("Make a fitted model R objects in Global environment ",shiny::code( shiny::strong("f")) ," and data ",shiny::code( shiny::strong("d")) ,". " )),
                     #Check box ----
                     shiny::checkboxInput("checkbox2021",   shiny::h5( shiny::helpText("If this is checked, then ", shiny::p(id = "elementtt", "   in Global environment, " ) ," it makes a fitted model R object ",shiny::code( shiny::strong("f")) ," and a dataset ",shiny::code( shiny::strong("d")) ,". So, On R console, the objects ",shiny::code( shiny::strong("f")) ," and ",shiny::code( shiny::strong("d")) ," are avaliable. I love you. \n Sincerely yours \n Doggy Riya " )) ,
                                          value =FALSE),#2021 Dec 3

                                          # shiny::p(id = "elementtt",      shiny::helpText(" ... mostly what I need from you. " )       ),
                                          # shiny::p(id = "elementtt", "Watch what happens to me"),

                                          shiny::titlePanel(" FROC Analysis by Issei Tsunoda. "),

                                          # shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" My life is painful life caused by syndet. I have been regretted for 3 years since the moment of using syndet in K. Someone would thinks the author's panty is dirty! But it is not true! Because I have aready thrown away my dirty panty and thus his panty itself no longer exist and before it, it never exist! So, such a dirty guess about my panty is false! Because I have no panties!! But today, when I saw her standing there, I noticed that I musta gotta get panty, should be beautiful one, you know, but I have not ...any why why my life is painful, before my birth in this world sheet, i chose some dichlet boudary condition to selecet which world line i live. The God of panty asked me that \"your Dirichlet initial value is dangeroud bitch, are you OK?\", I remmber that I answered \"Yep, i hope my life is beatiful panty\". But i had chosen and now I recognizes what a boundary i lived what a ... dangerous panty. Love me do ~~~~ Ohw ~~ love me do! I love thee. Ha I am a Painfulvitch, a painfulbitch...painful life, I cannot this is the real. Singular life,  where is the garden of erden where is very far..... how long should i walk to .. i am wrong? mathmatics, i belive you, i will reveal what are you. Problem is now reduced into the limit of singular value problem as dim tends infinity with estimates for a composition map of coboundary operators in coeffient in sheaf and boundary of surface. I would solve you. The first and the last singular values is trivial, the important is the second the how strictly uniformly less than 1. Vanishing theorem is required for my life-chomology. my life is definitely on a non-ample negative line bundle.")),

                                          # shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" pain ian painn pann painn piana pennnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiPAINAPAINPAINPAINPAINPIpainf painnnfulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiii")),
                                          # shiny::fluidRow(
                                          # shiny::column(6,# shiny::h2(" FROC Data"),

                                          # shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Do not use Frisbee, because it injure the mouth of doggy. Use Dotchbee instead of it. I am not sure the spell is correct or we can buy Dutchbee of the other contries. Frisbee is not good toy, it should be imporved.")),

                                          # HMC  -----
                                          shiny::absolutePanel(        draggable = TRUE,

                                                                       # style ="red",
                                                                       style = "overflow-y:scroll; max-height: 900px;",

                                                                       top = "100px",#initial position of draggable panel

                                                                       shiny::h1("Options of HMC"),
                                                                       shiny::h5("HMC: Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Sampling"),
                                                                       # HMCMC_input_format -----
                                                                       # shiny::selectInput("MCMC_input_format", "Input format",
                                                                       #                    c(
                                                                       #                      "slide   (Recommended)" = TRUE,
                                                                       #                      "input   (Oh! Shit! Good night!)" = FALSE
                                                                       #                    )
                                                                       # ),
                                                                       shiny::selectInput("MCMC_input_format", "Input format",
                                                                                            "slide       ( It's fire! Okie Dokie!)" = 1,
                                                                                            "input       ( It's bad! Holy Moly!)" = 2,
                                                                                            "table       ( It's Good! Amazing!)" =3

                                                                       # shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Larger is better.")),

                                                                       # shiny::sliderInput("MCMC_iterations_love",
                                                                       #                    "Number of MCMC samples:",
                                                                       #                    min = 111, max = 11111, value = 333),

                                                                       # shiny::h3(  shiny::span(   shiny::textOutput("txt_MCMC_iterations_love"),  style="color:red")          ),
                                                                       shiny::h3(   shiny::textOutput("txt_MCMC_iterations_love")       ),
                                                                       # shiny::h3(  shiny::uiOutput("ui_of_MCMC_iterations_love")),
                                                                       # shiny::h4(  shiny::strong(   shiny::span(     shiny::uiOutput("ui_of_MCMC_iterations_love") , style="color:red")  )    ),# Table of only a single cell
                                                                       shiny::h3(  shiny::strong(   shiny::span(  shiny::uiOutput("ui_of_MCMC_iterations_love"),  style="text-align: center;color:#B30E0E; font-size:17pt;")   )      ), #Table of only a single cell
                                                                       # check HMC diagnostics -----
                                                                         # divergent ----------------
                                                                         shiny::h1("Check HMC diagnostics"),

                                                                         shiny::strong(  shiny::verbatimTextOutput("divergent_iterations_print")),
                                                                         # shiny::h3(  shiny::strong(   shiny::span(  shiny::verbatimTextOutput("divergent_iterations_print"),  style="text-align: center;color:#B30E0E; font-size:22pt;")   )      ), #Table of only a single cell

                                                                         # treedepth ----------------
                                                                         # shiny::verbatimTextOutput("treedepth_print"),
                                                                         # shiny::h3(  shiny::strong(   shiny::span(  shiny::verbatimTextOutput("treedepth_print"),  style="text-align: center;color:#B30E0E; font-size:17pt;")   )      ), #Table of only a single cell
                                                                         shiny::strong(  shiny::verbatimTextOutput("treedepth_print")),

                                                                         shiny::h6("E-BFMI values "),
                                                                         # shiny::verbatimTextOutput("check_energy_print"),
                                                                         # shiny::h3(  shiny::strong(   shiny::span(  shiny::verbatimTextOutput("check_energy_print"),  style="text-align: center;color:#B30E0E; font-size:17pt;")   )      ), #Table of only a single cell
                                                                         shiny::strong(  shiny::verbatimTextOutput("check_energy_print")),

                                                                         shiny::h6("R hat"),
                                                                         # shiny::verbatimTextOutput("max_Rhat_print"),
                                                                         # shiny::h3(  shiny::strong(   shiny::span(  shiny::verbatimTextOutput("max_Rhat_print"),  style="text-align: center;color:#B30E0E; font-size:17pt;")   )      ), #Table of only a single cell
                                                                         shiny::strong(  shiny::verbatimTextOutput("max_Rhat_print")),


                                                                       shiny::h5("If R hat is large, then more MCMC iterations may help."),
                                                                       # shiny::h5("If data have many zeros, then such a treatment may be required."),

                                                                       # shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Larger is better.")),

                                                                       #     shiny::sliderInput("parallel_MCMC_chains_love",
                                                                       #                        "Number of MCMC chains:",
                                                                       #                        min = 1, max = MCMC.chains.max, value = 1),
                                                                       ## seed ------
                                                                       #     shiny::sliderInput("Seed_of_MCMC_love",
                                                                       #                        "Seed of MCMC chains:",
                                                                       #                        min = 1, max = 1111111, value = 1)

                                                                       shiny::actionButton("trigger_parallel",paste("Use",parallel::detectCores(), "CPU cores") , shiny::icon("paper-plane"),
                                                                                           style="color: #fff; background-color: #BD3E3E; border-color: #2e6da4" ),

                                                                       # shiny::textOutput("txt_parallel_MCMC_chains_love"),
                                                                       # shiny::h3(shiny::uiOutput("ui_of_parallel_MCMC_chains_love")),
                                                                       # shiny::h4(  shiny::strong(   shiny::span(     shiny::uiOutput("ui_of_parallel_MCMC_chains_love") , style="color:red")    )  ),# Table of only a single cell
                                                                       shiny::h3(  shiny::strong(   shiny::span(  shiny::uiOutput("ui_of_parallel_MCMC_chains_love"),  style="text-align: center;color:#B30E0E; font-size:17pt;")   )      ), #Table of only a single cell

                                                                       # shiny::textOutput("txt_Seed_of_MCMC_love"),
                                                                       # shiny::h3(shiny::uiOutput("ui_of_Seed_of_MCMC_love")),
                                                                       # shiny::h4(  shiny::strong(   shiny::span(     shiny::uiOutput("ui_of_Seed_of_MCMC_love") , style="color:red")   )   ),# Table of only a single cell
                                                                       shiny::h3(  shiny::strong(   shiny::span(  shiny::uiOutput("ui_of_Seed_of_MCMC_love"),  style="text-align: center;color:#B30E0E; font-size:17pt;")   )      ), #Table of only a single cell
                                                                       # shiny::numericInput("parallel_MCMC_chains_love",
                                                                       #                     "Number of MCMC chains:",
                                                                       #                     value = 1# Default
                                                                       # ),
                                                                       # shiny::numericInput("Seed_of_MCMC_love",
                                                                       #                     "Seed of MCMC chains:",
                                                                       #                     value = 1# Default
                                                                       # ),

                                                                       shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("I love you!"))


                                          # Data -----
                                          shiny::absolutePanel(        draggable = TRUE, style ="red",

                                                                       top = "100px",#initial position of draggable panel
                                                                       # cursor ="default",
                                                                       #  top = "100%",
                                                                       # left = 1,
                                                                       # right = 1,
                                                                       # bottom = 1,
                                                                       width = width_of_data_input_panel,
                                                                       # height = 1,

                                                                       shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(  " (to be fitted a model) " )),

                                                                       # Data_input_format -----
                                                                       # shiny::selectInput("Data_input_format", "Input format",
                                                                       #                    c(
                                                                       #                      "slide" = TRUE,
                                                                       #                      "input" = FALSE
                                                                       #                    )
                                                                       # ),
                                                                       # Data_input_format -----
                                                                       shiny::selectInput("Data_input_format", "Input format",
                                                                                            "slide       (it's fire!)" = 1,
                                                                                            "input       (bad!)" = 2,
                                                                                            "table       (good!)" =3
                                                                       shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(  "Right-click on the table to delete/insert rows." )),
                                                                       shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(    "Double-click on a cell to edit")),
                                                                       # shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" h = hit = True Positive = TP.")),
                                                                       # shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" f = false alarms = False Positive = FP.")),

                                                                       # TABLE data Handsontable-----
                                                                       shiny::h4( shiny::strong(  shiny::span(     rhandsontable::rHandsontableOutput("data_frame") ,
                                                                                                                   style="text-align: center;color:#B30E0E; font-size:17pt;")  )    ),# Table of h and f

                                                                       # shiny::h6(shiny::helpText("To edit more than 2 cells, a blank cell would help")),

                                                                       # shiny::sliderInput("Number_of_lesions",
                                                                       #                    "Number of lesions:",
                                                                       #                    min =  1, max = NL.max,
                                                                       #                    value = NL.initial# Default
                                                                       # ),

                                                                       # shiny::numericInput("Number_of_lesions",
                                                                       #                    "Number of lesions:",
                                                                       #                    value = NL.initial# Default
                                                                       # ),
                                                                       # shiny::numericInput("Number_of_images",
                                                                       #                     "Number of images:",
                                                                       #                     value = NI.initial# Default
                                                                       # ),

                                                                       #                shiny::sliderInput("Number_of_images",
                                                                       #                                   "Number of images:",
                                                                       #                                   min = 1, max = NI.max,
                                                                       #                                   value = 57#Default
                                                                       #                ),
                                                                       shiny::h3(shiny::textOutput("txt_Number_of_lesions")   ),
                                                                       shiny::h3(  shiny::strong(   shiny::span(  shiny::uiOutput("ui_of_Number_lesions"),  style="text-align: center;color:#B30E0E; font-size:17pt;")   )      ),
                                                                       # shiny::h3(  shiny::uiOutput("ui_of_Number_lesions")),
                                                                       shiny::h3(   shiny::strong(  shiny::span(  shiny::uiOutput("ui_of_Number_images"),  style="text-align: center;color:#B30E0E; font-size:17pt;")    )      ),

                                                                       # shiny::h3(  shiny::uiOutput("ui_of_Number_images")),

                                                                       # shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" Press S in key board to decrease only one")),
                                                                       # shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" Press  w in key board to increase only one")),
                                                                       shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" Ich leibe dich!"))

                                                                       # shiny::br()


                                            shiny::sidebarPanel(width = 5,

                                                                # wellPanel(
                                                                # shiny::h3("Trace plot"),
                                                                #                         radioButtons("stan_trace", "Trace plot", c("TRUE", "FALSE"))
                                                                #                       ),

                                                                # ppp -----

                                                                shiny::h3("Samples from posterior predictive distribution and dataset and curve with posterior mean estimates"),

                                                                shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("To caculate posterior predictive p value (PPP), samples are drawn from the posterior predictive distribution (PPD) and this exhibits samples drawn from PPD.  If the model is well fitted, then the plotted data should lie in the plots of fake data synthesized from the posterior predicitive distribution. So this plot gives us an intuitive visualization for the posterior predictive p value of chi square goodness of fit.")),

                                                                shiny::h2("FROC datasets synthesized from posterior predictive distribution to calculate a posterior predictive p value"),
                                                                # shiny::checkboxInput("ppp_plot_trigger",
                                                                #                      "Plot replicated datasets to calculate P-value",
                                                                #                      value = TRUE),
                                                                # shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("It takes quite a lot of time.")),

# 2022Jan21 --------------------
                                                                shiny::h6(shiny::helpText("Internet Environment is required for TeX script.")),


                          #                                       shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Posterior Predictive P value (PPP) is calculated by some integral with
                          # measure lik(y|t)post(t|y)dtdy. The calculation requires  samples of model parameter
                          #  t(1),t(2),..., from posterior and datasets y(1,i),y(2,i),...,y(n,i) from  each models l(y|t(i) ).
                          # This slide means the number of samples, i.e.,n.
                          # If this slide is 777, that is, n = 777 and number of MCMC samples = 1000, then the following samples are drawn for the calculation of PPP.  ")),
                          #                                       shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("y(1,1),y(2,1),...,y(777,1) ~ lik( y | t(1) ),\n  ")),
                          #                                       shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("y(1,2),y(2,2),...,y(777,2) ~ lik( y | t(2) ),\n  ")),
                          #                                       shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(":\n  ")),
                          #                                       shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(":\n  ")),
                          #                                       shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(":\n  ")),
                          #                                       shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("y(1,i),y(2,i),...,y(777,i) ~ lik( y | t(i) ),\n  ")),
                          #                                       shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(":\n  ")),
                          #                                       shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(":\n  ")),
                          #                                       shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("y(1,1000),y(2,1000),...,y(777,1000) ~ lik( y | t(1000) ).\n  ")),

                                                                shiny::selectInput("input_format_ui_of_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp", "Input format",
                                                                                     "slide       (it's fire!)" = 1,
                                                                                     "input       (it's bad!)" = 2,
                                                                                     "table       (it's good!)" =3

                                                                shiny::h3(  shiny::strong(   shiny::span(  shiny::uiOutput("ui_of_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"),  style="text-align: center;color:#B30E0E; font-size:17pt;")   )      ),

                                                                # shiny::checkboxInput("Colour",
                                                                #                      "Colour",
                                                                #                      value = TRUE),

                                                                # shiny::checkboxInput("dark_theme_ppp",
                                                                #                      "dark theme",
                                                                #                      value = TRUE),

                                                                # shiny::plotOutput("DrawCurves" ),

                                                                # Visualizations of Data and Model----
                                                                # PLOT curves ----
                                                                shiny::h1("Visualizations of Data and Model"),
                                                                                     "FPF and TPF (Data)",
                                                                                     value = TRUE),

                                                                                     "FROC curve (Fitted Model)",
                                                                                     value = TRUE),

                                                                                     "AFROC curve and region of AUC  (Fitted Model)",
                                                                                     value = TRUE),

                                                                shiny::plotOutput("DrawCurves", dblclick = shiny::dblclickOpts(id = "plot_dbl_click")),

                                                                shiny::downloadButton("download_Plot", "Download Image"),

                                                                # download_Plot oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo----
                                                                # shiny::selectInput("extension_for_plot_save", "Choose a curve for save:",
                                                                #             choices =c(  "png", "jpeg", "bmp",
                                                                #                          "tiff",   "pdf")
                                                                #             ),

                                                                shiny::h6(shiny::helpText("Internet Environment is required for TeX script.")),


# TeX ---------------------------------------






                                                                # ,wellPanel(
                                                                #   shiny::h3("Save"),
                                                                #   actionButton("save", "Save table")
                                                                # )
                                                                # )

                                            # shiny::shiny::column(6,
                                            shiny::mainPanel(width = 7,

                                                             shiny::plotOutput("bi_normal", dblclick = shiny::dblclickOpts(id = "plot_dbl_click")),
                                                             shiny::plotOutput("false_rate", dblclick = shiny::dblclickOpts(id = "plot_dbl_click")),
                                                             shiny::h6(shiny::helpText("The most right area corresponds the rate of the most high confidence.")),
                                                             shiny::plotOutput("trace_Plot", dblclick = shiny::dblclickOpts(id = "plot_dbl_click")),

                                                             # Statistics ------

                                                               shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" Larger is better.")),
                                                               # shiny::uiOutput("formula.AUC.without.TeX"),
                                                               shiny::h3(  shiny::strong(   shiny::span(  shiny::uiOutput("formula.AUC.without.TeX"),  style="text-align: center;color:#B30E0E; font-size:17pt;")   )      ), #Table of only a single cell
                                                               shiny::h6(shiny::helpText("A number between 0 and 1.")),


                                                               shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" Smaller is better.")),
                                                               # shiny::uiOutput("formula.WAIC.without.TeX"),
                                                               shiny::h3(  shiny::strong(   shiny::span(  shiny::uiOutput("formula.WAIC.without.TeX"),  style="text-align: center;color:#B30E0E; font-size:17pt;")   )      ), #Table of only a single cell
                                                               shiny::h6(shiny::helpText("Evaluate whether our model is good.")),


                                                               shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" Smaller is better.")),
                                                               shiny::h6(shiny::helpText("A difference between data and expectations from estimates.")),


                                                               shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" Larger is better.")),

                                                               # shiny::em( shiny::uiOutput("ppp")),
                                                               shiny::h3(  shiny::strong(   shiny::span(  shiny::uiOutput("ppp"),  style="text-align: center;color:#B30E0E; font-size:17pt;")   )      ), #Table of only a single cell

                                                               shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" Null hypothesis is that our model fit to the data well.")),
                                                               # shiny::checkboxInput("ppp_calculate_trigger",
                                                               # "Calculate P-value",
                                                               # value = FALSE),
                                                               # shiny::h6(shiny::helpText("It takes quite a lot of time."))

