
Defines functions i.argCheck coord coord2 getElevation changeLight mergeSites distanceFilter gleTrans glfTrans HillEkstromCalib i.JC2000 i.deg i.frac i.get.outliers i.julianDate i.loxodrom.dist i.preSelection i.rad i.radDeclination i.radEclipticLongitude i.radGMST i.radObliquity i.radRightAscension i.setToRange i.sum.Cl lightFilter loessFilter luxTrans ligTrans staroddiTrans trnTrans schedule siteMap trip2kml tripMap twilightCalc

Documented in changeLight coord distanceFilter getElevation gleTrans glfTrans HillEkstromCalib lightFilter ligTrans loessFilter luxTrans mergeSites schedule siteMap staroddiTrans trip2kml tripMap trnTrans twilightCalc

#' @name GeoLight-package
#' @aliases GeoLight
#' @title The GeoLight Package
#' @description This is a summary of all features of \bold{\code{GeoLight}}, a \code{R}-package for 
#' analyzing light based geolocator data
#' @details \bold{\code{GeoLight}} is a package to derive geographical positions from daily light intensity pattern. 
#' Positioning and calibration methods are based on the threshold-method (Ekstrom 2004, Lisovski \emph{et al.} 2012). 
#' A changepoint model from the \code{R} package \code{changepoint} is implemented to distinguish between periods of 
#' residency and movement based on the sunrise and sunset times. Mapping functions are implemented 
#' using the \code{R} package \code{maps}.
#' @section Getting Started: 
#' We refrain from giving detailed background on the (several steps of) 
#' analysis of light-based geolocator data here but strongly recommend the key-publications below. 
#' @section Updates:
#' We advise all users to update their installation of \bold{\code{GeoLight}} regularly.
#' Type \code{news(package="GeoLight")} to read news documentation about changes to the recent and all previous version of the package
#' @section Important notes:
#' Most functions in \bold{\code{GeoLight}} require the same initial units and mostly the format and object type is mandatory:
#' \tabular{rll}{
#' \tab \code{tFirst} \tab yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm "UTC" (see: \code{\link{as.POSIXct}}, \link[=Sys.timezone]{time zones})\cr
#' \tab \code{tSecond} \tab as \emph{tFirst} (e.g. 2008-12-01 17:30) \cr
#' \tab \code{type} \tab either 1 or 2 depending on wheter \emph{tFirst} is sunrise (1) or sunset (2)\cr
#' \tab \code{coord} \tab \code{SpatialPoints} or a \code{matrix}, containing x and y coordinates (in that order) \cr
#' \tab \code{degElevation} \tab a \code{vector} or a single \code{value} of sun elevation angle(s) in degrees (e.g. -6)
#' }
#' In the following, we give a summary of the main functions and sample datasets in the \bold{\code{GeoLight}} package. 
#' Alternatively a list of all functions and datasets in alphabetical order is available by typing \code{library(help=GeoLight)}. 
#' For further information on any of these functions, type \code{help(function name)}.
#'  @section CONTENTS:
#' \tabular{rll}{
#' \tab {I.} \tab Determination of sunset and sunrise \cr
#' \tab {II.} \tab Residency analysis \cr
#' \tab {III.} \tab Calibration \cr
#' \tab {IV.} \tab {Positioning}\cr
#' \tab {V.} \tab {Data visualisation}\cr
#' \tab {VI.} \tab {Examples}
#' }
#' @section I. Determination of sunset and sunrise:
#' \tabular{rll}{
#' \tab \code{\link{gleTrans}} \tab transformation of already defined twilight events* \cr
#' \tab \code{\link{glfTrans}} \tab transformation of light intensity measurements over time* \cr
#' \tab \code{\link{luxTrans}} \tab transformation of light intensity measurements over time** \cr
#' \tab \code{\link{lightFilter}} \tab filter to remove noise in light intensity measurements during the night \cr
#' \tab \code{\link{twilightCalc}} \tab definition of twilight events (\emph{sunrise, sunset}) from light intensity measurements \cr
#' }
#' * written for data recorded by geolocator devices from the \bold{Swiss Ornithological Institute} \cr
#' ** written for data recorded by geolocator devices from \bold{Migrate Technology Ltd}
#' @section II. Residency Analysis:
#' \tabular{rll}{
#' \tab \code{\link{changeLight}} \tab function to distinguish between residency and movement periods \cr
#' \tab \code{\link{schedule}} \tab function to produce a data frame summerizing the residency and movement pattern \cr
#' }
#' @section III. Calibration:
#' See Lisovski \emph{et al.} 2012 for all implemented calibration methods.
#' \tabular{rll}{
#' \tab \code{\link{getElevation}} \tab function to calculate the sun elevation angle for data with known position \cr
#' \tab \code{\link{HillEkstromCalib}} \tab \emph{Hill-Ekstrom calibration} for one or more defined stationary periods \cr
#' }
#' @section IV. Positioning:
#' \tabular{rll}{
#' \tab \code{\link{coord}} \tab main function to derive a \code{matrix} of spatial coordinates \cr
#' \tab \code{\link{distanceFilter}} \tab filter function to reduce unrealistic positions (not recommended, since the filtering ignore positioning error) \cr
#' \tab \code{\link{loessFilter}} \tab filter function to define outliers in sunrise and sunset times (defined twilight events) \cr
#' }
#' @section V. Data visualisation:
#' \tabular{rll}{
#' \tab \code{\link{tripMap}} \tab function to map the derived positions and combine the coordinates in time order\cr
#' \tab \code{\link{siteMap}} \tab function to show the results of the residency analysis on a map \cr
#' }
#' @section IV. Examples:
#' \tabular{rll}{
#' \tab \code{\link{calib1}} \tab data for calibration: light intensities \cr
#' \tab \code{\link{calib2}} \tab  data for calibration: Calculated twilight events (from \code{\link{calib1}} by \code{\link{twilightCalc}}) \cr
#' \tab \code{\link{hoopoe1}} \tab light intensity measurements over time recorded on a migratory bird \cr
#' \tab \code{\link{hoopoe2}} \tab sunrise and sunset times: From light intensity measurement (from \code{\link{hoopoe1}}) \cr
#' }
#' @section \bold{\code{R}} Packages for Further Spatial Ananlyses:
#' \code{spatstat} \cr
#' \code{adehabitat} \cr
#' \code{gstat} \cr
#' \code{trip} \cr
#' \code{tripEstimation} \cr
#' \code{move} \cr
#' ...
#' @section Acknowledgements:
#' Steffen Hahn, Felix Liechti, Fraenzi Korner-Nievergelt, Andrea Koelzsch, Eldar Rakhimberdiev, Erich Baechler, Eli Bridge,  Andrew Parnell, Richard Inger
#' @section Authors:
#' Simeon Lisovski, Simon Wotherspoon, Michael Sumner, Silke Bauer, Tamara Emmenegger \cr
#' Maintainer: Simeon Lisovski <simeon.lisovski(at)gmail.com>
#' @section References:
#' Ekstrom, P.A. (2004) An advance in geolocation by light. \emph{Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research}, Special Issue, \bold{58}, 210-226.
#' Fudickar, A.M., Wikelski, M., Partecke, J. (2011) Tracking migratory songbirds: accuracy of light-level loggers (geolocators) in forest habitats. \emph{Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2011.00136.x.
#' Hill, C. & Braun, M.J. (2001) Geolocation by light level - the next step: Latitude. \emph{Electronic Tagging and Tracking in Marine Fisheries} (eds J.R. Sibert & J. Nielsen), pp. 315-330. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
#' Hill, R.D. (1994) Theory of geolocation by light levels. \emph{Elephant Seals: Population Ecology, Behavior, and Physiology} (eds L. Boeuf, J. Burney & R.M. Laws), pp. 228-237. University of California Press, Berkeley.
#' Lisovski, S. and Hahn, S. (2012) GeoLight - processing and analysing light-based geolocator data in R. \emph{Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, doi: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00248.x
#' Lisovski, S., Hewson, C.M, Klaassen, R.H.G., Korner-Nievergelt, F., Kristensen, M.W & Hahn, S. (2012) Geolocation by light: Accuracy and precision affected by environmental factors. \emph{Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, doi: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00185.x
#' Wilson, R.P., Ducamp, J.J., Rees, G., Culik, B.M. & Niekamp, K. (1992) Estimation of location: global coverage using light intensity. \emph{Wildlife telemetry: remote monitoring and tracking of animals} (eds I.M. Priede & S.M. Swift), pp. 131-134. Ellis Horward, Chichester.

i.argCheck <- function(y) {
  if(any(sapply(y, function(x) class(x))=="data.frame")) {
    ind01 <- which(sapply(y, function(x) class(x))=="data.frame")
    if(!all(ind02 <- c("tFirst", "tSecond", "type")%in%names(y[[ind01]]))) {
      whc <- paste("The following columns in data frame twl are missing with no default: ", paste(c("tFirst", "tSecond", "type")[!ind02], collapse = " and "), sep = "")
      stop(whc , call. = F)
    out <- y[[ind01]]
  } else {
    if(!all(c("tFirst", "tSecond", "type")%in%names(y))) {
      ind03 <- c("tFirst", "tSecond", "type")%in%names(y)
      stop(sprintf(paste(paste(c("tFirst", "tSecond", "type")[!ind03], collapse = " and "), "is missing with no default.")))
    } else {
      out <- data.frame(tFirst = y$tFirst, tSecond = y$tSecond, type = y$type)
  if(any(c(class(out[,1])[1], class(out[,2])[1])!="POSIXct")) {
    stop(sprintf("Date and time inforamtion (e.g. tFirst and tSecond) need to be provided as POSIXct class objects."), call. = F)

##' Estimate location from consecutive twilights
##' This function estimates the location given the times at which 
##' the observer sees two successive twilights.
##' Longitude is estimated by computing apparent time of local noon
##' from sunrise and sunset, and determining the longitude for which
##' this is noon. Latitude is estimated from the required zenith and
##' the sun's hour angle for both sunrise and sunset, and averaged.
##' When the solar declination is near zero (at the equinoxes)
##' latitude estimates are extremely sensitive to errors.  Where the
##' sine of the solar declination is less than \code{tol}, the
##' latitude estimates are returned as \code{NA}.
##' The format (date and time) of \emph{tFirst} and \emph{tSecond} has to be
##' "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm" corresponding to Universal Time Zone UTC (see:
##' \code{\link{as.POSIXct}}, \link[=Sys.timezone]{time zones})
##' @title Simple Threshold Geolocation Estimates
##' @param tFirst vector of sunrise/sunset times (e.g. 2008-12-01 08:30).
##' @param tSecond vector of of sunrise/sunset times (e.g. 2008-12-01 17:30).
##' @param type vector of either 1 or 2, defining \code{tFirst} as sunrise or sunset respectively.
##' @param twl data.frame containing twilights and at least \code{tFirst}, \code{tSecond} and \code{type} (alternatively give each parameter separately).
##' @param degElevation the sun elevation angle (in degrees) that defines twilight (e.g. -6 for "civil
##' twilight"). Either a single value, a \code{vector} with the same length as
##' \code{tFirst} or \code{nrow(x)}.
##' @param tol tolerance on the sine of the solar declination (only implemented in method 'NOAA').
##' @param note \code{logical}, if TRUE a notation of how many positions could
##' be calculated in proportion to the number of failures will be printed at the
##' end.
##' @param method Defines the method for the location estimates. 'NOAA' is based on
##' code and the excel spreadsheet from the NOAA site (http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/grad/solcalc/),
##' 'Montenbruck' is based on Montenbruck, O. & Pfleger, T. (2000) Astronomy on the Personal
##' Computer. \emph{Springer}, Berlin.
##' @return A matrix of coordinates in decimal degrees. First column are
##' longitudes, expressed in degrees east of Greenwich. Second column contains
##' the latitudes in degrees north the equator.
##' @author Simeon Lisovski, Simon Wotherspoon, Michael Sumner
##' @examples
##' data(hoopoe2)
##'   hoopoe2$tFirst <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tFirst, tz = "GMT")
##'   hoopoe2$tSecond <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tSecond, tz = "GMT")
##' crds <- coord(hoopoe2, degElevation=-6, tol = 0.2)
##' ## tripMap(crds, xlim=c(-20,20), ylim=c(5,50), main="hoopoe2")
##' @export   
coord  <- function(tFirst, tSecond, type, twl, degElevation = -6, tol = 0, method = "NOAA",  note = TRUE) {
  tab <- i.argCheck(as.list(environment())[sapply(environment(), FUN = function(x) any(class(x)!='name'))])   
  rise <- ifelse(tab$type==1, tab$tFirst, tab$tSecond)
  set <- ifelse(tab$type==1, tab$tSecond, tab$tFirst)
  if(method == "NOAA") {
    rad <- pi/180
    sr <- solar(rise)
    ss <- solar(set)
    cosz <- cos(rad*(90-degElevation))
    lon <- -(sr$solarTime+ss$solarTime+ifelse(sr$solarTime<ss$solarTime,360,0))/2
    lon <- (lon+180)%%360-180
    ## Compute latitude from sunrise
    hourAngle <- sr$solarTime+lon-180
    a <- sr$sinSolarDec
    b <- sr$cosSolarDec*cos(rad*hourAngle)
    x <- (a*cosz-sign(a)*b*suppressWarnings(sqrt(a^2+b^2-cosz^2)))/(a^2+b^2)
    lat1 <- ifelse(abs(a)>tol,asin(x)/rad,NA)
    ## Compute latitude from sunset
    hourAngle <- ss$solarTime+lon-180
    a <- ss$sinSolarDec
    b <- ss$cosSolarDec*cos(rad*hourAngle)
    x <- (a*cosz-sign(a)*b*suppressWarnings(sqrt(a^2+b^2-cosz^2)))/(a^2+b^2)
    lat2 <- ifelse(abs(a)>tol,asin(x)/rad,NA)
    ## Average latitudes
    out <- cbind(lon=lon,lat=rowMeans(cbind(lat1,lat2),na.rm=TRUE))
  if(method == "Montenbruck") {
    out <- coord2(tab$tFirst, tab$tSecond, tab$type, degElevation)
  if(note) cat(paste("Note: Out of ", nrow(out)," twilight pairs, the calculation of ", sum(is.na(out[,2]))," latitudes failed ","(",
                     floor(sum(is.na(out[,2])*100)/nrow(out))," %)",sep=""))

