
Defines functions Getisotopologues qbatch batch GetIntegration Integration

Documented in batch GetIntegration Getisotopologues Integration qbatch

#' Just integrate data according to fixed rt and fixed noise area
#' @param data file should be a dataframe with the first column RT and second column intensity of the SIM ions.
#' @param rt a rough RT range contained only one peak to get the area
#' @param brt a rough RT range contained only one peak and enough noises to get the area
#' @param smoothit logical, if using an average smooth box or not. If using, n will be used
#' @return area integration data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' area <- Integration(data)
#' }
#' @export
Integration <- function(data,
                        rt = c(8.3, 9),
                        brt = c(8.3,
                        smoothit = TRUE) {
        # subset the data
        subdata <- data[data[, 1] > rt[2] & data[, 1] < rt[1],]
        # get the signal and the RT
        RTrange <- subdata[, 1]
        signal <- subdata[, 2]
        # subset the noise
        subnoise <- data[data[, 1] > brt[2] & data[, 1] < brt[1],]
        # get the noise and the RT
        RTrange2 <- subnoise[, 1]
        noise <- subnoise[, 2]
        # data smooth
        if (smoothit) {
                signal <- ma(signal, n = 5)
                noise <- ma(noise, n = 5)
        baseline <- mean(noise)
        signaln <- signal - baseline
        area <- 0
        # calculate area; using a Riemann integral (dimension:
        # intensity x delta time)
        for (i in 1:(length(RTrange) - 1)) {
                area <- area + signaln[i] * (RTrange[i + 1] - RTrange[i]) *

