
Defines functions sizeRestrictedClusterMerge recutConsensusTrees blockwiseConsensusModules .checkComponents lowerTri2matrix blockwiseIndividualTOMs .processFileName .substituteTags recutBlockwiseTrees .orderLabelsBySize blockwiseModules TOMdist TOMsimilarity TOMsimilarityFromExpr

Documented in blockwiseConsensusModules blockwiseIndividualTOMs blockwiseModules lowerTri2matrix recutBlockwiseTrees recutConsensusTrees sizeRestrictedClusterMerge TOMdist TOMsimilarity TOMsimilarityFromExpr

#Copyright (C) 2008 Peter Langfelder

#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
#of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.

#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# In this version the blocks are chosen by pre-clustering.

#  TOM similarity via a call to a compiled code.

TOMsimilarityFromExpr = function(
  datExpr, weights = NULL,
  corType = "pearson", networkType = "unsigned", 
  power = 6, TOMType = "signed", TOMDenom = "min",
  maxPOutliers = 1,
  quickCor = 0, 
  pearsonFallback = "individual",
  cosineCorrelation = FALSE, 
  replaceMissingAdjacencies = FALSE,
  suppressTOMForZeroAdjacencies = FALSE,
  suppressNegativeTOM = FALSE,
  useInternalMatrixAlgebra = FALSE,
  nThreads = 0,
  verbose = 1, indent = 0)
  corTypeC = as.integer(pmatch(corType, .corTypes)-1);
  if (is.na(corTypeC))
    stop(paste("Invalid 'corType'. Recognized values are", paste(.corTypes, collapse = ", ")))

  TOMTypeC = as.integer(pmatch(TOMType, .TOMTypes)-1);
  if (is.na(TOMTypeC))
    stop(paste("Invalid 'TOMType'. Recognized values are", paste(.TOMTypes, collapse = ", ")))

  TOMDenomC = as.integer(pmatch(TOMDenom, .TOMDenoms)-1);
  if (is.na(TOMDenomC))
    stop(paste("Invalid 'TOMDenom'. Recognized values are", paste(.TOMDenoms, collapse = ", ")))

  if ( (maxPOutliers < 0) | (maxPOutliers > 1)) stop("maxPOutliers must be between 0 and 1.");
  if (quickCor < 0) stop("quickCor must be positive.");
  if ( (maxPOutliers < 0) | (maxPOutliers > 1)) stop("maxPOutliers must be between 0 and 1.");

  fallback = as.integer(pmatch(pearsonFallback, .pearsonFallbacks));
  if (is.na(fallback))
      stop(paste("Unrecognized 'pearsonFallback'. Recognized values are (unique abbreviations of)\n",
           paste(.pearsonFallbacks, collapse = ", ")))

  if (nThreads < 0) stop("nThreads must be positive.");
  if (is.null(nThreads) || (nThreads==0)) nThreads = .useNThreads();

  if ( (power<1) | (power>30) ) stop("power must be between 1 and 30.");

  networkTypeC = as.integer(charmatch(networkType, .networkTypes)-1);
  if (is.na(networkTypeC))
    stop(paste("Unrecognized networkType argument.", 
         "Recognized values are (unique abbreviations of)", paste(.networkTypes, collapse = ", ")));
  dimEx = dim(datExpr);
  if (length(dimEx)!=2) stop("datExpr has incorrect dimensions.")
  if (length(weights) > 0)
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(dimEx, dim(weights))))
      stop("When 'weights' are given, they must have the same dimensions as 'datExpr'.")
    if (any(!is.finite(weights)))
      if (verbose > 0)
        warning("Found non-finite weights. The corresponding data points will be removed.");
      weights[!is.finite(weights)] = NA;
  nGenes = dimEx[2];
  nSamples = dimEx[1];
  warn = as.integer(0);

  datExpr = as.matrix(datExpr);
  if (length(weights) > 0) weights = as.matrix(weights) else weights = NULL;

  tom = .Call("tomSimilarity_call", datExpr, weights,
        as.integer(corTypeC), as.integer(networkTypeC), as.double(power), 
        as.integer(TOMTypeC), as.integer(TOMDenomC),
        as.double(maxPOutliers), as.double(quickCor),
        as.integer(fallback), as.integer(cosineCorrelation),
        as.integer(nThreads), as.integer(verbose), as.integer(indent), PACKAGE = "WGCNA");

  diag(tom) = 1;
  return (tom);

# TOMsimilarity (from adjacency)

TOMsimilarity = function(adjMat, TOMType = "unsigned", TOMDenom = "min", 
          suppressTOMForZeroAdjacencies = FALSE, suppressNegativeTOM = FALSE,
          useInternalMatrixAlgebra = FALSE, verbose = 1, indent = 0)
  TOMTypeC = pmatch(TOMType, .TOMTypes)-1;
  if (is.na(TOMTypeC))
    stop(paste("Invalid 'TOMType'. Recognized values are", paste(.TOMTypes, collapse = ", ")))

  if (TOMTypeC == 0)
    stop("'TOMType' cannot be 'none' for this function.");

  TOMDenomC = pmatch(TOMDenom, .TOMDenoms)-1;
  if (is.na(TOMDenomC))
    stop(paste("Invalid 'TOMDenom'. Recognized values are", paste(.TOMDenoms, collapse = ", ")))

  checkAdjMat(adjMat, min = if (TOMTypeC==2) -1 else 0, max = 1);

  if (any(is.na(adjMat))) adjMat[is.na(adjMat)] = 0;
  #if (any(diag(adjMat)!=1)) diag(adjMat) = 1;  <--- this is now done in compiled code

  #nGenes = dim(adjMat)[1];

  #tom = matrix(0, nGenes, nGenes);

  #tomResult = .C("tomSimilarityFromAdj", as.double(as.matrix(adjMat)), as.integer(nGenes),
  #      as.integer(TOMTypeC), 
  #      as.integer(TOMDenomC),
  #      tom = as.double(tom), as.integer(verbose), as.integer(indent), PACKAGE = "WGCNA") 
  #tom[,] = tomResult$tom;
  #diag(tom) = 1;
  #rm(tomResult); collectGarbage();
  tom = .Call("tomSimilarityFromAdj_call", as.matrix(adjMat),
        as.integer(verbose), as.integer(indent), PACKAGE = "WGCNA")                       


# TOMdist (from adjacency)

TOMdist = function(adjMat, TOMType = "unsigned", TOMDenom = "min", 
 suppressTOMForZeroAdjacencies = FALSE, suppressNegativeTOM = FALSE,
 useInternalMatrixAlgebra = FALSE, verbose = 1, indent = 0)
  1-TOMsimilarity(adjMat, TOMType, TOMDenom, suppressTOMForZeroAdjacencies = suppressTOMForZeroAdjacencies,
   suppressNegativeTOM = suppressNegativeTOM,
   useInternalMatrixAlgebra = useInternalMatrixAlgebra, verbose = verbose, indent = indent)

# blockwiseModules
# Function to calculate modules and eigengenes from all genes.

blockwiseModules = function(
  # Input data
  weights = NULL,

  # Data checking options
  checkMissingData = TRUE,

  # Options for splitting data into blocks
  blocks = NULL,
  maxBlockSize = 5000,
  blockSizePenaltyPower = 5,
  nPreclusteringCenters = as.integer(min(ncol(datExpr)/20, 100*ncol(datExpr)/maxBlockSize)),
  randomSeed = 54321,

  # load TOM from previously saved file?

  loadTOM = FALSE,

  # Network construction arguments: correlation options

  corType = "pearson",
  maxPOutliers = 1, 
  quickCor = 0,
  pearsonFallback = "individual",
  cosineCorrelation = FALSE,

  # Adjacency function options

  power = 6,
  networkType = "unsigned",
  replaceMissingAdjacencies = FALSE,

  # Topological overlap options

  TOMType = "signed",
  TOMDenom = "min",
  suppressTOMForZeroAdjacencies = FALSE,
  suppressNegativeTOM = FALSE,

  # Saving or returning TOM

  getTOMs = NULL,
  saveTOMs = FALSE, 
  saveTOMFileBase = "blockwiseTOM",

  # Basic tree cut options

  deepSplit = 2,
  detectCutHeight = 0.995, 
  minModuleSize = min(20, ncol(datExpr)/2 ),

  # Advanced tree cut options

  maxCoreScatter = NULL, minGap = NULL,
  maxAbsCoreScatter = NULL, minAbsGap = NULL,
  minSplitHeight = NULL, minAbsSplitHeight = NULL,
  useBranchEigennodeDissim = FALSE,
  minBranchEigennodeDissim = mergeCutHeight,

  stabilityLabels = NULL,
  stabilityCriterion = c("Individual fraction", "Common fraction"),
  minStabilityDissim = NULL,
  pamStage = TRUE, pamRespectsDendro = TRUE,

  # Gene reassignment, module trimming, and module "significance" criteria

  reassignThreshold = 1e-6,
  minCoreKME = 0.5, 
  minCoreKMESize = minModuleSize/3,
  minKMEtoStay = 0.3,

  # Module merging options

  mergeCutHeight = 0.15, 
  impute = TRUE, 
  trapErrors = FALSE, 

  # Output options

  numericLabels = FALSE,

  # Options controlling behaviour

  nThreads = 0,
  useInternalMatrixAlgebra = FALSE,
  useCorOptionsThroughout = TRUE,
  verbose = 0, indent = 0,
  spaces = indentSpaces(indent);

  if (verbose>0) 
     printFlush(paste(spaces, "Calculating module eigengenes block-wise from all genes"));

  seedSaved = FALSE;
  if (!is.null(randomSeed))
    if (exists(".Random.seed"))
       seedSaved = TRUE;
       savedSeed = .Random.seed

  intCorType = pmatch(corType, .corTypes);
  if (is.na(intCorType))
    stop(paste("Invalid 'corType'. Recognized values are", paste(.corTypes, collapse = ", ")))

  intTOMType = pmatch(TOMType, .TOMTypes);
  if (is.na(intTOMType))
    stop(paste("Invalid 'TOMType'. Recognized values are", paste(.TOMTypes, collapse = ", ")))

  TOMDenomC = pmatch(TOMDenom, .TOMDenoms)-1;
  if (is.na(TOMDenomC))
    stop(paste("Invalid 'TOMDenom'. Recognized values are", paste(.TOMDenoms, collapse = ", ")))

  if ( (maxPOutliers < 0) | (maxPOutliers > 1)) stop("maxPOutliers must be between 0 and 1.");
  if (quickCor < 0) stop("quickCor must be positive.");
  if (nThreads < 0) stop("nThreads must be positive.");
  if (is.null(nThreads) || (nThreads==0)) nThreads = .useNThreads();

  if ( (power<1) | (power>30) ) stop("power must be between 1 and 30.");
  # if ( (minKMEtoJoin >1) | (minKMEtoJoin  <0) ) stop("minKMEtoJoin  must be between 0 and 1.");

  intNetworkType = charmatch(networkType, .networkTypes);
  if (is.na(intNetworkType))
    stop(paste("Unrecognized networkType argument.", 
         "Recognized values are (unique abbreviations of)", paste(.networkTypes, collapse = ", ")));

  fallback = pmatch(pearsonFallback, .pearsonFallbacks)
  if (is.na(fallback))
      stop(spaste("Unrecognized value '", pearsonFallback, "' of argument 'pearsonFallback'.", 
           "Recognized values are (unique abbreviations of)\n",
           paste(.pearsonFallbacks, collapse = ", ")))

  datExpr = as.matrix(datExpr);
  dimEx = dim(datExpr);
  if (length(dimEx)!=2) stop("datExpr has incorrect dimensions.")
  weights = .checkAndScaleWeights(weights, datExpr, scaleByMax = FALSE);
  haveWeights = length(weights)>0;

  nGenes = dimEx[2];
  nSamples = dimEx[1];
  allLabels = rep(0, nGenes);
  AllMEs = NULL;
  allLabelIndex = NULL;

  originalSampleNames = rownames(datExpr);
  if (is.null(originalSampleNames)) originalSampleNames = spaste("Row.", 1:nrow(datExpr));
  originalGeneNames = colnames(datExpr);
  if (is.null(originalGeneNames)) originalGeneNames = spaste("Column.", 1:ncol(datExpr));

  #if (maxBlockSize >= floor(sqrt(2^31)) )
  #  stop("'maxBlockSize must be less than ", floor(sqrt(2^31)), ". Please decrease it and try again.")

  if (!is.null(blocks) && (length(blocks)!=nGenes))
    stop("Input error: the length of 'geneRank' does not equal the number of genes in given 'datExpr'.");

  if (!is.null(getTOMs))
    warning("getTOMs is deprecated, please use saveTOMs instead.");

  # Check data for genes and samples that have too many missing values

  if (checkMissingData)
    gsg = goodSamplesGenes(datExpr, weights = weights, verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1)
    if (!gsg$allOK) 
       datExpr = datExpr[gsg$goodSamples, gsg$goodGenes]; 
       if (haveWeights) weights = weights[gsg$goodSamples, gsg$goodGenes];
    nGGenes = sum(gsg$goodGenes);
    nGSamples = sum(gsg$goodSamples);
  } else {
    nGGenes = nGenes;
    nGSamples = nSamples;
    gsg = list(goodSamples = rep(TRUE, nSamples), goodGenes = rep(TRUE, nGenes), allOK = TRUE);

  if (any(is.na(datExpr))) 
     datExpr.scaled.imputed = t(impute.knn(t(scale(datExpr)))$data)
  } else 
     datExpr.scaled.imputed = scale(datExpr);

  corFnc = .corFnc[intCorType];
  corOptions = .corOptionList[[intCorType]];

  corFncAcceptsWeights = intCorType==1;

  if (useCorOptionsThroughout)   
    corOptions = c(corOptions, list(cosine = cosineCorrelation));
    # Do not add the quick argument here. The calculations carried out here will not be slow anyway.
  if (intCorType==2 && useCorOptionsThroughout )
    corOptions = c(corOptions, list(maxPOutliers = maxPOutliers, pearsonFallback = pearsonFallback));

  signed = networkType %in% c("signed", "signed hybrid");

  # Set up advanced tree cut methods

  otherArgs = list(...);

  if (useBranchEigennodeDissim)
    branchSplitFnc = list("branchEigengeneDissim");
    externalSplitOptions = list(list( corFnc = corFnc, corOptions = corOptions,
                                      signed = signed));
    nExternalBranchSplitFnc = 1;
    externalSplitFncNeedsDistance = FALSE;
    minExternalSplit = minBranchEigennodeDissim;
  } else {
    branchSplitFnc = list();
    externalSplitOptions = list()
    externalSplitFncNeedsDistance = logical(0);
    nExternalBranchSplitFnc = 0;
    minExternalSplit = numeric(0);

  if (!is.null(stabilityLabels))
    stabilityCriterion = match.arg(stabilityCriterion);
    branchSplitFnc = c(branchSplitFnc,
           if (stabilityCriterion=="Individual fraction")
               "branchSplitFromStabilityLabels.individualFraction" else "branchSplitFromStabilityLabels");
    minExternalSplit = c(minExternalSplit, minStabilityDissim);
    externalSplitFncNeedsDistance = c(externalSplitFncNeedsDistance, FALSE);
    externalSplitOptions = c(externalSplitOptions, list(list(stabilityLabels = stabilityLabels)))

  if ("useBranchSplit" %in% names(otherArgs))
    if (otherArgs$useBranchSplit)
      nExternalBranchSplitFnc = nExternalBranchSplitFnc + 1;
      branchSplitFnc[[nExternalBranchSplitFnc]] = "branchSplit"
      externalSplitOptions[[nExternalBranchSplitFnc]] = list(discardProp = 0.08, minCentralProp = 0.75,
                       nConsideredPCs = 3, signed = signed, getDetails = FALSE);
      externalSplitFncNeedsDistance[nExternalBranchSplitFnc] = FALSE;
      minExternalSplit[ nExternalBranchSplitFnc] = otherArgs$minBranchSplit;

  # Split data into blocks if needed

  if (is.null(blocks))
    if (nGGenes > maxBlockSize)
      if (verbose>1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....pre-clustering genes to determine blocks.."));
      clustering = projectiveKMeans(datExpr, preferredSize = maxBlockSize, 
                                    checkData = FALSE,
                                    sizePenaltyPower = blockSizePenaltyPower,
                                    nCenters = nPreclusteringCenters, 
                                    randomSeed = randomSeed,
                                    verbose = verbose-2, indent = indent + 1);
      gBlocks = .orderLabelsBySize(clustering$clusters)
      if (verbose > 2) { printFlush("Block sizes:"); print(table(gBlocks)); }
    } else
      gBlocks = rep(1, nGGenes);
    blocks = rep(NA, nGenes);
    blocks[gsg$goodGenes] = gBlocks; 
  } else {
    gBlocks = blocks[gsg$goodGenes];

  blockLevels = as.numeric(levels(factor(gBlocks)));
  blockSizes = table(gBlocks)

  if (any(blockSizes > sqrt(2^31)-1))
            "Found block(s) with size(s) larger than limit of 'int' indexing.\n",
            spaces, " Support for such large blocks is experimental; please report\n",
            spaces, " any issues to Peter.Langfelder@gmail.com."));

  nBlocks = length(blockLevels);

