
Defines functions match.brace net.get.probabilities dsc.get.probabilities bif.get.probabilities net.get.levels dsc.get.levels bif.get.levels foreign.get.children net.get.parents dsc.get.parents bif.get.parents net.get.cpt.descriptions bif.get.cpt.descriptions net.get.node.descriptions dsc.get.node.descriptions bif.get.node.descriptions net.get.cpt.names bif.get.cpt.names net.check.discrete dsc.check.discrete bif.check.discrete net.get.nodes dsc.get.nodes bif.get.nodes net.check.banner dsc.check.banner bif.check.banner dsc.preparse bif.preparse read.foreign.backend

# read a BIF file into a bn.fit object.
read.foreign.backend = function(lines, format = "bif", filename, debug = FALSE) {

  # remove comments.
  if (format %in% c("bif", "dsc"))
    lines = sub("//.*", "", lines)
  else if (format == "net")
    lines = sub("%.*", "", lines)
  # remove indentation and whitespace damage.
  lines = gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", lines, perl = TRUE)
  # remove empty lines.
  lines = lines[grep("^\\s*$", lines, perl = TRUE, invert = TRUE)]

  if (format == "bif") {

    # remove useless properties from declarations and CPTs.
    lines = bif.preparse(lines)

  else if (format == "dsc") {

    # quick fix for CPT declaration splitting (thanks Genie).
    lines = dsc.preparse(lines)


  # check the file banner.
  if (format == "bif")
    bif.check.banner(banner = lines[1], filename = filename)
  else if (format == "dsc")
    dsc.check.banner(banner = lines[1], filename = filename)
  else if (format == "net")
    net.check.banner(banner = lines[1], filename = filename)

  # get the node labels and the size of node set.
  if (format == "bif")
    nodes = bif.get.nodes(lines)
  else if (format == "dsc")
    nodes = dsc.get.nodes(lines)
  else if (format == "net")
    nodes = net.get.nodes(lines)
  nnodes = length(nodes)

  # check whether all variables are discrete.
  if (format == "bif")
    bif.check.discrete(lines, nnodes)
  else if (format == "dsc")
    dsc.check.discrete(lines, nnodes)
  else if (format == "net")
    net.check.discrete(lines, nnodes)

  # check whether the labels on the probability tables match with the node labels.
  if (format == "bif")
    cpts = bif.get.cpt.names(lines)
  else if (format == "dsc")
    cpts = dsc.get.cpt.names(lines)
  else if (format == "net")
    cpts = net.get.cpt.names(lines)

  if (!setequal(cpts, nodes)) {

    missing.cpts = setdiff(nodes, cpts)
    missing.nodes = setdiff(cpts, nodes)
    bogus = unique(c(missing.cpts, missing.nodes))

    for (m in missing.cpts)
      warning("the CPT corresponding to node ", m, " is missing, dropping.")

    for (m in missing.nodes)
      warning("the node description of node ", m, " is missing, dropping.")

    # recompute fundamental quantities.
    nodes = nodes[nodes %!in% bogus]
    nnodes = length(nodes)

  else {

    bogus = character(0)


  # find out where each node description begins.
  if (format == "bif")
    description.start = bif.get.node.descriptions(lines, nodes)
  else if (format == "dsc")
    description.start = dsc.get.node.descriptions(lines, nodes)
  else if (format == "net")
    description.start = net.get.node.descriptions(lines, nodes)

  # find out where each conditional probability table begins.
  if (format == "bif")
    cpt.start = bif.get.cpt.descriptions(lines, cpts)
  else if (format == "dsc")
    cpt.start = dsc.get.cpt.descriptions(lines, cpts)
  else if (format == "net")
    cpt.start = net.get.cpt.descriptions(lines, cpts)

  # get the levels associated with each node.
  if (format == "bif") {

    nodes.levels = sapply(nodes, bif.get.levels, start = description.start,
                     lines = lines, simplify = FALSE)

  else if (format == "dsc") {

    nodes.levels = sapply(nodes, dsc.get.levels, start = description.start,
                     lines = lines, simplify = FALSE)

  else if (format == "net") {

    nodes.levels = sapply(nodes, net.get.levels, start = description.start,
                     lines = lines, simplify = FALSE)


  # all nodes should have at least two levels, drop dummy nodes with a warning.
  dummies = names(which(sapply(nodes.levels, length) < 2))

  if (length(dummies) > 0) {

    for (d in dummies)
      warning("node ", d, " have only one level, dropping.")

