# BIOMOD_RangeSize documentation ----------------------------------------------
##' @name BIOMOD_RangeSize
##' @author Wilfried Thuiller, Damien Georges, Bruno Lafourcade
##' @title Analyze the range size differences between projections of species distribution models
##' @description This function allows to calculate the absolute number of locations (pixels) lost,
##' stable and gained, as well as the corresponding relative proportions, between two (or more)
##' binary projections of (ensemble) species distribution models (\emph{which can represent new
##' time scales or environmental scenarios for example}).
##' @param proj.current a \code{data.frame}, \code{\link[raster:stack]{RasterLayer}}
##' or \code{\link[terra:rast]{SpatRaster}} object containing the initial binary projection(s)
##' of the (ensemble) species distribution model(s)
##' @param proj.future a \code{data.frame}, \code{\link[raster:stack]{RasterLayer}}
##' or \code{\link[terra:rast]{SpatRaster}} object containing the final binary projection(s)
##' of the (ensemble) species distribution model(s)
##' @return
##' A \code{list} containing two objects :
##' \describe{
##' \item{Compt.By.Species}{a \code{data.frame} containing the summary of range change for each
##' comparison
##' \itemize{
##' \item \code{Loss} : number of pixels predicted to be lost
##' \item \code{Stable0} : number of pixels not currently occupied and not predicted to be
##' \item \code{Stable1} : number of pixels currently occupied and predicted to remain
##' occupied
##' \item \code{Gain} : number of pixels predicted to be gained
##' \item \code{PercLoss} : percentage of pixels currently occupied and predicted to be lost
##' (\code{Loss / (Loss + Stable1)})
##' \item \code{PercGain} : percentage of pixels predicted to be gained compare to the
##' number of pixels currently occupied (\code{Gain / (Loss + Stable1)})
##' \item \code{SpeciesRangeChange} : percentage of pixels predicted to change (loss or gain)
##' compare to the number of pixels currently occupied (\code{PercGain - PercLoss})
##' \item \code{CurrentRangeSize} : number of pixels currently occupied
##' \item \code{FutureRangeSize0Disp} : number of pixels predicted to be occupied, assuming
##' no migration
##' \item \code{FutureRangeSize1Disp} : number of pixels predicted to be occupied, assuming
##' migration
##' }
##' }
##' \item{Diff.By.Pixel}{an object in the same form than the input data (\code{proj.current} and
##' \code{proj.future}) and containing a value for each point/pixel of each comparison among :
##' \itemize{
##' \item \code{-2} : predicted to be lost
##' \item \code{-1} : predicted to remain occupied
##' \item \code{0} : predicted to remain unoccupied
##' \item \code{1} : predicted to be gained
##' }
##' }
##' }
##' @details
##' Note that \bold{this function is only relevant to compare binary projections, made on the
##' same area with the same resolution}. \cr
##' Comparison between \code{proj.current} and \code{proj.future} depends
##' on the number of projection in both objects:
##'| \code{proj.current} | \code{proj.future} | \bold{Comparison} |
##'| ------------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------------- |
##'| \bold{1 projection} (\emph{e.g. data.frame with 1 column, SpatRaster with 1 layer}) | \bold{1 projection} (\emph{e.g. data.frame with 1 column, SpatRaster with 1 layer}) | comparison of both projection (\emph{e.g. current vs future conditions for the same model ; current vs current condition for two different models}) |
