
### R code from vignette source 'SDT/SDT.Stex'

### code chunk number 1: SDT.Stex:7-26
options(width=60, digits = 3, str = strOptions(strict.width = "cut"))
pkg <- search()[2] 
while (search()[2] !=  if(.Platform$GUI == "AQUA") "tools:RGUI" else "package:stats") {
#detach(pos = match(pkg, search()))
spkg <- strsplit( pkg, ":"  )[[1]][2] 
if (packageHasNamespace(spkg, .libPaths()[1]) )
unloadNamespace(spkg ) else detach(pos = match(pkg, search()))
 pkg <- search()[2]
rm(list = ls())
ltheme <- canonical.theme("pdf", color = FALSE) ## in-built B&W theme 
ltheme$strip.background$bg <- "grey85" ## change strip bg 
lattice.options(default.theme = ltheme) ## set as default 
formals(deparse)$width.cutoff <- 50L
assignInNamespace("deparse", deparse, "base")

### code chunk number 2: SDT.Stex:29-30

### code chunk number 3: SDT.Stex:115-125
N <- 150
pH <- 0.9
pFA <- 0.1
H <- rbinom(1, N, pH)
M <- N - H
FA <- rbinom(1, N, pFA)
CR <- N - FA
( <-  as.table(matrix(c(H, M, FA, CR), nc = 2, 
    dimnames = list(Resp = c("Yes", "No"), 
    Stim = c("Signal", "Not Signal")))) )

### code chunk number 4: SDT.Stex:206-219
opar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2), lwd = 3)
x <- seq(-3, 5, len = 300)
plot(x, dnorm(x), type = "l", ylim = c(0, 0.45), cex.axis = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.3)
lines(x, dnorm(x, mean = 2))
arrows(0, dnorm(0) + 0.01, 2, dnorm(0) + 0.01, angle = 90, code = 3, length = 0.05)
text(1, dnorm(0) + 0.0375, "d'", cex = 1.8)
segments(0, 0, 0, dnorm(0), lty = 3)
segments(2, 0, 2, dnorm(0), lty = 3)
mtext("a", side = 3, cex = 2, adj = 0, line = 0.5)
plot(x, dnorm(x), type = "l", ylim = c(0, 0.45), cex.axis = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.3)
lines(x, dnorm(x, mean = 2, sd = 1.4) * 1.4)  # LTM: it was hard to se the difference with 1.2 so I changed to 1.4
mtext("b", side = 3, cex = 2, adj = 0, line = 0.5)

### code chunk number 5: SDT.Stex:318-326
dp <- 1 ; crit <- 0.1
nS <- nN <- 1000
 pFA  <- 1 - pnorm(crit)
 pH <- 1 - pnorm(crit - dp)
 FA <- rbinom(1,nN, pFA)
 H <- rbinom(1, nS, pH)
 CR <- nN - FA
 M <- nS - H

### code chunk number 6: SDT.Stex:340-352
simulate.SDT <- function(dp, crit, nS, nN = NULL){
   if(missing(nN)) nN <- nS
   pFA <- 1 - pnorm(crit)
   pH <- 1 - pnorm(crit - dp)
   FA <- rbinom(1,nN, pFA)
   H <- rbinom(1, nS, pH)
   CR <- nN - FA
   M <- nS - H
   res <- matrix(c(H, M, FA, CR), nc = 2,
      dimnames = list(c("Yes", "No"), c("S", "NS")))

### code chunk number 7: SDT.Stex:366-368
( SDTsim.lst <- lapply(rep(1, 3), simulate.SDT,
	 crit = 0.5, nS = 1000) )

### code chunk number 8: SDT.Stex:389-390
 ( PrSDTsim.lst <-  lapply(SDTsim.lst, "/", 1000) )

### code chunk number 9: SDT.Stex:399-402
c(c = qnorm(1 - PrSDTsim.lst[[1]][1, 2]), 
  dp = qnorm(PrSDTsim.lst[[1]][1, 1]) - 
       qnorm( PrSDTsim.lst[[1]][1, 2]) )

### code chunk number 10: SDT.Stex:453-455
N <- 1000
Stim <- factor(rep(c("A", "B"), each = N/2))

### code chunk number 11: SDT.Stex:466-467
dc <- c(1.3, 0.5)

### code chunk number 12: SDT.Stex:483-486
z2dc <- matrix(c(1, 0, -1, -1), 2, 2)
dc2z <- solve(z2dc) 
p <- pnorm(dc2z %*% dc)