    # recompute some fundamental quantities.
    nodes = nodes[nodes %!in% dummies]
    nnodes = length(nodes)
    description.start = description.start[nodes]
    cpt.start = cpt.start[nodes]


  # get the parents of each node.
  if (format == "bif") {

    parents = bif.get.parents(lines, start = cpt.start, dummies = dummies,
                bogus = bogus)

  else if (format == "dsc") {

    parents = dsc.get.parents(lines, start = cpt.start, dummies = dummies,
                bogus = bogus)
  else if (format == "net") {

    parents = net.get.parents(lines, start = cpt.start, dummies = dummies,
                bogus = bogus)

  # separate root and non-root nodes.
  nonroot.nodes = names(parents)
  root.nodes = nodes[nodes %!in% nonroot.nodes]

  # create the empty bn.fit object.
  fitted = structure(vector(nnodes, mode = "list"), names = nodes)

  # fill in the metadata for the root nodes.
  for (node in nodes) {

    # get the parent set.
    if (node %in% root.nodes)
      parent.set = character(0)
      parent.set = parents[[node]]

    if (debug) {

      if (node %in% root.nodes)
        cat("* found root node", node, ".\n")
        cat("* found node", node, "with parents", parent.set, ".\n")
      cat("  > node", node, "has levels", nodes.levels[[node]], "\n")


    # build the (conditional) probability table.
    if (format == "bif") {

      node.cpt = bif.get.probabilities(node, start = cpt.start, lines = lines,
                   nodes.levels = nodes.levels, parents = parents,
                   root = (node %in% root.nodes))

    else if (format == "dsc") {

      node.cpt = dsc.get.probabilities(node, start = cpt.start, lines = lines,
                   nodes.levels = nodes.levels, parents = parents,
                   root = (node %in% root.nodes))

    else if (format == "net") {

      node.cpt = net.get.probabilities(node, start = cpt.start, lines = lines,
                   nodes.levels = nodes.levels, parents = parents,
                   root = (node %in% root.nodes))


    fitted[[node]] = structure(list(node = node, parents = parent.set,
                       children = foreign.get.children(node, parents),
                       prob = node.cpt), class = "bn.fit.dnode")

    if (debug) {

      cat("  > conditional probability table:\n")



  # set the class of the return value; doing it before the object has been
  # completely initialized clashed with the "[[<-.bn.fit" replacement methods.
  class(fitted) = c("bn.fit", "bn.fit.dnet")



# remove properties to avoid confusion.
bif.preparse = function(lines) {

  # remove properties.
  lines = gsub("^\\s*property[^;]*;", "", lines)
  # remove empty lines.
  lines = lines[grep("^\\s*$", lines, perl = TRUE, invert = TRUE)]



# rebuild declarations split over multiple lines.
dsc.preparse = function(lines) {

  p = grep("probability[^)]*$", lines)
  for (l in p) {

    end = match.brace(lines, start = l, open = "(", close = ")")
    lines[l] = paste(lines[l:end], collapse = " ")
    lines[l] = gsub(" , ", ", ", lines[l])
    lines[(l+1):end] = ""

  # remove empty lines.
  lines = lines[grep("^\\s*$", lines, perl = TRUE, invert = TRUE)]



# check the banner of a BIF file.
bif.check.banner = function(banner, filename) {

  if (length(grep("^network", banner)) != 1)
    stop("the file '", filename, "' does not conform to the BIF format.")


