
Defines functions empCopula dCn C.n .n toEmpMargins Cn

Documented in Cn C.n dCn empCopula toEmpMargins

## Copyright (C) 2012 Marius Hofert, Ivan Kojadinovic, Martin Maechler, and Jun Yan
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

Cn <- function(x, w) {
    C.n(w, x)

### Transform a copula sample to empirical margins #############################

##' @title Transform a copula sample to empirical margins
##' @param U (n, d)-matrix of copula samples (in [0,1]^d)
##' @param x (m, d)-matrix of samples (in IR^d)
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to the underlying sort()
##' @return (n, d)-matrix of samples 'U' marginally transformed with the empirical
##'         quantile functions based on 'x'
##' @author Marius Hofert
toEmpMargins <- function(U, x, ...)
    if(!is.matrix(x)) x <- rbind(x)
    if(!is.matrix(U)) U <- rbind(U)
    d <- ncol(x)
    stopifnot(ncol(U) == d)
    ind <- ceiling(nrow(x) * U) # columnwise in {1,...,nrow(x)}
    x.sort <- apply(x, 2, sort, ...)
    sapply(seq_len(d), function(j) x.sort[ind[,j],j])

### Empirical distribution function ############################################

##' @title Empirical distribution function
##' @param x (m, d) matrix of evaluation points; should be in [0,1]^d if
##'        smoothing != "none"
##' @param X (n, d) matrix of data based on which the empirical distribution
##'        function is computed; should be in [0,1]^d if smoothing != "none"
##' @param offset scaling factor of the empirical distribution function (= n/(n + offset))
##' @param smoothing usual (empirical df), beta or checkerboard empirical copula
##' @return empirical distribution function of X at x
##' @author Ivan Kojadinovic and Marius Hofert
##' @note Use 'smoothing != "none"' with care: Only makes sense if 'X' are
##'       copula (pseudo-)observations (in [0,1]^d) and 'x' are evaluation points
##'       in [0,1]^d) (see also the C code under ../src/empcop.c)
F.n <- function(x, X, offset = 0, smoothing = c("none", "beta", "checkerboard"))
    if(!is.matrix(x)) x <- rbind(x)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(d <- ncol(X)), d == ncol(x), d >= 1, 0 <= offset, offset <= 1)
    n <- nrow(X)
    smoothing <- match.arg(smoothing)
    m <- nrow(x)
    type <- which(smoothing == c("none", "beta", "checkerboard"))
    .C(Cn_C, # see ../src/empcop.c
    ## In R:
    ## smoothing = "none":
    ## vapply(1:nrow(x), function(k) sum(colSums(t(X) <= x[k,]) == d),
    ##        NA_real_) / (n + offset)
    ## ... which equals apply(x, 1, function(x.) sum(colSums(t(X)<=x.)==d)/(n+offset) )
    ## but vapply is slightly faster (says MH)

### Empirical copula ###########################################################

##' @title Empirical CDF and hence copula of X at x
##' @param x (m, d) matrix of evaluation points
##' @param X (n, d) matrix of pseudo-data based on which the empirical copula
##'        is computed
##' @param smoothing usual, beta or checkerboard empirical copula
##' @param offset scaling factor of the empirical distribution function (= n/(n + offset))
##' @param ties.method passed to pobs()
##' @return empirical copula of X at x
##' @author Ivan Kojadinovic, Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler (C.n -> F.n; re-organisation)
##' @note See ../man/empcop.Rd for a nice graphical check with the Kendall function
C.n <- function(u, X, smoothing = c("none", "beta", "checkerboard"),
                offset = 0, ties.method = c("max", "average", "first",
                                            "last", "random", "min"))
    if(any(u < 0, 1 < u))
        stop("'u' must be in [0,1].")
    ties.method <- match.arg(ties.method)
    F.n(u, X = pobs(X, ties.method = ties.method),
        offset = offset, smoothing = smoothing)