### code chunk number 13: SDT.Stex:493-497
Resp <- factor( ifelse(Stim == "B", rbinom(N, 1, p[1]), 
	rbinom(N, 1, p[2])), labels = LETTERS[1:2]) <- table(Resp, Stim)[2:1, 2:1]
z2dc %*% qnorm([1, ]/(N/2))

### code chunk number 14: SDT.Stex:517-524
dpsim <- function(dc, N, n = 10000) {
  z2dc <- matrix(c(1, -0.5, -1, -0.5), 2, 2)
  dc2z <- solve(z2dc)
  p <- pnorm(dc2z %*% dc)
  PH <- rbinom(n, N/2, p[2])/N
  PF <- rbinom(n, N/2, p[1])/N
  apply(qnorm(cbind(PH, PF)), 1, diff)}

### code chunk number 15: SDT.Stex:536-542
dp.qu <- sapply(c(100, 1000, 10000), function(x) { 
   dpsim(c(0, 0), x, 10000)
colnames(dp.qu) <- c(100, 1000, 10000)
dhists <- data.frame(dp = as.vector(dp.qu), 
   Trials = rep(c(100, 1000, 10000), each = 10000))

### code chunk number 16: SDT.Stex:555-556
apply(dp.qu, 2, quantile, c(0.025, 0.975))

### code chunk number 17: SDT.Stex:567-573
    histogram(~ dp | factor(Trials), data = dhists,
    	layout = c(3, 1), breaks = 25,
	strip = strip.custom(style = 5),
	xlab = expression("d'"), type = "count")

### code chunk number 18: SDT.Stex:619-620 (eval = FALSE)
## Resp ~ Stim

### code chunk number 19: SDT.Stex:629-632
tea.glm <- glm(factor(Resp) ~ factor(Stim), 
  family = binomial("probit"))

### code chunk number 20: SDT.Stex:677-684
X <- model.matrix(~ Stim)
ll <- function(b, X) {
	p <- pnorm(X %*% b)
	-sum(ifelse(Resp == "B", log(p), log(1 - p)))
tea.opt <- optim(c(0, 1), ll, X = X)

### code chunk number 21: SDT.Stex:691-704
Recognition <- read.table(zz <- textConnection(
"Stim	Number	Resp	Cond
Old		69		Yes		Normal
New		31		Yes		Normal
Old		31		No		Normal
New		69		No		Normal
Old		89		Yes		Hypnotized
New		59		Yes		Hypnotized
Old		11		No		Hypnotized
New		41		No		Hypnotized"), TRUE)
Recognition$Cond <- relevel(Recognition$Cond, "Normal")

### code chunk number 22: SDT.Stex:711-712

### code chunk number 23: SDT.Stex:742-745
Recog.glm1 <- glm(Resp ~ Stim, binomial(probit),
	Recognition, weights = Number)

### code chunk number 24: SDT.Stex:765-767
Recog.glm2 <- update(Recog.glm1, . ~ . + Cond)

### code chunk number 25: SDT.Stex:786-796
res <- c(0.497, -0.497, 1.224, 0.229)
Stim <- rep(c("Old", "New"), 2)
Cond <- relevel(factor(rep(c("Norm", "Hypno"), 
	each = 2)), "Norm")
interaction.plot(Stim, Cond, res, type = "b", ylab = expression(italic(z)), 
	cex.lab = 1.5, pch = 16:17, cex = 1.3)
arrows(2, res[2], 2, res[1], code = 3, angle = 90)
text(2.1, 0, -diff(res[3:4]))
arrows(1, res[2], 1, res[4], code = 3, angle = 90)
text(1.1, sum(res[c(2, 4)])/2, diff(res[c(2, 4)]))

### code chunk number 26: SDT.Stex:809-811
Recog.glm3 <- update(Recog.glm2, . ~ . + Cond:Stim)

### code chunk number 27: SDT.Stex:831-832
anova(Recog.glm1, Recog.glm2, Recog.glm3, test = "Chisq")

### code chunk number 28: SDT.Stex:836-837
 AIC(Recog.glm1, Recog.glm2, Recog.glm3)

### code chunk number 29: SDT.Stex:858-860
CmpltSep.df <- data.frame(Present = c(10000, 100),
	Absent = c(0, 10000), Stim = factor(c(1, 0)))

