Defines functions .diago .repmat .addCommas_single .addCommas .hdc_getTheModel .hdc_getComplexity .hdclassif_bic .hdclassif_dim_choice .checkTheTypes .matchTypeAndSetDefault .myAlerts .myCallAlerts .default_kmeans_control .hddc_control .hddc_ari .mypca.fd .funhddc_m_step .funhddc_e_step .funhddc_main funHDDC

Documented in funHDDC

funHDDC  <-
  function(data, K=1:10, model="AkjBkQkDk", threshold=0.2, itermax=200, eps=1e-6,init='kmeans', criterion="bic",
           algo='EM', d_select="Cattell",  init.vector=NULL, show=TRUE, mini.nb=c(5, 10),
           min.individuals=2, mc.cores=1, nb.rep=1, keepAllRes=TRUE, kmeans.control = list(), d_max=100){

    #Options removed from call

    #nb.rep parameter
    if ((init=="random")&(nb.rep<20)){

    call = match.call()
    # Control of match.args:
    criterion = .myAlerts(criterion, "criterion", "singleCharacterMatch.arg", "HDDC: ", c("bic", "icl"))
    algo = .myAlerts(algo, "algo", "singleCharacterMatch.arg", "HDDC: ", c('EM', 'CEM', 'SEM'))
    d_select = .myAlerts(d_select, "d_select", "singleCharacterMatch.arg", "HDDC: ", c("cattell", "bic"))
    init = .myAlerts(init, "init", "singleCharacterMatch.arg", "HDDC: ", c('random', 'kmeans', 'mini-em', 'param', "vector"))
    # We get the model names, properly ordered
    model = .hdc_getTheModel(model, all2models = TRUE)
    # kmeans controls
    kmeans.control = .default_kmeans_control(kmeans.control)

    if (scaling) {
      stop('Scaling is not implemented!')
    } else scaling <- NULL

    BIC <- ICL <- c()
    fdobj = data
    if (class(fdobj)!='list') {x = t(fdobj$coefs)}
    else {x = t(fdobj[[1]]$coefs); for (i in 2:length(fdobj)) x = cbind(x,t(fdobj[[i]]$coefs))}
    p <- ncol(x)

    # Preparing the parallel

      # If the dimension selection is done with BIC, we don't care of the threshold
      threshold = "bic"

    if(max(table(K))>1) warning("The number of clusters, K, is made unique (repeated values are not tolerated).")
    K = sort(unique(K))
      # K=1 => only one model required
      K = K[K!=1]
      addrows = data.frame(model="AKJBKQKDK", K=1, threshold)
    } else {
      addrows = c()

    mkt_Expand = expand.grid(model=model, K=K, threshold=threshold)
    mkt_Expand = do.call(rbind, replicate(nb.rep, mkt_Expand, simplify=FALSE))
    mkt_Expand = rbind(addrows, mkt_Expand) #no need for several runs for K==1

    model = as.character(mkt_Expand$model)
    K = mkt_Expand$K
    threshold = mkt_Expand$threshold

    # We transform it into an univariate form
    mkt_univariate = apply(mkt_Expand, 1, paste, collapse= "_")

    # Mon 'caller' for LTBM that will be used in multi-cores lapply
    hddcWrapper = function(mkt_univariate, ...){

      mkt_splitted =  strsplit(mkt_univariate, "_")

      # on retrouve model, K and threshold
      model = sapply(mkt_splitted, function(x) x[1])
      K = sapply(mkt_splitted, function(x) as.numeric(x[2]))
      threshold = sapply(mkt_splitted, function(x) ifelse(x[3]=="bic","bic",as.numeric(x[3])))

      # (::: is needed for windows multicore)
      res = "unknown error"
      # try(res <- HDclassif:::funhddc_main(model=model, K=K, threshold=threshold, ...))
      try(res <- .funhddc_main(model=model, K=K, threshold=threshold, ...),silent=TRUE)

    # We reset the number of cores to use
    nRuns = length(mkt_univariate)
    if(nRuns<mc.cores) mc.cores = nRuns

    # We swicth to the right number of cores + a warning if necessary
    max_nb_of_cores = parallel::detectCores()
      warning("The argument mc.cores is greater than its maximun.\nmc.cores was set to ", max_nb_of_cores)
      mc.cores = max_nb_of_cores

    # Parallel estimations

    if(mc.cores == 1){
      # If there is no need for parallel, we just use lapply // in order to have the same output

      par.output = lapply(mkt_univariate, hddcWrapper, fdobj=fdobj, method=d_select, algo=algo, itermax=itermax, eps=eps, init=init, init.vector=init.vector, mini.nb=mini.nb, min.individuals=min.individuals, noise.ctrl=noise.ctrl, com_dim=com_dim, kmeans.control=kmeans.control, d_max=d_max)

    } else if(Sys.info()[['sysname']] == 'Windows'){
      # we use parLapply:

      ## create clusters
      cl = parallel::makeCluster(mc.cores)
      ## load the packages
      loadMyPackages = function(x){
        # loadMyPackages = function(none, myFuns){
        # we load the package
        # we add the functions in the global env
        # for(i in 1:length(myFuns)){
        # 	funName = names(myFuns)[i]
        # 	fun = myFuns[[i]]
        # 	assign(funName, fun, .GlobalEnv)
        # }
      ## Create the functions to export
      # myFuns = list(hddc_main = hddc_main, hddc_e_step=hddc_e_step, hddc_m_step=hddc_m_step, hdc_getComplexity=hdc_getComplexity, hdc_myEigen=hdc_myEigen, hdclassif_dim_choice=hdclassif_dim_choice, hdclassif_bic=hdclassif_bic)
      # par.setup = parallel::parLapply(cl, 1:length(cl), loadMyPackages, myFuns=myFuns)
      par.setup = parallel::parLapply(cl, 1:length(cl), loadMyPackages)

      ## run the parallel
      par.output = NULL
      try(par.output <- parallel::parLapply(cl, mkt_univariate, hddcWrapper, DATA=fdobj, method=d_select, algo=algo, itermax=itermax, eps=eps, init=init, init.vector=ifelse(missing(init.vector), NA, init.vector), mini.nb=mini.nb, min.individuals=min.individuals, noise.ctrl=noise.ctrl, com_dim=com_dim, kmeans.control=kmeans.control, d_max=d_max))

      ## Stop the clusters

      if(is.null(par.output)) stop("Unknown error in the parallel computing. Try mc.cores=1 to detect the problem.")

