
context("Tests for brmsfit methods")

# to reduce testing time on CRAN substantially

expect_range <- function(object, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, ...) {
  testthat::expect_true(all(object >= lower & object <= upper), ...)
expect_ggplot <- function(object, ...) {
  testthat::expect_true(is(object, "ggplot"), ...)

SM <- suppressMessages
SW <- suppressWarnings

fit1 <- rename_pars(brms:::brmsfit_example1)
fit2 <- rename_pars(brms:::brmsfit_example2)
fit3 <- rename_pars(brms:::brmsfit_example3)
fit4 <- rename_pars(brms:::brmsfit_example4)
fit5 <- rename_pars(brms:::brmsfit_example5)
fit6 <- rename_pars(brms:::brmsfit_example6)

# some high level info about the data sets
nobs <- 40
npatients <- 10
nsubjects <- 8
nvisits <- 4

# test S3 methods in alphabetical order
test_that("as_draws and friends have resonable outputs", {
  draws <- as_draws(fit1, variable = "b_Intercept")
  expect_s3_class(draws, "draws_list")
  expect_equal(variables(draws), "b_Intercept")
  expect_equal(ndraws(draws), ndraws(fit1))

  draws <- SM(as_draws_matrix(fit1))
  expect_s3_class(draws, "draws_matrix")
  expect_equal(ndraws(draws), ndraws(fit1))

  draws <- as_draws_array(fit2)
  expect_s3_class(draws, "draws_array")
  expect_equal(niterations(draws), ndraws(fit2))

  draws <- as_draws_df(fit2, variable = "^b_", regex = TRUE)
  expect_s3_class(draws, "draws_df")
  expect_true(all(grepl("^b_", variables(draws))))

  draws <- as_draws_list(fit2)
  expect_s3_class(draws, "draws_list")
  expect_equal(nchains(draws), nchains(fit2))

  draws <- as_draws_rvars(fit3)
  expect_s3_class(draws, "draws_rvars")
  expect_equal(ndraws(draws), ndraws(fit3))
  expect_true(length(variables(draws)) > 0)

test_that("as.data.frame has reasonable ouputs", {
  draws <- as.data.frame(fit1)
  expect_true(is(draws, "data.frame"))
  expect_equal(dim(draws), c(ndraws(fit1), length(variables(fit1))))

  # deprecated 'pars' argument still works
    draws <- as.data.frame(fit1, pars = "^b_"),
    "'pars' is deprecated"
  expect_s3_class(draws, "data.frame")
  expect_true(ncol(draws) > 0)

  # deprecated 'subset' argument still works
    draws <- as.data.frame(fit1, subset = 10:20),
    "'subset' is deprecated"
  expect_s3_class(draws, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(nrow(draws), 11)

test_that("as.matrix has reasonable ouputs", {
  draws <- as.matrix(fit1, iteration = 1:10)
  expect_true(is(draws, "matrix"))
  expect_equal(dim(draws), c(10, length(variables(fit1))))

test_that("as.array has reasonable ouputs", {
  draws <- as.array(fit1)
  chains <- fit1$fit@sim$chains
  ps_dim <- c(niterations(fit1), chains, length(variables(fit1)))
  expect_equal(dim(draws), ps_dim)

  draws <- as.array(fit1, chain = 1)
  ps_dim <- c(niterations(fit1), 1, length(variables(fit1)))
  expect_equal(dim(draws), ps_dim)

test_that("as.mcmc has reasonable ouputs", {
  chains <- fit1$fit@sim$chains
  mc <- SW(as.mcmc(fit1))
  expect_equal(length(mc), chains)
  expect_equal(dim(mc[[1]]), c(ndraws(fit1) / chains, length(variables(fit1))))
  mc <- SW(as.mcmc(fit1, combine_chains = TRUE))
  expect_equal(dim(mc), c(ndraws(fit1), length(variables(fit1))))
  # test assumes thin = 1
  expect_equal(dim(SW(as.mcmc(fit1, inc_warmup = TRUE)[[1]])),
               c(fit1$fit@sim$iter, length(variables(fit1))))

test_that("autocor has reasonable ouputs", {
  expect_true(is.null(SW(autocor(fit6, resp = "count"))))

test_that("bayes_R2 has reasonable ouputs", {
  fit1 <- add_criterion(fit1, "bayes_R2")
  R2 <- bayes_R2(fit1, summary = FALSE)
  expect_equal(dim(R2), c(ndraws(fit1), 1))
  R2 <- bayes_R2(fit2, newdata = model.frame(fit2)[1:5, ], re_formula = NA)
  expect_equal(dim(R2), c(1, 4))
  R2 <- bayes_R2(fit6)
  expect_equal(dim(R2), c(2, 4))

test_that("bayes_factor has reasonable ouputs", {
  # don't test for now as it requires calling Stan's C++ code

test_that("bridge_sampler has reasonable ouputs", {
  # don't test for now as it requires calling Stan's C++ code