### code chunk number 30: SDT.Stex:869-871
cmpsep.1 <- glm(cbind(Present, Absent) ~ Stim, binomial, 

### code chunk number 31: SDT.Stex:878-879

### code chunk number 32: SDT.Stex:883-886
cmpsep.2 <- glm(cbind(Present, Absent) ~ Stim, 
	binomial(probit), CmpltSep.df)

### code chunk number 33: SDT.Stex:899-902
cmpsep.3 <- glm(cbind(Present, Absent + 1) ~ Stim, 
	binomial(probit), CmpltSep.df) 

### code chunk number 34: SDT.Stex:929-943
x <- seq(0, 1, len = 500)
xy <- expand.grid(pFA = x, pH = x)
xy$dp <- with(xy, qnorm(pH) - qnorm(pFA))
contourplot(dp ~ pFA + pH, data = xy, 
	subscripts = TRUE,
	panel = function(x, y, z, subscripts, ...){
		panel.levelplot(x, y, z, subscripts, at = 0:3,
			labels = paste("d' =", 0:3),
			contour = TRUE, region = FALSE)
		panel.points(FA/N, H/N,  
			pch = 16, col = "black", cex = 1.25)
		panel.abline(v = 0.22, h = 0.9, lty = 2)
	}) ) 

### code chunk number 35: SDT.Stex:1029-1046
dp <- 1 ; sig <- 2;  logbeta <- 2
X <- seq(-5, 5, len = 200)
lamX <-  function(X, dp, sig)
   -((1 - sig^2) * X^2 - 2 * dp * X +
        dp^2 + 2 * sig^2 * log(sig))/(2 * sig^2)
plot(X, lamX(X, dp, sig), type = "n", ylab = "-log Likelihood")
rts <- as.real( polyroot(
  -c( dp * dp + 2 * sig^2 * log(sig) + logbeta * 2 * sig^2, 
  -2 * dp, 1 - sig^2) / (2 * sig^2) ))
rect(-6, 2, rts[2], 11, col = "lightgrey", border = NA)
rect(rts[1], 2, 6, 11, col = "lightgrey", border = NA)
lines(X, lamX(X, dp, sig))
abline(2, 0, lty = 2)
abline(v =c (rts[2], rts[1]), lty = 2)
text(3.5, 8, expression(paste(plain(log), beta > 2)))
text(-4.5, 8, expression(paste(plain(log), beta > 2)))
text(4, 2.3, expression(paste(plain(log), beta == 2)))

### code chunk number 36: SDT.Stex:1098-1110
 UVGSDTcrit <- function(dp, sig, logbeta){
    TwoSigSq <- 2 * sig^2
    minLam <- optimize(function(X, dp, sig)
      -((1 - sig^2) * X^2 - 2 * dp * X +
        dp^2 + TwoSigSq * log(sig))/TwoSigSq, c(-10, 10),
        dp = dp, sig = sig)$objective
   if (logbeta < minLam) warning("complex roots") 	
   cf <- -c(dp^2 + TwoSigSq * log(sig) + logbeta * TwoSigSq,
      -2 * dp, 1 - sig^2)/TwoSigSq
   proot <- polyroot(cf)

### code chunk number 37: SDT.Stex:1112-1125
rUVGSDT <- function(dp, sig, logbeta, Nn, Ns = NULL, 
		aggregate = TRUE){
	if (is.null(Ns)) Ns <- Nn
	crit <- UVGSDTcrit(dp, sig, logbeta)
	Rn <- rnorm(Nn) 
	Rs <- rnorm(Ns, dp, sig)
	RespN <- (Rn < crit[1]) | (Rn > crit[2])
	RespS <- (Rs < crit[1]) | (Rs > crit[2])
	if (aggregate)
	    c(pFA = sum(RespN)/Nn, pH = sum(RespS)/Ns) else
	    data.frame(Resp = c(RespN, RespS),
	    	Stim = factor(rep(0:1, c(Nn, Ns))))

