#clitools.R.- Graphic tools for the climatol package.
#Author: Jose A. Guijarro. Licence: GPL >= 3.0
#- dens2Dplot.- Two dimensional density plot.
#Adapted from Elzizi's answer at
# 18089752/r-generate-2d-histogram-from-raw-data
dens2Dplot <- function(x, y, nbins=100, pal=NULL, xlab='', ylab='',
xlim=c(NA,NA), ylim=c(NA,NA), ...) {
#x, y: Variables for the scatterplot
#nbins: Number of bins in X and Y coordinates of the scatterplot.
#pal: Color palette
#xlab, ylab: Labels for X and Y axis
#xlim, ylim: Limits for X and Y axis
#...: Other graphic parameters
if(is.null(pal)) pal=rev(rainbow(16,start=0,end=.65))
xmin <- floor(min(c(x,xlim[1]),na.rm=TRUE))
ymin <- floor(min(c(y,ylim[1]),na.rm=TRUE))
xmax <- ceiling(max(c(x,xlim[2]),na.rm=TRUE))
ymax <- ceiling(max(c(y,ylim[2]),na.rm=TRUE))
xbin <- seq(xmin,xmax,length=nbins)
ybin <- seq(ymin,ymax,length=nbins)
freq <-,xbin),findInterval(y,ybin)))
freq[,1] <- as.integer(as.character(freq[,1]))
freq[,2] <- as.integer(as.character(freq[,2]))
freq2D <- matrix(0,nbins,nbins)
freq2D[cbind(freq[,1], freq[,2])] <- freq[,3]
freq2D[freq2D==0] <- NA
#- IDFcurves.- Obtain Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves.
IDFcurves <- function(prdat, stname, clmn=1:2, tz='utc', na.code=NA,
prunits='mm', mindpy=0.8, gumbel=TRUE, timeaggr=c(10,20,30,60,120,180,360,720),
retper=c(5,10,20,30,50,75,100),...) {
#prdat: Data frame with Time (as POSIXct) and sub-hourly precipitation data.
#stname: Station name.
#clmn: Columns where Time and precipitation data are located in prdat.
#tz: Time zone ['utc' by default].
#na.code: Numeric missing data code.
#prunits: Precipitation units [mm].
#mindpy: Minimum available data proportion to process data in any year.
#gumbel: Adjust a Gumbel distribution? [TRUE].
#timeaggr: Time intervals (in minutes) on which to aggregate precipitation.
#retper: Return periods (in years) for extreme precipitation estimation.
#...: Additional graphic parameters.
if(!requireNamespace("evd", quietly=TRUE))
stop('Please, install the package "evd" and run this function again')
z <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
if(!is.null(z$lty)) lty <- z$lty else lty <- 1:5
if(!is.null(z$col)) col <- z$col else col <- 1:6
tdif <- diff(prdat[,clmn[1]])
tint <- quantile(tdif,probs=c(0,.05,.5,.95,1))
if(length(unique(tint))>1) { #check if time intervals are constant:
cat('Time intervals between observations are not constant:\n')
cat('\nPlease, provide a continuous series of sub-hourly precipitation\n')
cat('data. (Observations with missing data are allowed.)\n')
} else tint <- tint[3] #constant time interval
#check data time frequency:
tunit <- attr(tint,'units')
if(tunit=='secs') tint <- tint/60 #tint in minutes
else if(tunit=='hours') tint <- tint*60 #tint in minutes
attr(tint,'units') <- 'minutes'
#remove aggregation times lower than the data time resolution:
timeaggr <- timeaggr[timeaggr >= tint]
if(length(timeaggr)==0) stop('Requested aggregation times inconsistent with data time resolution')
year <- strftime(prdat[,clmn[1]],'%Y',tz=tz) #year of the observations
pr <- prdat[,clmn[2]] #precipitation data
if(! pr[pr==na.code] <- NA #apply missing data code
ndy <- tapply(!,year,sum) #no. of non-missing data per year
mdy <- median(table(year)) #median no. of data per year (missing included)
ny <- length(ndy) #no. of years
#maximum precipitation in each aggregation time:
aggrhours <- timeaggr/as.numeric(tint) #aggregation times in hours
nt <- length(timeaggr) #no. of aggregation times
prmax <- matrix(NA,ny,nt)
for(i in 1:nt) {
z <- filter(pr,rep(1,aggrhours[i]))
prmax[,i] <- tapply(z,year,max,na.rm=TRUE)
#disregard annual maximums of years with less than mindpy data proportion:
dis <- ndy < mdy*mindpy
ny <- ny-sum(dis) #no. of years with data
period <- paste(range(as.integer(names(dis)[dis==FALSE])),collapse='-')
prmax <- prmax[!dis,] #delete years without enough data
#calculate maximum expected precipitation for every return period:
prob <- 1/retper; nrp <- length(retper)
if(gumbel) {
for(j in 1:nt) {
aj <- evd::fgev(prmax[,j],shape=0); z <- aj$estimate
pmax[j,] <- round(evd::qgumbel(prob,z[1],z[2],lower.tail=FALSE),1)
} else {
for(j in 1:nt) {
aj <- evd::fgev(prmax[,j]); z <- aj$estimate
pmax[j,] <- round(evd::qgev(prob,z[1],z[2],z[3],lower.tail=FALSE),1)
#plot IDF curves:
pxh=scale(t(pmax),center=FALSE,scale=aggrhours) #pmax in mm/h
ylab=sprintf('Intensity (%s/h)',prunits),...)