    } else {
      # we use mclapply

      par.output = NULL
      try(par.output <- parallel::mclapply(mkt_univariate, hddcWrapper, DATA=fdobj, method=d_select, algo=algo, itermax=itermax, eps=eps, init=init, init.vector=init.vector, mini.nb=mini.nb, min.individuals=min.individuals, noise.ctrl=noise.ctrl, com_dim=com_dim, kmeans.control=kmeans.control, d_max=d_max, mc.cores=mc.cores))

      if(is.null(par.output)) stop("Unknown error in the parallel computing. Try mc.cores=1 to detect the problem.")


    # The results are retrieved

    getElement = function(x, what, valueIfNull = -Inf){
      # attention si x est le modele nul
      if(length(x)==1) return(valueIfNull)
      if(!is.list(x) && !what %in% names(x)) return(NA)

    getComment = function(x){
      # we get the error message
      if(length(x)==1) return(x)

    # All likelihoods
    LL_all = sapply(par.output, getElement, what="loglik")
    comment_all = sapply(par.output, getComment)

    # If no model is valid => problem
      warning("All models diverged.")
      allCriteria = data.frame(model=model, K=K, threshold=threshold, LL = LL_all, BIC=NA, comment=comment_all)
      res = list()
      res$allCriteria = allCriteria

    # We select, for each (Q,K), the best run
    n = nrow(mkt_Expand)
    modelKeep = sapply(unique(mkt_univariate), function(x) (1:n)[mkt_univariate==x][which.max(LL_all[mkt_univariate==x])])
    # => we select only the best models
    LL_all = LL_all[modelKeep]
    comment_all = comment_all[modelKeep]
    par.output = par.output[modelKeep]
    BIC = sapply(par.output, getElement, what="BIC")
    ICL = sapply(par.output, getElement, what="ICL")
    comp_all = sapply(par.output, getElement, what="complexity", valueIfNull=NA)
    model = model[modelKeep]
    threshold = threshold[modelKeep]
    K = K[modelKeep]

    # We define the criterion of model selection
    CRIT = switch(criterion,
                  bic = BIC,
                  icl = ICL)

    # The order of the results
    myOrder = order(CRIT, decreasing = TRUE)

    # On sauvegarde le bon modele + creation de l'output
    qui = which.max(CRIT)

    prms = par.output[[qui]]
    prms$criterion = CRIT[qui]
    names(prms$criterion) = criterion

    # Other output
    prms$call = call
    # We add the complexity
    names(comp_all) = mkt_univariate[modelKeep]
    prms$complexity_allModels = comp_all

    # Display
      if(n>1) cat("funHDDC: \n")

      model2print = sapply(model, function(x) sprintf("%*s", max(nchar(model)), x))
      K2print = as.character(K)
      K2print = sapply(K2print, function(x) sprintf("%*s", max(nchar(K2print)), x))
      thresh2print = as.character(threshold)
      thresh_width = max(nchar(thresh2print))
      thresh2print = sapply(thresh2print, function(x) sprintf("%s%s", x, paste0(rep("0", thresh_width - nchar(x)), collapse="") ))

      # on cree une data.frame
      myResMat = cbind(model2print[myOrder], K2print[myOrder], thresh2print[myOrder],.addCommas(prms$complexity_allModels[myOrder]), .addCommas(CRIT[myOrder]), comment_all[myOrder])

      myResMat = as.data.frame(myResMat)
      names(myResMat) = c("model", "K", "threshold", "complexity",toupper(criterion), "comment")
      row.names(myResMat) = 1:nrow(myResMat)

      # if no problem => no comment
      if(all(comment_all == "")) myResMat$comment = NULL


      msg = switch(criterion, bic="BIC", icl="ICL")
      cat("\nSELECTED: model ", prms$model, " with ", prms$K, " clusters.\n")
      cat("Selection Criterion: ", msg, ".\n", sep="")


    # We also add the matrix of all criteria
    allCriteria = data.frame(model=model[myOrder], K=K[myOrder], threshold=threshold[myOrder], LL=LL_all[myOrder],complexity=prms$complexity_allModels[myOrder], BIC=BIC[myOrder], ICL=ICL[myOrder], rank = 1:length(myOrder))

    # we add the comments if necessary
    if(any(comment_all != "")) allCriteria$comment = comment_all[myOrder]
    prms$allCriteria = allCriteria

    # If all the results are kept
      all_results = par.output
      names(all_results) = mkt_univariate[modelKeep]
      prms$all_results = all_results

    # Other stuff
    prms$scaling <- scaling
    prms$threshold <- threshold[qui]


.funhddc_main <- function(fdobj, K, model, threshold, method, algo, itermax, eps, init, init.vector, mini.nb, min.individuals, noise.ctrl, com_dim=NULL, kmeans.control, d_max, ...){

  if (class(fdobj)!='list') {DATA = t(fdobj$coefs)}
  else {DATA = t(fdobj[[1]]$coefs); for (i in 2:length(fdobj)) DATA = cbind(DATA,t(fdobj[[i]]$coefs))}
  p <- ncol(DATA)
  N <- nrow(DATA)
  com_ev <- NULL

