## sinh(log(y))
logh <- function(x) { 0.5 * (x - 1/x) }
buildTransformer <- function(inits, nbpars, dlist) {
par.transform <-
function(ind) {
xform <- dlist$inv.transforms[[ind]]
function(pars) {
names(par.transform) <- names(inits)[seq_len(nbpars)]
function(pars) {
function(item, par) { item(par) },
buildAuxParms <- function(aux, dlist) {
aux.transform <- list()
for (ind in seq_along(aux)) {
name <- names(aux)[[ind]]
if (!(name %in% dlist$pars)) {
aux.transform[[name]] <- aux[[ind]]
## Filter out warnings produced during fitting, when the optimiser visits
## parameters are on the boundary of the parameter space, as the optimiser will
## move on in these cases, and the message is unhelpful to users.
call_distfn_quiet <- function(fn, args){
res <- withCallingHandlers(, args),
warning=function(w) {
if (grepl(x = w$message, pattern = "NaNs produced"))
logLikFactory <- function(Y, X=0, weights, bhazard, rtrunc, dlist,
inits, dfns, aux, mx, fixedpars=NULL) {
pars <- inits
npars <- length(pars)
nbpars <- length(dlist$pars)
insert.locations <- setdiff(seq_len(npars), fixedpars)
## which are the subjects with known event times
event <- Y[,"status"] == 1
event.times <- Y[event, "time1"]
lcens.times <- Y[!event, "time2"]
rcens.times <- Y[!event, "time1"]
par.transform <- buildTransformer(inits, nbpars, dlist) <- buildAuxParms(aux, dlist)
do.bhazard <- any(bhazard > 0)
loglik <-, nrow(Y))
## the ... here is to work around optim
function(optpars, ...) {
pars[insert.locations] <- optpars <- pars
pars <- as.list(pars)
pars.event <- pars.nevent <- pars
if (npars > nbpars) {
beta <-[(nbpars+1):npars]
for (i in dlist$pars){
pars[[i]] <- pars[[i]] +
X[,mx[[i]],drop=FALSE] %*% beta[mx[[i]]]
pars.event[[i]] <- pars[[i]][event]
pars.nevent[[i]] <- pars[[i]][!event]
fnargs <- c(par.transform(pars),
fnargs.event <- c(par.transform(pars.event),
fnargs.nevent <- c(par.transform(pars.nevent),
## Generic survival model likelihood contributions
## Observed deaths
dargs <- fnargs.event
dargs$x <- event.times
dargs$log <- TRUE
logdens <- call_distfn_quiet(dfns$d, dargs)
## Left censoring times (upper bound for event time)
if (!all(event)){
pmaxargs <- fnargs.nevent
pmaxargs$q <- lcens.times # Inf if right-censored, giving pmax=1
pmax <- call_distfn_quiet(dfns$p, pmaxargs)
pmax[pmaxargs$q==Inf] <- 1 # in case user-defined function doesn't already do this
## Right censoring times (lower bound for event time)
pargs <- fnargs.nevent
pargs$q <- rcens.times
pmin <- call_distfn_quiet(dfns$p, pargs)
targs <- fnargs
## Left-truncation
targs$q <- Y[,"start"]
plower <- call_distfn_quiet(dfns$p, targs)
## Right-truncation
targs$q <- rtrunc
pupper <- call_distfn_quiet(dfns$p, targs)
pupper[rtrunc==Inf] <- 1 # in case the user's function doesn't already do this
pobs <- pupper - plower # prob of being observed = 1 - 0 if no truncation
if (do.bhazard){
# Adjust for background hazard in relative survival models
pargs <- fnargs.event
pargs$q <- event.times
pminb <- call_distfn_quiet(dfns$p, pargs)
logsurv_excess <- log(1 - pminb)
loghaz_excess <- logdens - logsurv_excess
haz_excess <- exp(loghaz_excess)
logdens_offset <- log(1 + bhazard[event] / haz_excess) # = log(haz_allcause / haz_excess)
if (!all(event)) { # background survival S* and left or interval censoring
b_condsurv <- 1 - bhazard[!event] # this is S*(end) / S*(start)
b_condsurv[lcens.times==Inf] <- 0 # when end=Inf, i.e. right censoring
if (any(is.finite(rtrunc)))
stop("models with both right truncation and background hazards not supported")
} else {
logdens_offset <- 0
## Express as vector of individual likelihood contributions
loglik[event] <- (logdens + logdens_offset)
if (!all(event)){
if (do.bhazard)
loglik[!event] <- log((pmax - 1)*b_condsurv + 1 - pmin)
loglik[!event] <- log(pmax - pmin)
loglik <- loglik - log(pobs)
ret <- -sum(loglik*weights)
attr(ret, "indiv") <- loglik
minusloglik.flexsurv <- function(optpars, Y, X=0, weights, bhazard, rtrunc,
dlist, inits,
dfns, aux, mx, fixedpars=NULL) {
logLikFactory(Y=Y, X=X, weights=weights, bhazard=bhazard,
rtrunc=rtrunc, dlist=dlist, inits=inits,
dfns=dfns, aux=aux, mx=mx, fixedpars=fixedpars)(optpars)
parse.dist <- function(dist){
if (is.character(dist)) {
# Added: case insensitve matching of distributions
# Step 1: Use match.arg on lowercase argument, dists.
# Step 2: Use match to get index in distribution list from
# value obtained in step 1, and grab corresponding element.
dist <- match.arg(tolower(dist), tolower(names(flexsurv.dists)))
dist <- names(flexsurv.dists)[match(dist,tolower(names(flexsurv.dists)))]
dlist <- flexsurv.dists[[dist]]
else if (is.list(dist)) {
dlist <- check.dlist(dist)
else stop("\"dist\" should be a string for a built-in distribution, or a list for a custom distribution")
check.dlist <- function(dlist){
## put tests in testthat
if (is.null(dlist$name)) stop("\"name\" element of custom distribution list not given")
if (!is.character(dlist$name)) stop("\"name\" element of custom distribution list should be a string")
if (is.null(dlist$pars)) stop("parameter names \"pars\" not given in custom distribution list")
if (!is.character(dlist$pars)) stop("parameter names \"pars\" should be a character vector")
npars <- length(dlist$pars)
if (is.null(dlist$location)) {
warning("location parameter not given, assuming it is the first one")
dlist$location <- dlist$pars[1]
if (!(dlist$location %in% dlist$pars)) {
stop(sprintf("location parameter \"%s\" not in list of parameters", dlist$location))
if (is.null(dlist$transforms)) stop("transforms not given in custom distribution list")
if (is.null(dlist$inv.transforms)) stop("inverse transforms not given in custom distribution list")
if (!is.list(dlist$transforms)) stop("\"transforms\" must be a list of functions")
if (!is.list(dlist$inv.transforms)) stop("\"inv.transforms\" must be a list of functions")
if (!all(sapply(dlist$transforms, is.function))) stop("some of \"transforms\" are not functions")
if (!all(sapply(dlist$inv.transforms, is.function))) stop("some of \"inv.transforms\" are not functions")
if (length(dlist$transforms) != npars) stop("transforms vector of length ",length(dlist$transforms),", parameter names of length ",npars)
if (length(dlist$inv.transforms) != npars) stop("inverse transforms vector of length ",length(dlist$inv.transforms),", parameter names of length ",npars) #
for (i in 1:npars){
if (is.character(dlist$transforms[[i]])) dlist$transforms[[i]] <- get(dlist$transforms[[i]])
if (is.character(dlist$inv.transforms[[i]])) dlist$inv.transforms[[i]] <- get(dlist$inv.transforms[[i]])
if (!is.function(dlist$transforms[[i]])) stop("Transformation function for parameter ", i, " not defined")
if (!is.function(dlist$inv.transforms[[i]])) stop("Inverse transformation function for parameter ", i, " not defined")
if (!is.null(dlist$inits) && !is.function(dlist$inits)) stop("\"inits\" element of custom distribution list must be a function")