test_that("coef has reasonable ouputs", {
  coef1 <- SM(coef(fit1))
  expect_equal(dim(coef1$visit), c(4, 4, 9))
  coef1 <- SM(coef(fit1, summary = FALSE))
  expect_equal(dim(coef1$visit), c(ndraws(fit1), 4, 9))
  coef2 <- SM(coef(fit2))
  expect_equal(dim(coef2$patient), c(npatients, 4, 4))
  coef4 <- SM(coef(fit4))
  expect_equal(dim(coef4$subject), c(nsubjects, 4, 8))

test_that("combine_models has reasonable ouputs", {
  expect_equal(ndraws(combine_models(fit1, fit1)), ndraws(fit1) * 2)

test_that("conditional_effects has reasonable ouputs", {
  me <- conditional_effects(fit1, resp = "count")
  expect_equal(nrow(me[[2]]), 100)
  meplot <- plot(me, points = TRUE, rug = TRUE,
                 ask = FALSE, plot = FALSE)

  me <- conditional_effects(fit1, "Trt", select_points = 0.1)
  expect_lt(nrow(attr(me[[1]], "points")), nobs(fit1))

  me <- conditional_effects(fit1, "volume:Age", surface = TRUE,
                            resolution = 15, too_far = 0.2)
  meplot <- plot(me, plot = FALSE)
  meplot <- plot(me, stype = "raster", plot = FALSE)

  me <- conditional_effects(fit1, "Age", spaghetti = TRUE, ndraws = 10)
  expect_equal(nrow(attr(me$Age, "spaghetti")), 1000)
  meplot <- plot(me, plot = FALSE)
    conditional_effects(fit1, "Age", spaghetti = TRUE, surface = TRUE),
    "Cannot use 'spaghetti' and 'surface' at the same time"

  me <- conditional_effects(fit1, effects = c("Age", "Age:visit"),
                            re_formula = NULL)
  expect_equal(nrow(me[[1]]), 100)
  exp_nrow <- 100 * length(unique(fit1$data$visit))
  expect_equal(nrow(me[[2]]), exp_nrow)

  mdata = data.frame(
    Age = c(-0.3, 0, 0.3),
    count = c(10, 20, 30),
    Exp = c(1, 3, 5)
  exp_nrow <- nrow(mdata) * 100
  me <- conditional_effects(fit1, effects = "Age", conditions = mdata)
  expect_equal(nrow(me[[1]]), exp_nrow)

  mdata$visit <- 1:3
  me <- conditional_effects(fit1, re_formula = NULL, conditions = mdata)
  expect_equal(nrow(me$Age), exp_nrow)

  me <- conditional_effects(
    fit1, "Age:Trt", int_conditions = list(Age = rnorm(5))
  expect_equal(nrow(me[[1]]), 10)
  me <- conditional_effects(
    fit1, "Age:Trt", int_conditions = list(Age = quantile)
  expect_equal(nrow(me[[1]]), 10)

  expect_error(conditional_effects(fit1, effects = "Trtc"),
               "All specified effects are invalid for this model")
  expect_warning(conditional_effects(fit1, effects = c("Trtc", "Trt")),
                 "Some specified effects are invalid for this model")
  expect_error(conditional_effects(fit1, effects = "Trtc:a:b"),
               "please use the 'conditions' argument")

  mdata$visit <- NULL
  mdata$Exp <- NULL
  mdata$patient <- 1
  expect_equal(nrow(conditional_effects(fit2)[[2]]), 100)
  me <- conditional_effects(fit2, re_formula = NULL, conditions = mdata)
  expect_equal(nrow(me$Age), exp_nrow)

    me4 <- conditional_effects(fit4),
    "Predictions are treated as continuous variables"
  expect_true(is(me4, "brms_conditional_effects"))
  me4 <- conditional_effects(fit4, "x2", categorical = TRUE)
  expect_true(is(me4, "brms_conditional_effects"))

  me5 <- conditional_effects(fit5)
  expect_true(is(me5, "brms_conditional_effects"))

  me6 <- conditional_effects(fit6, ndraws = 20)
  expect_true(is(me6, "brms_conditional_effects"))

test_that("plot of conditional_effects has reasonable outputs", {
  N <- 90
  marg_results <- data.frame(
    effect1__ = rpois(N, 20),
    effect2__ = factor(rep(1:3, each = N / 3)),
    estimate__ = rnorm(N, sd = 5),
    se__ = rt(N, df = 10),
    cond__ = rep(1:2, each = N / 2),
    cats__ = factor(rep(1:3, each = N / 3))
  marg_results[["lower__"]] <- marg_results$estimate__ - 2
  marg_results[["upper__"]] <- marg_results$estimate__ + 2
  marg_results <- list(marg_results[order(marg_results$effect1__), ])
  class(marg_results) <- "brms_conditional_effects"
  attr(marg_results[[1]], "response") <- "count"
  # test with 1 numeric predictor
  attr(marg_results[[1]], "effects") <- "P1"
  marg_plot <- plot(marg_results, plot = FALSE)
  # test with 1 categorical predictor
  attr(marg_results[[1]], "effects") <- "P2"
  marg_plot <- plot(marg_results, plot = FALSE)
  # test with 1 numeric and 1 categorical predictor
  attr(marg_results[[1]], "effects") <- c("P1", "P2")
  marg_plot <- plot(marg_results, plot = FALSE)
  # test ordinal raster plot
  attr(marg_results[[1]], "effects") <- c("P1", "cats__")
  attr(marg_results[[1]], "ordinal") <- TRUE
  marg_plot <- plot(marg_results, plot = FALSE)

