Man pages for GOxploreR
Structural Exploration of the Gene Ontology (GO) Knowledge Base

all_terms_level_h2Building tree
degreeDistBPDegree distribution of the GO biological process (BP) terms...
degreeDistCCDegree distribution of the GO cellular component (CC) terms...
degreeDistMFDegree distribution of the GO molecular function (MF) terms...
distRankingGOProvides ranking of GO-terms according to distance
drawGraphVisualize GO DAG
drawGraph4VisVisualize GO DAG
Gene2GOTermAndLevelGet the Gene Ontology (GO) terms associated with a gene(s)...
Gene2GOTermAndLevel_ONGet the Gene Ontology (GO) terms associated with a gene(s)...
GetDAGOrganism-specific GO-DAG edgelist
getGOcategoryGO-term category getter
GetLeafNodesBPAll the BP GO-DAG leaf nodes
GetLeafNodesCCAll the CC GO-DAG leaf nodes
GetLeafNodesMFAll the MF GO-DAG leaf nodes
getNodeTermsRetrieve GO terms in each category
GO2DecBPGO biological process (BP) descendant GO-terms as an Edgelist
GO2DecCCGO cellular component (CC) descendant GO-terms as an Edgelist
GO2DecMFGO molecular function (MF) descendant GO-terms as an Edgelist
GO4OrganismAll gene association GO-terms for an organism
GOTermBP2ChildLevelGet the level of a biological process (BP) GO term's children
GOTermBPOnLevelGO biological process (BP) terms level getter
GOTermCC2ChildLevelGet the level of a cellular component (CC) GO term's children
GOTermCCOnLevelGO cellular component (CC) terms level getter
GOTermMF2ChildLevelGet the level of a molecular function (MF) GO term's children
GOTermMFOnLevelGO molecular function (MF) term level getter
GOTermsApp.BBuilding tree one
Level2GOTermBPGO biological process (BP) terms on a level
Level2GOTermCCGO cellular component (CC) terms on a level
Level2GOTermMFGO molecular function (MF) terms on a level
Level2JumpNodeBPJump nodes from a GO BP level
Level2JumpNodeCCJump nodes from a GO CC level
Level2JumpNodeMFJump nodes from a GO MF level
Level2LeafNodeBPGO biological process (BP) level leaf nodes getter
Level2LeafNodeCCGO cellular component (CC) level leaf nodes getter
Level2LeafNodeMFGO molecular function (MF) level leaf nodes getter
Level2NoLeafNodeBPNon-leaf GO-terms on a GO BP level
Level2NoLeafNodeCCNon-leaf GO-terms on a GO CC level
Level2NoLeafNodeMFNon-leaf GO-terms on a GO MF level
Level2RegularNodeBPRegular nodes from a GO BP level
Level2RegularNodeCCRegular nodes from a GO CC level
Level2RegularNodeMFRegular nodes from a GO MF level
maxLevelBPReturn length of depth for bp
maxLevelCCReturn length of depth for cc
maxLevelMFReturn length of depth for mf
prioritizedGOTermsprioritization of a lists of GO-terms
scoreRankingGOProvides ranking of GO-terms according to a score
visRDAGBPSpecies-specific biological process GO-DAG
visRDAGCCSpecies-specific cellular component GO-DAG
visRDAGMFSpecies-specific molecular function GO-DAG
visRsubDAGBPVisualise the GO-DAG for a specific organism based on certain...
visRsubDAGCCVisualise the GO-DAG for a specific organism based on certain...
visRsubDAGMFVisualise the GO-DAG for a specific organism based on certain...
GOxploreR documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 5:08 p.m.