  # Initialize various variables

  dendros = list();

  TOMFiles = rep("", nBlocks);
  blockGenes = list();

  maxUsedLabel = 0;
  for (blockNo in 1:nBlocks)
    if (verbose>1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..Working on block", blockNo, "."));

    blockGenes[[blockNo]] = c(1:nGenes)[gsg$goodGenes][gBlocks==blockLevels[blockNo]];
    block = c(1:nGGenes)[gBlocks==blockLevels[blockNo]];
    selExpr = as.matrix(datExpr[, block]);
    if (haveWeights) selWeights = weights[, block];
    nBlockGenes = length(block);
    TOMFiles[blockNo] = spaste(saveTOMFileBase, "-block.", blockNo, ".RData");
    if (loadTOM)
      if (verbose > 2)
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "  ..loading TOM for block", blockNo, "from file", TOMFiles[blockNo]));
      x = try(load(file =TOMFiles[blockNo]), silent = TRUE);
      if (x!="TOM") 
        loadTOM = FALSE
        printFlush(spaste("Loading of TOM in block ", blockNo, " failed:\n file ", 
                          "\n  either does not exist or does not contain the object 'TOM'.\n", 
                          "  Will recalculate TOM."));
      } else if (!inherits(TOM, "dist")) {
         printFlush(spaste("TOM file ", TOMFiles[blockNo], 
                           " does not contain object of the right type or size.\n",
                           " Will recalculate TOM."))
      } else {
        size.1 = attr(TOM, "Size");
        if (length(size.1)!=1 || size.1!=nBlockGenes)
           printFlush(spaste("TOM file ", TOMFiles[blockNo], 
                             " does not contain object of the right type or size.\n",
                            " Will recalculate TOM."))
           loadTOM = FALSE
        } else {
           tom = as.matrix(TOM);

    if (!loadTOM) 
      # Calculate TOM by calling a custom C function:
      callVerb = max(0, verbose - 1); callInd = indent + 2;
      CcorType = intCorType - 1;
      CnetworkType = intNetworkType - 1;
      CTOMType = intTOMType -1;

      warn = as.integer(0);
      tom = .Call("tomSimilarity_call", selExpr, weights,
          as.integer(CcorType), as.integer(CnetworkType), as.double(power), as.integer(CTOMType), 
          warn, as.integer(nThreads),
          as.integer(callVerb), as.integer(callInd), PACKAGE = "WGCNA");

      # FIXME: warn if necessary

      if (saveTOMs) 
        TOM = as.dist(tom);
        TOMFiles[blockNo] = paste(saveTOMFileBase, "-block.", blockNo, ".RData", sep="");
        if (verbose > 2)
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "  ..saving TOM for block", blockNo, "into file", TOMFiles[blockNo]));
        save(TOM, file =TOMFiles[blockNo]);
        rm (TOM)
    dissTom = 1-tom;
    if (verbose>2) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....clustering.."));

    dendros[[blockNo]] = fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(dissTom), method = "average")

    if (verbose>2) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....detecting modules.."));
    datExpr.scaled.imputed.block = datExpr.scaled.imputed[, block];
    if (nExternalBranchSplitFnc > 0) for (extBSFnc in 1:nExternalBranchSplitFnc)
      externalSplitOptions[[extBSFnc]]$expr = datExpr.scaled.imputed.block;

    blockLabels = try(cutreeDynamic(dendro = dendros[[blockNo]], 
                           deepSplit = deepSplit,
                           cutHeight = detectCutHeight, minClusterSize = minModuleSize, 
                           method = "hybrid", distM = dissTom, 
                           maxCoreScatter = maxCoreScatter, minGap = minGap,
                           maxAbsCoreScatter = maxAbsCoreScatter, minAbsGap = minAbsGap,
                           minSplitHeight = minSplitHeight, minAbsSplitHeight = minAbsSplitHeight,
                           externalBranchSplitFnc = branchSplitFnc,
                           minExternalSplit = minExternalSplit,
                           externalSplitOptions = externalSplitOptions,
                           externalSplitFncNeedsDistance = externalSplitFncNeedsDistance,
                           assumeSimpleExternalSpecification = FALSE,

                           pamStage = pamStage, pamRespectsDendro = pamRespectsDendro,
                           verbose = verbose-3, indent = indent + 2), silent = FALSE);
    if (verbose > 8)
      labels0 = blockLabels
      if (interactive())
        plotDendroAndColors(dendros[[blockNo]], labels2colors(blockLabels), dendroLabels = FALSE, 
           main = paste("Block", blockNo),
           rowText = blockLabels, textPositions = 1, rowTextAlignment = "center");
      if (FALSE) 
        plotDendroAndColors(dendros[[blockNo]], labels2colors(allLabels), dendroLabels = FALSE, 
           main = paste("Block", blockNo));
    if (inherits(blockLabels, 'try-error'))
      if (verbose>0) 
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "*** cutreeDynamic returned the following error:\n",
                         spaces, blockLabels, spaces,
                         "Stopping the module detection here."));
      } else
        warning(paste("blockwiseModules: cutreeDynamic returned the following error:\n",
                      "      ", blockLabels, "---> Continuing with next block. "));
    if (sum(blockLabels>0)==0)
      if (verbose>1) 
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "No modules detected in block", blockNo));
      blockNo = blockNo + 1;

    blockLabels[blockLabels>0] = blockLabels[blockLabels>0] + maxUsedLabel;
    maxUsedLabel = max(blockLabels);

    if (verbose>2) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....calculating module eigengenes.."));
    MEs = try(moduleEigengenes(selExpr[, blockLabels!=0], blockLabels[blockLabels!=0], impute = impute,
                           # subHubs = TRUE, trapErrors = FALSE,
                           verbose = verbose - 3, indent = indent + 2), silent = TRUE);
    if (inherits(MEs, 'try-error'))
      if (trapErrors)
        if (verbose>0) {
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "*** moduleEigengenes failed with the following message:"));
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "       ", MEs));
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "    ---> Stopping module detection here."));
        } else 
          warning(paste("blockwiseModules: moduleEigengenes failed with the following message:",
                        "\n     ", MEs, "---> Continuing with next block. "));
      } else stop(MEs);

    #propMEs = as.data.frame(MEs$eigengenes[, names(MEs$eigengenes)!="ME0"]);

    propMEs = MEs$eigengenes;
    blockLabelIndex = as.numeric(substring(names(propMEs), 3));

    deleteModules = NULL;
    changedModules = NULL;

    # Check modules: make sure that of the genes present in the module, at least a minimum number
    # have a correlation with the eigengene higher than a given cutoff.

    if (verbose>2) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....checking kME in modules.."));
    for (mod in 1:ncol(propMEs))
      modGenes = (blockLabels==blockLabelIndex[mod]);
      KME = do.call(corFnc, 
                c(list(selExpr[, modGenes], propMEs[, mod]),
                  if (corFncAcceptsWeights) list(
                           weights.x = if (haveWeights) weights[, modGenes] else NULL,
                           weights.y = NULL) else NULL,
      if (intNetworkType==1) KME = abs(KME);
      if (sum(KME>minCoreKME) < minCoreKMESize) 
        blockLabels[modGenes] = 0;
        deleteModules = c(deleteModules, mod);
        if (verbose>3) 
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "    ..deleting module ", mod, ": of ", sum(modGenes), 
                     " total genes in the module\n       only ",  sum(KME>minCoreKME), 
                     " have the requisite high correlation with the eigengene.", sep=""));
      } else if (sum(KME<minKMEtoStay)>0)
        # Remove genes whose KME is too low:
        if (verbose > 2) 
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "    ..removing", sum(KME<minKMEtoStay), 
                           "genes from module", mod, "because their KME is too low."));
        blockLabels[modGenes][KME < minKMEtoStay] = 0;
        if (sum(blockLabels[modGenes]>0) < minModuleSize) 
          deleteModules = c(deleteModules, mod);
          blockLabels[modGenes] = 0;
          if (verbose>3) 
            printFlush(paste(spaces, "    ..deleting module ",blockLabelIndex[mod], 
                     ": not enough genes in the module after removal of low KME genes.", sep=""));
        } else {
          changedModules = union(changedModules, blockLabelIndex[mod]);

    # Remove modules that are to be removed

    if (!is.null(deleteModules)) 
       propMEs = propMEs[, -deleteModules, drop = FALSE];
       modGenes = is.finite(match(blockLabels, blockLabelIndex[deleteModules]));
       blockLabels[modGenes] = 0;
       modAllGenes = is.finite(match(allLabels, blockLabelIndex[deleteModules]));
       allLabels[modAllGenes] = 0;
       blockLabelIndex = blockLabelIndex[-deleteModules];

    # Check if any modules are left

    if (sum(blockLabels>0)==0)
      if (verbose>1) 
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "No significant modules detected in block", blockNo));
      blockNo = blockNo + 1;

    # Update allMEs and allLabels

    if (is.null(AllMEs))
      AllMEs = propMEs;
    } else
      AllMEs = cbind(AllMEs, propMEs);

    allLabelIndex = c(allLabelIndex, blockLabelIndex);

    assigned = block[blockLabels!=0];
    allLabels[gsg$goodGenes][assigned] = blockLabels[blockLabels!=0];


    #if (blockNo < nBlocks)
    #  leftoverBlockGenes = block[allLabels[block]==0];
    #  nLeftBG = length(leftoverBlockGenes);
    #  blocksLeft = c((blockNo+1):nBlocks);
    #  blockSizes = as.vector(table(blocks))[blocksLeft];
    #  blocksOpen = blocksLeft[blockSizes < maxBlockSize];
    #  nBlocksOpen = length(blocksOpen);
    #  if ((nLeftBG>0) && (nBlocksOpen>0))
    #  {
    #    openSizes = blockSizes[blocksOpen];
    #    centers = matrix(0, nGSamples, nBlocksOpen);
    #    for (cen in 1:nBlocksOpen)
    #      centers[, cen] = svd(datExpr[, blocks==blocksOpen[cen]], nu=1, nv=0)$u[,1];
    #    dst = geneCenterDist(datExpr[, block], centers);
    #    rowMat = matrix(c(1:nrow(dst)), nrow(dst), ncol(dst));
    #    colMat = matrix(c(1:ncol(dst)), nrow(dst), ncol(dst), byrow = TRUE);
    #    dstOrder = order(as.vector(dst));
    #    while ((nLeftBG>0) && (nBlocksOpen>0))
    #    {
    #      gene = colMat[dstOrder[1]];
    #      rowMatV = as.vector(rowMat);
    #      colMatV = as.vector(colMat);
    blockNo = blockNo + 1;

  # Check whether any of the already assigned genes should be re-assigned

  deleteModules = NULL;
  goodLabels = allLabels[gsg$goodGenes];
  reassignIndex = rep(FALSE, length(goodLabels));
  if (sum(goodLabels!=0) > 0)
     propLabels = goodLabels[goodLabels!=0];
     assGenes = (c(1:nGenes)[gsg$goodGenes])[goodLabels!=0];
     KME = do.call(match.fun(corFnc),
             c(list(datExpr[, goodLabels!=0], AllMEs),
               if (corFncAcceptsWeights) list(
                     weights.x = if(haveWeights) weights[, goodLabels!=0] else NULL,
                     weights.y = NULL) else NULL,
     if (intNetworkType == 1) KME = abs(KME)
     nMods = ncol(AllMEs);
     for (mod in 1:nMods)
       modGenes = c(1:length(propLabels))[propLabels==allLabelIndex[mod]];
       KMEmodule = KME[modGenes, mod];
       KMEbest = apply(KME[modGenes, , drop = FALSE], 1, max);
       candidates = (KMEmodule < KMEbest);
       candidates[!is.finite(candidates)] = FALSE;
       if (FALSE)
         modDiss = dissTom[goodLabels==allLabelIndex[mod], goodLabels==allLabelIndex[mod]];
         mod.k = colSums(modDiss);

       if (sum(candidates) > 0)
         pModule = corPvalueFisher(KMEmodule[candidates], nSamples);
         whichBest = apply(KME[modGenes[candidates], , drop = FALSE], 1, which.max);
         pBest = corPvalueFisher(KMEbest[candidates], nSamples);
         reassign = ifelse(is.finite(pBest/pModule), (pBest/pModule < reassignThreshold), FALSE);
         if (sum(reassign)>0)
           if (verbose > 2)
             printFlush(paste(spaces, " ..reassigning", sum(reassign), 
                                      "genes from module", mod, "to modules with higher KME."));
           allLabels[assGenes[modGenes[candidates][reassign]]] = whichBest[reassign];
           changedModules = union(changedModules, whichBest[reassign]);
           if (length(modGenes)-sum(reassign) < minModuleSize) 
             deleteModules = c(deleteModules, mod);
           } else 
             changedModules = union(changedModules, mod);

  # Remove modules that are to be removed

  if (!is.null(deleteModules)) 
     AllMEs = AllMEs[, -deleteModules, drop = FALSE];
     genes = is.finite(match(allLabels, allLabelIndex[deleteModules]));
     allLabels[genes] = 0;
     allLabelIndex = allLabelIndex[-deleteModules];
     goodLabels = allLabels[gsg$goodGenes];

  if (verbose>1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..merging modules that are too close.."));
  if (numericLabels) {
    colors = allLabels
  } else {
    colors = labels2colors(allLabels)
  mergedAllColors = colors;
  mergedMods = try(mergeCloseModules(datExpr, colors[gsg$goodGenes], cutHeight = mergeCutHeight, 
                                 relabel = TRUE, # trapErrors = FALSE, 
                                 corFnc = corFnc, corOptions = corOptions,
                                 impute = impute, 
                                 verbose = verbose-2, indent = indent + 2), silent = TRUE);
  if (inherits(mergedMods, 'try-error'))
    warning(paste("blockwiseModules: mergeCloseModules failed with the following error message:\n    ",
                  mergedMods, "\n--> returning unmerged colors.\n"));
    MEs = try(moduleEigengenes(datExpr, colors[gsg$goodGenes], # subHubs = TRUE, trapErrors = FALSE, 
                               impute = impute,
                               verbose = verbose-3, indent = indent+3), silent = TRUE);
    if (inherits(MEs, 'try-error'))
      if (!trapErrors) stop(MEs);
      if (verbose>0)
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "*** moduleEigengenes failed with the following error message:"));
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "     ", MEs));
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "*** returning no module eigengenes.\n"));
      } else
        warning(paste("blockwiseModules: moduleEigengenes failed with the following error message:\n    ",
                      MEs, "\n--> returning no module eigengenes.\n"));
      allSampleMEs = NULL;
      MEsOK = FALSE;
    } else {
      if (sum(!MEs$validMEs)>0)
        mergedAllColors[gsg$goodGenes] = MEs$validColors;
        MEs = MEs$eigengenes[, MEs$validMEs];
      } else MEs = MEs$eigengenes;
      allSampleMEs = as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nSamples, ncol = ncol(MEs)));
      allSampleMEs[gsg$goodSamples, ] = MEs[,];
      names(allSampleMEs) = names(MEs);
      rownames(allSampleMEs) = make.unique(originalSampleNames)
  } else {
    mergedAllColors[gsg$goodGenes] = mergedMods$colors;
    allSampleMEs = as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nSamples, ncol = ncol(mergedMods$newMEs)));
    allSampleMEs[gsg$goodSamples, ] = mergedMods$newMEs[,];
    names(allSampleMEs) = names(mergedMods$newMEs);
    rownames(allSampleMEs) = make.unique(originalSampleNames);

  if (seedSaved) .Random.seed <<- savedSeed;

  if (!saveTOMs) TOMFiles = NULL;

  names(colors) = originalGeneNames;
  names(mergedAllColors) = originalGeneNames;
  list(colors = mergedAllColors, 
       unmergedColors = colors, 
       MEs = allSampleMEs, 
       goodSamples = gsg$goodSamples, 
       goodGenes = gsg$goodGenes, 
       dendrograms = dendros, 
       TOMFiles = TOMFiles, 
       blockGenes = blockGenes,
       blocks = blocks,
       MEsOK = MEsOK);

