

#' Metric for msmsscans.txt, showing TopN over RT.
qcMetric_MSMSScans_TopNoverRT =  setRefClass(
  contains = "qcMetric",
  methods = list(initialize=function() {  callSuper(
    helpTextTemplate = 
      "TopN over retention time. Similar to ID over RT, this metric reflects the complexity of the sample
at any point in time. Ideally complexity should be made roughly equal (constant) by choosing a proper (non-linear) LC gradient.
See [Moruz 2014, DOI: 10.1002/pmic.201400036](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24700534/) for details.
Heatmap score [MS<sup>2</sup> Scans: TopN over RT]: Rewards uniform (function Uniform) TopN events over time.
    workerFcn = function(.self, df_msmsScans)
      ## completeness check
      if (!checkInput(c("fc.raw.file", "retention.time", "scan.event.number", "rRT"), df_msmsScans)) return()
      dd = data.table::as.data.table(df_msmsScans[, c("fc.raw.file", "retention.time", "scan.event.number", "rRT")])
      data.table::setkey(dd, fc.raw.file, retention.time) ## sort by RT

      ## find the highest scan event (SE) after an MS1 scan
      DF_max = dd[, {
          idx = which(getMaxima(scan.event.number, thresh_rel = 0.0))
          maxSE = scan.event.number[idx]
          RTbin = rRT[idx]
          list(maxSE = maxSE, rRT = RTbin)
        }, by = "fc.raw.file"]
      DFmse = DF_max[, list(topN = as.double(median(maxSE))),
                      by = c("fc.raw.file", "rRT")]
      lpl =
        byXflex(DFmse, DFmse$fc.raw.file, 6, plot_TopNoverRT, sort_indices = FALSE)
      ## QC measure for smoothness of TopN over RT
      qc_TopNRT = plyr::ddply(DFmse, "fc.raw.file", function(x) data.frame(val = qualUniform(x$topN)))
      colnames(qc_TopNRT)[colnames(qc_TopNRT) == "val"] = .self$qcName
      return(list(plots = lpl, qcScores = qc_TopNRT))
    qcCat = "LC", 
    qcName = "MS^2*Scans:~TopN~over~RT", 
    orderNr = 0120


qcMetric_MSMSScans_MSMSIntensity =  setRefClass(
  contains = "qcMetric",
  methods = list(initialize=function() {  callSuper(
    helpTextTemplate = 
      "MS/MS identifications can be 'bad' for a couple of reasons. It could be computational, i.e. ID rates
are low because you specified the wrong protein database or modifications (not our concern here).
Another reason is low/missing signals for fragment ions,
e.g. due to bad (quadrupole/optics) ion transmission (charging effects), too small isolation windows, etc.

Hence, we plot the TIC and base peak intensity of all MS/MS scans (incl. unidentified ones) per Raw file.
Depending on the setup, these intensities can vary, but telling apart good from bad samples
should never be a problem. If you only have bad samples, you need to know the intensity a good sample would reach.

To automatically score this, we found that the TIC should be 10-100x larger than the base peak, i.e. there 
should be many other ions which are roughly as high (a good fragmentation ladder).
If there are only a few spurious peaks (bad MS/MS), the TIC is much lower. Thus, we score the ratio 
BP * 10 < TIC (this would be 100% score). If it's only BP * 3 > TIC, we say this MS/MS failed (0%).
Anything between 3x and 10x gets a score in between. The score for the Raw file is computed as the
median score across all its MS/MS scans.

