##' Flexible parametric mixture models for times to competing events
##' In a mixture model for competing events, an individual can experience one of
##' a set of different events. We specify a model for the probability that they
##' will experience each event before the others, and a model for the time to
##' the event conditionally on that event occurring first.
##' This differs from the more usual "competing risks" models, where we specify
##' "cause-specific hazards" describing the time to each competing event. This
##' time will not be observed for an individual if one of the competing events
##' happens first. The event that happens first is defined by the minimum of
##' the times to the alternative events.
##' The \code{flexsurvmix} function fits a mixture model to data consisting of a
##' single time to an event for each individual, and an indicator for what type
##' of event occurs for that individual. The time to event may be observed or
##' censored, just as in \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}, and the type of event may be
##' known or unknown. In a typical application, where we follow up a set of
##' individuals until they experience an event or a maximum follow-up time is
##' reached, the event type is known if the time is observed, and the event type
##' is unknown when follow-up ends and the time is right-censored.
##' The model is fitted by maximum likelihood, either directly or by using an
##' expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithm, by wrapping
##' \code{\link{flexsurvreg}} to compute the likelihood or to implement the E
##' and M steps.
##' Some worked examples are given in the package vignette about multi-state
##' modelling, which can be viewed by running \code{vignette("multistate", package="flexsurv")}.
##' @param formula Survival model formula. The left hand side is a \code{Surv}
##' object specified as in \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}. This may define various
##' kinds of censoring, as described in \code{\link{Surv}}. Any covariates on
##' the right hand side of this formula will be placed on the location
##' parameter for every component-specific distribution. Covariates on other
##' parameters of the component-specific distributions may be supplied using
##' the \code{anc} argument.
##' Alternatively, \code{formula} may be a list of formulae, with one
##' component for each alternative event. This may be used to specify
##' different covariates on the location parameter for different components.
##' A list of formulae may also be used to indicate that for particular
##' individuals, different events may be observed in different ways, with
##' different censoring mechanisms. Each list component specifies the data
##' and censoring scheme for that mixture component.
##' For example, suppose we are studying people admitted to hospital,and the
##' competing states are death in hospital and discharge from hospital. At
##' time t we know that a particular individual is still alive, but we do not
##' know whether they are still in hospital, or have been discharged. In this
##' case, if the individual were to die in hospital, their death time would be
##' right censored at t. If the individual will be (or has been) discharged
##' before death, their discharge time is completely unknown, thus
##' interval-censored on (0,Inf). Therefore, we need to store different event
##' time and status variables in the data for different alternative events.
##' This is specified here as
##' \code{formula = list("discharge" = Surv(t1di, t2di, type="interval2"),
##' "death" = Surv(t1de, status_de))}
##' where for this individual, \code{(t1di, t2di) = (0, Inf)} and \code{(t1de,
##' status_de) = (t, 0)}.
##' The "dot" notation commonly used to indicate "all remaining variables" in a
##' formula is not supported in \code{flexsurvmix}.
##' @param data Data frame containing variables mentioned in \code{formula},
##' \code{event} and \code{anc}.
##' @param event Variable in the data that specifies which of the alternative
##' events is observed for which individual. If the individual's follow-up is
##' right-censored, or if the event is otherwise unknown, this variable must
##' have the value \code{NA}.
##' Ideally this should be a factor, since the mixture components can then be
##' easily identified in the results with a name instead of a number. If this
##' is not already a factor, it is coerced to one. Then the levels of the
##' factor define the required order for the components of the list arguments
##' \code{dists}, \code{anc}, \code{inits} and \code{dfns}. Alternatively, if
##' the components of the list arguments are named according to the levels of
##' \code{event}, then the components can be arranged in any order.
##' @param dists Vector specifying the parametric distribution to use for each
##' component. The same distributions are supported as in
##' \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}.
##' @param pformula Formula describing covariates to include on the component
##' membership proabilities by multinomial logistic regression. The first
##' component is treated as the baseline.
##' The "dot" notation commonly used to indicate "all remaining variables" in a
##' formula is not supported.
##' @param anc List of component-specific lists, of length equal to the number
##' of components. Each component-specific list is a list of formulae
##' representing covariate effects on parameters of the distribution.
##' If there are covariates for one component but not others, then a list
##' containing one null formula on the location parameter should be supplied
##' for the component with no covariates, e.g \code{list(rate=~1)} if the
##' location parameter is called \code{rate}.
##' Covariates on the location parameter may also be supplied here instead of
##' in \code{formula}. Supplying them in \code{anc} allows some components
##' but not others to have covariates on their location parameter. If a covariate
##' on the location parameter was provided in \code{formula}, and there are
##' covariates on other parameters, then a null formula should be included
##' for the location parameter in \code{anc}, e.g \code{list(rate=~1)}
##' @param partial_events List specifying the factor levels of \code{event}
##' which indicate knowledge that an individual will not experience particular
##' events, but may experience others. The names of the list indicate codes
##' that indicate partial knowledge for some individuals. The list component
##' is a vector, which must be a subset of \code{levels(event)} defining the
##' events that a person with the corresponding event code may experience.
