
Defines functions get_replacement_probability get_transition_probability get_distance_prior dist_kmer_replacement_inference

Documented in dist_kmer_replacement_inference get_distance_prior get_replacement_probability get_transition_probability

#' Compute the kmer replacement distance
#' Compute the kmer replacement distance between sequences
#' @param x input data in phyDat format
#' @param kmer_summary a kmer_summary object
#' @param k k-mer length
#' @param ... other arguments passed to substr_kmer
#' @return a dist object
#' @export
#' @author Wuming Gong (gongx030@umn.edu)
		x = 'phyDat',
    kmer_summary = 'kmer_summary',
		k = 'integer'
	function(x, kmer_summary, k = 2, ...){

		kmer_summary <- substr_kmer(kmer_summary, k = k, ...)

    dist_kmer_replacement_inference(x, kmer_summary, k)


#' Compute the kmer replacement distance
#' Compute the kmer replacement distance between sequences
#' @param x input data in phyDat format
#' @param kmer_summary a kmer_summary object
#' @param k k-mer length
#' @param ... other arguments passed to substr_kmer
#' @return a dist object
#' @export
#' @author Wuming Gong (gongx030@umn.edu)
		x = 'phyDat',
    kmer_summary = 'missing',
		k = 'integer'
	function(x, kmer_summary, k = 2L, ...){

		kmer_summary <- x %>% summarize_kmer(k = k, ...)

    dist_kmer_replacement_inference(x, kmer_summary, k)


#' Core function of computing kmer replacement distance
#' Compute the sequence distance matrix using inferred kmer replacement matrix 
#' @param x input data in phyDat format
#' @param kmer_summary a kmer_summary object
#' @param k k-mers (default k=2)
#' @return a dist object
#' @author Wuming Gong (gongx030@umn.edu)
#' @importFrom rlang .data
dist_kmer_replacement_inference <- function(x, kmer_summary, k = 2){

	num_alphabets <- length(kmer_summary@alphabets)
	num_kmers <- length(kmer_summary@kmers)
  sequence_length <- ncol(x %>% as.character())

  log_p_D <- log(get_distance_prior(kmer_summary))

  log_p_AB_D <- kmer_summary %>%
    substr_kmer(k = 1) %>%
	log_p_AB_D <- log(log_p_AB_D + 1e-10)

	dim(log_p_AB_D) <- c(num_alphabets * num_alphabets, kmer_summary@max_distance)

	# an array for mapping alphabet to 2-mer
  km1 <- matrix(1:(num_alphabets * num_alphabets), num_alphabets, num_alphabets, dimnames = list(kmer_summary@alphabets, kmer_summary@alphabets))

  if (k > 1){
    log_p_B_AD <- get_transition_probability(kmer_summary)
		log_p_B_AD <- log(log_p_B_AD + 1e-10)
		dim(log_p_B_AD) <- c(length(kmer_summary@kmers) * length(kmer_summary@kmers), kmer_summary@max_distance)
  	km2 <- matrix(1:(num_kmers * num_kmers), num_kmers, num_kmers, dimnames = list(kmer_summary@kmers, kmer_summary@kmers))

	p <- expand.grid(
		from = 1:length(x),
		to = 1:length(x)
	) %>% 
		filter(.data$from < .data$to)

  # input sequence 
	y <- x %>% 
		as.character() %>% 
		factor(kmer_summary@alphabets) %>% 
		as.integer() %>%
		matrix(length(x), sequence_length)

  d <- rep(0, nrow(p))

  for (start in seq_len(sequence_length - k + 1)){  # for each k-mer segment

		if (start == 1 || start %% 10 == 0){
			sprintf('posterior probability | position=%5.d/%5.d', start, sequence_length) %>% message()

    log_prob <- matrix(log_p_D, nrow(p), kmer_summary@max_distance, byrow = TRUE)

    yi <- y[, start]
    str_from <- yi[p[, 'from']] 
    str_to <- yi[p[, 'to']] 

    log_prob <- log_prob + log_p_AB_D[km1[cbind(str_from, str_to)], ]

