
Defines functions print.matchTab print.alpha ci.poisson ci.numeric ci.binomial ci.default ci mlogit.display dotplot print.tab1 tab1 poisgof shapiro.qqnorm print.n.for.noninferior.2p print.n.for.equi.2p print.n.for.2means print.n.for.lqas n.for.lqas print.n.for.survey n.for.survey print.n.for.2p print.kap.ByCategory print.kap.table kap.default kap summ.data.frame summ.logical summ.factor summ ordinal.or.display lsNoFunction print.lrtest print.display mhor print.cci labelTable tabpct print.des titleString setTitle

Documented in ci ci.binomial ci.default ci.numeric ci.poisson dotplot kap kap.default labelTable lsNoFunction mhor mlogit.display n.for.lqas n.for.survey ordinal.or.display poisgof print.alpha print.cci print.des print.display print.kap.ByCategory print.kap.table print.lrtest print.matchTab print.n.for.2means print.n.for.2p print.n.for.equi.2p print.n.for.lqas print.n.for.noninferior.2p print.n.for.survey print.tab1 setTitle shapiro.qqnorm summ summ.data.frame summ.factor summ.logical tab1 tabpct titleString

# This file is written to make simple epidemiological calculator available on R.

# Prepared by 
#	Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Epidemiology Unit,                                                
#	Prince of Songkla University
#	Hat Yai, Thailand 90110
#   License: GPL version 2 or newer

# Work started in 2002-October

## The below .locale is a local function. Thanks to Kurt Hornik for the trick.

.locale <- local({ 
  val <- FALSE  # All automatic graphs will initially have English titles
     val <<- new
.distribution.of <- "Distribution of"
.by <- "by"
.frequency <- "Frequency"
.frequency1 <- "Frequency"
.No.of.observations <- "No. of observations = "
.ylab.for.summ <- "Subject sorted by X-axis values"
.percent <- "Percent"
.cum.percent <- "Cum. percent"
.var.name <- "Var. name"
.obs <- "obs."
.mean <- "mean  "
.median <- "median "
.sd <- "s.d.  "
.min <- "min.  "
.max <- "max.  "

codebook <- 
function (dataFrame) 
    cat("\n", attr(dataFrame, "datalabel"), "\n", "\n")
    x1 <- dataFrame[1, ]
    for (i in 1:ncol(dataFrame)) {
        cat(paste(names(dataFrame)[i], "\t", ":", "\t", attr(dataFrame, 
            "var.labels")[i]), "\n")
        if (all(is.na(dataFrame[, i]))) {
            cat(paste("All elements of ", names(dataFrame)[i], 
                " have a missing value", "\n"))
        else {
            if (any(class(x1) == "data.frame")) {
                x2 <- x1[, i]
            else {
                x2 <- x1
            if (any(class(x2) == "character") | any(class(x2) == 
                "AsIs")) {
                cat("A character vector", "\n")
            else {
                if (any (class(x2) == "difftime")) {
                  } else{
                if (is.logical(x2)) 
                  x2 <- as.factor(x2)
                if (any(class(x2) == "factor")) {
                  table1 <- (t(t(table(dataFrame[, i]))))
                  table1 <- cbind(table1, format(table1/sum(table1) * 
                    100, digits = 3))
                  colnames(table1) <- c(.frequency1, .percent)
                  if (is.null(attr(dataFrame, "val.labels")[i])) {
                    print.noquote(table1, right = TRUE)
                  else {
                    if (any(is.na(attr(dataFrame, "label.table")))) {
                      print.noquote(table1, right = TRUE)
                    else {
                      attr(dataFrame, "label.table")[which(is.na(attr(attr(dataFrame, 
                        "label.table"), "names")))] <- ""
                      index <- attr(attr(dataFrame, "label.table"), 
                        "names") == attr(dataFrame, "val.labels")[i]
                      index <- na.omit(index)
                      if (length(rownames(as.data.frame(attr(dataFrame, 
                        "label.table")[index]))) == length(levels(x2))) {
                        print.noquote(table1, right = TRUE)
                      else {
                        table2 <- data.frame(attr(dataFrame, 
                          "label.table")[index], table1)
                        colnames(table2) <- c("code", colnames(table1))
                        cat("Label table:", attr(dataFrame, "val.labels")[i], 
                        print.noquote(table2, right = TRUE)
                else {
                  print(summ(dataFrame[, i], graph = FALSE))
        cat("\n", "==================", "\n")

# Setting locale and automatic graph titles
setTitle <- function(locale){
    # With `setTitle' command the language of title will change with locale
  # listed in the array of the title string.

titleString <- function(distribution.of=.distribution.of,by=.by,frequency=.frequency, locale=.locale(), return.look.up.table=FALSE){
	# title.array can be changed or added rows
    title.array <- rbind( c("Distribution of","by","Frequency"),
                      c("Phan bo","theo","Tan so"),
					  c("Verteilung von","nach","frequenz"),
					  c("Distribution de","par","frequence"),
					  c("distribuzione di","per","frequenza"),
					  c("distribucion de", "por", "frecuencia"))
   colnames(title.array) <- c("Distribution of","by","Frequency")
   rownames(title.array) <- c("English", "Malay", "Vietnamese",
	"German", "French", "Italian", "Spanish")
  i <- 1
   i <- i+1
  row.chosen <- i
  if(i <= nrow(title.array)){
      distribution.of <- title.array[row.chosen,1]
      by <- title.array[row.chosen,2]; frequency <- title.array[row.chosen,3]
	.distribution.of <- distribution.of
	.by <- by
	.frequency <- frequency
		return(list(locale=.locale(),distribution.of=distribution.of,by=by,frequency=frequency, look.up.table=title.array))

### Display variables and their description
des <-
function (dataFrame) 
            x1 <- dataFrame[1, ]
            if (is.null(attr(dataFrame, "var.labels"))) {
                b <- " "
            else {
                b <- attr(dataFrame, "var.labels")
                if (length(b) < length(colnames(dataFrame))) {
                  options(warn = -1)
            class.a <- rep("", ncol(x1))
            for (i in 1:ncol(x1)) {
                class.a[i] <- class(x1[, i])[1]
            a <- cbind(colnames(x1), class.a, b)
            colnames(a) <- c("Variable     ", "Class          ", 
            rownames(a) <- 1:nrow(a)
            header <- paste(attr(dataFrame, "datalabel"), "\n", .No.of.observations, 
                nrow(dataFrame), "\n")
            options(warn = 0)
    results <- list(table = a, header = header)
    class(results) <- c("des", "matrix")

print.des <- function(x, ...)

### Getting percentage from the tabulation
tabpct <- function(row, column, decimal = 1, percent = "both", 
                   graph = TRUE, las = 0, main = "auto", xlab = "auto", 
                   ylab = "auto", col = "auto", ...) {
tab <- table(row, column, deparse.level=1, dnn=list(deparse(substitute(row)),deparse(substitute(column))))
# column percent
cpercent <-tab
for(i in 1:ncol(tab)) { cpercent[,i] <-paste("(",format(round(tab[,i]/colSums(tab)[i]*100, digits=decimal),trim=TRUE),")", sep="")}
cpercent <- rbind(cpercent, rep("(100)", ncol(tab)))
col.1.1 <- cbind(format(c(tab[,1],sum(tab[,1])), trim=TRUE), cpercent[,1])
for(i in 2:ncol(tab)){
col.1.1 <- cbind(col.1.1, c(format(tab[,i], trim=TRUE), format(sum(tab[,i]), trim=TRUE)), cpercent[,i])
cpercent <- col.1.1
cnames <- character(0)
for(i in 1:ncol(tab) ){ cnames <- c(cnames, colnames(tab)[i], "%")}
colnames(cpercent) <- cnames
rownames(cpercent)[nrow(cpercent)] <- "Total"

# rowpercent
rpercent <-tab
for(i in 1:nrow(tab)) { rpercent[i,] <-paste("(",round(tab[i,]/rowSums(tab)[i]*100, digits=1),")", sep="")}
rpercent <- cbind(rpercent,c(rep("(100)",nrow(tab))))
row.1.1 <- rbind(format(c(tab[1,],sum(tab[1,])), trim=TRUE), rpercent[1,])
for(i in 2:nrow(tab)){
row.1.1 <- rbind(row.1.1, c(format(tab[i,], trim=TRUE), format(sum(tab[i,]), trim=TRUE)), rpercent[i,])
rpercent <- row.1.1
rnames <- character(0)
for(i in 1:nrow(tab) ){ rnames <- c(rnames, rownames(tab)[i], "")}
rownames(rpercent) <- rnames
colnames(rpercent)[ncol(rpercent)] <- "Total"

		var1 <- deparse(substitute(row))
			string2 <- var1[length(var1)]	
			string2 <- deparse(substitute(row))
			string4 <- deparse(substitute(column))
names(attr(tab,"dimnames")) <-c(string2, string4)
cat( "\n")
cat("Original table", "\n")
tabtotal <- addmargins(tab)
colnames(tabtotal)[ncol(tabtotal)] <- "Total"
rownames(tabtotal)[nrow(tabtotal)] <- "Total"
print(tabtotal, print.gap=2)
cat( "\n")}

if(percent=="both" | percent=="row"){
cat("Row percent", "\n")
names(attr(rpercent,"dimnames")) <- c(string2, string4)
print.table(rpercent, right=TRUE, print.gap=2)
cat( "\n")}

if(percent=="both" | percent=="col"){
cat("Column percent", "\n")
names(attr(cpercent,"dimnames")) <- c(string2, string4)
print.table(cpercent, right=TRUE, print.gap=2)
cat( "\n")}

	rownames(tab)[is.na(rownames(tab))] <- "missing"
	colnames(tab)[is.na(colnames(tab))] <- "missing"
	las.value <- las
	if(any(col=="auto")) {colours <- c("white",2:length(column))}else{colours=col}
  	mosaicplot(as.table(tab),xlab=ifelse(xlab=="auto",string2,xlab), ylab=ifelse(ylab=="auto",string4, ylab), 
    main= ifelse(main=="auto",paste(titleString()$distribution.of,string4,"\n",titleString()$by,string2), main),
	  col=colours, las=las.value,  ...)
	  mosaicplot(as.table(tab),xlab=ifelse(xlab=="auto",string2,xlab), ylab=ifelse(ylab=="auto",string4,ylab), 
	  col=colours, las=las.value, ...)}}

cpercent <- tab
for(i in 1:ncol(tab)) {cpercent[,i] <- tab[,i]/colSums(tab)[i]*100}

rpercent <- tab
for(i in 1:nrow(tab)) {rpercent[i,] <- tab[i,]/rowSums(tab)[i]*100}
returns <- list(table.row.percent=rpercent, table.column.percent=cpercent)

#### Create a `cctable' in global environment and label row and column with the variable descriptions
labelTable <- function(outcome, exposure, cctable=NULL , cctable.dimnames=NULL){
	cctable <- table(outcome, exposure, deparse.level=1, dnn=list(substitute(row),substitute(col)))
	dimnames(cctable) <- list(Outcome=c("Non-diseased","Diseased"),Exposure=c("Non-exposed","Exposed"))	

	cctable.dimnames <- names(attr(cctable,"dimnames"))
			string4 <- cctable.dimnames[2]
			string2 <- cctable.dimnames[1]
names(attr(cctable,"dimnames")) <-c(string2, string4)
list(cctable, caseexp=cctable[2,2], controlex=cctable[1,2], casenonex=cctable[2,1], controlnonex=cctable[1,1])

########## case control study from a data file or cctable
cc <- 
function (outcome, exposure, decimal = 2, cctable = NULL, graph = TRUE, 
    original = TRUE, design = "cohort", main, xlab = "auto", 
    ylab,alpha=.05, fisher.or=FALSE, exact.ci.or=FALSE) 
    if (is.null(cctable)) {
        cctable <- table(outcome, exposure, deparse.level = 1, 
            dnn = list(substitute(outcome), substitute(exposure)))
        cctable.dimnames <- names(attr(cctable, "dimnames"))
        if (xlab == "auto") {
            xlab <- paste("Exposure = ", as.character(substitute(exposure)), 
                ", ", "outcome = ", as.character(substitute(outcome)), 
                sep = "")
        xaxis <- levels(factor(exposure))
        yaxis <- levels(factor(outcome))
    else {
        cctable.dimnames <- names(attr(cctable, "dimnames"))
        if (xlab == "auto") {
            xlab <- paste("Exposure = ", cctable.dimnames[2], 
                ", ", "outcome = ", cctable.dimnames[1], sep = "")
        xaxis <- attr(cctable, "dimnames")[[2]]
        yaxis <- attr(cctable, "dimnames")[[1]]
    if (ncol(cctable) > 2 & nrow(cctable) == 2) {
        or <- rep(NA, ncol(cctable))
        lowci <- rep(NA, ncol(cctable))
        hici <- rep(NA, ncol(cctable))
        or[1] <- 1
        for (i in 2:ncol(cctable)) {
            or[i] <- fisher.test(cctable[, c(1, i)])$estimate
        for (i in 2:ncol(cctable)) {
            lowci[i] <- fisher.test(cctable[, c(1, i)])$conf.int[1]
        for (i in 2:ncol(cctable)) {
            hici[i] <- fisher.test(cctable[, c(1, i)])$conf.int[2]
        row4 <- as.character(round(or, decimal))
        row4[1] <- "1"
        row5 <- as.character(round(lowci, decimal))
        row5[1] <- " "
        row6 <- as.character(round(hici, decimal))
        row6[1] <- " "
        table2 <- rbind(cctable, "", row4, row5, row6)
        rownames(table2)[4] <- "Odds ratio"
        rownames(table2)[5] <- "lower 95% CI  "
        rownames(table2)[6] <- "upper 95% CI  "
        names(attr(table2, "dimnames")) <- names(attr(cctable, 
        cat("Chi-squared =", round(chisq.test(cctable)$statistic, 
            3), ",", chisq.test(cctable)$parameter, "d.f.,", 
            "P value =", round(chisq.test(cctable, correct = FALSE)$p.value, 
                decimal + 1), "\n")
        cat("Fisher's exact test (2-sided) P value =", round(fisher.test(cctable)$p.value, 
            decimal + 1), "\n")
        if (graph & design == "cohort") {
            if (any(cctable < 5)) {
                cat("Cell counts too small - graph not shown", 
                  "\n", "\n")
            else {
                y <- rep(NA, ncol(cctable))
                x <- 1:ncol(cctable)
                x.left <- x - 0.02
                x.right <- x + 0.02
                plot(x, or, ylab = "Odds ratio", xlab = paste(names(attr(cctable, 
                  "dimnames")[2])), xaxt = "n", main = "Odds ratio from prospective/X-sectional study", 
                  pch = " ", xlim = c(min(x.left) - 0.2, x.right[ncol(cctable)] + 
                    0.2), ylim = c(min(c(1, min(lowci, na.rm = TRUE), 
                    min(hici, na.rm = TRUE))), max(c(1, max(hici, 
                    na.rm = TRUE, max(lowci, na.rm = TRUE))))), 
                  log = "y", type = "l")
                for (i in 1:ncol(cctable)) {
                  lines(x = c(x[i], x[i]), y = c(lowci[i], hici[i]))
                  lines(x = c(x.left[i], x.right[i]), y = c(lowci[i], 
                  lines(x = c(x.left[i], x.right[i]), y = c(hici[i], 
                  points(x[i], or[i], pch = 22, cex = sum(cctable[, 
                    i]) * (5/sum(cctable)))
                axis(1, at = x, labels = colnames(cctable))
                text(1, 1, labels = "1", pos = 4, font = 4, col = "brown")
                text(x[-1], or[-1], labels = row4[-1], col = "brown", 
                  pos = 1, font = 4)
                text(x, or, labels = ifelse(x == 1, "", paste("(", 
                  row5, ",", row6, ")")), pos = 1, font = 4, 
                  offset = 1.5, col = "brown")
    else {
        if (!original) {
            a <- labelTable(outcome, exposure, cctable = cctable, 
                cctable.dimnames = cctable.dimnames)
            cci(caseexp = a$caseexp, controlex = a$controlex, 
                casenonex = a$casenonex, controlnonex = a$controlnonex, 
                cctable = a$cctable, decimal = decimal, graph = graph, 
                design = design, main, xlab, ylab, xaxis, yaxis,
                alpha=alpha, fisher.or=fisher.or, exact.ci.or=exact.ci.or)
        else {
            if (exists("cctable")) {
            cci(cctable = cctable, decimal = decimal, graph = graph, 
                  design = design, main = main, xlab = xlab, 
                  ylab = ylab, xaxis = xaxis, yaxis = yaxis,
                  alpha=alpha, fisher.or=fisher.or, exact.ci.or=exact.ci.or)
            else {
            cci(cctable = table(outcome, exposure, dnn = c(as.character(substitute(outcome)),                  as.character(substitute(exposure)))), decimal = decimal, 
                  graph = graph, design = design, main = main, 
                  xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xaxis = xaxis, yaxis = yaxis,
                  alpha=alpha, fisher.or=fisher.or, exact.ci.or=exact.ci.or)
cci <-
function (caseexp, controlex, casenonex, controlnonex, cctable = NULL,
    graph = TRUE, design = "cohort", main, xlab, ylab, xaxis,
    yaxis, alpha = 0.05, fisher.or = FALSE, exact.ci.or = FALSE,
    decimal = 2)
    if (is.null(cctable)) {
        frame <- cbind(Outcome <- c(1, 0, 1, 0), Exposure <- c(1,
            1, 0, 0), Freq <- c(caseexp, controlex, casenonex,
        Exposure <- factor(Exposure)
        expgrouplab <- c("Non-exposed", "Exposed")
        levels(Exposure) <- expgrouplab
        Outcome <- factor(Outcome)
        outcomelab <- c("Negative", "Positive")
        levels(Outcome) <- outcomelab
        table1 <- xtabs(Freq ~ Outcome + Exposure, data = frame)
    else {
        table1 <- as.table(get("cctable"))
    fisher <- fisher.test(table1)
    caseexp <- table1[2, 2]
    controlex <- table1[1, 2]
    casenonex <- table1[2, 1]
    controlnonex <- table1[1, 1]
    se.ln.or <- sqrt(1/caseexp + 1/controlex + 1/casenonex +
    if (!fisher.or) {
        or <- caseexp/controlex/casenonex * controlnonex
        p.value <- chisq.test(table1, correct = FALSE)$p.value
    else {
        or <- fisher$estimate
        p.value <- fisher$p.value
    if (exact.ci.or) {
        ci.or <- as.numeric(fisher$conf.int)
    else {
        ci.or <- or * exp(c(-1, 1) * qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * se.ln.or)
    if (graph == TRUE) {
        caseexp <- table1[2, 2]
        controlex <- table1[1, 2]
        casenonex <- table1[2, 1]
        controlnonex <- table1[1, 1]
if (!any(c(caseexp, controlex, casenonex, controlnonex) <
        5)) {
        if (design == "prospective" || design == "cohort" ||
            design == "cross-sectional") {
            graph.prospective(caseexp, controlex, casenonex,
            if (missing(main))
                main <- "Odds ratio from prospective/X-sectional study"
            if (missing(xlab))
                xlab <- ""
            if (missing(ylab))
                ylab <- paste("Odds of being", ifelse(missing(yaxis),
                  "a case", yaxis[2]))
            if (missing(xaxis))
                xaxis <- c("non-exposed", "exposed")
            axis(1, at = c(0, 1), labels = xaxis)
        else {
            graph.casecontrol(caseexp, controlex, casenonex,
            if (missing(main))
                main <- "Odds ratio from case control study"
            if (missing(ylab))
                ylab <- "Outcome category"
            if (missing(xlab))
                xlab <- ""
            if (missing(yaxis))
                yaxis <- c("Control", "Case")
            axis(2, at = c(0, 1), labels = yaxis, las = 2)
            mtext(paste("Odds of ", ifelse(xlab == "", "being exposed",
                paste("exposure being", xaxis[2]))), side = 1,
                line = ifelse(xlab == "", 2.5, 1.8))
        title(main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
    if (!fisher.or) {
        results <- list(or.method = "Asymptotic", or = or, se.ln.or = se.ln.or,
            alpha = alpha, exact.ci.or = exact.ci.or, ci.or = ci.or,
            table = table1, decimal = decimal)
    else {
        results <- list(or.method = "Fisher's", or = or, alpha = alpha,
            exact.ci.or = exact.ci.or, ci.or = ci.or, table = table1,
            decimal = decimal)
    class(results) <- c("cci", "cc")

##### graph for a cohort study

graph.prospective <-
function (caseexp, controlex, casenonex, controlnonex, decimal = 2) 
    if (any(c(caseexp, controlex, casenonex, controlnonex) < 
        5)) {
        cat("One of more cells is/are less than 5, not appropriate for graphing", 
            "\n", "\n")
    else {
        table <- c(caseexp, controlex, casenonex, controlnonex)
        dim(table) <- c(2, 2)
        fisher <- fisher.test(table)
        logit0 <- log(casenonex/controlnonex)
        se0 <- sqrt(1/casenonex + 1/controlnonex)
        logit1 <- log(caseexp/controlex)
        se1 <- sqrt(1/caseexp + 1/controlnonex)
        y <- c(c(-1, 0, 1) * 1.96 * se0 + logit0, c(-1, 0, 1) * 
            1.96 * se1 + logit1)
        x <- c(rep(0, 3), rep(1, 3))
        plot(x[c(1, 3, 4, 6)], y[c(1, 3, 4, 6)], ylab = "", xlab = "", 
            yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n", pch = " ")
        lines(x = c(-0.02, 0.02), y = c(y[1], y[1]))
        lines(x = c(-0.02, 0.02), y = c(y[3], y[3]))
        lines(x = c(0.98, 1.02), y = c(y[4], y[4]))
        lines(x = c(0.98, 1.02), y = c(y[6], y[6]))
        points(x[c(2, 5)], y[c(2, 5)], pch = 22, cex = c((controlnonex + 
            casenonex), (caseexp + controlex))/sum(table) * 5)
        y1 <- exp(y)
        a <- 2^(-10:10)
        if (length(a[a > min(y1) & a < max(y1)]) > 2 & length(a[a > 
            min(y1) & a < max(y1)]) < 10) {
            a1 <- a[a > min(y1) & a < max(y1)]
            if (any(a1 >= 1)) 
                axis(2, at = log(a1[a1 >= 1]), labels = as.character(a1[a1 >= 
                  1]), las = 1)
            if (any(a1 < 1)) 
                axis(2, at = log(a1[a1 < 1]), labels = paste(as.character(1), 
                  "/", as.character(trunc(1/a1[a1 < 1])), sep = ""), 
                  las = 1)
        else {
            options(digit = 2)
            at.y <- seq(from = min(y), to = max(y), by = ((max(y) - 
            labels.oddsy <- exp(at.y)
            axis(2, at = at.y, labels = as.character(round(labels.oddsy, 
                digits = decimal)), las = 1)
        lines(x[1:3], y[1:3])
        lines(x[4:6], y[4:6])
        lines(x[c(2, 5)], y[c(2, 5)])
        arrows(y0 = logit0, y1 = logit1, x0 = 0.25, x1 = 0.25, 
            code = 2, col = "red")
        text(y = min(y) + 0.55 * (max(y) - min(y)), x = 0.5, 
            labels = paste("OR = ", round(fisher$estimate, decimal)))
        text(y = min(y) + 0.45 * (max(y) - min(y)), x = 0.5, 
            labels = paste("95% CI =", round(fisher$conf.int, 
                decimal)[1], ",", round(fisher$conf.int, decimal)[2]))
        abline(h = c(logit0, logit1), lty = 3, col = "blue")
        mtext("Exposure category", side = 1, line = 1.0)

##### graph for a case control study

graph.casecontrol <-
function (caseexp, controlex, casenonex, controlnonex, decimal = 2) 
    if (any(c(caseexp, controlex, casenonex, controlnonex) < 
        5)) {
        cat("One of more cells is/are less than 5, not appropriate for graphing", 
    else {

        table <- c(caseexp, controlex, casenonex, controlnonex)
        dim(table) <- c(2, 2)
        fisher <- fisher.test(table)
        logit0 <- log(controlex/controlnonex)
        se0 <- sqrt(1/controlex + 1/controlnonex)
        logit1 <- log(caseexp/casenonex)
        se1 <- sqrt(1/caseexp + 1/casenonex)
        x <- c(c(-1, 0, 1) * 1.96 * se0 + logit0, c(-1, 0, 1) * 
            1.96 * se1 + logit1)
        y <- c(rep(0, 3), rep(1, 3))
        plot(x[c(1, 3, 4, 6)], y[c(1, 3, 4, 6)], xlab = "", ylab = "", 
            yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n", pch = 73)
        points(x[c(2, 5)], y[c(2, 5)], pch = 22, cex = c((controlex + 
            controlnonex), (caseexp + casenonex))/sum(table) * 
        x1 <- exp(x)
        a <- 2^(-10:10)
        if (length(a[a > min(x1) & a < max(x1)]) > 2 & length(a[a > 
            min(x1) & a < max(x1)]) < 10) {
            a1 <- a[a > min(x1) & a < max(x1)]
            if (any(a1 >= 1)) 
                axis(1, at = log(a1[a1 >= 1]), labels = as.character(a1[a1 >= 
            if (any(a1 < 1)) 
                axis(1, at = log(a1[a1 < 1]), labels = paste(as.character(1), 
                  "/", as.character(trunc(1/a1[a1 < 1])), sep = ""))
        else {
            options(digit = 2)
            at.x <- seq(from = min(x), to = max(x), by = ((max(x) - 
            labels.oddsx <- exp(at.x)
            axis(1, at = at.x, labels = as.character(round(labels.oddsx, 
                digits = decimal)), las = 1)
        lines(x[1:3], y[1:3])
        lines(x[4:6], y[4:6])
        lines(x[c(2, 5)], y[c(2, 5)])
        arrows(x0 = logit0, x1 = logit1, y0 = 0.1, y1 = 0.1, 
            code = 2, col = "red")
        text(x = (max(x) + min(x))/2, y = 0.3, labels = paste("OR = ", 
            round(fisher$estimate, decimal)))
        text(x = (max(x) + min(x))/2, y = 0.2, labels = paste("95% CI =", 
            round(fisher$conf.int, 2)[1], ",", round(fisher$conf.int, 
        abline(v = c(logit0, logit1), lty = 3, col = "blue")

print.cci <- function(x, ...){
    table2 <- addmargins(x$table)
    rownames(table2)[nrow(table2)] <- "Total"
    colnames(table2)[ncol(table2)] <- "Total"
    cat(c(paste(x$method,"OR = ",sep=""), round(x$or, x$decimal),"\n")) 
    cat(c(paste(ifelse(x$exact.ci.or,"Exact ",""),100*(1-x$alpha), "% CI = ", sep=""), paste(round(x$ci.or[1], x$decimal),",",sep=""),paste(round(x$ci.or[2], x$decimal),sep=""), sep=""), "\n")
    cat(paste("Chi-squared = ", round(summary(x$table)$statistic, x$decimal), 
        ", ", summary(x$table)$parameter, " d.f.,", " P value = ", 
        round(summary(x$table)$p.value, x$decimal + 1), "\n", sep=""))
    cat(paste("Fisher's exact test (2-sided) P value =", round(fisher.test(x$table)$p.value, 
        x$decimal + 1), "\n"))

#### Cohort tabulation from a dataset
cs <-
function (outcome, exposure, cctable = NULL, decimal = 2, method="Newcombe.Wilson", main, xlab, ylab,
          cex, cex.axis) 
    if (is.null(cctable)) {
        cctable <- table(outcome, exposure, deparse.level = 1, 
            dnn = list(substitute(outcome), substitute(exposure)))
        cctable.dimnames <- names(attr(cctable, "dimnames"))
    else {
        cctable.dimnames <- names(attr(cctable, "dimnames"))
    if (ncol(cctable) > 2 & nrow(cctable) == 2) {
        r <- rep(NA, ncol(cctable))
        rr <- rep(NA, ncol(cctable))
        lowci <- rep(NA, ncol(cctable))
        hici <- rep(NA, ncol(cctable))
        for (i in 1:ncol(cctable)) {
            r[i] <- cctable[2, i]/colSums(cctable)[i]
        rr[1] <- 1
        for (i in 2:ncol(cctable)) {
            rr[i] <- (cctable[2, i]/colSums(cctable)[i])/(cctable[2, 
        for (i in 2:ncol(cctable)) {
            lowci[i] <- rr[i]^(1 - qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(suppressWarnings(chisq.test(cbind(cctable[, 
                1], cctable[, i])))$statistic))
        for (i in 2:ncol(cctable)) {
            hici[i] <- rr[i]^(1 + qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(suppressWarnings(chisq.test(cbind(cctable[, 
                1], cctable[, i])))$statistic))
        row4 <- as.character(round(r, decimal))
        row5 <- as.character(round(rr, decimal))
        row5[1] <- "1"
        row6 <- as.character(round(lowci, decimal))
        row6[1] <- " "
        row7 <- as.character(round(hici, decimal))
        row7[1] <- " "
        table2 <- rbind(cctable, "", row4, row5, row6, row7)
        rownames(table2)[4] <- "Absolute risk"
        rownames(table2)[5] <- "Risk ratio"
        rownames(table2)[6] <- "lower 95% CI  "
        rownames(table2)[7] <- "upper 95% CI  "
        names(attr(table2, "dimnames")) <- names(attr(cctable, 
        cat("Chi-squared =", round(chisq.test(cctable)$statistic, 
            3), ",", chisq.test(cctable)$parameter, "d.f.,", 
            "P value =", round(chisq.test(cctable, correct = FALSE)$p.value, 
                decimal + 1), "\n")
        if (sum(chisq.test(cctable)$expected < 5)/sum(chisq.test(cctable)$expected > 
            0) > 0.2) {
            cat("Fisher's exact test (2-sided) P value =", round(fisher.test(cctable)$p.value, 
                decimal + 1), "\n")
        if (any(cctable < 5)) {
            cat("One of more cells is/are less than 5, not appropriate for graphing", 
                "\n", "\n")
        else {
            x <- 1:ncol(cctable)
            x.left <- x - 0.02
            x.right <- x + 0.02
            plot(x, rr, ylab = ifelse(missing(ylab), "Risk ratio", ylab), xaxt = "n", xlab = ifelse(missing(xlab),paste(names(attr(cctable, 
                "dimnames")[2])),xlab), main = ifelse(missing(main),"Risk ratio from a cohort study", main), 
                pch = " ", xlim = c(min(x.left) - 0.2, x.right[ncol(cctable)] + 
                  0.2), ylim = c(min(c(1, min(lowci, na.rm = TRUE), 
                  min(hici, na.rm = TRUE))), max(c(1, max(hici, 
                  na.rm = TRUE, max(lowci, na.rm = TRUE))))), 
                log = "y", type = "l", cex.axis=ifelse(missing(cex.axis), 1, cex.axis))
            for (i in 1:ncol(cctable)) {
                lines(x = c(x[i], x[i]), y = c(lowci[i], hici[i]))
                lines(x = c(x.left[i], x.right[i]), y = c(lowci[i], 
                lines(x = c(x.left[i], x.right[i]), y = c(hici[i], 
                points(x[i], rr[i], pch = 22, cex = sum(cctable[, 
                  i]) * (5/sum(cctable)))
            axis(1, at = x, labels = colnames(cctable), ifelse(missing(cex.axis), 1, cex.axis))
            text(1, 1, labels = "1", pos = 4, font = 4, col = "brown", cex=ifelse(missing(cex),1,cex))
            text(x[-1], rr[-1], labels = row5[-1], col = "brown", 
                pos = 1, font = 4, cex=ifelse(missing(cex),1,cex))
            text(x, rr, labels = ifelse(x == 1, "", paste("(", 
                row6, ",", row7, ")")), pos = 1, font = 4, offset = 1.5, 
                col = "brown", cex=ifelse(missing(cex),1,cex))
    else {
        a <- labelTable(outcome, exposure, cctable = cctable, 
            cctable.dimnames = cctable.dimnames)
        csi(caseexp = a$caseexp, controlex = a$controlex, casenonex = a$casenonex, 
            controlnonex = a$controlnonex, cctable = a$cctable, 
            decimal = decimal, method=method)

#### Cohort tabulation from keyboard
csi <- 
function (caseexp, controlex, casenonex, controlnonex, cctable = NULL, 
    decimal = 2, method="Newcombe.Wilson") 
    if (is.null(cctable)) {
        frame <- cbind(Outcome <- c(1, 0, 1, 0), Exposure <- c(1, 
            1, 0, 0), Freq <- c(caseexp, controlex, casenonex, 
        Exposure <- factor(Exposure)
        expgrouplab <- c("Non-exposed", "Exposed")
        levels(Exposure) <- expgrouplab
        Outcome <- factor(Outcome)
        outcomelab <- c("Negative", "Positive")
        levels(Outcome) <- outcomelab
        table <- xtabs(Freq ~ Outcome + Exposure, data = frame)
    else {
        table <- get("cctable")
    table2 <- addmargins(table)
    rownames(table2)[nrow(table2)] <- "Total"
    colnames(table2)[ncol(table2)] <- "Total"
    risk <- table2[2, ]/table2[3, ]
    table2 <- rbind(table2, c("", "", ""), c("Rne", "Re", "Rt"), 
        round(risk, decimal), deparse.level = 1)
    rownames(table2)[c(4:6)] <- c("", "", "Risk")
    names(attr(table2, "dimnames")) <- names(attr(table, "dimnames"))
    a <- table[1, 1]
    A <- sum(table[, 1]) * sum(table[1, ])/sum(table[, ])
    Vara <- sum(table[, 1])/(sum(table[, ]) - 1) * sum(table[1, 
        ]) * sum(table[, 2]) * sum(table[2, ])/sum(table[, ])^2
    chi2 <- abs(a - A)^2/Vara
newcombe.wilson <- function(caseexp, controlex, casenonex, controlnonex, alpha=0.05)
 n1 <- casenonex+controlnonex
 n2 <- caseexp+controlex
 CER <- casenonex/n1
 EER <- caseexp/n2

