Man pages for ergm
Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks

absdiffcat-ergmTerm-5b2a4b77Categorical absolute difference in nodal attribute
absdiff-ergmTerm-9fc8de5aAbsolute difference in nodal attribute
altkstar-ergmTerm-201bf7a6Alternating k-star
anova.ergmANOVA for ERGM Fits
approx.hotelling.diff.testApproximate Hotelling T^2-Test for One or Two Population... a Simple Random network of a Given Size
as.rlebdm.ergm_conlistExtract dyad-level ERGM constraint information into an...
asymmetric-ergmTerm-da585369Asymmetric dyads
atleast-ergmTerm-1b0585b0Number of dyads with values greater than or equal to a...
atmost-ergmTerm-145d3defNumber of dyads with values less than or equal to a threshold
attrcov-ergmTerm-a2d6aeefEdge covariate by attribute pairing
b1concurrent-ergmTerm-b6d8305eConcurrent node count for the first mode in a bipartite...
b1cov-ergmTerm-a16e8340Main effect of a covariate for the first mode in a bipartite...
b1degrange-ergmTerm-ae4dbc10Degree range for the first mode in a bipartite network
b1degree-ergmTerm-b23eca4dDegree for the first mode in a bipartite network
b1degrees-ergmConstraint-34a58d68Preserve the actor degree for bipartite networks
b1dsp-ergmTerm-f3ebeba1Dyadwise shared partners for dyads in the first bipartition
b1factor-ergmTerm-ad0d3a93Factor attribute effect for the first mode in a bipartite...
b1mindegree-ergmTerm-f69f807cMinimum degree for the first mode in a bipartite network
b1nodematch-ergmTerm-110b470eNodal attribute-based homophily effect for the first mode in...
b1star-ergmTerm-24b65fe7k-stars for the first mode in a bipartite network
b1starmix-ergmTerm-e8fb79b6Mixing matrix for k-stars centered on the first mode of a...
b1twostar-ergmTerm-3ca58d12Two-star census for central nodes centered on the first mode...
b2concurrent-ergmTerm-c72bf19aConcurrent node count for the second mode in a bipartite...
b2cov-ergmTerm-abbfac55Main effect of a covariate for the second mode in a bipartite...
b2degrange-ergmTerm-d16c3697Degree range for the second mode in a bipartite network
b2degree-ergmTerm-20b6a8eeDegree for the second mode in a bipartite network
b2degrees-ergmConstraint-2b170be6Preserve the receiver degree for bipartite networks
b2dsp-ergmTerm-e9e03312Dyadwise shared partners for dyads in the second bipartition
b2factor-ergmTerm-bed2c507Factor attribute effect for the second mode in a bipartite...
b2mindegree-ergmTerm-3b15466dMinimum degree for the second mode in a bipartite network
b2nodematch-ergmTerm-126ff8a2Nodal attribute-based homophily effect for the second mode in...
b2star-ergmTerm-76adb9afk-stars for the second mode in a bipartite network
b2starmix-ergmTerm-391186ebMixing matrix for k-stars centered on the second mode of a...
b2twostar-ergmTerm-ca7ec3bbTwo-star census for central nodes centered on the second mode...
balance-ergmTerm-9111bd77Balanced triads
bd-ergmConstraint-54194cbbConstrain maximum and minimum vertex degree
BDStratTNT-ergmProposal-688ae434TNT proposal with degree bounds, stratification, and a blocks...
B-ergmTerm-1e2e5333Wrap binary terms for use in valued models
Bernoulli-ergmReference-d4c68fccBernoulli reference
blockdiag-ergmConstraint-140bec05Block-diagonal structure constraint
blocks-ergmConstraint-6ef7822cConstrain blocks of dyads defined by mixing type on a vertex...
call.ErgmTermLocate and call an ERGM term initialization function.
check.ErgmTermEnsures an Ergm Term and its Arguments Meet Appropriate...
cohabTarget statistics and model fit to a hypothetical 50,000-node...
coincidence-ergmTerm-58ca78ccCoincident node count for the second mode in a bipartite (aka...
concurrent-ergmTerm-a0121891Concurrent node count
concurrentties-ergmTerm-8ccb08e6Concurrent tie count
CondB1Degree-ergmProposal-7a475c2aMHp for b1degree constraints
CondB2Degree-ergmProposal-5d8af849MHp for b2degree constraints
CondDegreeDist-ergmProposal-34ad190dMHp for degreedist constraints
CondDegree-ergmProposal-7eb103fcMHp for degree constraints
CondDegreeMix-ergmProposal-ebac6940MHp for degree mix constraints
CondInDegreeDist-ergmProposal-eaba12acMHp for idegreedist constraints
CondInDegree-ergmProposal-b2ca9c42MHp for idegree constraints
CondOutDegreeDist-ergmProposal-70b19fecMHp for odegreedist constraints
CondOutDegree-ergmProposal-99f320aaMHp for odegree constraints
ConstantEdges-ergmProposal-86c42078MHp for edges constraints
control.ergmAuxiliary function for fine-tuning ERGM fitting.