### Estimated partial derivatives of a copula ##################################

##' @title Estimated Partial Derivatives of a Copula Given the Empirical Copula
##' @param u (m, d)-matrix of evaluation points
##' @param U (n, d)-matrix of pseudo-observations
##' @param j.ind dimensions for which the partial derivatives should be estimated
##' @param b bandwidth in (0, 1/2) for the approximation
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to F.n()
##' @return (m, length(j.ind))-matrix containing the estimated partial
##'         derivatives with index j.ind of the empirical copula of U at u
##' @author Marius Hofert
dCn <- function(u, U, j.ind = 1:d, b = 1/sqrt(nrow(U)), ...)
    ## Check
    if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u, deparse.level=0L)
    if(!is.matrix(U)) U <- rbind(U, deparse.level=0L)
    stopifnot((d <- ncol(U)) == ncol(u),
              0 <= u, u <= 1, 0 <= U, U <= 1,
              1 <= j.ind, j.ind <= d, 0 < b, b < 0.5)

    ## Functions to change the entry in the jth column of u
    ## See Remillard, Scaillet (2009) "Testing for equality between two copulas"
    adj.u.up <- function(x){
        x. <- x + b
        x.[x > 1-b] <- 1
    adj.u.low <- function(x){
        x. <- x - b
        x.[x < b] <- 0

    ## (v)apply to each index...
    m <- nrow(u)
    res <- vapply(j.ind, function(j){
        ## Build the two evaluation matrices for Cn (matrix similar to u with
        ## column j replaced). Note, this is slightly inefficient for those u < b
        ## but at least we can "matricize" the problem.
        ## 1) compute F.n(u.up)
        u.up <- u
        u.up[,j] <- adj.u.up(u.up[,j])
        Cn.up <- F.n(u.up, X = U, ...)
        ## 2) compute F.n(u.low)
        u.low <- u
        u.low[,j] <- adj.u.low(u.low[,j])
        Cn.low <- F.n(u.low, X = U, ...)
        ## 3) compute difference quotient
        (Cn.up - Cn.low) / (2*b)
    }, numeric(m))
    res <- pmin(pmax(res, 0), 1) # adjust (only required for small sample sizes)
    if(length(j.ind)==1) as.vector(res) else res

### Empirical copula class #####################################################

## Constructor
empCopula <- function(X, smoothing = c("none", "beta", "checkerboard", "schaake.shuffle"),
                      offset = 0,
                      ties.method = c("max", "average", "first", "last", "random", "min"))
    if(is.data.frame(X) || !is.matrix(X)) X <- as.matrix(X)
    stopifnot(is.matrix(X), 0 <= X, X <= 1,
              0 <= offset, offset <= 1) # <- offset = -1 ?!
    smoothing <- match.arg(smoothing)
    ties.method <- match.arg(ties.method)
    ## Construct object
	X = X,
        smoothing = smoothing, # a 'parameter' so to say
        offset = offset,
        ties.method = ties.method)

### Methods ####################################################################

setMethod(dim, "empCopula", function(x) ncol(x@X))

## describe method
setMethod(describeCop, c("empCopula", "character"), function(x, kind, prefix="", ...) {
    kind <- match.arg(kind)
    if(kind == "very short") # e.g. for show() which has more parts
        return(paste0(prefix, "Empirical copula"))
    ## else
    d <- dim(x)
    ch <- paste0(prefix, "Empirical copula, dim. d = ", d)
    switch(kind <- match.arg(kind),
           short = ch,
           long = ch,
           stop("invalid 'kind': ", kind))

