
Defines functions check_dep_sub_type check.flowdef check.flowmat check

Documented in check check.flowdef check.flowmat

#' @rdname check
#' @title 
#' Check consistency of flowdef and flowmat
#' @description 
#' Check consistency of flowdef and flowmat, using various rules.
#' @param x a flowdef or flowmat object
#' @param ... Passed onto either \code{check.flowdef} OR \code{check.flowmat} functions
#' @inheritParams to_flow
#' @details 
#' \strong{A typical output from flowdef} with verbose level: 2
#' \preformatted{
#'	checking if required columns are present...
#'	checking if resources columns are present...
#'	checking if dependency column has valid names...
#'	checking if submission column has valid names...
#'	checking for missing rows in def...
#'	checking for extra rows in def...
#'	checking submission and dependency types...
#'	jobname	prev.sub_type --> dep_type --> sub_type: relationship
#'	1: aln1_a	none --> none --> scatter 
#'	2: aln2_a	scatter --> none --> scatter 
#'	3: sampe_a	scatter --> serial --> scatter rel: complex one:one
#'	4: fixrg_a	scatter --> serial --> scatter rel: complex one:one
#'	5: merge_a	scatter --> gather --> serial rel: many:one
#'	6: markdup_a	serial --> serial --> serial rel: simple one:one
#'	7: target_a	serial --> serial --> serial rel: simple one:one
#'	8: realign_a	serial --> burst --> scatter rel: one:many
#'	9: baserecalib_a	scatter --> serial --> scatter rel: complex one:one
#'	10: printreads_a	scatter --> serial --> scatter rel: complex one:one
#'	}
#' @export
check <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname check
#' @export
check.flowmat <- function(x, ...){
  numcol = ncol(x)
  if (numcol < 3)
    stop("We need at lease 3 columns")

#' @rdname check
#' @importFrom params kable
#' @export
check.flowdef <- function(x, verbose = opts_flow$get("verbose"), ...){
  dep_types = c("none", "serial", "gather", "burst")
  sub_types = c("serial", "scatter")
  need_cols = c("jobname", "prev_jobs", "sub_type", "dep_type")
  opt_cols = c("platform", "cpu_reserved", 'walltime', 'queue', 'memory_reserved')
  if(verbose > 0)
    message("--> checking if required columns are present...")
  if (any(!need_cols  %in% colnames(x)))
    stop(c(error("flowdef: missing required columns"),
           paste(need_cols, collapse = " ")))
  if(verbose > 0)
    message("--> checking if resources columns are present...")
  if (any(!opt_cols  %in% colnames(x)))
    stop(c(error("flowdef: missing resource columns", msg = stop), 
           paste(opt_cols, collapse = ", ")))
  if(verbose > 0)
    message("--> checking if dependency column has valid names...")
  if (sum(!x$dep_type %in% dep_types))
    stop("dep_type: invalid\n",
         "Dependency type not recognized.\n Inputs are: ",
         paste(x$dep_type, collapse = " "),
         ".\nAnd they can be one of ", paste(dep_types, collapse = ", "))
  if(verbose > 0)
    message("--> checking if submission column has valid names...")
  if (sum(!x$sub_type %in% sub_types)){
    stop("sub_type: invalid\n",
         "Submission type not recognized. Inputs are: ", paste(x$sub_type, collapse = " "),
         ", and they can be one of: ", paste(sub_types, collapse = ", "))
  ## check if some jobs are put as dependencies but not properly defined
  ## prevjob_exists()
  # x$prev_jobs = gsub("\\.|NA", "none", x$prev_jobs)
  # only replace NA with none; now .!
  x$prev_jobs = gsub("NA", "none", x$prev_jobs)
  x$prev_jobs = ifelse(x$prev_jobs == "", "none", x$prev_jobs)
  x$prev_jobs = ifelse(is.na(x$prev_jobs), "none", x$prev_jobs)
  prev_jobs = unlist(strsplit(x$prev_jobs[!(x$prev_jobs == "none")], ","))
  if(verbose > 0)
    message("--> checking for missing rows in def...")
  miss_jobs = prev_jobs[!prev_jobs %in% x$jobname]
  if (length(miss_jobs) > 0){
    message(paste(kable(x), collapse = "\n"))
    stop(c("extra jobs in prev_jobs\n",
           "Some jobs do not exist, but are present in prev_jobs: ", miss_jobs, "\n"))
  ## check if dep is none, but prev jobs defined
  ## --- check if there are rows where prev_job specied but dep NOT specified
  if(verbose > 0)
    message("--> checking for extra rows in def...")
  extra_rows = (x$dep_type == "none" & x$prev_jobs != "none")
  if (sum(extra_rows) > 0){
    message(paste(kable(x[extra_rows,]), collapse = "\n"))
  extra_rows = (x$dep_type != "none" & x$prev_jobs == "none")
  if (sum(extra_rows)){
    message(paste(kable(x[extra_rows,]), collapse = "\n"))
  ## check resource requirements, substitute by defaults
  if (FALSE){ # does not work as expected
    ## --- if flow def has memory and not memory_reserved, handle it
    if (is.null(x$memory_reserved) & !is.null(x$memory)){
      x$memory_reserved = x$memory
    if (is.null(x$cpu_reserved) & !is.null(x$cpu)){
      x$cpu_reserved = as.numeric(x$cpu)
  x$cpu_reserved = as.numeric(x$cpu_reserved)
    x$nodes = as.character(x$nodes)
  x$memory_reserved = as.character(x$memory_reserved)
  ## check all previous jobs defined in names
  ## code previous jobs as NA
  ## allowable types:
  ## previous job
  ##      scatter --(serial)--> scatter
  ##      scatter --(serial)--> scatter
  ##      scatter --(gather)--> scatter
  ##      scatter --(gather)--> serial
  ##      serial  --(serial)--> scatter
  ##      serial  --(burst)--> scatter
  ## not allowed:
  ##      any --(none)--> any
    message("--> checking submission and dependency types...")
  if(verbose > 1) message("\tjobname\tprev.sub_type --> dep_type --> sub_type: relationship")
  for(i in 1:nrow(x)){
    if(verbose > 1) 
      message("\t", i,": ", x$jobname[i], "\t", appendLF = FALSE)
    prev_jobs = unlist(strsplit(x$prev_jobs[i], ","))
    p.sub = x[x$jobname %in% prev_jobs, 'sub_type']
    p.dep = x[x$jobname %in% prev_jobs, 'dep_type']
    check_dep_sub_type(dep = x$dep_type[i],
                       sub = x$sub_type[i],
                       p.sub = p.sub,
                       p.dep = p.dep,
                       verbose = verbose)

