
Defines functions plotpolygon plotprojection plotcluster dumpcluster dumpface invertboundary section raytrace2 raytrace metrics inside truncatedsmallrhombicosidodecahedron TruncatedIcosidodecahedron truncatedcuboctahedron truncatedoctahedron testinvertCyclic testinvertRT counttransitions makeconsecutive condenseGenerators isaxis frame3x2fun cyclicposition dumpclusters print.zonohedron plotpolygon.zonohedron plotprojection.zonohedron plot.zonohedron plotcluster.zonohedron dumpcluster.zonohedron dumpface.zonohedron section.zonohedron expandcoeffs invertboundary.zonohedron raytrace2.zonohedron raytrace.zonohedron metrics.zonohedron inside.zonohedron zonohedron

#   'zonohedron' is an S3 class
#   It presents the zonohedron as an intersection of 'slabs'.
#   Each slab is the intersection of 2 halfspaces with the same normal vector.
#   The equation of a slab is:
#       -beta <=   <x,normal>   <= beta      (beta is always positive)
#   All the slabs are centered, so their intersection is centered too.
#   It is stored as a list with
#       W           the original given Nx3 matrix, defining N line segments in R^3  (with one endpoint at 0).  Must be rank 3.
#                   If a row is a negative multiple of another (both non-zero), then W is invalid.
#       Wcond       Gx3 matrix with G rows, a row for each group of generators that are multiples of each other; the 'condensed' generators
#       group       a list of length G.  group[[k]] is an integer vector of the indexes of the rows of W.
#                   usually this is a vector of length 1.
#       groupidx    integer vector of length N.  groupidx[i] is the index of the group to which this row belongs,
#                   or NA_integer_ if the row is 0.
#       center      middle gray = white/2
#       nonnegative logical.  All entries of W are non-negative
#       face        a data.frame with G(G-1)/2 rows.  Because of central symmetry, only 1/2 of the faces need to be stored.
#                   idx     a pair of integers.  indices to distinct rows of Wcond
#                   area    of the parallelogram.  All are positive
#                   angle   at origin of the parallelogram.  All are positive
#                   normal  a numeric 3-vector.  The normal to the face of the zonohedron, the cross-product of the 2 rows, then unitized
#                   center  a numeric 3-vector.  center of the face, a parallelogram, relative to the center of the zonohedron.  *after* centering the zonohedron
#                   beta    the plane constant, *after* centering the zonohedron.  All are positive.
#   If there are C>0 clustered (compound) faces, then there are also:
#       cluster     a list of length C.  cluster[[k]] is an integer vector of the face indexes of cluster k.
#       center3D    a Cx3 matrix, with the centers of the compound faces in the rows.  This is relative to the center of the zonohedron.
#       clusteridx  integer vector of length G(G-1)/2.  It points back to cluster[[]].
#                   for face i, clusteridx[i] is the index of the cluster to which it belongs, or 0 if the face is a singleton, not part of a compound face.
#       spread      a numeric vector of length C.  spread[k] is the spread of the unit face normals in cluster k.
#                   This is controlled by a numerical threshold.  It can be 0 too.
#                   The spread is useful for diagnostics.
#       frame3x2    a list of length C.  frame3x2[[k]] is a 3x2 matrix transforming from the plane of the cluster to R^2
#       zonogon3    a list of length C.  zonogon3[[k]] is the zonogon3 for cluster k
#       lookupgen   a list of length C.   lookup zonogon3 generator -> zonohedron generator
#       lookupface  a list of length C.   lookup zonogon3 faceidx -> zonohedron faceidx
#   These clusters are based on the face normals, i.e. the point on the unit sphere.  Antipodal points are considered the same.

#   zonohedron() constructor for a zonohedron object
#       W       nx3 matrix with rank 3
#       tol1    sin(angle) tolerance for clustering the generators
#       tol2    sin(angle) tolerance for clustering face normals.  If NULL or NA or negative, then do not cluster.
#       perf    if TRUE, then print performance (timing) and diagnostic data
#   returns: a list as above, or NULL in case of global error.

zonohedron  <- function( W, tol1=5.e-7, tol2=5.e-10, perf=FALSE )
    if( perf )  time0   = gettime()
    ok  = is.numeric(W)  &&  is.matrix(W)  &&  3<=nrow(W)  &&  ncol(W)==3
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "argument W is not an nx3 numeric matrix, with n>=3." )
    mask    = is.finite(W)
    if( ! all(mask) )
        log_string( ERROR, "matrix W is invalid because it has %d entries that are not finite.", sum(! mask) )

    if( perf )
        cat( sprintf( "Condensing %d generators, with tol1=%g...\n", nrow(W), tol1 ) )
        time_start  = gettime()

    #   the tolerance here is for collinearity, which can be larger than the face normal differences
    res = condenseGenerators( W, tol=tol1 )
    if( is.null(res) )    return(NULL)
    if( perf )
        cat( sprintf( "non-trivial groups: %d.   maxspread=%g  [%g sec]\n", 
                    sum(0 < res$spread), max(res$spread), gettime()-time_start ) )
        time_start  = gettime()

    Wcond   = res$Wcond

    n   = nrow(Wcond)    
    if( perf )
        cat( sprintf( "For %d condensed generators, computing %d face normals...", n, n*(n-1)/2 ) )
        time_start  = gettime()
    p12 = tcrossprod( Wcond[ ,1,drop=F], Wcond[ ,2,drop=F] )
    p13 = tcrossprod( Wcond[ ,1,drop=F], Wcond[ ,3,drop=F] )
    p23 = tcrossprod( Wcond[ ,2,drop=F], Wcond[ ,3,drop=F] )
    d12 = p12 - t(p12)
    d13 = p13 - t(p13)
    d23 = p23 - t(p23)

    if( requireNamespace( 'arrangements', quietly=TRUE ) )
        idx = arrangements::combinations(n,2)       # faster
        idx = t( utils::combn(n,2) )   # matrix of pairs.  slower
    normal  = cbind( d23[idx], -d13[idx], d12[idx] )

    W1      = Wcond[ idx[,1], ]
    W2      = Wcond[ idx[,2], ]
    W1W2    = .rowSums( W1*W1, nrow(W1), ncol(W1) ) * .rowSums( W2*W2, nrow(W2), ncol(W2) )     #;  print(range(W1W2))
    normal2 = .rowSums( normal*normal, nrow(normal), ncol(normal) )
    area    = sqrt(normal2)
    angle   = asin( pmin( sqrt( normal2 / W1W2 ), 1 ) )    #   sin(angle) = sqrt(normal2 / W1W2)
    if( FALSE )
        #   set rows close to 0 to all NAs    
        bad     = normal2 <= tol2*tol2 * W1W2     #; print( bad )
        if( all(bad) )
            log_string( ERROR, "matrix W does not have rank 2, with relative tol2=%g.", tol2 )
        if( any(bad) )
            #mess    = sprintf( "%d bad face normals, out of %d.\n", sum(bad), length(bad) )
            #   log_string( INFO, "%d normals flagged as too small, out of %d.", sum(bad), length(bad) )
            normal[ bad, ]  = NA_real_        
            #   angle[ bad ]    = NA_real_            
    #   now unitize
    normal  = normal / area    # sqrt(normal2) is replicated to all 3 columns

    if( perf )
        cat( sprintf( "[%g]\n", gettime()-time_start ) )
        cat( "collinearity tolerance: ", tol1, '\n' )
        i   = which.min(angle)
        cat( "minimum angle between condensed generators: ", angle[i], '\n' )
        Wmin    = Wcond[ idx[i, ],  ]
        rownames(Wmin)  = idx[i, ]
        print( Wmin )

    out = list()
    out$W       = W
    out$Wcond       = Wcond
    out$groupidx    = res$groupidx
    out$group       = res$group
    out$center  = 0.5 * .colSums( Wcond, nrow(Wcond), ncol(Wcond) )
    out$nonnegative = all( 0 <= Wcond )
    out$face        = data.frame( row.names=1:nrow(idx) )
    out$face$idx    = idx
    out$face$area   = area
    out$face$angle  = angle    
    out$face$normal = normal

    if( ! is.null(tol2)  &&  is.finite(tol2)  &&  0<=tol2 )
        if( perf )
            cat( sprintf( "clustering %d face normals...", n*(n-1)/2 ) )
            time_start = gettime()

        #   cluster the unit normal vectors  [reminds me of something similar at Link]
        res = findRowClusters( out$face$normal, tol=tol2, projective=TRUE )
        if( is.null(res) )  return(NULL)
        out$cluster     = res$cluster       #; print( out$cluster )        
        out$clusteridx  = res$clusteridx    
        out$spread      = res$spread
        #   out$clusteridx[bad] = NA_integer_        #; print( out$clusteridx )
        if( all( out$clusteridx==1  |  is.na(out$clusteridx) ) )
            log_string( ERROR, "matrix W does not have rank 3." )
        if( 0 < length(out$cluster) )
            #   normal vectors within each cluster may differ in sign,
            #   so make them consistent !
            out$frame3x2    = vector( length(out$cluster), mode='list' )
            for( k in 1:length(out$cluster) )
                cluster = out$cluster[[k]]
                normalk = out$face$normal[cluster[1], ]            # take the first face's normal to represent all of them
                s   = as.numeric( out$face$normal[cluster, ] %*% normalk )  #; print(s)
                #   s should already be +1 or -1, but may be a little off because of truncation, so use sign(s)
                out$face$normal[cluster, ]  = sign(s) * out$face$normal[cluster, ]
                out$frame3x2[[k]]   = frame3x2fun( normalk )
        if( perf )
            cat( sprintf( "[%g]\n", gettime()-time_start ) )    
            clusteridx  = out$clusteridx
            dumpclusters( cbind( out$face, clusteridx ) )