# check the banner of a DSC file.
dsc.check.banner = function(banner, filename) {

  if (length(grep("^belief network", banner)) != 1)
    stop("the file '", filename, "' does not conform to the DSC format.")


# check the banner of a NET file.
net.check.banner = function(banner, filename) {

  if (length(grep("^net", banner)) != 1)
    stop("the file '", filename, "' does not conform to the NET format.")


# get the node labels from a BIF file.
bif.get.nodes = function(lines) {

  sub("variable\\s+(.+)\\s+\\{", "\\1",
    grep("^variable .+", lines, value = TRUE), perl = TRUE)


# get the node labels from a DSC file.
dsc.get.nodes = function(lines) {

  sub("node\\s+(\\w+)\\s*\\{*", "\\1",
    grep("^node .+", lines, value = TRUE), perl = TRUE)


# get the node labels from a NET file.
net.get.nodes = function(lines) {

  sub("node\\s+(\\w+)\\s*\\{*", "\\1",
    grep("^node .+", lines, value = TRUE), perl = TRUE)


# count the number of discrete nodes in a BIF file.
bif.check.discrete = function(lines, nnodes) {

  ndisc = length(grep("type\\s+discrete", lines))

  if (ndisc != nnodes)
    stop("only BIF files describing discrete networks are supported.")


# count the number of discrete nodes in a DSC file.
dsc.check.discrete = function(lines, nnodes) {

  ndisc = length(grep("type\\s*[:]{0,1}\\s*discrete", lines))

  if (ndisc != nnodes)
    stop("only DSC files describing discrete networks are supported.")


# count the number of discrete nodes in a DSC file.
net.check.discrete = function(lines, nnodes) {

  if (length(grep("^continuous\\s+node\\s+\\w+", lines)) > 0)
    stop("only NET files describing discrete networks are supported.")
  if (length(grep("^decision\\s+\\w+", lines)) > 0)
    stop("NET files describing decision networks are not supported.")


# get the labels of the CPTs from a BIF file, to compare them to node labels.
bif.get.cpt.names = function(lines) {

  sub("probability\\s*\\(\\s*(\\w+).*", "\\1",
      grep("^probability", lines, value = TRUE))


# get the labels of the CPTs from a DSC file, to compare them to node labels.
dsc.get.cpt.names = bif.get.cpt.names

# get the labels of the CPTs from a NET file, to compare them to node labels.
net.get.cpt.names = function(lines) {

  sub("potential\\s*\\(\\s*(\\w+).*", "\\1",
      grep("^potential", lines, value = TRUE))


# get the starting lines of node descriptions in a BIF file.
bif.get.node.descriptions = function(lines, nodes) {

  desc = grep(paste("variable\\s+(", paste(nodes, collapse = "|"), ")", sep = ""), lines)
  names(desc) = nodes



# get the starting lines of node descriptions in a DSC file.
dsc.get.node.descriptions = function(lines, nodes) {

  desc = grep(paste("node\\s+(", paste(nodes, collapse = "|"), ")", sep = ""), lines)
  names(desc) = nodes



# get the starting lines of node descriptions in a NET file.
net.get.node.descriptions = function(lines, nodes) {

  desc = grep(paste("node\\s+(", paste(nodes, collapse = "|"), ")", sep = ""), lines)
  names(desc) = nodes



# get the starting lines of CPTs in a BIF file.
bif.get.cpt.descriptions = function(lines, cpts) {

  desc = grep(paste("probability\\s*\\(\\s*(", paste(cpts, collapse = "|"), ")", sep = ""), lines)
  names(desc) = cpts



# get the starting lines of CPTs in a DSC file.
dsc.get.cpt.descriptions = bif.get.cpt.descriptions

# get the starting lines of CPTs in a NET file.
net.get.cpt.descriptions = function(lines, cpts) {

  desc = grep(paste("potential\\s*\\(\\s*(", paste(cpts, collapse = "|"), ")", sep = ""), lines)
  names(desc) = cpts