# Helper functions

# order labels by size

.orderLabelsBySize = function(labels, exclude = NULL)
  levels.0 = sort(unique(labels));
  levels = levels.0[ !levels.0 %in% exclude]
  levels.excl = levels.0 [levels.0 %in% exclude]
  rearrange = labels %in% levels;
  tab = table(labels [ rearrange ]);
  rank = rank(-tab, ties.method = "first");

  oldOrder = c(levels.excl, names(tab));
  newOrder = c(levels.excl, names(tab)[rank]);
  if (is.numeric(labels)) newOrder = as.numeric(newOrder);

  newOrder[ match(labels, oldOrder) ]
# Re-cut trees for blockwiseModules

recutBlockwiseTrees = function(datExpr, 
                      goodSamples, goodGenes,
                      corType = "pearson",
                      networkType = "unsigned",
                      deepSplit = 2, 
                      detectCutHeight = 0.995, minModuleSize = min(20, ncol(datExpr)/2 ),
                      maxCoreScatter = NULL, minGap = NULL,
                      maxAbsCoreScatter = NULL, minAbsGap = NULL,
                      minSplitHeight = NULL, minAbsSplitHeight = NULL,

                      useBranchEigennodeDissim = FALSE,
                      minBranchEigennodeDissim = mergeCutHeight,

                      pamStage = TRUE, pamRespectsDendro = TRUE,
                      # minKMEtoJoin =0.7, 
                      minCoreKME = 0.5, minCoreKMESize = minModuleSize/3,
                      minKMEtoStay = 0.3,
                      reassignThreshold = 1e-6,
                      mergeCutHeight = 0.15, impute = TRUE, 
                      trapErrors = FALSE, numericLabels = FALSE,
                      verbose = 0, indent = 0, ...)
  spaces = indentSpaces(indent);

  #if (verbose>0) 
  #   printFlush(paste(spaces, "Calculating module eigengenes block-wise from all genes"));
  cutreeLabels = list()
  intCorType = pmatch(corType, .corTypes);
  if (is.na(intCorType))
    stop(paste("Invalid 'corType'. Recognized values are", paste(.corTypes, collapse = ", ")))
  # if ( (minKMEtoJoin >1) | (minKMEtoJoin  <0) ) stop("minKMEtoJoin  must be between 0 and 1.");

  intNetworkType = charmatch(networkType, .networkTypes);
  if (is.na(intNetworkType))
    stop(paste("Unrecognized networkType argument.", 
         "Recognized values are (unique abbreviations of)", paste(.networkTypes, collapse = ", ")));

  dimEx = dim(datExpr);
  if (length(dimEx)!=2) stop("datExpr has incorrect dimensions.")

  nGenes = dimEx[2];
  nSamples = dimEx[1];
  allLabels = rep(0, nGenes);
  AllMEs = NULL;
  allLabelIndex = NULL;

  originalSampleNames = rownames(datExpr);
  if (is.null(originalSampleNames)) originalSampleNames = spaste("Row.", 1:nrow(datExpr));
  originalGeneNames = colnames(datExpr);
  if (is.null(originalGeneNames)) originalGeneNames = spaste("Column.", 1:ncol(datExpr));

  if (length(blocks)!=nGenes)
    stop("Input error: the length of 'geneRank' does not equal the number of genes in given 'datExpr'.");

  # Check data for genes and samples that have too many missing values

  nGGenes = sum(goodGenes)
  nGSamples = sum(goodSamples);
  gsg = list(goodSamples = goodSamples, goodGenes = goodGenes, 
             allOK =(sum(!goodSamples) + sum(!goodGenes) == 0));

  if (!gsg$allOK) datExpr = datExpr[goodSamples, goodGenes];

  gBlocks = blocks[gsg$goodGenes];
  blockLevels = as.numeric(levels(factor(gBlocks)));
  blockSizes = table(gBlocks)
  nBlocks = length(blockLevels);

  datExpr.scaled.imputed = t(impute.knn(t(scale(datExpr)))$data)
  if (any(is.na(datExpr)))
     datExpr.scaled.imputed = t(impute.knn(t(scale(datExpr)))$data)

  corFnc = .corFnc[intCorType];
  corOptions = list(use = 'p');

  signed = networkType %in% c("signed", "signed hybrid");
  # Set up advanced tree cut methods

  otherArgs = list(...);

  if (useBranchEigennodeDissim)
    branchSplitFnc = list("branchEigengeneDissim");
    externalSplitOptions = list(list( corFnc = corFnc, corOptions = corOptions,
                                      signed = signed));
    externalSplitFncNeedsDistance = FALSE;
    nExternalBranchSplitFnc = 1;
    minExternalSplit = minBranchEigennodeDissim;
  } else {
    branchSplitFnc = list();
    externalSplitOptions = list(list())
    externalSplitFncNeedsDistance = logical(0);
    nExternalBranchSplitFnc = 0;
    minExternalSplit = numeric(0);

  if ("useBranchSplit" %in% names(otherArgs))
    if (otherArgs$useBranchSplit)
      nExternalBranchSplitFnc = nExternalBranchSplitFnc + 1;
      branchSplitFnc[[nExternalBranchSplitFnc]] = "branchSplit"
      externalSplitOptions[[nExternalBranchSplitFnc]] = list(discardProp = 0.08, minCentralProp = 0.75,
                       nConsideredPCs = 3, signed = signed, getDetails = FALSE);
      minExternalSplit[ nExternalBranchSplitFnc] = otherArgs$minBranchSplit;
      externalSplitFncNeedsDistance[ nExternalBranchSplitFnc] = FALSE;

  # Initialize various variables

  blockNo = 1;
  maxUsedLabel = 0;
  while (blockNo <= nBlocks)
    if (verbose>1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..Working on block", blockNo, "."));

    block = c(1:nGGenes)[gBlocks==blockLevels[blockNo]];
    selExpr = as.matrix(datExpr[, block]);
    nBlockGenes = length(block);

    TOM = NULL;	# Will be loaded below; this gets rid of warnings form Rcheck.

    xx = try(load(TOMFiles[blockNo]), silent = TRUE);
    if (inherits(xx, 'try-error'))
      printFlush(paste("************\n File name", TOMFiles[blockNo], 
                       "appears invalid: the load function returned the following error:\n     ",
    if (xx!='TOM')
      stop(paste("The file", TOMFiles[blockNo], "does not contain the appopriate variable."));

    if (!inherits(TOM, "dist"))
      stop(paste("The file", TOMFiles[blockNo], "does not contain the appopriate distance structure."));

    dissTom = as.matrix(1-TOM);

    if (verbose>2) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....detecting modules.."));

    datExpr.scaled.imputed.block = datExpr.scaled.imputed[, block];
    if (nExternalBranchSplitFnc > 0) for (extBSFnc in 1:nExternalBranchSplitFnc)
        externalSplitOptions[[extBSFnc]]$expr = datExpr.scaled.imputed.block;
    blockLabels = try(cutreeDynamic(dendro = dendrograms[[blockNo]], 
                           deepSplit = deepSplit,
                           cutHeight = detectCutHeight, minClusterSize = minModuleSize, 
                           method ="hybrid", 
                           maxCoreScatter = maxCoreScatter, minGap = minGap,
                           maxAbsCoreScatter = maxAbsCoreScatter, minAbsGap = minAbsGap,
                           minSplitHeight = minSplitHeight, minAbsSplitHeight = minAbsSplitHeight,

                           externalBranchSplitFnc = branchSplitFnc,
                           minExternalSplit = minExternalSplit,
                           externalSplitOptions = externalSplitOptions,
                           externalSplitFncNeedsDistance = externalSplitFncNeedsDistance,
                           assumeSimpleExternalSpecification = FALSE,

                           pamStage = pamStage, pamRespectsDendro = pamRespectsDendro,
                           distM = dissTom, 
                           verbose = verbose-3, indent = indent + 2), silent = TRUE);
    cutreeLabels[[blockNo]] = blockLabels;

    if (inherits(blockLabels, 'try-error'))
      if (verbose>0) 
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "*** cutreeDynamic returned the following error:\n",
                         spaces, blockLabels, spaces,
                         "Stopping the module detection here."));
      } else
        warning(paste("blockwiseModules: cutreeDynamic returned the following error:\n",
                      "      ", blockLabels, "---> Continuing with next block. "));
    if (sum(blockLabels>0)==0)
      if (verbose>1) 
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "No modules detected in block", blockNo));
      blockNo = blockNo + 1;

    blockLabels[blockLabels>0] = blockLabels[blockLabels>0] + maxUsedLabel;
    maxUsedLabel = max(blockLabels);

    if (verbose>2) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....calculating module eigengenes.."));
    MEs = try(moduleEigengenes(selExpr[, blockLabels!=0], blockLabels[blockLabels!=0], impute = impute,
                           # subHubs = TRUE, trapErrors = FALSE,
                           verbose = verbose - 3, indent = indent + 2), silent = TRUE);
    if (inherits(MEs, 'try-error'))
      if (trapErrors)
        if (verbose>0) {
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "*** moduleEigengenes failed with the following message:"));
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "       ", MEs));
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "    ---> Stopping module detection here."));
        } else 
          warning(paste("blockwiseModules: moduleEigengenes failed with the following message:",
                        "\n     ", MEs, "---> Continuing with next block. "));
      } else stop(MEs);

    #propMEs = as.data.frame(MEs$eigengenes[, names(MEs$eigengenes)!="ME0"]);

    propMEs = MEs$eigengenes;
    blockLabelIndex = as.numeric(substring(names(propMEs), 3));

    deleteModules = NULL;
    changedModules = NULL;

    # Check modules: make sure that of the genes present in the module, at least a minimum number
    # have a correlation with the eigengene higher than a given cutoff.

    if (verbose>2) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....checking modules for statistical meaningfulness.."));
    for (mod in 1:ncol(propMEs))
      modGenes = (blockLabels==blockLabelIndex[mod]);
      corEval = parse(text = paste(corFnc, "(selExpr[, modGenes], propMEs[, mod]", 
                                   prepComma(.corOptions[intCorType]), ")"));
      KME = as.vector(eval(corEval));
      if (intNetworkType==1) KME = abs(KME);
      if (sum(KME>minCoreKME) < minCoreKMESize) 
        blockLabels[modGenes] = 0;
        deleteModules = c(deleteModules, mod);
        if (verbose>3) 
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "    ..deleting module ", mod, ": of ", sum(modGenes), 
                     " total genes in the module\n       only ",  sum(KME>minCoreKME), 
                     " have the requisite high correlation with the eigengene.", sep=""));
      } else if (sum(KME<minKMEtoStay)>0)
        # Remove genes whose KME is too low:
        if (verbose > 2) 
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "    ..removing", sum(KME<minKMEtoStay), 
                           "genes from module", mod, "because their KME is too low."));
        blockLabels[modGenes][KME < minKMEtoStay] = 0;
        if (sum(blockLabels[modGenes]>0) < minModuleSize) 
          deleteModules = c(deleteModules, mod);
          blockLabels[modGenes] = 0;
          if (verbose>3) 
            printFlush(paste(spaces, "    ..deleting module ",blockLabelIndex[mod], 
                     ": not enough genes in the module after removal of low KME genes.", sep=""));
        } else {
          changedModules = union(changedModules, blockLabelIndex[mod]);

    # Remove modules that are to be removed

    if (!is.null(deleteModules)) 
       propMEs = propMEs[, -deleteModules, drop = FALSE];
       modGenes = is.finite(match(blockLabels, blockLabelIndex[deleteModules]));
       blockLabels[modGenes] = 0;
       modAllGenes = is.finite(match(allLabels, blockLabelIndex[deleteModules]));
       allLabels[modAllGenes] = 0;
       blockLabelIndex = blockLabelIndex[-deleteModules];

    # Check if any modules are left

    if (sum(blockLabels>0)==0)
      if (verbose>1) 
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "No significant modules detected in block", blockNo));
      blockNo = blockNo + 1;

    # Update allMEs and allLabels

    if (is.null(AllMEs))
      AllMEs = propMEs;
    } else
      AllMEs = cbind(AllMEs, propMEs);

    allLabelIndex = c(allLabelIndex, blockLabelIndex);

    assigned = block[blockLabels!=0];
    allLabels[assigned] = blockLabels[blockLabels!=0];


    blockNo = blockNo + 1;

  # Check whether any of the already assigned genes should be re-assigned

  deleteModules = NULL;
  goodLabels = allLabels[gsg$goodGenes];
  if (sum(goodLabels!=0) > 0)
     propLabels = goodLabels[goodLabels!=0];
     assGenes = (c(1:nGenes)[gsg$goodGenes])[goodLabels!=0];
     corEval = parse(text = paste(corFnc, "(datExpr[, goodLabels!=0], AllMEs", 
                                  prepComma(.corOptions[intCorType]), ")"));
     KME = eval(corEval);
     if (intNetworkType == 1) KME = abs(KME)
     nMods = ncol(AllMEs);
     for (mod in 1:nMods)
       modGenes = c(1:length(propLabels))[propLabels==allLabelIndex[mod]];
       KMEmodule = KME[modGenes, mod];
       KMEbest = apply(KME[modGenes, , drop = FALSE], 1, max);
       candidates = (KMEmodule < KMEbest);
       candidates[!is.finite(candidates)] = FALSE;
       if (sum(candidates) > 0)
         pModule = corPvalueFisher(KMEmodule[candidates], nSamples);
         whichBest = apply(KME[modGenes[candidates], , drop = FALSE], 1, which.max);
         pBest = corPvalueFisher(KMEbest[candidates], nSamples);
         reassign = ifelse(is.finite(pBest/pModule), (pBest/pModule < reassignThreshold), FALSE);
         if (sum(reassign)>0)
           if (verbose > 2)
             printFlush(paste(spaces, " ..reassigning", sum(reassign), 
                                      "genes from module", mod, "to modules with higher KME."));
           allLabels[assGenes[modGenes[candidates][reassign]]] = whichBest[reassign];
           changedModules = union(changedModules, whichBest[reassign]);
           if (length(modGenes)-sum(reassign) < minModuleSize) 
             deleteModules = c(deleteModules, mod);
           } else 
             changedModules = union(changedModules, mod);

  # Remove modules that are to be removed

  if (!is.null(deleteModules)) 
     AllMEs = AllMEs[, -deleteModules, drop = FALSE];
     genes = is.finite(match(allLabels, allLabelIndex[deleteModules]));
     allLabels[genes] = 0;
     allLabelIndex = allLabelIndex[-deleteModules];
     goodLabels = allLabels[gsg$goodGenes];

  if (verbose>1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..merging modules that are too close.."));
  if (numericLabels) {
    colors = allLabels
  } else {
    colors = labels2colors(allLabels)
  mergedAllColors = colors;
  mergedMods = try(mergeCloseModules(datExpr, colors[gsg$goodGenes], cutHeight = mergeCutHeight, 
                                 relabel = TRUE, # trapErrors = FALSE, 
                                 impute = impute, 
                                 verbose = verbose-2, indent = indent + 2), silent = TRUE);
  if (inherits(mergedMods, 'try-error'))
    warning(paste("blockwiseModules: mergeCloseModules failed with the following error message:\n    ",
                  mergedMods, "\n--> returning unmerged colors.\n"));
    MEs = try(moduleEigengenes(datExpr, colors[gsg$goodGenes], # subHubs = TRUE, trapErrors = FALSE, 
                               impute = impute,
                               verbose = verbose-3, indent = indent+3), silent = TRUE);
    if (inherits(MEs, 'try-error'))
      if (!trapErrors) stop(MEs);
      if (verbose>0)
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "*** moduleEigengenes failed with the following error message:"));
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "     ", MEs));
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "*** returning no module eigengenes.\n"));
      } else
        warning(paste("blockwiseModules: moduleEigengenes failed with the following error message:\n    ",
                      MEs, "\n--> returning no module eigengenes.\n"));
      allSampleMEs = NULL;
      MEsOK = FALSE;
    } else {
      if (sum(!MEs$validMEs)>0)
        colors[gsg$goodGenes] = MEs$validColors;
        MEs = MEs$eigengenes[, MEs$validMEs];
      } else MEs = MEs$eigengenes;
      allSampleMEs = as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nSamples, ncol = ncol(MEs)));
      allSampleMEs[gsg$goodSamples, ] = MEs[,];
      names(allSampleMEs) = names(MEs);
  } else {
    mergedAllColors[gsg$goodGenes] = mergedMods$colors;
    allSampleMEs = as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nSamples, ncol = ncol(mergedMods$newMEs)));
    allSampleMEs[gsg$goodSamples, ] = mergedMods$newMEs[,];
    names(allSampleMEs) = names(mergedMods$newMEs);
    rownames(allSampleMEs) = make.unique(originalSampleNames);

  names(colors) = originalGeneNames;
  names(mergedAllColors) = originalGeneNames;
  list(colors = mergedAllColors, 
       unmergedColors = colors, 
       cutreeLabels = cutreeLabels,
       MEs = allSampleMEs, 
       #goodSamples = gsg$goodSamples, 
       #goodGenes = gsg$goodGenes, 
       #dendrograms = dendrograms, 
       #TOMFiles = TOMFiles, 
       #blockGenes = blockGenes,
       MEsOK = MEsOK);

# blockwiseIndividualTOMs

# This function calculates and saves blockwise topological overlaps for a given multi expression data. The
# argument blocks can be given to specify blocks, or the blocks can be omitted and will be calculated if
# necessary.

# Note on naming of output files: %s will translate into set number, %N into set name (if given in
# multiExpr), %b into block number.