    #   the next line is the biggest bottleneck
    #   the size of the output is on the order n^3
    #   functional is n x n(n-1)/2
    #   each column corresponds to an i<j pair, from array idx[]
    #   the corresponding entries in that column, in rows i and j, should be very close to 0    
    if( perf )
        cat( sprintf( "computing %d face centers...", n*(n-1)/2 ) )
        time_start = gettime()
    functional  = tcrossprod( Wcond, out$face$normal )  # output size ~ n^3 / 2

    if( FALSE  &&   0 < length(out$cluster) )
        #   use functional[,] to check clusters        
        W2  = Wcond*Wcond
        zeromask    = ( .rowSums( W2, nrow(W2), ncol(W2) ) == 0 )
        for( k in 1:length(out$cluster) )
            cat( "-----------------\n" )
            cluster = out$cluster[[k]]  # indexes into the pairs
            i   = cluster[1]
            print( normal[i, ] )
            inprod  = functional[ ,i]
            j   = which( abs(inprod) < 1.e-9  &  ! zeromask )
            print( length(j) )
            #   repeat
            j2  = unique( c(idx[cluster,1],idx[cluster,2]) )
            print( length(j2) )

    if( TRUE )
        #time_start = gettime()
        #colnames( functional )  = apply( idx, 1, function(r){ paste(r,collapse=',') } )   ;  print( functional )
        across  = 1:nrow(idx)
        idx2    = rbind( cbind(idx[,1],across),  cbind(idx[,2],across) )
        #check   = functional[idx2]  ; print(check)      # all these are very small, or actually 0
        #   without this next line the computed face$center could be one of 9 different points in the parallelogram.
        #   it could be center, or a vertex, or a midpoint of an edge
        #   By forcing this to 0, it forces it to the center
        functional[idx2] = 0
        #time_elapsed    = gettime() - time_start
        #cat( "time_elapsed =", time_elapsed, '\n' )    # takes  <1% to 5% of total time 
    #   calculate the n(n-1)/2 face centers of the unit cube,
    #   but then all translated by -0.5 and therefore centered
    #   sign(0) = 0 exactly, so 2 (or more) of the 'spectrum' coords are 0
    face_center = 0.5 * sign(functional)      #   exact 0 maps to exact 0

    out$face$center = crossprod( face_center, Wcond )
    if( perf ) cat( sprintf( "[%g]\n", gettime()-time_start ) )        
    if( 0 < length(out$cluster) )
        #   if a p-face is in a cluster of p-faces with the same normal vector, 
        #   then face$center is probably not correct.
        #   Such a p-face is just a part of a compound face.
        #   Fix these by transforming to 2D, computing zonogon3, and then back to 3D again.
        #   Store the zonogon3 for later use when raytracing.
        clusters    = length(out$cluster) 
        if( perf )
            cat( sprintf( "partitioning %d compound faces...", clusters ) )
            time_start = gettime()
        #   make 2D lookup table from zonohedron p-face indexes, to zonohedron p-face number
        lookup2D    = matrix( 0L, nrow(Wcond), nrow(Wcond) )
        lookup2D[ out$face$idx ]    =  1:nrow(out$face$idx)
        out$zonogon3    = vector( clusters, mode='list' )
        out$center3D    = matrix( NA_real_, clusters, 3 )
        out$lookupgen   = vector( clusters, mode='list' )   # lookup zonogon3 generator -> zonohedron generator
        out$lookupface  = vector( clusters, mode='list' )   # lookup zonogon3 faceidx -> zonohedron faceidx
        for( k in 1:clusters )
            cluster     = out$cluster[[k]]
            #   take the first one's normal to represent all of them
            #   we have already made them consistent in sign
            normalk     = out$face$normal[ cluster[1], ]            
            #   frame3x2    = base::svd( normalk, nu=3 )$u[ , 2:3 ]   #; print(frame3x2)
            frame3x2    = out$frame3x2[[k]]
            idx = out$face$idx[ cluster, ]
            generatorvec    = makeconsecutive( unique( as.integer(idx) ), n ) #; print(generatorvec)
            #   find center of the compound face in 3D.  center3D
            functional  = as.numeric(out$Wcond %*% normalk)     #; print(functional)
            functional[ generatorvec ] = 0    # exactly
            face_center = 0.5 * sign(functional)            #; print(face_center) # in the unit cube
            out$center3D[k, ]   = crossprod( face_center, out$Wcond )   #; print(out$center3D[k, ])  # in the centered zonohedron

            #  project the generators from 3D to 2D
            W2      = out$Wcond[ generatorvec, ] %*% frame3x2       #; print(W2)
            zonogon = zonogon3( W2 )              
            if( is.null(zonogon) ) return(NULL)

            out$zonogon3[[k]]   = zonogon
            out$lookupgen[[k]]  = generatorvec      # lookup from zonogon generator index to zonohedron generator index (row number of Wcond)

            df  = getcenters( zonogon )
            #   facecenter2D is in the plane and not centered
            facecenter2D    = df$center

            # transform parallelogram centers from 2D to 3D
            pgrams  = nrow(df)
            facecenter3D    = facecenter2D %*% t(frame3x2)  +  matrix( out$center3D[k, ], pgrams, 3, byrow=TRUE ) 
            #print(facecenter3D)  # in the centered zonohedron for the compound face

            #   center2 contains pgram centers, in the *centered* zonogon
            #center2 = zono$parallelogram$center - matrix( zono$center, pgrams, 2, byrow=TRUE )
            #   center3 contains the pgram centers, in the centered zonohedron
            #center3 = tcrossprod( center2, frame3x2 )  +  matrix( centerface, pgrams, 3, byrow=TRUE )
            #  print( center3 )
            #   copy the centers from center3 to face$center, while tracking the index pairs
            lookupface  = integer(pgrams)
            for( kk in 1:pgrams )
                #   get the zonogon indexes for this p-gram
                idx = df$idx[kk, ]
                #   map from zonogon to zonohedron indexes
                idx = sort( generatorvec[idx] ) #; print(idx)
                #   find the p-face index in the zonohedron!
                #   i   = which( out$face$idx[ ,1] == idx[1]   &   out$face$idx[ ,2] == idx[2] )    this is slower
                i   = lookup2D[ idx[1], idx[2] ]        # this is faster
                if( i==0  ||  !(i %in% cluster) )
                    # something is wrong
                    print( generatorvec )
                    print( i )
                    print( cluster )
                    print( idx )
                    log_string( FATAL, "no match for idx=%d,%d.  Try reducing tol2=%g to a smaller value", 
                                        idx[1], idx[2], tol2 )                    
                out$face$center[i, ]    = facecenter3D[kk, ]
                lookupface[kk]  = i
            out$lookupface[[k]] = lookupface
        if( perf ) cat( sprintf( "[%g]\n", gettime()-time_start ) )                

    if( perf )
        cat( sprintf( "computing %d plane constants...", n*(n-1)/2 ) )
        time_start = gettime()
    #   calculate the n(n-1)/2 plane constants beta
    #   these plane constants are for the centered zonohedron
    out$face$beta   = .rowSums( out$face$normal * out$face$center, nrow(out$face$normal), 3 )
    #   since W has rank 3, 0 is in the interior of the _centered_ zonohedron,
    #   and this implies that all n(n-1)/2 beta's are positive, except the NAs.
    #   verify this
    betamin = min( out$face$beta  )
    if( betamin <= 0 )
        log_string( FATAL, "Internal Error.  min(beta)=%g <= 0.", betamin )
    if( FALSE  &&  0 < length(out$cluster) )  # Set to FALSE for RELEASE.   
        #   within each cluster, all the faces should have the same plane constant (up to a tiny epsilon)
        betarange   = sapply( out$cluster, function(ivec) { diff( range( out$face$beta[ivec] ) ) }  )   # print( betarange )
        tiny    = 5.e-8
        if( tiny < max(betarange) )
            log_string( WARN, "For cluster %d, plane constant range = %g > %g.", 
                                which.max(betarange), max(betarange), tiny )

    if( perf ) cat( sprintf( "[%g]\n", gettime()-time_start ) ) 
    class(out)  = c( 'zonohedron', class(out) )
    if( perf )  cat( sprintf( "Total constructor time: %g.\n",  gettime() - time0 ) )
##----------        zonohedron methods    -------------##
#   x   a zonohedron object
#   g   an Nx3 matrix, etc.
#   value   a dataframe with columns
#           inside      logical
#           distance    numeric, non-positive means inside
inside.zonohedron <- function( x, g )
    g   = prepareNxM( g, 3 )
    if( is.null(g) )    return(NULL)
    #   translate g to the centered zonohedron
    gcentered   = g - matrix( x$center, nrow(g), 3, byrow=TRUE ) #; print(gcentered)
    hg  = tcrossprod( x$face$normal, gcentered )    #; print( str(hg) )
    distance    = abs(hg) - matrix( x$face$beta, nrow(hg), ncol(hg) )
    distance    = base::apply( distance, 2, function(z) {suppressWarnings( max(z,na.rm=TRUE) ) } )  #;   print(distance)
    distance[ ! is.finite(distance) ]   = NA_real_
    if( x$nonnegative )
        #   special override for black
        black   = apply( g, 1, function(v) { isTRUE(all(v==0)) } )  #; print(black)
        if( any(black) )
            distance[black] = 0
        #   special override for white.  Fortunately multiplication by 0.5 and 2 preserves all precision.
        white   = apply( g, 1, function(v) { isTRUE(all(v==2*x$center)) } )  #; print(white)
        if( any(white) )
            distance[white] = 0
    out = data.frame( inside=(distance<=0) )
    rownames(out)   = rownames(g)
    out$g           = g
    out$distance    = distance

#   a list with
#       area    total surface area = sum of the area of all the parallelograms
#       volume  total volume  = sum of the volume of all the pyramids, with vertex at the center of the zonohedron

metrics.zonohedron <- function( x )
    out = list()
    out$area    = 2*sum( x$face$area )
    out$volume  = (2/3) * sum( x$face$area * x$face$beta )
    return( out )
#   x           a zonohedron object
#   base        a numeric vector of length 3, the basepoint of all the rays
#               base must be in the interior of x,
#               or if x is non-negative, base can also be the black or white point on the boundary(x)
#   direction   an Nx3 matrix with non-zero directions in the rows
#   value   a dataframe N rows, and these columns
#           base        given basepoint of the ray (all the same)
#           direction   given direction of the ray
#           faceidx     of the parallelogram face where ray exits the zonohedron. The row number of x$face
#           tmax        ray parameter of intersection with face
#           boundary    the intersection with face
#           alpha       2 coordinates of boundary point in the parallelogram coords.  both in [0,1]
#           clusteridx  index of compound face cluster containg boundary intersection, or 0 if a simple face
#           faces       1 if face faceidx is a simple face in no cluster, and the number of p-grams in the compound face otherwise
#           timetrace   the time it took to compute intersection and associated stuff

raytrace.zonohedron <- function( x, base, direction )
    #cat( "raytrace()", 'base=', base, 'direction=', direction, '\n' )
    ok  = is.numeric(base)  &&  length(base)==3  &&  all( is.finite(base) )
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "base is invalid. It must be a numeric vector of length 3, and all entries finite." )
    direction   = prepareNxM( direction, 3 )
    if( is.null(direction) )    return(NULL)

    base    = as.numeric(base)
    #   translate base to the centered zonohedron
    gcentered   = base - x$center  #; print(gcentered)
    #   test whether base is black or white point, no tolerance here
    blackwhite  = ifelse( x$nonnegative, all(gcentered == x$center) || all(gcentered == -x$center), FALSE )  #; print( blackwhite )

    hg  = as.numeric( x$face$normal  %*%  gcentered )      #; print( str(hg) )
    distance    = abs(hg) - x$face$beta 
    rtol    = 1.e-14    
    if( blackwhite )
        #   change distance that is very close to 0
        #   print( abs(distance) )
        boundary    = abs(distance) < rtol * mean(abs(x$center))     #; print(boundary)
        distance[boundary]  = 0                                     #; print(distance)
        distance    = max( distance, na.rm=TRUE )   #;   print(distance)
        ok  = distance <= 0
        distance    = max( distance, na.rm=TRUE )   #;   print(distance)
        ok  = distance < 0
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "point base=(%g,%g,%g) is not in the interior of the zonohedron.  distance=%g >= 0.", 
                                base[1], base[2], base[3], distance )
    n   = nrow(direction)

    tmax        = rep(NA_real_,n)
    faceidx     = rep(NA_integer_,n)    
    sign        = rep(NA_integer_,n)        
    boundary    = matrix(NA_real_,n,3)
    alpha       = matrix(NA_real_,n,2)
    faces       = rep(NA_integer_,n)
    clusteridx  = rep(NA_integer_,n)
    timetrace   = rep(NA_real_,n)    
    for( k in 1:n )
        time_start  = gettime()
        v   = direction[k, ]
        if( any( is.na(v) ) )   next
        if( sum(v*v) == 0 ) next    # 0-vector
        hv      = x$face$normal  %*%  v
        numerator   = x$face$beta - sign(hv)*hg
        tvec    = numerator / abs(hv) 
        if( blackwhite )
            #   find those planes that contain black or white
            bound   = abs(numerator) < rtol * sum(abs(x$center))    #; print( sum(is.na(bound)) )
            bound[ is.na(bound) ] = FALSE
            #numerator[bound]  = 0

            tvec[bound]  = ifelse( 0 < hv[bound], 0, Inf )    # 0 here will later make the corresponding boundary = NA 

        tvec[ ! is.finite(tvec) ]   = Inf
        j   = which.min( tvec )     # this ignores Infs
        tmax[k]     = tvec[j]       # tmax[k] is not negative, and might be 0 if base is black or white