  # We set d_max to a proper value
  d_max = min(N, p, d_max)

  # if ( any(model==ModelNames[7:12]) ){
  #   # Common dimension models
  #   MU <- colMeans(DATA)
  #   if (N<p) {
  #     Y <- (DATA-matrix(MU, N, p, byrow=TRUE))/sqrt(N)
  #     YYt <- tcrossprod(Y)
  #     com_ev <- hdc_myEigen(YYt, d_max, only.values = TRUE)$values
  #   } else{
  #     S <- crossprod(DATA-matrix(MU, N, p, byrow=TRUE))/N
  #     com_ev <- hdc_myEigen(S, d_max, only.values = TRUE)$values
  #   }
  #   if(is.null(com_dim)) com_dim <- .hdclassif_dim_choice(com_ev, N, method, threshold, FALSE, noise.ctrl)
  # }

  if (K>1){
    t <- matrix(0, N, K)
    if(init == "vector"){
      init.vector = unclass(init.vector)
      name <- unique(init.vector)
      for (i in 1:K) t[which(init.vector==name[i]), i] <- 1
    } else if (init=='kmeans') {
      kmc = kmeans.control
      cluster <- kmeans(DATA, K, iter.max=kmc$iter.max, nstart=kmc$nstart, algorithm=kmc$algorithm, trace=kmc$trace)$cluster
      for (i in 1:K) t[which(cluster==i), i] <- 1
    } else if (init=='mini-em'){
      prms_best <- 1
      for (i in 1:mini.nb[1]){
        prms <- .funhddc_main(DATA, K, model, threshold, method, algo, mini.nb[2], 0, 'random', mini.nb = mini.nb, min.individuals = min.individuals, noise.ctrl = noise.ctrl, com_dim = com_dim, d_max=d_max)
          if (length(prms_best)==1) prms_best <- prms
          else if (prms_best$loglik[length(prms_best$loglik)]<prms$loglik[length(prms$loglik)]) prms_best <- prms

      if (length(prms_best)==1) return(1)
      t <- prms_best$posterior
    } else {
      t <- t(rmultinom(N, 1, rep(1/K, K)))
      while(min(colSums(t))<1 && (compteur <- compteur+1)<5) t <- t(rmultinom(N, 1, rep(1/K, K)))
      if(min(colSums(t))<1) return("Random initialization failed (n too small)")
  } else t <- matrix(1, N, 1)

  likely <- c()
  I <- 0
  test <- Inf
  while ((I <- I+1)<=itermax && test>=eps){

    if (algo!='EM' && I!=1) t <- t2

    # Error catching
    if (K>1){
      if(any(is.na(t))) return("unknown error: NA in t_ik")

      if(any(colSums(t>1/K)<min.individuals)) return("pop<min.individuals")

    m <- .funhddc_m_step(fdobj, K, t, model, threshold, method, noise.ctrl, com_dim, d_max)
    t <- .funhddc_e_step(fdobj, m)
    L <- t$L
    t <- t$t
    if (algo=='CEM') {
      t2 <- matrix(0, N, K)
      t2[cbind(1:N, max.col(t))] <- 1
    } else if(algo=='SEM') {
      t2 <- matrix(0, N, K)
      for (i in 1:N)	t2[i, ] <- t(rmultinom(1, 1, t[i, ]))
    likely[I] <- L
    if (I!=1) test <- abs(likely[I]-likely[I-1])

  # We retrieve the parameters

  # a
  if ( model%in%c('AKBKQKDK', 'AKBQKDK', 'AKBKQKD', 'AKBQKD') ) {
    a <- matrix(m$a[, 1], 1, m$K, dimnames=list(c("Ak:"), 1:m$K))
  } else if(model=='AJBQD') {
    a <- matrix(m$a[1, ], 1, m$d[1], dimnames=list(c('Aj:'), paste('a', 1:m$d[1], sep='')))
  } else if ( model%in%c('ABKQKDK', 'ABQKDK', 'ABKQKD', 'ABQKD', "ABQD") ) {
    a <- matrix(m$a[1], dimnames=list(c('A:'), c('')))
  } else a <- matrix(m$a, m$K, max(m$d), dimnames=list('Class'=1:m$K, paste('a', 1:max(m$d), sep='')))

  # b
  if ( model%in%c('AKJBQKDK', 'AKBQKDK', 'ABQKDK', 'AKJBQKD', 'AKBQKD', 'ABQKD', 'AJBQD', "ABQD") ) {
    b <- matrix(m$b[1], dimnames=list(c('B:'), c('')))
  } else b <- matrix(m$b, 1, m$K, dimnames=list(c("Bk:"), 1:m$K))

  # d, mu, prop
  d <- matrix(m$d, 1, m$K, dimnames=list(c('dim:'), "Intrinsic dimensions of the classes:"=1:m$K))
  mu <- matrix(m$mu, m$K, p, dimnames=list('Class'=1:m$K, 'Posterior group means:'=paste('V', 1:p, sep='')))
  prop <- matrix(m$prop, 1, m$K, dimnames=list(c(''), 'Posterior probabilities of groups'=1:m$K))

  # Other elements
  complexity <- .hdc_getComplexity(m, p)
  class(b) <- class(a) <- class(d) <- class(prop) <- class(mu) <- 'hd'
  cls <- max.col(t)
  converged = test<eps

  params = list(model=model, K=K, d=d, a=a, b=b, mu=mu, prop=prop, ev=m$ev, Q=m$Q,fpca=m$fpcaobj, loglik=likely[length(likely)], loglik_all = likely, posterior=t, class=cls, com_ev=com_ev, N=N, complexity=complexity, threshold=threshold, d_select=method, converged=converged)

  # We compute the BIC / ICL
  bic_icl = .hdclassif_bic(params, p)
  params$BIC = bic_icl$bic
  params$ICL = bic_icl$icl

  # We set the class
  class(params) <- 'funHDDC'


.funhddc_e_step  <- function(fdobj, par){
  if (class(fdobj)!='list') {x = t(fdobj$coefs)}
  else {x = t(fdobj[[1]]$coefs); for (i in 2:length(fdobj)) x = cbind(x,t(fdobj[[i]]$coefs))}
  p <- ncol(x)
  N <- nrow(x)
  K <- par$K
  a <- par$a
  b <- par$b
  mu <- par$mu
  d <- par$d
  prop <- par$prop
  Q <- par$Q

  b[b<1e-6] <- 1e-6

  K_pen <- matrix(0,K,N)
  for (i in 1:K) {
    s <- sum(log(a[i,1:d[i]]))
    X <- x - matrix(mu[i,], N, p, byrow=TRUE)
    Qi = par$fpcaobj[[i]]$W %*% Q[[i]]
    proj <- (X%*%Qi)%*%t(Qi)
    A <- (-proj)%*%Qi%*%sqrt(diag(1/a[i,1:d[i]],d[i]))
    B <- X-proj
    K_pen[i,] <- rowSums(A^2)+1/b[i]*rowSums(B^2)+s+(p-d[i])*log(b[i])-2*log(prop[i])+p*log(2*pi)