##' For example, suppose there are three alternative events called
##' \code{"disease1"},\code{"disease2"} and \code{"disease3"}, and for some
##' individuals we know that they will not experience \code{"disease2"}, but
##' they may experience the other two events. In that case we must create a
##' new factor level, called, for example \code{"disease1or3"}, and set the
##' value of \code{event} to be \code{"disease1or3"} for those individuals.
##' Then we use the \code{"partial_events"} argument to tell
##' \code{flexsurvmix} what the potential events are for individuals with this
##' new factor level.
##' \code{partial_events = list("disease1or3" = c("disease1","disease3"))}
##' @param initp Initial values for component membership probabilities. By
##' default, these are assumed to be equal for each component.
##' @param inits List of component-specific vectors. Each component-specific
##' vector contains the initial values for the parameters of the
##' component-specific model, as would be supplied as the \code{inits} argument of
##' \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}. By default, a heuristic is used to obtain
##' initial values, which depends on the parametric distribution being used,
##' but is usually based on the empirical mean and/or variance of the survival
##' times.
##' @param fixedpars Indexes of parameters to fix at their initial values and
##' not optimise. Arranged in the order: baseline mixing probabilities,
##' covariates on mixing probabilities, time-to-event parameters by mixing
##' component. Within mixing components, time-to-event parameters are ordered
##' in the same way as in \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}.
##' If \code{fixedpars=TRUE} then all parameters will be fixed and the
##' function simply calculates the log-likelihood at the initial values.
##' Not currently supported when using the EM algorithm.
##' @param dfns List of lists of user-defined distribution functions, one for
##' each mixture component. Each list component is specified as the
##' \code{dfns} argument of \code{\link{flexsurvreg}}.
##' @param method Method for maximising the likelihood. Either \code{"em"} for
##' the EM algorithm, or \code{"direct"} for direct maximisation.
##' @param em.control List of settings to control EM algorithm fitting. The
##' only options currently available are
##' \code{trace} set to 1 to print the parameter estimates at each iteration
##' of the EM algorithm
##' \code{reltol} convergence criterion. The algorithm stops if the log
##' likelihood changes by a relative amount less than \code{reltol}. The
##' default is the same as in \code{\link{optim}}, that is,
##' \code{sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)}.
##' \code{var.method} method to compute the covariance matrix. \code{"louis"}
##' for the method of Louis (1982), or \code{"direct"}for direct numerical
##' calculation of the Hessian of the log likelihood.
##' \code{optim.p.control} A list that is passed as the \code{control}
##' argument to \code{optim} in the M step for the component membership
##' probability parameters. The optimisation in the M step for the
##' time-to-event parameters can be controlled by the \code{optim.control}
##' argument to \code{flexsurvmix}.
##' For example, \code{em.control = list(trace=1, reltol=1e-12)}.
##' @param optim.control List of options to pass as the \code{control} argument
##' to \code{\link{optim}}, which is used by \code{method="direct"} or in the
##' M step for the time-to-event parameters in \code{method="em"}. By
##' default, this uses \code{fnscale=10000} and \code{ndeps=rep(1e-06,p)}
##' where \code{p} is the number of parameters being estimated, unless the
##' user specifies these options explicitly.
##' @inheritParams flexsurvreg
##' @return List of objects containing information about the fitted model. The
##' important one is \code{res}, a data frame containing the parameter
##' estimates and associated information.
##' @references Jackson, C. H. and Tom, B. D. M. and Kirwan, P. D. and Mandal, S.
##' and Seaman, S. R. and Kunzmann, K. and Presanis, A. M. and De Angelis, D. (2022)
##' A comparison of two frameworks for multi-state modelling, applied to outcomes
##' after hospital admissions with COVID-19. Statistical Methods in Medical Research
##' 31(9) 1656-1674.
##' Larson, M. G., & Dinse, G. E. (1985). A mixture model for the
##' regression analysis of competing risks data. Journal of the Royal
##' Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 34(3), 201-211.
##' Lau, B., Cole, S. R., & Gange, S. J. (2009). Competing risk regression
##' models for epidemiologic data. American Journal of Epidemiology, 170(2),
##' 244-256.