## Return formula for linear model on parameter called "par"
## Parameters should not have the same name as anything that might
## appear as a function in a formula (such as "I", "strata", or
## "factor"). If any parameters of the distribution being used are
## named like this, then such model functions will be interpreted as
## parameters and will not work
check.formula <- function(formula, dlist, data = NULL){
if (!inherits(formula,"formula")) stop("\"formula\" must be a formula object")
labs <- as.character(attr(terms(formula, data = data), "variables"))[-c(1,2)]
if (!("strata" %in% dlist$pars)){
strat <- grep("strata\\((.+)\\)",labs)
if (length(strat) > 0){
cov <- gsub("strata\\((.+)\\)","\\1",labs[strat[1]])
warning("Ignoring \"strata\" function: interpreting \"",cov, "\" as a covariate on \"", dlist$location, "\"")
if (!("frailty" %in% dlist$pars)){
fra <- grep("frailty\\((.+)\\)",labs)
if (length(fra) > 0){
stop("frailty models are not supported and behaviour of frailty() is undefined")
if (!("offset" %in% dlist$pars)){
fra <- grep("offset\\((.+)\\)",labs)
if (length(fra) > 0){
stop("offset() terms are not supported in formulae. To fit a model with a covariate coefficient fixed to 1, use the `inits` and `fixedpars` arguments")
check.fixedpars <- function(fixedpars, npars) {
if (!is.null(fixedpars) && !is.logical(fixedpars) &&
(!is.numeric(fixedpars) || !all(fixedpars %in% 1:npars))) {
dots <- if(npars>2) "...," else ""
stop("fixedpars must be TRUE/FALSE or a vector of indices in 1,",dots,npars)
anc_from_formula <- function(formula, anc, dlist,
msg = "\"anc\" must be a list of formulae",
data = NULL, loc_warn=TRUE) {
parnames <- dlist$pars
ancnames <- setdiff(parnames, dlist$location)
if (is.null(anc)){
anc <- vector(mode="list", length=length(ancnames))
names(anc) <- ancnames
for (i in ancnames){
anc[[i]] <- ancpar.formula(formula, i, data)
ancpar.formula(formula, dlist$location, data, location=TRUE)
else {
if (!is.list(anc) || !all(sapply(anc, function(x)inherits(x, "formula"))))
badnames <- names(anc)[!(names(anc) %in% dlist$pars)]
if (length(badnames) > 0) stop(sprintf("There is no parameter of distribution `%s` called `%s`",
dlist$name, badnames[1]))
## reorder components of anc to canonical order
anc <- anc[dlist$pars[dlist$pars %in% names(anc)]]
if (dlist$location %in% names(anc) && loc_warn)
warning(sprintf("Ignoring location parameter `%s` in ancillary formula", dlist$location))
ancpar.formula <- function(formula, par, data = NULL, location=FALSE){
labs <- attr(terms(formula, data = data), "term.labels")
pattern <- paste0(par,"\\((.+)\\)")
labs <- grep(pattern,labs,value=TRUE)
if (length(labs)==0) return(NULL)
else if (location)
warning(sprintf("Ignoring location parameter `%s` in ancillary formula", par))
labs <- gsub(pattern, "\\1", labs)
f2 <- reformulate(labs)
environment(f2) <- environment(formula)
## Omit formula terms containing ancillary parameters, leaving only
## the formula for the location parameter
get.locform <- function(formula, ancnames, data = NULL){
labs <- attr(terms(formula, data = data), "term.labels")
dropx <- unlist(lapply(ancnames, function(x){grep(paste0(x,"\\((.+)\\)"),labs)}))
formula(terms(formula, data = data)[c(0,setdiff(seq_along(labs),dropx))])
## Concatenate location formula (that includes Surv response term)
## with list of ancillary formulae, giving a merged formula to obtain
## the model frame
concat.formulae <- function(formula,forms, data = NULL){
covnames <- unlist(lapply(forms, function(x)attr(terms(x, data = data),"term.labels")))
covform <- if(length(covnames)==0) "1" else paste(covnames, collapse=" + ")
respname <- as.character(formula[2])
form <- paste0(respname, " ~ ", covform)
f2 <- eval(parse(text=form))
environment(f2) <- environment(formula)
## names of variables in the data, not the formula, with functions such as factor() stripped
## used for error message with incomplete "newdata" in summary()
covnames.bare <- unlist(lapply(forms, function(x)all.vars(delete.response(terms(x, data = data)))))
attr(f2, "covnames") <- covnames.bare
attr(f2, "covnames.orig") <- covnames
## User-supplied initial value functions don't have to include all
## four possible arguments: this expands them if they don't
#' @noRd
expand.inits.args <- function(inits){
inits2 <- inits
formals(inits2) <- alist(t=,mf=,mml=,aux=)
body(inits2) <- body(inits)
## User-supplied summary output functions don't have to include all
## two possible arguments: this expands them if they don't
#' @noRd
expand.summfn.args <- function(summfn){
summfn2 <- summfn
args <- c(alist(t=,start=), formals(summfn))
formals(summfn2) <- args[!duplicated(names(args))]
body(summfn2) <- body(summfn)
### On entry:
### event (status=1) time1=event time
### right-censoring (status=0) time1=lower bound
### left-censoring (status=2) time1=upper bound
### interval-censoring (status=3) time1=lower, time2=upper
### On exit
### time1=lower bound or event time
### time2=upper bound
### start=left truncation time
### so meaning of time1,time2 reversed with left-censoring
check.flexsurv.response <- function(Y){
if (!inherits(Y, "Surv"))
stop("Response must be a survival object")
### convert Y from Surv object to numeric matrix
type <- attr(Y, "type")
### though "time" only used for initial values, printed time at risk, empirical hazard
if (type == "counting")
Y <- cbind(Y, time=Y[,"stop"] - Y[,"start"], time1=Y[,"stop"], time2=Inf)
else if (type == "interval"){ # Surv() converts interval2 to interval
Y[,"time2"][Y[,"status"]==0] <- Inf # upper bound with right censoring
Y[,"time2"][Y[,"status"]==1] <- Y[,"time1"][Y[,"status"]==1] # event time
Y[,"time2"][Y[,"status"]==2] <- Y[,"time1"][Y[,"status"]==2]
Y[,"time1"][Y[,"status"]==2] <- 0 #
Y <- cbind(Y, start=0, stop=Y[,"time1"], time=Y[,"time1"])
else if (type == "right")
Y <- cbind(Y, start=0, stop=Y[,"time"], time1=Y[,"time"], time2=Inf)
else stop("Survival object type \"", attr(Y, "type"), "\"", " not supported")
if (any(Y[,"time1"]<0)){
stop("Negative survival times in the data")
attr(Y, "type") <- type
compress.model.matrices <- function(mml){
cbind.drop.intercept <- function(...)"cbind", lapply(list(...), function(x)x[,-1,drop=FALSE]))
X <-"cbind.drop.intercept",mml)
loc.cnames <- colnames(mml[[1]])[-1]
anc.cnames <- unlist(mapply(function(x,y)sprintf("%s(%s)",x,y), names(mml[-1]), lapply(mml[-1], function(x)colnames(x)[-1])))
cnames <- c(loc.cnames, anc.cnames)
colnames(X) <- cnames
##' Flexible parametric regression for time-to-event data
##' Parametric modelling or regression for time-to-event data. Several built-in
##' distributions are available, and users may supply their own.
##' Parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood using the algorithms
##' available in the standard R \code{\link{optim}} function. Parameters
##' defined to be positive are estimated on the log scale. Confidence intervals
##' are estimated from the Hessian at the maximum, and transformed back to the
##' original scale of the parameters.