  A <- -1/2*t(K_pen)
  L <- sum(log(rowSums(exp(A-apply(A,1,max))))+apply(A,1,max))

  t <- matrix(0,N,K)
  for (i in 1:K) t[,i] <- 1/rowSums(exp((K_pen[i,]-t(K_pen))/2))

.funhddc_m_step  <- function(fdobj, K, t, model, threshold, method, noise.ctrl, com_dim, d_max){
  if (class(fdobj)!='list') { x = t(fdobj$coefs)
  } else {x = t(fdobj[[1]]$coefs); for (i in 2:length(fdobj)) x = cbind(x,t(fdobj[[i]]$coefs))}
  # Some parameters
  N <- nrow(x)
  p <- ncol(x)
  prop <- c()
  n <- colSums(t)
  prop <- n/N
  mu <- matrix(NA, K, p)
  for (i in 1:K) mu[i, ] <- colSums(x*t[, i])/n[i]

  ind <- apply(t>0, 2, which)
  n_bis <- c()
  for(i in 1:K) n_bis[i] <- length(ind[[i]])

  #Calculation on Var/Covar matrices

  # we keep track of the trace (== sum of eigenvalues) to compute the b
  traceVect = c()

  ev <- matrix(0, K, p)
  Q <- vector(mode='list', length=K)
  fpcaobj = list()
  for (i in 1:K){
    donnees <- .mypca.fd(fdobj,t[,i])
    traceVect[i] = sum(diag(donnees$valeurs_propres))
    ev[i, ] <- donnees$valeurs_propres
    Q[[i]] <- donnees$U
    fpcaobj[[i]] = donnees

  #Intrinsic dimensions selection
  # browser()
  if (model%in%c("AJBQD", "ABQD")){
    d <- rep(com_dim, length=K)
  } else if ( model%in%c("AKJBKQKD", "AKBKQKD", "ABKQKD", "AKJBQKD", "AKBQKD", "ABQKD") ){
    dmax <- min(apply((ev>noise.ctrl)*rep(1:ncol(ev), each=K), 1, which.max))-1
    if(com_dim>dmax) com_dim <- max(dmax, 1)
    d <- rep(com_dim, length=K)
  } else {
    d <- .hdclassif_dim_choice(ev, n, method, threshold, FALSE, noise.ctrl)

  #Setup of the Qi matrices

  for(i in 1:K) Q[[i]] <- matrix(Q[[i]][, 1:d[i]], p, d[i])

  #Calculation of the remaining parameters of the selected model

  ai <- matrix(NA, K, max(d))
  if ( model%in%c('AKJBKQKDK', 'AKJBQKDK', 'AKJBKQKD', 'AKJBQKD') ){
    for (i in 1:K) ai[i, 1:d[i]] <- ev[i, 1:d[i]]
  } else if ( model%in%c('AKBKQKDK', 'AKBQKDK' , 'AKBKQKD', 'AKBQKD') ){
    for (i in 1:K) ai[i, ] <- rep(sum(ev[i, 1:d[i]])/d[i], length=max(d))
  } else if(model=="AJBQD"){
    for (i in 1:K) ai[i, ] <- ev[1:d[1]]
  } else if(model=="ABQD") {
    ai[] <- sum(ev[1:d[1]])/d[1]
  } else {
    a <- 0
    eps <- sum(prop*d)
    for (i in 1:K) a <- a + sum(ev[i, 1:d[i]])*prop[i]
    ai <- matrix(a/eps, K, max(d))

  bi <- c()
  denom = min(N,p)
    for(i in 1:K){
      remainEV = traceVect[i] - sum(ev[i, 1:d[i]])
      # bi[i] <- sum(ev[i, (d[i]+1):min(N, p)])/(p-d[i])
      bi[i] <- remainEV/(p-d[i]) #pour moi c'est p au lieu de denom
  } else if ( model%in%c("ABQD", "AJBQD") ){
    remainEV = traceVect - sum(ev[1:d[1]])
    # bi[1:K] <- sum(ev[(d[1]+1):min(N, p)])/(min(N, p)-d[1])
    bi[1:K] <- remainEV/(denom-d[1])
  } else {
    b <- 0
    eps <- sum(prop*d)
    for(i in 1:K){
      remainEV = traceVect[i] - sum(ev[i, 1:d[i]])
      # b <- b + sum(ev[i, (d[i]+1):min(N, p)])*prop[i]
      b <- b + remainEV*prop[i]
    bi[1:K] <- b/(min(N, p)-eps)

  # We adjust the values of b if they are too low
  #bi[bi<noise.ctrl] = noise.ctrl

  list(model=model, K=K, d=d, a=ai, b=bi, mu=mu, prop=prop, ev=ev, Q=Q,fpcaobj = fpcaobj)