 Z <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)

 lower1 <- (1/(2*(n2+Z^2)))*(2*n2*CER+Z^2 - Z*(Z^2+4*n2*CER*(1-CER))^0.5)
 upper1 <- (1/(2*(n2+Z^2)))*(2*n2*CER+Z^2 + Z*(Z^2+4*n2*CER*(1-CER))^0.5)
 lower2 <- (1/(2*(n1+Z^2)))*(2*n1*EER+Z^2 - Z*(Z^2+4*n1*EER*(1-EER))^0.5)
 upper2 <- (1/(2*(n1+Z^2)))*(2*n1*EER+Z^2 + Z*(Z^2+4*n1*EER*(1-EER))^0.5)

 term1 <- sqrt(abs((lower1*(1-lower1)/n2)+(upper2*(1-upper2)/n1)))
 term2 <- sqrt(abs((upper1*(1-upper1)/n2)+(lower2*(1-lower2)/n1)))

 lower <- CER-EER - Z * term1
 upper <- CER-EER + Z * term2
 return(list(Risk = -(CER-EER), Lower.CI=-upper, Upper.CI=-lower))#ifelse(EER < CER,-upper,-upper), Upper.CI=ifelse(EER < CER, -lower,-lower)))
newcombe.wilson.results <- newcombe.wilson(caseexp, controlex, casenonex, controlnonex)
risk.diff <- newcombe.wilson.results$Risk 
risk.diff.lower <-  round(min(c(newcombe.wilson.results$Lower.CI,newcombe.wilson.results$Upper.CI)),decimal)
risk.diff.upper <-  round(max(c(newcombe.wilson.results$Lower.CI,newcombe.wilson.results$Upper.CI)),decimal)
    risk.diff <- risk[2] - risk[1]
    risk.diff.lower <- round(risk.diff * (1 - sign(risk.diff) * 
        (qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(chi2))), decimal)
    risk.diff.upper <- round(risk.diff * (1 + sign(risk.diff) * 
        (qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(chi2))), decimal)
    risk.ratio <- round(risk[2]/risk[1], decimal)
    risk.ratio.lower <- round(risk.ratio^(1 - sign(risk.diff) * 
        (qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(suppressWarnings(chisq.test(table)$statistic)))), 
    risk.ratio.upper <- round(risk.ratio^(1 + sign(risk.diff) * 
        (qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(suppressWarnings(chisq.test(table)$statistic)))), 
    if (risk.ratio < 1) {
        protective.efficacy <- round(-risk.diff/risk[1] * 100, 
            decimal - 1)
        protective.efficacy.lower <- round(100 * (1 - (risk.ratio^(1 - 
            (qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(suppressWarnings(chisq.test(table)$statistic)))))), 
        protective.efficacy.upper <- round(100 * (1 - (risk.ratio^(1 + 
            (qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(suppressWarnings(chisq.test(table)$statistic)))))), 
        nnt <- round(-1/risk.diff, decimal)
nnt.lower <- round(min(c(-1/newcombe.wilson.results$Lower.CI, -1/newcombe.wilson.results$Upper.CI)),decimal)
nnt.upper <- round(max(c(-1/newcombe.wilson.results$Lower.CI, -1/newcombe.wilson.results$Upper.CI)),decimal)
        nnt.lower <- round(min(c(-1/(risk.diff * (1 + (qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(chi2)))),-1/(risk.diff * (1 - (qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(chi2)))))), 
        nnt.upper <- round(max(c(-1/(risk.diff * (1 + (qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(chi2)))),-1/(risk.diff * (1 - (qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(chi2)))))), 
        risk.names <- c("Risk difference (Re - Rne)", "Risk ratio", 
            "Protective efficacy =(Rne-Re)/Rne*100  ", "  or percent of risk reduced", 
            "Number needed to treat (NNT)", "  or -1/(risk difference)")
        risk.table <- cbind(risk.names, c(round(risk.diff, decimal), 
            risk.ratio, protective.efficacy, " ", nnt, ""), c(risk.diff.lower, 
            risk.ratio.lower, protective.efficacy.lower, " ", 
            nnt.lower, ""), c(risk.diff.upper, risk.ratio.upper, 
            protective.efficacy.upper, " ", nnt.upper, ""))
    else {
        attributable.frac.exp <- round(risk.diff/risk[2], decimal)
        pop.risk.diff <- risk[3] - risk[1]
        attributable.frac.pop <- round((risk[3] - risk[1])/risk[3] * 
            100, decimal)
        nnh <- round(1/risk.diff, decimal)
nnh.lower <- round(min(c(1/newcombe.wilson.results$Upper.CI,1/newcombe.wilson.results$Lower.CI)), decimal)
nnh.upper <- round(max(c(1/newcombe.wilson.results$Upper.CI,1/newcombe.wilson.results$Lower.CI)), decimal)
        nnh.lower <- round(min(c(1/(risk.diff * (1 - (qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(chi2)))),1/(risk.diff * (1 + (qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(chi2)))))), 
        nnh.upper <- round(max(c(1/(risk.diff * (1 - (qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(chi2)))),1/(risk.diff * (1 + (qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)/sqrt(chi2)))))), 
        risk.names <- c("Risk difference (attributable risk)", 
            "Risk ratio", "Attr. frac. exp. -- (Re-Rne)/Re", 
            "Attr. frac. pop. -- (Rt-Rne)/Rt*100 %  ", "Number needed to harm (NNH)", 
            "  or 1/(risk difference)")
        risk.table <- cbind(risk.names, c(round(risk.diff, decimal), 
            risk.ratio, attributable.frac.exp, attributable.frac.pop, 
            nnh, ""), c(risk.diff.lower, risk.ratio.lower, "", 
            "", nnh.lower, ""), c(risk.diff.upper, risk.ratio.upper, 
            "", "", nnh.upper, ""))
    row.names(risk.table) <- rep("", nrow(risk.table))
    colnames(risk.table) <- c("", "Estimate", "Lower95ci", "Upper95ci")

### IDR display for poisson  and negative binomial regression
idr.display <- function (idr.model, alpha = 0.05, crude = TRUE, crude.p.value = FALSE, 
    decimal = 2, simplified = FALSE) 
    model <- idr.model
    if(length(grep("[$]", attr(model$term, "term.labels"))) > 0 | length(grep(")", attr(model$term, "term.labels"))) > 0  | length(model$call) < 3){
      simplified <- TRUE; crude <- TRUE
    factor.with.colon <- NULL
    for(i in 1:(length(attr(model$term, "term.labels"))-1)){
    factor.with.colon <- c(factor.with.colon, any(grep(pattern=":",model$xlevels[i])))
    factor.with.colon <- any(factor.with.colon)
    if(length(grep(":", attr(model$terms, "term.labels")))> 1 | factor.with.colon){
      simplified <- TRUE; crude <- TRUE
coeff <- summary(model)$coefficients[-1,]
table1 <- cbind(exp(coeff[, 1]), 
                exp(coeff[, 1] - qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * coeff[, 2]), 
                exp(coeff[, 1] + qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * coeff[, 2]),
                coeff[,4] )
    colnames(table1) <- c("Adj. IDR", paste("lower", 100 - 100 * alpha, 
        "ci", sep = ""), paste("upper", 100 - 100 * alpha, "ci", 
        sep = ""), "Pr(>|Z|)")
    if (length(class(model)) == 1) {
        stop("Model not from logistic regression")
    if (!any(class(model) == "glm") | !any(class(model) == "lm") | 
        (model$family$family != "poisson" &  length(grep("Negative Binomial", model$family$family))== 0)) {
        stop("Model not from poisson regression")
    var.names <- attr(model$terms, "term.labels")
    if (length(var.names) == 1) {
        crude <- FALSE
    if (crude) {
        idrci0 <- NULL
        for (i in 1:length(var.names)) {
            formula0 <- as.formula(paste(names(model$model)[1], 
                "~", var.names[i]))
            formula0 <- as.formula(paste(names(model$model)[1], 
                "~", var.names[i], "- 1"))
            model0 <- glm(formula0, weights = model$prior.weights,  offset=model$offset,
                family = poisson, data = model$model)
            model0 <- glm.nb (as.formula(paste(names(model$model)[1], "~", var.names[i])))
            coeff.matrix <- (summary(model0))$coefficients[-1, 
                , drop = FALSE]
            coeff.matrix <- (summary(model0))$coefficients[, 
                , drop = FALSE]
            if (length(grep(":", var.names[i])) > 0) {
                var.name.interact <- unlist(strsplit(var.names[i], 
                if (any(names(model$xlevels) == var.name.interact[1])) {
                  level1 <- length(unlist(model$xlevels[var.name.interact[1]])) - 
                else {
                  level1 <- 1
                if (any(names(model$xlevels) == var.name.interact[2])) {
                  level2 <- length(unlist(model$xlevels[var.name.interact[2]])) - 
                else {
                  level2 <- 1
                dim.coeff <- dim((summary(model0))$coefficients[-1, 
                  , drop = FALSE])
                coeff.matrix <- matrix(rep(NA, dim.coeff[1] * 
                  dim.coeff[2]), dim.coeff[1], dim.coeff[2])
                coeff.matrix <- coeff.matrix[1:(level1 * level2), 
                  , drop = FALSE]
            idrci0 <- rbind(idrci0, coeff.matrix)
        idrci0 <- rbind(matrix(rep(0, 4), 1, 4), idrci0)
        colnames(idrci0) <- c("crudeIDR", paste("lower0", 100 - 
            100 * alpha, "ci", sep = ""), paste("upper0", 100 - 
            100 * alpha, "ci", sep = ""), "crude P value")
        idrci0[, 3] <- exp(idrci0[, 1] + qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * idrci0[, 
        idrci0[, 2] <- exp(idrci0[, 1] - qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * idrci0[, 
        idrci0[, 1] <- exp(idrci0[, 1])
    s1 <- summary(model)
    idrci <- s1$coefficients
    colnames(idrci) <- c("idr", paste("lower", 100 - 100 * alpha, 
        "ci", sep = ""), paste("upper", 100 - 100 * alpha, "ci", 
        sep = ""), "P(Wald's test)")
    idrci[, 3] <- exp(idrci[, 1] + qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * idrci[, 
    idrci[, 2] <- exp(idrci[, 1] - qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * idrci[, 
    idrci[, 1] <- exp(idrci[, 1])
    decimal1 <- ifelse(abs(idrci[, 1] - 1) < 0.01, 4, decimal)
    a <- cbind(paste(round(idrci[, 1], decimal1), " (", round(idrci[, 
        2], decimal1), ",", round(idrci[, 3], decimal1), ") ", 
        sep = ""), ifelse(idrci[, 4] < 0.001, "< 0.001", round(idrci[, 
        4], decimal + 1)))
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("adj. IDR(", 100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)", 
        sep = ""), "P(Wald's test)")
    if (length(var.names) == 1) {
        colnames(a) <- c(paste("IDR(", 100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)", 
            sep = ""), "P(Wald's test)")
    rownames.a <- rownames(a)
    if (crude) {
        decimal0 <- ifelse(abs(idrci0[, 1] - 1) < 0.01, 4, decimal)
        if (crude.p.value) {
            a0 <- cbind(paste(round(idrci0[, 1], decimal0), " (", 
                round(idrci0[, 2], decimal0), ",", round(idrci0[, 
                  3], decimal0), ") ", sep = ""), ifelse(idrci0[, 
                4, drop = FALSE] < 0.001, "< 0.001", round(idrci0[, 
                4, drop = FALSE], decimal + 1)))
            a <- cbind(a0, a)
            rownames(a) <- rownames.a
            colnames(a) <- c(paste("crude IDR(", 100 - 100 * alpha, 
                "%CI)", sep = ""), "crude P value", paste("adj. IDR(", 
                100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)", sep = ""), "P(Wald's test)")
            a[grep(":", rownames(a)), 1:2] <- "-"
        else {
            a <- cbind(paste(round(idrci0[, 1], decimal1), " (", 
                round(idrci0[, 2], decimal1), ",", round(idrci0[, 
                  3], decimal1), ") ", sep = ""), a)
            colnames(a) <- c(paste("crude IDR(", 100 - 100 * alpha, 
                "%CI)", sep = ""), paste("adj. IDR(", 100 - 100 * 
                alpha, "%CI)", sep = ""), "P(Wald's test)")
            a[grep(":", rownames(a)), 1] <- "-"
    modified.coeff.array <- a
    table1 <- tableGlm(model, modified.coeff.array, decimal)
if(simplified) {
first.line <- NULL
last.lines <- NULL
    outcome.name <- names(model$model)[1]
    modelData <- get(as.character(model$call)[3])
    modelData <- model$data
    if (!is.null(attr(modelData, "var.labels"))) {
        outcome.name <- attr(modelData, "var.labels")[attr(modelData, 
            "names") == names(model$model)[1]]
    else {
        outcome.name <- names(model$model)[1]
    outcome.name <- ifelse(outcome.name == "", names(model$model)[1], 
    outcome.lab <- paste(outcome.name,  "with offset =", deparse(as.list(model$call)$offset), "\n")
        outcome.lab <- paste(outcome.name, "\n")
    first.line <- paste("\n", ifelse(any(class(model)=="negbin"),"Negative binomial", "Poisson"), " regression predicting ", outcome.lab, sep = "")
    last.lines <- paste("Log-likelihood = ", round(logLik(model), decimal + 2), "\n",
                   "No. of observations = ", length(model$y), "\n",
                   "AIC value = ", round(s1$aic, decimal + 2), "\n","\n", sep = "")
    results <- list(first.line=first.line, table=table1, last.lines=last.lines)
    class(results) <- c("display", "list")

### MH- stratified analysis
mhor <- function(..., mhtable=NULL, decimal=2, graph=TRUE, design="cohort") {
if(is.null(mhtable)) {mhtable <- table(...)}else{mhtable <- as.table(mhtable)}
a <-0
A <-0
Vara <-0
numerator <- 0
denominator <-0
or <- c(1:dim(mhtable)[3])
logse <- c(1:dim(mhtable)[3])
lowlim <- c(1:dim(mhtable)[3])
uplim <- c(1:dim(mhtable)[3])
p.value <- c(1:dim(mhtable)[3])
stratlab <- levels(as.data.frame(mhtable)[,3]) # Vector labelling strata
tabodds <- c(1:(4*length(stratlab)))
dim(tabodds) <- c(length(stratlab), 4)
p <-0; q <-0; r <-0; s <-0; pr <-0; ps <-0; qr <-0; qs <-0; psqr <-0
for (i in 1:dim(mhtable)[3]) 
# OR, ln(SE) and 95 ci for each staratum
	or[i] <- fisher.test(as.table(mhtable[,,i]))$estimate
	lowlim[i] <- fisher.test(as.table(mhtable[,,i]))$conf.int[1]
	uplim[i] <- fisher.test(as.table(mhtable[,,i]))$conf.int[2]
	p.value[i] <- fisher.test(as.table(mhtable[,,i]))$p.value
# Computing MH odds ratio and standard error
	numerator <- numerator+ mhtable[1,1,i]*mhtable[2,2,i]/sum(mhtable[,,i])
	denominator <- denominator+mhtable[1,2,i]*mhtable[2,1,i]/sum(mhtable[,,i])
	p <- p+(mhtable[1,1,i]+mhtable[2,2,i])/sum(mhtable[,,i])
	q <- q+(mhtable[1,2,i]+mhtable[2,1,i])/sum(mhtable[,,i])
	r <- numerator
	s <- denominator
	pr <- pr+(mhtable[1,1,i]+mhtable[2,2,i])/sum(mhtable[,,i])*
	ps <- ps+(mhtable[1,1,i]+mhtable[2,2,i])/sum(mhtable[,,i])*
	qr <- qr+(mhtable[1,2,i]+mhtable[2,1,i])/sum(mhtable[,,i])*
	qs <- qs+(mhtable[1,2,i]+mhtable[2,1,i])/sum(mhtable[,,i])*
	psqr <- psqr+(mhtable[1,1,i]+mhtable[2,2,i])/sum(mhtable[,,i])*
# Computing chi-squared
	a <- a+ mhtable[1,1,i]
        A <- A+sum(mhtable[,1,i])*sum(mhtable[1,,i])/sum(mhtable[,,i])
        Vara <- Vara +  sum(mhtable[, 1, i]) / (sum(mhtable[, , i]) - 1) * 
		sum(mhtable[1, , i]) * 
		sum(mhtable[, 2, i]) * 
		sum(mhtable[2, , i]) /
		sum(mhtable[, , i])^2

# Individual stratum
	tabodds[i,] <- c(or[i], lowlim[i], uplim[i], p.value[i])
colnames(tabodds) <- c("OR", "lower lim.", "upper lim.", "P value")
collab <- colnames(as.data.frame(mhtable))[3]
cat("Stratified analysis by ",(collab), "\n")
rownames(tabodds) <- paste(collab, stratlab, "")
mhor <- numerator/denominator
mhlogse <- sqrt(pr/2/r^2 + psqr/2/r/s + qs/2/s^2)
mhlolim <- exp(log(mhor)-qnorm(0.975)*mhlogse)
mhhilim <- exp(log(mhor)+qnorm(0.975)*mhlogse)
chi2 <- abs(a-A)^2/Vara # If needs corrected chisquare: chi2 <-(abs(a-A)-1/2)^2/Vara
mh.p.value <-pchisq(chi2,1, lower.tail=FALSE)
het <- sum((log(or)-log(mhor))^2/(1/mhtable[1,1,]+ 1/mhtable[1,2,]+ 1/ mhtable[2,1,]+ 1/
p.value.het <- pchisq(het, length(or)-1, lower.tail=FALSE)
tabodds1 <- rbind(tabodds, c(mhor, mhlolim, mhhilim, mh.p.value))
rownames(tabodds1)[dim(tabodds1)[1]] <- "M-H combined"
print(tabodds1, digit=3)
cat("M-H Chi2(1) =", round(chi2,decimal), ", P value =", round(mh.p.value, decimal+1), "\n")
	mhresults <- list(strat.table=mhtable, mh.or=mhor, ci95=c(mhlolim, mhhilim))
if (any(mhtable==0)){
  cat(paste("\n","One or more cells of the stratified table == 0.","\n",
    "Homogeneity test not computable.","\n","\n"))
    graph <- FALSE
    cat(paste(" Graph not drawn","\n","\n"))
    cat("Homogeneity test, chi-squared", dim(tabodds)[1]-1, "d.f. =", round(het,decimal),",",
	  "P value =", round(p.value.het, decimal+1), "\n")
# mhresults
if (graph==TRUE){
	caseexp      <- rep(0, dim(mhtable)[3])
	controlex    <- rep(0, dim(mhtable)[3])
	casenonex    <- rep(0, dim(mhtable)[3])
	controlnonex <- rep(0, dim(mhtable)[3])
	logit0       <- rep(0, dim(mhtable)[3])
	se0          <- rep(0, dim(mhtable)[3])
	logit1       <- rep(0, dim(mhtable)[3])
	se1          <- rep(0, dim(mhtable)[3])
	x            <- rep(0, 6*dim(mhtable)[3])
	y            <- rep(0, 6*dim(mhtable)[3])
	for(i in 1:dim(mhtable)[3]){
		caseexp[i] 	<- mhtable[2,2,i]
		controlex[i] 	<- mhtable[1,2,i]
		casenonex[i]	<- mhtable[2,1,i]
		controlnonex[i]	<- mhtable[1,1,i]
	if(design=="case control"||design=="case-control"||design=="casecontrol"){
		for(i in 1:dim(mhtable)[3]){
			logit0[i] <- log(controlex[i]/controlnonex[i]) 
			se0[i]    <- sqrt(1/controlex[i]+1/controlnonex[i])
			logit1[i] <- log(caseexp[i]/casenonex[i])
			se1[i]    <- sqrt(1/caseexp[i]+1/casenonex[i])
			x[(1:6)+(i-1)*6] <- c(c(-1,0,1)*1.96*se0[i] + logit0[i],
				c(-1,0,1)*1.96*se1[i] + logit1[i] )
			y[(1:6)+(i-1)*6] <- c(rep(0+0.025*(i-1),3),rep(1+0.025*(i-1),3))
		plot(x,y, xlab="Odds of exposure",yaxt="n", xaxt="n", 
			main="Stratified case control analysis", 
				", Exposure=",colnames(as.data.frame(mhtable))[2]),pch=" ")
		for(i in 1:dim(mhtable)[3]){
			lines(x[c(1,3)+(i-1)*6],y[c(1,3)+(i-1)*6], col=i+1)
			lines(x[c(4,6)+(i-1)*6],y[c(4,6)+(i-1)*6], col=i+1)
			lines(x[c(2,5)+(i-1)*6],y[c(2,5)+(i-1)*6], col=i+1, lty=2)
			points(x[c(1,3)+(i-1)*6],y[c(1,3)+(i-1)*6], col=i+1, pch="I")
			points(x[c(4,6)+(i-1)*6],y[c(4,6)+(i-1)*6], col=i+1, pch="I")
			points(x[c(2,5)+(i-1)*6],y[c(2,5)+(i-1)*6], col=i+1,pch=22,
				text(x=(max(x)+min(x))/2, y=0.3+0.1*i, col=dim(mhtable)[3]+2-i, 
					labels=paste(collab, stratlab[dim(mhtable)[3]+1-i],": OR= ",
					round(or[dim(mhtable)[3]+1-i],decimal)," (",round(lowlim[dim(mhtable)[3]+1-i],decimal),", ",
		x1 <- exp(x)
		a <- 2^(-10:10)
		if(length(a[a>min(x1) & a<max(x1)]) >2 & length(a[a>min(x1) & a<max(x1)]) <10){
			a1 <- a[a>min(x1) & a<max(x1)]
				as.character(trunc(1/a1[a1<1])), sep=""))
			at.x <-  seq(from=min(x),to=max(x),by=((max(x)-min(x))/5))
			labels.oddsx <- exp(at.x)
			axis(1,at=at.x, labels=as.character(round(labels.oddsx,digits=decimal)))
		text(x=(max(x)+min(x))/2, y=.3, labels=paste("MH-OR"," = ",
			round(mhor,decimal)," (",round(mhlolim,decimal),", ",
		text(x=(max(x)+min(x))/2, y=.2, labels=paste("homogeneity test P value"," = ",
			round(p.value.het, decimal+1),sep=""))
		axis(2, at=0.025*(dim(mhtable)[3]-1)/2, labels="Control", las=1)
		axis(2, at=1+0.025*(dim(mhtable)[3]-1)/2, labels="Case", las=1)
	if(design=="cohort" || design=="prospective"){
		for(i in 1:dim(mhtable)[3]){
			logit0[i] <- log(casenonex[i]/controlnonex[i]); se0[i] <-sqrt(1/casenonex[i]+1/controlnonex[i])
			logit1[i] <- log(caseexp[i]/controlex[i]); se1[i] <- sqrt(1/caseexp[i]+1/controlnonex[i])
			y[(1:6)+(i-1)*6] <- c(c(-1,0,1)*1.96*se0[i] + logit0[i],c(-1,0,1)*1.96*se1[i] + logit1[i] )
			x[(1:6)+(i-1)*6] <- c(rep(0+0.025*(i-1),3),rep(1+0.025*(i-1),3))
		plot(x,y, ylab="Odds of outcome",yaxt="n", xaxt="n",
			main="Stratified prospective/X-sectional analysis",
				", Exposure=",colnames(as.data.frame(mhtable))[2]),pch=" ")
		for(i in 1:dim(mhtable)[3]){
			lines(x[(1:3)+(i-1)*6],y[(1:3)+(i-1)*6], col=i+1)
			lines(x[(4:6)+(i-1)*6],y[(4:6)+(i-1)*6], col=i+1)
			lines(x[c(2,5)+(i-1)*6],y[c(2,5)+(i-1)*6], col=i+1, lty=2)
			lines(x=c(-.02,.02)+0.025*(i-1),y=c(y[1+(i-1)*6],y[1+(i-1)*6]), col=i+1)
			lines(x=c(-.02,.02)+0.025*(i-1),y=c(y[3+(i-1)*6],y[3+(i-1)*6]), col=i+1)
			lines(x=c(.98,1.02)+0.025*(i-1),y=c(y[4+(i-1)*6],y[4+(i-1)*6]), col=i+1)
			lines(x=c(.98,1.02)+0.025*(i-1),y=c(y[6+(i-1)*6],y[6+(i-1)*6]), col=i+1)
			points(x[c(2,5)+(i-1)*6],y[c(2,5)+(i-1)*6], col=i+1, pch=22,
			text(x=.5, y=0.3*(max(y)-min(y))+min(y)+ 0.1*i*(max(y)-min(y)), col=dim(mhtable)[3]+2-i, 
				labels=paste(collab,stratlab[dim(mhtable)[3]+1-i],": OR = ",
				round(or[dim(mhtable)[3]+1-i],decimal)," (",round(lowlim[dim(mhtable)[3]+1-i],decimal),", ",
		text(x=.5, y=.3*(max(y)-min(y))+min(y), labels=paste("MH-OR"," = ",
			round(mhor,decimal)," (",round(mhlolim,decimal),", ",
		text(x=.5, y=.2*(max(y)-min(y))+min(y), labels=paste("homogeneity test P value"," = ",
			round(p.value.het, decimal+1),sep=""))

		axis(1, at=0.025*(dim(mhtable)[3]-1)/2, labels="Non-exposed")
		axis(1, at=1+0.025*(dim(mhtable)[3]-1)/2, labels="Exposed")
		y1 <- exp(y)
		a <- 2^(-10:10)
		if(length(a[a>min(y1) & a<max(y1)]) >2 & length(a[a>min(y1) & a<max(y1)]) <10){
			a1 <- a[a>min(y1) & a<max(y1)]
		if(any(a1>=1)) {axis(2,at=log(a1[a1>=1]),labels=as.character(a1[a1>=1]),las=1)}
		if(any(a<1)) {axis(2,at=log(a1[a1<1]),labels=paste(as.character(1),"/",
			as.character(trunc(1/a1[a1<1])), sep=""),las=1)}
		at.y <-  seq(from=min(y),to=max(y),by=((max(y)-min(y))/5))
		labels.oddsy <- exp(at.y)
		axis(2,at=at.y, labels=as.character(round(labels.oddsy,digits=decimal+1)),las=1)

#### Logistic regression display

logistic.display <- function (logistic.model, alpha = 0.05, crude = TRUE, crude.p.value = FALSE, 
    decimal = 2, simplified = FALSE) 
    model <- logistic.model
    if(length(grep("[$]", attr(model$term, "term.labels"))) > 0 
      | length(grep(")", attr(model$term, "term.labels"))) > 0  
      | length(model$call) < 3){
      simplified <- TRUE; crude <- TRUE
    factor.with.colon <- NULL
    for(i in 1:(length(attr(model$term, "term.labels")))){
    factor.with.colon <- c(factor.with.colon, any(grep(":",model$xlevels[i])))
    factor.with.colon <- any(factor.with.colon)
    if((length(grep(":", attr(model$terms, "term.labels"))) > 1) | factor.with.colon){
      simplified <- TRUE; crude <- TRUE
coeff <- summary(model)$coefficients[-1,]
table1 <- cbind(exp(coeff[, 1]), 
                exp(coeff[, 1] - qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * coeff[, 2]), 
                exp(coeff[, 1] + qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * coeff[, 2]),
                coeff[,4] )
    colnames(table1) <- c("OR", paste("lower", 100 - 100 * alpha, 
        "ci", sep = ""), paste("upper", 100 - 100 * alpha, "ci", 
        sep = ""), "Pr(>|Z|)")
    if (length(class(model)) == 1) {
        stop("Model not from logistic regression")
    if (class(model)[1] != "glm" | class(model)[2] != "lm" | 
        model$family$family != "binomial") {
        stop("Model not from logistic regression")

    var.names <- attr(model$terms, "term.labels")
    if (length(var.names) == 1) {
        crude <- FALSE
    if (crude) {
        orci0 <- NULL
        for (i in 1:length(var.names)) {
            formula0 <- as.formula(paste(names(model$model)[1], 
                "~", var.names[i]))
            formula0 <- as.formula(paste(names(model$model)[1], 
                "~", var.names[i], "- 1"))
            if(length(grep("cbind", names(model$model)[1])) > 0){
            model0 <- glm(formula0, 
                family = binomial, data = get(as.character(model$call)[4]))
            model0 <- glm(formula0, weights = model$prior.weights, 
                family = binomial, data = model$model)
            coeff.matrix <- (summary(model0))$coefficients[-1, 
                , drop = FALSE]
            coeff.matrix <- (summary(model0))$coefficients[, 
                , drop = FALSE]
            if (length(grep(":", var.names[i])) > 0) {
                var.name.interact <- unlist(strsplit(var.names[i], 
                if (any(names(model$xlevels) == var.name.interact[1])) {
                  level1 <- length(unlist(model$xlevels[var.name.interact[1]])) - 
                else {
                  level1 <- 1
                if (any(names(model$xlevels) == var.name.interact[2])) {
                  level2 <- length(unlist(model$xlevels[var.name.interact[2]])) - 
                else {
                  level2 <- 1
                dim.coeff <- dim((summary(model0))$coefficients[-1, 
                  , drop = FALSE])
                coeff.matrix <- matrix(rep(NA, dim.coeff[1] * 
                  dim.coeff[2]), dim.coeff[1], dim.coeff[2])
                coeff.matrix <- coeff.matrix[1:(level1 * level2), 
                  , drop = FALSE]
            orci0 <- rbind(orci0, coeff.matrix)
        orci0 <- rbind(matrix(rep(0, 4), 1, 4), orci0)
        colnames(orci0) <- c("crudeOR", paste("lower0", 100 - 
            100 * alpha, "ci", sep = ""), paste("upper0", 100 - 
            100 * alpha, "ci", sep = ""), "crude P value")
        orci0[, 3] <- exp(orci0[, 1] + qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * orci0[, 
        orci0[, 2] <- exp(orci0[, 1] - qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * orci0[, 
        orci0[, 1] <- exp(orci0[, 1])
    s1 <- summary(model)
    orci <- s1$coefficients
    colnames(orci) <- c("OR", paste("lower", 100 - 100 * alpha, 
        "ci", sep = ""), paste("upper", 100 - 100 * alpha, "ci", 
        sep = ""), "P(Wald's test)")
    orci[, 3] <- exp(orci[, 1] + qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * orci[, 
    orci[, 2] <- exp(orci[, 1] - qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * orci[, 
    orci[, 1] <- exp(orci[, 1])

    decimal1 <- ifelse(abs(orci[, 1] - 1) < 0.01, 4, decimal)
    a <- cbind(paste(round(orci[, 1], decimal1), " (", round(orci[, 
        2], decimal1), ",", round(orci[, 3], decimal1), ") ", 
        sep = ""), ifelse(orci[, 4] < 0.001, "< 0.001", round(orci[, 
        4], decimal + 1)))
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("adj. OR(", 100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)", 
        sep = ""), "P(Wald's test)")
    if (length(var.names) == 1) {
        colnames(a) <- c(paste("OR(", 100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)", 
            sep = ""), "P(Wald's test)")
    rownames.a <- rownames(a)
    if (crude) {
        decimal0 <- ifelse(abs(orci0[, 1] - 1) < 0.01, 4, decimal)
        if (crude.p.value) {
            a0 <- cbind(paste(round(orci0[, 1], decimal0), " (", 
                round(orci0[, 2], decimal0), ",", round(orci0[, 
                  3], decimal0), ") ", sep = ""), ifelse(orci0[, 
                4, drop = FALSE] < 0.001, "< 0.001", round(orci0[, 
                4, drop = FALSE], decimal + 1)))
            a <- cbind(a0, a)
            rownames(a) <- rownames.a
            colnames(a) <- c(paste("crude OR(", 100 - 100 * alpha, 
                "%CI)", sep = ""), "crude P value", paste("adj. OR(", 
                100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)", sep = ""), "P(Wald's test)")
            a[grep(":", rownames(a)), 1:2] <- "-"
        else {
            a <- cbind(paste(round(orci0[, 1], decimal1), " (", 
                round(orci0[, 2], decimal1), ",", round(orci0[, 
                  3], decimal1), ") ", sep = ""), a)
            colnames(a) <- c(paste("crude OR(", 100 - 100 * alpha, 
                "%CI)", sep = ""), paste("adj. OR(", 100 - 100 * 
                alpha, "%CI)", sep = ""), "P(Wald's test)")
            a[grep(":", rownames(a)), 1] <- "-"
    modified.coeff.array <- a
    table1 <- tableGlm(model, modified.coeff.array, decimal)
if(simplified) {
first.line <- NULL
last.lines <- NULL
    outcome.name <- names(model$model)[1]
    if (!is.null(attr(model$data, "var.labels"))) {
        outcome.name <- attr(model$data, "var.labels")[attr(model$data, 
            "names") == names(model$model)[1]]
    else {
        outcome.name <- names(model$model)[1]
    outcome.name <- ifelse(outcome.name == "", names(model$model)[1], 
    if (crude) {
        if (attr(model0$term, "dataClasses")[1] == "logical") {
            outcome.lab <- paste(outcome.name, "\n")
        else {
            if ((attr(model$term, "dataClasses")[1] == "numeric") | 
                (attr(model$term, "dataClasses")[1] == "integer")) {
                outcome.levels <- levels(factor(model$model[, 
                outcome.lab <- paste(outcome.name, outcome.levels[2], 
                  "vs", outcome.levels[1], "\n")
    if (attr(model$term, "dataClasses")[1] == "factor") {
        outcome.lab <- paste(names(model$model)[1], ":", levels(model$model[, 
            1])[2], "vs", levels(model$model[, 1])[1], "\n")
    else {
        outcome.lab <- paste(outcome.name, "\n")
    first.line <-paste("\n", "Logistic regression predicting ", outcome.lab, 
        sep = "")
    last.lines <- paste("Log-likelihood = ", round(logLik(model), decimal + 2), "\n",
                   "No. of observations = ", length(model$y), "\n",
                   "AIC value = ", round(s1$aic, decimal + 2), "\n","\n", sep = "")
    results <- list(first.line=first.line, table=table1, last.lines=last.lines)
    class(results) <- c("display", "list")

print.display <- function(x, ...)
    cat(x$first.line, "\n")