title(sprintf('IDF at %s (%s)',stname, period))
#return maximum precipitation accumulations:
rownames(pmax) <- timeaggr
colnames(pmax) <- retper
#- MHisopleths.- Isopleths on a months-hours plot.
MHisopleths <- function(dat,vrb,fun='mean',xlab='Months',ylab='Hours',cex=1.2,
col4RP=c('cyan','yellow','red'),title='') {
#dat: dataframe with POSIX times and data in columns
#vrb: name of the column containing the chosen data
#fun: function to aggregate subhourly data into hourly
#xlab, ylab: labels for the X and Y axis
#cex: character expansion parameter for the size of labels
#col4RP: vector of colors for colorRampPalette()
#title: main title
if(!requireNamespace('fields', quietly=TRUE)) stop('This function requires the package fields.\nPlease, install it and re-run the function')
Dtime <- dat[,1]
dat <- dat[,which(names(dat)==vrb)]
df[,1] <- df[,1]-0.5; df[,2] <- df[,2]+0.5
z <- df[,3]; dim(z) <- c(12,24) #data matrix
#interpolate matrix margins at 0.5 resolution:
df.list <- list(x=.5:11.5,y=.5:23.5,z=z)
grid.list <- list(x=seq(0,12,.5),y=seq(0,24,.5))
dat.list <- fields::interp.surface.grid(df.list, grid.list)
z=dat.list[[3]] #dim: 25 49
z[,1] <- z[,49] <- (z[,2]+z[,48])/2
z[1,] <- z[25,] <- (z[2,]+z[24,])/2
#plot the diagram:
x=seq(0,12,.5); y=seq(0,24,.5)
levels=pretty(z,10); nl=length(levels)
col <- colorRampPalette(col4RP)(nl+1)
.filled.contour(x=x, y=y, z=z, levels=levels,col=col)
for(i in 0:12) segments(i,0,i,-1.5)
axis(1,0:12,labels=FALSE); mtext(1:12,1,0.5,at=.5:11.5,cex=cex)
if(title!='') title(title)
#- diagwl.- Walter & Lieth climatic diagram.
diagwl <- function(dat, cols=1:6, format='%Y-%m-%d', yeari=NA, yearf=NA,
stname="", alt=NA, per="", mlab="", shem=NULL, p3line=FALSE, ...) {
#dat: Data frame with the required climatic data (see details).
#cols: Columns containing the needed data [1:6]. Set to NULL if a monthly
# climate summary is provided.
#format: Format of the dates if data are provided in 4 columns ['%Y-%m-%d'].)
#yeari, yearf: initial and final years of the period to use. (Defaults to the
# period contained in dat, but if it contains a climate summary, then the parameter per should be supplied (see below).
# must be supplied.)
#stname: Name of the climatological station.
#alt: Elevation (altitude) of the climatological station.
#per: If data is a data frame with already calculated climate averages, the
# original period of the data.
#mlab: Vector of 12 monthly labels for the X axis (see the details).
#shem: Southern hemisphere? (NULL by default, to be detected from warm season).