        # idx = x$face$idx[j, ] 
        if( tmax[k] <= 0 )  next    # failed to intersect properly

        #   cat( "--------------", v, "---------------------------\n" )
        optcentered     = gcentered  +  tmax[k] * v             #;  print( optcentered )         
        boundary[k, ]   = optcentered + x$center
        if( is.null(x$clusteridx) )
            cidx = 0
            cidx =  x$clusteridx[j]    
        if( is.na(cidx) )   next    # should not happen
        clusteridx[k]   = cidx
        theSign = sign(hv[j])     
        if( cidx == 0 )
            #   ray intersects a simple p-face, a singleton cluster of normals
            faces[k]    = 1
            faceidx[k]  = j
            facecenter      = theSign * x$face$center[j, ]          #;  print( facecenter ) 
            edges           = t( x$Wcond[ x$face$idx[j, ], ] )         # 2 edges of the parallelogram, as 3x2 matrix
            M               = cbind( edges, x$face$normal[j, ] )    #; print( M )    # M is 3x3
            y               = base::solve( M, optcentered - facecenter )    #; print(y)
            #   test for inside parallelogram, with a tolerance
            if( all(abs(y[1:2]) <= 0.5 + 5.e-7 ) )
                #   found it
                #   idx[k, ]    = x$face$idx[j, ]   # override above
                sign[k]     = theSign                
                alpha[k, ]  = pmin( pmax( y[1:2] + 0.5, 0), 1 )     # translate from [-0.5,0.5] to [0,1] and clamp
            #   ray intersects a compound face, a non-trivial cluster of normals
            cluster = x$cluster[[ cidx ]]  
            faces[k]    = length(cluster)   # length(cluster) is always > 1
            sign[k]     = theSign
            #   cat( sprintf( "Searching in cluster %d, with %d subfaces.  Not working yet.\n", cidx, length(cluster) ) )

            # get the zonogon3 and trace that instead
            #   project optcentered to 2D
            zono3   = x$zonogon3[[ cidx ]]    #; plot( zono3 )
            frame3x2    = x$frame3x2[[ cidx ]]    #   frame3x2fun( x$face$normal[j, ] )

            center3D    = theSign * x$center3D[cidx, ]
            opt2D   = (optcentered - center3D) %*% frame3x2  +  zono3$center  #; print(opt2D)

            res = raytrace2( zono3$zonohedron, c(opt2D,0), c(0,0,1) )
            # print( res )
            # print( res$source )
            faceidx[k]  = x$lookupface[[cidx]][ res$faceidx ]
            alpha[k, ]  = res$alpha
            #cat( "faceidx1=", j, "   normal1=", x$face$normal[j, ], '\n' )           
            #cat( "faceidx2=", faceidx[k],  "    normal2=", x$face$normal[faceidx[k], ], '\n' )
            #cat( "faceidx=", faceidx[k], "   cidx=", cidx, "  theSign=", theSign, "  frame3x2=", frame3x2, '\n' )


        timetrace[k]    = gettime() - time_start
    out = data.frame( row.names=1:n )
    out$base        = matrix( base, n, 3, byrow=TRUE )  # replicate base to all rows
    out$direction   = direction
    out$faceidx     = faceidx    
    out$sign        = sign
    out$tmax        = tmax
    out$boundary    = boundary
    out$alpha       = alpha   
    out$clusteridx  = clusteridx
    out$faces       = faces    
    out$timetrace   = timetrace

    #if( blackwhite )    tmax[ tmax==0 ] = NA_real_      # so boundary becomes NA too !
    #out$boundary     = out$base  +  tmax * direction   # tmax is replicated to 3 columns

    cnames  = colnames(base)
    if( is.null(cnames) )   cnames = colnames(direction)    
    colnames(out$boundary)   = cnames
    return( out )
#   in this one, base is not required to be inside the zonohedron
#   the returned intersection is with the boundary, and is the first one along the ray
#   this one assumes no compound faces, and does *NOT* handle clusters.
#   value   a dataframe N rows, and these columns
#           base        given basepoint of the ray (all the same)
#           direction   given directions of the ray; usually only one of them.
#           tint        ray parameter of intersection with face
#           faceidx     of the parallelogram face where ray first intersects the zonohedron. The row number of x$face
#           idx         pair of face indexes  (redundant)
#           boundary    the intersection with face
#           alpha       2 coordinates of boundary in the parallelogram coords.  both in [0,1]
#           source      point in source cube that maps to boundary point.  It always inverts boundary.
#           delta       difference between L(source) and boundary

raytrace2.zonohedron <- function( x, base, direction )
    # cat( "raytrace2()", 'base=', base, 'direction=', direction, '\n' )
    ok  = is.numeric(base)  &&  length(base)==3  &&  all( is.finite(base) )
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "base is invalid. It must be a numeric vector of length 3, and all entries finite." )
    direction   = prepareNxM( direction, 3 )
    if( is.null(direction) )    return(NULL)

    base    = as.numeric(base)
    #   translate base to the centered zonohedron
    gcentered   = base - x$center  #; print(gcentered)
    #   test whether base is black or white point, no tolerance here
    #blackwhite  = ifelse( x$nonnegative, all(gcentered == x$center) || all(gcentered == -x$center), FALSE )  #; print( blackwhite )

    hg  = as.numeric( x$face$normal  %*%  gcentered )      #; print( str(hg) )
    n       = nrow(direction)   
    faces   = nrow( x$face$normal )
    tint        = rep(NA_real_,n)           # t at intersection
    faceidx     = rep(NA_integer_,n)
    idx         = matrix(NA_integer_,n,2)
    boundary    = matrix(NA_real_,n,3)
    alpha       = matrix(NA_real_,n,2)
    source      = matrix(NA_real_, n, nrow(x$Wcond) )
    for( k in 1:n )
        v   = direction[k, ]
        if( any( ! is.finite(v) ) )   next
        if( sum(v*v) == 0 ) next    # 0-vector
        hv      = x$face$normal  %*%  v
        signvec = sign( hv )
        tmin    =   (-signvec * x$face$beta  -  hg) / hv
        tmax    =   ( signvec * x$face$beta  -  hg) / hv
        #mask0   = (hv == 0)        
        #tmin[mask0] = -Inf
        #tmax[mask0] =  Inf
        jmax    = which.min( tmax )     # this ignores NAs, but not +/-Inf
        tmax    = tmax[jmax]
        if( tmax <= 0 )  next    # failed to intersect the ray
        jmin    = which.max( tmin )     # this ignores NAs, but not +/-Inf   
        tmin    = tmin[jmin]
        #   the next check tests whether the ray intersects the zonohedron.
        #   If the ray is parallel to a slab, and outside it, then either tmax=-Inf or tmin=+Inf.
        if( tmax < tmin )   next
        if( 0 < tmin )
            #   basepoint is outside zonohedron
            tint[k] = tmin
            j       = jmin
            theSign = -signvec[j]            
            #   basepoint is inside zonohedron
            tint[k] = tmax
            j       = jmax
            theSign = signvec[j]

        faceidx[k]      = j            
        idx[k, ]        = x$face$idx[j, ] 

        theNormal       = theSign * x$face$normal[j, ]
        optcentered     = gcentered  +  tint[k] * v             #;  print( optcentered )         
        boundary[k, ]   = optcentered + x$center                

        facecenter      = theSign * x$face$center[j, ]          #;  print( facecenter ) 
        edges           = t( x$Wcond[ x$face$idx[j, ], ] )         # 2 edges of the parallelogram, as 3x2 matrix
        M               = cbind( edges, x$face$normal[j, ] )    #; print( M )    # M is 3x3
        y               = base::solve( M, optcentered - facecenter )    #; print(y)
        #   test for inside parallelogram, with a tolerance
        ok  = all(abs(y[1:2]) <= 0.5 + 5.e-7 ) 
        if( ! ok )  next    # something went wrong

        #   sign[k]     = theSign                
        # translate from [-0.5,0.5] to [0,1] and clamp
        alpha[k, ]  = pmin( pmax( y[1:2] + 0.5, 0), 1 )     
        #   assign the source point in the cube [corresponds to the reflectance spectrum]
        source[ k, ]    = (sign(x$Wcond %*% theNormal) + 1) / 2

        #   override the coordinates in the parallelogram
        source[ k, idx[k, ]  ]   = alpha[k, ]
    out = data.frame( row.names=1:n )
    out$base        = matrix( base, n, 3, byrow=TRUE )  # replicate base to all rows
    out$direction   = direction
    out$tint        = tint    
    out$faceidx     = faceidx        
    out$idx         = idx    
    out$boundary    = boundary
    out$alpha       = alpha
    out$source      = source
    out$delta       = source %*% x$Wcond  -  out$boundary       # compare mapped point to boundary
    if( TRUE )
        delta   = max( abs(out$delta) ) #; print(delta)
        if( 1.e-10 < delta )
            # cat( out$delta, '\n' )
            log_string( ERROR, "Failed verification, delta=%g.", delta )
    cnames  = colnames(base)
    if( is.null(cnames) )   cnames = colnames(direction)    
    colnames(out$boundary)   = cnames
    #   print( out )
    return( out )    

#   given a point on the boundary, return a point in the unit n-cube that maps to it, under W  
#       x           the zonogon
#       boundary    Mx3 matrix with points on the boundary of x
#                   Such points typically come in 1 of 2 ways:
#                       1) as computed by raytrace().  In this case the next variable - data - is available.
#                       2) for a cyclic zonohedron, as a 2-transition combination of the generators.  The variable - data - is NOT available.
#       data    optional data.frame as returned from raytrace(), which is used to speed up the inversion.
#               There are M rows, and columns used are:
#                   faceidx     index of the face in x$face
#                   sign        sign of the face = +-1
#                   alpha       coordinate along the face, in [0,1]
#                   clusteridx  index of clustered compound face, or 0 in case the faces is simple  (redundant)
#       tol     tolerance for verification, or NULL to skip verification.  Set to NULL for RELEASE.
#   returns a data.frame with M rows and these columns:
#       boundary    the original given matrix
#       clusteridx  index of clustered compound face, or 0 in case the faces is simple
#       source      an mxn matrix, where m=nrow(data)  n=number of rows in x$W 
#                   each row of the matrix is a point in the n-cube
#                   that maps to the boundary point on the zonohedron
#       delta       L^1-difference between the mapped point and the given boundary point.  
#                   Only present when verification is done.