###### Linear regression display

regress.display <- function (regress.model, alpha = 0.05, crude=FALSE, crude.p.value=FALSE, decimal = 2, simplified=FALSE) 
    model <- regress.model
    if(length(grep("[$]", attr(model$term, "term.labels"))) > 0 
      | length(grep(")", attr(model$term, "term.labels"))) > 0  
      | length(model$call) < 3){
      simplified <- TRUE; crude <- TRUE
    factor.with.colon <- NULL
    for(i in 1:(length(attr(model$term, "term.labels"))-1)){
    factor.with.colon <- c(factor.with.colon, any(grep(":",model$xlevels[i])))
    factor.with.colon <- any(factor.with.colon)
    if((length(grep(":", attr(model$terms, "term.labels"))) > 1) | factor.with.colon){
      simplified <- TRUE; crude <- TRUE
coeff <- summary(model)$coefficients
table1 <- cbind(coeff[,1], (coeff[,1] - qt((1 - alpha/2), summary(model)$df[2]) * coeff[,2]),
          (coeff[,1] + qt((1 - alpha/2), summary(model)$df[2]) * coeff[,2]), coeff[,4]) 
colnames(table1) <- c("Coeff", paste("lower0", 100 - 100 * alpha, 
        "ci", sep = ""), paste("upper0", 100 - 100 * alpha, "ci", 
        sep = ""), "Pr>|t|")
    if (class(model)[1] != "glm" | class(model)[2] != "lm" | 
        model$family$family != "gaussian") {
        stop("Model not from linear regression")
    if (!inherits(model,"lm" )) {
        stop("Model not from linear regression")
    var.names <- attr(model$terms, "term.labels") # Independent vars
    if(length(var.names)==1){crude <- FALSE}
    reg.ci0 <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(var.names)){
        formula0 <- as.formula(paste(names(model$model)[1], "~", var.names[i]))
        model0 <- glm(formula0, weights=model$prior.weights,
         family=model$family, data=model$model)
        model0 <- lm(formula0, weights=model$prior.weights,
    coeff.matrix <- (summary(model0))$coefficients[-1,]     
    if(length(grep(":", var.names[i]))>0){
    var.name.interact <- unlist(strsplit(var.names[i], ":"))
      level1 <- length(unlist(model$xlevels[var.name.interact[1]]))-1
      level1 <- 1
      level2 <- length(unlist(model$xlevels[var.name.interact[2]]))-1
      level2 <- 1
    dim.coeff <- dim((summary(model0))$coefficients[-1,, drop=FALSE])
    coeff.matrix <- matrix(rep(NA, dim.coeff[1]*dim.coeff[2]), dim.coeff[1], dim.coeff[2])
    coeff.matrix <- coeff.matrix[1:(level1*level2), ,drop=FALSE] 
    reg.ci0 <- rbind(reg.ci0, coeff.matrix)   
    reg.ci0 <- rbind(matrix(rep(0,4),1,4), reg.ci0)
    colnames(reg.ci0) <- c("crude.Coeff", paste("lower0", 100 - 100 * alpha, 
        "ci", sep = ""), paste("upper0", 100 - 100 * alpha, "ci", 
        sep = ""), "crude P value")
    reg.ci0[, 3] <- (reg.ci0[, 1] + qt((1 - alpha/2), summary(model0)$df[2]) * reg.ci0[, 
    reg.ci0[, 2] <- (reg.ci0[, 1] - qt((1 - alpha/2), summary(model0)$df[2]) * reg.ci0[, 
    s1 <- summary(model)
    reg.ci <- s1$coefficients
    colnames(reg.ci) <- c("Coeff", paste("lower", 100 - 100 * alpha, 
        "ci", sep = ""), paste("upper", 100 - 100 * alpha, "ci", 
        sep = ""), "P(t-test)")
    reg.ci[, 3] <- (reg.ci[, 1] + qt((1 - alpha/2), summary(model)$df[2]) * reg.ci[, 
    reg.ci[, 2] <- (reg.ci[, 1] - qt((1 - alpha/2), summary(model)$df[2]) * reg.ci[, 
    decimal1 <- ifelse(abs(reg.ci[,1]-1) < .01,  4, decimal)
    a <- cbind(paste(round(reg.ci[,1], decimal1)," (",round(reg.ci[,2], decimal1),",",
          round(reg.ci[,3], decimal1),") ", sep=""), ifelse(reg.ci[,4] < .001, "< 0.001",round(reg.ci[,4],decimal+1)))
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("adj. coeff.(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep=""),"P(t-test)")
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("Coeff.(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep=""),"P(t-test)")
    rownames.a <- rownames(a) 
    decimal0 <- ifelse(abs(reg.ci0[,1]-1) < .01,  4, decimal)
    a0 <- cbind(paste(round(reg.ci0[,1], decimal0)," (",round(reg.ci0[,2], decimal0),",",
          round(reg.ci0[,3], decimal0),") ", sep=""), ifelse(reg.ci0[,4] < .001, "< 0.001",round(reg.ci0[,4],decimal+1)))
    a <- cbind(a0,a)
    rownames(a) <- rownames.a
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("crude coeff.(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep="") ,"crude P value", 
        paste("adj. coeff.(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep=""),"P(t-test)")
        a[grep(":",rownames(a)) ,1:2] <- "-"
    a <- cbind(paste(round(reg.ci0[,1], decimal1)," (",round(reg.ci0[,2], decimal1),",",
          round(reg.ci0[,3], decimal1),") ", sep=""), a)
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("crude coeff.(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep="") , 
          paste("adj. coeff.(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep=""),"P(t-test)")
        a[grep(":",rownames(a)) ,1] <- "-"
    modified.coeff.array <- a
tableGlm(model, modified.coeff.array, decimal) -> table1    
if(simplified) {
first.line <- NULL
last.lines <- NULL
    outcome.name <- names(model$model)[1]
    if(!is.null(attr(model$data, "var.labels"))){
    outcome.name <- attr(model$data, "var.labels")[attr(model$data, "names")==names(model$model)[1]]
    var.labels <- attributes(get(as.character(model$call)[3]))$var.labels
    outcome.name <- var.labels[names(get(as.character(model$call)[3]))==outcome.name]
    outcome.name <- names(model$model)[1]
            outcome.name <- ifelse(outcome.name == 
                "", names(model$model)[1], outcome.name)
    first.line <- paste("Linear regression predicting ",outcome.name, sep="", "\n")
    last.lines <- paste("Log-likelihood = ", round(logLik(model), decimal + 2), "\n",
                   "No. of observations = ", length(model$y), "\n",
                   "AIC value = ", round(s1$aic, decimal + 2), "\n","\n", sep = "")
    last.lines <- paste("No. of observations = ", nrow(model$model), "\n","\n", sep = "")
    results <- list(first.line=first.line, table=table1, last.lines=last.lines)
    class(results) <- c("display", "list")

#### Conditional logistic regression display

clogistic.display <- function (clogit.model, alpha = 0.05, crude=TRUE, crude.p.value=FALSE, decimal = 2, simplified = FALSE) 
    model <- clogit.model
    if(!any(class(model)=="clogit")){stop("Model not from conditional logisitic regression")}
    if(length(grep("[$]", attr(model$term, "term.labels")[-length(attr(model$term, "term.labels"))])) > 0 
      | length(grep(")", attr(model$term, "term.labels")[-length(attr(model$term, "term.labels"))])) > 0  
      | length(model$userCall) < 3){
      simplified <- TRUE; crude <- TRUE
    factor.with.colon <- NULL
    for(i in 1:(length(attr(model$term, "term.labels"))-1)){
    factor.with.colon <- c(factor.with.colon, any(grep(pattern=":",levels(get(as.character(model$call)[3])[,attr(model$term,"term.labels")[i]]))))
    factor.with.colon <- any(factor.with.colon)
    if(length(grep(":", attr(model$terms, "term.labels")))> 1 | factor.with.colon){
      simplified <- TRUE; crude <- TRUE
table1 <- summary(model)$conf.int[,-2]
colnames(table1)[1] <- "Adj. OR"
    var.names0 <- attr(model$terms, "term.labels") # Independent vars
    var.names <- var.names0[-grep(pattern="strata", var.names0)]                                                    
    if(length(var.names)==1){crude <- FALSE}
    orci0 <- NULL
    for(i in 1:(length(var.names))){                                        
        formula0 <- as.formula(paste( rownames(attr(model$terms,"factor"))[1], "~", 
            paste(c(var.names[i], var.names0[grep(pattern="strata", var.names0)]), collapse="+")))
        model0 <- coxph(formula0, data=get(as.character(model$call)[3]) )
    coeff.matrix <- summary(model0)$coef[,c(1,3:5), drop=FALSE]
    if(length(grep(":", var.names[i]))>0){
    var.name.interact <- unlist(strsplit(var.names[i], ":"))
      level1 <- length(levels(get(as.character(model$call)[3])[,var.name.interact[1]]))-1
      level1 <- 1
      level2 <- length(levels(get(as.character(model$call)[3])[,var.name.interact[2]]))-1
      level2 <- 1
    dim.coeff <- dim((summary(model0))$coef[,c(1,3:5), drop=FALSE])
    coeff.matrix <- matrix(rep(NA, dim.coeff[1]*dim.coeff[2]), dim.coeff[1], dim.coeff[2])
    coeff.matrix <- coeff.matrix[1:(level1*level2), ,drop=FALSE] 
    orci0 <- rbind(orci0, coeff.matrix)   
    colnames(orci0) <- c("crudeOR", paste("lower0", 100 - 100 * alpha, 
        "ci", sep = ""), paste("upper0", 100 - 100 * alpha, "ci", 
        sep = ""), "crude P value")
    orci0[, 3] <- exp(orci0[, 1] + qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * orci0[, 
    orci0[, 2] <- exp(orci0[, 1] - qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * orci0[, 
    orci0[, 1] <- exp(orci0[, 1])
    s1 <- summary(model)
    orci <- s1$coef[, c(1,3:5), drop=FALSE]
    colnames(orci) <- c("OR", paste("lower", 100 - 100 * alpha, 
        "ci", sep = ""), paste("upper", 100 - 100 * alpha, "ci", 
        sep = ""), "P(Wald's test)")
    orci[, 3] <- exp(orci[, 1] + qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * orci[, 
    orci[, 2] <- exp(orci[, 1] - qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * orci[, 
    orci[, 1] <- exp(orci[, 1])
    decimal1 <- ifelse(abs(orci[,1]-1) < .01,  4, decimal)
    a <- cbind(paste(round(orci[,1], decimal1)," (",round(orci[,2], decimal1),",",
          round(orci[,3], decimal1),") ", sep=""), ifelse(orci[,4] < .001, "< 0.001",round(orci[,4],decimal+1)))
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("adj. OR(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep=""),"P(Wald's test)")
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("OR(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep=""),"P(Wald's test)")
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("OR(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep=""),"P(Wald's test)")
    rownames.a <- rownames(a) 
    decimal0 <- ifelse(abs(orci0[,1]-1) < .01,  4, decimal)
    a0 <- cbind(paste(round(orci0[,1,drop=FALSE], decimal0)," (",round(orci0[,2,drop=FALSE], decimal0),",",
          round(orci0[,3, drop=FALSE], decimal0),") ", sep=""), 
          ifelse(orci0[,4, drop=FALSE] < .001, "< 0.001",round(orci0[,4, drop=FALSE],decimal+1)))
    a <- cbind(a0,a)
    rownames(a) <- rownames.a
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("crude OR(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep="") ,"crude P value", 
        paste("adj. OR(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep=""),"P(Wald's test)")
    a[grep(":",rownames(a)) , 1:2] <- "-"
    a <- cbind(paste(round(orci0[,1, drop=FALSE], decimal1)," (",round(orci0[,2, drop=FALSE], decimal1),",",
          round(orci0[,3, drop=FALSE], decimal1),") ", sep=""), a)
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("crude OR(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep="") , 
          paste("adj. OR(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep=""),"P(Wald's test)")
    a[grep(":",rownames(a)) , 1] <- "-"
    modified.coeff.array <- a

tableGlm(model, modified.coeff.array, decimal) -> table1    
if(simplified) {
first.line <- NULL
last.lines <- NULL
            outcome.name <- substr(as.character(model$userCall)[2], 1,  regexpr(" ", as.character(model$userCall)[2])-1)
            outcome <- get(as.character(model$userCall)[3])[,outcome.name]
            outcome.class <- class(outcome)
            outocme.lab <- paste(outcome.name, "yes vs no","\n")
            if(outcome.class=="numeric" | outcome.class=="integer"){
            outcome.levels <- levels(factor(outcome))
            outcome.lab <- paste(outcome.name, ":", outcome.levels[2], "vs", outcome.levels[1],"\n")
            outcome.lab <- paste(outcome.name, ":", levels(outcome)[2], "vs", levels(outcome)[1],"\n")
            outcome.lab <- outcome.name
    first.line <- paste("Conditional logistic regression predicting ",outcome.lab, sep="", "\n")
    last.lines <- paste("No. of observations = ", model$n, "\n")
    results <- list(first.line=first.line, table=table1, last.lines=last.lines)
    class(results) <- c("display", "list")

####### Cox's regression display

cox.display <- function (cox.model, alpha = 0.05, crude=TRUE, crude.p.value=FALSE, decimal = 2, simplified = FALSE) 
    model <- cox.model
    if(!any(class(model)=="coxph")){stop("Model not from conditional logisitic regression")}
    if(length(grep("[$]", attr(model$term, "term.labels"))) > 0 
      | length(grep(")", attr(model$term, "term.labels"))) > 0  
      | length(model$call) < 3){
      simplified <- TRUE; crude <- TRUE
    factor.with.colon <- NULL
    for(i in 1:(length(attr(model$term, "term.labels"))-1)){
    factor.with.colon <- c(factor.with.colon, any(grep(pattern=":",levels(get(as.character(model$call)[3])[,attr(model$term,"term.labels")[i]]))))
    factor.with.colon <- any(factor.with.colon)
    if(length(grep(":", attr(model$terms, "term.labels")))> 1 | factor.with.colon){
      simplified <- TRUE; crude <- TRUE
table1 <- summary(model)$conf.int[,-2]
colnames(table1)[1] <- "Adj. OR"
    var.names <- attr(model$terms, "term.labels") # Independent vars
    if(length(grep("strata", var.names)) > 0){
    var.names <- var.names[-grep("strata",var.names)]
    if(length(var.names)==1){crude <- FALSE}
    orci0 <- NULL
    for(i in 1:(length(var.names))){
        formula0 <- as.formula(paste( rownames(attr(model$terms,"factor"))[1], "~", 
        suppressWarnings(model0 <- coxph(formula0, data=get(as.character(model$call)[3]) ))
    coeff.matrix <- summary(model0)$coef[,c(1,3:5), drop=FALSE]
    if(length(grep(":", var.names[i]))>0){
    var.name.interact <- unlist(strsplit(var.names[i], ":"))
      level1 <- length(levels(get(as.character(model$call)[3])[,var.name.interact[1]]))-1
      level1 <- 1
      level2 <- length(levels(get(as.character(model$call)[3])[,var.name.interact[2]]))-1
      level2 <- 1
    dim.coeff <- dim((summary(model0))$coef[,c(1,3:5), drop=FALSE])
    coeff.matrix <- matrix(rep(NA, dim.coeff[1]*dim.coeff[2]), dim.coeff[1], dim.coeff[2])
    coeff.matrix <- coeff.matrix[1:(level1*level2), ,drop=FALSE] 
    orci0 <- rbind(orci0, coeff.matrix)   
    colnames(orci0) <- c("crudeOR", paste("lower0", 100 - 100 * alpha, 
        "ci", sep = ""), paste("upper0", 100 - 100 * alpha, "ci", 
        sep = ""), "crude P value")
    orci0[, 3] <- exp(orci0[, 1] + qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * orci0[, 
    orci0[, 2] <- exp(orci0[, 1] - qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * orci0[, 
    orci0[, 1] <- exp(orci0[, 1])
    s1 <- summary(model)
    orci <- s1$coef[, c(1,3:5), drop=FALSE]
    colnames(orci) <- c("OR", paste("lower", 100 - 100 * alpha, 
        "ci", sep = ""), paste("upper", 100 - 100 * alpha, "ci", 
        sep = ""), "P(Wald's test)")
    orci[, 3] <- exp(orci[, 1] + qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * orci[, 
    orci[, 2] <- exp(orci[, 1] - qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * orci[, 
    orci[, 1] <- exp(orci[, 1])
    decimal1 <- ifelse(abs(orci[,1]-1) < .01,  4, decimal)
    a <- cbind(paste(round(orci[,1], decimal1)," (",round(orci[,2], decimal1),",",
          round(orci[,3], decimal1),") ", sep=""), ifelse(orci[,4] < .001, "< 0.001",round(orci[,4],decimal+1)))
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("adj. HR(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep=""),"P(Wald's test)")
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("HR(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep=""),"P(Wald's test)")
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("HR(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep=""),"P(Wald's test)")
    rownames.a <- rownames(a) 
    decimal0 <- ifelse(abs(orci0[,1]-1) < .01,  4, decimal)
    a0 <- cbind(paste(round(orci0[,1,drop=FALSE], decimal0)," (",round(orci0[,2,drop=FALSE], decimal0),",",
          round(orci0[,3, drop=FALSE], decimal0),") ", sep=""), 
          ifelse(orci0[,4, drop=FALSE] < .001, "< 0.001",round(orci0[,4, drop=FALSE],decimal+1)))
    a <- cbind(a0,a)
    rownames(a) <- rownames.a
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("crude HR(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep="") ,"crude P value", 
        paste("adj. HR(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep=""),"P(Wald's test)")
    a[grep(":",rownames(a)) ,1:2] <- "-"
    a <- cbind(paste(round(orci0[,1, drop=FALSE], decimal1)," (",round(orci0[,2, drop=FALSE], decimal1),",",
          round(orci0[,3, drop=FALSE], decimal1),") ", sep=""), a)
    colnames(a) <- c(paste("crude HR(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep="") , 
          paste("adj. HR(",100 - 100 * alpha, "%CI)",sep=""),"P(Wald's test)")
    a[grep(":",rownames(a)) ,1] <- "-"
    modified.coeff.array <- a
tableGlm(model, modified.coeff.array, decimal) -> table1    
if(simplified) {
first.line <- NULL
last.lines <- NULL
    surv.string <- as.character(model$formula)[2]
    if(length(grep(",", surv.string)) > 0){
    time.var.name <- substr(unlist(strsplit(surv.string, ","))[1], 6, nchar(unlist(strsplit(surv.string, ","))[1]))
    status.var.name <-  substr(unlist(strsplit(surv.string, " "))[2], 1, nchar(unlist(strsplit(surv.string, " "))[2])-1)      
    intro <- paste("Cox's proportional hazard model on time ('", time.var.name, "') to event ('", status.var.name, "')",sep="")
    intro <- paste("Cox's proportional hazard model on '", surv.string, "'", sep="")
    var.names0 <- attr(model$terms, "term.labels")
    if(length(grep("strata", var.names0))>0) {intro <- paste(intro, " with '", var.names0[grep("strata", var.names0)], "'", sep="" )}
    first.line <- paste(intro, "\n")
    last.lines <- paste("No. of observations = ", model$n, "\n")
    results <- list(first.line=first.line, table=table1, last.lines=last.lines)
    class(results) <- c("display", "list")

####### Table for GLM and lm

tableGlm <- function (model, modified.coeff.array, decimal)

########## Nice row definition starts from here
## What we need here is the glm model object and 'modified.coeff.array'
    var.names <- attr(model$terms, "term.labels") # Independent vars    
    var.names0 <- var.names
    if(length(grep("strata", var.names)) > 0){
    var.names <- var.names[-grep(pattern="strata", var.names)]
    data <- na.omit((get(as.character(model$call)[3]))[,c(as.character(model$term[[2]][3]),var.names, as.character(model$term[[3]][[length(model$call)-1]][2]))])
    data <- na.omit(get(as.character(model$call)[3])[,c(as.character(model$call[[2]][[2]][c(2,3)]) ,as.character(attr(model$terms, "variables")[-c(1:2)]))])
    table1 <- NULL
    if(any(class(model)=="glm") | any(class(model)=="lm"))
    coeff.names <- names(model$coefficients)
    coeff.names <- names(model$coef)
            label.row0 <- rep("", ncol(modified.coeff.array))
            label.row0 <- t(label.row0)
            blank.row <- rep("", ncol(modified.coeff.array))
            blank.row <- t(blank.row)
            rownames(blank.row) <- ""
      unlist(summary(aov(model))) -> array.summ.aov
      dim(array.summ.aov) <- c(length(array.summ.aov)/5,5)
      F.p.value <- array.summ.aov[-nrow(array.summ.aov),5]
      F.p.value <- ifelse(F.p.value < .001, "< 0.001",round(F.p.value,decimal+1))
      unlist(summary(aov(model))) -> array.summ.aov
      dim(array.summ.aov) <- c(length(array.summ.aov)/5,5)
      F.p.value <- array.summ.aov[-nrow(array.summ.aov),5]
      F.p.value <- ifelse(F.p.value < .001, "< 0.001",round(F.p.value,decimal+1))
    for(i in 1:length(var.names)){ # i is the variable order  in model
        # Define variable class and levels
            if(length(grep(pattern=":", var.names[i])) < 1){
            variable <- model$model[,i+1]
            var.name.class <- attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")[names(attr(model$terms, "dataClasses"))==var.names[i]]
            var.name.levels <- unlist(unlist(model$xlevels))[substr(names(unlist(model$xlevels)),1,nchar(var.names[i]))==var.names[i]]
            if(length(grep(pattern=":", var.names[i])) < 1){
            variable <- data[,var.names[i]]
            var.name.class <- class(data[,var.names[i]])
            var.name.levels <- levels(data[,var.names[i]]) 

        # Define variable labels
            var.labels <- attr(model$data, "var.labels")[attr(model$data, "names")==var.names[i]]
              var.labels <- attributes(get(as.character(model$call)[3]))$var.labels[names(get(as.character(model$call)[3]))==var.names[i]]
            var.labels <- attributes(get(as.character(model$call)[3]))$var.labels[names(get(as.character(model$call)[3]))==var.names[i]]
            var.labels <- attributes(get(as.character(model$call)[3]))$var.labels[names(get(as.character(model$call)[3]))==var.names[i]]
        # Define model1 for lr test            
    if(any(model$family=="binomial") |any(model$family=="poisson") | any(class(model)=="negbin")){
        formula1 <- as.formula(paste(names(model$model)[1], "~", "1"))
        formula1 <- as.formula(paste(names(model$model)[1], "~", paste(var.names[-i], collapse="+")))
        if(names(model$coefficients)[1] != "(Intercept)"){
        formula1 <- as.formula(paste(names(model$model)[1], "~", paste(var.names[-i], "-1", collapse="+")))
        if(length(grep("cbind", names(model$model)[1])) > 0){
        model1 <- glm(formula1, family=model$family, weights=model$prior.weights, 
             data = get(as.character(model$call)[4]))                                  
        model1 <- glm(formula1, family=model$family, weights=model$prior.weights, offset=model$offset, data=model$model)
        model1 <- glm.nb (as.formula(paste(names(model$model)[1], "~", ifelse(length(var.names)==1,"1",paste(var.names[-i], collapse="+")))))
        if((length(var.names)==1 & names(model$coefficients)[1] != "(Intercept)")){
        lr.p.value <- "-"
        lr.p.value <- suppressWarnings(lrtest(model1, model)$p.value)
        lr.p.value <- ifelse(lr.p.value < .001, "< 0.001",round(lr.p.value,decimal+1))
      lr.p.value <- summary(model)$logtest[3]
      b <- as.character(model$formula)  
      formula.full.coxph <- as.formula(paste(as.character(model$term[[2]][3]), "~", paste(var.names0, collapse="+")))
      model.full.coxph <- clogit(formula.full.coxph, data=data)
      formula.full.coxph <- as.formula(paste(b[2], "~", paste(var.names, collapse="+")))      
      model.full.coxph <- coxph(formula.full.coxph, data=data)
      formula.coxph.i <- as.formula(paste(as.character(model$term[[2]][3]), "~", 
        paste(c(var.names[-i], var.names0[grep("strata", var.names0)]), collapse="+")))
      model.coxph.i <- clogit(formula.coxph.i, data=data)
      formula.coxph.i <- as.formula(paste(b[2], "~", paste(var.names[-i], collapse="+")))
      model.coxph.i <- coxph(formula.coxph.i, data=data)
      lr.p.value <- suppressWarnings(lrtest(model.full.coxph, model.coxph.i)$p.value)
      lr.p.value <- ifelse(lr.p.value < .001, "< 0.001",round(lr.p.value,decimal+1))
        # Define table0      
      if((any(class(model)=="glm") | any(class(model)=="lm")) & names(model$coefficients)[1]=="(Intercept)"){
      table0 <- modified.coeff.array[-1,]
      table0 <- modified.coeff.array
      if(length(grep(":", var.names[i])) > 0){
      table0 <- modified.coeff.array[grep(":", rownames(modified.coeff.array)),]
      if((any(class(model)=="lm") & (var.name.class=="factor"| var.name.class=="logical"))|any(class(model)=="coxph")){
      table0 <- modified.coeff.array[setdiff(which(substr(rownames(modified.coeff.array),1, nchar(var.names[i]))==var.names[i]), grep(":", rownames(modified.coeff.array))) ,]
      table0 <- modified.coeff.array[rownames(modified.coeff.array)==var.names[i],]
      if(is.null(nrow(table0))) table0 <- t(table0) 
        # Define column names and row names
      # table0 with only a single row
        if(any(class(model)=="glm" | any(class(model)=="coxph"))){
        if(any(model$family=="binomial") |any(model$family=="poisson") |any(class(model)=="coxph")){
            table0 <- cbind(table0, lr.p.value)
            colnames(table0) <- c(colnames(modified.coeff.array),"P(LR-test)")
            table0 <- cbind(table0, F.p.value[i])
            colnames(table0) <- c(colnames(modified.coeff.array),"P(F-test)")
            table0 <- cbind(table0, F.p.value[i])
            colnames(table0) <- c(colnames(modified.coeff.array),"P(F-test)")
            rownames(table0) <- var.labels
            rownames(table0) <- var.names[i]
            rownames(table0) <- ifelse(rownames(table0) == 
                "", var.names[i], rownames(table0))
            if(length(grep(":", var.names[i]))==0)
            chosen.level <- var.name.levels[2]
            ref.level <- var.name.levels[1]
            rownames(table0) <- paste(rownames(table0),": ",chosen.level," vs ", ref.level, sep="")
            if((var.name.class=="numeric")| (var.name.class=="integer")){
            if(names(table(variable))[1]=="0" & names(table(variable))[2]=="1"){
            chosen.level <- "1"
            ref.level <- "0 "
            rownames(table0) <- paste(rownames(table0),": ",chosen.level," vs ", ref.level, sep="")
            rownames(table0) <- paste(rownames(table0),"(cont. var.)")            
            if(var.name.class=="logical"){rownames(table0) <- rownames(table0)}
            rownames(table0) <- paste(rownames(table0),"(cont. var.)")            
            if((var.name.class=="numeric")| (var.name.class=="integer")){
            rownames(table0) <- paste(rownames(table0),"(cont. var.)")            
            rownames(table0) <- rownames(modified.coeff.array)[grep(":", rownames(modified.coeff.array))]                                                                                                      
        table1 <- rbind(table1, cbind(table0), cbind(blank.row,""))
      # table0 with multiple rows
            if(any(class(model)=="glm") | any(class(model)=="coxph")){
            if(any(model$family=="binomial") |any(model$family=="poisson") | any(class(model)=="coxph") | any(class(model)=="negbin")){
            label.row <- cbind(label.row0, lr.p.value)
            colnames(label.row) <- c(colnames(modified.coeff.array),"P(LR-test)")
            label.row <- cbind(label.row0, F.p.value[i])
            colnames(label.row) <- c(colnames(modified.coeff.array),"P(F-test)")
            label.row <- cbind(label.row0, F.p.value[i])
            colnames(label.row) <- c(colnames(modified.coeff.array),"P(F-test)")
            rownames(label.row) <- var.labels
            rownames(label.row) <- var.names[i]
            rownames(label.row) <- ifelse(rownames(label.row) == 
                "" | is.null(rownames(label.row)), var.names[i], rownames(label.row))
            if(length(grep(":", var.names[i])) > 0){
            rownames(label.row) <- var.names[i]
            if(length(grep(":", var.names[i])) > 0){
            first.var <- unlist(strsplit(var.names[i],":"))[1]
            second.var <- unlist(strsplit(var.names[i],":"))[2]
            splited.old.rownames <- unlist(strsplit(rownames(table0),":"))
            dim(splited.old.rownames) <- c(2, length(splited.old.rownames)/2)
            splited.old.rownames <- t(splited.old.rownames)
            new.rownames1 <- substr(splited.old.rownames[,1], nchar(first.var)+1, nchar(splited.old.rownames[,1]) )
            new.rownames2 <- substr(splited.old.rownames[,2], nchar(second.var)+1, nchar(splited.old.rownames[,2]))
            rownames(table0) <- paste(new.rownames1,":",new.rownames2,sep="") 
            all.level1 <- unlist(model$xlevels[names(model$xlevels)==first.var])
            all.level2 <- unlist(model$xlevels[names(model$xlevels)==second.var])
            all.level1 <- levels(get(as.character(model$call)[3])[,first.var])
            all.level2 <- levels(get(as.character(model$call)[3])[,second.var])
            non.interact <- rownames(modified.coeff.array)[-grep(":", rownames(modified.coeff.array))]
            non.interact1 <- non.interact[substr(non.interact, 1, nchar(first.var))== first.var]
            used.levels1 <- substr(non.interact1, nchar(first.var)+1, nchar(non.interact1))
            ref.level1 <- setdiff(all.level1, used.levels1)
            non.interact2 <- non.interact[substr(non.interact, 1, nchar(second.var))== second.var]
            used.levels2 <- substr(non.interact2, nchar(second.var)+1 , nchar(non.interact2))
            ref.level2 <- setdiff(all.level2, used.levels2)
            ref.level <- paste(ref.level1,":",ref.level2,sep="")
            rownames(table0) <- substr(rownames(table0), nchar(var.names[i])+1, nchar(rownames(table0)))
            all.levels <- unlist(unlist(model$xlevels))[substr(names(unlist(model$xlevels)),1,nchar(var.names[i]))==var.names[i]]
            all.levels <-levels(get(as.character(model$call)[3])[,var.names[i]])
            ref.level <- setdiff(all.levels, rownames(table0))
            rownames(label.row) <- paste(rownames(label.row), ": ref.=", ref.level, sep="")
            rownames(table0) <- paste("  ", rownames(table0))
        table1 <- rbind(table1, label.row, cbind(table0, ""), cbind(blank.row,""))

#### Likelihood ratio test
lrtest <- function (model1, model2)
    if (any(class(model1) != class(model2))) {
        stop("Two models have different classes")
    if (any(class(model1) == "coxph") & any(class(model2) ==
        "coxph")) {
        if (model1$n != model2$n) {
            stop("Two models has different sample sizes")
        df1 <- length(model1$coefficients)
        df2 <- length(model2$coefficients)
        lrt <- 2 * (model2$loglik[2] - model1$loglik[2])
        diff.df <- df2 - df1
        if (lrt < 0) {
            lrt <- -lrt
            diff.df <- -diff.df
        if (lrt * diff.df < 0) {
            stop("Likelihood gets worse with more variables. Test not executed")
    if (any(class(model1) == "multinom") & any(class(model2) ==
        "multinom")) {
        if (any(dim(model1$residuals) != dim(model2$residuals))) {
            stop("Two models have different outcomes or different sample sizes")
        df1 <- model1$edf
        df2 <- model2$edf
        lrt <- model2$deviance - model1$deviance
        diff.df <- df1 - df2
        if (lrt < 0) {
            lrt <- -lrt
            diff.df <- -diff.df
        if (lrt * diff.df < 0) {
            stop("Likelihood gets worse with more variables. Test not executed")
    if (any(class(model1) == "polr") & any(class(model2) == "polr")) {
        if (model1$n != model2$n) {
            stop("Two models have different outcomes or different sample sizes")
        df1 <- model1$edf
        df2 <- model2$edf
        lrt <- model2$deviance - model1$deviance
        diff.df <- df1 - df2
        if (lrt < 0) {
            lrt <- -lrt
            diff.df <- -diff.df
        if (lrt * diff.df < 0) {
            stop("Likelihood gets worse with more variables. Test not executed")
    if (length(class(model1)) != length(class(model2))) {
        stop("Different types of models cannot be compared")
    } else {
        if (any(class(model1) != class(model2))) {
        stop("Different types of models cannot be compared")  
        } else {
          if( any(class(model1) == "glm") | any(class(model1) == "negbin")){
            if (sum(model1$df.null) != sum(model2$df.null))
              stop("Number of observation not equal!!")
            df1 <- attributes(logLik(model1))$df
            df2 <- attributes(logLik(model2))$df
            lrt <- 2 * (as.numeric(logLik(model2) - logLik(model1)))
            diff.df <- df2 - df1
            if (lrt < 0) {
              lrt <- -lrt
              diff.df <- -diff.df
            if (lrt * diff.df < 0) {
              stop("Likelihood gets worse with more variables. Test not executed")
    output <- list(model1 = model1$call, model2 = model2$call, model.class =class(model1),
        Chisquared = lrt, df = diff.df, p.value = pchisq(lrt,
            diff.df, lower.tail = FALSE))
class(output) <- "lrtest"

# print.lrtest
print.lrtest <- function(x, ...) {
if(any(x$model.class == "coxph")){
    cat("Likelihood ratio test for Cox regression & conditional logistic regression",
            cat("Chi-squared", x$df, "d.f. = ", x$Chisquared, ",",
                "P value = ", x$p.value, "\n")
if(any(x$model.class == "multinom")){
            cat("Likelihood ratio test for multinomial logistic regression",
            cat("Chi-squared", x$df, "d.f. = ", x$Chisquared, ",",
                "P value = ", x$p.value, "\n")
if(any(x$model.class == "polr")){
            cat("Likelihood ratio test for ordinal regression",
            cat("Chi-squared", x$df, "d.f. = ", x$Chisquared, ",",
                "P value = ", x$p.value, "\n")
if (any(x$model.class == "glm") | any(x$model.class ==

            cat("Likelihood ratio test for MLE method", "\n")
            cat("Chi-squared", x$df, "d.f. = ", x$Chisquared, ",",
                "P value = ", x$p.value, "\n")

### List objects excluding function
lsNoFunction <- function() {
 setdiff(ls(envir= .GlobalEnv), as.character(lsf.str(envir= .GlobalEnv)[])
### Ordinal odds ratio display
ordinal.or.display <- function(ordinal.model, decimal=3, alpha=.05){
model <- ordinal.model
if(!inherits(model,"polr")) stop("The model is not an ordinal logistic regression model")
s1 <- summary(model)
t <- s1$coefficients[,3]
df <- s1$df.residual
p.value <- pt(abs(t), df, lower.tail=FALSE)
coeff <- t(t(model$coefficients))
coeff.95ci <- cbind(coeff, confint(model, level=1-alpha))
oor.95ci <- round(exp(coeff.95ci),decimal)
len.p <- length(p.value) 
oor.95ci <- cbind(oor.95ci, format(p.value[-(len.p:(len.p-1))],digits=decimal))
colnames(oor.95ci) <- c("Ordinal OR", paste("lower",100-100*alpha,"ci",sep=""), paste("upper",100-100*alpha,"ci",sep=""),"P value")