.mypca.fd <- function(fdobj, Ti){
  if (class(fdobj)=="list"){
    #sauvegarde de la moyenne avant centrage
    for (i in 1:length(fdobj)){
    #centrage des objets fonctionnels
    for (i in 1:length(fdobj)){
      coefmean <- apply(t(as.matrix(Ti) %*% matrix(1,1,nrow(fdobj[[i]]$coefs))) * fdobj[[i]]$coefs, 1, sum) / sum(Ti)
      fdobj[[i]]$coefs <- sweep(fdobj[[i]]$coefs, 1, coefmean)
      mean_fd[[i]]$coefs = as.matrix(data.frame(mean=coefmean))
    #Cr?ation des matrices des produits des bases de fonction
    for (i in 1:length(fdobj)){
    #Ajout des 0 ? gauche et ? droite des matrices W avant leur fusion en matrice phi
    for (i in 2:(length(fdobj))){
    #Cr?ation de la matrice phi
    if (length(fdobj)>2){
      for(i in 2:(length(fdobj)-1)){
    #Cr?ation de la matrice de coef
    for (i in 2:length(fdobj)){
    #D?but Partie mise en commentaire
    #Fin de partie mise en commentaire
    #D?but correction
    #Construction matrice triangulaire de Choleski
    W_m <-  chol(W_tot)
    #Matrice de covariance 
    mat_cov <- crossprod(t(.repmat(sqrt(Ti),n=dim(t(coef))[[1]],p=1)*t(coef)))/sum(Ti)
    cov = W_m %*% mat_cov %*% t(W_m)
    #Fin correction
  }else if (class(fdobj)!="list") {
    #Calcul de la moyenne par groupe
    #Centrer les objets fonctionnels par groupe
    coefmean <- apply(t(as.matrix(Ti) %*% matrix(1,1,nrow(fdobj$coefs))) * fdobj$coefs, 1, sum) / sum(Ti)
    fdobj$coefs <- sweep(fdobj$coefs, 1, coefmean)
    mean_fd$coefs = as.matrix(data.frame(mean=coefmean))
    #Calcul de la matrice des produits scalaires
    #pour ?viter les soucis num?riques on arrondit ? 0 les produits scalaires tr?s petits
    #on centre les coefficients
    #D?but partie mise en commentaire
    #Fin de la partie mise en commentaire
    #D?but correction
    #Construction matrice triangulaire de Choleski
    W_m <-  chol(W)
    #Matrice de covariance 
    mat_cov <- crossprod(t(.repmat(sqrt(Ti),n=dim(t(coef))[[1]],p=1)*t(coef)))/sum(Ti)
    cov = W_m %*% mat_cov %*% t(W_m)
    #Fin correction
    #Calcul de U
    #Calcul des coefficients des fonctions propres
    #calcul des scores selon la formule de pca.fd
    pcafd <-list(valeurs_propres=valeurs_propres,harmonic=fonctionspropres,scores=scores,covariance=cov,U=bj,meanfd=mean_fd,W=W)
  class(pcafd) <- "pca.fd"

.hddc_ari <- function(x,y){
  #This function is drawn from the mclust package
  x <- as.vector(x)
  y <- as.vector(y)
  tab <- table(x, y)
  if (all(dim(tab) == c(1, 1))) return(1)
  a <- sum(choose(tab, 2))
  b <- sum(choose(rowSums(tab), 2)) - a
  c <- sum(choose(colSums(tab), 2)) - a
  d <- choose(sum(tab), 2) - a - b - c
  ARI <- (a - (a + b) * (a + c)/(a + b + c + d))/((a + b + a + c)/2 - (a + b) * (a + c)/(a + b + c + d))

#### CONTROLS ####

.hddc_control = function(call){

  prefix = "HDDC: "
  .myCallAlerts(call, "data", "list,fd", 3, TRUE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "K", "integerVector", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "model", "vector", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "threshold", "numericVectorGE0LE1", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "criterion", "character", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "com_dim", "singleIntegerGE1", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "itermax", "singleIntegerGE0", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "eps", "singleNumericGE0", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "graph", "singleLogical", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "algo", "singleCharacter", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "d_select", "singleCharacter", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "init", "singleCharacter", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "show", "singleLogical", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "mini.nb", "integerVectorGE1", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "scaling", "singleLogical", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "min.individuals", "singleIntegerGE2", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "noise.ctrl", "singleNumericGE0", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "mc.cores", "singleIntegerGE1", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "nb.rep", "singleIntegerGE1", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "keepAllRes", "singleLogical", 3, FALSE, prefix)
  .myCallAlerts(call, "d_max", "singleIntegerGE1", 3, FALSE, prefix)

  #### SPECIFIC controls

  # Getting some elements
  data = eval.parent(call[["data"]], 2)
  K = eval.parent(call[["K"]], 2)
  init = eval.parent(call[["init"]], 2)
  criterion = eval.parent(call[["criterion"]], 2)

  if (is.fd(data)){
    # No NA in the data:
    if (any(is.na(data$coefs))) stop("NA values in the data are not supported. Please remove them beforehand.")
    # Size of the data
    if(any(K>2*NROW(data$coefs))) stop("The number of observations must be at least twice the number of clusters ")

    # No NA in the data:
    for (i in 1:length(data)){
      if (any(is.na(data[[i]]$coefs))) stop("NA values in the data are not supported. Please remove them beforehand.")
    # Size of the data
    if(any(K>2*NROW(data[[1]]$coefs))) stop("The number of observations must be at least twice the number of clusters ")

  # Initialization Controls

    # we get the value of the initialization
    init = .myAlerts(init, "init", "singleCharacterMatch.arg", "HDDC: ", c('random', 'kmeans', 'mini-em', 'param', "vector"))

    # Custom initialization => controls and setup
    if(init == "vector"){
      fdobj = data
      if (class(fdobj)!='list') {x = t(fdobj$coefs)}
      else {x = t(fdobj[[1]]$coefs); for (i in 2:length(fdobj)) x = cbind(x,t(fdobj[[i]]$coefs))}
      .myCallAlerts(call, "init.vector", "(integer,factor)Vector", 3, FALSE, prefix)

      init.vector = eval.parent(call[["init.vector"]], 2)

      if(is.null(init.vector)) stop("HDDC: When init='vector', the argument 'init.vector' should be provided.")

      if(length(unique(K))>1) stop("HDDC: Several number of classes K cannot be estimated when init='vector'.")

      init.vector <- unclass(init.vector)
      if(K!=max(init.vector)) stop("The number of class K, and the number of classes in the initialization vector are different")

      if( length(init.vector)!=nrow(x) ) stop("The size of the initialization vector is different of the size of the data")

    # The param init
    if (init=='param' && nrow(data)<ncol(data)){
      stop("The 'param' initialization can't be done when N<p")

    # The mini.em init
    if (init=='mini-em'){

      mini.nb = eval.parent(call[["mini.nb"]], 2)

      if(!is.null(mini.nb) && length(mini.nb)!=2){
        stop("The parameter mini.nb must be a vector of length 2 with integers\n")



.default_kmeans_control = function(control){

  .myAlerts(control,"kmeans.control","list","kmeans controls: ")

  # Default values of the control parameters

  myDefault = list()
  myDefault$iter.max = 10
  myDefault$nstart = 1
  myDefault$algorithm = c("Hartigan-Wong", "Lloyd", "Forgy","MacQueen")
  myDefault$trace = FALSE

  # Types of each arg

  myTypes = c("singleIntegerGE1", "singleIntegerGE1", "match.arg", "singleLogical")