coord2 <- function(tFirst, tSecond, type, degElevation=-6) {
  # if noon, RadHourAngle = 0, if midnight RadHourAngle = pi
  # --------------------------------------------------------
  RadHourAngle <- numeric(length(type))
  index1 <- type==1
  if (sum(index1)>0) RadHourAngle[index1] <- 0
  RadHourAngle[!index1] <- pi
  # --------------------------------------------------------
  tSunTransit <- as.character(as.POSIXct(tFirst, tz = "GMT") + as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(tSecond, tz = "GMT"), 
                                                                                   as.POSIXct(tFirst, tz = "GMT"), 
  index0 <- (nchar(tSunTransit) <= 10)
  if(sum(index0)>0) tSunTransit[index0] <- as.character(paste(tSunTransit[index0]," ","00:00",sep=""))
  # Longitude
  jD  <- i.julianDate(as.numeric(substring(tSunTransit,1,4)),as.numeric(substring(tSunTransit,6,7)),
  jD0 <- i.julianDate(as.numeric(substring(tSunTransit,1,4)),as.numeric(substring(tSunTransit,6,7)),
  jC  <- i.JC2000(jD)
  jC0 <- i.JC2000(jD0)
  radObliquity         <- i.radObliquity(jC)
  radEclipticLongitude <- i.radEclipticLongitude(jC)
  radRightAscension    <- i.radRightAscension(radEclipticLongitude,radObliquity)
  radGMST              <- i.radGMST(jD,jD0,jC,jC0)
  degLongitude <- i.setToRange(-180,180,i.deg(RadHourAngle + radRightAscension - radGMST))
  # Latitude
  jD  <- i.julianDate(as.numeric(substring(tFirst,1,4)),as.numeric(substring(tFirst,6,7)),
  jD0 <- i.julianDate(as.numeric(substring(tFirst,1,4)),as.numeric(substring(tFirst,6,7)),
  jC  <- i.JC2000(jD)
  jC0 <- i.JC2000(jD0)
  radElevation         <- if(length(degElevation)==1) rep(i.rad(degElevation),length(jD)) else i.rad(degElevation)
  sinElevation         <- sin(radElevation)
  radObliquity         <- i.radObliquity(jC)
  radEclipticLongitude <- i.radEclipticLongitude(jC)
  radDeclination       <- i.radDeclination(radEclipticLongitude,radObliquity)
  sinDeclination       <- sin(radDeclination)
  cosDeclination       <- cos(radDeclination)
  radHourAngle         <- i.radGMST(jD,jD0,jC,jC0) + i.rad(degLongitude) - i.radRightAscension(radEclipticLongitude,radObliquity)
  cosHourAngle         <- cos(radHourAngle)
  term1                <- sinElevation/(sqrt(sinDeclination^2 + (cosDeclination*cosHourAngle)^2))
  term2                <- (cosDeclination*cosHourAngle)/sinDeclination
  degLatitude <- numeric(length(radElevation))
  index1  <- (abs(radElevation) > abs(radDeclination))
  if (sum(index1)>0) degLatitude[index1] <- NA
  index2  <- (radDeclination > 0 & !index1)
  if (sum(index2)>0)  degLatitude[index2] <- i.setToRange(-90,90,i.deg(asin(term1[index2])-atan(term2[index2])))
  index3  <- (radDeclination < 0 & !index1)
  if (sum(index3)>0)  degLatitude[index3] <- i.setToRange(-90,90,i.deg(acos(term1[index3])+atan(1/term2[index3])))
  degLatitude[!index1&!index2&!index3] <- NA
  cbind(degLongitude, degLatitude)

##' Function to calculate the median sun elevation angle for light measurements at a
##' known location and the choosen light threshold.
##' Optionally, shape and scale paramters of the twiligth error (in minutes) can be estimated. The error is assumed
##' to follow a log-normal distribution and 0 (elev0) is set 0.1 below the minimum sun elevation angle of estimated twilight times.
##' Those parameters might be of interest for sensitivity analysis or further processing using the R Package SGAT (https://github.com/SWotherspoon/SGAT).
##' @title Calculate the appropriate sun elevation angle for known location
##' @param tFirst vector of sunrise/sunset times (e.g. 2008-12-01 08:30).
##' @param tSecond vector of of sunrise/sunset times (e.g. 2008-12-01 17:30).
##' @param type vector of either 1 or 2, defining \code{tFirst} as sunrise or sunset respectively.
##' @param twl data.frame containing twilights and at least \code{tFirst}, \code{tSecond} and \code{type} (alternatively give each parameter separately).
##' @param known.coord a \code{SpatialPoint} or \code{matrix} object, containing
##' known x and y coordinates (in that order) for the selected measurement
##' period.
##' @param plot \code{logical}, if TRUE a plot will be produced.
##' @param lnorm.pars \code{logical}, if TRUE shape and scale parameters of the twilight error (log-normal distribution) 
##' will be estimated and included in the output (see Details).
##' @author Simeon Lisovski
##' @references Lisovski, S., Hewson, C.M, Klaassen, R.H.G., Korner-Nievergelt,
##' F., Kristensen, M.W & Hahn, S. (2012) Geolocation by light: Accuracy and
##' precision affected by environmental factors. \emph{Methods in Ecology and
##' Evolution}, DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00185.x.
##' @examples
##' data(calib2)
##'   calib2$tFirst  <- as.POSIXct(calib2$tFirst, tz = "GMT")
##'   calib2$tSecond <- as.POSIXct(calib2$tSecond, tz = "GMT")
##' getElevation(calib2, known.coord = c(7.1,46.3), lnorm.pars = TRUE)
##' @importFrom MASS fitdistr
##' @importFrom graphics arrows par hist plot lines mtext
##' @importFrom stats dlnorm median
##' @export getElevation
getElevation <- function(tFirst, tSecond, type, twl, known.coord, plot=TRUE, lnorm.pars = FALSE) {
  tab <- i.argCheck(as.list(environment())[sapply(environment(), FUN = function(x) any(class(x)!='name'))])   
  tab <- geolight.convert(tab[,1], tab[,2], tab[,3])  
  sun <- solar(as.POSIXct(tab[,1], "GMT"))
  z   <- 90-refracted(zenith(sun, known.coord[1], known.coord[2]))
  tab$z.tm <- as.POSIXct("1900-01-01 00:00:01", "GMT")
  tab$z.tm[tab[,2]] <- twilight(tab[tab[,2], 1], known.coord[1], known.coord[2], rise = TRUE, zenith = (min(z)-0.1)-90 ,iters = 3) 
  tab$z.tm[!tab[,2]] <- twilight(tab[!tab[,2],1], known.coord[1], known.coord[2], rise = FALSE, zenith = (min(z)-0.1)-90 ,iters = 3)
  tab$diff <- NA 
  tab$diff[tab[,2]] <- as.numeric(difftime(tab[tab[,2],1], tab[tab[,2],3], units = "mins"))
  tab$diff[!tab[,2]] <- as.numeric(difftime(tab[!tab[,2],3], tab[!tab[,2],1], units = "mins"))
  if(plot) {
    opar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(7, 7, 5, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 2), 
                cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5, las = 1, mgp = c(4.8, 2, 1))
    hist(z, breaks =  seq(min(z)-0.5, max(z)+0.5, length = 18), main = "", 
         col = "grey60", xlab = "Sun elevaion angle")
    arrows(median(z), -0.75, median(z), -0.1,  lwd = 3, col = "cornflowerblue", xpd = T)
    mtext(paste("median elevation", round(median(z),2)), font = 3, col = "cornflowerblue", cex = 1.2, line = 1.6)
    hist(tab$diff, freq = F, breaks = seq(min(tab$diff)-2, max(tab$diff)+2, length = 18), 
         main = "", xlab = "Twilight error (minutes)", col = "grey95", ylab = "Probability density")
    if(lnorm.pars) {
      seq1 <- seq(0, max(tab$diff), length = 100)
      fit <- fitdistr(tab$diff, "log-Normal")
      lines(seq1, dlnorm(seq1, fit$estimate[1], fit$estimate[2]), col = "firebrick", lwd = 3, lty = 2)
      mtext(paste("elev0 =", round((min(z)-0.1), 2), "\nshape =", round(fit$estimate[1],2), 
                  "\nscale =", round(fit$estimate[2],2)), 
            font = 3, col = "firebrick", cex = 1.2, line = 0.5)
  if(lnorm.pars) c(med.elev=median(z), shape = as.numeric(fit$estimate[1]), 
                   scale = as.numeric(fit$estimate[2])) else c(med.elev = median(z))