                                                             # shiny::h2(" FROC Curve and FPF,TPF"),
                                                             # shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("I love you :'-D  If you love me, then employ me :)")),
                                                             # shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("In Hit rate plain, the canonical Gaussian is also drawn to show how the graph changes.  ")),
                                                             # shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("In False rate plain, the signal Gaussian is also drawn to show how the graph changes.  ")),
                                                             # shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("The thresholds are common between false alram and hit.")),
                                                             # shiny::h6(shiny::helpText("Internet Environment is required for TeX script.")),

                                                             # Redundant Gadgets -----
                                                             shiny::h1("Redundant Gadgets"),

                                                                                  value = TRUE),

                                                                                  "dark theme",
                                                                                  value = FALSE),

                                                                                  "What curve are drawn?",
                                                                                  value = TRUE),

                                                                                width = '100%',

                                                                                min =  0, max = 100,
                                                                                value = 23,# Default
                                                                                step = 1

                                                             # Posterior Estimates -----
                                                             shiny::h2(" Posterior Estimates"),
                                                             shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" mean = posterior mean")),
                                                             # shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" se_mean = .... ")),
                                                             shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" sd = Standard Deviation of posterior MCMC samples")),
                                                             shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" 2.5% = Lower bound of Posterior Credible interval")),
                                                             shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" 97.5% = Upper bound of Posterior Credible interval")),
                                                             shiny::h6(shiny::helpText(" Rhat = A criteria of Convergence for MCMC sampling, if it is more close to 1, then it is better. ")),

                                                             shiny::h2("To show all rows, execute the following code on R console: ",shiny::code( shiny::strong("options(max.print=111111111)"))  ),

                                                             # tableOutput("fit_print"),



                          shiny::tabPanel("Ref", icon = shiny::icon("list-alt"), #tabPanel ref ------

                                          shiny::h2(" Reference:"),

                                          shiny::h4(shiny::a(  "See vignettes for more details",     href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=BayesianFROC")),

                                          # shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("  Issei Tsunoda (2019): Pre-prepreprepre*exp(pre)*prepreprepreprint;  Bayesian Models for  Free - Response Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis. <- I forget its precise name, reviwer always said what is new? or what a fucking english! Hahh OK. So, all people will understand what model is implemented in this package. I try in 2 years to publish my theory, but all journal rejected cuz what's new?? So, everybody knows what this package is and FROC models without my paper. Good luck! I hate statisian reviwers, I go back to my interst, geometry. Good bye!")),
                                          # shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("  Issei Tsunoda (2020): Sorry, I cannot publish the paper about FROC, but mathematics paper will be published soon, in which the author study the Gromov-Hausdorff topology,...I forget the paper name,,,maybe The correspondense between ,,,??? i forget,,, ha,forget .")),
                                          shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("   The following 1-st paper is sufficient for this package.  ")),

                                          shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("  Dev Chakraborty (1989) doi:10.1118/1.596358; Maximum likelihood analysis of free - response receiver operating characteristic (FROC) data.")),

                                          shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("   The following book is not required for this package but I put it here. ")),

                                            shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Dev Chakraborty; Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging, Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples "))


                          shiny::tabPanel("stanmodel", icon = shiny::icon("list-alt"), #tabPanel stanmodel ----


As one of the patients with chemical sensitivity, I strongly criticize companies that make volatile organic compounds such as synthetic detergents, pesticides, and deodorants.


                                          shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Best regards,")),

                                          shiny::h4(shiny::a(  "Tsunoda",     href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=BayesianFROC")),

                                          # shiny::actionButton("Riya","RiyaSan"),



                          shiny::tabPanel("Trace Plot",
                                          # icon = shiny::icon("bar-chart-o"),

                                          # shiny::actionButton("trigger_stan_trace_plot","Trace plot"),
                                          # trace plot 2 -----

                                          #param name for  trace plot  -------
                                          shiny::absolutePanel( draggable = TRUE, style ="red",fixed=TRUE,

                                                                shiny::h1("Redundant options"),
#2021Dec10 checkbox for traceplots

                                                                                   "Size of trace plot:",
                                                                                   width = '100%',

                                                                                   min =  30, max = 100, #2020 Nov20
                                                                                   value = 30# Default

                                                                # shiny::sliderInput("R_object_as_the_result_of_bins_for_legs",
                                                                #                    "For stan_ac, the maximum number of lags to show:",
                                                                #                    min =  1, max = 222,
                                                                #                    step = 1, width = '100%',
                                                                #                    value = 30# Default
                                                                # ),

                                                                # render UI ACACACACACACACACACACAC-----

                                                                shiny::uiOutput("UI_R_object_as_the_result_of_bins_for_legs") ,

                                                                                   "Number of bins:",
                                                                                   min =  1, max = 777,
                                                                                   step = 1,
                                                                                   width = '100%',

                                                                                   value = 30# Default

                     "include warmup  ;)",
                     value = FALSE),

# trace plot -----
                     "Separate chains ( this makes sanse only in case of mutiple chains ;)",
                     value = TRUE)

                                          shiny::absolutePanel( draggable = TRUE,
                                                                # style ="red",
                                                                style = "overflow-y:scroll; max-height: 600px;",
                                                                shiny::h1("Model parameters"),
                                          shiny::plotOutput("plot_trace_for_specified_param"  ),
                                          shiny::plotOutput("plot_ac_for_specified_param"  ),
                                          shiny::plotOutput("plot_hist_for_specified_param" ),
                                          shiny::plotOutput("plot_dens", dblclick = shiny::dblclickOpts(id = "plot_dbl_click")),
                                          shiny::plotOutput("generic_plot", dblclick = shiny::dblclickOpts(id = "plot_dbl_click")),

                                          shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("The parameter having the maxmal R hat is shown.")),
                                          shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Best regards,  ")),

                                          shiny::h4(shiny::a(  "Piggy",     href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=BayesianFROC"))


                          shiny::tabPanel("Pairs Plot",
                                          # icon = shiny::icon("bar-chart-o"),
                                          shiny::actionButton("trigger_stan_pairs_plot","Pairs plot"),
                                          shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("This button plays important role for pairs plots. Because initial values of GUI does not work. If without it, then the plot reads the specified parameter is regarded as none and  pairs plots are done for all parameters and will take a lot of times.")),

                                          # shiny::actionButton("trigger_stan_trace_plot","Trace plot"),
                                          # Pairs plot  -----

                                          #param name for  Pairs plot  -------
                                          shiny::absolutePanel(        draggable = TRUE,
                                                                       # style ="red",
                                                                       style = "overflow-y:scroll; max-height: 600px;",


                                                                       # shiny::sliderInput("hist_bins2",
                                                                       #                    "Number of bins:",
                                                                       #                    min =  1, max = 777,
                                                                       #                    value = 30# Default
                                                                       # ),
                                                                       # shiny::sliderInput("stan_trace_size",
                                                                       #                    "Size of trace plot:",
                                                                       #                    min =  1, max = 100,
                                                                       #                    value = 30# Default
                                                                       # ),
                                                                       shiny::h1("Specify param name"),
                                                                       shiny::h6(shiny::helpText("Specified IDs will be plotted")),
                                                                       # shiny::textOutput("txt_name_of_model_parameter_pairs_plot"),
                                          shiny::plotOutput("pairs_plot"  ),

                                          shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Disorders such as central nervous system disorders and pupillary light reflexes continued to remain, and quality of life was completely lost. I used to have brain dysfunction, but now it seems to have improved a lot. I fell.... I have a strong anger.")),
                                          shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Best regards,  ")),

                                          shiny::h4(shiny::a(  "Piggy",     href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=BayesianFROC"))


                          shiny::tabPanel("scatter plot",
                                          # icon = shiny::icon("bar-chart-o"),
                                          # shiny::actionButton("trigger_stan_trace_plot","Trace plot"),
                                          # scatter plot  -----
                                          shiny::h1(shiny::helpText("This plot shows samples from the posterior distribution.")),

                                          shiny::absolutePanel(        draggable = TRUE, style ="red",fixed=TRUE,
                                                                       shiny::h1("Specify param name for the X-axis"),
                                                                       # shiny::textOutput("txt_name_of_model_parameter"),
                                                                       shiny::h1("Specify param name for the Y-axis"),
                                                                       shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("A and m have very simple linear relation.  ")),

                                                                       # shiny::textOutput("txt_name_of_model_parameter"),

                                          shiny::plotOutput("plot_scatter_for_specified_param" ),
                                          shiny::h4(shiny::a(  "I am suffering from multiple chemical sensitivity, Volatile organic compound from detergent make my body serious damages",     href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=BayesianFROC"))


shiny::tabPanel("Save objects",
                # icon = shiny::icon("bar-chart-o"),
                shiny::h1("There are 4 manners to Save a fitted model object"),

                shiny::tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",

 shiny::tabPanel("Save objects",

                #Save a fitted model object-----

                shiny::absolutePanel(        draggable = TRUE,
                                             # style ="red",
                                             style = "overflow-y:scroll; max-height: 600px;",

                                             top = "100px",#initial position of draggable panel

                                             shiny::h1("Options of Model (Under Construction)"),
                                             shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Here, prior selection would be implemetented in the future if I lived ...   ")),

                                             # the traditional, classical model with multinomial ----
                                             # shiny::selectInput("multi_nomial", "The Classical model  vs the author's new models",
                                             #                 c(
                                             #                   "The author's new model" = TRUE,
                                             #                   "Classical, traditional model" = FALSE
                                             #                 )
                                             # ),
                                             # shiny::h4("Using WAIC, the author compares these two models, but the answer is difficult. If data have many zeros, then the author recommends the author's model."),
                                               # shiny::checkboxInput("FPF_per_Lesion",
                                               #                      "FPF per Lesion",
                                               #                      value = FALSE),

                                               # per lesion or per image ----
                                               shiny::selectInput("FPF_per_Lesion", "FPF",
                                                                    "False Positive Fraction per image (per trial)" = FALSE,
                                                                    "False Positive Fraction per lesion (per signal, per nodule)" = TRUE
                                               # Prior ----
                                               shiny::selectInput("prior", "Prior type",

                                                                    "Non-informative, Proper by Gaussian distributions" = -1,

                                                                    "informative, Proper 4" = 4,
                                                                    "informative, Proper 3" = 3,
                                                                    "informative, Proper" = 2,
                                                                    "Non-informative, Improper by Unbounded Uniform distributions" = 0,
                                                                    "Non-informative, Proper by Uniform distributions" = 1


                                             # Prior ----
                                             shiny::uiOutput("UI_prior_w") ,
                                             shiny::uiOutput("UI_prior_m") ,
                                             shiny::uiOutput("UI_prior_v") ,
                                             shiny::uiOutput("UI_prior_z") ,

                                                                 "Input ww",
                                                                 value = ww.initial# Default

                                                                 "Input www",
                                                                 value = www.initial# Default

                                                                 "Input mmm",
                                                                 value = mmm.initial# Default

                                                                 "Input mm",
                                                                 value = mm.initial# Default

                                                                 "Input vvv",
                                                                 value = vvv.initial# Default

                                                                 "Input vv",
                                                                 value = vv.initial# Default

                                                                 "Input zzz",
                                                                 value = zzz.initial# Default

                                                                 "Input zz",
                                                                 value = zz.initial# Default


                shiny::h1("Save a fitted model object"),

                shiny::actionButton("trigger_save_a_fitted_model_object","Save a fitted model object in Desktop" ,
                                    style="color: #fff; background-color: #BD3E3E; border-color: #2e6da4"),
                # shiny::h5(shiny::helpText("* A file ", shiny::strong(" \"fit.Rda\" "), "will be created in Desktop and execute the following R code"),    shiny::code( shiny::strong(     "load(file =paste0(file.path(Sys.getenv(\"USERPROFILE\"),\"Desktop\"),\"\\\\fit.Rda\"))"  )),   shiny::helpText(" from the R console or (R studio console), then an R object named ", shiny::code( shiny::strong(" \"fit\" ")), "   is available on the R (or R studio) console. To change the S4 class to stanfit, use the following R code "),     shiny::code( shiny::strong(    "fitt <- methods::as(fit, \"stanfit\")" )) ,   shiny::helpText(" Then, the R object named ", shiny::code( shiny::strong(" \"fitt\" ")), "   is an R object of the S4 class stanfit. ")),
                shiny::textInput("Name_of_file", "Enter a  text string as the name of the file name in which the fitted model object is saved:",
                                 value =c(  "Name_of_File"),
                                 placeholder="Enter a text string as a file name to save a fitted model object"

                shiny::textInput("Name_of_fit", "Enter a text string for the name of fitted model object:",
                                 value =c(  "Name_of_Fitted_Model_object"),
                                 placeholder="Enter a name of the fitted model object (without spaces) "

                # UI save ---------
                shiny::uiOutput("UI_save_Txt") ,
                shiny::uiOutput("UI_save_Txt2") ,
                shiny::uiOutput("UI_save_Txt3") ,
                shiny::span( shiny::uiOutput("UI_save_Txt4"), style="text-align: center; color:#B30E0E; font-size:17pt;"),
                shiny::uiOutput("UI_save_Txt5") ,
                shiny::uiOutput("UI_save_Txt6") ,
                shiny::uiOutput("UI_save_Txt7") ,
                shiny::uiOutput("UI_save_Txt8") ,
                shiny::uiOutput("UI_save_Txt9") ,
                shiny::uiOutput("UI_save_Txt10") ,
                shiny::uiOutput("UI_save_Txt11") ,

 ), shiny::tabPanel("Save objects 2",

                shiny::actionButton("trigger_save_a_fitted_model_object_working_directory","Save a fitted model object in Working directory",

                                    style="color: #fff; background-color: #BD3E3E; border-color: #2e6da4"

                shiny::h5(shiny::helpText("* A file ", shiny::strong(" \"fit.Rda\" "), " will be created in Working directory of R. Executing the following R code"),    shiny::code( shiny::strong(    "load(\"fit.Rda\")"  )),   shiny::helpText(" from the R console or (R studio console),  an R object named ", shiny::code( shiny::strong(" \"fit\" ")), "   is available on the R (or R studio) console. To change the S4 class to stanfit, use the following R code "),  shiny::code( shiny::strong(       "fitt <- methods::as(fit, \"stanfit\")" )),   shiny::helpText(" Then, the R object named ", shiny::code( shiny::strong(" \"fitt\" ")), "   is an R object of the S4 class stanfit. ")),

),shiny::tabPanel("Save objects 3",

                #Save a fitted model object RENAME -----

                shiny::h1("Save a fitted model object, rename"),

                shiny::actionButton("trigger_save_a_fitted_model_object_rename","Save a fitted model object in Desktop",
                                    style="color: #fff; background-color: #BD3E3E; border-color: #2e6da4"

                shiny::h5(shiny::helpText("#  A file ", shiny::strong(" \"fit.Rds\" "), "  will be created in Desktop. Put the resulting file \"fit.Rds\" in Working directory. By executing the following R code"),  shiny::code( shiny::strong(  "my_favorite_name <- readRDS(file =paste0(file.path(Sys.getenv(\"USERPROFILE\"),\"Desktop\"),\"\\\\fit.Rds\"))"  )),   shiny::helpText(" from the R console or (R studio console),  an R object renamed ", shiny::code( shiny::strong(" \"my_favorite_name\" ")),    "  is available on the R (or R studio) console. To change the S4 class to stanfit, use the following R code "),    shiny::code( shiny::strong(     "fitt <- methods::as(my_favorite_name, \"stanfit\")")),   shiny::helpText(" Then, the R object named ", shiny::code( shiny::strong(" \"fitt\" ")), "   is an R object of the S4 class stanfit. ")),
                # the result of cat("\\\\") is \\    2020 May 21

),shiny::tabPanel("Save objects 4",

                shiny::actionButton("trigger_save_a_fitted_model_object_rename_working_directory","Save a fitted model object in Working directory",
                                    style="color: #fff; background-color: #BD3E3E; border-color: #2e6da4"

                shiny::h5(shiny::helpText("#  A file ", shiny::strong(" \"fit.Rds\" "), "  will be created in Working directory.  By executing the following R code"), shiny::code( shiny::strong(   "my_favorite_name <- readRDS(file =\"fit.Rds\")  " )) ,   shiny::helpText(" from the R console or (R studio console),  an R object named ", shiny::code( shiny::strong(" \"my_favorite_name\" ")), " is available on the R (or R studio) console. To change the S4 class to stanfit, use the following R code "),      shiny::code( shiny::strong(     "fitt <- methods::as(my_favorite_name, \"stanfit\")" )),   shiny::helpText(" Then, the R object named ", shiny::code( shiny::strong(" \"fitt\" ")), "   is an R object of the S4 class stanfit. ")),


                          # shiny::tabPanel("dens Plot", icon = shiny::icon("bar-chart-o"),
                          #                 shiny::actionButton("trigger_stan_trace_plot","This button is meaningless but now I leave it, cuz now i am such a couch potato."),
                          #                 # # trace plot -----
                          #                 # shiny::checkboxInput("separate_chains",
                          #                 #                      "Separate chains ( this makes sanse only in case of mutiple chains ;)",
                          #                 #                      value = TRUE),
                          #                 #
                          #                 # shiny::plotOutput("plot_dens", dblclick = shiny::dblclickOpts(id = "plot_dbl_click")),
                          #                 shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("The author's older brother is biggy, his hiphop is very big hip! Piggy what are you doing, you still smoke in the water? Piggy is expert of chemistry, what are doing piggy, you still fat man? or big hip man?")),
                          #                 shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Best regards,  ")),
                          #                 shiny::h4(shiny::a(  "Piggy",     href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=BayesianFROC"))
                          # ),#tabPanel

                          # shiny::tabPanel("Histogram", icon = shiny::icon("bar-chart-o"),
                          #                 shiny::actionButton("trigger_stan_hist_plot","Histogram plot"),
                          #                 # hist plot -----
                          #                 shiny::plotOutput("plot_hist", dblclick = shiny::dblclickOpts(id = "plot_dbl_click")),
                          #                 shiny::sliderInput("hist_bins",
                          #                                    "Number of bins:",
                          #                                    width = '100%',
                          #                                    min =  1, max = 777,
                          #                                    value = 30# Default
                          #                 ),
                          #                 shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("The author's younger brother is rat, his teeth is outer and outer and outer. What are doing rat? you still work very hard position? He is also expert of chemistry, he did chemistry in his master degree. Ha, my brothers like chemisty. I cannot understand why chemistry is funny? I like Riemannian geometry. Are you happy now? You have a lot of money and a car, but you working eight days a week, is your own life? Oh, I got a call and he will marry, I cannot believe. So, he is happy, but me, I have aches. ha... ")),
                          #                 shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Best regards,  ")),
                          #                 shiny::h4(shiny::a(  "Rat",     href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=BayesianFROC"))
                          # ),#tabPanel