invertboundary.zonohedron <- function( x, boundary, data=NULL, tol=NULL )      #1.e-9 )
    #cat( "invertboundary()", 'boundary=', boundary,   '\n' )
    ok  = is.numeric(boundary)  &&  is.matrix(boundary)  &&  0<nrow(boundary)  &&  ncol(boundary)==3
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "argument boundary is invalid." )

    if( is.null(data) )
        #   compute data from x and boundary
        direction   = boundary - matrix( x$center, nrow(boundary), 3, byrow=TRUE )
        data    = raytrace( x, x$center, direction )
        if( is.null(data) ) return(NULL)
        #   check tmax
        delta   = max( abs(data$tmax-1) )
        eps = 5.e-10
        if( eps < delta )
            log_string( WARN, "boundary delta = %g > %g.", delta, eps )

    #   get the number of boundary points
    m   = nrow(boundary)      
    ok  = is.data.frame(data)  &&  nrow(data)==m
    ok  = ok   &&   !is.null(data$faceidx)  &&  !is.null(data$sign)  &&  !is.null(data$alpha)
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "argument data is invalid." )
    n   = nrow(x$W)
    #   faceindex   = apply( data$idx, 1, function(pair) {  which( x$face$idx[ ,1] == pair[1]  &  x$face$idx[ ,2] == pair[2] ) } )
    source  = matrix( NA_real_, m, n )
    for( i in 1:m )
        if( data$clusteridx[i] == 0 )
            #   a simple p-face; there are 2 generators
            k   = data$faceidx[i]
            normalk             = x$face$normal[k, ]
            functional          = as.numeric( x$Wcond %*% normalk )       #; print(functional)
            pair                = as.integer( x$face$idx[k, ] )
            functional[pair]    = 0    # exactly
            pcube               = 0.5 * ( data$sign[i] * sign(functional) + 1 )      #; print(face_center) # in the n-cube         
            pcube[pair]         = data$alpha[i, ]                   # overwrite 0.5 and 0.5
            #   a compound face, so there are more than 2 generators involved
            cidx    = data$clusteridx[i]
            k   = data$faceidx[i]
            normalk     = x$face$normal[k, ]        #;             print( str(normalk) )
            frame3x2    = x$frame3x2[[ cidx ]]  #; frame3x2fun( normalk )            
            functional          = as.numeric( x$Wcond %*% normalk )       #; print(functional)
            tuple               = x$lookupgen[[ cidx ]]  #; print( tuple )
            functional[tuple]   = 0    # exactly            
            zono3   = x$zonogon3[[ cidx ]]    #; plot( zono3 )
            center3D    = data$sign[i] * x$center3D[cidx, ]
            # cat( "faceidx=",  k, "   cidx=", cidx, "  theSign=", data$sign[i], "   normalk=", normalk,  "  frame3x2=", frame3x2, '\n' )
            bcentered   = boundary[i, ]  -  x$center
            opt2D   = (bcentered - center3D) %*% frame3x2  +  zono3$center  #; print(opt2D)

            pmat    = matrix( NA_real_, 2, n )
            #   trans   = integer(2)

            for( j in 1:2 )
                if( j == 2 )
                    opt2D   = 2*zono3$center - opt2D
                res = raytrace2( zono3$zonohedron, c(opt2D,0), c(0,0,1) )
                # print( res )
                # print( res$source )            

                pmat[j, ]         = 0.5 * ( data$sign[i] * sign(functional) + 1 )
                pmat[j,tuple]     = res$source
                if( j == 2 )
                    pmat[j,tuple] = 1 - pmat[j,tuple]
                #   trans[j]    = counttransitions( pmat[j, ] )
            #print( trans )
            #   choose the option with fewer transitions
            if( counttransitions(pmat[1, ]) < counttransitions(pmat[2, ]) )
                pcube   = pmat[1, ]
                pcube   = pmat[2, ]
        #   pcube is in the "condensed" cube for the condensed generators
        #   now expand to the original generators
        source[ i, ]    = expandcoeffs( x, pcube )
    rnames  = rownames(boundary)
    if( is.null(rnames) )   rnames = 1:m
    colnames(source)    = rownames( x$W )
    #   rownames(source)    = as.character( data$idx )    
    out = data.frame( row.names=rnames )
    out$clusteridx  = data$clusteridx
    out$boundary    = boundary
    out$source      = source

    if( is.numeric(tol) && length(tol)==1 && is.finite(tol) && 0<=tol )
        #   map from boundary of n-cube to the boundary of zonohedron
        bpoint  = source %*% x$W
        delta   = abs(bpoint - data$boundary)   #; print( delta )
        #   attr( source, 'delta' ) = delta
        out$delta   = rowSums(delta)
        if( tol <= max(out$delta,na.rm=TRUE) )
            log_string( WARN, "Verification failed. max(delta)=%g > %g.", max(delta), tol )

    return( out )
#   x       a zonohedron, or any list with W, Wcond, group, groupidx
#   pcube   point in the condensed cube, thought of as a reflectance spectrum
#   returns a point out in (possibly) bigger cube, so that
#       out %*% x$W  =  pcube %*% x$Wcond   (up to roundoff)
#   If there are non-trivial groups, there are many ways to do this,
#   but try to minimize the number of transitions.

expandcoeffs <- function( x, pcube, tol=NULL )    
    if( length(pcube) != nrow(x$Wcond) )
        log_string( FATAL, "mismatch %d != %d", length(pcube), nrow(x$Wcond) )
    n   = nrow(x$W)
    if( nrow(x$Wcond) == n )    return( pcube )     # no condensation
    knext   = c( 2:length(pcube), 1 )
    kprev   = c( length(pcube), 1:(length(pcube)-1) )
    out = numeric( n )
    #   examine the non-trivial groups
    #   the easy way is to assign the weight of the condensed generator to all members of the group.
    #   but this way would not minimize the number of transitions, so we must work harder.
    for( k in 1:length(pcube) )
        group   = x$group[[k]]
        alpha   = pcube[k]        
        if( length(group)==1  ||  alpha==0  ||  alpha==1 )
            #   trivial cases
            out[ group ]   = alpha
        #    nontrivial splitting
        # cat( "group", k, '\n' )
        w       = x$Wcond[k, ]
        betavec  = (x$W[group, ] %*% w) / sum(w*w)
        # print( betavec )
        m       = length(group)        
        csum    = c(0,cumsum(betavec))  #;     print( csum )
        upper   = csum[ 2:(m+1) ]
        alphasplit  = numeric(m)
        #   choose output form to minimize the number of transitions
        if( pcube[kprev[k]]  >  pcube[knext[k]] )
            #   output form is 1111...X00000...
            alphasplit[ upper < alpha ]  = 1            
            i   = findInterval( alpha, csum )            
            alphasplit[i]   = (alpha - csum[i]) / betavec[i]
            #   output form is 0000...X11111...            
            alphasplit[ upper < 1-alpha ]  = 1            
            i   = findInterval( 1-alpha, csum )            
            alphasplit[i]   = (1-alpha - csum[i]) / betavec[i]
            alphasplit  = 1 - alphasplit
        #   print( alphasplit )
        out[ group ]    = alphasplit
    #    now examine the 0-generators.  
    #   They can be assigned any coefficient, but assign to minimize # of transitions.
    idx     = which( is.na(x$groupidx) )
    inext   = c( 2:n, 1 )
    iprev   = c( n, 1:(n-1) )
    for( i in idx )
        if( out[iprev[i]]==1  ||  out[inext[i]]==1 )
            out[i]  = 1
    if( ! is.null(tol) )
        #   verify the results
        delta   = out %*% x$W  -  pcube %*% x$Wcond
        mad = max( abs(delta) ) ; cat( "mad=", mad, '\n' )
        if( tol < mad )
            log_string( WARN, "%g < %g = max(abs(delta))", tol, mad )

   return( out )

#   section() compute intersection of zonohedron and plane(s)
#   x           a zonohedron object
#   normal      a non-zero numeric vector of length 3, the normal of all the planes
#   beta        a vector of plane-constants.  The equation of plane k is: <x,normal> = beta[k]
#   value   a list of length = length(beta).  Each list has the items:
#           beta        given plane constant of the plane
#           section     Mx3 matrix of points on the section, in order around the boundary
#                       M=1 for support lines, and if there is no intersection, then M=0 rows.

section.zonohedron <- function( x, normal, beta )
    ok  = is.numeric(normal)  &&  length(normal)==3  &&  all( is.finite(normal) )
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "normal is invalid. It must be a numeric vector of length 3, and all entries finite." )
    ok  = is.numeric(beta)  &&  0<length(beta)   &&  all( is.finite(beta) )
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "beta is invalid. It must be a numeric vector of positive length, and all entries finite." )
    cnames  = names(normal) # save these
    dim(normal) = NULL
    n   = nrow( x$Wcond )

    #   compute functional in R^n
    functional  = as.numeric( x$Wcond %*% normal )   #; print( functional ) 
    #   find vertex of centered zonohedron where functional is maximized
    vertex_max  = 0.5 * sign( functional )      #; print( vertex_max )  # this a vertex of the n-cube, translated by -1/2
    #   vertex  = crossprod( vertex_max, x$Wcond )
    betamax = sum( functional * vertex_max )    # the maximum of <x,normal> for x in the zonotope
    betamin = -betamax  # by symmetry
    # print( betamax )
    #   find points on boundary of centered zonohedron where <x,normal> is maximized and minimized
    bp_max  = as.numeric( crossprod( x$Wcond, vertex_max ) )
    bp_min  = -bp_max        # by symmetry
    #   the face centers are much easier to work with when the antipodal ones are added to the originals
    #   make matrix of all parallelogram centers with n*(n-1) rows
    center      = rbind( x$face$center, -x$face$center )
    #   make matching products of these centers and normal vector
    cn  = as.numeric( x$face$center %*% normal )
    cn  = c( cn, -cn )
    #   make delta1 and delta2, these are signed and with length n*(n-1)/2
    delta1      = functional[ x$face$idx[ ,1] ]
    delta2      = functional[ x$face$idx[ ,2] ]
    #   make delta with length n*(n-1), this is the max delta of the inner product with normal, and we apply it on both sides
    delta       = pmax( abs(delta1), abs(delta2) )
    delta       = rep( delta, 2 )

    #   compute range of normal over each parallelogram face
    cnneg   = cn - delta/2    
    cnpos   = cn + delta/2

    #   print( data.frame( idx=x$face$idx, cn=cn, delta=delta ), max=300 )

    #   translate beta to the centered zonogon
    betacentered   = as.numeric(beta) - sum( x$center * normal )  #; print(betacentered)

    out         = vector( length(beta), mode='list' )
    names(out)  = sprintf( "normal=%g,%g,%g. beta=%g", normal[1], normal[2], normal[3], beta )
    tol = 1.e-10
    #   make tiny lookup table for wraparound
    inext   = c( 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L )
    #   make 4x2 weights for the vertices of the centered parallelogram, in order around circumference
    vertmat =  matrix( c( -0.5,-0.5, -0.5,0.5, 0.5,0.5, 0.5,-0.5), 4, 2, byrow=TRUE  )
    #   find 3x2 matrix for projection to 2D
    frame3x2    = frame3x2fun(normal)   #; base::svd( normal, nu=3 )$u[ , 2:3 ]   #; print(frame3x2)
    for( k in 1:length(beta) )
        beta_k  = betacentered[k]
        if( beta_k < betamin-tol  ||  betamax+tol < beta_k )
            #   plane does not intersect the zonohedron, there is no section
            out[[k]]    = list( beta=beta[k],  section=matrix( 0, 0, 3 ) )      
        if( abs(beta_k - betamax) < tol )
            #   special case - only one point of intersection
            out[[k]]    = list( beta=beta[k],  section= matrix( vertex_max %*% x$Wcond  + x$center, 1, 3 ) )
        if( abs(beta_k - betamin) < tol )
            #   special case - only one point of intersection
            out[[k]]    = list( beta=beta[k],  section= matrix( -vertex_max %*% x$Wcond  + x$center, 1, 3 ) )       
        #   find indexes of all parallelograms that intersect this plane
        indexvec = which( cnneg <= beta_k  &  beta_k < cnpos )  #; print( indexvec )

        if( length(indexvec) == 0 )  
            # should not happen
            # log_string( WARN, .... )