### Summarize continous variable in the loaded data set
summ <- function(x, ...){
summ.default <-
function (x, by=NULL, graph = TRUE, box = FALSE, pch = 18, 
    ylab = "auto", main = "auto", cex.X.axis = 1, cex.Y.axis = 1,
    dot.col = "auto", ...) {
if(missing(x)) {
} else{
if(is.data.frame(x)) {
### Defining various graph elements
    if (graph) {
        var1 <- deparse(substitute(x))
        if (length(var1) > 1) {
            string2 <- var1[length(var1)]
        string2 <- deparse(substitute(x))
        string3 <- paste(titleString()$distribution.of, string2)
        string4 <- deparse(substitute(by))
        string5 <- paste(string3, titleString()$by, string4)
        if (nchar(string5) > 45) {
            string5 <- paste(string3, "\n", titleString()$by, 
        if (any(class(x) == "Date")) {
            range.date <- difftime(summary(x)[6], summary(x)[1])
            numdate <- as.numeric(range.date)
            if (numdate < 1) {
                date.pretty <- seq(from = summary(x)[1] - 1, 
                  to = summary(x)[6] + 1, by = "day")
                format.time <- "%a%d%b"
            if (numdate >= 1 & numdate < 10) {
                date.pretty <- seq(from = summary(x)[1], to = summary(x)[6], 
                  by = "day")
                format.time <- "%a%d%b"
            if (numdate >= 10 & numdate < 60) {
                date.pretty <- seq(from = summary(x)[1], to = summary(x)[6], 
                  by = "week")
                format.time <- "%d%b"
            if (numdate >= 60 & numdate < 700) {
                date.pretty <- seq(from = (summary(x)[1] - as.numeric(substr(as.character(summary(x)[1]), 
                  9, 10)) + 1), to = summary(x)[6], by = "month")
                format.time <- "%b%y"
        if (any(class(x) == "POSIXt")) {
            range.time <- difftime(summary(x)[6], summary(x)[1])
            numeric.time <- as.numeric(range.time)
            units <- attr(range.time, "units")
            if (units == "secs") {
                step <- "sec"
                format.time <- "%M:%S"
                scale.unit <- "min:sec"
            if (units == "mins") {
                step <- "min"
                format.time <- "%H:%M"
                scale.unit <- "HH:MM"
            if (units == "hours") {
                step <- ifelse(numeric.time < 2, "20 mins", "hour")
                format.time <- "%H:%M"
                scale.unit <- "HH:MM"
            if (units == "days") {
                if (numeric.time < 2) {
                  step <- "6 hour"
                  format.time <- "%a %H:%M"
                  scale.unit <- "HH:MM"
                else {
                  step <- "day"
                  format.time <- "%d%b%y"
                  scale.unit <- "Date"
            if (units == "weeks") {
                step <- "week"
                format.time <- "%b%y"
                scale.unit <- " "
            time.pretty <- seq(from = summary(x)[1], to = summary(x)[6], 
                by = step)
        if (!is.null(by)) {
            x1 <- x[order(by, as.numeric(x))]
            by1 <- by[order(by, as.numeric(x))]
            by2 <- factor(by1, exclude = NULL)
            character.length <- ifelse(max(nchar(levels(by2))) > 
                8, max(nchar(levels(by2))) * (60 - max(nchar(levels(by2))))/60, 
                max(nchar(levels(by2))) * 1.2)
            left.offset <- max(c(0.76875 + 0.2, 0.1 + par()$cin[1] * 
            par(mai = c(0.95625, left.offset, 0.76875, 0.39375))
            by3 <- as.numeric(by2)
            if (any(dot.col == "auto")) {
                dot.col1 <- as.numeric(by2)
            else {
                tx <- cbind(1:length(dot.col), dot.col)
                dot.col1 <- lookup(as.numeric(by2), tx)
            if (any(dot.col == "auto")) {
                col1 <- by3
            else {
                col1 <- dot.col1
            y0 <- 1:length(x1)
            y <- suppressWarnings(y0 + as.numeric(by2) - 1)
            if (is.factor(x)) {
                plot(as.numeric(x1), y, pch = pch, col = col1, 
                  main = ifelse(main == "auto", string5, main), 
                  ylim = c(-1, max(y)), xlab = " ", ylab = ifelse(ylab == 
                    "auto", " ", ylab), yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n", 
                axis(1, at = 1:length(levels(x1)), labels = levels(x1), 
                  cex.axis = cex.X.axis)
            else if (any(class(x) == "POSIXt")) {
                plot(x1, y, pch = pch, col = col1, main = ifelse(main == 
                  "auto", string5, main), ylim = c(-1, max(y)), 
                  xlab = " ", ylab = ifelse(ylab == "auto", " ", 
                    ylab), yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n", ...)
                axis(1, at = time.pretty, labels = as.character(time.pretty, 
                  format = format.time), cex.axis = cex.X.axis)
            else if (any(class(x) == "Date")) {
                if (numdate < 700) {
                  plot(x1, y, pch = pch, col = col1, main = ifelse(main == 
                    "auto", string5, main), ylim = c(-1, max(y)), 
                    xlab = " ", ylab = ifelse(ylab == "auto", 
                      " ", ylab), yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n", ...)
                  axis(1, at = date.pretty, labels = as.character(date.pretty, 
                    format = format.time), cex.axis = cex.X.axis)
                else {
                  plot(x1, y, pch = pch, col = col1, main = ifelse(main == 
                    "auto", string5, main), ylim = c(-1, (summary(y))[6]), 
                    xlab = " ", ylab = ifelse(ylab == "auto", 
                      " ", ylab), yaxt = "n", cex.axis = cex.X.axis, 
            else {
                plot(x1, y, pch = pch, col = col1, main = ifelse(main == 
                  "auto", string5, main), ylim = c(-1, max(y)), 
                  xlab = " ", ylab = ifelse(ylab == "auto", " ", 
                    ylab), yaxt = "n", cex.axis = cex.X.axis, 
                if (any(class(x) == "difftime")) {
                  unit <- attr(x, "unit")
                else {
                  unit <- " "
                title(xlab = unit)
            if (length(x1) < 20) {
                abline(h = y, lty = 3)
            yline <- NULL
            if (any(is.na(levels(by2)))) {
                levels(by2)[length(levels(by2))] <- "missing"
            for (i in 1:length(levels(by2))) {
                yline <- c(yline, sum(as.numeric(by2) == i))
            yline <- c(0, cumsum(yline)[1:(length(yline) - 1)]) + 
                (0:(length(yline) - 1))
            abline(h = yline, col = "blue")
            axis(2, at = yline, labels = levels(by2), padj = 0, 
                las = 1, cex.axis = cex.Y.axis)
            par(mai = c(0.95625, 0.76875, 0.76875, 0.39375))
        else {
            x1 <- x[order(x)]
            y <- 1:length(x1)
            if (is.factor(x1)) {
                plot(as.numeric(x1), y, pch = pch, col = ifelse(dot.col == 
                  "auto", "blue", dot.col), main = ifelse(main == 
                  "auto", string3, main), xlab = " ", ylab = ifelse(ylab == 
                  "auto", .ylab.for.summ, ylab), xaxt = "n", 
                  cex.axis = cex.Y.axis, ...)
                axis(1, at = 1:length(levels(x1)), labels = levels(x1), 
                  cex.axis = cex.X.axis)
            else if (any(class(x) == "POSIXt")) {
                plot(x1, y, pch = pch, col = ifelse(dot.col == 
                  "auto", "blue", dot.col), main = ifelse(main == 
                  "auto", string3, main), xlab = " ", ylab = ifelse(ylab == 
                  "auto", .ylab.for.summ, ylab), xaxt = "n", 
                  cex.axis = cex.Y.axis, ...)
                axis(1, at = time.pretty, labels = as.character(time.pretty, 
                  format = format.time), cex.axis = cex.X.axis)
            else if (any(class(x) == "Date")) {
                if (numdate < 700) {
                  plot(x1, y, pch = pch, col = ifelse(dot.col == 
                    "auto", "blue", dot.col), main = ifelse(main == 
                    "auto", string3, main), xlab = " ", ylab = ifelse(ylab == 
                    "auto", .ylab.for.summ, ylab), yaxt = "n", 
                    xaxt = "n", ...)
                  axis(1, at = date.pretty, labels = as.character(date.pretty, 
                    format = format.time), cex.axis = cex.X.axis)
                else {
                  plot(x1, y, pch = pch, col = ifelse(dot.col == 
                    "auto", "blue", dot.col), main = ifelse(main == 
                    "auto", string3, main), xlab = " ", ylab = ifelse(ylab == 
                    "auto", .ylab.for.summ, ylab), yaxt = "n", 
                    cex.axis = cex.X.axis, ...)
            else {
                plot(x1, y, pch = pch, col = ifelse(dot.col == 
                  "auto", "blue", dot.col), main = ifelse(main == 
                  "auto", string3, main), xlab = " ", ylab = ifelse(ylab == 
                  "auto", .ylab.for.summ, ylab), yaxt = "n", 
                  cex.axis = cex.X.axis, ...)
                if (any(class(x) == "difftime")) {
                  unit <- attr(x, "unit")
                else {
                  unit <- " "
                title(xlab = unit)
            if (length(x1) < 30) {
                abline(h = y, lty = 3)
            if (box == TRUE) {
                boxplot(unclass(x1), add = TRUE, horizontal = TRUE, 
                  axes = FALSE, at = 0.8 * length(sort(x1)), 
                  boxwex = 0.2 * length(sort(x1)))
#### end graph elements
        a <- rep("", 6)
                  dim(a) <- c(1, 6)
                  if (any(class(x) == "Date")) {
                    a[1, ] <- c(length(x), format(c(summary(x)[4], 
                      summary(x)[3], NA, summary(x1)[1], summary(x)[6]), 
                    a[1, ] <- round(c(length(na.omit(x)), summary(x)[4],
                      summary(x)[3], ifelse(is.na(mean(na.omit(x))),
                        NA, sd(na.omit(x))), summary(x)[1],
                      summary(x)[6]), 3)
        colnames(a) <- c(.obs, .mean, .median, .sd,
                    .min, .max)
        rownames(a) <- ""
                if (any(class(x) == "POSIXt")) {
                  a <- format((summary(x))[c(1, 3, 4, 6)], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
                results <- list(object = a)
            class(results) <- c("summ.default", "matrix")
            by1 <- factor(by, exclude = NULL)
            if (any(is.na(levels(by1)))) {
                levels(by1)[length(levels(by1))] <- "missing"
            lev <- levels(by1)
            multiple.a <- NULL
            for (i in 1:length(lev)) {
                x1 <- subset(x, by1 == lev[i])
                if (any(class(x1) == "POSIXt")) {
                  a <- format((summary(x1))[c(1, 3, 4, 6)], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
                else {
                  a <- rep("", 6)
                  dim(a) <- c(1, 6)
                  if (any(class(x1) == "Date")) {
                    a[1, ] <- c(length(x1), format(c(summary(x1)[4], 
                      summary(x1)[3], NA, summary(x1)[1], summary(x1)[6]), 
                  else if (any(class(x) == "logical")) {
                    a[1, ] <- round(c(length(na.omit(x1)), mean(na.omit(x1)), 
                      quantile(na.omit(x1), 0.5), ifelse(is.na(mean(na.omit(x1))), 
                        NA, round(sd(na.omit(x1)), 2)), min(na.omit(x1)), 
                      max(na.omit(x1))), 3)
                  else if (any(class(x) == "difftime")) {
                    a[1, ] <- round(c(length(na.omit(x1)), mean(na.omit(as.numeric(x1))), 
                      quantile(na.omit(as.numeric(x1)), 0.5), ifelse(is.na(mean(na.omit(as.numeric(x1)))), 
                        NA, round(sd(na.omit(as.numeric(x1))), 2)), min(na.omit(as.numeric(x1))), 
                      max(na.omit(as.numeric(x1)))), 3)
                  else {
                    a[1, ] <- round(c(length(na.omit(x1)), summary(x1)[4], 
                      summary(x1)[3], ifelse(is.na(mean(na.omit(x1))), 
                        NA, sd(na.omit(x1))), summary(x1)[1], 
                      summary(x1)[6]), 3)
                  colnames(a) <- c(.obs, .mean, .median, .sd, 
                    .min, .max)
                  rownames(a) <- " "
                multiple.a <- rbind(multiple.a, a)
                row.names(multiple.a) <- rep("", nrow(multiple.a))
            results <- list(byname = deparse(substitute(by)),
                levels = levels(factor(by)), table = multiple.a)
            class(results) <- c("summ.default", "list", "summ.by")
summ.factor <-
function(x, by=NULL, graph=TRUE, ...){
if (is.null(by)){
    return(tab1(x, ...)$output.table)
    return(tabpct(x, by))
summ.logical <-
function(x, by=NULL, graph=TRUE, ...)
return(summ.factor(x, by=by, graph=TRUE, ...))
summ.data.frame <-
function(x, ...) {
        a <- rep("", (dim(x)[2]) * 7)
        dim(a) <- c(dim(x)[2], 7)
        colnames(a) <- c(.var.name, .obs, .mean, .median, .sd, 
            .min, .max)
        a[, 1] <- attr(x, "names")
        rownames(a) <- 1:nrow(a)
        for (i in 1:(dim(x)[2])) {
            if ((typeof(x[i][1, ]) == "character") || is.na(mean(na.omit(as.numeric(x[[i]]))))) {
                a[i, 3:7] <- ""
            else {
                if (any(class(x[[i]]) == "Date")) {
                  a[i, c(3, 4, 6, 7)] <- c(summary(x[[i]])[4], 
                    summary(x[[i]])[3], summary(x[[i]])[1], summary(x[[i]])[6])
                  a[i, 5] <- NA
                  a[i, 2] <- length((x[[i]])[!is.na(x[[i]])])
                else if (any(class(x[[i]]) == "POSIXt")) {
                  a[i, c(3, 4, 6, 7)] <- format(c(summary(x[[i]])[4], 
                    summary(x[[i]])[3], summary(x[[i]])[1], summary(x[[i]])[6]), 
                    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
                  a[i, 5] <- NA
                  a[i, 2] <- length((x[[i]])[!is.na(x[[i]])])
                else if (any(class(x[[i]]) == "difftime")) {
                  a[i, c(3, 4, 6, 7)] <- c(summary(as.numeric(x[[i]]))[c(4, 
                    3, 1, 6)])
                  a[i, 5] <- round(sd(x[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), 
                  a[i, 2] <- length((x[[i]])[!is.na(x[[i]])])
                else if (suppressWarnings(is.integer(x[[i]]) || 
                  is.numeric(x[[i]]) | (is.logical(x[[i]]) & 
                  !is.na(mean(na.omit(as.numeric(x[[i]]))))))) {
                  a[i, 3:7] <- round(c(mean(na.omit(x[[i]])), 
                    quantile(na.omit(x[[i]]), 0.5), sd(na.omit(x[[i]])), 
                    min(na.omit(x[[i]])), max(na.omit(x[[i]]))), 
                  a[i, 2] <- as.character(length(na.omit(as.numeric(x[[i]]))))
                else if (is.null(class(x[[i]]))) {
                  a[i, 3:7] <- round(c(mean(na.omit(as.numeric(x[[i]]))), 
                    quantile(na.omit(as.numeric(x[[i]])), 0.5), 
                    sd(na.omit(as.numeric(x[[i]]))), min(na.omit(as.numeric(x[[i]]))), 
                    max(na.omit(as.numeric(x[[i]])))), 2)
                  a[i, 2] <- as.character(length(na.omit(x[[i]])))
                else if (is.factor(x[i][2, ])) {
                  a[i, 2] <- as.character(length(na.omit(x[[i]])))
                  a[i, 3:7] <- round(c(mean(na.omit(unclass(x[i][, 
                    ]))), median(na.omit(unclass(x[i][, ]))), 
                    sd(na.omit(unclass(x[i][, ]))), min(na.omit(unclass(x[i][, 
                      ]))), max(na.omit(unclass(x[i][, ])))), 
        heading <- paste(attr(x, "datalabel"), "\n", .No.of.observations, 
            nrow(x), "\n", "\n", sep = "")
        results <- list(heading = heading, table = a)
        class(results) <- c("summ.data.frame", "list")


#### Print summ result

print.summ.default <-
function (x,...){
			for(i in 1:length(x$levels)) {

######### End of summ

### Summarize a data frame

print.summ.data.frame <-
function (x, ...){
#### ROC curve from Logistic Regression
lroc <- 
function (logistic.model, graph = TRUE, add = FALSE, title = FALSE, 
    line.col = "red", auc.coords = NULL, grid = TRUE, grid.col = "blue", ...) 
    if (add) {
        title <- FALSE
    if (length(grep("cbind", names(model.frame(logistic.model)))) > 
        0) {
        firsttable1 <- cbind(logistic.model$fitted.values, model.frame(logistic.model)[, 
            1][, 2:1])
        firsttable1 <- firsttable1[order(firsttable1[, 1]), ]
    else {
        if (length(grep("(weights)", names(model.frame(logistic.model)))) > 
            0) {
            firsttable <- xtabs(as.vector(model.frame(logistic.model)[, 
                ncol(model.frame(logistic.model))]) ~ logistic.model$fitted.values + 
        else {
            firsttable <- table(logistic.model$fitted.values, 
        colnames(firsttable) <- c("Non-diseased", "Diseased")
        rownames(firsttable) <- substr(rownames(firsttable), 
            1, 6)
        firsttable1 <- cbind(as.numeric(rownames(firsttable)), 
    rownames(firsttable1) <- rep("", nrow(firsttable1))
    colnames(firsttable1)[1] <- "predicted.prob"
    firsttable <- firsttable1[, 2:3]
    secondtable <- firsttable
    for (i in 1:length(secondtable[, 1])) {
        secondtable[i, 1] <- (sum(firsttable[, 1]) - sum(firsttable[(1:i), 
            1]))/sum(firsttable[, 1])
        secondtable[i, 2] <- (sum(firsttable[, 2]) - sum(firsttable[(1:i), 
            2]))/sum(firsttable[, 2])
        rownames(secondtable)[i] <- paste(">", rownames(secondtable)[i])
    secondtable <- rbind((c(1, 1)), secondtable)
    colnames(secondtable) <- c("1-Specificity", "Sensitivity")
    model.des <- deparse(logistic.model$formula)
    auc <- 0
    for (i in 1:(nrow(secondtable) - 1)) {
        auc <- auc + (secondtable[i, 1] - secondtable[(i + 1), 
            1]) * 0.5 * (secondtable[i, 2] + secondtable[(i + 
            1), 2])
    if (graph) {
        if (!add) {
            plot(secondtable[, 1], secondtable[, 2], xlab = "1-Specificity", 
                ylab = "Sensitivity", xlim = (c(0, 1)), ylim = (c(0, 
                  1)), asp = 1, col = line.col, type = "l", ...)
            if (title) {
                title(main = model.des, ...)
            lines(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1), lty = 2, col = "blue")
            abline(v = 0, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(v = 0.2, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(v = 0.4, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(v = 0.6, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(v = 0.8, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(v = 1, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(h = 0.2, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(h = 0.4, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(h = 0.6, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(h = 0.8, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(h = 1, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            auclabel <- paste("Area under the curve =", round(auc, 
            if (!is.null(auc.coords)) {
                text(x = auc.coords[1], y = auc.coords[2], pos = 4, 
                  labels = auclabel, ...)
        else {
            lines(secondtable[, 1], secondtable[, 2], col = line.col, 
    list(model.description = model.des, auc = auc, predicted.table = firsttable1, 
        diagnostic.table = secondtable)

### ROC curve from a table
roc.from.table <-
function (table, graph = TRUE, add = FALSE, title = FALSE, line.col = "red", 
    auc.coords = NULL, grid = TRUE, grid.col = "blue", ...) 
    if (dim(table)[2] != 2) 
        stop("There must be 2 columns")
    if (table[1, 1]/table[1, 2] < table[nrow(table), 1]/table[nrow(table), 
        2]) {
        stop("At higher cut-off point, there should be more non-diseased")
    firsttable <- table
    colnames(firsttable) <- c("Non-diseased", "Diseased")
    if (length(rownames(firsttable)) == 0) {
        rownames(firsttable) <- rep("", times = nrow(firsttable))
    secondtable <- firsttable
    for (i in 1:length(secondtable[, 1])) {
        secondtable[i, 1] <- (sum(firsttable[, 1]) - sum(firsttable[(1:i), 
            1]))/sum(firsttable[, 1])
        secondtable[i, 2] <- (sum(firsttable[, 2]) - sum(firsttable[(1:i), 
            2]))/sum(firsttable[, 2])
        rownames(secondtable)[i] <- paste(">", rownames(secondtable)[i])
    secondtable <- rbind((c(1, 1)), secondtable)
    colnames(secondtable) <- c("1-Specificity", "Sensitivity")
    auc <- 0
    for (i in 1:(nrow(secondtable) - 1)) {
        auc <- auc + (secondtable[i, 1] - secondtable[(i + 1), 
            1]) * 0.5 * (secondtable[i, 2] + secondtable[(i + 
            1), 2])
    if (graph) {
        if (!add) {
            plot(secondtable[, 1], secondtable[, 2], xlab = "1-Specificity", 
                ylab = "Sensitivity", xlim = (c(0, 1)), ylim = (c(0, 
                  1)), asp = 1, col = line.col, type = "l", ...)
            if (title) {
                title(main = "ROC curve of the diagnostic table", 
            lines(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1), lty = 2, col = "blue")
            if(grid) {
            abline(v = 0, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(v = 0.2, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(v = 0.4, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(v = 0.6, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(v = 0.8, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(v = 1, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(h = 0.2, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(h = 0.4, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(h = 0.6, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(h = 0.8, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            abline(h = 1, lty = 2, col = grid.col)
            auclabel <- paste("Area under the curve =", round(auc, 
        else {
            lines(secondtable[, 1], secondtable[, 2], col = line.col, 
        if (!is.null(auc.coords)) {
            text(x = auc.coords[1], y = auc.coords[2], pos = 4, 
                labels = auclabel, ...)
    list(auc = auc, original.table = firsttable, diagnostic.table = secondtable)

### Kappa statistics
kap <- function(x,...){
kap.default <- function(x, ...){
    if (is.table(x)){ 
    kap.table(x, decimal=3,...)
      if(!is.null(dim(x)) && dim(x)[1]==dim(x)[2]) {
        x <- as.table(x)
      stop("'kap' only works on a square matrix or square table" )
### Kappa statistics from a table cross-tab ratings of 2 raters
kap.table <-
function (x, decimal =3, wttable = NULL, print.wttable = FALSE, ...)
    kaptable <- x
    if (ncol(kaptable) != nrow(kaptable))
        stop("Column & row not equal length")
    if (is.null(wttable) | (is.character(wttable) & length(wttable) ==
        2)) {
        wttable <- kaptable
        wttable[] <- 0
        for (i in 1:nrow(kaptable)) wttable[i, i] <- 1
    else {
        if (!is.matrix(wttable)) {
            if (wttable == "w" | wttable == "w2") {
                wttable1 <- kaptable
                wttable1[] <- 0
                for (i in 1:nrow(kaptable)) {
                  for (j in 1:ncol(kaptable)) {
                    if (wttable == "w") {
                      wttable1[i, j] <- 1 - abs(i - j)/(ncol(kaptable) -
                    if (wttable == "w2") {
                      wttable1[i, j] <- 1 - (abs(i - j)/(ncol(kaptable) -
                wttable <- wttable1
    po <- 0
    pe <- 0
    exptable <- kaptable
    bigbracket <- 0
    wbari <- rep(0, ncol(kaptable))
    wbarj <- rep(0, nrow(kaptable))
    for (i in 1:nrow(kaptable)) {
        for (j in 1:ncol(kaptable)) {
            wbari[i] <- wbari[i] + wttable[i, j] * sum(kaptable[,
    for (j in 1:ncol(kaptable)) {
        for (i in 1:nrow(kaptable)) {
            wbarj[j] <- wbarj[j] + wttable[i, j] * sum(kaptable[i,
    for (i in 1:nrow(kaptable)) {
        for (j in 1:ncol(kaptable)) {
            po <- po + wttable[i, j] * kaptable[i, j]/sum(kaptable)
            exptable[i, j] <- sum(kaptable[i, ]) * sum(kaptable[,
            pe <- pe + wttable[i, j] * exptable[i, j]
            bigbracket <- bigbracket + exptable[i, j] * (wttable[i,
                j] - (wbari[i] + wbarj[j]))^2
    kap <- (po - pe)/(1 - pe)
    if (length(colnames(kaptable)) == 0) {
        rownames(kaptable) <- paste("Group", as.character(1:nrow(kaptable)),
            sep = "")
        colnames(kaptable) <- rownames(kaptable)
        attr(attr(kaptable, "dimnames"), "names") <- c("Rater A",
            "Rater B")
    sekap <- 1/(1 - pe)/sqrt(sum(kaptable)) * sqrt(bigbracket -
    z <- kap/sekap
    p.value <- pnorm(z, lower.tail = FALSE)
    results <- list(table = kaptable, wttable = wttable,
    print.wttable = print.wttable, decimal = decimal,
    po = po, pe = pe, kappa = kap, std.error = sekap,
        z = z, p.value = p.value)
    class(results) <- "kap.table"

### Print kap.table
print.kap.table <-
function(x, ...)
cat("\n","Table for calculation of kappa"); cat("\n")
if(x$print.wttable & nrow(x$table)>2){
cat("Weighting scheme", "\n")
    cat("Observed agreement =", round(x$po * 100, x$decimal-1), "%", "\n")
    cat("Expected agreement =", round(x$pe * 100, x$decimal-1), "%", "\n")
    cat("Kappa =", round(x$kap, x$decimal), "\n")
    cat("Standard error =", round(x$std.error, x$decimal), ", Z =",
    round(x$z, x$decimal), ", P value =", ifelse(x$p.value <0.001, "< 0.001",round(x$p.value, x$decimal)), "\n", "\n")

## Kappa statistics with two raters
kap.2.raters <-
function (x, rater2, decimal =3, ...)
    rater1 <- x
    kaptable <- table(rater1, rater2)
    if (any(rownames(kaptable) != colnames(kaptable))) {
        stop("Table to use for kappa calculation must be symmetrical")
    kap.table(kaptable, decimal=decimal)

## Kappa statistics with more than two raters
kap.m.raters <-
function (x, decimal =3, ...)
    category.levels <- NULL
    for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
        category.levels <- c(category.levels, names(table(x[,
    category.levels <- unique(category.levels)
    category.counts <- rep(0, times = nrow(x) * length(category.levels))
    dim(category.counts) <- c(nrow(x), length(category.levels))
    for (j in 1:length(category.levels)) {
        if (is.factor(x[, 1])) {
            for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
                category.counts[i, j] <- sum(x[i, ][!is.na(x[i,
                  ])] == category.levels[j])
        else {
            for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
                category.counts[i, j] <- sum(x[i, ][!is.na(x[i,
                  ])] == as.numeric(category.levels[j]))
        colnames(category.counts) <- category.levels
    kap.ByCategory( as.data.frame(category.counts), decimal=decimal)

## Kappa statistics with id of the ratee and counts of rated categories
kap.ByCategory <-
function (x, decimal =3, ...)
    n    <- nrow(x)
    mi   <- rowSums(x)
    mbar <- sum(mi/n)
    pbar <- NULL
    qbar <- NULL
    kapp <- NULL
    z <- NULL
    sekap <- NULL
    p.value <- NULL
    for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
        xi <- x[, j]
        last.pbar <- sum(xi/(n * mbar))
        pbar <- c(pbar, last.pbar)
        last.qbar <- 1 - last.pbar
        qbar <- c(qbar, last.qbar)
        B <- 1/n * sum((xi - mi * last.pbar)^2/mi)
        W <- 1/(n * (mbar - 1)) * sum(xi * (mi - xi)/mi)
        mbarH <- 1/(mean(1/mi))
        kapp <- c(kapp, (B - W)/(B + (mbar - 1) * W))
        if (ncol(x) == 2 | var(mi) == 0) {
            last.sekap <- 1/((mbar - 1) * sqrt(n * mbarH)) *
                sqrt(2 * (mbarH - 1) + (mbar - mbarH) * (1 -
                  4 * last.pbar * last.qbar)/(mbar * last.pbar *
            sekap <- c(sekap, last.sekap)
            last.z <- (B - W)/(B + (mbar - 1) * W)/last.sekap
            z <- c(z, last.z)
            last.p.value <- pnorm(last.z, lower.tail = FALSE)
            p.value <- c(p.value, last.p.value)
    if (ncol(x) == 2) {
        results <- list(Each.category=NULL, Overall = data.frame(kappa = kapp[1],
            std.error = last.sekap, z = last.z,
            p.value = last.p.value, row.names = ""), decimal = decimal)
    else {
        if (var(mi) == 0) {
            each.category <- data.frame(kappa = kapp, std.error = sekap,
                z = z, p.value = p.value, row.names = colnames(x))
        else {
            each.category <- data.frame(kappa = kapp, std.error = ".",
                z = ".", p.value = ".", row.names = colnames(x))
        kapp.bar <- sum(pbar * qbar * kapp)/sum(pbar * qbar)
        if (ncol(x) == 2 | var(mi) == 0) {
            m <- mi[1]
            sekap.bar <- sqrt(2)/(sum(pbar * qbar) * sqrt(n *
                m * (m - 1))) * sqrt((sum(pbar * qbar))^2 - sum(pbar *
                qbar * (qbar - pbar)))
            z.bar <- kapp.bar/sekap.bar
            p.value.bar <- pnorm(z.bar, lower.tail = FALSE)
            row.names.overall <- ""
            for (i in 1:max(nchar(colnames(x)))) {
                row.names.overall <- paste(row.names.overall,
                  " ", sep = "")
            Overall <- data.frame(kappa = kapp.bar, std.error = sekap.bar,
                z = z.bar, p.value = p.value.bar, row.names = row.names.overall)
            list(Each.category = each.category, Overall = Overall)
        else {
            row.names.overall <- ""
            for (i in 1:max(nchar(colnames(x)))) {
                row.names.overall <- paste(row.names.overall,
                  " ", sep = "")
            Overall <- data.frame(kappa = kapp.bar, std.error = ".",
                z = ".", p.value = ".", row.names = row.names.overall)

            results <- list(Each.category = each.category, Overall = Overall, decimal = decimal)
            class(results) <- "kap.ByCategory"

## Print kap.ByCategory
print.kap.ByCategory <-
function(x, ...)
cat("Each category:", "\n")
dataA <- x$Each.category
                 z = ".",
                 p.value = ".",

                 std.error=round(dataA$std.error, x$decimal),
                 z = round(dataA$z, x$decimal-1),
                 p.value = ifelse(dataA$p.value < 0.001,"< 0.001",
                                  round(dataA$p.value, x$decimal)),
cat("Overall:", "\n")
dataB <- x$Overall
print(data.frame(kappa=round(dataB$kappa, x$decimal),
                 z = ".",
                 p.value = ".",
                 row.names=paste(rep(" ",max(nchar(row.names(dataB)))),collapse="")))
print(data.frame(kappa=round(dataB$kappa, x$decimal),
                 std.error=round(dataB$std.error, x$decima),
                 z = round(dataB$z, x$decimal-1),
                 p.value = ifelse(dataB$p.value < 0.001,"< 0.001",
                                  round(dataB$p.value, x$decimal)),
                 row.names=paste(rep(" ",max(nchar(row.names(dataB)))),collapse="")))
dataC <- x$Overall
print(data.frame(kappa=round(dataC$kappa, x$decimal),
                 std.error=round(dataC$std.error, x$decima),
                 z = round(dataC$z, x$decimal-1),
                 p.value = ifelse(dataC$p.value < 0.001,"< 0.001",
                                  round(dataC$p.value, x$decimal)), row.names="   "))
### Make 2 x 2 table
make2x2 <-
function (caseexp, controlex, casenonex, controlnonex) 
    table1 <- c(controlnonex, casenonex, controlex, caseexp)
    dim(table1) <- c(2, 2)                  
    rownames(table1) <- c("Non-diseased", "Diseased")
    colnames(table1) <- c("Non-exposed", "Exposed")
    attr(attr(table1, "dimnames"), "names") <- c("Outcome", "Exposure")

### Sample size calculation
n.for.2p <- function (p1, p2, alpha=0.05, power=.8, ratio=1) {
	if (any(p1 <1) & any(p2 <1)) {
	r1    <- ratio +1
	pbar  <- (p1+ratio*p2)/r1
	sqrt1 <- sqrt(r1 * pbar * (1-pbar))
	sqrt2 <- sqrt(ratio * (p1 * (1-p1))+ p2*(1-p2)  )
	n0    <- (((qnorm(1-alpha/2)*sqrt1) - (qnorm(1-power)*sqrt2))^2)/
	n1    <- (n0/4)* (1+sqrt(1+2*r1/(n0*ratio*abs(p1-p2))))^2
	n1    <- trunc(n1) +1
	n2    <- trunc(ratio * n1)
	stop("Both p1 and p2 must be less than 1")
  if(length(alpha) > 1 ) {alpha1 <- alpha }else {alpha1 <- NULL}
  if(length(power) > 1 ) {power1 <- power }else {power1 <- NULL}
  if(length(ratio) > 1 ) {ratio1 <- ratio }else {ratio1 <- NULL}
  table1 <- cbind(p1, p2, n1, n2, alpha1, power1, ratio1)
  colnames(table1)[colnames(table1)=="alpha1"] <- "alpha"
  colnames(table1)[colnames(table1)=="power1"] <- "power"
  colnames(table1)[colnames(table1)=="ratio1"] <- "n2/n1"
  returns <- list(p1=p1, p2=p2, n1=n1, n2=n2, alpha=alpha, power=power, ratio=ratio, 
    table = as.data.frame(table1))
  class(returns) <- c("n.for.2p", "list")

### print n.for.2p
print.n.for.2p <- function(x, ...){
if(nrow(x$table) < 6){
	cat("Estimation of sample size for testing Ho: p1==p2", "\n")
	cat("Assumptions:", "\n", "\n")
	cat("     alpha =", x$alpha, "\n")
	cat("     power =", x$power, "\n")
	cat("        p1 =", x$p1, "\n")
	cat("        p2 =", x$p2, "\n")
	cat("     n2/n1 =", x$ratio, "\n", "\n")
	cat("Estimated required sample size:", "\n", "\n")
	cat("        n1 =",x$n1,"\n")
	cat("        n2 =",x$n2,"\n")
	cat("   n1 + n2 =",x$n1+x$n2,"\n","\n")
	cat("Assumptions:", "\n", "\n")
	if(length(x$alpha)==1) cat("     alpha =", x$alpha, "\n")
	if(length(x$power)==1) cat("     power =", x$power, "\n")
  if(length(x$ratio)==1) cat("     n2/n1 =", x$ratio, "\n")