### code chunk number 38: SDT.Stex:1139-1172
dp <- 1; sig <- 1.5; logbeta <- 1
xx <- seq(-5, 5, len = 200)
opar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 3), pty = "s" )
plot(xx, dnorm(xx), type = "l", xlab = "X")
lines(xx, dnorm(xx, mean = dp, sd = sig))
c12 <-UVGSDTcrit(dp, sig, logbeta)
abline(v = c12, lty = 2)
mtext(c(expression(c[1]), expression(c[2])), 3, at = c12, line = 0.3)
mtext("a", side = 3, line  = 1, adj = 0)
minLam <- optimize(lamX, c(-10, 10), 
	dp = dp, sig = sig)$objective + 1e-6
p <- t(sapply(seq(minLam, 10, len = 100), function(LBeta){
        c12 <- UVGSDTcrit(dp, sig, LBeta)
        1 - c(diff(pnorm(c12)), diff(pnorm(c12,dp,sig)))   }
) )
SimPt1 <- rUVGSDT(dp, sig, 0, 1000)
SimPt2 <- rUVGSDT(dp, sig, -0.5, 1000)
plot(p, type = "l",  xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1),
	xlab = expression(p[FA]), ylab = expression(p[H]))
points(c(SimPt1[1], SimPt2[1]), c(SimPt1[2], SimPt2[2]),
	pch = c(16, 1), col = "black")
abline(0, 1, lty = 2)
abline(v = 0.5, h = 0.5, col = "grey")
mtext("b", side = 3, line  = 1, adj = 0)
plot(qnorm(p), type = "l", xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1),
	xlab = expression(z[FA]), ylab = expression(z[H]))  
points(qnorm(c(SimPt1[1], SimPt2[1])), 
	qnorm(c(SimPt1[2], SimPt2[2])),
	pch = c(16, 1), col = "black")
abline(0, 1, lty = 2)
abline(v = 0, h = 0, col = "grey") 
mtext("c", side = 3, line  = 1, adj = 0)

### code chunk number 39: SDT.Stex:1195-1208 (eval = FALSE)
## rUVGSDT <- function(dp, sig, logbeta, Nn, Ns = NULL, 
## 		aggregate = TRUE){
## 	if (is.null(Ns)) Ns <- Nn
## 	crit <- UVGSDTcrit(dp, sig, logbeta)	
## 	Rn <- rnorm(Nn) 
## 	Rs <- rnorm(Ns, dp, sig)
## 	RespN <- (Rn < crit[1]) | (Rn > crit[2])
## 	RespS <- (Rs < crit[1]) | (Rs > crit[2])
## 	if (aggregate)
## 	    c(pFA = sum(RespN)/Nn, pH = sum(RespS)/Ns) else
## 	    data.frame(Resp = c(RespN, RespS),
## 	    	Stim = factor(rep(0:1, c(Nn, Ns))))
## }

### code chunk number 40: SDT.Stex:1264-1266
dp <- 1; sig <- 1.5; N <- 5000
lb <- c(1.5, 1)

### code chunk number 41: SDT.Stex:1274-1275

### code chunk number 42: SDT.Stex:1277-1281
UVGsim.df <-, lapply(lb, function(LB) 
	rUVGSDT(dp, sig, LB, N, agg = FALSE))) 
UVGsim.df$Cond <- factor(rep(paste("C", seq(length(lb)), 
	sep = ""), each = 2 * N))

### code chunk number 43: SDT.Stex:1297-1319
lUVG <- function(p, d){ #p <-c(dp, sig, logbeta_1,_2,...,_n)
	sig <- p[2] 
	if (length(p[-(1:2)]) != length(levels(d[[3]])))
		stop("Number of initial estimates of 
		log beta not equal to number of levels of 
		conditions in the data!")
	Pr <- sapply(p[-(1:2)], function(lb, pr) {
		crit <- UVGSDTcrit(pr[1], sig, lb)
		1 - c(diff(pnorm(crit)), 
			diff(pnorm(crit, pr[1], pr[2])))
		}, pr = c(p[1], sig))
	ll <- sapply(seq_along(levels(d[[3]])), function(Cd){
		with(subset(d, Cond == levels(d$Cond)[Cd]),  
			ifelse(Stim == "1", 
			      Resp * log(Pr[2, Cd]) + 
			      (1 - Resp) * log(1 - Pr[2, Cd]),
			      Resp * log(Pr[1, Cd]) + 
			      (1 - Resp) * log(1 - Pr[1, Cd])