# get the parents of each node in a BIF file.
bif.get.parents = function(lines, start, dummies, bogus) {

  # get the dependencies.
  parents = (lines[start])[grep("\\|", lines[start])]
  # extract the node labels and the labels of the respective parents.
  parents = sub("probability\\s+\\(\\s+(.+)\\s+\\|(.+)\\)\\s+\\{", "\\1 \\2",
  # split the labels of the parents.
  nonroot.nodes = sapply(strsplit(parents, " "), "[", 1)
  parents = sapply(strsplit(parents, " "), "[", -1, simplify = FALSE)
  names(parents) = nonroot.nodes
  # remove commas and empty values.
  parents = lapply(parents, function(x) {

    p = sub(",", "", x)
    p = p[grep("^\\s*$", p, perl = TRUE, invert = TRUE)]

    # check whether there are dropped nodes among the parents.
    if (any(p %in% dummies))
      stop("dropped dummy node is the parent of another node.")
    if (any(p %in% bogus))
      stop("dropped mismatched node is the parent of another node.")


  } )



# get the parents of each node in a DSC file.
dsc.get.parents = function(lines, start, dummies, bogus) {

  # get the dependencies.
  parents = (lines[start])[grep("\\|", lines[start])]
  # extract the node labels and the labels of the respective parents.
  parents = sub("probability\\s*\\(\\s*(.+)\\s*\\|\\s*(.+)\\s*\\).*", "\\1 \\2",
  # split the labels of the parents.
  nonroot.nodes = sapply(strsplit(parents, " "), "[", 1)
  parents = sapply(strsplit(parents, " "), "[", -1, simplify = FALSE)
  names(parents) = nonroot.nodes
  # remove commas and empty values.
  parents = lapply(parents, function(x) {

    p = sub(",", "", x)
    p = p[grep("^\\s*$", p, perl = TRUE, invert = TRUE)]

    # check whether there are dropped nodes among the parents.
    if (any(p %in% dummies))
      stop("dropped dummy node is the parent of another node.")
    if (any(p %in% bogus))
      stop("dropped mismatched node is the parent of another node.")


  } )



# get the parents of each node in a NET file.
net.get.parents = function(lines, start, dummies, bogus) {

  # get the dependencies (robust against Genie output).
  parents = (lines[start])[grep("\\|\\s*\\w+", lines[start])]
  # extract the node labels and the labels of the respective parents.
  parents = sub("potential\\s+\\(\\s*(.+)\\s*\\|\\s*(.+)\\s*\\).*", "\\1 \\2",
  # split the labels of the parents.
  nonroot.nodes = sapply(strsplit(parents, " "), "[", 1)
  parents = sapply(strsplit(parents, " "), "[", -1, simplify = FALSE)
  names(parents) = nonroot.nodes
  # remove commas and empty values.
  parents = lapply(parents, function(x) {

    p = sub(",", "", x)
    p = p[grep("^\\s*$", p, perl = TRUE, invert = TRUE)]

    # check whether there are dropped nodes among the parents.
    if (any(p %in% dummies))
      stop("dropped dummy node is the parent of another node.")
    if (any(p %in% bogus))
      stop("dropped mismatched node is the parent of another node.")


  } )



foreign.get.children = function(node, parents) {

  if (length(parents) == 0)
    names(which(sapply(parents, function(x, node) { node %in% x  }, node = node)))


# get the levels of each node in a BIF file.
bif.get.levels = function(node, start, lines) {

  end.line = 0

  # get the line in which the description is starting.
  start.line = start[node]
  # loop until the line in which the description is ending.
  end.line = match.brace(lines, start.line)