##' Residency analysis using a changepoint model
##' Function to discriminate between periods of residency and movement based on
##' consecutive sunrise and sunset data. The calculation is based on a
##' changepoint model (\bold{\pkg{R}} Package \code{\link{changepoint}}:
##' \code{\link{cpt.mean}}) to find multiple changepoints within the
##' data.
##' The \code{cpt.mean} from the \code{R} Package \code{changepoint} is a
##' function to find a multiple changes in mean for data where no assumption is
##' made on their distribution. The value returned is the result of finding the
##' optimal location of up to Q changepoints (in this case as many as possible)
##' using the cumulative sums test statistic.
##' @param tFirst vector of sunrise/sunset times (e.g. 2008-12-01 08:30).
##' @param tSecond vector of of sunrise/sunset times (e.g. 2008-12-01 17:30).
##' @param type vector of either 1 or 2, defining \code{tFirst} as sunrise or sunset respectively.
##' @param twl data.frame containing twilights and at least \code{tFirst}, \code{tSecond} and \code{type} (alternatively give each parameter separately).
##' @param quantile probability threshold for stationary site selection. Higher
##' values (above the defined quantile of all probabilities) will be considered
##' as changes in the behavior. Argmuent will only be considered if either \code{rise.prob} and/or
##' \code{set.prob} remain unspecified.
##' @param rise.prob the probability threshold for \bold{sunrise}: greater or
##' equal values indicates changes in the behaviour of the individual.
##' @param set.prob the probability threshold for \bold{sunset}: higher and
##' equal values indicates changes in the behaviour of the individual.
##' @param days a threshold for the length of stationary period. Periods smaller
##' than "days" will not be considered as a residency period
##' @param plot logical, if \code{TRUE} a plot will be produced
##' @param summary logical, if \code{TRUE} a summary of the results will be
##' printed
##' @return A \code{list} with probabilities for \emph{sunrise} and
##' \emph{sunset} the user settings of the probabilities and the resulting
##' stationary periods given as a \code{vector}, with the residency sites as
##' positiv numbers in ascending order (0 indicate movement/migration).
##' @note The sunrise and/or sunset times shown in the graph (if
##' \code{plot=TRUE}) represent hours of the day. However if one or both of the
##' twilight events cross midnight during the recording period the values will
##' be formed to avoid discontinuity.
##' @author Simeon Lisovski & Tamara Emmenegger
##' @seealso \code{\link{changepoint}}, \code{\link{cpt.mean}}
##' @references Taylor, Wayne A. (2000) Change-Point Analysis: A Powerful New
##' Tool For Detecting Changes.
##' M. Csorgo, L. Horvath (1997) Limit Theorems in Change-Point Analysis.
##' \emph{Wiley}.
##' Chen, J. and Gupta, A. K. (2000) Parametric statistical change point
##' analysis. \emph{Birkhauser}.
##' @examples
##' data(hoopoe2)
##'   hoopoe2$tFirst <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tFirst, tz = "GMT")
##'   hoopoe2$tSecond <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tSecond, tz = "GMT")
##' residency <- changeLight(hoopoe2, quantile=0.9)
##' @importFrom changepoint cpt.mean cpts.full pen.value.full
##' @importFrom stats na.omit quantile
##' @importFrom graphics abline axis layout mtext par plot rect
##' @export changeLight
changeLight <- function(tFirst, tSecond, type, twl, quantile=0.9, rise.prob=NA, set.prob=NA, days=5, plot=TRUE, summary=TRUE) {
  tab <- i.argCheck(as.list(environment())[sapply(environment(), FUN = function(x) any(class(x)!='name'))])   
  tw <- data.frame(datetime = .POSIXct(c(tab$tFirst, tab$tSecond), "GMT"), 
                   type = c(tab$type, ifelse(tab$type == 1, 2, 1)))
  tw <- tw[!duplicated(tw$datetime),]
  tw <- tw[order(tw[,1]),]
  hours <- as.numeric(format(tw[,1],"%H"))+as.numeric(format(tw[,1],"%M"))/60
  for(t in 1:2){
    cor <- rep(NA, 24)
    for(i in 0:23){
      cor[i+1] <- max(abs((c(hours[tw$type==t][1],hours[tw$type==t])+i)%%24 -
    hours[tw$type==t] <- (hours[tw$type==t] + (which.min(round(cor,2)))-1)%%24
  sr <- tw[tw[,2]==1,1]
  ss <- tw[tw[,2]==2,1]
  rise <- hours[tw[,2]==1]
  set <- hours[tw[,2]==2]
  # start: Change Point Model
  # max. possible Change Points (length(sunrise)/2)
  CPs1 <- suppressWarnings(cpt.mean(rise, method= "BinSeg", Q=length(rise)/2, penalty="Manual",pen.value=0.001, 
                                    test.stat = "CUSUM",param.estimates=FALSE))
  CPs2 <- suppressWarnings(cpt.mean(set, method="BinSeg", Q=length(set)/2, penalty="Manual",pen.value=0.001, 
                                    test.stat = "CUSUM",param.estimates=FALSE))
  N1 <- seq(1,length(rise))
  N2 <- seq(1,length(set))
  tab1 <- merge(data.frame(N=N1,prob=NA),data.frame(N=cpts.full(CPs1)[nrow(cpts.full(CPs1)),],
  tab1[is.na(tab1[,2]),2] <- 0
  tab2 <- merge(data.frame(N=N2,prob=NA),data.frame(N=cpts.full(CPs2)[nrow(cpts.full(CPs2)),],
  tab2[is.na(tab2[,2]),2] <- 0
  # end: Change Point Model
  # quantile calculation
  if(is.na(rise.prob) & is.na(set.prob)) {
    rise.prob <- as.numeric(round(as.numeric(quantile(tab1[tab1[,2]!=0,2],probs=quantile,na.rm=TRUE)), digits=5))
    set.prob  <- as.numeric(round(as.numeric(quantile(tab2[tab2[,2]!=0,2],probs=quantile,na.rm=TRUE)), digits=5))
  riseProb <- ifelse(tab1[,2]>=rise.prob, NA, TRUE)
  setProb  <- ifelse(tab2[,2]>=set.prob, NA, TRUE)
  tmp02 <- rbind(data.frame(time = tw[tw[,2]==1,1], prob = tab1[,2], cut = riseProb), 
                 data.frame(time = tw[tw[,2]==2,1], prob = tab2[,2], cut = setProb))[order(c(sr, ss)),]
  tmp02 <- cbind(tmp02, NA)
  s <- 1
  for(i in 2:nrow(tmp02)) {
    if(is.na(tmp02[i-1, 3]) & !is.na(tmp02[i, 3])) {
      s <- s+1
      tmp02[i, 4] <- s
    if(!is.na(tmp02[i-1, 3]) & !is.na(tmp02[i, 3])) tmp02[i, 4] <- s
  ind01 <- tapply(as.numeric(tmp02[,1]), tmp02[,4], FUN = function(x) ((x[length(x)]-x[1])/60/60/24)>days)
  ind02 <- as.numeric(names(ind01)[ind01])
  tmp02[,4] <- ifelse(tmp02[,4]%in%ind02, tmp02[,4], NA)
  s <- 1
  for(i in ind02) {
    tmp02[!is.na(tmp02[,4]) & tmp02[,4]==i, 4] <- s
    s <- s+1
  t02 <- schedule(tab$tFirst, tab$tSecond, tmp02[1:nrow(tab),4])
  arr <- tmp02[!is.na(tmp02[,4]) & !duplicated(tmp02[,4]),]
  dep <- tmp02[!is.na(tmp02[,4]) & !duplicated(tmp02[,4], fromLast = T),]
  t02$P.start <- arr$prob
  t02$P.end   <- dep$prob
  t02$Days <- apply(t02, 1, function(x) round(as.numeric(difftime(x[3], x[2], units = "days")), 1))
  ds <- t02[,c(1:3, 6, 4:6,4)]
  out <- list(riseProb = tab1[,2], setProb = tab2[,2], rise.prob = rise.prob, set.prob = set.prob, 
              site = ifelse(!is.na(tmp02[,4]), tmp02[,4], 0)[1:nrow(tab)],
              migTable = ds)
    def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    nf <- layout(matrix(c(4,1,2,3),nrow=4,byrow=T),heights=c(0.5,1,0.5,0.5))
    plot(sr, rise, type="o",cex=0.2,col="firebrick",ylab="Sunrise (red)", 
         xlim = range(sr),xaxt="n")
    plot(ss, set, type="o",cex=0.2,col="cornflowerblue",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",xlab="",
    mtext("Sunset (blue)",4,line=2.7,cex=1)
    axis(1,at=seq(min(ss),max(ss), by=(10*24*60*60)),labels=F)
    axis(1,at=seq(min(ss),max(ss), by=(30*24*60*60)),lwd.ticks=2,
         labels=trunc(seq(min(ss),max(ss), by=(30*24*60*60)), "days"),cex.axis=1)
    plot(sr, tab1[,2], type = "h", lwd = 4, col = "firebrick", ylab = "", xaxt = "n",
         xlim= range(sr) ,ylim = c(0, max(na.omit(c(tab1[,2],tab2[,2])))))
    if(is.numeric(rise.prob)) abline(h = rise.prob, lty=2, lwd = 1.5)
    opar <- par(mar=c(1.5,4.5,0.8,5),bty="n")
    plot(ss, tab2[,2], type = "h", lwd = 4, col = "cornflowerblue", ylab = "", xaxt = "n",
         xlim= range(ss) ,ylim = c(0, max(na.omit(c(tab1[,2],tab2[,2])))))
    if(is.numeric(set.prob)) abline(h = set.prob, lty=2, lwd = 1.5)
    mtext("Probability of change", side=2, at = max(na.omit(c(tab1[,2],tab2[,2]))), line=3)
    mig <- out$site
    mig[mig>0] <- 1
    plot(tab[,1] + (tab[,2] - tab[,1])/2, 
         ifelse(out$site>0, 1, 0), type = "l", yaxt = "n", ylab = NA, ylim=c(0,1.5))
    rect(tw[out$site > 0 & !duplicated(out$site), 1], 1.1, 
         tw[out$site > 0 & !duplicated(out$site, fromLast = T), 1], 1.4, lwd = 0, 
         col = "grey")

#' Function to merge sites
#' The \code{\link{changeLight}} functions provides a vector grouping the twilight times
#' into stationary (>0) and movement (0) periods. This function was written to enable the user
#' to merge sites based on the distance between consequtive sites. NOTE: The function requires
#' position estimate and desicison on whether sites should be merged will be made based on
#' the defined \code{distance}, the \code{cutoff} values and the provided positions. The analysis
#' is this dependent on the accuracy of the position estiamtes and should be applied to positons that
#' were estimated using a sensible sun elevation angle.
#' @param tFirst vector of sunrise/sunset times (e.g. 2008-12-01 08:30).
#' @param tSecond vector of of sunrise/sunset times (e.g. 2008-12-01 17:30).
#' @param type vector of either 1 or 2, defining \code{tFirst} as sunrise or sunset respectively.
#' @param twl data.frame containing twilights and at least \code{tFirst}, \code{tSecond} and \code{type}
#' @param site a \code{numerical vector} assigning each row to a particular
#' period. Stationary periods in numerical order and values >0,
#' migration/movement periods 0. This \code{vector} will be used as the initial state.
#' @param degElevation the sun elevation angle (in degrees) that defines twilight (e.g. -6 for "civil
##' twilight"). Either a single value, a \code{vector} with the same length as
##' \code{tFirst} or \code{nrow(x)}.
#' @param distThreshold a \code{numerical} value defining the threshold of the distance under 
#' which consequtive sites should be merged (in km).
#' @param alpha mean and standard variation for position optimization process.
#' @param plot \code{logical}, if TRUE a plot comparing the inital and the final site selection.
#' @return A \code{vector} with the merged site numbers
#' @author Simeon Lisovski
#' @export mergeSites
#' @importFrom fields rdist.earth
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis lines mtext par plot points rect 
#' @importFrom stats optim dnorm
mergeSites <- function(tFirst, tSecond, type, twl, site, degElevation, distThreshold = 250, 
                       alpha = c(0, 15), plot = TRUE) {
  tab <- i.argCheck(as.list(environment())[sapply(environment(), 
                                                  FUN = function(x) any(class(x) != "name"))])
  site0 <- site
  tw <- data.frame(datetime = .POSIXct(c(tab$tFirst, tab$tSecond), "GMT"), 
                   type = c(tab$type, ifelse(tab$type == 1, 2, 1)))
  tw <- tw[!duplicated(tw$datetime), ]
  tw <- tw[order(tw[, 1]), ]
  tw <- tw[1:nrow(tab),]
  crds0 <- coord(tab, degElevation = degElevation, note = F)
  tw$lon <- crds0[,1]
  tw$lat <- crds0[,2]
  lonlim <- range(crds0[, 1], na.rm = T)
  lon.seq <- seq(lonlim[1] - 1, lonlim[2] + 1, by = 1)
  latlim <- range(crds0[, 2], na.rm = T)
  lat.seq <- seq(latlim[1] - 1, latlim[2] + 1, by = 1)
  mod <- function(x) {
    loglik <- function(crds) {
      t.tw <- twilight(x[, 1], lon = crds[1], lat = crds[2], 
                       rise = ifelse(x[, 2] == 1, TRUE, FALSE), zenith = 90 - 
      diff <- as.numeric(difftime(x[, 1], t.tw, units = "mins"))
      -sum(dnorm(diff, alpha[1], alpha[2], log = T), na.rm = T)
    fit0 <- optim(cbind(median(x[,3], na.rm = T), median(x[,4], na.rm = T)), loglik, lower = cbind(lonlim[1], 
                                                                                                   latlim[1]), upper = cbind(lonlim[2], latlim[2]), 
                  method = "L-BFGS-B", hessian = T)
    fit  <- optim(cbind(fit0$par[1], fit0$par[2]), loglik, lower = cbind(lonlim[1], 
                                                                         latlim[1]), upper = cbind(lonlim[2], latlim[2]), 
                  method = "L-BFGS-B", hessian = T)
    fisher_info <- solve(fit$hessian)
    prop_sigma <- sqrt(diag(fisher_info))
    prop_sigma <- diag(prop_sigma)
    lon.lower <- c(fit$par[1] - 1.96 * prop_sigma)[1]
    lat.lower <- c(fit$par[2] - 1.96 * prop_sigma)[4]
    lon.upper <- c(fit$par[1] + 1.96 * prop_sigma)[1]
    lat.upper <- c(fit$par[2] + 1.96 * prop_sigma)[4]
    matrix(c(fit$par[1], fit$par[2], lon.lower, lat.lower, 
             lon.upper, lat.upper), ncol = 6)
  out <- data.frame(site = unique(site[site != 0]), t(sapply(split(tw[site != 0, ], f = site[site != 0]), mod)))
  rep = TRUE
  ite = 1
  repeat {
    for (i in 1:(length(site[site != 0 & !duplicated(site)]) - 1)) {
      dist0 <- rdist.earth(out[i:(i + 1), 2:3])[2, 1]
      if (dist0 <= distThreshold) 
    if (i < (length(site[site != 0 & !duplicated(site)]) - 1)) {
      site[(which(site == i)[1]):(which(site == (i + 1))[sum(site == (i + 1))])] <- i
      site[which(site > i)] <- site[which(site > i)] - 1
    } else rep = FALSE
    out <- data.frame(site = unique(site[site != 0]), t(sapply(split(tw[site !=  0, ], f = site[site != 0]), mod)))
    if (!rep) 
    else ite <- ite + 1
  if (plot) {
    hours0 <- as.numeric(format(tw[, 1], "%H")) + as.numeric(format(tw[, 1], "%M"))/60
    crd0 <- out[match(site, out$site), 2:3]
    crd0[!is.na(crd0[,1]),] <- crds0[!is.na(crd0[,1]),]
    hours1 <- twilight(tw[, 1], rise = ifelse(tw[, 2] == 1, TRUE, FALSE), zenith = 90 - degElevation, 
                       lon = out[match(site, out$site), 2], lat = out[match(site, out$site), 3])
    hours1 <- as.numeric(format(hours1, "%H")) + as.numeric(format(hours1, "%M"))/60
    hours2 <- twilight(tw[, 1], rise = ifelse(tw[, 2] == 1, TRUE, FALSE), zenith = 90 - degElevation, 
                       lon = out[match(site, out$site), 4], lat = out[match(site, out$site), 3])
    hours2 <- as.numeric(format(hours2, "%H")) + as.numeric(format(hours2,"%M"))/60
    hours3 <- twilight(tw[, 1], rise = ifelse(tw[, 2] == 1, TRUE, FALSE), zenith = 90 - degElevation, 
                       lon = out[match(site, out$site), 6], lat = out[match(site, out$site), 3])
    hours3 <- as.numeric(format(hours3, "%H")) + as.numeric(format(hours3,"%M"))/60
    for (t in 1:2) {
      cor <- rep(NA, 24)
      for (i in 0:23) {
        cor[i + 1] <- max(abs((c(hours0[tw$type == t][1], 
                                 hours0[tw$type == t]) + i)%%24 - 
                                (c(hours0[tw$type == t], 
                                   hours0[tw$type == t][length(hours0)]) +i)%%24), 
                          na.rm = T)
      hours0[tw$type == t] <- (hours0[tw$type == t] + (which.min(round(cor,2))) - 1)%%24
      hours1[tw$type == t] <- (hours1[tw$type == t] + (which.min(round(cor,2))) - 1)%%24
      hours2[tw$type == t] <- (hours2[tw$type == t] + (which.min(round(cor,2))) - 1)%%24
      hours3[tw$type == t] <- (hours3[tw$type == t] + (which.min(round(cor,2))) - 1)%%24
    opar <- par(mfrow = c(5, 1), oma = c(5, 0, 0, 0), mar = c(1.5,5, 1, 1))
    mig1 <- site0
    mig1[mig1 > 0] <- 1
    mig2 <- site
    mig2[mig2 > 0] <- 1
    plot(tw[, 1], ifelse(mig2 > 0, 1, 0), type = "l", yaxt = "n", 
         ylab = NA, ylim = c(0, 1.5), col = "firebrick", lwd = 2, 
         xaxt = "n")
    lines(tw[, 1], ifelse(mig1 > 0, 1, 0), type = "l", lty = 2)
    rect(tw[site > 0 & !duplicated(site), 1], 1.1, 
         tw[site > 0 & !duplicated(site, fromLast = T), 1], 1.4, lwd = 0, 
         col = "grey")
    axis(1, at = seq(tw[1, 1], tw[nrow(tw), 1], length = 10), 
         labels = FALSE)
    plot(tw[tw[, 2] == 1, 1], hours1[tw[, 2] == 1], type = "l", 
         lwd = 2, col = "firebrick", ylab = "Sunrise (red)", 
         xlim = range(tw[, 1]), ylim = range(hours0[tw[, 2] == 1]), xaxt = "n")
    lines(tw[tw[, 2] == 1, 1], hours2[tw[, 2] == 1], type = "l", 
          lwd = 1, lty = 2)
    lines(tw[tw[, 2] == 1, 1], hours3[tw[, 2] == 1], type = "l", 
          lwd = 1, lty = 2)
    points(tw[tw[, 2] == 1, 1], hours0[tw[, 2] == 1], cex = 0.5, 
           pch = 21, col = "black", bg = "firebrick", lwd = 0.5)
    axis(1, at = seq(tw[1, 1], tw[nrow(tw), 1], length = 10), 
         labels = FALSE)
    plot(tw[tw[, 2] == 2, 1], hours1[tw[, 2] == 2], type = "l", 
         lwd = 2, col = "cornflowerblue", ylab = "Sunset (blue)", 
         xlim = range(tw[, 1]), ylim = range(hours0[tw[, 2] == 
                                                      2]), xaxt = "n")
    lines(tw[tw[, 2] == 2, 1], hours2[tw[, 2] == 2], type = "l", 
          lwd = 1, lty = 2)
    lines(tw[tw[, 2] == 2, 1], hours3[tw[, 2] == 2], type = "l", 
          lwd = 1, lty = 2)
    points(tw[tw[, 2] == 2, 1], hours0[tw[, 2] == 2], cex = 0.5, 
           pch = 21, col = "black", bg = "cornflowerblue", lwd = 0.5)
    axis(1, at = seq(tw[1, 1], tw[nrow(tw), 1], length = 10), 
         labels = FALSE)
    plot(tw[, 1], crds0[, 1], type = "o", pch = 16, cex = 0.5, 
         xaxt = "n", ylab = "Longitude", cex.lab = 1.7, xlab = "")
    abline(v = c(tw[site0 > 0 & !duplicated(site0), 1], 
                 tw[site0 > 0 & !duplicated(site0, fromLast = T), 1]), lty = 2)
    abline(v = c(tw[site > 0 & !duplicated(site), 1], 
                 tw[site > 0 & !duplicated(site, fromLast = T), 1]), lwd = 1.5, 
           col = "firebrick")
    axis(1, at = seq(tw[1, 1], tw[nrow(tw), 1], length = 10), 
         labels = FALSE)
    plot(tw[, 1], crds0[, 2], type = "o", pch = 16, cex = 0.5, 
         xaxt = "n", ylab = "Latitude", cex.lab = 1.7, xlab = "")
    abline(v = c(tw[site0 > 0 & !duplicated(site0), 1], 
                 tw[site0 > 0 & !duplicated(site0, fromLast = T), 1]), lty = 2)
    abline(v = c(tw[site > 0 & !duplicated(site), 1], 
                 tw[site > 0 & !duplicated(site, fromLast = T), 1]), lwd = 1.5, 
           col = "firebrick")
    axis(1, at = seq(tw[1, 1], tw[nrow(tw), 1], length = 10), 
         labels = format(seq(tw[1, 1], tw[nrow(tw), 1], length = 10), "%d-%b"))
    mtext("Date", 1, outer = T, line = 1.6, cex = 1.2)
  names(out) <- c("site", "Lon", "Lat", "Lon.upper", "Lat.upper", 
                  "Lon.lower", "Lat.lower")
  list(site = site, summary = out)

