
Defines functions whop.eg.abbrevForOrganism whop.eg.orgdb_loaded whop.eg.installdb whop.eg.load_orgdb whop.eg.selectOrganism whop.eg.eg_lookupAll whop.eg.eg_lookupSingle whop.eg.eg_lookup whop.eg.eg_RevLookup whop.eg.fromAlias whop.eg.fromAccnum whop.eg.fromEnsembl whop.eg.fromEnsemblProt whop.eg.fromEnsemblTrans whop.eg.fromEnzyme whop.eg.toEnzyme whop.eg.fromGO whop.eg.fromGO2AllEgs whop.eg.fromOmim whop.eg.fromPath whop.eg.fromPmid whop.eg.fromRefseq whop.eg.fromUnigene whop.eg.fromUniprot whop.eg.toAlias whop.eg.toAccnum whop.eg.toEnsembl whop.eg.toEnsemblProt whop.eg.toEnsemblTrans whop.eg.toGO whop.eg.toOmim whop.eg.toPath whop.eg.toPmid whop.eg.toRefseq whop.eg.toUnigene whop.eg.toUniprot whop.eg.toAccnum whop.eg.genename whop.eg.enzyme whop.eg.region whop.eg.chromosome whop.eg.goIds whop.eg.Organism whop.eg.keggpathways whop.kegg.pathway_url

Documented in whop.eg.abbrevForOrganism whop.eg.chromosome whop.eg.eg_lookup whop.eg.eg_lookupAll whop.eg.eg_lookupSingle whop.eg.eg_RevLookup whop.eg.enzyme whop.eg.fromAccnum whop.eg.fromAlias whop.eg.fromEnsembl whop.eg.fromEnsemblProt whop.eg.fromEnsemblTrans whop.eg.fromEnzyme whop.eg.fromGO whop.eg.fromGO2AllEgs whop.eg.fromOmim whop.eg.fromPath whop.eg.fromPmid whop.eg.fromRefseq whop.eg.fromUnigene whop.eg.fromUniprot whop.eg.genename whop.eg.goIds whop.eg.installdb whop.eg.keggpathways whop.eg.load_orgdb whop.eg.Organism whop.eg.orgdb_loaded whop.eg.region whop.eg.selectOrganism whop.eg.toAccnum whop.eg.toAlias whop.eg.toEnsembl whop.eg.toEnsemblProt whop.eg.toEnsemblTrans whop.eg.toEnzyme whop.eg.toGO whop.eg.toOmim whop.eg.toPath whop.eg.toPmid whop.eg.toRefseq whop.eg.toUnigene whop.eg.toUniprot whop.kegg.pathway_url


#	MAPCOUNTS : list of numbers of mapped keys per table

###		org.<species>.eg database 

#	Available org.SPEC.eg.db databases in BioconductoR at end of June 2012 :
#		(excerpt of http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/BiocViews.html#___AnnotationData )
#	Package:			Maintainer:			Title:
#	org.Ag.eg.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Anopheles
#	org.At.tair.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Arabidopsis
#	org.Bt.eg.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Bovine
#	org.Ce.eg.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Worm
#	org.Cf.eg.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Canine
#	org.Dm.eg.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Fly
#	org.Dr.eg.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Zebrafish
#	org.EcK12.eg.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for E coli strain K12
#	org.EcSakai.eg.db	Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for E coli strain Sakai
#	org.Gg.eg.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Chicken
#	org.Hs.eg.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Human
#	org.Hs.ipi.db		Hong Li				A data package containing annotation data for org.Hs.ipi.db
#	org.Mm.eg.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Mouse
#	org.Mmu.eg.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Rhesus
#	org.Pf.plasmo.db	Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Malaria
#	org.Pt.eg.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Chimp
#	org.Rn.eg.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Rat
#	org.Sc.sgd.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Yeast
#	org.Sco.eg.db		Roxane Legaie		Genome wide annotation for Streptomyces coelicolor
#	org.Ss.eg.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Pig
#	org.Tgondii.eg.db	Olivier Lucas		Genome wide annotation for Toxoplasma gondii
#	org.Xl.eg.db		Biocore Data Team	Genome wide annotation for Xenopus

#	Get <organism> for the org.<organism>.eg.eb-style database names, given one of the
#		commonly used and plausible names for the wanted organism (see list above)
whop.eg.abbrevForOrganism <- function( organismname )
	organismname <- gsub( "\\W|_","", organismname )
	org <- NULL
	try( org <- .WHOPGENenv$eg[["organisms_list"]][[ tolower(organismname) ]] , silent=T)
	if( is.null( org ) )
		cat( paste("Unrecognised organism:",organismname,"\n") )
	return( org )