test_that("conditional_smooths has reasonable ouputs", {
  ms <- conditional_smooths(fit1)
  expect_equal(nrow(ms[[1]]), 100)
  expect_true(is(ms, "brms_conditional_effects"))

  ms <- conditional_smooths(fit1, spaghetti = TRUE, ndraws = 10)
  expect_equal(nrow(attr(ms[[1]], "spaghetti")), 1000)

  expect_error(conditional_smooths(fit1, smooths = "s3"),
               "No valid smooth terms found in the model")
               "No valid smooth terms found in the model")

test_that("family has reasonable ouputs", {
  expect_is(family(fit1), "brmsfamily")
  expect_is(family(fit6, resp = "count"), "brmsfamily")
  expect_output(print(family(fit1), links = TRUE), "student.*log.*logm1")
  expect_output(print(family(fit5)), "Mixture.*gaussian.*exponential")

test_that("fitted has reasonable outputs", {

  fi <- fitted(fit1)
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(nobs(fit1), 4))
  expect_equal(colnames(fi), c("Estimate", "Est.Error", "Q2.5", "Q97.5"))

  newdata <- data.frame(
    Age = c(0, -0.2), visit = c(1, 4), Trt = c(0, 1),
    count = c(20, 13), patient = c(1, 42), Exp = c(2, 4),
    volume = 0
  fi <- fitted(fit1, newdata = newdata)
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(2, 4))
  newdata$visit <- c(1, 6)
  fi <- fitted(fit1, newdata = newdata,
               allow_new_levels = TRUE)
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(2, 4))

  # fitted values with new_levels
  newdata <- data.frame(
    Age = 0, visit = paste0("a", 1:100), Trt = 0,
    count = 20, patient = 1, Exp = 2, volume = 0
  fi <- fitted(fit1, newdata = newdata, allow_new_levels = TRUE,
               sample_new_levels = "old_levels", ndraws = 10)
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(100, 4))
  fi <- fitted(fit1, newdata = newdata, allow_new_levels = TRUE,
               sample_new_levels = "gaussian", ndraws = 1)
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(100, 4))

  # fitted values of auxiliary parameters
  newdata <- data.frame(
    Age = 0, visit = c("a", "b"), Trt = 0,
    count = 20, patient = 1, Exp = 2, volume = 0
  fi <- fitted(fit1, dpar = "sigma")
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(nobs(fit1), 4))
  expect_true(all(fi > 0))
  fi_lin <- fitted(fit1, dpar = "sigma", scale = "linear")
  expect_equal(dim(fi_lin), c(nobs(fit1), 4))
  expect_true(!isTRUE(all.equal(fi, fi_lin)))
  expect_error(fitted(fit1, dpar = "inv"),
               "Invalid argument 'dpar'")

  fi <- fitted(fit2)
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(nobs(fit2), 4))
  fi <- fitted(fit2, newdata = newdata,
               allow_new_levels = TRUE)
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(2, 4))
  fi <- fitted(fit2, dpar = "shape")
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(nobs(fit2), 4))
  expect_equal(fi[1, ], fi[2, ])
  fi <- fitted(fit2, nlpar = "a")
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(nobs(fit2), 4))

  fi <- fitted(fit3, newdata = fit3$data[1:10, ])
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(10, 4))

  fi <- fitted(fit4)
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(nobs(fit4), 4, 4))
  fi <- fitted(fit4, newdata = fit4$data[1, ])
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(1, 4, 4))
  fi <- fitted(fit4, newdata = fit4$data[1, ], scale = "linear")
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(1, 4, 3))

  fi <- fitted(fit5)
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(nobs(fit5), 4))

  fi <- fitted(fit6)
  expect_equal(dim(fi), c(nobs(fit6), 4, 2))
  expect_equal(dimnames(fi)[[3]], c("volume", "count"))

test_that("fixef has reasonable ouputs", {
  fixef1 <- SM(fixef(fit1))
               c("Intercept", "sigma_Intercept", "Trt1", "Age", "volume",
                 "Trt1:Age", "sigma_Trt1", "sAge_1", "moExp")
  fixef1 <- SM(fixef(fit1, pars = c("Age", "sAge_1")))
  expect_equal(rownames(fixef1), c("Age", "sAge_1"))

test_that("formula has reasonable ouputs", {

test_that("hypothesis has reasonable ouputs", {
  hyp <- hypothesis(fit1, c("Age > Trt1", "Trt1:Age = -1"))
  expect_equal(dim(hyp$hypothesis), c(2, 8))
  expect_output(print(hyp), "(Age)-(Trt1) > 0", fixed = TRUE)
  expect_ggplot(plot(hyp, plot = FALSE)[[1]])