##'| \bold{\code{n} projections} (\emph{e.g. data.frame with n column, SpatRaster with n layer}) | \bold{\code{n} projections} (\emph{e.g. data.frame with n column, SpatRaster with n layer}) | comparing projection \code{i} in \code{proj.current} to projection \code{i} in \code{proj.future} (\emph{e.g. comparing current vs future condition for n models}) |
##'| \bold{\code{1} projection} (\emph{e.g. data.frame with 1 column, SpatRaster with 1 layer}) | \bold{\code{n} projections} (\emph{e.g. data.frame with n column, SpatRaster with n layer}) | comparing projection in \code{proj.current} to each projection in \code{proj.future} (\emph{e.g. comparing current vs n different future condition (e.g. climate change scenario) for 1 model}) |
##' \code{Diff.By.Pixel} object is obtained by applying the simple following formula :
##' \deqn{proj.future - 2 * proj.current}
##' @md
##' @keywords "species range change" projections gain loss
##' @seealso \code{\link{BIOMOD_Projection}}, \code{\link{BIOMOD_EnsembleForecasting}},
##' \code{\link{bm_PlotRangeSize}}
##' @family Main functions
##' @examples
##' library(terra)
##' # Load species occurrences (6 species available)
##' data(DataSpecies)
##' head(DataSpecies)
##' # Select the name of the studied species
##' myRespName <- 'GuloGulo'
##' # Get corresponding presence/absence data
##' myResp <- as.numeric(DataSpecies[, myRespName])
##' # Get corresponding XY coordinates
##' myRespXY <- DataSpecies[, c('X_WGS84', 'Y_WGS84')]
##' # Load environmental variables extracted from BIOCLIM (bio_3, bio_4, bio_7, bio_11 & bio_12)
##' data(bioclim_current)
##' myExpl <- terra::rast(bioclim_current)
##' \dontshow{
##' myExtent <- terra::ext(0,30,45,70)
##' myExpl <- terra::crop(myExpl, myExtent)
##' }
##' # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
##' file.out <- paste0(myRespName, "/", myRespName, ".AllModels.models.out")
##' if (file.exists(file.out)) {
##' myBiomodModelOut <- get(load(file.out))
##' } else {
##' # Format Data with true absences
##' myBiomodData <- BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var = myResp,
##' expl.var = myExpl,
##' resp.xy = myRespXY,
##' = myRespName)
##' # Model single models
##' myBiomodModelOut <- BIOMOD_Modeling(bm.format = myBiomodData,
##' = 'AllModels',
##' models = c('RF', 'GLM'),
##' CV.strategy = 'random',
##' CV.nb.rep = 2,
##' CV.perc = 0.8,
##' OPT.strategy = 'bigboss',
##' metric.eval = c('TSS','ROC'),
##' var.import = 3,
##' seed.val = 42)
##' }
##' models.proj <- get_built_models(myBiomodModelOut, algo = "RF")
##' # Project single models
##' myBiomodProj <- BIOMOD_Projection(bm.mod = myBiomodModelOut,
##' = 'CurrentRangeSize',
##' new.env = myExpl,
##' models.chosen = models.proj,
##' metric.binary = 'all',
##' build.clamping.mask = TRUE)
##' # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
##' # Load environmental variables extracted from BIOCLIM (bio_3, bio_4, bio_7, bio_11 & bio_12)
##' data(bioclim_future)
##' myExplFuture <- terra::rast(bioclim_future)
##' \dontshow{
##' myExtent <- terra::ext(0,30,45,70)
##' myExplFuture <- terra::crop(myExplFuture, myExtent)
##' }
##' # Project onto future conditions
##' myBiomodProjectionFuture <- BIOMOD_Projection(bm.mod = myBiomodModelOut,
##' = 'FutureRangeSize',
##' new.env = myExplFuture,