##' @export
flexsurvmix <- function(formula, data, event, dists,
pformula=NULL, anc=NULL,
partial_events = NULL,
initp=NULL, inits=NULL,
integ.opts, hess.control=NULL, ...){
call <-
## Determine names of competing events, and their order, based on event data
event <- eval(substitute(event), data, parent.frame())
if (!is.factor(event)) event <- factor(event)
## Determine which of these are codes for partially observed events
if (!is.null(partial_events)) {
if (!is.list(partial_events)) stop("`partial_events` must be a list")
if (!is.null(names(partial_events))) stop("`partial_events` must be a named list")
npartials <- length(partial_events)
evnames <- setdiff(levels(event), names(partial_events))
for (i in 1:npartials){
badnames <- partial_events[[i]][!(partial_events[[i]] %in% evnames)]
badnames <- paste0("\"",badnames,"\"")
if (length(badnames) > 0)
stop(sprintf("partial_events[[%s]] values %s not in levels(events)",
i, paste(badnames,collapse=",")))
## Convert to codes
partial_events[[i]] <- match(partial_events[[i]], evnames)
} else npartials <- 0
evnames <- setdiff(levels(event), names(partial_events))
partial_event <- ifelse(event %in% names(partial_events), event, NA)
partial_event <- match(partial_event, names(partial_events))
event[event %in% names(partial_events)] <- NA
## For all arguments that are vectors or lists by event,
## make sure their names match names of events
## and reorder if necessary so the order of the names matches too
if (missing(dists)) stop("Distributions \"dists\" not specified")
dists <- clean_listarg(dists, "dists", evnames)
anc <- clean_listarg(anc, "anc", evnames)
inits <- clean_listarg(inits, "inits", evnames)
dfns <- clean_listarg(dfns, "dfns", evnames)
## Build distribution functions
K <- length(dists)
dlists <- vector(K, mode="list")
if (is.null(dfns)) dfns <- vector(K, mode="list")
for (k in 1:K){
dlists[[k]] <- parse.dist(dists[[k]])
dfns[[k]] <- form.dp(dlists[[k]], dfns[[k]], integ.opts)
names(dlists) <- names(dfns) <- names(dists)
check.formula.flexsurvmix(formula, dlists[[1]], data) # TESTME
if (is.list(formula)) formula <- clean_listarg(formula, "formula", evnames)
## Build covariate model formulae
if (!is.null(anc)) {
if (!is.list(anc)) stop("`anc` should be a list")
ancm <- vector(K, mode="list")
for (k in 1:K){
msg <- sprintf("anc[[%s]] must be a list of formulae", k)
fk <- if (is.list(formula)) formula[[k]] else formula
ancm[[k]] <- anc_from_formula(fk, anc[[k]], dlists[[k]], msg, data,
locform <- forms <- vector(K, mode="list")
for (k in 1:K) {
ancnames <- setdiff(dlists[[k]]$pars, dlists[[k]]$location)
fk <- if (is.list(formula)) formula[[k]] else formula
locform[[k]] <- get.locform(fk, ancnames, data)
loc <- dlists[[k]]$location
if (loc %in% names(ancm[[k]])){
## Add any extra covariates on the location parameter found in "anc" (usually we'll be adding to ~1)
fc <- as.character(ancm[[k]][[loc]])
extraterms <- formula(paste(fc[1], ". +", fc[-1], collapse=" "))
locform[[k]] <- update(locform[[k]], extraterms)
ancm[[k]][[loc]] <- anc[[k]][[loc]]<- NULL
forms[[k]] <- c(location=locform[[k]], ancm[[k]])
names(forms[[k]])[[1]] <- loc
## Build model frame given formulae
indx <- match(c("formula", "data", "event"), names(call), nomatch = 0)
if (indx[1] == 0)
stop("A \"formula\" argument is required")
temp <- call[c(1, indx)]
temp[[1]] <-"model.frame")
temp[["event"]] <- event
f1 <- if (is.list(formula)) formula[[1]] else formula
if (missing(data)) temp[["data"]] <- environment(f1)
temp[["na.action"]] <- na.pass # event will have NAs by design. Or recode them ? TESTME
## one model frame for each component. may be different if different response terms in formula
m <- vector(K, mode="list")
for (k in 1:K){
f2 <- concat.formulae(locform[[k]], c(unlist(forms), pformula), data=data)
temp[["formula"]] <- f2
m[[k]] <- eval(temp, parent.frame())
m[[k]] <- droplevels(m[[k]]) # remove unused factor levels after subset applied
nobs <- nrow(m[[1]])
## Build design matrices given formulae and model frame
mml <- mx <- X <- whichparcov <- vector(K, mode="list")
for (k in 1:K) {
mml[[k]] <- mx[[k]] <- vector(mode="list", length=length(dlists[[k]]$pars))
names(mml[[k]]) <- names(mx[[k]]) <- c(dlists[[k]]$location,
setdiff(dlists[[k]]$pars, dlists[[k]]$location))
for (i in names(forms[[k]])){
mml[[k]][[i]] <- model.matrix(forms[[k]][[i]], m[[k]])
mx[[k]][[i]] <- length(unlist(mx[[k]])) + seq_len(ncol(mml[[k]][[i]][,-1,drop=FALSE]))
X[[k]] <- compress.model.matrices(mml[[k]])
npc <- unlist(lapply(mml[[k]], ncol)) - 1
whichparcov[[k]] <- rep(names(npc), npc)
if (is.null(pformula)) pformula <- ~1
if ("." %in% all.vars(pformula))
stop("`.` in formulae is not supported in flexsurvmix")
Xp <- model.matrix(pformula, m[[1]])[,-1,drop=FALSE]
## Convert event internally to numbers based on factor levels
event <- model.extract(m[[1]], "event")
event <- match(event, evnames, incomparables=NA)
## Count parameters of particular kinds
ncoveffsl <- sapply(X, ncol) # number of covariate effects for each component-specific distribution
ncoveffs <- sum(ncoveffsl)
ncovsp <- ncol(Xp) # number of covariates on mixing probabilities
ncoveffsp <- (K-1)*ncovsp # number of covariate effects on mixing probabilities
nppars <- length(dists) - 1 + ncoveffsp # number of parameters related to mixing probabilities: baseline probs and covariate effects