### n for Cluster RCT
n.for.cluster.2p <-
function (p1, p2, alpha = 0.05, power = 0.8, ratio = 1, 
          mean.cluster.size = 10, previous.mean.cluster.size = NULL, previous.sd.cluster.size = NULL, 
          max.cluster.size = NULL, min.cluster.size = NULL, icc = 0.1)
{   if (any(p1 < 1) & any(p2 < 1)) {
        r1 <- ratio + 1
        pbar <- (p1 + ratio * p2)/r1
        sqrt1 <- sqrt(r1 * pbar * (1 - pbar))
        sqrt2 <- sqrt(ratio * (p1 * (1 - p1)) + p2 * (1 - p2))
        n0 <- (((qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * sqrt1) - (qnorm(1 - power) * sqrt2))^2)/(ratio * ((p2 - p1)^2))
        n1 <- (n0/4) * (1 + sqrt(1 + 2 * r1/(n0 * ratio * abs(p1 - p2))))^2
        n1 <- trunc(n1) + 1
        n2 <- trunc(ratio * n1)
    else {
        stop("Both p1 and p2 must be less than 1")
    if (length(alpha) > 1) {
        alpha1 <- alpha
    else {
        alpha1 <- NULL
    if (length(power) > 1) {
        power1 <- power
    else {
        power1 <- NULL
    if (length(ratio) > 1) {
        ratio1 <- ratio
    else {
        ratio1 <- NULL
########## Adjustment for unequal cluster size
    if (icc <= 0 | icc >= 1 ){
        stop("Intracluster correlation value must be between zero and one")
    if (is.null(previous.mean.cluster.size) + is.null(previous.sd.cluster.size) + is.null(max.cluster.size) + is.null(min.cluster.size) > 2){
        stop("Choose (previous.mean.cluster.size and previous.sd.cluster.size) OR (max.cluster.size and min.cluster.size)")
    if (!is.null(previous.mean.cluster.size) + !is.null(previous.sd.cluster.size) + !is.null(max.cluster.size) + !is.null(min.cluster.size) == FALSE){
        stop("Choose (previous.mean.cluster.size and previous.sd.cluster.size) or (max.cluster.size and min.cluster.size)")
    cv1 <- previous.sd.cluster.size/previous.mean.cluster.size    
    cv3 <- ((max.cluster.size - min.cluster.size)/4)/mean.cluster.size 
    if ((is.null(max.cluster.size)) & is.null(min.cluster.size)) {
        cv3 <- NULL
    if (is.null(previous.mean.cluster.size) & is.null(previous.sd.cluster.size)){
        cv1 <- NULL
    if (((is.null(previous.mean.cluster.size)) + (is.null(previous.sd.cluster.size))) == 1){
        stop("Both previous.mean.cluster.size and previous.sd.cluster.size are required")
    if (((is.null(max.cluster.size)) + (is.null(min.cluster.size))) == 1){
        stop("Both max.cluster.size and min.cluster.size are required")
    else {      
        deff.unadjusted <- (1 + (mean.cluster.size - 1) * icc)
        deff.adj1  <- 1 + (((1 + cv1^2) * mean.cluster.size) - 1) * icc
        deff.adj3  <- 1 + (((1 + cv3^2) * mean.cluster.size) - 1) * icc
    if (n1 == n2){
        n.unadjusted    <- round(deff.unadjusted * n1)
        n.unadjusted.clus.no <- round(n.unadjusted/mean.cluster.size)
        n.adj1          <- round(deff.adj1 * n1)
        n.adj1.clus.no  <- round(n.adj1/mean.cluster.size)
        n.adj3          <- round(deff.adj3 * n1)
        n.adj3.clus.no  <- round(n.adj3/mean.cluster.size)
        n1.unadjusted   <- NULL
        n1.unadjusted.clus.no <- NULL
        n1.adj1         <- NULL
        n1.adj1.clus.no <- NULL
        n1.adj3         <- NULL
        n1.adj3.clus.no <- NULL
        n2.unadjusted   <- NULL
        n2.unadjusted.clus.no <- NULL
        n2.adj1         <- NULL
        n2.adj1.clus.no <- NULL
        n2.adj3         <- NULL
        n2.adj3.clus.no <- NULL
    else {
        n1.unadjusted         <- round(deff.unadjusted * n1)
        n1.unadjusted.clus.no <- round(n1.unadjusted/mean.cluster.size) 
        n1.adj1               <- round(deff.adj1 * n1)
        n1.adj1.clus.no       <- round(n1.adj1/mean.cluster.size)
        n1.adj3               <- round(deff.adj3 * n1)
        n1.adj3.clus.no       <- round(n1.adj3/mean.cluster.size)
        n2.unadjusted         <- round(deff.unadjusted * n2)
        n2.unadjusted.clus.no <- round(n2.unadjusted/mean.cluster.size)
        n2.adj1               <- round(deff.adj1 * n2)
        n2.adj1.clus.no       <- round(n2.adj1/mean.cluster.size)
        n2.adj3               <- round(deff.adj3 * n2)
        n2.adj3.clus.no       <- round(n2.adj3/mean.cluster.size)
        n.unadjusted          <- NULL
        n.unadjusted.clus.no  <- NULL
        n.adj1                <- NULL
        n.adj1.clus.no        <- NULL
        n.adj3                <- NULL
        n.adj3.clus.no        <- NULL
####To create output table
    table1 <- rbind(p1, p2, n1, n2, alpha, power, ratio, mean.cluster.size, previous.mean.cluster.size,previous.sd.cluster.size, max.cluster.size, min.cluster.size, icc, deff.unadjusted, n.unadjusted, n.unadjusted.clus.no, deff.adj1, n.adj1, n.adj1.clus.no, deff.adj3, n.adj3,n.adj3.clus.no, n1.unadjusted, n1.unadjusted.clus.no, n1.adj1, n1.adj1.clus.no, n1.adj3, n1.adj3.clus.no,n2.unadjusted, n2.unadjusted.clus.no, n2.adj1,n2.adj1.clus.no, n2.adj3, n2.adj3.clus.no)
    rownames(table1)[rownames(table1) == "alpha1"] <- "alpha"
    rownames(table1)[rownames(table1) == "power1"] <- "power"
    rownames(table1)[rownames(table1) == "ratio1"] <- "n2/n1"
    rownames(table1)[rownames(table1) == "ratio"]  <- "n2/n1"
    returns <- list(
              p1 = p1, p2 = p2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2, alpha = alpha, 
              power = power, ratio = n2/n1,
              previous.mean.cluster.size = previous.mean.cluster.size, previous.sd.cluster.size = previous.sd.cluster.size,
              mean.cluster.size = mean.cluster.size,
              max.cluster.size = max.cluster.size, min.cluster.size = min.cluster.size, icc = icc,
              deff.unadjusted = deff.unadjusted, n.unadjusted = n.unadjusted, 
              n.unadjusted.clus.no = n.unadjusted.clus.no, 
              deff.adj1 = deff.adj1, n.adj1 = n.adj1, n.adj1.clus.no = n.adj1.clus.no,
              deff.adj3 = deff.adj3, n.adj3 = n.adj3, n.adj3.clus.no = n.adj3.clus.no,
              n1.unadjusted = n1.unadjusted, n1.unadjusted.clus.no = n1.unadjusted.clus.no,
              n1.adj1 = n1.adj1, n1.adj1.clus.no = n1.adj1.clus.no,
              n1.adj3 = n1.adj3, n1.adj3.clus.no = n1.adj3.clus.no,
              n2.unadjusted = n2.unadjusted, n2.unadjusted.clus.no = n2.unadjusted.clus.no,
              n2.adj1 = n2.adj1, n2.adj1.clus.no = n2.adj1.clus.no,
              n2.adj3 = n2.adj3, n2.adj3.clus.no = n2.adj3.clus.no,
              table = as.data.frame(table1))
    class(returns) <- c("n.for.cluster.2p", "list")

# Print n.for.cluster.2p
print.n.for.cluster.2p <- function (x, ...) 
    if (nrow(x$table) < 22) {
#Print source of literature used for this sample size calculation
#Print assumptions 
        #Assumptions for alpha,power,p1,p2,n2/n1,mean cluster size and icc
        cat(" Estimation of sample size in a cluster radomized controlled trial", "\n") 
        cat(" for testing Ho: p1==p2", "\n", "\n")
        cat(" Assumptions:", "\n", "\n")
        cat("                                alpha =", x$alpha, "\n")
        cat("                                power =", x$power, "\n")
        cat("                                   p1 =", x$p1, "\n")
        cat("                                   p2 =", x$p2, "\n")
        cat("                         n2/n1(ratio) =", x$ratio, "\n")
        cat("            Current mean cluster size =", x$mean.cluster.size, "\n")
        cat("Intra-cluster correlation coefficient =", x$icc, "\n")
        #Assumptions - mean(sd) of cluster size from previous study for design effect 
        cat("  Cluster size of previous study:Mean =", x$previous.mean.cluster.size, "\n")
        cat("    Cluster size of previous study:SD =", x$previous.sd.cluster.size, "\n")  
        cat("             Design Effect:Unadjusted =", x$deff.unadjusted,"\n")
        cat("               Design Effect:Adjusted =", x$deff.adj1,"\n","\n")
        #Assumptions - expected max and min cluster size for design effect
        cat("        Maximum expected cluster size =", x$max.cluster.size, "\n")
        cat("        Minimum expected cluster size =", x$min.cluster.size, "\n")    
        cat("             Design Effect:Unadjusted =", x$deff.unadjusted,"\n")       
        cat("               Design Effect:Adjusted =", x$deff.adj3, "\n","\n")
#Print results
        #Results for equal ratio (n2/n1)                     
        if (x$ratio == 1){
        cat(" Estimated required sample size:", "\n", "\n")
        cat("     When design effect is unadjusted for unequal cluster sizes", "\n")
        cat("                                   n1 =", x$n.unadjusted, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n1 =", x$n.unadjusted.clus.no, "\n")
        cat("                                   n2 =", x$n.unadjusted, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n2 =", x$n.unadjusted.clus.no,"\n")
        cat("                              n1 + n2 =", x$n.unadjusted + x$n.unadjusted,"\n")
        cat("             Total number of clusters =", x$n.unadjusted.clus.no + x$n.unadjusted.clus.no,"\n", "\n")
        cat("     When design effect is adjusted for unequal cluster sizes", "\n")
        cat("                                   n1 =", x$n.adj1, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n1 =", x$n.adj1.clus.no, "\n")
        cat("                                   n2 =", x$n.adj1, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n2 =", x$n.adj1.clus.no,"\n")
        cat("                              n1 + n2 =", x$n.adj1 + x$n.adj1, "\n")   
        cat("             Total number of clusters =", x$n.adj1.clus.no + x$n.adj1.clus.no,"\n", "\n")
        cat("                                   n1 =", x$n.adj3, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n1 =", x$n.adj3.clus.no, "\n")
        cat("                                   n2 =", x$n.adj3, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n2 =", x$n.adj3.clus.no,"\n")
        cat("                              n1 + n2 =", x$n.adj3 + x$n.adj3, "\n")   
        cat("             Total number of clusters =", x$n.adj3.clus.no + x$n.adj3.clus.no,"\n", "\n")
        #Results for unequal ratio (ratio!=1) 
        cat(" Estimated required sample size:", "\n", "\n")
        cat("    When design effect is unadjusted for unequal cluster sizes", "\n")
        cat("                                   n1 =", x$n1.unadjusted, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n1 =", x$n1.unadjusted.clus.no, "\n")
        cat("                                   n2 =", x$n2.unadjusted, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n2 =", x$n2.unadjusted.clus.no,"\n")
        cat("                              n1 + n2 =", x$n1.unadjusted + x$n2.unadjusted,"\n")
        cat("             Total number of clusters =", x$n1.unadjusted.clus.no + x$n2.unadjusted.clus.no,"\n", "\n")
        cat("    When design effect is adjusted for unequal cluster sizes", "\n")
        cat("                                   n1 =", x$n1.adj1, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n1 =", x$n1.adj1.clus.no, "\n")
        cat("                                   n2 =", x$n2.adj1, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n2 =", x$n2.adj1.clus.no,"\n")
        cat("                              n1 + n2 =", x$n1.adj1 + x$n2.adj1, "\n")   
        cat("             Total number of clusters =", x$n1.adj1.clus.no + x$n2.adj1.clus.no,"\n", "\n")
        cat("                                   n1 =", x$n1.adj3, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n1 =", x$n1.adj3.clus.no, "\n")
        cat("                                   n2 =", x$n2.adj3, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n2 =", x$n2.adj3.clus.no,"\n")
        cat("                              n1 + n2 =", x$n1.adj3+ x$n2.adj3, "\n")   
        cat("             Total number of clusters =", x$n1.adj3.clus.no + x$n2.adj3.clus.no,"\n", "\n") 
        #If nrow of xtable is not less than 22        
else {
        cat(" Assumptions:", "\n", "\n")
        if (length(x$alpha) == 1) 
            cat("     alpha =", x$alpha, "\n")
        if (length(x$power) == 1) 
            cat("     power =", x$power, "\n")
        if (length(x$ratio) == 1) 
            cat("     n2/n1 =", x$ratio, "\n")            

## n.for.cluster.2means
n.for.cluster.2means <- function (mu1, mu2, sd1, sd2, alpha = 0.05, power = 0.8, ratio = 1, 
          mean.cluster.size = 10, previous.mean.cluster.size = NULL, previous.sd.cluster.size = NULL, 
          max.cluster.size = NULL, min.cluster.size = NULL, icc = 0.1)
    n1 <- (sd1^2 + sd2^2/ratio) * (qnorm(1 - alpha/2) - qnorm(1 - 
        power))^2/(mu1 - mu2)^2
    n1 <- round(n1)
    n2 <- ratio * n1
    if (length(alpha) == 1) {
        alpha1 <- NULL
    else {
        alpha1 <- alpha
    if (length(power) == 1) {
        power1 <- NULL
    else {
        power1 <- power
    if (length(ratio) == 1) {
        ratio1 <- NULL
    else {
        ratio1 <- ratio
    ########## Adjustment for unequal cluster size
    if (icc <= 0 | icc >= 1 ){
        stop("Intracluster correlation value must be between zero and one")
    if (is.null(previous.mean.cluster.size) + is.null(previous.sd.cluster.size) + is.null(max.cluster.size) + is.null(min.cluster.size) > 2){
        stop("Choose (previous.mean.cluster.size and previous.sd.cluster.size) OR (max.cluster.size and min.cluster.size)")
    if (!is.null(previous.mean.cluster.size) + !is.null(previous.sd.cluster.size) + !is.null(max.cluster.size) + !is.null(min.cluster.size) == FALSE){
        stop("Choose (previous.mean.cluster.size and previous.sd.cluster.size) or (max.cluster.size and min.cluster.size)")
    cv1 <- previous.sd.cluster.size/previous.mean.cluster.size    
    cv3 <- ((max.cluster.size - min.cluster.size)/4)/mean.cluster.size 
    if ((is.null(max.cluster.size)) & is.null(min.cluster.size)) {
        cv3 <- NULL
    if (is.null(previous.mean.cluster.size) & is.null(previous.sd.cluster.size)){
        cv1 <- NULL
    if (((is.null(previous.mean.cluster.size)) + (is.null(previous.sd.cluster.size))) == 1){
        stop("Both previous.mean.cluster.size and previous.sd.cluster.size are required")
    if (((is.null(max.cluster.size)) + (is.null(min.cluster.size))) == 1){
        stop("Both max.cluster.size and min.cluster.size are required")
    else {      
        deff.unadjusted <- (1 + (mean.cluster.size - 1) * icc)
        deff.adj1  <- 1 + (((1 + cv1^2) * mean.cluster.size) - 1) * icc
        deff.adj3  <- 1 + (((1 + cv3^2) * mean.cluster.size) - 1) * icc
    if (n1 == n2){
        n.unadjusted          <- round(deff.unadjusted * n1)
        n.unadjusted.clus.no  <- round(n.unadjusted/mean.cluster.size)
        n.adj1                <- round(deff.adj1 * n1)
        n.adj1.clus.no        <- round(n.adj1/mean.cluster.size)
        n.adj3                <- round(deff.adj3 * n1)
        n.adj3.clus.no        <- round(n.adj3/mean.cluster.size)
        n1.unadjusted         <- NULL
        n1.unadjusted.clus.no <- NULL
        n1.adj1               <- NULL
        n1.adj1.clus.no       <- NULL
        n1.adj3               <- NULL
        n1.adj3.clus.no       <- NULL
        n2.unadjusted         <- NULL
        n2.unadjusted.clus.no <- NULL
        n2.adj1               <- NULL
        n2.adj1.clus.no       <- NULL
        n2.adj3               <- NULL
        n2.adj3.clus.no       <- NULL
    else {
        n1.unadjusted         <- round(deff.unadjusted * n1)
        n1.unadjusted.clus.no <- round(n1.unadjusted/mean.cluster.size) 
        n1.adj1               <- round(deff.adj1 * n1)
        n1.adj1.clus.no       <- round(n1.adj1/mean.cluster.size)
        n1.adj3               <- round(deff.adj3 * n1)
        n1.adj3.clus.no       <- round(n1.adj3/mean.cluster.size)
        n2.unadjusted         <- round(deff.unadjusted * n2)
        n2.unadjusted.clus.no <- round(n2.unadjusted/mean.cluster.size)
        n2.adj1               <- round(deff.adj1 * n2)
        n2.adj1.clus.no       <- round(n2.adj1/mean.cluster.size)
        n2.adj3               <- round(deff.adj3 * n2)
        n2.adj3.clus.no       <- round(n2.adj3/mean.cluster.size)
        n.unadjusted          <- NULL
        n.unadjusted.clus.no  <- NULL
        n.adj1                <- NULL
        n.adj1.clus.no        <- NULL
        n.adj3                <- NULL
        n.adj3.clus.no        <- NULL
####To create output table
    table1 <- rbind(mu1, mu2, sd1, sd2, n1, n2, alpha, power, ratio, mean.cluster.size, previous.mean.cluster.size,previous.sd.cluster.size, max.cluster.size, min.cluster.size, icc, deff.unadjusted, n.unadjusted, n.unadjusted.clus.no, deff.adj1, n.adj1, n.adj1.clus.no, deff.adj3, n.adj3,n.adj3.clus.no, n1.unadjusted, n1.unadjusted.clus.no, n1.adj1, n1.adj1.clus.no, n1.adj3, n1.adj3.clus.no,n2.unadjusted, n2.unadjusted.clus.no, n2.adj1,n2.adj1.clus.no, n2.adj3, n2.adj3.clus.no)
    rownames(table1)[rownames(table1) == "alpha1"] <- "alpha"
    rownames(table1)[rownames(table1) == "power1"] <- "power"
    rownames(table1)[rownames(table1) == "ratio1"] <- "n2/n1"
    rownames(table1)[rownames(table1) == "ratio"]  <- "n2/n1"
    returns <- list(
              mu1 = mu1, mu2 = mu2, sd1 = sd1, sd2 = sd2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2, 
              alpha = alpha, power = power, ratio = n2/n1,
              previous.mean.cluster.size = previous.mean.cluster.size, previous.sd.cluster.size = previous.sd.cluster.size,
              mean.cluster.size = mean.cluster.size,
              max.cluster.size = max.cluster.size, min.cluster.size = min.cluster.size, icc = icc,
              deff.unadjusted = deff.unadjusted, n.unadjusted = n.unadjusted, 
              n.unadjusted.clus.no = n.unadjusted.clus.no, 
              deff.adj1 = deff.adj1, n.adj1 = n.adj1, n.adj1.clus.no = n.adj1.clus.no,
              deff.adj3 = deff.adj3, n.adj3 = n.adj3, n.adj3.clus.no = n.adj3.clus.no,
              n1.unadjusted = n1.unadjusted, n1.unadjusted.clus.no = n1.unadjusted.clus.no,
              n1.adj1 = n1.adj1, n1.adj1.clus.no = n1.adj1.clus.no,
              n1.adj3 = n1.adj3, n1.adj3.clus.no = n1.adj3.clus.no,
              n2.unadjusted = n2.unadjusted, n2.unadjusted.clus.no = n2.unadjusted.clus.no,
              n2.adj1 = n2.adj1, n2.adj1.clus.no = n2.adj1.clus.no,
              n2.adj3 = n2.adj3, n2.adj3.clus.no = n2.adj3.clus.no,
              table = as.data.frame(table1))
    class(returns) <- c("n.for.2means.cluster.RCT", "list")

# Print n.for.cluster.2means
print.n.for.cluster.2means <- function (x, ...) 
    if (nrow(x$table) < 39) {
#Print assumptions 
        #Assumptions for alpha,power,p1,p2,n2/n1,mean cluster size and icc
        cat(" Estimation of sample size in a cluster radomized controlled trial", "\n") 
        cat(" for testing Ho: mu1==mu2", "\n", "\n")
        cat(" Assumptions:", "\n", "\n")
        if (length(x$alpha) == 1) 
        cat("                                alpha =", x$alpha, "\n")
        if (length(x$power) == 1) 
        cat("                                power =", x$power, "\n")
        cat("                                  mu1 =", x$mu1, "\n")
        cat("                                  mu2 =", x$mu2, "\n")
        cat("                                  sd1 =", x$sd1, "\n")
        cat("                                  sd2 =", x$sd2, "\n")
        if (length(x$ratio) == 1)
        cat("                         n2/n1(ratio) =", x$ratio, "\n")
        cat("           Expected mean cluster size =", x$mean.cluster.size, "\n")
        cat("Intra-cluster correlation coefficient =", x$icc, "\n")
        #Assumptions - mean(sd) of cluster size from previous study for design effect 
        cat("  Cluster size of previous study:Mean =", x$previous.mean.cluster.size, "\n")
        cat("    Cluster size of previous study:SD =", x$previous.sd.cluster.size, "\n")  
        cat("             Design Effect:Unadjusted =", x$deff.unadjusted,"\n")
        cat("               Design Effect:Adjusted =", x$deff.adj1,"\n","\n")
        #Assumptions - expected max and min cluster size for design effect
        cat("        Maximum expected cluster size =", x$max.cluster.size, "\n")
        cat("        Minimum expected cluster size =", x$min.cluster.size, "\n")    
        cat("             Design Effect:Unadjusted =", x$deff.unadjusted,"\n")       
        cat("               Design Effect:Adjusted =", x$deff.adj3, "\n","\n")
#Print results
        #Results for equal ratio (n2/n1)                     
        if (x$ratio == 1){
        cat(" Estimated required sample size:", "\n", "\n")
        cat("     When design effect is unadjusted for unequal cluster sizes", "\n")
        cat("                                   n1 =", x$n.unadjusted, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n1 =", x$n.unadjusted.clus.no, "\n")
        cat("                                   n2 =", x$n.unadjusted, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n2 =", x$n.unadjusted.clus.no,"\n")
        cat("                              n1 + n2 =", x$n.unadjusted + x$n.unadjusted,"\n")
        cat("             Total number of clusters =", x$n.unadjusted.clus.no + x$n.unadjusted.clus.no,"\n", "\n")
        cat("     When design effect is adjusted for unequal cluster sizes", "\n")
        cat("                                   n1 =", x$n.adj1, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n1 =", x$n.adj1.clus.no, "\n")
        cat("                                   n2 =", x$n.adj1, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n2 =", x$n.adj1.clus.no,"\n")
        cat("                              n1 + n2 =", x$n.adj1 + x$n.adj1, "\n")   
        cat("             Total number of clusters =", x$n.adj1.clus.no + x$n.adj1.clus.no,"\n", "\n")
        cat("                                   n1 =", x$n.adj3, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n1 =", x$n.adj3.clus.no, "\n")
        cat("                                   n2 =", x$n.adj3, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n2 =", x$n.adj3.clus.no,"\n")
        cat("                              n1 + n2 =", x$n.adj3 + x$n.adj3, "\n")   
        cat("             Total number of clusters =", x$n.adj3.clus.no + x$n.adj3.clus.no,"\n", "\n")
        #Results for unequal ratio (ratio!=1) 
        cat(" Estimated required sample size:", "\n", "\n")
        cat("    When design effect is unadjusted for unequal cluster sizes", "\n")
        cat("                                   n1 =", x$n1.unadjusted, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n1 =", x$n1.unadjusted.clus.no, "\n")
        cat("                                   n2 =", x$n2.unadjusted, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n2 =", x$n2.unadjusted.clus.no,"\n")
        cat("                              n1 + n2 =", x$n1.unadjusted + x$n2.unadjusted,"\n")
        cat("             Total number of clusters =", x$n1.unadjusted.clus.no + x$n2.unadjusted.clus.no,"\n", "\n")
        cat("    When design effect is adjusted for unequal cluster sizes", "\n")
        cat("                                   n1 =", x$n1.adj1, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n1 =", x$n1.adj1.clus.no, "\n")
        cat("                                   n2 =", x$n2.adj1, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n2 =", x$n2.adj1.clus.no,"\n")
        cat("                              n1 + n2 =", x$n1.adj1 + x$n2.adj1, "\n")   
        cat("             Total number of clusters =", x$n1.adj1.clus.no + x$n2.adj1.clus.no,"\n", "\n")
        cat("                                   n1 =", x$n1.adj3, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n1 =", x$n1.adj3.clus.no, "\n")
        cat("                                   n2 =", x$n2.adj3, "\n")
        cat("            Number of clusters for n2 =", x$n2.adj3.clus.no,"\n")
        cat("                              n1 + n2 =", x$n1.adj3+ x$n2.adj3, "\n", "\n")   
        cat("             Total number of clusters =", x$n1.adj3.clus.no + x$n2.adj3.clus.no,"\n", "\n") 
        #If nrow of xtable is not less than 39        
else {       


### sample size for survey
n.for.survey <- function(p, delta = "auto", popsize=NULL, deff=1, alpha = .05){
q <- 1-p
pq <- cbind(p, q)
minpq <- apply(pq, 1, min)
delta <- ifelse(minpq >= .3, 0.1, ifelse(minpq >= .1, .05, minpq/2))
	if(any(p >= 1) | any(delta >= 1) | any(popsize < 2) ) 
		stop("Proportion and delta both must < 1. Popsize must be >=2")
	else {
	n1 <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)^2*p*(1-p)/delta^2
	if (!is.null(popsize)){
	n1 = n1/(1+n1/popsize)
  if (deff != 1) {
	n1 = n1*deff }
  deff1 <- deff
  if(deff==1) deff1 <- NULL
  table1 <- cbind(p, popsize, deff1, delta, round(n1))
  colnames(table1)[colnames(table1)=="deff1"] <- "deff"
  colnames(table1)[ncol(table1)] <- "n"
    		returns <- list(p = p, delta=delta, popsize=popsize, deff=deff, 
    alpha = alpha, n1=n1, minpq=minpq,
    table = as.data.frame(table1))
 class(returns) <- c("n.for.survey", "list")

### print n.for.survey
print.n.for.survey <- function(x, ...)
if(nrow(x$table) < 6){
  cat("Sample size for survey.","\n")
	cat("Assumptions:", "\n")
	cat("  Proportion       =", x$p, "\n")
	cat("  Confidence limit =", round((1-x$alpha)*100), "%","\n") 
	cat("  Delta            =", x$delta, "from the estimate.", "\n")
	if (!is.null(x$popsize)){
	cat("  Population size  =", x$popsize, "\n")
	if (x$deff != 1) {
	cat("  Design effect    =", x$deff, "\n")
	cat("  Sample size      =", round(x$n1), "\n")
  cat("Sample size for survey.","\n")
	cat("Assumptions:", "\n")
  if(length(x$alpha) == 1) cat("  Confidence limit =", round((1-x$alpha)*100), "%","\n") 
  if(length(x$delta) == 1)	cat("  Delta            =", x$delta, "from the estimate.", "\n")
print(x$table, rownames=FALSE)

### Sample size for lot quality assurance sampling

n.for.lqas <- function(p0, q=0, N=10000, alpha=.05, exact=FALSE){
  maxi <- nrow(cbind(p0,q,N))
  if(length(p0)==1 & maxi >1) p0 <- rep(p0, maxi)
  if(length(q)==1 & maxi >1) q <- rep(q, maxi)
  if(length(N)==1 & maxi >1) N <- rep(N, maxi)
  n <- N
  alpha.i <- alpha
  if(length(alpha)==1 & maxi > 1) alpha.i <- rep(alpha, maxi)
if (exact) {
# Hypergeometric distribution 2-by-2 table : See `help("Hypergeometric")'
#   q   n-x      n
# k-q   m-(k-q)  m
#   k   N-k      N
# where N = population
#       n = sample size
#       q = positive among sample
#       k = total positive in the population
  m <- rep(1, maxi)
  k <- rep(1, maxi)
  for(i in 1:maxi){
	  for(j in N[i]:1){
	  m[i] <- N[i]-j
	  k[i] <- trunc(p0[i]*N[i])
	  if (dhyper(q[i], j, m[i], k[i]) > alpha.i[i]) break	
		n[i] <- j
	method <- "Exact"
else {
# For normal approximation calculation
# Formula: d=n*p0-z*sqrt(n*p0*(1-p0)*(N-n)/(N-1))

  for(i in 1:maxi){
	for (j in N[i]:1){
	if ((j*p0[i]-(qnorm(p=1-alpha.i[i]))*sqrt(j*p0[i]*(1-p0[i])*(N[i]-j)/(N[i]-1))- q[i]) < .001) break
  n[i] <- j
	method <- "Normal approximation"
  n <- round(n)
  if(length(alpha) > 1 ) {alpha1 <- alpha }else {alpha1 <- NULL}
  if(length(N) > 1 ) {N1 <- N }else {N1 <- NULL}
  table1 <- cbind(p0, q, N, n, alpha1)
  colnames(table1)[colnames(table1)=="alpha1"] <- "alpha"
  table1 <- as.data.frame(table1)

  returns <- list(p0=p0, q=q, N=N, alpha=alpha, method=method, n=n, table=table1)
  class(returns) <- c("n.for.lqas","list")

### Print n.for.lqas
print.n.for.lqas <- function(x, ...){
if(nrow(x$table) < 6){
cat("     Lot quality assurance sampling","\n","\n")
cat(c("                             Method =", x$method, "\n"))
cat(c("                    Population size =", x$N,"\n"))
cat("  Maximum defective sample accepted =", x$q, "\n")
cat("     Probability of defect accepted =", x$p0,"\n")
cat("                              Alpha =", x$alpha, "\n")
cat(c("               Sample size required =", x$n, "\n","\n"))
cat("  Lot quality assurance sampling","\n")
cat(c("  Method =", x$method, "\n"))
if(length(table(x$N))==1) cat(c("  Population size =", unique(x$N),"\n"))
if(length(x$alpha)==1) cat("  Alpha =", x$alpha, "\n")

### Sample size for test of two means
n.for.2means <- function (mu1, mu2, sd1, sd2, ratio=1, alpha=.05,
	power=.8) {
	n1 <- (sd1^2+sd2^2/ratio)*(qnorm(1-alpha/2)-qnorm(1-power))^2/(mu1-mu2)^2
	n1 <- round(n1)
	n2 <- ratio * n1
	if(length(alpha)==1) {alpha1 <- NULL}else{alpha1 <- alpha}
	if(length(power)==1) {power1 <- NULL}else{power1 <- power}
	if(length(ratio)==1) {ratio1 <- NULL}else{ratio1 <- ratio}
  table1 <- cbind(mu1, mu2, sd1, sd2, n1, n2, alpha1, power1, ratio1)
  colnames(table1)[colnames(table1)=="alpha1"] <- "alpha"
  colnames(table1)[colnames(table1)=="power1"] <-"power"
  colnames(table1)[colnames(table1)=="ratio1"] <-"n2/n1"
  table1 <- as.data.frame(table1)
  returns <- list(mu1=mu1, mu2=mu2, sd1=sd1, sd2=sd2, alpha=alpha, 
  n1=n1, n2=n2, power=power, ratio= ratio, table = table1)
  class(returns) <- c("n.for.2means","list")

# Print n.for.2means
print.n.for.2means <- function(x, ...) {
	cat("Estimation of sample size for testing Ho: mu1==mu2", "\n")
	cat("Assumptions:", "\n", "\n")
	if(length(x$alpha)==1) cat("     alpha =", x$alpha, "\n")
	if(length(x$power)==1) cat("     power =", x$power, "\n")
	if(length(x$ratio)==1) cat("     n2/n1 =", x$ratio, "\n")
if(nrow(x$table) < 6){
	cat("       mu1 =", x$mu1, "\n")
	cat("       mu2 =", x$mu2, "\n")
	cat("       sd1 =", x$sd1, "\n")
	cat("       sd2 =", x$sd2, "\n", "\n")
	cat("Estimated required sample size:", "\n", "\n")
	cat("        n1 =",x$n1+1,"\n")
	cat("        n2 =",x$n2+1,"\n")
	cat("   n1 + n2 =",x$n1+x$n2+2,"\n","\n")

## Sample size for equivalent trial
n.for.equi.2p <- function (p, sig.diff, alpha=.05, power=.8 ) {
  n <- (qnorm(alpha/2) + qnorm(1-power))^2 * 2*p*(1-p)/sig.diff^2
  n <- trunc(n) + 1
  table1 <- cbind(p, n, sig.diff, alpha, power)
  colnames(table1)[colnames(table1)=="alpha"] <- "alpha"
  colnames(table1)[colnames(table1)=="power"] <- "power"
  colnames(table1)[colnames(table1)=="sig.diff"] <- "sig.diff"
  returns <- list(p=p, n=n, sig.diff=sig.diff, alpha=alpha, power=power,  
    table = as.data.frame(table1))
  class(returns) <- c("n.for.equi.2p", "list")

## print n.for.equi.2p
print.n.for.equi.2p <- function(x, ...){
if(nrow(x$table) < 6){
	cat("Estimation of sample size for testing Ho: p1==p2==p", "\n")
	cat("Assumptions:", "\n", "\n")
	cat("     alpha =", x$alpha, "\n")
	cat("     power =", x$power, "\n")
	cat("         p =", x$p, "\n")
	cat("  sig.diff =", x$sig.diff, "\n", "\n")
	cat("Estimated required sample size:", "\n", "\n")
	cat("         n =",x$n,"\n")
	cat("   Total n =",x$n*2,"\n","\n")
	cat("Assumptions:", "\n", "\n")
	if(length(x$alpha)==1) cat("     alpha =", x$alpha, "\n")
	if(length(x$power)==1) cat("     power =", x$power, "\n")
  if(length(x$ratio)==1) cat("     n2/n1 =", x$ratio, "\n")