#' GetIntegration was mainly used for get the integration of certain ion's chromatogram data and plot the data
#' @param data file should be a dataframe with the first column RT and second column intensity of the SIM ions.
#' @param rt a rough RT range contained only one peak to get the area
#' @param n points in the moving average smooth box, default value is 5
#' @param m numbers of points for regression to get the slope
#' @param slope the threshold value for start/stop peak as percentage of max slope
#' @param baseline numbers of the points for the baseline of the signal
#' @param noslope logical, if using a horizon line to get area or not
#' @param smoothit logical, if using an average smooth box or not. If using, n will be used
#' @param half logical, if using the left half peak to calculate the area
#' @return integration data such as peak area, peak height, signal and the slope data.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' list <- GetIntegration(data)
#' }
#' @export
GetIntegration <- function(data,
                           rt = c(8.3, 9),
                           n = 5,
                           m = 5,
                           slope = c(2, 2),
                           baseline = 10,
                           noslope = TRUE,
                           smoothit = TRUE,
                           half = FALSE) {
        # subset the data
        subdata <- data[data[, 1] > rt[1] & data[, 1] < rt[2],]
        # get the signal and the RT
        RTrange <- subdata[, 1]
        signal <- subdata[, 2]
        # data smooth
        if (smoothit) {
                signal <- ma(signal, n)
        # get the slope data
        RTrangemsec <- RTrange * 60 * 1000
        slopedata <- signal
        back <- round(m / 2)
        forth <- m - back
        if (m > 2) {
                for (i in (back + 1):(length(signal) - forth)) {
                        slopedata[i] <- stats::coef(stats::lm(signal[(i -
                                                                              back + 1):(i + forth)] ~ RTrangemsec[(i -
                                                                                                                            back + 1):(i + forth)]))[2]
                slopedata[1:back] <-
                        slopedata[back + 1]  # first few points
                slopedata[(length(signal) - forth - 1):length(signal)] <-
                        slopedata[(length(signal) -
                                           forth)]  # last few points
        } else {
                # for n = 2 points; without linear regression (much
                # faster) time per scan in millisec
                delta_t <-
                        (t[length(RTrangemsec)] - RTrangemsec[1] / (length(RTrangemsec) -
                for (i in 2:length(signal)) {
                        slopedata[i] <- (signal[i] - signal[i - 1]) / delta_t
                slopedata[1] <- 0
        # search for peak start
        i <- baseline
        while ((slopedata[i] <= (slope[1] / 100 * max(slopedata))) &
               (i < length(signal)))
                i <- i + 1
        rtstart <- RTrange[i]  # peak start found
        scanstart <- i  # (slope > threshold)
        sigstart <-
                mean(signal[(i - baseline + 1):i])  # baseline intensity found
        # search for peak top
        i <- which.max(slopedata)  # jump to slope max.
        while ((slopedata[i] >= 0) & (i < (length(signal) -
                i <- i + 1
        rtpeak <- RTrange[i]  # peak top found
        scanpeak <- i  # (slope = 0)
        sigpeak <- signal[i]
        # search for peak end
        i <- which.min(slopedata)  # jump to slope min.
        while ((slopedata[i] <= -(slope[2] / 100 * max(slopedata))) &
               (i < (length(signal) - baseline)))
                i <- i + 1
        rtend <- RTrange[i]  # peak end found
        scanend <- i  # (-slope < threshold)
        sigend <- mean(signal[i:(i + baseline - 1)])
        # if background without slope
        if (!noslope)
                sigend <- sigstart
        # subtract background from signal
        background <- signal
        for (i in scanstart:scanend) {
                # get background
                background[i] <-
                        sigstart + (sigend - sigstart) / (scanend -
                                                                  scanstart) * (i - scanstart)
        subsignal <- signal - background
        # get the length of the signal
        lengthsig <- length(scanstart:scanend)
        # calculate area; using a Riemann integral (dimension:
        # intensity x min)
        area <- 0
        scantime <-
                (RTrange[scanend] - RTrange[scanstart]) / (scanend -
                                                                   scanstart) * 60  # time per scan in second
        # when half peak
        if (half == TRUE) {
                for (i in scanstart:scanpeak)
                        area <- area + subsignal[i] *
        } else {
                for (i in scanstart:scanend)
                        area <- area + subsignal[i] *
        bgstart <- RTrange[scanstart - baseline + 1]
        bgend <- RTrange[scanend + baseline - 1]
        # calculate height
        sigpeakbase <- sigstart + (sigend - sigstart) / (scanend -
                                                                 scanstart) * (scanpeak - scanstart)
        height <- sigpeak - sigpeakbase
        # SNR
        snrnoise <- abs(diff(range(signal[(scanstart - baseline +
        SNR <- height / snrnoise
        # collect the data for plot peak and slope
        peakdata <- c(
        names(peakdata) <- c(
                "peak start RT",
                "peak end RT",
                "peak RT",
                "baseline start RT ID",
                "baseline end RT ID",
                "baseline peak RT ID",
                "start RT intensity",
                "end RT intensity",
                "peak RT intensity",
                "peak baseline",
        # return the result as a list
        list <- list(
                area = area,
                height = height,
                peakdata = peakdata,
                RTrange = RTrange,
                signal = signal,
                slopedata = slopedata

#' Get the MIR and related information from the files
#' @param file data file, CDF or other format supportted by xcmsRaw
#' @param mz1 the lowest mass
#' @param mz2 the highest mass
#' @return Molecular isotope ratio
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mr <- batch(data,mz1 = 79, mz2 = 81)
#' }
#' @export
batch <- function(file, mz1, mz2) {
        data1 <- xcms::xcmsRaw(file)
        df <- data1@env$profile
        rt <- data1@scantime / 60
        rownames(df) <- seq(data1@mzrange[1], data1@mzrange[2])
        xa <- df[as.character(mz1),]
        xa <- data.frame(rt, xa)
        xb <- df[as.character(mz2),]
        xb <- data.frame(rt, xb)
        name1 <- paste("m/z:", mz1)
        name2 <- paste("m/z:", mz2)
        xl <- GetIntegration(xa, name1)
        xh <- GetIntegration(xb, name2)
                mfrow = c(2, 2),
                mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2),
                oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0)
        plotint(xl, name1)
        plotintslope(xl, name1)
        plotint(xh, name2)
        plotintslope(xh, name2)
        list <- list(xl, xh)
        area <- vapply(list, function(x)
                x$area, 1)
        height <- vapply(list, function(x)
                x$height, 1)
        arearatio <- area[1] / area[2]
        heightratio <- height[1] / height[2]
        points <- round(mean(vapply(list, function(x)
                x$peakdata[12], 1)))
        ratio <- c(arearatio, heightratio, points)
        names(ratio) <- c("area ratio", "height ratio", "points")