#p3line: Draw a supplementary precipitation line referenced to three times the
# temperature? (FALSE by default; this parameter was suggested by Bogdan Rosca)
#...: Other optional graphic parameters.
old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mar=c(4,4,5,4), las=1, new=FALSE)
pcol='#005ac8'; tcol='#e81800'; pfcol='#79e6e8'; sfcol='#09a0d1' #used colors
#etiquetas de los meses
if(length(mlab)!=12) {
if(mlab=='es') mlab <- c('E','F','M','A','M','J','J','A','S','O','N','D')
else if(mlab=='en'|mlab=='fr') mlab <- c('J','F','M','A','M','J','J','A',
else mlab <- c(1:12) #numeric labels
if(is.null(cols) | length(cols)>6) { #assume data frame contains a monthly climate summary:
if(ncol(dat)<12) stop("Input data frame has more than 6 and less than 12 columns!")
if(ncol(dat)==13) dat <- dat[,1:12]
nr <- nrow(dat) #no. of raws of monthly data
stop("At least two monthly rows (average precipitation and temperature)\n must be supplied"),
cat("Warning: When only monthly precipitation and mean temperature\n are provided, no frost risk will be drawn.\n"),
cat("Warning: When no absolute minimum temperatures are provided,\n likely frost will not be drawn.\n")
} else {
z <- apply([,cols]),1,sum); nz <- sum(z>0) #check for missing data
if(nz>0) { #remove missing data:
cat("Warning: removing",nz,"lines containing missing data\n")
dat <- dat[z==0,]
if(length(cols)==4) { #disaggregate dates into year, month, day:
dates <- as.Date(dat[,cols[1]],format=format)
dat <- data.frame(YY=as.integer(strftime(dates,'%Y')),
} else dat <- dat[,cols]
z <- range(dat[,1])
if( yeari <- z[1] else if(yeari < z[1]) yeari <- z[1]
if( yearf <- z[2] else if(yearf > z[2]) yearf <- z[2]
if(yearf < yeari) { z <- yeari; yeari <- yearf; yearf <- z }
dat <- dat[dat[,1] >= yeari & dat[,1] <= yearf,]
per=sprintf('%d-%d',yeari,yearf) #period
ny <- yearf-yeari+1 #no. of years
datcli <- matrix(NA,4,12)
datcli[1,] <- round(aggregate(dat[,4],list(dat[,2]),sum,na.rm=TRUE)$x / ny , 1)
datcli[2,] <- round(aggregate(dat[,5],list(dat[,2]),mean,na.rm=TRUE)$x , 1)
datcli[3,] <- round(aggregate(dat[,6],list(dat[,2]),mean,na.rm=TRUE)$x , 1)
datcli[4,] <- round(aggregate(dat[,6],list(dat[,2]),min,na.rm=TRUE)$x , 1)
dat <- datcli; nr <- nrow(dat)
dat <- as.matrix(dat)
if(is.null(shem)) { #see if warm season is in Dec-Jan-Feb:
if(nr==2) tmean <- dat[2,] else tmean <- apply(dat[2:3,],2,mean)
if(mean(tmean[c(1,2,12)]) > 2+(mean(tmean[6:8]))) shem <- TRUE
else shem <- FALSE
if(shem) { #Southern hemisphere: shift data six months forward
m1 <- dat[,1:6]
m2 <- dat[,7:12]
dat <- cbind(m2,m1)
mlab <- c(mlab[7:12],mlab[1:6])
p <- dat[1,] #monthly average precipitations
if(nr==2) tm <- dat[2,]
else tm <- apply(dat[2:3,],2,mean,na.rm=TRUE) #monthly average temperatures
pmax <- max(p,na.rm=TRUE) #maximum precipitation
ymax <- 60 #default maximum Y-axis ordinate
if(pmax > 300) ymax <- 50 + 10*floor((pmax+100)/200)
ymin <- min(-1.5,min(tm)) #minimum Y-axis ordinate
if(ymin < -1.5) {
ymin=floor(ymin/10)*10 #rounded minimum Y-axis ordinate
labT <- paste(ymin)
labP <- ""
if(ymin < -10) {