        # visit all the parallelograms
        # cat( sprintf( "In section %d, found %d pgrams, beta=%g.\n", k, length(indexvec), beta[k] ) )

        section = matrix( NA_real_, length(indexvec), 3 )

        for( j in 1:length(indexvec) )
            #   cat( "------------", j, "-------------\n" )            
            #   the boundary of each parallelogram intersects the plane in 2 points
            #   compute one of them and add to the matrix
            #   i is the index of the pgram in the doubled arrays: center, cn, delta, cnneg, cnpos
            i   = indexvec[j]   
            #   imod is the index into x$face
            imod    = ( (i-1) %% nrow(x$face) ) + 1
            if( is.na(x$face$beta[imod]) )    next    # pgram is degenerate sliver, so ignore it
            pcenter = center[i, ]
            if( FALSE )
            print( i )
            print( x$face$idx[imod, ] )
            print( pcenter + x$center )
            print( cn[i] )
            pdelta  = delta[i]            
            print( pdelta )
            #   compute signed weights of the 4 vertices, matching the order in vertmat
            #   there should be exactly 1 transition from negative to positive
            weight  =  cn[i] - beta_k   +  as.numeric( vertmat %*% c( delta1[imod], delta2[imod] ) )   #; print( weight )
            sdiff   = diff(  sign( c( weight, weight[1] ) ) )
            itrans  = which( sdiff == 2 )   #;    print( itrans )
            if( length(itrans) != 1 )   
                # failure to intersect properly, so ignore it
                cat( "Did not intersect pgram !\n" )
                print( x$face$idx[imod, ] )
            itransnext  = inext[ itrans ]
            #itransnext  = itrans + 1
            #if( itransnext == 5 )   itransnext = 1
            #   compute interpolation parameter s, in the inteval [0,1]
            s   = -weight[itrans] / ( weight[itransnext] - weight[itrans] )     #; cat( "s=", s, '\n' )
            edgemat = (1-s) * vertmat[itrans, ]  +  s * vertmat[itransnext, ]
            #   extract 2x3 matrix of sides of this parallelogram
            W2x3    = x$Wcond[ x$face$idx[imod, ], ]    #;print( W2x3 )                        
            #   finally compute intersection of boundary of pgram and the plane, in the centered zonohedron
            section[j, ] = pcenter  +  edgemat %*% W2x3      #; print( section[j, ] )
            #if( 2 < j ) break            
        #   remove any NAs, which may have come from degenerate pgrams
        mask = is.finite( .rowSums( section, nrow(section), ncol(section) ) )
        section = section[ mask, ]            
        #   project all 3D points in section to the plane
        #   find suitable point in the interior of this section, using bp_min and bp_max
        s   = (beta_k - betamin) / (betamax - betamin)
        center_section  = (1-s)*bp_min + s*bp_max
        #print( center_section + x$center )

        p2D =  ( section - matrix(center_section,nrow(section),3,byrow=TRUE) )  %*%  frame3x2
        #   not a polygon yet, the points must be ordered by angle using atan2()
        perm    = order( atan2(p2D[ ,2],p2D[ ,1]) )
        #   reorder and translate from centered zonohedron to the original
        section = section[ perm, ] + matrix( x$center, nrow(section), 3, byrow=TRUE )
        out[[k]]            = list()      
        out[[k]]$beta       = beta[k]
        out[[k]]$section    = section
        colnames(out[[k]]$section)  = cnames  

    return( invisible(out) )
dumpface.zonohedron <- function( x, i1, i2=0 )
    n   = nrow(x$face)
    if( i2 == 0 )
        k = i1
        ok  = 1<=k  &&  k<=n
        if( ! ok )  return(FALSE)
        i   = x$face$idx[k,1]
        j   = x$face$idx[k,2]
        k   = which( x$face$idx[ ,1]==i1  &  x$face$idx[ ,2]==i2 ) 
        if( length(k) != 1 )    return(FALSE)     
        i   = i1
        j   = i2
    print( x$face[k, ] )
    w   = x$Wcond[ x$face$idx[k, ], ]
    rownames(w) = x$face$idx[k, ]
    #vec = c( angle=angleBetween(w[1, ],w[2, ]) )
    #cat( '\n' )
    #print( vec )    
    lens    = sqrt( rowSums(w*w) )
    w   = cbind( w, length=lens)
    cat( '\n' )
    print( w )
    cat( "\n" )    
    if( is.na(x$face$beta[k]) )
        mess    = sprintf( "Face %d(%d,%d) is degenerate.\n", k, i, j )
        cat( mess )

    normalk     = x$face$normal[k, ]
    functional  = as.numeric( x$Wcond %*% normalk )
    names(functional)    = 1:length(functional)
    func    = functional
    func[ c(i,j) ] = 0
    vertex  = 0.5*( sign(func) + 1 )
    functional  = rbind( functional, vertex )
    cat( "\n" )    
    mess = sprintf( "Transitions: %d\n", counttransitions(vertex) )
    cat( mess )
    #   examine cluster situation
    cat( "\n" )    
    if( x$clusteridx[k] == 0 )
        mess    = sprintf( "Face %d(%d,%d) is in no cluster.\n", k, i, j )
        cat( mess )
        return(  invisible(TRUE) )
    cidx    = x$clusteridx[k]
    cluster = sort( x$cluster[[ cidx ]] )
    idx = x$face$idx[ cluster, ]
    generatorvec  = makeconsecutive( unique( as.integer(idx) ), nrow(x$Wcond) )
    mess    = sprintf( "Face %d(%d,%d) is in cluster %d, with %d faces and %d generators.\n",  
                        k, i, j, cidx, length(cluster), length(generatorvec) )
    cat( '\n' )                        
    cat( mess )                        
    dumpcluster( x, cidx )

    #cat( '\n' )    
    #df  = x$face[cluster, ]
    #print( df )
    #cat( "\nSpread of normal vectors:\n" )
    #print( as.numeric( diff( apply( df$normal, 2, range, na.rm=T ) ) ) )

    #cat( "\nSegments:", segmentvec, '\n' )
    return( invisible(TRUE) )
dumpcluster.zonohedron <- function( x, k, maxrows=50 )
    ok  = 1<=k  &&  k<=length(x$cluster)
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "argument k=%d is invalid; it is not in [1,%d].", k, length(x$cluster) )
    cluster = sort( x$cluster[[ k ]] )
    idx = x$face$idx[ cluster, ]
    generatorvec    = makeconsecutive( unique( as.integer(idx) ), nrow(x$Wcond) )    
    mess    = sprintf( "Cluster %d has %d faces and %d generators (condensed).\n",  
                        k, length(cluster), length(generatorvec) )
    cat( '\n' )                        
    cat( mess )
    cat( '\n' )    
    df  = x$face[cluster, ]
    print( df, max=maxrows*ncol(df) )
    cat( "\nSpread of normal vectors:\n" )
    print( as.numeric( diff( apply( df$normal, 2, range, na.rm=T ) ) ) )

    cat( "\nGenerators (condensed):", generatorvec, '\n' )        
    generators.org  = sapply( generatorvec, function(u) { paste( x$group[[u]], collapse='+' ) } )
    cat( "Generators  (original):", generators.org, '\n' )        
    Wsub    = x$Wcond[ generatorvec, ]
    rownames(Wsub)  = sprintf( "%d [%s]", generatorvec, generators.org )
    colnames(Wsub)  = 1:3
    print( Wsub )
    if( ! is.null(x$center3D) )
        cat( "Center:", x$center3D[k, ], '\n' ) 
    return( invisible(TRUE) )    
plotcluster.zonohedron <- function( x, k )
    if( length(x$cluster) == 0 )
        log_string( ERROR, "The zonohedron has no clusters." )
    ok  = 1<=k  &&  k<=length(x$cluster)
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "k=%d is outside [1,%d].", length(x$cluster) )
    cluster     = x$cluster[[k]]

    #   take the first one's normal to represent all of them
    #   we have already made them consistent in sign
    normalk     = x$face$normal[ cluster[1], ]            
    frame3x2    = x$frame3x2[[k]]        #;base::svd( normalk, nu=3 )$u[ , 2:3 ]   #; print(frame3x2)
    idx = x$face$idx[ cluster, ]
    segmentvec  = makeconsecutive( unique( as.integer(idx) ), nrow(x$Wcond) ) #; print(segmentvec)
    #   find center of the compound face in 3D
    functional  = as.numeric(x$Wcond %*% normalk)       #; print(functional)
    functional[ segmentvec ] = 0    # exactly
    face_center = 0.5 * sign(functional)            #; print(face_center) # in the unit cube
    centerface  = crossprod( face_center, x$Wcond )     #; print(centerface)  # in the centered zonohedron
    faces   = length(cluster)   # parallelograms
    pgramlist   = vector( faces, mode='list' )
    xlim    = NULL
    ylim    = NULL
    pgram   = matrix( 0, 4, 2 )    
    for( i in 1:faces )
        #   get center of parallelogram in 2D
        center  = (x$face$center[ cluster[i], ] - centerface) %*% frame3x2      #; print(center)
        idx     = x$face$idx[ cluster[i], ]
        # cat( i, "area=", x$face$area[ cluster[i] ], '\n' )
        #  project the segments from 3D to 2D
        edge    = x$W[ idx, ] %*% frame3x2     #; print(edge)

        pgram[1, ] = center - 0.5 * edge[1, ] - 0.5*edge[2, ]
        pgram[2, ] = center - 0.5 * edge[1, ] + 0.5*edge[2, ]
        pgram[3, ] = center + 0.5 * edge[1, ] + 0.5*edge[2, ]
        pgram[4, ] = center + 0.5 * edge[1, ] - 0.5*edge[2, ]
        pgramlist[[i]]  = pgram
        xlim    = range( pgram[ ,1], xlim )
        ylim    = range( pgram[ ,2], ylim )
    plot( xlim, ylim, type='n', las=1, asp=1, lab=c(10,10,7) )
    grid( lty=1 )
    abline( h=0, v=0 )
    for( i in 1:faces )
        pgram   = pgramlist[[i]]
        polygon( pgram[ ,1], pgram[ ,2], col='white', border='red' )
        center  = (x$face$center[ cluster[i], ] - centerface) %*% frame3x2    
        idx     = x$face$idx[ cluster[i], ]
        text( center[1], center[2], sprintf( "%d,%d",idx[1],idx[2]  ) )
        points( pgram[ ,1], pgram[ ,2], pch=19 )
    title( main=sprintf( "cluster #%d, faces=%d, center=%g,%g,%g", 
                    k, faces, centerface[1], centerface[2], centerface[3] ) )