##      scatter --(serial)--> scatter
##      scatter --(serial)--> scatter
##      scatter --(gather)--> scatter
##      scatter --(gather)--> serial
##      serial  --(serial)--> scatter
##      serial  --(burst)--> scatter
check_dep_sub_type <- function(dep, sub,
                               p.dep, p.sub,
                               verbose = opts_flow$get("verbose")){
  v = verbose
  p.dep = ifelse(length(p.dep) == 0, "none", p.dep)
  p.sub = ifelse(length(p.sub) == 0, "none", p.sub)
  if(v > 1) 
    message(p.sub," --> ", dep, " --> ", sub, " ", appendLF = FALSE)
  ## one to one
  if(dep == "serial" & sub == "serial"){
    if(v > 1) 
      message("rel: simple one:one")
  }else if(dep == "serial" & sub == "scatter" & p.sub == "scatter"){
    if(v > 1) 
      message("rel: complex one:one")
    ## one to many
  }else if(p.sub == "serial" & sub == "scatter" & dep == "burst"){
    if(v > 1) 
      message("rel: one:many")
  }else if(p.sub == "serial" & sub == "scatter" & dep == "serial"){
    stop(c("detected relationship: one-to-many. ", 
           "To define this, one must have dependency type as burst. ",
           "Refer to flow-r.github.io/flowr for further details."))
  }else if(p.sub == "scatter" & sub == "scatter" & dep == "burst"){
    stop(c("\nDetected relationship: one-to-many. ", 
           "To define this, one must have previous sub_type as serial. ",
           "If the relationship is really one-to-one, you may want, ",
           "scatter, serial and scatter as previous submission, dependency and submission types, respectively."))
    ## many to one
  }else if(p.sub == "scatter" & sub == "serial" & dep == "gather"){
    if(v > 1) 
      message("rel: many:one")
  }else if(p.sub == "scatter" & sub == "scatter" & dep == "gather"){
    if(v > 1) 
      message("rel: many:one. Please change sub_type to serial")
    if(v > 1) 

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flowr documentation built on March 3, 2021, 1:12 a.m.