
Defines functions sortQuartetTableRows taxonNames quartetTableDominant quartetTableResolved quartetTable topDist

Documented in quartetTable quartetTableDominant quartetTableResolved sortQuartetTableRows taxonNames topDist

#' Topological distances on a tree
#' Compute a pairwise table of topological distances from a tree, after contracting short edges
#'@param tree a phylo object, with or without edge lengths
#'@param epsilon a tolerance, so all edges shorter than epsilon are contracted
#'@return a distance table, with rows and columns named by taxa
topDist = function(tree, epsilon=0) {
  #compute topological distance matrix for tree (after contracting branches<=epsilon)
  if (is.null(tree$edge.length)) {
    tree$edge.length =rep(1,dim(tree$edge)[1])
  if (sum(tree$edge.length < 0) > 0) {
    stop("Error: Negative branch length in tree") #if any negative lengths abort
  } else {
    zeros = which(tree$edge.length <= epsilon) # find locations of any zero branch lengths
    tree$edge.length = rep(1,length(tree$edge.length)) # set all lengths to 1
    tree$edge.length[zeros] = 0  # reset zeros to 0
    d = cophenetic.phylo(tree) # compute distances
    snames=sort(colnames(d))# put taxa in order


#' Produce table of counts of quartets displayed on trees
#' Compiles table of quartet count concordance factors (qcCFs) for topological quartets displayed on a
#' collection of trees.
#' @details
#' The names in \code{taxonnames} may be any subset of those on the trees.
#' Branch lengths of non-negative size less than or equal to \code{epsilon}
#' are treated as zero, giving polytomies.
#' In the returned table, columns are labeled by taxon names and quartet names ("12|34", etc.).
#' 1s and 0s in taxon columns indicate the taxa in a quartet. Quartet 12|34
#' means the first and second indicated taxa form a cherry, 13|24 means the first and third form a cherry, 14|23 means
#' the first and fourth form a cherry, and 1234 means the quartet is unresolved.
#' An error occurs if any branch length is negative.
#' Warnings are given if some of \code{taxonnames} are missing on some trees, or
#' if some 4-taxon set is not on any tree.
#' If \code{random}>0, then for efficiency \code{random} should be much smaller then
#' the number of possible 4 taxon subsets.
#' This function calls an Rcpp function for tallying quartets, for much shorter computational
#' time than can be achieved in R alone.
#' @param trees multiphylo object containing un/rooted metric/topological trees
#' @param taxonnames vector of \code{n} names of taxa of interest; if \code{NULL} then taken from taxa on \code{trees[[1]]}
#' @param epsilon minimum for branch lengths to be treated as non-zero (default 0)
#' @param random number of random subsets of 4 taxa to consider; if 0, use all \code{n} choose 4 subsets
#' @param progressbar FALSE, set to TRUE if want to see tally progress
#' @return
#'     an (\code{n} choose 4)x(\code{n}+4) matrix (or (\code{random})x(\code{n}+4) matrix) encoding
#'     4 taxon subsets of \code{taxonnames} and counts of each of the
#'     quartets 12|34, 13|24, 14|23, 1234 across the trees
#' @seealso \code{\link{quartetTableParallel}}, \code{\link{quartetTableResolved}}, \code{\link{quartetTableDominant}}, \code{\link{taxonNames}}
#' @examples
#' gtrees=read.tree(file=system.file("extdata","dataGeneTreeSample",package="MSCquartets"))
#' tnames=taxonNames(gtrees)
#' QT=quartetTable(gtrees,tnames[1:6])
#' RQT=quartetTableResolved(QT)
#' DQT=quartetTableDominant(RQT)
#' @importFrom ape cophenetic.phylo compute.brlen
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @export
quartetTable = function(trees,
                        epsilon = 0,
                        random = 0,
                        progressbar = FALSE) {
  if (random < 0)
    stop("Parameter 'random' must be non-negative.")
  random = round(random)

  if (is.null(taxonnames)) {
    taxonnames=trees[[1]]$tip.label #get taxa names from 1st tree
    message("Using taxa that appear on first gene tree.")

  taxonnames = sort(taxonnames) #put taxa in fixed order
  nt = length(trees) # number of gene trees
  N = length(taxonnames) # number of taxa
  if (random > 0)
    M = random  # number of 4-taxon sets to consider
    M = choose(N, 4)
  Q = matrix(0, M, N + 4) #allocate space for table
  qnames = c("12|34", "13|24", "14|23", "1234")
  colnames(Q) = c(taxonnames, qnames) #create column names

    'Counting occurrences of displayed quartets for ',
    M,' four-taxon subsets of ',
    N,' taxa across ',
    nt,' gene trees.'

  dList=lapply(trees,topDist,epsilon=epsilon) # compute all distance tables

  out=quartetTallyCpp(dList,M,nt,Q,random,progressbar=progressbar) #do the rest in C++ for speed

  if (out$missingFlag == 1)
    warning("Some taxa missing from some trees.")
  if ((N > 4) && (sum(rowSums(Q[, qnames, drop = FALSE]) == 0) > 0))
    warning("Some 4-taxon set not present on any tree.")
  if (sum(Q[, "1234"]) > 0)
    warning("Some quartets unresolved.")