##' models.chosen = models.proj,
##' metric.binary = 'TSS')
##' # Load current and future binary projections
##' CurrentProj <- get_predictions(myBiomodProj,
##' metric.binary = "TSS",
##' = TRUE)
##' FutureProj <- get_predictions(myBiomodProjectionFuture,
##' metric.binary = "TSS",
##' = TRUE)
##' # Compute differences
##' myBiomodRangeSize <- BIOMOD_RangeSize(proj.current = CurrentProj, proj.future = FutureProj)
##' myBiomodRangeSize$Compt.By.Models
##' plot(myBiomodRangeSize$Diff.By.Pixel)
##' # Represent main results
##' bm_PlotRangeSize(bm.range = myBiomodRangeSize)
##' @importFrom foreach foreach %do%
##' @importFrom terra rast nlyr `add<-` values
##' @export
## BIOMOD_RangeSize generic method ---------------------------------------------
def = function(proj.current, proj.future) {
if (inherits(proj.current, "Raster") && inherits(proj.future, "Raster")) {
BIOMOD_RangeSize(rast(proj.current), rast(proj.future))
} else {
stop("'proj.current' and 'proj.future' must have the same class among 'data.frame', 'SpatRaster' and 'array'" )
## BIOMOD_RangeSize data.frame-data.frame Method ----------------------
##' @rdname BIOMOD_RangeSize
##' @export
setMethod('BIOMOD_RangeSize', signature(proj.current = 'data.frame', proj.future = 'data.frame'),
function(proj.current, proj.future)
.bm_cat("Do Range Size Computation")
args <- .BIOMOD_RangeSize.check.args(proj.current, proj.future)
for (argi in names(args)) { assign(x = argi, value = args[[argi]]) }
if (ncol(proj.future) == ncol(proj.current)) {
Diff.By.Pixel <- - 2 * proj.current)
this_rownames <- colnames(proj.current)
} else {
Diff.By.Pixel <- foreach(thiscol = seq_len(ncol(proj.future)), .combine = 'cbind') %do% {
tmp <-[,thiscol] - 2 * proj.current[,1])
colnames(tmp) <- colnames(proj.future)[thiscol]
this_rownames <- colnames(proj.future)
Compt.By.Models <-, c(-2, 0, -1, 1)))
Compt.By.Models[, seq(5,10)] <- NA
Compt.By.Models[, 8] <- Compt.By.Models[, 1] + Compt.By.Models[, 3]
Compt.By.Models[, 9] <- Compt.By.Models[, 3]
Compt.By.Models[, 10] <- Compt.By.Models[, 4] + Compt.By.Models[, 3]
Compt.By.Models[, 5] <- (100 * Compt.By.Models[, 1]) / Compt.By.Models[, 8]
Compt.By.Models[, 6] <- (100 * Compt.By.Models[, 4]) / Compt.By.Models[, 8]
Compt.By.Models[, 7] <- Compt.By.Models[, 6] - Compt.By.Models[, 5]
dimnames(Compt.By.Models) <- list(this_rownames, c("Loss", "Stable0", "Stable1", "Gain"
, "PercLoss", "PercGain", "SpeciesRangeChange"
, "CurrentRangeSize", "FutureRangeSize.NoDisp", "FutureRangeSize.FullDisp"))
Output <- list(Compt.By.Models = Compt.By.Models, Diff.By.Pixel = Diff.By.Pixel)
## BIOMOD_RangeSize SpatRaster-SpatRaster Method ----------------------
##' @rdname BIOMOD_RangeSize
##' @export
setMethod('BIOMOD_RangeSize', signature(proj.current = 'SpatRaster', proj.future = 'SpatRaster'),
function(proj.current, proj.future)
.bm_cat("Do Range Size Computation")
args <- .BIOMOD_RangeSize.check.args(proj.current, proj.future)
for (argi in names(args)) { assign(x = argi, value = args[[argi]]) }
names.res = c("Loss", "Stable0", "Stable1", "Gain"
, "PercLoss", "PercGain", "SpeciesRangeChange"
, "CurrentRangeSize", "FutureRangeSize.NoDisp", "FutureRangeSize.FullDisp")
if(nlyr(proj.current) > 1){
CBS <- matrix(ncol = 10, nrow = nlyr(proj.current),
dimnames = list(names(proj.current), names.res))
} else {
CBS <- matrix(ncol = 10, nrow = nlyr(proj.future),
dimnames = list(names(proj.future), names.res))
sp.rast <- rast()