## dCopula method
setMethod("dCopula", signature("matrix", "empCopula"),
	  function(u, copula, log = FALSE, ...) {
    if(copula@smoothing == "beta") {
        X <- copula@X
        R <- apply(X, 2L, rank, ties.method = copula@ties.method) # (n, d) matrix of ranks
        n <- nrow(X)
        if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u) # (m, d) matrix of evaluation points
        m <- nrow(u)
        ## d <- ncol(X) # = dim(copula)
        offset <- copula@offset
        ## OLD CODE: WRONG!
        ## f <- vapply(1:m, FUN = function(k)
        ##     dbeta(u[k,], shape1 = R, shape2 = n+1-R, log = log, ...),
        ##     FUN.VALUE = matrix(NA_real_, nrow = n, ncol = d))
        ## ##-> (n, d, m) array containing all f_{n,R_{ij}}(u_{kj}) (see copula book)
        ## apply(f, 3, function(f.) {
        ##     if(log) {
        ##         lx <- rowSums(f.)
        ##         lsum(lx) - log(n + offset)
        ##     } else {
        ##         sum(apply(f., 1, prod)) / (n + offset)
        ##     }
        ## })
        if(log) {
            vapply(seq_len(m), function(k) { # iterate over rows k of u
                    lsum( # lsum() over i
                        vapply(seq_len(n), function(i)
                            ## k and i are fixed now
                            sum(dbeta(u[k,], shape1 = R[i,], shape2 = n + 1 - R[i,], log = TRUE)),
                                        # log(prod()) = sum(log()) over j for fixed k and i
                    }, NA_real_) - log(n + offset)
        } else { # as for df based on pbeta(), just with dbeta()
            vapply(seq_len(m), function(k) { # iterate over rows k of u
                    sum( # sum() over i
                        vapply(seq_len(n), function(i)
                            prod( dbeta(u[k,], shape1 = R[i,], shape2 = n + 1 - R[i,]) ), # prod_j()
            }, NA_real_) / (n + offset)

    } else stop("Empirical copula only known to have a density for smoothing = 'beta'")

## pCopula method
setMethod("pCopula", signature("matrix", "empCopula"),
	  function(u, copula, log.p = FALSE, ...)
    if(copula@smoothing == "schaake.shuffle")
        stop('pCopula() not available for smoothing method "schaake.shuffle"')
    res <- C.n(u, X = copula@X, smoothing = copula@smoothing,
               offset = copula@offset, ties.method = copula@ties.method, ...)
    if(log.p) log(res) else res

## rCopula method
setMethod("rCopula", signature("numeric", "empCopula"),
	  function(n, copula) {
                     "none" = {
                         ii <- sample(1:nrow(copula@X), size = n, replace = TRUE) # random row indices
                         copula@X[ii,] # resample from the original copula data
                     "beta" = {
                         ## Preliminaries
                         x <- copula@X
                         dm <- dim(x)
                         n.x <- dm[1] # size of original sample
                         d <- dm[2]

                         ## Ranks of x
                         R <- apply(x, 2, rank, na.last = "keep", ties.method = "average") # (n.x, d)-matrix

                         ## Randomly grab out n rows of R
                         I <- sample(1:n.x, size = n, replace = TRUE) # n-vector of random indices
                         R.I <- R[I,] # (n,d)-matrix of I-indexed R's

                         ## Sample from respective beta distributions
                         matrix(rbeta(n * d, R.I, n.x+1-R.I), ncol = d) # rbeta() works for vectors of arguments
                     "checkerboard" = {
                         V <- rLatinHypercube(copula@X, ties.method = "random")
                         ii <- sample(1:nrow(copula@X), size = n, replace = TRUE) # random row indices
                         V[ii,] # randomly index Latin Hypercube sample
                     "schaake.shuffle" = {
                         x <- copula@X
                         dm <- dim(x)
                         n.x <- dm[1] # size of original sample
                         d <- dm[2]
                         R <- apply(x, 2, rank, na.last = "keep", ties.method = "average") # (n.x, d)-matrix of ranks
                         U.sort <- apply(matrix(runif(n.x * d), ncol = d), 2, sort) # (n.x, d)-matrix of sorted U's
                         U <- vapply(seq_len(d),
                                     function(j) U.sort[R[,j],j], numeric(n.x)) # sort U. according to ranks R
                         I <- sample(1:n.x, size = n, replace = TRUE) # n-vector of random indices
                         U[I,] # randomly index
                     stop("Wrong 'smoothing'"))

## Measures of association (unclear what their values are for smoothing = "beta" or "checkerboard"
## setMethod("tau", signature("empCopula"), function(copula) ) # unclear
## setMethod("rho", signature("empCopula"), function(copula) )
## setMethod("lambda", signature("empCopula"), function(copula) )

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