## Order of time-to-event parameters: baseline parameters in the order they
## appear in the distribution function (e.g. shape before scale in the
## Weibull), followed by covariate effects on the location parameter, followed
## by covariate effects on the remaining parameters.
nthetal <- sapply(dlists, function(x)length(x$pars)) # number of baseline parameters for each component-specific distribution
ntparsl <- nthetal + ncoveffsl # total number of time-to-event related pars for each component
parindsl <- rep(1:K, ntparsl) # index identifying component for each of those parameters
ntpars <- sum(ntparsl) # total number of parameters related to time-to-event distributions
npars <- nppars + ntpars # total number of parameters
## identify parameters of particular kinds
parclass <- rep(c("prob","time"), c(nppars, ntpars)) # mixing prob or time-to-event related
baseorcov <- c(rep(c("pbase","pcov"), c(length(dists) -1, ncoveffsp)), # baseline or covariate effect
rep(rep(c("tbase","tcov"), K), as.vector(rbind(nthetal, ncoveffsl))))
parcov <- character(npars) # identify baseline parameter which a covariate effect modifies
parcov[parclass=="prob" & baseorcov=="pcov"] <- rep(paste0("prob",2:K), each=ncovsp)
parcov[baseorcov=="tcov"] <- unlist(whichparcov)
## Build initial values for each parameter type for optimisation
if (is.null(initp)) initp <- rep(1/K, K)
alpha <- initp
theta_inits <- cov_inits <- covparsl <- vector(K, mode="list")
for (k in 1:K) {
covparsl[[k]] <- nthetal[k] + seq_len(ncoveffsl[k])
if (is.null(inits[[k]])) {
Y <- check.flexsurv.response(model.extract(m[[k]], "response"))
yy <- ifelse(Y[,"status"]==3 & is.finite(Y[,"time2"]), (Y[,"time1"] + Y[,"time2"])/2, Y[,"time1"])
yy <- yy[event==k |]
# wt <- yy*weights*length(yy)/sum(weights)
dlists[[k]]$inits <- expand.inits.args(dlists[[k]]$inits)
## This extra stuff is needed for the Weibull, to use a survreg fit to
## get "initial values"
if (dlists[[k]]$name %in% c("exp","weibull.quiet","lnorm","weibullPH","llogis"))
inits.aux <- list(forms=forms[[k]], data=if(missing(data)) NULL else data, weights=temp$weights,
counting=(attr(model.extract(m[[k]], "response"), "type")=="counting")
) else inits.aux <- aux[[k]]
## Auto-generate initial values using the heuristic for that distribution
auto.inits <- dlists[[k]]$inits(t=yy,mf=m[[k]],mml=mml[[k]],aux=inits.aux)
nin <- length(inits)
theta_inits[[k]] <- auto.inits[seq_len(nthetal[k])]
if ((length(auto.inits) > nthetal[k]) && (ncoveffsl[k] > 0)) {
## e.g for Weibull distributions, initial value fn also estimates covariate effects.
cov_inits[[k]] <- auto.inits[nthetal[k] + seq_len(ncoveffsl[k])]
} else
cov_inits[[k]] <- rep(0, ncoveffsl[k])
} else {
theta_inits[[k]] <- inits[[k]][1:nthetal[k]] # baseline pars of parametric survival dists
cov_inits[[k]] <- inits[[k]][covparsl[[k]]]
names(theta_inits[[k]]) <- dlists[[k]]$pars
names(cov_inits[[k]]) <- colnames(X[[k]])
## Transform initial values to log or logit scale for optimisation, if needed.
inits_probs <- initp
inits_alpha <- if (K==1) numeric() else qmnlogit(inits_probs)
inits_covp <- rep( rep(0,ncovsp), K-1) # order by covariate within probability
names(inits_covp) <- sprintf("prob%s(%s)", rep(2:K, each=ncovsp), rep(colnames(Xp), K-1))
inits_theta <- numeric()
for (k in 1:K){
inits_theta <- c(inits_theta, par.transform(theta_inits[[k]], dlists[[k]]), cov_inits[[k]])
## Full loglikelihood function, required for the direct likelihood maximisation
## (note this is different from the "complete data" loglikelihood used in EM)
loglik_flexsurvmix <- function(parsopt, ...){
pars <- inits_all
pars[optpars] <- parsopt
if (K==1)
probmat <- pmat <- matrix(1, nrow=nobs, ncol=K)
else {
## Apply covariate effects to mixing probabilities by multinomial logistic
## regression
alpha <- c(0, pars[1:(K-1)])
alphamat <- matrix(alpha, nrow=nobs, ncol=K, byrow=TRUE) # by individual
if (ncovsp > 0) {
for (k in 2:K){
cpinds <- K - 1 + (k-2)*ncovsp + 1:ncovsp
alphamat[,k] <- alpha[k] + Xp %*% pars[cpinds]
pmat <- exp(alphamat)
pmat <- pmat / rowSums(pmat)
probmat <- pmat # this will be 1 or 0 if event observed
## Remaining parameters are time-to-event stuff
parsl <- split(pars[nppars + seq_len(ntpars)], parindsl)
theta <- coveffs <- vector(K, mode="list")
## Contribution to likelihood for mixing probabilities for those with known events
llp_event_known <- matrix(0, nrow=nobs, ncol=K)
# Set membership prob to 0 where there are partially-observed events
for (i in seq_len(npartials)){
non_events <- setdiff(1:K, partial_events[[i]])
probmat[! & partial_event==i, non_events] <- 0
## Likelihood from times to events or censoring
liki <- matrix(0, nrow=nobs, ncol=K)