.substituteTags = function(format, tags, replacements)
  nTags = length(tags);
  if (length(replacements)!= nTags) stop("Length of tags and replacements must be the same.");

  for (t in 1:nTags)
    format = gsub(as.character(tags[t]), as.character(replacements[t]), format, fixed = TRUE);


.processFileName = function(format, setNumber, setNames, blockNumber, analysisName = "")
  # The following is a workaround around empty (NULL) setNames. Replaces the name with the setNumber.
  if (is.null(setNames)) setNames = rep(setNumber, setNumber)

  .substituteTags(format, c("%s", "%N", "%b", "%a"), 
                    c(setNumber, setNames[setNumber], blockNumber, analysisName));

blockwiseIndividualTOMs = function(
   multiWeights = NULL,

   # Data checking options
   checkMissingData = TRUE,

   # Blocking options
   blocks = NULL, 
   maxBlockSize = 5000, 
   blockSizePenaltyPower = 5,
   nPreclusteringCenters = NULL,
   randomSeed = 54321,

   # Network construction arguments: correlation options
   corType = "pearson",
   maxPOutliers = 1,
   quickCor = 0,
   pearsonFallback = "individual", 
   cosineCorrelation = FALSE,

   # Adjacency function options
   power = 6, 
   networkType = "unsigned", 
   checkPower = TRUE,
   replaceMissingAdjacencies = FALSE,

   # Topological overlap options
   TOMType = "unsigned",           
   TOMDenom = "min",
   suppressTOMForZeroAdjacencies = FALSE,
   suppressNegativeTOM = FALSE,

   # Save individual TOMs? If not, they will be returned in the session.
   saveTOMs = TRUE,
   individualTOMFileNames = "individualTOM-Set%s-Block%b.RData",

   # General options
   nThreads = 0,
   useInternalMatrixAlgebra = FALSE,
   verbose = 2, indent = 0)
  spaces = indentSpaces(indent);

  dataSize = checkSets(multiExpr, checkStructure = TRUE);

  if (dataSize$structureOK)
    nSets = dataSize$nSets;
    nGenes = dataSize$nGenes;
    multiFormat = TRUE;
  } else {
    multiExpr = multiData(multiExpr);
    multiWeights = multiData(multiWeights);
    nSets = dataSize$nSets;
    nGenes = dataSize$nGenes;
    multiFormat = FALSE;
  .checkAndScaleMultiWeights(multiWeights, multiExpr, scaleByMax = FALSE);

  if (length(power)!=1)
    if (length(power)!=nSets)
      stop("Invalid arguments: Length of 'power' must equal number of sets given in 'multiExpr'.");
  } else {
    power = rep(power, nSets);

  #if (maxBlockSize >= floor(sqrt(2^31)) )
  #  stop("'maxBlockSize must be less than ", floor(sqrt(2^31)), ". Please decrease it and try again.")

  if (!is.null(blocks) && (length(blocks)!=nGenes))
    stop("Input error: length of 'blocks' must equal number of genes in 'multiExpr'.");

  if (verbose>0) 
     printFlush(paste(spaces, "Calculating topological overlaps block-wise from all genes"));

  intCorType = pmatch(corType, .corTypes);
  if (is.na(intCorType))
    stop(paste("Invalid 'corType'. Recognized values are", paste(.corTypes, collapse = ", ")))

  intTOMType = pmatch(TOMType, .TOMTypes);
  if (is.na(intTOMType))
    stop(paste("Invalid 'TOMType'. Recognized values are", paste(.TOMTypes, collapse = ", ")))

  TOMDenomC = pmatch(TOMDenom, .TOMDenoms)-1;
  if (is.na(TOMDenomC))
    stop(paste("Invalid 'TOMDenom'. Recognized values are", paste(.TOMDenoms, collapse = ", ")))

  if ( checkPower & ((sum(power<1)>0) | (sum(power>50)>0) ) ) stop("power must be between 1 and 50.");

  intNetworkType = charmatch(networkType, .networkTypes);
  if (is.na(intNetworkType))
    stop(paste("Unrecognized networkType argument.", 
         "Recognized values are (unique abbreviations of)", paste(.networkTypes, collapse = ", ")));

  if ( (maxPOutliers < 0) | (maxPOutliers > 1)) stop("maxPOutliers must be between 0 and 1.");
  if (quickCor < 0) stop("quickCor must be positive.");

  fallback = pmatch(pearsonFallback, .pearsonFallbacks)
  if (is.na(fallback))
      stop(paste("Unrecognized 'pearsonFallback'. Recognized values are (unique abbreviations of)\n",
           paste(.pearsonFallbacks, collapse = ", ")))

  if (nThreads < 0) stop("nThreads must be positive.");
  if (is.null(nThreads) || (nThreads==0)) nThreads = .useNThreads();

  nSamples = dataSize$nSamples;
  # Check data for genes and samples that have too many missing values

  if (checkMissingData)
    gsg = goodSamplesGenesMS(multiExpr, verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1)
    if (!gsg$allOK) 
      multiExpr = mtd.subset(multiExpr, gsg$goodSamples, gsg$goodGenes);
      if (!is.null(multiWeights)) multiWeights = mtd.subset(multiWeights, gsg$goodSamples, gsg$goodGenes);
  } else {
    gsg = list(goodGenes = rep(TRUE, nGenes), goodSamples = lapply(nSamples, function(n) rep(TRUE, n)),
               allOK = TRUE);

  nGGenes = sum(gsg$goodGenes);
  nGSamples = rep(0, nSets);
  for (set in 1:nSets) nGSamples[set] = sum(gsg$goodSamples[[set]]);

  if (is.null(blocks))
    if (nGGenes > maxBlockSize)
      if (verbose>1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....pre-clustering genes to determine blocks.."));
      clustering = consensusProjectiveKMeans(multiExpr, preferredSize = maxBlockSize,
                                         sizePenaltyPower = blockSizePenaltyPower, checkData = FALSE,
                                         nCenters = nPreclusteringCenters,
                                         randomSeed = randomSeed,
                                         verbose = verbose-2, indent = indent + 1);
      gBlocks = .orderLabelsBySize(clustering$clusters);
    } else 
      gBlocks = rep(1, nGGenes);
    blocks = rep(NA, nGenes);
    blocks[gsg$goodGenes] = gBlocks;
  } else {
    gBlocks = blocks[gsg$goodGenes];

  blockLevels = as.numeric(levels(factor(gBlocks)));
  blockSizes = table(gBlocks)
  nBlocks = length(blockLevels);

  if (any(blockSizes > sqrt(2^31)-1))
            "Found block(s) with size(s) larger than limit of 'int' indexing.\n",
            spaces, " Support for such large blocks is experimental; please report\n",
            spaces, " any issues to Peter.Langfelder@gmail.com."));

  # check file names for uniqueness

  actualFileNames = NULL;
  if (saveTOMs) 
    actualFileNames = matrix("", nSets, nBlocks);
    for (set in 1:nSets) for (b in 1:nBlocks)
      actualFileNames[set, b] = .processFileName(individualTOMFileNames, set, names(multiExpr), b);
    rownames(actualFileNames) = spaste("Set.", c(1:nSets));
    colnames(actualFileNames) = spaste("Block.", c(1:nBlocks));
    if (length(unique(as.vector(actualFileNames))) < nSets * nBlocks) 
      printFlush("Error: File names for (some) set/block combinations are not unique:");
      stop("File names must be unique.");
  # Initialize various variables

  blockGenes = list();
  blockNo = 1;
  setTomDS = list();
  # Here's where the analysis starts
  for (blockNo in 1:nBlocks)
    if (verbose>1 && nBlocks > 1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..Working on block", blockNo, "."));
    # Select the block genes
    block = c(1:nGGenes)[gBlocks==blockLevels[blockNo]];
    nBlockGenes = length(block);
    blockGenes[[blockNo]] = c(1:nGenes)[gsg$goodGenes][gBlocks==blockLevels[blockNo]];
    errorOccurred = FALSE;

    # Set up file names or memory space to hold the set TOMs
    if (!saveTOMs)
      setTomDS[[blockNo]] = array(0, dim = c(nBlockGenes*(nBlockGenes-1)/2, nSets));

    # For each set: calculate and save TOM

    for (set in 1:nSets)
      if (verbose>2) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....Working on set", set))
      selExpr = as.matrix(multiExpr[[set]]$data[, block]);
      if (!is.null(multiWeights)) selWeights = as.matrix(multiWeights[[set]]$data[, block]) else
          selWeights = NULL;

      # Calculate TOM by calling a custom C function:
      callVerb = max(0, verbose - 1); callInd = indent + 2;
      CcorType = intCorType - 1;
      CnetworkType = intNetworkType - 1;
      CTOMType = intTOMType - 1;
      # tempExpr = as.double(as.matrix(selExpr));
      warn = 0L;

      tom = .Call("tomSimilarity_call", selExpr, selWeights,
          as.integer(CcorType), as.integer(CnetworkType), as.double(power[set]), as.integer(CTOMType),
          warn, as.integer(nThreads),
          as.integer(callVerb), as.integer(callInd), PACKAGE = "WGCNA");

      # FIXME: warn if necessary

      tomDS = as.dist(tom);
      # dim(tom) = c(nBlockGenes, nBlockGenes);

      # Save the calculated TOM either to disk in chunks or to memory.
      if (saveTOMs) 
        save(tomDS, file = actualFileNames[set, blockNo]); 
      } else {
        setTomDS[[blockNo]] [, set] = tomDS[];
    rm(tomDS); collectGarbage();

  if (!multiFormat)
    gsg$goodSamples = gsg$goodSamples[[1]];

  list(actualTOMFileNames = actualFileNames, 
       TOMSimilarities = if(!saveTOMs) setTomDS else NULL,
       blocks = blocks,
       blockGenes = blockGenes,
       goodSamplesAndGenes = gsg, 
       nGGenes = nGGenes,
       gBlocks = gBlocks,
       nThreads = nThreads,
       saveTOMs = saveTOMs,
       intNetworkType = intNetworkType,
       intCorType = intCorType,
       nSets = nSets,
       setNames = names(multiExpr)

# lowerTri2matrix

lowerTri2matrix = function(x, diag = 1)
  if (inherits(x, "dist"))
    mat = as.matrix(x)
  } else {
    n = length(x);
    n1 = (1 + sqrt(1 + 8*n))/2
    if (floor(n1)!=n1) stop("Input length does not translate into matrix");
    mat = matrix(0, n1, n1);
    mat[lower.tri(mat)] = x;
    mat = mat + t(mat);
  diag(mat) = diag;

# blockwiseConsensusModules

.checkComponents = function(object, names)
  objNames = names(object);
  inObj = names %in% objNames;
  if (!all(inObj))
    stop(".checkComponents: object is missing the following components:\n",
         paste(names[!inObj], collapse = ", "));

# Function to calculate consensus modules and eigengenes from all genes.

blockwiseConsensusModules = function(

         # Data checking options
         checkMissingData = TRUE,

         # Blocking options
         blocks = NULL, 
         maxBlockSize = 5000, 
         blockSizePenaltyPower = 5,
         nPreclusteringCenters = NULL,
         randomSeed = 54321,

         # individual TOM information

         individualTOMInfo = NULL,
         useIndivTOMSubset = NULL,

         # Network construction arguments: correlation options
         corType = "pearson",
         maxPOutliers = 1,
         quickCor = 0,
         pearsonFallback = "individual", 
         cosineCorrelation = FALSE,

         # Adjacency function options
         power = 6, 
         networkType = "unsigned", 
         checkPower = TRUE,
         replaceMissingAdjacencies = FALSE,

         # Topological overlap options

         TOMType = "unsigned",           
         TOMDenom = "min",
         suppressNegativeTOM = FALSE,

         # Save individual TOMs?

         saveIndividualTOMs = TRUE,
         individualTOMFileNames = "individualTOM-Set%s-Block%b.RData",

         # Consensus calculation options: network calibration

         networkCalibration = c("single quantile", "full quantile", "none"),

         ## Save scaled TOMs? <-- leave this option for users willing to run consensusTOM on its own
         #saveScaledIndividualTOMs = FALSE,
         #scaledIndividualTOMFilePattern = "scaledIndividualTOM-Set%s-Block%b.RData",

         # Simple quantile calibration options

         calibrationQuantile = 0.95,
         sampleForCalibration = TRUE, sampleForCalibrationFactor = 1000,
         getNetworkCalibrationSamples = FALSE, 
         # Consensus definition

         consensusQuantile = 0,
         useMean = FALSE,
         setWeights = NULL,

         # Saving the consensus TOM

         saveConsensusTOMs = FALSE, 
         consensusTOMFilePattern = "consensusTOM-block.%b.RData",

         # Internal handling of TOMs

         useDiskCache = TRUE, chunkSize = NULL,
         cacheBase = ".blockConsModsCache",
         cacheDir = ".",

         # Alternative consensus TOM input from a previous calculation 

         consensusTOMInfo = NULL,

         # Basic tree cut options 

         deepSplit = 2, 
         detectCutHeight = 0.995, minModuleSize = 20,
         checkMinModuleSize = TRUE,

         # Advanced tree cut opyions

         maxCoreScatter = NULL, minGap = NULL,
         maxAbsCoreScatter = NULL, minAbsGap = NULL,
         minSplitHeight = NULL, minAbsSplitHeight = NULL,

         useBranchEigennodeDissim = FALSE,
         minBranchEigennodeDissim = mergeCutHeight,

         stabilityLabels = NULL,
         minStabilityDissim = NULL,

         pamStage = TRUE,  pamRespectsDendro = TRUE,

         # Gene joining and removal from a module, and module "significance" criteria

         reassignThresholdPS = 1e-4,
         trimmingConsensusQuantile = consensusQuantile,
         # minKMEtoJoin =0.7, 
         minCoreKME = 0.5, minCoreKMESize = minModuleSize/3,
         minKMEtoStay = 0.2,

         # Module eigengene calculation options

         impute = TRUE,
         trapErrors = FALSE,

         # Module merging options

         equalizeQuantilesForModuleMerging = FALSE,
         quantileSummaryForModuleMerging = "mean",
         mergeCutHeight = 0.15, 
         mergeConsensusQuantile = consensusQuantile,

         # Output options

         numericLabels = FALSE,

         # General options
         nThreads = 0,
         verbose = 2, indent = 0,
  spaces = indentSpaces(indent);

  dataSize = checkSets(multiExpr);
  nSets = dataSize$nSets;
  nGenes = dataSize$nGenes;

  if (length(power)!=1)
    if (length(power)!=nSets)
      stop("Invalid arguments: Length of 'power' must equal number of sets given in 'multiExpr'.");
  } else {
    power = rep(power, nSets);

  seedSaved = FALSE;
  if (!is.null(randomSeed))
    if (exists(".Random.seed"))
       seedSaved = TRUE;
       savedSeed = .Random.seed

  if ( (consensusQuantile < 0) | (consensusQuantile > 1) ) 
    stop("'consensusQuantile' must be between 0 and 1.");

  if (checkMinModuleSize & (minModuleSize > nGenes/2))
    minModuleSize = nGenes/2;
    warning("blockwiseConsensusModules: minModuleSize appeared too large and was lowered to", 
            ". If you insist on keeping the original minModuleSize, set checkMinModuleSize = FALSE.");

  if (verbose>0) 
     printFlush(paste(spaces, "Calculating consensus modules and module eigengenes", 
                      "block-wise from all genes"));

  originalGeneNames = mtd.colnames(multiExpr);
  if (is.null(originalGeneNames)) originalGeneNames = spaste("Column.", 1:nGenes)

  originalSampleNames = mtd.apply(multiExpr, function(x)
    out = rownames(x);
    if (is.null(out)) out = spaste("Row.", 1:nrow(x));

  branchSplitFnc = NULL;
  minBranchDissimilarities = numeric(0);
  externalSplitFncNeedsDistance = logical(0);
  if (useBranchEigennodeDissim)
    branchSplitFnc = "mtd.branchEigengeneDissim";
    minBranchDissimilarities = minBranchEigennodeDissim;
    externalSplitFncNeedsDistance = FALSE;

  if (!is.null(stabilityLabels))
    branchSplitFnc = c(branchSplitFnc, "branchSplitFromStabilityLabels");
    minBranchDissimilarities = c(minBranchDissimilarities, minStabilityDissim);
    externalSplitFncNeedsDistance = c(externalSplitFncNeedsDistance, FALSE);

  # Basic checks on consensusTOMInfo

  if (!is.null(consensusTOMInfo))

    .checkComponents(consensusTOMInfo, c("saveConsensusTOMs", "individualTOMInfo", "goodSamplesAndGenes"));

    if (length(consensusTOMInfo$individualTOMInfo$blocks)!=nGenes)
      stop("Inconsistent number of genes in 'consensusTOMInfo$individualTOMInfo$blocks'.");

    if (!is.null(consensusTOMInfo$consensusQuantile) &&
              (consensusQuantile!=consensusTOMInfo$consensusQuantile) )
       warning(immediate. = TRUE,
              "blockwiseConsensusModules: given (possibly default) 'consensusQuantile' is different\n",
              "from the value recorded in 'consensusTOMInfo'. This is normally undesirable and may\n",
              "indicate a mistake in the function call.");