control.ergm.bridgeAuxiliaries for Controlling 'ergm.bridge.llr()' and...
control.ergm.godfatherControl parameters for 'ergm.godfather()'.
control.gofAuxiliary for Controlling ERGM Goodness-of-Fit Evaluation
control.sanAuxiliary for Controlling SAN
control.simulate.ergmAuxiliary for Controlling ERGM Simulation
ctriple-ergmTerm-9ad4f7cdCyclic triples
Curve-ergmTerm-a37fe1f0Impose a curved structure on term parameters
cycle-ergmTerm-20398683k-Cycle Census
cyclicalties-ergmTerm-636eecc3Cyclical ties
cyclicalweights-ergmTerm-994a6687Cyclical weights
degcor-ergmTerm-b501a3c7Degree Correlation
degcrossprod-ergmTerm-fb36e593Degree Cross-Product
degrange-ergmTerm-e31fe592Degree range
degree15-ergmTerm-ea15bf13Degree to the 3/2 power
degreedistComputes and Returns the Degree Distribution Information for...
degreedist-ergmConstraint-9d661be6Preserve the degree distribution of the given network
degrees-ergmConstraint-602e0f0dPreserve the degree of each vertex of the given network
DiscUnif-ergmReference-94b67a89Discrete Uniform reference
dsp-ergmTerm-1a10473dDirected dyadwise shared partners
dyadcov-ergmTerm-5fba5404Dyadic covariate
dyadnoise-ergmConstraint-03418976A soft constraint to adjust the sampled distribution for...
Dyads-ergmConstraint-3aee3115Constrain fixed or varying dyad-independent terms
dyads-ergmConstraint-d98f9f81A meta-constraint indicating handling of arbitrary dyadic...
ecoliTwo versions of an E. Coli network dataset
edgecov-ergmTerm-1fb5ef19Edge covariate
edges-ergmConstraint-dc999be9Preserve the edge count of the given network
edges-ergmTerm-dc999be9Number of edges in the network
egocentric-ergmConstraint-60aa4e0bPreserve values of dyads incident on vertices with given...
enformulate.curved-deprecatedConvert a curved ERGM into a form suitable as initial values...
equalto-ergmTerm-c31f7686Number of dyads with values equal to a specific value (within...
ergmExponential-Family Random Graph Models
ergm.allstatsCalculate all possible vectors of statistics on a network for...
ergm_bd_initInitializes the parameters to bound degree during sampling
ergm.bridge.llrBridge sampling to evaluate ERGM log-likelihoods and...
ergmConstraintSample Space Constraints for Exponential-Family Random Graph...
ergm_Cstate_clearDeallocate the C data structures corresponding to an...
ergm_cutoff_messageHelper function for constructing gw* cutoff error messages
ergm-defunctFunctions that have been removed from this package
ergm-deprecatedFunctions that will no longer be supported in future releases...
ergm.designObtain the set of informative dyads based on the network...
ergm_dyadgen_selectA helper function to select and construct a dyad generator...
ergm_edgecov_argsA common pattern for obtaining an edge covariate
ergm-errorsSensible error and warning messages by 'ergm' initializers
ergm.estfunCompute the Sample Estimating Function Values of an ERGM.
ergm.etaOperations to map curved 'ergm()' parameters onto canonical...
ergm.geodistdistCalculate geodesic distance distribution for a network or...
ergm.getnetworkAcquire and verify the network from the LHS of an 'ergm'...
ergm.godfatherA function to apply a given series of changes to a network.
ergm_GWDECAYCurved settings for geometric weights for the gw* terms
ergmHintMCMC Hints for Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
ergm-internalInternal ergm Objects
ergm_keywordDynamic ERGM keyword registry
ergmKeywordKeywords defined for Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
ergmlhsAn API for specifying aspects of an 'ergm' model in the...
ergm_MCMC_sampleInternal Function to Sample Networks and Network Statistics
ergm_mk_std_op_namewrapCombine an operator term's and a subterm's name in a standard...
ergm_modelInternal representation of an 'ergm' network model
ergm.mpleFind a maximizer to the psuedolikelihood function
ergmMPLEERGM Predictors and response for logistic regression...
ergm-optionsGlobal options and term options for the 'ergm' package
ergm-packageergm: Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models...
ergm-parallelParallel Processing in the 'ergm' Package
ergm_plot.mcmc.listPlot MCMC list using 'lattice' package graphics
ergm_preprocess_responseUpdate the network and the response argument.