for(i in (ymin/10+1):-1) {
labT <- c(labT,i*10)
labP <- c(labP,"")
labT <- c(labT,"0","10","20","30","40","50","")
labP <- c(labP,"0","20","40","60","80","100","300")
else {
labT <- c("0","10","20","30","40","50","")
labP <- c("0","20","40","60","80","100","300")
if(ymax > 60) {
for(i in 6:(ymax/10-1)) {
labT <- c(labT,"")
labP <- c(labP,100*(2*i-7))
lmin <- ymin #minimum Y-axis ordinate to label
if(lmin==-1.5) lmin=0
if( mtext(stname,line=2,adj=0)
else mtext(paste(stname," (",alt," m)",sep=""),line=2,adj=0)
mtext(paste(round(mean(tm),1)," C ",round(sum(p)),
" mm",sep=""),line=1,adj=1)
x <- 0:13-0.5
p2 <- c(p[12],p[1:12],p[1])
if(p3line) { #additional precipitation line at 1:3 scale
yl3 <- c(p[12],p[1:12],p[1])/3
yl3[yl3>50] <- 50
if(pmax<=100) {
xl <- x
yl <- c(p[12],p[1:12],p[1])/2
n2 <- 14
else { #scale change when precipitation > 100 mm
xp <- numeric(30)
yp <- numeric(30)
xl <- numeric(25)
yl <- numeric(25)
n <- 0
n2 <- 0
gr <- FALSE
if(p2[1]>100) { #first point
n <- n+1
xp[n] <- x[1]
yp[n] <- 50
n <- n+1
xp[n] <- x[1]
yp[n] <- 50 + (p2[1]-100)/20
n2 <- n2+1
xl[n2] <- x[1]
yl[n2] <- 50
gr <- TRUE
else {
n2 <- n2+1
xl[n2] <- x[1]
yl[n2] <- p2[1]/2
for(i in 2:14) { #remaining points
if(gr) { #if previous p > 100
n <- n+1
if(p2[i]>100) {
xp[n] <- x[i]
yp[n] <- 50 + (p2[i]-100)/20
else {
xp[n] <- x[i-1] + (100-p2[i-1])/(p2[i]-p2[i-1])
yp[n] <- 50
n2 <- n2+1
xl[n2] <- xp[n]
yl[n2] <- 50
n <- n+1
xp[n] <- NA
yp[n] <- NA
n2 <- n2+1
xl[n2] <- x[i]
yl[n2] <- p2[i]/2
gr <- FALSE
else { # if previos p <=100
if(p2[i]>100) { #if p > 100
n <- n+1
xp[n] <- x[i-1] + (100-p2[i-1])/(p2[i]-p2[i-1])
yp[n] <- 50
if(xl[n2]!=x[i-1]) { #avoid repeating points!
n2 <- n2+1
xl[n2] <- x[i-1]
yl[n2] <- p2[i-1]/2
n2 <- n2+1
xl[n2] <- xp[n]
yl[n2] <- 50
n <- n+1
xp[n] <- x[i]
yp[n] <- 50 + (p2[i]-100)/20
gr <- TRUE
else { # p <=100
n2 <- n2+1
xl[n2] <- x[i]
yl[n2] <- p2[i]/2
if(![n])) { #close last poligon
n <- n+1
xp[n] <- xp[n-1]
yp[n] <- 50
n2 <- n2+1
xl[n2] <- 12.5
yl[n2] <- 50
pi <- approx(xl[1:n2],yl[1:n2],n=66)$y
ti <- approx(x,c(tm[12],tm[1:12],tm[1]),n=66)$y
ti[ti<0] <- 0 #avoid patterns below zero
d <- pi - ti
xi <- (1:66)/5-0.7
xw <- subset(xi,d>0) #humid period
y1 <- subset(pi,d>0)
y2 <- subset(ti,d>0)
if(length(xw)>0) segments(xw,y1,xw,y2,col=pcol,lty=1,lwd=1)
xw <- subset(xi,d<0) #dry period
y1 <- subset(pi,d<0)
y2 <- subset(ti,d<0)
if(length(xw)>0) segments(xw,y1,xw,y2,col=tcol,lty=3,lwd=2)
if(nr>2) {
#sure frosts
for(i in 1:12) if(dat[3,i]<=0) rect(i-1,-1.5,i,0,col=sfcol)
if(nr>3) #likely frosts
for(i in 1:12) { if(dat[4,i]<=0 && dat[3,i]>0) rect(i-1,-1.5,i,0,col=pfcol)}
else mtext('(Likely frost months not provided)',1,line=1.5)
} else mtext('(No monthly frost risk provided)',1,line=1.5)
#curvas de P y T:
if(p3line) lines(x,yl3)
if(nr>2) {
#mean maximum temperatures of the warmest month
#mean minimum temperatures of the coldest month
#tick month limits:
for(i in 0:13) segments(i,0,i,-1.5)
#label months:
#reset old.par (reset former graphic parameters):
#- meteogram.R.- Daily meteogram of 8 meteorological variables.