  # Handle "other arguments"

  args = list(...);
  if (is.null(args$reproduceBranchEigennodeQuantileError))
     reproduceBranchEigennodeQuantileError = FALSE;
  } else reproduceBranchEigennodeQuantileError = args$reproduceBranchEigennodeQuantileError;

  # If topological overlaps weren't calculated yet, calculate them.

  removeIndividualTOMsOnExit = FALSE;
  nBlocks.0 = length(unique(blocks));

  if (is.null(individualTOMInfo))
    if (is.null(consensusTOMInfo))
      individualTOMInfo = blockwiseIndividualTOMs(multiExpr = multiExpr, 
                           checkMissingData = checkMissingData,
                           blocks = blocks,
                           maxBlockSize = maxBlockSize,
                           blockSizePenaltyPower = blockSizePenaltyPower,
                           nPreclusteringCenters = nPreclusteringCenters,
                           randomSeed = randomSeed,
                           corType = corType,
                           maxPOutliers = maxPOutliers,
                           quickCor = quickCor,
                           pearsonFallback = pearsonFallback,
                           cosineCorrelation = cosineCorrelation,
                           power = power,
                           networkType = networkType, 
                           replaceMissingAdjacencies= replaceMissingAdjacencies,
                           TOMType = TOMType,
                           TOMDenom = TOMDenom,
                           suppressNegativeTOM = suppressNegativeTOM,
                           saveTOMs = useDiskCache | nBlocks.0>1,
                           individualTOMFileNames = individualTOMFileNames,
                           nThreads = nThreads,
                           verbose = verbose, indent = indent);
      removeIndividualTOMsOnExit = TRUE;
    } else
      individualTOMInfo = consensusTOMInfo$individualTOMInfo;

  if (is.null(useIndivTOMSubset))
    if (individualTOMInfo$nSets != nSets)
      stop(paste("Number of sets in individualTOMInfo and in multiExpr do not agree.\n",
                 "  To use a subset of individualTOMInfo, set useIndivTOMSubset appropriately."));

    useIndivTOMSubset = c(1:nSets);

  if (length(useIndivTOMSubset)!=nSets)
    stop("Length of 'useIndivTOMSubset' must equal the number of sets in 'multiExpr'");

  if (length(unique(useIndivTOMSubset))!=nSets)
    stop("Entries of 'useIndivTOMSubset' must be unique");

  if (any(useIndivTOMSubset<1) | any(useIndivTOMSubset>individualTOMInfo$nSets))
    stop("All entries of 'useIndivTOMSubset' must be between 1 and the number of sets in individualTOMInfo");

  # if ( (minKMEtoJoin >1) | (minKMEtoJoin  <0) ) stop("minKMEtoJoin  must be between 0 and 1.");

  intNetworkType = individualTOMInfo$intNetworkType;
  intCorType = individualTOMInfo$intCorType;

  corFnc = match.fun(.corFnc[intCorType]);
  corOptions = list(use = 'p');

  fallback = pmatch(pearsonFallback, .pearsonFallbacks)

  nSamples = dataSize$nSamples;
  allLabels = rep(0, nGenes);
  allLabelIndex = NULL;

  # Restrict data to goodSamples and goodGenes

  gsg = individualTOMInfo$goodSamplesAndGenes;

  # Restrict gsg to used sets

  gsg$goodSamples = gsg$goodSamples[useIndivTOMSubset];
  if (!gsg$allOK)
    multiExpr = mtd.subset(multiExpr, gsg$goodSamples, gsg$goodGenes);

  # prepare scaled and imputed multiExpr.
  multiExpr.scaled = mtd.apply(multiExpr, scale);
  hasMissing = unlist(multiData2list(mtd.apply(multiExpr, function(x) { any(is.na(x)) })));
  # Impute those that have missing data
  multiExpr.scaled.imputed = mtd.mapply(function(x, doImpute) 
                         { if (doImpute) t(impute.knn(t(x))$data) else x },
                                   multiExpr.scaled, hasMissing);

  nGGenes = sum(gsg$goodGenes);
  nGSamples = rep(0, nSets);
  for (set in 1:nSets) nGSamples[set] = sum(gsg$goodSamples[[ set ]]);

  blocks = individualTOMInfo$blocks;
  gBlocks = individualTOMInfo$gBlocks;

  blockLevels = sort(unique(gBlocks));
  blockSizes = table(gBlocks)
  nBlocks = length(blockLevels);

  if (is.null(chunkSize)) chunkSize = as.integer(.largestBlockSize/nSets)

  reassignThreshold = reassignThresholdPS^nSets;

  consMEs = vector(mode = "list", length = nSets);
  dendros = list();

  maxUsedLabel = 0;
  # Here's where the analysis starts

  removeConsensusTOMOnExit = FALSE;
  if (is.null(consensusTOMInfo) && (nBlocks==1 || saveConsensusTOMs || getNetworkCalibrationSamples))
    consensusTOMInfo = consensusTOM(
         individualTOMInfo = individualTOMInfo,
         useIndivTOMSubset = useIndivTOMSubset,

         networkCalibration = networkCalibration,
         saveCalibratedIndividualTOMs = FALSE,

         calibrationQuantile = calibrationQuantile,
         sampleForCalibration = sampleForCalibration,
         sampleForCalibrationFactor = sampleForCalibrationFactor,
         getNetworkCalibrationSamples = getNetworkCalibrationSamples,

         consensusQuantile = consensusQuantile,
         useMean = useMean,
         setWeights = setWeights,

         # Return options
         saveConsensusTOMs = saveConsensusTOMs,
         consensusTOMFilePattern = consensusTOMFilePattern,
         returnTOMs = nBlocks==1,

         # Internal handling of TOMs
         useDiskCache = useDiskCache, 
         chunkSize = chunkSize,
         cacheBase = cacheBase,
         cacheDir = cacheDir,
         verbose = verbose, indent = indent);
     removeConsensusTOMOnExit = !saveConsensusTOMs;

  blockwiseConsensusCalculation = is.null(consensusTOMInfo);

  for (blockNo in 1:nBlocks)
    if (verbose>1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..Working on block", blockNo, "."));
    # Select block genes
    block = c(1:nGGenes)[gBlocks==blockLevels[blockNo]];
    nBlockGenes = length(block);

    selExpr = mtd.subset(multiExpr, , block);
    errorOccurred = FALSE;

    if (blockwiseConsensusCalculation)
       # This code is only reached if input saveConsensusTOMs is FALSE and there are at least 2 blocks.
       consensusTOMInfo = consensusTOM(
         individualTOMInfo = individualTOMInfo,
         useIndivTOMSubset = useIndivTOMSubset,

         useBlocks = blockNo,

         networkCalibration = networkCalibration,
         saveCalibratedIndividualTOMs = FALSE,

         calibrationQuantile = calibrationQuantile,
         sampleForCalibration = sampleForCalibration,
         sampleForCalibrationFactor = sampleForCalibrationFactor,
         getNetworkCalibrationSamples = FALSE,

         consensusQuantile = consensusQuantile,
         useMean = useMean,
         setWeights = setWeights,

         saveConsensusTOMs = FALSE,
         returnTOMs = TRUE,

         useDiskCache = useDiskCache, 
         chunkSize = chunkSize,
         cacheBase = cacheBase,
         cacheDir = cacheDir);

       consTomDS = consensusTOMInfo$consensusTOM[[1]];
       # Remove the consensus TOM from the structure.
       consensusTOMInfo$consensusTOM[[1]] = NULL;
       consensusTOMInfo$consensusTOM = NULL;
    } else {
       if (consensusTOMInfo$saveConsensusTOMs)
         consTomDS = .loadObject(file = consensusTOMInfo$TOMFiles[blockNo],
                                 size = nBlockGenes * (nBlockGenes-1)/2);
       } else 
         consTomDS = consensusTOMInfo$consensusTOM[[blockNo]];

    # Temporary "cast" so fastcluster::hclust doesn't complain about non-integer size.

    attr(consTomDS, "Size") = as.integer(attr(consTomDS, "Size"));

    consTomDS = 1-consTomDS;

    if (verbose>2) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....clustering and detecting modules.."));
    errorOccured = FALSE;
    dendros[[blockNo]] = fastcluster::hclust(consTomDS, method = "average");
    if (verbose > 8)
      if (interactive())
        plot(dendros[[blockNo]], labels = FALSE, main = paste("Block", blockNo));

    externalSplitOptions = list();
    e.index = 1;
    if (useBranchEigennodeDissim)
      externalSplitOptions[[e.index]] = list(multiExpr = mtd.subset(multiExpr.scaled.imputed,, block),
                                      corFnc = corFnc, corOptions = corOptions,
                                      consensusQuantile = consensusQuantile,
                                      signed = networkType %in% c("signed", "signed hybrid"),
                                      reproduceQuantileError = reproduceBranchEigennodeQuantileError);
      e.index = e.index +1;
    if (!is.null(stabilityLabels))
      externalSplitOptions[[e.index]] = list(stabilityLabels = stabilityLabels);
      e.index = e.index + 1;
    #blockLabels = try(cutreeDynamic(dendro = dendros[[blockNo]], 
    blockLabels = cutreeDynamic(dendro = dendros[[blockNo]], 
                    distM = as.matrix(consTomDS), 
                    deepSplit = deepSplit,
                    cutHeight = detectCutHeight, minClusterSize = minModuleSize, 
                    method ="hybrid", 
                    maxCoreScatter = maxCoreScatter, minGap = minGap,
                    maxAbsCoreScatter = maxAbsCoreScatter, minAbsGap = minAbsGap,
                    minSplitHeight = minSplitHeight, minAbsSplitHeight = minAbsSplitHeight,

                    externalBranchSplitFnc = branchSplitFnc, 
                    minExternalSplit = minBranchDissimilarities,
                    externalSplitOptions = externalSplitOptions,
                    externalSplitFncNeedsDistance = externalSplitFncNeedsDistance,
                    assumeSimpleExternalSpecification = FALSE,

                    pamStage = pamStage, pamRespectsDendro = pamRespectsDendro,
                    verbose = verbose-3, indent = indent + 2)
                    #verbose = verbose-3, indent = indent + 2), silent = TRUE);
    if (verbose > 8)
      if (interactive())
        plotDendroAndColors(dendros[[blockNo]], labels2colors(blockLabels), dendroLabels = FALSE, 
           main = paste("Block", blockNo));
    if (inherits(blockLabels, 'try-error'))
      (if (verbose>0) printFlush else warning)
           (paste(spaces, "blockwiseConsensusModules: cutreeDynamic failed:\n    ", spaces, 
                  blockLabels, "\n", spaces, "    Error occured in block", blockNo, "\n",
                  spaces, "   Continuing with next block. "));
    } else {
      blockLabels[blockLabels>0] = blockLabels[blockLabels>0] + maxUsedLabel;
      maxUsedLabel = max(blockLabels);
    if (sum(blockLabels>0)==0)
      if (verbose>1) 
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "No modules detected in block", blockNo,
                           "--> continuing with next block."))

    # Calculate eigengenes for this batch

    if (verbose>2) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....calculating eigengenes.."));
    blockAssigned = c(1:nBlockGenes)[blockLabels!=0];
    blockLabelIndex = as.numeric(levels(as.factor(blockLabels[blockAssigned])));
    blockConsMEs = try(multiSetMEs(selExpr, universalColors = blockLabels,
                                   excludeGrey = TRUE, grey = 0, impute = impute,
                                   # trapErrors = TRUE, returnValidOnly = TRUE, 
                                   verbose = verbose-4, indent = indent + 3), silent = TRUE);
    if (inherits(blockConsMEs, 'try-error'))
      if (verbose>0)
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "*** multiSetMEs failed with the message:"));
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "     ", blockConsMEs));
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "*** --> Ending module detection here"));
      } else warning(paste("blocwiseConsensusModules: multiSetMEs failed with the message: \n",
               "      ", blockConsMEs, "\n--> continuing with next block."));

    deleteModules = NULL;
    changedModules = NULL;

    # find genes whose closest module eigengene has cor higher than minKMEtoJoin and assign them 
    # Removed - should not change blocks before clustering them
    #unassGenes = c(c(1:nGGenes)[-block][allLabels[-block]==0], block[blockLabels==0]);
    #if (length(unassGenes) > 0)
      #blockKME = array(0, dim = c(length(unassGenes), ncol(blockConsMEs[[1]]$data), nSets));
      #corEval = parse(text = paste(.corFnc[intCorType], 
                         #"( multiExpr[[set]]$data[, unassGenes], blockConsMEs[[set]]$data,", 
                         #.corOptions[intCorType], ")"))
      #for (set in 1:nSets) blockKME[, , set] = eval(corEval);
      #if (intNetworkType==1) blockKME = abs(blockKME);
      #consKME = as.matrix(apply(blockKME, c(1,2), min));
      #consKMEmax = apply(consKME, 1, max);
      #closestModule = blockLabelIndex[apply(consKME, 1, which.max)];
      #assign = (consKMEmax >= minKMEtoJoin );
      #if (sum(assign>0))
        #allLabels[unassGenes[assign]] = closestModule[assign]; 
        #changedModules = union(changedModules, closestModule[assign]);
      #rm(blockKME, consKME, consKMEmax);


    # Check modules: make sure that of the genes present in the module, at least a minimum number
    # have a correlation with the eigengene higher than a given cutoff, and that all member genes have
    # the required minimum consensus KME

    if (verbose>2) 
      printFlush(paste(spaces, "....checking consensus modules for statistical meaningfulness.."));

    for (mod in 1:ncol(blockConsMEs[[1]]$data))
      modGenes = (blockLabels==blockLabelIndex[mod]);
      KME = matrix(0, nrow = sum(modGenes), ncol = nSets);
      corEval = parse(text = paste(.corFnc[intCorType], 
                       "( selExpr[[set]]$data[, modGenes], blockConsMEs[[set]]$data[, mod]", 
                      prepComma(.corOptions[intCorType]), ")"))
      for (set in 1:nSets) KME[, set] = as.vector(eval(corEval));
      if (intNetworkType==1) KME = abs(KME);
      consKME = apply(KME, 1, quantile, probs = trimmingConsensusQuantile, names = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE);
      if (sum(consKME>minCoreKME) < minCoreKMESize) 
        blockLabels[modGenes] = 0;
        deleteModules = union(deleteModules, mod);
        if (verbose>3) 
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "    ..deleting module ",blockLabelIndex[mod], 
                           ": of ", sum(modGenes), 
                     " total genes in the module only ",  sum(consKME>minCoreKME), 
                     " have the requisite high correlation with the eigengene in all sets.", sep=""));
      } else if (sum(consKME<minKMEtoStay)>0)
        if (verbose > 3) 
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "    ..removing", sum(consKME<minKMEtoStay),
                           "genes from module", blockLabelIndex[mod], "because their KME is too low."));
        blockLabels[modGenes][consKME < minKMEtoStay] = 0;
        if (sum(blockLabels[modGenes]>0) < minModuleSize) 
          deleteModules = union(deleteModules, mod);
          blockLabels[modGenes] = 0;
          if (verbose>3) 
            printFlush(paste(spaces, "    ..deleting module ",blockLabelIndex[mod], 
                     ": not enough genes in the module after removal of low KME genes.", sep=""));
        } else {
          changedModules = union(changedModules, blockLabelIndex[mod]);

    # Remove marked modules

    if (!is.null(deleteModules)) 
       for (set in 1:nSets) blockConsMEs[[set]]$data = blockConsMEs[[set]]$data[, -deleteModules];
       modGenes = is.finite(match(blockLabels, blockLabelIndex[deleteModules]));
       blockLabels[modGenes] = 0;
       modAllGenes = is.finite(match(allLabels, blockLabelIndex[deleteModules]));
       allLabels[modAllGenes] = 0;
       blockLabelIndex = blockLabelIndex[-deleteModules];

    # Check whether there's anything left
    if (sum(blockLabels>0)==0)
      if (verbose>1) 
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "  ..No significant modules detected in block", blockNo))
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "  ..continuing with next block."));

    # Update module eigengenes

    for (set in 1:nSets) 
      if (is.null(dim(blockConsMEs[[set]]$data))) 
        dim(blockConsMEs[[set]]$data) = c(length(blockConsMEs[[set]]$data), 1);

    if (is.null(consMEs[[1]]))
       for (set in 1:nSets) consMEs[[set]] = list(data = blockConsMEs[[set]]$data);
    } else for (set in 1:nSets)
       consMEs[[set]]$data = cbind(consMEs[[set]]$data, blockConsMEs[[set]]$data);

    # Update allLabels

    allLabelIndex = c(allLabelIndex, blockLabelIndex);
    allLabels[gsg$goodGenes][block[blockAssigned]] = blockLabels[blockAssigned];