                          # shiny::tabPanel("Generic plot",icon = shiny::icon("bar-chart-o")  ,
                          #                 shiny::actionButton("trigger_stan_generic_plot","Trace plot"),
                          #                 # generic plot -----
                          #                 # shiny::plotOutput("generic_plot", dblclick = shiny::dblclickOpts(id = "plot_dbl_click")),
                          #                 shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("The author's younger and younger brother is nothing but his pokemon is tiny, pratin.")),
                          #                 shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Best regards,  ")),
                          #                 shiny::h4(shiny::a(  "Pratin",     href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=BayesianFROC"))
                          # ),#tabPanel

#                           # papers -----
#                           shiny::tabPanel("Cat",
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("To tell the truth, I am not interest to FROC analysis, what I want is only healthy life forever. I do not write any program for FROC analysis! I hate all such people!  ")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Best regards,  ")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::a(  "Cat",     href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=BayesianFROC"))
#                           ),#tabPanel
#                           shiny::tabPanel("Guide to understanding FROC theory",
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Under construction  ")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Best regards,  ")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::a(  "Cat",     href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=BayesianFROC"))
#                           ),#tabPanel
#                           shiny::tabPanel("Fish",
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Why FROC, to tell the truth, I am not sure, but only things what I want to say is I do not want to ride a rice for Sushi!  ")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Best regards,  ")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("      Emplooooo\\(^o^)/oooooooy   me! :'-D Now, from 2020 Sept 1, the author have been a homeless and  above me only sky without any address without roof without money without any loves, lovers, and there is a . If you can employ, then send me a mail ... my address is \" tsunoda.issei1111@gmail.com \" I would work like a dog in Eight days a week! and Hard days night! So, please, please me! Love me do!  ")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::a(  "Fish",     href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=BayesianFROC"))
#                           ),#tabPanel
#                           # papers -----
#                           shiny::tabPanel("Carbus  University",
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" I am a professor in both Carbus and Mosquitowbus univeristy
#                                      in which I study how to fight to mosquito in the
#                                      dark night. Mosquitos threaten me with his poooo00000000ooooooo0000000000ooooooooooo000000000000000ooooooon,
#                                       voice, so I try to catch them, but their stealth cannot
#                                      catch. I have to establish new theory how to fight them
#                                      to ensure our stable sleepping.
#                                      When I 17 years old, I establish the Carbus university and research how to fight Car ( which means mosquito in some language).
#                                      Yes, I am the first president of Carbus university. I am editor in cheif of the journal \" Annals of Mosquitics\".
#                                      ")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1981); Mosquito's love and thier demand of blood; pp.123-233; Carbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1981); How to Accept Mosquito's love and human blood; pp.123-233; Carbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1981); New notion of Mosquito's shape of my blood; pp.123-233; Carbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1981); Mosquito's life and my blood's life; pp.123-233; Carbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda, Sampota Ikuzo (1981); Introduction to Mosquitics and its application to Carbustics, Ghostics ; pp.123-233; Mosquitobus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda, Sampota Ikuzo (1981); Mosquitics and Ghostics wich complex phase for Carbustics  ; pp.123-233; Mosquitobus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda, Sampota Ikuzo (1981); The hot night of Mosquito and me ; pp.123-233; Mosquitobus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda, Rieblach Ikuzo(1981); Mosquito and me; pp.123-233; Mosquitobus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda, Riyabo Koi(1981); Mosquito's construction of Exotic blood; pp.123-233; Mosquitobus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda, Riburibu Koi (1981); Mosquito's structure on my blood; pp.123-233; Proceedings of the Mosquitobus Academy of Science 55(6) Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda, Riyakoboch Rieblow(1981); Introduction to Mosquito theory; pp.123-233; Proceedings of the Mosquitobus Academy of Science 55(6) Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda, Riberiya Ruikoboch (1981); Mosquitoric classes; pp.123-233; Proceedings of the Mosquitobus Academy of Science 55(6) Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda, Riyakobach Samnpo; On mosquito's love to homology. Annals of Mosquitics. Vol43. No.2. July 1988 pp.123-233; Proceedings of the Mosquitobus Academy of Science 55(6) Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Best regards,  ")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::a(  "The Author",     href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=BayesianFROC"))
#                           ),#tabPanel
#                           # papers -----
#                           shiny::tabPanel("Ghostbus university",
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" I am a professor in the Ghostbus univeristy
#                                      in which I study how to fight to ghost. My students are the Ghostbusters.")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1999); what is a ghostlogical geometry and thier symmetry; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1989); what is a kernel of ghostlogical substance and thier symmetry; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1981); Ghostlogical society and thier symmetry; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1982); Ghostlogical society and thier sex; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1982); How to beat it from Ghost of Gozira; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1982); Ghost and their application to manufacture; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1983); Ghostical analytics and their application to Lagrange submanifolds; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1983); Differential ghost equation and ghost kernel; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1983); What is the gravity of ghosts?; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); Ghost cohomology and their algebra; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1983); Ghost kernel and humanian cokernel; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); I hate hell, prurigo nodularis and syndet; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); What is death and what is syndet; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); Ghost life is also beatiful; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); What is death and what should be death; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); Syndet sythesize death; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); Ghostical matter and its application to Ghothegotics; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); Syndet by death; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); Death let me free from multiple chemical sensitivity?; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); Birth as a Ghoust; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); Head ache as a Ghoust; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); Prurigo nodularis as a Ghoust; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); Modern Ghoustlogical analysis; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); Momentum of Ghoust; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); Existence Thorem for Ghousts and compactness of ghostics.; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText(" Issei Tsunoda (1984); Vanishing theorem of the first Ghoustical cohomology; pp.123-233; Ghostbus Univeristy Press")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Best regards,  ")),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::a(  "The Author",     href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=BayesianFROC"))
#                           ),#tabPanel

                          # shiny::tabPanel("Acknowleage",
                          #                 shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("This package is made with helps of many unknown people in stack over flows, and the author appreciate their kind helps. Also Stan developer gives me quick and appropriate advices in many times. Such many people helps me to develop this package. So, Michael Jackson says you are not alone!... but I think I am alone cuz I am a xxxxx, please .... Doggy, eleison. Cum sancto spiritu in gloria doggy. what I talking about....
                          #         ")),
                          #                 shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("This research was supported by foundation of Moskitwobus university and   foudation named God Execuse Me of Carbus university. Also Gostbus university gives  a nice place to stay for research and programming cuz above me only sky. The author thanks Bem E king for his nice helpful lyrics and Johm Lemmom for helpful suggestions in the Goutbus university.
                          #         ")),
                          #                 shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("This research was realy supported by foundation of my Grand mother who is a fat woman, maybe,,,, she also works as a prof. ,,,, in Gostbus university as a proffesional of sewing or .
                          #         To contact him, send a mail to  tsunoda@caubus.ac.jp or   tsunoda@mosqutobus.ac.jp or   tsunoda@ghostbus.ac.jp and as a informal address, use this package mail address.")),
                          #                 shiny::h4(shiny::helpText("Best regards,  ")),
                          #                 shiny::h4(shiny::a(  "The Author",     href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=BayesianFROC"))
                          # ),#tabPanel

#                           shiny::tabPanel("Author",
#                                           shiny::h1(" Help!"),
#                                           shiny::h2(" The author: Issei Tsunoda  <tsunoda.issei1111 _at_ gmail.com>"),
#                                           shiny::h3(" Employ me! :'-D, send me a mail <tsunoda.issei1111 _at_ gmail.com> I will go any country!"),
#                                           shiny::h5(" I am japanese and live in Japan, but if necessary,
#                                  I will go any country! Please help! I need somebody who employs me.
#                                  Help! Not just any body, HELP! I need someone! HEEEELP!
#                                  When I was younger so much, younger than today, I studied Riemannian Goematry.
#                                  But now and then, I feel that in mathematics I cannot obtain any result.
#                                  Help me if you can employ me in towns  and I do apprecieate,..., I love the Beatles and Bach and Beethoven ( player is Wilhelm Kempf only), Aerothmith, John Lennon, Billy Joel, Ben E King,...etc.
#                                  "),
#                                           shiny::h5("Please employ me! :'-D Now, I have no job! I study differential geometry and
#                                  my most interest is complex differential geometry,
#                                  Kodaira-Spencer deformation theory, Gromov-Hausdorff topology, Ricci flow, mean curvature flow, Schubelt calculas. I want to go many nature place, not urban. In several month ago, my whole body has prurigo nodularis, so I hate sarfactant except bio-surfactant."),
#                                           shiny::h1("Multiple Chemical sensitivity (MCS)"),
#                                           shiny::h5("In a 2017, December, 28, My exposure to surfactant (I won't use, and never have used in my own life, it is required in my company) and other chemical materials in it, makes my body very bad condition that symptoms occur in multiple organ systems. In several hours later from the exposure, irritant darmatitis occured. During  the first month from the exposure, my whole body has irritant stimulas, it is tiktik.  And 14 month later from the exposure, my whole body has prurigo nodularis and other chronic conditions, in addition other disorders caused by the exposure are present in my body in now (18 months later from the exposure).
#                                  I am very sad since many people think it is psychogenic, but it is never such a thing, Complaints of MCS is very strong, should not dismissed  as psychogenic. We shold not be kept waiting for development of the diagnosis. I suffer from chemical sensitivity.
#                                  All doctor who met me were lacking ability and didnot has any criteria of diagnosis for MCS.
#                                  "),
#                                           shiny::h5("Prurigos in My Mody"),
#                                           shiny::img(src="prurigo.jpg",height= "222", width="222"),
#                                           shiny::h1(" About my e-mail"),
#                                           shiny::h5(" I publish this package with my e-mail, then
#                       spam mails comes.
#                       When you sends me a mail, then please specify
#                       some knowleage about mathematics ( Reimannian Geotmery or Kodaira Spencer theory) or FROC or Bayesian analysis.
#                       Since my spam mails are all English, so I doubt English mails.
#                                  "),
#                                           shiny::h1(" About my package"),
#                                           shiny::h5(" I am not sure who is interest in my package,
#                       Programming never finish forever,
#                       so, ... I am tired."),
#                                           shiny::h1("Paper"),
#                                           shiny::h5(" My paper will publish  soon.
#                      I research some pure mathematical things about the Gromov Hausdorff topology
#                      My heart is alwary with mathematics.
#                      It is my destiny.
#                      "),
#                                           shiny::h4(shiny::a(  "R package BayesianFROC",     href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=BayesianFROC"))
#                           )#tabPanel


  # )#shinyUI
  # )#2021Dec2  fluidPage
  # )


  server <- function(input, output, session) {

    values <- shiny::reactiveValues()

    # shinyjs lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll----

      shinyjs::toggleClass(id = "elementtt", class = "reddd",
                           condition = input$checkbox2021)

    # UI Txt prior -----

    output$UI_prior_w <- shiny::renderUI({
      shiny::code( shiny::strong(paste(  "w  ~  normal(",input$ww,",",input$www,")",sep = "" )))

    output$UI_prior_m <- shiny::renderUI({
      shiny::code( shiny::strong(paste(  "m  ~  normal(",input$mm,",",input$mmm,")",sep = "" )))

    output$UI_prior_z <- shiny::renderUI({
      if(input$prior == 3)   shiny::code( shiny::strong(paste(  "0 < dz  ~  normal(",input$zz,",",input$zzz,")",sep = "" )))
      else if(input$prior == 4)   shiny::code( shiny::strong(paste(  "  dz  ~  exponential(",input$zzz,")",sep = "" )))


    output$UI_prior_v <- shiny::renderUI({
      if(input$prior == 3)  shiny::code( shiny::strong(paste(  "0 < v  ~  normal(",input$vv,",",input$vvv,")",sep = "" )))
      else if(input$prior == 4)  shiny::code( shiny::strong(paste(  "  v  ~  exponential(",input$vvv,")",sep = "" )))


    # UI save ------
    output$UI_save_Txt <- shiny::renderUI({
      shiny::h5(shiny::helpText("#Hitting the above button, then a file ", shiny::strong( paste(" \" ", input$Name_of_file ,".Rda\" ", sep = "") ), "will be created in Desktop.  Executing the following R code"))

    output$UI_save_Txt2 <- shiny::renderUI({
      shiny::code( shiny::strong(   paste(  "load(file =paste0(file.path(Sys.getenv(\"USERPROFILE\"),\"Desktop\"),\"\\\\", input$Name_of_file ,".Rda\"))", sep = "")   ))

    output$UI_save_Txt3 <- shiny::renderUI({
      shiny::helpText("# from the R console or (R studio console), then, an R object named ")
    output$UI_save_Txt4 <- shiny::renderUI({
      shiny::code( shiny::strong(input$Name_of_fit  ))

    output$UI_save_Txt5 <- shiny::renderUI({
      shiny::helpText("# is available on the R (or R studio) console. To change the S4 class to stanfit, use the following R code ")
    output$UI_save_Txt6 <- shiny::renderUI({
      shiny::code( shiny::strong( paste(    input$Name_of_fit ,"_stanfit <- methods::as(", input$Name_of_fit ,", \"stanfit\")",sep = "" )))

    output$UI_save_Txt7 <- shiny::renderUI({
      shiny::helpText("# Then, the R object named ")
    output$UI_save_Txt8 <- shiny::renderUI({
      shiny::code( shiny::strong(paste( input$Name_of_fit ,"_stanfit",sep = "" )))
    output$UI_save_Txt9<- shiny::renderUI({
      shiny::helpText("#  is created, which is an R object of the S4 class stanfit. Copy  the above sentences, and paste it on the R console, then the desired objects will be created! What a kind man I am ;)  so a kind homeless! ")

    output$UI_save_Txt10<- shiny::renderUI({
      shiny::helpText("#   Best regard,")

    output$UI_save_Txt11<- shiny::renderUI({
      shiny::helpText("#   Doggy")

    # # Download  Plot ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo----
    plotInput = function() {

      # plotInput   <- shiny::reactive({
      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {
        # grDevices::dev.off()
        # grDevices::dev.set()

        if (input$dark_theme==TRUE) {# This cords clear plot environment in shiny GUI board.
          plot(0,0,# Dumy plot to clean plot environment, this is required only Shiny board, I do not know the reason.
               ylim =c(0,1),

        # draw curves ----
        # return(

                   # Colour  = FALSE,
                   Colour = input$dark_theme,

                   new.imaging.device  = FALSE,
                   DrawCFPCTP = input$DrawCFPCTP,
                   DrawFROCcurve = input$DrawFROCcurve,
                   DrawAFROCcurve = input$DrawAFROCcurve)
        # )
      }  else if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)> NL) {

        h.string <- as.character(h)
        for (cd  in 1:length(h.string)) {
          if (cd==1){ s<-""; s <- paste(h.string[cd],sep = "+")}
          if ( !cd==1)s <- paste(s,h.string[cd],sep = "+")

        sum.of.h <- s
        sum.of.h <- paste(sum.of.h,"=",as.character( sum(h, na.rm = TRUE) ) )

        plot(0,0,xlim=c(0,1),ylim =c(0,1),xaxt="n", yaxt="n",xlab="Please fix inconsistent data",ylab="",main="Error:   Inconsistent Data \n In baseball game, \n batter's number of hits can not  be greater than his number of at-bats")

        graphics::text(0.5,0.8,c("*Now, Sum of the number of hits is greater than that of lesions; \n\n", expression(paste(h1+h2+h3+... , "         >         Number of Lesions")) ),col="blue",cex =    1.4  )
        graphics::text(0.5,0.65,paste("In the current inputed data, it is the following: " ),col="black",cex =  1.5  )
        graphics::text(0.5,0.5,paste(  sum.of.h , "      >       ",NL,sep = ""),col="red",cex = 2)

        graphics::text(0.5,0.3,c("* Please fix so that the following inequality holds \n", expression(paste(h1+h2+h3+... , "       <        Number of lesions"))),col="blue",cex =  1.5    )
        graphics::text(0.5,0.1,c("* Shoud decrease the number of hits  or \n  Shoud increase the number of lesions"),col="blue",cex = 1.5  )


    # )#reactivevalue

    # download plot 00000000000000000000000000000000000-----
    output$download_Plot = shiny::downloadHandler(
      # filename = paste("aaaaaaaaaaaa.",as.character(input$extension_for_plot_save), sep = ""),
      # filename = "aaaaaaaaaaaa." ,

      # filename = paste(as.character(input$file_name_for_plot_save),".png", sep = ""),
      filename = "img_file_Name_and_Now_this_does_not_work.png",

# Save image
      content = function(file) {
        device <- function(..., width, height) {
          grDevices::png(..., width = width, height = height,res = 300, units = "in")
          # device <- function(...) {
          #   grDevices::png(...,res = 300, units = "in")
          # if(input$extension_for_plot_save == "png")    grDevices::png(..., width = width, height = height,res = 300, units = "in")
          #     else if(input$extension_for_plot_save == "jpeg")    grDevices::jpeg(..., width = width, height = height,res = 300, units = "in")
          #     else if(input$extension_for_plot_save == "bmp")    grDevices::bmp(..., width = width, height = height,res = 300, units = "in")
          #     else if(input$extension_for_plot_save == "tiff")    grDevices::tiff(..., width = width, height = height,res = 300, units = "in")
          #     else if(input$extension_for_plot_save == "pdf")    grDevices::pdf(..., width = width, height = height,res = 300, units = "in")

        ggplot2::ggsave(file, plot = plotInput(), device = device)

    ## Save
    # shiny::observeEvent(input$save, {
    #   finalDF <- isolate(values[["DF"]])
    ## saveRDS(finalDF, file=file.path(outdir, sprintf("%s.Rds", outfilename)))
    # })

    # ui_of_MCMC_iterations_love  -------
    output$ui_of_MCMC_iterations_love <- shiny::renderUI({


        if( length(  counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love ) >=2 )MCMC_iterations_love.initial<-  values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]
        if( (length(  counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love ) >=2)&&( max_MCMC_iterations_love.initial<  values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]) )max_MCMC_iterations_love.initial<-(  values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]])*2
        if( (length(  counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love ) >=2)&&( min_MCMC_iterations_love.initial >  values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]) )min_MCMC_iterations_love.initial<-trunc (  values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]/2)

# for initial value issues ---------2021Nov24
        # if( print_debug&&( is.na(MCMC_iterations_love.initial)||is.null(MCMC_iterations_love.initial)  )) color_message("here ----1",print_debug =print_debug  )
        if( is.na( values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]])||is.null( values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]) ){ color_message("here ----2--  values[[\"MCMC_iterations_love\"]] is na or null.",print_debug =print_debug)

                                     # "Number of MCMC samples:",
                                     width = '100%',
                                     min =  1 , #min_MCMC_iterations_love.initial,
                                     max =  11111, # max(11111, values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]*2),#max_MCMC_iterations_love.initial,
                                     value = 111, #MCMC_iterations_love.initial,# Default
                                     step = 1)


                                     # "Number of MCMC samples:",
                                     width = '100%',
                                     min =   min_MCMC_iterations_love.initial,
                                     max =  max(11111, values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]*2),#max_MCMC_iterations_love.initial,
                                     value =  values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]], #MCMC_iterations_love.initial,# Default
                                     step = 1)