#' Get the MIR from the file
#' @param file data file, CDF or other format supportted by xcmsRaw
#' @param mz1 the lowest mass
#' @param mz2 the highest mass
#' @param rt a rough RT range contained only one peak to get the area
#' @param brt a rough RT range contained only one peak and enough noises to get the area
#' @return arearatio
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' arearatio <- qbatch(datafile)
#' }
#' @export
qbatch <- function(file,
                   rt = c(8.65, 8.74),
                   brt = c(8.74, 8.85)) {
        data1 <- xcms::xcmsRaw(file)
        df <- data1@env$profile
        rt <- data1@scantime / 60
        rownames(df) <- seq(data1@mzrange[1], data1@mzrange[2])
        xa <- df[as.character(mz1),]
        xa <- data.frame(rt, xa)
        xb <- df[as.character(mz2),]
        xb <- data.frame(rt, xb)
        xl <- Integration(xa, rt, brt)
        xh <- Integration(xb, rt, brt)
        arearatio <- xl / xh

#' Get the selected isotopologues at certain MS data
#' @param formula the molecular formula. C12OH6Br4 means BDE-47 as default
#' @param charge the charge of that molecular. 1 in EI mode as default
#' @param width the width of the peak width on mass spectrum. 0.3 as default for low resolution mass spectrum.
#' @examples
#' # show isotopologues for BDE-47
#' Getisotopologues(formula = 'C12OH6Br4')
#' @export
Getisotopologues <- function(formula = "C12OH6Br4",
                             charge = 1,
                             width = 0.3) {
        # input the forlmula and charge for your molecular,
        # this demo was for BDE-47
        formula <-  Rdisop::getMolecule(formula, z = charge)
        # get the isotopes pattern of your molecular with high
        # abandances. Here we suggest more than 10% abundance
        # of your base peak would meet the SNR
        isotopes <- data.frame(t(formula$isotopes[[1]]))
        isotopes <- isotopes[isotopes[, 2] > 0.1,]
        # order the intensity by the abandance
        findpairs <-
                isotopes[order(isotopes[, 2], decreasing = TRUE),]
        # find the most similar pairs with high abandance
        df <- outer(findpairs[, 1], findpairs[, 1], "/")
        rownames(df) <- colnames(df) <- findpairs[, 1]
        diag(df) <- df[upper.tri(df)] <- 0
        t <- which(df == max(df), arr.ind = TRUE)
        isotopologues1 <- as.numeric(rownames(df)[t[1]])
        isotopologues2 <- as.numeric(colnames(df)[t[2]])
        isotopologuesL <- min(isotopologues1, isotopologues2)
        isotopologuesH <- max(isotopologues1, isotopologues2)
        # get the caculated ratio at certain resolution
        isotopes2 <-
        ratio <- sum(isotopes2[isotopes2[, 1] > isotopologuesL -
                                       width &
                                       isotopes2[, 1] < isotopologuesL + width,
                               2]) / sum(isotopes2[isotopes2[, 1] > isotopologuesH -
                                                           width &
                                                           isotopes2[, 1] < isotopologuesH + width,
        peak <-
                        round(isotopologuesL, digits = 5),
                              digits = 5),
                        round(ratio, digits = 5)
        # peak <- as.character(peak)
        names(peak) <- c("light isotopologue",
                         "high isotopologue",
                         "caculated ratio")

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