  # get all the node's description on one line for easy handling.
  desc = paste(lines[start.line:end.line], collapse = "")
  # deparse the node's level.
  levels = sub(".+type\\s+discrete\\s*\\[\\s*\\d+\\s*\\]\\s+[=]*\\s*\\{\\s+(.+)\\s*\\}.+", "\\1", desc)
  levels = strsplit(levels, ",")[[1]]
  levels = sub("^\\s*(.+?)\\s*$", "\\1", levels)

  if (any(duplicated(levels)))
    stop("duplicated levels '", paste(levels[duplicated(levels)], collapse = "' '"), "' for node ", node, ".\n")



# get the levels of each node in a DSC file.
dsc.get.levels = function(node, start, lines) {

  end.line = 0

  # get the line in which the description is starting.
  start.line = start[node]
  # loop until the line in which the description is ending.
  end.line = match.brace(lines, start.line)

  # get all the node's description on one line for easy handling.
  desc = paste(lines[start.line:end.line], collapse = "")
  # deparse the node's level.
  levels = sub(".+type\\s*[:]{0,1}\\s*discrete\\s*\\[\\s*\\d+\\s*\\]\\s+[=]{0,1}\\s*\\{\\s*(.+)\\s*\\}.+", "\\1", desc)
  levels = strsplit(levels, "\"\\s*,")[[1]]
  levels = sub("^\\s*\"*(.+?)\"*\\s*$", "\\1", levels)

  if (any(duplicated(levels)))
    stop("duplicated levels '", paste(levels[duplicated(levels)], collapse = "' '"), "' for node ", node, ".\n")



# get the levels of each node in a NET file.
net.get.levels = function(node, start, lines) {

  end.line = 0

  # get the line in which the description is starting.
  start.line = start[node]
  # loop until the line in which the description is ending.
  end.line = match.brace(lines, start.line)

  # get all the node's description on one line for easy handling.
  desc = paste(lines[start.line:end.line], collapse = "")

  # deparse the node's levels.
  levels = sub(".+states\\s*[=]{0,1}\\s*\\(\\s*(.+?)\\s*\\).+", "\\1", desc)
  levels = gsub("\"", "", strsplit(levels, "\"\\s*\"")[[1]])

  # no labels stored in the states; state_values may contain the endpoints of
  # the intervals that define the node's levels.
  if (all(trimws(levels) == "")) {

    if (!grepl("subtype\\s*=\\s*[\"]*interval[\"]*", desc))
      stop("unable to parse the levels of node ", node, ".\n")

    levels = sub(".+state_values\\s*[=]{0,1}\\s*\\(\\s*(.+?)\\s*\\).+", "\\1", desc)
    levels = as.numeric(strsplit(levels, "\\s+")[[1]])
    levels = levels(cut(levels, breaks = levels, include.lowest = TRUE))


  if (any(duplicated(levels)))
    stop("duplicated levels '", paste(levels[duplicated(levels)], collapse = "' '"), "' for node ", node, ".\n")



# build the (conditional) probability table for a node in a BIF file.
bif.get.probabilities = function(node, start, lines, nodes.levels, parents, root) {

  end.line = 0

  # get the line in which the description is starting.
  start.line = start[node]
  # loop until the line in which the description is ending.
  end.line = match.brace(lines, start.line)

  # get all the node's description on one line for easy handling.
  desc = paste(lines[start.line:end.line], collapse = "")

  # deparse the node's probability table.
  if (root) {

    probs = sub(".+table\\s+(.+)\\s*;\\s*\\}.*", "\\1", desc)
    probs = strsplit(probs, ",")[[1]]

    if (length(probs) != length(nodes.levels[[node]]))
      stop("the dimension of the CPT of node ", node,
        " does not match the number of its levels.")