  # Check whether any of the already assigned genes (in this or previous blocks) should be re-assigned

  if (verbose>2) 
    printFlush(paste(spaces, "....checking for genes that should be reassigned.."));

  deleteModules = NULL;
  goodLabels = allLabels[gsg$goodGenes];
  if (sum(goodLabels!=0) > 0)
     propLabels = goodLabels[goodLabels!=0];
     assGenes = (c(1:nGenes)[gsg$goodGenes])[goodLabels!=0];
     corEval = parse(text = paste(.corFnc[intCorType], 
                                  "(multiExpr[[set]]$data[, goodLabels!=0], consMEs[[set]]$data",
                                  prepComma(.corOptions[intCorType]), ")"));
     nMods = ncol(consMEs[[1]]$data);
     lpValues = array(0, dim = c(length(propLabels), nMods, nSets));
     sumSign = array(0, dim = c(length(propLabels), nMods));
     if (verbose>3) 
       printFlush(paste(spaces, "......module membership p-values.."));
     for (set in 1:nSets) 
       KME = eval(corEval);
       if (intNetworkType == 1) KME = abs(KME)
       lpValues[,,set] = -2*log(corPvalueFisher(KME, nGSamples[set], twoSided = FALSE));
       sumSign = sumSign + sign(KME);
     if (verbose>3) 
       printFlush(paste(spaces, "......module membership scores.."));
     scoreAll = as.matrix(apply(lpValues, c(1,2), sum)) * (nSets + sumSign)/(2*nSets);
     scoreAll[!is.finite(scoreAll)] = 0.001 # This low should be enough
     bestScore = apply(scoreAll, 1, max);
     if (intNetworkType==1) sumSign = abs(sumSign);
     if (verbose>3) 
       cat(paste(spaces, "......individual modules.."));
       pind = initProgInd();
     for (mod in 1:nMods)
       modGenes = c(1:length(propLabels))[propLabels==allLabelIndex[mod]];
       scoreMod = scoreAll[modGenes, mod];
       candidates = (bestScore[modGenes] > scoreMod);
       candidates[!is.finite(candidates)] = FALSE;
       if (sum(candidates) > 0)
         pModule = pchisq(scoreMod[candidates], nSets, log.p = TRUE)
         whichBest = apply(scoreAll[modGenes[candidates], ], 1, which.max);
         pBest = pchisq(bestScore[modGenes[candidates]], nSets, log.p = TRUE);
         reassign =  ifelse(is.finite(pBest - pModule), 
                            ( (pBest - pModule) < log(reassignThreshold) ), 
         if (sum(reassign)>0)
           allLabels[assGenes[modGenes[candidates][reassign]]] = whichBest[reassign];
           changedModules = union(changedModules, whichBest[reassign]);
           if (length(modGenes)-sum(reassign) < minModuleSize)
             deleteModules = union(deleteModules, mod);
           } else
             changedModules = union(changedModules, mod);
       if (verbose > 3) pind = updateProgInd(mod/nMods, pind);
     rm(lpValues, sumSign, scoreAll);
     if (verbose > 3) printFlush("");
  # Remove marked modules
  if (!is.null(deleteModules)) 
     # for (set in 1:nSets) consMEs[[set]]$data = consMEs[[set]]$data[, -deleteModules];
     modGenes = is.finite(match(allLabels, allLabelIndex[deleteModules]));
     allLabels[modGenes] = 0;
     # allLabelIndex = allLabelIndex[-deleteModules];

  if (verbose>1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..merging consensus modules that are too close.."));
  if (numericLabels) {
    colors = allLabels
  } else {
    colors = labels2colors(allLabels)
  mergedColors = colors;
  mergedMods = try(mergeCloseModules(multiExpr, colors[gsg$goodGenes], 
                                     equalizeQuantiles = equalizeQuantilesForModuleMerging,
                                     quantileSummary = quantileSummaryForModuleMerging,
                                     consensusQuantile = mergeConsensusQuantile,
                                     cutHeight = mergeCutHeight, 
                                     relabel = TRUE, impute = impute,
                                     verbose = verbose-2, indent = indent + 2), silent = TRUE);
  if (inherits(mergedMods, 'try-error'))
    if (verbose>0) 
      printFlush(paste(spaces, 'blockwiseConsensusModules: mergeCloseModule failed with this message:\n',
            spaces, '    ', mergedMods, spaces,
            '---> returning unmerged consensus modules'));
    } else warning(paste('blockwiseConsensusModules: mergeCloseModule failed with this message:\n     ',
                          mergedMods, '---> returning unmerged consensus modules'));
    MEs = try(multiSetMEs(multiExpr, universalColors = colors[gsg$goodGenes]
                          # trapErrors = TRUE, returnValidOnly = TRUE
                          ), silent = TRUE);
    if (inherits(MEs, 'try-error'))
      warning(paste('blockwiseConsensusModules: ME calculation failed with this message:\n     ',
            MEs, '---> returning empty module eigengenes'));
      allSampleMEs = NULL;
    } else {
      if (!MEs[[1]]$allOK) mergedColors[gsg$goodGenes] = MEs[[1]]$validColors;
      allSampleMEs = vector(mode = "list", length = nSets);
      names(allSampleMEs) = names(multiExpr);
      for (set in 1:nSets)
        allSampleMEs[[set]] =
           list(data = as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nSamples[set], ncol = ncol(MEs[[set]]$data))));
        allSampleMEs[[set]]$data[gsg$goodSamples[[set]], ] = MEs[[set]]$data[,];
        names(allSampleMEs[[set]]$data) = names(MEs[[set]]$data);
        rownames(allSampleMEs[[set]]$data) = make.unique(originalSampleNames[[set]]$data)
  } else {
    mergedColors[gsg$goodGenes] = mergedMods$colors;
    allSampleMEs = vector(mode = "list", length = nSets);
    names(allSampleMEs) = names(multiExpr);
    for (set in 1:nSets)
      allSampleMEs[[set]] = 
         list(data = as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nSamples[set], 
                                          ncol = ncol(mergedMods$newMEs[[1]]$data))));
      allSampleMEs[[set]]$data[gsg$goodSamples[[set]], ] = mergedMods$newMEs[[set]]$data[,];
      names(allSampleMEs[[set]]$data) = names(mergedMods$newMEs[[set]]$data);
      rownames(allSampleMEs[[set]]$data) = make.unique(originalSampleNames[[set]]$data);

  if (seedSaved) .Random.seed <<- savedSeed;

  if (removeConsensusTOMOnExit) 
    consensusTOMInfo$TOMFiles = NULL;

  if (removeIndividualTOMsOnExit)
    individualTOMInfo$actualTOMFileNames = NULL;

  # Under no circumstances return consensus TOM or individual TOM similarities within the returned list.
  consensusTOMInfo$consensusTOM = NULL;
  individualTOMInfo$TOMSimilarities = NULL

  names(mergedColors) = names(colors) = originalGeneNames;
  list(colors = mergedColors, 
       unmergedColors = colors,
       multiMEs = allSampleMEs, 
       goodSamples = gsg$goodSamples, 
       goodGenes = gsg$goodGenes, 
       dendrograms = dendros,
       TOMFiles = consensusTOMInfo$TOMFiles,
       blockGenes = individualTOMInfo$blockGenes,
       blocks = blocks,
       originCount = consensusTOMInfo$originCount,
       networkCalibrationSamples = consensusTOMInfo$networkCalibrationSamples, 
       individualTOMInfo = individualTOMInfo,
       consensusTOMInfo = if (saveConsensusTOMs) consensusTOMInfo else NULL,
       consensusQuantile = consensusQuantile

# recutConsensusTrees

recutConsensusTrees = function(multiExpr, 
                            goodSamples, goodGenes,
                            corType = "pearson",
                            networkType = "unsigned", 
                            deepSplit = 2, 
                            detectCutHeight = 0.995, minModuleSize = 20,
                            checkMinModuleSize = TRUE,
                            maxCoreScatter = NULL, minGap = NULL,
                            maxAbsCoreScatter = NULL, minAbsGap = NULL,
                            minSplitHeight = NULL, minAbsSplitHeight = NULL,

                            useBranchEigennodeDissim = FALSE,
                            minBranchEigennodeDissim = mergeCutHeight,

                            pamStage = TRUE,  pamRespectsDendro = TRUE,
                            # minKMEtoJoin =0.7, 
                            trimmingConsensusQuantile = 0,
                            minCoreKME = 0.5, minCoreKMESize = minModuleSize/3,
                            minKMEtoStay = 0.2,
                            reassignThresholdPS = 1e-4,
                            mergeCutHeight = 0.15, 
                            mergeConsensusQuantile = trimmingConsensusQuantile,
                            impute = TRUE,
                            trapErrors = FALSE,
                            numericLabels = FALSE,
                            verbose = 2, indent = 0)
  spaces = indentSpaces(indent);

  dataSize = checkSets(multiExpr);
  nSets = dataSize$nSets;
  nGenes = dataSize$nGenes;
  nSamples = dataSize$nSamples;

  originalGeneNames = mtd.colnames(multiExpr);
  if (is.null(originalGeneNames)) originalGeneNames = spaste("Column.", 1:nGenes);

  originalSampleNames = mtd.apply(multiExpr, function(x)
    out = rownames(x);
    if (is.null(out)) out = spaste("Row.", 1:nrow(x));

  if (length(blocks)!=nGenes)
    stop("Input error: length of 'blocks' must equal number of genes in 'multiExpr'.");

  #if (verbose>0) 
  #   printFlush(paste(spaces, "Calculating consensus modules and module eigengenes", 
  #                    "block-wise from all genes"));

  intCorType = pmatch(corType, .corTypes);
  if (is.na(intCorType))
    stop(paste("Invalid 'corType'. Recognized values are", paste(.corTypes, collapse = ", ")))

  # if ( (minKMEtoJoin >1) | (minKMEtoJoin  <0) ) stop("minKMEtoJoin  must be between 0 and 1.");

  intNetworkType = charmatch(networkType, .networkTypes);
  if (is.na(intNetworkType))
    stop(paste("Unrecognized networkType argument.", 
         "Recognized values are (unique abbreviations of)", paste(.networkTypes, collapse = ", ")));

  allLabels = rep(0, nGenes);
  allLabelIndex = NULL;

  corFnc = match.fun(.corFnc[intCorType]);
  corOptions = list(use = 'p');

  # Get rid of bad genes and bad samples

  gsg = list(goodGenes = goodGenes, goodSamples = goodSamples, allOK = TRUE);

  gsg$allOK = (sum(!gsg$goodGenes)==0);
  nGGenes = sum(gsg$goodGenes);
  nGSamples = rep(0, nSets);
  for (set in 1:nSets) 
    nGSamples[set] = sum(gsg$goodSamples[[set]]);
    gsg$allOK  = gsg$allOK && (sum(!gsg$goodSamples[[set]])==0);

  if (!gsg$allOK)
    for (set in 1:nSets)
      multiExpr[[set]]$data = multiExpr[[set]]$data[gsg$goodSamples[[set]], gsg$goodGenes];

  gBlocks = blocks[gsg$goodGenes];

  blockLevels = as.numeric(levels(factor(gBlocks)));
  blockSizes = table(gBlocks)
  nBlocks = length(blockLevels);
  reassignThreshold = reassignThresholdPS^nSets;

  # prepare scaled and imputed multiExpr.
  multiExpr.scaled = mtd.apply(multiExpr, scale);
  hasMissing = unlist(multiData2list(mtd.apply(multiExpr, function(x) { any(is.na(x)) })));
  # Impute those that have missing data
  multiExpr.scaled.imputed = mtd.mapply(function(x, doImpute) 
                         { if (doImpute) t(impute.knn(t(x))$data) else x },
                                   multiExpr.scaled, hasMissing);
  if (useBranchEigennodeDissim)
    branchSplitFnc = "mtd.branchEigengeneDissim";
  } else 
    branchSplitFnc = NULL;

  # Initialize various variables

  consMEs = vector(mode = "list", length = nSets);

  blockNo = 1;
  maxUsedLabel = 0;
  # Here's where the analysis starts

  while (blockNo <= nBlocks)
    if (verbose>1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..Working on block", blockNo, "."));
    # Select most connected genes
    block = c(1:nGGenes)[gBlocks==blockLevels[blockNo]];
    nBlockGenes = length(block);
    selExpr = vector(mode = "list", length = nSets);
    for (set in 1:nSets)
      selExpr[[set]] = list(data = multiExpr[[set]]$data[, block]);

    # This is how TOMs are saved:
    #if (saveTOMs)
    #   TOMFiles[blockNo] = paste(saveTOMFileBase, "-block.", blockNo, ".RData", sep="");
    #   save(consTomDS, file = TOMFiles[blockNo]);
    #consTomDS = 1-consTomDS;

    xx = try(load(TOMFiles[blockNo]), silent = TRUE);
    if (inherits(xx, 'try-error'))
      printFlush(paste("************\n File name", TOMFiles[blockNo],
                       "appears invalid: the load function returned the following error:\n     ",
    if (xx!='consTomDS')
      stop(paste("The file", TOMFiles[blockNo], "does not contain the appopriate variable."));

    if (!inherits(consTomDS, "dist"))
      stop(paste("The file", TOMFiles[blockNo], "does not contain the appopriate distance structure."));

    consTomDS = 1-consTomDS;

    if (verbose>2) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....clustering and detecting modules.."));
    errorOccured = FALSE;

    blockLabels = try(cutreeDynamic(dendro = dendrograms[[blockNo]], 
                    deepSplit = deepSplit,
                    cutHeight = detectCutHeight, minClusterSize = minModuleSize, 
                    method ="hybrid", 
                    maxCoreScatter = maxCoreScatter, minGap = minGap,
                    maxAbsCoreScatter = maxAbsCoreScatter, minAbsGap = minAbsGap,
                    minSplitHeight = minSplitHeight, minAbsSplitHeight = minAbsSplitHeight,

                    externalBranchSplitFnc = if (useBranchEigennodeDissim)
                                                branchSplitFnc else NULL, 
                    minExternalSplit = minBranchEigennodeDissim,
                    externalSplitOptions = list(multiExpr = mtd.subset(multiExpr.scaled.imputed, , block),
                                                corFnc = corFnc, corOptions = corOptions,
                                                consensusQuantile = mergeConsensusQuantile,
                                                signed = networkType %in% c("signed", "signed hybrid")),
                    externalSplitFncNeedsDistance = FALSE,

                    pamStage = pamStage, pamRespectsDendro = pamRespectsDendro,
                    distM = as.matrix(consTomDS), 
                    verbose = verbose-3, indent = indent + 2), silent = TRUE);
    if (inherits(blockLabels, 'try-error'))
      (if (verbose>0) printFlush else warning)
           (paste(spaces, "blockwiseConsensusModules: cutreeDynamic failed:\n    ", 
                  blockLabels, "\nError occured in block", blockNo, "\nContinuing with next block."));
    } else {
      blockLabels[blockLabels>0] = blockLabels[blockLabels>0] + maxUsedLabel;
      maxUsedLabel = max(blockLabels);
    if (sum(blockLabels>0)==0)
      if (verbose>1) 
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "No modules detected in block", blockNo))
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "  Continuing with next block."))