#	Is org.<organism>.eg.db loaded ?
whop.eg.orgdb_loaded <- function( organismname )
	paste(sep="","package:org.",whop.eg.abbrevForOrganism( organismname ),".eg.db") %in% search()

whop.eg.installdb <- function( organismname )
	orglibnam <- NULL ; rm(orglibnam)
	biocLite <- NULL ; rm(biocLite)
	abbrev <- whop.eg.abbrevForOrganism( organismname )
	if( ! is.null( abbrev ) )
		orglibnam <- paste(sep="","org.",abbrev,".eg.db" )
		biocLite( orglibnam )

		if( library( orglibnam, character.only=TRUE ) )	return(TRUE)
		print( .WHOPGENenv$pp("Could not load library '",orglibnam,"'!") )


#	Load an org.<organism>.eg.db and, if needed, install it first from BioconductoR
whop.eg.load_orgdb <- function( organismname, install.if.missing=F )
	# find abbrev used in the bioconductor package names
	orgdblibnam <- NULL
	abbrev <- whop.eg.abbrevForOrganism( organismname )
	# if the abbreviation was found,...
	if( ! is.null( abbrev ) )
		# try to load the database
		if( ! whop.eg.orgdb_loaded( abbrev ) )
			orgdblibnam <- paste(sep="","org.",abbrev,".eg.db" )
			print( .WHOPGENenv$pp("Loading ", orgdblibnam,"...") )
			if( ! library( orgdblibnam, character.only=TRUE ) )
				if( ! install.if.missing )
					print( .WHOPGENenv$pp("Could not load library '",orgdblibnam,"'!") )
					return( FALSE )
				return( whop.eg.installdb( organismname ) )

			}#..if( could not load org.eg.db package )

		}#...if( org.eg.db for organism not loaded )
		return( TRUE )

	}#...if ( could translate organismname to abbreviation )
	return( FALSE );

#	Select an organism
whop.eg.selectOrganism <- function( organismname, dontload=FALSE, install.if.missing=F )
	# find abbrev used in the bioconductor package names
	abbrev <- whop.eg.abbrevForOrganism( organismname )
	# if the abbreviation was found,...
	if( ! is.null( abbrev ) )
		# set the organism abbreviation currently used
		.WHOPGENenv$eg[["organism_name"]] <- abbrev
		res = TRUE
		# also try to load the database
		if( (!dontload) && (! whop.eg.orgdb_loaded( abbrev )) )
			res = whop.eg.load_orgdb( abbrev , install.if.missing )
		return( res )

#	Given a common gene alias (like LCT, MTLA1) into the numeric identifier used in eg

whop.eg.eg_lookupAll <- function( id, subdbname, db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) mget( id , get( paste(sep="","org.",.WHOPGENenv$eg[["organism_name"]],".eg",subdbname) ) )

	#	map a single Entrez gene id to some information in a given table
whop.eg.eg_lookupSingle <- function( id, subdbname, db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) mget( id , get( paste(sep="","org.",.WHOPGENenv$eg[["organism_name"]],".eg",subdbname) ) )[[1]]

	#	map each of a vector of Entrez gene ids to some information in a given table
whop.eg.eg_lookup <- function( ids, subdbname, db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] )
	x <- 0
	for( x in ids )
		res <- c( res, mget( x , get( paste(sep="","org.",.WHOPGENenv$eg[["organism_name"]],".eg",subdbname) ) ) )
	return (res);
	#	map each of a vector of Entrez gene ids to some information in a given table
whop.eg.eg_RevLookup <- function( ids, subdbname, db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] )
	y <- 0
	for( y in ids )
		res <- c( res, mget( y , 
								get( paste(sep="","org.",.WHOPGENenv$eg[["organism_name"]],".eg",subdbname) ) 
	return (res);

#	Other Identifiers -> EG

	#	From

whop.eg.fromAlias <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "ALIAS2EG", db )
whop.eg.fromAccnum <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "ACCNUM2EG", db )
whop.eg.fromEnsembl <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "ENSEMBL2EG", db )
whop.eg.fromEnsemblProt <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "ENSEMBLPROT2EG", db )
whop.eg.fromEnsemblTrans <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "ENSEMBLTRANS2EG", db )
whop.eg.fromEnzyme <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "ENZYME2EG", db )
whop.eg.toEnzyme <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "ENZYME", db )
whop.eg.fromGO <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "GO2EG", db )
whop.eg.fromGO2AllEgs <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "GO2ALLEGS", db )
whop.eg.fromOmim <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "OMIM2EG", db )
whop.eg.fromPath <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "PATH2EG", db )
whop.eg.fromPmid <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "PMID2EG", db )
whop.eg.fromRefseq <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "REFSEQ2EG", db )
whop.eg.fromUnigene <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "UNIGENE2EG", db )
whop.eg.fromUniprot <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "UNIPROT2EG", db )