      } else if(input$MCMC_input_format==2){

                            # "Number of MCMC samples:",
                            value = values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]# Default
      }else if(input$MCMC_input_format==3){
        rhandsontable::rHandsontableOutput("MCMC_iterations_love")#, width = "150%", height = "100%")# Table of h and f



    # ui_of_parallel_MCMC_chains_love  -------
    output$ui_of_parallel_MCMC_chains_love <- shiny::renderUI({


        if( length(  counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love ) >=2 )parallel_MCMC_chains_love.initial<-  values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]]
        if( (length(  counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love ) >=2)&&( parallel_MCMC_chains_love.initial<  values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]]) )MCMC.chains.max<-(  values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]])*2

        # for initial value issues ---------2021Nov24
        # if( print_debug&&( is.na(parallel_MCMC_chains_love.initial)||is.null(parallel_MCMC_chains_love.initial)  )) color_message("here ----1",print_debug =print_debug  )
        if(  is.na( values[["counter_MCMC_iterations_love"]])||is.null( values[["counter_MCMC_iterations_love"]]) ){ color_message("here ----2--  values[[\"counter_MCMC_iterations_love\"]] is na or null.",print_debug =print_debug)

                             # "Number of MCMC chains:",
                             width = '100%',
                             # paste("Parallel MCMC chains =",   values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]]  ),
                             min =   1,
                             max = 5,  #MCMC.chains.max,
                             value = 1,  # values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]],# Default
                             step = 1)


                           # "Number of MCMC chains:",
                           width = '100%',
                           # paste("Parallel MCMC chains =",   values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]]  ),
                           min =   1, max = MCMC.chains.max,
                           value = values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]],# Default
                           step = 1)

      } else if(input$MCMC_input_format==2){

                            # "Number of MCMC chains:",
                            value = values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]]# Default
      }else if(input$MCMC_input_format==3){
        rhandsontable::rHandsontableOutput("parallel_MCMC_chains_love")#, width = "150%", height = "100%")# Table of h and f



    # ui_of_Seed_of_MCMC_love  -------
    output$ui_of_Seed_of_MCMC_love <- shiny::renderUI({


        if( length(  counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love ) >=2 )Seed_of_MCMC_love.initial<-  values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]]
        if( (length(  counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love ) >=2)&&( Seed_of_MCMC_love.initial<  values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]]) )seed.MCMC.max<-(  values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]])*2

        # for initial value issues ---------2021Nov24
        # if( print_debug&&( is.na(Seed_of_MCMC_love.initial)||is.null(Seed_of_MCMC_love.initial)  )) color_message("here ----1",print_debug =print_debug  )
        if( is.na( values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]])||is.null( values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]]) ){ color_message("here ----2--  values[[\"Seed_of_MCMC_love\"]] is na or null.",print_debug =print_debug)

                             # "Seed of MCMC:",
                             width = '100%',
                             min =   1, max = 22222,
                             value = 222,# Default
                             step = 1)
                           # "Seed of MCMC:",
                           width = '100%',
                           min =   1, max = seed.MCMC.max,
                           value = values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]],# Default
                           step = 1)

      } else if(input$MCMC_input_format==2){

                            # "Seed of MCMC:",
                            value = values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]]# Default
      }else if(input$MCMC_input_format==3){
        rhandsontable::rHandsontableOutput("Seed_of_MCMC_love")#, width = "150%", height = "100%")# Table of h and f



    #     #UI of MCMC input
    #output$ui_of_Seed_of_MCMC_love <- shiny::renderUI({
    #       if(input$MCMC_input_format){
    #         if( length(  counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love ) >=2 )Seed_of_MCMC_love.initial <- input$Seed_of_MCMC_love
    #         if( (length(  counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love ) >=2)&&( MCMC.chains.max< input$Seed_of_MCMC_love) )seed.MCMC.max<-( input$Seed_of_MCMC_love)*2
    #         shiny::sliderInput("Seed_of_MCMC_love",
    #                            "Seed of MCMC chains:",
    #                            min = 1, max = seed.MCMC.max,
    #                            value = Seed_of_MCMC_love.initial,
    #                            step = 1)
    #       } else
    #         shiny::numericInput("Seed_of_MCMC_love",
    #                             "Seed of MCMC chains:",
    #                             value = input$Seed_of_MCMC_love# Default
    #         )
    #     })

    #UI of MCMC input
    #output$ui_of_parallel_MCMC_chains_love <- shiny::renderUI({
    #   if(input$MCMC_input_format){
    #     if( length(  counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love ) >=2 )parallel_MCMC_chains_love.initial<- input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love
    #     if( (length(  counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love ) >=2)&&( MCMC.chains.max< input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love) )MCMC.chains.max<-( input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love)*2
    #     shiny::sliderInput("parallel_MCMC_chains_love",
    #                        "Number of MCMC chains:",
    #                        min = 1, max = MCMC.chains.max,
    #                        value = parallel_MCMC_chains_love.initial,
    #                        step = 1
    #     )
    #   } else
    #     shiny::numericInput("parallel_MCMC_chains_love",
    #                         "Number of MCMC chains:",
    #                         value = input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love# Default
    #     )
    # })
    #UI of MCMC input
    #output$ui_of_MCMC_iterations_love <- shiny::renderUI({
    #      if(input$MCMC_input_format){
    # if( length(  counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love ) >=2 )MCMC_iterations_love.initial<- input$MCMC_iterations_love
    # if( (length(  counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love ) >=2)&&( max_MCMC_iterations_love.initial< input$MCMC_iterations_love) )max_MCMC_iterations_love.initial<-( input$MCMC_iterations_love)*2
    #        shiny::sliderInput("MCMC_iterations_love",
    #                           "Number of MCMC samples:",
    #                           min = min_MCMC_iterations_love.initial, max = max_MCMC_iterations_love.initial, value = MCMC_iterations_love.initial)
    #        } else
    #          shiny::numericInput("MCMC_iterations_love",
    #                              "Number of MCMC samples:",
    #                              value = input$MCMC_iterations_love# Default
    #          )
    #    })

    # here /////////////////////////////////////////////////////-----------------
    output$Number_of_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp <- rhandsontable::renderRHandsontable({
      DF_samples_from_likelihood <- data.frame( samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp =   values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]] )
      comments_of_DF <- "The size of samples from posterior predictive distribution."
      DF_comment <- data.frame(comments_of_DF = comments_of_DF)
# Table PPP
      tableAAA<-  rhandsontable::rhandsontable(DF_samples_from_likelihood,
                                               # width = 300,
                                               # height = 20,
                                               colHeaders = c( "For the sample size to calculate PPP"),
                                               rowHeaders = NULL,
                                               comments =DF_comment,
                                               stretchH = "all")

      tableDDD <- rhandsontable::hot_table(#decolartion for table
        ,highlightCol = TRUE
        , highlightRow = TRUE#decolartion for table
        , stretchH = "all"
        ,enableComments=TRUE#decolartion for table
      tableDDD<- rhandsontable::hot_heatmap(tableDDD,
                                            # cols = 0,#1,
                                            color_scale = c("#ED3D3D" ,  "#FABBBB")#"#FABBBB" ,  "#FABBBB1F"    )
      )# Table color  cols <- colourpicker::colourPicker(5)


    output$Number_of_images <- rhandsontable::renderRHandsontable({
      DF_NI <- data.frame( NI =   values[["dataList"]]$NI)
      comments_of_DF <- "This cell means the number of images. Enter a positive integer in the table in order to get own dataset.I Love you! \n Best regards, \n Doggy"
      DF_comment <- data.frame(comments_of_DF = comments_of_DF)

      tableAAA<-  rhandsontable::rhandsontable(DF_NI,
                                               # width = 300,
                                               # height = 20,
                                               colHeaders = c( "No. of images"),
                                               rowHeaders = NULL,
                                               comments =DF_comment,
                                               stretchH = "all")

      tableDDD <- rhandsontable::hot_table(#decolartion for table
        ,highlightCol = TRUE
        , highlightRow = TRUE#decolartion for table
        , stretchH = "all"
        ,enableComments=TRUE#decolartion for table
      tableDDD<- rhandsontable::hot_heatmap(tableDDD,
                                            # cols = 0,#1,
                                            color_scale = c("#ED3D3D" ,  "#FABBBB")#"#FABBBB" ,  "#FABBBB1F"    )
      )# Table color  cols <- colourpicker::colourPicker(5)

      # tableDDD <-  rhandsontable::hot_table(tableDDD
      # ,
      #   customBorders = list(list(
      #   range = list(from = list(row = 1, col = 1),
      #                to = list(row = 1, col = 1)),
      #   top = list(width = 2, color = "red"),
      #   left = list(width = 2, color = "red"),
      #   bottom = list(width = 2, color = "red"),
      #   right = list(width = 2, color = "red"))))

      # col_highlight = 1
      # row_highlight = 1
      # row_highlight = c(5, 7)
      #       tableDDD <- rhandsontable::rhandsontable(DF_NI,
      #                                                col_highlight = 0,
      #                     row_highlight = 0,
      #                     # width = 550, height = 300
      #                     )
      #       tableDDD <-  rhandsontable::hot_cols(tableDDD,renderer = "
      #     function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
      #       Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
      #       tbl = this.HTMLWidgets.widgets[0]
      #       hcols = tbl.params.col_highlight
      #       hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]
      #       hrows = tbl.params.row_highlight
      #       hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows]
      #       if (hcols.includes(col) && hrows.includes(row)) {
      #         td.style.background = 'red';
      #       }
      #       else if (hcols.includes(col)) {
      #         td.style.background = 'lightgreen';
      #       }
      #       else if (hrows.includes(row)) {
      #         td.style.background = 'pink';
      #       }
      #       return td;
      #   }")

    # NL table ----
    output$Number_of_lesions <- rhandsontable::renderRHandsontable({
      DF_NL<- data.frame( NL = values[["NL"]]  )# here 2020 Sept 10 ----

      color_message( paste("values[[\"NL\"]] = ",values[["NL"]]), print_debug = print_debug)

      comments_of_DF <-  "This cell means the number of lesions. Enter a positive integer in the table in order to get own dataset.I Love you! \n Sincerely, \n Doggy"
      DF_comment <- data.frame( comments_of_DF = comments_of_DF   )

      tableAAA<-  rhandsontable::rhandsontable(DF_NL,
                                               # width = 800,
                                               # height = 820,
                                               colHeaders = c( "No. of lesions"),
                                               rowHeaders = NULL,
                                               comments = DF_comment,
                                               stretchH = "all"

      tableCCC<- rhandsontable::hot_heatmap(tableAAA,
                                            cols = c(1),
                                            color_scale = c("#35B2BD",   "#F00000")#"red","red")#"#C2AB4E1F", "#C2AB4E1F")#"#FABBBB" ,  "#FABBBB")#"#FABBBB" ,  "#FABBBB1F"    )
      )# Table color  cols <- colourpicker::colourPicker(5)

      tableDDD <- rhandsontable::hot_table(#decolartion for table
        ,highlightCol = TRUE
        , highlightRow = TRUE#decolartion for table
        , stretchH = "all"
        ,enableComments=TRUE#decolartion for table

    # ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////-------------
    # samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\----------
    # ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////-------------

    output$ui_of_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp <- shiny::renderUI({
      color_message("2065 ui_of_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp", print_debug = print_debug)

        # if( length(  counter$counter_Number_of_lesions ) >=2 )NI.initial<-  values[["NI"]]
        # if( (length(  counter$counter_Number_of_lesions ) >=2)&&( NI.max< values[["NI"]]) )NI.max<-( values[["NI"]])*2

        if(   length(  counter$counter_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp ) >=2 )samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.initial<-  values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]]
        if( ( length(  counter$counter_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp ) >=2 )&&( samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.max<  values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]]) )samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.max<- values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]]*2
        # if( ( length(  counter$counter_Number_of_lesions ) >=2 )&& ( values[["sum_h"]] > values[["NL"]])       )values[["NL"]]<-  values[["sum_h"]]

        # for initial value issues ---------2021Nov24
        # if( print_debug&&( is.na(samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.initial)||is.null(samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.initial)  )) color_message("here ----1",print_debug =print_debug  )
        if(is.na( values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]])||is.null( values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]]) ){ color_message("here ----2--  values[[\"samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp\"]] is na or null.",print_debug =print_debug)

                             # paste("Number of images:",  values[["NI"]]),
                             width = '100%',
                             min = 1,
                             max = 50,# max(50, values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]]*2),# NI.max,
                             value = 1,#values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]], #NI.initial,#Default
                             step = 1)

                           # paste("Number of images:",  values[["NI"]]),
                           width = '100%',
                           min = 1,
                           max =  max(50, values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]]*2),# NI.max,
                           value = values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]], #NI.initial,#Default
                           step = 1)

      } else if(input$input_format_ui_of_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp==2){

                            "",  # "Number of images:",
                            value =  values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]]# Default
      }else if(input$input_format_ui_of_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp==3){
        rhandsontable::rHandsontableOutput("Number_of_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp")# Table of h and f



    #ui_of_Number_images ---------
    output$ui_of_Number_images <- shiny::renderUI({
      color_message("2065 ui_of_Number_images", print_debug = print_debug)

        # if( length(  counter$counter_Number_of_lesions ) >=2 )NI.initial<-  values[["NI"]]
        # if( (length(  counter$counter_Number_of_lesions ) >=2)&&( NI.max< values[["NI"]]) )NI.max<-( values[["NI"]])*2

        if(   length(  counter$counter_Number_of_lesions ) >=2 )NI.initial<-  values[["NI"]]
        if( ( length(  counter$counter_Number_of_lesions ) >=2 )&&( NI.max<  values[["NI"]]) )NI.max<- values[["NI"]]*2
        # if( ( length(  counter$counter_Number_of_lesions ) >=2 )&& ( values[["sum_h"]] > values[["NL"]])       )values[["NL"]]<-  values[["sum_h"]]
        # for initial value issues ---------2021Nov24
        # if( print_debug&&( is.na(samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.initial)||is.null(samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.initial)  )) color_message("here ----1",print_debug =print_debug  )
        if( is.na( values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]])||is.null( values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]]) ){ color_message("here ----2--  values[[\"samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp\"]] is na or null.",print_debug =print_debug)

                             # paste("Number of images:",  values[["NI"]]),
                             width = '100%',
                             min = 1,
                             max = 1000,# max(50, values[["NI"]]*2),# NI.max,
                             value = 100,#values[["NI"]], #NI.initial,#Default
                             step = 1)

                           # paste("Number of images:",  values[["NI"]]),
                           width = '100%',
                           min = 1,
                           max =  max(50, values[["NI"]]*2),# NI.max,
                           value = values[["NI"]], #NI.initial,#Default
                           step = 1)

      } else if(input$Data_input_format==2){

                            "",  # "Number of images:",
                            value =  values[["NI"]]# Default
      }else if(input$Data_input_format==3){
        rhandsontable::rHandsontableOutput("Number_of_images")# Table of h and f



    # ui_of_Number_lesions  -------
    output$ui_of_Number_lesions <- shiny::renderUI({
      color_message("2021 ui_of_Number_lesions", print_debug = print_debug)

        if(   length(  counter$counter_Number_of_lesions ) >=2 )NL.initial<-  values[["NL"]]
        if( ( length(  counter$counter_Number_of_lesions ) >=2 )&&( NL.max<  values[["NL"]]) )NL.max<- max(  values[["NL"]]*2, values[["sum_h"]]*10)
        if( ( length(  counter$counter_Number_of_lesions ) >=2 )&& ( values[["sum_h"]] > values[["NL"]])       )values[["NL"]]<-  values[["sum_h"]]
        # for initial value issues ---------2021Nov24
        # if( print_debug&&( is.na(NL.initial)||is.null(NL.initial)  )) color_message("here ----1",print_debug =print_debug  )
        if( is.na( values[["NL"]])||is.null( values[["NL"]]) ){ color_message("here ----2--  values[[\"NL\"]] is na or null.",print_debug =print_debug)

                             # paste("Number of lesions:",  values[["NL"]]),
                             width = '100%',
                             # min =   1,
                             # min = sum( values[["dataList"]]$h),
                             min =   1,#values[["sum_h"]],
                             max =  1000,#values[["NL"]]*2, #max( values[["NL"]]*2, values[["sum_h"]]*10),

                             # max = NL.max,
                             value = 555,#values[["NL"]],# Default
                             step = 1)


          if(   values[["sum_h"]] > values[["NL"]]  ) {
          color_message(" Ajusted NL by sum of hits cuz NL is less than sum of hits.", print_debug = print_debug)

                           # paste("Number of lesions:",  values[["NL"]]),
                           width = '100%',
                           # min =   1,
                           # min = sum( values[["dataList"]]$h),
                           min = values[["sum_h"]],
                           max = 2*values[["sum_h"]],# values[["NL"]]*2, #max( values[["NL"]]*2, values[["sum_h"]]*10),

                           # max = NL.max,
                           value =values[["sum_h"]],# values[["NL"]],# Default
                           step = 1)


        color_message(" Ajusted NL by sum of hits cuz NL is less than sum of hits.", print_debug = print_debug)

                           # paste("Number of lesions:",  values[["NL"]]),
                           width = '100%',
                           # min =   1,
                           # min = sum( values[["dataList"]]$h),
                           min = values[["sum_h"]],
                           max =  values[["NL"]]*2, #max( values[["NL"]]*2, values[["sum_h"]]*10),

                           # max = NL.max,
                           value = values[["NL"]],# Default
                           step = 1)


      } else if(input$Data_input_format==2){

                            # "Number of lesions:",
                            value = values[["NL"]]# Default
      }else if(input$Data_input_format==3){

        rhandsontable::rHandsontableOutput("Number_of_lesions")#, width = "150%", height = "100%")# Table of h and f



    # txt_lesions   --------
    output$txt_Number_of_lesions <- shiny::renderText({
      return(paste("The Number of Lesions:", values[["NL"]]  ))

    # txt_images   --------
    output$txt_Number_of_images <- shiny::renderText({
      return(paste("The Number of Images:", values[["NI"]]  ))

    # # txt_lesions   --------
    #output$txt_MCMC_iterations_love <- shiny::renderText({
    #   return(paste("The number of lesions:", values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]  ))
    # })#shiny::renderPlot
    # Txt HMC   --------

    # Txt HMC   --------
    output$txt_parallel_MCMC_chains_love <- shiny::renderText({
      return(paste("Parallel chains:", values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]]  ))

    # Txt HMC   --------
    output$txt_Seed_of_MCMC_love <- shiny::renderText({
      return(paste("Seed for HMC:", values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]]  ))
    # NI table ----

    #  table Seed_of_MCMC_love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx----
    output$Seed_of_MCMC_love <- rhandsontable::renderRHandsontable({