##' The usage of \code{\link{flexsurvreg}} is intended to be similar to
##' \code{\link[survival]{survreg}} in the \pkg{survival} package.
##' @aliases flexsurvreg flexsurv.dists
##' @param formula A formula expression in conventional R linear modelling
##' syntax. The response must be a survival object as returned by the
##' \code{\link[survival]{Surv}} function, and any covariates are given on the
##' right-hand side. For example,
##' \code{Surv(time, dead) ~ age + sex}
##' \code{Surv} objects of \code{type="right"},\code{"counting"},
##' \code{"interval1"} or \code{"interval2"} are supported, corresponding to
##' right-censored, left-truncated or interval-censored observations.
##' If there are no covariates, specify \code{1} on the right hand side, for
##' example \code{Surv(time, dead) ~ 1}.
##' If the right hand side is specified as \code{.} all remaining variables are
##' included as covariates. For example, \code{Surv(time, dead) ~ .}
##' corresponds to \code{Surv(time, dead) ~ age + sex} if \code{data} contains
##' the variables \code{time}, \code{dead}, \code{age}, and \code{sex}.
##' By default, covariates are placed on the ``location'' parameter of the
##' distribution, typically the "scale" or "rate" parameter, through a linear
##' model, or a log-linear model if this parameter must be positive. This
##' gives an accelerated failure time model or a proportional hazards model
##' (see \code{dist} below) depending on how the distribution is
##' parameterised.
##' Covariates can be placed on other (``ancillary'') parameters by using the
##' name of the parameter as a ``function'' in the formula. For example, in a
##' Weibull model, the following expresses the scale parameter in terms of age
##' and a treatment variable \code{treat}, and the shape parameter in terms of
##' sex and treatment.
##' \code{Surv(time, dead) ~ age + treat + shape(sex) + shape(treat)}
##' However, if the names of the ancillary parameters clash with any real
##' functions that might be used in formulae (such as \code{I()}, or
##' \code{factor()}), then those functions will not work in the formula. A
##' safer way to model covariates on ancillary parameters is through the
##' \code{anc} argument to \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}.
##' \code{\link[survival]{survreg}} users should also note that the function
##' \code{strata()} is ignored, so that any covariates surrounded by
##' \code{strata()} are applied to the location parameter. Likewise the
##' function \code{frailty()} is not handled.
##' @param anc An alternative and safer way to model covariates on ancillary
##' parameters, that is, parameters other than the main location parameter of
##' the distribution. This is a named list of formulae, with the name of each
##' component giving the parameter to be modelled. The model above can also
##' be defined as:
##' \code{Surv(time, dead) ~ age + treat, anc = list(shape = ~ sex +
##' treat)}
##' @param data A data frame in which to find variables supplied in
##' \code{formula}. If not given, the variables should be in the
##' working environment.
##' @param weights Optional numeric variable giving weights for each
##' individual in the data. The fitted model is then defined by
##' maximising the weighted sum of the individual-specific log-likelihoods.
##' @param bhazard Optional variable giving expected hazards for relative
##' survival models. The model is described by Nelson et al. (2007).
##' \code{bhazard} should contain a vector of values for each person in
##' the data.
##' \itemize{
##' \item For people with observed events, \code{bhazard} refers to the
##' hazard at the observed event time.
##' \item For people whose event time is
##' left-censored or interval-censored, \code{bhazard} should contain the
##' probability of dying by the end of the corresponding interval,
##' conditionally on being alive at the start.
##' \item For people whose event time
##' is right-censored, the value of \code{bhazard} is ignored and does not
##' need to be specified.
##' }
##' If \code{bhazard} is supplied, then the parameter estimates returned by
##' \code{flexsurvreg} and the outputs returned by \code{summary.flexsurvreg}
##' describe the parametric model for relative survival.
##' For relative survival models, the log-likelihood returned by \code{flexsurvreg} is a partial
##' log-likelihood, which omits a constant term defined by the sum of the
##' cumulative hazards at the event or censoring time for each individual.
##' Hence this constant must be added if a full likelihood is needed.
##' @param rtrunc Optional variable giving individual-specific right-truncation
##' times. Used for analysing data with "retrospective ascertainment". For
##' example, suppose we want to estimate the distribution of the time from
##' onset of a disease to death, but have only observed cases known to have
##' died by the current date. In this case, times from onset to death for
##' individuals in the data are right-truncated by the current date minus the
##' onset date. Predicted survival times for new cases can then be described
##' by an un-truncated version of the fitted distribution.
##' These models can suffer from weakly identifiable parameters and
##' badly-behaved likelihood functions, and it is advised to compare
##' convergence for different initial values by supplying different
##' \code{inits} arguments to \code{flexsurvreg}.
##' @param subset Vector of integers or logicals specifying the subset of the
##' observations to be used in the fit.
##' @param na.action a missing-data filter function, applied after any 'subset'
##' argument has been used. Default is \code{options()$na.action}.
##' @param dist Typically, one of the strings in the first column of the
##' following table, identifying a built-in distribution. This table also
##' identifies the location parameters, and whether covariates on these
##' parameters represent a proportional hazards (PH) or accelerated failure
##' time (AFT) model. In an accelerated failure time model, the covariate
##' speeds up or slows down the passage of time. So if the coefficient
##' (presented on the log scale) is log(2), then doubling the covariate value
##' would give half the expected survival time.
##' \tabular{llll}{ \code{"gengamma"} \tab Generalized gamma (stable) \tab mu
##' \tab AFT \cr \code{"gengamma.orig"} \tab Generalized gamma (original) \tab
##' scale \tab AFT \cr \code{"genf"} \tab Generalized F (stable) \tab mu \tab
##' AFT \cr \code{"genf.orig"} \tab Generalized F (original) \tab mu \tab AFT
##' \cr \code{"weibull"} \tab Weibull \tab scale \tab AFT \cr \code{"gamma"}
##' \tab Gamma \tab rate \tab AFT \cr \code{"exp"} \tab Exponential \tab rate
##' \tab PH \cr \code{"llogis"} \tab Log-logistic \tab scale \tab AFT \cr
##' \code{"lnorm"} \tab Log-normal \tab meanlog \tab AFT \cr \code{"gompertz"}
##' \tab Gompertz \tab rate \tab PH \cr }
##' \code{"exponential"} and \code{"lognormal"} can be used as aliases for
##' \code{"exp"} and \code{"lnorm"}, for compatibility with
##' \code{\link[survival]{survreg}}.
##' Alternatively, \code{dist} can be a list specifying a custom distribution.
##' See section ``Custom distributions'' below for how to construct this list.
##' Very flexible spline-based distributions can also be fitted with
##' \code{\link{flexsurvspline}}.
##' The parameterisations of the built-in distributions used here are the same
##' as in their built-in distribution functions: \code{\link{dgengamma}},
##' \code{\link{dgengamma.orig}}, \code{\link{dgenf}},
##' \code{\link{dgenf.orig}}, \code{\link{dweibull}}, \code{\link{dgamma}},
##' \code{\link{dexp}}, \code{\link{dlnorm}}, \code{\link{dgompertz}},
##' respectively. The functions in base R are used where available,
##' otherwise, they are provided in this package.
##' A package vignette "Distributions reference" lists the survivor functions
##' and covariate effect parameterisations used by each built-in distribution.
##' For the Weibull, exponential and log-normal distributions,
##' \code{\link{flexsurvreg}} simply works by calling \code{\link[survival]{survreg}} to
##' obtain the maximum likelihood estimates, then calling \code{\link{optim}}
##' to double-check convergence and obtain the covariance matrix for
##' \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}'s preferred parameterisation.