#  n.for.noninferior.2p

n.for.noninferior.2p <- function (p, sig.inferior, alpha=.05, power=.8 ) {
  n <- (qnorm(alpha) + qnorm(1-power))^2 * 2*p*(1-p)/sig.inferior^2
  n <- trunc(n) + 1
  table1 <- cbind(p, n, sig.inferior, alpha, power)
  colnames(table1)[colnames(table1)=="alpha"] <- "alpha"
  colnames(table1)[colnames(table1)=="power"] <- "power"
  colnames(table1)[colnames(table1)=="sig.inferior"] <- "sig.inferior"
  returns <- list(p=p, n=n, sig.inferior=sig.inferior, alpha=alpha, power=power,
    table = as.data.frame(table1))
  class(returns) <- c("n.for.noninferior.2p", "list")

## print n.for.noninferior.2p
print.n.for.noninferior.2p <- function(x, ...){
if(nrow(x$table) < 6){
	cat("Estimation of sample size for testing Ho: p1==p2 == p", "\n")
	cat("Assumptions:", "\n", "\n")
	cat("         alpha =", x$alpha, "\n")
	cat("         power =", x$power, "\n")
	cat("             p =", x$p, "\n")
	cat("  sig.inferior =", x$sig.inferior, "\n", "\n")
	cat("Estimated required sample size:", "\n", "\n")
	cat("         n =",x$n,"\n")
	cat("   Total n =",x$n*2,"\n","\n")
	cat("Assumptions:", "\n", "\n")
	if(length(x$alpha)==1) cat("     alpha =", x$alpha, "\n")
	if(length(x$power)==1) cat("     power =", x$power, "\n")
  if(length(x$ratio)==1) cat("     n2/n1 =", x$ratio, "\n")

### Power calcuation
power.for.2means <-
function (mu1, mu2, n1, n2, sd1, sd2, alpha = 0.05) 
        mu3 <- mu1
        mu4 <- mu2
        n3 <- n1
        n4 <- n2
        sd3 <- sd1
        sd4 <- sd2
    mu1 <- ifelse (mu3 > mu4, mu4, mu3)
    mu2 <- ifelse (mu3 > mu4, mu3, mu4)
    n1 <- ifelse (mu3 > mu4, n4, n3)
    n2 <- ifelse (mu3 > mu4, n3, n4)
    sd1 <- ifelse(mu3 > mu4, sd4, sd3)
    sd2 <- ifelse(mu3 > mu4, sd3, sd4)
    ratio <- n2/n1
    pooled.sd <- sqrt(sd1^2/n1 + sd2^2/n2)
    power <- pnorm((mu2 - mu1)/pooled.sd - qnorm(1 - alpha/2))
    if(length(power) ==1){
    diffmu <- seq(-2 * pooled.sd, 2 * pooled.sd + (mu2 - mu1), 
        by = 0.01 * (mu2 - mu1))
    h0 <- dnorm(diffmu, mean = 0, sd = pooled.sd)
    ha <- dnorm(diffmu, mean = (mu2 - mu1), sd = pooled.sd)
    plot(diffmu, h0, type = "l", xlim = c(-2 * pooled.sd, 2 * 
        pooled.sd + (mu2 - mu1)), main = paste("Power =", round(power, 
        4)), ylab = "", xlab = "mu2-mu1")
    lines(diffmu, ha, type = "l")
    check.point <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * pooled.sd
    for (i in seq(from = check.point, to = 2 * pooled.sd + (mu2 - 
        mu1), by = (max(diffmu) - min(diffmu))/50)) {
        lines(c(i, i), c(0, dnorm(i, mean = (mu2 - mu1), sd = pooled.sd)), 
            col = "blue")
    text(max(diffmu), max(h0), paste("mu1 = ", mu1, ", mu2 = ", 
        mu2, sep = ""), pos = 2)
    text(max(diffmu), 0.9 * max(h0), paste("sd1 = ", sd1, ", sd2 = ", 
        sd2, sep = ""), pos = 2)
    text(max(diffmu), 0.8 * max(h0), paste("n1 = ", n1, ", n2 = ", 
        n2, sep = ""), pos = 2)
    text(0, 0.5 * max(h0), paste("Ho: mu2-mu1=0"), col = "brown", 
        font = 4)
    text(mu2 - mu1, 0.4 * max(h0), paste("Ha: mu2 - mu1 =", mu2 - 
        mu1), col = "brown", font = 4)

    table1 <- cbind(mu3, mu4, n3, n4, sd3, sd3, alpha, round(power, 2))
    colnames(table1)[1:6] <- c("mu1","mu2","n1","n2","sd1","sd2")
    colnames(table1)[8] <- "power"
    returns <- list(mu1 = mu3, mu2 = mu4, n1 = n3, n2=n4, sd1 = sd3, sd2=sd4, 
    power=power, alpha=alpha, table = as.data.frame(table1))
    class(returns) <- c("power.for.2means", "list")

print.power.for.2means <- function (x, ...) 
        cat("Power for comparison of 2 means.", "\n")
    if (nrow(x$table) < 6) {
        cat("  mu1            =", x$mu1, "\n")
        cat("  mu2            =", x$mu2, "\n")
        cat("  sd1            =", x$sd1, "\n")
        cat("  sd2            =", x$sd2, "\n")
        cat("  n1             =", x$n1 , "\n")
        cat("  n2             =", x$n2, "\n")
        cat("  alpha          =", x$alpha, "\n")
        cat("  power          =", round(x$power,3), "\n")
    else {
        print(x$table, rownames = FALSE)

power.for.2p <- function (p1, p2, n1, n2, alpha = 0.05) 
        p3 <- p1
        p4 <- p2
        n3 <- n1
        n4 <- n2
    p1 <- ifelse (p3 > p4, p4, p3)
    p2 <- ifelse (p3 > p4, p3, p4)
    n1 <- ifelse (p3 > p4, n4, n3)
    n2 <- ifelse (p3 > p4, n3, n4)
    ratio <- n2/n1
    r1 <- ratio + 1
    pbar <- (p1 + ratio * p2)/r1
    n0 <- (n1 - r1/(2 * ratio * (p2 - p1)))^2/n1
    zb <- ((p2 - p1) * sqrt(ratio * n0) - qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * 
        sqrt(r1 * pbar * (1 - pbar)))/sqrt(ratio * p1 * (1 - 
        p1) + p2 * (1 - p2))
    power <- pnorm(zb)
    table1 <- cbind(p3, p4, n3, n4, alpha, round(power, 3))
    colnames(table1)[1:4] <- c("p1","p2","n1","n2") 
    colnames(table1)[6] <- "power"
    returns <- list(p1 = p3, p2 = p4, n1 = n3, n2 = n4, 
    power=power, alpha=alpha, table = as.data.frame(table1))
    class(returns) <- c("power.for.2p", "list")

print.power.for.2p <- function (x, ...) 
        cat("Power for comparison of 2 proportions.", "\n")
    if (nrow(x$table) < 6) {
        cat("  p1            =", x$p1, "\n")
        cat("  p2            =", x$p2, "\n")
        cat("  n1            =", x$n1 , "\n")
        cat("  n2            =", x$n2, "\n")
        cat("  alpha         =", x$alpha, "\n")
        cat("  power         =", round(x$power, 3), "\n")
    else {
        print(x$table, rownames = FALSE)

### Quantile normal plot with Shapiro-Wilk test result
shapiro.qqnorm <- function(x, ...){
shapiro <-shapiro.test(x)
if(shapiro$p.value<.001) {shapvalue<-"Shapiro-Wilk test P value <.001"} else 
	{shapvalue <-paste( "Shapiro-Wilk test P value = ", round(shapiro$p.value, 4), sep="")}
qqnorm(x, plot.it = FALSE) -> q
qqnorm(x, main= paste("Normal Q-Q plot of ",deparse(substitute(x)), sep=""), ...)
text(min(q$x, na.rm=TRUE), max(q$y, na.rm=TRUE), pos=4, shapvalue, col="brown", font=3)
qqline(x, col="blue", lty=2)

### Match tabulation
matchTab <-
function (case, exposed, strata, decimal = 3)
#    cat("\n")
    if ((length(table(case)) != 2)) {
        stop("Case variable not binary")
    if (any(is.na(case))) {
        stop("There should not be any missing outcome")
    if (length(table(exposed)) != 2) {
        stop("Exposure variable not binary")
    exposed1 <- exposed
#    if (is.factor(exposed)) {
#        cat(paste("Exposure status:", as.character(substitute(exposed)),
#            "=", levels(exposed)[2], "\n"))
#    }
#    else {
#        cat(paste("Exposure status:", as.character(substitute(exposed)),
#            "=", max(exposed, na.rm = TRUE), "\n"))
#    }
#    cat("\n")
    if (is.factor(exposed1)) {
        exposed1 <- exposed1 == levels(exposed1)[2]
    control <- 1 - case
    a <- aggregate.data.frame(control, list(strata = strata),
    colnames(a)[2] <- "ncontrols"
    case.exposed <- case * exposed1
    b <- aggregate.data.frame(case.exposed, list(strata = strata),
    colnames(b)[2] <- "ncase.exposed"
    control.exposed <- control * exposed1
    c <- aggregate.data.frame(control.exposed, list(strata = strata),
    colnames(c)[2] <- "ncontrol.exposed"
    d <- aggregate.data.frame(case, list(strata = strata), length)
    colnames(d)[2] <- "all.subjects"
    e <- aggregate.data.frame(exposed1, list(strata = strata),
    colnames(e)[2] <- "all.exposed"
    f <- merge(a, b, by.x = "strata", by.y = "strata")
    g <- merge(f, c, by.x = "strata", by.y = "strata")
    h <- merge(g, d, by.x = "strata", by.y = "strata")
    ii <- merge(h, e, by.x = "strata", by.y = "strata")
    sum.ii <- rowSums(ii[, 2:6])
    rowi0 <- nrow(ii)
    ii <- subset(ii, !is.na(sum.ii))
    rowi1 <- nrow(ii)
    if (rowi1 < rowi0) {
        cat(rowi0 - rowi1, "match sets with incomplete information omitted from tabulation.",
#    cat("Total number of match sets in the tabulation =", rowi1,
#        "\n")
    all.unexposed <- ii$all.subjects - ii$all.exposed
    ii$ncontrol.exposed1 <- factor(ii$ncontrol.exposed, levels = as.character(0:max(ii$ncontrols)))
    ii$ncase.exposed1 <- factor(ii$ncase.exposed, levels = as.character(0:max(ii$ncase.exposed)))
    matchTable <- table(ii$ncase.exposed1, ii$ncontrol.exposed1,
        ii$ncontrols, dnn = c("No. of cases exposed", "No. of controls exposed",
            "No. of controls per case"))
#    cat("\n")
    control.per.case <- dimnames(matchTable)$'No. of controls per case'
#    for (i in control.per.case) {
#        cat( paste("Number of controls =", as.character(i), "\n"))
#        print(matchTable[, 1:(as.integer(i) + 1), i])
#        cat("\n")
#    }

    numerator <- (ii$ncontrols - ii$ncontrol.exposed) * ii$ncase.exposed/(ii$ncontrols +
    denominator <- ii$ncontrol.exposed * (1 - ii$ncase.exposed)/(ii$ncontrols +
    if (sum(denominator) < 1) {
        cat("Inadequate discordant pairs. Odds ratio not computed")
    else {
        if (any(ii$ncase.exposed > 1)) {
            cat(paste(c("More than one cases exposed in strata # ",
                as.character(ii$strata[ii$ncase.exposed > 1]),
                ". M-H odds ratio not computed."), sep = ""))
            cat("\n", "\n")
        else {
            mhor <- sum(numerator)/sum(denominator)
#            cat(paste("Odds ratio by Mantel-Haenszel method =",
#                round(mhor, 3), "\n", "\n"))
        model <- clogit(case ~ exposed + strata(strata))
        clogitor <- exp(model$coefficients)
        lnci95 <- c(model$coefficients - qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(model$var),
            model$coefficients + qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(model$var))
        ci95.mleor <- exp(lnci95)
#        cat(paste("Odds ratio by maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) method =",
#            round(clogitor, 3), "\n", "95%CI=", round(ci95.mleor[1],
#                3), ",", round(ci95.mleor[2], 3), "\n"))
#        cat("\n")

results <-    list(exposure.var.name=as.character(substitute(exposed)),
      highest.exposure.level=names(table(exposed))[2] ,
      total.match.sets = rowi1, matchTable = matchTable,
      control.per.case =control.per.case, decimal=decimal,
      mhor=mhor, mleor=clogitor, ci95.mleor =ci95.mleor)
class(results) <- c("matchTab", "list")
### Goodness-of-fit test for poisson assumption after regression
poisgof <- function(model) {
if (model$family$family != "poisson" & substr(model$family$family,1,12)!="Negative Bin") 
	stop("Not from Poisson regression!")
chisq <- model$deviance
df <- model$df.residual
p.value <- pchisq(chisq, df, lower.tail=FALSE)
return(list(results="Goodness-of-fit test for Poisson assumption",chisq=chisq, df=df, p.value=p.value))

### One-way tabulation
tab1 <-  
function(x0, decimal = 1, sort.group = FALSE, 
     cum.percent = !any(is.na(x0)), graph = TRUE, 
     missing = TRUE, bar.values = "frequency", 
     horiz = FALSE, cex = 1, cex.names = 1, main = "auto", xlab = "auto", 
     ylab = "auto", col = "auto", gen.ind.vars = FALSE, ...) 
    if (graph) {
        var1 <- deparse(substitute(x0))
        if (length(var1) > 1) {
            string2 <- var1[length(var1)]
        else {
            string2 <- deparse(substitute(x0))
        string3 <- paste(titleString()$distribution.of, string2)
        table.to.plot <- table(x0)
        if (missing == TRUE) {
            table.to.plot <- table(x0, exclude = NULL)
            if (is.factor(x0)) {
                table.to.plot <- as.table(summary(x0))
            if (is.na(names(table.to.plot)[length(names(table.to.plot))]) | 
                names(table.to.plot)[length(names(table.to.plot))] == 
                names(table.to.plot)[length(names(table.to.plot))] <- "Missing"
        scale.label <- as.character(titleString()$frequency)
        if (bar.values == "percent") {
            table.to.plot <- round(table.to.plot/sum(table.to.plot) * 
                100, decimal)
            scale.label <- "%"
        if (sort.group == "decreasing") {
            table.to.plot <- table.to.plot[order(table.to.plot, 
                names(table.to.plot), decreasing = TRUE)]
            if (max(nchar(names(table.to.plot))) > 8 & length(table.to.plot) > 
                6) {
                table.to.plot <- table.to.plot[order(table.to.plot, 
                  names(table.to.plot), decreasing = FALSE)]
        if (sort.group == "increasing") {
            table.to.plot <- table.to.plot[order(table.to.plot, 
                names(table.to.plot), decreasing = FALSE)]
            if (max(nchar(names(table.to.plot))) > 8 & length(table.to.plot) > 
                6) {
                table.to.plot <- table.to.plot[order(table.to.plot, 
                  names(table.to.plot), decreasing = TRUE)]
        if(any(col == "auto")){
        if (length(names(table.to.plot)) < 3){
          colours <- "grey"
          colours <- c("white",2:length(names(table.to.plot)))
          colours <- col
        if ((max(nchar(names(table.to.plot))) > 8 & length(table.to.plot) > 
            6) | horiz == TRUE) {
            par(mai = c(0.95625, 0.1, 0.76875, 0.39375) + 0.1 + 
                c(0, par()$cin[1] * max(nchar(names(table.to.plot))) * 
                  0.75 * cex.names, 0, 0))
            y.coordinates <- barplot(table.to.plot, main = ifelse(main == 
                "auto", string3, main), horiz = TRUE, las = 1, 
                xlim = c(0, max(table.to.plot) * 1.2), xlab = ifelse(xlab == 
                "auto", scale.label, xlab), cex.names = cex.names, col=colours,
            if (bar.values == "frequency" | 
                bar.values == "percent" ) 
                text(table.to.plot, y.coordinates, as.character(table.to.plot), 
                  pos = 4, offset = 0.3, cex = cex)
            par(mai = c(0.95625, 0.76875, 0.76875, 0.39375))
        else {
            x.coordinates <- barplot(table.to.plot, main = ifelse(main == 
                "auto", string3, main), ylab = ifelse(ylab == 
                "auto", scale.label, ylab), cex.names = cex.names, 
                ylim = c(0, max(table.to.plot) * 1.1), col=colours,
            if (bar.values == "frequency" | 
                bar.values == "percent" | length(bar.values) == 
                3) {
                text(x.coordinates, table.to.plot, as.character(table.to.plot), 
                  pos = 3, cex = cex)
    if (any(is.na(x0))) {
        if (is.factor(x0)) {
            output0 <- t(t(as.table(summary(x0))))
            output1 <- (t(t(table(x0))))
        else {
            output0 <- t(t(table(x0, exclude = NULL)))
            output1 <- (t(t(table(x0))))
        percent0 <- output0[, 1]/sum(output0) * 100
        percent1 <- output1[, 1]/sum(output1[, 1], na.rm = TRUE) * 
        if (cum.percent) {
            output <- cbind(output0, round(percent0, decimal), 
                round(cumsum(percent0), decimal), c(round(percent1, 
                  decimal), as.integer(0)), round(cumsum(c(percent1, 
                  as.integer(0))), decimal))
        else {
            output <- cbind(output0, round(percent0, decimal), 
                c(round(percent1, decimal), as.integer(0)))
        if (sort.group == "decreasing") {
            output <- output[order(output[, 1], decreasing = TRUE), 
        if (sort.group == "increasing") {
            output <- output[order(output[, 1], decreasing = FALSE), 
        if (cum.percent) {
            output <- rbind(output, c(sum(as.integer(output[, 
                1])), 100, 100, 100, 100))
            colnames(output) <- c(.frequency, "  %(NA+)", "cum.%(NA+)", 
                "  %(NA-)", "cum.%(NA-)")
        else {
            output <- rbind(output, c(sum(as.integer(output[, 
                1])), 100, 100))
            colnames(output) <- c(.frequency, "  %(NA+)", "  %(NA-)")
        rownames(output)[nrow(output)] <- "  Total"
    else {
        output <- (t(t(table(x0))))
        if (sort.group == "decreasing") {
            output <- output[order(table(x0), names(table(x0)), 
                decreasing = TRUE), ]
        if (sort.group == "increasing") {
            output <- output[order(table(x0), names(table(x0)), 
                decreasing = FALSE), ]
        percent <- output/sum(output) * 100
        if (cum.percent) {
            output <- cbind(output, round(percent, decimal), 
                round(cumsum(percent), decimal))
            output <- rbind(output, c(sum(output[, 1]), 100, 
            colnames(output) <- c(.frequency1, .percent, .cum.percent)
        else {
            output <- cbind(output, round(percent, decimal))
            output <- rbind(output, c(sum(output[, 1]), 100))
            colnames(output) <- c(.frequency1, .percent)
        rownames(output)[length(rownames(output))] <- "  Total"
        first.line <- paste(deparse(substitute(x0)), ":", "\n")
    if (gen.ind.vars) {
        if(!is.factor(x0)) {
          warning(paste(as.character(substitute(x0)),"is not factor. Indicator variables have not been generated!"))
          mod.mat <- as.data.frame(model.matrix (~ x0 -1))
          colnames(mod.mat) <- paste(as.character(substitute(x0)),levels(x0),sep="")
    returns <- list(first.line = first.line, output.table = output, ind.vars = mod.mat)
    class(returns) <- c("tab1", "list")
    returns <- list(first.line = first.line, output.table = output)
    class(returns) <- c("tab1", "list")

### Print tab1 results
print.tab1 <- function(x, ...)
print(x$output.table, justify="right")

### recode values of a vector from a lookup array  

lookup <- function (x, lookup.array) 
    if (any(table(lookup.array[, 1]) > 1)) {
        stop("Index value in lookup array not unique!!")
		b <- rep("", length(x))
		for (i in 1:nrow(lookup.array)) {
			if(is.na(lookup.array[i,1]) & !is.na(lookup.array[i,2])){
				b[is.na(x)] <- lookup.array[i,2]
				b[x == lookup.array[i, 1]] <- as.character(lookup.array[i, 2])
			x[b != "" & !is.na(b)] <- as.numeric(b[b != "" & !is.na(b)])
			x[b != "" & !is.na(b)] <- (b[b != "" & !is.na(b)])
		x[is.na(b)] <- as.numeric(b[is.na(b)])
		xreturn <- x

### Dot plot
dotplot <- function(x, bin="auto", by=NULL, xmin=NULL, xmax=NULL, time.format=NULL, time.step=NULL, pch=18, dot.col="auto", main="auto", ylab="auto", cex.X.axis=1, cex.Y.axis=1, ...){
if(length(dot.col)>1 & length(table(factor(by)))!=length(dot.col)){
stop(paste("The argument 'dot.col' must either be \"auto\"","\n"," or number of colours equals to number of categories of 'by'."))
if (bin=="auto"){
if(!is.null(attr(max(x, na.rm=TRUE)-min(x, na.rm=TRUE), "units")) & !any(class(x)=="difftime")){
  unit1 <- "weeks"
  bin <- as.numeric(difftime(max(x, na.rm=TRUE), min(x,na.rm=TRUE), units=unit1))+1
  if(unit1=="weeks"){ unit1 <- "days"
  if(unit1=="days"){ unit1 <- "hours"
  if(unit1=="hours"){ unit1 <- "mins"
  if(unit1=="mins") unit1 <- "secs"
  bin <- as.numeric(difftime(max(x, na.rm=TRUE), min(x,na.rm=TRUE), units=unit1))+1
  bin <- as.integer(max(x, na.rm=TRUE)- min(x, na.rm=TRUE) +1)
  bin <- as.numeric(difftime(max(x, na.rm=TRUE), min(x,na.rm=TRUE), units=unit1))+1
 bin <- 40
character.x <- deparse(substitute(x))
if (is.null(by)){
	value <- subset(x, !is.na(x))
	data1 <- data.frame(by)
	data1$x <- x                       
	data2 <- subset(data1,!is.na(x) & !is.na(by))
	value <- data2$x
	by0 <- data2$by
	rm(data1, data2)
if (any(class(x)=="difftime")){
	unit.value <- attr(x, "units")
	value <- as.numeric(value)
	value <- as.numeric(value) 
	value <- as.numeric(value) 

if(is.integer(x)) {
xgr <- value 
xgr <- cut(value, breaks=bin, labels=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE)
if(!is.null(xmax) & !is.null(xmin)){
original.lim <- c(min(value), max(value))
xgr.lim <- c(min(xgr), max(xgr))
lm00 <- lm(xgr.lim ~ original.lim)
newdata <- data.frame(original.lim=as.numeric(c(xmin, xmax)))
xgr1 <- predict.lm(lm00, newdata )
xgr <- as.numeric(xgr)
     string2 <- ifelse ((character.x[1]=="$" | character.x[1]==":"),paste(character.x[2],character.x[1],character.x[3],sep=""), character.x)
	byname <- deparse(substitute(by))

string3 <- paste(titleString()$distribution.of,string2)
value.pretty <- pretty(value)
value.pretty <- pretty(c(xmin,xmax))
if(any(class(x)=="Date")) {
  range.date <- difftime(summary(x)[6], summary(x)[1])
	if(exists("xgr1")) {range.date <- difftime(xmax, xmin)}
  min.date <- summary(x)[1]
	if(exists("xgr1")) {min.date <- xmin}
	max.date <- summary(x)[6]
	if(exists("xgr1")) {max.date <- xmax}
	numdate <- (range.date)
    if(numdate <1){stop(paste("Only one day ie.",format(x,"%Y-%m-%d"),"not suitable for plotting"))}
	if(numdate <10){date.pretty <- seq(from=min.date,to=max.date,by="day"); format.time <- "%a%d%b"}
	if(numdate >=10 & numdate <30){date.pretty <- seq(from=min.date,to=max.date,by="2 day"); format.time <- "%d%b"}
	if(numdate >=30 & numdate <60){date.pretty <- seq(from=min.date,to=max.date,by="week"); format.time <- "%a %d"}
	if(numdate >=60 & numdate <700){date.pretty <- seq(from=min.date,to=max.date,by="month"); format.time <- "%d%b'%y"}
	if(numdate >=700){date.pretty <- seq(from=min.date,to=max.date,by="year")
  format.time <- "%d%b'%y"}
  if(!is.null(time.format)){format.time <- time.format}
  if(!is.null(time.step)){date.pretty <- seq(from=min.date,to=max.date,by=time.step)}
  value.pretty <- as.numeric(date.pretty)
	range.time <- difftime(summary(x)[6],summary(x)[1])
	if(exists("xgr1")) {range.time <- difftime(xmax, xmin)}
  min.time <- summary(x)[1]
	if(exists("xgr1")) {min.time <- xmin}
	max.time <- summary(x)[6]
	if(exists("xgr1")) {max.time <- xmax}
	numeric.time <- as.numeric(range.time)
	units <- attr(range.time, "units")
	if(units=="secs")  {step <- "sec"; format.time <- "%M:%S";  scale.unit <- "min:sec"}
	if(units=="mins")  {step <- "min"; format.time <- "%H:%M";  scale.unit <- "HH:MM"}
	if(units=="hours") {step <- ifelse(numeric.time<2,"20 mins","hour");format.time <- "%H:%M";  scale.unit <- "HH:MM"}
	if(units=="days")  {
		if(numeric.time <2){
			step <- "6 hour"; format.time <- "%a %H:%M";  scale.unit <- "HH:MM"
			step <- "day"; format.time <- "%d%b%y"; scale.unit <- "Date"
	if(units=="weeks") {step <- "week";format.time <- "%b%y";   scale.unit <- " "}
  if(!is.null(time.format)){format.time <- time.format}
  if(!is.null(time.step)){step <- time.step}
	time.pretty <- seq(from=min.time,to=max.time,by=step)
	value.pretty <- as.numeric(time.pretty)
	xlim <- c(min(xgr),max(xgr))
	value.lim <- c(min(value), max(value))
	if(exists("xgr1")) {
  xlim <- c(min(xgr1),max(xgr1))
  value.lim <- as.numeric(c(xmin, xmax))
	xgr.pretty <- model1$coefficient[1] + model1$coefficient[2]*value.pretty
if(dot.col=="auto") dot.col <- "black"	
	xgr <- sort(xgr)
	freq <- rep(1, length(value))
	for(i in min(xgr):max(xgr)){
		freq[xgr==i] <- 1:sum(xgr==i) 
		plot(xgr,freq, xaxt="n", xlab=" ",main=ifelse(main=="auto",string3,main),	ylab=ifelse(ylab=="auto",titleString()$frequency, ylab),
      ylim=c(0,20), xlim = xlim, pch=pch, col=dot.col[1], ...)
  plot(xgr,freq, xaxt="n", xlab=" ",main=ifelse(main=="auto",string3,main),	ylab=ifelse(ylab=="auto",titleString()$frequency, ylab), 
       xlim = xlim, pch=pch, col=dot.col[1], ...)
	order1 <- order(by0,value)
	xgr <- xgr[order1]
	value <-value[order1]
	by1 <- factor(by0)
	by1 <- by1[order1]
	character.length <- ifelse(max(nchar(levels(by0)))>8, max(nchar(levels(by0)))*(60-max(nchar(levels(by0))))/60, max(nchar(levels(by0)))*1.2)
	left.offset <- max(c(0.76875+.2, .1+par()$cin[1]*character.length))
	par(mai=c(0.95625, left.offset, 0.76875, 0.39375))
	y <- rep(0, length(value))
	add.i <- 0
	yline <- NULL
	for(i in 1:length(levels(by1))){
		yline <- c(yline, add.i)
		col.j <- NULL
		for(j in min(xgr[by1==levels(by1)[i]]):max(xgr[by1==levels(by1)[i]])){
			y[xgr==j & by1==(levels(by1))[i]] <- (1:sum(xgr==j & by1==(levels(by1))[i])) + add.i 
		add.i <- max(y, na.rm=TRUE) +2
	main.lab <- ifelse(main=="auto",paste(string3,titleString()$by,byname), main)
	if(nchar(main.lab)>45){main.lab <- paste(string3,"\n",titleString()$by,byname)}
  dot.col1 <- as.numeric(by1)
  tx <- cbind(1:length(dot.col), dot.col)
  dot.col1 <- lookup(as.numeric(by1), tx)
	plot(xgr,y, xaxt="n", yaxt="n",
		xlab=" ",main=main.lab, ylim=c(-1,20),
		ylab=" ", col=dot.col1, pch=pch, xlim=xlim, ...)
	plot(xgr,y, xaxt="n", yaxt="n",
		xlab=" ",main=main.lab, ylim=c(-1,max(y)),
		ylab=" ", col=dot.col1, pch=pch, xlim=xlim, ...)
	abline(h=yline, col="blue")
	axis(2,at=yline, labels=levels(by1), padj=0, las=1, cex.axis=cex.Y.axis)
	par(mai=c(0.95625, 0.76875, 0.76875, 0.39375))
		axis(side=1, at=xgr.pretty, labels=as.character(time.pretty,format=format.time), cex.axis=cex.X.axis)	
		axis(side=1,at=xgr.pretty, labels=value.pretty, cex.axis=cex.X.axis)
		axis(side=1,at=xgr.pretty, labels=as.character(format(value.pretty+as.Date("1970-01-01"), format.time)), cex.axis=cex.X.axis)
	if(any(class(x)=="numeric") || any(class(x)=="integer")){
		axis(side=1,at=xgr.pretty, labels=value.pretty, cex.axis=cex.X.axis)

### Multinomial summary display
mlogit.display <- function(multinom.model, decimal=2, alpha=.05) {
s <- summary(multinom.model)
z <- s$coefficients/s$standard.errors
pnorm.z <- pnorm(z)
pgroup <- cut(pnorm.z, c(0,0.0005,0.005,0.025,0.975, 0.995, 0.9995,1))
stars <-c("***","**","*","","*","**","***")
x <-paste(round(s$coefficients,decimal),"/",round(s$standard.errors,decimal+1),stars[pgroup], sep="")
dim(x) <- dim(z)
colnames(x) <- colnames(s$coefficients)
rownames(x) <- rownames(s$coefficients)

x1 <- t( x)
x2 <- t(exp(s$coefficients))
x2 <- round(x2,decimal)
x2.1 <- t(exp(s$coefficients-qnorm(1-alpha/2)*s$standard.errors))
x2.1 <- round(x2.1,decimal)
x2.2 <- t(exp(s$coefficients+qnorm(1-alpha/2)*s$standard.errors))
x2.2 <- round(x2.2,decimal)
x2 <- paste(x2,"(", x2.1, ",", x2.2, ")",  sep="")
dim(x2) <- dim(x1)
x2[1,] <- "-"
x3 <- cbind(x1[,1],x2[,1])
for(i in 2: (length(s$lab)-1)){x3 <- cbind(x3, cbind(x1[,i],x2[,i]))}
x4 <- rbind(c("Coeff./SE",paste("RRR(",100-100*alpha,"%CI)   ",sep=""),"Coeff./SE",paste("RRR(",100-100*alpha,"%CI)   ",sep="")),x3)
colnames.x4 <- c(s$lab[2],"")
for(i in 3:(length(s$lab))){colnames.x4 <- c(colnames.x4,c(s$lab[i],""))}
colnames(x4) <- colnames.x4
rownames(x4) <- c("",s$coefnames)
cat(paste("Outcome =",as.character(s$term)[2],"; ","Referent group = ",s$lab[1],sep=""), "\n")
cat("Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ", "\n")
cat(paste("Residual Deviance:", round(s$deviance,decimal), "\n"))
cat(paste("AIC =", round(s$AIC,digits=decimal), "\n"))

### Pyramid of age by sex
pyramid <-  
function (age, sex, binwidth = 5, inputTable = NULL, printTable = FALSE, 
         percent = "none", col.gender = NULL, 
         bar.label = "auto", decimal = 1, col = NULL, cex.bar.value = 0.8, 
         cex.axis = 1, main = "auto", cex.main = 1.2, ...)
    if(length(col.gender) != 2) stop("Argument 'col.gender' must be two colours or NULL.")
      if(bar.label == "auto"){
      bar.label <- FALSE
    if (is.null(inputTable)) {
        agegr <- cut(age, br = ((min(age, na.rm = TRUE)%/%binwidth):(max(age, 
            na.rm = TRUE)%/%binwidth + (max(age, na.rm = TRUE)%%binwidth > 
            0)) * binwidth), include.lowest = TRUE)
        age.sex.table <- table(agegr, sex, deparse.level = 1, 
            dnn = list(substitute(age), substitute(sex)))
        if (ncol(table(agegr, sex)) != 2) 
            stop("There must be two genders")
        age.sex.table.dimnames <- names(attr(age.sex.table, "dimnames"))
    else {
        if (is.matrix(inputTable) | is.table(inputTable)) {
            age.sex.table <- inputTable
            age.sex.table.dimnames <- names(attr(inputTable, 
    par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
    old.par.mai <- c(0.95625, 0.76875, 0.76875, 0.39375)
    left.par.mai <- old.par.mai
    right.par.mai <- c(old.par.mai[1], old.par.mai[4], old.par.mai[3], 
    column.names <- colnames(age.sex.table)
    if (percent == "each") {
        if(bar.label == "auto"){
           bar.label <- TRUE
        age.sex.table <- cbind(age.sex.table[, 1]/colSums(age.sex.table)[1] * 
            100, age.sex.table[, 2]/colSums(age.sex.table)[2] * 
        colnames(age.sex.table) <- column.names
        age.sex.table1 <- round(age.sex.table, digits = decimal)
        table.header <- "(percentage of each gender)."
    if (percent == "total") {
        if(bar.label == "auto"){
           bar.label <- TRUE
        age.sex.table <- cbind(age.sex.table[, 1]/sum(age.sex.table), 
            age.sex.table[, 2]/sum(age.sex.table)) * 100
        colnames(age.sex.table) <- column.names
        age.sex.table1 <- round(age.sex.table, digits = decimal)
        table.header <- "(percentage of total population)."
        col.1 <- col.gender[1]; col.2 <- col.gender[2]
        col.1 <- col ; col.2 <- col
    par(mai = left.par.mai)
    label.points.left <- barplot(-age.sex.table[, 1], horiz = TRUE, 
        yaxt = "n", xlab = colnames(age.sex.table)[1], xlim = c(-max(age.sex.table)*1.3, 
            0), xaxt = "n", col = col.1, ...)
    if(!any(percent == "none")){
    text(y = label.points.left, x = - age.sex.table[,1], labels = round(age.sex.table[,1],1), pos = 2, cex = cex.bar.value)
    text(y = label.points.left, x = - age.sex.table[,1], labels = age.sex.table[,1], pos = 2, cex = cex.bar.value)
    axis(side = 1, at = pretty(c(-max(age.sex.table), 0)), labels = -pretty(c(-max(age.sex.table), 
        0)), cex.axis = cex.axis)
    par(mai = right.par.mai)
    label.points.right <- barplot(age.sex.table[, 2], horiz = TRUE, xlab = colnames(age.sex.table)[2], 
        xlim = c(0, max(age.sex.table)*1.3), las = 1, cex.axis = cex.axis, col = col.2, ...)
    if(!any(percent == "none")){
      text(y = label.points.right, x = age.sex.table[,2], labels = round(age.sex.table[,2],1), pos = 4, cex = cex.bar.value)
      text(y = label.points.right, x = age.sex.table[,2], labels = age.sex.table[,2], pos = 4, cex = cex.bar.value)
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
    par(mai = old.par.mai)
      if(percent == "none") main.lab <- "frequency"
      if(percent == "each") main.lab <- "percentage of each gender"
      if(percent == "total") main.lab <- "percentage of total population"    
      title(main = paste("Population pyramid in", main.lab), cex.main = cex.main)   
      title(main = main)   
    if (printTable & is.null(inputTable)) {
        cat("\n", "Tabulation of age by sex ")
        if (!exists("age.sex.table1")) {
            table.header <- "(frequency)."
            age.sex.table1 <- age.sex.table
        cat(table.header, "\n")
    if (is.null(inputTable)) {
        returns <- list(output.table = age.sex.table, ageGroup = agegr)