    # check whether the marginal probability distribution is valid.
    probs = as.numeric(probs)

    if (!is.probability.vector(probs))
      stop("the distribution of node ", node, " is not a vector of probabilities.")
    if (abs(sum(probs) - 1) > 0.01)
      stop("the distribution of node ", node, " does not sum up to one.")
    # re-normalize.
    probs = probs / sum(probs)

    node.cpt = as.table(probs)
    dimnames(node.cpt) = list(nodes.levels[[node]])

  else {

    row = strsplit(sub(".+\\{[^(]*(\\(.+?)\\s*[;]*\\s*\\}.*", "\\1", desc), ";")[[1]]

    # extract the conditional probability distributions.
    probs = strsplit(sub(".*\\)\\s*(.+)", "\\1", row), ",")
    probs = lapply(probs, as.numeric)

    # extract the configurations of the parents.
    cfg = strsplit(sub(".*\\((.+)\\).+", "\\1", row), ",")
    cfg = lapply(cfg, sub, pattern = "^\\s*(.+?)\\s*$", replacement = "\\1")
    dims = lapply(c(node, parents[[node]]), function(x) nodes.levels[[x]])
    names(dims) = c(node, parents[[node]])

    # check whether the number of conditional probability distributions matches
    # the number of configurations.
    if (length(probs) != length(cfg))
      stop("the number of conditional distributions for node ", node,
        " do not math the number of configurations of its parents")
    # check whether the number of configurations matches the expected number of
    # configurations given the parents' number of levels.
    expected.cfgs = prod(sapply(nodes.levels[parents[[node]]], length))
    if (length(probs) != expected.cfgs)
      stop("there should be ", expected.cfgs, " conditional probability ",
        "distributions, but only ", length(cfg), " are present.")
    # check whether each conditional probability distribution is valid.
    not.prob = !sapply(probs, is.probability.vector)
    if (any(not.prob)) {

      not.prob = paste(which(not.prob), collapse = ", ")
      stop("conditional probability ditribution(s) ", not.prob, " of node ",
        node, " is not a vector of probabilities.")

    # check whether each conditional probability distribution sums to one.
    not.prob = (abs(sapply(probs, sum) - 1) > 0.01)
    if (any(not.prob)) {

      # if more than 1% of probability mass, let's assume that the conditional
      # probability distribution is misspecied.
      not.prob = paste(which(not.prob), collapse = ", ")
      stop("conditional probability ditribution(s) ", not.prob, " of node ",
        node, " does not sum to one.")

    else {

      # re-normalize.
      probs = lapply(probs, prop.table)

    # check whether the conditional probability distributions have the right
    # number of elements
    if (any(lapply(probs, function(x) length(x)) != length(nodes.levels[[node]])))
      stop("one of the conditional probability ditributions of node ", node,
        " has the wrong number of elements.")

    node.cpt = table(seq(prod(sapply(dims, length))))
    dim(node.cpt) = sapply(dims, length)
    dimnames(node.cpt) = dims

    for (i in seq_along(probs)) {

      node.cpt = do.call("[<-", c(list(node.cpt, 1:length(nodes.levels[[node]])),
                   cfg[[i]], list(probs[[i]])))





# build the (conditional) probability table for a node in a DSC file.
dsc.get.probabilities = function(node, start, lines, nodes.levels, parents, root) {

  end.line = 0

  nlevels = length(nodes.levels[[node]])

  # get the line in which the description is starting.
  start.line = start[node]
  # loop until the line in which the description is ending.
  end.line = match.brace(lines, start.line)

  # get all the node's description on one line for easy handling.
  desc = paste(lines[start.line:end.line], collapse = "")

  # deparse the node's probability table.
  if (root) {

    probs = sub(".+\\{\\s*(.+)\\s*;\\s*\\}.*", "\\1", desc)
    probs = strsplit(probs, ",")[[1]]

    if (length(probs) != nlevels)
      stop("the dimension of the CPT of node ", node,
        " does not match the number of its levels.")