ergm_propagate_ext.encodeExtended states for submodels
ergm_proposalFunctions to initialize the ergm_proposal object
ergmProposalMetropolis-Hastings Proposal Methods for ERGM MCMC
ergm_proposal_tableTable mapping reference,constraints, etc. to ERGM...
ergmReferenceReference Measures for Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
ergm_SAN_slaveInternal Function to Perform Simulated Annealing
ergm_stateA Representation of ERGM state
ergm_state_cacheA rudimentary cache for large objects
ergm_symmetrizeReturn a symmetrized version of a binary network
ergmTermTerms used in Exponential Family Random Graph Models
esp-ergmTerm-d2e07fc8Directed edgewise shared partners
Exp-ergmTerm-2a7372d1Exponentiate a network's statistic
faux.desert.highFaux desert High School as a network object
faux.dixon.highFaux dixon High School as a network object
faux.magnolia.highGoodreau's Faux Magnolia High School as a network object
faux.mesa.highGoodreau's Faux Mesa High School as a network object
F-ergmTerm-1029798aFiltering on arbitrary one-term model
fixallbut-ergmConstraint-ea96b2e0Preserve the dyad status in all but the given edges
fix.curvedConvert a curved ERGM into a corresponding "fixed" ERGM.
fixedas-ergmConstraint-3f69c25bFix specific dyads
florentineFlorentine Family Marriage and Business Ties Data as a...
For-ergmTerm-f403b433A 'for' operator for terms
g4Goodreau's four node network as a "network" object
get.node.attrRetrieve and check assumptions about vertex attributes (nodal...
geweke.diag.mvMultivariate version of 'coda"s 'coda::geweke.diag()'.
gofConduct Goodness-of-Fit Diagnostics on a Exponential Family...
greaterthan-ergmTerm-6b8cc380Number of dyads with values strictly greater than a threshold
gwb1degree-ergmTerm-847064c5Geometrically weighted degree distribution for the first mode...
gwb1dsp-ergmTerm-0bf628f4Geometrically weighted dyadwise shared partner distribution...
gwb2degree-ergmTerm-584e787cGeometrically weighted degree distribution for the second...
gwb2dsp-ergmTerm-2d408a5dGeometrically weighted dyadwise shared partner distribution...
gwdegree-ergmTerm-b4e39ca9Geometrically weighted degree distribution
gwdsp-ergmTerm-4e3dfd97Geometrically weighted dyadwise shared partner distribution
gwesp-ergmTerm-3d6fb5a8Geometrically weighted edgewise shared partner distribution
gwidegree-ergmTerm-b37ed894Geometrically weighted in-degree distribution
gwnsp-ergmTerm-6def2a32Geometrically weighted non-edgewise shared partner...
gwodegree-ergmTerm-276e606cGeometrically weighted out-degree distribution
hamming-ergmConstraint-82ea89b9Preserve the hamming distance to the given network (BROKEN:...
hamming-ergmTerm-82ea89b9Hamming distance
idegrange-ergmTerm-03001d90In-degree range
idegree15-ergmTerm-b83b1a3aIn-degree to the 3/2 power
idegreedist-ergmConstraint-98f28449Preserve the indegree distribution
idegrees-ergmConstraint-04ab7684Preserve indegree for directed networks
ininterval-ergmTerm-e9384dccNumber of dyads whose values are in an interval
intransitive-ergmTerm-4a599cadIntransitive triads
is.curvedTesting for curved exponential family
is.dyad.independentTesting for dyad-independence
isolatededges-ergmTerm-78b32353Isolated edges
is.valuedFunction to check whether an ERGM fit or some aspect of it is...
kapfererKapferer's tailor shop data
Label-ergmTerm-6de33f4eModify terms' coefficient names
localtriangle-ergmTerm-8ca12415Triangles within neighborhoods
Log-ergmTerm-f1bed869Take a natural logarithm of a network's statistic
logLik.ergmA 'logLik()' method for 'ergm' fits.
logLikNullCalculate the null model likelihood
m2star-ergmTerm-bff0f16eMixed 2-stars, a.k.a 2-paths
mcmc.diagnosticsConduct MCMC diagnostics on a model fit
meandeg-ergmTerm-f81357a5Mean vertex degree
mm-ergmTerm-0264ed3fMixing matrix cells and margins
moleculeSynthetic network with 20 nodes and 28 edges
nearsimmelian-ergmTerm-ba85787eNear simmelian triads
network.listA convenience container for a list of 'network' objects,...
