Man pages for OlinkAnalyze
Facilitate Analysis of Proteomic Data from Olink

check_data_completenessCheck data completeness
manifestExample Sample Manifest
norm_internal_adjustCombine reference and non-reference datasets
norm_internal_adjust_not_refAdd adjustment factors to a dataset
norm_internal_adjust_refModify the reference dataset to be combined with the...
norm_internal_assay_medianCompute median value of the quantification method for each...
norm_internal_bridgeInternal bridge normalization function
norm_internal_cross_productInternal function normalizing Olink Explore 3k to Olink...
norm_internal_reference_medianInternal reference median normalization function
norm_internal_rename_colsUpdate column names of non-reference dataset based on those...
norm_internal_subsetInternal subset normalization function
npx_data1NPX Data in Long format
npx_data2NPX Data in Long format, Follow-up
olink_anovaFunction which performs an ANOVA per protein
olink_anova_posthocFunction which performs an ANOVA posthoc test per protein.
olink_boxplotFunction which plots boxplots of selected variables
olink_bridgeselectorBridge selection function
olink_color_discreteOlink color scale for discrete ggplots
olink_color_gradientOlink color scale for continuous ggplots
olink_displayPlateDistributionsPlot distributions of a given variable for all plates
olink_displayPlateLayoutPlot all plates colored by a variable
olink_dist_plotFunction to plot the NPX distribution by panel
olink_fill_discreteOlink fill scale for discrete ggplots
olink_fill_gradientOlink fill scale for continuous ggplots
olink_heatmap_plotFunction to plot a heatmap of the NPX data
olink_iqrCompute inter-quartile range (IQR) of multiplied by a fixed...
olink_lmerFunction which performs a linear mixed model per protein
olink_lmer_plotFunction which performs a point-range plot per protein on a...
olink_lmer_posthocFunction which performs a linear mixed model posthoc per...
olink_lodCalculate LOD using Negative Controls or Fixed LOD
olink_medianCompute median of quantified value
olink_median_iqr_outlierCompute outliers based on median +/- iqr_sd * IQR
olink_normalizationNormalize two Olink datasets
olink_normalization_bridgeBridge normalization of all proteins between two NPX...
olink_normalization_bridgeableIdentify if assays shared between Olink Explore 3072 and...
olink_normalization_nBridge and/or subset normalization of all proteins among...
olink_normalization_n_checkAn internal function to perform checks on the input of the...
olink_normalization_project_name_checkAn internal function to perform checks on the input project...
olink_normalization_qsQuantile smoothing normalization of all proteins between two...
olink_normalization_sample_checkAn internal function to perform checks on the input samples...
olink_normalization_subsetSubset normalization of all proteins between two NPX...
olink_norm_input_assay_overlapCheck datasets and reference_medians for Olink identifiers...
olink_norm_input_checkCheck inputs of 'olink_normalization' function.
olink_norm_input_check_df_colsCheck columns of a list of datasets to be normalized.
olink_norm_input_check_samplesCheck reference samples to be used for normalization
olink_norm_input_classCheck classes of input in olink_normalization function
olink_norm_input_clean_assaysCheck datasets and reference_medians for unexpected Olink...
olink_norm_input_cross_productCheck if bridge or cross-platform normalization
olink_norm_input_norm_methodCheck datasets and reference_medians for Olink identifiers...
olink_norm_input_ref_mediansCheck datasets of reference_medians
olink_norm_input_validateValidate inputs of normalization function
olink_one_non_parametricFunction which performs a Kruskal-Wallis Test or Friedman...
olink_one_non_parametric_posthocFunction which performs posthoc test per protein for the...
olink_ordinalRegressionFunction which A two-way ordinal analysis of variance can...
olink_ordinalRegression_posthocFunction which performs an posthoc test per protein.
olink_palOlink color panel for plotting
olink_pathway_enrichmentPerforms pathway enrichment using over-representation...
olink_pathway_heatmapCreates a heatmap of selected pathways and proteins
olink_pathway_visualizationCreates bargraph of top/selected enrichment terms from GSEA...
olink_pca_plotFunction to plot a PCA of the data
olink_plate_randomizerRandomly assign samples to plates
olink_qc_plotFunction to plot an overview of a sample cohort per Panel
olink_ttestFunction which performs a t-test per protein
olink_umap_plotFunction to make a UMAP plot from the data
olink_volcano_plotEasy volcano plot with Olink theme
olink_wilcoxFunction which performs a Mann-Whitney U Test per protein
pipePipe operator
print_and_captureCapture the output of printing an object
read_flexRead in flex data
read_NPXFunction to read NPX data into long format
read_npx_csvHelper function to read in Olink Explore csv or txt files
read_npx_parquetHelper function to read in Olink Explore parquet output files
read_npx_zipHelper function to read in Olink Explore zip csv files
set_plot_themeFunction to set plot theme
OlinkAnalyze documentation built on Sept. 25, 2024, 9:07 a.m.