Heatmap score [MS<sup>2</sup> Scans: Intensity]: Linear score (0-100%) between 3 < (TIC / BP) < 10. 
    workerFcn = function(.self, d_msmsScan, score_min_factor = 3, score_max_factor = 10)
      ## completeness check
      if (!checkInput(c("fc.raw.file", "total.ion.current", "base.peak.intensity"), d_msmsScan)) return ()
      ## use data.table for aggregation, its MUCH faster than ddply() and uses almost no extra memory
      dd = data.table::as.data.table(d_msmsScan[, c("fc.raw.file", "total.ion.current", "base.peak.intensity")])
      dd$log.total.ion.current = log10(dd$total.ion.current)
      dd$log.base.peak.intensity = log10(dd$base.peak.intensity)
      log.dd.tic = dd[,list(mean=mean(log.total.ion.current),
                        lower=quantile(log.total.ion.current, .25, na.rm=TRUE),
                        middle=quantile(log.total.ion.current, .50, na.rm=TRUE),
                        upper=quantile(log.total.ion.current, .75, na.rm=TRUE),
      log.dd.bpi = dd[,list(mean2=mean(log.base.peak.intensity),
                        lower2=quantile(log.base.peak.intensity, .25, na.rm=TRUE),
                        middle2=quantile(log.base.peak.intensity, .50, na.rm=TRUE),
                        upper2=quantile(log.base.peak.intensity, .75, na.rm=TRUE),
      ## merge, so we have one table for byXflex()
      dd.all = merge(log.dd.tic, log.dd.bpi, by='fc.raw.file')
      ## for scoring...
      dd.ratio = dd[,list(ratio=median(total.ion.current/base.peak.intensity, na.rm=TRUE)), by ='fc.raw.file']
      plot_MSMSintensity = function(dd.all) {
        pl = ggplot(data = dd.all, aes(x = fc.raw.file)) + 
                geom_boxplot(stat = "identity", aes(col = "TIC", ymin = min, lower = lower, middle = middle, upper = upper, ymax = max)) +
                geom_boxplot(stat = "identity", aes(col = "Base\nPeak", ymin = min2, lower = lower2, middle = middle2, upper = upper2, ymax = max2), width = 0.3) +
                scale_color_manual("MS/MS\nintensity", values = c("TIC" = "black", "Base\nPeak" = "blue")) +
                ylim(0, NA) +
                scale_x_discrete_reverse(dd.all$fc.raw.file) +
                ggtitle("[experimental] MSMSscans: MS/MS intensity") +
                xlab("") +
                ylab(expression('intensity (' * log[10] * ')')) +
      lpl = byXflex(dd.all, dd.all$fc.raw.file, 12, plot_MSMSintensity, sort_indices = FALSE)
      ## QC measure for intensity ratio below expected threshold (3x-10x by default)
      qc_MSMSint = plyr::ddply(dd.ratio, "fc.raw.file", 
                     function(x) data.frame(val = qualLinThresh(pmax(0, x$ratio - score_min_factor), t = score_max_factor - score_min_factor)))
      colnames(qc_MSMSint)[colnames(qc_MSMSint) == "val"] = .self$qcName
      return(list(plots = lpl, qcScores = qc_MSMSint))
    qcCat = "MS", 
    qcName = "MS^2*Scans:~Intensity", 
    orderNr = 0245


qcMetric_MSMSScans_IonInjTime =  setRefClass(
  contains = "qcMetric",
  methods = list(initialize=function() {  callSuper(
    helpTextTemplate = 
      "Ion injection time score - should be as low as possible to allow fast cycles. Correlated with peptide intensity.
Note that this threshold needs customization depending on the instrument used (e.g., ITMS vs. FTMS).

Heatmap score [MS<sup>2</sup> Scans: Ion Inj Time]: Linear score as fraction of MS/MS below the threshold. 
    workerFcn = function(.self, df_msmsScans, threshold_iit)
      ## completeness check (mzTab might not have IIJ)
      if ( any(!("ion.injection.time" %in% colnames(df_msmsScans)), all(is.na(df_msmsScans$ion.injection.time)) ) ) {
      if (!checkInput(c("fc.raw.file", "ion.injection.time", "rRT"), df_msmsScans)) return ()
      ## use data.table for aggregation, its MUCH faster than ddply() and uses almost no extra memory
      dd = data.table::as.data.table(df_msmsScans[, c("fc.raw.file", "ion.injection.time", "rRT")])

      ## average injection time over RT
      DFmIIT = dd[, list(medIIT = median(ion.injection.time)), by=c("fc.raw.file", "rRT")]