for (k in 1:K){
## Evaluate likelihood for each component by calling flexsurvreg with
## parameters fixed at initial values. Build this initial values vector.
theta[[k]] <- inv.transform(parsl[[k]][seq_len(nthetal[k])], dlists[[k]])
coveffs[[k]] <- parsl[[k]][nthetal[k] + seq_len(ncoveffsl[k])]
initsk <- c(theta[[k]], coveffs[[k]])
if (any(is.infinite(log(exp(initsk))))) return(-Inf)
## Event probability is 1 if their event was observed to be k
probmat[! & event==k, k] <- 1
## Event probability is 1 if their event was observed to be one other than k
probmat[! & event!=k, k] <- 0
need_lik <- probmat[,k] > 0
liki[need_lik,k] <- exp("flexsurvreg",
list(formula=locform[[k]], data=data, dist=dists[[k]],
anc=anc[[k]], inits=initsk, subset=need_lik,
llp_event_known[,k] <- as.numeric((! & event==k) * log(pmat[,k]))
logliki <- - (log(rowSums(probmat*liki, na.rm=TRUE)) + rowSums(llp_event_known))
res <- sum(logliki)
attr(res, "indiv") <- logliki
# Parameter dictionary to be completed with the estimates
distnames <- sapply(dists, function(x){if(is.list(x))x$name else x})
res <- data.frame(component = c(evnames, rep(evnames[setdiff(1:K, 1)], each=ncovsp),
rep(evnames, ntparsl)),
dist = c(rep("",nppars+1), rep(distnames, ntparsl)),
terms = c(paste0("prob",1:K), names(inits_covp), names(inits_theta)),
parclass = c("prob", parclass),
baseorcov = c("pbase", baseorcov),
parcov = c("", parcov))
inits_all <- c(inits_alpha, inits_covp, inits_theta)
if (isTRUE(fixedpars)) fixedpars <- seq_len(npars)
if (is.logical(fixedpars) && (fixedpars==FALSE)) fixedpars <- NULL
if (is.character(fixedpars)){
if (!all(fixedpars %in% res$terms)) {
bad_fixedpars <- fixedpars[! fixedpars %in% res$terms[-1]]
stop(paste(bad_fixedpars,collapse=","), " not in model terms")
fixedpars <- match(fixedpars, as.character(res$terms[-1]))
if (is.numeric(fixedpars) && !all(fixedpars %in% 1:npars))
stop(sprintf("`fixedpars` should all be in 1,...,%s",npars))
optpars <- setdiff(seq_len(npars), fixedpars)
fixed <- (length(optpars) == 0)
inits_opt <- inits_all[optpars]
if (is.null(optim.control$fnscale))
optim.control$fnscale <- 10000
method <- match.arg(method, c("direct","em"))
if (!anyNA(event)) method <- "em" # likelihoods factorise, use EM code with one iteration
if (method=="direct"){
if (length(optpars) > 0){
if (is.null(optim.control$ndeps))
optim.control$ndeps = rep(1e-06, length(inits_opt))
opt <- optim(inits_opt, loglik_flexsurvmix, hessian=FALSE, method="BFGS",
control=optim.control, ...)
if (opt$convergence==1)
warning("Iteration limit in optim() reached without convergence. Reported estimates are not the maximum likelihood. Increase \"maxit\" or simplify the model.")
} else {
opt <- list(par=inits_all, value=loglik_flexsurvmix(inits_all))
logliki <- -attr(loglik_flexsurvmix(opt$par), "indiv")
## Transform mixing probs back to natural scale for presentation
opt_all <- inits_all
opt_all[optpars] <- opt$par
res_probs <- if (K>1) pmnlogit(opt_all[1:(K-1)]) else 1
res_covp <- if (ncoveffsp>0) opt_all[K:(K-1+ncoveffsp)] else numeric()
res_cpars <- split(opt_all[(nppars+1):length(opt_all)], parindsl)
res_theta <- res_coveffs <- vector(K, mode="list")
for (k in 1:K){
## Transform time-to-event parameters back to natural scale
res_theta[[k]] <- inv.transform(res_cpars[[k]][seq_len(nthetal[k])], dlists[[k]])
res_coveffs[[k]] <- res_cpars[[k]][nthetal[k] + seq_len(ncoveffsl[k])]
res_cpars[[k]] <- c(res_theta[[k]], res_coveffs[[k]])
## Build tidy data frame of results with one row per parameter. Includes an
## extra row for the probability of the first event (defined as 1 - sum of
## rest)
est.t <- c(NA, opt_all)
res <- cbind(res, data.frame(
est = c(res_probs, res_covp, unlist(res_cpars)),
est.t = est.t))
loglik <- - as.vector(opt$value)