    # check whether the marginal probability distribution is valid.
    probs = as.numeric(probs)

    if (!is.probability.vector(probs))
      stop("the distribution of node ", node, " is not a vector of probabilities.")
    if (abs(sum(probs) - 1) > 0.01)
      stop("the distribution of node ", node, " does not sum up to one.")
    # re-normalize.
    probs = probs / sum(probs)

    node.cpt = as.table(probs)
    dimnames(node.cpt) = list(nodes.levels[[node]])

  else {

    row = strsplit(sub(".+\\{[^(]*(\\(.+?)\\s*[;]*\\s*\\}.*", "\\1", desc), ";")[[1]]

    # extract the conditional probability distributions.
    probs = strsplit(sub(".*\\)\\s*[:]{0,1}\\s*(.+)", "\\1", row), ",")
    probs = lapply(probs, as.numeric)
    # paper over degenerate distributions with a uniform distribution.
    probs = lapply(probs, function(x) {

      if (all(x == 0))
        return(prop.table(rep(1, nlevels)))


    # extract the configurations of the parents.
    cfg = strsplit(sub(".*\\((.+)\\).+", "\\1", row), ",")
    cfg = lapply(cfg, sub, pattern = "^\\s*(.+?)\\s*$", replacement = "\\1")
    dims = lapply(c(node, parents[[node]]), function(x) nodes.levels[[x]])
    names(dims) = c(node, parents[[node]])

    # DSC files use numeric coordinates instead of levels; Genie does not write
    # them down, it fills them up with zeroes. Use my best guess of the right
    # ordering (most significant corrdinate is the right-most, indexes start
    # from zero) and hope for the best.
    if (all(sapply(cfg, function(x) all(x == 0)))) {

      cfg = lapply(dims, function(x) seq(length(x)))
      cfg = expand.grid(cfg[1+rev(1:length(parents[[node]]))])
      cfg = cfg[rev(1:ncol(cfg))]
      cfg = lapply(seq(nrow(cfg)), function(x) cfg[x, ])

    else {

      cfg = lapply(cfg, function(x) as.numeric(x) + 1)


    # check whether the number of conditional probability distributions matches
    # the number of configurations.
    if (length(probs) != length(cfg))
      stop("the number of conditional distributions for node ", node,
        " do not math the number of configurations of its parents")
    # check whether the number of configurations matches the expected number of
    # configurations given the parents' number of levels.
    expected.cfgs = prod(sapply(nodes.levels[parents[[node]]], length))
    if (length(probs) != expected.cfgs)
      stop("there should be ", expected.cfgs, " conditional probability ",
        "distributions, but only ", length(cfg), " are present.")
    # check whether each conditional probability distribution is valid.
    not.prob = !sapply(probs, is.probability.vector)
    if (any(not.prob)) {

      not.prob = paste(which(not.prob), collapse = ", ")
      stop("conditional probability ditribution(s) ", not.prob, " of node ",
        node, " is not a vector of probabilities.")

    # check whether each conditional probability distribution sums to one.
    not.prob = (abs(sapply(probs, sum) - 1) > 0.01)
    if (any(not.prob)) {

      # if more than 1% of probability mass, let's assume that the conditional
      # probability distribution is misspecied.
      not.prob = paste(which(not.prob), collapse = ", ")
      stop("conditional probability ditribution(s) ", not.prob, " of node ",
        node, " does not sum to one.")

    else {

      # re-normalize.
      probs = lapply(probs, prop.table)

    # check whether the conditional probability distributions have the right
    # number of elements
    if (any(lapply(probs, function(x) length(x)) != nlevels))
      stop("one of the conditional probability ditributions of node ", node,
        " has the wrong number of elements.")

    node.cpt = table(seq(prod(sapply(dims, length))))
    dim(node.cpt) = sapply(dims, length)
    dimnames(node.cpt) = dims

    for (i in seq_along(probs)) {

      node.cpt = do.call("[<-", c(list(node.cpt, 1:nlevels),
                   cfg[[i]], list(probs[[i]])))





# build the (conditional) probability table for a node in a NET file.
net.get.probabilities = function(node, start, lines, nodes.levels, parents, root) {

  end.line = 0

  # get the line in which the description is starting.
  start.line = start[node]
  # loop until the line in which the description is ending.
  end.line = match.brace(lines, start.line)

  # get all the node's description on one line for easy handling.
  desc = paste(lines[start.line:end.line], collapse = " ")

  # check bogus potential entries
  if (length(grep("model_data\\s+=", desc)) == 1)
    stop("unknown CPT format 'model_data'.")