      ## average injection time overall
      DFmIITglob = dd[, list(mean = mean(ion.injection.time)), by = "fc.raw.file"]

      lpl =
        byXflex(DFmIIT, DFmIIT$fc.raw.file, 6, plot_IonInjectionTimeOverRT, sort_indices = FALSE,
                stats = DFmIITglob,
                extra_limit = threshold_iit)
      ## QC measure for injection times below expected threshold
      DFmIIT_belowThresh = dd[,
                              list(belowThresh_IIT = sum(ion.injection.time < threshold_iit, na.rm = TRUE) / .N),
                              by = "fc.raw.file"]
      qc_IIT = plyr::ddply(DFmIIT_belowThresh, "fc.raw.file", 
                     function(x) data.frame(val = qualLinThresh(x$belowThresh_IIT, t = 1)))
      colnames(qc_IIT)[colnames(qc_IIT) == "val"] = .self$qcName
      return(list(plots = lpl, qcScores = qc_IIT))
    qcCat = "MS", 
    qcName = "MS^2*Scans:~Ion~Inj~Time", 
    orderNr = 0240


qcMetric_MSMSScans_TopN =  setRefClass(
  contains = "qcMetric",
  methods = list(initialize=function() {  callSuper(
    helpTextTemplate = 
      "Reaching TopN on a regular basis indicates that all sections of the LC gradient
deliver a sufficient number of peptides to keep the instrument busy. This metric somewhat summarizes 'TopN over RT'.

Heatmap score [MS<sup>2</sup> Scans: TopN high]: rewards if TopN was reached on a regular basis (function qualHighest)
    workerFcn = function(.self, df_msmsScans)
      ## completeness check
      if (!checkInput(c("fc.raw.file", "scan.event.number"), df_msmsScans)) return ()
      ## check if scan.event.number requires fixing
      ## (e.g. when MS3 events are recorded between MS2 events, there are gaps in the numbering)
      ## we close the gaps by requiring consecutive scan event numbers in MS2
      scan.events = df_msmsScans[, c("scan.event.number", "fc.raw.file")]
      while (TRUE) { ## should be at most max(scan.event.number) iterations
        se_pos = 1 + which(diff(scan.events$scan.event.number) > 1) ## position of gaps>1
        if (length(se_pos) == 0) break;
        scan.events$scan.event.number[se_pos] = scan.events$scan.event.number[se_pos] - 1

      ## use data.table for aggregation, its MUCH faster than ddply() and uses almost no extra memory
      DFc = data.table::as.data.table(scan.events)[, list(n=.N), by=c("scan.event.number", "fc.raw.file")]

      dfc.ratio = plyr::ddply(DFc, "fc.raw.file", function(x, maxn)
        ## sort x by scan event
        event_count = x$n
        ## verify its monotonically increasing
        if (is.unsorted(rev(event_count))) {
          stop("Scan event distribution is not monotonically increasing!")
        ## verify that there are no gaps
        if (max(x$scan.event.number) != nrow(x)) {
          stop("Scan event distribution has unexpected holes...!")
        event_pre = c(event_count[-1], 0)
        event_diff = event_count - event_pre
        ## build new DF of fixed length
        sn = x$scan.event.number
        if (max(sn) < maxn) 
          event_diff = c(event_diff, rep(0, maxn-max(sn)))
          sn = c(sn, (max(sn)+1):maxn)
        DF.new = data.frame(scan.event.number = sn, n = event_diff)
        return (DF.new)
      }, maxn = max(DFc$scan.event.number))
      lpl =
        byXflex(dfc.ratio, dfc.ratio$fc.raw.file, 9, plot_TopN, sort_indices = FALSE)
      ## QC measure for always reaching the maximum TopN
      maxTopN = max(dfc.ratio$scan.event.number)
      qc_TopN = plyr::ddply(dfc.ratio, "fc.raw.file", function(x) data.frame(val = qualHighest(x$n, maxTopN)))
      colnames(qc_TopN)[colnames(qc_TopN) == "val"] = .self$qcName
      return(list(plots = lpl, qcScores = qc_TopN))
    qcCat = "MS", 
    qcName = "MS^2*Scans:~TopN~high", 
    orderNr = 0350