if (!fixed) {
# the hessian computation is potentially extremely time consuming!
cov <- .hess_to_cov(.hessian(loglik_flexsurvmix, opt$par),
hess.control$tol.solve, hess.control$tol.evalues)
} else {
cov <- NULL
else if (method=="em") {
if (!is.list(em.control)) em.control <- list()
if (is.null(em.control$reltol)) em.control$reltol <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
if (is.null(em.control$var.method)) em.control$var.method <- "direct"
converged <- FALSE
iter <- 0
alpha <- inits_alpha
covp <- inits_covp
theta <- theta_inits
covtheta <- cov_inits
fixedpars_em <- split_fixedpars(fixedpars, nppars, ntparsl, K, nthetal)
optpars_em <- split_fixedpars(optpars, nppars, ntparsl, K, nthetal)
while (!converged) {
## E step
alphamat <- matrix(c(0,alpha), nrow=nobs, ncol=K, byrow=TRUE) # by individual
if (ncovsp>0){
for (k in 2:K){
cpinds <- (k-2)*ncovsp + 1:ncovsp
alphamat[,k] <- alpha[k-1] + Xp %*% covp[cpinds]
pmat <- exp(alphamat)
pmat <- pmat / rowSums(pmat)
llmat <- matrix(nrow=nobs, ncol=K)
for (k in 1:K) {
fs <- flexsurvreg(formula=locform[[k]], data=data, dist=dists[[k]],
anc=anc[[k]], inits=theta[[k]], aux=aux[[k]], fixedpars=TRUE,
llmat[,k] <- fs$logliki
alphap <- exp(llmat) * pmat
w <- alphap / rowSums(alphap) # probability that each observation belongs to each component
for (k in 1:K) {
w[! & event==k, k] <- 1
w[! & event!=k, k] <- 0
## M step
## estimate component probs and covariate effects on them
#alpha <- colMeans(w)
loglik_p_em <- function(pars){
parsfull <- numeric(nppars)
parsfull[optpars_em$p] <- pars
parsfull[fixedpars_em$p] <- c(inits_alpha, inits_covp)[fixedpars_em$p]
alphamat <- matrix(c(0,parsfull[1:(K-1)]), nrow=nobs, ncol=K, byrow=TRUE)
if (ncovsp > 0) {
for (k in 2:K){
cpinds <- K - 1 + (k-2)*ncovsp + 1:ncovsp
alphamat[,k] <- alphamat[,k] + Xp %*% parsfull[cpinds]
pmat <- exp(alphamat)
pmat <- pmat / rowSums(pmat)
# if setting a control argument here in the future, note ndeps has to be different
# length from others.
alpha <- inits_alpha
covp <- inits_covp
if (length(fixedpars_em$p) == nppars) { # all prob-related parameters fixed
hess_full_p <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
} else {
parsp <- optim(c(alpha,covp)[optpars_em$p], loglik_p_em, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE,
control = em.control$optim.p.control)
alpha[optpars_em$p[names(optpars_em$p)=="p"]] <- parsp$par[names(optpars_em$p)=="p"]
covp[optpars_em$p[names(optpars_em$p)=="pcov"] - (K-1)] <- parsp$par[names(optpars_em$p)=="pcov"]
hess_full_p <- parsp$hessian
probs <- pmnlogit(alpha)
## call flexsurvreg for each component on weighted dataset to estimate component-specific pars
thetanew <- covthetanew <- ttepars <- hess_full_t <- vector(K, mode="list")
ll <- numeric(K)
ctrl <- optim.control
for (k in 1:K) {
if (is.null(optim.control$ndeps))
ctrl$ndeps = rep(1e-06, length(optpars_em$t[[as.character(k)]]))
fs <-"flexsurvreg", # need to avoid environment faff with supplying weights
list(formula=locform[[k]], data=data, dist=dists[[k]],
anc=anc[[k]], inits=c(theta[[k]],covtheta[[k]]),
fixedpars = fixedpars_em$t[[as.character(k)]],
ll[k] <- fs$loglik
thetanew[[k]] <- fs$res[seq_len(nthetal[k]),"est"]
if (ncoveffsl[k] > 0)
covthetanew[[k]] <- fs$res[nthetal[k] + seq_len(ncoveffsl[k]), "est"]
ttepars[[k]] <- c(thetanew[[k]], covthetanew[[k]])
hess_full_t[[k]] <- fs$opt$hessian
if (is.null(hess_full_t[[k]])) hess_full_t[[k]] <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
theta <- thetanew
covtheta <- covthetanew
logliknew <- sum(ll)
if (!anyNA(event))
converged <- TRUE
else if (iter > 0)
converged <- (abs(logliknew / loglik - 1) <= em.control$reltol)
loglik <- logliknew
est <- c(probs, covp, unlist(ttepars))
theta.t <- parlist.transform(theta,dlists)
ttepars.t <- vector(mode="list")
for (k in 1:K){
ttepars.t[[k]] <- c(theta.t[[k]], covtheta[[k]])
est.t <- c(NA, alpha, covp, unlist(ttepars.t))
if (is.numeric(em.control$trace) && em.control$trace > 0)