    # Calculate eigengenes for this batch

    if (verbose>2) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....calculating eigengenes.."));
    blockAssigned = c(1:nBlockGenes)[blockLabels!=0];
    blockLabelIndex = as.numeric(levels(as.factor(blockLabels[blockAssigned])));
    blockConsMEs = try(multiSetMEs(selExpr, universalColors = blockLabels,
                                   excludeGrey = TRUE, grey = 0, impute = impute,
                                   # trapErrors = TRUE, returnValidOnly = TRUE, 
                                   verbose = verbose-4, indent = indent + 3), silent = TRUE);
    if (inherits(blockConsMEs, 'try-error'))
      if (verbose>0)
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "*** multiSetMEs failed with the message:"));
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "     ", blockConsMEs));
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "*** --> Ending module detection here"));
      } else warning(paste("blocwiseConsensusModules: multiSetMEs failed with the message: \n",
               "      ", blockConsMEs, "\n--> Continuing with next block."));

    deleteModules = NULL;
    changedModules = NULL;

    # find genes whose closest module eigengene has cor higher than minKMEtoJoin and assign them 
    # Removed - should not change blocks before clustering them
    #unassGenes = c(c(1:nGGenes)[-block][allLabels[-block]==0], block[blockLabels==0]);
    #if (length(unassGenes) > 0)
      #blockKME = array(0, dim = c(length(unassGenes), ncol(blockConsMEs[[1]]$data), nSets));
      #corEval = parse(text = paste(.corFnc[intCorType], 
                         #"( multiExpr[[set]]$data[, unassGenes], blockConsMEs[[set]]$data,", 
                         #.corOptions[intCorType], ")"))
      #for (set in 1:nSets) blockKME[, , set] = eval(corEval);
      #if (intNetworkType==1) blockKME = abs(blockKME);
      #consKME = as.matrix(apply(blockKME, c(1,2), min));
      #consKMEmax = apply(consKME, 1, max);
      #closestModule = blockLabelIndex[apply(consKME, 1, which.max)];
      #assign = (consKMEmax >= minKMEtoJoin );
      #if (sum(assign>0))
        #allLabels[unassGenes[assign]] = closestModule[assign]; 
        #changedModules = union(changedModules, closestModule[assign]);
      #rm(blockKME, consKME, consKMEmax);


    # Check modules: make sure that of the genes present in the module, at least a minimum number
    # have a correlation with the eigengene higher than a given cutoff, and that all member genes have
    # the required minimum consensus KME

    if (verbose>2) 
      printFlush(paste(spaces, "....checking consensus modules for statistical meaningfulness.."));

    for (mod in 1:ncol(blockConsMEs[[1]]$data))
      modGenes = (blockLabels==blockLabelIndex[mod]);
      KME = matrix(0, nrow = sum(modGenes), ncol = nSets);
      corEval = parse(text = paste(.corFnc[intCorType], 
                       "( selExpr[[set]]$data[, modGenes], blockConsMEs[[set]]$data[, mod]", 
                      prepComma(.corOptions[intCorType]), ")"))
      for (set in 1:nSets) KME[, set] = as.vector(eval(corEval));
      if (intNetworkType==1) KME = abs(KME);
      consKME = apply(KME, 1, quantile, probs = trimmingConsensusQuantile, na.rm = TRUE);
      if (sum(consKME>minCoreKME) < minCoreKMESize) 
        blockLabels[modGenes] = 0;
        deleteModules = union(deleteModules, mod);
        if (verbose>3) 
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "    ..deleting module ",blockLabelIndex[mod], 
                           ": of ", sum(modGenes), 
                     " total genes in the module only ",  sum(consKME>minCoreKME), 
                     " have the requisite high correlation with the eigengene in all sets.", sep=""));
      } else if (sum(consKME<minKMEtoStay)>0)
        if (verbose > 3) 
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "    ..removing", sum(consKME<minKMEtoStay),
                           "genes from module", blockLabelIndex[mod], "because their KME is too low."));
        blockLabels[modGenes][consKME < minKMEtoStay] = 0;
        if (sum(blockLabels[modGenes]>0) < minModuleSize) 
          deleteModules = union(deleteModules, mod);
          blockLabels[modGenes] = 0;
          if (verbose>3) 
            printFlush(paste(spaces, "    ..deleting module ",blockLabelIndex[mod], 
                     ": not enough genes in the module after removal of low KME genes.", sep=""));
        } else {
          changedModules = union(changedModules, blockLabelIndex[mod]);

    # Remove marked modules

    if (!is.null(deleteModules)) 
       for (set in 1:nSets) blockConsMEs[[set]]$data = blockConsMEs[[set]]$data[, -deleteModules];
       modGenes = is.finite(match(blockLabels, blockLabelIndex[deleteModules]));
       blockLabels[modGenes] = 0;
       modAllGenes = is.finite(match(allLabels, blockLabelIndex[deleteModules]));
       allLabels[modAllGenes] = 0;
       blockLabelIndex = blockLabelIndex[-deleteModules];

    # Check whether there's anything left
    if (sum(blockLabels>0)==0)
      if (verbose>1) 
        printFlush(paste(spaces, " No significant modules detected in block", blockNo))
        printFlush(paste(spaces, " Continuing with next block."));

    # Update module eigengenes

    for (set in 1:nSets) 
      if (is.null(dim(blockConsMEs[[set]]$data))) 
        dim(blockConsMEs[[set]]$data) = c(length(blockConsMEs[[set]]$data), 1);

    if (is.null(consMEs[[1]]))
       for (set in 1:nSets) consMEs[[set]] = list(data = blockConsMEs[[set]]$data);
    } else for (set in 1:nSets)
       consMEs[[set]]$data = cbind(consMEs[[set]]$data, blockConsMEs[[set]]$data);

    # Update allLabels

    allLabelIndex = c(allLabelIndex, blockLabelIndex);
    allLabels[block[blockAssigned]] = blockLabels[blockAssigned];

    blockNo = blockNo + 1;


  # Check whether any of the already assigned genes (in this or previous blocks) should be re-assigned

  if (verbose>2) 
    printFlush(paste(spaces, "....checking for genes that should be reassigned.."));

  deleteModules = NULL;
  goodLabels = allLabels[gsg$goodGenes];
  if (sum(goodLabels!=0) > 0)
     propLabels = goodLabels[goodLabels!=0];
     assGenes = (c(1:nGenes)[gsg$goodGenes])[goodLabels!=0];
     corEval = parse(text = paste(.corFnc[intCorType], 
                                  "(multiExpr[[set]]$data[, goodLabels!=0], consMEs[[set]]$data",
                                  prepComma(.corOptions[intCorType]), ")"));
     nMods = ncol(consMEs[[1]]$data);
     lpValues = array(0, dim = c(length(propLabels), nMods, nSets));
     sumSign = array(0, dim = c(length(propLabels), nMods));
     if (verbose>3) 
       printFlush(paste(spaces, "......module membership p-values.."));
     for (set in 1:nSets) 
       KME = eval(corEval);
       if (intNetworkType == 1) KME = abs(KME)
       lpValues[,,set] = -2*log(corPvalueFisher(KME, nGSamples[set], twoSided = FALSE));
       sumSign = sumSign + sign(KME);
     if (verbose>3) 
       printFlush(paste(spaces, "......module membership scores.."));
     scoreAll = as.matrix(apply(lpValues, c(1,2), sum)) * (nSets + sumSign)/(2*nSets);
     scoreAll[!is.finite(scoreAll)] = 0.001 # This low should be enough
     bestScore = apply(scoreAll, 1, max);
     if (intNetworkType==1) sumSign = abs(sumSign);
     if (verbose>3) 
       cat(paste(spaces, "......individual modules.."));
       pind = initProgInd();
     for (mod in 1:nMods)
       modGenes = c(1:length(propLabels))[propLabels==allLabelIndex[mod]];
       scoreMod = scoreAll[modGenes, mod];
       candidates = (bestScore[modGenes] > scoreMod);
       candidates[!is.finite(candidates)] = FALSE;
       if (sum(candidates) > 0)
         pModule = pchisq(scoreMod[candidates], nSets, log.p = TRUE)
         whichBest = apply(scoreAll[modGenes[candidates], ], 1, which.max);
         pBest = pchisq(bestScore[modGenes[candidates]], nSets, log.p = TRUE);
         reassign =  ifelse(is.finite(pBest - pModule), 
                            ( (pBest - pModule) < log(reassignThreshold) ), 
         if (sum(reassign)>0)
           allLabels[assGenes[modGenes[candidates][reassign]]] = whichBest[reassign];
           changedModules = union(changedModules, whichBest[reassign]);
           if (length(modGenes)-sum(reassign) < minModuleSize)
             deleteModules = union(deleteModules, mod);
           } else
               changedModules = union(changedModules, mod);
       if (verbose > 3) pind = updateProgInd(mod/nMods, pind);
     rm(lpValues, sumSign, scoreAll);
     if (verbose > 3) printFlush("");
  # Remove marked modules
  if (!is.null(deleteModules)) 
     # for (set in 1:nSets) consMEs[[set]]$data = consMEs[[set]]$data[, -deleteModules];
     modGenes = is.finite(match(allLabels, allLabelIndex[deleteModules]));
     allLabels[modGenes] = 0;
     # allLabelIndex = allLabelIndex[-deleteModules];

  if (verbose>1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..merging consensus modules that are too close.."));
  if (numericLabels) {
    colors = allLabels
  } else {
    colors = labels2colors(allLabels)
  mergedColors = colors;
  mergedMods = try(mergeCloseModules(multiExpr, colors[gsg$goodGenes], 
                                     consensusQuantile = mergeConsensusQuantile, 
                                     cutHeight = mergeCutHeight, 
                                     relabel = TRUE, impute = impute,
                                     verbose = verbose-2, indent = indent + 2), silent = TRUE);
  if (inherits(mergedMods, 'try-error'))
    if (verbose>0) 
      printFlush(paste(spaces, 'blockwiseConsensusModules: mergeCloseModule failed with this message:\n',
            spaces, '    ', mergedMods, spaces,
            '---> returning unmerged consensus modules'));
    } else warning(paste('blockwiseConsensusModules: mergeCloseModule failed with this message:\n     ',
                          mergedMods, '---> returning unmerged consensus modules'));
    MEs = try(multiSetMEs(multiExpr, universalColors = colors[gsg$goodGenes]
                          # trapErrors = TRUE, returnValidOnly = TRUE
                          ), silent = TRUE);
    if (inherits(MEs, 'try-error'))
      warning(paste('blockwiseConsensusModules: ME calculation failed with this message:\n     ',
            MEs, '---> returning empty module eigengenes'));
      allSampleMEs = NULL;
    } else {
      if (!MEs[[1]]$allOK) mergedColors[gsg$goodGenes] = MEs[[1]]$validColors;
      allSampleMEs = vector(mode = "list", length = nSets);
      names(allSampleMEs) = names(multiExpr);
      for (set in 1:nSets)
        allSampleMEs[[set]] =
           list(data = as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nSamples[set], ncol = ncol(MEs[[set]]$data))));
        allSampleMEs[[set]]$data[gsg$goodSamples[[set]], ] = MEs[[set]]$data[,];
        names(allSampleMEs[[set]]$data) = names(MEs[[set]]$data);
        rownames(allSampleMEs[[set]]$data) = make.unique(originalSampleNames[[set]]$data);
  } else {
    mergedColors[gsg$goodGenes] = mergedMods$colors;
    allSampleMEs = vector(mode = "list", length = nSets);
    names(allSampleMEs) = names(multiExpr);
    for (set in 1:nSets)
      allSampleMEs[[set]] = 
         list(data = as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nSamples[set], 
                                          ncol = ncol(mergedMods$newMEs[[1]]$data))));
      allSampleMEs[[set]]$data[gsg$goodSamples[[set]], ] = mergedMods$newMEs[[set]]$data[,];
      names(allSampleMEs[[set]]$data) = names(mergedMods$newMEs[[set]]$data);
      rownames(allSampleMEs[[set]]$data) = make.unique(originalSampleNames[[set]]$data);

  names(mergedColors) = names(colors) = originalGeneNames;
  list(colors = mergedColors, 
       unmergedColors = colors,
       multiMEs = allSampleMEs
  #     goodSamples = gsg$goodSamples, 
  #     goodGenes = gsg$goodGenes, 
  #     dendrograms = dendros,
  #     blockGenes = blockGenes,
  #     originCount = originCount,
  #     TOMFiles = TOMFiles

# Preliminary clustering via projective k-means

projectiveKMeans = function (
      preferredSize = 5000,
      nCenters = as.integer(min(ncol(datExpr)/20, preferredSize^2/ncol(datExpr))),
      sizePenaltyPower = 4,
      networkType = "unsigned",
      randomSeed = 54321,
      checkData = TRUE,
      imputeMissing = TRUE,
      maxIterations = 1000,
      verbose = 0, indent = 0 )

  centerGeneDist = function(centers, oldDst = NULL, changed = c(1:nCenters),
                          blockSize = 50000, verbose = 0, spaces = "")
    if (is.null(oldDst))
      oldDst = array(0, c(nCenters, nGenes));
      changed = c(1:nCenters);
    dstAll = oldDst;
    nChanged = length(changed)

    nBlocks = ceiling(ncol(datExpr)/blockSize);
    blocks = allocateJobs(ncol(datExpr), nBlocks);

    if (verbose > 5) 
      pind = initProgInd(spaste(spaces, "   ..centerGeneDist: "));

    for (b in 1:nBlocks)
      if (intNetworkType==1)
         dst = 1-abs(cor(centers[, changed], datExpr[, blocks[[b]] ]));
      } else {
         dst = 1-cor(centers[, changed], datExpr[, blocks[[b]] ]);
      dstAll[changed, blocks[[b]]] = dst;
      if (verbose > 5) pind = updateProgInd(b/nBlocks, pind);

  memberCenterDist = function(dst, membership, sizes = NULL, changed = c(1:nCenters), oldMCDist = NULL)
    if (is.null(oldMCDist))
       changed = c(1:nCenters);
       oldMCDist = rep(0, nGenes);
    centerDist = oldMCDist;
    if (!is.null(changed))
      if (is.null(sizes)) sizes = table(membership)
      if (length(sizes)!=nCenters)
        sizes2 = rep(0, nCenters);
        sizes2[as.numeric(names(sizes))] = sizes;
        sizes = sizes2;
      if (is.finite(sizePenaltyPower))
        sizeCorrections = (sizes/preferredSize)^sizePenaltyPower;
        sizeCorrections[sizeCorrections < 1] = 1;
      } else {
        sizeCorrections = rep(1, length(sizes));
        sizeCorrections[sizes > preferredSize] = Inf;
      for (cen in changed) if (sizes[cen]!=0)
        if (is.finite(sizeCorrections[cen]))
          centerDist[membership==cen] = dst[cen, membership==cen] * sizeCorrections[cen];
        } else
          centerDist[membership==cen] = 10 + dst[cen, membership==cen];

  spaces = indentSpaces(indent);
  if (verbose > 0)
    printFlush(paste(spaces, "Projective K-means:"));

  datExpr = scale(as.matrix(datExpr));

  if (any(is.na(datExpr)))
    if (imputeMissing)
      printFlush(spaste(spaces, "projectiveKMeans: imputing missing data in 'datExpr'.\n",
                  "To reproduce older results, use 'imputeMissing = FALSE'. "));
      datExpr = t(impute.knn(t(datExpr))$data);
    } else {
      printFlush(spaste(spaces, "projectiveKMeans: there are missing data in 'datExpr'.\n",
          "SVD will not work; will use a weighted mean approximation."));

  #if (preferredSize >= floor(sqrt(2^31)) )
  #  stop("'preferredSize must be less than ", floor(sqrt(2^31)), ". Please decrease it and try again.")

  if (preferredSize >= sqrt(2^31)-1)
            spaces, " Support for blocks larger than sqrt(2^31) is experimental; please report\n",
            spaces, " any issues to Peter.Langfelder@gmail.com."));

  if (exists(".Random.seed"))
     seedSaved = TRUE;
     savedSeed = .Random.seed
  } else seedSaved = FALSE;

  nAllSamples = nrow(datExpr);
  nAllGenes = ncol(datExpr);

  intNetworkType = charmatch(networkType, .networkTypes);
  if (is.na(intNetworkType))
    stop(paste("Unrecognized networkType argument.",
         "Recognized values are (unique abbreviations of)", paste(.networkTypes, collapse = ", ")));

  if (verbose > 1)
    printFlush(paste(spaces, "..using", nCenters, "centers."));

  # Check data for genes and samples that have too many missing values

  if (checkData)
    if (verbose > 0)
      printFlush(paste(spaces, "..checking data for excessive number of missing values.."));
    gsg = goodSamplesGenes(datExpr, verbose = verbose -1, indent = indent + 1)
    if (!gsg$allOK) datExpr = datExpr[gsg$goodSamples, gsg$goodGenes];
  nGenes = ncol(datExpr);
  nSamples = nrow(datExpr);

  datExpr[is.na(datExpr)] = 0;

  centers = matrix(0, nSamples, nCenters);

  randGeneIndex = sample(nGenes, size = nGenes);
  temp = rep(c(1:nCenters), times = ceiling(nGenes/nCenters));
  membership = temp[randGeneIndex];

  if (verbose > 0)
    printFlush(paste(spaces, "..k-means clustering.."));

  changed = c(1:nCenters); dst = NULL; centerDist = NULL;
  iteration = 0;
  while (!is.null(changed) && (iteration < maxIterations))
    iteration = iteration + 1;
    if (verbose > 1) printFlush(paste(spaces, " ..iteration", iteration));
    clusterSizes = table(membership);
    if (verbose > 5) pind = initProgInd(paste(spaces, " ....calculating centers: "))
    for (cen in sort(changed))
        centers[, cen] = .alignedFirstPC(datExpr[, membership==cen], verbose = verbose-2, 
                                         indent = indent+2);
        if (verbose > 5) pind = updateProgInd(cen/nCenters, pind);
    if (verbose > 5) { pind = updateProgInd(1, pind); printFlush("")}

    if (verbose > 5) printFlush(paste(spaces, " ....calculating center to gene distances"));
    dst = centerGeneDist(centers, dst, changed, verbose = verbose, spaces = spaces);
    centerDist = memberCenterDist(dst, membership, clusterSizes, changed, centerDist);

    nearestDist = rep(0, nGenes);
    nearest = rep(0, nGenes);
    if (verbose > 5) printFlush(paste(spaces, " ....finding nearest center for each gene"));
    minRes = .Call("minWhich_call", dst, 0L, PACKAGE = "WGCNA")
    nearestDist = minRes$min;
    nearest = minRes$which;