##' Filter for unrealistic positions within a track based on distance
##' The filter identifies unrealistic positions. The maximal distance per
##' hour/day can be set corresponding to the particular species.
##' Note that this type of filter significantly depends on the calibration
##' (\code{degElevation}). Especially during equinox periods. In contrast, the
##' (\code{loessFilter}) is independent from positions (uses twilight times) 
##' and therefore superior.
##' @param tFirst vector of sunrise/sunset times (e.g. 2008-12-01 08:30).
##' @param tSecond vector of of sunrise/sunset times (e.g. 2008-12-01 17:30).
##' @param type vector of either 1 or 2, defining \code{tFirst} as sunrise or sunset respectively.
##' @param twl data.frame containing twilights and at least \code{tFirst}, \code{tSecond} and \code{type} (alternatively give each parameter separately).
##' @param degElevation sun elevation angle in degrees (e.g. -6 for "civil
##' twilight")
##' @param distance the maximal distance in km per \code{units}. Distances above
##' will be considered as unrealistic.
##' @param units the time unite corresponding to the distance. Default is
##' "hour", alternative option is "day".
##' @return Logical \code{vector}. TRUE means the particular position passed the filter.
##' @author Simeon Lisovski, Fraenzi Korner-Nievergelt
##' @importFrom stats loess
##' @export distanceFilter
distanceFilter <- function(tFirst, tSecond, type, twl, degElevation = -6, distance, units = "hour") {
  tab <- i.argCheck(as.list(environment())[sapply(environment(), FUN = function(x) any(class(x)!='name'))])   
  if(units=="days") units <- distance/24
  tFirst <- as.POSIXct(tab$tFirst, tz = "GMT")
  tSecond<- as.POSIXct(tab$tSecond, tz = "GMT")
  type <- tab$type
  tSunTransit <- tFirst + (tSecond-tFirst)/2
  crds  <- coord(tab, degElevation, note=FALSE)
  crds[is.na(crds[,2]),2] <- 999
  difft <- as.numeric(difftime(tSunTransit[-length(tSunTransit)],tSunTransit[-1],units="hours"))
  diffs <- abs(as.numeric(i.loxodrom.dist(crds[-nrow(crds), 1], crds[-nrow(crds), 2], crds[-1, 1], crds[-1, 2]))/difft)
  index <- rep(TRUE,length(tFirst))
  index[diffs>distance] <- FALSE
  index[crds[,2]==999] <- TRUE
  cat(paste("Note: ",length(index[!index])," of ",length(index[crds[,2]!=999])," positions were filtered (",floor((length(index[!index])*100)/length(index[crds[,2]!=999]))," %)",sep=""))

#' Transformation of *.gle files
#' Function to transform *.gle files derived by the software GeoLocator for
#' further analyses in \bold{\code{GeoLight}}.
#' The *.gle file derived by the software "GeoLocator" (Swiss Ornithological
#' Institute) is a table with interpolated light intensities over time gathered
#' from the *.glf file. Furthermore a column defines wether the light intensity
#' passes the defined light intensity threshold in the morning (sunrise) or in
#' the evening (sunset). This information is used in \code{gleTrans()}, to
#' create a table with two subsequent twilight events (\emph{tFirst, tSecond})
#' and \emph{type} defining wether \emph{tFirst} refers to sunrise (1) or
#' sunset (2). Date and time information will be transferred into a
#' \code{GeoLight} appropriate format (see: \code{\link{as.POSIXct}}).
#' @param file the full patch and filename with suffix of the *.gle file.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} suitable for further use in
#' \bold{\code{GeoLight}}.
#' @author Simeon Lisovski
#' @seealso \code{\link{glfTrans}}
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export gleTrans
gleTrans <- function(file) {
  gle1 <- read.table(file,sep="\t",skip=16,col.names=c("date","light","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","type")) # read file
  gle1 <- subset(gle1,gle1$type>0,select=c("date","type"))
  # Date transformation
  year   <- as.numeric(substring(gle1$date,7,10))
  month  <- as.numeric(substring(gle1$date,4,5))
  day    <- as.numeric(substring(gle1$date,1,2))
  hour   <- as.numeric(substring(gle1$date,12,13))
  min    <- as.numeric(substring(gle1$date,15,16))
  gmt.date <- paste(year,"-", month,"-",day," ",hour,":",min,":",0,sep="")
  gmt.date <- as.POSIXct(strptime(gmt.date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "UTC")
  gle <- data.frame(date=gmt.date,type=gle1$type)
  opt <- data.frame(tFirst=as.POSIXct("1900-01-01 01:01","UTC"),tSecond=as.POSIXct("1900-01-01 01:01","UTC"),type=0)
  row <- 1
  for (i in 1:(length(gmt.date)-1))
    if (abs(as.numeric(difftime(gle$date[i],gle$date[i+1],units="hours")))< 18 & gle$date[i] != gle$date[i+1])
      opt[row,1] <- gle$date[i]
      opt[row,2] <- gle$date[i+1]
      opt[row,3] <- gle$type[i]
      row <- row+1

#' Transformation of *.glf files
#' Transform *.glf files derived by the software GeoLocator for further
#' analyses in \bold{\code{GeoLight}}.
#' The *.glf files produced by the software GeoLocator (Swiss Ornithological
#' Institute) is a table with light intensity measurements over time.
#' \code{glfTrans} produces a table with these measurements and transfer the
#' data and time information into the format required by \bold{\code{GeoLight}}
#' format (see: \code{\link{as.POSIXct}}).
#' @param file the full patch and filename with suffix of the *.glf file.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} suitable for further use in
#' \bold{\code{GeoLight}}.
#' @author Simeon Lisovski
#' @seealso \code{\link{gleTrans}}; \code{\link{luxTrans}} for transforming
#' *.lux files produced by \emph{Migrate Technology Ltd}
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export glfTrans
glfTrans <- function(file="/path/file.glf") {
  glf1 <- read.table(file,sep="\t",skip=6,col.names=c("datetime","light","1","2","3")) # read file
  # Date transformation
  year   <- as.numeric(substring(glf1$datetime,7,10))
  month  <- as.numeric(substring(glf1$datetime,4,5))
  day    <- as.numeric(substring(glf1$datetime,1,2))
  hour   <- as.numeric(substring(glf1$datetime,12,13))
  min    <- as.numeric(substring(glf1$datetime,15,16))
  gmt.date <- paste(year,"-", month,"-",day," ",hour,":",min,":",0,sep="")
  gmt.date <- as.POSIXct(strptime(gmt.date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "UTC")
  glf <- data.frame(datetime=gmt.date,light=glf1$light)

