
Defines functions bm_CalculateStat .contingency_table_check .guess_scale get_optim_value bm_FindOptimStat

Documented in bm_CalculateStat bm_FindOptimStat get_optim_value

##' @name bm_FindOptimStat
##' @aliases bm_FindOptimStat
##' @aliases bm_CalculateStat
##' @aliases get_optim_value
##' @author Damien Georges
##' @title Calculate the best score according to a given evaluation method
##' @description This internal \pkg{biomod2} function allows the user to find the threshold to 
##' convert continuous values into binary ones leading to the best score for a given evaluation 
##' metric.
##' @param metric.eval a \code{character} corresponding to the evaluation metric to be used, must 
##' be either \code{ROC}, \code{TSS}, \code{KAPPA}, \code{ACCURACY}, \code{BIAS}, \code{POD}, 
##' \code{FAR}, \code{POFD}, \code{SR}, \code{CSI}, \code{ETS}, \code{HK}, \code{HSS}, \code{OR} 
##' or \code{ORSS}
##' @param obs a \code{vector} of observed values (binary, \code{0} or \code{1})
##' @param fit a \code{vector} of fitted values (continuous)
##' @param nb.thresh an \code{integer} corresponding to the number of thresholds to be 
##' tested over the range of fitted values
##' @param threshold (\emph{optional, default} \code{NULL}) \cr 
##' A \code{numeric} corresponding to the threshold used to convert the given data
##' @param misc a \code{matrix} corresponding to a contingency table
##' @return 
##' A \code{1} row x \code{5} columns \code{data.frame} containing :
##' \itemize{
##'   \item{\code{metric.eval}}{ : the chosen evaluation metric}
##'   \item{\code{cutoff}}{ : the associated cut-off used to transform the continuous values into 
##'   binary}
##'   \item{\code{sensitivity}}{ : the sensibility obtained on fitted values with this threshold}
##'   \item{\code{specificity}}{ : the specificity obtained on fitted values with this threshold}
##'   \item{\code{best.stat}}{ : the best score obtained for the chosen evaluation metric}
##' }
##' @details
##' \emph{Please refer to \code{\link{BIOMOD_Modeling}} to get more information about these 
##' evaluation metrics.}
##' Note that if a value is given to \code{threshold}, no optimisation will be done., and 
##' only the score for this threshold will be returned.
##' @keywords models options evaluation
##' @seealso \code{\link{BIOMOD_Modeling}}, \code{\link{bm_RunModelsLoop}}, 
##' \code{\link{BIOMOD_EnsembleModeling}}
##' @family Secundary functions
##' @examples
##' ## Generate a binary vector
##' vec.a <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace = TRUE)
##' ## Generate a 0-1000 vector (random drawing)
##' vec.b <- runif(100, min = 0, max = 1000)
##' ## Generate a 0-1000 vector (biased drawing)
##' BiasedDrawing <- function(x, m1 = 300, sd1 = 200, m2 = 700, sd2 = 200) {
##'   return(ifelse(x < 0.5, rnorm(1, m1, sd1), rnorm(1, m2, sd2)))
##' }
##' vec.c <- sapply(vec.a, BiasedDrawing)
##' vec.c[which(vec.c < 0)] <- 0
##' vec.c[which(vec.c > 1000)] <- 1000
##' ## Find optimal threshold for a specific evaluation metric
##' bm_FindOptimStat(metric.eval = 'TSS', fit = vec.b, obs = vec.a)
##' bm_FindOptimStat(metric.eval = 'TSS', fit = vec.c, obs = vec.a, nb.thresh = 100)
##' bm_FindOptimStat(metric.eval = 'TSS', fit = vec.c, obs = vec.a, threshold = 280)
##' @importFrom pROC roc coords auc
##' @export