if (is.numeric(em.control$trace) && em.control$trace > 1)
iter <- iter + 1
res <- cbind(res,
data.frame(est=est, est.t=est.t))
ll <- loglik_flexsurvmix(est.t[-1][optpars])
loglik <- -as.vector(ll)
logliki <- -attr(ll, "indiv")
if (!anyNA(event)) {
hess <- - Matrix::bdiag(hess_full_p, Matrix::bdiag(hess_full_t))
cov <- .hess_to_cov(-hess, hess.control$tol.solve, hess.control$tol.evalues)
} else {
if (em.control$var.method=="direct"){
hess <- .hessian(loglik_flexsurvmix, est.t[-1][optpars])
cov <- .hess_to_cov(hess, hess.control$tol.solve, hess.control$tol.evalues)
else if (em.control$var.method=="louis")
cov <- flexsurvmix_louis(K, nthetal, dlists, ncoveffsl,
locform, data, dists, anc, aux,
fixedpars_em, optpars_em, inits, optim.control,
ttepars.t, nobs, ntparsl, nppars,
w, alpha, covp, ncovsp, Xp,
hess_full_p, hess_full_t, hess.control)
opt <- NULL
## Add standard errors to results data frame, given covariance matrix.
## A previous version attempted to calculate a SE for the reference category
## probability as follows, but didn't account for the logit transformation.
## var ( 1 - p1 - p2 - .. ) = var(p1) + var(p2) - cov(p1,p2) - ...
res$fixed <- c(NA, rep(FALSE, npars))
res$fixed[1 + fixedpars] <- TRUE
optp <- optpars[optpars < K]
res$se <- rep(NA, npars + 1)
if (!fixed){
if (length(optp) > 0){
covp <- cov[optp, optp, drop=FALSE]
res$se[1] <- NA
res$se[1 + optpars] <- sqrt(diag(cov))
names.first <- c("component","dist","terms","est","est.t","se")
res <- res[,c(names.first, setdiff(names(res), names.first)),drop=FALSE]
rownames(res) <- NULL
mcomb <-"cbind", m)
mcomb <- mcomb[,!duplicated(names(mcomb))]
attr(mcomb, "covnames") <- unique(unlist(lapply(m, function(x)attr(terms(x),"term.labels"))))
attr(mcomb, "covnames.main") <- unique(unlist(lapply(m, function(x)rownames(attr(terms(x),"factors"))[-1])))
res <- list(,
res=res, loglik=loglik, cov=cov,
npars=npars, AIC=-2*loglik + 2*npars,
K=K, dists=distnames, dlists=dlists, dfns=dfns,
fixedpars=fixedpars, optpars=optpars,
nthetal=nthetal, parindsl=parindsl,
ncoveffsl=ncoveffsl,ncoveffsp=ncoveffsp, covparsl=covparsl,
all.formulae=forms, pformula=pformula,
data=list(mf=m, mfcomb=mcomb), mx=mx)
class(res) <- "flexsurvmix"
check.formula.flexsurvmix <- function(formula, dlist, data=NULL){
if (!is.list(formula)){
if (!inherits(formula,"formula")) stop("\"formula\" must be a formula object")
formula <- list(formula)
for (i in seq_along(formula)){
if (!inherits(formula[[i]],"formula"))
stop(sprintf("\"formula[[%s]]\" must be a formula object", i))
if ("." %in% all.vars(formula[[i]]))
stop("`.` in formulae is not supported in flexsurvmix")
labs <- attr(terms(formula[[i]], data=data), "term.labels")
if (!("strata" %in% dlist$pars)){
strat <- grep("strata\\((.+)\\)",labs)
if (length(strat) > 0){
cov <- gsub("strata\\((.+)\\)","\\1",labs[strat[1]])
warning("Ignoring \"strata\" function: interpreting \"",cov, "\" as a covariate on \"", dlist$location, "\"")
if (!("frailty" %in% dlist$pars)){
fra <- grep("frailty\\((.+)\\)",labs)
if (length(fra) > 0){
warning("frailty models are not supported and behaviour of frailty() is undefined")
#' @noRd
logLik.flexsurvmix <- function(object, ...){
val <- object$loglik
attributes(val) <- NULL
attr(val, "df") <- object$npars
attr(val, "nobs") <- nrow(model.frame(object))
class(val) <- "logLik"
clean_listarg <- function(arg, argname, evnames){
if (!is.null(arg)){
if (length(arg) != length(evnames))
stop(sprintf("`%s` of length %s, should equal the number of mixture components, assumed to be %s, from the number of levels of factor(event)",
argname, length(arg), length(evnames)))
narg <- names(arg)
if (is.null(narg))
names(arg) <- evnames
else {
if (!identical(sort(narg), sort(evnames)))
stop(sprintf("names(%s) = %s, but this should match levels(factor(event)) = %s",
argname, paste(narg, collapse=","), paste(evnames,collapse=",")))
arg <- arg[evnames]
##' @export
print.flexsurvmix <- function(x, ...)