meteogram <- function(df, code='', name='', cols=1:9, tz='utc', hlab='Hours',
datefm='%Y-%m-%d', vlab=c('Wind direction (deg)','Wind speed (m/s)',NA,NA,
'Temperature (C)','Rel. humidity (%)','Precip. (mm)','Pressure (hPa)'),
llim=c(0,0,NA,NA,0,0,0,NA), ulim=c(360,20,NA,NA,20,100,4,NA)) {
#df: Data frame with (around) one day of data
#code: Code of the station
#name: Name of the station
#cols: Column order of the expected variables (see details)
#tz: Time zone of the supplied time vector ('utc' by default)
#hlab: Label for hours (default='Hours')
#datefm: Date format for the title of the meteogram (the default is
# '%Y-%m-%d', the ISO 8601 date format)
#vlab: Variable lables
#vcol: Colors for every variable
#llim: Lower graphic limits (if fixed)
#ulim: Upper graphic limits (if fixed)
old.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE); on.exit(par(old.par)) #reset par on exit
tv <- df[,cols[1]]; dt <- df[,cols[2:9]] #time and data
date <- names(which.max(table(as.Date(tv)))) #most common date of data
date <- strftime(as.Date(date),datefm)
z1 <- as.integer(strftime(tv,'%H',tz=tz))
z2 <- as.integer(strftime(tv,'%M',tz=tz))
hv <- z1+z2/60 #decimal hours vector
ht <- pretty(hv,12) #time ticks
if(sum(![,4]))==0) vx <- ulim[2]
else vx <- max(ulim[2],max(dt[,4],na.rm=TRUE))
if(sum(![,5]))==0) { tn <- llim[5]; tx <- ulim[5] }
else {
tn <- floor(min(dt[,5],na.rm=TRUE)/5)*5
tx <- max(tn+20,max(dt[,5],na.rm=TRUE))
if(sum(![,7]))==0) px <- ulim[7]
else px <- max(ulim[7],max(dt[,7],na.rm=TRUE))
if(sum(![,8]))==0) psn <- 1000
else psn <- floor(min(dt[,8],na.rm=TRUE)/5)*5
cex.lab=1.1,main=sprintf('%s - %s (%s)',code,name,date)) #10'av.wind dir.
points(hv,dt[,3],col=vcol[3],pch='+') #maximum wind gust direction
cex.lab=1.1) #10' average wind speed
lines(hv,dt[,4],type="l",col=vcol[4]) #maximum wind gust speed
col.lab=vcol[5],cex.lab=1.1) #temperature
lines(hv,dt[,6]*(tx-tn)/100+tn,col=vcol[6]) #relative humidity
col.lab=vcol[7],cex.lab=1.1) #precipitation
lines(hv,(dt[,8]-psn)/5,col=vcol[8]) #barometric pressure
axis(1,ht,xaxt='s') #label hours
mtext(sprintf('%s %s',hlab,tz),1,3)
#- runtnd.- Running trends on time windows of different lengths.
runtnd <- function(d, anyi, minyr=10, units='Units', pernyr=10, stname=NA,
k=NULL, palneg=c('blue','white'), palpos=c('white','red'), ...) {
#d: Series of annual values (without missing data)
#anyi: Initial year of the series
#units: Units label for the legend
#minyr: Minimum no. of years to compute trends (10 by default)
#pernyr: Factor for trend units (per 10 years by default)
#stname: Station name
#k: Vector of trend intervals (automatically set by default)
#palneg: Color gradation for negative trends
#palpos: Color gradation for positive trends
#...: Optional graphic parameters
if(sum(>0) stop('Missing data detected! The series must be complete')
nd <- length(d)
if(minyr<0) { #make a graphic of running trends of minyr years:
minyr <- -minyr; nt <- nd-minyr+1
tn <- pv <- rep(NA,nt); x <- 1:minyr
for(i in 1:nt) {
z <- coef(summary(lm(d[i:(minyr+i-1)]~x)))[2,c(1,4)]
tn[i] <- z[1] #trend
pv[i] <- z[2] #p-value
main <- sprintf('%d years running trends',minyr)
if(! main <- sprintf('%s at %s',main,stname)
z <- tn*pernyr; x <- (anyi+minyr-1):(anyi+nd-1)
xlab='Last year of the running window',
ylab=sprintf('Trend (%s/%dyears)',units,pernyr),main=main,...)