      #output$parallel_MCMC_chains_love <- rhandsontable::renderRHandsontable({
      DF_NL<- data.frame( seed=   values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]])
      comments_of_DF <- "Edit the number of MCMC seed to run HMC! I Love you! \n Best regards, \n Doggy"
      DF_comment <- data.frame( comments_of_DF = comments_of_DF   )

      tableAAA<-  rhandsontable::rhandsontable(DF_NL,
                                               # width = 800,
                                               # height = 820,
                                               colHeaders = c( "Seed"),
                                               rowHeaders = NULL,
                                               comments = DF_comment,
                                               stretchH = "all"

      tableCCC<- rhandsontable::hot_heatmap(tableAAA,
                                            cols = c(1),
                                            color_scale = c("#35B2BD",   "#F00000")#"red","red")#"#C2AB4E1F", "#C2AB4E1F")#"#FABBBB" ,  "#FABBBB")#"#FABBBB" ,  "#FABBBB1F"    )
      )# Table color  cols <- colourpicker::colourPicker(5)

      tableDDD <- rhandsontable::hot_table(#decolartion for table
        ,highlightCol = TRUE
        , highlightRow = TRUE#decolartion for table
        , stretchH = "all"
        ,enableComments=TRUE#decolartion for table


    #  table MCMC_iterations_love pppppppppppp----
    output$MCMC_iterations_love <- rhandsontable::renderRHandsontable({
      DF_NL<- data.frame( samples=   values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]])
      comments_of_DF <- "Edit the number of MCMC samples.I Love you! If HMC does not converge, then try to increase this! \n Best regards, \n Doggy"
      DF_comment <- data.frame( comments_of_DF = comments_of_DF   )

      tableAAA<-  rhandsontable::rhandsontable(DF_NL,
                                               # width = 800,
                                               # height = 820,
                                               colHeaders = c( "Size of MCMC samples"),
                                               rowHeaders = NULL,
                                               comments = DF_comment,
                                               stretchH = "all"

      tableCCC<- rhandsontable::hot_heatmap(tableAAA,
                                            cols = c(1),
                                            color_scale = c("#35B2BD",   "#F00000")#"red","red")#"#C2AB4E1F", "#C2AB4E1F")#"#FABBBB" ,  "#FABBBB")#"#FABBBB" ,  "#FABBBB1F"    )
      )# Table color  cols <- colourpicker::colourPicker(5)

      tableDDD <- rhandsontable::hot_table(#decolartion for table
        ,highlightCol = TRUE
        , highlightRow = TRUE#decolartion for table
        , stretchH = "all"
        ,enableComments=TRUE#decolartion for table


    #  table parallel_MCMC_chains_love pppppppppppp----
    output$parallel_MCMC_chains_love <- rhandsontable::renderRHandsontable({

      DF_NL<- data.frame( chains=   values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]])
      comments_of_DF <- "Edit the number of MCMC chains! I Love you! \n Best regards, \n Doggy"
      DF_comment <- data.frame( comments_of_DF = comments_of_DF   )

      tableAAA<-  rhandsontable::rhandsontable(DF_NL,
                                               # width = 800,
                                               # height = 820,
                                               colHeaders = c( "Parallel MCMC chains"),
                                               rowHeaders = NULL,
                                               comments = DF_comment,
                                               stretchH = "all"

      tableCCC<- rhandsontable::hot_heatmap(tableAAA,
                                            cols = c(1),
                                            color_scale = c("#35B2BD",   "#F00000")#"red","red")#"#C2AB4E1F", "#C2AB4E1F")#"#FABBBB" ,  "#FABBBB")#"#FABBBB" ,  "#FABBBB1F"    )
      )# Table color  cols <- colourpicker::colourPicker(5)

      tableDDD <- rhandsontable::hot_table(#decolartion for table
        ,highlightCol = TRUE
        , highlightRow = TRUE#decolartion for table
        , stretchH = "all"
        ,enableComments=TRUE#decolartion for table


    # observe -----
      # print.data.frame( values[["DF"]] ,row.names=FALSE)

      color_message("shiny::observe -----------------Start",type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message("shiny::observe -----------------Start",type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message("shiny::observe -----------------Start",type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

     if(print_debug) cat( "class of the object  input$data_frame is: ", class(  input$data_frame      ))
      if(print_debug) cat( "\n Is null included in values[[\"DF\"]] ? :",  !as.logical(prod(!is.na(unlist(values[["DF"]]))))  )
      if(print_debug) cat( "\n Is null included in input$data_frame ?:",  !as.logical(prod(!is.na(unlist(values[["input$data_frame"]]))))  )

# if(!as.logical(prod(!is.na(unlist(values[["DF"]])))))

       if (!is.null(input$data_frame)     ) {
        DF = rhandsontable::hot_to_r(input$data_frame) # Data GUI Handsontable -----
      } else {
        if (is.null(values[["DF"]]))
          DF <- DF
          DF <- values[["DF"]]

      values[["DF"]] <- DF
      if(print_debug) cat( "Is null included in DF ?:",  !as.logical(prod(!is.na(unlist( DF  ))))  )

      # Initial values to avoid first running error -----

      if (!is.null(input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter_1st)) {
        values[["pars_for_scat_plot_1st"]] <-    input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter_1st   #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["pars_for_scat_plot_1st"]])){   values[["pars_for_scat_plot_1st"]]  <- "m"}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"pars_for_scat_plot_1st\"]] = ",values[["pars_for_scat_plot_1st"]]),type = 7, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter_2nd)) {
        values[["pars_for_scat_plot_2nd"]] <-    input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter_2nd   #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["pars_for_scat_plot_2nd"]])){   values[["pars_for_scat_plot_2nd"]]  <- "lp__"}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"pars_for_scat_plot_2nd\"]] = ",values[["pars_for_scat_plot_2nd"]]),type = 7, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter_for_pairs_plot)) {
        values[["pars_for_pairs_plot"]] <-    input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter_for_pairs_plot   #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["pars_for_pairs_plot"]])){   values[["pars_for_pairs_plot"]]  <- c("m" ,"lp__")}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"pars_for_pairs_plot\"]] = ",values[["pars_for_pairs_plot"]]),type = 7, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter)) {
        values[["pars"]] <-    input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter   #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["pars"]])){   values[["pars"]]  <- "lp__"}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"pars\"]] = ",values[["pars"]]),type = 5, print_debug = print_debug)

      color_message(paste("is.null(input$Number_of_lesions) = ",is.null(input$Number_of_lesions)),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$Number_of_lesions)) {
        values[["NL"]] <- if(is.numeric(  input$Number_of_lesions  ))   input$Number_of_lesions  else as.integer( input$Number_of_lesions[[1]][[1]]   ) #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["NL"]])){   values[["NL"]]  <- NL.initial}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"NL\"]] = ",values[["NL"]]),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message(paste("NL.initial     = ",NL.initial),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$Number_of_images)) {
        values[["NI"]] <- if(is.numeric(  input$Number_of_images   ))   input$Number_of_images   else as.integer( input$Number_of_images[[1]][[1]] )#Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["NI"]])){   values[["NI"]]  <- NI.initial}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"NI\"]] = ",values[["NI"]]),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message(paste("NI.initial     = ",NI.initial),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$Number_of_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp)) {
        values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]] <- if(is.numeric(  input$Number_of_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp   ))   input$Number_of_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp   else as.integer( input$Number_of_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp[[1]][[1]] )#Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]])){   values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]]  <- samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.initial}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp\"]] = ",values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]]),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message(paste("samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.initial     = ",samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp.initial),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$ww)) {
        values[["ww"]] <- if(is.numeric(  input$ww  ))   input$ww  else as.integer( input$ww[[1]][[1]]   ) #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["ww"]])){   values[["ww"]]  <- ww.initial}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"ww\"]] = ",values[["ww"]]),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message(paste("ww.initial     = ",ww.initial),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$www)) {
        values[["www"]] <- if(is.numeric(  input$www  ))   input$www  else as.integer( input$www[[1]][[1]]   ) #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["www"]])){   values[["www"]]  <- www.initial}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"www\"]] = ",values[["www"]]),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message(paste("www.initial     = ",www.initial),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$vv)) {
        values[["vv"]] <- if(is.numeric(  input$vv  ))   input$vv  else as.integer( input$vv[[1]][[1]]   ) #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["vv"]])){   values[["vv"]]  <- vv.initial}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"vv\"]] = ",values[["vv"]]),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message(paste("vv.initial     = ",vv.initial),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$vvv)) {
        values[["vvv"]] <- if(is.numeric(  input$vvv  ))   input$vvv  else as.integer( input$vvv[[1]][[1]]   ) #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["vvv"]])){   values[["vvv"]]  <- vvv.initial}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"vvv\"]] = ",values[["vvv"]]),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message(paste("vvv.initial     = ",vvv.initial),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$zz)) {
        values[["zz"]] <- if(is.numeric(  input$zz  ))   input$zz  else as.integer( input$zz[[1]][[1]]   ) #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["zz"]])){   values[["zz"]]  <- zz.initial}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"zz\"]] = ",values[["zz"]]),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message(paste("zz.initial     = ",zz.initial),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$zzz)) {
        values[["zzz"]] <- if(is.numeric(  input$zzz  ))   input$zzz  else as.integer( input$zzz[[1]][[1]]   ) #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["zzz"]])){   values[["zzz"]]  <- zzz.initial}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"zzz\"]] = ",values[["zzz"]]),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message(paste("zzz.initial     = ",zzz.initial),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$mm)) {
        values[["mm"]] <- if(is.numeric(  input$mm  ))   input$mm  else as.integer( input$mm[[1]][[1]]   ) #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["mm"]])){   values[["mm"]]  <- mm.initial}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"mm\"]] = ",values[["mm"]]),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message(paste("mm.initial     = ",mm.initial),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$mmm)) {
        values[["mmm"]] <- if(is.numeric(  input$mmm  ))   input$mmm  else as.integer( input$mmm[[1]][[1]]   ) #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["mmm"]])){   values[["mmm"]]  <- mmm.initial}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"mmm\"]] = ",values[["mmm"]]),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message(paste("mmm.initial     = ",mmm.initial),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$MCMC_iterations_love)) {
        values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]] <- if(is.numeric(  input$MCMC_iterations_love  ))   input$MCMC_iterations_love  else as.integer( input$MCMC_iterations_love[[1]][[1]]   ) #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]])){   values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]  <- MCMC_iterations_love.initial}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"MCMC_iterations_love\"]] = ",values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message(paste("MCMC_iterations_love.initial     = ",MCMC_iterations_love.initial),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$Seed_of_MCMC_love)) {
        values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]] <- if(is.numeric(  input$Seed_of_MCMC_love  ))   input$Seed_of_MCMC_love  else as.integer( input$Seed_of_MCMC_love[[1]][[1]]   ) #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]])){   values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]]  <- Seed_of_MCMC_love.initial}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"Seed_of_MCMC_love\"]] = ",values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]]),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message(paste("Seed_of_MCMC_love.initial     = ",Seed_of_MCMC_love.initial),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      if (!is.null(input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love)) {
        values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]] <- if(is.numeric(  input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love  ))   input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love  else as.integer( input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love[[1]][[1]]   ) #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      }else  if (is.null(values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]])){   values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]]  <- parallel_MCMC_chains_love.initial}
      color_message(paste("values[[\"parallel_MCMC_chains_love\"]] = ",values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]]),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message(paste("parallel_MCMC_chains_love.initial     = ",parallel_MCMC_chains_love.initial),type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      color_message("shiny::observe -----------------Finish",type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message("shiny::observe -----------------Finish",type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)
      color_message("shiny::observe -----------------Finish",type = 2, print_debug = print_debug)

      # print.data.frame( values[["DF"]] ,row.names=FALSE)

      # if (!is.null(input$Number_of_lesions)) {
      #   NL = input$Number_of_lesions
      # } else {
      #   if (is.null(values[["NL"]]))
      #     NL <- NL
      #   else
      #     NL <- values[["NL"]]
      # }

#For initial value issues 2021 Nov 24
      if(print_debug) cat( "\n class of the object  input$data_frame is: ", class(  input$data_frame      ))
      if(print_debug) cat( "\n class of the object  values[[\"DF\"]] is: ", class(  values[["DF"]]     ),". Is it list?: ", is.list(    values[["DF"]] ))

      if(print_debug) cat( "\n Is null included in input$data_frame ?:",  !as.logical(prod(!is.na(unlist(values[["input$data_frame"]]))))  )#For initial value issues 2021 Nov 24
      if(print_debug) cat( "\n Is null included in DF ?:",  !as.logical(prod(!is.na(unlist(values[["DF"]])))), "\n"  )#For initial value issues 2021 Nov 24
      if(   as.logical(prod(!is.na(unlist(values[["DF"]]))))   ){#For initial value issues 2021 Nov 24

        if(   sum(DF$h) > values[["NL"]]  ) {
          color_message(" Ajusted NL by sum of hits cuz NL is less than sum of hits.", print_debug = print_debug)

      values[["dataList"]] <- list(NL= sum(DF$h), #values[["NL"]],
                                   NI= values[["NI"]],

        values[["dataList"]] <- list(NL= values[["NL"]],
                                     NI= values[["NI"]],

      values[["sum_h"]] <- sum( values[["dataList"]]$h , na.rm = TRUE)
      }#For initial value issues 2021 Nov 24
      if(   !as.logical(prod(!is.na(unlist(values[["DF"]]))))   ){ cat(crayon::bgBlack$red$bold$underline$italic("\n Now, dataset includes NAs, so we stop updating data, fittings to wait further inputs of user. I love you. Anyway, input data! "))    }
      # To avoid unnecessary fitting <<<<<<<<<------
      # print( values[["dataList"]]  )

      # values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]] <- input$MCMC_iterations_love
      # values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]] <- input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love
      # values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]] <- input$Seed_of_MCMC_love
      # values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]] <- if(is.numeric(  input$MCMC_iterations_love  ))   input$MCMC_iterations_love  else as.integer( input$MCMC_iterations_love[[1]][[1]]   ) #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      # values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]]  <- if(is.numeric(  input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love   ))   input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love   else as.integer( input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love[[1]][[1]] )#Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny
      # values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]]    <- if(is.numeric(  input$Seed_of_MCMC_love     ))   input$Seed_of_MCMC_love     else as.integer( input$Seed_of_MCMC_love[[1]][[1]]   ) #Very important because  rhandsontable is not same class for slide and input in Shiny

      # Infinite loop bad programm
      # values[["debug_counter"]] <- if ( is_logical_0( values[["debug_counter"]]  )) 1 else { values[["debug_counter"]] +1}
      #  print(values[["debug_counter"]])

      # redundant_counter <- redundant_counter +1
      # print(redundant_counter)
      # gobal env ----
      if( input$checkbox2021){
      my_global_env <- globalenv();message("From now on, on R console, we make objects d and f which represent data and fitted model, respectively.  ")
      my_global_env$d <- values[["dataList"]];   color_message("Make a fitted model object in global env", print_debug = print_debug)
      my_global_env$f <- fit();                  color_message("Make a dataset object in global env", print_debug = print_debug)

}else if( !(input$checkbox2021  )){
         color_message("On R console, We do not make nor update objects of dataset or fitted model in Global environment", print_debug = print_debug)
 if(s==0){ message("To make objects of fitted model and data on R console, use the top check box. ")
   }else {message("On R console, we no longer make objects. ")}


    output$txt_MCMC_iterations_love <- shiny::renderText({
      # return(paste("The number of MCMC samples:", input$MCMC_iterations_love,"."))
      if(!is_length_zero(  values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]  )     ){
        color_message( paste( " values[[\"MCMC_iterations_love\"]] is now length 0? :", is_logical_0(  values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]  )   ), print_debug = print_debug )
        color_message( paste( " values[[\"MCMC_iterations_love\"]] is now length zero? :", is_length_zero(  values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]  )   ) , print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message( paste( " values[[\"MCMC_iterations_love\"]] = ",   values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]    ), print_debug = print_debug )

        iter <-  values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]
        if( iter<10) return(paste("Iteration:",  iter, ":  HMC checks will be gonna nagging this iteration! Fuck it. I'm done. "    ))
        else if(    50  > iter &&iter >=11 )  return(paste("Iteration:",  iter , " which is too small! You're in deep shit. Oh, shit man. Oh, you're fucked."    ))
        else if(    100 > iter &&iter >=51 )  return(paste("Iteration:",  iter , " What a fucking small iterations! sucks! Holy moly. Do you wanna get more iterations?"    ))
        else   return(paste("Iteration:",  iter , " Oh! yes!"    ))
        color_message( paste( " values[[\"MCMC_iterations_love\"]] is now length 0? :", is_logical_0(  values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]  )   ), print_debug = print_debug )
        color_message( paste( " values[[\"MCMC_iterations_love\"]] is now length zero? :", is_length_zero(  values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]  )   ), print_debug = print_debug )
        color_message( paste( " values[[\"MCMC_iterations_love\"]] = ",   values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]    ), print_debug = print_debug )

        return(paste( " values[[\"MCMC_iterations_love\"]] is now length zero." ))


    # Table h f 2020 July 31 -----
    output$data_frame <- rhandsontable::renderRHandsontable({
      color_message("1691  output$data_frame in server ", print_debug = print_debug)

      if(print_debug) print.data.frame( values[["DF"]] ,row.names=FALSE)
      DF <- values[["DF"]]
      # if (!is.null(DF))
      if(nrow(DF)==2) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==3) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Subtle", "Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==4) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely",  "Absolutely", "Subtle", "Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==5) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Absolutely", "Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==6) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Absolutely","Equivocal","Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==7) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Absolutely","Honestly","Equivocal","Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==8) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Absolutely","Honestly","such","Equivocal","Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==9) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Absolutely","Honestly","such", "a","Equivocal","Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==10) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Billy","Honesty","such", "a","lonely","word","Equivocal","Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==11) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Billy","Honestly","such", "a","lonely","word.", "Everyone","Equivocal","Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==12) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Billy","Honestly","such", "a","lonely","word.", "Everyone","is" ,"Equivocal","Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==13) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Billy","Honestly","such", "a","lonely","word.", "Everyone","is" , "so","Equivocal","Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==14) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Billy","Honestly","such", "a","lonely","word.", "Everyone","is" , "so", "untrue.","Equivocal","Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==15) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Billy","Honestly","such", "a","lonely","word.", "Everyone","is" , "so", "untrue.", "Honesty,","Equivocal","Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==16) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Billy","Honestly","such", "a","lonely","word.", "Everyone","is" , "so", "untrue.", "Honesty,", "hardly" ,"Equivocal","Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==17) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Billy","Honestly","such", "a","lonely","word.", "Everyone","is" , "so", "untrue.", "Honesty,", "hardly" ,"ever" ,"Equivocal","Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==18) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Billy","Honestly","such", "a","lonely","word.", "Everyone","is" , "so", "untrue.", "Honesty,", "hardly" ,"ever" ,"heard" ,"Equivocal","Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)==19) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Billy","Honestly","such", "a","lonely","word.", "Everyone","is" , "so", "untrue.", "Honesty,", "hardly" ,"ever" ,"heard" ,"and" ,"Equivocal","Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")
      if(nrow(DF)>=20) rowHeaders <- c("Definitely", "Billy","Honestly","such",  "a","lonely","word.","Everyone","is" , "so", "untrue.", "Honesty,", "hardly" ,"ever" ,"heard" ,"and" , rep("mostly",(nrow(DF)-19)),"Subtle","Probably","Subtle","Uncertenly")

      tableAAA<-        rhandsontable::rhandsontable(DF,
                                                     stretchH = "all",
                                                     # width = 350, height = 500,
                                                     rowHeaders = rowHeaders,
                                                     # colHeaders = c("No. of Hits","No. of False Alarms")# Here is label
                                                     colHeaders = c("No. of False Alarms","No. of Hits")# Here is label