    if (sum(centerDist>nearestDist)>0)
      proposedMemb = nearest;
      accepted = FALSE;
      while (!accepted && (sum(proposedMemb!=membership)>0))
        if (verbose > 2) 
          cat(paste(spaces, "   ..proposing to move", sum(proposedMemb!=membership), "genes"));
        moved = c(1:nGenes)[proposedMemb!=membership];
        newCentDist = memberCenterDist(dst, proposedMemb);
        gotWorse = newCentDist[moved] > centerDist[moved]
        if (sum(!is.finite(gotWorse))>0)
           warning("Have NAs in gotWorse.");
        if (sum(gotWorse)==0)
          accepted = TRUE;
          if (verbose > 2) printFlush(paste("..move accepted."));
        } else {
          if (verbose > 2) printFlush(paste("..some genes got worse. Trying again."));
          ord = order(centerDist[moved[gotWorse]] - newCentDist[moved[gotWorse]])
          n = ceiling(length(ord)*3/5);
          proposedMemb[moved[gotWorse][ord[c(1:n)]]] = membership[moved[gotWorse][ord[c(1:n)]]];
      if (accepted)
        propSizes = table(proposedMemb);
        keep = as.numeric(names(propSizes));
        centers = centers[, keep];
        dst = dst[keep, ];
        changedAll = union(membership[moved], proposedMemb[moved]);
        changedKeep = changedAll[is.finite(match(changedAll, keep))];
        changed = rank(changedKeep);    # This is a way to make say 1,3,4 into 1,2,3
        membership = as.numeric(as.factor(proposedMemb));
        if ( (verbose > 1) && (sum(keep) < nCenters))
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "  ..dropping", nCenters - sum(keep),
                           "centers because ther clusters are empty."));
        nCenters = length(keep);
      } else {
        changed = NULL;
        if (verbose > 2) printFlush(paste("Could not find a suitable move to improve the clustering."));
    } else {
      changed = NULL;
      if (verbose > 2) 
        printFlush(paste("Clustering is stable: all genes are closest to their assigned center."));
    if (verbose > 5)
      printFlush("Sizes of biggest preliminary clusters:");
      order = order(-as.numeric(clusterSizes));
      print(as.numeric(clusterSizes)[order[1:min(100, length(order))]]);

  if (verbose > 2 & verbose <6)
    printFlush("Sizes of preliminary clusters:");

  merged = sizeRestrictedClusterMerge(
    clusters = membership,
    clusterSizes = clusterSizes,
    centers = centers,
    maxSize = preferredSize,
    networkType = networkType,
    verbose = verbose,
    indent = indent);

  list(clusters = merged$clusters, centers = merged$centers);

sizeRestrictedClusterMerge = function(
    clusterSizes = NULL,
    centers = NULL,
    networkType = "unsigned",
    verbose = 0,
    indent = 0)

  if (ncol(datExpr)!=length(clusters))
    stop("Number of variables (columns) in 'datExpr' and length of 'clusters' are not the same.");

  spaces = indentSpaces(indent);
  intNetworkType = charmatch(networkType, .networkTypes);
  if (is.null(clusterSizes))
    clusterSizes = table(clusters);
    centers = NULL;

  nCenters = length(clusterSizes);
  nSamples = nrow(datExpr);

  if (is.null(centers))
    centers = matrix(0, nSamples, nCenters);
    for (i in 1:nCenters)
      if (clusterSizes[i] > 1)
         centers[, i] = .alignedFirstPC(datExpr[, clusters==i], verbose = verbose-2,
                                          indent = indent+2)
      } else {
        #xx = try({centers[, i] = scale(datExpr[, clusters==i, drop = FALSE])/(sum(is.finite(datExpr[, clusters==i]))-1)});
        #if (inherits(xx, "try-error")) browser();
        centers[, i] = scale(datExpr[, clusters==i, drop = FALSE])/(sum(is.finite(datExpr[, clusters==i]))-1);
  if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..merging smaller clusters..."));
  small = (clusterSizes < maxSize);  # typically all clusters will be below the max size, but is not a requirement.
  if (intNetworkType==1)
     clustDist = 1-abs(cor(centers[, small]));
  } else {
     clustDist = 1-cor(centers[, small]);
  diag(clustDist) = 10;
  # merge nearby clusters if their sizes allow merging
  done = FALSE;
  while (!done & (sum(small)>1))
    smallIndex = c(1:nCenters)[small]
    nSmall = sum(small);
    distOrder = order(as.vector(clustDist))[seq(from=2, to = nSmall * (nSmall-1), by=2)];
    i = 1; canMerge = FALSE;
    while (i <= length(distOrder) && (!canMerge))
      jj = as.integer( (distOrder[i]-1)/nSmall + 1);
      ii = distOrder[i] - (jj-1) * nSmall
      whichI = smallIndex[ii]
      whichJ = smallIndex[jj];
      canMerge = sum(clusterSizes[c(whichI, whichJ)]) <= maxSize;
      i = i + 1;
    if (canMerge)
      clusters[clusters==whichJ] = whichI;
      clusterSizes[whichI] = clusterSizes[whichI] + clusterSizes[whichJ];
      centers[, whichI] = .alignedFirstPC(datExpr[, clusters==whichI], verbose = verbose-2,
                                          indent = indent+2);
      nCenters = nCenters -1;
      if (verbose > 3)
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "  ..merged clusters", whichI, "and", whichJ,
                   "whose combined size is", clusterSizes[whichI]));
      clusters[clusters>whichJ] = clusters[clusters>whichJ] - 1;
      centers = centers[ , -whichJ, drop = FALSE];
      clusterSizes = clusterSizes[-whichJ];
      small = clusterSizes < maxSize;  
      if (sum(small) > 1) # Only update if there are at least 2 small clusters left
        clustDist = clustDist[-jj, -jj, drop = FALSE];
        if (clusterSizes[whichI] < maxSize) 
           cr1 = c(cor(centers[, small], centers[, whichI]));
           clustDist[, ii] = clustDist[ii, ] = if (intNetworkType==1) 1-abs(cr1) else 1-cr1;
           clustDist[ii, ii] = 10;
        } else {
           clustDist = clustDist[-ii, -ii, drop = FALSE]
    } else done = TRUE;
  list(clusters = clusters, centers = centers);

# Consensus preliminary partitioning

consensusProjectiveKMeans = function (
      preferredSize = 5000,
      nCenters = NULL,
      sizePenaltyPower = 4,
      networkType = "unsigned",
      randomSeed = 54321,
      checkData = TRUE,
      imputeMissing = TRUE,
      useMean = (length(multiExpr) > 3),
      maxIterations = 1000,
      verbose = 0, indent = 0 )
  centerGeneDist = function(centers, oldDst = NULL, changed = c(1:nCenters))
    if (is.null(oldDst))
      oldDst = array(0, c(nCenters, nGenes));
      changed = c(1:nCenters);
    dstAll = oldDst;
    nChanged = length(changed)
    if (nChanged!=0)
      dstX = array(0, c(nSets, nChanged, nGenes));
      for (set in 1:nSets)
        if (intNetworkType==1)
           dstX[set, , ] = 1-abs(cor(centers[[set]]$data[, changed], multiExpr[[set]]$data));
        } else {
           dstX[set, , ] = 1-cor(centers[[set]]$data[, changed], multiExpr[[set]]$data);
      if (nSets==1)
        dstAll[changed, ] = dstX[1, , ];
      } else {
        #dst = array(0, c(nChanged, nGenes));
        if (useMean)
          dstAll[changed, ] = base::colMeans(dstX, dims = 1);
        } else {
          dstAll[changed, ] = -minWhichMin(-dstX, byRow = FALSE, dims = 1)$min;

  memberCenterDist = function(dst, membership, sizes = NULL, changed = c(1:nCenters), oldMCDist = NULL)
    if (is.null(oldMCDist)) 
       changed = c(1:nCenters);
       oldMCDist = rep(0, nGenes);
    centerDist = oldMCDist;
    if (!is.null(changed))
      if (is.null(sizes)) sizes = table(membership)
      if (length(sizes)!=nCenters)
        sizes2 = rep(0, nCenters); 
        sizes2[as.numeric(names(sizes))] = sizes;
        sizes = sizes2;
      if (is.finite(sizePenaltyPower))
        sizeCorrections = (sizes/preferredSize)^sizePenaltyPower;
        sizeCorrections[sizeCorrections < 1] = 1;
      } else {
        sizeCorrections = rep(1, length(sizes));
        sizeCorrections[sizes > preferredSize] = Inf;
      for (cen in changed) if (sizes[cen]!=0)
        if (is.finite(sizeCorrections[cen]))
          centerDist[membership==cen] = dst[cen, membership==cen] * sizeCorrections[cen];
        } else
          centerDist[membership==cen] = 10 + dst[cen, membership==cen];

  spaces = indentSpaces(indent);

  if (verbose > 0)
    printFlush(paste(spaces, "Consensus projective K-means:"));

  allSize = checkSets(multiExpr);
  nSamples = allSize$nSamples;
  nGenes = allSize$nGenes;
  nSets = allSize$nSets;

  #if (preferredSize >= floor(sqrt(2^31)) )
  #  stop("'preferredSize must be less than ", floor(sqrt(2^31)), ". Please decrease it and try again.")

  if (preferredSize >= sqrt(2^31)-1)
            spaces, " Support for blocks larger than sqrt(2^31) is experimental; please report\n",
            spaces, " any issues to Peter.Langfelder@gmail.com."));

  if (exists(".Random.seed"))
     seedSaved = TRUE;
     savedSeed = .Random.seed
  } else seedSaved = FALSE;

  if (is.null(nCenters)) nCenters = as.integer(min(nGenes/20, 100 * nGenes/preferredSize));

  if (verbose > 1)
    printFlush(paste(spaces, "..using", nCenters, "centers."));

  intNetworkType = charmatch(networkType, .networkTypes);
  if (is.na(intNetworkType))
    stop(paste("Unrecognized networkType argument.",
         "Recognized values are (unique abbreviations of)", paste(.networkTypes, collapse = ", ")));

  for (set in 1:nSets)
     multiExpr[[set]]$data = scale(as.matrix(multiExpr[[set]]$data));

  # Check data for genes and samples that have too many missing values
  if (checkData)
    if (verbose > 0)
      printFlush(paste(spaces, "..checking data for excessive number of missing values.."));
    gsg = goodSamplesGenesMS(multiExpr, verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1);
    for (set in 1:nSets) 
      if (!gsg$allOK)
        multiExpr[[set]]$data = scale(multiExpr[[set]]$data[gsg$goodSamples[[set]], gsg$goodGenes]);

  anyNA = mtd.apply(multiExpr, function(x) any(is.na(x)), mdaSimplify = TRUE);
  if (imputeMissing && any(anyNA))
    if (verbose > 0) 
      printFlush(paste(spaces, "..imputing missing data.."));
    multiExpr[anyNA] = mtd.apply(multiExpr[anyNA], function(x) t(impute.knn(t(x))$data), mdaVerbose = verbose>1)
  } else if (any(anyNA))
    printFlush(paste(spaces, "Found missing data. These will be replaced by zeros;\n", 
                     spaces, "  for a better replacement, use 'imputeMissing=TRUE'."));
    for (set in 1:nSets) 
      multiExpr[[set]]$data[is.na(multiExpr[[set]]$data)] = 0;

  setSize = checkSets(multiExpr);
  nGenes = setSize$nGenes;
  nSamples = setSize$nSamples;

  centers = vector(mode="list", length = nSets);
  for (set in 1:nSets)
    centers[[set]] = list(data = matrix(0, nSamples[set], nCenters));

  randGeneIndex = sample(nGenes, size = nGenes);
  temp = rep(c(1:nCenters), times = ceiling(nGenes/nCenters));
  membership = temp[randGeneIndex];

  if (verbose > 0)
    printFlush(paste(spaces, "..consensus k-means clustering.."));

  changed = c(1:nCenters); dst = NULL;
  iteration = 0;
  centerDist = NULL;
  while (!is.null(changed) && (iteration < maxIterations))
    iteration = iteration + 1;
    if (verbose > 1) printFlush(paste(spaces, " ..iteration", iteration));
    clusterSizes = table(membership);
    for (set in 1:nSets) for (cen in changed)
        centers[[set]]$data[, cen] = .alignedFirstPC(multiExpr[[set]]$data[, membership==cen], 
                                                     verbose = verbose-2, indent = indent+2);
    dst = centerGeneDist(centers, dst, changed);
    centerDist = memberCenterDist(dst, membership, clusterSizes, changed, centerDist);

    changed = NULL;
    minRes = minWhichMin(dst);
    nearestDist = minRes$min;
    nearest = minRes$which;

    if (sum(centerDist>nearestDist)>0)
      proposedMemb = nearest;
      accepted = FALSE;
      while (!accepted && (sum(proposedMemb!=membership)>0))
        if (verbose > 2) 
          cat(paste(spaces, "   ..proposing to move", sum(proposedMemb!=membership), "genes"));
        moved = c(1:nGenes)[proposedMemb!=membership];
        newCentDist = memberCenterDist(dst, proposedMemb);
        gotWorse = newCentDist[moved] > centerDist[moved]
        if (sum(gotWorse)==0)
          accepted = TRUE;
          if (verbose > 2) printFlush(paste("..move accepted."));
        } else {
          if (verbose > 2) printFlush(paste("..some genes got worse. Trying again."));
          ord = order(centerDist[moved[gotWorse]] - newCentDist[moved[gotWorse]])
          n = ceiling(length(ord)*3/5);
          proposedMemb[moved[gotWorse][ord[c(1:n)]]] = membership[moved[gotWorse][ord[c(1:n)]]];
      if (accepted)
        propSizes = table(proposedMemb);
        keep = as.numeric(names(propSizes));
        for (set in 1:nSets)
          centers[[set]]$data = centers[[set]]$data[, keep];
        dst = dst[keep, ];
        changedAll = union(membership[moved], proposedMemb[moved]);
        changedKeep = changedAll[is.finite(match(changedAll, keep))];
        changed = rank(changedKeep);	# This is a way to make say 1,3,4 into 1,2,3
        membership = as.numeric(as.factor(proposedMemb));
        if ( (verbose > 1) && (sum(keep) < nCenters))
          printFlush(paste(spaces, "  ..dropping", nCenters - sum(keep),
                           "centers because ther clusters are empty."));
        nCenters = length(keep);
      } else {
        changed = NULL;
        if (verbose > 2) printFlush(paste("Could not find a suitable move to improve the clustering."));
    } else {
      changed = NULL;
      if (verbose > 2) 
        printFlush(paste("Clustering is stable: all genes are closest to their assigned center."));

  consCenterDist = function(centers, select)
    if (is.logical(select))
      nC = sum(select);
    } else {
      nC = length(select);
    distX = array(0, dim=c(nSets, nC, nC));
    for (set in 1:nSets)
      if (intNetworkType==1)
         distX[set, , ] = 1-abs(cor(centers[[set]]$data[, select]));
      } else {
         distX[set, , ] = 1-cor(centers[[set]]$data[, select]);
    if (nSets==1) {
      distX[1, , ]
    } else 
      -minWhichMin(-distX, byRow = FALSE, dims = 1)$min;

  unmergedMembership = membership;
  unmergedCenters = centers;
  # merge nearby clusters if their sizes allow merging
  if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..merging smaller clusters..."));
  clusterSizes = as.vector(table(membership));
  small = (clusterSizes < preferredSize);
  done = FALSE;
  while (!done & (sum(small)>1))
    smallIndex = c(1:nCenters)[small]
    nSmall = sum(small);
    clustDist = consCenterDist(centers, smallIndex);

    diag(clustDist) = 10;
    distOrder = order(as.vector(clustDist))[seq(from=2, to = nSmall * (nSmall-1), by=2)];
    i = 1; canMerge = FALSE;
    while (i <= length(distOrder) && (!canMerge))
      whichJ = smallIndex[as.integer( (distOrder[i]-1)/nSmall + 1)];    
      whichI = smallIndex[distOrder[i] - (whichJ-1) * nSmall];    
      canMerge = sum(clusterSizes[c(whichI, whichJ)]) < preferredSize;
      i = i + 1;
    if (canMerge)
      membership[membership==whichJ] = whichI;
      clusterSizes[whichI] = sum(clusterSizes[c(whichI, whichJ)]);
      #if (verbose > 1) 
      #  printFlush(paste(spaces, "  ..merged clusters", whichI, "and", whichJ,
      #             "whose combined size is", clusterSizes[whichI]));
      for (set in 1:nSets) 
        centers[[set]]$data[, whichI] = .alignedFirstPC(multiExpr[[set]]$data[, membership==whichI],
                                                        verbose = verbose-2, indent = indent+2);
      for (set in 1:nSets) 
        centers[[set]]$data = centers[[set]]$data[,-whichJ];
      membership[membership>whichJ] = membership[membership>whichJ] - 1;
      nCenters = nCenters -1;
      clusterSizes = as.vector(table(membership));
      small = (clusterSizes < preferredSize);
      if (verbose > 3) 
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "  ..merged clusters", whichI, "and", whichJ,
                   "whose combined size is", clusterSizes[whichI]));
    } else done = TRUE;

  if (checkData)
    membershipAll = rep(NA, allSize$nGenes);
    membershipAll[gsg$goodGenes] = membership;
  } else 
    membershipAll = membership;

  if (seedSaved) .Random.seed <<- savedSeed;

  return( list(clusters = membershipAll, centers = centers, unmergedClusters = unmergedMembership,
               unmergedCenters = unmergedCenters) );

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WGCNA documentation built on Jan. 22, 2023, 1:34 a.m.