  hyp <- hypothesis(fit1, "Intercept = 0", class = "sd", group = "visit")
  expect_output(print(hyp), "class sd_visit:", fixed = TRUE)
  expect_ggplot(plot(hyp, ignore_prior = TRUE, plot = FALSE)[[1]])

  hyp <- hypothesis(fit1, "0 > r_visit[4,Intercept]", class = "", alpha = 0.01)
  expect_equal(dim(hyp$hypothesis), c(1, 8))
  expect_output(print(hyp, chars = NULL), "r_visit[4,Intercept]", fixed = TRUE)
  expect_output(print(hyp), "99%-CI", fixed = TRUE)

  hyp <- hypothesis(
    fit1, c("Intercept = 0", "Intercept + exp(Trt1) = 0"),
    group = "visit", scope = "coef"
  expect_equal(dim(hyp$hypothesis), c(8, 9))
  expect_equal(hyp$hypothesis$Group[1], factor(1, levels = 1:4))

  expect_error(hypothesis(fit1, "Intercept > x"), fixed = TRUE,
               "cannot be found in the model: \n'b_x'")
  expect_error(hypothesis(fit1, 1),
               "Argument 'hypothesis' must be a character vector")
  expect_error(hypothesis(fit2, "b_Age = 0", alpha = 2),
               "Argument 'alpha' must be a single value in [0,1]",
               fixed = TRUE)
  expect_error(hypothesis(fit3, "b_Age x 0"),
               "Every hypothesis must be of the form 'left (= OR < OR >) right'",
               fixed = TRUE)

  # test hypothesis.default method
  hyp <- hypothesis(as.data.frame(fit3), "bsp_meAgeAgeSD > sigma")
  expect_equal(dim(hyp$hypothesis), c(1, 8))
  hyp <- hypothesis(fit3$fit, "bsp_meAgeAgeSD > sigma")
  expect_equal(dim(hyp$hypothesis), c(1, 8))

test_that("launch_shinystan has reasonable ouputs", {
  # requires running shiny which is not reasonable in automated tests

test_that("log_lik has reasonable ouputs", {
  expect_equal(dim(log_lik(fit1)), c(ndraws(fit1), nobs(fit1)))
  expect_equal(dim(logLik(fit1)), c(ndraws(fit1), nobs(fit1)))
  expect_equal(dim(log_lik(fit2)), c(ndraws(fit2), nobs(fit2)))

test_that("loo has reasonable outputs", {

  loo1 <- SW(LOO(fit1, cores = 1))
  expect_output(print(loo1), "looic")

  loo_compare1 <- SW(loo(fit1, fit1, cores = 1))
  expect_equal(names(loo_compare1$loos), c("fit1", "fit1"))
  expect_equal(dim(loo_compare1$ic_diffs__), c(1, 2))
  expect_output(print(loo_compare1), "'fit1':")
  expect_is(loo_compare1$diffs, "compare.loo")

  loo2 <- SW(loo(fit2, cores = 1))

  loo3 <- SW(loo(fit3, cores = 1))
  loo3 <- SW(loo(fit3, pointwise = TRUE, cores = 1))

  loo4 <- SW(loo(fit4, cores = 1))

  # fails because of too small effective sample size
  # loo5 <- SW(loo(fit5, cores = 1))
  # expect_true(is.numeric(loo5$estimates))

  loo6_1 <- SW(loo(fit6, cores = 1))
  loo6_2 <- SW(loo(fit6, cores = 1, newdata = fit6$data))
  loo_compare <- loo_compare(loo6_1, loo6_2)
  expect_range(loo_compare[2, 1], -1, 1)

test_that("loo_subsample has reasonable outputs", {

  loo2 <- SW(loo_subsample(fit2, observations = 30))
  expect_equal(nrow(loo2$pointwise), 30)
  expect_output(print(loo2), "looic")

test_that("loo_R2 has reasonable outputs", {

  R2 <- SW(loo_R2(fit1))
  expect_equal(dim(R2), c(1, 4))

  R2 <- SW(loo_R2(fit2, summary = FALSE))
  expect_equal(dim(R2), c(ndraws(fit1), 1))

test_that("loo_linpred has reasonable outputs", {

  llp <- SW(loo_linpred(fit1))
  expect_equal(length(llp), nobs(fit1))
  expect_error(loo_linpred(fit4), "Method 'loo_linpred'")
  llp <- SW(loo_linpred(fit2, scale = "response", type = "var"))
  expect_equal(length(llp), nobs(fit2))

test_that("loo_predict has reasonable outputs", {

  llp <- SW(loo_predict(fit1))
  expect_equal(length(llp), nobs(fit1))

  newdata <- data.frame(
    Age = 0, visit = c("a", "b"), Trt = 0,
    count = 20, patient = 1, Exp = 2, volume = 0
  llp <- SW(loo_predict(
    fit1, newdata = newdata,
    type = "quantile", probs = c(0.25, 0.75),
    allow_new_levels = TRUE
  expect_equal(dim(llp), c(2, nrow(newdata)))
  llp <- SW(loo_predict(fit4))
  expect_equal(length(llp), nobs(fit4))