qcMetric_MSMSScans_TopNID =  setRefClass(
  contains = "qcMetric",
  methods = list(initialize=function() {  callSuper(
    helpTextTemplate = 
      "Looking at the 
identification rates per scan event (i.e. the MS/MS scans after a survey scan) can give 
hints on how well scheduled precursor peaks could be fragmented and identified.
If performance drops for the later MS/MS scans, then the LC peaks are probably not wide enough to deliver
enough eluent or the intensity threshold to trigger the MS/MS event should be lowered (if LC peak is already over),
or increased (if LC peak is still to weak to collect enough ions).

Heatmap score [MS<sup>2</sup> Scans: TopN ID over N]: Rewards uniform identification performance across all scan events.
    workerFcn = function(.self, df_msmsScans)
      ## completeness check
      if (!checkInput(c("fc.raw.file", "scan.event.number", "identified"), df_msmsScans)) return()
      ## use data.table for aggregation, its MUCH faster than ddply() and uses almost no extra memory
      DF = data.table::as.data.table(df_msmsScans[, c("fc.raw.file", "scan.event.number", "identified")])[, list(n=.N), by=c("fc.raw.file", "scan.event.number", "identified")]
      # try KS on underlying data instead of using qualUniform()
      #   DF2= ddply(df_msmsScans, "fc.raw.file", function(rf){
      #     cat(class(rf))
      #     cat(rf$fc.raw.file[1])
      #     idx_p = rf$identified=="+"
      #     cat(length(idx_p) %+% "\n")
      #     kk = ks.test(rf$scan.event.number[idx_p], rf$scan.event.number[-idx_p])
      #     cat(kk$p.value)
      #     kk$statistic  # = 'D' ,,  p.value is much smaller (~0)
      #   })
      #   --> fail, 'D' and p-values are too low
      df.ratio = plyr::ddply(DF, c("scan.event.number", "fc.raw.file"), function(x)
        xp = xm1 = xm2 = 0
        if ("+" %in% x$identified) xp = x$n[x$identified=="+"]
        if ("-" %in% x$identified) xm1 = x$n[x$identified=="-"]
        if ("" %in% x$identified) xm2 = x$n[x$identified==""] # MQ 2.x leaves unidentified empty
        ratio = xp * 100 / sum(xp, xm1, xm2)
        if (is.na(ratio)) 
        { # the whole 'identified' column is empty (no '+', no '-')
          ratio = 0 
        return (data.frame(ratio = ratio, count = sum(x$n)))
      lpl = byXflex(df.ratio, df.ratio$fc.raw.file, 9, plot_ScanIDRate, sort_indices = FALSE)
      ## QC measure for constantly identifiying peptides, irrespective of scan event number
      ## -- we weight scan events by their number of occurence
      qc_TopN_ID = plyr::ddply(df.ratio, "fc.raw.file", function(x) {
        data.frame(val = qualUniform(x$ratio, x$count))
      colnames(qc_TopN_ID)[colnames(qc_TopN_ID) == "val"] = .self$qcName
      return(list(plots = lpl, qcScores = qc_TopN_ID))
    qcCat = "MS", 
    qcName = "MS^2*Scans:~TopN~ID~over~N", 
    orderNr = 0380


qcMetric_MSMSScans_DepPep =  setRefClass(
  contains = "qcMetric",
  methods = list(initialize=function() {  callSuper(
    helpTextTemplate = 
      "Prominent dependent peptides are shown, and how they contribute to increase identification numbers.
You can use this metric to assess if specifying another variable (or even fixed) modification makes sense to boost
your ID rate (remember that dependent peptides are only an add-on in MaxQuant and do not count towards global ID rates or
You can also the use the DP-modifications to compare samples (e.g. with modified sample preparation or 
biological conditions where you expect drastic changes).