  # Recreation of the kmeans controls + Alerts

  control = .matchTypeAndSetDefault(control, myDefault, myTypes, "kmeans list of controls: ")


# This file contains all the
# "control" functions

# Possible elements of myAlerts:

.myCallAlerts = function(call, name, myType, nParents=1, mustBeThere=FALSE, prefix=""){
  # This function basically calls the function myAlerts, but the arguments are different

  if( name %in% names(call) ){
    # we check the element exists => to provide a fine error
    what = call[[name]]
    val = try(eval.parent(what, nParents), silent = TRUE)
    # browser()
    if( "try-error" %in% class(val) ){
      if( class(what)=="name" ){
        # it means the variable was not found
        stop(prefix,"For argument '",name,"': object '",what,"' not found.", call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        stop(prefix,"For argument '",name,"': expression ",as.character(as.expression(what))," could not be evaluated.", call. = FALSE)

    } else {
      a = .myAlerts(val, name, myType, prefix)
  } else if(mustBeThere) {
    stop(prefix, "The argument '", name, "' must be provided.", call. = FALSE)

.myAlerts = function(x, name, myType, prefix="", charVec){
  # Format of my types:
  #   - single => must be of lenght one
  #   - Vector => must be a vector
  #   - Matrix => must be a matrix
  #   - GE/GT/LE/LT: greater/lower than a given value
  #   - predefinedType => eg: numeric, integer, etc
  #   - match.arg => very specific => should match the charVec
  # If there is a parenthesis => the class must be of specified types:
  # ex: "(list, data.frame)" must be a list of a data.frame

  ignore.case = TRUE

  firstMsg = paste0(prefix,"The argument '",name,"' ")

  # simple function to extract a pattern
  # ex: if my type is VectorIntegerGE1 => myExtract("GE[[:digit:]]+","VectorIntegerGE1") => 1
  myExtract = function(expr, text, trim=2){
    start = gregexpr(expr,text)[[1]] + trim
    length = attr(start,"match.length") - trim
    res = substr(text,start,start+length-1)

  # General types handling

  loType = tolower(myType)

    if(length(x)!=1) stop(firstMsg,"must be of length one.", call. = FALSE)

  if(grepl("vector",loType) && !grepl("factor",loType)){
    if(!is.vector(x)) stop(firstMsg,"must be a vector.", call. = FALSE)
    if(is.list(x)) stop(firstMsg,"must be a vector (and not a list).", call. = FALSE)

  res = .checkTheTypes(loType, x)
  if(!res$OK) stop(firstMsg,res$message, call. = FALSE)

  # # INTEGER is a restrictive type that deserves some explanations (not included in getTheTypes)
  # if(grepl("integer",loType)){
  #     if(grepl("single",loType)){
  #         if(!is.numeric(x)) stop(firstMsg,"must be an integer (right now it is not even numeric).", call. = FALSE)
  #         if(!(is.integer(x) || x%%1==0)) stop(firstMsg,"must be an integer.", call. = FALSE)
  #     } else {
  #         if(!is.numeric(x)) stop(firstMsg,"must be composed of integers (right now it is not even numeric).", call. = FALSE)
  #         if(!(is.integer(x) || all(x%%1==0))) stop(firstMsg,"must be composed of integers.", call. = FALSE)
  #     }
  # }

  # GE: greater or equal // GT: greater than // LE: lower or equal // LT: lower than
    n = myExtract("ge[[:digit:]]+", loType)
    if( !all(x>=n) ) stop(firstMsg,"must be greater than, or equal to, ", n,".", call. = FALSE)
    n = myExtract("gt[[:digit:]]+", loType)
    if( !all(x>n) ) stop(firstMsg,"must be strictly greater than ", n,".", call. = FALSE)
    n = myExtract("le[[:digit:]]+", loType)
    if( !all(x<=n) ) stop(firstMsg,"must be lower than, or equal to, ",n,".", call. = FALSE)
    n = myExtract("lt[[:digit:]]+", loType)
    if( !all(x<n) ) stop(firstMsg,"must be strictly lower than ", n,".", call. = FALSE)

  # Specific Types Handling

      x = toupper(x)
      newCharVec = toupper(charVec)
    } else {
      newCharVec = charVec

    if( is.na(pmatch(x, newCharVec)) ){
      n = length(charVec)
      if(n == 1){
        msg = paste0("'",charVec,"'")
      } else {
        msg = paste0("'", paste0(charVec[1:(n-1)], collapse="', '"), "' or '",charVec[n],"'")
      stop(firstMsg, "must be one of:\n", msg, ".", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      qui = pmatch(x, newCharVec)

.matchTypeAndSetDefault = function(myList, myDefault, myTypes, prefix){
  # Cette fonction:
  #   i) verifie que tous les elements de la liste sont valides
  #   ii) mes les valeurs par defauts si elles certaines valeurs sont manquantes
  #   iii) Envoie des messages d'erreur si les typages ne sont pas bons
  # En fait cette fonction "coerce" myList en ce qu'il faudrait etre (donne par myDefault)

  # 1) check that the names of the list are valid
  if(is.null(myList)) myList = list()
  list_names = names(myList)

  if(length(list_names)!=length(myList) || any(list_names=="")){
    stop(prefix,"The elements of the list should be named.", call. = FALSE)

  obj_names = names(myDefault)

  isHere = pmatch(list_names,obj_names)

    if(sum(is.na(isHere))==1) stop(prefix, "The following argument is not defined: ",paste(list_names[is.na(isHere)],sep=", "), call. = FALSE)
    else stop(prefix, "The following arguments are not defined: ",paste(list_names[is.na(isHere)],sep=", "), call. = FALSE)

  # 2) We set the default values and run Warnings
  res = list()
  for(i in 1:length(obj_names)){
    obj = obj_names[i]
    qui = which(isHere==i) # qui vaut le numero de l'objet dans myList
    type = myTypes[i] # we extract the type => to control for "match.arg" type
      # we set to the default if it's missing
      if(type == "match.arg") {
        res[[obj]] = myDefault[[i]][1]
      } else {
        res[[obj]] = myDefault[[i]]
    } else {
      # we check the integrity of the value
      val = myList[[qui]]
      if(type == "match.arg"){
        # If the value is to be a match.arg => we use our controls and not
        # directly the one of the function match.arg()
        charVec = myDefault[[i]]
        .myAlerts(val, obj, "singleCharacterMatch.arg", prefix, charVec)
        val = match.arg(val, charVec)
      } else {
        .myAlerts(val, obj, type, prefix)

      res[[obj]] = val


.checkTheTypes = function(str, x){
  # This function takes in a character string describing the types of the
  # element x => it can be of several types