#' Hill-Ekstrom calibration
#' Hill-Ekstrom calibration for one or multiple stationary periods.
#' The \emph{Hill-Ekstrom calibration} has been suggested by Hill & Braun
#' (2001) and Ekstrom (2004), and allows for calibrating data during stationary
#' periods at unknown latitudinal positions. The Hill-Ekstrom calibration bases
#' on an increasing error range in latitudes with an increasing mismatch
#' between light level threshold and the used sun angle. This error is strongly
#' amplified with proximity to the equinox times due to decreasing slope of day
#' length variation with latitude. Furthermore, the sign of the error switches
#' at the equinox, i.e. latitude is overestimated before the equinox and
#' underestimated after the equinox (or vice versa depending on autumnal/vernal
#' equinox, hemisphere, and sign of the mismatch between light level threshold
#' and sun angle). When calculating the positions of a stationary period, the
#' variance in latitude is minimal if the sun elevation angle fits to the
#' defined light level threshold. Moreover, the accuracy of positions increases
#' with decreasing variance in latitudes. \bold{However, the method is only
#' applicable for stationary periods and under stable shading intensities}. The
#' plot produced by the function may help to judge visually if the calculated
#' sun elevation angles are realistic (e.g. site 2 in the example below) or not
#' (e.g. site 3 in the example below.
##' @param tFirst vector of sunrise/sunset times (e.g. 2008-12-01 08:30).
##' @param tSecond vector of of sunrise/sunset times (e.g. 2008-12-01 17:30).
##' @param type vector of either 1 or 2, defining \code{tFirst} as sunrise or sunset respectively.
##' @param twl data.frame containing twilights and at least \code{tFirst}, \code{tSecond} and \code{type} (alternatively give each parameter separately).
##' @param site a \code{numerical vector} assigning each row to a particular
##' period. Stationary periods in numerical order and values >0,
##' migration/movement periods 0
##' @param start.angle a single sun elevation angle. The combined process of
##' checking for minimal variance in resulting latitude, which is the initial
##' value for the sun elevation angle in the iterative process of identifying
##' the latitudes with the least variance
##' @param distanceFilter logical, if TRUE the \code{\link{distanceFilter}} will
##' be used to filter unrealistic positions
##' @param distance if \code{distanceFilter} is set \code{TRUE} a threshold
##' distance in km has to be set (see: \code{\link{distanceFilter}})
##' @param plot logical, if TRUE the function will give a plot with all relevant
##' information
##' @return A \code{vector} of sun elevation angles corresponding to the
##' Hill-Ekstrom calibration for each defined period.
##' @author Simeon Lisovski
##' @references Ekstrom, P.A. (2004) An advance in geolocation by light.
##' \emph{Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research}, Special Issue,
##' \bold{58}, 210-226.
##' Hill, C. & Braun, M.J. (2001) Geolocation by light level - the next step:
##' Latitude. In: \emph{Electronic Tagging and Tracking in Marine Fisheries}
##' (eds J.R. Sibert & J. Nielsen), pp. 315-330. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The
##' Netherlands.
##' Lisovski, S., Hewson, C.M, Klaassen, R.H.G., Korner-Nievergelt, F.,
##' Kristensen, M.W & Hahn, S. (2012) Geolocation by light: Accuracy and
##' precision affected by environmental factors. \emph{Methods in Ecology and
##' Evolution}, DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00185.x.
##' @examples
##' data(hoopoe2)
##'   hoopoe2$tFirst <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tFirst, tz = "GMT")
##'   hoopoe2$tSecond <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tSecond, tz = "GMT")
##' residency <- with(hoopoe2, changeLight(tFirst,tSecond,type, rise.prob=0.1, 
##'                   set.prob=0.1, plot=FALSE, summary=FALSE))
##' HillEkstromCalib(hoopoe2,site = residency$site)
##' @importFrom grDevices grey.colors
##' @importFrom graphics abline axis mtext legend lines par plot points text
##' @importFrom stats var na.omit
##' @export HillEkstromCalib
HillEkstromCalib <- function(tFirst, tSecond, type, twl, site, start.angle=-6, distanceFilter=FALSE, distance, plot=TRUE) {
  tab <- i.argCheck(as.list(environment())[sapply(environment(), FUN = function(x) any(class(x)!='name'))])   
  tFirst <- tab$tFirst
  tSecond <- tab$tSecond
  type <- tab$type
  sites <- as.numeric(length(levels(as.factor(site[as.numeric(site)!=0]))))
  HECalib <- rep(NA,sites)
  for(j in 1:sites) {
    b <- 0
    start <- start.angle
      # backwards
      if(start-((b*0.1)-0.1) < -9) {
        HECalib[j] <- NA
      t0 <- var(na.omit(coord(tab[site==j,], degElevation = start-((b*0.1)-0.1), note = F)[,2]))
      t1 <- var(na.omit(coord(tab[site==j,], degElevation = start-(b*0.1), note = F)[,2]))
      t2 <- var(na.omit(coord(tab[site==j,], degElevation = start-((b*0.1)+0.1), note = F)[,2]))
      if(sum(is.na(c(t0,t1,t2)))>0) {
        HECalib[j] <- NA
      if(t0>t1 & t1<t2) {
        HECalib[j] <- start-(b*0.1)
      # forward
      if(start-((b*0.1)-0.1) > 9) {
        HECalib[j] <- NA
      f0 <- var(na.omit(coord(tab[site==j,], degElevation = start+((b*0.1)-0.1), note = F)[,2]))
      f1 <- var(na.omit(coord(tab[site==j,], degElevation = start+(b*0.1), note = F)[,2]))
      f2 <- var(na.omit(coord(tab[site==j,], degElevation = start+((b*0.1)+0.1), note = F)[,2]))
      if(sum(is.na(c(f0,f1,f2)))>0) {
        HECalib[j] <- NA
      if(f0>f1 & f1<f2) {
        HECalib[j] <- start+(b*0.1)
      b <- b+1
  if(plot) {

      opar <- par(mfrow = c(sites, 2), oma = c(3, 5, 6, 2), mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2))
      for(j in 1:sites){
          plot(0,0,cex=0,pch=20,col="white",ylab="",xlab="",xaxt="n",yaxt="n", bty = "n")
          plot(0,0,cex=0,pch=20,col="white",ylab="",xlab="",xaxt="n",yaxt="n", bty="n")
        } else {
          angles <- c(seq(HECalib[j]-2,HECalib[j]+2,0.2))
          latM <- matrix(ncol=length(angles),nrow=length(tFirst[site==j]))
          for(i in 1:ncol(latM)){
            latM[,i] <- coord(tab[site==j,], degElevation = c(angles[i]),note=F)[,2]
          latT <- latM
          var1 <- rep(NA,ncol(latT))
          n1   <- rep(NA,ncol(latT))
          min  <- rep(NA,ncol(latT))
          max  <- rep(NA,ncol(latT))
          for(t in 1:length(var1)){
            var1[t] <- var(na.omit(latT[,t]))
            n1[t]   <- length(na.omit(latT[,t]))
            min[t]  <- if(length(na.omit(latT[,t]))<=1) NA else min(na.omit(latT[,t]))
            max[t]  <- if(length(na.omit(latT[,t]))<=1) NA else max(na.omit(latT[,t]))
          colors <- grey.colors(length(angles))
          for(p in 2:ncol(latT)){
          lines(tFirst[site==j],coord(tab[site==j,], degElevation = HECalib[j], note=F)[,2],col="tomato2",type="o",lwd=2,cex=1,pch=19)
          if(j==sites) mtext("Latitude",side=2,line=3)
          if(j==sites) mtext("Date",side=1,line=2.8)
          if(j==sites) mtext("Sun elevation angles",side=1,line=2.8)
          legend("topright",c(paste(HECalib[j]," degrees",sep=""),"sample size","variance"),pch=c(-1,20,20),lty=c(2,2,2),lwd=c(1.5,0,0),col=c("red","blue","black"),bg="White")
      mtext("Hill-Ekstrom Calibration",cex=1.5,line=0.8,outer=T)


i.JC2000 <- function(jD) {
  # jD: julian Date
  jC<- (jD - 2451545)/36525

i.deg <- function(Rad) {
  # Deg: 	The input angle in radian
  return(Rad * (180/pi))

i.frac <- function(In) {
  # In: 	numerical Number
  return(In - floor(In))

i.get.outliers<-function(residuals, k=3) {
  x <- residuals
  # x is a vector of residuals
  # k is a measure of how many interquartile ranges to take before saying that point is an outlier
  # it looks like 3 is a good preset for k
  QR<-quantile(x, probs = c(0.25, 0.75))
  delete<-which(x<Lower.band |  x>Upper.Band)

i.julianDate <- function(year,month,day,hour,min) {
  # Year:		Year as numeric e.g. 2010
  # Month:	Month as numeric e.g.   1
  # Day:		Day as numeric e.g.		1
  # Hour:		Hour as numeric e.g.   12
  # Min:		Minunte as numeric e.g. 0
  fracOfDay	<- hour/24 + min/1440
  # Julian date (JD)
  # ------------------------------------
  index1 <- month <= 2
  if(sum(index1) > 0)
    year[index1]  <- year[index1] -1
    month[index1] <- month[index1] +12
  index2 <- (year*10000)+(month*100)+day <= 15821004
  JD <- numeric(length(year))
    JD[index2] <- floor(365.25*(year[index2]+4716)) + floor(30.6001*(month[index2]+1)) + day[index2] + fracOfDay[index2] - 1524.5
  index3 <- year*10000+month*100+day >= 15821015
  if (sum(index3)>0)
    a <- floor(year/100)
    b <- 2 - a + floor(a/4)
    JD[index3] <- floor(365.25*(year[index3]+4716)) + floor(30.6001*(month[index3]+1)) + day[index3] + fracOfDay[index3] + b[index3] - 1524.5
  JD[!index2&!index3] <- 1

i.loxodrom.dist <- function(x1, y1, x2, y2, epsilon=0.0001){

i.preSelection <- function(datetime, light, LightThreshold){
  dt <- cut(datetime,"1 hour")
  st <- as.POSIXct(levels(dt),"UTC")
  raw <- data.frame(datetime=dt,light=light)
  h  <- tapply(light,dt,max)
  df1 <- data.frame(datetime=st+(30*60),light=as.numeric(h))
  smooth <- i.twilightEvents(df1[,1], df1[,2], LightThreshold)
  smooth <- data.frame(id=1:nrow(smooth),smooth)
  raw    <- i.twilightEvents(datetime, light, LightThreshold)
  raw <- data.frame(id=1:nrow(raw),raw)
  ind2 <- rep(NA,nrow(smooth))
  for(i in 1:nrow(smooth)){
    tmp <- subset(raw,datetime>=(smooth[i,2]-(90*60)) & datetime<=(smooth[i,2]+(90*60)))
    if(smooth[i,3]==1) ind3 <- tmp$id[which.min(tmp[,2])]
    if(smooth[i,3]==2) ind3 <- tmp$id[which.max(tmp[,2])]
    ind2[i] <- ind3
  res <- data.frame(raw,mod=1)
  res$mod[ind2] <- 0

i.rad <- function(Deg) {
  # Deg: 	The input angle in degrees
  return(Deg * (pi/180))

i.radDeclination <- function(radEclipticalLength,radObliquity) {
  # RadEclipticLength: The angle between an object's rotational axis, and a line perpendicular to its orbital plane.
  # EadObliquity:
  dec <- asin(sin(radObliquity)*sin(radEclipticalLength))

i.radEclipticLongitude <- function(jC) {
  # jC: Number of julian centuries from the julianian epoch J2000 (2000-01-01 12:00
  radMeanAnomaly <- 2*pi*i.frac(0.993133 + 99.997361*jC)
  EclipticLon    <- 2*pi*i.frac(0.7859452 + radMeanAnomaly/(2*pi) + (6893*sin(radMeanAnomaly) + 72*sin(2*radMeanAnomaly) + 6191.2*jC) / 1296000)

i.radGMST <- function(jD,jD0,jC,jC0) {
  # jD:  Julian Date with Hour and Minute
  # jD0: Julan Date at t 0 UT
  # jC:  Number of julian centuries from the julianian epoch J2000 (2000-01-01 12:00)
  # jC0: Number of julian centuries from the julianian epoch J2000 (2000-01-01 12:00) at t 0 UT
  UT  <- 86400 * (jD-jD0)
  st0 <- 24110.54841 + 8640184.812866*jC0 + 1.0027379093*UT + (0.093104 - 0.0000062*jC0)*jC0*jC0
  gmst<- (((2*pi)/86400)*(st0%%86400))

i.radObliquity <- function(jC) {
  # jC: Number of julian centuries from the julianian epoch J2000 (2000-01-01 12:00)
  degObliquity <- 23.43929111 - (46.8150 + (0.00059 - 0.001813 *jC)*jC) *jC/3600
  radObliquity <- i.rad(degObliquity)

i.radRightAscension <- function(RadEclipticalLength,RadObliquity) {
  # RadEclipticLength: The angle between an object's rotational axis, and a line perpendicular to its orbital plane.
  # EadObliquity:
  index1 <- (cos(RadEclipticalLength) < 0)
  res <- numeric(length(RadEclipticalLength))
  if (sum(index1)>0)
    res[index1] <- (atan((cos(RadObliquity[index1])*sin(RadEclipticalLength[index1]))/cos(RadEclipticalLength[index1])) + pi)
  index2 <- (cos(RadEclipticalLength) >= 0)
  if (sum(index2)>0)
    res[index2] <- (atan((cos(RadObliquity[index2])*sin(RadEclipticalLength[index2]))/cos(RadEclipticalLength[index2])))

i.setToRange <- function(Start,Stop,Angle) {
  # Start:	 Minimal value of the range in degrees
  # Stop: 	 Maximal value of the range in degrees
  # Angle:	 The angle that should be fit to the range
  angle <- Angle
  range <- Stop - Start
  index1 <- angle >= Stop
  if (sum(index1, na.rm = T)>0) angle[index1] <- angle[index1] - (floor((angle[index1]-Stop)/range)+1)*range
  index2 <- angle < Start
  if(sum(index2, na.rm = T)>0) angle[index2] <- angle[index2]  + ceiling(abs(angle[index2] -Start)/range)*range

i.sum.Cl <- function(object) {
    cat("Probability threshold(s):")
    if(!is.na(object$rise.prob)) cat(paste("	Sunrise: ",object$rise.prob))
    if(!is.na(object$set.prob)) cat(paste("	Sunset: ",object$set.prob))
    cat("Migration schedule table:")
  } else {
    cat("Error: List must be the output list of the changeLight function.")