bm_FindOptimStat <- function(metric.eval = 'TSS',
                             nb.thresh = 100,
                             threshold = NULL)
  ## remove all unfinite values
  to_keep <- (is.finite(fit) & is.finite(obs))
  obs <- obs[to_keep]
  fit <- fit[to_keep]
  ## check some data is still here
  if (!length(obs) | !length(fit)) {
    cat("Non finite obs or fit available => model evaluation skipped !")
    eval.out <- matrix(NA, 1, 4, dimnames = list(metric.eval, c("best.stat", "cutoff", "sensitivity", "specificity")))
  if (length(unique(obs)) == 1 | length(unique(fit)) == 1) {
    warning("\nObserved or fitted data contains a unique value... Be careful with this models predictions\n", immediate. = TRUE)
  if (metric.eval != 'ROC') { ## for all evaluation metrics other than ROC ------------------------
    StatOptimum <- get_optim_value(metric.eval)
    ## 1. get threshold values to be tested -----------------------------------
    if (is.null(threshold)) { # test a range of threshold to get the one giving the best score
      ## guess fit value scale (e.g. 0-1 for a classic fit or 0-1000 for a biomod2 model fit)
      fit.scale <- .guess_scale(fit)
      if (length(unique(fit)) == 1) {
        valToTest <- unique(fit)
        ## add 2 values to test based on mean with 0 and the guessed max of fit (1 or 1000)
        valToTest <- round(c(mean(c(fit.scale["min"], valToTest)),
                             mean(c(fit.scale["max"], valToTest))))
      } else {
        mini <- max(min(fit, na.rm = TRUE), fit.scale["min"], na.rm = TRUE)
        maxi <- min(max(fit, na.rm = TRUE), fit.scale["max"], na.rm = TRUE)
        valToTest <- try(unique(round(c(seq(mini, maxi, length.out = nb.thresh), mini, maxi))))
        if (inherits(valToTest, "try-error")) {
          valToTest <- seq(fit.scale["min"], fit.scale["max"], length.out = nb.thresh)
        # deal with unique value to test case
        if (length(valToTest) < 3) {
          valToTest <- round(c(mean(fit.scale["min"], mini), valToTest, mean(fit.scale["max"], maxi)))
    } else { # test only one value
      valToTest <- threshold
    ## 2. apply the bm_CalculateStat function ---------------------------------
    calcStat <- sapply(lapply(valToTest, function(x) {
      return(table(fit > x, obs))
    }), bm_CalculateStat, metric.eval = metric.eval)
    ## 3. scale obtained scores and find best value ---------------------------
    calcStat <- 1 - abs(StatOptimum - calcStat)
    best.stat <- max(calcStat, na.rm = TRUE)
    cutoff <- median(valToTest[which(calcStat == best.stat)]) # if several values are selected
    misc <- table(fit >= cutoff, obs)
    misc <- .contingency_table_check(misc)
    true.pos <- misc['TRUE', '1']
    true.neg <- misc['FALSE', '0']
    specificity <- (true.neg * 100) / sum(misc[, '0'])
    sensitivity <- (true.pos * 100) / sum(misc[, '1'])
  } else { ## specific procedure for ROC value ----------------------------------------------------
    roc1 <- roc(obs, fit, percent = TRUE, direction = "<", levels = c(0, 1))
    roc1.out <- coords(roc1, "best", ret = c("threshold", "sens", "spec"), transpose = TRUE)
    ## if two optimal values are returned keep only the first one
    if (!is.null(ncol(roc1.out))) { roc1.out <- roc1.out[, 1] }
    best.stat <- as.numeric(auc(roc1)) / 100
    cutoff <- as.numeric(roc1.out["threshold"])
    sensitivity <- as.numeric(roc1.out["sensitivity"])
    specificity <- as.numeric(roc1.out["specificity"])
  eval.out <- data.frame(metric.eval, cutoff, sensitivity, specificity, best.stat)


##' @rdname bm_FindOptimStat
##' @export

get_optim_value <- function(metric.eval)
         , 'TSS' = 1
         , 'KAPPA' = 1
         , 'ACCURACY' = 1
         , 'BIAS' = 1
         , 'POD' = 1
         , 'FAR' = 0
         , 'POFD' = 0
         , 'SR' = 1
         , 'CSI' = 1
         , 'ETS' = 1
         , 'HK' = 1
         , 'HSS' = 1
         , 'OR' = 1000000
         , 'ORSS' = 1
         , 'ROC' = 1


