# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.
wald.stat.vlm <-
values0 = 0,
subset = NULL, # Useful for Cox model as a poissonff().
omit1s = TRUE,
all.out = FALSE, # If TRUE then lots of output returned
orig.SE = FALSE, # Same as 'as.summary' now
iterate.SE = TRUE, # == iterate.EIM if renamed
trace = FALSE, # NULL,
...) {
checkfun <- function(as.summary = NULL, ...) as.summary
if (length(checkfun(...)))
stop("argument 'as.summary' now renamed to 'orig.SE'")
foo1 <- function(RS.really = FALSE, iterate.score = TRUE, ...)
list(RS.really = RS.really,
iterate.score = iterate.score)
RS.really <- foo1(...)$RS.really
foo2 <- function(LR.really = FALSE, ...)
LR.really <- foo2(...)
if (RS.really && LR.really)
stop("cannot have both 'RS.really' and 'LR.really'")
Wd.really <- !RS.really && !LR.really # Only one
iterate.score <- if (RS.really) foo1(...)$iterate.score else FALSE
M <- npred(object) # Some constraints span across responses
all.Hk <- constraints(object, matrix = TRUE)
X.lm <- model.matrix(object, type = "lm") <- model.matrix(object, type = "vlm")
eta.mat.orig <- predict(object)
n.LM <- NROW(eta.mat.orig)
p.VLM <- ncol(all.Hk)
if (orig.SE)
vc2 <- vcov(object)
Cobj <- coef(object) # Of length p.VLM
Signed.Lrt.0 <-
Lrt.0 <-
Score.0 <-
SE2.0 <- rep_len(NA_real_, p.VLM) # More than enough storage
Pnames <- names(B0 <- coef(object))
if (any(
stop("currently cannot handle NA-valued regression coefficients")
if (is.character(subset))
subset <- match(subset, Pnames)
if (is.null(subset))
subset <- 1:p.VLM
Xm2 <- model.matrix(object, type = "lm2") # Could be a 0 x 0 matrix
if (!length(Xm2))
Xm2 <- NULL # Make sure. This is safer
clist <- constraints(object, type = "term") # type = c("lm", "term")
H1 <- clist[["(Intercept)"]]
if (omit1s && length(H1) && any(subset <= ncol(H1))) {
if (length(clist) == 1)
return(NULL) # Regressed against intercept only
subset <- subset[subset > ncol(H1)]
if (is.logical(trace))
object@control$trace <- trace
mf <- model.frame(object)
Y <- model.response(mf)
if (!is.factor(Y))
Y <- as.matrix(Y)
OOO.orig <- object@offset
if (!length(OOO.orig) || all(OOO.orig == 0))
OOO.orig <- matrix(0, n.LM, M)
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
Wts <- model.weights(mf)
if (length(Wts) == 0L)
Wts <- rep(1, n.LM) # Safest (uses recycling and is a vector)
summ <- summary(object)
DispersionParameter <- summ@dispersion
if (!all(DispersionParameter == 1))
stop("Currently can only handle dispersion parameters ",
"that are equal to 1")
Fam <- object@family
if (LR.really) { <- deviance(object) # Could be NULL
if (!( <- is.Numeric(
Original.ll <- logLik(object)
quasi.type <- if (length(tmp3 <- Fam@infos()$quasi.type))
tmp3 else FALSE
if (quasi.type)
stop("currently this function cannot handle quasi-type",
" models or models with an estimated dispersion parameter")
} # LR.really
kvec.use <- subset
Values0.use <- Cobj * NA # A vector of NAs of length == p.VLM
Values0.use[kvec.use] <- values0 # Recycle and put in right place
if (orig.SE && Wd.really) { # Wald stat already done
csobj <- coef(summary(object))[kvec.use, , drop = FALSE]
wald.stat <- csobj[, "z value"] # Assumes values0 == 0
se0.a <- csobj[, "Std. Error"] # .a added for uniqueness
cobj <- Cobj[kvec.use]
wald.stat <- wald.stat - values0 / se0.a
values0.use <- Values0.use[kvec.use]
names(se0.a) <- names(cobj)
names(values0.use) <- names(cobj)
names(wald.stat) <- names(cobj)
if (all.out) return(
list(wald.stat = wald.stat,
SE0 = se0.a,
values0 = values0.use)) else
} # orig.SE && Wd.really
temp1 <- object
for (kay in kvec.use) { # ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
if (iterate.SE || iterate.score || LR.really) {
if (NCOL( == 1)
stop("The large model matrix only has one column") <-[, -kay, drop = FALSE]
attr(, "assign") <- attr(, "assign") # zz wrong!