### code chunk number 44: SDT.Stex:1339-1351
minLam <- optimize(function(X, dp, sig)
      -((1 - sig^2) * X^2 - 2 * dp * X +
        dp^2 + 2 * sig^2 * log(sig))/(2 * sig^2), 
        c(-20, 20), dp = dp, sig = sig)$objective
UVG.opt <- optim(c(1.1, 1.6, 1.4, 1.1), lUVG, d = UVGsim.df,
	method = "L-BFGS-B", hessian = TRUE,
	lower = c(0, 1, rep(minLam, length(lb))))
est <- UVG.opt$par
names(est) <- c("dprime", "sigma", 
	paste("log beta", seq(length(lb)), sep = "")) <- sqrt(diag(solve(UVG.opt$hessian)))
cbind(Estimate = est, SE =, z = est/

### code chunk number 45: SDT.Stex:1393-1397
xx = seq(0, 5, len = 100)
plot(xx, dexp(xx), type = "l",
	xlab = "T", lwd = 2, ylim = c(0, 2))
lines(xx, dexp(xx, rate = 2), lty = 2, lwd = 2)

### code chunk number 46: SDT.Stex:1469-1471
N <- 1000
Stim <- factor(rep(Stim, 1000), labels = 1:2)

### code chunk number 47: SDT.Stex:1475-1480
dc <- c(1.4, 0.7)
p <- pnorm(dc2z %*% dc)
Resp <- factor( ifelse(Stim == "1", rbinom(N, 1, p[1]), 
	rbinom(N, 1, p[2]))) <- table(Resp, Stim)

### code chunk number 48: SDT.Stex:1483-1486
Pc <- sum([2:3])/sum(
dprime.mAFC(Pc, m = 2)

### code chunk number 49: SDT.Stex:1490-1491
(z2dc %*% qnorm([c(2, 4)]/(2 * N)))[1]/sqrt(2) 

### code chunk number 50: SDT.Stex:1510-1513
ID12 <- subset(ecc2, task == "ID" & Size == 12.4)
Pc <- with(ID12, Correct/(Correct + Incorrect))

### code chunk number 51: SDT.Stex:1517-1518
sapply(Pc, dprime.mAFC, m = 4)

### code chunk number 52: SDT.Stex:1528-1530
dpvec.mAFC <- Vectorize(dprime.mAFC, "Pc")
dpvec.mAFC(Pc, 4)

### code chunk number 53: SDT.Stex:1629-1637
N <- 1000 
dp <- 1 
Noise <- rnorm(N)  
IntResp <- rep(c(dp, 0), each = N/2) + Noise
Stim <- factor(rep(1:0, each = N/2))
IntCrit <- c(-Inf, -2:2, Inf)
Ratings <- cut(IntResp, IntCrit)
levels(Ratings) <- 1:6 

### code chunk number 54: SDT.Stex:1648-1653
X <- seq(-3, 4, len = 1000)
plot(X, dnorm(X), type = "l")
lines(X, dnorm(X, mean = 1))
abline(v = -2:2, lty = 2)
text(seq(-2.5, 2.5), 0.385, 1:6, cex = 1.3)

### code chunk number 55: SDT.Stex:1672-1675
( <- table(Stim, Ratings) )
( Rat.proptab <- apply([, 6:1], 1, cumsum)[6:1, ]  / 
	(N/2) )

### code chunk number 56: SDT.Stex:1686-1690
Rat.lm <- lm(qnorm(Rat.proptab[-1, 2]) ~ 
	offset(qnorm(Rat.proptab[-1, 1])))
zfa <- seq(-4, 4, len = 100) <- pnorm(cbind(1, zfa) %*% c(coef(Rat.lm), 1) )

### code chunk number 57: SDT.Stex:1693-1704
ordRat <- ordered(Ratings)
cumRat <- as.vector(sapply(1:5, function(x) ordRat <= x))
X <- matrix(
c(rep(c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0), each = N),
rep(c(0, 1, 0, 0, 0), each = N),
rep(c(0, 0, 1, 0, 0), each = N),
rep(c(0, 0, 0, 1, 0), each = N),
rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1), each = N)), ncol = 5)
X <- cbind(X, -rep(Stim == "1", 5))
Rat.df <- data.frame(Resp = cumRat, X = X)
Rat.glm <- glm(Resp ~ X - 1, binomial(probit), Rat.df)