##' The Weibull parameterisation is different from that in
##' \code{\link[survival]{survreg}}, instead it is consistent with
##' \code{\link{dweibull}}. The \code{"scale"} reported by
##' \code{\link[survival]{survreg}} is equivalent to \code{1/shape} as defined
##' by \code{\link{dweibull}} and hence \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}. The first
##' coefficient \code{(Intercept)} reported by \code{\link[survival]{survreg}}
##' is equivalent to \code{log(scale)} in \code{\link{dweibull}} and
##' \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}.
##' Similarly in the exponential distribution, the rate, rather than the mean,
##' is modelled on covariates.
##' The object \code{flexsurv.dists} lists the names of the built-in
##' distributions, their parameters, location parameter, functions used to
##' transform the parameter ranges to and from the real line, and the
##' functions used to generate initial values of each parameter for
##' estimation.
##' @param inits An optional numeric vector giving initial values for each
##' unknown parameter. These are numbered in the order: baseline parameters
##' (in the order they appear in the distribution function, e.g. shape before
##' scale in the Weibull), covariate effects on the location parameter,
##' covariate effects on the remaining parameters. This is the same order as
##' the printed estimates in the fitted model.
##' If not specified, default initial values are chosen from a simple summary
##' of the survival or censoring times, for example the mean is often used to
##' initialize scale parameters. See the object \code{flexsurv.dists} for the
##' exact methods used. If the likelihood surface may be uneven, it is
##' advised to run the optimisation starting from various different initial
##' values to ensure convergence to the true global maximum.
##' @param fixedpars Vector of indices of parameters whose values will be fixed
##' at their initial values during the optimisation. The indices are ordered
##' as in \code{inits}. For example, in a stable generalized Gamma model with
##' two covariates, to fix the third of three generalized gamma parameters
##' (the shape \code{Q}, see the help for \code{\link{GenGamma}}) and the
##' second covariate, specify \code{fixedpars = c(3, 5)}
##' @param dfns An alternative way to define a custom survival distribution (see
##' section ``Custom distributions'' below). A list whose components may
##' include \code{"d"}, \code{"p"}, \code{"h"}, or \code{"H"} containing the
##' probability density, cumulative distribution, hazard, or cumulative hazard
##' functions of the distribution. For example,
##' \code{list(d=dllogis, p=pllogis)}.
##' If \code{dfns} is used, a custom \code{dlist} must still be provided, but
##' \code{dllogis} and \code{pllogis} need not be visible from the global
##' environment. This is useful if \code{flexsurvreg} is called within other
##' functions or environments where the distribution functions are also
##' defined dynamically.
##' @param aux A named list of other arguments to pass to custom distribution
##' functions. This is used, for example, by \code{\link{flexsurvspline}} to
##' supply the knot locations and modelling scale (e.g. hazard or odds). This
##' cannot be used to fix parameters of a distribution --- use
##' \code{fixedpars} for that.
##' @param cl Width of symmetric confidence intervals for maximum likelihood
##' estimates, by default 0.95.
##' @param integ.opts List of named arguments to pass to
##' \code{\link{integrate}}, if a custom density or hazard is provided without
##' its cumulative version. For example,
##' \code{integ.opts = list(rel.tol=1e-12)}
##' @param sr.control For the models which use \code{\link[survival]{survreg}} to find the
##' maximum likelihood estimates (Weibull, exponential, log-normal), this list
##' is passed as the \code{control} argument to \code{\link[survival]{survreg}}.
##' @param ... Optional arguments to the general-purpose optimisation routine
##' \code{\link{optim}}. For example, the BFGS optimisation algorithm is the
##' default in \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}, but this can be changed, for example
##' to \code{method="Nelder-Mead"} which can be more robust to poor initial
##' values. If the optimisation fails to converge, consider normalising the
##' problem using, for example, \code{control=list(fnscale = 2500)}, for
##' example, replacing 2500 by a number of the order of magnitude of the
##' likelihood. If 'false' convergence is reported with a
##' non-positive-definite Hessian, then consider tightening the tolerance
##' criteria for convergence. If the optimisation takes a long time,
##' intermediate steps can be printed using the \code{trace} argument of the
##' control list. See \code{\link{optim}} for details.
##' @param hessian Calculate the covariances and confidence intervals for the
##' parameters. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
##' @param hess.control List of options to control covariance matrix computation.
##' Available options are:
##' \code{numeric}. If \code{TRUE} then numerical methods are used
##' to compute the Hessian for models where an analytic Hessian is
##' available. These models include the Weibull (both versions),
##' exponential, Gompertz and spline models with hazard or odds
##' scale. The default is to use the analytic Hessian for these
##' models. For all other models, numerical methods are always used
##' to compute the Hessian, whether or not this option is set.
##' \code{tol.solve}. The tolerance used for \code{\link{solve}}
##' when inverting the Hessian (default \code{.Machine$double.eps})
##' \code{tol.evalues} The accepted tolerance for negative
##' eigenvalues in the covariance matrix (default \code{1e-05}).
##' The Hessian is positive definite, thus invertible, at the maximum
##' likelihood. If the Hessian computed after optimisation convergence can't
##' be inverted, this is either because the converged result is not the
##' maximum likelihood (e.g. it could be a "saddle point"), or because the
##' numerical methods used to obtain the Hessian were inaccurate. If you
##' suspect that the Hessian was computed wrongly enough that it is not
##' invertible, but not wrongly enough that the nearest valid inverse would be
##' an inaccurate estimate of the covariance matrix, then these tolerance
##' values can be modified (reducing \code{tol.solve} or increasing
##' \code{tol.evalues}) to allow the inverse to be computed.
##' @return A list of class \code{"flexsurvreg"} containing information about
##' the fitted model. Components of interest to users may include:
##' \item{call}{A copy of the function call, for use in post-processing.}
##' \item{dlist}{List defining the survival distribution used.}
##' \item{res}{Matrix of maximum likelihood estimates and confidence limits,
##' with parameters on their natural scales.} \item{res.t}{Matrix of maximum
##' likelihood estimates and confidence limits, with parameters all
##' transformed to the real line (using a log transform for all built-in
##' models where this is necessary). The
##' \code{\link{coef}}, \code{\link{vcov}}
##' and \code{\link{confint}} methods for \code{flexsurvreg} objects work on
##' this scale.} \item{coefficients}{The transformed maximum likelihood
##' estimates, as in \code{res.t}. Calling \code{coef()} on a
##' \code{\link{flexsurvreg}} object simply returns this component.}
##' \item{loglik}{Log-likelihood. This will differ from Stata, where the sum
##' of the log uncensored survival times is added to the log-likelihood in
##' survival models, to remove dependency on the time scale.
##' For relative survival models specified with \code{bhazard}, this is a partial
##' log-likelihood which omits a constant term defined by the sum of the
##' cumulative hazards over all event or censoring times.
##' }
##' \item{logliki}{Vector of individual contributions to the log-likelihood}
##' \item{AIC}{Akaike's information criterion (-2*log likelihood + 2*number of
##' estimated parameters)} \item{cov}{Covariance matrix of the parameters, on
##' the real-line scale (e.g. log scale), which can be extracted with
##' \code{\link{vcov}}.} \item{data}{Data used in the model fit. To extract
##' this in the standard R formats, use use
##' \code{\link{model.frame.flexsurvreg}} or
##' \code{\link{model.matrix.flexsurvreg}}.}
##' @section Custom distributions: \code{\link{flexsurvreg}} is intended to be
##' easy to extend to handle new distributions. To define a new distribution
##' for use in \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}, construct a list with the following
##' elements:
##' \describe{ \item{\code{"name"}}{A string naming the distribution. If this
##' is called \code{"dist"}, for example, then there must be visible in the
##' working environment, at least, either
##' a) a function called \code{ddist} which defines the probability density,
##' or
##' b) a function called \code{hdist} which defines the hazard.