#' Filter to remove noise in light intensity measurements during the night
#' The filter identifies and removes light intensities oczillating around the
#' baseline or few light intensities resulting in a short light peak during the
#' night. Such noise during the night will increase the calculated twilight
#' events using the function \code{\link{twilightCalc}} and therewith the
#' manual work to remove these false twilight events.
#' The filter searches for light levels above the baseline and compares the
#' prior and posterior levels. If these values are below the threshold the
#' particular light level will be reduced to the baseline. A few (usually two)
#' iterations might be enough to remove most noise during the night (however,
#' not if such noise occurs at the begining or at the end were not enough prior
#' or posterior values are available).
#' @param light \code{numerical} value of the light intensity (usually
#' arbitrary units).
#' @param baseline the light intensity baseline (no light). If \code{Default},
#' it will be calculated as the most frequent value below the mean light
#' intensities.
#' @param iter a \code{numerical} value, specifying how many iterations should
#' be computed (see details).
#' @return numerical \code{vector} with the new light levels. Same length as
#' the initial light vector.
#' @author Simeon Lisovski
#' @examples
#' night <- rep(0,50); night[runif(4,0,50)] <- 10; night[runif(4,0,50)] <- -5
#' nightday <- c(night,rep(30,50))
#' plot(nightday,type="l",ylim=c(-5,30),ylab="light level",xlab="time (time)")
#' light2 <- lightFilter(nightday, baseline=0, iter=4)
#' lines(light2,col="red")
#' legend("bottomright",c("before","after"),lty=c(1,1),col=c("black","red"),bty="n")
#' @export lightFilter
lightFilter <- function(light, baseline=NULL, iter=2){
  r <- as.data.frame(table(light))
  r[,1] <- as.character(r[,1])
  nr <- as.numeric(which.max(r$Freq[as.numeric(r[,1])<mean(light)]))
  LightThreshold <- ifelse(is.null(baseline),as.numeric(r[nr,1]),baseline)
  light[light<LightThreshold] <- LightThreshold
  index <- which(light<mean(light) & light!= LightThreshold)
  rep   <- rep(FALSE,length(light))
  for(i in 1:iter){
    for(i in index[index>5 & index<(length(light)-5)]){
      if(any(light[seq(i-5,i)]==LightThreshold)) back <- TRUE
      if(any(light[seq(i,i+5)]==LightThreshold)) forw <- TRUE
      if(back & forw) rep[i] <- TRUE
    light[rep] <- LightThreshold

##' Filter to remove outliers in defined twilight times based on smoother function
##' This filter defines outliers based on residuals from a local polynomial
##' regression fitting provcess (\code{\link{loess}}).
##' @param tFirst vector of sunrise/sunset times (e.g. 2008-12-01 08:30).
##' @param tSecond vector of of sunrise/sunset times (e.g. 2008-12-01 17:30).
##' @param type vector of either 1 or 2, defining \code{tFirst} as sunrise or sunset respectively.
##' @param twl data.frame containing twilights and at least \code{tFirst}, \code{tSecond} and \code{type} (alternatively give each parameter separately).
##' @param k a measure of how many interquartile ranges to take before saying
##' that a particular twilight event is an outlier
##' @param plot codelogical, if TRUE a plot indicating the filtered times will
##' be produced.
##' @return Logical \code{vector} matching positions that pass the filter.
##' @author Simeon Lisovski & Eldar Rakhimberdiev
##' @importFrom graphics axis mtext legend lines par plot points
##' @importFrom stats loess predict residuals
##' @export loessFilter
loessFilter <- function(tFirst, tSecond, type, twl, k = 3, plot = TRUE){
  tab <- i.argCheck(as.list(environment())[sapply(environment(), FUN = function(x) any(class(x)!='name'))])   
  tw <- data.frame(datetime = .POSIXct(c(tab$tFirst, tab$tSecond), "GMT"), 
                   type = c(tab$type, ifelse(tab$type == 1, 2, 1)))
  tw <- tw[!duplicated(tw$datetime),]
  tw <- tw[order(tw[,1]),]
  hours <- as.numeric(format(tw[,1],"%H"))+as.numeric(format(tw[,1],"%M"))/60
  for(t in 1:2){
    cor <- rep(NA, 24)
    for(i in 0:23){
      cor[i+1] <- max(abs((c(hours[tw$type==t][1],hours[tw$type==t])+i)%%24 -
    hours[tw$type==t] <- (hours[tw$type==t] + (which.min(round(cor,2)))-1)%%24
  dawn <- data.frame(id=1:sum(tw$type==1),
                     hours = hours[tw$type==1], filter=FALSE)
  dusk <- data.frame(id=1:sum(tw$type==2),
                     hours = hours[tw$type==2], filter=FALSE)
  for(d in seq(30,k,length=5)){
    predict.dawn <- predict(loess(dawn$hours[!dawn$filter]~as.numeric(dawn$datetime[!dawn$filter]),span=0.1))
    predict.dusk <- predict(loess(dusk$hours[!dusk$filter]~as.numeric(dusk$datetime[!dusk$filter]),span=0.1))
    del.dawn <-	i.get.outliers(as.vector(residuals(loess(dawn$hours[!dawn$filter]~
    del.dusk <-	i.get.outliers(as.vector(residuals(loess(dusk$hours[!dusk$filter]~
    if(length(del.dawn)>0) dawn$filter[!dawn$filter][del.dawn] <- TRUE
    if(length(del.dusk)>0) dusk$filter[!dusk$filter][del.dusk] <- TRUE
    opar <- par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=c(3,3,0.5,3),oma=c(2,2,0,0))
    lines(dawn$datetime[!dawn$filter], predict(loess(dawn$hours[!dawn$filter]~as.numeric(dawn$datetime[!dawn$filter]),span=0.1)) , type="l")
    lines(dusk$datetime[!dusk$filter], predict(loess(dusk$hours[!dusk$filter]~as.numeric(dusk$datetime[!dusk$filter]),span=0.1)), type="l")
    mtext("Sunrise/Sunset hours (rescaled)",2,outer=T)
  all <- rbind(subset(dusk,filter),subset(dawn,filter))
  filter <- rep(FALSE,length(tab$tFirst))
  filter[as.POSIXct(tab$tFirst, "GMT")%in%all$datetime | as.POSIXct(tab$tSecond, "GMT")%in%all$datetime] <- TRUE

#' Transformation of *.lux files
#' Transform *.lux files derived from \emph{Migrate Technology Ltd} geolocator
#' deviced for further analyses in \bold{\code{GeoLight}}.
#' The *.lux files produced by \emph{Migrate Technology Ltd} are table with
#' light intensity measurements over time. \code{luxTrans} produces a table
#' with these measurements and transfer the data and time information into the
#' format required by \bold{\code{GeoLight}} format (see:
#' \code{\link{as.POSIXct}}).
#' @param file the full patch and filename with suffix of the *.lux file.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} suitable for further use in
#' \bold{\code{GeoLight}}.
#' @author Simeon Lisovski
#' @seealso \code{\link{gleTrans}} for transforming *.glf files produced by the
#' software GeoLocator (\emph{Swiss Ornithological Institute})
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export luxTrans
luxTrans <- function(file) {
  lux1 <- read.table(file,sep="\t",skip=21,col.names=c("datetime","time")) # read file
  lux <- data.frame(datetime=as.POSIXct(strptime(lux1[,1],format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S",tz="UTC")),light=lux1[,2])

#' Transformation of *.lig files
#' Transform *.lig files derived from geolocator
#' deviced for further analyses in \bold{\code{GeoLight}}.
#' @param file the full patch and filename with suffix of the *.lux file.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} suitable for further use in
#' \bold{\code{GeoLight}}.
#' @author Tamara Emmenegger
#' @seealso \code{\link{gleTrans}} for transforming *.glf files produced by the
#' software GeoLocator (\emph{Swiss Ornithological Institute})
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @export ligTrans
ligTrans <- function(file) {
  df <- cbind(read.csv(file,row.names=NULL)[,c(2,4)])
  colnames(df) <- c("datetime", "light")
  df$datetime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(df$datetime,format="%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S",tz="UTC"))

#' Transformation of staroddi files
#' Transform staroddi files derived from geolocator
#' deviced for further analyses in \bold{\code{GeoLight}}.
#' @param file the full patch and filename of the staroddi file.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} suitable for further use in
#' \bold{\code{GeoLight}}.
#' @author Tamara Emmenegger
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export staroddiTrans
staroddiTrans <- function(file){
  df <- cbind(read.table(file,sep="\t")[,c(2,4)])
  colnames(df) <- c("datetime", "light")
  df$datetime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(df$datetime,format="%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S",tz="UTC"))

#' Transformation of *.trn files
#' Transform *.trn files derived from geolocator
#' deviced for further analyses in \bold{\code{GeoLight}}.
#' @param file the full patch and filename of the *.trn file.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} suitable for further use in
#' \bold{\code{GeoLight}}.
#' @author Tamara Emmenegger
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export trnTrans
  tFirst <- vector("numeric",length=(length(data[,1])-1))
  tSecond <- vector("numeric",length=(length(data[,1])-1))
  type <- vector("numeric",length=(length(data[,1])-1))
  for (i in 1:(length(data[,1])-1)){
    tFirst[i] <- as.POSIXct(paste(as.character(date1),prefix=substr(as.character(data$V1[i]),10,17)),tz="UTC")
    tSecond[i] <- as.POSIXct(paste(as.character(date1),prefix=substr(as.character(data$V1[i+1]),10,17)),tz="UTC")
    if(as.character(data$V2[i])=="Sunrise") type[i] <- 1
    if(as.character(data$V2[i])=="Sunset") type[i] <- 2
  output <- data.frame(tFirst=as.POSIXlt(tFirst,origin="1970-01-01",tz="UTC"),tSecond=as.POSIXlt(tSecond,origin="1970-01-01",tz="UTC"),type=type)

## ' Summary of migration/movement pattern
##' Function for making a data frame summarising residency and movement pattern.
##' @param tFirst date and time of sunrise/sunset (e.g. 2008-12-01 08:30)
##' @param tSecond date and time of sunrise/sunset (e.g. 2008-12-01 17:30)
##' @param site a \code{vector}, indicating the residency period of a particular
##' day (see output: \code{\link{changeLight}})
##' @return A \code{data.frame} with end and start date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm, UTC)
##' for each stationary period.
##' @author Simeon Lisovski
##' @examples
##' data(hoopoe2)
##'   hoopoe2$tFirst <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tFirst, tz = "GMT")
##'   hoopoe2$tSecond <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tSecond, tz = "GMT")
##' residency <- changeLight(hoopoe2, rise.prob=0.1, set.prob=0.1, plot=FALSE, summary=FALSE)
##' schedule(hoopoe2[,1], hoopoe2[,2], site = residency$site)
##' @export schedule
schedule <- function(tFirst, tSecond, site) {    
  tm <- tFirst + (tSecond - tFirst)/2
  arr <- tm[!is.na(site) & !duplicated(site)]
  dep <- tm[!is.na(site) & !duplicated(site, fromLast = T)]
  out <- data.frame(Site =  letters[1:length(arr)], Arrival = arr, Departure = dep)
  if(!is.na(site[1])) out$Arrival[1] <- NA
  if(!is.na(site[length(tFirst)])) out$Departure[nrow(out)] <- NA

i.twilightEvents <- function (datetime, light, LightThreshold) 
  df <- data.frame(datetime, light)
  ind1 <- which((df$light[-nrow(df)] < LightThreshold & df$light[-1] > 
                   LightThreshold) | (df$light[-nrow(df)] > LightThreshold & 
                                        df$light[-1] < LightThreshold) | df$light[-nrow(df)] == 
  bas1 <- cbind(df[ind1, ], df[ind1 + 1, ])
  bas1 <- bas1[bas1[, 2] != bas1[, 4], ]
  x1 <- as.numeric(unclass(bas1[, 1]))
  x2 <- as.numeric(unclass(bas1[, 3]))
  y1 <- bas1[, 2]
  y2 <- bas1[, 4]
  m <- (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)
  b <- y2 - (m * x2)
  xnew <- (LightThreshold - b)/m
  type <- ifelse(bas1[, 2] < bas1[, 4], 1, 2)
  res <- data.frame(datetime = as.POSIXct(xnew, origin = "1970-01-01", 
                                          tz = "UTC"), type)