#' Modify quartet table to show only resolved quartets
#' Converts table of all quartet counts, including unresolved ones,
#' by either dropping unresolved ones, or distributing them uniformly
#' among the three resolved counts.
#' @param qt table, as produced by \code{quartetTable} for \code{n} taxa, with \code{n+4} columns
#' @param omit \code{TRUE} deletes unresolved quartets column;
#'            \code{FALSE} deletes the column but redistributes unresolved counts as (1/3,1/3,1/3) to resolved counts
#' @return
#'      a table of quartet counts similar to \code{qt}, but with columns showing only resolved quartet counts
#' @examples
#' gtrees=read.tree(file=system.file("extdata","dataGeneTreeSample",package="MSCquartets"))
#' tnames=taxonNames(gtrees)
#' QT=quartetTable(gtrees,tnames[1:6])
#' QT[1:6,]
#' RQT=quartetTableResolved(QT)
#' RQT[1:6,]
#' @seealso \code{\link{quartetTable}}, \code{\link{quartetTableDominant}}
#' @export
quartetTableResolved = function(qt,
                                omit = FALSE) {
  if ("1234" %in% colnames(qt)) { # if unresolved column present
    RT = qt[,-which(colnames(qt) == "1234"), drop = FALSE]  #copy table without unresolved column
    if (omit == FALSE) {
      qs = c("12|34", "13|24", "14|23") #columns to be adjusted
      RT[, qs] = RT[, qs, drop = FALSE] + qt[, "1234", drop = FALSE] %*% matrix(1 / 3, 1, 3) #redistribute counts
  } else { #no unresolved column present
    RT = qt


#' Produce table of dominant quartets, with estimates of internal edge lengths
#' Converts table of counts of resolved quartets on \code{n} taxa to show only dominant one, with
#' maximum likelihood estimate of internal edge weight under the MSC.
#' @details
#' If \code{bigweights="finite"}, when for a set of 4 taxa the quartet counts are (m,0,0) then
#' the edge weight is computed as if the relative frequency of the dominant topology were m/(m+1).
#' @param rqt a table, as produced by \code{quartetTableResolved} of size (n choose 4)x(n+3);
#' @param bigweights \code{"infinite"} or \code{"finite"}, to indicate whether the weight (internal edge length)
#' of a quartet for which only one
#' topology appears is given as \code{Inf} or a finite, but large, numerical value
#' @return
#'   an (n choose 4)x(n+1) array with dominant quartet topology encoded by 1,1,-1,-1 in
#' taxon columns, with signs indicating cherries; the (n+1)th column \code{"weight"} contains the maximum likelihood estimates,
#' under MSC on a 4-taxon tree, of the quartets' central edge lengths, in coalescent units
#' @examples
#' gtrees=read.tree(file=system.file("extdata","dataGeneTreeSample",package="MSCquartets"))
#' tnames=taxonNames(gtrees)
#' QT=quartetTable(gtrees,tnames[1:6])
#' RQT=quartetTableResolved(QT)
#' RQT[1:6,]
#' DQT=quartetTableDominant(RQT)
#' DQT[1:6,]
#' @seealso \code{\link{quartetTable}}, \code{\link{quartetTableResolved}}
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @export
quartetTableDominant = function(rqt,
                                bigweights="infinite") {
  M = dim(rqt)[1] # number of 4-taxon sets
  N = dim(rqt)[2] - 3 # number of taxa
  taxonnames = colnames(rqt)[1:N] # names of taxaR

  DQT = rqt[, 1:(N + 1)] # allocate space for most frequent quartet topologies and weight
  if (is.vector(DQT)){ # if only 1 row,
    dim(DQT)=c(1,N+1) # make it a matrix,
    colnames(DQT)=colnames(rqt)[1:(N+1)] #with column names
  for (m in 1:M) {
    # for each 4-taxon set
    taxa = which(rqt[m, 1:N] == 1) # taxa numbers
    z = rqt[m, (N + 1):(N + 3)] # frequencies of quartets
    tz = sum(z) # total number of quartets
    if (tz > 0) {
      # if some quartets were found
      mq = which.max(z + runif(3)) # which is biggest? (random tie-breaking)
      if (mq == 1) {
        DQT[m, c(taxa[3], taxa[4])] = -1
      } else {
        if (mq == 2) {
          DQT[m, c(taxa[2], taxa[4])] = -1
        } else {
          DQT[m, c(taxa[2], taxa[3])] = -1
      f = z[mq] / tz #relative frequency of most frequent quartet
      if (f<1) { # if some ILS
        DQT[m, N + 1] = -log((1.5 * (1 - f))) # save weight
      } else { # if no ILS
      if (bigweights =="infinite"){
        DQT[m, N + 1] = Inf
      } else { #despite no ILS give finite weight
      f = tz/(tz+1) # pretend f is a bit less than 1
      DQT[m, N + 1] = -log((1.5 * (1 - f))) # save weight