  # remove the experience table.
  desc = sub("experience\\s*=[^;]+;", "", desc)

  # deparse the node's probability table.
  if (root) {

    probs = sub(".+\\{\\s*data\\s*=\\s*\\(\\s*(.+?)\\s*\\);\\s*\\}.*", "\\1", desc)
    probs = gsub("\\s*\\(\\s*|\\s*\\)\\s*", "", probs)
    probs = strsplit(probs, "\\s+")[[1]]

    if (length(probs) != length(nodes.levels[[node]]))
      stop("the dimension of the CPT of node ", node,
        " does not match the number of its levels.")

    # check whether the marginal probability distribution is valid.
    probs = as.numeric(probs)

    if (!is.probability.vector(probs))
      stop("the distribution of node ", node, " is not a vector of probabilities.")
    if (abs(sum(probs) - 1) > 0.01)
      stop("the distribution of node ", node, " does not sum up to one.")
    # re-normalize.
    probs = probs / sum(probs)

    node.cpt = as.table(probs)
    dimnames(node.cpt) = list(nodes.levels[[node]])

  else {

    row = gsub("\\(|\\)", " ", sub(".+\\{[^(]*(\\(.+?)\\s*[;]*\\s*\\}.*", "\\1", desc))

    # extract the conditional probability distributions.
    dims = lapply(c(node, parents[[node]]), function(x) nodes.levels[[x]])
    names(dims) = c(node, parents[[node]])
    nconfigs = prod(sapply(dims[-1], length))
    probs = strsplit(sub("^\\s+", "", row), "\\s+")[[1]]

    # check whether we have the expected number of conditional probabilities.
    if (length(probs) != prod(sapply(dims, length)))
      stop("one of the conditional probability ditributions of node ", node,
           " has the wrong number of elements.")

    probs = matrix(as.numeric(probs), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nconfigs)

    # check whether each conditional probability distribution is valid.
    not.prob = !apply(probs, 1, is.probability.vector)
    if (any(not.prob)) {

      not.prob = paste(which(not.prob), collapse = ", ")
      stop("conditional probability ditribution(s) ", not.prob, " of node ",
        node, " is not a vector of probabilities.")

    # check whether each conditional probability distribution sums to one.
    not.prob = (abs(apply(probs, 1, sum) - 1) > 0.01)
    if (any(not.prob)) {

      # if more than 1% of probability mass, let's assume that the conditional
      # probability distribution is misspecied.
      not.prob = paste(which(not.prob), collapse = ", ")
      stop("conditional probability ditribution(s) ", not.prob, " of node ",
        node, " does not sum to one.")

    else {

      # re-normalize.
      probs = prop.table(probs, margin = 1)


    node.cpt = table(seq(prod(sapply(dims, length))))
    dim(node.cpt) = sapply(dims, length)
    dimnames(node.cpt) = dims

    # NET files list conditional probability distributions without mentioning
    # their coordinates in the CPT. Use my best guess of the right ordering
    # (most significant corrdinate is the right-most, indexes start from zero)
    # and hope for the best.
    cfg = lapply(dims, function(x) seq(length(x)))
    cfg = expand.grid(cfg[1+rev(1:length(parents[[node]]))])
    cfg = cfg[rev(1:ncol(cfg))]
    cfg = lapply(seq(nrow(cfg)), function(x) cfg[x, ])

    for (i in seq(nrow(probs))) {

      node.cpt = do.call("[<-", c(list(node.cpt, 1:length(nodes.levels[[node]])),
                   cfg[[i]], list(probs[i, ])))





# match braces to delimit blocks.
match.brace = function(lines, start, open = "{", close = "}") {

        lines = lines,
        start = start,
        open = open,
        close = close)


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bnlearn documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:46 p.m.