    return( invisible(TRUE) )
#   x       a zonohedron object    
#   type    'w' for wireframe, 'p' for points drawn at the center of each p-face, 'f' for filled faces
#   both    draw both symmetric halves,  (in black and red)
#   axes    c(1,2), or 1, or 2
#   cidx    draw only one specific cluster  (disabled)
#   faceidx draw only one face (disabled)
#   labels  label the faces

plot.zonohedron <- function( x, type='w', both=TRUE, axes=c(1,2), cidx=0, faceidx=0, labels=FALSE,  ... )
    if( ! requireNamespace( 'rgl', quietly=TRUE ) ) 
        log_string( ERROR, "Package 'rgl' is required.  Please install it." )        
    center  = x$center
    white   = 2 * center
    white4x3    = matrix( white, 4, 3, byrow=TRUE )
    #   start 3D drawing
    # rgl::light3d()
    cube    = rgl::scale3d( rgl::cube3d(col="white"), center[1], center[2], center[3] )
    cube    = rgl::translate3d( cube, center[1], center[2], center[3]  )

    if( 1 <= cidx  &&  cidx <= length(x$cluster) )
        cluster = x$cluster[[cidx]]
        cluster = NULL


    rgl::points3d( 0, 0, 0, col='black', size=10, point_antialias=TRUE )
    rgl::points3d( white[1], white[2], white[3], col='white', size=10, point_antialias=TRUE )
    if( grepl( 'w', type ) )
        rgl::wire3d( cube, lit=FALSE )    
        #   exact diagonal of box        
        rgl::lines3d( c(0,white[1]), c(0,white[2]), c(0,white[3]), col=c('black','white'), lwd=3, lit=FALSE )       
        for( tp in c('simple','compound') )
            if( tp == 'simple' )
                color   = 'black'                
                if( is.null(x$clusteridx) )
                    facedata    = x$face
                    facedata    = x$face[ x$clusteridx == 0, ]
                #   compound
                color   = 'green'
                if( is.null(x$clusteridx) )
                    facedata    = NULL
                    facedata    = x$face[ 0 < x$clusteridx, ]
            if( is.null(facedata) ) next
            faces   = nrow(facedata)
            if( faces == 0 )    next
            step    = 2 * length(axes)  # 2 * the number of segments per face

            mat     = matrix( 0, step*faces, 3 )

            # quad    = matrix( 0, 4, 3 )
            for( i in 1:faces )
                center  = facedata$center[i, ] 

                edge    = x$W[ facedata$idx[i, ], ]
                k       = step*(i-1)
                mat[k+1, ] = center - 0.5 * edge[1, ] - 0.5*edge[2, ]            
                if( all( axes == c(1,2) ) )
                    mat[k+2, ] = center - 0.5 * edge[1, ] + 0.5*edge[2, ]
                    mat[k+3, ] = mat[k+2, ]
                    mat[k+4, ] = center + 0.5 * edge[1, ] + 0.5*edge[2, ]
                else if( axes == 1 )
                    mat[k+2, ] = center + 0.5 * edge[1, ] - 0.5*edge[2, ]
                else if( axes == 2 )
                    mat[k+2, ] = center - 0.5 * edge[1, ] + 0.5*edge[2, ]
                #fmatch  = i %in% cluster ||  i %in% faceidx
                #col = ifelse( fmatch, 'red', 'black' )
            offset  = matrix( x$center, step*faces, 3, byrow=TRUE )
            xyz = offset + mat
            rgl::segments3d( xyz[ ,1], xyz[ ,2], xyz[ ,3], col=color )    #, front=polymode, back=polymode, col=col, lit=FALSE )
            if( both )
                #   draw opposite half
                xyz = offset - mat
                if( tp == 'simple' )  color = 'red'
                rgl::segments3d( xyz[ ,1],  xyz[ ,2], xyz[ ,3], col=color )

        # polymode    = "lines"  #ifelse( fmatch, "filled", "lines" )
        # rgl::quads3d( quad[ ,1], quad[ ,2], quad[ ,3], front=polymode, back=polymode, col=col, lit=FALSE )
        #if( both )
        #    {
        #    quad    = white4x3 - quad
        #    #rgl::quads3d( quad[ ,1], quad[ ,2], quad[ ,3], front=polymode, back=polymode, col=col, lit=FALSE )
        #    }
        #if( i %in% cluster )
        #    rgl::points3d( center[1], center[2], center[3], col=col )
        #if( labels || fmatch )
        #    {
        #    label   = sprintf( "%d,%d", x$face$idx[i,1], x$face$idx[i,2] )
        #    rgl::text3d( center[1], center[2], center[3], label, col='black', cex=0.75 )
        #    }
    if( grepl( 'f', type ) )
        #   draw filled quads
        facedata    = x$face 
        clusteridx  = x$clusteridx
        faces   = nrow(facedata)
        step    = 4   
        mat     = matrix( 0, step*faces, 3 )

        colvec  = character( step*faces )
        for( i in 1:faces )
            center  = facedata$center[i, ] 

            edge    = x$W[ facedata$idx[i, ], ]
            k       = step*(i-1)
            mat[k+1, ] = center - 0.5 * edge[1, ] - 0.5*edge[2, ]            
            mat[k+2, ] = center - 0.5 * edge[1, ] + 0.5*edge[2, ]
            mat[k+3, ] = center + 0.5 * edge[1, ] + 0.5*edge[2, ]
            mat[k+4, ] = center + 0.5 * edge[1, ] - 0.5*edge[2, ]
            col = 'black'
            if( clusteridx[i] == 0 )
                #   a simple face, a parallelogram
                col = 'green'
                #   a compound face
                pfaces  = length(x$cluster[[ clusteridx[i] ]])

                if( pfaces == 3 )
                    col = 'blue'
                else if( pfaces == 6 ) 
                    col = 'yellow'                
                else if( 10 <= pfaces ) 
                    col = 'red'                                    
            colvec[ (k+1):(k+4) ]   = col
        offset  = matrix( x$center, step*faces, 3, byrow=TRUE )
        xyz = offset + mat
        rgl::quads3d( xyz[ ,1], xyz[ ,2], xyz[ ,3], col=colvec )    #, front=polymode, back=polymode, col=col, lit=FALSE )

        if( both )
            #   draw opposite half
            xyz = offset - mat

            rgl::quads3d( xyz[ ,1],  xyz[ ,2], xyz[ ,3], col=colvec )
    if( grepl( 'p', type ) )
        #   draw first half in 'black'
        offset  = matrix( x$center, nrow(x$face), 3, byrow=TRUE )
        xyz = x$face$center + offset
        rgl::points3d( xyz[ ,1],  xyz[ ,2], xyz[ ,3], col='black', size=6, point_antialias=TRUE )
        if( both )
            #   draw 2nd half in 'red'
            xyz = -x$face$center + offset
            rgl::points3d( xyz[ ,1],  xyz[ ,2], xyz[ ,3], col='red', size=6, point_antialias=TRUE )
        if( ! is.null( x$center3D ) )
            offset  = matrix( x$center, nrow(x$center3D), 3, byrow=TRUE )            
            xyz = x$center3D + offset            
            rgl::points3d( xyz[ ,1], xyz[ ,2], xyz[ ,3], col='yellow', size=10, point_antialias=TRUE )
            if( both )
                xyz = -x$center3D + offset            
                rgl::points3d( xyz[ ,1], xyz[ ,2], xyz[ ,3], col='yellow', size=10, point_antialias=TRUE )

    return( invisible(TRUE) )
#   x       a zonohedron    
#   normal  projection is to the plane orthogonal to this vector
#   side    of the zonohedron to plot, + means the "top side" and - means the "bottom side"
#   Let normal[] point toward a light source at infinity.
#   Then the "top side" is the illuminated side, and the "bottom side" is the dark side.

plotprojection.zonohedron <- function( x, normal=c(0,0,1), side=+1 )
    frame3x2    = frame3x2fun( normal )    
    if( is.null(frame3x2) ) return(FALSE)
    center2D    = x$face$center  %*%  frame3x2
    edge2D      = x$W  %*%  frame3x2
    center0     = x$center  %*%  frame3x2
    faces   = nrow(x$face)

    step    = 4  # the number of vertices to draw per face

    xy  = matrix( NA_real_, step*faces, 2 )  
    signvec = side * as.numeric( sign( x$face$normal %*% normal ) )

    for( i in 1:faces )
        #dot     = sum( x$face$normal[i, ] * normal )
        #s       = sign( dot )
        if( is.na( signvec[i] ) )  next
        center  = signvec[i] * center2D[i, ]  +  center0
        edge    = edge2D[ x$face$idx[i, ], ]
        k       = step*(i-1)
        xy[k+1, ]   = center - 0.5 * edge[1, ] - 0.5*edge[2, ]
        xy[k+2, ]   = center - 0.5 * edge[1, ] + 0.5*edge[2, ]
        xy[k+3, ]   = center + 0.5 * edge[1, ] + 0.5*edge[2, ]
        xy[k+4, ]   = center + 0.5 * edge[1, ] - 0.5*edge[2, ]
    xlim    = range( xy[ ,1], na.rm=TRUE )  #; print( xlim )
    ylim    = range( xy[ ,2], na.rm=TRUE )  #; print( ylim )
    plot( xlim, ylim, type='n', las=1, asp=1 )
    grid( lty=1 )
    abline( h=0, v=0 )

    for( i in 1:faces )
        k       = step*(i-1)
        if( is.na( xy[k+1,1] ) )  next
        col = ifelse( 0 < signvec[i], 'pink', 'skyblue' )
        polygon( xy[ (k+1):(k+4), 1]  ,  xy[ (k+1):(k+4), 2] , col=col )
    return( invisible(TRUE) )
#   x       a zonohedron
#   normal  inward normal of halfspace that contains all the generators
#           if NULL, then one is computed automatically if possible
#   makes a 2D plot of the polygon formed by the generators    
plotpolygon.zonohedron <- function( x, normal=c(1,1,1) )
    ncond   = nrow( x$Wcond )
    if( is.null(normal) )
        if( ! requireNamespace( 'quadprog', quietly=TRUE ) )
            log_string( ERROR, "Required package 'quadprog' could not be imported."  )
        res = try( quadprog::solve.QP( diag(3), numeric(3), t(x$Wcond), rep(1,ncond) ), silent=TRUE )
        #   print(res)
        if( inherits(res,"try-error") )    
            log_string( ERROR, "zonohedron x is not salient." )
        normal  = res$solution
        normal  = normal / sqrt( sum(normal^2) )
        cat( "normal=", normal, '\n' )
    #   find denominator
    denom   = as.numeric( x$W %*% normal )
    if( ! all(0 < denom) )
        log_string( ERROR, "normal=%g,%g,%g is invalid.", normal[1], normal[2], normal[3] )
    #   compute vertices in space
    vert        = x$W / denom   # denom is replicated to all columns