test_that("loo_predictive_interval has reasonable outputs", {

  llp <- SW(loo_predictive_interval(fit3))
  expect_equal(dim(llp), c(nobs(fit3), 2))

test_that("loo_model_weights has reasonable outputs", {

  llw <- SW(loo_model_weights(fit1, fit1))
  expect_is(llw[1:2], "numeric")
  expect_equal(names(llw), c("fit1", "fit1"))

test_that("model.frame has reasonable ouputs", {
  expect_equal(model.frame(fit1), fit1$data)

test_that("model_weights has reasonable ouputs", {
  mw <- model_weights(fit1, fit1, weights = "waic")
  expect_equal(names(mw), c("fit1", "fit1"))
  # fails with MKL on CRAN for unknown reasons
  # expect_equal(mw, setNames(c(0.5, 0.5), c("fit1", "fit1")))

test_that("ndraws and friends have reasonable ouputs", {
  expect_equal(ndraws(fit1), 25)
  expect_equal(nchains(fit1), 1)
  expect_equal(niterations(fit1), 25)

test_that("ngrps has reasonable ouputs", {
  expect_equal(ngrps(fit1), list(visit = 4))
  expect_equal(ngrps(fit2), list(patient = 10))

test_that("nobs has reasonable ouputs", {
  expect_equal(nobs(fit1), nobs)

test_that("nsamples has reasonable ouputs", {
  expect_equal(SW(nsamples(fit1)), 25)
  expect_equal(SW(nsamples(fit1, subset = 10:1)), 10)
  expect_equal(SW(nsamples(fit1, incl_warmup = TRUE)), 75)

test_that("pairs has reasonable outputs", {
  expect_s3_class(SW(pairs(fit1, variable = variables(fit1)[1:3])),

test_that("plot has reasonable outputs", {
  expect_silent(p <- plot(fit1, plot = FALSE))
  expect_silent(p <- plot(fit1, variable = "^b", regex = TRUE, plot = FALSE))
  expect_silent(p <- plot(fit1, variable = "^sd", regex = TRUE, plot = FALSE))
  expect_error(plot(fit1, variable = "123"))

test_that("post_prob has reasonable ouputs", {
  # only test error messages for now
  expect_error(post_prob(fit1, fit2, model_names = "test1"),
               "Number of model names is not equal to the number of models")

test_that("posterior_average has reasonable outputs", {
  pnames <- c("b_Age", "nu")
  draws <- posterior_average(fit1, fit1, variable = pnames, weights = c(0.3, 0.7))
  expect_equal(dim(draws), c(ndraws(fit1), 2))
  expect_equal(names(draws), pnames)

  weights <- rexp(3)
  draws <- brms:::SW(posterior_average(
    fit1, fit2, fit3, variable = "nu", weights = rexp(3),
    missing = 1, ndraws = 10
  expect_equal(dim(draws), c(10, 1))
  expect_equal(names(draws), "nu")

test_that("posterior_samples has reasonable outputs", {
  draws <- SW(posterior_samples(fit1))
  expect_equal(dim(draws), c(ndraws(fit1), length(variables(fit1))))
  expect_equal(names(draws), variables(fit1))
  expect_equal(names(SW(posterior_samples(fit1, pars = "^b_"))),
               c("b_Intercept", "b_sigma_Intercept", "b_Trt1",
                 "b_Age", "b_volume", "b_Trt1:Age", "b_sigma_Trt1"))

  # test default method
  draws <- SW(posterior_samples(fit1$fit, "^b_Intercept$"))
  expect_equal(dim(draws), c(ndraws(fit1), 1))

test_that("posterior_summary has reasonable outputs", {
  draws <- posterior_summary(fit1, variable = "^b_", regex = TRUE)
  expect_equal(dim(draws), c(7, 4))

test_that("posterior_interval has reasonable outputs", {
               c(length(variables(fit1)), 2))

test_that("posterior_predict has reasonable outputs", {
               c(ndraws(fit1), nobs(fit1)))

test_that("posterior_linpred has reasonable outputs", {
               c(ndraws(fit1), nobs(fit1)))

test_that("pp_average has reasonable outputs", {
  ppa <- pp_average(fit1, fit1, weights = "waic")
  expect_equal(dim(ppa), c(nobs(fit1), 4))
  ppa <- pp_average(fit1, fit1, weights = c(1, 4))
  expect_equal(attr(ppa, "weights"), c(fit1 = 0.2, fit1 = 0.8))
  ns <- c(fit1 = ndraws(fit1) / 5, fit1 = 4 * ndraws(fit1) / 5)
  expect_equal(attr(ppa, "ndraws"), ns)

test_that("pp_check has reasonable outputs", {
  expect_ggplot(pp_check(fit1, newdata = fit1$data[1:10, ]))
  expect_ggplot(pp_check(fit1, "stat", ndraws = 5))
  expect_ggplot(pp_check(fit1, "error_binned"))
  pp <- pp_check(fit1, "ribbon_grouped", group = "visit", x = "Age")
  pp <- pp_check(fit1, type = "violin_grouped",
                 group = "visit", newdata = fit1$data[1:10, ])

  pp <- SW(pp_check(fit1, type = "loo_pit", cores = 1))