  colnames(DQT) = c(taxonnames, "weight") #add column names


#' Get all taxon names from a collection of trees
#' Create a vector of all taxon names appearing on a collection of trees, with no repeats.
#' @param trees a multiPhylo object containing a collection of trees
#' @return a vector of unique names of taxa appearing on the trees
#' @examples
#' gtrees=read.tree(file=system.file("extdata","dataGeneTreeSample",package="MSCquartets"))
#' tnames=taxonNames(gtrees)
#' @export
taxonNames = function(trees) {
  taxa = c()
  for (i in 1:length(trees)) {
    taxa = union(taxa, trees[[1]]$tip.label)

#' Print a quartet table with nice formatting
#' Print a quartet table with the taxa in each quartet shown by name.
#' @param qt a table such as returned by \code{quartetTable}, \code{quartetTableResolved},
#' or \code{quartetTableDominant}, possibly with extra columns added by other functions
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#'  gtrees=read.tree(file=system.file("extdata","dataGeneTreeSample",package="MSCquartets"))
#'  tnames=taxonNames(gtrees)
#'  QT=quartetTable(gtrees,tnames[1:6])
#'  QT[1:6,]
#'  quartetTablePrint(QT[1:6,])
#'  RQT=quartetTableResolved(QT)
#'  RQT[1:6,]
#'  quartetTablePrint(RQT[1:6,])
#'  pTable=quartetTreeTestInd(RQT,"T3")
#'  pTable[1:6,]
#'  quartetTablePrint(pTable[1:6,])
#'  DQT=quartetTableDominant(RQT)
#'  DQT[1:6,]
#'  quartetTablePrint(DQT[1:6,])
quartetTablePrint <- function (qt) {

  # If only send one row, convert to matrix
  if (!("matrix" %in% class(qt)))
    qt = t(as.matrix(qt))

  nrows = dim(qt)[1]
  ncols = dim(qt)[2]
  colsToDisplay = rep(0, nrows)
  for (i in 1:nrows) {
    colsToDisplay[i] = which(qt[i, ] != 0)[5]
  minColNumber = min(colsToDisplay)
  colsToDisplay = minColNumber:ncols
  if (-1 %in% qt[1, 1:(minColNumber - 1)]) {
    prettyDisplay = matrix(0, nrows, 1 + length(colsToDisplay))
    for (i in 1:nrows) {
      cherry1 = which(qt[i, 1:(minColNumber - 1)] == 1)
      cherry2 = which(qt[i, 1:(minColNumber - 1)] == -1)
      qtree = paste0(colnames(qt)[cherry1[1]], " ", colnames(qt)[cherry1[2]],
                     " | ", colnames(qt)[cherry2[1]], " ", colnames(qt)[cherry2[2]],
                     " ")
      prettyDisplay[i, ] = c(qtree, qt[i, colsToDisplay])
    colnames(prettyDisplay) <- c(" ", colnames(qt)[colsToDisplay])
  else {
    prettyDisplay = matrix(0, nrows, 4 + length(colsToDisplay))
    for (i in 1:nrows) {
      prettyDisplay[i, ] = c(colnames(qt)[which(qt[i, 1:(minColNumber -
                                                           1)] != 0)], qt[i, colsToDisplay])
    colnames(prettyDisplay) <- c(rep(" ", 4), colnames(qt)[colsToDisplay])
  rownames(prettyDisplay) <- rep("", nrows)

#'Sort quartet table rows by lex order
#'Sort the rows of a quartet table so they are in MSCquartet's standard lex order.
#'This is the order produced by the \code{quartetTable} function. The only exceptions
#'to this order produced in the package are when \code{quartetTable} is called with the
#'\code{random} argument non-zero, or when the \code{HolmBonferoni} function is called.
#'However, for tables made outside this package, it can be useful.
#' @param qT a quartet Table to be sorted
#' @seealso \code{\link{quartetTable}}, \code{\link{HolmBonferroni}}
#' @return sorted table
#' @export
sortQuartetTableRows <- function(qT) {
  l = as.list(as.data.frame(qT))
  inds <- do.call("order", c(l, list(decreasing = TRUE)))
  qT = qT[inds,]


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MSCquartets documentation built on Oct. 31, 2024, 1:08 a.m.