##' Ideally, in case a) there should also be a function called \code{pdist}
##' which defines the probability distribution or cumulative density, and in
##' case b) there should be a function called \code{Hdist} defining the
##' cumulative hazard. If these additional functions are not provided,
##' \pkg{flexsurv} attempts to automatically create them by numerically
##' integrating the density or hazard function. However, model fitting will
##' be much slower, or may not even work at all, if the analytic versions of
##' these functions are not available.
##' The functions must accept vector arguments (representing different times,
##' or alternative values for each parameter) and return the results as a
##' vector. The function \code{\link{Vectorize}} may be helpful for doing
##' this: see the example below.
##' These functions may be in an add-on package (see below for an example) or
##' may be user-written. If they are user-written they must be defined in the
##' global environment, or supplied explicitly through the \code{dfns} argument
##' to \code{flexsurvreg}. The latter may be useful if the functions are
##' created dynamically (as in the source of \code{flexsurvspline}) and thus
##' not visible through R's scoping rules.
##' Arguments other than parameters must be named in the conventional way --
##' for example \code{x} for the first argument of the density function or
##' hazard, as in \code{\link{dnorm}(x, ...)} and \code{q} for the first
##' argument of the probability function. Density functions should also have
##' an argument \code{log}, after the parameters, which when \code{TRUE},
##' computes the log density, using a numerically stable additive formula if
##' possible.
##' Additional functions with names beginning with \code{"DLd"} and
##' \code{"DLS"} may be defined to calculate the derivatives of the log density
##' and log survival probability, with respect to the parameters of the
##' distribution. The parameters are expressed on the real line, for example
##' after log transformation if they are defined as positive. The first
##' argument must be named \code{t}, representing the time, and the remaining
##' arguments must be named as the parameters of the density function. The
##' function must return a matrix with rows corresponding to times, and columns
##' corresponding to the parameters of the distribution. The derivatives are
##' used, if available, to speed up the model fitting with \code{\link{optim}}.
##' } \item{\code{"pars"}}{Vector of strings naming the parameters of the
##' distribution. These must be the same names as the arguments of the density
##' and probability functions. }
##' \item{\code{"location"}}{Name of the main parameter governing the mean of
##' the distribution. This is the default parameter on which covariates are
##' placed in the \code{formula} supplied to \code{flexsurvreg}. }
##' \item{\code{"transforms"}}{List of R
##' functions which transform the range of values taken by each parameter onto
##' the real line. For example, \code{c(log, log)} for a distribution with two
##' positive parameters. }
##' \item{\code{"inv.transforms"}}{List of R functions defining the
##' corresponding inverse transformations. Note these must be lists, even for
##' single parameter distributions they should be supplied as, e.g.
##' \code{c(exp)} or \code{list(exp)}. }
##' \item{\code{"inits"}}{A function of the
##' observed survival times \code{t} (including right-censoring times, and
##' using the halfway point for interval-censored times) which returns a vector
##' of reasonable initial values for maximum likelihood estimation of each
##' parameter. For example, \code{function(t){ c(1, mean(t)) }} will always
##' initialize the first of two parameters at 1, and the second (a scale
##' parameter, for instance) at the mean of \code{t}. } }
##' For example, suppose we want to use an extreme value survival distribution.
##' This is available in the CRAN package \pkg{eha}, which provides
##' conventionally-defined density and probability functions called
##' \code{\link[eha:EV]{eha::dEV}} and \code{\link[eha:EV]{eha::pEV}}. See the Examples below
##' for the custom list in this case, and the subsequent command to fit the
##' model.
##' @author Christopher Jackson <>
##' @seealso \code{\link{flexsurvspline}} for flexible survival modelling using
##' the spline model of Royston and Parmar.
##' \code{\link{plot.flexsurvreg}} and \code{\link{lines.flexsurvreg}} to plot
##' fitted survival, hazards and cumulative hazards from models fitted by
##' \code{\link{flexsurvreg}} and \code{\link{flexsurvspline}}.
##' @references Jackson, C. (2016). flexsurv: A Platform for Parametric
##' Survival Modeling in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 70(8), 1-33.
##' doi:10.18637/jss.v070.i08
##' Cox, C. (2008) The generalized \eqn{F} distribution: An umbrella for
##' parametric survival analysis. Statistics in Medicine 27:4301-4312.
##' Cox, C., Chu, H., Schneider, M. F. and MuĂąoz, A. (2007) Parametric survival
##' analysis and taxonomy of hazard functions for the generalized gamma
##' distribution. Statistics in Medicine 26:4252-4374
##' Jackson, C. H. and Sharples, L. D. and Thompson, S. G. (2010) Survival
##' models in health economic evaluations: balancing fit and parsimony to
##' improve prediction. International Journal of Biostatistics 6(1):Article 34.
##' Nelson, C. P., Lambert, P. C., Squire, I. B., & Jones, D. R. (2007).
##' Flexible parametric models for relative survival, with application in
##' coronary heart disease. Statistics in medicine, 26(30), 5486-5498.
##' @keywords models survival
##' @examples
##' ## Compare generalized gamma fit with Weibull
##' fitg <- flexsurvreg(formula = Surv(futime, fustat) ~ 1, data = ovarian, dist="gengamma")
##' fitg
##' fitw <- flexsurvreg(formula = Surv(futime, fustat) ~ 1, data = ovarian, dist="weibull")
##' fitw
##' plot(fitg)
##' lines(fitw, col="blue",,
##' ## Identical AIC, probably not enough data in this simple example for a
##' ## very flexible model to be worthwhile.
##' ## Custom distribution
##' ## make "dEV" and "pEV" from eha package (if installed)
##' ## available to the working environment
##' if (require("eha")) {
##' custom.ev <- list(name="EV",
##' pars=c("shape","scale"),
##' location="scale",
##' transforms=c(log, log),
##' inv.transforms=c(exp, exp),
##' inits=function(t){ c(1, median(t)) })
##' fitev <- flexsurvreg(formula = Surv(futime, fustat) ~ 1, data = ovarian,
##' dist=custom.ev)
##' fitev
##' lines(fitev, col="purple","purple")
##' }
##' ## Custom distribution: supply the hazard function only
##' hexp2 <- function(x, rate=1){ rate } # exponential distribution
##' hexp2 <- Vectorize(hexp2)
##' custom.exp2 <- list(name="exp2", pars=c("rate"), location="rate",
##' transforms=c(log), inv.transforms=c(exp),
##' inits=function(t)1/mean(t))
##' flexsurvreg(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ 1, data = ovarian, dist=custom.exp2)
##' flexsurvreg(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ 1, data = ovarian, dist="exp")
##' ## should give same answer
##' @export
flexsurvreg <- function(formula, anc=NULL, data, weights, bhazard, rtrunc, subset, na.action, dist,
inits, fixedpars=NULL, dfns=NULL, aux=NULL, cl=0.95,
integ.opts=NULL, sr.control=survreg.control(), hessian=TRUE, hess.control=NULL, ...)