  # types that are controlled for:
  allTypes = c("numeric", "integer", "character", "logical", "list", "data.frame", "matrix", "factor")

  message = c()

  for(type in allTypes){

    if(grepl(type, str)){

      # we add the type of the control
      message = c(message, type)

      if(type == "numeric"){
        if(!OK & is.numeric(x)){
          OK = TRUE
      } else if(type == "integer"){
        if(is.numeric(x) && (is.integer(x) || all(x%%1==0))){
          OK = TRUE
      } else if(type == "character"){
          OK = TRUE
      } else if(type == "logical"){
          OK = TRUE
      } else if(type == "list"){
          OK = TRUE
      } else if(type == "data.frame"){
      } else if(type == "matrix"){
          OK = TRUE
      } else if(type == "factor"){
          OK = TRUE

    if(OK) break

  if(length(message) == 0) OK = TRUE #ie there is no type to be searched
  else if(length(message) >= 3){
    n = length(message)
    message = paste0("must be of type: ",  paste0(message[1:(n-1)], collapse = ", "), " or ", message[n], ".")
  } else {
    message = paste0("must be of type: ",  paste0(message, collapse = " or "), ".")

  return(list(OK=OK, message=message))

.hdclassif_dim_choice <- function(ev, n, method, threshold, graph, noise.ctrl){
  # Selection of the intrinsic dimension
  # browser()
  N <- sum(n)
  prop <- n/N
  K = ifelse(is.matrix(ev), nrow(ev), 1)

  # browser()

  if(is.matrix(ev) && K>1){
    p <- ncol(ev)
      dev <- abs(apply(ev, 1, diff))
      max_dev <- apply(dev, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE)
      dev <- dev/rep(max_dev, each=p-1)
      d <- apply((dev>threshold)*(1:(p-1))*t(ev[, -1]>noise.ctrl), 2, which.max)

        op = par(mfrow=c(K*(K<=3)+2*(K==4)+3*(K>4 && K<=9)+4*(K>9), 1+floor(K/4)-1*(K==12)+1*(K==7)))
        for(i in 1:K){
          sub1 <- paste("Class #", i, ",  d", i, "=", d[i], sep="")
          Nmax <- max(which(ev[i, ]>noise.ctrl))-1
          plot(dev[1:(min(d[i]+5, Nmax)), i], type="l", col="blue", main=paste("Cattell's Scree-Test\n", sub1, sep=""), ylab=paste("threshold =", threshold), xlab="Dimension", ylim=c(0, 1.05))
          abline(h=threshold, lty=3)
          points(d[i], dev[d[i], i], col='red')
    } else if(method=="bic"){

      d <- rep(0, K)
      if(graph) op = par(mfrow=c(K*(K<=3)+2*(K==4)+3*(K>4 && K<=9)+4*(K>9), 1*(1+floor(K/4)-1*(K==12)+1*(K==7))))

      for (i in 1:K) {
        B <- c()
        Nmax <- max(which(ev[i, ]>noise.ctrl))-1
        p2 <- sum(!is.na(ev[i, ]))
        Bmax <- -Inf
        for (kdim in 1:Nmax){
          if ((d[i]!=0 & kdim>d[i]+10)) break
          a <- sum(ev[i, 1:kdim])/kdim
          b <- sum(ev[i, (kdim+1):p2])/(p2-kdim)
          if (b<0 | a<0){
            B[kdim] <- -Inf
          } else {
            L2 <- -1/2*(kdim*log(a)+(p2-kdim)*log(b)-2*log(prop[i])+p2*(1+1/2*log(2*pi))) * n[i]
            B[kdim] <- 2*L2 - (p2+kdim*(p2-(kdim+1)/2)+1) * log(n[i])

          if ( B[kdim]>Bmax ){
            Bmax <- B[kdim]
            d[i] <- kdim

          plot(B, type='l', col=4, main=paste("class #", i, ",  d=", d[i], sep=''), ylab='BIC', xlab="Dimension")
          points(d[i], B[d[i]], col=2)
      if(graph) par(op)
  } else{
    ev <- as.vector(ev)
    p <- length(ev)

      dvp <- abs(diff(ev))
      Nmax <- max(which(ev>noise.ctrl))-1
      if (p==2) d <- 1
      else d <- max(which(dvp[1:Nmax]>=threshold*max(dvp[1:Nmax])))
      diff_max <- max(dvp[1:Nmax])

        plot(dvp[1:(min(d+5, p-1))]/diff_max, type="l", col="blue", main=paste("Cattell's Scree-Test\nd=", d, sep=''), ylab=paste("threshold =", threshold, sep=' '), xlab='Dimension', ylim=c(0, 1.05))
        abline(h=threshold, lty=3)
        points(d, dvp[d]/diff_max, col='red')
    } else if(method=="bic"){
      d <- 0
      Nmax <- max(which(ev>noise.ctrl))-1
      B <- c()
      Bmax <- -Inf
      for (kdim in 1:Nmax){
        if (d!=0 && kdim>d+10) break
        a <- sum(ev[1:kdim])/kdim
        b <- sum(ev[(kdim+1):p])/(p-kdim)
        if (b<=0 | a<=0) B[kdim] <- -Inf
          L2 <- -1/2*(kdim*log(a)+(p-kdim)*log(b)+p*(1+1/2*log(2*pi)))*N
          B[kdim] <- 2*L2 - (p+kdim*(p-(kdim+1)/2)+1)*log(N)
        if ( B[kdim]>Bmax ){
          Bmax <- B[kdim]
          d <- kdim

        plot(B, type='l', col=4, main=paste("BIC criterion\nd=", d, sep=''), ylab='BIC', xlab="Dimension")
        points(d, B[d], col=2)