Cur <- proj.current[[1]]
for (i in seq_len(nlyr(proj.future))) {
## DiffByPixel
if(nlyr(proj.current) > 1){
Cur <- proj.current[[i]]
Fut <- proj.future[[i]]
Ras <- Fut - (Cur + Cur)
add(sp.rast) <- Ras
## ComptBySpecies
CBS[i, 1] <- length(which(Ras[] == -2))
CBS[i, 2] <- length(which(Ras[] == 0))
CBS[i, 3] <- length(which(Ras[] == -1))
CBS[i, 4] <- length(which(Ras[] == 1))
CBS[i, 8] <- CBS[i, 1] + CBS[i, 3]
CBS[i, 9] <- CBS[i, 3]
CBS[i, 10] <- CBS[i, 3] + CBS[i, 4]
CBS[i, 5] <- round(CBS[i, 1] / CBS[i, 8] * 100, digits = 3)
CBS[i, 6] <- round(CBS[i, 4] / CBS[i, 8] * 100, digits = 3)
CBS[i, 7] <- round(CBS[i, 10] / CBS[i, 8] * 100 - 100, digits = 3)
names(sp.rast) <- rownames(CBS)
return(list(Compt.By.Models = CBS, Diff.By.Pixel = sp.rast))
# Argument Check ---------------------------------------------------------------
.BIOMOD_RangeSize.check.args <- function(proj.current, proj.future) {
## dimensions checking ------------------------
if (inherits(proj.current, "data.frame")) {
dim_current <- nrow(proj.current)
dim_future <- nrow(proj.future)
} else { # SpatRaster case
dim_current <- dim(proj.current)[c(1,2)]
dim_future <- dim(proj.future)[c(1,2)]
if (any(dim_current != dim_future)) {
stop(paste0("'proj.current' and 'proj.future' do not have the same dimensions ",
"(data.frame must have either the same number of lines ; ",
"raster must have the same spatial extent and resolution)."))
## checking number of models to be compared ----------------------------
if (inherits(proj.current, "data.frame")) {
n_current <- ncol(proj.current)
n_future <- ncol(proj.future)
} else { # SpatRaster case
n_current <- nlyr(proj.current)
n_future <- nlyr(proj.future)
if (n_current == 1) {
if (n_future == 1) {
cat("\n Comparing 'proj.current' and 'proj.future'. ")
} else if (n_future > 1) {
cat("\n Comparing 'proj.current' with the ", n_future, " projections in 'proj.future'. ")
} else {
stop("'proj.future' require at least one layer or one column.")
} else if (n_current > 1) {
if (n_future == n_current) {
cat("\n Each projection in 'proj.current' will be compared once with its corresponding projection in 'proj.future'. ")
} else {
stop("When proj.current' have more than 1 projection, 'proj.future' must have the same number of projection.")
} else {
stop("'proj.current' require at least one layer or one column.")
## checking 0/1 ----------------------------
if (inherits(proj.current, "data.frame")) {
test_binary_current <- all(na.omit(unlist(proj.current)) %in% c(0,1))
test_binary_future <- all(na.omit(unlist(proj.future)) %in% c(0,1))
} else { # SpatRaster case
test_binary_current <- all(na.omit(values(proj.current)) %in% c(0,1))
test_binary_future <- all(na.omit(values(proj.future)) %in% c(0,1))
if (!test_binary_current | !test_binary_future) {
stop("'proj.current' and 'proj.future' must have only values among 0, 1 or NA.")
return(list("proj.current" = proj.current,
"proj.future" = proj.future))
# Additionnal tools -------------------------------------------------------
.CompteurSp <- function(Data, Value) {
if ( {
N <- dim(Data)[2]
Compt <-, ncol = 4, nrow = dim(Data)[2]))
i <- 1
while(i <= N) {
Compt[i, 1] <- length(Data[Data[, i] == Value[1], i])
Compt[i, 2] <- length(Data[Data[, i] == Value[2], i])
Compt[i, 3] <- length(Data[Data[, i] == Value[3], i])
Compt[i, 4] <- length(Data[Data[, i] == Value[4], i])
i <- i + 1
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