call <-
if (missing(data)) data <- NULL
if (missing(dist)) stop("Distribution \"dist\" not specified")
dlist <- parse.dist(dist)
dfns <- form.dp(dlist, dfns, integ.opts)
parnames <- dlist$pars
check.formula(formula, dlist, data)
anc <- anc_from_formula(formula, anc, dlist, data = data)
ancnames <- setdiff(parnames, dlist$location)
forms <- c(location=get.locform(formula, ancnames, data), anc)
names(forms)[[1]] <- dlist$location
## a) calling model.frame() directly doesn't work. it only looks in
## "data" or the environment of "formula" for extra variables like
## "weights". needs to also look in environment of flexsurvreg.
## should handle calling flexsurvreg within a function
## Make model frame
indx <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights", "bhazard", "rtrunc", "subset", "na.action"), names(call), nomatch = 0)
if (indx[1] == 0)
stop("A \"formula\" argument is required")
temp <- call[c(1, indx)]
temp[[1]] <-"model.frame")
f2 <- concat.formulae(formula,forms, data)
temp[["formula"]] <- terms(f2)
if (missing(data)) temp[["data"]] <- environment(formula)
m <- eval(temp, parent.frame())
m <- droplevels_keepcontrasts(m) # remove unused factor levels after subset applied
attr(m,"covnames") <- attr(f2, "covnames") # for "newdata" in summary
attr(m,"covnames.orig") <- intersect(colnames(m), attr(f2, "covnames.orig")) # for finding factors in plot method
Y <- check.flexsurv.response(model.extract(m, "response"))
mml <- mx <- vector(mode="list", length=length(dlist$pars))
names(mml) <- names(mx) <- c(dlist$location, setdiff(dlist$pars, dlist$location))
for (i in names(forms)){
mml[[i]] <- model.matrix(forms[[i]], m)
mx[[i]] <- length(unlist(mx)) + seq_len(ncol(mml[[i]][,-1,drop=FALSE]))
X <- compress.model.matrices(mml) <- lapply(mml, function(x)attr(x,"contrasts"))
weights <- model.extract(m, "weights")
if (is.null(weights)) weights <- m$"(weights)" <- rep(1, nrow(X))
bhazard <- model.extract(m, "bhazard")
if (is.null(bhazard)) bhazard <- rep(0, nrow(X))
rtrunc <- model.extract(m, "rtrunc")
if (is.null(rtrunc)) rtrunc <- rep(Inf, nrow(X))
dat <- list(Y=Y, m=m, mml=mml)
ncovs <- length(attr(m, "covnames.orig"))
ncoveffs <- ncol(X)
nbpars <- length(parnames) # number of baseline parameters
npars <- nbpars + ncoveffs
if (missing(inits) && is.null(dlist$inits))
stop("\"inits\" not supplied, and no function to estimate them found in the custom distribution list")
if (missing(inits) || anyNA(inits)) {
yy <- ifelse(Y[,"status"]==3 & is.finite(Y[,"time2"]), (Y[,"time1"] + Y[,"time2"])/2, Y[,"time1"])
wt <- yy*weights*length(yy)/sum(weights)
dlist$inits <- expand.inits.args(dlist$inits)
inits.aux <- c(aux, list(forms=forms, data=if(missing(data)) NULL else data, weights=temp$weights,
counting=(attr(model.extract(m, "response"), "type")=="counting")
auto.inits <- dlist$inits(t=wt,mf=m,mml=mml,aux=inits.aux)
if (!missing(inits) && anyNA(inits)) inits[] <- auto.inits[]
else inits <- auto.inits
if (!is.numeric(inits)) stop ("initial values must be a numeric vector")
nin <- length(inits)
if (nin < npars && ncoveffs > 0)
inits <- c(inits, rep(0,length.out=npars-nin))
else if (nin > npars){
inits <- inits[1:npars]
warning("Initial values are a vector length > ", npars, ": using only the first ", npars)
else if (nin < nbpars){
stop("Initial values are a vector length ", nin, ", but distribution has ",nbpars, " parameters")
for (i in 1:nbpars)
inits[i] <- dlist$transforms[[i]](inits[i])
outofrange <- which(is.nan(inits) | is.infinite(inits))
if (any(outofrange)){
plural <- if(length(outofrange) > 1) "s" else ""
stop("Initial value", plural, " for parameter", plural, " ",
paste(outofrange,collapse=","), " out of range")
names(inits) <- c(parnames, colnames(X))
check.fixedpars(fixedpars, npars)
if ((is.logical(fixedpars) && fixedpars==TRUE) ||
(is.numeric(fixedpars) && identical(as.vector(fixedpars), 1:npars))) {
minusloglik <- minusloglik.flexsurv(inits, Y=Y, X=X,
weights=weights, bhazard=bhazard, rtrunc=rtrunc,
dlist=dlist, inits=inits,
dfns=dfns, aux=aux, mx=mx)
res.t <- matrix(inits, ncol=1)
inits.nat <- inits
for (i in 1:nbpars)
inits.nat[i] <- dlist$inv.transforms[[i]](inits[i])
res <- matrix(inits.nat, ncol=1)
dimnames(res) <- dimnames(res.t) <- list(names(inits), "est")
ret <- list(res=res, res.t=res.t, npars=0,
loglik=-as.vector(minusloglik), logliki=attr(minusloglik,"indiv"))
else {
optpars <- inits[setdiff(1:npars, fixedpars)]
optim.args <- list(...)
if (is.null(optim.args$method)){
optim.args$method <- "BFGS"
gr <- if (dfns$deriv && deriv_supported(Y)) Dminusloglik.flexsurv else NULL
has_analytic_hessian <- dfns$hessian && !isTRUE(hess.control$numeric) && deriv_supported(Y)
optim.args <- c(optim.args,
fn=logLikFactory(Y=Y, X=X,
inits=inits, dlist=dlist,
aux=aux, mx=mx,
Y=Y, X=X, weights=weights,
bhazard=bhazard, rtrunc=rtrunc, dlist=dlist,
inits=inits, dfns=dfns, aux=aux,
mx=mx, fixedpars=fixedpars,
hessian = hessian && !has_analytic_hessian))
opt <-"optim", optim.args)
est <- opt$par
if (has_analytic_hessian)
opt$hessian <- D2minusloglik.flexsurv(est, Y=Y, X=X, weights=weights, bhazard=bhazard,
rtrunc=rtrunc, dlist=dlist, inits=inits, dfns=dfns,
aux=aux, mx=mx, fixedpars=fixedpars)
if (hessian && all(is.finite(opt$hessian)))
cov <- .hess_to_cov(opt$hessian, hess.control$tol.solve, hess.control$tol.evalues)
se <- sqrt(diag(cov))
if (!is.numeric(cl) || length(cl)>1 || !(cl>0) || !(cl<1))
stop("cl must be a number in (0,1)")
lcl <- est - qnorm(1 - (1-cl)/2)*se
ucl <- est + qnorm(1 - (1-cl)/2)*se
else {
if (hessian)
warning("Optimisation has probably not converged to the maximum likelihood - Hessian is not finite. ")
cov <- lcl <- ucl <- se <- NA
res <- cbind(est=inits, lcl=NA, ucl=NA, se=NA)
res[setdiff(1:npars, fixedpars),] <- cbind(est, lcl, ucl, se)
colnames(res) <- c("est", paste(c("L","U"), round(cl*100), "%", sep=""), "se")
res.t <- res # results on transformed (log) scale
for (i in 1:nbpars){ # results on natural scale
res[i,1:3] <- dlist$inv.transforms[[i]](res[i,1:3])
if (identical(body(dlist$transforms[[i]]), body(log)))
res[i,"se"] <- exp(res.t[i,"est"])*res.t[i,"se"]
else if (identical(body(dlist$transforms[[i]]), body(logh)))
res[i,"se"] <- dexph(res.t[i,"est"])*res.t[i,"se"]
else if (!identical(dlist$transforms[[i]], identity))
res[i,"se"] <- NA
## theoretically could also do logit SE(g(x) = exp(x)/(1 + exp(x))) = g'(x) SE(x); g'(x) = exp(x)/(1 + exp(x))^2
## or any interval scale (dglogit) as in msm
minusloglik <- minusloglik.flexsurv(res.t[,"est"], Y=Y, X=X, weights=weights, bhazard=bhazard, rtrunc=rtrunc,
dlist=dlist, inits=inits, dfns=dfns, aux=aux, mx=mx)
ret <- list(res=res, res.t=res.t, cov=cov, coefficients=res.t[,"est"],
npars=length(est), fixedpars=fixedpars, optpars=setdiff(1:npars, fixedpars),
loglik=-opt$value, logliki=attr(minusloglik,"indiv"),
cl=cl, opt=opt)
covdata <- list(covnames = attr(dat$m, "covnames"),