if (x$npars > 0) {
keep.cols <- c("component","dist","terms","est","est.t","se")
res <- x$res[,keep.cols,drop=FALSE]
cat ("Estimates: \n")
args <- list(...)
if (is.null(args$digits)) args$digits <- 3
f <-"format", c(list(x=res), args))
print(f,, quote=FALSE, na.print="")
cat("\nLog-likelihood = ", x$loglik, ", df = ", x$npars,
"\nAIC = ", x$AIC, "\n\n", sep="")
par.transform <- function(pars, dlist){
pars.t <- numeric(length(pars))
names(pars.t) <- names(pars)
for (i in seq_along(pars.t))
pars.t[i] <- dlist$transforms[[i]](pars[i])
inv.transform <- function(pars, dlist){
pars.nat <- numeric(length(pars))
names(pars.nat) <- names(pars)
for (i in seq_along(pars.nat))
pars.nat[i] <- dlist$inv.transforms[[i]](pars[i])
parlist.transform <- function(parlist, dlists){
parlist.t <- vector(length(parlist), mode="list")
for (k in seq_along(parlist.t))
parlist.t[[k]] <- par.transform(parlist[[k]], dlists[[k]])
invlist.transform <- function(parlist, dlists){
parlist.t <- vector(length(parlist), mode="list")
for (k in seq_along(parlist.t))
parlist.t[[k]] <- inv.transform(parlist[[k]], dlists[[k]])
## Transform full vector of estimates back to natural scale.
## Returns Kth baseline prob as well
## TODO can this go into the main flexsurvreg function? Would have to form list first
inv.transform.res <- function(x, dlists) {
dpars <- x$res$est.t[x$res$dist!=""]
dpars <- split(dpars, x$parindsl)
dnames <- split(x$res$terms[x$res$dist!=""], x$parindsl)
K <- x$K
est <- vector(K, mode="list")
for (k in 1:K) {
bpars <- dpars[[k]][dnames[[k]] %in% x$dlists[[k]]$pars]
cpars <- dpars[[k]][!(dnames[[k]] %in% x$dlists[[k]]$pars)]
bpars <- inv.transform(bpars, dlists[[k]])
est[[k]] <- c(bpars, cpars)
probs <- if (K==1) 1 else pmnlogit(x$res$est.t[2:K])
pcov <- x$res$est.t[grep("prob[[:digit:]]+\\(.+\\)", x$res$terms)]
c(probs, pcov, unlist(est))
##' Model frame from a flexsurvmix object
##' Returns a list of data frames, with each component containing the
##' data that were used for the model fit for that mixture component.
##' @param formula Fitted model object from \code{\link{flexsurvmix}}.
##' @param ... Further arguments (currently unused).
##' @return A list of data frames
##' @export
model.frame.flexsurvmix <- function(formula, ...)
x <- formula
# Multinomial logistic transform and inverse transform
# returns transformed probs relative to first component, excluding first component
qmnlogit <- function(probs){
if (length(probs) == 1)
log(probs[-1] / probs[1])
# returns probs including first component, given transformed probs with first component excluded
pmnlogit <- function(alpha){
c(1, exp(alpha)) / (1 + sum(exp(alpha)))
## Convert "fixedpars" (vector of parameter indices to fix) from
## joint full MLE form (indices into full parameter vector) to EM form
## (indices of parameters in each submodel to be maximised in the M step)
## e.g.
#nppars <- 4 # number of prob pars (including cov effects)
#ntparsl <- c(3, 3, 4) # number of time to event pars for each event (including cov effects)
#indices 1,2,3,4 are prob pars, 5,6,7 time to event 1 pars
# 8,9,10 are time to event 2 pars, and 11,12,13,14 are time to event 3 pars
#fixedpars <- c(2,3, 6,7, 9, 12)
#correspond to indices 2,3 2,3 2 2) in the four submodels
# so function returns list(p=c(2,3), t=list(c(2,3), 2, 2))
# List component will be numeric(0) for prob model, or NULL for time model, if no pars fixed for that model
# names of time models will be "1","2",.
split_fixedpars <- function(fixedpars, nppars, ntparsl, K, nthetal){
fixedpars_p <- fixedpars[fixedpars <= nppars]
if (!is.null(fixedpars_p))
names(fixedpars_p) <- ifelse(fixedpars_p <= K-1, "p", "pcov")
ft <- fixedpars[fixedpars >= nppars] - nppars
fixedpars_t <-
rep(seq_along(ntparsl), ntparsl)[ft])
for (i in 1:K){
ic <- as.character(i)
if (!is.null(fixedpars_t[[ic]]))
names(fixedpars_t[[ic]]) <- ifelse(fixedpars_t[[ic]] <= nthetal[i], "theta", "covtheta")
else fixedpars_t[[ic]] <- numeric()
fixedpars_t <- fixedpars_t[as.character(1:K)]
list(p=fixedpars_p, t=fixedpars_t)
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