	#	To

whop.eg.toAlias <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_RevLookup( id, "SYMBOL2EG", db )
whop.eg.toAccnum <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_RevLookup( id, "ACCNUM2EG", db )
whop.eg.toEnsembl <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_RevLookup( id, "ENSEMBL2EG", db )
whop.eg.toEnsemblProt <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_RevLookup( id, "ENSEMBLPROT2EG", db )
whop.eg.toEnsemblTrans <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_RevLookup( id, "ENSEMBLTRANS2EG", db )
#whop.eg.toEnzyme <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_RevLookup( id, "ENZYME2EG", db )
whop.eg.toGO <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_RevLookup( id, "GO2EG", db )
#whop.eg.fromGO2AllEgs <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "GO2ALLEGS", db )
whop.eg.toOmim <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_RevLookup( id, "OMIM2EG", db )
whop.eg.toPath <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_RevLookup( id, "PATH2EG", db )
whop.eg.toPmid <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_RevLookup( id, "PMID2EG", db )
whop.eg.toRefseq <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_RevLookup( id, "REFSEQ2EG", db )
whop.eg.toUnigene <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_RevLookup( id, "UNIGENE2EG", db )
whop.eg.toUniprot <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_RevLookup( id, "UNIPROT2EG", db )

#	> org.Hs.egPFAM$`1`
#	IPI00022895 IPI00644018 IPI00902880 
#         NA          NA          NA 
#	> names(org.Hs.egPFAM$`1`)
#	[1] "IPI00022895" "IPI00644018" "IPI00902880"
#	same pattern as with PFAM

#	EG -> Other Identifiers

#org.Hs.egACCNUM           org.Hs.egENSEMBLTRANS     org.Hs.egMAP              org.Hs.egPFAM             org.Hs.egUCSCKG
#org.Hs.egACCNUM2EG        org.Hs.eg_dbfile          org.Hs.egENSEMBLTRANS2EG  org.Hs.egMAP2EG           org.Hs.egPMID             org.Hs.egUNIGENE
#org.Hs.egALIAS2EG         org.Hs.eg_dbInfo          org.Hs.egENZYME           org.Hs.egMAPCOUNTS        org.Hs.egPMID2EG          org.Hs.egUNIGENE2EG
#org.Hs.egCHR              org.Hs.eg_dbschema        org.Hs.egENZYME2EG        org.Hs.egOMIM             org.Hs.egPROSITE          org.Hs.egUNIPROT
#org.Hs.egCHRLENGTHS       org.Hs.egENSEMBL          org.Hs.egGENENAME         org.Hs.egOMIM2EG          org.Hs.egREFSEQ           org.Hs.eg.db::
#org.Hs.egCHRLOC           org.Hs.egENSEMBL2EG       org.Hs.egGO               org.Hs.egORGANISM         org.Hs.egREFSEQ2EG        
#org.Hs.egCHRLOCEND        org.Hs.egENSEMBLPROT      org.Hs.egGO2ALLEGS        org.Hs.egPATH             org.Hs.egSYMBOL

whop.eg.toAccnum <- function( id , db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]]  ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( as.character(id) ,"ACCNUM",db)

#	Other handy lookup functions

	#	gene descriptive name for egID
whop.eg.genename <- function( id, db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "GENENAME", db )

	#	enzyme nomenclature identifiers for egID
whop.eg.enzyme <- function( id, db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "ENZYME", db )

	#	chromosomal region for egID
whop.eg.region <- function( id, db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) c( whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "CHRLOC", db ), whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "CHRLOCEND", db ) )

	#	chromosome on which gene entrez <id> lies
whop.eg.chromosome <- function( id, db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "CHR", db )

	#	GO identifiers relating to gene with entrez <id>
whop.eg.goIds <- function( id, db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "GO", db )

#MAP2EG	(cytogenetic location) e.g. 19q13.4

#	Miscelleaneous functions

whop.eg.Organism <- function() get( paste(sep="","org.",.WHOPGENenv$eg[["organism_name"]],".egORGANISM") )

#	KEGG related (pathways)

whop.eg.keggpathways <- function( id, db=.WHOPGENenv$eg[["databasename"]] ) whop.eg.eg_lookup( id, "PATH", db )

	#	print URL pointing to the KEGG pathway webpage for a given KEGG pathway ID
	#NOTE: tested to work correctly with a vector of pathwayids
whop.kegg.pathway_url <- function( pathwayids ) print( .WHOPGENenv$pp( "http://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?pathway+",.WHOPGENenv$eg[["organism_prefixed"]][ tolower(.WHOPGENenv$eg[["organism_name"]]) ],pathwayids) )

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WhopGenome documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:12 p.m.