    #   rotate to 2D
    vert        = vert %*% frame3x2fun(normal)  ; print(vert)

    xlim    = range(vert[ ,1])  #; print(xlim)
    ylim    = range(vert[ ,2])  #; print(ylim)
    plot( xlim, ylim, type='n', xlab='x', ylab='y', asp=1, las=1 )
    grid( lty=1 )
    #   abline( h=0, v=0 )
    polygon( vert[ ,1], vert[ ,2] )
    points( vert[ ,1], vert[ ,2], pch=20 )
    return( invisible(TRUE) )

print.zonohedron  <-  function( x, maxrows=50, ... )
    cat( "original generators: ", nrow(x$W), '\n' )
    cat( "zero generators:     ", sum( is.na(x$groupidx) ), '\n' )    
    groupidx    = x$groupidx[ is.finite(x$groupidx) ]
    redundant   = sum( duplicated(groupidx) )
    nontriv = sum( 1 < sapply( x$group, length ) )
    mess    = sprintf( "redundant generators: %d  (generating %d lines)", redundant, nontriv )
    cat( mess, '\n' )    
    cat( "condensed generators:", nrow(x$Wcond), '\n' )
    mess    = sprintf( "total faces:          %d  [%d*(%d-1)/2 p-faces. only half the total, due to central symmetry]\n",
                        nrow(x$face), nrow(x$Wcond), nrow(x$Wcond) )
    cat( mess )                        

    cat( "simple faces:        ", sum(x$clusteridx==0), ' [distinct parallelograms, only half the total, due to central symmetry]\n' )
    #mask_degen  = is.na( x$face$beta )
    #count   = sum( mask_degen )
    #   cat( "degenerate faces:    ", count, ' [angle too small, or undefined]\n' )
    mets    = metrics( x )

    #area_degen  = 2*sum( x$face$area[ mask_degen ] ) 
    #mess    = sprintf( "total area:           %g  (degenerate face area: %g.    %g of total area).\n",
    #                    area_total, area_degen, area_degen/area_total )
    #cat( mess )  
    cat( "total area:          ", mets$area, '\n' )    
    cat( "total volume:        ", mets$volume, '\n' )    

    cat( "center:              ", x$center, "    [ white:", 2*x$center, ']\n' )
    cat( "object size:         ", object.size(x), "(bytes)\n" )
    if( length(x$cluster) == 0 )
        cat( "No clusters (compound faces) were computed.\n" )
        return( invisible(TRUE) )        

    cat( '\n' )
    cat( "non-trivial clusters:", length(x$cluster), '   [clustered by face normals]\n' )
    n       = length(x$cluster) 

    faces       = integer(n)
    generators  = integer(n)
    fgmatch     = logical(n)
    area        = numeric(n)
    normal      = matrix( NA_real_, n, 3 )
    for( k in 1:length(x$cluster) )
        cluster     = sort( x$cluster[[k]] )
        faces[k]    = length(cluster)
        idx = x$face$idx[ cluster, ]
        generators[k] = length( unique( as.integer(idx) ) )
        fgmatch[k]  = (generators[k]*(generators[k]-1)/2  ==  faces[k])
        area[k]     = sum( x$face$area[cluster] )   
        normal[k, ] = x$face$normal[ cluster[1], ]
        #mess1 = sprintf( "#%d (faces=%d, generators=%d, area=%g, spread=%g)", 
        #            k, length(cluster), length(generators), area_cluster, x$spread[k] )
        #mess2 = sprintf( "%d(%d,%d)", cluster, idx[ ,1], idx[ ,2] )
        #cat( "    ", mess1, "  normal=", x$face$normal[ cluster[1], ], "   ", mess2, '\n' )
    data    = data.frame( row.names=1:n )
    data$faces          = faces   
    data$generators     = generators  
    data$fgmatch        = fgmatch
    data$area           = area  
    data$normal         = normal  
    data$spread         = x$spread
    data$center3D       = x$center3D
    cat( '\n' )        
    print( data, max=maxrows*ncol(data) )
    area_compound =  2 * sum( data$area )
    cat( '\n' )    
    cat( "area of clustered (compound faces): ", area_compound, '     ', area_compound/mets$area, 'of total area\n' )        

    cat( '\n' )
    mess = sprintf( "maximum cluster normal spread: %g  (for cluster %d).\n", 
                        max(data$spread), which.max(data$spread) )
    cat( mess )
    return( invisible(TRUE) )
#   data    a data.frame with a row for each p-face, and with columns
#           idx         pair of generators
#           clusteridx  cluster to which p-face belongs, or 0 if a simple p-gram
dumpclusters <- function( data )
    print( str(data) )
    count   = sum( is.na(data$clusteridx) )
    cat( "degenerate faces:    ", count, ' [angle too small, or undefined]\n' )
    #   find the cluster indexes
    cidx    = sort( unique(data$clusteridx) )
    if( cidx[1] == 0 )  cidx    = cidx[-1]
    m   = length(cidx)
    if( m == 0 )
        cat( "There are no compound clusters.\n" )

    faces       = integer(m)
    generators  = integer(m)
    fgmatch     = logical(m)
    for( k in 1:m )
        mask        = data$clusteridx == cidx[k]
        faces[k]    = sum( mask, na.rm=TRUE )
        idx             = data$idx[ mask, ]
        generators[k]   = length( unique( as.integer(idx) ) )
        fgmatch[k]  = (generators[k]*(generators[k]-1)/2  ==  faces[k])
    df  = data.frame( row.names=cidx )
    df$faces        = faces   
    df$generators   = generators  
    df$fgmatch      = fgmatch
    print( df )
    out = all( fgmatch )
    if( ! out )
        k   = which( ! fgmatch )[1]
        cat( "cluster ", k, "is bad!\n" )
        mask    = data$clusteridx == cidx[k]
        print( data[mask, ] )
        idx             = data$idx[ mask, ]        
        generatorvec    = sort( unique( as.integer(idx) ) )
        mat = t( utils::combn( generatorvec, 2 ) ) ; print( mat )
        mask    = logical( nrow(data) )
        for( j in 1:nrow(mat) )
            i   = which( data$idx[ ,1]==mat[j,1]  &  data$idx[ ,2]==mat[j,2] )
            mask[i] = TRUE
        print( data[mask, ] )
    return( invisible(out) )
#   W           nx3 matrix with zonohedron generators; may have NAs
#   returns TRUE or FALSE, as defined by Paul Centore
cyclicposition <- function( W  )
    n   = nrow(W)
    inext   = c( 2:n, 1 )
    iprev   = c( n, 1:(n-1) )
    #   unitize all the rows
    W2      = .rowSums( W*W, nrow(W), ncol(W) )  
    Wnorm   = W / sqrt( W2 )
    myfun   <- function( i )
        Wsub    = Wnorm[ c(iprev[i],i,inext[i]), ]
        out     = determinant( Wsub, logarithm=FALSE )
        out     = out$sign * out$modulus
        return( out )
    dets    = sapply( 1:n, myfun )   # ; print( out )
    signdets    = sign( dets )
    maskpos     = ( signdets == 1 )
    maskneg     = ( signdets == -1 )
    mask0       = ! maskpos  &  ! maskneg
    countpos    = sum( maskpos )
    countneg    = sum( maskneg )
    count0      = sum( mask0 )
    cat( "rows:     ", n, '\n' )
    rangepos    = rep( NA_real_, 2 )
    rangeneg    = rep( NA_real_, 2 )
    if( 0 < countpos )  rangepos    = range( dets[ maskpos ] )
    mess    = sprintf( "positive:  %d   range = [ %g, %g ]\n", countpos, rangepos[1], rangepos[2] )
    cat( mess )
    if( 0 < countneg )  rangeneg    = range( dets[ maskneg ] )
    mess    = sprintf( "negative:  %d   range = [ %g, %g ]\n", countneg,  rangeneg[1], rangeneg[2] )
    cat( mess )
    cat( "zero:     ", count0, '\n' )
    if( countneg < countpos )
        #   print the worst case exception
        cat( "matrix with det=", rangeneg[2], '\n' )
        i   = which( dets == rangeneg[2] )[1]
        Wsub    = W[ c(iprev[i],i,inext[i]), ]
        print( Wsub )
        #   positive are the exceptions, print some of them
        cat( '\n' )
        dets[ maskneg | mask0 ] = Inf
        perm    = order( dets )
        for( k in 1:min(countpos,50) )
            i   = perm[k]
            cat( "----------------------\n" )
            cat( "matrix with det=", dets[i], '\n' )
            Wsub    = W[ c(iprev[i],i,inext[i]), ]
            print( Wsub )
    out = diff( range(signdets) ) <= 1
    return( out )
frame3x2fun <- function( normal )
    ok  = is.numeric(normal)  &&  length(normal)==3  &&  0<sum(abs(normal))
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "argument normal is invalid." )
    out = base::svd( normal, nu=3 )$u[ , 2:3 ]     #; print( out )
    test    = crossproduct( out[ ,1], out[ ,2] )
    if( sum(test*normal) < 0 )
        #   swap columns
        out = out[ , 2L:1L ] #; cat( 'frame3x2fun().  columns swapped !\n' )
    if( isaxis( -out[ ,1] ) )
        out[ ,1]    = -out[ ,1]
        out         = out[ , 2L:1L ]    # swap
    else if( isaxis( -out[ ,2] ) )
        out[ ,2]    = -out[ ,2]    
        out         = out[ , 2L:1L ]    # swap
    if( FALSE )
        #   multiplication check
        test    = normal %*% out
        if( 1.e-14 < max(abs(test)) )
            log_string( ERROR, "frame3x2fun() failed orthogonal test = %g!", max(abs(test))  )
        test    = t(out) %*% out  -  diag(2)
        if( 1.e-14 < max(abs(test)) )
            log_string( ERROR, "frame3x2fun() failed product test = %g!", max(abs(test))  )
isaxis <- function( vec )
    n   = length(vec)
    return( sum(vec==0)==n-1  &&  sum(vec==1)==1 )
#   W       Nx3 matrix with generators in the rows.  Some rows may be all 0s, and these are omitted from Wcond.
#   tol     tolerance for collinear rows.  
#           This is distance between unitized vectors, treated one dimension at a time, thus L^inf-norm.
#           Also, any row with Linf-norm < tol will be set to all 0s, and thus omitted.
#   The purpose of this function is to make a simpler 'condensed' matrix in which
#       *) rows that are all 0s are omitted.
#       *) identify rows that are positive multiples of each other and replace such a group by their sum
#   If two rows are negative multiples of each other (opposite directions) then W is invalid and the function returns NULL.