ooo <- if (Values0.use[kay] == 0) OOO.orig else
OOO.orig + matrix([, kay] * Values0.use[kay],
n.LM, M, byrow = TRUE)
fm <- = X.lm, # Try this
y = Y, w = Wts,
X.vlm.arg =,
Xm2 = Xm2, Terms = mt,
constraints = clist, extra = object@extra,
etastart = eta.mat.orig,
offset = ooo, family = Fam,
control = object@control)
} # iterate.SE || iterate.score || LR.really
if (LR.really) { # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
zee <- if ( {
fm$crit.list[["deviance"]] -
} else {
2 * (Original.ll - fm$crit.list[["loglikelihood"]])
if (zee > -1e-3) {
zee <- max(zee, 0)
} else {
warning("omitting 1 column has found a better solution, ",
"so the original fit had not converged")
zedd <- zee # sgn * sqrt(zee)
Signed.Lrt.0[kay] <- sqrt(zedd) *
sign(Cobj[kay] - Values0.use[kay])
Lrt.0[kay] <- zedd
} else { # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
done.early <- RS.really && !orig.SE &&
iterate.SE == iterate.score
if (RS.really) {
U.eta.mat.use <- if (iterate.score) {
} else { # \theta_{k0} replaces \widehat{\theta}_k
eta.mat.orig +
matrix([, kay] * (Values0.use[kay] - Cobj[kay]),
n.LM, M, byrow = TRUE) # GGGG
temp1@predictors <- U.eta.mat.use
temp1@fitted.values <- cbind( # Make sure a matrix
temp1@family@linkinv(eta = temp1@predictors,
extra = temp1@extra))
wwt.both <- weights(temp1, type = "working",
ignore.slot = TRUE,
deriv.arg = RS.really) # TRUE
Score.0[kay] <- sum(wwt.both$deriv *
matrix([, kay],
n.LM, M, byrow = TRUE))
if (done.early) <- wwt.both$weights # Assigned early, dont do later
} # RS.really
if (orig.SE) {
SE2.0[kay] <- diag(vc2)[kay] # Because orig.SE == TRUE
} else {
if (!done.early) { # Not already assigned early
SE.eta.mat.use <- if (orig.SE) {
} else {
if (iterate.SE)
as.matrix(fm$predictors) else
eta.mat.orig +
matrix([, kay] * (Values0.use[kay] - Cobj[kay]),
n.LM, M, byrow = TRUE) # GGGG but with iterate.SE
temp1@predictors <- SE.eta.mat.use
temp1@fitted.values <- cbind( # Must be a matrix
temp1@family@linkinv(eta = temp1@predictors,
extra = temp1@extra)) <- weights(temp1, type = "working",
ignore.slot = TRUE,
deriv.arg = FALSE) # For RS.really&Wd.really
} # !done.early
U <- vchol(, M = M, n = n.LM, silent = TRUE)
w12X.vlm <- mux111(U,, M = M)
qrstr <- qr(w12X.vlm)
if (!all(qrstr$pivot == 1:length(qrstr$pivot)))
stop("cannot handle pivoting just yet")
R <- qr.R(qrstr) # dim(R) == ncol(w12X.vlm); diags may be < 0
covun <- chol2inv(R)
SE2.0[kay] <- diag(covun)[kay]
} # !LR.really +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
} # for (kay in kvec.use) # ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
cobj <- Cobj[kvec.use]
se0 <- sqrt(SE2.0[kvec.use]) # All NAs if 'wald'
names(se0) <- names(cobj)
values0.use <- Values0.use[kvec.use]
names(values0.use) <- names(cobj)
if (LR.really) {
lrt.0 <- Lrt.0[kvec.use]
names(lrt.0) <- names(cobj)
signed.lrt.0 <- Signed.Lrt.0[kvec.use]
names(signed.lrt.0) <- names(cobj)
if (all.out)
list(lrt.stat = signed.lrt.0,
Lrt.stat2 = lrt.0,
pvalues = pchisq(lrt.0, df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE),
values0 = values0.use) else
} else if (RS.really) {
score.0 <- Score.0[kvec.use]
names(score.0) <- names(cobj)
score.stat <- score.0 * se0
if (all.out)
list(score.stat = score.stat,
SE0 = se0, # Same as Wald
values0 = values0.use) else
} else { # Wd.really
wald.stat <- (cobj - values0.use) / se0
if (all.out)
list(wald.stat = wald.stat,
SE0 = se0, # Same as RS
values0 = values0.use) else
} # wald.stat.vlm
if (!isGeneric("wald.stat"))
setGeneric("wald.stat", function(object, ...)
setMethod("wald.stat", "vlm", function(object, ...)
wald.stat.vlm(object, ...))
score.stat.vlm <-
values0 = 0,
subset = NULL, # Useful for Cox model as a poissonff().
omit1s = TRUE,
all.out = FALSE, # If TRUE then lots of output returned
orig.SE = FALSE, # New
iterate.SE = TRUE, #
iterate.score = TRUE, # New
trace = FALSE, ...) {
wald.stat.vlm(object, values0 = values0,
subset = subset, omit1s = omit1s, all.out = all.out,
iterate.SE = iterate.SE,
iterate.score = iterate.score, # Secret argument
orig.SE = orig.SE, # as.summary, # FALSE,
RS.really = TRUE, # Secret argument
trace = trace, ...)
} # score.stat.vlm
if (!isGeneric("score.stat"))
setGeneric("score.stat", function(object, ...)
setMethod("score.stat", "vlm", function(object, ...)
score.stat.vlm(object, ...))
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