nodal_attributesSpecifying nodal attributes and their levels
nodal_attributes-APIHelper functions for specifying nodal attribute levels
nodecovar-ergmTerm-35c93a8bCovariance of undirected dyad values incident on each actor
nodecov-ergmTerm-e6fb5c28Main effect of a covariate
nodefactor-ergmTerm-6bea11f2Factor attribute effect
nodeicovar-ergmTerm-06cfbce0Covariance of in-dyad values incident on each actor
nodeicov-ergmTerm-02d64b5bMain effect of a covariate for in-edges
nodeifactor-ergmTerm-7604a73eFactor attribute effect for in-edges
nodematch-ergmTerm-b316dba4Uniform homophily and differential homophily
NodematchFilter-ergmTerm-8bd022b9Filtering on nodematch
nodemix-ergmTerm-4723046cNodal attribute mixing
nodeocovar-ergmTerm-1fd42ee5Covariance of out-dyad values incident on each actor
nodeocov-ergmTerm-3b42993aMain effect of a covariate for out-edges
nodeofactor-ergmTerm-8944a896Factor attribute effect for out-edges
nparamLength of the parameter vector associated with an object or...
nsp-ergmTerm-4586ea4fDirected non-edgewise shared partners
nvattr.copy.networkCopy network- and vertex-level attributes between two network...
observed-ergmConstraint-40f366edPreserve the observed dyads of the given network
odegrange-ergmTerm-a29a08d0Out-degree range
odegree15-ergmTerm-8ee8801bOut-degree to the 3/2 power
odegreedist-ergmConstraint-692ae020Preserve the outdegree distribution
odegrees-ergmConstraint-43961eb5Preserve outdegree for directed networks
Offset-ergmTerm-b7b3ddc4Terms with fixed coefficients
opentriad-ergmTerm-f67c1cacOpen triads
param_namesNames of the parameters associated with an object.
predict.formulaERGM-based tie probabilities
Prod-ergmTerm-1bd03b4fA product (or an arbitrary power combination) of one or more...
randomtoggle-ergmProposal-cb2c53faPropose a randomly selected dyad to toggle
rank_test.ergmA lack-of-fit test for ERGMs
receiver-ergmTerm-1f82207aReceiver effect
rlebdmRLE-Compressed Boolean Dyad Matrix
samplkLongitudinal networks of positive affection within a...
sampsonCumulative network of positive affection within a monastery...
sanGenerate networks with a given set of network statistics
search.ergmTermsSearch ERGM terms, constraints, references, hints, and...
sender-ergmTerm-e4dff00fSender effect
S-ergmTerm-28cff48dEvaluation on an induced subgraph
shrink_into_CHIdentify the position of a point relative to the convex hull...
simmelian-ergmTerm-15e60325Simmelian triads
simmelianties-ergmTerm-3361aef9Ties in simmelian triads
simulate.ergmDraw from the distribution of an Exponential Family Random...
simulate.formulaA 'simulate' Method for 'formula' objects that dispatches...
smalldiff-ergmTerm-11cc89adNumber of ties between actors with similar attribute values
smallerthan-ergmTerm-33549cddNumber of dyads with values strictly smaller than a threshold
snctrlStatnet Control
sociality-ergmTerm-ecb55eaaUndirected degree
sparse-ergmHint-ebcaba30Sparse network
SPDyad-ergmProposal-28f18e81A proposal alternating between TNT and a triad-focused...
spectrum0.mvarMultivariate version of 'coda"s ''.
StdNormal-ergmReference-e2f0c57cStandard Normal reference
strat-ergmHint-468d7d5eStratify Proposed Toggles by Mixing Type on a Vertex...
sum-ergmTerm-304f882fSum of dyad values (optionally taken to a power)
Sum-ergmTerm-fe08cb7fA sum (or an arbitrary linear combination) of one or more...
summary.ergmSummarizing ERGM Model Fits
summary.ergm_modelEvaluate network summary statistics from an initialized ergm...
summary_formulaDispatching a summary function based on the class of the LHS...
summary.formulaCalculation of network or graph statistics or other...
Symmetrize-ergmTerm-61cab8acEvaluation on symmetrized (undirected) network
TNT-ergmProposal-6a5bc996Default MH algorithm
to_ergm_CdoubleMethods to serialize objects into numeric vectors for passing...
transitive-ergmTerm-838987d1Transitive triads
transitiveties-ergmTerm-3382c137Transitive ties
transitiveweights-ergmTerm-7797c57bTransitive weights
triadcensus-ergmTerm-6a6bbd87Triad census
triadic-ergmHint-b01cc436Network with strong clustering (triad-closure) effects
tripercent-ergmTerm-a932d91aTriangle percentage
ttriple-ergmTerm-db2252b3Transitive triples
Unif-ergmReference-2d53092dContinuous Uniform reference
update.networkUpdate the edges in a network based on a matrix
wrap.ergm_modelWrap a submodel's curved, empty network statistics, and...
wtd.medianWeighted Median
ergm documentation built on Oct. 7, 2024, 5:08 p.m.