
Defines functions supercell_GE_idx supercell_GE

Documented in supercell_GE supercell_GE_idx

#' Simplification of scRNA-seq dataset
#' This function converts (i.e., averages or sums up) gene-expression matrix of single-cell data into a gene expression
#' matrix of metacells
#' @param ge gene expression matrix (or any coordinate matrix) with genes as rows and cells as cols
#' @param groups vector of membership (assignment of single-cell to metacells)
#' @param mode string indicating whether to average or sum up `ge` within metacells
#' @param weights vector of a cell weight (NULL by default), used for computing average gene expression withing cluster of metaells
#' @param do.median.norm whether to normalize by median value (FALSE by default)
#' @return a matrix of simplified (averaged withing groups) data with ncol equal to number of groups and nrows as in the initial dataset
#' @export

supercell_GE <- function(ge, groups, mode = c("average", "sum"), weights = NULL, do.median.norm = FALSE){
  if(ncol(ge) != length(groups)){
    stop("Length of the vector groups has to be equal to the number of cols in matrix ge")

  mode <- mode[1]
  if(!(mode %in% c("average", "sum"))){
    stop(paste("mode", mode, "is unknown. Available values are 'average' and 'sum'."))

  N.SC <- max(groups)
  supercell_size <- as.vector(table(groups))
  j <- rep(1:N.SC, supercell_size) # column indices of matrix M.AV that, whene GE.SC <- ge %M.AV%

  goups.idx  <- plyr::split_indices(groups)
  i <- unlist(goups.idx) # row indices of matrix M.AV that, whene GE.SC <- ge %M.AV%

    M.AV <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = i, j = j)
    GE.SC <- ge %*% M.AV

    if(mode == "average"){
      GE.SC <- sweep(GE.SC, 2, supercell_size, "/")
  } else {

    if(length(weights) != length(groups)){
      stop("weights must be the same length as groups or NULL in case of unweighted averaging")

    if(mode != "average"){
      stop(paste("weighted averaging is supposted only for mode = 'average', not for", mode))

    M.AV <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = i, j = j, x = weights[i])
    GE.SC <- ge %*% M.AV

    weighted_supercell_size <- unlist(lapply(goups.idx, FUN = function(x){sum(weights[x])}))
    GE.SC <- sweep(GE.SC, 2, weighted_supercell_size, "/")

      GE.SC <- (GE.SC+0.01)/apply(GE.SC+0.01, 1, stats::median)


#' Simplification of scRNA-seq dataset (old version, not used since 12.02.2021)
#' This function converts gene-expression matrix of single-cell data into a gene expression
#' matrix of super-cells
#' @param ge gene expression matrix (or any coordinate matrix) with genes as rows and cells as cols
#' @param groups vector of membership (assignment of single-cell to super-cells)
#' @param weights vector of a cell weight (NULL by default), used for computing average gene expression withing cluster of super-cells
#' @param do.median.norm whether to normalize by median value (FALSE by default)
#' @return a matrix of simplified (averaged withing groups) data with ncol equal to number of groups and nrows as in the initial dataset

supercell_GE_idx  <- function(ge, groups, weights = NULL, do.median.norm = FALSE){

  if(ncol(ge) != length(groups)){
    stop("Length of the vector groups has to be equal to the number of cols in matrix ge")

  if(ncol(ge) > 200000){
    block.size <- 5000
    N.blocks <- nrow(ge)%/%block.size
    if(nrow(ge)%%block.size > 0) N.blocks <- N.blocks+1
  } else {
    block.size <- nrow(ge)
    N.blocks <- 1


  goups.idx    <- plyr::split_indices(groups)
  supercell.GE <- c()

    for(i in 1:N.blocks){

      idx.begin <- (i-1)*block.size + 1
      idx.end   <- min(i*block.size,  nrow(ge))

      ge.i      <- as.matrix(ge[idx.begin:idx.end,])

        fun <- function(idx){
          Matrix::rowMeans(ge.i[, idx, drop = FALSE])
      } else {
        if(length(weights) != length(groups))
          stop("weights must be the same length as groups or NULL in case of unweighted averaging")
        fun <- function(idx){
          matrixStats::rowWeightedMeans(ge.i[, idx, drop = FALSE], w = weights[idx])

      supercell.GE             <- rbind(supercell.GE, sapply(goups.idx, fun))
    # if(!(TRUE %in% is.na(as.numeric(colnames(supercell.GE))))){
    #   supercell.GE <- supercell.GE[,order(as.numeric(colnames(supercell.GE)))]
    # }

      supercell.GE <- (supercell.GE+0.01)/apply(supercell.GE+0.01, 1, stats::median)

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SuperCell documentation built on Oct. 25, 2024, 5:07 p.m.