## Followup plot
followup.plot  <-
function (id, time, outcome, by = NULL, n.of.lines = NULL, legend = TRUE, 
    legend.site = "topright", lty = "auto", line.col = "auto", 
    stress = NULL, stress.labels = FALSE, label.col = 1, stress.col = NULL, 
    stress.width = NULL, stress.type = NULL, lwd = 1, xlab, ylab, 
    if (missing(xlab)) {
        xlab <- as.character(substitute(time))
    if (missing(ylab)) {
        ylab <- as.character(substitute(outcome))
    plot(time, outcome, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = "n", 
        lwd = lwd, ...)
    if (any(lty == "auto")) 
        lty <- rep(1, length(id))
    id1 <- id
    time1 <- time
    by1 <- by
    outcome1 <- outcome
    if (is.null(n.of.lines)) {
        if (!is.null(by)) {
            id <- id[order(id1, time1, by1)]
            id.factor <- factor(id)
            time <- time[order(id1, time1, by1)]
            outcome <- outcome[order(id1, time1, by1)]
            by <- by[order(id1, time1, by1)]
            by.factor <- factor(by)
            if (any(line.col == "auto")) {
                line.col <- 1:length(levels(by.factor))
            for (i in 1:length(levels(by.factor))) {
                for (j in 1:length(levels(id.factor))) {
                  lines(time[id.factor == levels(id.factor)[j] & 
                    by.factor == levels(by.factor)[i]], outcome[id.factor == 
                    levels(id.factor)[j] & by.factor == levels(by.factor)[i]], 
                    col = line.col[i], lty = i, lwd = lwd)
            if (legend) {
                legend(x = legend.site, legend = levels(factor(by)), 
                  col = line.col, bg = "white", lty = 1:length(levels(factor(by))), 
                  lwd = lwd)
        else {
            id <- id[order(id1, time1)]
            id.factor <- factor(id)
            time <- time[order(id1, time1)]
            outcome <- outcome[order(id1, time1)]
            if (length(levels(factor(id))) < 8) {
                if (any(line.col == "auto")) 
                  line.col <- 1:length(levels(id.factor))
                for (j in 1:length(levels(id.factor))) {
                  lines(time[id.factor == levels(id.factor)[j]], 
                    outcome[id.factor == levels(id.factor)[j]], 
                    col = line.col[j], lwd = lwd, lty = lty[j])
                if (legend) {
                  legend(x = legend.site, legend = levels(factor(id[order(id1)])), 
                    col = line.col[1:length(levels(factor(id)))], 
                    bg = "white", lty = lty, lwd = lwd)
            else {
                for (j in 1:length(levels(id.factor))) {
                  if (any(line.col == "multicolor")) {
                    lines(time[id.factor == levels(id.factor)[j]], 
                      outcome[id.factor == levels(id.factor)[j]], 
                      col = j, lwd = lwd)
                  else {
                    if (any(line.col == "auto")) 
                      line.col <- "blue"
                    lines(time[id.factor == levels(id.factor)[j]], 
                      outcome[id.factor == levels(id.factor)[j]], 
                      col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
    else {
        order.id.selected <- sample(c(rep(TRUE, n.of.lines), 
            rep(FALSE, length(levels(factor(id))) - n.of.lines)))
        if (!is.null(by)) {
            id <- id[order(id1, time1, by1)]
            time <- time[order(id1, time1, by1)]
            outcome <- outcome[order(id1, time1, by1)]
            by <- by[order(id1, time1, by1)]
            id.factor <- factor(id)
            by.factor <- factor(by)
            if (any(line.col == "auto")) 
                line.col <- 1:length(levels(by.factor))
            for (i in 1:length(levels(by.factor))) {
                for (j in 1:length(levels(id.factor))) {
                  lines(time[id.factor == levels(id.factor)[j] & 
                    by.factor == levels(by.factor)[i]] * order.id.selected[j], 
                    outcome[id.factor == levels(id.factor)[j] & 
                      by.factor == levels(by.factor)[i]] * order.id.selected[j], 
                    col = line.col[i], lty = i, lwd = lwd)
            if (legend) {
                legend(x = legend.site, legend = levels(factor(by)), 
                  col = line.col[1:length(levels(factor(by)))], 
                  lty = 1:length(levels(factor(by))), bg = "white", 
                  lwd = lwd)
        else {
            id <- id[order(id1, time1)]
            id.factor <- factor(id)
            time <- time[order(id1, time1)]
            outcome <- outcome[order(id1, time1)]
            for (j in 1:length(levels(id.factor))) {
                if (any(line.col == "multicolor")) {
                  lines(time[id.factor == levels(id.factor)[j]] * 
                    order.id.selected[j], outcome[id.factor == 
                    levels(id.factor)[j]] * order.id.selected[j], 
                    col = j, lwd = lwd)
                else {
                  if (any(line.col == "auto")) {
                    line.col <- "blue"
                  lines(time[id.factor == levels(id.factor)[j]] * 
                    order.id.selected[j], outcome[id.factor == 
                    levels(id.factor)[j]] * order.id.selected[j], 
                    col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
    for (j in 1:length(levels(id.factor))) {
        text(time[id.factor == levels(id.factor)[j]], outcome[id.factor == 
            levels(id.factor)[j]], labels = j, col = any(stress.labels * 
            stress %in% j) * label.col)
    for (j in 1:length(levels(id.factor))) {
        lines(time[id.factor == levels(id.factor)[j]], outcome[id.factor == 
            levels(id.factor)[j]], col = any(stress %in% j) * 
            stress.col, lwd = stress.width, lty = stress.type)

## Aggregate a numeric variable
aggregate.numeric <-
function (x, by, FUN = c("count", "sum", "mean", "median", "sd",
    "se", "min", "max"), na.rm = TRUE, length.warning = TRUE,
    count <- function(x1) {
    se <- function(x1) {
        sd(x1, na.rm = TRUE)/sqrt(count(x1))
    if (length(FUN) == 1 & inherits(FUN,"function")) {
        FUN <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
    else {
        if (any(is.na(x)) & na.rm == FALSE & (is.element("var",
            FUN) | is.element("sd", FUN))) {
            cat(paste("\n", "   'FUN = \"var\"' and 'FUN = \"sd\" not computable when 'na.rm=FALSE'",
                "\n", "   and therefore omitted"), "\n", "\n")
            FUN <- setdiff(FUN, c("sd", "var"))
        if (length(FUN) == 0) {
            stop("Too few FUN's")
        if (any(is.na(x)) & length.warning & na.rm) {
            if (any(FUN == "var") | any(FUN == "sd") | any(FUN ==
                "mean") | any(FUN == "sum")) {
                cat("\n", "Note:", "\n", "     Missing values removed.",
            if (any(FUN == "length")) {
                cat("     'length' computed with missing records included.",
    if (FUN[1] != "length") {
        if (FUN[1] == "count") {
            y <- aggregate.data.frame(x, by, FUN = count)
            names(y)[length(names(y))] <- paste("count", as.character(deparse(substitute(x))),
                sep = ".")
        else {
            if (FUN[1] == "sum" | FUN[1] == "mean" | FUN[1] ==
                "median" | FUN[1] == "var" | FUN[1] == "sd" |
                FUN[1] == "min" | FUN[1] == "max") {
                y <- aggregate.data.frame(x, by, FUN = FUN[1],
                  na.rm = na.rm)
            else {
                y <- aggregate.data.frame(x, by, FUN = FUN[1])
            names(y)[length(names(y))] <- paste(FUN[1], as.character(deparse(substitute(x))),
                sep = ".")
    else {
        y <- aggregate.data.frame(x, by, FUN = length)
        names(y)[length(names(y))] <- FUN[1]
    if (length(FUN) > 1) {
        for (i in 2:length(FUN)) {
            if (FUN[i] != "length") {
                if (FUN[i] == "count") {
                  y1 <- aggregate.data.frame(x, by, FUN = count)
                  y <- data.frame(y, y1[, length(names(y1))])
                else {
                  if (FUN[i] == "sum" | FUN[i] == "mean" | FUN[i] ==
                    "median" | FUN[i] == "var" | FUN[i] == "sd" |
                    FUN[i] == "min" | FUN[i] == "max") {
                    y1 <- aggregate.data.frame(x, by, FUN = FUN[i],
                      na.rm = na.rm)
                  else {
                    y1 <- aggregate.data.frame(x, by, FUN = FUN[i])
                  y <- data.frame(y, y1[, length(names(y1))])
                names(y)[length(names(y))] <- paste(FUN[i], as.character(deparse(substitute(x))),
                  sep = ".")
            else {
                y1 <- aggregate.data.frame(x, by, FUN = length)
                y <- data.frame(y, y1[, length(names(y1))])
                names(y)[length(names(y))] <- FUN[i]

## Aggregate plot
aggregate.plot <-
function (x, by, grouping = NULL, FUN = c("mean", "median"), 
    error = c("se", "ci", "sd", "none"), alpha = 0.05, lwd = 1, 
    lty = "auto", line.col = "auto", bin.time = 4, bin.method = c("fixed", 
        "quantile"), legend = "auto", legend.site = "topright", 
    legend.bg = "white", xlim = "auto", ylim = "auto", bar.col = "auto", 
    cap.size = 0.02, lagging = 0.007, main = "auto", return.output = FALSE, 
    p25 <- function(xx) quantile(xx, prob = 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
    p75 <- function(xx) quantile(xx, prob = 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
     se <- function(xx) sd(xx, na.rm=TRUE)/sqrt(length(na.omit(xx)))
    x.is.factor.2.levels <- is.factor(x) & (length(levels(factor(x))) == 
x.is.01 <- FALSE
    if (is.integer(x) | is.numeric(x) | is.logical(x)) 
        x.is.01 <- length(table(x)) == 2 & min(x, na.rm = TRUE) == 
            0 & max(x, na.rm = TRUE) == 1
    if (length(FUN) == 2 | any(FUN == "mean")) {
        FUN1 <- c("mean", "sd", "sum", "count", "se")
    else {
        FUN1 <- c("median", "p25", "p75")

    if (is.list(by)) {
        if (any(bar.col == "auto")) 
            bar.col <- grey.colors(length(levels(factor(by[[1]]))))
        if (length(by) > 2) 
            stop("The argument 'by' cannot have more than 2 elements!")
        if (legend == "auto") 
            legend <- TRUE
        if (any(line.col == "auto")) 
            line.col <- 1
        if (length(FUN) == 2) 
            FUN <- "mean"
        if (length(error) == 4 & error[1] == "se") 
            error <- "se"
        if (is.factor(x)) {
            if (length(levels(x)) > 2) {
                stop("'x' is factor with more than 2 levels, which cannot be aggregated")
            else {
                x1 <- as.numeric(unclass(x) - 1)
        if (is.logical(x)) 
            x1 <- x * 1
        if (is.numeric(x)) 
            x1 <- x
        if (any(FUN == "mean")) {
            sum.matrix <- tapply(x1, by, FUN = "sum", na.rm = TRUE)
            mean.matrix <- tapply(x1, by, FUN = "mean", na.rm = TRUE)
            sd.matrix <- tapply(x1, by, FUN = "sd", na.rm = TRUE)
            count <- function(x) length(na.omit(x))
            count.matrix <- tapply(x1, by, FUN = "count")
            if (error == "se") {
                error.matrix <- sd.matrix/sqrt(count.matrix)
              if (error == "sd") {
                error.matrix <- sd.matrix
            sum.data.frame <- as.data.frame.table(sum.matrix)
            means.data.frame <- as.data.frame.table(mean.matrix)
            sd.data.frame <- as.data.frame.table(sd.matrix)
            count.data.frame <- as.data.frame.table(count.matrix)
            if (x.is.01) {
                ci.data.frame <- ci.binomial(sum.data.frame[, 
                  ncol(sum.data.frame)], count.data.frame[, ncol(count.data.frame)], 
                  alpha = alpha)
                se.data.frame <- means.data.frame[, -ncol(means.data.frame), 
                  drop = FALSE]
                se.data.frame$se <- ci.data.frame$se
                error.matrix <- xtabs(se ~ ., data = se.data.frame)
                lowerCI.data.frame <- means.data.frame[, -ncol(means.data.frame), 
                  drop = FALSE]
                lowerCI.data.frame$lowerCI <- ci.data.frame[, 
                lowerCI.matrix <- xtabs(lowerCI ~ ., data = lowerCI.data.frame)
                upperCI.data.frame <- means.data.frame[, -ncol(means.data.frame), 
                  drop = FALSE]
                upperCI.data.frame$upperCI <- ci.data.frame[, 
                upperCI.matrix <- xtabs(upperCI ~ ., data = upperCI.data.frame)
            if (error == "ci") {
                if (x.is.01) {
                  ci.data.frame0 <- ci.binomial(sum.data.frame[, 
                    ncol(sum.data.frame)], count.data.frame[, 
                    ncol(count.data.frame)], alpha = alpha)
                else {
                  ci.data.frame0 <- ci.numeric(means.data.frame[, 
                    ncol(means.data.frame)], count.data.frame[, 
                    ncol(count.data.frame)], sd.data.frame[, 
                    ncol(sd.data.frame)], alpha = alpha)
                error.data.frame <- data.frame(count.data.frame[, 
                  -ncol(count.data.frame)], (ci.data.frame0[, 
                  ncol(ci.data.frame0)] - ci.data.frame0[, ncol(ci.data.frame0) - 
                colnames(error.data.frame) <- c(colnames(sum.data.frame)[1:(ncol(error.data.frame) - 
                  1)], "se")
                error.matrix <- xtabs(se ~ ., data = error.data.frame)
            if (any(ylim == "auto")) 
                ylim <- c(0, 1.01 * max(mean.matrix + error.matrix))
            a <- barplot.default(mean.matrix, beside = TRUE, 
                ylim = ylim, col = bar.col, ...)
            if (x.is.01) {
                if (error == "ci") {
                  segments(x0 = a, x1 = a, y0 = lowerCI.matrix, 
                    y1 = upperCI.matrix, lwd = lwd, col = line.col)
                  segments(x0 = a - 0.2, x1 = a + 0.2, y0 = lowerCI.matrix, 
                    y1 = lowerCI.matrix, lwd = lwd, col = line.col)
                  segments(x0 = a - 0.2, x1 = a + 0.2, y0 = upperCI.matrix, 
                    y1 = upperCI.matrix, lwd = lwd, col = line.col)
                else {
                  segments(x0 = a, x1 = a, y0 = mean.matrix, 
                    y1 = mean.matrix + error.matrix, lwd = lwd, 
                    col = line.col)
                  segments(x0 = a - 0.2, x1 = a + 0.2, y0 = mean.matrix + 
                    error.matrix, y1 = mean.matrix + error.matrix, 
                    lwd = lwd, col = line.col)
            else {
                segments(x0 = a, x1 = a, y0 = mean.matrix, y1 = mean.matrix + 
                  error.matrix, lwd = lwd, col = line.col)
                segments(x0 = a - 0.2, x1 = a + 0.2, y0 = mean.matrix + 
                  error.matrix, y1 = mean.matrix + error.matrix, 
                  lwd = lwd, col = line.col)
                if (error == "ci") {
                  segments(x0 = a, x1 = a, y0 = mean.matrix, 
                    y1 = mean.matrix - error.matrix, lwd = lwd, 
                    col = line.col)
                  segments(x0 = a - 0.2, x1 = a + 0.2, y0 = mean.matrix - 
                    error.matrix, y1 = mean.matrix - error.matrix, 
                    lwd = lwd, col = line.col)
        if (FUN == "median") {
            if (length(levels(factor(x1))) == 2) {
                stop(paste("There are only two levels of \"", 
                  deparse(substitute(x)), "\",", "\n", "  The variable is not appropriate to aggregate with \"median\"", 
                  sep = ""))
            median.matrix <- tapply(x1, by, FUN = "median", na.rm = TRUE)
            p25.matrix <- tapply(x1, by, FUN = "p25")
            p75.matrix <- tapply(x1, by, FUN = "p75")
            midpoints.matrix <- median.matrix
            if (any(ylim == "auto")) 
                ylim <- c(0, 1.01 * max(p75.matrix))
            a <- barplot(median.matrix, beside = TRUE, ylim = ylim, 
                col = bar.col, ...)
            segments(x0 = a, x1 = a, y0 = median.matrix, y1 = p75.matrix, 
                lwd = lwd, col = line.col)
            segments(x0 = a - 0.2, x1 = a + 0.2, y0 = p75.matrix, 
                y1 = p75.matrix, lwd = lwd, col = line.col)
            segments(x0 = a, x1 = a, y0 = median.matrix, y1 = p25.matrix, 
                lwd = lwd, col = line.col)
            segments(x0 = a - 0.2, x1 = a + 0.2, y0 = p25.matrix, 
                y1 = p25.matrix, lwd = lwd, col = line.col)
        if (legend) {
            legend(x = legend.site, legend = levels(factor(by[[1]])), 
                fill = bar.col, bg = legend.bg)
        if (FUN == "median") {
            output <- as.data.frame.table(median.matrix)
            names(output)[length(names(output))] <- "median"
            output$p25 <- as.data.frame.table(p25.matrix)[, ncol(as.data.frame.table(p25.matrix))]
            output$p75 <- as.data.frame.table(p75.matrix)[, ncol(as.data.frame.table(p75.matrix))]
        else {
            output <- as.data.frame.table(mean.matrix)
            names(output)[length(names(output))] <- "mean"
            if (error == "se" | error == "sd") {
                output$error <- as.data.frame.table(error.matrix)[, 
                names(output)[length(names(output))] <- error
            else {
                if (error == "ci") 
                  output$lowerCI <- ci.data.frame0[, ncol(ci.data.frame0) - 
                names(output)[ncol(output)] <- names(ci.data.frame0)[ncol(ci.data.frame0) - 
                output$upperCI <- ci.data.frame0[, ncol(ci.data.frame0)]
                names(output)[ncol(output)] <- names(ci.data.frame0)[ncol(ci.data.frame0)]
                if (x.is.factor.2.levels | x.is.01 | is.logical(x)) 
                  names(output)[ncol(output) - 2] <- paste("prob.", 
                    ifelse(x.is.factor.2.levels, name.x, deparse(substitute(x))), 
                    sep = "")
    else {

#### Line Aggregate plot starts here

        if (any(lty == "auto")) 
            lty <- rep(1, length(table(factor(grouping))))
        time <- by
        if (any(xlim == "auto")) 
            xlim <- c(min(by, na.rm = TRUE), max(by, na.rm = TRUE))
        xrange <- xlim[2] - xlim[1]
        if (is.factor(time)) 
            stop("'time' must not be factor")
        if (is.factor(x)) {
            if (length(levels(x)) == 2) {
                name.x <- deparse(substitute(x))
                levels.x.2 <- levels(factor(x))[2]
                x <- as.numeric(unclass(x)) - 1
            else {
                stop("Not possible to aggregrate.plot factor of more than 2 levels")
        if (length(error) == 1) {
            if (error != "none" & error !="sd" & error !="se") {
                error <- "ci"
        if (length(error) == 4) 
            error <- "ci"

# Define time bin of not regular
        if (min(table(time), na.rm = TRUE) > 3) {
            bin.time <- length(na.omit(table(time))) - 1
            time1 <- time
        else {
            if (length(bin.method) == 2 | any(bin.method == "fixed")) {
                break.points <- seq(from = min(time, na.rm = TRUE), 
                  to = max(time, na.rm = TRUE), by = (max(time, 
                    na.rm = TRUE) - min(time, na.rm = TRUE))/(bin.time + 
            else {
                break.points <- quantile(time, prob = seq(0, 
                  1, 1/(bin.time + 1)), na.rm = TRUE)
            midpoints <- ((break.points + c(NA, break.points[-length(break.points)]))[-1])/2
            time.gr <- cut(time, breaks = break.points, include.lowest = TRUE)
            tx <- cbind(1:(length(break.points) - 1), midpoints)
            time1 <- lookup(unclass(time.gr), tx)
# Grouping or stratification        
        if (!is.null(grouping)) {
            if (legend == "auto") {
                legend <- TRUE
            else {
                legend <- legend
            if (any(FUN1 == "median")) {
                data1 <- aggregate.numeric(x, by = list(grouping = grouping, 
                  time = time1), FUN = "median", length.warning = FALSE)
                data1$p25.x <- as.data.frame.table(tapply(x, 
                  list(grouping = grouping, time = time1), FUN = "p25"))[, 
                data1$p75.x <- as.data.frame.table(tapply(x, 
                  list(grouping = grouping, time = time1), FUN = "p75"))[, 
                output <- data1
            else {
                data1 <- aggregate.numeric(x, by = list(grouping = grouping, 
                  time = time1), FUN = FUN1, length.warning = FALSE)
                output <- data1
                if(error=="ci") {
                output <- ci.numeric(x=data1$mean.x, n=data1$count.x, sds=data1$sd.x)
        else {
            if (any(FUN1 == "median")) {
                data1 <- aggregate.numeric(x, by = list(time = time1), 
                  FUN = "median", length.warning = FALSE)
                data1$p25.x <- as.data.frame.table(tapply(x, 
                  list(time = time1), FUN = "p25"))[, 2]
                data1$p75.x <- as.data.frame.table(tapply(x, 
                  list(time = time1), FUN = "p75"))[, 2]
                output <- data1
            else {
                data1 <- aggregate.numeric(x, by = list(time = time1), 
                  FUN = FUN1, length.warning = FALSE)
                output <- data1  
                if(error=="ci") {
                output <- ci.numeric(x=data1$mean.x, n=data1$count.x, sds=data1$sd.x)
#        if (any(FUN1 == "median")) {
#            data1$mean.x <- data1$median.x
#            data1$lowerci <- data1$p25.x
#            data1$upperci <- data1$p75.x
#            output <- data1[, -ncol(data1):-(ncol(data1) - 2)]
#        }
#        else {
            if (error[1] == "ci") {
                if (x.is.factor.2.levels | is.logical(x) | x.is.01) {
                  data.ci <- ci.binomial(data1$sum.x, data1$count.x, 
                    alpha = alpha)
                else {
                  data.ci <- ci.numeric(data1$mean.x, data1$count.x, 
                    data1$sd.x, alpha = alpha)
                data1$lowerci <- data.ci[, 5]
                data1$upperci <- data.ci[, 6]
                output <- data1[, -(ncol(data1) - 2:4)]
                if (x.is.factor.2.levels | is.logical(x) | x.is.01) 
                  names(output)[names(output) == "mean.x"] <- paste("prob.", 
                    ifelse(x.is.factor.2.levels, name.x, as.character(substitute(x))), 
                    sep = "")
                else names(output)[names(output) == "mean.x"] <- paste("mean.", 
                  as.character(substitute(x)), sep = "")
                names(output)[names(output) == "lowerci"] <- names(data.ci)[5]
                names(output)[names(output) == "upperci"] <- names(data.ci)[6]
#        }
        if (any(ylim == "auto")) {
            if (error[1] == "ci") {
                ylim0 <- c(min(data1[, ncol(data1) - 1], na.rm = TRUE), 
                  max(data1[, ncol(data1)], na.rm = TRUE))
                ylim <- ylim0 + c(-1, 1) * 0.2 * (ylim0[2] - 
            else {
                ylim0 <- c(min(data1$mean.x), max(data1$mean.x))
                ylim <- ylim0 + c(-1, 1) * 0.2 * (ylim0[2] - 
        if (!is.null(grouping)) {
            data1$grouping <- factor(data1$grouping)
            if (any(line.col == "auto")) 
                line.col <- unclass(data1$grouping)
            for (i in 1:length(table(data1$grouping))) {
                data1$time[data1$grouping == levels(data1$grouping)[i]] <- data1$time[data1$grouping == 
                  levels(data1$grouping)[i]] + (i - 1) * lagging * 
data1$mid.point <- data1$mean.x
  if (error == "ci") {data1$upper.point <- data1$upperci; data1$lower.point <- data1$lowerci}
  if (error == "sd") {data1$upper.point <- data1$mean.x + data1$sd.x; data1$lower.point <- data1$mean.x - data1$sd.x}
  if (error == "se") {data1$upper.point <- data1$mean.x + data1$sd.x/sqrt(data1$count.x); data1$lower.point <- data1$mean.x - data1$sd.x/sqrt(data1$count.x)}
  data1$mid.point <- data1$median.x
  data1$upper.point <- data1$p75.x
  data1$lower.point <- data1$p25.x
            followup.plot(id = data1$grouping, time = data1$time, 
                outcome = data1$mid.point, ylim = ylim, legend = legend, 
                legend.site = legend.site, lwd = lwd, xlim = xlim, 
                line.col = line.col, lty = lty, xlab = "", ylab = "", 
            if (error != "none") {
                segments(x0 = data1$time, y0 = data1$upper.point, 
                  x1 = data1$time, y1 = data1$lower.point, col = line.col, 
                  lwd = lwd)
                segments(x0 = data1$time - cap.size/2 * xrange, 
                  y0 = data1$upper.point, x1 = data1$time + cap.size/2 * 
                    xrange, y1 = data1$upper.point, col = line.col, 
                  lwd = lwd)
                segments(x0 = data1$time - cap.size/2 * xrange, 
                  y0 = data1$lower.point, x1 = data1$time + cap.size/2 * 
                    xrange, y1 = data1$lower.point, col = line.col, 
                  lwd = lwd)
            if (legend) {
                legend(x = legend.site, legend = levels(factor(grouping)), 
                  lwd = lwd, col = line.col, bg = legend.bg, 
                  lty = lty)
        else {
            if (any(line.col == "auto")) 
                line.col <- 1
data1$mid.point <- data1$mean.x
  if (error == "ci") {data1$upper.point <- data1$upperci; data1$lower.point <- data1$lowerci}
  if (error == "sd") {data1$upper.point <- data1$mean.x + data1$sd.x; data1$lower.point <- data1$mean.x - data1$sd.x}
  if (error == "se") {data1$upper.point <- data1$mean.x + data1$sd.x/sqrt(data1$count.x); data1$lower.point <- data1$mean.x - data1$sd.x/sqrt(data1$count.x)}
  data1$mid.point <- data1$median.x
  data1$upper.point <- data1$p75.x
  data1$lower.point <- data1$p25.x
            followup.plot(id = rep(1, nrow(data1)), time = data1$time, 
                outcome = data1$mid.point, ylim = ylim, legend = FALSE, 
                lwd = lwd, xlim = xlim, line.col = line.col, 
                legend.site = legend.site, xlab = "", ylab = "", 
if(error !="none"){
                segments(x0 = data1$time, y0 = data1$upper.point, 
                  x1 = data1$time, y1 = data1$lower.point, col = line.col, 
                  lwd = lwd)
                segments(x0 = data1$time - cap.size/2 * xrange, 
                  y0 = data1$upper.point, x1 = data1$time + cap.size/2 * 
                    xrange, y1 = data1$upper.point, col = line.col, 
                  lwd = lwd)
                segments(x0 = data1$time - cap.size/2 * xrange, 
                  y0 = data1$lower.point, x1 = data1$time + cap.size/2 * 
                    xrange, y1 = data1$lower.point, col = line.col, 
                  lwd = lwd)

#            if (error == "ci") {
#                segments(x0 = data1$time, y0 = data1$upperci, 
#                  x1 = data1$time, y1 = data1$lowerci, lwd = lwd, 
#                  col = line.col)
#                segments(x0 = data1$time - cap.size/2 * xrange, 
#                  y0 = data1$upperci, x1 = data1$time + cap.size/2 * 
#                    xrange, y1 = data1$upperci, col = line.col, 
#                  lwd = lwd)
#                segments(x0 = data1$time - cap.size/2 * xrange, 
#                  y0 = data1$lowerci, x1 = data1$time + cap.size/2 * 
#                    xrange, y1 = data1$lowerci, col = line.col, 
#                  lwd = lwd)
#            }
    if (!is.null(main)) {
        if (main == "auto") {
            if (FUN[1] == "mean") {
                main.first <- "Mean"
                if (length(levels(factor(x))) == 2) {
                  if (is.logical(x)) {
                    main.first <- paste("Prob. of ", deparse(substitute(x)))
                  else {
                    if (x.is.factor.2.levels) {
                      main.first <- paste("Prob. of", name.x, 
                        "=", levels.x.2)
                    else {
                      if (names(table(x))[2] == "1") {
                        main.first <- paste("Prob. of", deparse(substitute(x)))
                      else {
                        main.first <- paste("Mean of", deparse(substitute(x)))
            else {
                main.first <- "Median"
            main.and <- paste("and", error[1])
#            if (!is.list(by) & main.and == "and se") 
#                main.and <- NULL
            if (main.first == "Median") {
                if (error[1] == "none") {
                  main.and <- NULL
                else {
                  main.and <- "and IQR"
            else {
                if (error[1] == "ci") {
                  main.and <- paste("and ", as.character((1 - 
                    alpha) * 100), "% CI", sep = "")
                if (error[1] == "none") 
                  main.and <- NULL
            if (is.list(by)) {
                if (length(names(by)) == 2) {
                  main.by1 <- paste(names(by)[1], "and", names(by)[2])
                else {
                  main.by1 <- names(by)[1]
            else {
                main.by1 <- deparse(substitute(by))
            if (is.null(grouping)) {
                main.by2 <- NULL
            else {
                main.by2 <- paste("and", deparse(substitute(grouping)))
            if ((error[1] == "ci") & (length(table(x)) == 2)) {
                title(main = paste(main.first, main.and, "by", 
                  main.by1, main.by2), cex.main = 1.2)
            else {
                title(main = paste(main.first, main.and, "of", 
                  deparse(substitute(x)), "by", main.by1, main.by2), 
                  cex.main = 1.2)
    if (return.output) 

## Confidence interval
ci <- function(x, ...){
ci.default <- function(x, ...){
    if (is.logical(x)){ 
    ci.binomial(x, ...)
         if(min(x, na.rm=TRUE)==0 & max(x, na.rm=TRUE)==1){
          ci.binomial(x,  ...)
              if(is.factor(x) & length(levels(x))==2){
              x <- as.numeric(unclass(x))-1
              ci.binomial(x, ...)
               ci.numeric(x, ...)

ci.binomial <- function(x, size, precision, alpha=.05, ...){
success <- x
success1 <- success
if(min(success, na.rm=TRUE)!=0 | max(success, na.rm=TRUE)!=1){stop("This is not a binary vector.")}
success <- length(na.omit(success1)[na.omit(success1) >0 ])
size <- length(na.omit(success1))
reverse <- rep(FALSE, length(success))
reverse[success/size > .5] <- TRUE

success[reverse] <- size[reverse]-success[reverse]
precision <- success/size/10000}
precision[success==0 |success==size] <-.01/size[success==0 |success==size]
probab <- success/size
success1 <- success
success1[success > 0] <-  success[success > 0]-1
for(i in 1:length(success)){while(pbinom(success1[i], size[i], probab[i], lower.tail=FALSE) > alpha/2){
probab[i] <- probab[i] - precision[i]
estimate <- success/size
se <- sqrt(estimate*(1-estimate)/size)
ll <- probab

probab <- success/size
for(i in 1:length(success)){while(pbinom(success[i], size[i], probab[i], lower.tail=TRUE) > alpha/2){
probab[i] <- probab[i]+ precision[i]
ul <- probab
data.frame.a <- data.frame(events=success,total=size,probability = estimate, se=se,
  ll=ll, ul=ul)
data.frame.a[reverse,] <- data.frame(events=size[reverse]-success[reverse],total=size[reverse],probability = 1-estimate[reverse], se=se[reverse], ll=1-ul[reverse], ul=1-ll[reverse])

names(data.frame.a)[5] <- paste("exact.lower",100*(1-alpha),"ci",sep="")
names(data.frame.a)[6] <- paste("exact.upper",100*(1-alpha),"ci",sep="")
if(nrow(data.frame.a)==1){rownames(data.frame.a) <- ""}

## Confidence interval of continuous variable(s)
ci.numeric <- function(x, n, sds, alpha=.05, ...){
means <- x
mean1 <- means
if(missing(n) & missing(sds)){
means <- mean(mean1, na.rm=TRUE)
n <- length(na.omit(mean1))
sds <- sd(mean1, na.rm=TRUE)
se <- sds/sqrt(n)
ll <- means - qt(p=(1-alpha/2), df = n-1)*se
ul <- means + qt(p=(1-alpha/2), df = n-1)*se
data.frame.a <- data.frame(n=n,mean=means, sd=sds, se=se, 
  ll=ll, ul=ul)
names(data.frame.a)[5] <- paste("lower",100*(1-alpha),"ci",sep="")
names(data.frame.a)[6] <- paste("upper",100*(1-alpha),"ci",sep="")
if(nrow(data.frame.a)==1){rownames(data.frame.a) <- ""}