#' Draws sites of residency and adds a convex hull
#' Draw a map (from the \code{R} Package \code{maps}) showing the defined
#' stationary sites
#' @param crds a \code{SpatialPoints} or \code{matrix} object, containing x
#' and y coordinates (in that order).
#' @param site a \code{numerical vector} assigning each row to a particular
#' period. Stationary periods in numerical order and values >0,
#' migration/movement periods 0.
#' @param type either \emph{points}, or \emph{cross} to show all points for each site or only show the mean position of the site with standard deviation.
#' @param quantiles the quantile of the error bars (\emph{cross}) around the median.
#' @param hull \code{logical}, if TRUE a convex hull will be plotted around the points of each site.
#' @param map.range some possibilities to choose defined areas ("World
#' (default)", "EuroAfrica","America","AustralAsia").
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical parameters (see par).
#' @details Standard graphical paramters like \code{pch}, \code{cex}, \code{lwd}, \code{lty} and \code{col} are implemented. 
#' The color can be specified as either a vector of colors (e.g. c("blue", "red", ...)) or as a character string indicating a color ramp (at the moment only "random" and "rainbow" is available )
#' @author Simeon Lisovski & Tamara Emmenegger
#' @examples
#' data(hoopoe2)
#'  hoopoe2$tFirst <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tFirst, tz = "GMT")
#'  hoopoe2$tSecond <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tSecond, tz = "GMT")
#' crds <- coord(hoopoe2, degElevation = -6)
#' filter <- distanceFilter(hoopoe2, distance = 30)
#' site <- changeLight(hoopoe2, rise.prob = 0.1, set.prob = 0.1, plot = FALSE, 
#'  summary = FALSE)$site
#' siteMap(crds[filter,], site[filter], xlim=c(-20,20), ylim=c(0,60), 
#'  lwd=2, pch=20, cex=0.5, main="hoopoe2")
#' @importFrom maps map map.axes
#' @importFrom grDevices chull col2rgb rainbow rgb
#' @importFrom graphics legend mtext par plot points segments
#' @export siteMap
siteMap <- function(crds, site, type = "points", quantiles = c(0.25, 0.75), hull = T, 
                    map.range = c("EuroAfrica", "AustralAsia", "America", "World"), ...) {  
  args <- list(...)
  if(all(map.range==c("EuroAfrica", "AustralAsia", "America", "World")) & sum(names(args)%in%c("xlim", "ylim"))!=2) {
    range <- c(-180, 180, -80, 90)
  if(all(map.range=="EuroAfrica")) range <- c(-24, 55, -55, 70)
  if(all(map.range=="AustralAsia")) range <- c(60, 190, -55, 78)
  if(all(map.range=="America")) range <- c(-170, -20, -65, 78)
  if(all(map.range=="World")) range <- c(-180, 180, -75, 90)
  if(sum(names(args)%in%c("xlim", "ylim"))==2) range <- c(args$xlim, args$ylim)
  # colors for sites
  areColors <- function(x) {
    sapply(x, function(X) {
               error = function(e) FALSE)
  if(any(names(args)%in%"col")) {
    allcolors <- rainbow(60,v=0.85)[1:50]
    if(any(args$col=="rainbow")) {
      col <- allcolors[round(seq(1,50,length.out=length(unique(site))))]
    if(any(args$col=="random")) {
      col <- sample(allcolors[round(seq(1,50,length.out=length(unique(site))))],length(unique(site)),replace = FALSE)
    if(!any(args$col%in%c("random", "rainbow"))) {
      if(!any(areColors(args$col))) stop("invalid colors", call. = FALSE)
      if(length(args$col)!=length(unique(site))) {
        col = rep(args$col, length(unique(site)))[1:length(unique(site))]
        warning("Length of color vector is not equal to number of sites!", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    allcolors <- rainbow(60,v=0.85)[1:50]
    col <- sample(allcolors[round(seq(1,50,length.out=length(unique(site))))],length(unique(site)),replace = FALSE)
  if(sum(names(args)%in%"add")==1) add <- args$add else add = FALSE
  if(!add) {
    opar <- par(mar = c(6,5,1,1))
    plot(NA, xlim=c(range[1],range[2]), ylim=c(range[3],range[4]), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", bty = "n")
    map(xlim=c(range[1],range[2]), ylim=c(range[3],range[4]), fill=T, lwd=0.01, col=c("grey90"), add=TRUE)
    mtext(ifelse(sum(names(args)%in%"xlab")==1, args$xlab, "Longitude"), side=1, line=2.2, font=3)
    mtext(ifelse(sum(names(args)%in%"ylab")==1, args$ylab, "Latitude"), side=2, line=2.5, font=3)
    mtext(ifelse(sum(names(args)%in%"main")==1, args$main, ""), line=0.6, cex=1.2)
  if(type=="points") {
    points(crds[site>0, ], 
           cex = ifelse(any(names(args)=="cex"), args$cex, 0.5),
           pch = ifelse(any(names(args)=="pch"), args$pch, 16),
           col = col[as.numeric(site)])
  if(type=="cross") {
    for (i in 1:max(unique(site))){
      if(!all(is.na(crds[site==i, 2]))){
        tmp.lon <- quantile(crds[site == i, 1], probs = c(quantiles, 0.5), na.rm = T)
        tmp.lat <- quantile(crds[site == i, 2], probs = c(quantiles, 0.5), na.rm = T)
        points(tmp.lon[3], tmp.lat[3],
               col = col[i],
               cex = ifelse(any(names(args)=="cex"), args$cex, 1),
               pch = ifelse(any(names(args)=="pch"), args$pch, 16))
        segments(tmp.lon[1], tmp.lat[3], tmp.lon[2], tmp.lat[3],
               col = col[i],
               lwd = ifelse(any(names(args)=="lwd"), args$lwd, 2))
        segments(tmp.lon[3], tmp.lat[1], tmp.lon[3], tmp.lat[2],
               col = col[i],
               lwd = ifelse(any(names(args)=="lwd"), args$lwd, 2))
  if(hull) {
    for(j in unique(site)){
          if(!all(is.na(crds[site==j, 2]))){
            X <- na.omit(crds[site==j,])
            hpts <- chull(X)
            hpts <- c(hpts,hpts[1])
                 lty = ifelse(sum(names(args)%in%"lty")==1, args$lty, 1),
                       lwd = ifelse(sum(names(args)%in%"lwd")==1, args$lwd, 1),
                       col = col[j])
  legend("bottomright", letters[1:max(site)], 
         pch = ifelse(sum(names(args)%in%"pch")==1, args$pch, 16),
  if(!add) par(opar)

##' Write a file which plots a trip in Google Earth
##' This function creates a .kml file from light intensity measurements over
##' time that can ve viewed as a trip in Google Earth.
##' @param file A character expression giving the whole path and the name of the
##' resulting output file including the .kml extension.
##' @param tFirst date and time of sunrise/sunset (e.g. 2008-12-01 08:30)
##' @param tSecond date and time of sunrise/sunset (e.g. 2008-12-01 17:30)
##' @param type either 1 or 2, defining \code{tFirst} as sunrise or sunset
##' respectively
##' @param degElevation sun elevation angle in degrees (e.g. -6 for "civil
##' twilight"). Either a single value, a \code{vector} with the same length as
##' \code{tFirst}.
##' @param col.scheme the color scheme used for the points. Possible color
##' schemes are: \code{\link{rainbow}}, \code{\link{heat.colors}},
##' \code{\link{topo.colors}}, \code{\link{terrain.colors}}.
##' @param point.alpha a \code{numerical value} indicating the transparency of
##' the point colors on a scale from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
##' @param cex \code{numerical value} for the size of the points.
##' @param line.col An character expression (any of \code{\link{colors}} or
##' hexadecimal notation), or numeric indicating the color of the line
##' connecting the point locations.
##' @return This function returns no data. It creates a .kml file in the in the
##' defined path.
##' @author Simeon Lisovski and Michael U. Kemp
##' @examples
##' \donttest{
##' data(hoopoe2)
##'   hoopoe2$tFirst <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tFirst, tz = "GMT")
##'   hoopoe2$tSecond <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tSecond, tz = "GMT")
##' filter <- distanceFilter(hoopoe2,distance=30)
##' ## takes time
##' ## trip2kml("trip.kml", hoopoe2$tFirst[filter], hoopoe2$tSecond[filter], hoopoe2$type[filter],
##' ##		degElevation=-6, col.scheme="heat.colors", cex=0.7,
##' ##		line.col="goldenrod")
##' @importFrom grDevices rgb
##' @export trip2kml
trip2kml <- function(file, tFirst, tSecond, type, degElevation, col.scheme="heat.colors", point.alpha=0.7, cex=1, line.col="goldenrod")
  if((length(tFirst)+length(type))!=(length(tSecond)+length(type))) stop("tFirst, tSecond and type must have the same length.")
  coord   <- coord(tFirst,tSecond,type,degElevation,note=F)
  index <- !is.na(coord[,2])
  datetime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(ifelse(type==1,substring(tFirst,1,10),substring(tSecond,1,10)),
                                        " ",ifelse(type==1,"12:00:00","00:00:00"),sep=""),format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),"UTC")
  coord   <- coord[index,]
  longitude <- coord[,1]
  latitude <- coord[,2]
  date <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(datetime[index]), split = " "))[seq(1,
                                                                           ((length(datetime[index]) * 2) - 1), by = 2)]
  time <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(datetime[index]), split = " "))[seq(2,
                                                                           ((length(datetime[index]) * 2)), by = 2)]
  if(length(!is.na(coord[,2]))<1) stop("Calculation of coordinates results in zero spatial information.")
  if ((col.scheme%in% c("rainbow", "heat.colors", "terrain.colors", "topo.colors",
                        "cm.colors"))==F) stop("The col.scheme has been misspecified.")
  seq   <- seq(as.POSIXct(datetime[1]),as.POSIXct(datetime[length(datetime)]),by=12*60*60)
  index2<- ifelse(!is.na(merge(data.frame(d=datetime[index],t=TRUE),data.frame(d=seq,t=FALSE),by="d",all.y=T)[,2]),TRUE,FALSE)
  usable.colors <- strsplit(eval(parse(text = paste(col.scheme,
                                                    "(ifelse(length(index2) < 1000, length(index2), 1000), alpha=point.alpha)",
                                                    sep = ""))), split = "")[index2]
  usable.line.color <- strsplit(rgb(col2rgb(line.col)[1,
                                                      1], col2rgb(line.col)[2, 1], col2rgb(line.col)[3,
                                                                                                     1], col2rgb(line.col, alpha = 1)[4, 1], maxColorValue = 255),
                                split = "")
  date <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(datetime), split = " "))[seq(1,
                                                                    ((length(datetime) * 2) - 1), by = 2)]
  time <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(datetime), split = " "))[seq(2,
                                                                    ((length(datetime) * 2)), by = 2)]
  scaling.parameter <- rep(cex, length(latitude))
  data.variables <- NULL
  filename <- file
  write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>", filename)
  write("<kml xmlns=\"http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2\">", filename,
        append = TRUE)
  write("<Document>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write(paste("<name>", filename, "</name>", sep = " "),
        filename, append = TRUE)
  write("  <open>1</open>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("\t<description>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("\t  <![CDATA[Generated using <a href=\"http://simeonlisovski.wordpress.com/geolight\">GeoLight</a>]]>",
        filename, append = TRUE)
  write("\t</description>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("<Folder>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("  <name>Points</name>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("<open>0</open>", filename, append = TRUE)
  for (i in 1:length(latitude)) {
    write("<Placemark id='point'>", filename, append = TRUE)
    write(paste("<name>", as.character(as.Date(datetime[i])), "</name>", sep = ""),
          filename, append = TRUE)
    write("  <TimeSpan>", filename, append = TRUE)
    write(paste("    <begin>", date[i], "T", time[i], "Z</begin>",
                sep = ""), filename, append = TRUE)
    write(paste("    <end>", date[ifelse(i == length(latitude),
                                         i, i + 1)], "T", time[ifelse(i == length(latitude),
                                                                      i, i + 1)], "Z</end>", sep = ""), filename, append = TRUE)
    write("  </TimeSpan>", filename, append = TRUE)
    write("<visibility>1</visibility>", filename, append = TRUE)
    write("<description>", filename, append = TRUE)
    write(paste("<![CDATA[<TABLE border='1'><TR><TD><B>Variable</B></TD><TD><B>Value</B></TD></TR><TR><TD>Date/Time</TD><TD>",
                datetime[i], "</TD></TR><TR><TD>lat long</TD><TD>",
                paste(latitude[i], longitude[i], sep = " "),
                "</TABLE>]]>", sep = "", collapse = ""), filename,
          append = TRUE)
    write("</description>", filename, append = TRUE)
    write("\t<Style>", filename, append = TRUE)
    write("\t<IconStyle>", filename, append = TRUE)
    write(paste("\t\t<color>", paste(noquote(usable.colors[[i]][c(8,
                                                                  9, 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3)]), collapse = ""), "</color>",
                sep = ""), filename, append = TRUE)
    write(paste("  <scale>", scaling.parameter[i], "</scale>",
                sep = ""), filename, append = TRUE)
    write("\t<Icon>", filename, append = TRUE)
          filename, append = TRUE)
    write("\t</Icon>", filename, append = TRUE)
    write("\t</IconStyle>", filename, append = TRUE)
    write("\t</Style>", filename, append = TRUE)
    write("\t<Point>", filename, append = TRUE)
    write(paste("\t<altitudeMode>", "relativeToGround", "</altitudeMode>",
                sep = ""), filename, append = TRUE)
    write("<tesselate>1</tesselate>", filename, append = TRUE)
    write("<extrude>1</extrude>", filename, append = TRUE)
    write(paste("\t  <coordinates>", longitude[i], ",", latitude[i],
                ",", 1,
                "</coordinates>", sep = ""), filename, append = TRUE)
    write("\t</Point>", filename, append = TRUE)
    write(" </Placemark>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("</Folder>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("<Placemark>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("  <name>Line Path</name>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("  <Style>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("    <LineStyle>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write(paste("\t<color>", paste(noquote(usable.line.color[[1]][c(8,
                                                                  9, 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3)]), collapse = ""), "</color>", sep = ""),
        filename, append = TRUE)
  write(paste("      <width>1</width>", sep = ""), filename,
        append = TRUE)
  write("    </LineStyle>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("  </Style>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("  <LineString>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("    <extrude>0</extrude>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("    <tessellate>1</tessellate>", filename, append = TRUE)
              sep = ""), filename, append = TRUE)
  write(paste("     <coordinates>", noquote(paste(longitude,
                                                  ",", latitude, sep = "", collapse = " ")), "</coordinates>",
              sep = ""), filename, append = TRUE)
  write("    </LineString>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("</Placemark>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("</Document>", filename, append = TRUE)
  write("</kml>", filename, append = TRUE)