  # ppd plots work
  expect_ggplot(pp_check(fit1, prefix = "ppd"))

  # reduce test time on CRAN

  expect_ggplot(pp_check(fit2, "ribbon", x = "Age"))
  expect_error(pp_check(fit2, "ribbon", x = "x"),
               "Variable 'x' could not be found in the data")
  expect_error(pp_check(fit1, "wrong_type"))
  expect_error(pp_check(fit2, "violin_grouped"), "group")
  expect_error(pp_check(fit1, "stat_grouped", group = "g"),
               "Variable 'g' could not be found in the data")
  expect_error(pp_check(fit4, "error_binned"),
               "Type 'error_binned' is not available")

test_that("posterior_epred has reasonable outputs", {
  expect_equal(dim(posterior_epred(fit1)), c(ndraws(fit1), nobs(fit1)))

  # test that point_estimate produces identical draws
  pe <- posterior_epred(fit1, point_estimate = "median",
                        ndraws_point_estimate = 2)
  expect_equal(nrow(pe), 2)
  expect_true(all(pe[1, ] == pe[2, ]))

test_that("pp_mixture has reasonable outputs", {
  expect_equal(dim(pp_mixture(fit5)), c(nobs(fit5), 4, 2))
               "Method 'pp_mixture' can only be applied to mixture models"

test_that("predict has reasonable outputs", {
  pred <- predict(fit1)
  expect_equal(dim(pred), c(nobs(fit1), 4))
  expect_equal(colnames(pred), c("Estimate", "Est.Error", "Q2.5", "Q97.5"))
  pred <- predict(fit1, ndraws = 10, probs = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8))
  expect_equal(dim(pred), c(nobs(fit1), 5))

  newdata <- data.frame(
    Age = c(0, -0.2), visit = c(1, 4), Trt = c(1, 0),
    count = c(2, 10), patient = c(1, 42), Exp = c(1, 2),
    volume = 0
  pred <- predict(fit1, newdata = newdata)
  expect_equal(dim(pred), c(2, 4))

  newdata$visit <- c(1, 6)
  pred <- predict(fit1, newdata = newdata, allow_new_levels = TRUE)
  expect_equal(dim(pred), c(2, 4))

  # predict NA responses in ARMA models
  df <- fit1$data[1:10, ]
  df$count[8:10] <- NA
  pred <- predict(fit1, newdata = df, ndraws = 1)
  expect_true(!anyNA(pred[, "Estimate"]))

  pred <- predict(fit2)
  expect_equal(dim(pred), c(nobs(fit2), 4))

  pred <- predict(fit2, newdata = newdata, allow_new_levels = TRUE)
  expect_equal(dim(pred), c(2, 4))

  # check if grouping factors with a single level are accepted
  newdata$patient <- factor(2)
  pred <- predict(fit2, newdata = newdata)
  expect_equal(dim(pred), c(2, 4))

  pred <- predict(fit4)
  expect_equal(dim(pred), c(nobs(fit4), 4))
  expect_equal(colnames(pred), paste0("P(Y = ", 1:4, ")"))
  pred <- predict(fit4, newdata = fit4$data[1, ])
  expect_equal(dim(pred), c(1, 4))

  pred <- predict(fit5)
  expect_equal(dim(pred), c(nobs(fit5), 4))
  newdata <- fit5$data[1:5, ]
  newdata$patient <- "a"
  pred <- predict(fit5, newdata, allow_new_levels = TRUE,
                  sample_new_levels = "old_levels")
  expect_equal(dim(pred), c(5, 4))
  pred <- predict(fit5, newdata, allow_new_levels = TRUE,
                  sample_new_levels = "gaussian")
  expect_equal(dim(pred), c(5, 4))

test_that("predictive_error has reasonable outputs", {
               c(ndraws(fit1), nobs(fit1)))

test_that("print has reasonable outputs", {
  expect_output(SW(print(fit1)), "Multilevel Hyperparameters:")

test_that("prior_draws has reasonable outputs", {
  prs1 <- prior_draws(fit1)
  prior_names <- c(
    "Intercept", "b", paste0("simo_moExp1[", 1:4, "]"), "bsp",
    "bs", "sds_sAge", "b_sigma", "Intercept_sigma", "nu",
    "sd_visit", "cor_visit"
  expect_equal(colnames(prs1), prior_names)

  prs2 <- prior_draws(fit1, variable = "b_Trt1")
  expect_equal(dimnames(prs2), list(as.character(1:ndraws(fit1)), "b_Trt1"))
  expect_equal(sort(prs1$b), sort(prs2$b_Trt))