.guess_scale <- function(fit)
  min <- 0
  max <- ifelse(max(fit, na.rm = TRUE) <= 1, 1, 1000)
  out <- c(min, max)
  names(out) <- c("min", "max")

.contingency_table_check <- function(misc)
  # Contingency table checking
  if (dim(misc)[1] == 1) {
    if (row.names(misc)[1] == "FALSE") {
      misc <- rbind(misc, c(0, 0))
      rownames(misc) <- c('FALSE', 'TRUE')
    } else {
      a <- misc
      misc <- c(0, 0)
      misc <- rbind(misc, a)
      rownames(misc) <- c('FALSE', 'TRUE')
  if (ncol(misc) != 2 | nrow(misc) != 2) {
    misc = matrix(0, ncol = 2, nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c('FALSE', 'TRUE'), c('0', '1')))
  if ((sum(colnames(misc) %in% c('FALSE', 'TRUE', '0', '1')) < 2) | 
      (sum(rownames(misc) %in% c('FALSE', 'TRUE', '0', '1')) < 2) ) {
    stop("Unavailable contingency table given")
  if ('0' %in% rownames(misc)) { rownames(misc)[which(rownames(misc) == '0')] <- 'FALSE' }
  if ('1' %in% rownames(misc)) { rownames(misc)[which(rownames(misc) == '1')] <- 'TRUE' }

##' @rdname bm_FindOptimStat
##' @export

bm_CalculateStat <- function(misc, metric.eval = 'TSS')
  ## check contagency table
  misc <- .contingency_table_check(misc)
  ## calculate basic classification information -------------------------------
  hits <- misc['TRUE', '1'] ## true positives
  misses <- misc['FALSE', '1'] ##  false positives
  false_alarms <- misc['TRUE', '0'] ## false negatives 
  correct_negatives <- misc['FALSE', '0'] ## true negatives
  total <- sum(misc)
  forecast_1 <- sum(misc['TRUE', ])
  forecast_0 <- sum(misc['FALSE', ])
  observed_1 <- sum(misc[, '1'])
  observed_0 <- sum(misc[, '0'])
  ## calculate chosen evaluation metric ---------------------------------------
  out = switch(metric.eval
               , 'TSS' = (hits / (hits + misses)) + (correct_negatives / (false_alarms + correct_negatives)) - 1
               , 'KAPPA' = {
                 Po <- (1 / total) * (hits + correct_negatives)
                 Pe <- ((1 / total) ^ 2) * ((forecast_1 * observed_1) + (forecast_0 * observed_0))
                 return((Po - Pe) / (1 - Pe))
               , 'ACCURACY' = (hits + correct_negatives) / total
               , 'BIAS' = (hits + false_alarms) / (hits + misses)
               , 'POD' =  hits / (hits + misses)
               , 'FAR' = false_alarms / (hits + false_alarms)
               , 'POFD' = false_alarms / (correct_negatives + false_alarms)
               , 'SR' = hits / (hits + false_alarms)
               , 'CSI' = hits / (hits + misses + false_alarms)
               , 'ETS' = {
                 hits_rand <- ((hits + misses) * (hits + false_alarms)) / total
                 return((hits - hits_rand) / (hits + misses + false_alarms - hits_rand))
               , 'HK' = (hits / (hits + misses)) - (false_alarms / (false_alarms + correct_negatives))
               , 'HSS' = {
                 expected_correct_rand <- (1 / total) * 
                   (((hits + misses) * (hits + false_alarms)) + ((correct_negatives + misses) * (correct_negatives + false_alarms)))
                 return((hits + correct_negatives - expected_correct_rand) / (total - expected_correct_rand))
               , 'OR' = (hits * correct_negatives) / (misses * false_alarms)
               , 'ORSS' = (hits * correct_negatives - misses * false_alarms) / (hits * correct_negatives + misses * false_alarms)

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