#' Draw the positions and the trip on a map
#' Draw a map (from the \code{R} Package \code{maps}) with calculated positions
#' connected by a line
#' @param crds a \code{SpatialPoints} or \code{matrix} object, containing x
#' and y coordinates (in that order).
#' @param equinox logical; if \code{TRUE}, the equinox period(s) is shown as a
#' broken blue line.
#' @param map.range some possibilities to choose defined areas (default:
#' "World").
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical parameters (see par).
#' @param legend \code{logical}; if \code{TRUE}, a legend will be added to the plot.
#' @author Simeon Lisovski
#' @examples
#' data(hoopoe2)
#'  hoopoe2$tFirst <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tFirst, tz = "GMT")
#'  hoopoe2$tSecond <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tSecond, tz = "GMT")
#' crds <- coord(hoopoe2, degElevation = -6)
#' tripMap(crds, xlim = c(-20,20), ylim = c(0,60), main="hoopoe2")
#' @importFrom maps map map.axes
#' @importFrom graphics lines legend mtext par plot points
#' @export tripMap
tripMap <- function(crds, equinox=TRUE, map.range=c("EuroAfrica","AustralAsia","America","World"), legend = TRUE, ...) {
  args <- list(...)
  if(all(map.range==c("EuroAfrica", "AustralAsia", "America", "World")) & sum(names(args)%in%c("xlim", "ylim"))!=2) {
    range <- c(-180, 180, -80, 90)
  if(all(map.range=="EuroAfrica")) range <- c(-24, 55, -55, 70)
  if(all(map.range=="AustralAsia")) range <- c(60, 190, -55, 78)
  if(all(map.range=="America")) range <- c(-170, -20, -65, 78)
  if(all(map.range=="World")) range <- c(-180, 180, -75, 90)
  if(sum(names(args)%in%c("xlim", "ylim"))==2) range <- c(args$xlim, args$ylim)
  if(sum(names(args)%in%"add")==1) add <- args$add else add = FALSE
  if(!add) {
    opar <- par(mar = c(6,5,1,1))
    plot(NA,xlim=c(range[1],range[2]),ylim=c(range[3],range[4]), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
    map(xlim=c(range[1],range[2]),ylim=c(range[3],range[4]), fill=T,lwd=0.01,col=c("grey90"),add=TRUE)
    mtext(ifelse(sum(names(args)%in%"xlab")==1, args$xlab, "Longitude"), side=1, line=2.2, font=3)
    mtext(ifelse(sum(names(args)%in%"ylab")==1, args$ylab, "Latitude"), side=2, line=2.5, font=3)
    mtext(ifelse(sum(names(args)%in%"main")==1, args$main, ""), line=0.6, cex=1.2)
         pch = ifelse(sum(names(args)%in%"pch")==1, args$pch, 3),
         cex = ifelse(sum(names(args)%in%"cex")==1, args$cex, 0.7))
        lwd = ifelse(sum(names(args)%in%"lwd")==1, args$lwd, 0.5),
        col = ifelse(sum(names(args)%in%"col")==1, args$col, "grey10"))
    nrow <- 1
      while(is.na(crds[nrow,2])==FALSE) {
        nrow <- nrow + 1
        if(nrow==nrow(crds)) break
      if(nrow==nrow(crds)) break
      start   <- nrow-1
      while(is.na(crds[nrow,2])) {
        nrow <- nrow + 1
        if(nrow==nrow(crds)) break
      if(nrow==nrow(crds)) break
      end    <- nrow
      lines(c(crds[start,1], crds[end,1]),c(crds[start,2], crds[end,2]), col="blue", lwd=3, lty=1)
    if(legend) legend("bottomright", lty=c(0,1,1), pch=c(3,-1,-1), lwd=c(1,0.5,3), col=c("black",ifelse(sum(names(args)%in%"col")==1, args$col, "grey10"),"blue"),c("Positions","Trip","Equinox"),bty="n",bg="grey90",border="grey90",cex=0.8)
  } else {
    if(legend) 	  legend("bottomright",lty=c(0,1),pch=c(3,-1),lwd=c(1,0.5),col=c("black",ifelse(sum(names(args)%in%"col")==1, args$col, "grey10"),"blue"),c("Positions","Trip"),bty="n",bg="grey90",border="grey90",cex=0.8)
  if(!add) par(opar)

#' Calculate twilight events (sunrise/sunset) from light intensity measurements
#' over time
#' Defines twilight events (sunrise/sunset) at times when the light intensity
#' measurements (\emph{light}) pass the defined light intensity threshold. An
#' interactive plot can be drawn to assess the calculations and improve e.g.
#' select only the realistic events.
#' @param datetime date and time of light intensity measurements e.g.
#' 2008-12-01 08:30 "UTC" (see:
#' \code{\link{as.POSIXct}},\link[=Sys.timezone]{time zones}).
#' @param light \code{numerical} value of the light intensity (usually
#' arbitrary units).
#' @param preSelection codelogical, if TRUE a pre selection of all calculated
#' twiligth events will be offered within the interactive process (ask=TRUE).
#' @param LightThreshold the light intensity threshold for the twilight event
#' calibration. If \code{Default}, it will be set slightly above (3 units) the
#' baseline level (measurement during the night).
#' @param maxLight if the geolocator record the maximum light value of a
#' certain time span, give the interval of maximum recordings in minutes (e.g.
#' 5).
#' @param ask \code{logical}, if TRUE the interactive plot will start after the
#' calculation.
#' @param nsee number of points to plot per screen.
#' @param allTwilights \code{logical}, if TRUE the function returns a list with
#' two tables
#' @return if allTwilights=FALSE, a \code{data frame}. Each row contains two
#' subsequent twilight events (\emph{tFirst, tSecond}) and \emph{type} defining
#' wether \emph{tFirst} refers to sunrise (1) or sunset (2). If
#' allTwilights=TRUE, a \code{list} with the data frame described in the
#' previous sentence and a data frame with all light intensities and a column
#' describing whether each row refers to sunrise (1), sunset (2) or to none of
#' these categories (0).
#' @note Depending on shading during light intensity measurements (e.g. due to
#' vegetation, weather, etc., see Lisovski et \emph{al.} 2012) the light
#' intensities may pass the light intensity threshold several times during the
#' day, resulting false sunrises and sunsets. It is highly recommended to check
#' the derived events visually (\code{ask=TRUE}).Twilight events can be deleted
#' and undeleted by clicking the (first) mouse button at the particular
#' position in the graph. The second mouse buttom (or esc) moves the time
#' series forward. Note, that a backward option is not included.
#' @author Simeon Lisovski
#' @export twilightCalc
#' @importFrom grDevices graphics.off
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis identify legend plot points 
twilightCalc <- function(datetime, light, LightThreshold=TRUE, preSelection=TRUE, maxLight=NULL, ask=TRUE, nsee=500, allTwilights=FALSE)
  if(class(datetime)[1]!="POSIXct") {
    stop(sprintf("datetime need to be provided as POSIXct class object."), call. = F)
  } else {
    bas <- data.frame(datetime=as.POSIXct(as.character(datetime),"UTC"),light)
  if (is.numeric(LightThreshold))
    LightThreshold <- as.numeric(LightThreshold)
    min <- min(bas$light)
  } else {
    # Basic level
    r <- as.data.frame(table(bas$light))
    nr <- as.numeric(which.max(r$Freq[as.numeric(r[,1])<mean(bas$light)]))
    LightThreshold <- (as.numeric(as.character(r[nr,1])))+3
  out <- i.preSelection(bas$datetime,bas$light, LightThreshold)[,-1]
  if(!preSelection) out$mod <- 0
    n   <- nrow(bas)
    nn  <- n%/%nsee + 1
    cutsub <- cut(1:n, nn)
    picks <- NULL
    for(i in 1:nn){
      sub <- cutsub == levels(cutsub)[i]
        plot(bas[sub,1],bas[sub,2],type="o",cex=0.6,pch=20,ylab="Light intensity",xaxs="i",xaxt="n",xlab="",
             main=paste(as.Date(min(bas[sub,1]))," to ", as.Date(max(bas[sub,1]))," (end: ",as.Date(max(bas[,1])),")",sep=""))
        nr <- identify(out[,1],rep(LightThreshold,nrow(out)),n=1,plot=F)
    cat("Thank you!\n\n")
  results <- list()
  out <- subset(out,out$mod==0)[,-3]
  raw <- data.frame(datetime=c(as.POSIXct(datetime,"UTC"),as.POSIXct(out$datetime,"UTC")),
  raw <- raw[order(raw$type),]
  raw <- raw[-which(duplicated(as.character(raw$datetime),fromLast=T)),]
  raw <- raw[order(raw$datetime),]
  results$allTwilights <- raw
  opt <- data.frame(tFirst=as.POSIXct("1900-01-01 01:01","UTC"),tSecond=as.POSIXct("1900-01-01 01:01","UTC"),type=0)
  row <- 1
  for (k in 1:(nrow(out)-1))
    if (as.numeric(difftime(out[k,1],out[k+1,1]))< 24 & out[k,1] != out[k+1,1])
      opt[row,1] <- out[k,1]
      opt[row,2] <- out[k+1,1]
      opt[row,3] <- out$type[k]
      row <- row+1
    opt$tFirst[opt$type==2] <- opt$tFirst[opt$type==2] - (maxLight*60)
    opt$tSecond[opt$type==1] <- opt$tSecond[opt$type==1] - (maxLight*60)
  if(allTwilights) {
    results$consecTwilights <- opt
  } else {
    return (opt)}

#' Example data for calibration: Light intensities and twilight events
#' Light intensity measurements over time (calib1) recorded at the rooftop of
#' the Swiss Ornithological Institute (Lon: 8.0, Lat: 47.01). Defined twilight
#' events from calib1 (calib2). These data serve as an example for calculating
#' the sun elevation angle of an additional data set, which is subsequently
#' used to calibrate the focal dataset.
#' @name calib1
#' @docType data
#' @aliases calib1 calib2 calib
#' @references Lisovski, S., Hewson, C.M, Klaassen, R.H.G., Korner-Nievergelt,
#' F., Kristensen, M.W & Hahn, S. (2012) Geolocation by light: Accuracy and
#' precision affected by environmental factors. \emph{Methods in Ecology and
#' Evolution}, DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00185.x.
#' @examples
#' data(calib2)
#'  calib2$tFirst <- as.POSIXct(calib2$tFirst, tz = "GMT")
#'  calib2$tSecond <- as.POSIXct(calib2$tSecond, tz = "GMT")
#' getElevation(calib2, known.coord = c(8,47.01))

#' Light intensity measurements over time recorded on a migratory bird
#' Sunlight intensity measurements over time recorded during the first part of
#' the annual migration of a European Hoopoe (\cite{Upupa epops}). All
#' dates/times are measured in Universal Time Zone (UTC).
#' @name hoopoe1
#' @docType data
#' @format A table with 24474 rows and 2 columns, rows corresponding to light
#' measurements recorded in ten-minute intervals (datetime).
#' @source Baechler, E., Hahn, S., Schaub, M., Arlettaz, R., Jenni, L., Fox,
#' J.W., Afanasyev, V. & Liechti, F. (2010) Year-Round Tracking of Small
#' Trans-Saharan Migrants Using Light-Level Geolocators. \emph{Plos One},
#' \bold{5}.

#' Sunrise and sunset times: From light intensity measurement (hoopoe1)
#' Sunrise and sunset times derived from light intensity measurements over time
#' (\code{\link{hoopoe1}}). The light measurements corresponding to the first
#' part of the annual migration of a European Hoopoe (\emph{Upupa epops}).
#' @name hoopoe2
#' @docType data
#' @format A table with 340 rows and 3 columns. Each row corresponds to
#' subsequent twilight events ("tFirst" and "tSecond"). The third column
#' ("type") indicates weather the first event is sunrise (1) or sunset (2). All
#' dates/times are measured in Universal Time Zone (UTC).
#' @source Baechler, E., Hahn, S., Schaub, M., Arlettaz, R., Jenni, L., Fox,
#' J.W., Afanasyev, V. & Liechti, F. (2010) Year-Round Tracking of Small
#' Trans-Saharan Migrants Using Light-Level Geolocators. \emph{Plos One},
#' \bold{5}.
#' @examples
#' data(hoopoe2)
#'  hoopoe2$tFirst <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tFirst, tz = "GMT")
#'  hoopoe2$tSecond <- as.POSIXct(hoopoe2$tSecond, tz = "GMT")
#' coord <- coord(hoopoe2, degElevation=-6)
#' ## plot in a map using package maps
#' # par(oma=c(5,0,0,0))
#' # map(xlim=c(-20,40),ylim=c(-10,60),interior=F,col="darkgrey")
#' # map(xlim=c(-20,40),ylim=c(-10,60),boundary=F,lty=2,col="darkgrey",add=T)
#' # mtext(c("Longitude (degrees)","Latitude (degrees)"),side=c(1,2),line=c(2.2,2.5),font=3)
#' # map.axes()
#' # points(coord,col="brown",cex=0.5,pch=20)

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GeoLight documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8 p.m.