                                                     # ,rowHeaderWidth=88
                                                     # ,highlightCol = TRUE
                                                     # ,highlightRow = TRUE#decolartion for table


      tableBBB<-        rhandsontable::hot_table(#decolartion for table
        ,highlightCol = TRUE
        , highlightRow = TRUE#decolartion for table
        , stretchH = "all"
        ,enableComments=TRUE#decolartion for table

      tableCCC<- rhandsontable::hot_heatmap(tableBBB,
                                            cols = c(1, 2), color_scale = c("#EBE4BC" ,  "#EDE7BE00"    )
      )# Table color  cols <- colourpicker::colourPicker(5)
      #"#84ED53", "#F5ED0E"     "#EBA85091", "#FAC944D6"

      # tableDDD <- rhandsontable::hot_cell(tableCCC,1, 1, comment = "The number of hits with highest rating. \"hits\" = True Positives = TP.")

      comment <- "Editing this table, Stan runs and a model is fitted to this table. \n \"false alarms\" = False Positives = FP.\n \"hits\" = True Positives = TP. \n Data is not only this table, but also the number of lesions and the number of images are also consisting data.\n The number of lesions is the number of present stimulus presentations. \n The number of images are the number of trials (subjects)"

      tableDDD <- rhandsontable::hot_cell(tableCCC,1, 2, comment = comment)

      tableDDD<-        rhandsontable::hot_table(#decolartion for table
        tableDDD ,stretchH = "all"


      #         tableEEE <- rhandsontable::hot_table(#decolartion for table
      #           tableDDD
      #           ,highlightCol = TRUE
      #           , highlightRow = TRUE#decolartion for table
      #           , stretchH = "all"
      #           ,enableComments=TRUE#decolartion for table
      #           ,rowHeaderWidth=55
      #         )


    # This is use such as fit() instesad of fit
    fit <- shiny::reactive({
      # fit ----
      #  From here to up to AAA causes the redundant fittings by chainging input format, so reduntant gadgets causes unesessary fittings
      #       color_message("2341 Fitting")
      #       color_message(values[["dataList"]] )
      #       viewdata(values[["dataList"]] )
      #       color_message(paste("ww = ",values[["ww"]]) )
      #       color_message(paste("www = ",values[["www"]]) )
      #       color_message(paste("vv = ",values[["vv"]]) )
      #       color_message(paste("vvv = ",values[["vvv"]]) )
      #       color_message(paste("mm = ",values[["mm"]]) )
      #       color_message(paste("mmm = ",values[["mmm"]]) )
      #       color_message(paste("zz = ",values[["zz"]]) )
      #       color_message(paste("zzz = ",values[["zzz"]]) )
      #       color_message("-------------------------------------------------------------------------")
      #       color_message(paste(" values[[\"Seed_of_MCMC_love\"]]         = ",  values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]]       ) )
      #       color_message(paste(" values[[\"MCMC_iterations_love\"]]      = ", values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]]     ) )
      #       color_message(paste(" values[[\"parallel_MCMC_chains_love\"]] = ", values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]]) )
      #       color_message("-------------------------------------------------------------------------")
      #         color_message(paste("is.null( values[[\"Seed_of_MCMC_love\"]]  )  = ",is.null( values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]]) ) )
      #         color_message(paste("is.na(  values[[\"Seed_of_MCMC_love\"]]   )  = ",is.na( values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]]) ) )
      #         color_message(paste("is.nan( values[[\"Seed_of_MCMC_love\"]]   )  = ",is.nan( values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]]) ) )
      # print(class(   values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]]        ))
      # print(    values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]]         )
      # print(   is.null( is.nan( values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]] ))        )
      # print(   is.null( is.na( values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]] ))        )
      # print(is_logical_0(   values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]]        ))
      #         color_message(paste("input$MCMC_iterations_love = ", input$MCMC_iterations_love   ) )
      #       color_message(paste("input$FPF_per_Lesion = ", input$FPF_per_Lesion   ) )
      #       color_message(paste("input$prior = ", input$prior   ) )
      #         color_message(paste("  as.logical(input$multi_nomial) = ", as.logical(input$multi_nomial)  ) )
      ## Up to here, the above causes redundant fittings

      fit <- BayesianFROC::fit_Bayesian_FROC(
        ww   =input$ww,
        www  =input$www,
        mm   =input$mm,
        mmm  =input$mmm,
        vv   =input$vv,
        vvv  =input$vvv,
        zz   =input$zz,
        zzz  =input$zzz,
        # multinomial = as.logical(input$multi_nomial),### multinomial---
        # Using values, we can avoid unnecessary redandunt fittings

        # work but redundant fittings when changing input format
        # see  = if(is_logical_0( values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]] )) Seed_of_MCMC_love.initial else  values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]],# input$Seed_of_MCMC_love,#values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]],
        # ite  = if(is_logical_0( values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]] )) MCMC_iterations_love.initial else  values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]],# values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]],#input$MCMC_iterations_love,#values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]],#
        # cha  = if(is_logical_0( values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]] )) parallel_MCMC_chains_love.initial else  values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]],#   values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]],# input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love,#values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]],

        # Not work
        # see  = if(!is.null( input$Seed_of_MCMC_love))  input$Seed_of_MCMC_love else Seed_of_MCMC_love.initial, #else  values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]],# input$Seed_of_MCMC_love,#values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]],
        # ite  = if(!is.null( input$MCMC_iterations_love))  input$MCMC_iterations_love else MCMC_iterations_love.initial, #else  values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]],# input$Seed_of_MCMC_love,#values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]],
        # cha  = if(!is.null( input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love))  input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love else parallel_MCMC_chains_love.initial, #else  values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]],# input$Seed_of_MCMC_love,#values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]],

        # see  = input$Seed_of_MCMC_love,#values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]],
        # ite  = input$MCMC_iterations_love,#values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]],#
        # cha  = input$parallel_MCMC_chains_love,#values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]],

        see  =  values[["Seed_of_MCMC_love"]],
        ite  =  values[["MCMC_iterations_love"]],#input$Number_of_MCMC_samples,
        cha  =  values[["parallel_MCMC_chains_love"]],

        ModifiedPoisson = as.logical(input$FPF_per_Lesion),
        summary = TRUE,
        verbose = FALSE,
        Null.Hypothesis  = FALSE,
        samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp =  values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]],
        dataList = values[["dataList"]],# list(h=input$data_frame$h,f = input$data_frame$f, NL = input$Number_of_lesions, NI = input$Number_of_images,C= length(h) ),#values[["dataList"]],# input$selected_data ,
        DrawCurve  = FALSE,
        dig = 3,
        prior = as.integer(input$prior),
        model_reparametrized = FALSE# 2020 July 30

      # return(fit)

    # values <- shiny::reactiveValues()

    # UI ac auto corr ------

    #param name for  trace plot -------
    output$name_of_model_parameter <- shiny::renderUI({
        width = 11,
          # h3("AAA"),
                                    "Select a model parameter",
                                    choices = names( rstan::get_posterior_mean(fit())[,1]),
                                    select  = if(!is.null(values[["pars"]])) values[["pars"]] else  name_of_param_whose_Rhat_is_maximal(fit())# This specify the initial condition

          style = "font-size: 20px; "

    output$UI_R_object_as_the_result_of_bins_for_legs <- shiny::renderUI({
      # max <- if( is.null(fit())) max(fit()@sim$iter - fit()@sim$warmup-2,10) else MCMC_iterations_love.initial
      max<-max(fit()@sim$iter - fit()@sim$warmup-2,10)
      color_message(!is.null(fit()), type = 6, print_debug = print_debug)
                         "For stan_ac, the maximum number of lags to show:",
                         min =  1, max = max,
                         step = 1, width = '100%',
                         value = 30# Default

    #param name for  pairs plot -------
    output$name_of_model_parameter_for_pairs_plot <- shiny::renderUI({
                                "Select a model parameter",
                                choices = names( rstan::get_posterior_mean(fit())[,1]),
                                select  = if(!is.null(values[["pars_for_pairs_plot"]] )) values[["pars_for_pairs_plot"]] else c(names( rstan::get_posterior_mean(fit())[,1])[1],   names( rstan::get_posterior_mean(fit())[,1])[2])# This specify the initial condition


    output$name_of_model_parameter_1st <- shiny::renderUI({

                         "Select model parameter",
                         choices = names( rstan::get_posterior_mean(fit())[,1]),
                         selected  = names( rstan::get_posterior_mean(fit())[,1])[1]# This specify the initial condition


    output$name_of_model_parameter_2nd <- shiny::renderUI({
                         "Select model parameter",
                         choices   = names( rstan::get_posterior_mean(fit())[,1]),
                         # selected  = names( rstan::get_posterior_mean(fit())[,1])[2]# This specify the initial condition
                         selected  =  "lp__"# This specify the initial condition


    output$txt_name_of_model_parameter <- shiny::renderText({
      icons <- paste(input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_reader, collapse = ", ")
      paste("Selected reader IDs:", icons)

    # 2022Jan21 ---------

    output$formulaPPP <- shiny::renderUI({
      color_message("2457 formula", print_debug = print_debug)
      # my_calculated_value <- extractAUC(fit(),dig = 4)[1]
      # if (class( stanfit_from_its_inherited_class(  fit()  ))=="stanfit" ) {

      # if ( !("fit()" %in%     objects())) {
      # if ( !("values[[\"dataList\"]]" %in%     objects())) {

      # C<-values[["dataList"]]$C
      # z<-apply( extract(fit())$z , 2, mean)
      # m <- mean( extract(fit())$m)
      # v <- mean( extract(fit())$v)

      s<-"Posterior Predictive P value (PPP) is defined by the following integral  "
      # for (cd in 1:C){
        s<-paste0(s," $$\\iint \\text{Indicator}\\{\\chi(y| \\theta) > \\chi(y_{\\text{observed}}| \\theta)     \\}  l(y|\\theta)\\pi(\\theta|y_{\\text{observed}})d\\theta dy,$$")
      # }
        s<-paste0(s," $$ \\text{ where  }l(y|\\theta) \\text{ denotes likelihood and   }\\pi(\\theta|y)\\text{ posterior},$$")
        s<-paste0(s," $$ \\text{ The calculation requires MCMC posterior samples  }  ,$$")
        s<-paste0(s," $$
                  \\theta_1, \\theta_2,...,\\theta_N ,$$")
         s<-paste0(s," $$\\text{ from posterior and datasets   }  y(k, \\theta_i) \\text{ drawn as follows,  } $$")

         # s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_i), y(2, \\theta_i),..., y(n, \\theta_i)  \\sim l(y|\\theta_i),$$")
         s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_1), y(2, \\theta_1),..., y(n, \\theta_1)  \\sim l(y|\\theta_1),$$")
         s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_2), y(2, \\theta_2),..., y(n, \\theta_2)   \\sim l(y|\\theta_2),$$")
         s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_3), y(2, \\theta_3),..., y(n, \\theta_3)   \\sim l(y|\\theta_3),$$")
         s<-paste0(s," $$           :$$")
         # s<-paste0(s," $$            :$$")
         s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_N), y(2, \\theta_N),..., y(n, \\theta_N)   \\sim  l(y|\\theta_N),$$")
         s<-paste0(s," $$        \\text{ where   }  N    \\text{ denotes the product of }$$")

         s<-paste0(s," $$  \\text{ the total MCMC samples except warming up periords.  }$$")

           n<- values[["samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp"]]

          s<-paste0(s," $$\\text{  This slide means the number }  n. \\text{  Now, it is }    \\LARGE{\\color{red}{ ", n, "  }}. $$")


s<-paste0(s," $$        \\text{ That is,  we draw the following samples, } $$")
s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_1)  \\sim l(y|\\theta_1),$$")
s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_2)   \\sim l(y|\\theta_2),$$")
s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_3)    \\sim l(y|\\theta_3),$$")
s<-paste0(s," $$            :$$")
s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_N)    \\sim  l(y|\\theta_N),$$")
          }else if(n==2){
            s<-paste0(s," $$        \\text{ That is,  we draw the following samples, } $$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_1), y(2, \\theta_1)  \\sim l(y|\\theta_1),$$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_2), y(2, \\theta_2)    \\sim l(y|\\theta_2),$$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_3), y(2, \\theta_3)   \\sim l(y|\\theta_3),$$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$            :$$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_N), y(2, \\theta_N)   \\sim  l(y|\\theta_N),$$")
          }else if(n==3){
            s<-paste0(s," $$        \\text{ That is,  we draw the following samples, } $$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_1), y(2, \\theta_1) , y(3, \\theta_1) \\sim l(y|\\theta_1),$$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_2), y(2, \\theta_2) , y(3, \\theta_2)   \\sim l(y|\\theta_2),$$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_3), y(2, \\theta_3) , y(3, \\theta_3)  \\sim l(y|\\theta_3),$$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$            :$$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_N), y(2, \\theta_N) , y(3, \\theta_N)  \\sim  l(y|\\theta_N),$$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$        \\text{ That is,  we draw the following samples, } $$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_1), y(2, \\theta_1),..., y( \\color{red}{ ", n, "  }, \\theta_1)  \\sim l(y|\\theta_1),$$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_2), y(2, \\theta_2),..., y(\\color{red}{ ", n, "  }, \\theta_2)   \\sim l(y|\\theta_2),$$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_3), y(2, \\theta_3),..., y(\\color{red}{ ", n, "  }, \\theta_3)   \\sim l(y|\\theta_3),$$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$            :$$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$             y(1, \\theta_N), y(2, \\theta_N),..., y(\\color{red}{ ", n, "  }, \\theta_N)   \\sim  l(y|\\theta_N).$$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$        \\text{Using these samples, we have } $$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$        \\text{ Posteriror predictive p value (PPP) } $$")

              s<-paste0(s," $$ = \\iint \\text{Indicator}\\{\\chi(y| \\theta) > \\chi(y_{\\text{observed}}| \\theta)     \\}  l(y|\\theta)\\pi(\\theta|y_{\\text{observed}})d\\theta dy,$$")
            s<-paste0(s," $$\\approx \\frac{1}{nN} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\sum_{j=1}^N \\text{Indicator}\\{\\chi(y(i, \\theta_j)| \\theta_j) - \\chi(y_{\\text{observed}}| \\theta_j)     \\}.$$")


      #       } else
      #         shiny::withMathJax("Now, we fit a model, wait ...")


    output$formula <- shiny::renderUI({
      color_message("2457 formula", print_debug = print_debug)
      # my_calculated_value <- extractAUC(fit(),dig = 4)[1]
      # if (class( stanfit_from_its_inherited_class(  fit()  ))=="stanfit" ) {

      # if ( !("fit()" %in%     objects())) {
      # if ( !("values[[\"dataList\"]]" %in%     objects())) {

      z<-apply( extract(fit())$z , 2, mean)
      m <- mean( extract(fit())$m)
      v <- mean( extract(fit())$v)

      s<-"Posterior Mean of Model Parameters: "
      for (cd in 1:C){
        s<-paste0(s," $$z_",cd," = ",signif(z[cd],digits = 3),",$$")

      s<-paste0(s," $$\\mu = ",signif(m,digits = 3),",$$")
      s<-paste0(s," $$\\sigma = ",signif(v,digits = 3),",$$")

      #       } else
      #         shiny::withMathJax("Now, we fit a model, wait ...")


    # TeX  model -----

    output$formula.model <- shiny::renderUI({
      # my_calculated_value <- extractAUC(fit(),dig = 4)[1]
      h_rev <- rev(h)
      f_rev <- rev(f)
      h_cumsum <- cumsum( h)
      h_cumsum_rev <- rev( h_cumsum)
      h_cumsum_rev <- c( h_cumsum_rev,0)
      h_cumsum_rev <- h_cumsum_rev[2:(length(h)+1)]

      # Calculates posterior means for each specified parameter#2020 Feb
      z <-apply( extract(fit())$z , 2, mean)
      # p <-apply( extract(fit())$p , 2, mean)
      # if (!as.logical(input$multi_nomial)) p <-apply( extract(fit())$hit_rate , 2, mean)#2020 Feb
      # if (as.logical(input$multi_nomial)) p_rev_Extented <-apply( extract(fit())$p_rev_Extented , 2, mean)#2020 Feb
      p_rev_Extented <-apply( extract(fit())$p_rev_Extented , 2, mean)#2020 Nov 13#
      p <-apply( extract(fit())$p , 2, mean)#2020 Nov 13#

      dl<-apply( extract(fit())$dl, 2, mean)

      m <- mean( extract(fit())$m)
      v <- mean( extract(fit())$v)
      c <- C:1
      s <-"Posterior Mean of Model Parameters: "
      for (cd in 1:C){
        s<-paste0(s," $$\\widehat{z_",cd,"} = ",signif(z[cd],digits = 3),",$$")
      s<-paste0(s," $$\\widehat{\\sigma} = ",signif(v,digits = 3),",$$")
      s<-paste0(s," $$\\widehat{\\mu} = ",signif(m,digits = 3),",$$")
      s<-paste0(s," from which, we can say the followings.")