.hdclassif_bic <- function(par, p, data=NULL){
  model <- par$model
  K <- par$K
  d <- par$d
  b <- par$b
  a <- par$a
  mu <- par$mu
  N <- par$N
  prop <- par$prop

    #update of b to set it as variable dimension models
    eps <- sum(prop*d)
    n_max <- if(model%in%c("ABQD", "AJBQD")) length(par$ev) else ncol(par$ev)
    b <- b*(n_max-eps)/(p-eps)
    b <- rep(b, length=K)
  if (length(a)==1) a <- matrix(a, K, max(d))
  else if (length(a)==K) a <- matrix(a, K, max(d))
  else if (model=='AJBQD') a <- matrix(a, K, d[1], byrow=TRUE)

  if(min(a, na.rm=TRUE)<=0 | any(b<0)) return(-Inf)

  if (is.null(par$loglik)){
    som_a <- c()
    for (i in 1:K) som_a[i] <- sum(log(a[i, 1:d[i]]))
    L <- -1/2*sum(prop * (som_a + (p-d)*log(b) - 2*log(prop) + p*(1+log(2*pi))))*N
  } else if (model%in%c("ABQD", "AJBQD")){
    Q <- rep(list(par$Q), K)
    K_pen <- matrix(0, K, N)
    for (i in 1:K) {
      s <- sum(log(a[i, 1:d[i]]))
      X <- data-matrix(mu[i, ], N, p, byrow=TRUE)
      proj <- (X%*%Q[[i]])%*%t(Q[[i]])
      A <- (-proj)%*%Q[[i]]%*%sqrt(diag(1/a[i, 1:d[i]], d[i]))
      B <- X-proj
      K_pen[i, ] <- rowSums(A^2)+1/b[i]*rowSums(B^2)+s+(p-d[i])*log(b[i])-2*log(prop[i])+p*log(2*pi)
    A <- -1/2*t(K_pen)
    L <- sum(log(rowSums(exp(A-apply(A, 1, max))))+apply(A, 1, max))
  } else L <- par$loglik[length(par$loglik)]

  ro <- K*p+K-1
  tot <- sum(d*(p-(d+1)/2))
  D <- sum(d)
  d <- d[1]
  to <- d*(p-(d+1)/2)
  if (model=='AKJBKQKDK') m <- ro+tot+D+K
  else if (model=='AKBKQKDK') m <- ro+tot+2*K
  else if (model=='ABKQKDK') m <- ro+tot+K+1
  else if (model=='AKJBQKDK') m <- ro+tot+D+1
  else if (model=='AKBQKDK') m <- ro+tot+K+1
  else if (model=='ABQKDK') m <- ro+tot+2
  bic <- -(-2*L+m*log(N))

  #calcul ICL
  t = par$posterior
  # means we are in HDDC
  Z = ((t - apply(t, 1, max))==0) + 0
  icl = bic - 2*sum(Z*log(t+1e-15))
  # } else {
  #   # Si HDDA, entropie est nulle => car classes pures
  #   icl = bic

  return(list(bic = bic, icl = icl))

.hdc_getComplexity = function(par, p){
  model <- par$model
  K <- par$K
  d <- par$d
  b <- par$b
  a <- par$a
  mu <- par$mu
  N <- par$N
  prop <- par$prop

  ro <- K*p+K-1
  tot <- sum(d*(p-(d+1)/2))
  D <- sum(d)
  d <- d[1]
  to <- d*(p-(d+1)/2)
  if (model=='AKJBKQKDK') m <- ro+tot+D+K
  else if (model=='AKBKQKDK') m <- ro+tot+2*K
  else if (model=='ABKQKDK') m <- ro+tot+K+1
  else if (model=='AKJBQKDK') m <- ro+tot+D+1
  else if (model=='AKBQKDK') m <- ro+tot+K+1
  else if (model=='ABQKDK') m <- ro+tot+2


.hdc_getTheModel = function(model, all2models = FALSE){
  # Function used to get the models from number or names

  model_in = model

  if(!is.vector(model)) stop("The argument 'model' must be a vector.")

  if(anyNA(model)) stop("The argument 'model' must not contain any NA.")


  model = toupper(model)

  if(length(model)==1 && model=="ALL"){
    if(all2models) model <- 1:14
    else return("ALL")

  qui = which(model %in% 1:14)
  model[qui] = ModelNames[as.numeric(model[qui])]

  # We order the models properly
  qui = which(!model%in%ModelNames)
  if (length(qui)>0){
      msg = paste0("(e.g. ", model_in[qui], " is incorrect.)")
    } else {
      msg = paste0("(e.g. ", paste0(model_in[qui[1:2]], collapse=", or "), " are incorrect.)")
    stop("Invalid model name ", msg)

  # warning:
  if(max(table(model))>1) warning("The model vector, argument 'model', is made unique (repeated values are not tolerated).")

  mod_num <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(model)) mod_num[i] <- which(model[i]==ModelNames)
  mod_num <- sort(unique(mod_num))
  model <- ModelNames[mod_num]


#### Utilities ####

.addCommas = function(x) sapply(x, .addCommas_single )

.addCommas_single = function(x){
  # Cette fonction ajoute des virgules pour plus de
  # visibilite pour les (tres longues) valeurs de vraisemblance

  if(!is.finite(x)) return(as.character(x))

  s = sign(x)
  x = abs(x)

  decimal = x - floor(x)
  if(decimal>0) dec_string = substr(decimal, 2, 4)
  else dec_string = ""

  entier = as.character(floor(x))

  quoi = rev(strsplit(entier, "")[[1]])
  n = length(quoi)
  sol = c()
  for(i in 1:n){
    sol = c(sol, quoi[i])
    if(i%%3 == 0 && i!=n) sol = c(sol, ",")

  res = paste0(ifelse(s==-1, "-", ""), paste0(rev(sol), collapse=""), dec_string)

.repmat <- function(v,n,p){
  if (p==1){M = cbind(rep(1,n)) %*% v}
  else { cat('!'); M = matrix(rep(v,n),n,(length(v)*p),byrow=T)}

.diago <- function(v){
  if (length(v)==1){ res = v }
  else { res = diag(v)}

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funHDDC documentation built on March 17, 2021, 5:06 p.m.