  # test default method
  prs <- prior_draws(fit1$fit, variable = "^sd_visit", regex = TRUE)
  expect_equal(names(prs), "prior_sd_visit")

test_that("prior_summary has reasonable outputs", {
  expect_true(is(prior_summary(fit1), "brmsprior"))

test_that("ranef has reasonable outputs", {
  ranef1 <- SM(ranef(fit1))
  expect_equal(dim(ranef1$visit), c(nvisits, 4, 2))

  ranef1 <- SM(ranef(fit1, pars = "Trt1"))
  expect_equal(dimnames(ranef1$visit)[[3]], "Trt1")

  ranef1 <- SM(ranef(fit1, groups = "a"))
  expect_equal(length(ranef1), 0L)

  ranef2 <- SM(ranef(fit2, summary = FALSE))
  expect_equal(dim(ranef2$patient), c(ndraws(fit2), npatients, 2))

test_that("residuals has reasonable outputs", {
  res1 <- SW(residuals(fit1, type = "pearson", probs = c(0.65)))
  expect_equal(dim(res1), c(nobs(fit1), 3))
  newdata <- cbind(epilepsy[1:10, ], Exp = rep(1:5, 2), volume = 0)
  res2 <- residuals(fit1, newdata = newdata)
  expect_equal(dim(res2), c(10, 4))
  newdata$visit <- rep(1:5, 2)

  res3 <- residuals(fit1, newdata = newdata, allow_new_levels = TRUE)
  expect_equal(dim(res3), c(10, 4))

  res4 <- residuals(fit2)
  expect_equal(dim(res4), c(nobs(fit2), 4))

  expect_error(residuals(fit4), "Predictive errors are not defined")

  res6 <- residuals(fit6)
  expect_equal(dim(res6), c(nobs(fit6), 4, 2))
  expect_equal(dimnames(res6)[[3]], c("volume", "count"))

test_that("stancode has reasonable outputs", {
  scode <- stancode(fit1)
  expect_match(stancode(fit1), "generated quantities")
  expect_identical(scode, fit1$model)

  # test that stancode can be updated
  scode <- stancode(fit2, threads = threading(1))
  expect_match(scode, "reduce_sum(partial_log_lik_lpmf,", fixed = TRUE)

test_that("standata has reasonable outputs", {
    sort(c("N", "Y", "Kar", "Kma", "J_lag", "K", "Kc", "X", "Ksp", "Imo",
           "Xmo_1", "Jmo", "con_simo_1", "Z_1_1", "Z_1_2", "nb_1",
           "knots_1", "Zs_1_1", "Ks", "Xs", "offsets", "K_sigma", "Kc_sigma",
           "X_sigma", "J_1", "N_1", "M_1", "NC_1", "prior_only"))
    sort(c("N", "Y", "weights", "C_1", "K_a", "X_a", "Z_1_a_1",
           "K_b", "X_b", "Z_1_b_2", "J_1", "N_1", "M_1",
           "NC_1", "prior_only"))

test_that("mcmc_plot has reasonable outputs", {
  expect_ggplot(mcmc_plot(fit1, variable = "^b", regex = TRUE))
  expect_ggplot(SM(mcmc_plot(fit1, type = "trace", variable = "^b_", regex = TRUE)))
  expect_ggplot(mcmc_plot(fit1, type = "hist", variable = "^sd_", regex = TRUE))
  expect_ggplot(mcmc_plot(fit1, type = "dens"))
  expect_ggplot(mcmc_plot(fit1, type = "scatter", variable = variables(fit1)[2:3]))
  expect_ggplot(SW(mcmc_plot(fit1, type = "rhat", variable = "^b_", regex = TRUE)))
  expect_ggplot(SW(mcmc_plot(fit1, type = "neff")))
  expect_ggplot(mcmc_plot(fit1, type = "acf"))
  expect_silent(p <- mcmc_plot(fit1, type = "nuts_divergence"))
  expect_error(mcmc_plot(fit1, type = "density"), "Invalid plot type")
  expect_error(mcmc_plot(fit1, type = "hex"),
               "Exactly 2 parameters must be selected")

test_that("summary has reasonable outputs", {
  summary1 <- SW(summary(fit1, priors = TRUE))
               c("Intercept", "sigma_Intercept", "Trt1", "Age", "volume",
                 "Trt1:Age", "sigma_Trt1", "sAge_1", "moExp"))
               c("Estimate", "Est.Error", "l-95% CI",
                 "u-95% CI", "Rhat", "Bulk_ESS", "Tail_ESS"))
               c("sd(Intercept)", "sd(Trt1)", "cor(Intercept,Trt1)"))
  expect_output(print(summary1), "Regression Coefficients:")
  expect_output(print(summary1), "Priors:")

  summary5 <- SW(summary(fit5, robust = TRUE))
  expect_output(print(summary5), "sigma1")
  expect_output(print(summary5), "theta1")

  summary6 <- SW(summary(fit6))
  expect_output(print(summary6), "sdgp")

test_that("update has reasonable outputs", {
  # Do not actually refit the model as is causes CRAN checks to fail.
  # Some tests are commented out as they fail when updating Stan code
  # of internal example models because of Stan code mismatches. Refitting
  # these example models is slow especially when done repeatedly and
  # leads the git repo to blow up eventually due the size of the models.
  up <- update(fit1, testmode = TRUE)
  expect_true(is(up, "brmsfit"))