z[pv>.1] <- NA; lines(x,z,col=4,lwd=2)
z[pv>.05] <- NA; lines(x,z,col=4,lwd=3)
grid(col=grey(.4)); abline(h=0,col=2)
} else { #make a graphic of running trends of different period lengths:
xw <- minyr:nd; nc <- length(xw) #window lengths and their number
x <- 1:nd; if(! x <- x+anyi-1 #time vector
xi <- x[1:nc]; xf <- x[xw] #inicial and final year vectors
#--- compute trends and p-values:
tnd <- pvl <- matrix(NA,nc,nc) #trend and p-val matrices
for(i in 1:nc) {
for(j in i:nc) {
y <- xi[j-i+1]:xf[j]; dx <- d[y-anyi+1]
lmc <- coef(summary(lm(dx~y)))[2,c(1,4)]
tnd[j,i] <- lmc[1] #trend
pvl[j,i] <- lmc[2] #p-value
tnd <- tnd*pernyr #adjust trend units per pernyr years
if(is.null(k)) k <- pretty(tnd) #set bin intervals
nk <- length(k); k0 <- which(k==0)
np <- 2*sum(k>0); nn <- 2*sum(k<0) #no. of positive and negative intervals
nx <- max(np,nn) #maximum no. of intervals positive or negative
col <- character()
if(nn>0) col <- c(col,colorRampPalette(palneg)(nx+1)[(nx-nn+1):nx])
if(np>0) col <- c(col,colorRampPalette(palpos)(nx+1)[2:(np+1)])
fields::image.plot(xf,xw,tnd,xlab='Last year',ylab='Window length (years)',
lxw <- length(xw)
if(lxw<=101) { #add white points to non-significant values:
cex <- 1.3-lxw/100
zp=pvl; zp[!]=0
zp[pvl>=.05] <- cex*.6; zp[pvl>=.1] <- cex
legend=c(as.expression(bquote(~'0.05 <='~alpha~'< 0.10')),
as.expression(bquote(~'0.10 <='~alpha))))
if( title("Running trends")
else title(sprintf("Running trends at %s",stname))
#- windrose.- Plot a windrose from a table with columns 'DateTime, Dir, Speed'.
windrose <- function(dat, cols=1:3, code='', name='', uni='m/s', ndir=16,
spdcut=NULL, maxnsc=8, fnum=4, fint=5, flab=2, ang=-3*pi/16, margin=c(0,0,4,0),
pal=c('cyan','yellow','orange','red','brown'), ...) {
#dat: Data frame with columns DateTime, Wind direction and Wind speed.
#cols: Columns containing DateTime, Wind direction and Wind speed.
#code: Station code.
#name: Station name.
#uni: Speed units for the legend header.
#ndir: Number of classes of wind direction [16].
#spdcut: Speed cuts to define classes [NULL: automatic].
#maxnsc: Maximum number of wind speed classes if spdcut=NULL [8].
#fnum: Number of reference circles to plot.
#fint: Frequency interval (in %) between reference circles.
#flab: Parameter indicating which circles must be labelled (1: only outer circle; 2: all circles, the default; any other value will not lable any circle).
#ang: Angle along which circles will be labelled.
#margin: Margins vector for the plot (to be passed to \code{par}).
#pal: Color gradation to fill the frequency polygons.
#...: Other graphic parameters.