      # for (cd in 1:C){
      #   s<-paste0(s," $$H_",cd," \\sim \\text{Binomial}(",signif(p[cd],digits = 3),",", NL,"), \\text{ the realization is  } H_",cd," = ",h_rev[cd] ," .$$")
      # }
      # if (!as.logical(input$multi_nomial)) {
      # for (cd in 1:C){
      # s<-paste0(s," $$H_",cd," \\sim \\text{Binomial}(",signif(p[cd],digits = 3),",", NL-h_cumsum_rev[cd],"), \\text{ the realization is  } H_",cd," = ",h_rev[cd] ," .$$")
      # }
      # }

      # if (as.logical(input$multi_nomial)) {
      s<-paste0(s,"Let $$H_0 := N_L- \\Sigma_{c=1}^{",C,"}H_c $$")
      # s<-paste0(s," $$\\LARGE		{(H_c)_{c=0,1,2,...,",C,"} \\sim \\text{Multinomial}((p_c)_{c=0,1,2,...,",C,"}).}$$")
      s<-paste0(s," $$(H_c)_{c=0,1,2,...,",C,"} \\sim \\text{Multinomial}((p_c)_{c=0,1,2,...,",C,"}).$$")
      s<-paste0(s,"* The following Bernoulli notations are not suitable but to indicate the component of the rate vector in the above multinomial distribution, we use it.")
# TeX Bernoulli ---------
      for (cd in 1:C){
        s<-paste0(s," $$H_",cd," \\sim \\text{Bernoulli}(",signif(p[cd],digits = 3),"), \\text{ the realization is  } H_",cd," = ",h_rev[cd] ," .$$")
      s<-paste0(s," $$H_0 \\sim \\text{Bernoulli}(",signif((1 -sum(p)),digits = 3),"), \\text{ the realization is  }H_0 = ",NL," -", sum(h, na.rm = TRUE) ,"= ",NL- sum(h, na.rm = TRUE) ,".$$")

      # }
      for (cd in 1:C){
        s<-paste0(s," $$F_",cd," \\sim \\text{Poisson}(",signif(dl[cd]*NI,digits = 3),"), \\text{ the realization is } F_",cd," = ",f_rev[cd] ," .$$")


    # TeX  AUC-----
    output$formula.AUC <- shiny::renderUI({
      # C<-values[["dataList"]]$C
      # NL<-values[["dataList"]]$NL
      # NI<-values[["dataList"]]$NI
      # z<-apply( extract(fit())$z , 2, mean)
      # p<-apply( extract(fit())$p , 2, mean)
      # dl<-apply( extract(fit())$dl , 2, mean)
      # m <- mean( extract(fit())$m)
      # v <- mean( extract(fit())$v)

      a <- mean( extract(fit())$a)
      b <- mean( extract(fit())$b)
      a <- signif(a,digits = 3)
      b <- signif(b,digits = 3)
      # bb <- signif(b^2,digits = 3)

      A <- mean( extract(fit())$A)
      A <- signif(A,digits = 3)

      # c<-C:1
      s<-"* The estimated observer performance ability is the following AUC, which is a positive real number between 0 and 1."
      s<-paste0(s," $$\\text{AUC}= \\Phi (\\frac{\\widehat{a}}{\\sqrt{1+\\widehat{b^2} }})=\\Phi (\\frac{",a,"}{\\sqrt{1+",b,"^2}}) = ",A,"$$ where estimates are posterior mean and we set $$\\widehat{a} := \\frac{\\widehat{\\mu }}{\\widehat{\\sigma} }, \\widehat{b}:= \\frac{1}{\\widehat{\\sigma }}.$$")

    # TeX  WAIC-----
    output$formula.WAIC <- shiny::renderUI({

      WAIC <- fit()@WAIC
      WAIC <- signif(WAIC,digits = 3)
      s<-"* Widely Applicable Information Criterion (Watanabe-Akaike Information Criterion) is calculated as follows."
      s<-paste0(s," $$\\text{WAIC}  = ",WAIC,".$$")

    # TeX  Chi_square-----

    output$formula.chisquare <- shiny::renderUI({

      chisquare <- fit()@chisquare
      chisquare <- signif(chisquare,digits = 3)
      s<-"* Chi square goodness of fit  is calculated as follows."
      s<-paste0(s," $$\\chi^2(\\text{data}|\\widehat{\\theta})   = ",chisquare,"$$ where estimates  \\( \\widehat{ \\theta }\\) denotes the posterior mean of  model parameter \\(  \\theta \\).")

    output$formula.TeX <- shiny::renderUI({
      s<-paste0(" To show \\( \\TeX \\), internnet environment is required.")

    output$formula.AUC.without.TeX <- shiny::renderUI({
      # C<-values[["dataList"]]$C
      # NL<-values[["dataList"]]$NL
      # NI<-values[["dataList"]]$NI
      # z<-apply( extract(fit())$z , 2, mean)
      # p<-apply( extract(fit())$p , 2, mean)
      # dl<-apply( extract(fit())$dl , 2, mean)
      # m <- mean( extract(fit())$m)
      # v <- mean( extract(fit())$v)

      a <- mean( extract(fit())$a)
      b <- mean( extract(fit())$b)
      a <- signif(a,digits = 3)
      b <- signif(b,digits = 3)
      # bb <- signif(b^2,digits = 3)

      A <- mean( extract(fit())$A)
      A <- signif(A,digits = 3)

      # c<-C:1

      s<-paste0("AUC = \"observer recognition performance\" =  ",A)

    output$formula.WAIC.without.TeX <- shiny::renderUI({

      WAIC <- fit()@WAIC
      WAIC <- signif(WAIC,digits = 3)

      s<-paste0(" WAIC  = ",WAIC)

    output$formula.chisquare.without.TeX <- shiny::renderUI({

      chisquare <- fit()@chisquare
      chisquare <- signif(chisquare,digits = 3)

      s<-paste0("chi square at posterior mean  = ",chisquare)

    #ppp ----
    output$ppp <- shiny::renderUI({

      # if (input$ppp_calculate_trigger) {

      # xxx <- ppp_srsc(fit(),plot=FALSE)
      # ppp <- xxx$p.value

      ppp <- extract_EAP_CI(StanS4class = fit() ,parameter.name="p_value_logicals",dimension.of.parameter= 1 ,  summary = FALSE)$p_value_logicals.EAP
      ppp <- signif(ppp,digits = 3)

      if (ppp>=0.05)   s<-paste0("Posterior Predictive P value   = ",ppp)
      if (ppp< 0.05)   s<-paste0("Posterior Predictive P value   = ",ppp," *")
      if (ppp< 0.01)   s<-paste0("Posterior Predictive P value   = ",ppp," **")

      # }

      # if (!input$ppp_calculate_trigger)    s<-paste0("Posterior Predictive P value is not calculated")



    output$EAP_of_chi_square <- shiny::renderUI({

      # ppp <- ppp_srsc(fit())$p.value

      Chi.Square.for.each.MCMC.samples   <-   chi_square_goodness_of_fit(fit()   )
      m<-   mean(Chi.Square.for.each.MCMC.samples)

      m <- signif(m,digits = 3)

      s<-paste0("Posterior mean of  chi square   = ",m)


    #output$formula <- renderUI({
    #   my_calculated_value <- extractAUC(fit(),dig = 4)[1]
    #   withMathJax(paste0("Posterior mean of AUC (area under the AFROC curve): $$\\widehat{AUC} =", my_calculated_value,"$$"))
    # })

    #fit_print ----
    # output$fit_print <- shiny::renderTable({

    output$fit_print <- shiny::renderPrint({
      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {

        fitt <-methods::as(fit(), "stanfit")
        # print( fitt, digits = 4)
        a<- summary(fitt,probs=c(0.025,0.975))$summary
      }# if

      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)>NL) { print("Data format error, number of hits never greater than the number of signals. In Radiological context, signal is lesion.")  }

    })# shiny::renderPrint

    output$stanmodel_print <- shiny::renderPrint({
      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {

        # print(prior_print_srsc(input$prior))

      }# if

      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)>NL) { print("Data format error, number of hits never greater than the number of signals. In Radiological context, signal is lesion.")  }

    })# shiny::renderPrint

    output$prior_print <- shiny::renderPrint({

      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {

        # print(prior_print_srsc(input$prior))

      }else if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)>NL) { print("Data format error, number of hits never greater than the number of signals. In Radiological context, signal is lesion.")  }

    })# shiny::renderPrint

    # max_Rhat_print -----
    output$max_Rhat_print <- shiny::renderPrint({
      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {
        fit <-fit()
        fitt <- methods::as(fit,"stanfit")

        max.rhat <-  round( max(summary(fitt)$summary[,"Rhat"]) ,digits = 5)
        # r hat print -----
        if(fit@convergence) cat(paste(":) OK       max R-hat = ", max.rhat," achieved by \"",name_of_param_whose_Rhat_is_maximal(fit()), "\" ", sep = ""  ))
        if(!(fit@convergence)) cat(paste(" max R-hat = ", max.rhat," achieved by the parameter ",name_of_param_whose_Rhat_is_maximal(fit())  ))

      }# if

      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)>NL) { print("Data format error, number of hits never greater than the number of signals. In Radiological context, signal is lesion.")  }

    })# shiny::renderPrint

    # divergent_iterations_print -----
    output$divergent_iterations_print <- shiny::renderPrint({
      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {
        fit <-fit()
        fitt <- methods::as(fit,"stanfit")

        divergent <- rstan::get_divergent_iterations(fitt)
        n <- sum(divergent)
        N <- length(divergent)

        if(!n==0) cat(paste( n, " of ", N, "iterations ended with a divergence.",n,"/",N,"=", round( n/N ,digits = 2)))
        if(n==0) cat(paste( ":) OK         divergence does not occur"))

      }# if

      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)>NL) { print("Data format error, number of hits never greater than the number of signals. In Radiological context, signal is lesion.")  }

    })# shiny::renderPrint

    # treedepth_print -----
    output$treedepth_print <- shiny::renderPrint({
      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {
        fit <-fit()
        fitt <- methods::as(fit,"stanfit")

        max_depth <- get_treedepth_threshold(fitt)
        treedepths <- rstan::get_max_treedepth_iterations(fitt)
        n <- sum(treedepths)
        N <- length(treedepths)

        if(!n==0) cat(paste( n, " of ", N, "iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of.", max_depth,"."))
        if(n==0) cat(paste( ":) OK"))
        # print("Not done ........... because get_treedepth_threshold is not an exported object from 'namespace:rstan' and hence the author omitted the evaluation from here. ")
      }# if

      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)>NL) { print("Data format error, number of hits never greater than the number of signals. In Radiological context, signal is lesion.")  }

    })# shiny::renderPrint

    # check_energy_print -----
    output$check_energy_print <- shiny::renderPrint({
      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {
        fit <-fit()
        fitt <- methods::as(fit,"stanfit")

        EBFMIs <- get_bfmi(fitt)
        bad_chains <- which(EBFMIs < 0.2)
        if (!length(bad_chains)) {
          # print("E-BFMI indicated no pathological behavior.")
          cat(paste( ":) OK     E-BFMI indicated no pathological behavior."))
        else {
          cat(paste("E-BFMI indicated possible pathological behavior:\n"
                    ,"  Chain" , bad_chains,": E-BFMI = ",EBFMIs[bad_chains],"\n E-BFMI below 0.2 indicates you may need to reparameterize your model."))

      }# if

      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)>NL) { print("Data format error, number of hits never greater than the number of signals. In Radiological context, signal is lesion.")  }

    })# shiny::renderPrint

    # Plot ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo----

    # output$DrawCurves <- shiny::renderPlot({
    #       h<-values[["dataList"]]$h
    #       NL<-values[["dataList"]]$NL
    #       if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {
    #         if (input$dark_theme==TRUE) {# This cords clear plot environment in shiny GUI board.
    #           dark_theme();
    #           plot(0,0,# Dumy plot to clean plot environment, this is required only Shiny board, I do not know the reason.
    #                type="n",
    #                axes=FALSE,
    #                xlim=c(0,1),
    #                ylim =c(0,1),
    #                xaxt="n",
    #                yaxt="n",
    #                xlab="",
    #                ylab="")
    #         }
    # # draw curves ----
    #         DrawCurves(fit(),
    #                    Colour = input$dark_theme,
    #                    new.imaging.device  = FALSE,
    #                    DrawCFPCTP = input$DrawCFPCTP,
    #                    DrawFROCcurve = input$DrawFROCcurve,
    #                    DrawAFROCcurve = input$DrawAFROCcurve)
    #       }
    #       if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)> NL) {
    #         h.string <- as.character(h)
    #         for (cd  in 1:length(h.string)) {
    #           if (cd==1){ s<-""; s <- paste(h.string[cd],sep = "+")}
    #           if ( !cd==1)s <- paste(s,h.string[cd],sep = "+")
    #         }#for
    #         sum.of.h <- s
    #         sum.of.h <- paste(sum.of.h,"=",as.character( sum(h, na.rm = TRUE) ) )
    #         plot(0,0,xlim=c(0,1),ylim =c(0,1),xaxt="n", yaxt="n",xlab="Please fix inconsistent data",ylab="",main="Error:   Inconsistent Data \n In baseball game, \n batter's number of hits can not  be greater than his number of at-bats")
    #         graphics::text(0.5,0.8,c("*Now, Sum of the number of hits is greater than that of lesions; \n\n", expression(paste(h1+h2+h3+... , "         >         Number of Lesions")) ),col="blue",cex =    1.4  )
    #         graphics::text(0.5,0.65,paste("In the current inputed data, it is the following: " ),col="black",cex =  1.5  )
    #         graphics::text(0.5,0.5,paste(  sum.of.h , "      >       ",NL,sep = ""),col="red",cex = 2)
    #         graphics::text(0.5,0.3,c("* Please fix so that the following inequality holds \n", expression(paste(h1+h2+h3+... , "       <        Number of lesions"))),col="blue",cex =  1.5    )
    #         graphics::text(0.5,0.1,c("* Shoud decrease the number of hits  or \n  Shoud increase the number of lesions"),col="blue",cex = 1.5  )
    #       }#if
    # })#shiny::renderPlot

    # # draw curves ----

    output$DrawCurves <- shiny::renderPlot({

    ## trace_Plot ----

    output$trace_Plot <- shiny::renderPlot({

      if( is.character(name_of_param_whose_Rhat_is_maximal(fit() ))){

                  pars= name_of_param_whose_Rhat_is_maximal(fit() ),
                  size =1.5
      #  dark_theme();trace_Plot(fit(),  new.imaging.device = FALSE,  type = 2,   param_name = name_of_param_whose_Rhat_is_maximal(fit() ))

    # ppp plot ----

    output$plot_ppp <- shiny::renderPlot({

      # if (input$ppp_plot_trigger) {


      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {
        # xxx <-ppp_srsc(fit(),Colour=input$Colour,dark_theme=input$dark_theme_ppp   )

        #hide 2020 OCt 20
        # ppp_srsc(fit(),Colour=input$Colour,dark_theme=input$dark_theme_ppp   )
        plot_dataset_of_ppp(fit(), summary = FALSE )

        # values[["ppp_srsc"]] <- xxx
        # ppp <- xxx$p.value
        # values[["ppp"]] <- ppp


      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)> NL) {
      # }

      # if (!input$ppp_plot_trigger)    plot(0,0,type="n", axes = TRUE,xlim=c(0,1),ylim =c(0,1),xaxt="n", yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="",main="")


    output$false_rate <- shiny::renderPlot({

      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {
        # draw_latent_signal_distribution(fit() , new.imaging.device = FALSE,dark_theme=FALSE,hit.rate = TRUE,false.alarm.rate = FALSE)
                                       new.imaging.device = FALSE,
                                       # dark_theme=FALSE,
                                       false.alarm.rate = TRUE,
                                       hit.rate  = FALSE,
                                       both.hit.and.false.rate  = FALSE,
                                       density = input$density,
                                       dark_theme = input$dark_theme,
                                       color = input$Colour_plot_of_rates,
                                       mathmatical.symbols = input$mathmatical.symbols


      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)> NL) { error_message(h,NL)}#if


    # output$bi_normal ------
    output$bi_normal <- shiny::renderPlot({

      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {
        draw_latent_signal_distribution(fit() ,
                                        new.imaging.device = FALSE,
                                        # dark_theme=FALSE,
                                        hit.rate = TRUE,
                                        false.alarm.rate = FALSE,
                                        both.hit.and.false.rate  = FALSE,
                                        density = input$density,
                                        dark_theme = input$dark_theme,
                                        color = input$Colour_plot_of_rates,
                                        mathmatical.symbols = input$mathmatical.symbols

      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)> NL) {


    output$print_bi_normal <- shiny::renderPrint({
      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {

        print( draw_latent_signal_distribution(fit() , new.imaging.device = FALSE,dark_theme=FALSE,hit.rate = TRUE,false.alarm.rate = FALSE)
               , digits = 4)

      }# if

      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)>NL) { print("Data format error, number of hits never greater than the number of signals. In Radiological context, signal is lesion.")  }

    })# shiny::renderPrint

    # save a fitted model in Desktop ----

      fit <- fit()

      repres <- parse(text=paste(input$Name_of_fit, " <- fit" ))

      # save( fit,file =paste0(file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Desktop"),"\\", input$Name_of_fit ,".Rda") )

      text<-paste("save( ",input$Name_of_fit, ",file =paste0(file.path(Sys.getenv(\"USERPROFILE\"),\"Desktop\"),\"\\\\", input$Name_of_file ,".Rda\",sep=\"\"))",sep="")
      represent <- parse(text = text)
      # save( fit,file ="fit" )
      # object name is does not change now August 2020 19

      tcltk::tkmessageBox(message=paste("\n* A file (name: \"", input$Name_of_file ,".Rda\") is created in Desktop. In the file, the fitted model R object (named \"", input$Name_of_fit ,"\")  is contained. Its class is an S4 class (stanfitExtended)\n\n\n 1) Put the resulting file \"", input$Name_of_file ,".Rda\" in the working directory,\n 2) Run the following R script \n                                     load(\"", input$Name_of_file ,".Rda\") \n\n then the R object named \"", input$Name_of_fit," is available on the R (R-studio) console. "))

    }  )

    # save a fitted model in  Working directory ----


      fit <- fit()
      save( fit,file ="fit.Rda" )# Save an object in Working directory ----
      tcltk::tkmessageBox(message=paste("\n* A file (name: \"fit.Rda\") is created in the current working directory. In the file, the fitted model R object (name \"fit\")  is contained, which is an object of an S4 class (stanfitExtended)\n\n\n 1) Put the resulting file \"fit.Rda\" in the working directory,\n 2) Run the following R script \n                                     load(\"fit.Rda\") \n\n then the R object named \"fit\" is available on the R (R-studio) console. "))

    }  )

    # save a fitted model in Desktop rename----

      fit <- fit()
      saveRDS(fit, file =paste0(file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Desktop"),"\\fit.Rds"))
      # save( fit,file ="fit" )

      tcltk::tkmessageBox(message=paste("\n* A file (name: \"fit.Rds\") is created in Desktop. In the file, the fitted model R object is contained. Its class is an S4 class (stanfitExtended)\n\n\n \n * Run the following R script \n     my_favorite_name <- readRDS(file =paste0(file.path(Sys.getenv(\"USERPROFILE\"),\"Desktop\"),\"\\\\f.Rds\"))

 \n\n then the R object named \"my_favorite_name\" is available on the R (or R studio) console. "))

    }  )

    # save a fitted model renamable in  Working directory ----


      fit <- fit()
      saveRDS(fit, file = "fit.Rds")
      # Save an object in Working directory ----
      tcltk::tkmessageBox(message=paste("\n* A file (name: \"fit.Rds\") is created in Working directory. In the file, the fitted model R object is contained. Its class is an S4 class (stanfitExtended)\n\n\n \n * Run the following R script \n      my_favorite_name <- readRDS(file =\"fit.Rds\")
 \n\n then the R object named \"my_favorite_name\" is available on the R (or R studio) console. "))

    }  )

    # counter -----#2021Dec10 Refer as input$trigger_stan_trace_plot in server.
    counter <- shiny::reactiveValues()#2021Dec10 Refer as input$trigger_stan_trace_plot in server.