  new_data <- data.frame(
    Age = rnorm(18), visit = rep(c(3, 2, 4), 6),
    Trt = rep(0:1, 9), count = rep(c(5, 17, 28), 6),
    patient = 1, Exp = 4, volume = 0
  up <- update(fit1, newdata = new_data, save_pars = save_pars(group = FALSE),
               testmode = TRUE)
  expect_true(is(up, "brmsfit"))
  expect_equal(attr(up$data, "data_name"), "new_data")
  # expect_equal(attr(up$ranef, "levels")$visit, c("2", "3", "4"))
  # expect_true("r_1_1" %in% up$exclude)
  expect_error(update(fit1, data = new_data), "use argument 'newdata'")

  up <- update(fit1, formula = ~ . + I(exp(Age)), testmode = TRUE,
               prior = set_prior("normal(0,10)"))
  expect_true(is(up, "brmsfit"))
  up <- update(fit1, ~ . - Age + factor(Age),  testmode = TRUE)
  expect_true(is(up, "brmsfit"))

  up <- update(fit1, formula = ~ . + I(exp(Age)), newdata = new_data,
               sample_prior = FALSE, testmode = TRUE)
  expect_true(is(up, "brmsfit"))
  expect_error(update(fit1, formula. = ~ . + wrong_var),
               "New variables found: 'wrong_var'")

  up <- update(fit1, save_pars = save_pars(group = FALSE), testmode = TRUE)
  expect_true(is(up, "brmsfit"))
  # expect_true("r_1_1" %in% up$exclude)
  up <- update(fit3, save_pars = save_pars(latent = FALSE), testmode = TRUE)
  expect_true(is(up, "brmsfit"))
  # expect_true("Xme_1" %in% up$exclude)

  up <- update(fit2, algorithm = "fullrank", testmode = TRUE)
  expect_true(is(up, "brmsfit"))
  # expect_equal(up$algorithm, "fullrank")
  up <- update(fit2, formula. = bf(. ~ ., a + b ~ 1, nl = TRUE),
               testmode = TRUE)
  expect_true(is(up, "brmsfit"))
  up <- update(fit2, formula. = bf(count ~ a + b, nl = TRUE), testmode = TRUE)
  expect_true(is(up, "brmsfit"))
  up <- update(fit3, family = acat(), testmode = TRUE)
  expect_true(is(up, "brmsfit"))
  up <- update(fit3, bf(~., family = acat()), testmode = TRUE)
  expect_true(is(up, "brmsfit"))

test_that("VarCorr has reasonable outputs", {
  vc <- VarCorr(fit1)
  expect_equal(names(vc), c("visit"))
  Names <- c("Intercept", "Trt1")
  expect_equal(dimnames(vc$visit$cov)[c(1, 3)], list(Names, Names))
  vc <- VarCorr(fit2)
  expect_equal(names(vc), c("patient"))
  expect_equal(dim(vc$patient$cor), c(2, 4, 2))
  vc <- VarCorr(fit2, summary = FALSE)
  expect_equal(dim(vc$patient$cor), c(ndraws(fit2), 2, 2))
  expect_equal(dim(VarCorr(fit6)$residual__$sd), c(1, 4))
  vc <- VarCorr(fit5)
  expect_equal(dim(vc$patient$sd), c(2, 4))

test_that("variables has reasonable ouputs", {
    c("b_Intercept", "bsp_moExp", "ar[1]", "cor_visit__Intercept__Trt1",
      "nu", "simo_moExp1[2]", "r_visit[4,Trt1]", "s_sAge_1[8]",
      "prior_sd_visit", "prior_cor_visit", "lp__") %in%
    c("b_a_Intercept", "b_b_Age", "sd_patient__b_Intercept",
      "r_patient__a[1,Intercept]", "r_patient__b[4,Intercept]",
      "prior_b_a") %in%
    c("lscale_volume_gpAgeTrt0", "lscale_volume_gpAgeTrt1") %in%
  expect_equal(variables(fit3), SW(parnames(fit3)))

test_that("vcov has reasonable outputs", {
  expect_equal(dim(vcov(fit1)), c(9, 9))
  expect_equal(dim(vcov(fit1, cor = TRUE)), c(9, 9))

test_that("waic has reasonable outputs", {
  waic1 <- SW(WAIC(fit1))
  # fails on MKL for unknown reasons
  # expect_equal(waic1, SW(waic(fit1)))

  fit1 <- SW(add_criterion(fit1, "waic"))
  # fails on MKL for unknown reasons
  # expect_equal(waic(fit1), fit1$criteria$waic)

  waic_compare <- SW(waic(fit1, fit1))
  expect_equal(length(waic_compare$loos), 2)
  expect_equal(dim(waic_compare$ic_diffs__), c(1, 2))
  waic2 <- SW(waic(fit2))
  waic_pointwise <- SW(waic(fit2, pointwise = TRUE))
  expect_equal(waic2, waic_pointwise)
  expect_warning(compare_ic(waic1, waic2),
                 "Model comparisons are likely invalid")
  waic4 <- SW(waic(fit4))

test_that("diagnostic convenience functions have reasonable outputs", {

test_that("contrasts of grouping factors are not stored #214", {
  expect_true(is.null(attr(fit1$data$patient, "contrasts")))

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