if(ndir<4) stop('Please, set at least ndir=4')
if(ndir>36) stop('Please, set ndir=36 at most')
#----------- compute frequencies by directions ---------------
z <- range(dat[,cols[1]]); startdate <- z[1]; enddate <- z[2]
dd <- dat[,cols[2]]; vv <- dat[,cols[3]]; rm(dat)
dd[dd<0 | dd>360] <- NA #skip bad or variable direction values
vv[] <- NA #skip speeds with missing direction
nd <- sum(! #nr. of available data
if(nd==0) {
cat('No wind data available in columns',cols,
'of the provided data frame!\n'); stop()
cal <- sum(vv==0,na.rm=TRUE) #nr. of calm wind observations
dd <- round(dd/360*ndir+1); dd[dd==(ndir+1)] <- 1 #direction classes
vm <- tapply(vv,as.factor(dd),mean,na.rm=TRUE) #mean speed by direction
vx <- tapply(vv,as.factor(dd),max,na.rm=TRUE) #max. speed by direction
vmt <- mean(vv,na.rm=TRUE) #overall mean speed
vmx <- max(vv,na.rm=TRUE) #overall max. speed
vv[vv==0] <- NA #remove calm observations
dd[] <- NA #avoid directions with missing speed
if(is.null(spdcut)) {
vvc <- pretty(vv) #speed classes
nvvc <- length(vvc)-1 #number of speed classes
#convert wind speeds to factor classes:
if(nvvc>maxnsc) { #if too many speed classes, limit their number:
nvvc <- maxnsc
vvf <- cut(vv,c(vvc[1:maxnsc],999))
spclasses <- paste(vvc[1:nvvc],vvc[2:(nvvc+1)],sep='-')
spclasses[nvvc] <- paste('>=',vvc[maxnsc])
geflag <- TRUE
} else {
vvf <- cut(vv,vvc)
spclasses <- paste(vvc[1:nvvc],vvc[2:(nvvc+1)],sep='-')
geflag <- FALSE
} else {
vvf <- cut(vv, spdcut); nvvc <- length(spdcut)-1
spclasses <- paste(spdcut[1:nvvc],spdcut[2:(nvvc+1)],sep='-')
geflag <- FALSE
#compute the frequency table:
fr <- table(vvf,dd)
#if there are void direction classes, fill them with zeroes:
z <- as.integer(colnames(fr))
if(length(z)<ndir) {
zrn <- rownames(fr)
zm <- matrix(rep(0,ndir*nrow(fr)),dim(fr))
zm[,z] <- fr
fr <- zm
colnames(fr) <- as.character(1:ndir)
rownames(fr) <- zrn
#distribute calms in the first speed class:
nd1 <- sum(fr[1,]); fr[1,] <- fr[1,] * (nd1+cal)/nd1
if(nd>0) fr <- fr*100./nd #compute frequencies as percentages
frt <- apply(fr,1,sum) #sum frequencies by speed classes
frtd <- apply(fr,2,sum) #sum frequencies by direction classes
#build the frequency table:
tab <- cbind(fr,frt)
tab <- round(rbind(tab,c(frtd,sum(frtd))),1)
tab <- data.frame(rbind(tab,round(c(vm,vmt),1),round(c(vx,vmx),1)))
if(ndir==16) names(tab) <- c('N','NNE','NE','ENE','E','ESE','SE','SSE','S',
else if(ndir==8) names(tab) <- c('N','NE','E','SE','S','SW','W','NW','Total')
else if(ndir==4) names(tab) <- c('N','E','S','W','Total')
else names(tab) <- c('N',as.character(2:ndir),'Total')
row.names(tab) <- c(spclasses,'Total','Mean Sp.','Mx.M.Sp.')
#----------- plot the windrose -------------------------------
old.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
fr <- tab[1:nvvc,1:ndir]
if(geflag) row.names(fr)[nvvc] <- paste('>=',vvc[nvvc])
nr <- nvvc #nr. of speed classes
fmax <- fnum*fint #max. frequency to be circled
key <- (nr>1) #legend if more than one speed class
#make room for the legend at the left side:
if(key) mlf <- 3 else mlf <- 1 #left margin factor
par(mar=margin, new=FALSE) #windrose margin
# x,y components for every wind direction and plot settings:
fx <- cos(pi/2-(2*pi/ndir*0:(ndir-1)))
fy <- sin(pi/2-(2*pi/ndir*0:(ndir-1)))
if(nr==1) { #only one speed class
cx <- fx*fr
cy <- fy*fr
else { #more than one speed classes
f <- apply(fr,2,sum)
cx <- fx*f
cy <- fy*f
for(i in nr:2) {
f <- f-fr[i,]
cx <- c(cx,NA,fx*f)
cy <- c(cy,NA,fy*f)
col <- colorRampPalette(pal)(maxnsc)
fmaxi <- fmax+fint/4
for(i in 1:fnum) text(i*fint*cos(ang),i*fint*sin(ang),paste(i*fint,"%"))
else if(flab==1)
if(key) { #legend
if(code=='') title(sprintf('%s windrose\n%d obs. from %s to %s',name,nd,startdate,enddate))
else title(sprintf('%s-%s windrose\n%d obs. from %s to %s',code,name,nd,startdate,enddate))
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