### code chunk number 58: SDT.Stex:1710-1723
opar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(Rat.proptab, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1),
	xlab = expression(P[FA]),
	ylab = expression(P[H]))
lines(pnorm(zfa), pnorm(zfa + coef(Rat.glm)[6]), lty = 2, lwd = 2)
plot(qnorm(Rat.proptab), xlim = c(-3, 3), ylim = c(-3, 3),
	xlab = expression(z[FA]),
	ylab = expression(z[H]))
abline(coef(Rat.lm), 1)
abline(v = 0, h = 0, col = "grey")
abline(coef(Rat.glm)[6], 1, lty = 2, lwd = 2)

### code chunk number 59: SDT.Stex:1780-1790 (eval = FALSE)
## ordRat <- ordered(Ratings)
## cumRat <- as.vector(sapply(1:5, function(x) ordRat <= x))
## X <- matrix(
## c(rep(c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0), each = N),
## rep(c(0, 1, 0, 0, 0), each = N),
## rep(c(0, 0, 1, 0, 0), each = N),
## rep(c(0, 0, 0, 1, 0), each = N),
## rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1), each = N)), ncol = 5)
## X <- cbind(X, -rep(Stim == "1", 5))
## Rat.df <- data.frame(Resp = cumRat, X = X)

### code chunk number 60: SDT.Stex:1812-1813
( Rat.glm <- glm(Resp ~ . - 1, binomial(probit), Rat.df) )

### code chunk number 61: SDT.Stex:1841-1843
polr(ordRat ~ Stim, method = "probit")

### code chunk number 62: SDT.Stex:1862-1866
Rat.clm0 <- clm(ordRat ~ Stim, link = "probit")
Rat.clm1 <- update(Rat.clm0, threshold = "symmetric")
Rat.clm2 <- update(Rat.clm1, threshold = "equidistant")

### code chunk number 63: SDT.Stex:1869-1870
sapply(list(Rat.clm0, Rat.clm1, Rat.clm2), "[[", "edf")

### code chunk number 64: SDT.Stex:1875-1876
anova(Rat.clm2, Rat.clm1, Rat.clm0)

### code chunk number 65: SDT.Stex:1911-1913
Rat.clm.UV <- update(Rat.clm0, scale = ~ Stim)

### code chunk number 66: SDT.Stex:1919-1920

### code chunk number 67: SDT.Stex:1927-1928
anova(Rat.clm.UV, Rat.clm0)

### code chunk number 68: SDT.Stex:1956-1960
data(Faces) <- with(Faces, table(sibs, SimRating)) <- apply(, 1, cumsum)
( cum.prop <- 1 - )

### code chunk number 69: SDT.Stex:1976-1991
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(cum.prop, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1),
  xlab = expression(P[FA]), ylab = expression(P[H]))
abline(0, 1, col = "grey")
dp <- mean(apply(qnorm(cum.prop[-11, ]), 1, diff))
xx <- seq(-3, 3, len = 100)
lines(pnorm(xx, lower.tail = FALSE), 
  pnorm(xx, mean = dp, lower.tail = FALSE))
mtext("a", line = 0.5, cex = 2, adj = 0)
plot(qnorm(cum.prop[-11, ]), xlim = c(-2.5, 2.5), 
  ylim = c(-2.5, 2.5), xlab = expression(z[FA]), 
  ylab = expression(z[H]))
abline(v = 0, h = 0, col = "grey")
lines(xx, xx + dp)
mtext("b", line = 0.5, cex = 2, adj = 0)

### code chunk number 70: SDT.Stex:2011-2012
-qnorm(cum.prop[-11, 1])

### code chunk number 71: SDT.Stex:2024-2027
Faces.clm1 <- clm(ordered(SimRating) ~ sibs,
	data = Faces, link = "probit")
Faces.clm2 <- update(Faces.clm1, scale = ~ sibs)

### code chunk number 72: SDT.Stex:2030-2031
anova(Faces.clm1, Faces.clm2)

### code chunk number 73: SDT.Stex:2035-2036

### code chunk number 74: SDT.Stex:2061-2063
addterm(Faces.clm1, scope = ~ sibs + gendiff + agediff, 
  test = "Chisq")

### code chunk number 75: SDT.Stex:2068-2069
summary(update(Faces.clm1, location = . ~ . + agediff))

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MPDiR documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 5:11 p.m.