isfac = sapply(dat$m[,attr(dat$m,"covnames.orig"),drop=FALSE], is.factor),
terms = attr(dat$m, "terms"),
xlev = .getXlevels(attr(dat$m, "terms"), dat$m))
ret <- c(list(call=call, dlist=dlist, aux=aux,
ncovs=ncovs, ncoveffs=ncoveffs,
mx=mx, basepars=1:nbpars,
covpars=if (ncoveffs>0) (nbpars+1):npars else NULL,
AIC = -2*ret$loglik + 2*ret$npars,
data = dat, datameans = colMeans(X),
N=nrow(dat$Y), events=sum(dat$Y[,"status"]==1), trisk=sum(dat$Y[,"time"]),
concat.formula=f2, all.formulae=forms, dfns=dfns),
covdata = covdata)) # temporary position so cyclomort doesn't break
ret$BIC <- BIC.flexsurvreg(ret, cens=TRUE)
ret <- c(ret, check_deriv(optpars=optpars, Y=Y, X=X, weights=weights, bhazard=bhazard, rtrunc=rtrunc, dlist=dlist, inits=inits, dfns=dfns, aux=aux, mx=mx, fixedpars=fixedpars))
class(ret) <- "flexsurvreg"
check_deriv <- function(optpars, Y, X, weights, bhazard, rtrunc, dlist, inits, dfns, aux, mx, fixedpars){
if (isTRUE(getOption("flexsurv.test.analytic.derivatives")) && deriv_supported(Y)){
if (is.logical(fixedpars) && fixedpars==TRUE) { optpars <- inits; fixedpars=FALSE }
if (dfns$deriv)
deriv.test <- deriv_test(optpars=optpars, Y=Y, X=X, weights=weights, bhazard=bhazard, rtrunc=rtrunc, dlist=dlist, inits=inits, dfns=dfns, aux=aux, mx=mx, fixedpars=fixedpars)
if (dfns$hessian)
hess.test <- hess.test(optpars=optpars, Y=Y, X=X, weights=weights, bhazard=bhazard, rtrunc=rtrunc, dlist=dlist, inits=inits, dfns=dfns, aux=aux, mx=mx, fixedpars=fixedpars)
res <- list(deriv.test=deriv.test, hess.test=hess.test)
} else res <- NULL
##' @export
print.flexsurvreg <- function(x, ...)
covs <- names(x$datameans)
covinds <- match(covs, rownames(x$res))
if (x$npars > 0) {
res <- x$res
cat ("Estimates: \n")
if (any(covinds)) {
ecoefs <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(x$res), ncol=3)
colnames(ecoefs) <- c("exp(est)", colnames(res)[2:3])
means <- rep(NA,nrow(x$res))
ecoefs[covinds,] <- exp(x$res[covinds,1:3,drop=FALSE])
means[covinds] <- x$datameans
res <- cbind(means, res, ecoefs)
colnames(res)[1] <- "data mean"
args <- list(...)
if (is.null(args$digits)) args$digits <- 3
f <-"format", c(list(x=res), args))
print(f,, quote=FALSE, na.print="")
llname <- if (all(x$bhazard == 0)) "Log-likelihood" else "Partial log-likelihood"
llname <- sprintf("\n%s = ", llname)
aicname <- if (all(x$bhazard == 0)) "AIC" else "Partial AIC"
aicname <- sprintf("\n%s = ", aicname)
cat("\nN = ", x$N, ", Events: ", x$events,
", Censored: ", x$N - x$events,
"\nTotal time at risk: ", x$trisk,
llname, x$loglik, ", df = ", x$npars,
aicname, x$AIC, "\n\n", sep="")
form.model.matrix <- function(object, newdata, na.action=na.pass, forms=NULL){
## If required covariate missing, give a slightly more informative error message than, e.g.
## "Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) (from flexsurvreg.R#649) : object 'sex' not found"
covnames <- object$covdata$covnames
missing.covs <- unique(covnames[!covnames %in% names(newdata)])
if (length(missing.covs) > 0){
missing.covs <- sprintf("\"%s\"", missing.covs)
plural <- if (length(missing.covs)>1) "s" else ""
stop(sprintf("Value%s of covariate%s ",plural,plural), paste(missing.covs, collapse=", "), " not supplied in \"newdata\"")
## as in predict.lm
Terms <- delete.response(object$covdata$terms)
mf <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, xlev = object$covdata$xlev, na.action=na.action)
if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")))
.checkMFClasses(cl, mf)
if (is.null(forms))
forms <- object$all.formulae
mml <- vector(mode="list", length=length(forms))
names(mml) <- names(forms)
forms[[1]] <- delete.response(terms(forms[[1]]))
for (i in seq_along(forms)){
mml[[i]] <- model.matrix(forms[[i]], mf, contrasts.arg = object$all.contrasts[[i]])
X <- compress.model.matrices(mml)
attr(X, "newdata") <- mf # newdata with any extra variables stripped. Used to name components of summary list
##' Variance-covariance matrix from a flexsurvreg model
##' @inheritParams logLik.flexsurvreg
##' @return Variance-covariance matrix of the estimated parameters, on
##' the scale that they were estimated on (for positive parameters
##' this is the log scale).
##' @export
vcov.flexsurvreg <- function (object, ...)
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
assign("flexsurv.dfns", new.env(), envir=parent.env(environment()))
##' Extract original data from \code{flexsurvreg} objects.
##' Extract the data from a model fitted with \code{flexsurvreg}.
##' @aliases model.frame.flexsurvreg model.matrix.flexsurvreg
##' @param formula A fitted model object, as returned by
##' \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}.
##' @param object A fitted model object, as returned by
##' \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}.
##' @param par String naming the parameter whose linear model matrix is
##' desired.
##' The default value of \code{par=NULL} returns a matrix consisting of the
##' model matrices for all models in the object \code{cbind}ed together, with
##' the intercepts excluded. This is not really a ``model matrix'' in the
##' usual sense, however, the columns directly correspond to the covariate
##' coefficients in the matrix of estimates from the fitted model.
##' @param ... Further arguments (not used).
##' @return \code{model.frame} returns a data frame with all the original
##' variables used for the model fit.
##' \code{model.matrix} returns a design matrix for a part of the model that
##' includes covariates. The required part is indicated by the \code{"par"}
##' argument (see above).
##' @author C. H. Jackson \email{}
##' @seealso \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}, \code{\link{model.frame}},
##' \code{\link{model.matrix}}.
##' @keywords models
##' @export
model.frame.flexsurvreg <- function(formula, ...)
x <- formula
##' @export
##' @rdname model.frame.flexsurvreg
model.matrix.flexsurvreg <- function(object, par=NULL, ...)
x <- object
if (is.null(par)) compress.model.matrices(x$data$mml) else x$data$mml[[par]]
##' Log likelihood from a flexsurvreg model
##' @param object A fitted model object of class
##' \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}, e.g. as returned by
##' \code{flexsurvreg} or \code{flexsurvspline}.
##' @param ... Other arguments (currently unused).
##' @return Log-likelihood (numeric) with additional attributes \code{df} (degrees of freedom, or number
##' of parameters that were estimated), and number of observations \code{nobs} (including observed
##' events and censored observations).
##' @export
logLik.flexsurvreg <- function(object, ...){
val <- object$loglik
attr(val, "df") <- object$npars
attr(val, "nobs") <- object$N
class(val) <- "logLik"
##' Extract model coefficients from fitted flexible survival models
##' Extract model coefficients from fitted flexible survival models. This
##' presents all parameter estimates, transformed to the real line if necessary.