Hits with 'Unmodified' are removed since they do not provide a lot of additional information.
The legend provides the top target sites (AAs) for each modification in percent
(e.g. 'Oxidation - nterm(8) L(9) H(7)' means that of all dependent peptides with Oxidation, 
8% of there are nterm, 9% are on L, 7% on H).
Heatmap score [MS<sup>2</sup> Scans: DepPep]: No score.
    workerFcn = function(.self, d_msmsScan)
      ## completeness check
      if (!checkInput(c("fc.raw.file", "dp.modification", "dp.aa", "identified"), d_msmsScan)) return()
      stopifnot(unique(d_msmsScan$identified) %in% c("-","+",""))

      ## modified subset
      d_msmsScan$hasDP = (d_msmsScan$dp.modification != "") & (tolower(d_msmsScan$dp.modification) != "unmodified")
      d_dp = data.table::as.data.table(d_msmsScan[d_msmsScan$hasDP,])
      ## pick global top-5 modifications
      d_dp.mods.top = sort(table(d_dp$dp.modification), decreasing = TRUE)[1:5]
      ## set all other DPs to 'other'
      d_dp$dp.modification[!(d_dp$dp.modification %in% names(d_dp.mods.top))] = "other"
      dp.names = c(names(d_dp.mods.top), "other")
      ## pick top 3 AA's per mod
      aa.annot = NULL
      for (m in names(d_dp.mods.top)) {
        #m = names(d_dp.mods.top)[1]
        d_dp.mods.aa = d_dp[ dp.modification == m,]$dp.aa
        d_dp.mods.aa.sort = sort(table(unlist(strsplit(paste(d_dp.mods.aa, collapse=";"), ";"))), decreasing = TRUE)
        d_dp.mods.aa.sort.top3 = round(d_dp.mods.aa.sort / sum(d_dp.mods.aa.sort) * 100)[1:3]
        r = paste(names(d_dp.mods.aa.sort.top3), d_dp.mods.aa.sort.top3, sep="(", collapse=") ")
        aa.annot[m] = paste0(m, "\n", r, ")")

      ## use data.table for aggregation, its MUCH faster than ddply() and uses almost no extra memory
      d_dp.mods = d_dp[, list(n=.N), by=c("fc.raw.file", "dp.modification")]
      ## sort mods by # of occurences
      d_dp.mods.sort = plyr::ddply(d_dp.mods, "dp.modification", function(x) sum(x$n))
      d_dp.mods.sort.name = d_dp.mods.sort$dp.modification[order(d_dp.mods.sort$V1)]
      d_dp.mods$dp.modification = factor(d_dp.mods$dp.modification, levels = d_dp.mods.sort.name)

      d_noDP_id = data.table::as.data.table(d_msmsScan[d_msmsScan$identified=="+" & !d_msmsScan$hasDP,])[, list(n=.N), by=c("fc.raw.file")]
      d_dp.mods$n_noDP = d_noDP_id$n[match(d_dp.mods$fc.raw.file, d_noDP_id$fc.raw.file)]
      d_dp.mods$n_percent = d_dp.mods$n / d_dp.mods$n_noDP * 100

      plotDPMods = function(d_dp.mods){
        p = ggplot(d_dp.mods) +
              geom_line(aes(fc.raw.file, n_percent, col=dp.modification, group=dp.modification), size = 1.5) +
              scale_color_manual(values = brewer.pal.Safe(n = length(dp.names), palette = "Accent"),
                                 labels = aa.annot) +
              guides(color = guide_legend(title = "modification\n(sites in percent)")) +
              ggtitle("Dependent peptides by modification type") +
              xlab("Raw file") +
              ylab("#DP / #non-DP [%]") +
              scale_x_discrete_reverse(d_dp.mods$fc.raw.file) +

      lpl = byXflex(d_dp.mods, d_dp.mods$fc.raw.file, 15, plotDPMods, sort_indices = FALSE)

      ## QC measure: NA
      #qc_TopN_ID = ddply(df.ratio, "fc.raw.file", function(x) data.frame(val = qualUniform(x$ratio, x$count)))
      #colnames(qc_TopN_ID)[colnames(qc_TopN_ID) == "val"] = .self$qcName
      return(list(plots = lpl))
    qcCat = "MS", 
    qcName = "MS^2*Scans:~Dependent Peps", 
    orderNr = 0383

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