# Confidence interval for Poisson variables
ci.poisson <- function(x, person.time, precision,  alpha=.05, ...){
count <- x
incidence <- count/person.time
precision <- incidence/1000
precision[incidence==0] <- 0.001/person.time[incidence==0] 
lamda <- incidence * person.time
for(i in 1:length(count)){
while(ppois(count[i], lamda[i], lower.tail=TRUE) > alpha/2){
incidence[i] <- incidence[i] + precision[i]
lamda[i] <- incidence[i] * person.time[i]
ul <- incidence

incidence <- count/person.time
lamda <- incidence * person.time
count1 <- count-1
count1[count==0] <- count[count==0]
for(i in 1:length(count)){
while(ppois(count1[i], lamda[i], lower.tail=FALSE) > alpha/2){
incidence[i] <- incidence[i] - precision[i]
lamda[i] <- incidence[i] * person.time[i]
ll <- incidence
data.frame.a <- data.frame(events=count,person.time=person.time,incidence=count/person.time, se=sqrt(count)/person.time, ll=ll, ul=ul)
names(data.frame.a)[5] <- paste("exact.lower",100*(1-alpha),"ci",sep="")
names(data.frame.a)[6] <- paste("exact.upper",100*(1-alpha),"ci",sep="")
if(nrow(data.frame.a)==1){rownames(data.frame.a) <- ""}

## Cronbach's alpha
alpha <- function (vars, dataFrame, casewise = FALSE, reverse = TRUE, 
    decimal = 4, vars.to.reverse = NULL, var.labels = TRUE, var.labels.trunc=150) 
    if (casewise) {
        usage <- "complete.obs"
    else {
        usage <- "pairwise.complete.obs"
    nl <- as.list(1:ncol(dataFrame))
    names(nl) <- names(dataFrame)
    selected <- eval(substitute(vars), nl, parent.frame())
    selected.dataFrame <- dataFrame[, selected]
    selected.matrix <- NULL
    for (i in selected) {
        selected.matrix <- cbind(selected.matrix, unclass(dataFrame[, 
    colnames(selected.matrix) <- names(selected.dataFrame)

        nl1 <- as.list(1:ncol(dataFrame[, selected]))
        names(nl1) <- names(dataFrame[, selected])
        which.neg <- eval(substitute(vars.to.reverse), nl1, parent.frame())
    if (length(which.neg)> 0) {
        selected.matrix[, which.neg] <- -1 * selected.matrix[, 
        reverse <- FALSE
        sign1 <- rep(1, ncol(selected.matrix))
        sign1[which.neg] <- -1
    matR1 <- cor(selected.matrix, use = usage)
    diag(matR1) <- 0
    if(any(matR1 > .999)){
    reverse <- FALSE
    which(matR1 > .999, arr.ind =TRUE) -> temp.mat
    warning(paste(paste(rownames(temp.mat), collapse= " and "))," are extremely correlated.","\n", "  Remove one of them from 'vars' if 'reverse' is required.")
    if (reverse) {
        score <- factanal(na.omit(selected.matrix), factors = 1, 
            scores = "regression")$score
        sign1 <- NULL
        for (i in 1:length(selected)) {
            sign1 <- c(sign1, sign(cor(score, na.omit(selected.matrix)[, 
                i], use = usage)))             
        which.neg <- which(sign1 < 0)
        selected.matrix[, which.neg] <- -1 * selected.matrix[, 
    reliability <- function(matrixC, matrixR, matrixN) {
        k1 <- ncol(matrixC)
        if (casewise) {
            cbar <- mean(matrixC[lower.tri(matrixC)])
            rbar <- mean(matrixR[lower.tri(matrixR)])
        else {
            cbar.numerator <- sum(matrixC[lower.tri(matrixC)] * 
            rbar.numerator <- sum(matrixR[lower.tri(matrixR)] * 
            denominator <- sum(matrixN[lower.tri(matrixN)])
            cbar <- cbar.numerator/denominator
            rbar <- rbar.numerator/denominator
        vbar <- sum(diag(matrixC) * diag(matrixN))/sum(diag(matrixN))
        alpha <- k1 * cbar/(vbar + (k1 - 1) * cbar)
        std.alpha <- k1 * rbar/(1 + (k1 - 1) * rbar)
        list(alpha = alpha, std.alpha = std.alpha, rbar = rbar)
    k <- ncol(selected.matrix)
    matC <- cov(selected.matrix, use = usage)
    matR <- cor(selected.matrix, use = usage)
    if (casewise) {
        samp.size <- nrow(na.omit(selected.matrix))
        matN <- matrix(nrow(na.omit(selected.matrix)), k, k)
    else {
        samp.size <- length(na.omit(rowSums((!is.na(selected.matrix)) * 
            1) > 1))
        matN <- matrix(0, k, k)
        for (i in 1:k) {
            for (j in 1:k) {
                matN[i, j] <- length(na.omit(selected.matrix[, 
                  i] + selected.matrix[, j]))
    rel <- matrix(0, k, 3)
    colnames(rel) <- c("Alpha", "Std.Alpha", "r(item, rest)")
    rownames(rel) <- names(dataFrame)[selected]
    for (i in 1:k) {
        rel[i, 1] <- reliability(matrixC = matC[-i, -i], matrixR = matR[-i, 
            -i], matrixN = matN[-i, -i])$alpha
        rel[i, 2] <- reliability(matC[-i, -i], matR[-i, -i], 
            matN[-i, -i])$std.alpha
        if (usage == "pairwise.complete.obs") {
            meanrest <- rowMeans(selected.matrix[, -i], na.rm = TRUE)
        if (usage == "complete.obs") {
            meanrest <- rowMeans(na.omit(selected.matrix)[, -i])
        if (usage == "pairwise.complete.obs") {
            rel[i, 3] <- cor(selected.matrix[, i], meanrest, 
                use = "pairwise")
        if (usage == "complete.obs") {
            rel[i, 3] <- cor(na.omit(selected.matrix)[, i], meanrest, 
                use = "complete.obs")
    if (!is.null(which.neg)) {
        Reversed <- ifelse(sign1 < 0, "    x   ", "    .   ")
        result <- cbind(Reversed, round(rel, digits = decimal))
    result <- round(rel, digits=decimal)
    rownames(result) <- names(dataFrame)[selected]
    if (var.labels) {
        if (!is.null(attributes(dataFrame)$var.labels)) {
            result <- cbind(result, substr(attributes(dataFrame)$var.labels[selected],1,var.labels.trunc))
                        colnames(result)[ncol(result)] <- "description"
results <- list(alpha = reliability(matC, matR, matN)$alpha, 
    std.alpha = reliability(matC, matR, matN)$std.alpha, 
    use.method = usage,
    rbar=reliability(matC, matR, matN)$rbar,
    items.selected = names(dataFrame)[selected], alpha.if.removed = rel,
    result=result, decimal=decimal)
if(!is.null(which.neg)) results <- c(results, list(items.reversed = names(selected.dataFrame)[sign1 < 0]))
if(var.labels && !is.null(attributes(dataFrame)$var.labels)){
    results <- c(results, list(item.labels=attributes(dataFrame)$var.labels[selected]))
class(results) <- "alpha"

print.alpha <- function(x, ...)
cat("Number of items in the scale =", length(x$items.selected), "\n")
cat("Sample size =", x$sample.size, "\n")
cat(paste("Average inter-item correlation =", round(x$rbar,
    digits = x$decimal), "\n", "\n"))
cat(paste("Cronbach's alpha: ", "cov/cor computed with ", 
     "'", x$use.method, "'", "\n", sep = ""))
cat(paste("      unstandardized value =", round(x$alpha, digits = x$decimal), "\n"))
cat(paste("        standardized value =", round(x$std.alpha, digits = x$decimal), "\n", "\n"))
  cat(paste("Item(s) reversed:", paste(x$items.reversed, collapse= ", "), "\n", "\n"))
  cat(paste("Note: no attempt to reverse any item.", "\n", "\n"))
  cat(paste("New alpha if item omitted:", "\n"))

# The best Cronbach alpha
alphaBest <- function (vars, dataFrame, standardized = FALSE) 
    nl <- as.list(1:ncol(dataFrame))
    names(nl) <- names(dataFrame)
    selected <- eval(substitute(vars), nl, parent.frame())
    a <- alpha(vars = selected, dataFrame = dataFrame)
    sorted.alpha.if.removed <- a$alpha.if.removed[order(a$alpha.if.removed[, 
        1 + standardized], decreasing = TRUE), 1 + standardized]
    removed.names <- NULL
    removed.orders <- NULL
    while (a[1 + standardized] < sorted.alpha.if.removed[1]) 
        removed.name0 <- names(sorted.alpha.if.removed)[1]
        removed.names <- c(removed.names, removed.name0)
        removed.orders <- c(removed.orders, which(names(dataFrame) %in% 
        a <- alpha(vars = setdiff(selected, removed.orders), 
            dataFrame = dataFrame)
        sorted.alpha.if.removed <- a$alpha.if.removed[order(a$alpha.if.removed[, 
            1 + standardized], decreasing = TRUE), 1 + standardized]
    names(removed.orders) <- removed.names
    remaining.names <- a$items.selected
    remaining.orders <- which(names(dataFrame) %in% remaining.names)
    names(remaining.orders) <- remaining.names
    if (standardized) {
        list(best.std.alpha = a$alpha, removed.items = removed.orders, 
            remaining.items = remaining.orders)
    else {
        list(best.alpha = a$alpha, removed = removed.orders, 
            remaining = remaining.orders, items.reversed = a$items.reversed)

## Table stack
tableStack <-
function (vars, dataFrame, minlevel = "auto", maxlevel = "auto", count = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, 
    means = TRUE, medians = FALSE, sds = TRUE, decimal = 1, 
    total = TRUE, var.labels = TRUE, var.labels.trunc = 150, 
    reverse = FALSE, vars.to.reverse = NULL, by = NULL, vars.to.factor = NULL, 
    iqr = "auto", prevalence = FALSE, percent = "column", frequency = TRUE, test = TRUE, name.test = TRUE, 
    total.column = FALSE, simulate.p.value = FALSE, sample.size = TRUE,
    assumption.p.value = .01) 
    nl <- as.list(1:ncol(dataFrame))
    names(nl) <- names(dataFrame)
    selected <- eval(substitute(vars), nl, parent.frame())
    by.var <- eval(substitute(by), nl, parent.frame())
    selected.iqr <- eval(substitute(iqr), nl, parent.frame())
    if (is.numeric(by.var)) {
        by <- dataFrame[, by.var]
    if (is.character(by.var)) {
        by1 <- as.factor(rep("Total", nrow(dataFrame)))
    if (is.null(by)) {
        selected.class <- NULL
        for (i in selected) {
            selected.class <- c(selected.class, class(dataFrame[, 
        if (length(table(table(selected.class))) > 1) 
            warning("Without 'by', classes of all selected variables should be the same.")
    selected.to.factor <- eval(substitute(vars.to.factor), nl, 

    if (!is.character(selected.iqr)) {
        intersect.selected <- intersect(selected.iqr, selected.to.factor)
        if (length(intersect.selected) != 0) {
                "cannot simultaneously describe IQR and be coerced factor"))
        for (i in selected.iqr) {
            if (!is.integer(dataFrame[, i]) & !is.numeric(dataFrame[, 
                i])) {
                stop(paste(names(dataFrame)[i], "is neither integer nor numeric, not possible to compute IQR"))
    for (i in selected) {
        if ((inherits(dataFrame[, i],"integer") | inherits(dataFrame[, 
            i],"numeric")) & !is.null(by)) {
            if (any(selected.to.factor == i)) {
                dataFrame[, i] <- factor(dataFrame[, i])
            else {
                dataFrame[, i] <- as.numeric(dataFrame[, i])
    if ((reverse || length(vars.to.reverse)) > 0 && 
        is.factor(dataFrame[, selected][, 1])) {
        stop("Variables must be in 'integer' class before reversing. \n        Try 'unclassDataframe' first'")
    selected.dataFrame <- dataFrame[, selected, drop = FALSE]
    if (is.null(by)) {
        selected.matrix <- NULL
        for (i in selected) {
            selected.matrix <- cbind(selected.matrix, unclass(dataFrame[, 
        colnames(selected.matrix) <- names(selected.dataFrame)
        if (minlevel == "auto") {
            minlevel <- min(selected.matrix, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (maxlevel == "auto") {
            maxlevel <- max(selected.matrix, na.rm = TRUE)
        nlevel <- as.list(minlevel:maxlevel)
        names(nlevel) <- eval(substitute(minlevel:maxlevel), 
            nlevel, parent.frame())
        if (length(vars.to.reverse) >0) {
            nl1 <- as.list(1:ncol(dataFrame))
            names(nl1) <- names(dataFrame[, selected])
            which.neg <- eval(substitute(vars.to.reverse), nl1, 
            for (i in which.neg) {
                dataFrame[, selected][, i] <- maxlevel + 1 - 
                  dataFrame[, selected][, i]
                selected.matrix[, i] <- maxlevel + 1 - selected.matrix[, 
            reverse <- FALSE
            sign1 <- rep(1, ncol(selected.matrix))
            sign1[which.neg] <- -1
        if (reverse) {
            matR1 <- cor(selected.matrix, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
            diag(matR1) <- 0
            if (any(matR1 > 0.98)) {
                reverse <- FALSE
                temp.mat <- which(matR1 > 0.98, arr.ind = TRUE)
                warning(paste(paste(rownames(temp.mat), collapse = " and ")), 
                  " are extremely correlated.", "\n", "  The command has been excuted without 'reverse'.", 
                  "\n", "  Remove one of them from 'vars' if 'reverse' is required.")
            else {
                score <- factanal(na.omit(selected.matrix), factors = 1, 
                  scores = "regression")$score
                sign1 <- NULL
                for (i in 1:length(selected)) {
                  sign1 <- c(sign1, sign(cor(score, na.omit(selected.matrix)[, 
                    i], use = "pairwise")))
                which.neg <- which(sign1 < 0)
                for (i in which.neg) {
                  dataFrame[, selected][, i] <- maxlevel + minlevel - 
                    dataFrame[, selected][, i]
                  selected.matrix[, i] <- maxlevel + minlevel - 
                    selected.matrix[, i]
        table1 <- NULL
        for (i in as.integer(selected)) {
            if (!is.factor(dataFrame[, i]) & !is.logical(dataFrame[,i, drop=TRUE])) {
                x <- factor(dataFrame[, i])
                  levels(x) <- nlevel
                tablei <- table(x)
            else {
            if(is.logical(dataFrame[,i, drop=TRUE])){
                tablei <- table(factor(dataFrame[,i, drop=TRUE], levels=c("FALSE","TRUE")))
                tablei <- table(dataFrame[, i])
            if (count) {
                tablei <- c(tablei, length(na.omit(dataFrame[, 
                names(tablei)[length(tablei)] <- "count"
            if (is.numeric(selected.dataFrame[, 1, drop = TRUE]) | 
                is.logical(selected.dataFrame[, 1, drop = TRUE])) {
                if (means) {
                  tablei <- c(tablei, round(mean(as.numeric(dataFrame[, 
                    i]), na.rm = TRUE), digits = decimal))
                  names(tablei)[length(tablei)] <- "mean"
                if (medians) {
                  tablei <- c(tablei, round(median(as.numeric(dataFrame[, 
                    i]), na.rm = TRUE), digits = decimal))
                  names(tablei)[length(tablei)] <- "median"
                if (sds) {
                  tablei <- c(tablei, round(sd(as.numeric(dataFrame[, 
                    i]), na.rm = TRUE), digits = decimal))
                  names(tablei)[length(tablei)] <- "sd"
            table1 <- rbind(table1, tablei)
        results <- as.table(table1)
        if (var.labels) {
            rownames(results) <- names(selected.dataFrame)
        else {
            rownames(results) <- paste(selected, ":", names(selected.dataFrame))
        if (is.integer(selected.dataFrame[, 1])) {
            rownames(results) <- names(nl)[selected]
            if (is.factor(dataFrame[, selected][, 1])) {
                colnames(results)[1:(ncol(results) - (count + 
                  means + medians + sds))] <- levels(dataFrame[, 
                  selected][, 1])
            else {
                colnames(results)[1:(ncol(results) - (count + 
                  means + medians + sds))] <- names(nlevel)
        result0 <- results
        if (var.labels) {
            if (!is.null(attributes(dataFrame)$var.labels)) {
                results <- as.table(cbind(results, substr(attributes(dataFrame)$var.labels[selected], 
                  1, var.labels.trunc)))
            if (!is.null(attributes(dataFrame)$var.labels)) 
                colnames(results)[ncol(results)] <- "description"
        if (is.integer(selected.dataFrame[, 1]) | is.numeric(selected.dataFrame[, 
            1]) | is.logical(selected.dataFrame[, 1])) {
            if (reverse || (!is.null(vars.to.reverse))) {
                Reversed <- ifelse(sign1 < 0, "    x   ", "    .   ")
                results <- cbind(Reversed, results)
            sumMeans <- 0
            sumN <- 0
            for (i in selected) {
                sumMeans <- sumMeans + mean(as.numeric(dataFrame[, 
                  i]), na.rm = TRUE) * length(na.omit(dataFrame[, 
                sumN <- sumN + length(na.omit(dataFrame[, i]))
            mean.of.total.scores <- weighted.mean(rowSums(selected.matrix), 
                w = rowSums(!is.na(selected.matrix)), na.rm = TRUE)
            sd.of.total.scores <- sd(rowSums(selected.matrix), 
                na.rm = TRUE)
            mean.of.average.scores <- weighted.mean(rowMeans(selected.matrix), 
                w = rowSums(!is.na(selected.matrix)), na.rm = TRUE)
            sd.of.average.scores <- sd(rowMeans(selected.matrix), 
                na.rm = TRUE)
            countCol <- which(colnames(results) == "count")
            meanCol <- which(colnames(results) == "mean")
            sdCol <- which(colnames(results) == "sd")
            if (total) {
                results <- rbind(results, rep("", reverse || 
                  suppressWarnings(!is.null(vars.to.reverse)) + 
                    (maxlevel + 1 - minlevel) + (count + means + 
                    medians + sds + var.labels)))
                results[nrow(results), countCol] <- length((rowSums(selected.dataFrame))[!is.na(rowSums(selected.dataFrame))])
                results[nrow(results), meanCol] <- round(mean.of.total.scores, 
                  digits = decimal)
                results[nrow(results), sdCol] <- round(sd.of.total.scores, 
                  digits = decimal)
                rownames(results)[nrow(results)] <- " Total score"
                results <- rbind(results, rep("", reverse || 
                  suppressWarnings(!is.null(vars.to.reverse)) + 
                    (maxlevel + 1 - minlevel) + (count + means + 
                    medians + sds + var.labels)))
                results[nrow(results), countCol] <- length(rowSums(selected.dataFrame)[!is.na(rowSums(selected.dataFrame))])
                results[nrow(results), meanCol] <- round(mean.of.average.scores, 
                  digits = decimal)
                results[nrow(results), sdCol] <- round(sd.of.average.scores, 
                  digits = decimal)
                rownames(results)[nrow(results)] <- " Average score"
        results <- list(results = noquote(results))
        if (reverse || length(vars.to.reverse)) 
            results <- c(results, list(items.reversed = names(selected.dataFrame)[sign1 < 
        if (var.labels && !is.null(attributes(dataFrame)$var.labels)) {
            results <- c(results, list(item.labels = attributes(dataFrame)$var.labels[selected]))
        if (total) {
            if (is.integer(selected.dataFrame[, 1]) | is.numeric(selected.dataFrame[, 
                1])) {
                results <- c(results, list(total.score = rowSums(selected.matrix)), 
                  list(mean.score = rowMeans(selected.matrix, na.rm=na.rm)), 
                  list(mean.of.total.scores = mean.of.total.scores, 
                    sd.of.total.scores = sd.of.total.scores, 
                    mean.of.average.scores = mean.of.average.scores, 
                    sd.of.average.scores = sd.of.average.scores))
        class(results) <- c("tableStack", "list")
    else {
        if (is.character(by.var)) {
            by1 <- as.factor(rep("Total", nrow(dataFrame)))
        else {
            by1 <- factor(dataFrame[, by.var])
        if (is.logical(dataFrame[, i])) {
            dataFrame[, i] <- as.factor(dataFrame[, i])
            levels(dataFrame[, i]) <- c("No", "Yes")
        if (length(table(by1)) == 1) 
            test <- FALSE
        name.test <- ifelse(test, name.test, FALSE)
        if (is.character(selected.iqr)) {
            if (selected.iqr == "auto") {
                selected.iqr <- NULL
                for (i in 1:length(selected)) {
                  if (inherits(dataFrame[, selected[i]], "difftime")) {
                    dataFrame[, selected[i]] <- as.numeric(dataFrame[, 
                  if (is.integer(dataFrame[, selected[i]]) | 
                    is.numeric(dataFrame[, selected[i]])) {
                    if (length(table(by1)) > 1) {
                        if (nrow(dataFrame) < 5000) {
                          if (nrow(dataFrame) < 3) {
                            selected.iqr <- c(selected.iqr, selected[i])
                          else if (shapiro.test(lm(dataFrame[, 
                            selected[i]] ~ by1)$residuals)$p.value < 
                            assumption.p.value | bartlett.test(dataFrame[, 
                            selected[i]] ~ by1)$p.value < assumption.p.value) {
                            selected.iqr <- c(selected.iqr, selected[i])
                        else {
                          sampled.shapiro <- sample(lm(dataFrame[, 
                            selected[i]] ~ by1)$residuals, 250)
                          if (shapiro.test(sampled.shapiro)$p.value < 
                            assumption.p.value | bartlett.test(dataFrame[, 
                            selected[i]] ~ by1)$p.value < assumption.p.value) {
                            selected.iqr <- c(selected.iqr, selected[i])
            else {
                selected.iqr <- NULL
        table2 <- NULL
        if (sample.size) {
            if (test) {
                if (name.test) {
                  if (total.column) {
                    table2 <- rbind(c(table(by1), length(by1), 
                      "", ""), c(rep("", length(table(by1)) + 
                      1), "", ""))
                    colnames(table2)[ncol(table2) - (2:0)] <- c("Total", 
                      "Test stat.", "P value")
                  else {
                    table2 <- rbind(c(table(by1), "", ""), c(rep("", 
                      length(table(by1))), "", ""))
                    colnames(table2)[ncol(table2) - (1:0)] <- c("Test stat.", 
                      "P value")
                else {
                  if (total.column) {
                    table2 <- rbind(c(table(by1), length(by1), 
                      ""), c(rep("", length(table(by1)) + 1), 
                      "", ""))
                    colnames(table2)[ncol(table2) - (1:0)] <- c("Total", 
                      "P value")
                  else {
                    table2 <- rbind(c(table(by1), ""), c(rep("", 
                      length(table(by1))), ""))
                    colnames(table2)[ncol(table2)] <- "P value"
            else {
                total.column <- FALSE
                table2 <- rbind(table(by1), "")
        for (i in 1:length(selected)) {
            if (is.factor(dataFrame[, selected[i]]) | is.logical(dataFrame[, 
                selected[i]]) | is.character(dataFrame[, selected[i]])) {
                x0 <- table(dataFrame[, selected[i]], by1)
                if (total.column) {
                  x <- addmargins(x0, margin = 2)
                else {
                  x <- x0
                nr <- nrow(x)
                nc <- ncol(x0)
                sr <- rowSums(x0)
                if (any(sr == 0)) {
                  stop(paste(names(dataFrame)[selected[i]], " has zero count in at least one row"))
                sc <- colSums(x0)
                if (any(sc == 0)) {
                  stop(paste(names(dataFrame)[selected[i]], " has zero count in at least one column"))
                x.row.percent <- round(x/rowSums(x0) * 100, decimal)
                table0 <- x
                if (nrow(x) == 2 & prevalence) {
                  table00 <- addmargins(x, margin = 1)
                  table0 <- paste(table00[2, ], "/", table00[3, 
                    ], " (", round(table00[2, ]/table00[3, ] * 
                    100, decimal), "%)", sep = "")
                  table0 <- t(table0)
                  rownames(table0) <- "  prevalence"
                else {
                  if (any(percent == "column")) {
                    x.col.percent <- round(t(t(x)/colSums(x)) * 
                      100, decimal)
                    x.col.percent1 <- matrix(paste(x, " (", x.col.percent, 
                      ")", sep = ""), nrow(x), ncol(x))
                    if (!frequency) {
                      x.col.percent1 <- x.col.percent
                    table0 <- x.col.percent1
                  else {
                    if (any(percent == "row")) {
                      x.row.percent <- round(x/rowSums(x0) * 
                        100, decimal)
                      x.row.percent1 <- matrix(paste(x, " (", 
                        x.row.percent, ")", sep = ""), nrow(x), 
                      if (!frequency) {
                        x.row.percent1 <- x.row.percent
                      table0 <- x.row.percent1
                  rownames(table0) <- paste("  ", rownames(x))
                  colnames(table0) <- colnames(x)
                if (test) {
                  E <- outer(sr, sc, "*")/sum(x0)
                  dim(E) <- NULL
                  if ((sum(E < 5))/length(E) > 0.2 & nrow(dataFrame) < 
                    1000) {
                    test.method <- "Fisher's exact test"
                    p.value <- fisher.test(x0, simulate.p.value = simulate.p.value)$p.value
                  else {
                    test.method <- paste("Chisq. (", suppressWarnings(chisq.test(x0)$parameter), 
                      " df) = ", suppressWarnings(round(chisq.test(x0, correct = FALSE)$statistic, 
                        decimal + 1)), sep = "")
                    p.value <- suppressWarnings(chisq.test(x0, correct = FALSE)$p.value)
            if (is.numeric(dataFrame[, selected[i]])) {
                if (any(selected.iqr == selected[i])) {
                  term1 <- NULL
                  term2 <- NULL
                  term3 <- NULL
                  for (j in 1:(length(levels(by1)))) {
                    term1 <- c(term1, quantile(dataFrame[by1 == 
                      levels(by1)[j], selected[i]], na.rm = TRUE)[3])
                    term2 <- c(term2, quantile(dataFrame[by1 == 
                      levels(by1)[j], selected[i]], na.rm = TRUE)[2])
                    term3 <- c(term3, quantile(dataFrame[by1 == 
                      levels(by1)[j], selected[i]], na.rm = TRUE)[4])
                  if (total.column) {
                    term1 <- c(term1, quantile(dataFrame[, selected[i]], 
                      na.rm = TRUE)[3])
                    term2 <- c(term2, quantile(dataFrame[, selected[i]], 
                      na.rm = TRUE)[2])
                    term3 <- c(term3, quantile(dataFrame[, selected[i]], 
                      na.rm = TRUE)[4])
                  term.numeric <- paste(round(term1, decimal), 
                    " (", round(term2, decimal), ",", round(term3, 
                      decimal), ")", sep = "")
                  term.numeric <- t(term.numeric)
                  rownames(term.numeric) <- "  median(IQR)"
                else {
                  term1 <- as.vector(tapply(X = dataFrame[, selected[i]], 
                    INDEX = list(by1), FUN = "mean", na.rm = TRUE))
                  if (total.column) {
                    term1 <- c(term1, mean(dataFrame[, selected[i]], 
                      na.rm = TRUE))
                  term2 <- as.vector(tapply(X = dataFrame[, selected[i]], 
                    INDEX = list(by1), FUN = "sd", na.rm = TRUE))
                  if (total.column) {
                    term2 <- c(term2, sd(dataFrame[, selected[i]], 
                      na.rm = TRUE))
                  term.numeric <- paste(round(term1, decimal), 
                    " (", round(term2, decimal), ")", sep = "")
                  term.numeric <- t(term.numeric)
                  rownames(term.numeric) <- "  mean(SD)"
                table0 <- term.numeric
                if (test) {
                  if (any(as.integer(table(by1[!is.na(dataFrame[, 
                    selected[i]])])) < 3) | length(table(by1)) > 
                    length(table(by1[!is.na(dataFrame[, selected[i]])]))) {
                    test.method <- paste("Sample too small: group", 
                        selected[i]])])) < 3), collapse = " "))
                    p.value <- NA
                  else {
                    if (any(selected.iqr == selected[i])) {
                      if (length(levels(by1)) > 2) {
                        test.method <- "Kruskal-Wallis test"
                        p.value <- kruskal.test(dataFrame[, selected[i]] ~ 
                      else {
                        test.method <- "Ranksum test"
                        p.value <- wilcox.test(dataFrame[, selected[i]] ~ 
                          by1, exact = FALSE)$p.value
                    else {
                      if (length(levels(by1)) > 2) {
                        test.method <- paste("ANOVA F-test (", 
                          anova(lm(dataFrame[, selected[i]] ~ 
                            by1))[1, 1], ", ", anova(lm(dataFrame[, 
                            selected[i]] ~ by1))[2, 1], " df) = ", 
                          round(anova(lm(dataFrame[, selected[i]] ~ 
                            by1))[1, 4], decimal + 1), sep = "")
                        p.value <- anova(lm(dataFrame[, selected[i]] ~ 
                          by1))[1, 5]
                      else {
                        test.method <- paste("t-test", paste(" (", 
                          t.test(dataFrame[, selected[i]] ~ by1, 
                            var.equal = TRUE)$parameter, " df)", 
                          sep = ""), "=", round(abs(t.test(dataFrame[, 
                          selected[i]] ~ by1, var.equal = TRUE)$statistic), 
                          decimal + 1))
                        p.value <- t.test(dataFrame[, selected[i]] ~ 
                          by1, var.equal = TRUE)$p.value
            if (test) {
                if (name.test) {
                  label.row <- c(rep("", length(levels(by1)) + 
                    total.column), test.method, ifelse(p.value < 
                    0.001, "< 0.001", round(p.value, decimal + 
                  label.row <- t(label.row)
                  if (total.column) {
                    colnames(label.row) <- c(levels(by1), "Total", 
                      "Test stat.", "P value")
                  else {
                    colnames(label.row) <- c(levels(by1), "Test stat.", 
                      "P value")
                  table0 <- cbind(table0, "", "")
                  blank.row <- rep("", length(levels(by1)) + 
                    total.column + 2)
                else {
                  label.row <- c(rep("", length(levels(by1)) + 
                    total.column), ifelse(p.value < 0.001, "< 0.001", 
                    round(p.value, decimal + 2)))
                  label.row <- t(label.row)
                  if (total.column) {
                    colnames(label.row) <- c(levels(by1), "Total", 
                      "P value")
                  else {
                    colnames(label.row) <- c(levels(by1), "P value")
                  table0 <- cbind(table0, "")
                  blank.row <- rep("", length(levels(by1)) + 
                    total.column + 1)
            else {
                label.row <- c(rep("", length(levels(by1)) + 
                label.row <- t(label.row)
                if (total.column) {
                  colnames(label.row) <- c(levels(by1), "Total")
                else {
                  colnames(label.row) <- c(levels(by1))
                blank.row <- rep("", length(levels(by1)) + total.column)
            if (var.labels) {
                rownames(label.row) <- ifelse(!is.null(attributes(dataFrame)$var.labels[selected][i]), 
                rownames(label.row) <- ifelse(rownames(label.row) == 
                  "", names(dataFrame[selected[i]]), rownames(label.row))
            else {
                rownames(label.row) <- paste(selected[i], ":", 
            if (!is.logical(dataFrame[, selected[i]])) {
                if (prevalence & length(levels(dataFrame[, selected[i]])) == 
                  2) {
                  rownames(label.row) <- paste(rownames(label.row), 
                    "=", levels(dataFrame[, selected[i]])[2])
            blank.row <- t(blank.row)
            rownames(blank.row) <- ""
            table2 <- rbind(table2, label.row, table0, blank.row)
        if (sample.size) {
            rownames(table2)[1:2] <- c("Total", "")
        class(table2) <- c("tableStack", "table")

# Print tableStack 

print.tableStack <- 
function (x, ...)

## Print matchTab
print.matchTab <- function(x, ...) {
cat(paste("Exposure status:", x$exposure.var.name,
            "=", x$highest.exposure.level, "\n", "\n"))
cat("Total number of match sets in the tabulation =", x$total.match.sets,
        "\n", "\n")
for (i in x$control.per.case) {
        cat( paste("Number of controls =", as.character(i), "\n"))
        print(x$matchTable[, 1:(as.integer(i) + 1), i])
cat(paste("Odds ratio by Mantel-Haenszel method =",
                round(x$mhor, x$decimal), "\n", "\n"))

cat(paste("Odds ratio by maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) method =",
            round(x$mleor, x$decimal), "\n", "95%CI=", round(x$ci95.mleor[1],
                x$decimal), ",", round(x$ci95.mleor[2], x$decimal), "\n", "\n"))

## statStack 
statStack <-
function (cont.var, by, dataFrame, iqr="auto", var.labels = TRUE, 
    decimal = 1, assumption.p.value = .01) 
    nl <- as.list(1:ncol(dataFrame))
    names(nl) <- names(dataFrame)
    Cont.var <- eval(substitute(cont.var), nl, parent.frame())# colu variable
    By.vars <- eval(substitute(by), nl, parent.frame()) # row variables
    if (!inherits(dataFrame[,Cont.var],"numeric") &
        !inherits(dataFrame[,Cont.var], "integer")){
        stop(paste("The variable to compute statistics must be numeric or integer. ",
        "'",names(dataFrame)[Cont.var],"'", " is not.", sep=""))
    for(i in By.vars){
    if (!inherits(dataFrame[,i],"factor")){
        stop(paste("All 'by' variables must be 'factor'. ",
        "'",names(dataFrame)[i],"'", " is not.", sep=""))
    stack <- NULL
    for(i in By.vars){
      tStack <- tableStack(Cont.var, by=i
      , iqr=iqr, test=TRUE, name.test=TRUE,
      sample.size=TRUE,var.labels=var.labels, decimal=decimal,
      dataFrame=dataFrame, assumption.p.value =assumption.p.value
      ncol.tStack <- ncol(tStack)
      stack <- rbind(stack, 
      c(ifelse(!is.null(attr(dataFrame, "var.labels")[i]),
               ifelse(attr(dataFrame, "var.labels")[i]=="", names(dataFrame)[i],attr(dataFrame, "var.labels")[i]),
      colnames(stack)[c(ncol(stack)-1,ncol(stack))] <- c("Test","P value")
      stack <- rbind(stack, rep("",ncol(stack)))              
        class(stack) <- c("statStack", "table")

## Print statStack
print.statStack <-
function (x, ...) print.table(noquote((x)))

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