#   returns a list with
#       W           the original generators
#       Wcond       Gx3 matrix with G rows, a row for each group of generators that are multiples of each other
#       group       a list of length G.  group[[k]] is an integer vector of the indexes of the rows of W.
#                   usually this is a vector of length 1.  Rows of W that are all 0s do not appear here.
#       spread      numeric vector of length G.  spread[k] is the spread of the rows of Wunit in group k.
#       groupidx    integer vector of length N.  groupidx[i] is the index of the group to which this row belongs,
#                   or NA_integer_ if the row is all 0s.
#   In case of ERROR the function returns NULL.
#   These groups are based on the given generators unitized, i.e. the point on the unit sphere.  

condenseGenerators <- function( W, tol )
    #   unitize all the rows of W.
    #   any 0 rows become NaNs.
    W2  = .rowSums( W*W, nrow(W), ncol(W) )      
    zeromask    = (W2 == 0)
    if( all(zeromask) )
        log_string( ERROR, "W is invalid; all rows are 0." )
    #   in computing Wunit, the vector sqrt(W2) is replicated to all columns of W
    #   rows of all 0s in W become rows of all NaN in Wunit
    Wunit   = W / sqrt(W2)
    #   print( Wunit ) 
    res = findRowClusters( Wunit, tol=tol, projective=TRUE )
    if( is.null(res) )  return(NULL)
    n   = nrow(W)

    out = list()        
    #   res$cluster has the non-trivial groups        
    if( length(res$cluster)==0  &&  all( !zeromask ) )      # all(is.finite(res$clusteridx))  && 
        #   no condensation, so easy
        out$Wcond       = W
        out$groupidx    = 1:n
        out$group       = as.list( 1:n )
        return( out )
    groupidx    = res$clusteridx
    #  this line forces 0 rows to be omitted from Wcond
    groupidx[ zeromask ]   = NA_integer_
    if( 0 < length(res$cluster) )
        #   put the non-trivial clusters in row order
        perm        = order( base::sapply( res$cluster, function(x) {x[1]} ) )
        res$cluster = res$cluster[perm]     
        #print( res$cluster )
        #   reassign groupidx[]
        for( k in 1:length(res$cluster) )
            groupidx[ res$cluster[[k]] ]    = k
        #print( groupidx )
    #   count the number of trivial and non-trivial groups
    groups  = sum( groupidx==0, na.rm=TRUE )  +  length(res$cluster)
    Wcond   = matrix( NA_real_, groups, 3 )

    newidx    = groupidx
    visited = logical( length(res$cluster) )
    k   = 0     #   k is the new group index
    for( i in 1:n )
        if( W2[i] == 0 )    next    # ignore 0 rows in W, so they belong to no group
        if( groupidx[i] == 0 )
            #   trivial group
            k   = k + 1
            Wcond[k, ]  = W[i, ]
            newidx[i] = k            
        else if( ! visited[ groupidx[i] ] )
            group   =  res$cluster[[ groupidx[i] ]]
            Wgroup  = W[group, ] 
            # print(Wgroup)    #   all rows are multiples of each other
            #   check that all generators have consistent direction
            test    = Wgroup %*% Wgroup[1, ]
            if( any( test < 0 ) )
                log_string( ERROR, "Generators are invalid. One generator is a negative multiple of another one." )
            k   = k + 1
            Wcond[k, ]  = colSums( Wgroup )
            visited[ groupidx[i] ]  = TRUE
            newidx[ group ] = k             
    groupidx    = newidx
    #   now compute group from groupidx
    group   = vector( groups, mode='list' )
    spread  = numeric( groups )
    for( k in 1:length(group) )
        group[[k]]  = which( groupidx == k )
        if( 1 < length(group[[k]]) )
            edge        = bbedge( Wunit[ group[[k]], ] )
            spread[k]   = sqrt( sum( edge^2 ) )
            #   compare with un-unitized
            #   sp  = sqrt( sum( bbedge( W[ group[[k]], ] )^2 ) ) ; print( sp )
            #print( spread[k] )            
            #print( edge )
            #print( Wunit[ group[[k]], ] )
    #   assign names to Wcond
    colnames(Wcond) = colnames(W)
    singleton   = (sapply( group, length ) == 1)
    rownames(Wcond)[singleton]  = rownames(W)[ as.integer(group[singleton]) ]
    multiple    = group[ !singleton ]
    #first   = sapply( multiple, function(y) { y[1] } )
    #last    = sapply( multiple, function(y) { y[length(y)] } )
    #count   = sapply( multiple, function(y) { length(y) } )
    #rownames(Wcond)[!singleton] = sprintf( "%s...%s (%d)", rownames(W)[ first ],  rownames(W)[ last ], count )
    rownames(Wcond)[!singleton] = sapply( multiple, function(y) { sprintf( "%s...%s (%d)", rownames(W)[ y[1] ],  rownames(W)[ y[length(y)] ], length(y) ) } )   #; print(namevec)
    out$W           = W 
    out$Wcond       = Wcond
    out$group       = group
    out$spread      = spread
    out$groupidx    = groupidx
    return( invisible(out) )
#   ivec    a vector of unique integers, always taken from the set {1,...,n}
#   n       the maximum possible value appearing in ivec
#   return ivec in consecutive order (possibly with wraparound) if possible
#   if not not possible, then return ivec unchanged
makeconsecutive  <-  function( ivec, n )    
    m       = length( ivec )
    out     = sort( ivec )
    diffvec = diff( out )
    #   count the number of 1s
    count   = sum( diffvec==1 )
    if( count == m-1 )    return(out)  # out is in consecutive order
    if( count==m-2  &&  out[1]==1  &&  out[m]==n )
        #   this is in consecutive order, if we allow wraparound
        k   = which( 1 < diffvec )
        out = c( out[(k+1):m], 1:k )
        return( out )
    return( ivec )
#   p   a point in the n-cube, which we can think of as a transmittance spectrum
#   returns the min number of transitions between 0 and 1 necessary to achieve such a p, including interpolation
#   it always returns an even integer    
counttransitions <- function( p )    
    n   = length(p)
    if( n == 0 )    return(0L)
    #   find all runs of points in the interior of [0,1], in a periodic way
    interior    = 0<p  &  p<1
    if( all(interior) )
        #   special case
        return( 2 * floor( (n+1)/2 ) )

    mat     = findRunsTRUE( interior, periodic=TRUE )
    transitions = 0
    if( 0 < nrow(mat) )
        inext   = c(2:n,1)
        iprev   = c(n,1:(n-1))
        for( i in 1:nrow(mat) )
            start   = mat[i,1]
            stop    = mat[i,2]
            m       = stop - start + 1
            if( m < 0 ) m = m + n
            same    = p[ iprev[start] ] == p[ inext[stop] ]
            inc     = ifelse( same, 2*floor( (m+1)/2 ), 2*floor( m/2 ) )
            transitions = transitions + inc
    #   now remove all the interior coordinates
    ppure   = p[ ! interior ]
    #   add usual 0-1 transitions
    transitions = transitions  +  sum( diff(ppure) != 0 )
    #   add wrap-around transition, if present
    if( ppure[1] != ppure[ length(ppure) ] )    transitions = transitions + 1

    return( as.integer(transitions) )
#   x       a zonohedron
#   rays    # of random rays to trace, from the center    
#   tol     inversion tolerance
testinvertRT  <-  function( x, rays, tol=1.e-9 )
    direction   = matrix( rnorm(rays*3), rays, 3, byrow=TRUE )
    res = raytrace( x, x$center, direction  )
    if( is.null(res) )  return(NULL)
    #   print( res )
    compounds   = sum( 0 < res$clusteridx )
    mess    = sprintf( "compound face intersections: %d of %d.", compounds, rays )
    cat( mess, '\n' )
    out  = invertboundary( x, res$boundary, res, tol=tol )
    if( is.null(out) )   return(NULL)
    #   out = data.frame( row.names=1:rays )
    #out$vertex  = vertex
    #out$delta   = rowSums( abs(attr(vertex,'delta')) )
    return( invisible(out) )
#   x       a zonohedron, which must be in cyclic order
#   count   # of random points to generate on the boundary
#   tol     inversion tolerance
testinvertCyclic  <-  function( x, count, tol=1.e-9 )
    n   = nrow( x$W )    
    source  = matrix( NA_real_, count, n )

    #   make random points on the boundary
    for( i in 1:count )
        source[i, ]   = random2trans(n) 
    #   print( source )
    boundary    = source %*% x$W

    res  = invertboundary( x, boundary, NULL, tol=tol )
    if( is.null(res) )   return(NULL)
    #   print( res )
    count   = sum( 0 < res$clusteridx )
    mess    = sprintf( "compound faces: %d.", count )
    cat( mess, '\n' )
    #   compare source and res$source
    delta   = apply( abs(source - res$source), 1, max )
    count   = sum( tol < delta )
    mess    = sprintf( "%d violations (delta > %g).    max(delta)=%g", count, tol, max(delta) )
    cat( mess, '\n' )

    return( invisible(delta) )
########    a few classic zonohedra from https://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/ukraine/ukraine.html    ######
#   6 generators    
truncatedoctahedron <- function( perf=FALSE )
    W   = matrix( c(1,1,0, 1,-1,0, 1,0,1, 1,0,-1, 0,1,1, 0,1,-1), 6, 3, byrow=TRUE )
    return( zonohedron(W,perf=perf) )
#   9 generators        
truncatedcuboctahedron  <-  function(perf=FALSE)
    s2  = sqrt(2)
    W   = matrix( c(1,1,0, 1,-1,0, 1,0,1, 1,0,-1, 0,1,1, 0,1,-1, s2,0,0, 0,s2,0, 0,0,s2),  9, 3, byrow=TRUE )
    return( zonohedron(W,perf=perf) )
#   15 generators        
TruncatedIcosidodecahedron   <-  function(  perf=FALSE )  
    GoldenRatio = (1 + sqrt(5))/2
    W   = c( 1,GoldenRatio,GoldenRatio-1,   1,-GoldenRatio,GoldenRatio-1,
            1,-GoldenRatio,1-GoldenRatio,   1,GoldenRatio,1-GoldenRatio,
            GoldenRatio,1-GoldenRatio,      1,GoldenRatio,1-GoldenRatio,-1,
            GoldenRatio,GoldenRatio-1,-1,   GoldenRatio,GoldenRatio-1,1,
            GoldenRatio-1,1,GoldenRatio,    GoldenRatio-1,-1,-GoldenRatio,
            GoldenRatio-1,1,-GoldenRatio,   GoldenRatio-1,-1,GoldenRatio,
            2,0,0, 0,2,0, 0,0,2 )

    W   = matrix( W, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE )   #; print(W)
    return( zonohedron(W,perf=perf) )
#   21 generators        
truncatedsmallrhombicosidodecahedron <-  function(  perf=FALSE )
    GoldenRatio = (1 + sqrt(5))/2
    W   = c( 1,0,-GoldenRatio,  1,0,GoldenRatio,
            0,-GoldenRatio,1,   0,GoldenRatio,1,
            -GoldenRatio,1,0,   GoldenRatio,1,0,
            1,GoldenRatio,GoldenRatio-1,    1,-GoldenRatio,GoldenRatio-1,
            1,-GoldenRatio,1-GoldenRatio,   1,GoldenRatio,1-GoldenRatio,
            GoldenRatio,1-GoldenRatio,1,    GoldenRatio,1-GoldenRatio,-1,
            GoldenRatio,GoldenRatio-1,-1,   GoldenRatio,GoldenRatio-1,1,
            GoldenRatio-1,1,GoldenRatio,    GoldenRatio-1,-1,-GoldenRatio,
            GoldenRatio-1,1,-GoldenRatio,   GoldenRatio-1,-1,GoldenRatio,
            2,0,0, 0,2,0, 0,0,2 )
    W   = matrix( W, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE )   #; print(W)
    return( zonohedron(W,perf=perf) )
#--------       UseMethod() calls           --------------#    
inside <- function( x, g )
metrics <- function( x )    
raytrace <- function( x, base, direction )
raytrace2 <- function( x, base, direction )
section <- function( x, normal, beta )
invertboundary <- function( x, boundary, data=NULL, tol=NULL )     #1.e-9 )    
dumpface <- function( x, i1, i2=0 )    
dumpcluster <- function( x, k, maxrows=50 )    
plotcluster  <- function( x, k )    
plotprojection  <- function( x, normal=c(0,0,1), side=+1 )    

plotpolygon  <- function( x, normal=c(1,1,1)  )    

#   already in utils.R
#gettime <- function()
#    {
#    return( microbenchmark::get_nanotime() * 1.e-9 )
#    }

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