##' For example, shape or scale parameters, which are constrained to be
##' positive, are returned on the log scale.
##' This matches the behaviour of \code{coef.default} for standard R model
##' families such as \code{\link[stats]{glm}}, where intercepts in regression
##' models are presented on the same scale as the covariate effects. Note that
##' any parameter in a distribution fitted by \code{\link{flexsurvreg}} or
##' \code{\link{flexsurvreg}} may be an intercept in a regression model.
##' @param object Output from \code{\link{flexsurvreg}} or
##' \code{\link{flexsurvspline}}, representing a fitted survival model object.
##' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently
##' unused.
##' @return This returns the \code{mod$res.t[,"est"]} component of the fitted
##' model object \code{mod}. See \code{\link{flexsurvreg}},
##' \code{\link{flexsurvspline}} for full documentation of all components.
##' @author C. H. Jackson \email{}
##' @seealso \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}, \code{\link{flexsurvspline}}.
##' @keywords models
##' @export
coef.flexsurvreg <- function(object, ...){
##' Number of observations contributing to a fitted flexible survival model
##' Number of observations contributing to a fitted flexible survival model
##' By default, this matches the behaviour of the \code{nobs} method for \code{\link[survival]{survreg}} objects, including both censored and uncensored observations.
##' If a weighted \code{flexsurvreg} analysis was done, then this function returns the sum of the weights.
##' @param object Output from \code{\link{flexsurvreg}} or
##' \code{\link{flexsurvspline}}, representing a fitted survival model object.
##' @param cens Include censored observations in the number. \code{TRUE} by default.
##' If \code{FALSE} then the number of observed events is returned. See
##' \code{\link{BIC.flexsurvreg}} for a discussion of the issues
##' with defining the sample size for censored data.
##' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently
##' unused.
##' @return This returns the \code{mod$N} component of the fitted
##' model object \code{mod}. See \code{\link{flexsurvreg}},
##' \code{\link{flexsurvspline}} for full documentation of all components.
##' @author C. H. Jackson \email{}
##' @seealso \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}, \code{\link{flexsurvspline}}.
##' @keywords models
##' @export
nobs.flexsurvreg <- function(object, cens=TRUE, ...){
if (cens) ind <- seq(length.out=nrow(object$data$Y)) else ind <- which(object$data$Y[,"status"] == 1)
##' Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) for comparison of flexsurvreg models
##' Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) for comparison of flexsurvreg models
##' @param object Fitted model returned by \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}
##' (or \code{\link{flexsurvspline}}).
##' @param cens Include censored observations in the sample size term
##' (\code{n}) used in the calculation of BIC.
##' @return The BIC of the fitted model. This is minus twice the log likelihood plus \code{p*log(n)}, where
##' \code{p} is the number of parameters and \code{n} is the sample
##' size of the data. If \code{weights} was supplied to
##' \code{flexsurv}, the sample size is defined as the sum of the
##' weights.
##' @param ... Other arguments (currently unused).
##' @details There is no "official" definition of what the sample size
##' should be for the use of BIC in censored survival analysis. BIC
##' is based on an approximation to Bayesian model comparison using
##' Bayes factors and an implicit vague prior. Informally, the
##' sample size describes the number of "units" giving rise to a
##' distinct piece of information (Kass and Raftery 1995). However
##' censored observations provide less information than observed
##' events, in principle. The default used here is the number of
##' individuals, for consistency with more familiar kinds of
##' statistical modelling. However if censoring is heavy, then the
##' number of events may be a better represent the amount of
##' information. Following these principles, the best approximation
##' would be expected to be somewere in between.
##' AIC and BIC are intended to measure different things. Briefly,
##' AIC measures predictive ability, whereas BIC is expected to choose
##' the true model from a set of models where one of them is the
##' truth. Therefore BIC chooses simpler models for all but the
##' tiniest sample sizes (\eqn{log(n)>2}, \eqn{n>7}). AIC might be preferred in the
##' typical situation where
##' "all models are wrong but some are useful". AIC also gives similar
##' results to cross-validation (Stone 1977).
##' @references Kass, R. E., & Raftery, A. E. (1995). Bayes
##' factors. Journal of the American Statistical Association,
##' 90(430), 773-795.
##' @references Stone, M. (1977). An asymptotic equivalence of choice
##' of model by crossâvalidation and Akaike's criterion. Journal of
##' the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological), 39(1),
##' 44-47.
##' @seealso \code{\link{BIC}}, \code{\link{AIC}}, \code{\link{AICC.flexsurvreg}}, \code{\link{nobs.flexsurvreg}}
##' @export
BIC.flexsurvreg <- function(object, cens = TRUE, ...){
n <- nobs.flexsurvreg(object, cens=cens)
-2*object$loglik + object$npars * log(n)
##' Second-order Akaike information criterion
##' Second-order or "corrected" Akaike information criterion, often
##' known as AICc (see, e.g. Burnham and Anderson 2002). This is
##' defined as -2 log-likelihood + \code{(2*p*n)/(n - p -1)}, whereas
##' the standard AIC is defined as -2 log-likelihood + \code{2*p},
##' where \code{p} is the number of parameters and \code{n} is the
##' sample size. The correction is intended to adjust AIC for
##' small-sample bias, hence it only makes a difference to the result
##' for small \code{n}.
##' This can be spelt either as \code{AICC} or \code{AICc}.
##' @param object Fitted model returned by \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}
##' (or \code{\link{flexsurvspline}}).
##' @param cens Include censored observations in the sample size term
##' (\code{n}) used in this calculation. See
##' \code{\link{BIC.flexsurvreg}} for a discussion of the issues
##' with defining the sample size.
##' @param ... Other arguments (currently unused).
##' @references Burnham, K. P., Anderson, D. R. (2002) Model Selection and Multimodel Inference: a practical information-theoretic approach. Second edition. Springer: New York.
##' @return The second-order AIC of the fitted model.
##' @seealso \code{\link{BIC}}, \code{\link{AIC}}, \code{\link{BIC.flexsurvreg}}, \code{\link{nobs.flexsurvreg}}
##' @export
AICc.flexsurvreg <- function(object, cens=TRUE, ...){
n <- nobs.flexsurvreg(object, cens=cens)
p <- object$npars
## equivalently: object$AIC + ((2 * p) * (p + 1) / (n - p - 1))
-2*object$loglik + (2*p*n) / (n - p - 1)
##' @rdname AICc.flexsurvreg
##' @export
AICC.flexsurvreg <- AICc.flexsurvreg
##' Second-order Akaike information criterion
##' Generic function for the second-order Akaike information criterion.
##' The only current implementation of this in \pkg{flexsurv} is
##' in \code{\link{AICc.flexsurvreg}}, see there for more details.
##' This can be spelt either as \code{AICC} or \code{AICc}.
##' @param object Fitted model object.
##' @param ... Other arguments (currently unused).
##' @export
AICc <- function (object, ...)
##' @rdname AICc
##' @export
deriv_supported <- function(Y){
event <- Y[,"status"] == 1
left_cens <- is.finite(Y[!event, "time2"])
droplevels_factor_keepcontrasts <- function (x, exclude = if (anyNA(levels(x))) NULL else NA, ...) {
ct <- attr(x, "contrasts")
x <- factor(x, exclude = exclude)
contrasts(x) <- ct
droplevels_keepcontrasts <- function (x, except = NULL, exclude, ...)
ix <- vapply(x, is.factor, NA)
if (!is.null(except))
ix[except] <- FALSE
x[ix] <- if (missing(exclude))
lapply(x[ix], droplevels_factor_keepcontrasts)
else lapply(x[ix], droplevels_factor_keepcontrasts, exclude = exclude)
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