    if (k > 1){

      for (i in seq_len(k - 1)){

        start_i <- start + i - 1

        if (i > 1){
          t1 <- y[, start_i]
				  str_from <- km1[cbind(t1[p[, 'from']], t1[p[, 'to']])]

        t2 <- y[, start_i + 1]
				str_to <- km1[cbind(t2[p[, 'from']], t2[p[, 'to']])]

        log_prob <- log_prob + log_p_B_AD[km2[cbind(str_from, str_to)], ]


    post <- exp(log_prob - rowLogSumExps(log_prob))

		di <- rowSums(post %*% diag(x = 1:kmer_summary@max_distance))

		d <- d + di


	D <- sparseMatrix(
  	i = p$from,
		j = p$to,
		x = d,
		dims = c(length(x), length(x)),
		dimnames = list(names(x), names(x))
	) %>%

  D <- t(D) + D
  D %>% as.dist()

} # dist_kmer_replacement_inference

#' get_distance_prior 
#' prior distribution of distance
#' @param x a kmer_summary object
#' @return a probabilistic vector of the distribution of nodal distances
#' @author Wuming Gong (gongx030@umn.edu)
#' @importFrom rlang .data
get_distance_prior <- function(x){

  d <- x@df %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    group_by(.data$distance) %>%
    summarize(n = sum(n)) %>%
    mutate(prob = n / sum(n)) %>%
    select(.data$distance, .data$prob)

  prior <- rep(0, x@max_distance)
  prior[d$distance] <- d$prob

} # get_distance_prior

#' get_transition_probability
#' Compute p(A,X|B,Y,d), the conditional probability of seeing a replacement from A to B
#' given the previous replacement B from Y at nodal distance d
#' @param x a kmer_summary object
#' @return an 3D probabilistic array (kmers by kmers by distances)
#' @export
#' @author Wuming Gong (gongx030@umn.edu)
get_transition_probability <- function(x){

	from2 <- do.call('rbind', strsplit(x@df$from, ' '))
	to2 <- do.call('rbind', strsplit(x@df$to, ' '))

	from <- paste(from2[, 1], to2[, 1])
	to <- paste(from2[, 2], to2[, 2])

	d <- tf$sparse$SparseTensor(
	    factor(from, x@kmers) %>% as.numeric() - 1L,
	    factor(to, x@kmers) %>% as.numeric() - 1L,
	    x@df$distance - 1L
	  tf$cast(x@df$n, tf$float32),
	  shape(length(x@kmers), length(x@kmers), x@max_distance)
	) %>%
	  tf$sparse$reorder() %>%
	dg <- tf$linalg$diag(rep(1, length(x@kmers))) %>%
	d <- d + dg
	d <- d / d %>% tf$reduce_sum(shape(1L), keepdims = TRUE)
	d <- as.array(d)
	dimnames(d) <- list(x@kmers, x@kmers, NULL)

} # get_transition_probability

#' get_replacement_probability
#' Compute p(A,B|d), the conditional probability of seeing a replacement of from kmer A to B or vice versa
#' @param x a kmer_summary object
#' @return an 3D probabilistic array (kmers by kmers by distances)
#' @export
#' @author Wuming Gong (gongx030@umn.edu)
#' @importFrom rlang .data
get_replacement_probability <- function(x){

	d <- tf$sparse$SparseTensor(
	    factor(x@df$from, x@kmers) %>% as.numeric() - 1L,
	    factor(x@df$to, x@kmers) %>% as.numeric() - 1L,
	    x@df$distance - 1L
	  tf$cast(x@df$n, tf$float32),
	  shape(length(x@kmers), length(x@kmers), x@max_distance)
	) %>%
	  tf$sparse$reorder() %>%
	dg <- tf$linalg$diag(rep(1, length(x@kmers))) %>%
	d <- d + dg
	d <- d / d %>% tf$reduce_sum(shape(0L, 1L), keepdims = TRUE)
	d <- as.array(d)
	dimnames(d) <- list(x@kmers, x@kmers, NULL)

} # get_replacement_probability

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