    # shiny::observeEvent(c(input$trigger_stan_trace_plot#2021Dec10 Refer as input$trigger_stan_trace_plot in server.
    #                       # ,input$hot
    # ), {#2021Dec10 Refer as input$trigger_stan_trace_plot in server.
    #   counter$s <-c(counter$s, length( counter$s)+1)#2021Dec10 Refer as input$trigger_stan_trace_plot in server.
    # })#2021Dec10 Refer as input$trigger_stan_trace_plot in server.

    # shiny::observeEvent(c( input$trigger_stan_hist_plot
    #                        # input$hist_bins
    # ), {
    #   counter$ss <-c(counter$ss, length( counter$ss)+1)
    # })

    # shiny::observeEvent(c( input$trigger_stan_generic_plot
    #                        # input$hist_bins
    # ), {
    #   counter$sss <-c(counter$sss, length( counter$sss)+1)
    # })

    shiny::observeEvent(c( input$trigger_stan_pairs_plot
                           # input$hist_bins
    ), {
      counter$ssss <-c(counter$ssss, length( counter$ssss)+1)
      # print(length( counter$counter_Number_of_lesions )==1)
      # print( counter$counter_Number_of_lesions   )

    shiny::observeEvent(c( input$Data_input_format
                           # input$hist_bins
    ), {
      counter$counter_Number_of_lesions <-c(counter$counter_Number_of_lesions, length( counter$counter_Number_of_lesions)+1)
      # NL.initial <- input$Number_of_lesions
      # print( NL.initial  )


    # ///////////////////////// 2021 --------
    shiny::observeEvent(c( input$input_format_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp
                           # input$hist_bins
    ), {
      counter$counter_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp <-c(counter$counter_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp, length( counter$counter_samples_from_likelihood_for_ppp)+1)
      # NL.initial <- input$Number_of_lesions
      # print( NL.initial  )


    shiny::observeEvent(c( input$MCMC_input_format
                           # input$hist_bins
    ), {
      counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love <-c(counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love, length( counter$counter_MCMC_iterations_love)+1)
      # NL.initial <- input$Number_of_lesions
      # print( NL.initial  )


    # Parallel  ---------
    ), {
      counter$sssss <-c(counter$sssss, length( counter$sssss)+1)

      # print(counter$sssss )

      if(   (floor(length(counter$sssss) /2)==length(counter$sssss) /2 )&& (length(counter$sssss)<3)      ){
        options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
        rstan::rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
        Sys.setenv(LOCAL_CPPFLAGS = '-march=corei7 -mtune=corei7')
# We executed the following codes:

      options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
      rstan::rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
      Sys.setenv(LOCAL_CPPFLAGS = '-march=corei7 -mtune=corei7')

# For execution on a local, multicore CPU with excess RAM

    options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())

# To avoid recompilation of unchanged Stan programs,

    rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)

# For improved execution time,

    Sys.setenv(LOCAL_CPPFLAGS = '-march=corei7 -mtune=corei7')

# although this causes Stan to throw an error on a few processors.

      }else if( length(counter$sssss)>2  ){
# codes have already done.
      options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
      rstan::rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
      Sys.setenv(LOCAL_CPPFLAGS = '-march=corei7 -mtune=corei7')


    # Parallel --------
    output$txt_CPU_cores <- shiny::renderText({
      if(   (floor(length(counter$sssss) /2)==length(counter$sssss) /2 )&& (length(counter$sssss)<3)      ){
        return(paste("We use ",parallel::detectCores()," CPU cores on the current host for parallel calculation."))
      } else if(   length(counter$sssss)==3      ){
        return(paste("Yes! ",parallel::detectCores()," CPU cores are used for parallel calculation."))
      }else if( length(counter$sssss)==4   ){
        return(paste("Of course! ",parallel::detectCores()," CPU cores are used."))
      }else if( length(counter$sssss)==5   ){
        return(paste("I love you! ",parallel::detectCores()," lovers, and parallel loves!"))
      }else if( length(counter$sssss)==6   ){
        return(paste("I love you!  ",parallel::detectCores()," cores!"))
      }else if( length(counter$sssss)==7   ){
        return(paste("Are you sure? I love you and ",parallel::detectCores()," cores!"))
      }else if( length(counter$sssss)==8   ){
        return(paste("Sorry, I have no time, but ",parallel::detectCores()," cores!"))
      }else if( length(counter$sssss)==9   ){
        return(paste("Byebye! But don't be afraid, cuz ",parallel::detectCores()," cores are with you!"))
      }else if( length(counter$sssss)==10   ){
        return(paste("Sayonara ... I love you."))
      }else if( length(counter$sssss)==11   ){
      }else if( length(counter$sssss)==12   ){
      }else if( length(counter$sssss)==13   ){
        return(paste("Are you with me tonight?"))
      }else if( length(counter$sssss)==14   ){
        return(paste("...Are you ..sure? I love you!"))
      }else if( length(counter$sssss)==15   ){
        return(paste("All you need is love!"))



    # trace--------
    output$plot_dens <- shiny::renderPlot({
      # if (input$trigger_stan_trace_plot) {


        print(paste(  "s = ", length(counter$s) )  )
        # if(floor(length(counter$s) /2)==length(counter$s) /2){

          if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {

            fit <- fit()
            fit <- methods::as(fit,"stanfit")

            color_message(paste(" input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter =",  input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter ), print_debug = print_debug)
            pars <- input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter
            color_message("is_logical_0(pars) = ", is_logical_0(pars), print_debug = print_debug)
            color_message("is_length_zero(pars) = ", is_length_zero(pars), print_debug = print_debug)
            pars <- if(is.null(pars)) name_of_param_whose_Rhat_is_maximal(fit) else pars
            color_message("pars = ", pars, print_debug = print_debug)
            color_message(" is.null(pars) = ", is.null(pars) , print_debug = print_debug)
            color_message("Now, we plot trace of MCMC ....",print_debug = print_debug)
                                    inc_warmup = input$inc_warmup,
                                    separate_chains = input$separate_chains,  #  TRUE,
                                     pars = pars
                                     # pars = name_of_param_whose_Rhat_is_maximal(fit)


          if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)> NL) {
        # }#if        if(floor(length(counter$s) /2)==length(counter$s) /2){

      # }else  if (!input$trigger_stan_trace_plot||!floor(length(counter$s) /2)==length(counter$s) /2)  {
      # }else  if (!floor(length(counter$s) /2)==length(counter$s) /2)  {
      #   message("Now, we omit trace of MCMC ....")
      #   return( plot(0,0,type="n", axes = TRUE,xlim=c(0,1),ylim =c(0,1),xaxt="n", yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="",main="")
      #   )
      # }


    # _____________________________-----
    # trace for specified param --------
    output$plot_trace_for_specified_param <- shiny::renderPlot({


      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {

        fit <- fit()
        fit <- methods::as(fit,"stanfit")

        color_message(paste(" input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter =",  input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter ), print_debug = print_debug)
        pars <- input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter
        color_message("is_logical_0(pars) = ", is_logical_0(pars), print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message("is_length_zero(pars) = ", is_length_zero(pars), print_debug = print_debug)
        pars <- if(is.null(pars)) name_of_param_whose_Rhat_is_maximal(fit) else pars
        color_message("pars = ", pars, print_debug = print_debug)
        if(print_debug) utils::str(pars)
        color_message(" is.null(pars) = ", is.null(pars), print_debug = print_debug )
        pars <- values[["pars"]]
        color_message("values[[\"pars\"]] = ",values[["pars"]] , print_debug = print_debug )

        size <- input$stan_trace_size
        color_message("is_logical_0(size) = ", is_logical_0(size), print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message("is_length_zero(size) = ", is_length_zero(size), print_debug = print_debug)
        size <- if(is.null(size)) round( MCMC_iterations_love.initial/2 )else size
        color_message("size = ", size, print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message(" is.null(size) = ", is.null(size), print_debug = print_debug )

        color_message("Now, we plot trace of MCMC ....",print_debug = print_debug)
                                 size = size/50,
                                 inc_warmup = input$inc_warmup, # (input$stan_trace_size)/50,
                                 pars = pars))#input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter))


      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)> NL) {
      return( plot(0,0,type="n", axes = TRUE,xlim=c(0,1),ylim =c(0,1),xaxt="n", yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="",main="")


    # ac for specified param --------
    output$plot_ac_for_specified_param <- shiny::renderPlot({


      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {

        fit <- fit()
        fit <- methods::as(fit,"stanfit")

        color_message(paste(" input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter =",  input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter ), print_debug = print_debug)
        pars <- input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter
        color_message("is_logical_0(pars) = ", is_logical_0(pars), print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message("is_length_zero(pars) = ", is_length_zero(pars), print_debug = print_debug)
        pars <- if(is.null(pars)) name_of_param_whose_Rhat_is_maximal(fit) else pars
        color_message("pars = ", pars, print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message(" is.null(pars) = ", is.null(pars), print_debug = print_debug )

        lags <- input$R_object_as_the_result_of_bins_for_legs
        color_message("is_logical_0(lags) = ", is_logical_0(lags), print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message("is_length_zero(lags) = ", is_length_zero(lags), print_debug = print_debug)
        lags <- if(is.null(lags)) round( MCMC_iterations_love.initial/2 )else lags
        color_message("lags = ", lags, print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message(" is.null(lags) = ", is.null(lags) , print_debug = print_debug)

        color_message("Now, we plot autocorrelation of MCMC ....",print_debug = print_debug)
        # message("Now, we plot ac of MCMC ....")
                              inc_warmup = input$inc_warmup,
                              # size = (input$stan_trace_size)/50,
                              pars = pars
                              # pars = input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter
                              ,lags = lags


      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)> NL) {
      return( plot(0,0,type="n", axes = TRUE,xlim=c(0,1),ylim =c(0,1),xaxt="n", yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="",main="")


    # pairs plot ------
    #output$pairs_plot_for_specified_param <- shiny::renderPlot({
    #      h<-values[["dataList"]]$h
    #      NL<-values[["dataList"]]$NL
    #      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {
    #        fit <- fit()
    #        fit <- methods::as(fit,"stanfit")
    #        color_message("Now, we plot trace of MCMC ....",print_debug = print_debug)
    #        return(graphics::pairs(fit,
    # pars = input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter_for_pairs_plot))
    #      }
    #      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)> NL) {
    #        error_message(h,NL)
    #      }#if
    #      return( plot(0,0,type="n", axes = TRUE,xlim=c(0,1),ylim =c(0,1),xaxt="n", yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="",main="")
    #      )
    #    })#shiny::renderPlot

    # pairs plot ------
    output$pairs_plot <- shiny::renderPlot({
      if (input$trigger_stan_pairs_plot) {


        print(paste(  "ssss = ", length(counter$ssss) )  )
        if(floor(length(counter$ssss) /2)==length(counter$ssss) /2){

          if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {

            fit <- fit()
            fit <- methods::as(fit,"stanfit")

            message("Now, pairs plot are drawn of MCMC ....")
                                   pars = input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter_for_pairs_plot))


          if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)> NL) {

      }else  if (!input$trigger_stan_pairs_plot||!floor(length(counter$ssss) /2)==length(counter$ssss) /2)  {
        message("Now, we omit trace of MCMC ....")
        return( plot(0,0,type="n", axes = TRUE,xlim=c(0,1),ylim =c(0,1),xaxt="n", yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="",main="")



    # scatter for specified param --------
    output$plot_scatter_for_specified_param <- shiny::renderPlot({


      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {

        fit <- fit()
        fit <- methods::as(fit,"stanfit")

        color_message(paste(" input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter_1st =",  input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter ), print_debug = print_debug)
        pars_for_scat_plot_1st <- input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter_1st
        color_message("is_logical_0(pars_for_scat_plot_1st) = ", is_logical_0(pars_for_scat_plot_1st), print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message("is_length_zero(pars_for_scat_plot_1st) = ", is_length_zero(pars_for_scat_plot_1st), print_debug = print_debug)
        pars_for_scat_plot_1st <- if(is.null(pars_for_scat_plot_1st)) name_of_param_whose_Rhat_is_maximal(fit) else pars_for_scat_plot_1st
        color_message("pars_for_scat_plot_1st = ", pars_for_scat_plot_1st, print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message(" is.null(pars_for_scat_plot_1st) = ", is.null(pars_for_scat_plot_1st), print_debug = print_debug )
        pars_for_scat_plot_1st <- values[["pars_for_scat_plot_1st"]]
        color_message("values[[\"pars_for_scat_plot_1st\"]] = ",values[["pars_for_scat_plot_1st"]] ,type = 7, print_debug = print_debug )

        color_message(paste(" input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter_2nd =",  input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter ), print_debug = print_debug)
        pars_for_scat_plot_2nd <- input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter_2nd
        color_message("is_logical_0(pars_for_scat_plot_2nd) = ", is_logical_0(pars_for_scat_plot_2nd), print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message("is_length_zero(pars_for_scat_plot_2nd) = ", is_length_zero(pars_for_scat_plot_2nd), print_debug = print_debug)
        pars_for_scat_plot_2nd <- if(is.null(pars_for_scat_plot_2nd)) name_of_param_whose_Rhat_is_maximal(fit) else pars_for_scat_plot_2nd
        color_message("pars_for_scat_plot_2nd = ", pars_for_scat_plot_2nd, print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message(" is.null(pars_for_scat_plot_2nd) = ", is.null(pars_for_scat_plot_2nd), print_debug = print_debug )
        pars_for_scat_plot_2nd <- values[["pars_for_scat_plot_2nd"]]
        color_message("values[[\"pars_for_scat_plot_2nd\"]] = ",values[["pars_for_scat_plot_2nd"]],type = 7, print_debug = print_debug)

        message("Now, we plot scatter of MCMC ....")
                                pars =c(

                                  # input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter_1st,
                                  # input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter_2nd


      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)> NL) {
      return( plot(0,0,type="n", axes = TRUE,xlim=c(0,1),ylim =c(0,1),xaxt="n", yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="",main="")


    # hist for specified param --------
    output$plot_hist_for_specified_param <- shiny::renderPlot({


      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {

        fit <- fit()
        fit <- methods::as(fit,"stanfit")

        color_message(paste(" input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter =",  input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter ), print_debug = print_debug)
        pars <- input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter
        color_message("is_logical_0(pars) = ", is_logical_0(pars), print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message("is_length_zero(pars) = ", is_length_zero(pars), print_debug = print_debug)
        pars <- if(is.null(pars)) name_of_param_whose_Rhat_is_maximal(fit) else pars
        color_message("pars = ", pars, print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message(" is.null(pars) = ", is.null(pars) , print_debug = print_debug)

        bins <- input$hist_bins2
        color_message("is_logical_0(bins) = ", is_logical_0(bins), print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message("is_length_zero(bins) = ", is_length_zero(bins), print_debug = print_debug)
        bins <- if(is.null(bins)) round( MCMC_iterations_love.initial/2 )else bins
        color_message("bins = ", bins, print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message(" is.null(bins) = ", is.null(bins) , print_debug = print_debug)

        color_message("Now, we plot histogram of MCMC ....",print_debug = print_debug)
        # message("Now, we plot histogram of MCMC ....")
                                inc_warmup = input$inc_warmup,
                                pars = pars,
                                # pars = input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter,
                                bins=   bins #input$hist_bins2


      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)> NL) {
      return( plot(0,0,type="n", axes = TRUE,xlim=c(0,1),ylim =c(0,1),xaxt="n", yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="",main="")


    # hist ------
    output$plot_hist <- shiny::renderPlot({
      if (input$trigger_stan_hist_plot) {


        print(paste(  "ss = ", length(counter$ss) )  )
        if(floor(length(counter$ss) /2)==length(counter$ss) /2){

          if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {

            fit <- fit()
            fit <- methods::as(fit,"stanfit")

            color_message("Now, we plot trace of MCMC ....",print_debug = print_debug)
            return(rstan::stan_hist (fit,pars = c("A"),bins=input$hist_bins))


          if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)> NL) {

      }else  if (!input$trigger_stan_hist_plot||!floor(length(counter$ss) /2)==length(counter$ss) /2)  {
        message("Now, we omit trace of MCMC ....")
        return( plot(0,0,type="n", axes = TRUE,xlim=c(0,1),ylim =c(0,1),xaxt="n", yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="",main="")



    # generic plot--------
    # output$generic_plot <- shiny::renderPlot({
    #   if (input$trigger_stan_generic_plot) {
    #     h<-values[["dataList"]]$h
    #     NL<-values[["dataList"]]$NL
    #     print(paste(  "sss = ", length(counter$sss) )  )
    #     if(floor(length(counter$sss) /2)==length(counter$sss) /2){
    #       if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {
    #         fit <- fit()
    #         fit <- methods::as(fit,"stanfit")
    #         message("Now, we run  plot(fit,pars=c(\"hit_rate\"))")
    #         return(plot(fit,pars=c("z")))
    #       }
    #       if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)> NL) {
    #         error_message(h,NL)
    #       }#if
    #     }
    #   }else  if (!input$trigger_stan_trace_plot||!floor(length(counter$sss) /2)==length(counter$sss) /2)  {
    #     message("Now, we omit trace of MCMC ....")
    #     return( plot(0,0,type="n", axes = TRUE,xlim=c(0,1),ylim =c(0,1),xaxt="n", yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="",main="")
    #     )
    #   }
    # })#shiny::renderPlot

    # hist for specified param --------
    output$generic_plot <- shiny::renderPlot({


      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)<=NL) {

        fit <- fit()
        fit <- methods::as(fit,"stanfit")

        color_message(paste(" input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter =",  input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter ), print_debug = print_debug)
        pars <- input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter
        color_message("is_logical_0(pars) = ", is_logical_0(pars), print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message("is_length_zero(pars) = ", is_length_zero(pars), print_debug = print_debug)
        pars <- if(is.null(pars)) name_of_param_whose_Rhat_is_maximal(fit) else pars
        color_message("pars = ", pars, print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message(" is.null(pars) = ", is.null(pars) , print_debug = print_debug)

        bins <- input$hist_bins2
        color_message("is_logical_0(bins) = ", is_logical_0(bins), print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message("is_length_zero(bins) = ", is_length_zero(bins), print_debug = print_debug)
        bins <- if(is.null(bins)) round( MCMC_iterations_love.initial/2 )else bins
        color_message("bins = ", bins, print_debug = print_debug)
        color_message(" is.null(bins) = ", is.null(bins) , print_debug = print_debug)

        color_message("Now, we plot histogram of MCMC ....",print_debug = print_debug)
        # message("Now, we plot histogram of MCMC ....")
                                inc_warmup = input$inc_warmup,
                                pars = pars

                                # pars = input$R_object_as_the_result_of_check_boxes_for_name_of_model_parameter,


      if (sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)> NL) {
      return( plot(0,0,type="n", axes = TRUE,xlim=c(0,1),ylim =c(0,1),xaxt="n", yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="",main="")


    # return(fit())

    # fit <- fit()


  ## run app
  shiny::runApp(list(ui=ui, server=server))
  # return(invisible())
  # return(.Last.value)

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BayesianFROC documentation built on Jan. 23, 2022, 9:06 a.m.